The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, January 31, 1867, Image 2

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    )6r it— -bserb tr.
ri - MRSDAY. - JAN. 31:::1867.
1 , 118 Aui Do t ? SORT la TALK.
A great Ae'ai of ivirtncOs indignation is
being wasted'by the Radical, prea' over an
editorial in thelirashiugton Conslihdtondl
Union, professing' to give Mr.: Johnson's
views on the itripeachment scheme. It, is
. .
declared by - these - to 'have been written
bythe'Presidont=rorlf. not, at his tliota
:Con.' The following le its Most Significant
A r t Tr necessary;' Ita :Adiniziatra
lion's) strong andirott hand' will berinvo
ked to star the - courserand prevent the
consurtimation of •Baditil' treason. The
great 'oath of •the President to protect
and defend the Constitution will not be
forgotten, and the people who sustain him
With their 500;000 majority of the voting
nopulatioo, North and South. will not.
forget him. Brenta have already brought
the Government to the very verge of ano
ther revolution. If the Radical. majority.
in Congress pursues its treasonable Course.
much longer. the Gavernnient, in order
to sustain itself will have tea arm its sup
porters. At the' call of the Tresidetti, all
Lis supporters; North and South, and the
army and nitvy;,will respond.. In such a
contest the issue egnnot be doubtful. Con
.ressmen maybe valiant fighters on the
floor of CrrnereWs, but when they come to
lead cohorts into the field it . s‘ dif
ferent thing,7A red armies and great
soldiers of Abe Republic will be Apaibi
fighting under ate .flag, .We -advisbie
Opposition of the determined and Wied"
fact that Andre* Johnson will a4rveOut
the constitutional term of his cif lice.
The agent of the Xssociatsid Press sends
-cord chat the President disavows anyton
nection with the authorship of the ..avti
cle--that he had no knowledee,ef it until
it was read by him in the Union4a . ad that
the editor of, that -paper', nisponfihle
alone for the, sentiments, it contains.a-
Tiowetlr this may Iw, we are daily 'TOW
ing strong 7 in the conviction: that the
position twinned in the MITI's editorial
is that which the self reslvet of the Ad-
ministration, and the fluty it owes to the.
nation, Anmpels it frit:dont, A patriotic
'/ally })l4 and defiant attitude on the part
of the President is the only course that
will ohmic, „the revolutionary designs' of
the Radical conspirators. They haye been
dilly-dallyed with Po Tong 'already, that;
grown impudent by tsuCce,ea, they_ imagine
they can perpetrate ;any enormity with
imnymitv. All argusloent .to exhibit the
- illegality,rthe folly, or 4 tlinefitWO of their
Intentions= useless; Cope:de- to- their
sense of patriotism and their regard - -for
tha interests of the conic are t :tieated.
with contempt ;—thc,insanity of revenge
and the cleternsinatiar, to•perpetnatetheir
Party power overbalances everything.—
There is but a single atep left, and that -is
to plainly and.decisively give.them to ut:t
deratand that if they are actually deter-
mined upon the enforcement Of tbeir. ea
flounced plans for the overthreri of the
Government; ,they will be rue by - an
equal determinaticm.lma- the Part of its
friends to sustain it. The time for mealy.
mouthed utterances has' gone by._ We
must Make these men -understand , that
there is a line beyond which they shall
not advance without a life end death haz
ard. Let the President at onee positively
announce that the constitational,riehts of
all the Federal departments will be main
tatined; And let . , the. Presslilie up the
wetett-word and reverberate it from 'ocean
to l \ocean. TherCouservative masses; north
a South, representing - two third- , e•''
bone and.einew:of tie lend, and fr. ' f
a n\iilion to a minim of the poPular
joritl,j, are a unit upon thts:pciinf, and
stand ready to defend any measures' that
may lie necessary to preserve tae Govern
ment of their leveln its integrity. -
It may be interesting to_ many readers
to know frrirn what sources the large rev
enue the State of PeTtinsylvania,is de
rived, now that the,Stats taxes . onyeal es-
tste are abolhthed. Let tus take a fear items
from ono of the latest -reports on this sub-
jest, end place them in the order et - their..
magnitude. Thus, for example, thefax ; on
eorporatinn stacks yieldeklast year $l,-
f.58,060f the tax on tonnage $401.741; the
commutation of the tonnace tax $360 000 ;
• retailers' Veorise; $358,191; collateral in
heritance: tax $281,T26 ; tAtiern licenro_
$257,462; the tax on loans $278,483; tax on
emolitments= of : offices , $163,24 . 0i OD
grog recrilit 0 - 132:472; tax on fornityt in-
euranceConaptibiesitl2l3,7sB.: , From these
few items are collected, the large amount
of $2,620,033,„ - The balan - Ce; of the'incimie,
of. the State last
- year wits'procurei from &
large number of other iterns,.suph as taxes
- on *MS and deeds: on bank dividends;
brokers, auction duties-and commissions,
from lieenos for eating braises. billiard
rooms)apd bowling - s Aeons., peddlers.ent m dicine dealers, 'and a large variety
of other enures& including •WO from
"iraitie4 r of ennsCients." Frani all these,
eourceg the large sum of about five - and a
• quarter millions of 'ciollari- was 0 - effected
during the year 18G .
It will, pert:rap., he equally _ interesting
to nbllce s o me of tho lamer itemeof ex
petiditure to which thiarevenav is devoted.'
A fcw of thece,rsoked in the order of their
magminfie. are AS follows: Interest on'
loanß $1,892,105; expense!t of Government
$669,000; relief of the Cbambershurg suf
ferers $407,008 . ; for charitable institutions
$474 G 10: cortmon schools $3`,..'4,308; pen.
sicofq and`gratuitiesslo4,s3G; State Capitol
and grounds .5121,785; EfeusP.of Refuge
$91;500; peniteilieriea $41;085. Following
these are `a variety
~ ef'other smaller ex
penditurer; The tctal expenditurer,:.hoW
ever, left the large margin of $1.861'.650 of
Jittrplug to 'be',applied to the reduction
the State debt;,, •
'The Chambershurg • Valley Spirit al
Itules as follows to a circumstance which
to a matter of common talk about the
State Capital — —
- ie currently reported thatdu ng the
contest 'fir Senator at Rarrielourg. Gen.
Geary sent a friend to oar neighbor,:Col.•
- 11'Clure. - to notify him that iitihms he
ceased talkina about
,hint he would sokii,
toefore, the, inaugurating- to which
the Colonel replied. that if he (Geary) et:
tempted that there would be no inaufurstion
The Colonel might have' added thet_if
Geary Aticeeided M •he
would be thofiist man he had ever whip.
Lest the belligerant attitude ot these two
proVainentitadicals might, lead their ret.
pectire friends to feae for the safety of
their persons, we lastim to assure them
that the danger of an epeounter is a thing
of remote probability. Gary will never
- fight 'a man of Col. lioClure's4lncir.
The Titusville Herald thus energetically de,
• chime upon the benefits of AdvettAlag
`-"What.- made Bat.anm , rich Advatistog.'
Whet sold our Clovernseenihoode? lay Coolie's
witat antiJe' Donne' Ledge?
Averearzaisq.. •Mixt 'Annie A. T. Stewart's
fortune Y . .95VESTIBING. Whit 8414210A*
ticket. in sine f r shy Operiatittit enbente
The proveroiat tendency of j the hu
man mind to find a scape-goat for-any
disappointment it may -.have experi
enced is well illustrated in. the ciao
of the Croft Opera Efaiqc lottery- re
are not a little amused tit the comments
which we see and httlr siaca the 4rawing.
By some the scheme prononnped a
"humbug" and a "swindle." Others in
dulge in prosy moral essays _up:kW-the
wickedness of lotteries in ,general, sod
the =of people investing their
money in them. A.ixteentrot the Legit,-
indigoait -Trrobably because
ticket did not,win the prize, has intro
dune/4 -prevent nessepapevir*in
printing the advertisements of lottery
Schemes, and entailing a heavy penalty
upon thein for notating its provisions.
Wow, all this looks to is tuPremely sil
ly.- Ai long as the world stands; wepre
same, there will- be great enterprises of
in one shape nr another, and
ersons who Will take their riski in thew.
Ins certain sense alniost everriVansaction
of life is a lottery. The vast oil specula.
tione of tie .past few years were mere lot
teries, only under a different name. The
stock speculations in the large cities, the
speculations in gold, in grain, in teat es :
tate, are-a lotteries. Marriage is o lotte
ry, and if sage moral maxims tell the
trath, the most uncertain of all. Just so
Imag as men and women ' live, they will
O . :Minus to ruoZbo chances of -venture
some elperiments, and while some may
be fortunate others will continue to draw
blanks. - 7a-
In -regard to the Opera 'Lloase scheme
in particular, we see no reason for think.
idg. that it Wag conducted in anything but
a fair manner. The plan was well known
to all who invested their five dollar?.
