hi *it Wok% @ham. Ii 0;1E, PA., JANUARY 31. 1867. LeAr.—On the ldidge Bind, West of Pede ,l fill, oO Toesiay evening. a Gentleman's The finder trill enter special favor returning it, and be suitably rewarded. at this office, or of 2'. E. Wilson, Ve sta editorial rooms. ja3l-tf. The 'eession of Court next week' will bring o e greet number of penises from Ivey put I the rnnoty, Asir Word sublerikers re a fine oPPortaluilY tp lea to the prin. es dais. We hope that all inch, who ars of coming Wats city themselves, will not orget for/fill the amount by the hands r theirnelghbors who are, "A blot to the i.e is eaflioient." Dol4STOW.—This distinguished surgeon physic'i'an, whose coming is always ans. ,ocisly looked for here as elsewhere, we are ;`.. 1 traced to give notice, will make his nest rotessionaleisit to this city, -on Monday and Tuesday, th e 11th antl,l2th days of February, topping , as nwnal, at Brown's Hotel; for those wo bye only, for the purpose of treating all pisses of the Eve, Ear and Throat, Catarrh, oronchitio, Polypus, Dyspepsia, &a. A Bre ithre 6votion to hie profession, and the most ,ntlittainatie 'consecration of his One talents to itho specialities in which he has - become famous. bee placed him in the front rank of the cele- Z br'lted surgeons - 4f the His rooms at Clown's Floret are always crowded during his hero, and we egain en . nonnce his oomins L i : that patients at a distance may porern them -elves accordingly.. * TINE Brf.SNECIOFT FAIIII.—Thi. celebrated eil prodocing tract, it is stated. even at the rrecnot low price of oil. la held at the, eanr. moos NCO of $450 000. The royalty paid ‘iarinz November last was over $33 000. On ly about one-teeth of the fare has been de !eloped. When the Steele farm could have been sold far two mitlioas thlj was recanted with diet'avAr, as it posse.sed none of the oil bottom so eagerly 'sought after. Since it has been found that "binffr territory" is the moat reliable, this property hasbeen freely operat el Bennehoff still lives on the hill top. where for years he has had his home—had his corn field, oats and buckwheat, which were tilled during the,pset summer, with the same anxiety as when he needed the avails of the crop for his support. In possession of well nigh a million dollars in cash. the old gentle r:in seems to have no idea of his wealth. Recently he was complaining to a friend that his agent had granted six lenses on hie corn pate/, and what be should do for corn next summer be knew not ; said he, must break up a new piece of ground, and for a man of my years it's too bad l" Important Notice. •The following parties have been notified at least three -different times that they are owing Ibis oce the sums set opposite their names. Nitric failed to secure their attention to the ilme by the ordinary means, we give this public notice, in the hope that it• may meet their observation, and isie both them and us IL Kim Jackmiu4Lock lia en, Ps., $ 8,00 R. P. Gilson, Shetfi-id, P , 5.90 F. W. Mizener. NOw York city, 5.00 M. Denihne, North East. 5.00 D. wounay, 41.40 C. A. Peterson, Perry, Ohio, 6 50 0. W. Matteion, Marvin, N. Y., • 5.70 F. J. Wonley, Girard. 111., 8.55 J. Kennedy, Fairview, --, 9.00 S. T. Williams, Girard, • 13 00 J: Carter, Garland, • 575 S Seaton, Warren D. E. Power.. Franklin Coi.nera, John Nurse, Platen, Daniel Rossiter, Cherry NW, Jae. P. Hogue, Sparta, Wis., 3.35 W. 8.. Warner, Clermont, lava, 230 E. L Van tyke; Sherman, N. Y., • 7.50 Thomas English, SheffielJ, Pa., 2.30 N H- Johnson, Columbus, , 5.10 If Scott Albion. E. T. Allen. Plates. Plara Elliott. Harbor Creek. 10.00 Z Peek.'Wealeyeille, 775 =1133=11 8. R. Knight, -4 50 Peter Brower, North East, 4 8.75 %Vim Curtis, jan3l:Gitf. OrtatIICONSISCHATION—CONCIIIT —The, topin oroonvoroation among our citizen) musical taste, at the present time, is the organ of Bt. Paul's Evangelical Church. Nis now in thorough 'order, and, froni all that we can hear, is en instrument of rare power and excellencii4superior to any in the city. The organ was built under the iramediete,euperri aion or Prof. Mier, to whose 4011 theiscongre gstion qwe loony of its best qualities. On Sunday next the conecoration deremo T r mies of the organ will take place, commencing at 10 o'clock in the firetieon. Ttev.,l2lf. Lyon 'has been invited tp participate,. and the folr lowing ministers wit certainly be in 'attend; nee; - Rev. Mr. Vogt. of Buffalo ;.Rev. Mr.. Siebenpfeifer, of ,Buffalo; and Rev. Mr. 'Lesehlititof Greene township. The . concert to raise funds to pay the Gal since of the expenses for procuring the organ, -*ill be given in thel,church on Monday even ing and we are led to expect a rare musical entertainment. The first part will consist of Mendell , obn'e "Symphonic Cantata," and the around part of Handers "Messiah," with de etts on the organ by Prof 1111er and Alias Sevin. The price of tickets has been fixed at fifty cents, and they can be procured either of A. Jareoki and F. Schneider; committee, of the different church members. pr at the door. Considerable anxiety is felt by the Catholic population of this city, all to who will be ap pointed to the vaeant bishopric of Erie, left vacant by the late Bishnn Young. Father Coady. Vicar General, a highly respectable gentleman, is a candidate. and . his appoint ment would, we believe, giv o satisfaction here. but as theyspp sinting power is with the Pope. whois, or who is not to be bishop, is *mailer of conjecture.—Dispateh.' Lest the warditri - of our ootemporary's par agraph might teed to the impression that Father Coady is himself mating exertions to obtain the appointment, it may be well to cute the fame it the case. It is true that his name has been s.tnt.ort to Rome, accompanied by high .recommendations, but not through any Pft - mt on his part. - Ms friends, deeming him the proper man for the position. are mak ing strong exertions io . his favor, hot be has, in no ati. taken any part in tho movement. We fully endorse all that our coteraporary says in eulogy of Father Coady. Ile is a gen tleman of rare personal attainments, as mod est as he is energetic and popular, and wool i make a most efficient Bishop." The Democratic Standing Committee of Northumberland county have adopted the fol lowing resolution, whibh we commend to the attention of our party friends in Ude county. The present system of leaving each candidate for office to act at his option in the matter of baying for tickets. and aiding in providing for ►he expenses of conducting campaigns, is no. air and ought to be remedied: Rezalied, That far the purpose of placing foods in the hands of the Standing Commit tee to defeat , the expenses of the campaign, it shall be the standing role of the party here after to impne a tax to be ;raid to the