The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, January 24, 1867, Image 1

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    Terms of • Pubitestios.
_ subscription Peon $ 2 . 53 Poi 7 11 4 when paid in ad-
SS.oo,lf . not paid until the end of the year.
Ad „ r tiiing rates weds known on splint:4ton at the
,No All earairmall?stionishoold be &darer/cod to
Editor and Proprietor.
BusinesS DirectOry:
•Arronsair .IT Law. Union Mina,
ri • nol4rno•
• Conti ty. Pe.
Soaagoa Waiter, State St nest Mb.
st; 'Mc . tr
#rroitmr ow law. rtiresel..)lrte emote,
. reflection" and other boldness attended -to with
—"teen and dianateh.
- -
Willna° l ll ,4 l llnrY At LAW. 'ln Walke's O 6
1...n0 &meth stmt. RiLs. Ps. mut T "a 2
-Arroltzirrli Awn CmrinitZLLOWl ar T.Air.
Par . ems t iled*. near North West femme* the
,vli, agaire.Pse Pl.
pin"' 88,
oir Puri. On e.w ood
Trottel 2tze.t. lotwilen 11.14 h and
• 100,11-2.1
Waterford. Pa.. -
Rewire, I.9wr Panrarrimt
rwwi.Aeronninds•innn atlontinn ply.* In
1.• nr ynnala .OMR le*
r4llPri froiNIV.
FTmerstre o p vim PW•111. Piraliel , Mae*
. w«kt n/ Piny Ran. IEIO. Ps
Cl to. vv. 4111 7 1Phr arm.
Nniinn and ^batty-. vont, nontressrutete mut t'olleetne.
O.nee'in flesetto Nitthitttr. southwest eon's? of Itifth ftnri
iqgW faTORR.
/my .Penvmwltow.rme,. at th. near
.tore, Takla Mao.. has ^a Ma/ is.fp• asn4.
a .nt nranaeeries Prnvi.lnn. nrnnA anA %rm..
/in. l' , .haren kot fn Irlateh he re.
tall. th• aftonOnn nlfb• rtnl,llw egtl/411.1 that
ea earl nifor aftel hanralno a. can ha had In ow- par*
n go. C B !MN wrr, M. n..
IT • PUT• 1111 AN AND ar•enenr
epee Pad 'ark .Met..T.rft QlpteP. n'ovo—lnnvik
t ?Mame* of P. W Weal. ?a Oenr rim% r•f tbs. Wtr
rh,eb. nn Parufran etnret PPles bean from t 7 a. 1.•-•
'l.. until 2. P. W.
4 MRRD de CO..
• Whnhentht and "ken dollars In Anthr et , *
• innninnus end litnerhurr enal and wood flown leo
•hith Lon" Int fnnodylan and prevalent Int homes nee.
htats on hand
Corner 6th and Verge. and
ntoer Myrtle end Manor re., I squares west of the
nine 'tonne. sees.
J. lettaftßat, M. ID..
; •
~, “^tneorethtePlivsietan and gorireon
Mee sod r.ndole Imp 601 Path at..• the art
' env,. ()Mee boors from 10 te 12 A. L. sto IP. Y.
nd 7 to A P. Y. apf,Am•
$ SAL 138711T5 FOIL NA L S.
. .
Avvondvel7 Muth!~ Atom on flbiti; Fitnovt. be.
town &month and rinbta But ed. are f
oid for solo on vrry rasaorble toms, If applied
Engulfs of
et.lXe. Mt A. 1141.11*ATTR. Auk/
tEIN C. REBIlli, - . . _
Dania ni Dar Goon& Cacieurge,
. 1 ,, Aardwan, NAM, Ohm, Read. Plaster. eta.. ear
,nf Sixth .tmet and Public 6412/11114 4140. Pa. i 017 U
. an, Ram..
r nr Sixth street as.
-• Ile OSSORNIte
Lrrsar ASD 9ua STAILIA on Igishe
t, between State and te r m s. Tinellenpas and car.
ea Taaannahl• . my1:14111-17.
. .
. a y, 441 C K RHINO. 11. De Pep
11ernar. en. French xi.. Wend s'
nitth 111Aek roar enrner of Read linna• nor
•. 1,1/0111LIN • •
Thrwiner. One. in Rosan-MI . nth aide of the Part. Krt.!. Pw_
arturrea„ Biwa. UM DOOR llr IMPS,
trjey. yet ilea 1..5.r. &e. Prortetor of Ale ani
v.. , aniXalt warehouses, Erie Ps.
I L. , PiCK PRIMO, P. D. P.,
Perrror. 0 1l eo. French Ptt _ won/ story
rritti, RlAek, war corner of Rood Roan oolti-lv
Freeman's to of ^rim Vorton,
Venshants, and Wfinlasale diadem In COM.
t rot. for N. P. k P. and Penple'LLlna or 'femora
art Public Doak. Erie. PIL jolted ly.
- PuTortouur Airoltritavoi
0 . 2,e, 24 door fl.otty's Block. !god rut, Th4o.
rrawford. Cbliatlan k Rath's' Qtar.. ReoVoneo
r..t Bids 'Cyril* stn.! 3d boom Reath at ?Both.
s, Ps ASPICif disposed or F our dock property to the
vs nasY4l dm, ttr wieeseselle reties from the , mla
sesomnsesidlog oar soessesori u ensineotiv wee
rof Pie sonedsosiissell ostrnissze of our old Mired'
the tsel24l SCOTT, ROM's; di
VTI.II as GOALDiefO, -
• Fashionable Tailors. Fifth abed. between
th and dih, Me Pa. Cast• m Wore. Repairing , sod
•ttfsq sttanded to promptly. Clear Ong done to M•
t =Omar. •nl9 RR • •
" 41 ' 4 8 1 W anwentiensd . sew Tobacco etore.e.
etrest,bstween ' , Mete a-id Preach, (openslto Pi
tob.offleel end will keep eonstsztly o bend elwilt,
i• 1v of Rogan, Tobsosto. lanaff and tinsrithiast visa •
id Is s dal class Tabseows rani: which 0.,. will •
etiolseslewnd t.fafl. Ilse siall - Pne eat theists• to
ono! lbe bast onsaufsetase. Ilasolllnit tobacco, pier
hoes rods In great variety.
apt 246 ritlaa & effrrV7
• I,
i 50.14 Arjgwn'e Rotel, is intlirdnit • vo,•Eoa Ups of
y shoe cox's. whieb will be sold at very Low prints.
•ne *satin, anything In the above Ins will And it
Tantageotte In call. Ladies' farm altered "and Enda
Sr. dace; tf
A variety of Children's Plain and Pane" "
• es' Ready-Made Under Clothing. A variety of Gent"'
Fuishing Goods.