There were 210.000 tickets, and one great
prize, and every purchaser held just ease&
ly that much' of a. ehancti Of securing it,
Wedidn't choose to invest, fmt.thoiewho•
did knew precisely what, their2prospects
were, and they' cannot complain if each
one of them failed to realize a fortrine.
The carereittt:Otosuperintend the draw
ing were honorable men. andtke Omen&
ingt Of the eventful day were conducted
in an open and entirely Mr 'mintier. Com.
plaint is made.that 30;000 of the fickete
Were held , by • Mr. Crosby. and that he
drew Several of :Abe boat pititures. - It was
plainly announced by him beforehand that
allthe tickets :unsold would be, retained .
in pessessionand takethe same chances
the - drawing,. as the others.. If. the
puilie fated to . purchase them, how can
they find fault. ith, Mr. PresbYpi doing
what they were well infornied Ile intend
ed to de? There is nothing the
fact...thih.:lda' 30,000 tickets should have
Praikn.severatof the best prize's, nth. would
-it him. been curious lied" the Opera, house'
itself fallen to his shims. • -
We dislike grumblers in general, and et
pechilly class who go pitir experi-,
tnenta - with their , eyes ogee, and then find
fault if they asGriot as fortunate as they ex
pected.. The piste fact in this cage it, that
there were 2.lo,9oG,aioketaand,hut one Opt.
ra floure-409,909 to, be diseppointeTrind
only one to be gratified. Thobe whohought•
chances did go with - this knowledge, and
they must - blinaeCnoile but themselves if
the result hi, iiptinieicouragingthey:Bl'-
ticipated. - •
In the course. of a speech in the House,
`Mr. Ashley,- of Ohio, the
It. tri...) - b.a,s sought to make himselfone
io by, offering 'the impeachment
d'qlflEgY tookocca ei ou fo &Dim
°crate, hZith in and out of congress, were
in league with rebels daring the 'war, giv
ing them aid and comfort. Mr. Winfield,
of N ew York, pronounced the charge un
true, and a vile slander upon himself and
his party friends, and 'Mr. Hunter, of the
-Brook lywdistrlct, said that - su far ea he
was concerned whereup
on be was called tnorder, and a raceme of
considevable'• excitement - and-confusion
ensued. ienunks were "taken down,
and the SpeafOr_ruled them out of order.
Mr.. Randall, of PennaylVania, said they .
were frue, %evert/West. For' thishe was,
called to order by - Bill Kelley, of this
State. After the reporters had written out
the remarks of Mr. Ashley to tihich
Hunter to , k exception, they were ,read
from the Clerk's desk; and the resolution
offered by Mr._ Hill, .of. Indiana, direOting
th^ SPitiket: to censure ' Mr. Hooter, was
adopted, by l a vote_of 84 to, 34, only' one
Rspublicaumeßittem (Mr. Balca:',Of
noie,) velitig against it, ; As unparaamenta.
eyas the remark of Mr. Hunter may have
been, it was nevertheless justifiable under,,
the oiretimatencea. It lathe duty of the
Speaker, to protect the Minority_as well aa.
the majority, and when ttitetittlie 1e altar
and teers'a isetnbeitnake.a , deliberate
charge of treason Botha - forty' odd
*Prerentativei on the floor of the BOUSN
he is bound under the rules :of the body,
to put 'it stop to it, and if he does_ not
'do so promptly, it is the right and even the
duty of:an v member thus assailed, to re
pel the accusation. in'the strongest: powm
hie language, whether it he strictly_ par
liamentary or not, 'lf the ,House really
intended to conduct its proceedings with
strict parliamentary. discussion, it would
have censured Aishley an) Clljai,
as Hunter—Ashley for unptigitiog the
'loyalty " of his fallow members, and dol.
fax, forTermitting him to do en. •
1 - Win' TIVID/3 /14 Dt7l,L.
TI4. commerical and business centers of
the Country are beginning tel feel ' the ef
fects': of the, continued agitation on the
question of impeachment. Trade is
drooping, manufacturers are fearful of the
future. shies are tying at the wharies
wanting caveors, mid laborers are aeon In
the Streete• Without 'work. There is an
abundance of capital, bitt,./iJack of confi.
denie. • Men .fear (kingresti., They, look
upon that body aethe solid men. the true
friends of Wanes, did upon thn Revolu-'
tory 'of the in at io n aa capable
ot doing ani.mah or suicidal deed,- The
New York Tribune, to noticing the moves
ineni'of Mr. , Ashley laoking to. en ink.;
Peticiinient of the President. says "If a
necessity shall be ilinnd to exist for im-.
fleaehtnent end' ejecting from office 'a
tiesideet of the' United Stater, ..we are
sere every coasfdbiale merieaa will re:._
gard It us ,ii,' deplorable necessity, ono . to
be avoided if lipssible, and tici icing as poi,
No patriot will light.
1y stitilie the twin 'fabric •of public order,
sad public ,jitadit."..Thii is a imitable
view of the case, and: if is Strengthened
by the remarks of kr. Dodge s of New
York, ia• the National Howie of Bore.
iebtatisr, who, in the course of n speech
in opposition to' the inaohmeot pro
graunme. "deprecates it biiisk unfortu
nate is a political point of view, hut vastly
more unfortunate in paiWiyalng the indesi
&island, business intereit of the country.
He mentioned the lista:l'4;o'A
Justituttosi of New Voris shieb bad voted
M . surplua.smpfla;
States securities, but that vote had been
reconsidered on account of the impeach.
ment proposition, and.the President of the
Society was directed to deposit the amount,
fe the Neer:YorkLifti ar.4lotialpfing.
So it was in all branches tiflastisinisse
\These are pain, practiCsf vintaftjt
inkpeschntint -isms which ,the Rallicsl
leaders are determined to fortis upon the
nation. An impeachment of the Presi
dent under' such circumstances as those
attending the movement against Andrew
J'oh'nson, the twin fabrics of
puhlieordere'stut'Vublis - -eredite-s—foes
sign countries will Inch pith distrnat : nPoP
rt‘ nation which thus-allows unprincipled
- end schemtlig piditiciants to squander its
'rich inheritance of libirty. order and con-
Stituttonal law; and foreign creditors will
begin to call in the
: moneys they have in,
vested! in United States securities. • The
possibility of impeachment, opening np
questions of a more inflaming character,
dividing the ,North and destroying its
business prospects, will have an effect on
the bankers and money kings of Europe.
They are keen observers .of the state of
political feeling in this country, and know
fromdanme experience what a sudden and
ruinous fall there is in the securitiest•of a
nation where the laws rest upon' the
changing aspect of partisan feeling, ant.
not upon a sound basis of constitutional
authority. The depoiltion' of the presi
dent upon mere political grounds will, be
viewed in all European nations as a revo
lution, aria trd;stechts . such in all business
transaCtiens., therefore, the mer e
, pre
parthory• may meet looking towards an
impeachment of the President has been
tfunfortunaterin Pa,ralyzing,,the, industrial
and business interests of the country," ns
ststed‘by Me. , Dodge; whit may not be ex- . ,
pected When _the:fait fury rof the storm
consequent.npon camingrlut the schethe
shall burst alien the nation-?
The annual Spring political campaigns
in several or the New England States will
Boor. open up r witit their usual vigor. New
Hampshire votes on the second Tuesday of
March ; 'Connecticut on the first Monday
in April. and Rhode * lsland on the first
Wednesday in April. New.. Hanipshile
elects &Governor and other State officers
and threetneittif Congress, At the Gee
ernor'S election in"ififitl, Athytli, Repuhli.
can, re - ceirett 35.137 .totes, • and- Sinclair,
Democrato3(l.4filr--.. saieptibiitzen nri 4 r l
of 4,656. Ip,gennpe s ,tictit, a Governor and
-other State elfficersAtid fOur - Congresamen
are , to be chosen. '-At the election for
Governor last year - Hawley, • Republican,_
yeceived , 43,964 votes, anti English,. Dem
ocrat, 43,433—a Republian majority of
531. In - -Rhode ,Isiond. a Governor seed
other State officers, and Awo•Cougressmen
'are to be 'elected. 'At tile election for
Governor in 185 G, General 13urnsidei .
publican, received i 1,197 votes, and pierce.
Democrat, 2,816—a Republican :majority .
