DRY GOODS AND CARPET EMPORIUM. ONE PRICE CASH STORE! DiEFENDORF, GROSS &„FOST,Fia, A . . ~ „ Wooid reopeetally call Le sitsolioa at oar Mods sal the po klo gonorolly to our Imp and ortll t • sel!sfsd stock, eassuktog of . . . , • DRESS GOODS OFA:LL _carps, WHITE GOODS, CLOTHS, Flannels, Brown and Bleached Stripes, Denims, Ticks, Table Linen t t, Shawls, lloop Skirts, Small Wares, &e., Wail and Decoration Papers and Bor den. The largest and most completeistock in North-Western Penn's. ROYAL.VELVET, ENGLISEI BODY. BRUSSELS, ENGLISH TAPESTRIES, ?Imo ply, Ingrate, Ilatell Wool. Reg and Hemp, Velvet and Brnsaell, Matta and Rata of all deserlptlons. 011 Clotna, from one to alr yard, obi., Coco, Cane and Canton Matting of all widths. • . Thu* justly Catitivated Sating Bede, H►it and Saurus Mattraises, which are universalisation, !edged to be tturbest, coeetantly on hand and made to order. Bed/lingo aptly description. conalatiug ct . Toilet Quilts, lo'nra4 end Whtts alanlotla. Comfortera. pillows and pillow . . slip*, Sheets, Am., always on hand. Also, Lire Geese Feathers of the beet quality. . . CUR TATNS AND CURTAIN MATERIALS! Lam purialos, Damask Repos and Brocatelle, Curtains made to order. Corninee—Gilt,Rosewood.Riack Wallin', platn and ornamental. fifer Rode of all kinds. to a ford, ever tiling tornelly kept in a Met chose • endlious* Vurnishins Fst•Dlishmsat Consult your interest. and buy your goods •horn you eau tad the• largest assortment, which te at the ace pries cash store ef• DIEFENDORF, GROSS & FOSTER, No. 7 REED HOUSE, ERIE, .PA. pear.inN4 NATIONAL CLAIM A(181.4(11t, !Mice II) Pismo fine, P. SOLDISWS BOUNTY All cdolmanto for extra bounty allured by let t acts of Comma . can have the same promptly collectod by lending they discharger to mc, the rrairt of wbleh tamest be promptly acknowledged and :rottuctloro re. INOREASS OP PIPTSION&, ES per month for total lou of nos of either leg or arm togged of U. $5 per month for each minor child of dettooosa soldiers or Esozeo. Also. othor locrerces. _ ♦DDIiIONAL NOR VOL. on/Tamil or tr. a. a. 'hire mouths pay proper for all to service March 2d, and discharged after April Oth, Md. Claims coshed. Claims far arrests of psi. and semidtw, and tumuli proutatle aellected. rrisqualled facilities far closing and eumplirtiug eases. Alb:moues to trimmers of war collects& Otly moue.' in Hartb-Weetern Pettmue,. Ws attars yours of impedance in the i 7.8. Tritium can be found. air Tbanidni nu the very Mem/ patrowage bestowed in the past s we bone trr btereased emswience and unre mitting attention to patrons to amuse their continued favor. Ofics to Pamir Halt thuldiam - .narr TOM VIRRLIC4, Lock 1343.2 101. letle, Pa. IMPORTANT TO BUILDERS The Lazrest sad Bert 'tech or PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, GLASS, Ind 13R118Ht8 in trio may lnt found at HALL & WARFEL'S DRUG STORE, *ern gr., Norm 07 Brill:wry Barton hen long euaartence In the trade. ere ars enabled th t• to nn:, pima Pongee mith • suaartor quality of goods at e In Our stoek ennbtetm • general variety of fryer:She.. 4.. rent.T . need.a ud tho••arbe ei.. u• their patronage eau rely On not being dboapolnted. Irto"Ordats for Purniahlag tniictioirs erhl b latiefer s e tort) filled. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOOK. arelB.l7 TUE PLACE ' ro a Er TOBB lECIKEY BACK t:-colleltrurvs BOOT AND 8005 STORE, ststoßtne.t. Neap!, &nem La the P'.# ^160 .• B. Coughlin. Boat and Shoe Deallt hlib ' ruspsettally lamina the Puhlia that ha has resoled ifs stand to thantora Room en R teni able. neat!, °waits the Put Ma, where ha Unitas all Me old Mends and engtoroara to du him t call. Parnaiba attention 601'411th REPAIRING! Bering-weal workman. and ungenintanding an his badness belislisnes he tan giro as good Lane se. don and on at on low petals u any other pomon la the alt,. Wood Vita Warranted. sarrent. $lOO 8 A IrB D ON A PIANO FORTE! V. 5 to $5O ox A BiIMODEON OR ORO.N By PAR or 2. SitETTli, OF-ERIE, lottoad of soodtog oydors to Now Yortr PIANO FORTES AND NBIADEONS rufsuibia trent tis following eel ebrAtioci IliTattuturtro Stamm & &no. Now Yorlr. Rm. 7 koala It Co.,llknizoors, Wu. &Bradbury, Now ' - Grandam* Co., New York, Boardman & Gray, Albany, N. Y. Goo. A. Prince & Co., /la* N: T., g- gvagg, Symms*. N. Y 7 Jewett & Goodman, On elan 0 Cltratabors it GO lir. Nay York PRICES AT A LARGE DISCOUNT BELOW ILIBBYLOTOBERS' PRICES! PIIIIO/ trim $250 to $1,600 Or ATI pane= &string a drat rata Plano or tteloda• en axe united to call and axatnine our Inatrumenta be fore purloin' elsevligerc • itrory lartrarnord vanguard for Ara you" No. 11111 State Street, Erie, Ps. lioNl6stt W9RE4, FOR TM BULLION* CAUGUET, INIaCREARY & CO., BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, NO. 11 NORM PARS ROW, Ara nor opening the largest and moot isrefullrsaleetad steak clefts/24T Wand and loan Ude Illeurtrated i3OOIISI Seer Monght to Me market, including standard worts, new Engnah and American Jaye:tile Book; fable., Prayer Boots, and Church Banker, Is Brno stiles. Also. MB AMATIO;tERT ARTICLCS. i Writing Deka, Panay lot Stands. Lodi's' Toilet sad Work Doris, Portfolios. Stereo/mom and elm. PraMeg Wed Plettres, the most beentint I Sunday School Cards In great variety. Port Hobnail% Cord Clam, Gold Nino. =pm Pond** Imp variety of Fancy Artielee to Pbotogrsph /Maine from the but mon• theories, is the teat CALIGREY. YeCREARY k CO. GROWS& & NAIKBR►B FIRST FREMIIIX ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCH SEWING MACHINES ! 'r Sold by aWSIOM k MOLE% CO State Street. Este, Pi. 10 , 751 1 14 , ftKOQM OW YOUWII.—A "mamma whe lute ollered Wyman from Nervous DOUR , Prima tare Deesy.aadsll theafeete 0 youthful ID n. for thy ale of eultarbut humanity, geed 'hie to all who sod It, the redo, and Orections for leakier the staple remedy by whfeb be enigma Beterews wishlng to profit by the sdrertlia's merino, eft do se M= &mast JOON OODWN, dattrU it. 1To; la Chamber& St., W. Y. GOFF, PVII7II/80N CO., SU TRENCH alitSt, genes baud the bat kinds cd Ground tofu% Bpie otali Web, ft. nnLovrat Mess • 1024 f at WARN, efiRINTIAN & enaatk NO 0.113 AND 2$ PARK BOW, Ras_listssoidesti • TIMM- -CHESTS Or CHOICE TEA I WitiebsikuUtoilame. • adMC - ERIE CITY -BRIE, PA., CARPETS. UPHOLSTERY. FIRIE R , A111.%4 AV. GREAT lIRPAD (UGS. DOUBLR TRACE ROlni NEW YORK. BOSTON AND THE NEW Phil Rills) emboli from Dunkirk to New York 480 miler. Buffalo to Nes York, 42300 1 4 c Fill mmrcit to Now York 415 marei. A im I. /*Olt - 12 TO 27 110,28 11111 8110RITST ROUTS. •lt Trains Ito directly through to New Tort, 4to MILES, without change of Castles From and alter Nov. Trains will leave in *own. R• 1146 6/.