The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, January 31, 1867, Image 1

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    Terms ,of Publleatlokh
, a mwiptlon price 12.53 per year, when paid in :a
-13 00, if not pita until the end of the year.
rates made known on application at the
All e^tamunleatinne eboAd be addwws , d to
V.iifier and Proratefor
Business. Directory.
Arrowirgs .er Law. On Um.
r ; .nty. " • newl-liren•
Srer,ny lix'*T+T , St.++et at
• • ,aar T.
Mi. 4,1 rri• t•nnnt
.aa.on. .nA Oltor sndn.•• . c l}l4
• . - 4 1....011 •
1 ' W. Alrorf.4lllll,R.
Arrnplrwr At LAW In vrekno.
, garonilh virmt rrla Ps. • sp• •Rit
. plum*. 1111M11.
• tit• 174 'rpm.
a....nntTRTP 1r , nrgrair.pram l 7 T.A•tr.
~ e ., P•r• rem .lemle n•si• Vor+ll , ,nor the
urrry FTV , I7In.. - 1 •
TT, 1,11, PrAry
71^^k" rtfeb 40,4
. inr.lls-2.
y• ./frPIVT Inneorforgt, vw.
?MDR., TAM re AtelpWrppnw.
•••••pfili attAntine .trey to
f .4 . 1 ,, P111 4 1T , RMN, - ,
Tr4rforr or ruis PraOX. Parl4tfs 1 1 1. 0,
• ,•• ,• Pn , ,, 701, r.rti. Ps
( Flt.
IT , IRYPT it LAw yen irErince OP ray: PrArit.
'^"nn endcleim ncent, (Inn•••rinear en`ieetnr.
-.• in :write enie"i4 nr rolh end
•• • , •tro.tl4.Erie,E.L. . .er1",15.4
Snot rairszynoo.nvx. et Tho now
ream Clila ea, ?ma ^n hand a torso tutor&
?It 111 Orocerira. Prnrinio , irr - Woo I and VOlnv RF44%
irotoloon. to ',Ye/
rol'ulir calla no attention nr ;hp thm
r'rer a. c , n , l ite ran •117 TATit
C IS I'NS . P.'rr t
rITT•DniN AND graerlrAN
rc,..71 , mt 'ark ttrrpt, •svcrg
ro - • ir7.onen of C. R. Frpc.,.^d tlfrm pro7th
eb-reb. en In, streot Ctfi co}lnnt frctrt 11 n'e , •• •
Ar mntil 2. P. M. Thorrome
rtAV. RPRID co..
WbnienCe and rotrill - deal.ty in Anthr-eite
"itnminnua and rtin.obnrc rnsil and ilnanfae
I 0 - 1441 UM" fnnrilolPN, aid preymred fnr bun.. nee.
Flwara nn retrair ath and Mar`la. and
.n7Fr Myrtle and ?tither Ft., 2 I.AItIITO. .eat Of 110
1711:illITiepat, ride. ra.
ti J. VIV VAP?, 31., n., 1
Sinn,n - Dzti-ie Pb;..'..lAro And q,,,...,..,, n .,
oflen Atli r.11.-ro 14.4 N. , ..1 Pf . opnnOtp - ell. Pork
-14.0. e. OFflea houis frlrn 10 to 1? A. 'J.. 3to I P.ll.
and i t , 81. Bf. , ApS•Fm•
Several rery inelwerineen Ritem on Male Rtrent. b*-
4aneri Rerentli and Flehth 4 1reeta ftnnt sfda ■ee f,
fnr rale on sere raasonabln term,,_ if applied
F.nonire of
Vs T 911"
WIT. A.QAT.II3Iti Mt. AV.l3i.
• I`. FIRRI3II*,
11x Attrit n.y Bonn*. epneryritißs.
n‘rd-rntr, Nftiln. Mum, ?rod PisaTT...•tp ens.
snd Peblis Sonars ro, r. ,tl"f
14. U:04110RM;
LIVIRT A viS Rayw Sri PLR. on Ftehth
hntwnon state and Proueh Finn finrsnit atifi CA,
to !et nn roaxntotitn terms
VAL.T.R. sernewEß, riltlelt TrOPS
%fait. ilex. I ove.r. Prowioor of At. saki
~r **er es, and Vet r.,rolloosta. Fri. Ps.
TT Y. 11, 11.
pwriwt. Mare , Fr.nr6 sj Ofronit OM,
rex? enrnor Of Rr.d n.,110.
*-11rrtter. (We. In Powava- gI WA
noweW•TA. .%• P,..4 V.I. TN,
TT 'l4KlValiti, trtt.t T 411.4
• grenmlntra Norton
M.nrhnnln. sod Whnl.nale .1e , 11.r. In CrAil
for V V. /t: R .nd PennTeig Lino nr .tnamons
Fast NMI," janens ly,
%TIT Wi 1 . 6 ,, .1
OITI6a. 2 flnnr nmattv'i Mock We.t Pa_
..or r`rreffnrd. ' , 7ll.rfirn kf;y2nf.ll•• 4 tllT. gPainef
,house Snath of Ninth
hnnra—fl to 10A r. e.
r ,tiltits J. nr,Aligy. -
I , • Arr6-tanrr A. r •W, Rld,r...
~,, rf.... Pt wit , slain nniefte.frin r.lininine enonelps
,- ...1-4n. • ,
'ITM. •IpLitics, .
Tear/4 OID 0 6nr..06 CLOA‘2II Rlnck, ohnvo Tr. Ileneett'x Offire.) finthem
cleaned no short notice TnrO3l as
pompon .0 . ;le. gut El , _ 01121 1T
q •irt it a; MT Flraart,
Franklin. Pa.. ornee In Kerrie ATTORW,I T
t.ihert• T
Pi lh , le ritT, Po Office over KtIIIIN Brink, F r tolmden•gt.
iinftentinne promptly made in al! parts nl the all re
enav 12-em
ivi) OUP, BROWN & CO..
wbn'orollo d..lnri In h•rd ,nd raft enal.
Pot PATIFIZ dtronied of oar dirk prnportr to the
naßts4 firm, VI. nere.a.tilr retire from .rho roxl
t',de. rgenomenrlicr onr In-erritors •ot enainontiv w"r•
PSr nltho oonfldqnno and z,trnnwe on- n l3 f r ie n d.
ar i the nvhHe. lanl2-t'] qC6TT, RINK.; ken
T vTLE: & GOALDItitZ, ,
Rombinosble Sailors. Plfeb fdreet., bl . tvfoon
tb .nd sth, Rea, P. Cant,ro Work. RozoL*W2 and
rofflog ott.nded to prompt'). Clvoolttg dodo in
N.ct niannor. ..015503 If
giteetiona farntelted for girl• of all derteripttnos,
nr.pritato famill.a at Abort hottta.. rha*.tbarmaida,
Sarves, Rnatak.atxra. tiPara+treasem. Wafter. and Ifs•
chenlos of all kinds. Also. hotels, b,erding hoover sod
private ferniFea ettap`l..l with earrenta of all Kea at
.ho-t notice. Don't forget to call at thlv OfIlo•• Co;,
1252 State tit.,F,rte, l; a. J. F. C 11055.
Nvo to et igrew«T from weer York -
Also. receiTed from New York
One latednd kiln of vo. 1 Shore Family Men. • •
the Genuine Cod Fleb art
Menne: k Johnson, "topristons. Dodd Threes and
C.rriares always on hand at moderate micas. j,12-tf
, tie undersigned have openeda new Tobaeeo
;ran etreat,bstereen Stets and French,, (opposite
RaMh &final and will keep constantly on hand a choir,
unlv afterlife., gnat and everything u•nell•
send In * drat clw ?Osseo atom which they will I
j wbolonale and retail. Plug and One cut ebireinv in
1A.,. of lb. beat utivinfactnes. fttitok)ng tobacco, Pit."