0f . 5,381: ' • ' •••' • -
The only interest seemingly manifested
in these elections is in regarl to .. that in
Connectient. It is well k.novx!, -that Tait
ivrar Mr. roe gilds- would have been.eleoted
Governor,-it he had`-obtained the' entire
Democratic rate. or,if tb,e President had
boldly used the power of fits payrornm l
the State against Hawley: Since- the
election the :people of !Connecticut -have
had considerable experienCe in - Radical
-recklessness, and we „see curious, to wel
t in its result at the ballot-laox.. - • .
Tut Democratic press of 'the State seem
to be rather tickled than .otherwise ; with
Ciarnertnes electioh—not thstshey admire
his character. or put any :confidence in his
politics--hut because it was such an ea
tinguisher of the ambition of Stevens.
Fortier and Carlin. The two formai' es- -
.pecially hare done so mtichbullying • and
swaggering, and been so unmercifttrts
theirlicanness towards Democrats.. that
ourparty,frtends cannot help feelings sort
of respect for the twin - vitio'has laid low
their - pretensions. -With all that,hse been
said against Cameron we can't help thinlc
theteltt Of the quarto. , The facf,'
we are aware, Aeisn't 'speak well for the
the chars - Wilk the IbiiiicAt leader*** in
Penosryltniitia, but • it• ie. none the. lath
true. ""
In the proceedings had in C3tigress'
Taesday'latt. the.follorting ay recoil 4SI:
Mr. Koontz, of Pennsylvania, frorrs,the
Committee . for 'the-District' of.C4i4mbia.
niedenti:advortie - rsportion the memorial
of citizen-I_of foreign birth, praying for the
same rights 'wimples? •
''.What Ito of • foreign-biith
thinnk of that ? the' Natoli' tit Congress
-refiise" tri. grant': a:. id '+"` The
.Lricts cpittEgbiftoe.,*T!e!vil•=r-rs the ,
htive conferred kuliscsiiaiiiately, ,upou„the,
nerm# Every n!guktrut v.oto therf, but
white users Offoreigti birtheanuot.7 What
do'rriebnien and Geriniin's think - of that
specfm iiictfea'i• Sircgre;is • f
Interesting Neale Itemz
The only at tle;iieral Grant's
reeeptionliie .week direr: Iced lemonade.
A Woman
.CAdsrafir., giohigaa i ask
ed fee diverse from tier kashaad basause
bill•etased to.viear a - moustaabo. = -
The Paris It caliper ofliritiary 3tedi
anuottnces that the entire body of
French troops will surely .have left .Igoiscico
by the later Mareb.
The wile of a B rksc.oupty hotel keeper
scalded a constable with hot w iicr, be.
cause he attempted to levy upon "iotne f
her husband's pßoperti,-.
. .
The editor Of ,he Lvorldoo-(Vt.)
has been pit -Pitted be , so illittois D'rpn.
eret with a laig idoitorr chair, as. a testi.
menial "to a man who had the mnrist
courage and backbone to print a Demo.
cratiaimsper in the Rulical State of. Ver."
!pont." • -
o Durlisin. Maine, Some 'scoduclrels
entered the barria of El . PpOrat •citizens •and
cut the thmatiof more than twenty horses
and oxen, leaving them dead in the stets.
The, same rascality 1 as ocotirred for'sefer
al succeasivr Yeara, and 'the' fermate are
now delewli: NI to discover the offender,
The report of. thit Metropolitan.Polics..
Commission.tre states that there'are twee
, hundred holism of of all
grades in New york city,and twenty-five_
thowand women who obtain sutripecoe
by Alying an Mfamotis vocation.
•Wate Biconis or WOR.V-06 . CuaazNcv.
—Over noooxioo in mutilated and worn
cot: dotes lave • been • seamed to the
Treasury, whereibey are placed it, an im
ense revoltiutiron cylinder, carefully
locked, through which a hes,tooll,orown of
avid piii•ses so that, the ink ts ontopletety
removed. :end: a -mat of :pulp remains.
This is bleached and Manufactured into
envelopes for the Treaiury
Large amounts •9f lettatilated and worn•
out fractional currency are thus items).
posed anctrebonstrnoted into envelopes.
The Lisbon Buckeye State relates the
following: A beautiful young heiress; lit.
tag in the 'western part -of this county,
whose father hid forbidden the addresses
of her. lover, - (*.Young :gentleman from
Canton) iTen t out to milk the other morn.
Int 'but In stead 'At doing that, threw down
,the bucker, jintapid'into a sleigh-in wait
ingin the vicinity, went to Smith's Ferry.
Ps 3 where-the knot was tied, slid :soon
after returned hoots *slather wonder
log all the eblle why wary was so 'long
Quans. Docrotts.—A cue of malpractice
occurred here this morning, which result
ed rather seriously to both parties—the
death of thlspatient and the arrest and
trunritgsnmetta of the physician. The facts,
g 'o
' I toilin thilia. are these: "A few — dlyi
' trio trig - Aim! physicians came he
m,110:w York State and stopped at 04
trillminia Egobange. One of them, Dii
Morgan, clahoine to he an "eye doctor,'"
and the other, Dr. W. H. L. Moran. a
'cancer doctor." A Mrs. Maggie* of this
placesemployed Dr. Moran to kill a can
cer for her; the - doctor felliorher that he_
would forfeit $5OO if }{e--did-not kill and
remnve .it - within five:days.! This Iplatt
• ••PleXklasalfte.apPliottlio.horlfPfalffof' to e
eaT th naecerots it tite'Yt - tifrki - ettiyt lel
tenti , Stid sertile4lllsudtictrit - istirnmeoceat
siring the patient - morphine sod 'awls.
num to allay - if; :Within' thirty-six hours
from the time he toads 'the &et _applies;
tion his patient, Prglin corpse. .The doctor
admits that he gave her eight grains of
morphltie andlwrrounces of. landanuM.
Physicitiis gay here that it is enough to
kill three 'lot fair !swank 'Dr. M Immo
diately left town, but wits followed' by Dep
ot," Sheriff Ripley; AC bmught biro - back
and lodged' him in jail. A The Pittner of
Dr. -Moran. - (the aforesaid' Dtr irprgani).
has hatthat little better aacceso, Dr. bier
gan foUnd a' patient in • MrT_John- Baker,
who resides noar lion . and itadeitook . to
mm_ _
ve a wart from the corner of Mr. B.'s
eye; the was the total destruction;
of the eight:—Correspondent a , of .
the' :Detroit
—A Calcutta correspondent of the London
Times, December" 7; gives some painful
details of the recent famine in the District
of Grim -A Government commisaioner,
bas prepared a report, ollwhiCh it ititahl
'`A picture more heartrending, facts-more
hideous, could not be -OM. The cow
missioner estimate' thedeaths in Arias
alone at 500,000 to 600,000; end In •some_
places he adrift' that three-fourth, of the
1360:dation have been tarried off. Orism
had fiye=rialllfenr.` Add thetnortilityiof
Midna,pore;tirhich siassOleverbly'visitail ;
of Garuaniklift C I 4OtES 3fagpore, whichwere
terribly, yet m ore rejldly dealt With
Calcutta-whoa° hospitals still tell soiled a
tale ; and 'of the other tfistriota; where Gni
segue/Kat of starvation. carried , off
many, end remember that the deaths sre
still going on 'at the rate of -a hanared. a,
day, anti on viill - sgree - with the, ough
eititti4tegentrallV accepted here thatthe'
titunfesti of =engin, - will not be under
million. In 1838,9,_ !when 111 - little was
donefor relietas fo 1866; the mortality in
InmnaDaeli was,Boo,ooo ; but the tale Of
victims in,: this .Qriase visitation - ad:toilets
higher, t • aim) that=aa high tte 'the
create/4'pr all recorded,famihe,s'in
thatof'l7Bo„?:„ ,
:Sentotallbrratut,—We have. the partio...
Otis o f
v a errsingubsroccurrence Witieltt
Molt' place in - Iffacontah-last. SuellsY.