Chair Men immediately after each County Canyon. lionby with peplum finely nominated for dis trict or county offices, se follows: On each nominee foe'rongresa, President Judge. Sena. for, Shitriff, Prothonotary. Register and Re 'Corder, a tax of fifty dollars ; on each tiond. nee for Associate Judge. Assemhly, Treasurer. District Attorney and Commissioner. twenty. flee dollars. The Chairmen of the Standing Committee to settle his eecnnnt with the Com mlttee•once a year. end ply over to, ba l ance Whit hoods =vouched tat. to kb automat. • Itsestawf jewel intemest., Whiff » the.differenca between a battered dime and a new penny ? Why, nine cents. Sale bills, in English cr German, printed e' this office, with promptness, and at se low prices as they_catt be cbtained anywhere. , A Cleveland justice fined s man five dollsrs\ for cutting hit wife's head fearful!, with a' hatchet: Other hustles are not so cheap in that city. During the put season there veers built and put in eimmission On tho lakes 93 vessel% 'P ointing; It side, w.keeiAtiiig - ;:l i rPlbul" - releelo - ireat idiot potion ort.-: • - A Harrisbargoorrupondeniitlite.Dispstok . says Sutter Lewis has announced 'himself as a candidate for State Venturer. We doubt it. Lowry'e ambition looks to something higher than a third-rale State office. For the benefit of our Catholic readers, we _repeat the announcement that the Passion iiiiiitltittsburgh, will bold a seriesof Mission services, in the Fourth Street Church. commencing on Bonds), next. ' The regular quarterly term of the etiminal Court will commence on Monday next. An unusually - large number of cases are to be tried, covering nearly every crimerbOtown to the code. In Meadville. during the year 1866, 182 new houses have been built, 12 have been eolaripd and about n repaired. The sum of mom; invested in these': improvements amounts to over $650,000. The list of Sheriff's soles in Crawford, this month, the Titusville Herald says, is the largest Over published in the history of the county. The property to be' sold is in all ports of the 'enunty,. so that puro'ltivers can "pay their money and take their choice" of . local ion; - - We bey: re.-sired from C. 1.1. Tremaine, rano° pumieber, 481 Broadway, New York, a copy of "The, Sparkling Stream," a new book of temperance melodles, which is des tined to become quite popular. We commend it to the attention of the nnm teens members of the flood Templar ladßeg in thin aec'lon. The Si. Y. Tribune'. definition of a gentle man IR not far trim correct ; ...The real gen tleman," it says, "does not care to be talked about. avoids observation, shrinks from &eta riets, and prefers that his politeness should be regarded as a matter of coarse, as a gift of nature, not an acquisition, AR something which money could not buy nor the loss of money (or medate) take shay froth him " In a reett case in Indiana justice com placently ynarked, in eunaming up the testi mony , %entlemen of the jury. in this case the counsel on both sides are unintellieible,the witnesses\ 'on both aides arkinaredible, and the plaintiff and defendant are both such bad chartseterti o that to me it is indifferent which way you give your verdict." We have seen cases in our Courts very nearly similar. .We have for a long time been dealing with the fiftn'of !Team Christian &Craig, and here always found them one of the pleasantest in the city to trade with. Their stock complete, and the accommodating epirit they display mires 'it a pleasure to do business with them. We are glad to ego thattheie pat ronage is'Yery large, for there is no firm la the oily more deserving of the favor %hie at tention of the public. The Pittsburgh Poet has been enlarged to a nine column paper, dressed in new type, and very much impyoved in every respect. 'roe proprietors seem determined to . render It a popular and rulusble journal. It is the oily Democratic daily West of the mountains, and is entitled to the liberal support of our party friends. We tree it stated that 0. Barrett, Eeq., formerly,nf this city, and later one of the editors of the Harrisburg Patriot; has as snared charge of the political department of the Post. ED 9.00 12.80 7.40 Financiers, the Harrisburg Patriotatimetre now busily-employed with all their corps of clerks, in •cyphering out why flour Should be cheaper with gold going et 280, than it is now with gold it only 138? We would modestly suggest to our cotemporary that' it does not ,require figuring to•understand the roe. Sr the cause, and the sole cause, rests With the Western and the New York city spec ulstors, who hate formed a "ring" to keep prices up until they get their purses filled to their satisfaction. 5.83 11 45 3.50 300 main Ir of new • The Meadville Republican fßadical) remark s that "when old Thad. Steven., In his letter the ether day. wrote, Tartan/001y for the country, the present Legislature is mimic sus picion.' and pronounced them 'pare men' it IS evident be perpetrated nee of his grimmeat serosame. If be wilt in earnest he des-rued to have less then levels votes for entertaining such an opinion." It farther adds that "the press and people (Raffinate were against Cameron, and the purchaseable politicians for him—and greenbacks wtn the day " \ The almanac =tots say there will be four eolissel this year—two of the moon and two of the On, 000arring is follows; Annular eOlpse of the inn, March oth. Invisible here but riso)le in Europe. Asia and Af , ica. Par tial eclipse of the moon. March 20th; Visible here at 3 o'clock and 42 ml . l . ll:flee in the morn ing. Total eclipse of the sun, August 29th. Invisible here. but visible in South America and South Africa. Partial eclipse of th'e moon September 18. Visible here at 7 o'clock. and 20 minutes in the evening. The officers of the Lake Erie Press Associ ation announce that the annual twitting for the election of officers, &c., will be beld in Erie, on Thursday, February- 14th, 1881, at o'clock P., M. All members of the ?Associ ation, andiitlitort, ex-Editors, Publisiters and R eportere, 'who desire to beeome members, are cordially -invited to attend, withost farther notice. The expenses of the anttvai supper witl be borne by the members:of the press par ticipating. We hope the Doreocratic portion of the fraternity will be out s y in full force; and show our Radical brethretil - that we can equal them in good fellowship, If we can't - in carrying elections. An ambitious Erie correspondent of the Meadville Republican says We are a s.oldid in' politica," and adviees us to let them alone. We plead guilty to the obarge, if the corres pondent refers to the scheming, nacully, un generous and unfair experiences and practices so prevalent in political circle!. We let them alone, and our method of doing go is regeVald aR a wel7 Revere •••.