All of which will b rn e tent on band. and alto made to
sr. Oar goods toe all Manufactured by 0121111i1M1
Stitalng,Pliging and Itraldlng donut the.
must untie,. a INN • large variety of the West style
gems for Indio.' and Cbildnues Garments. • All or
ient be promptly attanded to
roam rinurie,
Trench St. between Ith and litb •
•4: et, Cfl r LB lAN & •to
' - - Dealers in
oeirum ANtrammi AND ROOKS.
Alets for
Also. A
AN gent, for
an 23 t
1 •It 013 r D : MI.• Semi • • ,
owed by one who b i t eared himself and ben
. of ellen, and will tell yr* nothing hat tbetnetA,
•lrenn with stamp,
'all' BOX 67, Baotou, 800
Of the best Ida at
dals tt J O. lOLDIVS.,
Very Chen,. at
648 -tt J. C. PELDENI3.
11. Wzoites at CO.,
rockery, Moto Wart. Fruits. Mitt
VOL. 37-NO 35.
A tillA. DE / 1 1•431NOLIA•
• toilet delight -.superior to any Colograi-nsed to El
baths the hies and parson, to render the akia'soft and - -,
troth. to allay isibutunstion, to perfume eloDfing, for
headache, dos It is mastnafactored fro the rid' Saab-
ern bilgoolin;and to obtaining • - pstrenege quit* no
prseedented. it is a ftrarits with sotrows and opera
singers. /t is cold be all dealers. et 51 00 to large hot.
teased by DIMAS BARNES CO. New York, whole
stile agents . I
Sold b. all Druggists.
t•Jea •t" r - •Faaotly r Solon Shinsle said; "they
two there 'titan tim. • If h• felt t'owtose to this
Morning,h• t.nk pl.ntat ow . nitteng If he felt wear. at
nicht. he took Pla,tattla Ritter.: If ha lacked appetliap,
was weak languid or mentally oppressed, hi took Plan
tation %Nana aid they never failed to set kiln on Ile
alas Kam* and dm.
w persons tract any Uttar a , theirity. but as wane
may, Jest read the lkdlowiale s
• • • wl owe south to you. for T verily be
Urns Plantation Bitters oared tor life."
• • • •"1 have been t *rest sufferer from
Dyspepsia, and had to Clan inn welshing. • , • The
Plantation Ritter. he•e wire .toi"
• • • "I • had lost all appetite—was so
usak and soary ted I could hardly walk, and had a per
imet draw:lof aaeiev. • • Thr Plantation ;Ut
tar, ban tat ma all iirlat " ,
J itWitS ARMINWAT,SR Loots, It.,
• • • •The Tlanfattott Snare have cured
Ise of a derangement of the Xidnere and rrinary 'Organs
that nitres ad met r years. They act Itte a charm..
" C. C. MOURN, 2.54 ttroad•*••
Yrs. 0. • ORVOL, manner of the nnion Rome
fkshool ter !soldiers' Children, earn she has eras It to
uthe weak end invalid children under bar charge with
the most happy and gratifring resulta." We have sa
uteed over • hundred reams of such, our
Winds", but no advertisement t ect aserhat
people C'emeelvas lay of a good article. Our fortrineand
onr rep , tation in at stake. Ihe original unalitv and
high character of these goods will be sustained under
every and all ciremartsness. They have airrady oh•
tabled *sale to army town, id Ham par at end hamlet
'moos civilised nations. sue t -Raters try to come a •
mama name and style ar possible, and became ',good
article cannot be sold as cheap as a poor one, they fled
mono support from parties who do not care what they
nil. Rs on your guard. Bee oar private mark over thi
ant. - P. H. DRAKE it CO., New York City.
..(lentiemen: I had a negro min worth SI,ZO, who
trk cold from a bad hurt In the laq, and was naeleas for
ovar•vaar. I bed need everything I could bear o
withont beneit, until I tried the Mextein Mega g Lin •.
intent It soon effected f permanent cure.
Montgomery, Aim . June IT, '59. J. L. DOWNING:"
-I take Omer to reams:mewl ter the Iterfeaa at
tan Lintweet tut • 'minable sod laelipens 'We article
for Sprains. Bores, Berateoes or Gatti on TUTU. Oar
mint hare use! It for Barns, Beldame Sorer, Rheum
tires, he, sod ell say ft sets like mastic, •
loremas (dr Amerfess, Wells, Fargo'. sad liarspiezes
Sums "
"The sprainfa mT dattetitee• Loth", OCUISIODed while
skating last Irister, was entirely anted is one week after
she ecinus442l,4 using year celebrated Itssiens I.lnl.
oast. ED SEELEY' "
Gloo.est. 'Naas, Avg. 1, 186.5.
It is in admitted Wt that the litexicen moo/mg Lint.
carat perfor4 more cures in shorter tin's, on men and
tout. than ity article ever discovered: Esmilles,
ay-nisn, aniplaniars sbotild emir; bee it on band.
Quick and • • itteertalnly Is. all'pettaine is mapped
In steel nlatweneravings, be ring the si zortn 6 01 G.
W. Wastarook, Chemist. and the private 11. S. Stamp of
DEKCS BARNES & CO., over the top.
An *trod hag b en made to counterfeit It with a cheap
stone plate label-. Looltclosely.
Sold by ill Drageste.
It Is a most delightful Hair &eying. '
It coullcates me zed dandruff.
it keep. the head cool sad ohmic.
It mates the hair tleh, loft and glossy.
It prevents tit* hal, turning and toiling off.
It mat o= hair upon mmatarely bald beads.
This is what Lyon's Matharion will do. It is pretty—
lt b cheap—dasable. It le literally sold by the carload
sad yet its slwast ineredltdadszand Is daily inereasing
until there is hardlyaoonnity store that does not keep
tt„ or • Candle that dose not ass it
K. THOMAS LYON, Clarclist N. Y.
Sold by all Dregyists.
Who would not be beautiful? Who would not add to
their btantyl What Elms that marble purity and
Cape appearance we Owens upon theater:N*4d la the
city belle / It Ls no longer s swot. Tiae - y use Ragan,
Usguolla Balm. Its contlaued :um ramomegan, Prick.
les, Pimples and roughness from the'taarsnd hinde,
and leaver thee:ample:ion smooth, transpannst„ bloom
lug and ravishing. tialiks many cosmetics, It con t ains
no material injurious to the skin Any druggist win
order it for you, U not on hand, at $0 tents per bottle.
W. E. HAGAN, Troy, N. Y., Cbamist.
DIMAS BARNES & CO., Wholesale Agate, N. Y.
Bet astraes Inimitable Bair Cawing la not a dye.
All instuttsosons dyas are eon:posed of law =astir,
and more sr less +Vitro, the vitality and bsountrot the
hair. This to the original hair coloring, and has Won
avowing la favor over Wanly years. It restores gray
hair to Ito original alloy by gradual alemptlos, to a
mr st rentarksbla trimmer. It Is also a beantltat fitly
drawing. Bold in two siseo--60 onto and jl—b7 all
dealers. C. FIBLYSTRERT, Chemist.