~.0 L.... w e.lin . r Pnrat OY. BIRK and RALLKANCA—by New Y-zk time from Pelee Depots: 600 A. N. RIM Paling Swan. from fialamaan, daily (agetrpt Intersrts at llornallarille with the 2 . 30 •0 • Dar gnome from Hairdo, and arenas in New York at Ito BO P. N. 7.10 a. 111. Eriwarso !fall from Dunkirk, daily (*scoot Flarlsys). !Onus at Saturants 940 a. 11. and eon. web it Horcellarrille and ,corning with the SJO A. N. Repress Nail from Borah, ' and Arnim In Now York st 7 00 a. x. 1.15 r. x. Nam Yoh Nizat Diffew. from Dunkirk. daily Omni Sunday!). Slope at Saltunsinix 666 r; • and arrives In New York at 12.30 P. 111.., connecting - witbeftentoon babas and steamers for Roston and New England Cities. From Buffalo—by Wee York time. from Depot Corner Exchange and 1114tigan Streets: 1 .30 a. i. NM Perk Der Express, (iinedsgr axcepted)• Arrives In New York at 10 10 e. N. Connecta at _ Groat Band with Dela gars, Lackawanna & Weston &Maud for Philadelphia, Blltimore.lilubl• atoll and points Routh. LID A. N. bog" Atwil, iii. Avon e a Hormillanllle. doll* (except Bandar). Amino, la New Yost at Leo .Connects at Elmira with Wfillagetport k M oths Railroad for Itartinblum Philadelphia, DAM. • moor, Wanbington and points Smith. 120 r. x LigAtaisig Expresa Snalitars excepted., stole for wood - and water only and arrive* in New 'York 700, • re. 6.15 r x. New Teri Midi Rows" daily. Connote at Efornellsrills with the 4.12 p. train from Dan- MA, and snares In New York at 1220 r. x. Also commis at Elmira for Harrisburg, Philadelphia sad Oa Routh. 11.20 r. sr. Cincinnati Drew daily (lucent SandsniO. nines in New York at 6.415 r. x. Connects at El. mks with wrilignosport & Minim Rained: at Gttlit wa c khlawszkinekarrenns k Rastas SO atastaata tor Heaton and New England amt.-, - Only One Train Irma on Bentley. leetttett Ilethtte at 6.10 r w., and reaching New Tort at 12.50 A. N., in ad - races of all other mtgs. Radon and Bent Ragland pseangas with their bait vim transfarred /Ow clargn,lo New York. , The bad Ventilated and mod Ugandans fileepLog Cars IN THE WORLD saeomplart all night trains on this railway. Baggage checked through and Bun always an low As by soy other route. cr ASK TOR THIERTS VIA. VIE RAILWAY, ehica can ibe obtained at al plincipal ticket cairns in the Watt and Soutlevent. H. RIDDLR. WM. R. BARR, • febls 66i °earl amp% anal Pao. Agl. ' IaIIODUCE 51)11115,P.Y. AND- P.IINTEF. Wouldraspoetfally *zeolite* that Ahoy hat* armed a storwat NO. CS l'itDVall ST,;llg7 vEEN 4TII AND r,117 ALL KINDS OP COUNTRY PRODUCE, zr Orders- trots abroad will receive prentatten thin at the Latent Market Priem Er The klighsat pries In Cub gild far Prminei. taslo4l AT W. W: PIERCE & CO.'S CORNEit STATE AND NINTH STS., THE EMPIRE FEED CUTTER ! A new and it:moved four knife Cutting 301, greatly enputor to any tour bits fled Cutter to tae, its atientth. dan`ilith,tmmpeesataa,talr falatag. adjourn ble throat aad Imam. muse of ent, sitatolldty. attune all ktoda of food - equally :well, different length of eat, operated by band or horse potre.r nombitted,, tin the Empire FeedCotter the &dad preference over every other roar ken Cutter. it took thr prittsfam at the Nes Yolk; State Pair in ism _ . We MAY, them to the piddle With fall anaddenee tbet they will ere entire satiefeetion. For eale by - W. W. PIRRCH CO.. Comer RUM and Oth Ole, Sr* PS wholeilli end retell dealers In Hardware. Parole( Ctenelleti Heine teralehtne Goode. Stom, TM end Inset lzpi Ware, Tin Bootleg and General .ten Work, lee noTirentt t. SUlTtt NOTICE{ TO PERSONS trAvutia POODIVet non, are now main: • Warkei Line from Srle to Ri non, on the Philadelphia it Erie railroad, and Irish no mute all kinds of VECINTAULNS ♦NA COUNTRY PRODUCE To tarry it an. hare estabashed a Depot ea k --- , TIFTIT STREET. In the rear of the -old Reed Roue, BETWEEN ETA= AND FRENCH STREET.% Where .e Ell be at an timer ready to melee arid pay the for the sum All barink Prods:re for alo ere regnant- Id to rfT•111 a WI. Inquire for Market Depot, Fiftb i10.1865-tt via Jaen° w. AMERICAN ARTIST'S UNION. Ilelittle and energetic, persona, mats or female, Sr. wanted to solicit au' amiptoani for our enirrariera, and to avow vs altar very liberal cub indaerimeabl alem splend'd premiums to suraerlbers. Circulars suitable to be aged in currasdag, together with all nacesaarp papers, will be tarnished on application. Address, 'ilk reference, 'A- • AMERICAN AETISYS• UNION, =CC plan Street, New York. You CAN ;GET. GOOD T it AT ONE DOLLAR PER POUND, AT CO??', PAMRSON is CO.B bib Reach Unit, Zile" , - ecerrif WA/1M CIFRISTUN ofk CRAIG. The place to bay CHEAP FAMILY GROCERIES! Pueb ?W. abra Cbtoalate, ilakrelt Brno. Con Starch. Farina, Parn2Topteles hut Earlay, Mao ,Fleint Brea, Baking Croats Tartu:FOS Peas, Crooked , Wheat, Paul What. Beale samp Mustard Beal, Canota, itoantabOlira:kW Mains Flamm Fun ilf nont. Corn Mee, Oat 144 au kinds o f am ro A co , dines, Itaisliza Pickle% Climate. of ana. in tact, arm tato, talooging to a nit Clan liuoill atom an 23 tt B LACK MARBLE.. The Penerylvania Marble Company Or prpred to ell orders br TILE, TABLE TOPS, BASES, ke. the Commie would erect the spelt) _atlantic* of Oilers aad builders te no (malty sad eal4 or their Tile balleidow it mamba , to say mar is klub*. io 403 Otters for or bar tatormatioa may beMO addrublial WHIM aactru'ir dierft ENGLAND CITIES . , , ...._ M. Y. WORDEN & CO., ERIE, Pa:. for the parohaso and illo of ntrrTEn, potruntir, nu, am. i GET THE BEET. IOR SALE HIGIIF.3I' iLiRZET PRIM. AGENTS WANTED. CATARRH. ART stma wzru MIA DANGEROUS AND LOATHSOME DISEASE IMEEZ3 - CAN BE CURED Aso uvrvir,TA4 ERADICATED FROM THE SYSTEM = DR. StELYE'S LIQUID ERE CATARRH REM EDP'. CA T ARRH =I CO NSUMPTIONI CM Culssa,eiecked In Its taelplest stages IT NEVER _FAILS! CURE WARRANTED IF DIRECTIONS ARE FOLLOWED, SIMILE BOTTLES WILL LAST A MONTH COLD IN THE HEAD italtmd IA • TIV Minutes BAD -BRBATS Caused by °MAI" seerstious. w 1 2V129. CiIIPECI 07 0.01...1.0 .4ffietiagji SENSE or skim, When lessened or destroyed DEAFNE% When maid by Catarrhal ii ialealties. M.T. ARE OWEED . EV- TETE EEMBOVt THROAT AFFECTIONS Are most taquently than othereLee esusa by r Mirk. • env mucous falllag from tt.e bead, erge. darted the might and zee =Clog from Catarrh, r az. cam! 11 SEELYE'S DR: LIQUID CA T ARRA' .REME.DY! SYMPTOMS The symptoms ot Catarrh ate at diit very alight. Per sons and they bare a cold, tbst t-evient at tacks, and mentors sensitive to the denim cd temper ature le this condition the no may be dry, or a etighk dischsrp, thin and acrid