-7'MPaleh• Your method may be a "very .severe one," but it unfortunately doesn't appear to have mech influence 'in reforming the "practice?' referred to. aide% it be better to try an other "method," not so "severe," but more judicious T lielp to break tip the Radical pre dominance, and we will soon secure an end to the "scheming, raseally, ungenerous and4un fair experience and' practices": which consti tute nine-tenths of the cohesive power thet holds the party together. A Dayton paper says, '"lt is because many of the 'eoliiFmen of Boston' are so solid that they block up the highways of enterprise." Our little city can lay claim Ito at least one point of resemblance to the "Hub:" Though not burdened with .an exceM of wealth, we Still have "solid men" enough lying around to effectually block up the way to a proper degree of enterprise. The - incubus of g l eir propene° bus for years laid directly in the way of the prosperity of the city. They hold Abe lands around the town and own the lota within It, and will neither build themselves nor dis pose of' the tots, at any !ecieltilMe price to those who will build Until -the' cordon of , violld men" is broken, Erie will not make the rapid strides in advancement Its natural id vantages, alitllta hapestanos as isaalreadeaa -tre.entltle to 11. . The gargistan Tale . graph, Radical central target!, and Ve!lost tie only - Tapirlithe State which idvocatatl Gen; Cameron's election to the*Senele, last Week fired the following hot shot et its daily clteniporary in this city: Thers.is not a man in Erie county, who be. neves itithe integrity of ;Republican princi, plea, orArho voted Withitithe last six years for a R,ptiblican candidate for any °Rift: who' rec. °intuit or believes in the Erie Dispatch as a illapabliesnjourna". It has bean from its or. iglu, and through all the stags of growth and progress, the hired libelee of Republican men and the opponent of Republican meuures. It bas been the reviler of Lincoln—the harsh arllltot our army; end navy', most de testable 00ra - crater of the ben teen in the Itepublicae party. Whereupon the Dispatch opens up Its twen ty four pounder, as follows: There is.comiderable talk at the Stale.. Ca pital of startinfethere another Republican daily newspaper, to be under the editorial control of' I. B. Gera, late editor of the Erie flatette, now Deem.) , Segreurty of State. Although generally spokes of, wo do not believe there is much. truth in the rumor. , It cannot be denied, however, that the capital city is greatly in. need of a first class (Lily newspa per, and if it should fall to the lot: of Repub- Jinn, to undertaketbe publication rf such a oheet at that place, it would materially benefit the party. The brotherly kindness shown by these two organs of Republicanism betokens the feelings of amity which prevail among the leaders of the party. We shall look with interest for the Telegraph's nest attempt. The independent stand taken by our deny cotemporary has provoked the maledictions of all the Radical party !lecke in this election. They abuse it woreei than they ever did the °bare ver, - 'in -the hottest campaign. As a specimen al" the spirit displayed, witness the following from the p en of Mr. Cowen, of the Warren Mail, who hods a clerke.hip in Wash. ington "Gov Gervy gets the curses of the copper heeds and such 'radical platy pap•re' es the Erie Dispeitee, who.. filluence, if it has any, is Lori often'ort the rebel aide." Its aitifinence'!--thiek, of than—the influ ence of the Erie Iliipsteh—"is too often on the repel el lo!" Oh, Jupiter! oh; shades of the "Martyr President !" After our.rotempo. nary has toadied and truckled to the Republi can party, against the better conscience of its editor—after descending to the farthest depths, of Radicalism..-lif this the reward of its o.loy atty ?" Who can doubt any longer that Ile publicans' (if not Republics) are uncrateful ? Our neighbor will now be able to appreciate on bow alight a cause thhcitarges of "disloy alty"' can be'bired, and' perhaps have mare mere, in future for those who have been dub bed "Copperheads," ' , Butternuts," "'traitors," &c., for daring to do as it has donethiniting differently' from the rascals in offies. The temperance cause In this section is meeting with a wonderful revival, through the instrumentality of Rot. J. A. Davidson, State lecturer of the order of Good Temptare. lie has delivered addressee to Waterford, North East, Union, Corry and Warren, fn large and intertlated audiences, and at the close of-eanh very encouraging Good ,Templar lodges have been orgvnired. We believe kis Mr-David enei's intention to continue hie labors in the North Wait until every -town of any import ance has its Gtiod Templar lodge, trusting to the efforts of the original lodges for the ex tension of the order - into the - smaller commu nities, The work is one in which, ho should have the co-operation and heartiest good wit . th_ es of every citizen. Moral influence in the umopee.......ovensent. as in most others,' will effect more than all the laws that could be enacted from now 'till doomsday. Messrs. Thayer & Noyes are refitting their ems for the nett Bummer campaign. Their chariot is to be the moei-elegant lo the coun try. and will cost $3,000. The design is by the versatile Chevalier—who can do anything from painting a handsome picture to makings wood engraving,--Bad the work ie to be per formed by \lmre. Platt & Cockett, of Girard. The Girard Union says Messrs. Thayer &Noyes are "about making arrangements to combine with Van Amburg & Co.'s Menagerie. They hare also sent an agent to Mexico, for the purpose of purchasing twelve casuals. One of their groat features- will bp the smallest elephant in the world, but thirty-five iaohes high." In the House, as Washington, on Saturday, 'the 19th. Mr. Scofield, of our district, made a speech, comparing Secrt;tary Seward to a dog, and the Comparison elicited so much applenee that the speaker had mach diEeen'ty to restore order Mr Scofield inquired if his time was out, to which Thaddeus Stevens replied : I'The Sneaker is only calling -you to 'order' for doing injustiee to the dot." This remark was provocative of another burst of Applause , . All. of which. illustrates more plainly than ever the justice of the Radical claim that the decency, morality and intellect of the country are all in the ranks of their-party., We again remind our readers that this lien tion has been flooded with counterfeit $lO end $1 National Bank bills and greenbacks. De tective Varney, on Saturday, showed ne no lee. than half a d'ozen which bad been passed in different portions of the county, and re._ turned to him for assistance in detecting the parties. They are poorly executed and