'milieu., 'code in great refiner.
vnll'lts I. Frnan k Anirtslr '
N 0.14 Imvien ;Tete% le offe• Ina a very tine line of
, the ntinv inch veil be void at very low priors.
Parsno• wanting an ' , thine. In the atr,ve 1 ne welt and it
rivannieenna to call. Ladies' fors altered and wade
nro, deer tf
• 4 rarts4, of Ch' Pliklu and raper
I .wst`oe Ready-Ili& Under elnlhlna. A variety of G•tifie
Of .hick all( he tent on hand and al.° t.•
°Mot.. Oar goods are aP marvikettred ournltr•ii
glaropfnk., qtitehlnr,Flnticre and "raiding &neat the
ltlinr not fee. tin, a largo eariet• of the latent male
Pellern• for T Raton.' and f`bildron'a Garsnente. All or•ill hi promptly attended to
Peon/44qt hretwoon 4th sod Ath.
lirvARN, rnrit4TlAN az CRAW,
Denim?' in
OtiKUn. AND RLOCK A'D Fkong4
pAPN, 1 1 , 11RIMT/A.V 45.: CRAW,
Z iN^S Rmarr.!-ZrAtiNifr?rgittrirs
I E:tI:IAND. Avrj. for • rown.n.
.AND UL. TIRO powim,l4
Icr RitTol•l4 DF:IOI.ITV. 134uninal Weshueu. *Le.;
.1 Yea he erred by one who hal eared himself and ban.
Areds of others, and will tell yOu nothing bat the f",ja.
adlryee with stamp, • j
best kind - At.
%..' 1 .K ' A T E S 1
Very (Hump, It -.;-.
deel.3lr t ,'. . . 1". C. 5f...1.7n2r8.
de VO.;
TsTrfaroßß. W/SEB, sagronts,' elioAlta, TOBACCO.
- -
Crocr:e7i ' TVillow Ware, Fruil3, Nutt, IC.,
:Iv 61;1 !mars WIIItET,
.!de, tietwaer4tll and oth
Cass paw for Country\Prodaes.
3 ". A. Winn. -
ripir V. Eammurr
4044 By the dozen or slirglo, forts. Imam
`VOL. 37-NO 36
-A, c toilet - dalight -4uperlor to any Cologne—wen to
bathe the fats and person. to tinder the akin soft and
frooli, bit allay inflammation, to perfume clothing, for
boadothar.#e. It to manufactured Irani the rick, South
ern ?Align/ills sod- In obtaining a outflank quite on
precclentecl. it it &favorite with %ctn.'s opera
ningers. It In cold be deals?", at $1 00 in large bob.
tles, tied by TOMAS BARNES fr, CO.: New York, whole.
rale agents
, 'Je• .sal"— "Saintly !^ Solon Shingle said; "they
were thcre; every time" Tf he felt "wilily" in the
worming, he took Pill:ant on'ttitiers; If be felt weary at
nicht, he took Plantation Dittern: If he Ifteked appetite,
wee weak languid or mentallOpprenati, he took Plan
tation Jitters, - and they never failed to get him mg his
pine ennsre and firm. -
w persons emit an► bettor •••therite. but Au sown
may, Jett reed the following: •
• , • • .1 ors much to you. for I verily be
Revs Plantation GRUA% saved my M' ,
REY. W. H. WAGONER, Lfadrid; N..Y.
• •- • "I have tram • raid ant - War from
Oval...rola, and bad to abandon petanbing. • • Tbi .
Plantation . Ritter". hays. C 31.0 1 me
RP:V. C t. MILLWOOD. N - eu• York CH,.
• • • ' had lola & appetite-..tras
seat and enerr ted I could barely walk, and bad a per•
!eel dread of aaeierf. • • rn. Inantidten Rit—
ter* hire Pet mg all right"
• • e , The Ilinfatlon Bitters hate rued
me ors derangement of the Kidneys and crinary Organs
that diet re* e 4 me fnr NA the • charm.
C. C. MOORS 254 TTrnivivray, NT Y."
!'e. 0., 4 ,n;;;VOT., manager of the Yi n ing Florae
School. foi , Statdiene Children. SAWS eli. has to
Nile week and reran children tinder her alarga - with
the tenet hyppy zed gratifying results." W s Urn re
ceived over a hundred car-
Mester, hat no siverilversent 1 so ettect.te as whet
PeNOP emeelooc gay of a good article. Oar fortune and
our rep itatlon le at gate. The arterial quality and
high charecterof these goods will be artetsineil tinder
every rind all cirornetancte They
. ha re ov.dy ob
lathed a gale in every town, Tillage, pay oh ant hate&
einong civilized nation.. Sae. i 1 t.vitnis try to some
near oar name and little tie prisible.tpd became a rood
article cennot be sold se cheep as a fibo rine, they End
some support 'rum pertiee who do not MITI whet they
sell cn . ronr- gneril Rae our private mock ow the
*cork , , P. H. fiR .! CO., New York ottv.
()VEtt A 3111.1.10!" ItOO.AR4 t KO, -
"Get:tremens 1 had a new' fii+i werth'sl . 4lo.arto
took soli from a bad hurt In the Ise, and wee ttuileee foe
eeeta weir I bed used Averythitie• I tordilboar of
without benefit, until I tried the 14'4aq:a KII g Ltim
Treent. It coon effeetei a perevionet care
Montgomery, Ala rune IT, '5O. jJ. L. now Ara."
"T tale pleasure In recommending the Ifellesn Gus
ting Liniment u a valuable and toluene ble 'ankle
for Spralne, Rotas, Gerstein or Gilts on . Hansa - Our
men hare noel- It for Bares, Deafen Germ, Gleams-
Hem, de, andall say it seta like atisee. ,
JawEir. -
rarer:an for American, Wells, Pargo'e and Ffundses
Psarese "
'Th.. sprain of my dauebtere's &Pete, nesesionsd while
skating !act winter, was entire'' , lured in nee week atter
she commented main your celebrated linitang
land. - D. SEELEY."
Glowest - r, llau., Aug. 1, 11915.
It la an admitted feet that the Mexican tfurang
meat performs more cures in shorter time, on man and
tent, than WI article VW discovered. Farailise;
erp-meo, sod planters should always hai • It on hand.
Quiet and sure It certainly is. AU genuine is vrapPed
In steel piste engraving.% be eng the elsortve of 0.