strive:4s thick and Milady% may ensue. As this disuse besomes ozonic, the discharges am Ism eyed In quantity sad &tinged In quilts they are .utte - thick sod busy and see slaked of swished oft ni• aserstlons are offeestirs, causing s bed Meth; the t Ice thirli and oust; th e eyes us week; the sense of lessened or dogtrot ad; deafness frequently Ultra pace. common and Impo•tant symptom of Catarrh is that** parson la obliged to class We throat in the toOrnled of &ask or allaormaccue. which has lialles from tbs bead daring the night. When Wotan pm the per may be sue that hle divan Is on its way to the hung; and should lame no time in anesting iL ?he awls are but few or the many Catarrhal symp toms. Write to our Laboratory for our pamphlet dr Main fully ar eYwil Wing It will be smut free to coy address. Also ne where to prosnre the midi- We ars scatting kitten from ail parts of the Anton, and also naroarona tesdlawahlls from thaw arise ft, beating Out arldenes of Ita intalldas merits. : ar,' This remedy motel= no minrnl or pohuneoue tog odiente. but Ii propurod Irmo ougetehla extract' or. elusively; Madan it Ii polbefly harrolees eon to the toot taudes and delksts CALL )Olt SEELYET CATAARR BENEDY I AND SAES 110 0111ZE. U not sold br the druggist to your irk-laity, Wry will order It for you. Price two dollars pn WAIL AU poems salkrtek with ass of of the head, throat or Wogs, shooM trete at once for oar. mottle folly dractitdug all ample= pertalalog to the above dtaeaspet. -, ADDWI, DR. D. 11. BEELYE & C(Y., FULPOIM husopl. sad 6 all Who[eta& and Retail Druggist:. GENERAL AGENTS John D. Pork, Modems% 011 . 1 n: Pallor Irioeb k Um 111.; Bonham & Vox reboack, Chimp, M.; Doom k Coralow Yalta D. Blum Co" Batala N. Y.; Itarroad. HAI Dotroni 111 4.; Wools & Pons, 73-sion; 'mob, WAWA Co, Thar dolytts; XZ. BA* Co. RMAnorotil COMO WIN Bt. Louis. So.i Buser. Ward 4 Co, MR Orlooss; B. A. *Bottnaos.k Co" Losainfilo„ly.; Way & Bro., Mow Toono.; P.ll Delo!, - Bladr.VlLl Tforknoon_its bioek, DsMastoro, AMU' NViefffert 4 /Uoi. N. T.; El&our & Aroottoor. Clomktood. Onto; Roo. John. otos, Wont. Sikh.; !Moos Peters & Co, Loodarßk, itosteekr:- , IC bodkin. that mob Um, nett anatiatals : and b ritlmmetors f the graabot tam and taspationio lu landlirt. ta Wines Itstract ot &nut Wold. Thew nada bat**. to Um both ot Oda andaaant, and an 11 4 111 1 1 sir t, 1 14: 01 1 1 taitiaa Otto moo ads, GREAT- _DISTEIBUTION MEM AMERICAN JEWELERS' ASSOCIATION Depot:, ,17 and :19 Nassau., and 51, pc, and 58 &reel, HEW YORK CITY. Of Homewood Pianos and Melodeons. Fine 011 naintisPs engravings, silver ware.gold and silver tetchecang elegant jeerel-g,esestating of diamond o gio us. mond Ham gold era-cotneoral, no» tine, morale, J et. lava. and cameo /admit' sots, - told peat vita weld and sills'. es ., tesudon holders. ekes* tms: tons, seta of ittiOs, vest and Deck - chains plain h eltate4l • go'd ac, ruined at $1,000,000, FOR ONE DOLLAR. iittiett WI seed not psy until it Is known last Is draws and its rake. ThlWhen Jewelers' Airsocietiou galls your alien tioo to the fact of -ts being the larg-t end most pe in. is , Jewelry easoefation in the United States The Muir neat Ii and always has been conducted to the Mgt OM. did and honorable winner. Oar rapidly !nerving:re hide is a ears guertuttre of the appreciation of -oar patrons for Ibis method of obtaining d. h elegent and costly Roods. The sudden star &lion of trade in Europe owls; to the late Orman war and the recent disestreme enanclid nista In &Wand, has canard the failure of a large nurriber of jeweltr, houses to London and Par% obliging them to mil their goods at • great secridee. le Once Instances less then one-third the suet of mien lecturing. Wa have Ila'aly purchased very largely of these bankrupt goods, at such rostremely low prices that we dm effort to mod away aver goods, and give better chances to draw the most valuable prises than an, ottsr , sr es abliehergur doing a Similar baldness Our aim t. to pieces: anreepectfulir solicit tour patronage, as we are eonlident of chin; the otmoit astishetion I lur ing the pen tear.we have forwarded a flambee of the most valuable prises to all r arts of the oonntry. Those whohatrOlitise us wit make the POI verse of their money, as no article o Oar lilt is worth teas than ens dollar, Weil, and Them aro no b'anks Parties de ling with ua mac depend on bailor errant miens, end the article drawn will be immediately gent to any address by return mall or engem. The following miles hate recently drawn valuable titer' floor the Ametiean Jewelers' /repetition. rood ve Icludlclrred tie use of their nem a : Cherie' ^ J. Hunter. . Washington City, value $200; Mies Anna G. a es, 62 tit Mark's Piste, Y, Sewing Machine, value $73; ttrig.Geo. L. L. Hanson. EL B vol.' antems, Nashville. Tenn.. Silver 'Tea Set, value IOW; Mist Emile Ranter, as Front street, Harrisburg, Pa., sowing msehten cline $l3; Lieot. Col. Wearer "Mitten, den.qoarternmeter, ify., good watch, value $160; Win. B Baines. 257 Ring street. Charleston. if C elver watch, n 1081130; Alexander Johnson, Esq., edi tor Moaketear Pioneer. Muskataur, Minn . ladles' armor sled watch, value $150; Punnet i.e.. req.. President Colorado end Bed Bank Mining Compaur,Sur Fraosiereo. Car.. melodeon. value $200; A eon Long. /R.l'. Prin cipal Eckhart Colleriate institute, Eckhart. N. J., aLs• mood pin. value 5700; B. K. Longstreet, Montgomery, Ala., Music Bor. value $716; Mai. Imre Van pussy. al briny. N. Y.; gold 'lined dining sat. valor, SOW: Vim Clara Locartter, Dayton. nh'o, pianoforte, valise s4oe, 'sod diamond pin value $ll6. - Many names could be pissed on the list, but we pub • nth no names without permission. Oar pettorts are dr ailed to End United Slates currency, when it Is conve nient. PAR.TIAI O . LIST OF 'ARTICLFS, • To be fold for Otaft dollar each. artbbut r'g rd to valor, and not to be paid fer.ontd 7Oa Low what you are to receive: . . - 15 Elegant fteeewood rianne,worth from $2OO to $450 15 Elegant Melodeons, rosewood cases.- 175 to k6O 40 Pint Clase-Serelog Warhines 40 to 200 75 Fine ~i 1 Paintings So to 100 15DPtoe Rteel Eng, avinge framed to SA 60 lingo Roses 25 to 40 160 Resolving Patent .reitors silver 20 to 40 60 Silver Fruit and Cake Baskets 20 to 56 400 Rots of Tea and Table spoons, 20 to . 40 150rflold Hunting Cu. Watches, worranted.6o to 150 100'flismond Rings, Closter fa stogie et" ne, 75 to -260 116 Gold Watehtea, . 