would deceive none WhO examined theM, but the ab sence of counterfeits heretofore ha. made most perions so careless in taking National money that we doubt not the counterfeit ers will.have little trouble in "shoving" their productions. A decision of the Internal Revenue tieplrt meat, which will - fattiest the ladies, is to the effect that t•if a.marriage certificate is to be returned to some public officer to constitute part of a public record, it requires no stamp; bat it It is to be deliverid to and retained by the parties. a five cent stamp should be Oit a" The consequences would be awful if some of the othersex, who have been married within the last two rears, in looking at their marriage certificates, should find them without stamps. From a North window in the office'of the Petroleum Centre daily Era, fifty.tivsderrieks can be teen at a eiegls glance, and nearly as many more might be counted but for the buildings which obOrate the view at the field. A large portion of these wells—abont one-half—are producing oil in paving quanti ties. We doubt there befog another stretah of territory in the oil regions, of the same di. menslons, on which there is a larger bulk .of oil produced. 'Why is It that business men' and property owners, .when the pavements are as slippery as they have been of late; do not display enough of the ..milk of ?Inman kindness" to suttee a few ashes In front of their premises! few shovels faltof ashes, and s osttpie min utes' time spent by each one whose place of business -or residence is on our prominent thoroughfares, .would add, at such periods; an inexpressible amount to the public com fort. Something should be done to improve the 'condition of our sidewalks. The ordinance 'requiring them to be cleaned after a fall -of snow is scarcely heeded, and for two-thirds of the winter they have been shockingly dis agreeable.• We would suggest that the pollee be given each a district, and required to notify every person therein of his duty on the sub jeer. . Rev. James Freeman Clarke, in a recent lecture. said be wondered why young women indulged in Itallantior.eama =di:lore= Mout; under pretensibriinging, and why they did not prefer to sing•some of the beautiful melodies which abound in our language. A gvse =soy other sensible people hsvearon dorsi la the IMMO waif. Tlo low gala in paid to met ndolgtera 41 aphiaet whieh-le - engaging the altentiot - 14- Isms of our oitemposarier. - It is a fact, as, stated by ode of them, that in the majority af cases, "a third rate lasiyor gen make double whet ministers receive; a 1if.)9 4 dry Pods clerk is paid as mash, aid all the leveed pro., fusions bring ample reward:to aeon of ability; but the ridable:, mash preach, arei pray, sad exhort, and Somfert, sad •Lit, aed be esti. oimd sad thumped from poet to VW, andelll in meekness and petleaos, without- **quite lama to proviqe thesettielmemaseleafotbis householt, iissOss his esstiel. ty and M reproach. mete - CltrisflanifT, that mialstere are aol adequately nimikeisted." The Cleveland Plaindesler, referring to the indecent eAttok made by Scofield and Stevens upon the Secretary of state, remirke as fol lows: • t '',We are donbtfal whether anytbiag coming from Scofield or Stevens can be considered" as insult. We do not suppose Mr. Seward will regard them as f insults. considering their. source. And then, too, Mr. Seward may have the consolation of reflecting that, even, it he were a dog, it is better to- ho a respectably sagactoni pointer, held in esteem for. honor. able service and intelligence, than a rasnitlr: yelping. ill-natured cur, pretending to 'decen cy,' without a particle of the genuine com modity." 'The Corry daily Telegraph has again ens peaded publication—this time. we guess, fora finality. The publisher has; for ionse months, been complaining of a want of adequate sop petit, and he bits probably decided that print ing a paper for the public benefit, et- the ex pense •of his own puree, is Dot a profitable business- Rorie except printers' can form conception of the enormous cost attending the publication of a daily paper. = - According to the Warren Ledger I , thla ter, up to January let, has been the most pro; lip for deer banters of any in many years. There have been not far from' five_ hundred shot by persons centering in end around War ren, :'.llcKesn, 4 "Elk and Forest counties. Tak ing all that have been killed in these counties, with depots at Warren, Ridgway, Kane and Wilcox, and we have no doubt the number will roach one thousand. • Charley Jones, of Kane, has killed bitty." - On Tuesday Morning of last Week, a woman named Jane Ratigan, formerly of this city, was found lying by the roadside, near Detroit; Mich., almost dead with cold. She was taken up and cared for, but the help came too late, and a short time after he died. Her story is the old one of love,..geducti k on, and desertion. Finding herself disgraced, and discarded by her friends, she became an outcast, and has gone down to a dishonored grave. . • The Titusville Herald thinks "if Johnson is impeached it requires little politioal sagacity . to predict that Bee. Butler will be the stand ard-be:tree of the Republio!.n party is the next Presidential eleetion."_ We kwoir of no min in the country whom Democrat, world rjiher see the Radical nominee. A local cotemporary' tells a hluashaueen story of a lady in one of the adjoining towns Who went to church with a waterfall of such ponderous proportions that the sexton wee .compelled to give her a seat in the extreme front, in order to be enabled to close the front door.' • . - The Elk Democrat office le soon to' be pre: riled with &job power press, which will en able it to compete in quality of work with any office in this section. The enterprise of the present proprietor is richly deserting of a lit trial- reward . The dieadvaatages of living in uthe,freest government on the facie' of the earth," just now. may be realized-xtea.iLie,kwatra-tiaL ten dollars will buy a broadototh cost,- eight dollars a traveling suit, and thirty-two cents a pair of kid gloves in London. The Fenian Volunteer is the name of a new paper established in Buffalo to advocate the interests of the &Well froni which Makes it. , name.- It is • neat locklug.and , v!gsvntsly edited journal. - Peter Friedrichs, a young German known to almost evorybody,will. soon open a ne*s, book and notion etand,in the room on Federal Hill, Iltely occupied by the Misses Loesoh. The eighth annual bsl! of the crew of the U. 8. 8. Michigan will be held in Farrar Hall, on Friday evening, Feb. let, insteadefliednes day, the 9th, u before announced. Unnatural mothers seem to be numerous in Cleveland. On Tuesday night three young babes were left on the door steps -of different. relderiaes in that city. UNION St TITUSVILLE R. R.