W. Weidorook E ehemist, and the private D. S. Stamp of
DSWAS BARNF.3 & CO.. over the top.
An effort has b en made to counterfeit It Irlth a cheap
stone platelsbel• Look closely. e
It Is a most delightful Hair dressing.
It eradicates scurf and dandruff.
It keepu i the head cool and clean.
It makes the hair rich, soft anallany.
It primenta the bail turning gra . , ind falling
- It restarts hair upon prematurely bald heads.
This Is what Lyou'a,llatharkin will do. It la pretty—
It is theap—durable. It la lltirallysold by theeariesil
and yet Its almost incredible demand Is daily ineresdng
until than la hardly a county,' stare that does not beep
it, or a family that data not ma it.
8. THONS3 LYON. Chemist. X. Y.
Who would not be beautiful' Who would net adlt to.
their trimly? What gim that marble purity antral
tingue appearance we observe upl:T the stage, India the
city belle? It is no longei s secret. Thai use Haffste.
Magnolia Boirri.lta ennthmed ass ninon' Tin, greet
les, Pimples and roughness from the fees mot Bands,
and leaves the enrapiezmo smooth. tranipaors*, bloom
In and ravishing. Unlit. many cosmetics, it COlgaina
no =eeriel injurious to the skin Any druggist' will
order it for you, if not on hand, at 60 casts per bottle.:
W. g. HAGAN, Trop, N. Y., Chemist.'
halmacrell'el inimitabh Bair Coloringia 'not-•
An - dyasats nomposed or huar carotin,
and mo moor lao d atm, the Frfahty and beauty 01 tho
hair- This la the wising! hale eokatng, and has been
Pr./wing to time OM tVIIII4 VIM It 4estorei gray
'nab to Its original 'cedar by gradual 5b007741 , " In
m, st remarkable manner. It la also a besatital Hair
arming- Sold to ten cents and 1112—br all
• - _ av, C. A/Antsiltore. chemist.
BOX 67,/Risigtnr.i Vasa
Laos's EI tile? OP Pram JAILAIIM 0/3101X. Tar la;
digestion, Nannrs, lleartelyn. Mak Headache, Cholas
Illatulenan dxf, where a srartning sitomatant is
required. He careful Preparation and =Um Pa di,
maker it a cheap and ridable 'stele for enlinary purge.
sea. Sold *eery vbere, at SO aka per bottle:, •sk for
I..ron'e' Pure Extract. Taka no other..
atwco-ilta. , • Sold q all breakts.
Ir Wan bar jut °posed
lute doom south of lb* tape, nut 100 l to the
sod Is now poured to famish ttos luaus of Edo lad
vicinity with els feast flatus, made ap le Ow bolt
style by an thesenapitsbol totollose, psalms 11l of Oa
best Ntagtsbasents taifUrslo. = -
Ws bays made 'Nfrlintlasksts to Tee• Pro ail of Go
latest styles sod fashions as soca as tbtrassrasstyed
fa New "rot it to t, idits WAN* ttorsiod WWI.
oar_ We barli slaws auertoroot or Nob ertmuologs."
Notions,.: kr. WU* plum all Ike as oar
rook rooforotorobagoir agate% • _
Blue/tor tad praising &radar hi* oak ail' work
to diorecur thr aortrot moth*. 1641 f•
diall6-if wa n at &dud Ede bz •
Sol& by all Dry&lid&
lAinq -rngsrmwAr, At. Louis, M.
-Sold by all Druggist.,
Bold by al Druggbita.
. Sold by all Draggists
:iota b; all Druggists
Sold by all &outdo.
BAtill;" JOHNSON dr, CO.,
S. T 0 V,_ E S .
Card** In ea Idiot and bed vat of Babbloo/2•
bradaradong ahem the raki , / big raft . known
A ?MILOS COAL wrovz—oTWO snute,
,Th store ts lett the tame in principle ae thli P. P:
Stawirt, and is In every respect Its equal. We MINT tt
for gale with unlimited cold:Kate* In Its melts. TB*
Nagle le sold by to at a•maelt low pries than that of
the Stewart, and is warninted to to all Palate far it,
Thie is beyond doubt the tined operetta' Cooking
titan for hard e o n] in the roirkst. There le na trowels
in either lauding the lire or nnineginir
10 it run Wearily regulated to aware jut each a halt
ela le required. Fire can b►kupt Co It through the night
withoe - 4nm. No one ►ho his ever sot It In ape.
ratio cLyould want to use any other.
Paeans wasting the Oriestal, 0021 be trapplked by es
at Low Figures
We bare the exclusive right In Pennsylvania for
rauntilioturing the celebrated
Also on band, the Model Parlor, Farolit-, clime,:
Bells, P 16 2 .1, Blobs Mater, and Belle Cottage.
Oar stock I. lugs, eonaLting to Tartu follows
- CORM; 1110371 . 0111, (ter wood,
XCOI4O/11,: , 1". VICTOR„
raOGRB,SSIVII. suaa.D.
mainstay. = u.
Including Van's Impiumil—the bat WA* model:
for Hotels, Boarding Mum, Ake
Lad, is teat, enothlas Imolai to pa tilde.
Tux Punic mu lavrTZD to cars.
Lft 'Kamm= owls Geom.
Ito. 1269 PICACH STRUT; c
Three doors North of the Railroad Track,
IRIE, P'2l.
Having opened s sew Stare is the above locality re
spectfially moms* to the stadia that they have as
band ono of the larger. and cost mealy stieetsd
*theta Resiritade Clothing. Clothe. thwoiwwwwei
T act
Clentlasech IPonsalting Good; RI% OW,
110., ever tonight to this inarkth.sil pardweed aloes
the fall in_aiese and tom . sold at th e most rotatable
Arttlif. WO has; one of the beet enders in the than
try. and wlu engage to make rep Maeda g LL the wed
inehloaatda and datable stn.. Oar dock to complete.
is the Dna of oar Sane las bees negletdad.
ylice as sail and woe top youtherfaa. W. warrant oar
itp:Wde tb tatibere represent gam and ear prime ae Low
mop in the WAGNER s KUHN.
Aan a s luirs sfoek of goods Is their Hiss sultshls
Gir kiffiftlyrasots-mmistiss of
NiATOrkcctikKs; witor;
sums AND rum NAM
*And • fan asiaitainii 'an uttata aaaall rapt In
1114Vai1112,10127 stets.
Wadirtirtbafattiattnn to oiraeli it dos ot
011ND/in CLOCKS,
br It* bast WOW avtat 1 1/rd
- aft! rnitifitaint. ® bit . 4 , l 4. i r t a z ..
41i41:41 _ No 4. Boas uet.
OPENED 'IN A ;at,.;4':ll..NcE.
T o 4.4. ._11). D.' N.1:11 T ,
"- '
No. AM 711411
e _Etringt,*itilirdittle, D!POP,
Whimistio wittlikirma Maio INT WI INS mpliated
otedrat ibrelkagesilkAmt.lia• Ost sad
ping tommo—sil •to b. pa
• Clin airs ii•iite wbolsol•
nttalhaad a
NEW YARD. • - •
Bk6B/fBB sunk
ors-aAtr songs roam or lIIIION
smug thejlersoCoal thaw alio ti. dosiest
other ask is lappostion. ♦ trial) on that wiee!P
ag=eaftwises . ow al ; Urals isporkirvifliti.
