The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, January 24, 1867, Image 2

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    brit butier.
The event of the week,—eclipsing in
interest the elections of Ucited States Seri
stors, and the jangling of Congress,—has
been the immense lottery drawing at Chi.
cago, on Monday, under the direction o'
U. W. Crosby, EN. The greet - prizk w -
celebrated Opera souse of that cit•
uea et $600,000 has fallen to II:" ",° 51 ,.
A. if. Lee, of Prairie DU Roe'
the lesser prizes, varying' 48 ' "-
$5,000 ,to $5O, area di s k in value from
Couple — of dozen •'-tV -ributed among , a
From this day Y ifferent
What are Prosy IRe is immortal.
side of the y Aenta or Governaieby the
000 priia An who has drawn is $600,- 1
them r .We will venture to say that . ]
.re,,a number of million people who
••• ;.td rather be plain A. It. Lee, with his
$600,000 fortune, than to have all the po
'Rola' or literary honors that have fallen to
the share of any dozen men in thecentury
Unfortunate has it been for the United
States Senators chosen this weelr, for in the
excitement to see who was to be the lucky
recipient of the great prize, their names
and good Corinne have scarcely been no
ticed. •
, The Opera House scheme has been the
Most enormous lottery affair ever attempt
It hose out of the misfortunes of
Mr. Crosby, who,- becomingl suddenly
wealthy, originated • the ides of erecting
'the finest Opera building in th!e country, I
' and overwhelmed himself in i?sukrupt
cy in the attempt. Determito to re
' treve his fortune, if possible, he ipreyailed
upon hie creditors to postpone {heir de.
mands 'for a time, and meanwhile con.
.the'project nt disposing of the Opera
Rouse by lottery. Its estimated value is
$600,000, and he issued 210,000 tickets at
np;Aee, Tlvregon tin g 81,050,000, wh:ch,if‘
all had been col 1, small hive netted 'him
a handsome profit. 13v libbral sch;pri;a
ing, 180 000 of these were disposed of,
giving Mr. Crosby_ the gross sum of ,
000, enough to cover etpenditnres: which
have been very heavy, and leave him': a
liberal balance. The 30 000 tickets
mining unsold Mr. Crosby took hires
and drew three of the prizes, so that, take
it all around, the scheme has put consid•
erable profit in his pocket.
The success of Mr. Crosby is another
lesson,in favor of the advantage of shrewd
and extensive advertising. He had the
foresight to see the benefits that would•ac
crue from an extensive patronage of the
press, and th. ere is hardly a paper •in the
North that has not contained one or more
of his advertisements. Thefresult has been
to awaken an interest in his project never
before secured for "a similar scheme, , and
Mr. Crosby is the richer by a number of
hundred thousand &Alan through it.
Tux inauguration of Gov. Gearv i i last
week, seems to have been attended with a
prodigal degree of expenditure never be=
fore witnessed upon - the - induction ,into
office of.a Pennsylvania Chief Magistrate.
Hundreds of invited guests were brought
on to rarticipate,eceommodshnne previa ed
for them at the hotels,horges and carriages
without limit hired at the livery stables,
bands of music engaged, a costly plltinrns
erected for the new Governor to spiead
himself "'uport o cannon fired, hosts Df file.
ebonies employed at high wager, and lux
urious upholstery bought—all at the ex
pense of the dear people. The oast of
this munificent -attempt' td tickle Gov.
Geary's vanity is estimated at from seven
to ten thousand dollars—enough to pay off
the interest on nearly two hundred thou
sand dollars of our State debt 1 The Har-
risburg Patriot well says: "Many of The
former Governors of Pennsylvania - ftlked
to the State House to be inaugurated, in
an unostentatious manner. * * Their
inauguration entailed no cost upon the
State and necessitated no deceptions after
wards it classifytitg the' expenses of the
Department reports." , But what of that?
They were mere old fogies, who did
understand the nature of a Republican
form of Government (vide Thad. Stevens)
and looked upon strict economy in pub.
lie expenditures asc,a virtue. We have
fallen upon an ago of "great moral ideas,"
when our public officers nut on the airs of
potentates, and the man who can grab the
most from the people's coffers and bawl
"loyalty" the loudest, stands the best
chance of stems:
•By special from Richmond we are ad
vised that the rebel Gen. 'Henry A. Wise
is vet rampant end thinks there is still a
fair nrospAct of rebel success. He also ez a desire to be buried in rebergrey.
It is a - pity-that Wise, and all of his
extreme and, thankless class in the South.
hadn't secured their desire, and been
'"buried in rebel grey" four or .five years
ago. They'give he, who are striving for
justice to the South, and for what we hon.
estiv believe the best inleresta of the na
tion, more trouble, with their violent - and
foolish onndoct, than- all the schemes of
the Radicals. If Providence, in His mer
cy, had been kind enough to remove from
this "vale of tears" about fifty 'fire-eating
Southerners, -along with the nine number
of demented Northerners, at any period
between the Ist of January, 1800, and the
Ist of January,lB6o,:we feel assured that
by this time our vaunt:ea troubles would
be pag.ified, our people living in neighbor
ly amity. and. our National Union restored
on an immovable, hods.
Tux :Pittsburgh \Pow contains a long let;
ter from Chief Snatice Woodward, in re;
ply tce:one front a number of the leading
members of the Pittsburgh bar, requesting
him tobe a candidate for re.eleciion. The
Judge writes: "I am obliged-to say. as I
have said in answer to numerous inquiries
of the same tart, that , my purpose has long
beeriunaltembly fixed, to retire from the
bench at the close of my ametitutional
term, in I do, therefore,
moat respectfully, but definitely, decline's
renomination, and I wish to be do under
stood by the deputies to the norainat.
tog Convention.". The retirement of Judge
Woodward from the Supreme Bench will
occasion regret among all who admire rare
legal attainments, exalted ability, courts.
ous deportment and a life of unsullied
purity in our judicial offices. Few men
have ever occupied hie position who .have
won nacre general - commendation from, at
torpeyeefhatir pole float parties than Judge
= Hos. Wx..A.. WkLL4CII.. Chairman, has
called a meeting of the DeremeratioZtate
Ceritrol.Committee t at Bolton's Hotel,
Hai;Aim, on Tuesday, the ".9th inst,
Thedbjextt prettinie to be, to ill upon'
a tiMefor.the meeting of the next Siete -
Conirention,' We-trust the day agreed,
upon will not be earlier than the let of
The excitement attending the Senatori
al contest, and the general impression that
corrupt measures had led, to Gen': Canie;'
rotes nominabon, gave rise to numberless
comical incidents at Harrisburg.. One of
our notecuporariei, detailing the various
teetret at the State Capital, saya that, due.
l eg tire session of the Radical Senatorial
wlcrte, there was gathered outside of the
`.ooto, in the rotunda, a large crowd of im.
patient Radicals, awaiting 'the result.
"Among these,were a -number of promi
nent Philadel phia Curtin men. Two of
these were boisterously indignant. One
of them, an ex-Clerk of the. Court of
Quarter Sessions, made quite a running
speech. In a loud,,clear voice he Megan
as follows:
"Bring me a bell! I say, somebody
bring me a bell. There is an auction go
log on here, and I intend to cry it. The
Republican party professes to be a party
of great moral ideas, and boasts that it
has stopped the sale of negroes, but here
is a sale of white men going on in the
Capitol of the Keystone State. Somebody
bring me a bell l Talk about Republican
ism, and love for soldiers, and patriotism!
Why, such a party deserves to be damned.
The men it sends to the Legislature are
only ill for the basest uses. Yet they are
the pick of three hundred -thowiand. Bahl
The worst things the Copperheads ever
said of us are not half badenough. These
scoutdrels profess to be voting for Came
ron. It is a lie. I will show you thatiok
et they are voting. Here (pulling a green
back out of his pocket and holding ilup)
here is the ticket they are all voting—and
the candidate's name is written on it--
Spinner by G—d. That's the fellow they
are all voting for. and this (flourishing the
greenback) is his 'ticket."