—The - manage re or. the Union Titusville Retire . ad Comnarty here concluded to execute es mortgage of the road to eeonre one hundred and fifty thonsand dollars of mortgage horde, is order to !Wise the rum requisite to oosepleta theworit These bonds will bear seven per cent. interest, pay able semi annuelly,in Philadelpbla,and are of. fared to • nbscribere at seventy five cents. The entire iron, including the eails,ipikes, chairs and !twitcher, is provided to beltaiti for in -the Company's bonds, secured by first mortgage, and which is limited to two bond red thousand dollare.and the amount prob ably net, exceed $175,000 The debt of .the CntoPsnY will thus be with in the sum of.s36o,ooo,requiring hilt $54,600 per annum of nett earnings to pay the entire interest, . The proceeds of the sale of the proposedle. ens erp,,second mortgage bonds,will APT com plete-the road, with necessary sidings. depot bnildinge,water tante, &c., and extinguish the floating debt, About one half of the grading was done last year. -- The. rate at which these bonds are offered will give to the holders about ten percent. per annum. and it is believed that the security is perfect and ample. The cheapness of the line.. the large business that will at once be thrown upon Nand the economical andhighly favorable ammgements made with the Penn's Railroad Company for running the road, obviating all necessity for expenditure for iollingitOck. af ford the vtgengest esiturenceof • largemirplue ever and above the sum regtiiyed, to provide for.the-interest. zr ,The hear _grades and sharp curvatures be tween Co y and Centerville, the point of di versants from the Oil .Creek -road, render it certain bat a large portion of. the brisiness now c led over that line will be brought over the new ionti. ~. . The Oil Creek Railroad earned last year $1,004,904.76. or at the rate tot about thirty. four thousand dollars per mile. ' At the rams rate the Union & Titusville would earn five hundred thousand dollars per annum. gross. sod nett (thirty per cent.). $160,000, or six times as much as will be required to pay its interest. Making every reasonable allowance for a division of business, and for a possible, but. not probable, falling off in the carrying trade. there would seem to be no question- of the great value of the line and the certainty of its proving one of the most profitable coeds in the country. • It is well known that all the lines of rail road leading into the oil region are highly re munerative and make large returns upon their cost, but leaving out of view. the oil business and taking merely the average earnings of or dinary roads, this line, on &counter tbechesp new of its coistruction, there being no ex pensive or heavy work upon it. mill pay hand some dividends to its stockholders after paying all interest and expenses. Apart from the advantages of these bonds. as a me7e.investment,the benefits to be derived to Erie from the construction of a direct line of railroad to Oil Creek, deserve lobe consid ered. Erie.altheugh In actual distance neare'r by many miles to the oil diattict than' Cleve land, has, as is well known, up to this time; enjoyed hot a comparatively small share of the immense business derived from• that re gion, from the want of direct rail con:monies lion. Buffalo is now reaching , for the Oil trade by her Cross Cat Railroad.-which wilLtioon be completed A comparison of distance' will show the immense advantsee ttie city of Erie wilt have over either of her rivals by thecom_ 4rnrtti ple to f this direct road. It is not extrema -1 t o soy that the line. when , opened. will be indirectly in the increase of trade. and travel, and otherwiee,more theatre times its whole cost. The dilatators from Critertrille, taking that nine as the diverging point, ars as ifellons : Or Peen ti 8714 la Front Citi as 4 miles. e.to CteTo4434 178 natrid% - Pro* Cat . _ tea -trio. llaion,A , Ti- G . 1 . ,1,8!' Erie 4sitroads. 4.14 Digreallalt faeor - of Erie - oiee Cleveland tr in eriin 2 '2 d mum. ".c de over u se 7 Soda el- auhilitiption for the seven per ciout• Pods of the. Koine & tita vile Barns.. L **mom at. the • Keystone National Ilrfr. Subscription* evil) also hetreetved,l/7 ;loam. lumber of the Citisente !hips:tatero-tc4t4. - Aforrisen; lAD Clemens and The Meadville isiabliewkdoes not liketee suggestion af,4llr.:Bnolieldls name for Tnited• Staley - atom. or; ',IA( Mr. llnetaletee time ev.ires. • "We might" Reap, "Without mneh difficulty be able to chow that the correspond- - eat la qapttion oitheTperenually interested in Stsoileld'e advaneement, or don't believe what he sees." It furtheitekeel l oicasion to give its opinion. f the present R disal Legia— 'stare ite Weis , "Manifestly the people should -45 marettsre- M it their selection of members Tor the Leg If they select ectallawar, triaketere,. and unscrupulous demagneues, men of email calibre and no honesty, they must expect to be cold. The people may exact pledges. may Issue instructions,: and express themselves vier so strongly is resolutions, bat what does it 611 atrktr t In if they ebrune tobe represent ed by seme unprincipled knave who seeks s, Isgialstitee office for blank mail purposes? Now It in a very easy matter far the people to brieg about a reform if they simply determine to do so. They should select no mso for a representative position unless they know him to be trustworthy, In everycounty the greo bedy.ofthei resale are familiar with the char acter end ettioding of meet tit 'bate who seek olhoit? Thee eliontl sot on their own know ledge of men, and hot state themselves to be lenient:led by the importunitfes'ef politicians. They: should, gent thole best .soeld When ever a representative !Medallion to the with of Ha cottetituente, they should take Abe first spportunity to repudiate him and thrust him aside. A merciless polies...of this kind would speedily improve the morals of politics and rescue the State from the corrupt practices of notorious reseals." • AU of theiwbove Tioundv quite pretty, but, ,will the Republican "praettee what- it preach es ?" Will it, when some of these "snails. wage •• gs, tricksters and unscrupuloas. dema gogues." "of email calibre and honesty," get Radical nominations in future, give them its support.ne heretofore ? Orwili it, as,usut al, continue to supnort the party nominees, revardless of whether they are imp, saint or devil? We have seen a great many-of these nice moral essays before, in papere,of that political stripe—bat, alas ! 'when ibe test day came, the it'ourage of the editors oozed at their finger's ends. Eistatnrtms.—The Erie Dispatch calls Gov - - ernor Geary a bullhead and a touter. The Republican Journals—or some of them—abuse their own men en roundly that there is noth ing for Diannorats to say.