• -
N 0 T IC!! ,
la fla Colui al Cease*
ra ?las et U. Cc. Pa., No.
lIILiA A. 117 1 MEM.- " 1/7. Merin% nft
i rbs nehiglllikAPPlA~ l 7 Deist .1
Msatkle sem* a miumiliNfew te,_tiAs
athitaborri INN 11 1 1 1 1 *Wild t4it Mt 446 =
10. 1 atiMik AlcsomPla the der *tem IR h•
emit, et wir..fttimallkierg amerte. D.ISST:
imiloriusdai at tO Aids-Mkt at irbisk timesed
1 all poem bitmeall 411111 ab AlB. in
4 620 iq
Oar stock Is the larsoit Imo brined . to the dt7
• mot'
A C.:implode Aarartmirli . of Dress Hook.
Irorni kladet arttaU to the Itistlas
- -
And. he 'ban g • geneeed upeneenent of ,ennything
needed by Connery Maim
- ,
Count* Dwane WO i 12111114 to Osseo a oill We 40 •
stpletty wholesale teas, and popes* tenths at Web
• • press u irfirtoato tt to the aerwstso of Iteltolwola
to ibis 'welloo to aft) Is B,la, lestos4 of owefing
tiatt tar theqs rode.
B. IL Saurian). W. A.Ciainroso, -J. IL Wasp.
Wel=ld reepeettally 6114 the attention of
ano now Is tun operation—kali thus Oil .
aborted. and prepared to houlah tt font nuBlte, on
tto tont&
W. haws expeums for Book.ltsepoi. Booker worthless
miscounts or °immediate,. and mut thereon"
!SU Vaßih,f..
B tazionaftio Lind svorrthini to that? U.
At !Shannon Apo oa. Ins ►each Bt.
oboes Rif !Feed Depot.
. bast amostopeat or Notions.
At Shazotoo k Res, ISIS Posta St
Choreal foe Refrigerators apd didetinere
at Sliaireoolt R0.h.1123 Peach St.
wtWerboloe tr Royal" asiedosird VIZ Cioti.ny
_at etimkna.. k _C. 70 ....0 1 / 1 FROWN
kur and Pa*
at Bhenaoi s ic Cee, '1323 Meh at.
flolebrated Union Am.% Poiret; owe gobs, both
ftj way; - At Sbototon 4 Co* 132$ Nadi Be.
Tar—isordne North Walla% '
- at 'lmmo C0!a,1103.1%th
Sol thee. Scathe andLibens
dolt* Steam _
at on RoN,WSII Pimp Pt.
NV eitills• It,, Knifb and Perk Mahar klibakpmer
- at Shannon itColt' Int Palo* Be.
rn alma to vari.ty—Nalr, AM. lirlak gala s feibe g
Whitewash. Stove avid Casotire Risisitteters
a%BbaaronStCea,l3l3 Rath Bt.„
above the Union RR Depot, Zeto, Ps
Ittir SOlo events in North Waiting Poem. tor the
Arebtaddlan PatenfAstre: oleo Herring Firs sad Teltr
star Proof Sable arid Fairtvaidee Rothe: ,1,19-tf
HEADQVAinfKIiaI Ifftli . • •
& SOH --- L&uX L ECICER.
Am sow swalbisse &SUNS: old W, Amoriona aloec
• litats- strait, a lama sad sawsiar stock at
, Granata, Plaistow, inas, Liquals,
Willow, Woodsy. aad Stow Tram r~r.tta.
MU& Nata.
Toroth.? with imsathfas Dowd la a Rom of MD
kW. which thosvDl son as Wear as say other *stab.
Ushawst It this city tot Csah or moat Idadslaf toaster
lbw bass oho as haadisai of Sb. ilAssiosid Dloid
Kooks 4' Tobacco cad Harws wsswas ttraft. to
which Dm !mitt thairitiadloa of the lis.
and sooso—*.hatalapaaas t ill = lbw
li asi: r =har m s " • IN"
XII* Cries ty-siz seat of land is Barborontek. 'Ms
hoot No. as Sigh% stmt. west of Ityrtio-11
tall! 412)g by Mk as Sertstb stmt. oast Of Lab Loa
Os* lob /4 by 100., De Muth stmt. wait at Nntlis ,
Two lats as Clamant 'Stook botwbow Zbtltb sad
Mons. (by In 1-2 want Two lots 40
_by 100 welt oit
Nigh& atm% Sixth Rowlock Too
s ash Mare
staid. Mim sad lloosoth stubs. Tit by
12200 metal
Nos 1,914.1.110, sad 3,900 4041114 os stork
Ms of fitwastb„ - women 'meal sad BOUM On"
sill bo ormastaly at 0414•1. Vow olliNoto.
Two Iowa) fir 1110 int Nevada elifteL out of Pa=
rods - *SU awes wtb dl tiled tato sosnasest boa w the
111410ot Botto Vino , . •
81r lots ow Poplar strait tetwoosNotostb st r Ittsblb
Two Tots ow gsrossd lows as Pes • stray; ow the
t Buslsous tots.
oso Von' Nt.toootb drat. mot of Pasch, 314 foot
frost on mats Amt. ma Poeta Mott, la lots to salt.
440 sum of shot u laws bads.
A build , ng locos thorzun street
• tam each s high stem of cultingloa one istr
Iron Milos
Ms Madrid sad inty sera of than , Lad to Min*.
Ono voter lot sod dock Wilt cellist@ stmt.
Mx lola on Blith &sot, treat of awry : oo round
Besse lots 89 by 16% as Citing fittest. nut to 11th
Anio„ bUou sod tots is earluo puts est Ms and
moborb4. all of •bie4 an offend on fasorabbi tuns.
giving all I thanes to mono a home.
doe - 8m• 816 umen.l3t.
ftwil4tosS Ar vide P.* 4 Nowt Strwas
Would wispoothas the ationike af the
to Meknes Stook of
11111th ho is &drew to wiLit She
Ens soortsmistuf
I itTGAPa. •
- PIBII , -AC.,
le not ftwossowllL the city, ss be as regard to pen to
ill who ero hthe a WI.
Homo bow anaohnitlv to Imad • sapriar ktt of
tar tbt wholoolo trots, to .bleb b, dirotts kto ottoottoo
ot the "Mete.
Rio e otto ia, Matadi Sash ilanD Profits sad a ran
Zesty alastftF Op Mose • . aprlreatf.'