The Harrisburg correspondent of the
Chambersburg Repositoiy is of the belief
that in view of past events a change is re
quired in the law providing for the election
of 11. S. Senator. He suggeits the following
to take the place of the present act, and
as itraperns to meet the circumstances of
the 'case exactly, we expect to see it
adapted : •
Asi Act to Simplify the Election of Visited
States Senators ° in Pennsylvania, and to
lieu. the People of all Distractions and .Dip .
sullies in the Selection of Senator..
, c see. I. Be it enacted, cfc,,- That hereaf
ter all vacancies in the U. S. Senate from
this State shall be filled whenever the
"ronsters" are ready, and that a majority
of the members of the Legislature shall
be sold to the _highest and beat bidder
among the competing candidates,. on the
front steps of the Oapitol, one hour before
the time agreed upon for the election—
Provided, That in all cases the cash mud
be paid before the delivery of the 'roos
ters.' and—Provided further, That if. after
any such sale, and before the signing of
the certificate of election.`a larger - sum is
bid than that already paid, it may be ac
cepted without incurring any obligation
to return the first purchase money."
The Radical party is daily giving exhi•,
bitions of the petty -acts of malice to
which it Can resort, but in no instance has
this spirit been more contemptibly dis
played than in its opposition to the Con
firmation of such appointments as that of
Gen. Pis to the Court of Prat's and Sen
ator Cowan to Austria. Had these men
been, in any manner, connected with the
rebellion, bad they even been "Copper
headst during the war, there would be
stew - lay of apology for such a course. Bat
this is loot the case. No citizen pan show
a morei, patriotic record than Geo. Dix.
`His aptiointment as Minister to France is
more flan unobjectionable=; it is eminent
ly deserved, and he is in every respect
qualified for the position. Yet the Senate
delays in confirming him, assigning no
reason therefer, and having none but the
fact that his political pelief accords with
that of the President:
In the case of Senator Cowan :the dis.,
courtesy is still mere aggravated. It has
been a time-honored custom of the' Sen
ate to confirm the appointment to office of
one of its members without reference ton
committee. But Senator Cowan's nomi
nation was referred to the Committee - on
Foreign Affairs, of Which Sumner is chair=
man, and still hangs fire there, while the
Petmaylvania Radical delegation in the
House, and •the Radical' rrojority In the -
Legislature era oczupied, in sending ,th
protests against his confirmation. . Cowan,
else; is unobjectionable. except- on -politi
cal ground', ' his course having always
been patriotic. This "dog-in-the-Manter"
policy is an excellent Illustration of the
spirit of the Radicalism of the day. When
the Constitution and alt fortiss of law ere
over-ridden rough-shod, it is not to be ex•
pected that considerations of propriety or
courtesy will avail to deter the Radicals in
their plans for temporary success.
Tns New York World argues that the
Radicals are in earnest in the move-rtoim
peackthe President, on the ground that
his retrieval is a party. necessity.., It says,
"If they cannot find evidence against him
they will invent and suborn it. To leave
things in the present dead•look two years
longer, would ruin them as a party; for
the people are impatient to see the pond.
'ing qUestions settled in some way. Bat
to get clear of the . dead - lock, they must
either yield to the President or depose
him. Their pride, their Ambition, their
malice, their late popular majority, their
party insolence, acorn the, idea 'of yield."
ing. There is no alternatiVe but impeach
ment. To be backed by§sajoritiea and
still be baffled; is what -they do pot mean
to endure. They have resolved to cut the
knot they cannot untie, 'and risk the 'con
sequences." On the other hand, the
Springfield .Republicept, one of the leading
Radical papers of New England, sags the
Radical. press "ie almost Unanimously
against the
„project of impeachment, and
that the whole thing seems to have fallen
to the ground, and left its projectors in a
humiliating position." A private corres
pondent at Waahington,. of the N. Y.
Evening Post also writes: " You may,de•
pend tbat this Congress will do nothing in
the matter of impeachment beyond rids.
ing a committee to investigate;: or some•
thing of that sort. There will be no ins-;
peachmant." Which of these opinions
will turn nut to be correct, it is-hard now
now to predict., The bud*, intereita of
the nation are almost a unit against in;
peachment, but it is a fact, as stated by
the N. Y Tina, that the 4 eztreme men"
of the Radicals "horn-never-yet failed to
bring' or drive the - mass of the paitylo
their positsan,',and, this ' has more thisn
once been done in the teed; of their Most'
vigorous protests and stiuggles."
SAID Thaddeus Steven. its the. itonse,
the other day, "I cleny-theh 114e - Gov ernmes d
bus ever been a Republic: I'deny that the State
a:Penaili(aatti be eve leexteAkinibk AND
I/memos= IbtIIAND
AND use Iv a Renew t" .The Teeple of
Pennsylvania will be astonished to learn
that they have stotlialatopubliein gpv.
etunaesili as thelf suPPoßit , : and. NM
doubtleas-be-timald4l, W ~lii.r,Ateyena.,fer
'irquainglag theal with theA4, , ,,k , Is.true
that the Government they kV!) Prforesed
is the one 416b1/shed by themselves, but
ho one, thoroughly ,impressed with the
"great-moral ideas" or the day, will imag
ine that such a government can possibly
liejja paifeelcin .114srhabil
caaiim as tune abet Congress,' 'mule up
Mainly of repreisputUtires frith other
States. could fix ap for us, The idei that
the &titecis of s . 3tate,ars not papable
deciding upon their own laws, and that
Congress, from its better acquaintance
with the needs of the - people, should take
the matter in fiend, is so happia one, that
lifx,Stasvena.aught-la take out lettempat
ant for it, without delay,
When the Southern members elect
went to Washington, last winter, with
their cretWatials in their pockets, and
found the doors of Congress — closed and
barred against them, they assembled at
Willard's to consult what was to be done.
After much discusiion, Mr. Jacob Barker,
a member elect fiom Lauisians, quietly
remarked: " - Gentlemen, I am going
borne to•moriow morning; I can wait
there cheaper than I can 'in Washington,
and in the meantime I can attend to my
own affairs." There was wisdom in this.
Most of the Southern members followed
Mr. Barker and his example, and went
home "to wait." ,
The whole South is pursuing - this course
in respect of political matters, wisely let
ting them alone, and endeavoring "to go
to work and make money and build up
the industrial resources of -.the country."
There is a positive political apathy every
where manifest. The.recent call for Con
gressional elections in Texas, as we learn
from the . / Ict3W Orleans Picayune, "was
treated with so vereign contempt." In so
important a point in the State as Galves
ton, "many of the principal Citizens were
not aware that an election was to be he'd;"
elsewhere the vote was very small, while
in some precincts the polls were not
opened. The Southern papers advise
their readers to put no .fait ,in Radical
promises; to ignore all but loctil
and to devote themselves to recuperation
and to the development of their home
_They invite capital and immi
gration from the North to help them in
this work—to brinimoney, not politic?.
Tua OBSERVES was the first paper in the
State to make announcement of the fact
that Goy- Geary had committed •himself
and the success of his Administratlott'tti•
the fortunes of Gen. Cameron. Some 'of.
our Radical readers were at the time dis
posed to dispute our statements, but now;
that the Senatorial squabble is over; we
presume they will doubt no longer. The
following, from the Chambersburg Reposi
ory, (Col. McClure's paper,) confirms what
we have said before :
"That Gen. Geary threw bii whole per
sonal and political power in favor of the
election of Cameron, bartering his offices
as 'Cameron directed, can no longer be
concealed, and his Administration starts
with this stain stamped upon it. ~ritorern
Or Geary may soon learn how easy tt it - to
wreck an - Administration, but be will
Preve_himielra true - man :if he demon.
strates how it can be rescued and restored
to theaconfidence of tho people who ores.
The Radicals, in electing Geary, have
again been - badly sold. He was claimed
alike by Forcer 'and Stevens, and, true to
his nature, finally threw himself, body and
ion], Into the arms of 'etaxieron. A little
more experience wilt probably teach• the
Radicals ',the 'real character of these rene
gades, who join their party for the mare
sake of Abe spoils.