1611LACT on Pats ZilliAlo4l 013101131. b r In•
digestion; Ni,pe, Rearthtra, Ftek 6adaobi Cheers
tiaras; Illatalsnor, /to others • warinng 'Umtata Is
required. Its awed catparaties and antra potty
mains It a edreotp and at M. artiels for allnsry Tope '
ism. Sold eynywbpry st AO ands per bottle. Ash tOr
•Lyon's* Pan ?admit Mats no other.
aprbiblits. • ikild by all Droutits
Mts. fitavbfas haeleist opatid •
_ .
Foos canons Wrath of she depot, mot Oast to the Moths
and Is now posponod to tarnish the ladles olErio sad
nity with Us latest Lodes; mad Op la the bad
stda by ma oesompllshod :at hair, lad a toas mos albs
bat altabllsboutota in Buffalo.
leo him mods arrassemoasta to . meld al' of tha
Idiot stein ad 'isahlosa Am moon as the, aro mottlesd
la Now 'Fort. - It ta nor di to please dm mod WWI.
oaa. vis had • Moro amortmeat of non Tdotaisel
Netter; ke. plasm 'all sad azasolasi_ oat rail berm. purchimar eisrvbetc . „
OW- thing sad preafat, d.. lel flit. •oa el stork
la oar 'tais dabs oa this dast castles stolll-3as
osu as al Wald by.
• J. -17. =DM
CRP. C 1. VtLLWOrID — l4 low Ynri
Sold by all D rugglsts
Sold by all,Druggists
Sold b all dilaubdo.
BA" ,
T 0 V - E S .
ur abet la the lupe and bat ,it of Mario, em•
taacine among others. the tenoning sell bairn
MG. Aire 'abut the mama in prindele as the P P,
Stewart, sea fa in ever, reaped its egos% We attn. it
for alb with unlimited comedian In ita manta. The
Waste la sold by in at a eineh low prim than that of
tit* Stewart, and is warranted to ►e all we elatmlbr lt
This Is beyond doubt the Overt openiting nsoklntr
Snore roe bent coal to the market ' , bars la no trouble
lo eithe• kindling' the On or niensistug tt aft-rwardr,
end it em be easily regoteted to secure Jo t sus& i• bed
as is respired: Plot can be kept to It through the slight
wlthout danger. No one who has ersr seen It to op*.
rattoo would went to use soy other.
Persian wanting the Ortinktal, cut hs supplied b as
at Low 'Figura&
We hays the exclusive right In Peuesylvaiifs• :or
manufzetniag the ado Ecrated -
ADMITTIDLT TEM BLS?, svga nentoDucHr.
also on band, this Model Parlor, Cylinder,
Bette, Pearl, Globe Resist, awl Belle Cottage.
Our stock Is way lugs; consiating to put as follows :
cnirer. moerrroa (for wood),
pßocammvic. slum%
__,RIPUBLIA:3II I 2OI79I.L , z.
_ ::::04014 - tr411 . 9111;
. and
Including Vies Imptovettih"beet terturverlf:
for Hotels, 2Wad*, Zonal. Ake!
SHEET - 1R01,T": fiTO 4 7lB I
xr N Act 04.9
And r is hid. otorythlog Jtocl - = to the tai*
Stir WA: Punic au /MIMED .TO cam
AND Ezdiicas ciuis
No. 1289 macs snralre.
Three doors North Of the BeilieetilTra*
tlite. PA.
WAGNER k !num,
Maytag armed a new Safe is the obswilosaller
sysethally sanonnoe to the public that trey have on
hand ono of the lams• and meet iterethilr
stocks of Basdr Wads (nothing. Cloths. Mud=
lfestistre. Gantiemasfe Parauhing GoodsOlato,Chmo.
&morns brought to this sosiselh.all psurshsasi SLIM
the asli in prism and tote sold at the most reatualible
Sturm. We have one of the boat swims is the eons
tap. and will mums to mike tip Clothing is the Mgt
fashionable and durable stile. Oar stash Is waspish".
Nothing is the line of onr Wane has horn neightoted.
Clients soul and offelbr yomoolnse We warrant onr
goodso be ate rtpromat them. mid oar prime as low
dee2o 4/ la thst Mty. waorma • YUEN.
• • .
Have a Ism stook of 'goo& la tboir lbw suitable
to? holiday proosots—oonsiatiog of
And • fall aaaortonst nt all artistes usnallytept la a
end-aim Amery Stora.
- We delifeto ea 1 attostfon . to sir new styles of
Wide& we believe to be the betty the motet Wed
deg rho coosfealle cm bead mad made to order.
MANN & 1 1 15WIR;
6w1.1-tf No. I Reed Sleek.
Nap opined a atm atone at
NO. 121 nano ern" mows or Tin ONTO;
illhork . • wttl tap ea hand • tun sad wail selected
stoek -of the *bolted Cigars. Pang. •afal..ltio Ad =A
flag Tobteeo—all to - be fold at the moot Toesouatir
Woad no foryeareettle. $o Palls at wholes's!, or
4•0111 tt
alet gossaatseo sat isfact ory artioLe.
8011414411 imam
lialllogolla Warm Coat asap, Una Oa chroaat—
other Coals is proportion. a tits! Is al , that In "osio.,
.azr un eatiesisi ow et *dr rifitier fruatf• •
11: 4 : ;0 . 71 . C'E
RD RIDMI4 TO Um Court Maw*
Plow IDto Co,. Pt, Nro.
Alttlito- ALL.: fD. ritry turo4
The indorMuustoggpotated bi the Court all
Mao et roiii•miti••••••ted•ure• t apoaoy
In'lsoto+prtatedsl..uUl.tba la Go MIN 01 Ida
Ittgetilmoot at- 1:1s40116. to Ss titratroorrt to ttoo
Amity a Ml* in As lieVosky of Japiturf:A ;II- MT,
cosuommitn o'lo oroleelL4.,Z.-41 "DM thOli Sof
pall figuerhstars*Coa=lfteas yip&
pa d- •
Oar stock is the Inert ever tzoneht to the city,
cot isteftes of
• SILBS,..
1163 # 1 R . 1112 .
A Comdata Aseorttesot of fins Good&
Zesty IMO of 'Klee In the Nation Ilia.
and, In duet, a beneeel amovenenit. of everytblitig
needed by Coaster, Dealers.