Several: your' Oldies - 4*MA in the house
of. a neighbor; on their way: from, church
and While there:shine' of the party- re ;
pcsectthey shliuld drink cider frofn slug
which stood upon -a - shelf dear by: Un
fortussteli there were two sindlar in
size and appearaispe, - _standing together,
one of them con taming cidsi s th 4 other a
strong solution of bighlY concentrated
lye l and out of the lattertwo glatimlawere
poured, one of which was - taken . by a
young lady named . Miss.:Minerva Garrett.,
daughter of Mr. lohnGsirett, and horri
ble to relate,vremouthfoli of the. 13104
ing fluid were swallowed before she became
aware of its nature. Screaming with pain
anti terror, she' ran home. which was in
the house adjoining, where her mother.
with great presence of'. tnind at once ad.
ministered to her repeat e d da t a e r m ilk
and lard; the effect of avhieht 'was to re
lieve her stomach immediately; fir throw.
ing up the lyet This miss followed by
doses'of castor oil: This 'prompt action
on the part , of Mr"- Garrett. 'will,' it is
tov.a; ao uts Beane of asoring - -berdangh.
ter's life althoneh tun'
wad itl tt very (Lill
' run. roa BEatoisaino,-.General Beau
regard eeptrui't; have led in the reeption
given at the,Congressionid
excursioolata the Mrtioa ' . 6f that city
sap Othinilifflia,condrict . an =tenor,
and 'that .or, *there of the generale who
were distinguished on the Confederate
side the late war, Aphid be.;4teneitiqy
imitated • by - -their • late Joljewers. The
strengers•Whp foUnd themselves, .witliog
captives of General Beauregard;",in-the re
cent excursion, were greatly surprised at
the contrast his real appearance and titan
ner presented witbAheirideal of• the eh
minaret and desperate defender &RORIE,-
ton, and fierce fighter in battles.
His gentle and modest • deportment. croft
voice, and winning manners; his careful
svoiddrice'of alt controversy or eten dis
cusaiofis of subjects'which sheald be etu
(llona/ excludlel front dither interchanges
and converse with the other'shlic pro
duced a moat agreeable 'and, we trust, is
pelmabeot impression - upon our visitors
from,the North:" ' '• '
Ir.appetre that. during -the yesr 1866,
there ware 85 railway accideePtiegiellai
ted Staten., in which 44* Were litefr find
itr there 115:newtons ware,killed-end 607
wounded. This •ta a greatininiarrement
'ever 1865, whea-thereverei-.lB,Vrailioad
secidebie,' in farhieth - 335 - persamwere. kill=
Oa and I',427linstrided rand•it7texhibits a
less 'number and wctunded:by
such accidtints 'then' day 'yeassitioslBol.
These riecidentS; hoWevet, do entintsliade
'itoyivitere tiektani 4 1 / 6 :wintel itltresid
their Aw e 'carelesiniee. - '3'herw 3•2
arta:os6st, 1 113156.'0is the
'variOtvirir'erit tied tTnited
States, by, whicb.633 pereptie'briterkilled
and 159 wortnifedt-' Thfinia less number
-than occurred during 1865; for - whiottyeef
the report is 32 accidents,-In which-I;7Ba
`impious were killed atellaweanded;.but
is a larger ituuttnof then - was %NADIA
for any previous year since - I'BM '7Thesia"
reports do not include loss hi life by die=
asters at see, nor during .naval engage
ALAN 3funnartEn Atm ROOTED Iry Na
taots.—THe Vicksburg Herald of-the 2d,
lava; Mr. Purvis Spears was brutally triur
tiered stilts residence in this county, on -
Sunday might, by *band of negroes; He
was shot' wioe with a shot-gun, ',his place
ransacked and the building burned. His
body wno berrierlto a "Cinder.Ooe.Of the
assassins walked ail, pilles:to" another
Place. and reported the murder and burn
ing. but stated that it haffbeeti'dono by
gang of whit Several of the neigh - '
bore visited the peace,,qua-tioned the" ne
'grope. and their atatementsbaing so ,much
contradictory, examination was made, and
many (Sr the artieles.t ahem from the house
were found in-thei-neen) ginner..
of ibetit were
,arrested,. but the ,others
made their escape.. Those - arrested *ere
brought to this sty yesterday, anti lodged
in" Hi „
•- -A rink old dotard Of seveitti five. livine
near s i ringfield. Iltinoic. . deterniitied to
marry a trim young iartitor's daughtsr.
His son Frank,rioposed the idea. and went
to work to prevent thereat,* With great
nctei=tation he purehased.:-Mtn and a
horrid lookingmeat axe. and bad them
arranged in state at ~his father's house. -
Reverting the order of thing , ,biii declared
-theweddieg baked Meats should:coldly
furnish-forth a funeral; Abet Finny, in
stead of a brtdo, should hes corpse; that
his father might . have .a funeral, 'but no
„wedding; that standing thereat the door
of his paternal mansion.! be Would with
that sharpened meat axe:Cleave her from
crown to, sole; that the coffin prepared
was for her decent i burial ; and. finally.
that he wa' ready for the .murderer's
bet. Thernarriage:wits mdefinitelY lost
A. EMIR Ads Pi--
Shaeffer. daughter of a retifiectable fernier
living neariterAlleshouse. wee returning
to her hornet little a iterd tisk on Vies'atty
evening. she was stopped Se&
skinned negro .rted...lms., Stevenson,
who drew from,liis potit'atirpfsted Or some
other weapon,_':sheot
mini she submitted to his:hintitand"lo-,
decent. proposals. :119,, hold' Of her
person; but4revelr mitied"the fiend,
and by hat riglitened,tha wretch so
that he releme his hootantl:fied. •The,
mew was Amsted Ana dskyLthis Week. sad I
had a hearing before the .Wajor, 'when-he
was committed for triitai:bourt is default
at $1.59Gbai1...--,farrisinfrg.
Gee. Sheridan Andes gaitiltsiliti t tekinll
the' Pt eskleney ova wife. #0 ffecitinsitk
or ostw4r Ake :_othar •
• .;
Cost of the Natirmal Capitol—The old
bmiding burnt by the British on the rap
titre of Washington, in 1814, cost $788.-
071. The cost of the sew Capitol to 1839,
inoludin7 improvements of grounds. was
t ;. l 809 44 -- •
. 1 !""ftiol: 4412-end.
855. intliti, l 9ldr improvemertte,
$893,9594 m aking fel end Cif the
apdArouno*-14 90,4411.T.The
tions - ;stes imcipeOejeonta pin tra4e*
tseijOidlnß. timid NOR in *greet, WM
cost it least sti 00009 mere.
A shocking murder was perpetrated on
tberateamtiaranrce-4 84 -4 ,lll oline
istl 4 .o.l*Phal. Missouri, on Friday. An
of 4 ease Passed offense
At itootW ri At who wortA tni;ol 4l a6 4lpul!, 1 =
- sied - at
gun. 'filichififianfiteristrtheblsteael of
passenger who was ,standing near -the_ in=
tended victim; !tilling binsina4allll7-
sion.was_atterward mortally :re - undid by
the passengers in their attempts to arrest
' .A cargo of rum , was recently beached at
New Brighton, England, and settle barrel'
were washed ashore a crowd of men and
boya tapped them and drank until they
volre too drunk to drink longer. One
young man fell dead on the spot. Nearly
a hundred others suffet?d beyond -11_411ing
from the effects of the debauch: A scene
'of extraordinary violence. aid indecency
ensued, the details of which are entirely
unfit for publication.
A letter, from Lagos, on the coast of Af
rica. says "The day after tee arrival of
the frigate at Lagos. an English schooner
brought news from Dahomey. The King
was preparing to go to war with the Ash.
antees and, .to timpittate fortune; bad or
demi:4mo —..htindred" men to be semi
iced to the Qenii. This 14 the third
time withhimiesr that be his indulged
in this horrible barberityeo....
' filirChattilnarititireßeptititoky; edited by
Cot McClure, the ablest writer of his party
in the State, gays of.iltiareo Inaugural Ad.
dress: “The phraseology would better befit
tits - hustings than a Smte,pagter.". Harr
rishurg correspondent of the Dis , atolt is still
more severe upon . oeary—he actually charges
him with stealing the best written part of the
address. Hero is what he writes :
'ghost - who- , ;have mead the thoutathat .are
stave of a rather striking variety of style in
the eomposition.. The carts of this ,ney be
briefly related. Tile moorage as rorightelY
prepared and placed type, was but s little
more than half ifs preseatierigth. - When Mr:
Dungloon, the Golfe/noes_ private Secretary,
came to see the productien.,he,hints4 to Ges t
, Geary the propriety of dealing more vigl . rotte":
ly with national questioner. The result was
that Illr,,lthoglesou presented to Gov Geary
in erritic g a terse embodiment of *hie on that
subjeot, with. rber,suggesitho Ihetithe ring' part
of the message be so Molinari is to embrace
tbeth. letetead,of doing-re proposed. the Goe.
ere an .tak leg th
_suggestion made , wrote them
eat fit-n different Shape: lid they AM) eared se
the etnoladieg part of the Wares!. The per
tithe relating to peetictivesariff wee written.
by still-Another hand..;These particulars have
come to 'my knowledge in - ouch set authentic
wai t and [teem to be so borne out by read
ing of the address itself, as to render their
truth highly probable. , Eat personally - .