. Tats : just the time to • extend
Demo Crane pllnciples. But little cin be
done just before en elepiion to change
voter. It is by the allentrprocess of n ffire
viola education - that s the r Medical party
have achieved their z prf.Sent r.
power over.
the public mind, and it Democrati
not make a:concerted effortto extend the
circulation of aonnd, outapahen and bravo
Democratic paver., they will never achieve
suneese. You cannot gather apples from
lierns, nor figs 'from thistles. If you.oul,
.ovate thorns, they will bail:ferns; -If' yon
cultivatefldatles. they will, be thistles.
Considering the preie"nt condition and
probable future of our country, every
Democrat ought, to feel • a 'duly imposed ,
upon him assacred' tied -'4ligattly 'as
if his Creator spoke to him from theskii - s,
to go-to work in his neighborbnoc4 and
see to it that every msn who can afford it,
and Can be induced to do so, takes a sound
Demoeratic paper. -
Ix A speech* in the Senate, on Wednes
day of last week, Senator C,owsu said that
so far as reguits the clamor about ren3ov
ale from office,• 'would' state that the
President bad at his disposal two thousand
tour hundred and thirty-four offices, and
of this number bad made bit four hund
red and - forty-six changes in the way of:
_removals. The State Department had'
three handfed and forty, an 4 had made
ten removals ; the TreasurY nine hundred
and seventy-three, and one hhndred and
seventy-nine removals had heed made.
The - fault with the Presidentbaslieen, not
that he made too many removals, but that
be has not made half enough. Had he:
cleaned out the whole Radical office hold
ing pack, he would have suited his friends
better, and done more for the good of the
Ws Hive Already stated , that Bea. But
ler has instituted a libel snit against
"Brick" Pomeroy. the witty and pungent
'editor of the La Crosse 'Democrat. The
basis of the snit le the following
"It is bad to fiend gamblers and prize
fighters to Congress, say the Radical pa
pers. ; It ; is had to Send a coward. a. spoon
thief:* woman insulter andoharch robber
to Congress. You pays , font' "'money, and
you takes your choice! - •
As there is no mention in this sentence
of Iliflek's natraythn inference is that the
likeness is feiiiiiiar epOugh for him to take,
it to liimeelf.•?, "The vrtotuditi bird Sees
danger kr every quaking bush:nix
Cl 'r FORif BY.
/ What a tars amount of Judi:tense For
bey - has in Pennsylvania politireito be
east. He was generousenough to dentine
being a candidate for Senatorial honors s
leer weeks ago, and to writes letter urg
ing the election of Thaddeus Stevens. Hs
caused' his withdrawal to be .
all aver the country r and wished it to be
construed av -a beautiful ezamtde of self.
sa6ificing-pataintian—Which it-certainly
would have been had.there berm * ghost
of a Chance 'of his election ; for there is
no way in which a man like Verney can
serve his country BO well as by. keepintt
mit of office. But when Fornerenune out
for Stevens 'he was elected :.of come.
metekmatler of Int to miuss,the _votes.-
Weight of - his powerful: influence!.
vattessough tottnerthescalei and that so
quiektr that thatroor devils out the other
end would be most 'rudely -upset. • . •
Virally, 'toner and Stevens went to
Hartiebureceettluir..:and 'certainly .their
pretence ought to have been enough, or
Abe 9turpose of =en ; ordinary. ;eleetiort.
W 611.4 Itepirbliean.sautinswairbekiwitile
iheidistitodilied Varney weir in: Harris.
burg "frith the weight (Ibis legume,"
,the result was, Caineron forti-six ;
Stevens. seven. Now of these seven, six
were persona. frialsgt of old Thad. mkt
wero forikin s tfrom commencement of
thi," fighi . 'c onsequently the weight of
[ Verney* tiriverfat inflaenee' is one vote.
and. that I 'San told'conSdentially, was at
l i Canlerna's disposal,' ard was only not
, given tar Cimeron because it wasn't
I wanted.
Niw comes the- tug of war for FOrney.
Cameron's election having been secured,
Ur. John W. P. may as well pack up his
small clothes and be ready to' leave-the
Capitol building, for be' will -be hunted
out of Ai -certain, within -a month-after
Cameron's debut in the Senate.., There is
already a strong oppositimi tohim among
the Senators, and all it needs is some one
to start it into, active form in "order to oust
him from the georetarvaltir. Cameron is
just the man-for this, and if he will only
do it speedily be will counterbalance with
good much orthe evil of his own corrupt
life. The-Legislature of Pennsylvania has
done wise!y in refusing to be controlled
in the choice of Senator by a renegade
Democrat, who a year assiwroto a letter
to Andrew Johnson advising him to reor
ganize the Thimocratio party, end" has
since been abusing poor Andy because he
refused to put some cifhis relations in of-
See. _
Gentlemen in pursuit of a situation will
take notice, then, that after the 4th of
March next there will be a vacancy in the
offiel# of the Secretary of the'. Senate. The
berth is a good one—good pay and liberal
stealing®, if managed u Forney has man•
aged it. I was about to suggest that it
ought to be given to some good volunteer
officer of the late war, bat that would via.
late the custom of the honorable body,
which in more than two hundred .em
ployees, hasn't half a dozen men who took
part in the war.- Hasn't some Senator
brother, or uncle, or aunt, who would do
the bushiessf •
Speech by Ur. Lowry.
At the request of several Cl Mr. Lowry's
friends, who allege that neither of his party
organs in the city will do him the favor of
copying it, we' pUblish the following speech
delivered by hitwatathebaoquat given to Gen.
Cameron, in Harrlsburgh, on the evening
of his election to the United Stites Senate.
Coming from the source it does, and as an
explanation of the author's course on the Sen
atorial questioe, it will be read With interest
by our local readers of both political creeds.
We can see nothing In. the speech which al
ters cur opinion that in voting for Gen. Cam
eron, in express apposition to the well under=
stood wishes of nine-tenths of his-party,-ad—
herents, Mr. Lawry was guilty of an atro
cious breach of trust to his political supporters
in the district, 'which cannot fait to weaken
him In their confidence hereafter:
FELLOW-CITIZMO—T. 6M a Pe6617111611110111
heart and deed. 'bench only shoed half to the
"manor born " Begotten in the glorious old
State, they took-me across the border to be
born in another log cabin that was at least:
pretentious enough to be dry. Occasionally,'
ay a conseqatince of that change, no doubt. I
have been dry since. ant I
..isted area that
temporary abandonment f the Common
wealth, 'if lam correctly int ed, and kicked
and cried out against the e erring desertion
at the very first moving nd breathing op
Thrg early determined shire- the deed
theleeknd advance her int ' ate, bow could I
fail, to be as early the file d of General Cam
eron? 'AI.. Brewster says that he bait known
the General for - tweet ; five years. I have
known him, and a prnud'to be styled his warm
and intimate friend far thirty-froe years. Al
though his junior in years I haw been with
him in personal friendship, political contests.
pablio improvernents.from - drat to lest. And
soritig that who course of intimacy and oc
cupation; I -we. ......I...._miiiew him an inti
mation„ either pu int or private, that was to
war with any of the prinoirles of honnr or,
duties of patrio ern The man doe , not tiTe
who can say I flier redeived from Gen. name
eon any-consideration other than each av is
called for by gentlemanly civilities or recipro
cal kindnoes. or that I ever' aria center - Ind in
any contracts or j tbs drawing money from the
State or National Tretutuirms. This seen.
that we have just witnessed, concluding inble
triumnhent ait-I honnrattle victory, has been
cad -aa le egetutditled the maliciousness 'of
others, and ebeering as it illeitrated his own
tempernte and kindly course.