Coast", Dashes ans [listed SO tits u s nli. Re do •
srbolasal• trod% and sasposs soiling at mall
prises.. viii maks It to She Unsays of msrebuto
to this Of Won to-deal I. Eris, instead of sanding
Issa for their roods
R. S. SOrfTLIED, W. ♦. Camino/Z. .1. W. McCosn.
ink world esepeettally call tha attention at
Nest ReetTeDotk.
eirtre ar• non. In Mt operation—bite Rout on
band. anew* tattooed to hdrztlab It km the Ella. on
tin shortest notice.
R iI I:LANNON & CO, - -\
Be bore oo expervo for Book•Heeper, Boats. volthiaro
serouoto or colleettoss. sad es. tharsroro
Tibekanithe nirt find anything In their Use
At Shannon & C0.'5.1828 Penh St,
alone Raitioad Depot.
T be beet usiatterient of Nottona.
At Shannon & C0:v.2823 Pugh St
Chained for
Ratrigegatn s and SieffSere
at Shannon hCo.'s, 1823 Pesch St.
Wagterbehli & tinter{ ClgeblStf d 131Chittary
at Shaine* h-00.1. 1823 rearb Bt.
datum end Patty
at Shannon &C 0.% 1323 Pesci St.
14 1-
Celebrated Milan Ante Parra area going both
At Shannon & Co.'s.= hub St.
Tar—genuine North Carolina,
at 4 1tennon • G 0.% 1813 Nadi St:
Scythes. Snatba arid Berths Atones .
at Stamm St C 0.% mg Puma St.
NI T Net Kafir and Fort Polisher dailterpener
at Shannon &CAN 1323 Pooh St.
_ • lointatiot la iradety—Safe. Hone. Nam. flenth,Rbeme.
I) Whihneseh. Stove and Constar EwrEM knotty*
at Shannon k Co •• i , 1373 Pooh Ht,,
the trate% BR rh.pert p ! atoms, PA.
rir Rola agentals North Wanton Per... for the
Arehtteddian Patent Aria; abol nerringe Fink 5 ,19 14112
ear Proof Bum sad Paittsaleii .4?
Are now rersiing at their old stand, American Blocs
Mato Mast • lane and- arperlor stook of
Onreries, Termitic's', Irma, Upton,
Willow, Wooden,. sod Atone Wars,
Thefts, Net• is, is.
Together with evarythtnr found In • Ikon of this
bled, which they will gall as ebeap as any other sash
lbhinenn In this city for Cash or moat !Indoor scants"
?bey Mire shoos hand one of the lard Wit flaw'
Stoins of Tobacco and Saps ewer 'Vane! to ital. to
whichthey biotite the iiitnstion of the -
- Call and ns as—• airobleshaspos to WINO Ibis'
—is dim shallz i =at . ll Cash tame will dad oast
Jasell.llllBo-1111 ' P. AW. SCINTATIDAKWIL '
Kil c u lt' seals w bad 1q Butoweevek, mar es
fa-lot No. iRIO, ow Web% tivad.l.l.lllol , N 114 6-2
lots CM bw oi tiovartli amt. out of Ash WD-
One lot Mlby ISO. Os -Nin th Wirovt; mat of lyre*.
Two iota am Clastairt ow" • Wean KWh* led
Nis*. 41 by >II I 3 oath. Two lots 40 DT 100 awb oa
MOM itteart, as. of Nesoloelk ' - Tow tote mei Marry
stoat, istivom 131sih sad Smi th aim* lath tw
122 on wrimad vont.
ilvloti Mop; 1 . 216 . Undid 1.900 &fatal an nor b'
olds of footings naoh and Holland oboes,
am be .old segaratoty or divided. Vero oligitda
Two lots l 0 by 150 bat es Smooth itenns. ant o Ps•
rade. MI Seas ink divided tato otonvonla4 lots Lo
al Woof BollolfMar.
Ms lots ow Poplar otrest between Smith sad Itightls
- Two lota co posed Iwo on Ps&; street, ow the
depot. Buboes lOta.
pe 1 lel Slates** street, out of Poet. 174 telt
hoot on atete Mot, near Youth street, to tote to sett.
480 serer edict , * Iwo. leads.
A building lot on ammo stmt. •
• forks nada • Wilton, of ealtintion ono h a l f NM
fro* Onion 111111
Six lonoliod sad forty urn of timbre hod in Wane
' llas vitae lot sod dock wt of Stator stmt.
Ms lots on Sixth" Oust, welt of Cherry, on mud
Boum lota Mk try it; on Many, Stilt, out to IVA
Alae, home LA Ws to Mint parts et Ids sit, and
subustor, all of obleh are offered on favorable term.
airing all a charm to nem a home ..
derf•fm• • 816 St..
P. A. BF i CKES, A CO..
itert‘lint Onser eitie Pori a
if Prank Meat.
Would reeneetfnity Uri attention titian ementsetnity
• to bialanne Steak at
llbleb bs Is Sufism tool, at the
His sasurtament d
Is Dot timid fa the eity. at two to promo! to moo to
all who vs him a alt.
Bo ebb bogs ooketootte on hand • asseeto7 tot of
for the "bolsi& bide, to vhieb be &nets the entitles
of the piths - • •
flu matte ti, .9411ek &lac ttmall Peons and . fal
Equivalent for th. lteea7•' sParlitt.
0 T 1 0 6.
The anderif pod hiving been duly emanhaloalict ST
thiGeveraor of theaste - -
has aimed as Ao.thie sett theembetee Mere walku
the same asellow et- CRONIN.
On new street. mod% the Peddle", where he wtt
be toned at ell tbsec. Partin bates tie rade te ,
pep eed Patine es Prints Askomill OW It teasel, st•
witetapoto eittia* the. tom-. Ova dnew sibs attielea
to earth', in the city. Coesigements tetesettet
eelleitee, andpreeeet settloweets =Mb OW saw 'aids
Auction 'Oita* Oils wieblivolk ;:
Without fell. aid I weed etoptettall. tritalat dI pirtim
Ames: goats to dtsaost 4.4. ltr satiate. tli thatAtits
as that Teas we thaw ea Vauban du*. • -
, - 11. J. crunnic:'
consaimique AyieZiaser.
balmy 4 , cumw. • -,
Avadies Warinrats:
.1114 , e4,.(sititgorrytit a_oncift '
r • Rue tart reastroi • "NW let of - • • -
". -1, 112.11 AZID LOD. Otto
To our
5 Itootod oa the Coml.
The grit Urtehig Oboaver.
ERIE. PA.. JANVADZ44...,1867
ONE Or our cotemtioraries publishes the
Congressional and Legislative'primeeclingi
under the beading: "News from Sodom
and Gomorrah."
The articles' of imveachment of Preqi
dent Johnson, of which Mr. Ashley was
delivered in the House of Representatives
on Monday, look well on paper ; but We
fail to see that they would not have sp.
plied with greikt force to the late lament
ed Lincoln, whose honestylfew have ever
disputed. Examine them seriatim :
1. He [Andrew Johnson) has corruptly
used the-appointing power.