'know nor how:the ton% may be ;
I tell the tale as 'twos told tri'me." l •
Poor renegade Gea7 ! It ie bad enough to
hare he contempt-: of . all his former friends,
but to be iirtnally' disowned -by the better
portion of his new allies, tofore he has - fairly.
become warm• in hie aest,-is a degree of shame
which may Weil fdruish.a warning to all who,
like him, sell their Principles for "a mess of
pottage." „ •
~ Detectors Orsaairiox.—We are requested to
publish the following, from the Oswego Ad-,
yertiser of. t4e . ltlth • -
""Dr. tist6. the calialareted sayseon. Yester
day perfartihk meet 'delicate °pastiest; .at
770i0knei1l . 11 nrISELlikt ei little dlejletlfer''Of
rtir. John Dort:Der, an employee of Briggs A
Condee. The ehild h two years. and two
laon•bi old,.snd hal:teen affected with
bar in the eye far. some time A s Slikts 'iotr
ago her fither presented the case to Dr. L e.'
.4cm; who then -retched to operate on it, fear.
ins that, although: the operation might be
a Boum as far as,.removang the Antler was
concernpli. pore:atlantic disease might be in.
doped. ' Sine&thet time Me. Dormer. hat ...11P
idled to essay eminent physicians and star.
Who,gsre the' emu. opinion and refused
to - operate. - A short : time- wince • the matter
brake, hunting thelittlegirt its In extremely
painful-aid dangweens . condition; the _proba
bility lasing , that, death would-,anon follow.
Yesterday, Mt :Dormer -Stain -presented- the
cue to Dr. Lista* ' lining ;bim Oat ,he was
anxious to sere the life of the'etalld. If possi
ble, hut being out of etapitiyesent, he could
not pay him for the operation. - The doctor,
after bipleinint Wirthe danger to the child,
agreed to portant' the delicate-operation with
out pay. * The ebild-was put under the influ
ence ofshiiinforecoupt E Dr. Liston proceeded
- to perform , the most trying of enegloel tasks,
removing the ey0; 1 att.:operation which the
strongest, annstitutloo, , .not Mader the infiu
_ once ofsnestheties, sbuld not nedergo with.
oatehallt. - The - dobter 'Was oeticietelystio-,
Sessfhl, andlait idea the Child .was resting -
Iran, end hopes were entertained of her per-,
histtettg effe" . - srer7-”
• ILlfessl3%
&wan OPTIC'S Beils•astketiza)ttaasurn.
—Thlikoe einditatafor TIMED Morse tuned
gwary - Meek by Lee 41310P5e4, 149 Washing
slie 8t ; EiSton, , Made. It is jtistwhat As boys
and girls Ottia• The reading matter, Eludes.
- Gl:invent/style of , Orbiting all reetunseeka it
ie-.e work mouthy. otpatroettge, pecillarly
adapted la the !riots of the ytinni.; -;•-• •
lifiAttitit...--We' 'pre ledetifiel to
his publedisii:for, - the:. Pebraart,tutnbeg of
• Redidles - Monthly with the ihilivutg ironic! ts
11111,0eitie; ti:Ooetti; Bnekte Mud:Wed; Who
Namlinfoontillits4); , -Tee itidhinParkel Lan -
AAsp p f Esperfeece; Gone Astray,- poem
eggleisu4 , 3 ,Auttikiortiphio NotitC-Ed..
fraidalleti-Poe; The filitry.of ifSify ; Ins Din;
Thif-Crt for - Help; Diamond- Cut Dietocind 4
rolinlit Viols Hisfseeting, - Animals, -Birds,
Adet;-.(iresablaw in fillietai s'
Godey fir Februsrrorrens with -floe steel
plate 7 .- "The Lost Money'!—Mitleth tells ita own
story, , fellowed by two • or th ree weed outs of
t•Cilt EllutiPtMlets his Arrom,"- itValenthoe's
Day," eta. The illustrations are the very
highest-order of the art; and the literary mat
ter cannot be excelled. Terms $3 per year.
Addrres L. A. Goidey, earner Sixth end Chest.
nut eta., Pbittidsiphia.4 • -
The Atleoito 3fonthty 'tow- February. ie to
hand , with- the failltrins table of-contents:—
.The litiardin&Angel, Part II ; M , ea; Charac
temetbas of the Elizabethan Literature Gee.
Dedillion's Knight.; CoutioJostrailism ;
beth's-Chamber Katharine Mort*, Part IV;
A Drift-Wood Firdl3:ll4_ 13. late. A Posit
flow Mr ; Frye mould hierkpretiched it; Gln
ceel Pbenostatts in MazeterFslre..Alesselr_s_;
The Guerdon • 11eieilrotione nt.inhe Vender
-'-en. -the kraal, ; The' Republican Misers:
..Theßtand-P4int of the Sosrdioteliouse; R e -.
views and Libriery • Notices.. Ticknor &
"Virlierptibllshers; Boston.
- The
• lumber-- of -the Old Guard
oprns• with- any , able . and • exttanstiee :article "
front its editor. mitititet,. Congress, oPta Con'
tress." which- emery' Democrat and Republican
in the to d ought to regd. jobn,Emenoneket s
second article on t The Battle of :Port Repub
lic," is more sketchy 'Wm the' first one on
0 3isnossas.” — Tbe "Capitol of Washington," ,
from .tittegraphio ben of John R. Thompson,
,firokfrly editor, of the Southrtn-Litentry Memo:
senaterOs it dashing description of the present,
condition Of, that 'structure. _Prof,
,Vs da
ecription of itee-"Alhambra' to almost Neal'
to Iril• nit's.,:,'Thlo Magazine ha famished as $3 •
year. Special inducatimits add premiums are
Offered to clubs. - fitimitnetroopiea mill be sent
for 25 cents: Address Vat_ Eyrie; Horton &
Co., No. 165.--Nattsau rt.. N. Y.
Tun Sommt'o Oar ti es s. biro. Ann S.
Stephens'. aut6or of "glades and Pamlie,"
"The Old Homestead," - "Hart Dorwent,"
forbe }hires.," *gibe Gold Brick." '"Silent
&toggles," ' , lON:tied WiSs.P' • "Wife', Se
trot," -100., etc: . Cloth. Prioo2.
Noo r ia defy that Mt, Stephens posses
ses eh spawn of litOtheillt A most absorbing
novel.l r o Tholioldier's-Orphosts" is not cane-
tale-of the &Una of
tine. *hub pr o b a bl y Ko wa, HAW/ RAIZ Ruyan
F. lilt occurred ascots of lbw *Shin 'Um past l'unqiist 1 0 9 01 sPlassitnt far ("daring Itri? bale
years. - .Tb• scene- of bey -story-is btill ate sal Omar* Prorl4l3lll its Mktg eat sod pro
esmearfnagi, apitt o p le s tes nu b ha t N is t - isetist lb /mirth; nig Man Bilinntifal noir ibesiiing
MM - dealing in hot toil mob bi th e . p u bu e Ft..P.RALL k CO.. Huhu% N. nit Prolfriatals: -
min& sad tiblebrbave itst yet limeade Peens at Sale by all d2b13141. • :
. 63 lilt the WinidiSid of patriotism.- - Is dot,
' the book Is one Of lite better kind ' - orstoWelit,` sgjanmars LlMOnaucTujiliiiihnorloiwriv,
Ind worth the reading. Ibuseeow.- - Se INV raerzettl*Cca
ledgv 4011 tlis **el Arra% -Ahem tied - Dimon
_ _ _
' 'o44ll.4rodif bovollimato lo 111112811011,with nit
Attics laitittlecat Awksor S-coillel B l ll lP magi Ot 14111 /11 aided WO
_flWeistsif tr 6
and.sscond administration, no fliptAmstmso, 4--aigs..camosagr.AMlLlialiMill7ol%iksrsol
'mg us oitt foo Os fob.. isiodowswigh" • 1 ians.l 7 ; •
siblikitlipoirAilitri,ategMtph - : :- .i
-- iitivel:
Curtin from utter smack in the i thoddy frauds.
•=l:ll2rrisartrg Tekgrgh.
ii a.
-Yee.- 'Will t t was for your interest 4 o
dover hispaquencies then, and you lied,
esopl ly: € likat Curtin was saved from she
ottiuptitis aeeduct entitled him to. Had the
trtit#l,Seetriflown, instead of being elected &
eectO tie*he would have gone down to ib-E .
unitly. btinded with the indignation .of *
swindled and betrayed people.. What matt be
thought of a sheet which acknowledges its
knavery, - end makes a public bout of the
fact ?