The asolordpodl kiting bora duly tamodadoaal by
.0 overact of the
hos -ojostood aslactkok mid Comatliti oa Otero agat
• Out saw sod aro of •
ORSCIF.* 01110110.
sla aka% 00/010 , Abe Pottolato. whom hi aft
b' fot and a all ghost. Partlis bootie sal reds to Or
pool - of itFWD or POWs lisisoirlitlid Meade at.
le to then to Mk. Cat dellt WV iambi
to vwlmise is the ant. , 011osigenesisis 11111110101
vlst dw
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4!Nals a pass 7617 1 : 1 141 soft wok M ire. . ,
11160 at M e
oon ottahl toomatolly mead ow**
'havtaa .to we at to sot* sit la that thew
la . TTtoo 001 l thoo ao the at m* amyl- •
• • ff. J. CROWN,
ORM It 'Ol/01TIN.
Lath eararOcoamtukor thophosta„. ' wad
ititib Gaup
• earilydipeehil alma toga :--
Azio trap ou.;
423 STATS . STITET, 1411,
- aosanii.
auscsaa a BROWN isserriwas.
To au - -
Situated en the Canal.
Item Icon Dock
waoixsas AND' =TAIL
1887.. "TEE WORLD." 1887
The attention of the nubile is Invited to the
claims of , THE WORLD" al one of the lead.
log public journals of the country. It is the
chief organ of the -Democratic party of the
United States, and tbe, foremost advocate of
the immediate restoration of the Union. Its
blithest merit consists in its character as as
' Prompt Activity is sz reading before its
readers even; kind of news in which any part
of the publio takes an interest. Jo the Ant du.
ty of a newspaper,"_ nd the facilities of the
World for discharging this obligation are on
e:amused by those of any journal in. the
United:dna:es: Whatever else it may fail in,
it cern:July will cot fail to furnish the news,
nor to supply it with such promptitude, spirit.
freshness, abtindance, varlets:, socursoy nod
candor, that no class of readers can miss scy
thing of interest which they've, wish to find,
The World will !publish documents and
menu premed by political fore just
as freely as' those- prepired by political
Mends ; making its own comments on them,
of course, but. never espy/easing or garbling
thim because they are calculated to dautage
its oen party. Adverse arrnMelta which it
einnot refute, it is content to leave to make
their tall impression. The World adopts this_
rule became it believes no other is honest;
because it conceives that its first duty to its
readers Isle keep them thoroughly informs:l
on every passing sutdect. of Importance. In
politics the World will captious to be the bold
advocate of a .
The unit - aching einstnpion of Freedom, tat
tles, Order and Constitutional Rights. The
insnirMion of its polities: is Freedoa% reolioSned
by Justice; Or. to speak more strictly. Free
dom ours and simpls in the largest collective
measure ; the office Of justice being merely to
protect freedom from encrosohinents; Fres
dout—A the individual citizen - lit his rights 'of
thought, speech, religiowand locomotion ; is
his right to choose hts own food sod drink. in
spite of meddistomilitiipenines laws :Au his
right to make .ny money bargains he - thinks
proper, In spite of foolish usury laws: fa , his
right to buy and sell in all markets, domestic
and foreign, In spite of unjust protective tar
iffs ; in his right to representation in the leg
itimise bodies which tax him in spite of, un
constitutional esti:pions ; Freedom of collect
tlve citizens to :preamble for discussion of
grievances; -Freedom of all load communities
to manage 'heir local affairs without mend
ieterferenoe; Freedom in every section of the
coop try from the arrogant. and unconst Ration.
al domination of other sections ; this large
and entoprehnisive ides of Freedom earns up
the politics of the World, which will never be
found wanting to this capital interest of the
conotry and of the human nee.
And careful, reliable market reports. the
Wood wIU continue to maintain its itruseot
bigh reputation. A paper, publisbed in )he
commercial metropolis is naturally looked t 3
for authentic information relating to, trade,
commerce and Snipe.; and this being a feu.
tare in which the World prides itself, it bold.
ly challenges comparison with every journal
in the metropolis.
The. Weekly World, a large quarto limn,
same size as Daily, Is now Printed throughout
large type, and has th.-lateoletr.aled•w•" ,
',Allure Joanna puotiseea, save one. Its
eztreerdinery emcees since its untie With the
New York Argus has justified the most
expenditttres; which will make it unrivalled
in interest and value to, farmers. Published
1. Its Market Reports embrace the New
York, Albany. Brighton sod Cambridge Live
pipet Markets; the New York country Pro
duce and General Produce Market; special
sad valuable Hop Intelligence; a department
of Agricultural Reading ;all together coin
prising an unrivalled handbook of current in
formation for the Fanner. Live Stook or Pro-
I duce, Dealer, Country Merchant, -etc.
2. A page or more will, be reserved for ee
-1 tentaining Fitnide Reading for the Family.
Circle, embracirigthifreShest mitten Stories,
Poetry, Religious Reading, ete., and a .pars
for the discussion of all' prominent topics of
germsl interest, political, agricultural. Beau
eial, Merely, eta, etc.
3. Its digest of the News is not, like most
- city weeklies, a mere waite.basket of the dai
ly ; only matters of 'Menet. and importance
are chain from the Daily, while the mess of
its contents are prepared especially for the
In every post office' district there ,should be
found some entire, public spirited Denocret.,.
who will confer afavor opo'n us. his nehbors
and the cause by coutiseUn* with his Demo
argils friends and =kilt s determined effort
to form mange a club as possible for the
Weekly World.
The Beini-Weekly World is a large quarto
sheet, same sire ss daily, .which, by omitting
a great mass of city advertisements from the
'Day. Contain ail its news, correspondence.
editorials, commercial *ad market news, cat
tle market and provision reports, and a fresh
and „entertaining miscellany of literature
Publhtlini Tuesday and Friday.
The Daily World Muds complete com
pendium of. and commentary npoo, the news
of every day,
One copy one AO .• - - $ 2.00
Pour copies ON year • - 700
Ten copies one year - - - - 15.00
twenty copies to one address - 25 00
Fifty copies - - - • - 60 00
One copy one year • - = S 400
Four copies one year - - 10.00
Ten copies one sear - - - 20.00
One - copy one year - • - $lO,OO
For clubs of 10 - One Weekly ore year.
50 - One Semi-Weekly a° year.
" 100 - One Daily one year.
Additions may be made at any time in the
4ear at the above club rates.
• Terms, ash in advance. Send, if possible,
Post Office Money Order or Bank Draft Bills
sent by be at risk of sender.
I.We have no traveling estate. Address all
orders and letters to
86 Park Row, time York.
The full truth In regard to the recent
burning of the steamer Fashion, on the
Lower Mississippi, is at last coming out.
The New Orleans Twaes says 'that Mr.
Grow H. Geib, who was paseenger on the
Fashion, thinks there were from three
hundred* and fifty to four hundred black
and while passengers on her at the time of
the fire. of whom there were not more
than *eighty survivors. There were about
one hundred in the cabin, and the feet
were negroes coming to the city on a holi
day excursion, hardly knowing what for.
When the flames began to sweep ,toward
them they plunged wildly into the wah r,
and there was no possibility of rescni"g
them. The twenty-seven hundred bales of
cotton were piled up eight tiers high, and
it was difficult to move about on the boat
' without coming in contact with the flain‘p.