President Lincoln, if we recollect aright,
upon his aciession to slice rimosed every
honest official in the country who did not
agree with him in politics, snd it is genes-
Atli believed that tberhesd of an impor
tant bureau at Washington was flitted his
position Shortly after presenting the Pres
ident with a silver tea-servioet It - is also
tiebeved that he appointed a pirm to the
office of Chief-Justice in order to dispose
of him as a rival for the succeeding Pepsi:
deney, and to secure in the Snprerde
Court a political element of a maim'
stamp. ,
2. He [Andrew Johnsmi] has corruptly
disposed of public property of the United
States. •
' There have been reports, that, 'during
Mr. Lincoln's occupancy of the 'White
Iffutae, a number of articles of plate and
furniture mysteriously disappeared, which
reports Mr. Tbadtleus Stevens gave public,
utterance to in the Rouse of Represents-
tires, and more than intimated that the
aaid'reporta had eta:mantis, foundation
3. He (Andrew Johnson . ] has corruptly
interfered in elections and committed
acts std. conspired with others to eammit
achy which, in contemplation otthe Con
stitution, are high crimes and misde
Daring President Lincoln's lerm•of
,flee, it was generally understood that elec..
lions were Interfered. with by the direct
connivance, if not by the direction of the
adaiinistration. It is a matter of history
that soldiers were thrown into Maryland
pending an election, who prevented duly
qualified citizens from 'voting for Demo.
erotic candidates, thereby securine-the
.election of Republican candidate,. It is,.
further, a matter of history, that-at the
election of President - in 1864 soldiers be.
4o ,ring to the army of which - Abraham
Lrricoln was the Commander-in.tlbief not
on_y v_o}ed where tbs. lo w a Ttiq:
"demo, but Voted again Ind again on elec
tion day. e. g.. At Indiairmolig, Indiana.
It is, still further, duly recorded that, by
the order as . well as the consent of Presi.
dent Limcoln,newsnapers were suppressed
and citizens of the United States were ar.
rested without warrant, condemned with.
out trial, and Imprisoned without being
sentenced which .deede, contemPla
"tion or the COnstitution, are high crimes
"and mi,demeenore." - •
To make the point complete, it is only
net to add that. had a member, of
the Hons'e of Representatives proposed to
impeach the President daring Mr. .pin
cidn's administration on such slight pre
texis as those upon 'which Mr. Ashley hai
founded his proposed articles of impeach-
ment o' !'President Johnson, he 'would
have beenl hurried off to the Old Capitol
Prison within twelve hours 'afterivarde. if
not sent out of the country.—New York
World. " • •
Political Itisqt:icto.
Prentice says, great is Forney, and $60,-
000 a year is his 'profit. -
The Boston Comnionweeith sap that
such men as Stevens and Phillj- are the
cream of the country. If 'WO are the
sooner the country is skimmed the better
for it. . .
lismcsi. Purroax.—Resoleed, "That
this mirth is the Lord's and the Whims
thereof." Resolved, That the Saints shall
inhetit the earth. Resolved, That we are
the Saints. '
At La Crosse, on Tuesday, Ben. Butler
commuted a snit - against Hi., Pomeroy,
.editor of the Democrat, for libel, laying
damages at one hundred thousand dollars..
If - Brick Pomeroy pleads his side in per
son, We shall surety attend that trial.
Dr. J. P. Cirdirajt, one of the Boston
- School Committee, states that, during the
past nine menthe, 13,744 cases of corporal
punishment have - peen reported by the
teachers of Bwton. This would make the
number for the Year about 18,000. Yet
Boston lased, and wevs, and wails, and
will not be comforted, when a colored bay
is flogged for crime at the South, in pur
suance of law l- .
An impression has gained possession of
the minds of:Congresamen that the-Presk
dentas frightened at this clamor shout im
peachment, and thet by keeping it up they
will ultiniately force him to adopt their
eiews. But in this they are mistaken.
There is no scare in the President: He is
simply satisfied that-Congress cannot lin.
peach him if they wouldeuid would not,for
any existing Cause, if they could. He de
flea them to the effort.—New York Herald.
speaking of the -protection afforded
toy t
be Freedae n's - Etareau, and the Civil 1
Ri is bills, the New York World says
that, two negroes have been violently '
booted from a' street car in the City of
Brotherly Love ; and worse yet. that s pa
lice Judge Fustained the conductor. Yet.
in the face of this positive ''disloyalty,"
Congretwman Kelley, of Philadelphia. has
Introduce no bill to territorialise the State
of Pennsylvania I .
-Senator Sumiler was properly snubbed
in - the recent debate in the Senate.' He
took exception to the Constitution of
lowa, whereupon Goverocr Kirkwood,
one of the Senktott from that State, re
plied : "Ili say to , the Senator (Sumner)
that it is none of his business ; that it is
the business of the people of lowa." Mr.
Sumner could think of no old Roman who
had ever :been addressed in such a Man
ner, and finding no reply, after a ;no
tient's - hesitation, smiled feebly, run his
bands through his hair, glanced at the
galleries blushed and sat down.
The New York World is' responirible for
the 'following statedient of the disposition
of Senator Feesenden's finally: "One son.
Frank P.eisenden;ll i retired brigadier of
toll pay ; another. Copt. Samuel Fessen•
den, is Ai captain zin the regular army;
one hrelber is collector,* rastport, Me.;
another chief exartdner at the Washing=
"ton patent, offt4 ; a, third, postmaster at,
tuewi•ton, with $ 3 ,000 a ilia ; the ' feurt,
ryenn of the Portland marine hospital,
, itk $4 000 s a lary; Abe _fifth, clerk of the
tourtitted Supreme -Court with $2,00%.*
year: the sixtb and last, State's Attoffey
far Andros cogg in fount! at - $3,061);
Jgdge.EdwardPox of.ths Vatted Btat,rt
District Conti-- ie Senator Fessenden's
brither•in-lser, and William Pessenden, a
cousin, holds so $1;800' clerkship in the
Treasury Deportment.
If you lithould e'er genitfarrled.
If you eheuld e'er*et married, John,
I'll tell you whit to do—
Goget a little tequtent,
Jtzet big enough for two! _
=And one spare room for eempany,
And one spare bed within it- -
-And if you'd begirt life aright,
you'd better thus begin it. -
In furniture be moderate. John,
And let the stuffed chairs wait;
One looking-glass will do'for both
Yourself and I ring, Mote:
And Brussels, too, and other things,
Which make a tine appearance;
If von can better afford it, they „
Will better look a year hence.
Some think they must have pictures, John,
Superb and costly. too ;
Your wife will be a picture, John, .
Let that suffice for you.
Remember how the wise man said,
A tent and lore within it
Is better than a splendid house
With bickering! every minute.