05 to .50 00 Ladies Watches.BO to 100 600 Mims: Watches _ 20 to 75 Diamond eine. aro , chrs Sod ear drops, adios' sets of gold and coral ,Set and gold, florentine, mosaic Boren- Roe, mosatc, isTra , sed estnion, .01 of Stade. seat ad neck chains. pleb, Sad ^billed gold ring , gold thimbles, lookers, new a'3le b-It battle., gold peal and pencils, fancy work boss", geld pans with reflood silver exten sion I older., and a large Imo:trove of Thu silrir ware sod jewelry of every description of the test mai,o and latest styles. tir A chance to 'ohtsan any •.rf the alto • article for Os. DOnarebi puretallog a sealed eareop• for twenty dire oasts. Five sealed envelopes *lll be sentior $1: eleven for 12; thirty for SS; sixtrAve (or $10; one htindred fOr $l5. AGENTS rusrto EvErcr cv ',ERE Ca quelled todtremeots r grand to bat* and goats übo wilt set as sash- Gat aistoriptlvit theaters •Ilibs seat on application. • Distributione are made to the following manner Certificates naming ach article and ite salue.are pwaed la seoled envelope:, which are wall matzo& (Jae a , them* el-metopes co 'Mk trig the certificate or order for some article will be deli, r.d et our offlee, or sent by null to Icy address, without regard to rholee, on receipt of 25 cents. On receiving the eartitient6 the purchaser will en. what article it drawn and Its race, and can thsnasnd one dollar, and melrethe Artie • mined, or can ebpose any other one article. on Ott, list of the name value! ?maulers of oar heated eon Woe marll In FLU men. *or, Wain an artinia worth from slf 0 to $3OO enog letters an unnecessary. Have 'the kindness to write plat directions, and in choosing different arti cles from those draw., mention the style destred..„, orders for mated envelopes mum ln eV. rj MN, ti• 114. comma:led with the rub, with the name of the person lending, and town, county and Sti tst• Omni, written. Letters shou d be sed-ento to the mammon sa lot-. - . t e,r i p.Al 4 , i vßts . , 2l ; STOP THIEF. THE GREAT WESTERN a AMERICAN HORSE INSURANCE S: DETECTIVE coltrANY Fuse caught air stolen homes within the put week, and hire captured mos bora* thieves clad Its *rya:li gation than any other cancans, or than ati other mein panlits and detectives egunbiolt ham a detantivs(oree extesding from Plttaburg. Pa., to Cannel Blurs, lowa, and from Cairo to the gates. It has as actual cash capital of a16Y.610 Oa, aod an authorised capital of $lOO,OOO. It has over IMAM polities In &nog:tad to the only lire stock Insuranee Gmpany.dohig business in this Rata. mitt:Nita & GERRIA if. No. 2 Park Now, re., wilrinsare soar horses or cattle agaloit death ft- disr ease or accident, and against theft; or against theft and death but& for less moue than it rota east to &drat. - Use your steno horse. We might all up the - whole pa per with woe* of parties and arrilacates of individuals who hare recattedl remuneration from this company fa toot azintals bat one from the cell /mown firm of Loeseb• & 13?arrett, of thti place, vitt bit read with to tenor% which .Lows that the company lea company in fact as well as in nano*, and that tWry not only nay loa ves. but pry them w.th promptneso and despatch : We, the undereigned, hereby ewers that on the :lath diy of August we insured our entire teary pea, mis stating of 12 homes, with Meows. Warner & Gentili. in the Great Western and American Gorse insurance GM that on the ad day of September one of them died of Cholla, sod on the 10th day of tieptember we remind • draft ita)Nov re* for the hill amount Of the torttr• anee. I.OESCH & STERRETT. Erle, Sept If,lFEf. _ Inman, am be effected M Waterford by calllust on Yams. Terry St Vansadett; lo Wattatd•g of Wm. Pan soden• In gdlaboro of Esquire IlMobato. Very Respectfully, WkilNkß 4 OPARTBA, General Pire.l.lfe, Marine and Horse Insurance may No. / Park How, Rrte. Pa: GREAT BARGAINS in Wall Papers "CAUGHEY, McCREARY & CO., Ilerlog determined to retire from the Well Paper trade, ere moirotfezing their entire stock. Incledlog GILTS, SATINS, DECORATION AND COVIION WALL PAPERS AND BORDERS C= Title Is a rare opportnnite for parsons; 10,11113 g to pa per their house! tisk fall or next 'print. to lay In their aloek at LOS THAN WITOLESApt PRICKS. V • W. are ompalled to clove out our wolf mos toma distal'', to make room for so increased stock of Boob, Stitt:worry, Winne, picture frames, ko. CAMICT, IfcCREARIt k CO. oosu•tt A UTII 011LZ RV CAPITAL $300,000. CAPITAL PAID Ihr, SRAM. THE SECOND NATIONAL'BAN . Will open for tumlneaao , , RONDAY, IIRCRNBER WU, MG hi the Raolloguelas now aeatipted by the Bast. iferohaitie Bk. Browny Hotel Bulldog. north-mat aorner f Qtats etrost WI public Park. Wei. G. SCOW, f aaaioter 111 4 r:. CURRY, Capfuls DIRECTORS: WM. G. SCOT' of efirtel of J. Hearn & Co n Cold Bexhill .103.-VeCARYRB, of firm of ?Woe, Mat & • flitrdub- ORO. I ttow - enr. Coal Dealer. .- tV. B BROW_ ,N A Rent Runkle Perri° Railroad. 'JOB!, C. Elmo ma, or firro of fferrenot, Cantor & Boma, Who•esalo Groom. 0. R. CROIIOII, of Ono of Crow* & Floor Mete. R. R. RABB, of arta of Barr. Johnaor A. Rtora Masafeatioara P. F. FARRAR, Gray & Farrar, Wholeists Grooms - J. DRZSTGAIRR, Grocer. Brie. nee. t 11164. , A VIERS', HOBLEY dc. 810114130,' MASCPACTIMICRI Or TIN, SHEET IRON• & ,COPPER WORK, AND GAS AND STEAM FITTERS ! No. 331 State St., Corner of Fourth, Erie, Pa. WORK OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. La either of the. 'boss buiebes solicited mad promptly execrate. C.'AVITRY, atratrr. Er: MoITARii Tin Plata Worker. Coppersmith. Gal itiS•Aion Titter teeptl3-133 VP YOU WANT TO KNOW A LITTLO ON E ncarrava raiding M the human qyatem, male and female; the mum sac .treatment of the roarrlaim mutants of the toad ; how to atm etellould a thoutsuad thbap never pabllabed before, mad the m etred and enlarged edition of 11anicat Connor Suva; a carious book for carious people, and • good book ton may one. 400 pages. 