— , lltihaaatUMAlLAWMPlPAilresatAßY# l ! - .,
burg, last week,, Mr: Quay; Curtin'e us adidate
for Speaker, introduced a bid ilo'prorlde for.
holdings Convention to revise and attuiod the
Constitution of Permsylrania. (striki n g the
word WHITS from the Con;titation.") IA this
what the Redlesle promised the people — in the
last campiugn
WiIAfEIIOULD DC DOSS —E , fref young rasa
le the country, shonld he not 4ally f educated
for busroess, whether he intends-ea follow Com
mercial pursuits or not. It is within the
power of every intelligent, enterprising young
man to prepare himself iti s!shortlime and es
a moderate expense to till suocessfally almnot
any , positioc in business. The beat and
cheapest place we know of to secure lueii en
education is the Iron City College, Pittsburgh.
Pa., en'histitutien nestantdeely known as, toe!.
in dna moat thorongb, successful and practi
eel Business College in the country. ., , •
Disratntrnons.—We 'would call t , attention to
the opinion of one of the leading papers of
Canada' n thesubject of Gift EatorPrires
""Most of oar reader: bare no doubt read
come of tho: 11 4Plar01 1 f ,gift ,Cater rise, Gift
Concerts, so., which appear frotitime to time
I:vibe-public prints, olferiog most temrting
bargeins to thou: who will_ patronise Awn.
lassoatessesthesears giganticiinnibng t;
tf; But
thotolloo few rollPsolablo Arnie ,n.h0. 0 40 bus
nese dna/glummer, widths/ di, it Se • zgeAcc
of increasing their- wholesale business, and
not co mike money. Prom such firms, it is
true, bantsome and valuable artiob e. are pro•
cured for a very small sum, and what it more
important, ,no ono is weer' cheated. -Every
person gets good value 'for his dotter; herattie
as an have stated, it Jo intended to act al en
advertiiiement to focrease.their ordinary. bus
trase,-, We hare NOR numbers of prises sent
out in this way by Sherman. ; Watson tr. Com
panye of Haase Street,./1, Y., and there is no
doubt that souteof the articles are worth eight
or tan times the money. paid for _them, while
we have not even or hooted of a !Ingle article
which was not fully worth the dollar which it
cost. lint this is only obe of the eseeptions to
the rule, foria a general thing the parties en.
gaged in This basins:l are nothing but clever
eirindle4.—Saturday'Reader ' Montreal, E. a,
Jan 13, , 1566. • deelo'66-151. •
Ross's Germans's Funstentin
—Mr. Warren L. Ross bee taken the store
lately conducted by Justice, Ghrecra Galla
gher, and fittedit up with everything awe , a
ry to make s complete gentletnen'sfurnisbing
establishment. It is stook °teeth s, sassimeres,
vesting. and ready made clothing is superior
to anything ever brenght to the city, and we
defy any one to visit the Store Withent•finding
:something to suit his taste. Mr. Rees has
been very successful in securing a cutter who
is not surpassed anywhere. Underhisskiliful
supervision the concern is tnrning out work
equal to the.beit Eastern establishments. :NO
person can have an excuse for going abroad
to get•clothing while !testi 'affords the votive
niences that he does. 'ln addition to his other
goods be has sties
' a superior stook of hits
and caps, hosiery, collars, cravats,—in short
anything that a man wants' in the clothing
line can be. got at Ross's. Cell and see for
yourselves. , je2l tf
• , Fott states& years 4 was sorely distressed
with the Asthma A greet portion of-the
time i wee usable to -wowitosserst-irequeretty
for weeks at-a time.„ ,I could obtain sleep on
ly by setting np in i s chair. being unable to
breathe in a lying potties. •In my long
search after relief. 1.. of coarse, tried many
medicines. but 'all to little or no porpoer,
I' nsed WORN Compound Extract of
liatart Nog.- This met my ease at once. and
the very great relief I have experienced by
neing it convinces me alio.. it iv no more than
my duty to mak. the fact pub: c. that others
now Offering ae I need to Nutter. may anow
where and bow I obtained my relef. I have
also need the'same preparation as a liniment
isiii4st Colds with goat natisfactlon, and con
sider it a very useful article and . one that
fettilly-lemilti Ala well to keep ebont
them. Alaimo EDDY.
North Jaya, -N. Y. Arg. - 2111.—oct2U-If
ir you went_ a correct likeliest co to
'Winger it So.'s phoirgrapkr rooms, 1328 Peach
street,'above llaying introduced all
the latest improvemen taih the art; they flu
ter themselves they can satisfy the most fait
adieus. They have 'the .'moat pleasant and
airy, rooms this side of the eastern cities, an
improved background, hisutifill nide 'decors
.tions and a large life sited mi. roe, in which
the subjetitti can .took themselves mivare in
the face while the DictUrer is helog 7 taken.—
Thasky light is the largest in the city, and
pictures catilte !alien low cloudy day - as well
as in the Otrarest. - 8ept.18.4.
Coma. t.faio. otirtßon Zygote rifintoOs Mow
fatto attoation, awl should-be cheated. It allowed to
ecouttatte Irritation of the Loop, a rmakooot Th oat
Maras, or Consumption. Is o etete, the melt.
hiving ailed Innovate to the puts, give tmotedlota
Wier. Pm.
' • • 0 13 . 41 8,P 2 4111T ,
ab 4 Thro4 - .lliseto9„ Troches in ,i.d Mous
good 1111.81* Bbrieisitod Pohlte Oaten wilt tad
.Tkoehes,istint in eteirtor the iota wheatekes Won
eittitas reltaring tit; throst - after so
Itteistal exertiostot timeliest ovum "t't oche. Ise
tereVoite" salied Mier - pretty pheetetstes, and hoes
bid.trafiloWati trint.eistueit thiciukttbot the
'amity.' 'Maw to 'rude of aisifi r iaa *tog
proved their *Mem hy Wait of mow, Jests oath Jeer
Cads tionn Is now [parities In Tattoos parte of the
world, and the Troches are antrsteany roisounesd bet
tar than other articles.—
01114 W Malt !Brown's Brood:dal Smarm," and . do
not tabany of the *amble's imitation( %id may be
oared: _ Sold iraorywhime. no2O dm
This grad atediebse eared t0r..1. IL thaw at, the
Proythssar, cdPalmaaary Cam, when it bad
swoweed fit mod laralldsble awl. sod when weedy
Atha swathe to be tissettable. uletiethasyro
aositeed ble are Inestrabb whip be eammeneed
the we of thl• simple tot seraredhl remedy. ills
he~hb wee rotund to- e !err duet thao. lad aa
sales of the Caere bee bees entetwoded, fir an
tboathntataa quietly thasseased. maths them,
weighs Is those thats•the health* eautula
Wee filiethevern be late anted his seediest
see shateely to the cam of aziamag h and the
-theme villa am =WY easeetheled Mat %lad
, the ethos !dieted by bit mailetaas bath been vas ,
-nausea sad _truly wandsettaL Dr. flathenut
asabahrottedemid AIM toonast of Vialinpiidifief
reektr, *thee be be is ithee memo of mem.
the tilt they eel the thew ansarnsthleto
esthete te be Mid aat of theft eartlago, sad to
a kir. tatgtbe beinkr, totell perseek
_TOMO. sae Mallthlitlal PELIsil see etheseahlY
all reqethel be. theft, Conesasoiaa—lliel direr.
•Um ethoth/laulrellibs Iblethe, one ase take theta
withal* laths D>± Beltheet, De - when te la ow
' "WM SS bee baillldas. 310 germ abhor tree.
hie the hlthree'llithstit
:ram atom whet embeds*, that the two
Discs to et ilia theke—eme what is the ithelthee
of Cathathelkia." sad the atheras be now lie,: to
seethe bathbeese on the Gareresemt
Beth by all Drenthe and thileza. 7 Plitt* S3JO
Der tellies is the tall[ deism. lOUs she
Melee dosed altheshe ahead to Dr. Ilebesein,
Pemba Oath, 15.2i0th air st.„ phiaaahms,
Gempre,Wirdepas dilute: Dam BMW al CO,
lit. T.; it. i..Thria* Bilfttinges la 1 Meth D.