And one word ea to cooking, John,
Your wife can do that best ;
For love, to make the biscuit rise,
Is better far than yeast.
No matter if each day you don't.
Bring turkey to the table. • •
'Twill better relish by and by.
When you are better able,
And now when yoa are salaried, John,
Don't try to ape the rich ;
It took wavy a 1011ot:two year
To gain their envied niche;
And if you'd gala the summit, John,
Look well to your beginning,
And then will all you win repay
The care and toil of winning.
An Inside View of the Senatorial
[Special OW of the Pittsburgh esuimemlal, &Weil 3
HaatiiBßUßO, Jan 11, 18q7.
,eYou ask me to describe what has occur
redL Harrisburg since the- meeting of
the gislature and which culminated in
the c aucus nominal ion for United States
Senator of Mr. Cameron last. night. To.
describe it is impossible. Dickens, with
all his ability to depict.low life, could not
describithe degradation of the scene, nor
fell von of the mental and moral depravi
ty of those who have figured. Warren,
with his master stroke of 'Gnomon,"
could not portray the tortuous Movements
of the reckless politician who has triumph
ed. His path to office has not been, as
other politicians,_ strewn with broken
promises and violated pledges, but' he
paved hie way upon a sc4id basis and mov
ed to victory amid the plaudits of his hired
inibererts. - From the instant that Mr.-
Stevens' adherents madly aided to break
down Gov. Curtin by aiding Mr. Camer
on's friends in the organization of the
House and the election of Speaker Glass;
it was apparent to Curtin's friends that
the resoorksiMity of the election . of Mr.
Cameron must rest ispon Mr. Stevens, as
ibis move .had been-made under his direct-
Hon, and when the fatal error was plainly ,
seen in the rapidly adyncing . fortune. or
men eagerly en.
desvored to undo what had been so stu
pidly done. They vainly endeavored , to
recover their lost ground, but the Mow
known betrayal of -their members the
House rendered this almost impossible. In
baste, Mr. Stevens was called from Wash
ington, and notwithstanding his letter of
the day before, declaring that be would
not come. on Tuesday he arrived. Gener
ai Moorhe-d, from your district, also ar
rived, and as the avowed friend of Mr.
Stevens and the bitter personal opponent
of Mr. Oimeron, and feeling - thatwith him
also will rest the responsibility of aiding
to defeat the only man who could have
been beaten by Mr. Cameron, goes to work
to recover the lost ground. Hopes are
now entertained that the combined-voice
of the potential colloties of Allegheny and
Lancaster will. not be- utterly disregarded
in a - Republican- caucus. The known
power of their wet majorities, and the
sagacity of their leaders, gives encour
agement to the belief that something can
be done.
What does it all &mount to ? - Mr. Stev
ens has an interview with his delegation :
charges the members of the House with a
bought betrayal and denounces them. De
fiandytin answer. they say, that "nobody
knows it The Old Commoner declares
that "the boys in the street know it."
He sends for a Senator from a South
eastern county, instructed for him, and
tells him be is young, and has &character
yet, and that he "ought to take it back
to them." The youthful Senator ! with ed
octagon, a family name, and bright pros
pacts, retires unimpressed by Mr. Stevens,
and subsequently votes for Mr. Cameron.
Mr. Stevens has an interview with (lover
nor Curtin,' deplores what his men have
done,..and urges the Governor toloin him
in &revolutionary movement. "Break up
the caucus ;" "go to the people," cries
the enraged old hem from Lancaster.
The Governor calmly replies: "The con
dition of things may be new to 'yen; sir ;
but everybody here has known it for a
Week s and I cannot aid in all movement
which will break up the party. My name
is with my friends, and I must abide the
issue, whatever- I may believe as to the
means which have been employed to pro
duce this result The people have already
elected enough members to'elect me, and
if they 'don't vote for me, their responsi
bility is to their constituents. I was done
when I aided, with whet humble power I
possess, to carry the State last fall in a
convass of unusual bitterness and requir
ing great exertions on my part." And so
waste away Tuesday eveningand Wednes;
day, Cameron's adherents still motive. and
defections in the Steyens and Curtis ranks
still being, made, and the means openly
talked of on the streets and in the bar
rooms. _"Bad I bad I" exclaims a rhino:
media member ; "no show for us. Well !
well! I'll vote once for.Cowart, and then
I'll -go for Spinner, like the Republi
Wednesday night.. Hr. Forney has ar
rived. He °knee, he says. to protest
against this great wrong. He will char
scterize it as it deserves in "his two news
papers, both daily." - He has his adher
ents along. He has no members, there
fore can't (In much in the way of votes,
but as the embodiatept of the two dailies
his thunder is feared as is supposed. He
speaks of his stake in this matter. i. e.
vote on the Secretaryship. and takes cred
it to himself for his pittriotsm in oppos
ing Mr. Cameron, who is now likely to be
elected. Now, all go to work, Stevens,
Forney, Moorhead, &0., In. What does
it all amoultt to against the almighty dol
lar. . .
Thursday afternoon a caucus is held—a
sort: of humus within a caucus—Stevens,
Forney, Curtin. and all the lesser lights
talk, and men sit in that caucus as their
devoted. friends, who four hours, after
wards voted for Cameion. Stevensoo •
UPS to be _revolutionary. and asked hie
.friendito stay out of the tuneful that even.
ins._ His two Senators alone obeyed him.
Curtin 10irged to join in the pupated
uproar. As before. he smiles at the want .
of knowledge of the Senatorial aspirants
around him, and tells theni,it it too late.
The bargains are completed and the sale
will be made.
The mucus meets at -7} o'clock on
Thursday evening. The vote is soma over ;
the scoundrels are impatient for their pay.
A member- from Philadelphia -who that
morning assured- Curtin that Philadelphia,
obey his' instructions and vote for him.
votes for Cameron. The Delaware mem
bers vote for Cameros. with their instrua•
tines made only two days before to vote
for Stevens, then for Curtin. and saw for
Comema in their pockets. Betrayal bievery•
where around; Men who bed grown
grey in respectability and beam, and Ins
We et 111,61111bild teq; 'Wad to the
"mammon of unrighteoueness." Men
young in life, with every professional
prospect bright before them, went down
under the wand of the enchanter. A Sen
ator from the Northwest declared his de
termination to vole for Cameron, although
he did not believe that twenty of his con
stituents were for him. A member of the
Souse from the same region was allowed
to vote for Curtin, notwithstanding he
bad betrayed him in the organiattioo. A
member of -the House, from a ,distriet ad
joining yours on the north,' betrayed his
cooetituenis and wont for Cameron, al
though he had declared withiii a week
that be owed his electiott.-to Curtin and
Curtin's friend., and notwithstanding the
fact that several of his personal' and polit
ical friends were near him, beseeching
him CO to falsify his formes life and com
ranee a career of infamy.