Only those who had presenceof mind, ar.d
I were cool and self-posseased in their
movements, were saved. A few moments.
later in effecting a landing and all 'Kroll
have been lost, so violently did the flaws
leap through and over the burning cot
..The /thugs It Era soya that "the
'unprecedented growth Of Atlanta lithe
wonder of all Who ',int it. Oar advance
ment is' almost incredible. ' The people
have quitted the -cesspool of politics, and
are, goring their undivided attention to
more substantial and honorable matters,
to wit,: the building up of a Cm/ and
flourishing 'city. Merchants: mechanics,
physicians, hinny', • young men and old.
are all wOiking unitedly and faithfully for
tbit important - tml "desissble end, We
have resolved to build tip's drat chow city
io 'serf particular, end no pinier abort of
the Orel% Ruler of events can prevent it.
In Ise yawn at the farthent Atlanta will
be to the SOUth 'whip, At. , Luaith je to the
nsigists West.
Truth Crushed to Earth wll/ Rise ASA&
Once Ibis tw,ft tort, this rivulere sands,
Were trampled by a bunting crowd.
And fiery beetle and armed bends
Encountered In the battle cloud.
Ah 1 never 'hal the land forget
How gushedlhe life blood of her brere—
Cia.hed stronr_with hope and courage yet,
Upon the coil they sought to save.
Now all is ealtn, and fresh and still.
Alone the chirp of flittering bird
—And talk of children on the, hill.
And bell of wandering tine are heard,
No Solemn lret goes trailing be.
The black mouthed gon and staggering
• wain;,
Men @tart not. at the battle cry
O be it never heard again:
Syin.rested those who fought; but thou,
Who mingle , t in the harder attire
For tenths which men receive not now.
Thy warfare only ends with life.. •
A frianditaa warfare: lingering long
Through weary daywod weary year;
A wi'd and many woaponod throne
Hang on- thy fr,nt and flank and nor
Yet nerve the spirit to the proof.
And blanch not at thy chosen lot ;
The timid Rood may stand aloof,
The sage may frown—yet faint than net.
Nor herd the abaft too sorely cut. .
The bbtabili; stinging bolt of flora;
For with their side shell dwell et Iva,
The victory of endurance born.
-Truth crushed to earth shalt tire egain;
The eternal yearn of God are hers ;
But error, wounded. writhes with pain,
And dies - among its - worphippers.
Yea. thouth thou lie upon the dust,
When those who helped thee fee in fear,
Die full of hope and manly trust,
Like those who fell in battle here.
Another hand thy word shall wield,
- Another band thy standsr&wave.
Till trout - the trameet's month le pealed
The blast of teintaph'e'er the grave I
Death Sensation.
'Every one .must die sometime, and I
suppose it matters little in what form the
end trams.' •
So spoke John Gibson. one of a party
of friends who were gathered around a
genial fire in the romna'of our mutual
friend, the Sheriff of L—.
don't know,' said the Sheriff; 'but
it always struck the that it does matter
how the and comes.'
'lf you must die,' said Gibson, 'what- is
it in If ou after a few brief moments f'
'Very true,' the • Sheriff.'
man's life is easily taken, and all the
;nodes have the same result. But then. I
think 4e ought io consider the amount
of auWring or disgrace involved in the
met bd!
oat pertiMlS, I damned, - would prefer
- to". le In their beds.' - said Gibson. +This I
. not seer to. however—l speak of death
v violence. If I were doomed to death,
I would be careless an to the means used.'
'Yon think so now,' remarked the Sher
if; 'but if ft should come to the scratch -
I think on would shun a death that in.
volved suffering' • .
"Don't all the modes known involve suf
'The majority, but not all. For in,
stance. being guillotined would be fat
Preferable to being borne! at the stake.
Indeed, the guillotine is really aliment)
mode ofpunishment The knifedrops. the.
victim feels a cold pressure on the neck,
and then all is over. '
'You are quite eloquent' said Gibson,
laughing. 'What d 3 you think of the gar
rotte ?'
'I have been told that method• was not
a torture.' was the reply. 'Bminent_ptiy
-111611:111 have informed me that, 'besides e
slight choking sftnaation, there is no pain
in this method. The horrible contortion
end blackening of the face has caused
many to think the garrotte a fearful. tor
tura ; but these changes in the face are
accounted for upon the very Blowiest
much for these,' said Gibson.
'New tell us yew. favorite (if I
'may use the • expression) mode of punish
But for the shame which attends it I
Amid prefer banging,' replied the Sher
'Upon what amends ?' -
'lt is the easiest end least painful teeth
ed known
'How do yon know *his?'
q °t+ had a description of the -whole
affair, from A man who was bun g.'
The party burst out into a laugh ; but
he Sheriff's face did not relax a muactle.
'A joke's a joke, Campbell,' exclaimed
Gibson ' • ' bat this 'yarn is rather too much
for our credulity! . .
'Nevertheless, it is true,' replied the
Sheriff; 'and if you want the matter ex
plained, I /nay as well tell the whole Ito
'Very good,"siii4 Gibson: 'Let's haves
good:one; for it will take a tough yarn to
sustain your assertion.' - • _
The Sheriff laughed good-humoredly.
'Wait till von hear it,' be began; 'Ten
years ago' I was elected Sheriff of this
comity. My 6rst attempt at opening
court was. made during an itolntent trial.
The criminal way a depraved,' desperate
wretch, who' bad been indicted for a bru
tal and .atrocious murder. The fellow
was greatly hardened, and seemed
but little how the trial - resulted. The evi
dence was strong against him ; end when
the cue was submitted to the jury. they
returned a verdict of 'Guilty,' without
leaving their seats.
The execution was fixed for a certain
day, two weeks after the trial. Of *course,
it was my duty. as Sheriff, to put the rope
around the fellow's neck and launch him
into eternity. It was a distasteful duty I
assure you: for, though I knew full well
the man deserved his death, I did nnt rel
ish the idea of hanging him. I got
through with it, however, and sent him
dancing , on air. He did not struggle
much, and I thought be had an easy
death. After hanging the usual time, and
being pronounced dead, he was cut down,
and his body given to his friends for in
terment. I thought I bad seen the last
of the man, as the wagon containing the
body drove cut of the JO yard : but I was
About four months aftertbe execution,
T happened to' be passing my b barn,
when I saw a man pitting in the doorway,
with his bead resting on his bands. I did
not like his look. so I approached
and asked him what he wanted there. He
raised his head and looked at me in si:
Tenets. .1 am mot given to superstition. and
I don't think lam very timid, TM I felt
my blood grow icy cold, as I recognised
In the man before , me the person wham"
execution I bad conducted. Ills face
showed no traces of his violent end. and
the only indication of it now visible was a
alight disfigurement of the neck. I
scarcely knew what to say or think, for I
had seen him hunt,
.and heard him pro.
- fiskunced dead, and addelivered his body
to his friends for burial; and yet, after a
lapse* , four months, there he sat, look:
ingot me with a fans as white as a sheet.