300 Illustrations. Pries $l6O. ConUnts table s int ttea to any address. Books may be had at the book storm, or .111 be lee* by mail, post paid, on receipt of the price. E. Il d ltrit, M. D 6m1130 Broadway, Net ]York.' F ALL dc ISURTZIt MlLLuncitY GOODS! BIBS. B. H. HALL • fates plume In asaonating to the gulls that the amid a art ewe Damson's M0e142 Spam south of Union Depot, Mien aft• alll keep eaaataal4 a fop variety of I L LIN WRY AND DRY (300D4 Botany. Clothe, and a mend anortmat of araithla, ;me brat aor as load faAsteqs alba fdaiL stadt italaft Jog mashie Alin tle . Nut, fkaf;fonible and ekaai—mom durably, s:Kale elastic, more aracefol—cot like films from gut. era tectotasAnd meld is some of one atoms, but darable tad made of the beat 'nativist. F. COHEN &BRO., Would respectfully Inform the ladles of .Erie and vicio- My that they base always on hand a large smartment of hoop skirts, all Mae and shapes, of their own MUM. hature.shleh they will warraniegest roan, fa the mar ket. Raring had large esperienee in the burliness. they an confident of their abilltrto fireboats» satisrection to all who rune timer them with w calL &revs skirt war ranted to last twice as 10., as may other in the Mk t. Many of oar manufacrime -break in one year, they will be cheerfully repaired and no charges made. Irr Old AK , v"lwred. altered +ad shaped' as heir- AIM, a splendid assortment of French comets sad corset stays emistantly on hand. ' u eon wish to get's good fitting 0106611 at the Woes Skirt Manufactory before parlaying elsewhere. Merchants supplied cheap. Remember the plsor,loo9 State tit just south of lOth, Eris. ' octil-tf • A.. 7 conrack GEORGE ESTER, Sole &gond for brie e:oont, forl.hese oplighnted 1104 thine*, hu on , hard Lytle & Grt.atdiees Tailor ding. Pitth'street, totems Stater and ,Pfkleit, a large varlotri embracing all binds and priess.‘ohieh herospeetrtilly invitei the public to call and euentne The Bowe ma. thine is ukolowledged tqr be di. beet in us. doing .11 ktods of week. and being wally kept in order. hr pronto( theaeauertiont, I aiinnl - sat a bid at the ma chine, warranting God to to dA all peotolee. • ire Let all call wine boon pit - awing other magma gpecief attention given to repairing 11a ebieea of any kind proninVy repaired, at moderato char. ps. - < exia24-tt . • , • IMPORTANT NOSICE,, Loaf cam., 814 lba for $lO9 Float Whit. Coffee, do., 8 lb. 109 Prows, du. , 9 lb.. 100 77.4 AT - OYB DOLLAR AND LTV RDS The twat tea in the market it ... ... $lOO ("halve limary gyro:, For itatirn I 40 Priam OPl,Jsr* Calle,, per lb . .... . W 8F.1.F RA tRINto FLOUR No family should bawttliont lt. `•errM.df le tiring It. To be had of co., as we are be spears. Cell and get axle el those PATENT. LAMP - CHIMNEY CLEANERS. , The ateeitlhlng eat • 1,000 istrsints CHOICE POT vroxq Jost received. All of the ebove..goOds w will 'moll_ cheaper than the cheapest. rir All on , rods are new. having jed been reeelved. We invite all to eventing for themselves toy ;7•601-tf . HEARN, CHRIST:AV it CRAIG. • HARTFORD FMB INMULIAPiCE CO.. INCORPORATED IQIO C4PIT.4 SLAW*. T.l ALLr.r, Prat. G. M. COIL, Ssety CITY PI Mg INKIMANCR COMP4PIt, ARTIFORD, COMCPCTICOT. 11 , C47RPORIIIND 180. , " L 4Prrix. :pane Wl. E. BAILER, W-. LUTE% Seed.. , yip" rummy fn the aboiai ea and reliable Contpa. lii ma he obtained on application to nissati2:l-42 . R. W. RlTSilieid.. Asnot W• , O COfefttMPT /On el: —The advertiser Hasl er bran Teetered to health Infew weeks by • very eimple moody, atter bavile ortzfro:ed lama mai faith 1 mere long iiffeetiob. and that dread dire .ae, Can. enroptton—la ansiona to mike known to his fellowt-sof , faros the weans of care. To all oho desire It, be will send a eopy of the pre seliPtkill used. (free of dime.) with the direetiose for preparing sod using ta• same, nada they Pill Bud a me ON rm. Onnetnaption. Asthma. tivonebitle. Colds: Cooitti, 44. The only object of the advertiser in spad ing the preseriptiov Is to benefit the afilletedvind spread information which he cone:elves to be hrndaedin add be bnpm••er eatter 17 win ay WA. relnPar. as It will Goa the , * aoffvfor, end may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the primer' ption,razi. br rvturn Ina% will pfra•e address Nev. ROW 11111 , A. Wit.Bn)7, dllar6e4l. Willianientuth. Kings Co., N. T. IF Toy WANT ins HIM ARTICLE • • OP TOBACCO AKti C•IG-ARS In the libtet, go b . 11ENA.Y T. STERNER'S, 001tNIM oP MITAIII AND TDCRTf 67141ET11, TRIA PIO IVA. • -IiIIOI.I.I I ALB AND EMIL D;.4.LER.9. Somali:6 in the Toteweo Piggy, Chow leg, rim cuss; Ileersehaim Pt** Bolden,. ire, al wall kept oalsaa Our variety_ft to Lug* nano cw fall to be waited. Plate4celos atteetbn pals ho orders, end s j i pods warranted to be lag they ate sold for. (0313'6417) GCIFF PATTERSON it CO., . • FRENCH sfluert, Are selling • * - 1 4 At - L 4 1EINDS OF FRUITS! /Med i Green. Priairrid, Tombs, Ite. Cell and see the boo assottment. ne72-tt DR. LEON'S " UELEBRATED P R TIOi7S I 'MC PERFECTION OF MEDICAL SCIETCII DR. LEON'S ELECTRIC HAIR RENEWER. It fa • p si *a cure for Bab:Leese ' It rattans gray halt to its original color. It ix • tonic; not a dye, and acts opus the Peorehlons. It irAWAnat.a IV reds falling ont of lb. hair. If al'ematas • enrsisiaand Headaslia. t radically comes Dandratrand fieutora. It keeps the scalp healthy, mean end cool. It is an endisitely fragrant hair If restores. etildratenand beautifier, the Hair. ' ' It makes bar* bale edible mid. lustrous. Dr Lon'a Elm** Hair Renewer, has emoted s high local roputation formality years Its vondertal maitors• tire and invigtratieg proper** are well bairn to the medical faculty, or Philadalphla Being fully. satlidird of the merits of Leon's Illectrio Bab Renewer its have procured eselasivi orroarship and are determined that every household In our land 04 ban the opyor witty to reap Its *sent& _ . No. II Pak Row. DR. LEON'S INFANT REMEDY. A most delight fa) and effleacions cons for the ration Ills to 'filch Infanta and young children are subiset. Invaluable for /twitting ebUdrea. It aoftens the gums, anus inflammation, Invigorates the stomach and bow• ell, corrects acidity ) sad U a owe sod opacity an.• for Colic, Crambe and windy pains. A most excOlent pro potation for children of a mitten • n , l fretful habit and in all osen of looeeoes.,ff rinine. vomiting or other to trail erlef. it gives immediate ease. Deed for more thaw half a century in the p• le -le prattle* of one of the most eminent p h yitielsne of Pbil.delybia. aow' placing ibis article within the melt of att tweenntrenyeen., would rentarithst ill know it to by a maid, ofistul. vaned excellenes, and that tibiaproved to thousands of eaves. Si tae rasotned It shall to million; a pica= boon. For Ws by Druggists everywhere. - • SILVER'S WASH POWDER Bares time. labor and room—makes Itruhlog • pi& time and Mom , ay a Facial. Bold errerywhare. Try - • ' dad s - 1 y 80101 l "onto" to - N or th tlL St o ma. a Prortotots,l.37 V trd Phila. 'DISSOLUTION OF 00.,FARTNsgsgfes The drcetteletd‘weextetins ander the RUM of CARTER- it CARVER, Wes dissolved by =tall coasts; dais, Lem Amory 18th, 1868, Ile. Cuter redvisr, The boob of thie old firm may be faiin4 at the old pass. Promp a t m eettlesteste requested. j " S. 0 B. WOW. Mr Corns hes sseeeleted hie son with him. mad will (=name the business soda the name and erro et J. B. CARVE - 114 . Piping WO and well aolached stock at Draim prvn t: eine., Fla* Chemicals. as* rhanaaceatiesl Nu Fate Peptones, Panay Artlelar e to The etperletned clerics of this haw@ are retained and pe Urn rsons tan rely upon ban cemactly served at an ' Nor:ca.