—VemutgoteSpeeta r tor. , J,C11:4:4 0:4 41 Rvni—Minitnaus—On the 22d - inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. H. S. Nolen. Mi. T. M. Ryan, of Fairview, Pa., tolfinn Ellie A. Montague,. of Mine, Cita tangos Co:, N. Y. limns-oven— Cultism—in Meadville, on the =4h:int., by Rev. J. F. Spaulding, Rector of Bt. Paul's Chetah, Erie, Frederick dekoper to Virginia Christie, both of Mead ville. Foors—Coopm-012 the 24th inst., by Rev. .1, M. Pressley), Mr. Min Foote, of Harbor creek,:td Miss Rachel Cooper, o4' Creek; Summerkill, Crawford Co., Pa., on the 16th lest:, at the residence of J. L. Taw, Esq., by Rev F. Brown, Mr. Atripps , Martin. of Girard, Pa., and Mrs. eL Timpaisiessa o - carde. Soninss—Enows—By the earne, at the M. E. Parsnnace, on this 204 icat., Me. Atoms% N. Noires, of Lafayette N. I'., to Miss Frank M. Brown; of . Union Mills, Erie County, Pa. aitt•=l:taihtlgth matt , at Wr. fitrzi Again _ auto meet , _ .:aruunr, Ind.; of Lung Fever, John SI. Ifobbard, formerly of, Erie. aged 41 year& GREENE—in ado city; on the 80th Inst., after a shirt ilineaa, Mary. ' , clunked child of lohnr,ll. and Mary Greene. Aged 1 year and 9 tnonthe. Fon Anat.—A. Two-Story Prime Howe, No. ISO Eaet9th et., between Parade and Ger.. man. ,Possenion gives April Ist.. Apply on the promisee, or to F. St M Sehiandecker, grocers, State St. ' jal7T3w* Tun: OnnArror Arra*Orrow or rnr. Etaisox 70A. nu, iix num DAYS OSILY.- Black Brocade Bilk worth $1 75 for $1.12i 11 1 Rep " $2 00 1 ' $1 50 ' " .4 44 $2 25- $ 1 6 . 5 44 , 44 i 4 44 $2.75 " $2.25 111 &I .4 a $4.00 II $3 . 00 $3.25 Is $2 . 50 - Colored Reps at from $1.25 to $2.40. Colored Plain from $1.25 to $2 00. l'oplins worth $2.00 for $1 25. ..1 $1.50 for $l.OO. • $3 00 for $2 50. a 2pr e e Clothe at from $lOO to $1.37 7. -Mermoa'at from 850. to $1.50. ' 'Mink Pura lees than New York cost. N, I S&LS Striped Muff and Collar worth $l,OO for $7O • • 2 San 8 Striped Muff sod Collar worth $9O for M. S Sett 2 Striped Muff and Colter worth $75 for $45. • 1 Sett 2 Striped Muff sod Collar worth $6O for $45. .A few Sett of Squirrel Fars from $l2lO $l5. A few Sett of River Miok Fors worth $lO for $6. - • - I will sell the balance of my Shawl atoek below cost, consisting of Double and Single Paisley; Long Wool and Broehe Shaer* &c., Sta. Call early to Sod the best lieortment in Erie:- at P. Hasitions, No. 716 State St., bteigen Bth and Bth. ja15.37". Site. The Slate Normal School. st Edinboro. Erie Co.; Ea., is the place for young men and women to attend school. The State aerie!• those intending to become teachers. jalo-Swil 8. 31. Weiget. preetigat Piano Forte tuner, of. the firm of Weigel & Ziegler. (Were Tv oeived at , Weigel 6rZiegleen Music Store. 820 State Street, Erie, Janl7 Ito.• ter .For s parloi or sitting room stove, no one itt equal to the Moraine Olory. for sale by. Nimrod .8: Company, 605 French .tree?. 00t.25-tf. ger A fire made in the Morning Glory Move can be kept an all the winter round, without kindling. For Male by Himr , d Company, 605 French [street. ,00t.25-tf. SirJ. E. Grose's Erie City Well igence Office, No. 1,252 Fate Cf. islo'67l, 1,4 X 913 C W' s o R S 111 - '0 T C E.- .. ri Lettere tedfflorettry on tte,ortete ` 4 . l 3ll,triltisui deed. late of Eli Civet to:. - Die ehuoti,Sa., bating been envied to the estecriben Doti • herrtir le sins to ell 'persons todebted to &d estate to mate imarritito payroeatood ell those harlatelaktat,or demands preirtet sal estate viii preemet them. doh, aittgruchatipd for sattlement,ot or betore_Maretlit.lBBT. ELLIS WEST, Zreentor. E't creek, Jan. Z. 1 8 6 7-141-g" • . FORM U. 91111.11.4. 1 t. 0r annrineeso St7III7TOR. Recldeme ecmsir Stith Sbeet and kart iren.e. Etat . • AU elm pIIBLIC HOUSE .FOR. UENT. . anderilenrd offs* for twat hie new And, pweet••• lyteeetsa at North Point. The MUM, bfaby d I feet oa the erased and «intents se rooms on the Nona floor. The property Is one we of rood ar.ble lid. Thlaboass, shwa eon pleholorill hoe all the onnesta totes of a nest ekes hotel. ana le attested Dear the depot of the PhOod -aphis k Erie railroad. Pomona de ,, enter se , mead the 121116121 r months is ashler and latattei easawegate here to great masers on amount of the tutaltlealuere of the ellsate, the pletareepie sabred seseery. sad the laialtable quaint of the water. in a wore, There 11 no tame to P vast - leads that pre sentees assay natant attendants to people aellrou of zwareatleak, • • ("Poseenatatr h 1 be glees on the Int of Aar% 16117 • o. C. 'sum. lefeeseepolfr. Trozefl, Leek Haven; galonsy s , Earth Stank (stud.. . THE. BEST LAN rERIT • 108 rAtleilea USE, lii A? SOFP,- PAT TBESO! & CO.'S SW 'YAM= *TRUST. Valsosltibeitste Ind ads.- aggilf Lao* prry coLLeme, MIMI NATIONIA 1 TEL WEA PU tNBTITUT k Coma of lam sad St. abdr Mrs,* PIT I 8511 ROES. PA. ml Larsest, Cbsapast, Wet ACTUAL BUSINESS COLLEGE PI : THE MORD SfATICA. Durlorthip pad ten rum oewardept JIFTEEN THOUSAND 'STUDENTS, itrpresentlis wryly 13..5t0 to the Woe, ham* palasted Nam, A .70 7 LEM OP ACTUAL Eltlliltirs9. 'spatted vitb &DEA Stone. P , IADDIea, CoMentraion fircAmis;Thivr. anee.Dealroad. Wrimbnit &IA *.barapb Mite% ace, evil:Moine TANORY AND P.R.A.11101. 13,114 6 11111 APO thoroughly lastraeurit la all the yrraaoltaa PRACTICAL BUSINESS ZDIICATION lochsaing Rook lot clog. Poocoatabio. ArilhauHq Cos. tegotriet I aw. Potitiaal Remsomy. Raciness Ctorrestatid one., tko Art or hotretiog Coloterfeit Money. Ra tog, tßourstriatiog, Totortaphittg, - Practical Ratiktoo, ' aftlentit caw eokt•r at Aar flaaa and complete a fall roam In from alert ta twelve wilels. FIFTY DnLLARS pl Mr' ail expectant t ar Tuition, Book; Mash and ows. • r.XT,Itt CRARGES r•inrokailln. Stairr6laVag, finittotAing, 84-king or Diploma. as in &hot Collor.: Vow icwona dal?, to Penmanship to all at admits in the Cotoccmcial Depart moot rOROIRctJj4T e , glen Intl Information, fwd ens - tatting • emp *to mattes of oaVryeteret ot Preened Bolus. Edettethu. torether.lith STDIONfALt3 From pried& Ihtehteee V. Nevehatte. B:•ok-keepers, Ran k ere . de, Wiese the vtitedole, 9 111tE k COWLEY, • j+24•IR.Gm - - Pittitearsh, Pa. reltle Eft dl BWIGENIS. 10 . Wsoofactoreto of PURE CONPECTIONER-Y-, A. 4 wholesale design 1* FINE • GROCERIES, FRUITS,. NUTS, TOYS, ' NOIIONS. CR &CICEII9. TOBACCO AND CTGARS Always oa hand slur Took of FINE AND PLAIN CANDY,. Ot ively Variety. YANKEE NOTION,R, CANNED FRUITS, FOREIGN FRUITS, NTJTS, I CRACKERS, . I • CIGA RS, AND W Manahiaters naps bat Um bast quill% and at to low pearl aik PURE AND .F.A.LEABLE CANDY Can be sold . All Orion will mom prompt attantioo. - BENEB & MOMS, NEW compEcTioNsay, • MEI FANCY GOODS. STORE! BENER a BURG-ERR, opeiod at . 