On the breaking out of the war no soldier
in the ranks devoted-hi naelf more entirely b
the cause of uniaerstil liherty titan have 1, in
my privwe end official efforts, - from the firing
on Sumter. till the surrender of 'Lee t 141
-time. toy energies rod my monerwere freely
- given ! These lessons 'of loyalty and liberali
ty I learned from no man more than Gem
Cameron. ,
When first %candidata for the State Senate
I was Charged with befog a Cameron man. ' r
replied yes- to the people at' large, and they
- indorsed the acknowledgment. Wnen• a esn.
didate for the second term,the charge Wee ze.
itortted.. '',Alteland.iime I answered yea to
the impeachment; atukugdain-xlidl my constitu
ency. with vowing majorities, endorse the
repeated fact. Certaitmettegsde paperiln
city, -(referring to the Dispatch and Gazette)
perverting the sentiment of •,.the people.
barn attempted to drive mte' from-what they
leer, if they knew anything,: was my seared
duty in the Senatorial contest. Bat their en
venomed and lying perveroimss only confirm':
cd,too la my sere of .bbligatlen to the holy
trust of a lover of libetty and an American
'representative. Thoettpapers would have me
forfeit not only toy tionee - Opttblie` dutiN - but
*card, also have me beimy thecoofidence mid
trust of nearly half a Century. ' •
There was no time is this contest but, whet
oeral Cameron bad a large mejority of - the
tormbeas of the Legislature in - his rapport.—
the spontsesous pralaction of' genuine rat
collect. Riving first aMuslim:id the true, the
providential idea of the war. the "death of
stoney," ifireanot natural—it was religiously
inevitable tint he shottlihdoirst. in-the mind
of the people and their representatives. where
a representative of thet idea nationalized was'
to be chosen for the national Congress.
Forgetting the fitness of thine, afe short
sighted people endeaveredlo Nth ids with
the "Great Commoner." Stevens is o glori-.
ous old chanspioncf human rights--so glad
one in the position that he now fills, that for
the world I would not dare to remisee him
elsewhere, lest the great national body should
and Lancaster will- be false and weak, in
deed 'if she ever- fails, though he would
:reach a century in years. to make him her
toogressionat representative. his not lathe
swss to Wien lie is in jot the right place,
potwer of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, -to
add one cubit to the political stature of Mea
de:le Stevens. •
Once, General Cameron, we were young;
but new were yonag no more. For morn
than thirty ye;ars I hero taken, with you, an
active part in the bisy ecenes.tflife I hope,
it may never be my lotto become a Candidate
for the Senate of the-United States if 1 hate
to pose through ouch nu ordeal ere-you hive;
Whet is there - In you that men should thus
hate and love ? ,The war upon you-has been
merciless. Charges of bribery and norruptioa
were made against you, which, IL true, were
alike degrading to you and those who voted
far you. Tim young-men of the e'en:glean
party Who bad never "represented-the people
until now, and old ones like.anyeelf who
'Was here thirty years ago, joined_ in the be•
lief that the hest interest of the. State and - the
nation required Your election to the Senate of
the United States.
It iris .heraided forth that s throng of
mighty men from every county In the' State,
was to be,herif to teach As how
_to vote. and
the oldjesdera from Washlogton appealed' in
vain that we should vote for thee(' or brisk
*mu the hist hope of the world., Colonel
Forney told nelkow - pure he was; -how 'great
Stevens tar, he* good Groir wet, beirtidical
Curtin wee, and that they' had abbn4ent evi
dence of ' Cimarron's omit %km." 'Abele
..ehergee *ere. so' .pointedly made by Senator
White and Colette Florneyllhat p wee now
palled to appoint ta , committee to, in to
the truth at Otter Senator-444e wee oivestigal
'ed before-the committirt.; Se named hie silt-.
ewel-end he tint 'MY hitmelfiluks he entirely,
failed to make the weight of ei lAnther Against
atm one. , ,
loaned' ie porton A _poii Jidan ITOrikey ,
at 120 roodwia, tArt,qlcy,..taton Me arrival,
and lovited 6 qq;:j 4 isttlesi• i d I.4skiekilitn"
- icing him irbta ioeld prove one'butt th
.01.1111012 mi aeneritreatnerou !Orb chalet::
, ter Writers and Aititpapere cher fed 'lghlnet
'him, I mint! not-vote lei him:' I ,ftnted
the ralonello 'appear-Al It any.. ittoresr of
tetipectibility in dialkste,io wow enttuatt.-
'awl to Ogee in hii Ueda tine letter et the'
Commowitalqi• incompel elgs "stittedince -'
witnesses: Otalouet , Forney said he know
nothing 'of the - Ake:gee lereonally, neither
did he ellegethst , itte knew;-11 , any cote who.
I made the earns ptorgasition to 13,ttnitors
Fisher and Billingfeltl General Fisher said' Dterruntrrioss.—We would call attention to
he knew nothing derogatory to the charsete,r the opinion of one of the leading papers of
of General Cameron—neither did he believe • Canada on t*ntableth - of Gift Enterprises:
the reports.. hly Billingfeltmadenn appoint- 1• "Most of *sr reader; have no doubt read
ment,ttemiet th ifjpierocuitaUteer.efebritit- same of therittlinegiu 0111 Enterprise, Gift
Wattage at theli;rootit, in *lie Capitd next • Geneerta, &a.; whisk appear from time to time
moraine tit 9 oVock. and ttive infortutten he the nubile prints, offering mosr temPting
which he - sald lewd be, gf hipopteieg., Mfr.. bar g ains (0 those,esho wilt patronize them.
Billiettfalt, has ins ePPented TOL •-‘-: = Inmost cages theft are gigantic humbugs. But,
The Curtin men, the Stevens men, the there ire kitty inspectable artna who do hail-
Grow men, all knew that Cameros had more 4, uses ill this manner, and they do it as a means i
votes thanlhe whole of them united; and if i of increasing their wholesale business,' and,
any one of them had been singled out, the ' not to make money. From such forme, it is
General would have - rtreeived over Sixty votes. true, handsome and valuable artiele are pro-
Their'geterous rigalry - weovnot age4st Cam- cured for a very small sum; and what is more
erect , but their strongest effort anpeandlo bs important, no one is ever cheated. Every'
so-to who , shcarld- , bute-the honor .of.. being, puma geta.goadaaluttfor hie4allar ; becalm),
next highest to him., , ~. -; ~a .. . uwe have stated; it is intended to let as an
' advertisement to increase their - ordinary buss,
iness. We have seen numbers of prises sent
out in this way by Sherman, Watson & Com
pany, of Nassau Street, N. T., and there is no
doubt that some of the articles Ire wortheight
or ten times the money paid for 'them, }chile
we have not seen or heard of -a tingle article
which was not fully worth the 'dollar which it
cost,' But this is only one of the exceptions to
the rule, for us general thing the parties en.
gaged in this bookie*, are nothing bat clever
swindlers.—Saturday Realer, Nontreal, E. C.,
Jan. 18, 1866. de0.20 '613-5i
Tas Samara:tux Erzertos.—Oar Radical
brethren continue to he distressingly ruffled
over the election of Gen. Cameron to the Sen
ate. Most of thittlooal Radical press contain
comments on the !object, and it os a noticeable
Wog, 'that while all which havi representaLi
tires at Harrisburg or Washington, in - ofTtes,
feebly attempt to smooth over the success of
Gen. Cameron, those whose editors remain at
home, comparatively independent, are'free in
venting, their disgust.;.44 the—course of the
Legislature. The flianateh, on Tuesday,
marched up to the breich in this brave style :
"We know at least' a dozen Republican edi-'
tors throughout the.state who 're privately
elnavineed that bribes revs used ht Cameron
and his friends to secure his nomination for
United States Senator. Many" of these same
men are convinced that Henry is of so little
consequence in himself, , so. far as ability is
ontaterned. that he is a.diegracti to the party.
Wed* not know wbetbiorthese editors propose
to give their eonvietioi3s to the public or not.
If they do not, they will fail to discharge' the
important duties entrusted to them by their
party. Above alt things, these things should
be ventilated. The party will suffer in the end
if they are not new made pnblio and eon.
demned, Renee it is not only drily but policy
to tell•the story se it exists."
It makes the prediction, :in addition, that
elf the people are not to hsve a voice in these
mattens,-rthat is, if politicians are to take
snob selections out of the bands of the peo.
ple,--the Republican party will be ruined in
Pannsylvanis,"—st eouratomation it is devout.
ly to be hoped our cotemporery may •not,be
mistaken in. The Gazette tws: "The result
does not alter our 6nel:sill:in that the Legiels-
Uzi. has acted unwisely and unjustly; both in
regard to the people at large and to Messrs.