Tark. thadaseth Mot Welker TRAM Meths
11; CollUthateese talgeate4S 4 w•es.h3e4rre
71r stabibi — eirerraillruswilag" - .- - - - ------- - - 4 1Vir: AL.gEE.Ar. _IIONECK.,R; ..
rat preparing, net . atter tad Itesollftlet the *Ulf, and
Is the most delfghtfal end eroltdeffai ergale the world 1 DE 41,L8R8 IN 'BEAT,/ EaTATE
over endued. - ' 817 STATE ST.,. ERIE. Pk ' 1 ,
' r —Weisto' ...........
Loupe rill end It not ite r a . mowed, t c , ys. /
iitin‘nlitirs old Ulf Of the holie lint also a dosinteat
1 New tram* bona. a/PO*3 *tree*, betreen 24 ~,d
estillitor Om toilet. It it 1 4 Waif Pelfuta•el444• • ' la. Tr*, yi. Lass 161 4 +toe law—troy eey
, ! t l '
zi t !. d i p awest. wpm Itteleielltiet Nes warstetriftsesOffooy on ed stew t. bete
*, of the fragrant ' (730thot tho the yo u h . wag - t it ei, c oosh , oo ~
,odoreepte cat of Wm Led Woe ! ,:: ' tern". P 011a.44.11 stria Impailately.
Thm hoosetirtt le* Streedeetween POLO sad et"
TRIG WARUL 07IPXR13. , WM.' I 01.11 . 42.4 hr 142 each; pries in v. 44tata tarp.
, i,i ii i i , azit besitobs. podsaw , ooks „ is hatoo 01 , or Tram" boar MI Nth street between Meat* aid Pew, /
pomemeinn lot of A p ril
mist. eta the tumor
.oth which ft mho to the T e e m bones .. en Illith strew_ *, Ne s tweet' Pee* sod %IP
Wm: IatINIM by 1418 .111 be sold at • great bargain,
itsederteldef lad person is unevesleed. Foate_apd..fot po ftlk , etre2.. t. b.t w en,.- Perth see o.
The above YU** for $ll5 by all tiniest, ad pa " 7 300 ... j gd 4 4,1 0 1 1 7 . 6 i r drea ll t r i Zt. 4 : a r i e r Z:::n in ,
aujinli at apa bottt• sub, gat brexptey to soy Wale lot 42.4 h. 165.
, Ronmera .d two lot. ,' a 6th streat;'between Poplar end
ad**, try th e prep totem -.— 1
• . - Cherie. Prior Into and teriesesir. ,
T. W * mar a CO..
~.,:. r 4 a lll . I
.0 b t ;; (. . 1 1 , 2 fig
; e n tra n g betty Leaz i s o o . .. nd Pa.
UV LI/WO Shoot, Now Tor*. ',-, Trouteosod to.. Iwo nu breech ellneetS;tween 4th a-4'
lith; terms ea., p. c . , Ow . -
Moms and Int oo error. 6th ;id - . elemern 'treats, lot
R 24( le (*Leen low, on long 'Wm.._ -
Sersind doe meidenicat. magma le prier from wo o
t o ore one, to the lost tneetto, r in lbw city
Raua anerint on east th atm., Whom Fr eud ,
and Bone 4, with Pars troll tree and aptaeld mune,
goose sod lot on west assenth strost e , teeter on ro e ,..b
Pine brick hollow on Pfth sliest, between P e e, ~,,.„!
Wick bones on sett Six 'b strait.
Wine and lot op 'south side of 19th street, third dor p
from easier." '
Hones and lot os irderth Moist wean sy Om, ...d
(in c e * and lot on Pamerelh betrao 12th and 23'2
street', as deer from 12lb .
aria hoar* with Steen of label. in Water ord The
re aliber es of Col.emembell.
Brick tnnesioe 11•btline.t, between Peach and fuse -
fr.; 'widower of Wiles Boyle.
Prins beam on 11th a mt. beteg! to Par!) end S*l
- lot 823: hp :65. .
4 lion:rrAcrtraE
gami% oil. MILLS AND TAME% -
060. RlELTttir, Prottd•nt.
V. J. ► LLOPRLL,Elapirtint•ad•st.
JOHN L BLtP. Savatary and Yrs one er
-- •
Kiettreertand by the
Met atteas tortes. Hee doable the Dower of any other
Enloe of mutt sue
Parties the Irish- to
abediewit the'r bother. nn do we by Willie
Restos, whLeb worts the Menet Mumi
dwzbtertbe power front the eamehoLter, thee eirefor - bi
ateL - sonffn-tt
Nos. 23 and 24 We.. 4 Park, (Beatty's Bloek,)
Wholesale and Retell , s '
ROCE ,Rf R ,
And dealers In
coumity PRODUCT
"LOUR, PORK. 71301,
TOBACCO, sEGAR/3; &C.. lit
Ru ciuditias of Ain't,/ arid Oils
Agents for the Clare Wed Rile twee ezd Blown
rar A . boles sod froth sloth sloops kept on book
which oth 1 be sold ot the lowed agues.
We pledge mooing not to k node:mid, awl (kit* 41i
to giro no • call.
rrTh. high Pit rite paid for country prodae•
malre6 ti
IT; A1;1111010/ to CO.,
Manufacturers of Photographic Material:,
Wholesale NA Retail;
is addition to oar main Madness of Phothgraphic
zradfrrilday ire are headquarters for the following. Mu:
Ster•Oreopos and Stereoscopic Views of American and
Forel Sp , cities ard I andecap.Oroupe. wtatuary, at..
Sforearweide View* of the Werarom mbratirea made to
the efZiOul rampaigns, and forming • complete Photo.
arephio history of the great mutest. Stereoscopic
Views OP Oleo, adapted for 'either the Magi* Lantern
or Stareemapc Our catalogue will be gent to any ad
dan 04 remlot of Stamp Of Photographle Albums we
maindho nr more largely than ony other home—about
200 varieties from tO etc. to $5O each. • , qtr Albinos hare
ths mutation of bring euperfor fa beauty sod dura
bility,* &ay others. Card plibtortaphe of Generale.
Statesmen. Acton. ,ko Otir catalogue embraces orer
efe thongsr d difterunt tutjects, beading rafrodue
floss of the moat celebrated engravings, Paintings, Sta
tue; kri Slintographcre and others rdertog goods C.
0. D., please remit 25 per coot. of the amount with
their order. The prlestami guilty of oargonds cencon
fait toadi fy. nolt.dui•
OP HEALTH Prepare for Disessie
WARRANTED to sore Chests or eny of the above
disuses in their worst forms. A were tam of Cholare
has been cued with It in SO minutes. proof of which
wilt be alma to any wishing it. No cue his seer been
lams Tn 'which titans&
Pripind by DR. :OEN DIINDETT, of Weileyeills
and sold by blab and at Um et re of P. A. Sinker. Erie
Patassl.oo riatorts.a. Birewra 01 Corxrmarra.
Rae barn tested Prr the last 20. ream and given com
plete satisfaction. it (wreathe following complaints:
Pato in the small of the back and hips, with • pulling
weight and beating dove when long on the feet: Pain
in the sida,low dowoorith palpitation of 'be heart: cold
fat and diadems of lb. head; Pain between the shoul
ders; week stomach; nervous agectrons. etc.
Raeommenditions to
in the
vomit. of th is medicine
could be gins by lbw undred , had the time Bad
room. The best plan to bny a bottlr, and test it foe
Price 111.00. per bottle. • tao'd,br Pr. Bennett, at his
aim m Washarrilla, and at P. A. Backers atom Erie.
♦ raim ISIOUSILLIIj 97X gent,
ono-half ettanwi, with
0,11 0000 IltiMl
S tore o ar rot farther particulars enquire it the Drag
t .
Wu. Nlrli & FONS
Comer 7th and S tate SttNtl
SAMUEL. 11AltwOR * CO..
Noa 316 and 117 William Street, New York,
Envelope Stanaketanire. lodating se. ry • etrle 01
-east Mary, note. letter, Vete; pry. drug and porttol
Also olf. aunts far the Irrloe k lion 'llllli
Welting Paean be the sue or ousllir iientlta. Yrin
list with aleph. net h mail when requeted Dislus
deel&lni tutted to eaU and szamloe stock, stlles, prieei, he.
'TOR SPINIAL 0•61/1.
feePait tafonnat;oo. idtkAltio kiirbtst tatassoisels,
oleo a Beak an Special Thames, lo a maul 5w00 10 1 ,4
sent hoe. Or Es rare lad and for ekes, ore urea
WU met revel k i tot, sr•sdrnMis•ag rbrrtelasp ere
elorredly oopesters,lntturot refrreaces to - straw,
should be Wooed. Enclose o stamp for natio% and
Mont to DR. LAWRViCF, No. 14 BOND oritErT.