The tenor that was exhibited in his mutt
' Oulu* onnvinced,me that: he was no
ghoet ;eo asked bitn. with at much cool
nese 'PI could command : 'Jack Larkins,
do vou know. mer
• 'You've the moo that hung, me; he •re•
plied doggedly. at the same time, moving
I covered him with my pistol and told
BY • enEastr.
him. if be moved a' foot I would shoot
' What do you mean to do with me
he asked: [Do you mean to hang. me
again ,
it * f a,. strictly sneaking. my duty to ar-,
rest the fellow ; but I could not do at. The
idea of having to hang him again was re
volting. and I determined to let him es-
cape. I told him lif be would leave the
neiebbortniiiid and never come back again
I would let him go, This be readily prom-.
iced, assured me that he would never cross
my path again, es nothing hut s mere
chance had led him to encounter me at
this time. .
'Before you - Larkins,' •I said, 'I would
like - to hear how you cheated tbe.gallows.'
'You_son't neach on any of them folks
as helped me!' he asked.
'No,' I replied, will not get them into
any trouble. numply wish to know how
you Mt while you were hanging, and 'bow
you were resuscitated.'
lie hesitated for Force lime. but upon a
renewal of my sesames that none of his
friends should be Molested, he told me the
farming story :
When t put the - rope around his neck.
and left him on tile gallows he felt a faint
ness sb'ut the hear!. esuied by his realis
ing his , fearful-situslion for the first time;
but before he had time to think, the trap
oraaaprung and•he fell through the open
ing, The shock, of the fall was rather
startling than painful, and did not awn
deco either insensibility or confusion. His
thoughts were remarkably c'epir, and he
seemed to have the power• of seeing far
above.. below and around him. Everything
srptimed a bright vermillion hue; and a
soft, dreamy langour gradually stole over
him. tintilhebeestiteinatrasible There sum
nothing painful or unpleasant' in anything
he had undergone. • ,
He, seemed to be sinking gently into a
delicious sleep, and all his thoughts were
pleasant The next thing he remembered
was being wrung with the most agonizing
torture. • The pains were not confined to
any particular iplace,but extended through
the whore body. His first thought was
that he way in perdition, and was auffering
the penalty of his crimes. The pains in
creased each moment, and at last became
so intense that he started to his feet with
s scream of anguish. at the same time
opening his eyes. Great -was hie surprise
to find himself in his father's house, in the
midst of his relatives. He fainted at.onae
and when he recovered found himself in
leis own bed. As soon - as it was thought
'gate to do so, his friends informed him
upon bringing his body home, they
bad determined to resuscitate it, although
they feared it would be Useless. They
worked faithfully and at last succeeded.
'But, sir,' said ; the man, in conclusion,
'coming to life again was worse than /3g
The man promised to leave the State
and try to better. I bad but little *Usti
deuce in' him, yet I let him go. He kept
his word. however, and a abort time ago
I heard he was a well-to-do farmer in one
of the territories,
- - -
Tate, gentlemen, is the Manner in which
I got my ideas &butte banging; and I think
you must admit their form. • .
Items of all aorta.
Prentice save ti man sometimes' drinks
at his friends' expense—always at hie
A joke from the GerlXlll2 : The "paths
of death—antipathy, hydropsthy and
The recent marrisge a Mr. Day, with
Mies Field, promote this singular anoma
ly, that although he gained the "field she
won the day.
The mambar of persons who have ex
isted on our globe since bagirtoing, of
time amounts lo 36,627,843,273,075;255
more of less.
A printer says he knows it pays to ad
vertise He advertised for a boy, andin
less than a week found at his domicil an
applicant - weighing five pot:lnds.
The beat description for' weakness we
have ever beard is the wag's query. to . his
wife. when she gave him some chicken
broth, if she would not coax that
n itoick
en to wade through the soup antis re.
The wicked fellow who penned • the ap.
cottot for the Bedford - Inquirer of the lone
huuter breaking his leg and nailing his
boot to it, acknowledges in the last issue
'of his paper that the leg was a wooden
0111 e.
We find the following political argu
ment in the Parkersburg times: "Vote
for General Kerne for Mayor, who was tan
years old before he either wore pants or
Artemus Ward says when he bears •the
Anne' Come where my love lies dreaming,"
he don't go. He don't think it would be
"Who made the world I" asked a teach
er of a little boy who had not been long
in idiots). The teacher threatened to
whip him unless he answered. The boy,
feeling impelled to a confession of some
sort,• broke forth. "Well, master, I made
it, but I'll never do it again !"
The latest style of winter bonnets is
described SS a ientage stamp with strings
of green ribbons ; the hair is carefully
combed back, so as to give the air unin
terrupted access to the roots, and the ears
and neck. This style is highly recom
mended by physicians. A box of Sheful
id's Neuralgic Ointment accompanies each
bonnet. •
Szcarr or Gawirs.—Wben a lady once
asked Turner, the celebrated English
painter, what his secret was, he replied :
"I have no secret, madam, hut hard
work ; this is a secret that many haveinev
er learned, and don't succeed because
they. don't - learn-it' —Lisbon is the genius
that changes the world from ugliness to
beauty, and the greatest curse to a great
blessing." •
In his autobiography, published;in 1864,
General Scott ascribed his success Co the
influence of bin mother: "If, in my now
protracted career, I have achieved any
thing that my countrymen ere likely to
bonor in the next century, it is from the
lessons of that admirable parent that I
derived the inspiration."
"What is the chief use of ht.( ad r asked
an examiner ate recent school exhibition.
"The chief use of bread," aniwered the
urchin, apparently astonished at the siqt.
plicity of the question, "it is to .spread.
butter and jam on."
While the late and lamented elephant
Hannibal was Vomiting through Marylsed,
an ancient celored lady, who had . never
seen en elephant, met him on the road,
and throwing up her bands in admiration,
exclaimed, Bress de Lord, what things
they do get up for die war! The old lady
took him for a -new Yankee invention,
and very likely will go to her grave in the
full belief that she had seen the terrible
engine which finished the rebellion.
There are living near La Crosse,' in one
schtl district, five brothers who in two
yeas were married to five women who
ha ei bad before, elevens husbands,,atight
Whom are still alive. Rather a queer
state of fame, well known in the district
where the parties are now all happily liv
In speaking of American authorship,
the Round Table says:. "Oar writers do
not seem togainupon themselvce. Long
felloifilboever written anything so good
."EvWrline ;" Mitchell has never
equalled his first volume of "Renrafiea;"
Hollaird •grew brilliant with "Bitter-
Sweet." and bas never writes anything to
compare with • it ; -Unbilee ,Mtired on the
glory that came from tire' "Autocrat ;"
Stoddard gave vs the "SIMPI BM." and
mottling mace; and Bayard Taylor doss
not mew to him the gld4time the,"
Sonia ros chess-.A eornartsondebt has
a good anecdote of a man who rarely
ed• to go to bed - tolasicated, and disturbed
his pile the',Wbobir: night. Upon histe
iitg charged 6m - friend that be never went
to bed sober, he indignantly denied is,
and gave theincidents of one particular
night In -proof. "betty atoll &M. I got
into bed, my "wife said : 'Why, husband.
what is the aligner with you? you act so
strangely' "There is. nothing the mat
ter with me,' - said (nothing at all.'