Stevens and 'Curtin, either of whom possesses
far stronger claims for the position than does
Mr. Cameron. It;is useless to discuss bow or
why the latter succeeded in despise
: of the
well-known, oppoiltion of three.fourths of the
Republican voters of the slate. He is the
choice of their Reprmgmtstives, and if the
latter have done wrong, a future Legislature
oats be prevented from a similar dereliction of
duty by a refusal to . endorse the course, in
this respect, of the present ofwhich
is in a' very honest strain, but would have
more influence were it not for the well-known
fact that the Gazette is such a complete toady
to party that it will support these same Rep
resentatives as zealously as ever, if they again
secure the nomination of a Radical Cousin
tion. The Tidionte Journal comes down on
the new senator in sledgehammer style: 'lle
fore," it says,..this paper reaches many.of our
readers.Bimon Comeron,the most notorious po
litical gambler in tb e State, will, in all peob 'hil chosen U. S. Serie.tor,vice I:dgar Cowan.
and this, too, by a Legi-lataxe chosen by the
great Republican nasty. It is s spectacle sad
-denies. to every true Union man. *. * That
mosey has brought about this" end is beyond
question; thst Legislators bave-sold, theta
far the [Alinitihtv D ell er. and voted tion
tr,ry t) their lozprese.:ll:pledges and Die
known w:shes of their
~.constituenie, is also
cerfisin." And then draws this tunny • con
treat :
' 4 , A very taw months since a great hue and
cry was raised because the, Dentocritor in the
Joliette district in the United States bad elected
John Morrissey to .Coogr4e, but compared
with Morrissey. Cartieron oinks into insipid- .
canoe ; let us cite John Morrissey no.longer—
ete,hste a poor bawd Mew Morriesey wee •
pugilist and fought fair; Cameron iv a morel
coward. and a`waymdodges., liforriarey gam
bles with individ dale : Cameron with the State.
Mwrituiey pays hie debts with his own mon
ey ; Cameron with the people's. . Morrisitey
is tio ho - orable man in many reepaMs; Coen ,
eron in none, litieerissey 1A trylng,to do bet
ter; Cameros to do Motile. To sum it all up,
and let II ,ortispey and - Cameron fl dorm a! Fel ).
resentativet, John Morrisisej has `ill the good
queiitiesorhile Cameron!, a Man who would
self his hest friend to accomplish a personal
end Setter a thoueand- times have the
ttvecherons Cowin than the sneak-thief Cam
The Radical who leads thstand is cot af tail; Must lain heirt of rook.
The Titsurae Ilerald, more diplomat'. than
the most' of its- petty :potemporsries-in this
:rectioo, gives annulate tolta atediraints
guardid terms, but not sztflielently - So , to ace
its honest coavictions. '"What then,' l ' it
ash, ' "ars theindamacen *bleb havewrought
thi eflitiloil of Mr. Cameron? The stories( of
morruptlon cannot be altogether silenced by
the repidt.; ! of the Int mitipting eammittees.
v ltepresentstiee Who were elected under
pledges concerning this-issue shamefully via
lated their ohligatlanandbetrayed their - trust,
and it be impossible to
,constinee the+ pen
ea that iittiroPer niesms 160 not need. to se=
coitiptieh such results." - 1. 1 41‘ 01 .. 1 M11 11. a,
least, comet the Meadville &fabliau; which
couplii the arafouncimentaf Cameron's tem
inattott with these editorialemettwate 1 0 This
- intelligence will be, anything but sheering to
the Repablidans of this section of the: State.
Indeedit Mill bets sore 'disappointment to the
great melee of earnest Repetblicaris 'every
where.. The noinination of aoj . of„tho - other
candidates would have' given. great eatistfite..
tion to our people, but the selection of (Aile
ron will excite their heartiest Indignation. It
has been the misfortune of Penisylesnie to be
represented most of the time In the ilenatiby
plgmyetatesmen.' It is not to her credit now
that the :reject* three of her best men and
prefers a politician Whose name,has beCome a
synonym for all that . is rascally - its - r ethics."
All the journals from which we hate quoted,
be it remabered, are ardently, and some of
them poisonously, • USditial. • The: portrait
they draw- of- the chaimetektif ourLnewly.elso.
wen Senater. and 'of the il.adlo it Majority In
the Legislature, most be gratifying. to the
'tallest measure to those who aided in giving
the party in power its predominance in the
Boxcar—Oa Friday. the 18th. of Gastrio Fe
ser, hire. Elise flettireoht. widow of the
late Geo. W. Ikeda, of Ifilloreek.
litonowsza.4:hr unrissmu may, Mrs. Isabella,
Nicholson. tits of,the We John zpoholsori.
of Mlllereek, *WB2 years.
If.ttr.,.oa Friday. dummy_ 18th, at Moor
beadeille. 14121, %utter B.', Wife, Of - Cale-la
Leaf, aged 43:ireareatte8 towable. •
tiozossr-,—At the reeicience of -his mother, on
'Ninth. street, on the inst.. Maier J.
Ileum Galen, aged 29 yeses. -
lima—On Monday, Jan. 2161, ,of eonsnmp•
•_lion Amos J. Host, aged 29:yesrs, 2 thodthif
and 21 dim. •
Voznizteen year I was 'emir distressed
With the Asthma. A great portiea ,of the
time I was unable••to Mak. sad • frequently -
for weeks at spite, , Loral& obtain slap on
ly by setting up in /char..6elng utintiW:
breaths .hroa bingiature. Is my long
'aeirilkaltor);ello. - 1' mang bled many
aledininsOnat all 44711/tinar no payola. an=
tit I used Outset - Vomponad liztraM of
'Snort 1444 Thilmet case st ones, and
-thy ray gnat relief Vltava ~aipareased by
'tieing, it convince' tarthat it is meows than
dety_to Make•thifaet.publ'o. that others
now suffering as I mad to near, way know
where dad how I obtained my raid. I ham
ask-the iianen"prqaratholfitS linlinent,,
aid in Colds whh great sattsfaetion, and eon=
eider it a very metal wish)! and , one that
tiMilvirould do, well to kseV
Arm: .„ 414 j. tot Brae.
North Java, N. IN Aug. 214.—0c5it541
—Mr. Warren L. Rosa has taken the store
lately conducted by Just:ice, "Gbeeo & Galla
gher, and fitted'it up with 'everything %mown
ry to make a complete gentlemen's furnishing
establishment. His stock of cloths, cassimeres,
vesting* and ready made- clothing is superior
to anything ever brought to the city, and we
defy any one to visit the store without finding
something to suit his taste. Mr: Roes boa
been very successful in securing a cutter who
is not surpassed anywhere. [Tudor his skillful
Inparfision the conoern is turning out wsrk
equal to the best Eudora establishments. hio.
person can haver an excuse for going abroad
to get clothing while Ross affords the antes
silences that be does. In addition to hie other
goods he has also a superior stook of hats
and caps, hosiery, -collars, eravats,---ta short
anything that a man wants in the clothing
line can be got at Ross's. , Call and see for
yourselves. je2l if
if you want a correct likeness so to
Wager & Co.'s photograph rooms. 1828 Pewit
street, above depot. Having introduced all
the latest improvements in the art, they flat
terthenselves they can satisfy the post fas
tidiest's. They have the most: pleasant's:n . l
airy rooms this aide of the eastern cities, an
improved background. beautiful side decora
tions and a large life sized mirror, in which
the subjects can look themselves vinare in
the face while the picture is being taken.—
The sky light is the largest is the city, and
*tures can be taken in a cloudy day as wen
as in the clearest. • • Sept.lB4f.