730 STATE STREET, . - A RETAIL CANDY, TOY, FRUIT AND NOTION STORE, Where ilkeir cadmium. will always find A FULL ASSORTMENT OF 900DS IN OUR LINE ?bey will keep • good lois of TOYS, NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS AND FRESH CONFECTIONERY OP EPIST VABIETY, - fir Wag Yanalbetarera. their 6.ellitlas aro Iho boat for 1113 ppirini ttudr midtowns at% NUM CANDY ZirltßY DAY. EIVNER 6 MGM, 180 Rata Street. VOLLB9II OW PENIVA. The milt term of tits lertitatiom, wider Its re worm trail:moral eneeprooe en the letit,day ofSermary. 181frr: for berme or retaliator', estatoeuee. to.. address , JOHN MAAR& Pre 't, Jalo.2hr. ' Agit:Naval °allege, Cadre Co., t 11. ° " • Nrreoo, 'my vita. Loom% au latt my bad and I,rd without my consent. and nitboatjaet eaute or proems tfo, ; eta Is to notify all p gems. Dot to harbor or trust er on me account, as I axon pay me &Mt* of MT eon treati MUM WILLIAMS. Amite ng. 'Ty., Jan. 7,18rt-Jalo-81r. eLEIGIC BELLS 1 . • A Large Pthek of _ ALL STYLES AND QUALITIES, Tai at, by J. C. BELTIEv =1 pARTNE &WHIP PsOr 1311. - we ihars mediated enreeivre together in beldam' - under the flan nem of Pat. at Eau, tipeut Company. With ear leezmed t•esltties Ire feal emildent es eas ell all eiders after this date. L. A EVIWORTII. , Wltlls rt,Pa. P. B. 21011101112. Jae Ty. Waterford. P!. FOR ..t...-A Hoist aO4 Lett In tatalb -Mo. *Ulla tato wtatates Ira% at the aosantOlt OS tot 86x160 OW. Two start, doable boas!. with collar. Good wall at orator, barn and watt. tn., 'ati , Ms Protislism Tattoo eat. wan 4w.) • 5 zonw ILIOT FARM:. FOR SALE. . Of no seat about 101 saes cleared. the balsam la rod timbered bad, with • hoess and tarn on It ; a pens, orchard of IV wafted *pals tem sad some otter trait trees.. Hitustwl. first tares Routh! of. Panel Tleki•eds. o• the Mrs Rood. sod *bent tear ISM free Eris. Ps.; to - West Millarek Township. Tat forth' particulars sons ire of amrle-tt 6124 8 / 1 0 BRAWL DOFF, PATTERSON & CO., 81S !RIMER STREET HAVE GOT GROCTsRIEB TO SLL ' • MO'S AM roZ94t posy LIBERTY WEU TIC LAM, Illral do i ons iintl listiliwai id • item emit Um Ga. atop. 'by ilk, - Kunifietriel ally by - • ZIEGLER _ 4 • SMITH, . 111710t4114,1X DAM Mar 4 014188 illt4l . 2lt S. , • • Re. My So% Iwo sties, Phil. 16142.11.• ' • I - telle:11211L-1. 2•5••••4 Latium'. tiotli MUL - Poom•sa g!••• 4111• U IR . lined; F4TATE FOR SALE. .T. 42 - v. 8 0.13p. : N0 aD west ttb t• 11 6411694 Two story (nom No m West 6th Kt . new and good anti/14pda PAW. film gory Inure. go. 1116 DFi t&I 84, Caashity hogs% bargain. Ow $3 IrCk Or sad ow-half story tram*. Nn. Kline St , coin nor eomfortabDt bonne. prtas $1,400. ; • Two NUM h . , e, do 211,Trat 9th St.,l3otors hour, good haildtsciad Wm; , . . Two st.ry Drama aeJo!ofag P. b R. R... ea 11th et, will be lola at a baraafa. On. ard bee Lalf story !ham lot 20st2g. otitth St., woad West orState, deorsbls for bulimic Ywn tor .A1601.11'0 ?mere. propel of II- 114 - Wit• son. flout , Erie, lot . ChM, hoedlot he the Borough, price $3,500. Two dozy tram% No. as gut gisfato honr la doe ordo .41 roma* sal wood otwil W Id boor. e mow op it Pi, tom to, !kw. prim $l,BOO. Moderato WW2. Ono awl C.:4-ball story Noe. No., Canal st. colt• wet:tart to ' , whom, bow. in good ardor. Wilds an! out, allot sod wool bozos. Pe co VIM. 60 a 'cm., barn, bons., 10 isc-in wood 9 wilios irons prier $2.200. 218 nun nu flank Rood, 100 'mu •aod, VIM Emden style boor. lair orchard Wpl .sahlani for 'MY Par arty 'IVA°. Rassonuble dionaat for al! each. Bewley plus. en Ruth& Peed. Nand bet,llononee, vsleaVe f rpernneerte, 20 sera tlmbsr, prim *12,0/Xt s 7 term two toflos trom slit, rood Itootovotottoto; dlr'do to ouit port.hasoto, per acre $llO. 45 acne. 11.8 mite►fr , m eStr, brie% homer. .414. IFX 4 improvement". pan $4.5C03 - 190 sena In Ore 29 3- 41Mirglark•••10410 VAL 113 ■cm ♦He 11aDA QM tost nnualest4 war Etat, pries per sem VAL • - . • 147 seam to Ilarbercreek, very dasirabla and &tap, per acre $75. Mr lot oo West Bth 86 Vo 14111, Pegoo *2400. -- do do 10th do 758. do IMO. do do 4th do CO, do 1,11 , 0. do do .11th do 881, do Mae. do do Bth do 1486, do 1,600 Ctt7 tote on West Ittt St, No., 102,140 and 1W each 11.flo0• Wert half otoutolots 289 and Si In Into to soli par- . chum; terms easy. A number or tots to out-lot IDA on Wahl° Rout Iglifuht olrm T . tfl o : or tn out-lot 68T VW 10th and 11th SM.; tlts IIATE9 & itzrues. Avoids and-Drelere to Reel WS* 1e52441 ; nand SPAWN. Rd% Pg.". LIFE-HEALTH-43TRENGTH LIFE-HEALTH-BTIONGTELI LIFE-HEALTH-STRENGTII7 Dts. JUAN DELA, %surf, SPECIFIC' PILLS Are prepazia by Hos liossiours. 6 midst* & Dupont, pharmaceutists, No. 214,5 v Lambast Tula, Imo tb► piasetiptioo of Dr. Joan Dslanatos, abler *Vigils to th. Hospital do Nord on L.* olsere. . . tunas or nacoicananatlOX. need Prin. Way •tb• I WW. thrntlemen—We ha the oflpecido, Pills' made Inn Dr. Delszaarres te prescription, Wing sewn years park In our private and public rutin, and lain found thins most noirgetia and ellident ninedlin meg of Bpsinigabogis or Besalnal Weidingri. nigh dilly or neon ;us ecaselonat realm or. niterun nodal deningeothata nth', canon muffin; wanutrine erring from secret habit' and annul aneasee; ratan. thin of the radial on eptaillidfactions of the eyes; **Woe or 'quiet dust" &pinta In flu urina; "Wintl'deohligennlaser. of toe On, rith ante; cheeks or blooding *.pineher feature; brardbd , anion of tha heart, and In all the 'bony train of arliptome Wing nun over no, ;Innen, or ion, froak any cause, ef the anyone forge. We earneally advise the plobrodon; and all pan= anthring from any sytertointn or aff•atioos of la. 'woo-wormy 'AIM& 10 12all t3.M pi L Witt gb , !art. ir• Ik ni u lt i ine.tar lies, IL P. • - O. D. DreanDur, 11. D. /sea Ds Litocams IC D. To Gersaelefeit Dupont, fro. VS Ens Wilbert!. Pares. .... Sodootory and studious occupation; viefi, anxieties, or lantern tar di to hapsir the " vital adios of he bun. distrening and. truitarissing disorders of the oi its anten Etndenta, clargymem, and'arytni, then,- fare, Ina in.nodally liable to iliage wriltansui Amid neortlgromptly to Pr. Dehonane's Biocide rills. • pamphlet, oont.ining fall tertigillan. nth dine tins asO sdrtee, Flinn La Pinch Garman. Spanish, u glyEu sectoopeee tech boil. ft, be Mt by mil, mat, lo afinn sad ert trill vei* -. Prior hi par or At bone forit n _. 7 , • Sold by all the principal draggiete; • or ' nal limp int to..ti, wordy nab d from all obearvation, os recent the op/rifled pries by any if:attuning, agent. or b. the eon plural agents for aensrica, O.ICAR. O. MOMS h Co, iff Cortioadt At., N. Y. Authorized agent. for Erie: J. B. Cana & Co., Halt L Warfal. ottlaarrow TOBACCO. 