The Philadelphians who were here
seemed to regard the violation of instme
none and the infamous conduct of their
members as unparall4led, and,tbeir indig
nation broke forth in every Assemblage
in towr. Men's names and =cunt. paid
were spoken trumpet - tongued. Mock
suctions were held in - the Lochiel, Jones,
.State Capitol Hotels, and members
were suctioned off amid cheers and plaud
its of the crowd. The impromptu auc
tioneer would name his man, state his of
fice, describe his district, specify his in
situations. proclaim his violation of them,
and all this in unvarnished vernacular,
and then ask for bide, which were made;
and would vary front a chew of tobacco to
a kick a posteriori, and the poor devil
would be knocked dowe,;branded for life
publicly as a man who ifed forfeited all
claim to the oonsideratioit of honest men,
and must go down tO a 14A, of infamy ‘'un
honored and unsung"—titOl all thie per
sonal and political infamy,tall this vete.
Wien of personal corruption to aocom
pill& the election of a.worti out, polluted
political hack to the Unitid States Sen
Meantime, the Democrat's are jubilant.
Many of the leaders are here, and express
their •uagaalified delight at the whole
proceeding. One of theto.a distinguished
gentleman from the Nnrtheaat. declare*
that this "gities us" the Judge of the su.
preme Court/next fall. and the prestige
of that eledtion to commence the Preaideo
tal canvass. • The gratification of the De.
mncraey is evidently outspoken and um
Camerorea‘ , (riends! Wheie are they
They have vanished. By every train they
Lave. Sometimes under protection. lest
the indignation of their oneatituonia.
should be visited upon theta physically now
at 011CP.
This morning Cameron is; in the streets
bowing to all alike, friend and foe. But
few mee, however. are • seen near him.
Few men dare be so aeon. An ex-Sena
tor from Philadelphiais the:only one appar
ently intimate.. Cameron is naked if he
does net fear Forney's denunciations. He
forcibli replies: 1 1 will see that Forney
become my friend." A bold declaration,
but a ft er the history of the past who . can
douht it I'
. Thus yen bare a meagre outline of
events. Now come. thequestinn. Isithe
Repub loan part, able to bear all this ?
Can it be done and, the organization Bur
viva 1 Will lir. Stevens press hie bill and
have these things inquired into in Wash
ington, or will the people! not redress
these wrongs at the polls? One or 'the
other will be done,
Tam Docros.—Everybody; knows the
doctor; a very important-person he is to
us all. - What could we do without him ?
He brings us into this world, and tries to
keep us as long as our bodies can hold
together and he is with us in that strange
and last hour, which shall come to us all,
when we must leave this world and go in
to the rfer.t. When we are well we per
haps think little about the doctor, or we
have our small joke at him and his drugs ;
but let anything go wrong with our body,
that wonderful tabernacle in which our
soul dwells—let any of its wheels go
wrong—then off we fly to him. If the
mother thinks her husband or child dy
ing, bow she runs to him and urges him
with her tears 1 bow she watches his face,
and follows his searching eye as he exam
ines the dear sufferer; how she wonders
what be thinks 1 what would she give to
know what be knows? how she wearies
for his visit I how a cheerful word front!
him makes her heart leap for joy, and
strength to watch over the bed of (filtrate ?
Her whole soul goes out to him in• un
speakable gratitude when he brings back
Coker from the power of the grate her hus
band or darling child. The doctor knows
many of our secrets, of our sorrows, which
no one else knows; how many lives and
hearts he carries in his heart and in his
hands I So . you see he is a very•impor
tent person, the doctor, and we should do
our best to make the moat of him, and do
our duty to him and to ourselves.
'Cos TYPO AND UPC EDITOR. —The lawyer
editor of a country paper.who wrote a
very "blind hand.' was frequently anon -
ed by compositors' inquiries concerning
words which they could not decipher.
One day a compositor, as little acquainted
with the disposition of this -editor as he
was with the hand-writing, ente.ed the
sanctum. and, holding the copy before his
,eyes, inquired what a certain crooked
mark stood for. 'The edito- did not wish
at that time to be interrupted, and ex
claimed, ''go to the devil." The compos
itor retired, not .•to his Satanic maje.ty,
bat to the ecmpoaing room. When the
editor read his- proof+ he had the pleasure
to see a line in his leading editorial read :
"lie (Mr. Webster) will, in all probability;
go to the devil." The copy was looked
for, and the crooked mark was found to
be "be nominated."
A CIIILIA Itfratoar..,, Well. my child,"
said a stern father to a little daughter, at
we church. "what. do you remember of
all the preacher said ?" • "Nothing, sir,"
was the timid reply. "Nothing!" said be
severely ; "now, remember, the next time
you tell me something be says. or you
must stay away from church." The next
Sunday she came home, her eyes all ex
citement ; "I remember something." said
she. "Ab! very glad of it," reolied the
father ; " what
_ did be say?" "Ile said,
pa," cried she delightedly, "a collection
will now be taken up 1"
The Webb sisters recently appeared for
the first time in "Griffith Gaunt," in Mit
wankie. The red and yellow posts ra. on
all the blank walls announced that an in
habitant of the town, who bad never be
fore appeared on the stage, would lend
them hit assistance for that nit ht only.
The excitement was great in Mtlwaukie.
What inhabitant was stage struck ? The
theater was crammed from top to bott on 3.
As "the play went on, the- inhabit ant of
Milwankie who hadikever appeared on any
stage was thscovered to be a pig. -
The World says the "whole message of
Gay. Curti* is a pitiable exhibition of -fee
ble faculties stooping to low means to
reach a high phew. A boy Who bad blown
his nose on a ootton handkerchief stamp
ed with the Conatitutkut of -the United
Rtatee, should_ hife learned more of its
letter and spirit than this Governor Sahib
its any knowledge of."
tuanieditrter lisp be once had, a
most deligh ream, in which he imsg•
land that - he an angel by hillside. and
on waking up found that it was only his
Damougario Auterrees.—Webere at length
reeedred s sandy of Demeritle
end ere flaw prepared to AIM* *Men of ow-
Meas., The peke it the taw U Zoete;
IS .•t by mit IO Mt*.
trader the Violets.
Her hands ue cold. her Cue is Itbile.
No more her pulse beole come ind go.
Her eyes are shut to life sad light ; '
Fold the white restareo, snow on snow,
And ley her where the violets blow.
But not beneath a R kkkkkkk
To plead for tears with alien eyes
A slender cross of wow, alone
• Shall say, that hire a maiden lies
In peace beneath the sties.
For the morning choir will sing
its saltine from the breeches high,
Anti every minstrel Yoke of spring.
That atilt.
_beneath the April sky,
Shill greet her with its earliest cry.
When turning rodud that:dial tract.
12 Eastward the lengthened shadows pass,
-Her little mourners clad in black,
The cricket sliding through'. the grans,
Shall pipe for her an evening mass.