211/W FORS. oorlYelf 3y.
lie tow readviag demi: old shod. assert= Maas
State stmt. a tarp_ sad superior stock of
thesesis% Pfteoas, Iraa. i
Wino!, T ro oads., sad We Witt.,
• Mits. Vats. ha, he.
?wart vita evssyttchte Mat in s noose at tido
klad, whisk they will s/0I u cheap ss say other setae
themsalt le Oda WV to: Cash an moat Web of conotry
predass._ - - •
Thas lasaatasea head cm of the turd sad dust
Illeisttslassa sad dome ever kvt6t
shish Il et atotte %hesitation crew to Seta to
sff sadasees—s ateedssispeass Is bettsr thea
turisteop shil=mcistis asdi hems win tad great
Jur 11.1/111-6 IL aIinigINULIM.
144 . 1 by 147 tom 14 toot alley, on north wed comer
Ettatosad 1011 street.
24 feet by 100, on S'o.t• itreet, between 1"1" . tad Iltb,
Pet side. .
,21 feet hy 100. east aide Stale • tr“, comer nt
21 feet by one hanelted,enet aide State steset,Miointerg
Bela stole no State rtreet, betweeaTtla and Bth s'e
Lot =26 by 165.
4010 165 south Ws of 10th street, plat of out lot No.
III:shoot state of o.ltlvition; btict house, with goal
toms and ens ortbard.
. . . .
42 G 47•11 on Gespal MIL all roam from grin—toed re. ~..-.
chard; 56 aer. ea timber: acted grata land; well watered ;;',
/00 arms on Law Road, four solla from grie—hozot 2.,'! ,
'torn and gond orchard. , .
.. =..
108 amen near Harbormeek; good grille land adiehr i
tog Capt ffition'a. t,;.. , ;
60 at of hrsolnet timber lead near Concord Swim,
on Ihe• P. k rt.ftt.; eery chea . ~ •
Pseud p.
other rood farms within' t wo riles of tin ': •
oily. . . ~
. - ..
. -
liO. . . .
seroontl.cul, two and one•hitlf milgt.froto Erie, to
irittlertiret rood, bowie, two bans. two orchards.
lit antes in Gre.o townohip, two anis from Eli..
65 scree two-m.114a from file, agar Mart Rood. node ~ ..- . .1
Ono mitirstion. -r , i
• Wrenn sear Flarbompook, on LA* load, near Fos? r',...
Rile Cr• k
A law amount of Oil Lana and producing 'rolls ie
Pennaileadia, West Virginia, and Canada, ars offersdin
extremely lo• prices. , n 0224
TRI3 great line traverses the Northern and Iferthwei
counties of Penneyleanin to the etty of . Ena.
Lake Este. , It has beerleased by the Potaiptersge Rd
rend Company, and la nperatad by *M.
11411 Trade
Erre Expreu TraSzi.
'wren Amn....
Nail Train 715pti
Erie Expre.a Train • 1000 ac
Worm' A =Om 400aa
Passenger urn rte through no toe Erie Ilan and tt
press trains without change both :rays tete:eon Ybdigei
phis and Fine. • •
Van York connection: Leave Saw York at 000 La,.
arrive at Erin 10 00 a. m. lease Noir York at 501 s
m.; arrive at re. 718 p. m. Leave Erie at 030 e.
arrive at •Ner York 440 n. m. /XI V* Erie at 10:1
en,; arrive • t New York 10 10 a in.
Elegant Sleeping Cara on all night trttna. -
For information respecting Pasaanger bnalneee
at corner of .402 b and Harker eta . Phi a, and for 1ng.:;13
nominees or the Ciimpany'l taints,
S. B KIisGSTON, Ja m esrntr tab sod 'target `taro's,
Phi ladalphia.
BROWN, agent N. C. R R., Ba ltimore.
H. H. nounn.-.4. oen•ro 'mot Agent, Phila
H. W. GtVINNER. Gen. Van art. ndla,
A. L. TYLER. finnan' Superintendent errie, Pa
NEW itift3l• ,
- James P. Crook, having Wren in hii min. Jame 1.,
as a pullet. 0a the Ist des of Aprll.lBB4, ander tart"
minas ofJAVIN P CROAK & BON dashes in' bare int
Dement of his old see - aunts. All parameknowine am.
aslau Indebted to Wen sr! MaartadNn all and agt34
aithoat dilay.
110i1G11 . Sr. PLANED LUMBER
Wino Saab, Ramat, Door. and Biklds,
aad Plant , Pence Serail Sawing, IW - Ehlng u 4
Planing dove to order.
pop on Peaeil qt, Between 4th and 6th Sts., trilol.
Ws rinvPiailiallreall the attentlosiot the online tea • - '1
faelittlee kir &due work, to the tell of eta
and on reasonable tame. Having Stied as
shone, with renerior nsaehisen, we bel midden i•
dying entire iattaliastion.
IMlPOrden hoes abroad will receive tirorcri atanna
mr2P6ll-11. • JAVEa P. (moor* AM.
TOVAS H. JErirgre3oX,i In the Court of Co'
' 11. J. ROBINSON. 5 of it rieCoanti•
Na. XI? November lend, Ma.
EleotaMot to talons the apatite perfonnon
contract for the sale of the following ducrned Lei
plaintiff to defendant, to wit, a lot of ironed What
tbs' city, of Cony, and county of &le storm'
scribed to follow—wog tot No.ll to said cit
ed on the west by Can as stmt. on the ram
N 0.13, on the east by lands of Porinton t Johw
on the North by land sold to Perry Btawari;
lot being four rods vide on Centre street
Arid the Sheriff luur madoretorn to the sad E
the .dsfettdant is not found in this hallwiet. not
one In possession Mahe land to the said one dm,
full the return day , of aid writ being• • ROW pm
plaintiff by his attorney moms and morel the o
grant a role on deendant, to appear and - pleat
writ, sob. elm. ant of Assembly in such ease mu
provided. 13ENJAbilii
Attorney for Plaint
• ow Viva, Dee 17111.186 A. role granted ou del
ant to plead as !wapiti for, to be published as mil
by ant of Assembly. Per Cur. From the reeord-4
toff. dee2o 2m C. P. ROGERS, froth'
A large 4 pp. Catalogite. tesehing how to moors TIC
Freckle', nipple'. Blotches, Moth Patches. So! "I'
Eruptions and ell Impurities of the Ohs. How to fox
*Maker', rot" Curl aid beaatiltr the hairi er
age, ear% o:mahatma, Nervotur nd oor;`
weal and valuable Information. Everybody .11*.Dti fore;
Address DCROISE. MUTTS la CO., Chealiatt, 285 Rtw,
Stmt. Troy, N. Y. so.N.e
Phu%lea "Night Uleouting Circa*:
PlosionSi "Melt ineitsiiog Cereal.
Phulon , .
Phalan's ~ : Viglit Illeeinimig CoreII&
Phalan's '. , Niallai Ellimmileg Ce
A mast exquisite, delicate, and Fragrant Perfeot
distiled from the rare aad beautiful gores fr..
wHieli It takes its niMet.
linnufnalurd only by '
pn&LciN & Nix*, New
- fit/tabled and rats:red soldiers, 'adhere and at.
of slain soldiers. and the unemployed of both sae
erslly, in want of respeetable and pr. fitars
meat. incurring no risk. eta proems Ruch bY
a post paid addressed eurelope for particolsrs
• DR. JOHN 11. nessAu ,
sot 163. Brooklet. Yr
gentleman in the Milted states an hear
' , my with to their sdeantage by r•tura au ,
charge) by addressing the undersigned. Trf
larre of beinghtenbuggedsrill oblige by not na
nerd. All others, sill please address their obid,r
out, 3%04. T.
arettras-tr.-• ; 831 Broadusy,s.
F. A. WEBER & CO 814
Have camasetioscl keeplec•Pratt k Ce.'t
lialatnor• 0 stets, which they will sell Olti:e
can or ewe. Thaw Oysters, ars eostidered
the market. Hotels, saloons and priests
piled at low pew.
and intimation to young Wea—pabllabi
are Ametation s • d root boo dt oborle in
opliit. Address Dr. J. SIMIAN 130( 4, PhfWWI
THS MASON HA it Lim coin%
forty Mutedadapted to pared v.
mos* for PO to WO «en. riftpose
ardada, oe other ant magma awardedN a ll
traisa err. Wm,. NOO Wm
111"1""tmanUti ii=l:llB,Nos Tort. _k
IS tut
ArA;lt Westward
"Ifight Bleeding