A.COL'OII, • COLD, oili;• 801111 ?Riese tolotte• Imsmi
dtate attention, and should bi chested. If allowed In
continue Irritation of the Lungs, a permanent lir tat
Memo, or Consumption, to often the Neu% ' -
having direct letdown. to the parts, eve Immediate
and Throat hiaeuet, Trochee are used with * always
good saunas. Singers and Public Speaker* will end
Troches useful in clearing the face when taken before
gimps or Speaking, and retrying - the ihrOat after an
unusual exartion of the local organs. The Trochee an
nossmnented and prescribed by pi:intuiting, and hare
bad testimonials from eminent men throughout the
country. iteing an article of true merit, and having
proved their effissey by a teat of many years, each year
ends them its new localities in varkme plata Of the
world, end thtrTrocbes, are unisereally pronounced bit
ter than other articles.
obtain ploy 'Broirn•s Bronchial Trochee... And ,do
not t►tq,sny of the worthless Imitations that may be
otrered• Sold everywhere. , ' • aaC•Em
This VW asedklais eared Dr. J. H. thsomeg, the
MOM?. of Pub:mow CeroomeWhoo. whoa it bed
emeard Mame toneldsble ogpott. gad 'bra speedy
dedb sod to bo tennitotte. Hbphytigliasyczo.
nomad bb cam fueambio when be entommeed
the me of UM dumb, bag perreelbl entedr. SL
&ebb wog twomed in e very ghat time, and no
=tem of the Owe Ms in seproboadel. for on
the symptom miette diempeozol, gad bir mem*
weft ig amen Itsto two twoottod pounds.
Shwa his roccomy, be Ism donated his aftentien
Mobaimbr to the eon ci Coteemptim and the
abeam which ore mostly comotiosted with it; and
the ams effected ler bit meffeblie bon beau I'M
=Memos gad truly Waralaall• Dr. nannicx
woken profewlemil %del tomegni of the bwger oldet
- UMW; where ho . bagg beget moteatem of celJeato.
Anti il trete sugoadiffed to gee pote comemetweg
, 'Qat byre to be Wad oat of their carriages. and in
a few menthe btaltbs. zebra Mom Dz.
TONIC, and IiANYBASE PILLS are cenersitr
. restred =tag Coneuuseeki. Fall &sr.
Wes eceourprey seek se the rev we CID take them
IrDbeet meta Dr. Bartsies..bel ' , bee Die
MAUI, it is beat toseetsm. De ergo White teed . .
burin atbereashesernizterkaretade itegdroreeter
Wife le Web datlars.
Besse creme, *Des prrebeeirgiabet the two .
Ukeseeme et theDoeter 7 ezie when In the tristage
of Cenamtnakm, and ta ether le he war te e 1a
peenct bmith.went on the Gmentanetnateteß
- kid bur ati * Dreeelite and Dailten'trsies
pto teak; az "TO the hilt dam. Lettens Or
'arks should stove to dlteeted to Dr. Schenck%
prim:toil MSc% U North 'Oh 13t. PlithAlphia. Pa.
GlSOtala Wboleaile Monts: , Demak Palm O Cap.
N. Y.; 15. D. Mom, Ssithoorek, Sit; t John A
Pot. Iltachizudi, Ohio: Walker & Taylor. Mew.
111 ; Collins Dm, Bt. Lou* KO. ad w;es. ato.l 7T.
PRIMO - JD 011. OP PALE 4411, MACIa
Tor prepuing. restoring and beautifying the Bale. and
is the mat .daltalatal and .irondirfbl artte/e td• *arid
aria: prodes •
Wise yin MAO, net oats a eetteict rieted,f to n
ettles. fletten mita ktatlfy the hair, hat it alleging:as
Uttele for the tans; tie tt L Igebti perit
itch nit deileate paw% itetitsdait at" thine
odor et the ope et vibe and
.11111 ILINVII2, OF Frall.
it nn and beautiful perfume, 'olden fn delleaciof
went, and the tenacity with'whieh It dine to th•
handkerchief and poison is unequalled:
The above addles for We by*l dreyeets and per`
amen, it $1 per bottle with. , Beat by aspen to say
address by the proprietors,
T. W. MUGU St CO4,
OetlB-11 . ma Mat, Strid e New. York.
Hales EtAnt Rzszwis
Lathe beet preparation extant for tutoring pay hair
to Its origiaakeotor r igartatiall Ito talllacoat aad pm
mating itr. growth. It to $1 a hosaleal ha& dreatiag,
B. P. HALL & CO" Huhu. N.ll, ProP llolol l.
Tai sale by mitt droutda. doclll-1m
ILLSolocio.—Au sway for youg nue on the etlios of Soli
tude, lad the :lissiosi itstate. Abos *ad Dissaies
vliten me* impepssiti,,te "AMINE, with nse
means of relief. Jima le seated letter oinvrlopts, free of
their. Address, Dr. J. Sitlt.LL'i DOIIGUTOId.RossoI
AstoelAtiou. PhiLidsloldeiPs." jsalrliely.
Ws vitt tidt try''Coods chain thiamin bwittit In SST
- , elect la BriS
REDACTIcai Li A; riot.
Vie off goods at Woes oat. lama•thaa Mn PO
for the part year
. •
Goons A A1:10110;i ?KIR -
• itZkolne Oat S ass. to woks room for our Zags sprini
Stook. Goods bought at tho.(sts-tarced salsas° &gag
'Oat ws oan MS at hos than Cost of Importation.
Pkermi, Ifesinas at ii t 6 arm* $1 Ts.
Blaseom sof Moskva 520 00 wortb.lolooo, • ;
' Brodie Shawls at 111000 worth $lll 00.
Plaid Wool Shawls ot 20.005r0rth11.1505. •
hints 12)5o. marlid down from tikr.
lbe. * • Ito. =
• Isnialtat Mats 1150.: pie Mei tort valitt: marked
down from 18s
- Yard vide history Thai omrsa4 down from ?Cc.
" " Bkashad mamas 1100., marked down from
nittliglea pa y of, maks! &mu (rose /Os. ,
10.4allarool ((lambi. $5.00 Pro w orth
• Nahum( Skirts 22.50 mob. worth vs.oo. • ;
• 17oderskitets sad Drake** 41.55 per roar. yolk *LW.
Liu me Hoop (Skirt' $1.0) nob. worth SUM.
A tarp stook of ladles' and Ewer
!Most Dupla. Blllptio (or. davit)
Malted. Udirs• lorialkto sow Improi t tn - -Wri r ,
sod Djards elamodbrumi. "AD tress, i;aruko.• will
mai ap pa and4bassr VI" me.
LAM STOOK OF p1E311110095. , '
MO& as haactlk V faorpar Clan s , aU
WWI Dalataaaltiated Maim, bikini=
lialtilltpaa lad Wadi Robs, '
?via% uatiejaaatallrattaaa, Oottlit Y • ' OHM
ard Waal= TWO,. )1 I AbsIN - 11 / 1 ! • , 1 4 r• ••
f maliati daft 10. - • • ' ' ' ,
, OarlDatk ir 46 .11 0 .1" will inkblot,. Can
as ma as* ~ 111Thigus Ik
* jart•ilK - ' cha 1W awe. ilnij"":64,llh.'r
CatIII CITY 111.0241 WORK&
saArrlsq,LuEs, Izo.
GEO. 131ILDR14. Prrabl•nt.
IF. S. IP LIDDELL, Suyelintlndest,
, JOHN IL BLISPI.E•attrUn sad Treaatier.
Itaituautand by the
Vies Steam twits. Su double the power of soy other
Engine of egaat adze,
Patties who wish to ilfereligil their power without
changing their boner. tau-do so by alio, the Eisttley
Erigine. whirl 'mks the Exhaust Steam sad gives
- dotal& the power ham the mime boiler. lb us savior MP
the fuel. isniff6t4f.
rarentacese of an order . of the Orphan's Mart of
Nee county t wlfl ogler at nubile talent the Court House,
In We city of Erie. on Retarder, Jan. 28, at 10 o'clock
m., all the IVA and Interest of Thome S. Sinelalr,
late of rite, deceased, in the following described ptaca
of land, attests in flit count,. of Ertsi, State of Pena,
b ter part of oat-lot this* hundred and slaty throe of
the Wen of Itsie,sa out by the commonwealth of
tames Berilmilnk on the Dad side of Ram Onset at
• palest 25 packet A. enthwardly from the North-watt
tomer of said ent.lot N 0.663; theme Iratterardly
lUst to ths North line ofiald enst-lot, 10 path's; thence
Soothes:4ly, wend tr Tinth street s 6 parches; thence
Weetwardly, parent] is the North line of raid eat lot,
10 pashas to Plamstreet; ,theesie along the rest side of
Kam suet • perches to t he Plus of beirinntnit: contain
ing about ono-third of an sop of teed, befog lot No.ll
thii plan and sith-dlvtalons of mid ont.lot into lota
for sale or sold by E. Babbitt, ridge.. of Edwin J.
in band en confirmation of mit.