At lest the rootlets of the trees
Shall find the prison where phe
And bear the buried duot tkey eels.
In leaves and blossoms to the skies;
So may the soul that warmed it rise. •
If any, born or kindlier blood,
Should ask what - maiden lies below.
Say only this : tender bud,
That tried to blossom in the snow.
Lies witliered where the violets blow."
Items of all Sorts.
, Never purchase love or friendship by
gifts, for when thns_o_btained they are lost
as soon as you stop payment.
ACLoss FIT —Married, in Fulton count /
tv. on the 20th ulc, )Er. 5. N, Close, and
Miss Fanny Fitt. •
: Josh Billifigs says there is nothing main
touching in this lira than iosee a poor but
Virtuous young- man stiuggling with
A young-Ilan:4e! of Chicago, .aged four
teen, eloped recently with a youth of
twenty-two. The couple after being mar
?lei three weeks got a divorce.
'A Troy ben, belonging to a hotel-keep
er, recently hatched a- brood of chickens.
She is doing as well as could be expected.
A western farmer being asked if rais
ing hemp was a good business, answered.
"I can't sartin'ssy • bnt it's surely better
than being raised . bv it."
Josh Billings says : "I am violently op-
posed tew ardent speerits as a bevridge.
but for manufacturin' purposes I think a
little °fit tastes good. "
An editor nut West ploys : "If we have
offended any men in the bhort but bril
liant course of our career, lat him send to
ns a new hat and asp nothing about it."
" Six feet in his hoots!" exclaimed Irrs.
Partington. "What will the importance
of this world come to, I wonder. Why,
they might .as well tall me be ,had six
heads in his bat."
A lady about to marry, was warned that
her intended, although a good man, was
very eccentric..., "Welt." said she, "if be
is very unlike other men. he ts the more
likely to be a good husband."
'Old age is 'coming upon me rapidly."
as the boy said when he was stpaltng
plots from an.old man's garden and saw
the owner coming furiously, with a cow
hide in band.
A person asked Mr Patrick Maguire,
if he knew Mr. Tinr Duffy. 'llnow
him ?" said Pat, ' , why, he's a very tear
relation of mine. He once proposed, to
merry my sister !"
'Superlatives are dangerous things. A
man once wrote to hiq wife, "My dearest -
Maria;" and by return post received
the cold reply. "Permit me to correct
patter your gratamsrlor your morality,
Pray, who are your *other M.aria's 2"
Th e seed of the sunflower is the best rem
edy known for the cure of Mander in
horses. Immedi3thly on discovering that
your horse is foundered, mix about a pint- .
of the whole seed in his food, end it will
give a perfect cure. .
"I wish you would not give. me such --
short weight for my money," said a custo
mer to his grocer, who had an ontatanif.
leg bill against him. "And I wish you
wouldn't give me such long wait for
mine," replied the grocer.
"What are you sitting that child Millet
quarto dictionary , 'for 2" said Hrs. D.,
, e,
he arranged his little boy at the brae--
fast table. "I'm,",'reolied he, "fixing the
basis of a s o und \ English educatton."
"Yes," said she. ' t ut you are beginn
at the wrong end. .
"May I be married, gia?" asked &pro.
ty young Miss of sizteen. "What do you
want to get - married tor 2" inquired the
mother.- "Why, ma, you know the child.
ren have never seen any one married, awl
I thought ,it might please them a litt; , ..>,
that's all." .
A vri in San Francisco lately . ger' ..1
petition or divorce in the court on ii..-
ground that "her husband Was a,c . -
founded fool." The court wouldn't &dip;
the plea, "because," it said, "almarter..ry
'harried man would-be liable to the sane
imputation." Awful! . .
A, young , man of our acquainhu c :..
relight on Ilatiday last, forty macken' in
an hour. ge resides over a fish store, a-. 1
thew his hook out of a two story window.
gether his had anything to do with ' is
ood luck the nett grand jury will p '.,
ably determice. ,
A'Querer had his broad brim blown •
f l•
and chased it a long time with fruit
see. AtAgitt seeing a boy laughing at
disaster, he said to him: 'Art thou a pr
Pane lad ?" The youngster replied that 1 , .
sometimes aid a little in that vbn ,
"Then," said he, taking* half dollar from
Ws pocket,' thee may damn yonderfie:•i!
tile fifty cents worth." .
Eamon Baranstoss.—"l'm tired t 2
death." So you have said very often, aced
are still alive, and 'in very good healty.
"I had not a- wink of sleep all nig
And yet your bedfellow beard you si t ,dre
Averal time.. "I would not do it fop all
the world." And yet you have Obit.
many things
,equally a. bad for a Atilt-.
We were ufi to our knees in mud."
You knoiv very, well the . dirt was not over -
your shoes.
true love is a race-course where these is
often a false start. Alas 1 how fleeting ate
the charms of Nature when unhelped by
Art? Who would long prize Beauty, if it
were not for soapt Teeth are stopped
with gold, an& tongues may be so, lake.
wise. A man with a rich wife -is often
silenced by her throwing her money in
his teeth. Philosophers have speculated
as to whether men become beasts Idler
death, but let us reflect how often they
make basstsof themselves before it. Cu.
pid shoots with a rifle now, and not with
bow and arrows. Etas how is it that girls
can hear the popping of the question
art in the Christian life ro leer to be s:.
lent. Under oppositions. rebukes, iglu -
lea still bastion. • It. is better to say ;toe •
log, than to say it is an excated or angry
manner. even if the occasion should seem
to jusiify a degree of anger. By remain. -
leg silent, the mind is enabled to collect
itself,, and call upon God in secret aspirs ,
Mons of prayer. And thus you will speak"
in honor of your holy profession, as well
ss t c th e good of that. who have injured
you, when you speak from God.
When the celebrated physic's*, Aberne
thy, died, report said, that betide a will
of some interest to his heirs, in a pecunia
ry point of view, there was found among
his effects a sealed envelope, said to eon.
tarn the IleCtet obe grnt success in the heal
ing art,and also & rule of living,thefolktwing
of which would ensure longevity A large
price was' paid for the sealed envelope.
It was found to contain only the follow
lug words : "'reinsure good health ad
& ripe otd age, keep the head neck the
system open, and the feet Warm.". •
A teacher in $ Sunday school was WADI.
ining a elan of little boys from a Scripture
catechism. The first question was :
"Where did they, stone him ?" "Beyead
the limits of the city." The second/ques
tion: "Why did they take hint beyond
the limits of the city ?" It was not in the
book, and proved a poser to thn whole
due; it passed from bend to foot warms
an answer Wog attempted. At length
little fellow, who had been strateldwg hie
bead all the while, looked u t i and mid;
"Wok! don't tom Woe it we b get
s Ais Ants et bine