4EI STATiSlitErf ciltBAT EXGLI U 11113180 V ., PSOTECTED BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT ITEL\EBBATIED PEJO .4 , LX PILLa Prepared from a Primer too of air. J. Parke, 11. D., Pnialefau Exiasoettlaary to the queen. Tata invaluabl• mulleins Ai unfailing la the ewe ;dal! twos painful and &sterna' Libman to which the halals constitution la aubleet. tt p iodeistas all evens and ar MOM Obetradians ftom whatimlT caw. -Jk epeogy sous may be felled on. TO MARRIAD LADIES - it Is peculiarly suits& It erill,ln a add that, bring cis the monthly period with .CAa lO N. lbw Pills aimed k tanslT Faseks ariag FIB3T• THRSK MONTHS of Prirmaqh Magi 411 ant to Wag as Jews/via" /kot d day dia. time day err ode. In all eases of Neiman and Spinal Affiections t Paine in the Back and Limbs. on slighlonertionitalpita tion of the Heart, R! ceased Whites, those Pins will effect a core when all ether lawns have tailed: and al though a pointed tetnedy. do nottentalntron,ealomel. anthnony or anything hurtful to the eonititntion Poll direction., la th. pamphlet mound stab ;wham thick &mad be earehuly Sold by Drug g late. =yr bottle. NOTION. It lo the fate of *eery valnable meilleine to be conn terfeWd. Be motions, tharefue, and us that the Ist ten .1.4111." are 11 VII In the bottle. and that each wrapper hear, ti • fee-simile of the Rion tare of I. C. Ilta'derto # Co., and Job Moue. Without Wild now are grantee. N. —ollie dolls, wltb subteen outs for r i = so enclosed to awe authorised mat or to the le gad for the Bolted States sod British damiebros. JOB 1t08105,27 Caritas& St. Nu Tod, vtll luaus a bottle eontainloillft Warn Man. ssenrely_sealod Bea obsanstkm. dirents.for all # Warfel. And J. Curial a CO.' - 0r.16:1750w flOdle. • ' TZE PLACE' TO BUY COAL CHEAP 18 AT Coal Yawl ? comae cf Twelfth and Nash Eltrasto,Nsist Ps., who harp cowdantly as hood Lehigh sad Pittston gas. am) and praintod. Sinisootiw, Bps, Stem and Nut aim; Bituirdwou. fot grits and steno, sod BLOSSBURG, PITTSBURG AND BEAVER, For Maelangth Parposea. • - Oar Coat Is all reached by rail, la kept an dry plank floor. and we offer greet Indoedatente to partial irtabing to by in tbeir *inter ripply, also to dealers puretuslng by the air Ins& tiooar Moot as a eon tad II o roma Umo to gios satlafao. jolylno-tf IVIAN BOOTh—How Lost! How Hoeft:Wed mJust publishied a new ot ••• Cutterweirs relebrated sac on the radical cure (without wediehn.) of liPennatoniscsra. or Fewisal inveduniser Sendea` Los,* hopetenev, Yenta) and Phl deal locapseity liopidiments to Vsniade. etc. ( • also cousumpfta, sad Tito induced by Indolgense or a.w.l estravesloce. le? Prim Is a waled envelope. owl 6 eats. The celebrated atllor in this admirable wow .aced? desnosstnitea, from a thirty year auccersfat practice, that the alarming coosegosnoes of aelf.abus• may be radical's cured without the ciaoaverous use of Warns' medicine ur the spplisatlon of the betis:—pniatirg out • mode of curs at ones shop% attain and Obelus% by weans of which every suirwer, no matter what his eon dittos may be e may curs himself .haply privately and or This lerdore should be lo the Imola of groir7 youth In the lard. Pont under seal. In • plain envelop*: to any address post-paid, en receipt of at= ceat4 or Weir post stamps- Addreekthe publ(shece. 08A1 J. C. HUN! 4 CO.. d..4°4132 117 low?. N. Y. Poet Oboe Boa OM G 11 A tcp/4111 •111 A LPL. _ • 7 - . ....... Thaz ei nt yealthin of Base licilltirsou. Byron rettlilkinson and bec Ira VWdsur. miner children 6 11.41911kluaan. deerreidorill• Fell at nubile Pio, en the premiss', on dIATIMDAT, NTS 2. in Ili undivided Interest of Mld minors in the bileirter de. ectritral ON* of Lad . to_leit sall thee when giro Wade in the toesslds of itudtijfeie toasty. Pa. •••• Netted es brake' Os tile Ws * by the peblie highway. ea the Narth hyLso of iatealmtttaley. es the gut by lamb et Chubs Btiesayteed - wm. DUO*. iird ea the B eBthbfloo4 I et Lodtwoolead , AIM ilattemel. budartset NA /MOM 88 acne aftB *lkon*. haentse the Wtildieemi rams. , . . Tenni et 3 de—Owthini le 8884 414 thiltsiarto bp three animal ptreneete. with as tittered. to la or eared be heed sat eiertysimen the prendien jalo•Sti. I .- MIL CR/irriPt. gnerdisi. . Ta F LIBgRTY WHITE. LIMN - I , Prdened by iirmatical ?et tt, sad rni boom) other.R4t t'abalelid may tly- ZIEGLE WHOLIZALS PAW/ • QUM DZALZU. LIMMLIN , 3 HOUSES. FARMS LOTS SIR JAMES CLABKE'S - SALTSMAN & CO.'S, WELL SCREENED MYRRH ',RUPERT 84LT8SA2g k CO AN OLD sopa SOT TO • NSW WON. air 1 8 6 7 . apriap ppissabss AohaaaOoam. From Mutt Sok! soar sea ' Asd llks sod Pate In spit* at eata. GaSV dlp about - 0 14 years established is N. Y. City.' 0 0ely lafkUlble neasellre beirms." ' *Tree been Teiseer." ulfat dancresee terthe moms fA7 1 11" .. .. "Bata 00an sat of their balsa t e dte, ucceurs. aa. slum '&4. irilial ! .I ._ • for Sato. Mee. Ilascba, - Blaa asdUl Asti, &a, lke. Isp-„Bga Arttr:mtNATon. - balk/Idd also us pet►wtatt» kir:ad Bap, • COSTarto' . 6l4ollllo POIDig Ma INSECTS Is tor itatbs, ilmitoss;Flass. Hod lisp. russets Oil FISIltiliTOVII• 4 41110.• 415 . , opt t t nevus !I f e fall worthless holtseleset Or sob shoe "cossows" muse is sass& Berated and I,laab before y eta bay. RENIrf L 0011212, • Drams Proatmly, Bard to Ede. Ye, by all Drage", esd Mtn duke' eterrarbara. _ _ O BT A a, , CKLtaItATZO 'II — C N , T II o's N - „; 2L e = For Caw Sonts. Bracers , inroads, nithh.Ciskok Broken Unease. ROM Nipples, BleedisAy. sea Wehtfal Mar. &mom. Pallid rent JUrviatogrdesed .Sum eleadalar IttutioyKeitsw Rai AftelAtlft Rimy orane. OW. , Maims, friu; Asttped amis. upai hat NW SOWN 4Nwiets..kalauhls, 84, • . aims Si ants. 40 Ging. witt slitui* • ' Bold by all Druentrta everywhere. - Stalby armitrircotrems, Depot AIN lraaday s N. T. _ . • . - . • - , • . • 1 ' • • • • • • " - s• 1 "COST A. 10.5" UNIVIMAL - • C CP - E N &C V"B T - _ slabs 8114 a/ 12. 16 a ILI B. Purni.4l: o 44 Mitres& M. Y. "C o,Sir A R, ' f ' '''':'N'l'itf.ZßATlON or BITTER-SWEET ik ORANGE BLOSSOMS 70* 111AUTplrIN6 ISS CONPLEIION. Dad to soften sad beautify the Rip, rooms Treatle,. PinsOs, Eruptions, tco Who ansuow min ft-15 prellulstas to all others; NotUes Pl. fold by Sli lanistyieta every Thera . MI by HENRY R. arrsit, Depot 481 Broadway N. Y. L • • - • • At. • • - , • t 1 If • - . • '• , . - " COST A - R'EM " • PPYNCULM. . - . COUGH 'REMEDY Vol Coughs,Calds, Rearms% dam Ilbreactbolib ITboortog Cough, Ihdrotruk_ Asthma, Couguouptios, Bros eUal Agestiook, and an dhasaio of lb* Mout . Lour , ' Bottles, IA inn. arida. and Slain& Bold by all Droved. ~a ben. And b 7 zumar B. COSTAR, Darla ; Ada Broadway, N. Y. "-C 0S T • '8" w!i~1 ti 7 ~ , BISHOP .-PILLS, ♦ IMITUSAL'Ii; - #O, Norrian aa . ol aidt-lkaiaGba.: Un- Illasames. Clys ll4 . l = l. llGars. dad Pan' . Ibil rer:4l (l lrgi et a,. alGadaffa $1 11014bil ravataal_blaa bad b 7 =NW B. con" Dope" Brabdirsy. N. T. .bialandata ~~ DIE 111 ESE