'l'm sure there Is said she, 'you don't act
natural at all. Shan't I get up •and get
something for your- And sbe got up,
lighted a candle, and came to the bedside
to look at, me. shading the light with her
hand. 'I knew' there was something
strange about you,' said she, 'why, you are
sober.' 'Now -this is a fact and my wife
will swear to it; so don't slander me any
more by saying I hevo't bean to bed sober
in six molten', because I hue.' .
Q "
gateau o —lf anything in the world
will make a man feel badly, except pinch:
ing his fingers in the crack of a door, it ti
unquestionably, a qtorrel. No man ever
fails to think less of himmtlf after it than
before. - It degrades him is the eyes of
others, and what is worse. blunts his sen
sibilities on one hand, and increases the
power of passionate irritability on the
other. The truth is, the more peaceably
and quietly we get on, the better for our
neighbors. In nine cases out of ten, the
better course is, if a man cheats you, quit
dealint with him ; if he abuses you, quit
his company; if he slanders you, lake
care to live so that no one will believe him.
No matter who be is or holy he *boll
you, the wisest way to do II to let I.itu
alone ; for there is nothing better than
this cool, calm and quiet way of dealing
with the wrong we meet with.
Giza? 11173111Ti1l TROI lurne
—A single vote sent Oliver efOlUvreii 44
the long Parliament ;. King Charles to
the scaffold, and 'revolutionized Great
Britain. Font votes in the city of New
York made Thomas Jefferson President of
the United States, One vote in Congress
annexed Texas to the Union; ma le war
With Mexico, Ind gave us California. By
the disobedience of a lad in 1809 a garden
jzste in Rhode Island was left open, a pig
got in and. destroyed a few plenty, a quer..
y .1 between the ownets of the pig and the
len grew out of , it, which spread
a.. ong their friends. defeated the Federat
candidate for the Legislature, and gave
the State a Democratic Senator, by whose
vote the war of 1812 with (heat Britain
was declared.
A father came home from -his business
at early evening. and took his little girl
upon his knei., After a few dove-like car
esses, she crept to his bosom and fell
asleep. He carried her himself to her
chamber. and said. "Nellie' would not like
to go to bed and -not ray her prayer'," '
Half opening her large blue ayes she,
dreamingly articulated.
"Now I lay me down to sleep,
I'pray the Lord—"
then adding, in a sweet murmur, ' He
knows the reid,' She sank on her•pittow,
in his watchful care whn"giveth his be
loved sleep."
'A Munchansen story is told of a soldier,
who about one hundred and fifty years
ago. was frozen in Sibecis. The last ex
pression he made wee, '•lt is ex
He then froze as stiff as marble. In the
summer of 1860 smoe French physicians
found him, after having lain frozen one
hundred and fifty years. They gradually
' thawed him, and upon animation• being
restored; he concluded his sentence with
"ceedingly cold."
The son of the Emperor of France,
though only twelve years old is en expert
compositor and printer. TO. sons of the
royal family of England are all taught
trades, and some of the Princes under-
stand enough about carpenter work to
disgrace r young man in New York.
Many noblemen's suns ere taught some
trade, that'they may be, in soma mesa.
ure, independent of the, freaks of fortune,
A child, speaking of his home to a
friend. Wall talked "Where is your
homer Looking witnpving eyes at his
mother, be replied, , •Where mother is !"
Was ever a quemtion sotruthfully, beauti
fully, or touchinglyuanswered
Interesting News Items.
Kentucky bas rejected the Constitution.
al Amendment bye decisive vcite. acting
-promptly upoo.the suggestion of Governor
7 -- -A black girl at till:ielbyvilhs. Ind., bas
commenced a suit against a white man for
a breach of promise of marriage.
The Merchants' Union-Express agent at
Auburn lest - Ffiday, expressed a lad 12
years old to Toledo, Ohio, 4 check being
put upon him to that place. •
The Portland Press, of Jan. 5, has the
following singular marriage notice: "In
Cape Elisabeth; Jan.. 3, by Rev. H. M.
Vail, Henrietta H. Cobb and Emma Pills
bury, both of Cape Elisabeth."
In Cincinnati. on Thursday, a colored
woman, named Anna Williamson. aged
twenty-five years, died frnm the effects of
drinking eLquart, of examort whiskey on
a wager.
(}eras Peabody, since 1852, has civet
away $4;000,000. an average of about $l,OOO
a day for fourteen years, if we omit Sun-
days and holidays. . _
It is sod commentary upon the pros
perity and . 'fast" habits of the last few
years in America,
that •sinci 1856 nearly
all one State peni tentiaries have doubled
the number of their inmates.
The Hartford Times says that forts-one
fire insurance companies have wound up
business during the present year; and
the Ist of January will probably show
many more, judging from the continued
prevalence of large and disastrous fires
throughout the country.
The Episcopal Church in the United-:
States is said to be divided. into 2306 par-,
islies. having 2,530 - clergnnen and 161,2"_5.
lay members. During 1866 *the members
of this church contributed $3,951,667 for
charitable purposes.
A returned'L'alifornian named Whiting,
who has been abs ..nt for three years, found
his wife living with another man in Phila
delphia and the mother of a child. He
threw the child out of the-window,ptabbed
the woman and fled.
A spirit of enterprise is taking hold of
the People of the South. They have here-
tofore contented themselves with raising
the great Aperican staple—cotton. They.
are now projecting and building cotton
factories, preparatory to converting' their
own staple into 'goods, and availing
themselves of the benefits of Yankee
Charles Patterson, belonging to the na•
vy, shot his sister, in Philadelphia, on the
27th; badly wounding her in the bead and
breast with duct shot. She refused• to
Tease a house of ill-fame to which she had
resorted to escape the cruel trestmen't"of
her step-uiother,audiaci shot her,as be said,
because he preferred seeing her dead to
leading.such a life. .
Oa the afternoon of the 27th, Robert C.
thillagher had his pocktt picked on Third
street. near Chestnut. Pitill adelphii, of
$B,OOO . inmew U. S. fire.tvricntr bands. He
had just parchaSed - thein at liferpra
elLit Co 'e. and directly after leaving thei
banking honse, discorered•thst the bonds
were raissint"
An atrocious outrage was perpetrated
on Tuesday morning, in Brooklyn. by a
gang ..f ruffian% whotntered a house oo•
cupied by * number of sewing gig Is. and
having robbed the, inmates. seized the ter
rifiul women and subjected them to the
moat revolting indignities. All thetemales
were outraged in a borribletroanner. Had
this *marred in the Bout , 'it would have
been declared a remnant f the baSharity
or shivery, and be cited- another evi
dence otty.ttle Swath th be politically
UM week, treal'.lV ter, Franklin
county. a negro enteied t tb 'house of John
Conk, who . was absent, d after being
furnished a drink of water seized his wife,
threw her on the bed. and bile attempt- •
log tobooomplish his psi t was inter- ,
rupted by a neighbor boy. • e negro fled, '
and although pursued by ma- on horse
-back and on foot, with gn and pistols,
the rascal made his • A similar gait*
rage by a negro, within "vines of Co.
lambus bad occurred a abort tine before.
Ms wawa in that awe is in