111110. A. GUNNISON. Ailintlelstrtitor.
jy3•07 . -Sir
Nos. 23 and 24 Wed Park, (Beatty's' Block,)
71.0112, PORK, VIVI.
- I rre But Quo/dies .f Ponta end Oils.
lieuta for the Cleeilond 'autos sad Mute i
rir A (boles and fresh stork altars kept as baud,
vhish wit I be sold et the lowest egiree.
We pledge ourselves got to be undersold, and invite ell
to sty' no • call.
a FP* Th, highest pr ice paid for eotwtry prods.°
m. 1.716 V
E. H. ANTHONY 8 CO., •
Afcmufacturaa of Photogr'aphic Pattriall,
Wholesale sad Retail,
to addition to our main buenese of Photographic
materials. we ere headquartem for the following, eig.:
Stereoscopes sod Steremicopte Views of American and
Forel ma mew and I andscape.Groope. Mates*. he,
Stamoscopie Views of the Wer,from negatives made to
the various campaigns, end forming a complete Photo.
graphic hiniory of the great contest litterweenple
Views on Glass, adapted for either the ILagio Lantern
or Stereoscope. Our catalogue will be lent to soy ad
dna an receipt of Stamp Of Photo:reptile Album■'we
rearadegs urn more largely than cal other boron—about
200 sextettes from teem. to $5O each. /Mame hare
the reputation of twine superior to beauty and dues.
Witty to any °theirs. Card photographs of Geoende,
Statesmen. Aetore fee Our catalogue embraces em
five emelt d difnerent rntfeots, including re.preclirso
dans of the mud celebrated seaming% Petettngs, Sta
tue, he Photographers ud ethers rdetiog geed. C.
0. D., e itt please remit 26 per rot. of the emormt with
their order. me Firs and quality of our go-de eennot
fail touts fy. _
L ll3ltt OF HEALTH Previte for illsraie
_ .
WARRANTED to ears .Ctiolsm or say of the oboes
disease to their worst forms. A severe use of Cheers
boa bees eared with It in 30 mitnites, proof of which
will be given to any wishing it. No ease lass rim tom
knows in.which tt
Praparid br DR. Jag DICIDSBIT, of Win%rills'
sad 'old by hiss, and at Wigton at P,d. Bataan Aids
Ps. - -
Paida - BlLOlrts Boris. BIWA= or Coarausroi.
Ehts both tested for the last O ythrs, and given com
plete satisfaction. It cans the following complaints:
Palo m the small of the back and hips, with a pulling
velght and bearing dose when long on the fen; pain
in the sidielow downorttl, palpitation of the heart:cold
test and &ohms of the head; pain between the &out
date; weak stomach; nervous a ff ections, Me
liseommenditions to the matits of this medicine
could be ghat by the hundred, had we the time and
IMO= The but plan ti to boy a bottl e , and teat it for
trice EIJOO - per bottle. told by Dr. Bennett, at his
oaks W Weaerttlq and at LA. Becker'a store. Erie,
A ram soarAtalnft 97, 1 1 acres,
cme-balf cleared, with '
cir For f¢rth•r partienilus enquire at the Drog
Store at
-' ll.larp a yo. Catalogue, treohlon how to remove Tao
Ihsohles, Plmplits, Blotch'', Moth Patched, Bat °trams,
Zorptroas end aU impurities of the akin. How to form
Ablgtps. redo* end and WWI& the halt, repro the
am- rare Diankimners, Nervous Dehltity„ and other
woad sad tralnahle 4nforantloa; Eve:Typo& 'end tor it
Address WOOER. WPM it CO, Cltamists,2Bs Etter
Strait, troy. N. Y. , ztor29-tf
MONIS H31317ER90N, }PI
ber T han. In the Co • rt
ea of Common
re. - !s
U. J. aoaun
OW sox. of Eitscoanty•
' No. Novemenn,
gleermint to adores the sponse panorama of
won't* for the sale of the following described lend by
Distrait to defendant, to wit, s lot of ground innate to
.the city cf Cont. and county of IC, te aforesaid, de
rieribed as follows—being lot No.ll in sold city, bound
ad on the west by Centre street, on the mouth by lot
No.. 111.• en the earthy lands of Perinton .1k Johnson, and
on the North bedsur4 sold tri Pony Pasoan; the said
let stag four vide ea Centre enlist, •
And the Shall has mule retina to the setd lent that
the.defaudantts not found to this ballots*, emir any
one is paareadea of tldi haft la the said writ deserthed,
=AVM Mon day of old writ being use past, tau
platatil a hle attorney rasp and worsttha,oerttn
grant a ra said
on defendant, to appear and plead re d
writ, na b. . art et Amonstin In nab ease Made and
• - Attoraey fro PlaiallZ
"Ic ow tv hit, Dee. 11th, le6e,Tal• ;natal ois &had
ant to plead serprayed for , to be published as relished
by act of Assembly. Per Cur. Prom the record—a true
copyALM . -212 C. EIOGESS, Frothy.
_EAas inosisay.s. • • •
smarm. pavan ai
Woe. ltd aad m irmuusistiw, New York,
Estollope Ilseabstarers; Wholes,: terms WU ca
eatelolers, mete; lather s Ws*, pas t . - drop and portfolio
_Abe stga spots thr the ®i li a HAMM NM
zwritialtreforrs, by the sue quaatity. l'ese
list *Oh, simples seat 'Sigel] whoa relented. Dealers
ire totted to sell sad mains dog% st/hos Olen• "
°OFF, PATTERB : 6Ii it CO: 1 8;
. . at mums - nrainti i , ' • '
u bin.' 'trial: on nets ate. •.47-tT
talllA PA,
1/EroLtala asrd Ratan
And dealees in
wit. NICK & SONS
Corner 7th ►nd Stat► Streets.
WALKER & nceacrEt.
,hew trantishowes. ea street, betrwwws Nand. '
Ed. ens, Pa. GA112%17165. Ilia low; twins easy. 11
Now two Oozy Trwen• Boole ow adrstaset, between •
Chestnut sod *tile Lot 4235 by 64. ,Clsesp, ss easy
teems. Posesestna sinnt Istosselstely. -
' Three house. on 111th Street. between Pesch *ad Sas
safras. I ots 4236 by 142 ash: prise Inn. tenni my,
- Fresno house on lib strut, beteeen State and Peach;
possession let of Atoll
Fresno tun:wenn 12th str u between Nash and Res. —
sem; lot 433( by 140 .111 bs sold at street bonen
genie and lot 011 6th street betwes- frith end 'u
sans. Lot 4134 by 140; all. be sold et • eve t turreis o
, House and tot on 60 street, between Pesch and mi..
"safes, lot 82% by 165.
Hones d two lots ma 6th street, between Poplar awl
Cboorry. Prior low and terms my.
Brick how. ea 6th ereist, between airman end fa
r de. lot !2)i b- 16 1 ; on tone Cos.—pried low.
, Roue and two Ws on Preach street, between 4th s' d
6tb; terns Pm, prise low.
- R oo ,. so d l o t, on come 6th sod Oman streets, lot
8236 b let, pries low. on loaf tier,.
Pxneral tern reeldetwo mission is price (cm 36000
to 11264100, to the but Waite's In *stay,
Bowled lot en east lb strut between French
and aolls• d, with dos troll tn., and splendid ear.
Room sod lot on was Seventh street, betw en Pew,
and gasonhs..
Tins beet bons* on F..ftb street, between Freer', set
Brisk house so east gill , 41.4.
Heusi •nd lot on youth side of 11th street, third doe r
• m nassersi
locas tad lot Os Tougti strait between
Mono and lot ow Numeral, betwfwri 12th and 15 b
Memoir, 34 doer from 12th •
Prick Douse orttb of land„ to Watii - ard
voldorce of Col.Compbell.
B e c k banro on jleb Streak between Peach and rapia
(rem; residence of BUN Boyle. '
Itronto boon CM 11th cunt, bstvem Yeac.b and b.,.