—The tartylea4 of Vr. Z. B. Carter Issid atm Wes secitred. asd Its will b happy to mast hit old Wanda asd customs. at - . peas ItOW,-113X MA NI.. makti GALE'S PATENT PEED CUTTER! THE MOST SIIIViTANTLIL, MOST EA 8, T RUN, AND EIAD ran B!!? CUM= or ny IR %me wawa. ' *COM/ k anAllkON, ispiasta so? start, mason ai cp, zisP•di saw. HARTFORD, CoNNECTITTIT er's Sarsaparilla ipound remedy. designed to be the moist ml Allen:tire that can be made. It is teentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla. Lbined with other substances of still alterative power as to afford an etTcc itidoto for the diseases Sarsaparilla is Tto- cure, It/ is believed that such s -is wanted hy those who suffer from lug complaints, and that one which will lisp- their- cure -must-prove-o[-immense - to this large class of our effilieted fellow. 3. How completely this compound will has been proven by experiment on many worst cases tole found of the following ints moos min Scnortmous Courtsirrs; lONA , AND RICUPTITE DISEASES, ULCERS, ,GS, BLOTCHES. TC3IOES, SALT REECE. .., lies% Strums MID StiPIItLITIO ALs menoSs, 3LenevamillisEssz, DEOPST, ItALOR on TIC DOULOUDECT' DEBILITY, Dye- TETSIA AND INDIGESTION, ESLYSIPELAS. ROSE on Sr. Atrrnoxy's Fins, and indeed the whole class of complaints arising from Lirmtrrr or TILE BLOOD. This compound will be found a great pro meter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which fester in the blood at that season of the year. By the time ly expulsion of them many , .rankling disorders AM nipped in the bud. stultitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the gstem will strive to rid' itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels.of the body by an 'alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find ita impurities, bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores ; 'cleanse it When you Sad it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is Ad, and your feelings will tell you when Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting, health. Sooner or later something Must go wtong,'and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. , Sarsaparilla has, and deserve; much, the reputation of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been egregiously deceived_ by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed. for it, but more because many yreparaticms, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any . thing else. , • During late years the public have been mis led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. blest of these have been trends upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Saisapa. villa, but often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of th e various extracts of Sarsayouilbs which flood the market, one the name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla; and intend tc4pply such a remedy as shall rescue the ram from the lead? of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think we have groundlta believing it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend ed to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle.. , • FREPABED Ut DR. Jr. C. AlltEß.dt CO. • LOWELL, MASS. Price, SI per Soule s St= Bottles for $5. 'Ayer ' s Cherry Pectoral has won for :itself such n renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for us ,to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been em ployed. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do snore than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best it over has been..and that it zany be relied on to do for their relief all it leas ever been found, to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, - TOIL WEB CV= OP Costivaiest, ..hzuxutiea . -floamose... Dylintery, Foul Stomaeh, Erysipelas, headache s Pees, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Liner W _ aamPlaia . . ZaTMV, Teter, Manors - and :Got_ • Im...ft orms, Gout, Newrilgia, as a Dinner Pig and for Purifying the Blood. They are augar-eoatml, so that the most sensi tive can take them pleasantly, and they are the best aperient in the world for all the purposes of a family physic, ' • Price 25 cants'per Box; Five bassi for SLOCI. Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, States men, and eminent personages, bare lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish gratis our Aunnices ALMANAC in which they are given; with also fall descriptions of the above complaints. and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. Do not be put off b'y unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. Demand Attu's; and take - no others. The sick want the best aid'there is for them, and they should have it. All our remedies are for sale by NEW Flap. . TIIENITITEE AND ENEERTARIN ' S W.A R - E R 0 0 II S I °oaten SP, between Riven% and' Eighth. The linteuribers bra entered into the Cabinet Making and - FURNITURE ',TRADE, And-propose mating to order andE•sPinii ennetantl7 os in kin of nuatitnrs. Orders will melee Lind promp t t attention. Repairing acute on abort notice. UNDERTAKING ! _ rtursabletithen will gin (pedal atkattion to this du. gjrt of their business They will maniketnre and onstantly on band a largo ssiottment of Vetallth Cane and Cnty, and bold theingsbree is readiness to *edam to this line, propptly, from any part of the county. fastermined to spa 'Wert' to pith satiable tion both in the quality of t he i r ; ale and prises. they hope to sewn a liberal share of p MOORE k R nblie patronage. , T, aprWB2-11. fineeeemon to J. H. UI RisEme. READY PAY STOUR, • • .A. • M,I NN 1 0 Trmrld Surieetihlly' Worm thehe ala* that he hsa Pnrehuad t STOCK of OROCZNIP.B cf 811719N10 RUSSELL, 00k.TIP OP 13TH afro imams ass. • • When he inlet& to keep as gdod an aesortmentol FAMILY GROCERIES 8: PROVISIOA, WOOD & wtrzow PURE, AND VARIETY Genoa is is kept in Erie. . • Kept constantly. on hand. BEST BRANDS OF ERIE "CO. FLOUR, wAsaarram A GOOD ARTICLE! I:7' The highest Ilarkst Pruoe pall for all kir ea Country. Produce. Eir Goods delivered free Drawee to any part o; thr City. dec2YB3-t1 F REDRico. dic VUR, (Sreteasors to Weber & MO GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS,! Wines, Liquors, &gars, Tobacco, CROOERRY, WILLOW - WARE, FRUITS, 1C74, ' rAsus sornas,.ta State street, East aids, third• door north of Railroad Bridgey !RIR, PA. P, Pluzzosicaz mt24-tt Joas Vint. JOHN oaxenuonss s sox. =1:0 CLOTHING AND DENTS' YORNISHING GOODS. Corner of Seventh and St zruz,l4 S. Rams. coNEEI & lIROTTIFR, Itanistietoreno sad Wholesale soW Detail . rally& Da CHOICE ERIE COUNTY FLOUR ! OATS,. CORN, CORN URAL, g.ahaz, SUORTS, MILL STUFFS, &C,, - 421 &ate L, Mir et ,door south of P. 0., 141314 " Daftly two in la* Cala. wry:l3 am• BILMOVISD. • The Rateariter who has aocapiad the peat fouher y &' awtaloa m u a above e hDepot to NATIONAL HOTEL; • coma Or PRAM Aral RUMS STRUT Whim hum try to sommodite tviss awl NMI!, as la •thirold MM. He hopes th the Molt-was so litersity alisooMd to hSN Om* mill seam's" him to his smy'qustum *Mira's - MIMS a to ssimraiMis 4/11rammerat irbo Wilj Ihift on Mk millllll4t '' - • ROW sant TAYLOK d FA FMK VM MODEL V. J. WILLARD. -- IVIToLgSALE AGENT, ,The_motteoraplato Mosta! Inetruireetinenutittaiid I in America, and the medal organ of the vorld, eenntrte— i tag areetolo , and depth of to tesutVql Boa chait, is appeirspoe, nsaiog end pier, Ong IA ft* trzv'enens. ror Churches, Parlors or the PQ".er 3t h4' no equal, Ann has Invariably tutu the FIRST PRESIIU3II Wherever extubit.4l in competition with other well known menufactorere. 'Wet. -four different stelae. and from Ito 12 stops: Wes double bellows, , doable blow pedals, knee swell, &c giving &rest power sod ateadi a est of tone. Attune , to the double reed orearr. glres a volume rf tome good to a sixteen f tot stop 10 • Pipe organ end whoa app , l•ll to our orga,toontelolog thaw. aud four is of meda.the volume ut tulle teequat to $2.060 pipe organ..and coition only *boat oaa fourth aa ranch. wiwityar an Wastrats4 price Itstaiirlat fall patois Ws. Lddreas orders 0.1. FTWARD. Wholesale Aleut, No. 62't Broadway, N. Y. • TEE GREAT E7s.tRITAhLED P I A. NO The Cheapest first class Piano Forte in the Itartet. neve beautiful lostruments are bat winning their way letopnhile laver. Their tone fa rich, toll and pow total, and gushes forth with peculiar sweetnees and melody, while the touch Is easy and . facie. They are 'entstaed in rich rosewood eases. with lad iron frame Over strong bwe and Prem.!) grand action. All have I.rire round contera. with book AnlabedlikJ the hen% Every lostroment I oily nranted tire yews. Cifeu lan g.wing enema biter ess ° taken Iron, Photograph, with fall deseripttes piles Let, vent free to any addren cusp pilestion• A beautiful song and chores, worth 20 ct steam perkiest the eirentsr, and fa w orthy of preset, Mo. Dealers will be forntshed..these beautiful i traumata at the to.. r et wholesale prim, and tewhers at the as. al rates of discount. Addrwa all order. to 0 J Wholesale Agent. No 627 hrtudiesdr,N. T Also Wholesale Agent for WY. A. POND & CO'S BOARDlithi, GRAT Pr CO R. j u Co.' And other first elm; Circulars giTlog correct likatievres thvge eelebnktml itaao Fortes, and Tailor a Farhri'r Woad Org i m,, for. watded to say address on apylicattoo. THE LATEST SONti'. Pahtithed January lit. lee& SI ailtd is any r'.dresa Ire* of Postage. . Oh. sing me the dear old long , 'ibe We ye drank from tte same tiktlean, by ,L_O_C 4 tit .Ste .11astaltal Waters, so , gby J it Thomaa.. - ,-.:"..,....._35e I'm happy ea the day to ton,c ..y. - ' - 35 e Homebody , • Derbrg 31c Violate under the anew, by IL Tucker......... , .. 35: Sweet he thy repo.e by J R. Theme - - 356 Hong of lb. Spoon, a new college song- 50e The .Angel Gilds, be Farago?... 10e Wheal w• ut courting, :atilt 30, Only a withered roe. 35e Sloths?, I have heard sweet music We' Pitts , act dreams of lorg ago 31e .th, say not a woman's bears I. bought 50e Kathleen. dear 40e Before I was married. 0 deer , Vell - meet no Mare at twilight boar— 250 Beau tifol Isle of the am by .A. Thomas ate Old Don't Care, by W.K. Raiford ' , gs c i ight of me seal, .1 'he* rcu &gaining. .. 35e Flee o'clock in the morning ....... .. __ 4th CleotaAnd I. by fiery Totter._...... _.... ..... lOC Corzei:Nello dear, l'sn we :ping, hr Tacker ^Cc tOi•lci on theNtaVeSo Toes' do-t, ay Glor•T 40: No time like the old time ...- . 'Ge Otv.. the old man • chance One bright moony night. comic - ilSo - Their al came holm but mine. , O 3 Young m.n on the railway_ Bee When Pentane tight for !rename. RS, Doan br the este, be J. If. Tdomaa 33c Parties ordering music, and over-paling for t hi - vmo will receive their cha• ge enclosed with tie r ne:c. or mute will be eel.ebpd. Iv toe parti.s erefer All order* mils stia.d.d to. sa4 sow iniormatiov,chsertally Address order. Wkolegato Piano Forte Orden and Mask Dealer, jylred tr Broadway, Now York, Or E. A. COLLINS. Plates, Ps., General 'Traveling A g.tt, Who wlll deliver in. inetrurneet at the lowert factory price", free o !=penis to the purchaser. KersToss 742.11V1E %FOURS. TIBBALS, SHIER ' & WIIITEHEAD, _ wasorrsowourme OD STOVES AND HOLLOW WARE, Ease a large and extensive easortome-t of Stores at t Wholesale and Retail TUE IRON GATE U a firit,class Coal Conk Stave, with or withco. revr. • TOIL for hard or solft. cC, or wood, sot , is BETTER THAN THE ST ' "Av ARTSi" We al o senni,tore the VIESSAT SHEAF AND NEW Etta, Both low oven Coal Cool Stoves—wan wool grater— ' . can be Ivied either for coal or wood. THE FOREST We are attll mumfacturitig this (Wear:tad it: , mu Stove for wood—with or withontgeservoit THE MENTOR, A Low Oven Store for Wood, ,This is a new Stove( hew:UM gusto, and now-for sale—.togehoe r with alarga assortment et ~elevated Oven Coo, , Pub'r rcoak for wood or coal, and Parlor • and &See Stoves, for wood or coal, C. IL TIBWALS, D. KURE, WHITErip•D Erie, Jan. 12. 1865—ta. B ANS NOTICR. , - • ' KEYSTONE NATIONAL BANK OF SitlE. CAPITAL, .$250,0C.0. DIRECTORS : StLDEN UARCIN, W. 11A1 gLItII3 MARVIN, BESTER TOWN, NOME. °BANGS NOBLE, President., JOHN J. TOWN, Cashier. I • The above bank will be opened for the trtromet•• businews DEC. 5, 1865, IN HUGHES' BLOCK, West aide of State St, between SO:oath nod Satielketory paper discounted. • Atones , received on Deposit. Colleetlone made and proceeds aceeentod promptness. Drilla, Specie and Pant 'rots" bought and sat A share of Public Patronage is rrapnottmlir C LEII/014, CAVGLIEV nvaitlasm, WHOLESALE GtOPEILS ' . ND PROVISION DEA LF WOODEN WAIL NAILS GLASS, ROPE, EEEIVgD WHITE, LIME, OIL VITRIOL, CAU9I SODA, GLUE, 2G 'NORTH PARK STREET, deell'eLtt FUANWS PFEFFER, MAXV7ACTpUIt .10D DXJII.2I Is BOOTS AND SHO.ES: EVERY 8171,3 A . ND vamirr, - No. 816 State St., West Side, 6e. Bth and 9th, tr Jut waived, a new stook of Good,, which trill be sold at the lowest pnoeft. _ nATARIM CULLED ROIL ONE DOLLAR. ' ISM) For ono dollar, per mail, I will send free to any address recipe and medicine that I will saarsntos to cure the wont are of Catarrh In the head or bran chief