Wm, lot 623 by :65.
22 Net by 147 town 18 toot alley, on noel east corner
State and 10!b Bute.
24 feet by 102, on State street, between 7th end Bib,
net We.
21 feet by 100. mat aide Stele etrw Unarm dm,
21 feet by sot toindred,eset side State strentASSobAnt
tle• above.
Web afore ow Stele greets between 7th and ettpg.t.
Lot =yi by 165.
40 by 186 south side of 10th street, put of oat lot No.
74 by 100, ennth ads 10th street, nose Asti Lane, put
at ant lot No. 687.
4t3j by 165 on 6th street, between German sad Flo:
land No. 067
6211 b 7168 on 6th street, between. German sod ffoll
bind, No:1614.
tyli be 165, on 7th street, bete een Germs end Ea
lard, N 0.1969
Vows. 1101 c'ty lots on Poplar strut, between 4th and
th streets.
Tttree.fullotty lots on PUP , street,botwein Poplar and
6Ornet br 80 1-2. miner Poach and 201 street.
100 feet by 185 on Bth street, between newts stl4.llal
Five lots on 9th street, 38 by 169, to an alb. , . between
Wallace and Ash Lana; on tong thew and yin cheap.
s: by HA, on 14th street, near Ash Lane; were these.
Two fall city tots en 11th street, between Csestaat
and llelnot (trees&
Four fall city lob. on 121 h street, between Chestnut
and Walnut street..
88 1 by 165 on French street, between 24 sad 53-
81 I 2 by 1.15,0 n east Bth street, mane of Myrtle... 6
joining W. Hiss
for. lots on street, batty cod 4th.
. 1-2 by 185. corner ofsth PWitr. ' Dries low.
by 145 to an allay, on Ad side Stara street, bet were
12th end .Stb; wilt WI twenty het if deli:W, city
Wine ems donee lot of it acres. adjoining Card, Wilk.o
and J. S. Carter, id Itlll trash.
fy.) by , 115 on east side State, between Stb and Bth
160 acre.. 9 rollaa from Ede. tat'..* Buffalo Road
and P. Z. railroad; 40 emu of timber, balinfee in ths
highest Rate of cultivation; brick boom, with good
barn and fine orchard. .
42 sun on Gospel Hill, Az mitesfrOmitri•—good or
third; Uwe' timber; good grain &ant wall watered.
100 aeras on labs Road, four milestfrom iris—hone
barn and good orchard.
109 acres near Barbarcreak• good gnaws laud adjoin..
ing Cant liinton'a. •
60 acre. of hernalwa Umber land Iter Concord Station,
ma rho P. & R. RR.; very cheap.
&mel fan, good farms c Rhin two• miles of the
EO •
tares of lend, tiro mad mr•dialtnntra from Pais" on.
Prattabargh rend, horses, 'walkups. two osebarda. . ,
31 acres In Green townitirp. two ranee from Erie.
65 urn two milts from wear Ridge Road, undo
dna rulttration.
30 acres Dear fiar on Lab, Ro
e' od, near roar
Rile Cm k •
A large amount of 011 land, and prodnelng wells 11
Penvarlearda, Wart Virginia, sackeartada, are offered sr
ertremely low pieta. i ' -
). -..-....„
TAB great line tralarem the Northern and Notttrvw
aonntlea of PernarpitilliS to the ally of Ma .a
Lake - Erte. It turaleawedlry the PaawrYLrewa
read Cairparry, and it operated by them.
MI 07 P 82:3M112. IMAM 'Ar Nan.
Leers Eastward.
Wail Trail, _ , .
. c
trig Eip+'aw
Wa , res Amara....
Mail 'Train - -
Itrio Esnran Train
Warren *team.. .... ... .
Faesenger cars run through on the Erie 91411 twd it.
press resins without change both wars totem's, Fhibidet
phis and Erie. -
Maw To* exlbOpedraa r ',Aye No. York a* 9 GO a. m.,
Mira at' Site 1000 s. m. Luca New Tara aaG (at p.
art , re at Fee 7 le le. ca.' Lela* Erie at 5 30p. st.;
arrive at Neer. Torn 440 v. To. "Leave Erie at JO II&
arrive • t New 'York 10 10 a in.
- Elegant Sleeping Cars on all night Palos
For information respecting ralliniter Munson apply
at corner of 30th and Market eta and for Tr,igio
business of the COMpailea 'Seta&
S. B TENOISTON, 3a., carver 111 k and'itartst 'Meal.
J.W. REYNOLD& Ills. •
W. ußnvrw. Arent N. C. R. R.. Baitimara_
R. R. 0(90 WON, General Freight Atm% 1 , .hf..a.
FL W. (WINNER. Gen. Ticket
• TYLER. 4eeenti l utortititens& .. ..... 'la, 'a
N 6W Rt 8.31 •
luau P. Crook, hulas laic= .a al OD.. ersu
u a partnerors tho let day of arl..ilale easertho Lat.
same oIJAMS P. CROOK Ai SOS ireint I /ate eon
tleateat of hie old amounts. AZ;emuitosut,'-hez
tadabtod to lam are rest :o - ssa. leCJe
without May.
1112,11te ra
ROUGH & PLANED :..7.1L.31-i
Tfizaw Sub, Irnamt, Dun and 3:inds,
aad Picket ?ewe Scroll Savina. 1 ant
Pinning don, to orte-.
Shop on Peach R t e Between 4th acrd _
Stte, Pa.
We enteetthlly ettll theattention et ut. u oa
teething tor dolor 'yolk In the bin el snla. stonnth
end on renonkbie dom. Seeing fitted at canna en
ahem ntth enyntoz soathinets, in dint enfant e
siring entire nUitaettort. rt
EirOrders ton &booed will mend rennet ettestink
totitrEll—tf. JAMS P. CROOI k St`N
1820. 1e67
RADICAL ti - R1 - ON.
Enter. upon the Forty-Seisntit n sr in gentle tem,
with sight paces of tlyn columns nth, printed
- in set, readsb's ,type, and is in many
, important respects
• -t,
peeetaten Copier slat free to say addles&
017 ICE CORNER EMITS a Jura sra., slim FA
J. 11. WWL&M.
Phabenhil u steossing Coreas.,,
PhuJanos aNighs Bialsg Conntaft
Phu,lon's "Milks 11looming Cereamr
Phelou% "Night Blooming Ceregrs.:'
rbaleno• Risbe -Blooming Cerro.?
A most excgatifte. delicate, and Fragrant Fe ta:A
dlagged from She rare arid beantlfal Sower fro*
eahlcl3 It takes Its
Manufactured only by
PIL&LON & NON, New Yes+l•
34461 ed mad retarned "oldies, wfdowl and orpl lo
of "lan 'Didion, and the unemployed of both Woe:
orally, In • want of raipectable and pridtaldonalr
melt ' a° dal. CIA procure such by each
. a postydd addressed envelope for particular , ou
an 9-11 :Box 163. BrooldnY
..Q.T114031. VIIBI-.lSvary..l °USW
10 gentleman to the Vatted tqtates tan bear add ,6f
vett mach to their advantage-by retain wad,
thine) by addreatng We anderrigned. flop ,
tabs of bible humbugged will oblige by not notidmi
eni. All others will please address their obediseL ,
eat, - THOB. F. CHILPIU".
dee284554y; _ tall Broadway. N.Y.
F. A. WEBER & CO , 814 Surs
Ban ememeneed keeping Platt it Co.'s oriel
Baltimore .0 , stem, 'Met they will eel eitbet 1
Oh at cam. These Oystas are eoaddered s ate I
the market. Betels, lemma sad print*
plied at 10111 prima.
and lostnittion to young ifte—pabi4*tl
ardASIOGIStie 14 a dont hag of am" la Nom
opos, aoldrin Dl ` J.BIII4IJA aocastrof
a r ty duirrest styles, adiptsd to 11114 Mi
lon* Kt to $6lO gold
" 624 4 cOthar Brat pa swirdwilkos
trats4,oolaus taw *On MASON isSI
Begone? , ON 820111/03. ew Yolk.
---------. 11 1 00 cr 4
5 00. p.,
rata sai Pnblisksz