tubes Ina few rests. If has sated my life. aiid curd me of catarrh and a stele bronchial trouble I had suffered with for years I tried the eat physicians and all the advertised medicines of the day, but found no Wig tut I obtained this. I w mid sire one hundred &Ran for this recipe and tho medicine Om now had the Catarrh end could not ohten it less. I bout" u frottimotions me followed. it will can say me what•oer Matto not 'Peaky reachad the hogs and bacami a settled consumption Cure It while eon eau. Address T. P. No. 162 Fulton tit, N. Y. • kUNIC !emirs. • 11. Er. Jong WEIGEL ZEIGLER, No: 820 State Street, Erie, Pennsylvania, MUSIC AND MUSICAL INoTRIIIIENTS or EVERY DESCRIPTION. Italian. Pew& and Denim strings of the beet qua. Ity. - 86leagiate foi I:bickering k Win P Sweeney, Drzekes C&Y. and Rana & Eacon`a Plana Pollen: also, the celebrated Treat & Wale, Cabinet Organs and Matodeta Mosta and SWAP/Mb, n;sil free of Resuip. ' all orders promptly attendld to. 6 Cahalan" of Nude net &veal Darter W • i t CM BUthilli , &,1 stmt., uLmxiii. @t. Ciiity.ll%. R.& Mild. Peo 11!ter, tt ~, • 0 R G A N S! ' ROAD% A I', t---- --_--~- TSB SUB - BASS "VOSE" F 0 R TES! iiiiMEil 0..1 WILLARD. ALSO V Eu.sai-ix OIL, vrirm uur, ERIE, PA SHIA. PA Dada. to - EMI F 0 UT Z I T CILTD63. - = liono ad Cello Prifin • 4 ) . ‘,' WOll,l r. :1 n rpirttol :rp , ngthtr_.o.• aad p„ Ftomack # -• It It a •ir. p ro Q.;:.`7.--• tatt-re 4104.4 fryl.l. wit animal, each ." Y F, J. I, ti la", ....UR. JIEAV E cottons, DI TEITPER. YElti, FOUND', LOSS OF APP. , TITF. AND VIT. ENERGY, tte. 1. ate Improves -La, wind,lncreases the appetite-give' a smooth ant' glossy skin—ar traartorau t miserable Natio bone. To keepers of caw. this ' , rap:vat:on ;. irn incrcasa the quantity an.l itapr.., • a ,r of fl. , , mil:: Waal fnau • 1• tual ‘••• 1 increaae lay f an:a Crvars cunt laa 1,11• 4 p I:1 tau, na, E ZSIMI EMi Zo alltilseates of Stela; such at (Fought, Cicero In the Lunn', Liver, -3'n'sr., /to , this article ' A . .j . .;' ; ' ,- - : . ~, t"'-isiL,,,,, -...". - nett as a nxt•inc• . ... iv.•*.z...... - '..,,,-';'....: l ef .. By 'putting from . ..,,.-,-....,;/.1.. • ... ••• :' „ one-halt a paper --"... , . --„,-, to 1 1114. , 1" ill a ___ 7 , tame) et twat thc - r —; ':**--- above diseases ' ' - ~ ' L . will be eradiemed - - ".--- - - . ____• __-_-. - or entirely prevent ..1 71 •, •,. in l', el., .:1 ~.., .1, preventive and Cart fe- -1;•• • c 1,,:, „, Price g e Leedti pi • . - t.', . ~ '. I'..': peti t . f., n . El. So ENE= IVIIOLP‘ Iu D G AND .11E DI CIA P. IJF:IIr. No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Yd pnr Sale h, nra't!akts and Storekeers,, mit the Untied States. mt.24'46-1! Sold by FULL A WaRFEL, Er:. NEW PERFUME ror the Handkerchief. 'MON'S Ell El to____il .d Most Exquisite, Delicate. and Fra grant Perfume, Distilled from the Ra re and Beautiful Plower from which' it takes ito name. llauufactured (ally by piLt LON & SOS I ' itt I 01 1 ASK FOR PIIALOYS—TAKE ItiO OTEIER. cr..nrrc.ll7. D A lig gt: I) aim in ALL R1ND,..3 or .720C5R1T3, ritUrn, VEGktin.L? AND PROVISIONzI, Fifth • tree, Intneen State and Frencl , , Etta 1 tiavinz pureharet.Coni stock before tLe late lire in p ', feel are • fe.leonadect 0 b eing - able to give . aria faction. bot In. ' Fajen SG' - qt1 , 11143' • C 4 4ntr,TY:' , 4lL' , '• 0% , ‘'err eort S i.• nozh.t sp.:. ,`..3. rainnt eat alwaye dep•nd on receirinz tha bittbr.4. Inv. ~. 4 het prina fnt_Lheir arttele.e. . DEALERS THE ADJOINING '70F1N:.., Aid oa the Lines of It.ai frost!, WITH FRUIT, VEGE,rA 13! Give ItEKEIIBEIR MAY k JACKSON'S MARKET DUO, - Firrn 3T3tsti? MIMI EAGLEFOV,NDZIY , PEACE S.; ABOVE TBS . r.rFEALO BOAR, F.RIS,Pk RENRY, BRYANT', & SHERWOOD, ko Actium:l L aeary,; aItAXL7ACTI'ZCIES 0.7 PARLOR, COOg. AND OFFICE STOVES, Tezi • &MET:IRON WARE, - AND ALL FUNDS 4. - LTION CASTINGS, 'r ery StoTe iu:AS by u wthtzted Kettle', Sleiglrehoes, Sad /ZOOS, 2td., on hand or ea.s. Whetted to order. ._ ; - Pi.owa awn PLOW -ponrre . orgOpertor make and am batty ;dozy. on hand. A call and a fair.trEsi °roar &d -elve is all we ask. KERRY, BRYANT Jk izESAWOOD . mr2TlKl—..tf. iviottmso:i & nINSMURE, WHOLIIIIALS DlALuts IH FLOITR. FORS, BEEF, SALT, .GRAIN CLOVER., TOIOTZIY SEED, SC NOS. 501 AND 503, FRENCH STREET lirt.wee:.• Set and Clam F,ireets. rate: t. Tr.a)9'63tl ENOItAN 1 N . BUSINS, WEDDING , AND UTiIE CARDS: Bill qtadg.Certifiestfli et Oil and Othi,t_itockek STAMPING, E3IBOSSING, SEALS, Sc , BY J. IL LAPUAH, PAILAGON DrtLinsci, WEST P.“CEZ FOR ap2l%.',ft . IE , VIM ST1111:1LIE:e ' nodersignad' bola! i Pu - relased the weal—mown Livery • mod, beratultn occupied by It - na Sterren t cleanest° lawn° and the public that be will continuo the bovine:4, " 4 Invites then pah THE STOCK Will be lances' increased and improved-7.n0 crerlll• maces haeo bcen , proeured,luad some of thb Lai r, Dramas in the country. I .to (I.le:sniped' the eatabltehment as to give Pale.setleu. Lore *I:7: want to obtain the cervices of a good to ill to' al reedy at all time% to ace..roinedane theca, t rnuo be. Ivrea,. .2, colnct the plane r steRIIETI"I. OLD ST-4$D, ?Itl, street, rear of the Flied House," Krle. lane 8. 1645.., J. SICHLTIACe, Jl . ERMENLAUn fi CO, PIANOPACTIIIIESB OP BOOTS AN - D SHOES! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AT REDUCE tt PRZ Ed dosing s large stool (oar one manatee nro on bind, with a• complete ass)rtmezt of olty made work. 'we un sell ehreper it " bolessleef .Retail than soy °that establishment in this city. c l Flexing had loon experience *it the wants of• rum, we shall tate special pallet in oreratinestorr • snit them. Wo hare the cumin right to thhi make the PLUMED, PATENT BOOTS & SIIOEb. • for the bsnellt of onr customers, and only ask a tP them, to satisfy any one la to their superior comfort oaf those made to the old way. . The Planter Boot needs nohreaking In; It 11 al WI trim the start u one worn for sums time. • Our CUSTOM DEPARTMENT win witha one own espoctsl attention LE,747WER, 1,43r3 AND FINDLTOs For the trade alwaya on hand to Wt.. • Tendering thardur to our friends and enatorntur put patronage, hope by 'out and honorable dolling U . merit a ..ontinnaote of the smut, and cordially invite all to call and examine oar -stock before purchasing la* where. No. 519. State St Me. Pa coarZfaelt I=E:112 J UDSON & WILDER, , , listodsc,tarers and Wholesale Dialers la TIN„TAPAN AND PRESSED WARE? vrbrE i az, STOVE TRIMMINGS, ?,:e Waterford, Erie Co., Pa Or Orlon ty mail Drompt i ty attattsd MEI 1 , / 1.1 . r it I 111?0., FRI?' rk =EMI ==l a. WWI&
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers