The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, January 03, 1867, Image 2

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grit Ohstrb et.
i,vnur,sDAY. JAN. 3, 15.67
- The State Legislatnr'e assembled at Hat
rieburg, in accordance with the Constitu
tlon,on Tuesday.the first inst. The Senate
re-elected Hall, _of Blair county,
speaker, and the House chose John• P.
Glass, of Allegheny, to the same position.
The Radicals have an overwhelming major.
ity in.,both Houses, si.d of course, every
one of the officers is a member of thallar
ty. The election of a United States Sena
tor is the all absorbing question for the
present, and was made a test issue in the
choice of spealtembith of whom are de
voted and out-spolren friends of Cameron.
In the Republican Senatorial Caucus; Mr.
Hall nominated without opposition,
„„cicithatanding hiS known Caineronian
.tendencies, the Carlin men having probs.
bly decided:that ther t was no use of nick.
ing a contest; but in the lienie Caucus
they made a . protracted aid 'confident
fight, bringinitiut lifr;Quav, of_ttaaver, as
their candidate f'er sneaker, and c.c.uring_
the pleasure of ;seeing him disastrously de
" feate I. Ac a consequecoP, there is ,inuch
"gnashing and 'gnarl* of teeth,"nnd the
friends of Curtin are loud in denouneine ‘
the.treaohery. which, they 'claim tiff boa
been practiced urn them by some why'
pretended, to be the adherents of the re
tin.n.g.Govarnrwr Out' advices from Her.
. risburg leave nrr room for doubt that Gen.
Cimeron will be 'the next Senator from
Pennsylvania.- If
_he cannot succeed, he
will not permit Curtin, and probably post
pone the election'te next year. The See.
atorial election 'Will be held on Tuesday
next, and rye shall not long" be kept in .
suspense as to- the result. lion. Freister
Clymer, our late candidate for Governor
is expeeted to be the Democratic nomi
nee—a compliment be is richly entitled
to, alike on the score of talents, straight
forward political integrity, and rare per
sonal attainments.
The inauguration of Gov. Gtiary will
take. niece on Tuesda, next—the same
day as the Senatorial election—and great
prepirations are making to render it an-
Imposing demonstration: He has already .
announced the 'chief members of his Cabi.
net in the persona of Francis Jobiau, of
Bedford county, for Secretary of State;
B.nj. H. Brewster,_ cf_ Philadelphia, .for
Attorney General and Col. D. B. Mo.
CreniTof Erie, for Militant General. All
these gentlemen are understood to belong
to the Gameroniari clan, and in spite . cf
Forney's supposed influence aver Geary,
he is himself sakt t' be a faithful devotee
et the shiine of
Governor Curti 'it message was sent in
as usual, but as none bat Radical papers
revived advance copies, we are obliged to
go to press without it. , Like all the rest
of the Governor's State essays,-it is a mere
tissue of "glittering - generalities" - and
tedious details, end we Would scarcely
have deemed it interesting enough to
print, had be even condescended to favor
us w ith"the usual courtesies to the press. -It
will not surprise those who remember his
ad vocacy of the President's pOlicy ,
previous message to_ba told That this year
the Governor suppoits the .propoaed Con-
stitutinial :_amendreents. A political
weathercock of.fhe first order, he has an
doultedirpprslied * this course to advance
his Senatorial aspirati3ns, and few who
know the man will regret to hear that it
has failed to secure the end intended.
- The State of 3fiseouti is the only one in
Toe ynicru “ --. ..." — 1MP5131703 • . -
regular army is imperatively required to
pre2erve society from resolving itself into
a condition of civil war. That State was
.pre;erved to the Union during the whole
of the late conflict. It is now governed
by a Radical State - government, elected on
the strictest principles of disfranchisement
- for" rebels" and 'other disloyal persons."
All the theories Which Thad. Stevens and
his folloTrers clamor to see ailplied to the
...lately rebel States" of the South ere as
serted in Missouri, and have been asserted
there by the whole force of the local au
thority ever, sirce the surrender of Gene
ral Lee. The very preaching of the Gos
pel of Christ, save under a special iiiierise,
from the Ciesers at Washington and St-
Louis, has been madeastatutable offense.
and repeatedly punished as such, in this
State of Missouri. And what ere the re
sults? That to-day Missouri is ruled; se
far as it is ruled it all, by the sword that
the country is daily-startled by telegrams
presaging an immediate outburst there of
the Most terrible l 2forna of civil strife—a
civil war of localities and coMinunities—
_ tosin - against town ;of neleborhood
agaiiitreighborhood , We need appeal
only to the column's of the Radicals press
for evidence to prove that in no State of
the Union, from'.? sine to Texas, is socie
ty so thoroughly disordered, that In none
are life 'and property So unsafe, as in Mis
souri to-day. Nett in the "order of dis ,
order" after Mi4ouri comes Tennessee,
which State has been just as thoroughly
and remorselessly governed by the Radi
cals 044 Missouri Itself: These are facts;
—They are not. opinions. 42,we11-informed
man will for a moment question them;
no such person will attempt to deny that,
in comparison with Missouri. or even With
portions'of Tennessee, since the war, the
heart of Georgia or of South Csrolina.du
ring the war was a quiet and orderly lo
cality. Is there no lessor, in these things.
. and have the-people no eyes to read, and
no heart to understand That lesson ? Are
'the madmen at 'Washington' to be hound
ed on in their 'career
. by the frenzied
shouts of Radical,Northern majorities, un
tit the fearful scenes of.which Missouri is
daily the theatre shall become an every
, day's repast from 'every .. quarter of the
South ?
The terms ' of four Union and 14 Disur-
Inn Senators v.spire with the present Cor
gress. The Unionists are : Messrs , . Cowan,
of Pennsylvania; of Califor
nia ; Nesmith, of Oregon ; and Davis,' of
Kentucky ; and , the ,Disuninnists; Sher
man, of ' Ohio; Foster, of Connecticut
Kirkwood, of lowa ; Trumbull; of•
Edmunds, of .Vermont; P^n3erpi aid
R's., of Kansas; Creswell,' of. Mtlif and
-Brown, of Missouri Form, of Now Hamp:
shire ; - Harris, Of New York ; •Late, ni
diana ; 'Howe, of Wisconsin, and Nye, of
Nevada, "To these yaearicies' elections
have been made tbus far as follows
Sliermats (re.aleote4.4) Ferry in place of
Foster ; - .Tystia S. Itiorrill - in .place of Ed.
moods - ,irailisn in place of
Kirkwood; iboir politics being the same
as those of this retiring. Sesators.
Gould reports the speedy. rpurp of (}to.
leClellan beta tbo Poetise/o,4nd that
be wilt reside - Milk eettlitfr - beuee
Irbenge;!ei SerWri.'
itl:Dl76ilo:4 OF °PANES:
We are perfectly conscious that the re
quirementi of the ,Kai and the-debt-that
war has' left have been the occasion and
necessity for an enormous revenue. The
two and a half to - tbree thou'and millions
of dollars which we owe must be provided
for, principal and interest. No good citi
l‘gen is willing to impair the Purpose to pay
the debt at a period so , brief as to overstrain
the capacityof people. We have
tended our energy and treasure to carry
on the war, and it is not wise to hasten
the liquidation of, the debt before we shall
have had opportunity - to recurierate:"'Por
the fiscal year ending on the 00th of June
last, the receipts into the Federal Treasu
ry amounted to More than $550 000,000,
as -4 fellews : customs $170,040.680.64 ; sale
otlands. $665i031.03 ; direct tax, $1,974,-
756.12 ;_intervel revenue. $30,220 812.81;i
miseellimetous sources. $65,125,966.46.
has been Computed that they will, at the ,
present rates, amount for the current fiscal
'rear to about $650.000.000. Such an ex
traordinary FUM drawn from the produc.
tiyellndustry of the country close upon its
exhaustion, from war,. must, it persisted
in fora long period, seriously checls,if not
arrest ita prosperity Certainly it ought
not, to be done unless. the necessity for it
shall be imperative.
This, we are happy to say, is not the
case. The civil and foreign service of the
country requtrea only , an expenditure of
'about forty millions of dollars. iThe War
Department will require in equal amount
and the navy perhaps as much mere. The:
*Atm and other charges will be about
twenty miUiogs in round numbers. The
,lnterisst on the public debt will not
*ceed one hundred and forty millions,
.10ttlitng two hundred and eighty million.
dollars in all.", If, then, to this we add a
ainkinf2 fund of only $20,000 000 annually,
we,woult have sufficient to pay all the
ieitly charges against the government
'end be able to liquidate the whole amount
of the debt in the lifetime of a generation.
It is practicable. therefore, for Congrers to
reduce the segregate of our taxes to thre.e.
fifths, if not one-half, their. present vol_
ume, and still maintain the public credit
and meet honorably all,engagements.
Whatever amount is raised more than
is necessary for these' purposes is extor
tionate, and must bear upon the tax-payer
with undue severity.. Instead of building
I up the industries of the country, it wrests
from the producer the very means of sub
sisting himself and paying any lax what
ever. The agriculturist disposing of his
land toliquidate his debts, instead,of oc
cupying it end providing for them with
the income, is no leapt picture of a gov
ernment prwecuting'such a policy. Let
there be delay till our people shall have
begun to prosper again, and theit\we shall
be ab'e to repay allwith ease.
It seems that the - iMpeschment Scheme
has rot been abandoned, but simply post
poned until the meeting of the Fortieth
Congiess, for the reason that the majority
of the Senate - refuse to co opei'ate in a
movement - of tlekind. Theieading Red.
icals therefore propose now to.4wrry on a
- system of pretended inveatig4inn, and
spread before the public such, garbled
statements as will, in their opinien, con
vince the Senate'of the necessity ofgetting
- rid of the PrealAent. While these com
mittees, are at work, they propose to have
laws that will effectually tie -the bands of
.Presideist; and divest him of all the
power possible. The so. ailed 'Southern
loyalists" are in session there, furnishing
one-sided statements in regard to the ac
tion, of the Southern people. for the pur
pore of enceura.iegthe Thalia • . .
Yeerang - Ere - ria — thi to - a working point. The
schf me especially advocated and urged
upon Congress by this faction, shows to
what extent the extreme men of the ceun
try are ready to push their plane to ob•
lain power. There is in all this, especially
on the - Part of the Radical leaders, a bold
ness, and we might add a rashness, that is
somewhat astonishing. They make nose : .
cret of their plans, but proclaim theta on
all occasions, with that assurance that car
ries with it perfect confidence, in their
own' minds, or success.
It is probable that,were it not' for the
opposition* of such men as SEIERMAi, HAI/.
ass and PossrmosNr in-the Senate. wn) re-
Om to do the bidding of the waren:l6 men
of the party, the most extraordinary revo
lutionary measures would be resorted to.
The-teal object of all this is, beyond any
doubt, the control of the next Presidential
SleOtion, and the exclusion of the Southern
States trout participating in that election.
If, with alt of :these' schemes, wo escape
another conflict, it will be almost a mire,.
cle. It will'not be for 4 the want of deter:
urination pn the part - of the Radial chiefs . .
The hopel of the country at present rests
with the good BE . OBO of the Senate . , which
nasyrefase to lend itself to the revolution
ary schemes of the leaders of the louse.
Therecerit decision of th,e_United"Statea
Supreme COurt, in the cases
Bowles and Homey. has created quite a
cOmmation'among the lawbreakers who
have been running riot over out country
for the past five The points decid
ed by the Court ,
Ist. That • civilians 'cannot - tried by
military tribunals Where thsknited Stites.
Courts are recognized and hi iiperatioo.
- 2d. That the military in the Southern
Stares have at present no control over the
civil authority.
3d. That C.:ingress has no power to grant
joriadiction to the military Coutte over
the civil Courts, where these latter-afe iu
undisturbed operation, • .
On the first two points the Court were
unanimous, On the-list the Court were
dividedi—tbe majority deolario2 that Con.
gress did not possess the power—the mi.
nority the contrary; but all agreeing that
Congress bad not exercised the power, and
therefore, as to all practical results, it is
same as if they did not possess . it.
Thus at one blow, is ail the Moira% bare
had repeated during the past five years
by 'brainless p rrota about' "war *powefu
"military of amity," &e . swept away.
The decision has bsen received'-by some
ler tLA Catreme and more ignorant Radi•
oils/ with indignation. They are denouc.
: -
; clog the Court as a' relic of the "premillay.
eryiperiod of the re . ruVie," imd loud calla
are-mode upon:Congress to_ fill' it With
judre after the Osttero of Chase. In or.
der that the publigmsy IWO what founds.
tics there is for these attacks, we give a list
iof the' members of the Court, • with the'
. Pima ot.lbeirsppointwient t .
1883.4, P. Chase Ohio, Chief-Justice.
. 1835- . James M. *erne, Georgia.
1845-13amuel Nelson, New York, - .
1848—Robert a %Jeri - Pennsylvania.
1858... Nathan Clificati. Mem.
18640-Noah M. Swaveli f Ohio:
18624.11 avid Davis. 111Inoie.
1882-.Batatirl ° P. Millet. lone,
1888. 1 -Steplt.n Field; Califorti*
- CM ettlia 'Ultra 'and - tas4 Isaktnitti
pointed by Mr. Lincoln, and eight of the
nine are Northern man.
After„the-"wars and rumors of war"
which caused so mach excitement in the
summer; overthrowing the 'prestige of
Austria? and establishing the power of
Prussia, the world seems to have settled
down . into comparative quiet. Indeed.
Mexico is the only country in which war
is actually being waged at present, and
appearances would indicate that in a very
short time the so-called Jeoperial dynasty
will theie be overthroWil. It may be as
sumed with rome 'degree of confidence
that the Emperor Nttooleon does not con
template doing anything in the coming
year to unsettle the peace of Europe.
The approaching World', Fair in Paris,
which will boOnenecl on the first of April,
to close on theelasi day of September, is
Intended to eclime the great Linden ex
hibilions of.18•i1 and 1852, and Napoleon
has gone to an muoh expense in 'providing
suitable edifice that he would scarcely
make it a-dead loss by quarrelling with his
neighbors, so as to make them undesirons
Of visiting his Paris—for be has largely re
constructed that great city—during next
spring and summer. -
Russia, we 'may confidently expect, will
pursue, during the ironfediefe future, the
Course of liberal progress . vrhich the press
mat Czar has introduced with equal firm.
near. Prussia's path for seine time else
appears plain. Whether King William
will - assume the litleof Emperor seems as
yet Undecided ; nor is it, of, muck impor-,
Mace whether ho is called KinX or Empe
ror, so long as he. is actual head of the
greater part of Germany. The condition
of Austria is such that -no belligerent
movement can be expectedfrom' that di
rection. Two POwers, now US' feeble. as
they once were great, maiiirqbably "come
to grief" in the approaching year. Spain
and Turkey, once paramount, been grad
ually fallen cyan ,evil days. In Spain,
the personal character of the Queen is so
bid that public opinion would scarcely
condemn any movement which would
wrest the sceptre from her band and drive
her into exile. Indeed, there is every
probability that such will be her fate ere
long. Fora considerable period her pas
sive tyranny greatly oppresied Spain, but
she has lately substituted an active nbso
lutism of the most hidectus.charao ter, un
der which the'most virtuous and patriotic
of her subjects are arrested, imprisoned,
and tortured—death or exile to some re
mote unhealthy colony being an ordinary
doom, inflicted by capricious cruelty. with.
out even the show of legal—proceedings.
In Turkey there is no 'snob misgovern
ment as this, but that once miehty ezepire
is toppling ovar, in t 4 ruin, Croat the slow
but sure decay of her foundations. Over
whelmed with debt and impate4isbed by
taxation; not one-fourth of which gln4
into the public tre one-fourth
it is only aur.
prising how Turkey 'has sto-ul it out so
long. The time cannot be distant when
there will be a partition 'of Turkey as
there wis of Poland, and ne one can
doubt that Russia will b meat largely when
it occurs. Thep, in oceupation of the
whole of Northam isle, and th o entire
of the east of.Saraps. with St. Petersburg
as her northern and Cnistantlnople ea her
southern capita', Rus•ita will inev itebly be
the leading pester in the Old Werld: - Of
the condition and prospects of Italy it, is
sufficient to say that, if the I've can" pre
vent his own Rearms from revolting
against his authority, V:ctor Rumanuel
will do nothing to interfere with him as a
temporal ruler.
Lastly, we have to consider tb t candi
in arms in Ireland. having been put down,
so to save hefara it nauld be well s ill, to
have risen u:, ; - the feeling of , - disaf
fection which fi'ls men's minds not only
in Ireland itself, bat among Irishmen in
London, Liverpool. Glasgow, Manches
ter, and other great British towns. will
render it necessaryto - treat Ireland much
the same as if that noble, misgoverned
country were subject to the tender mer
cies of martial law. -The -question is,
'ges" England to hold Ireland
merely by aid of biyonets and Artillery ?
But that it would bo a great confession of
weakness, England might fiad it her it.,
tenet to "cut the painter" by • which Ire
land is bound to, her. Eta far England
herself, with a strong feeling that the
right of voting must be extended largely
among the working class. by a liberal
measure of parlivamtary rem), there
cannot be half a des ?n rasa - in the Muse
of Commons sv,ho reasonably doubt that
this right must be conceded. The Derby
Disraeli Goverarreent be7e no doubt tipon
that .subject, differing only as to Its
degree; bat if Mr. D:sraeli is allowed his
own way ft reform bill will probably be
produce d early in the ensuing sessinn
which even the Liberals may accept. If
they do, the , Derby• Disraeli Ministry may
confidently calculate upon being a long
time in office.
WE bat'utter one of the moat envious of
truths whenrwe say that it Is impossible
for the' Northand the South to remain
permanently.or for any considerable time
in their present relations to each other.
Tese relations are anomalous and unnat
ural. _They must inevitably change soon
in one way' or aTther. Hew the change
iq to be wrought. .and what
_is to. be its
character, time will reveal. Our enticipa
lions are not joyou.. There can be no
doubt that: he Soiatb;:_oppressed,
tiled treaChifinity wronged, cruelly ilk.
appointed in all lier„rationaL hopes and
just - expeetationp, treated 'cintlumeontdy
and in bad faith and - beholding no relis:
file indications otinture „Pullen. on the
part of the North, is:yielding gradually to
the natural influences of strong and out:
regent:Ls provocation: Heiresentment to-
ward •the North is continually growing
deeper And more intense: Her feeling in
regard to out itaction is tending toward
antipathy and evenlrevenge. Her dislike
-to those whom glee considers her tyratits
and derpois as greater than it . was a year
ago, and far.greater than it was two years
ago. &fleece has ber•U extraordina
ry, but it has not 'proved! indomitable.
Though she is. neither - blustering nor
noisy, the fire of ber nature is not quench- .
ed. Every month she cars* leas and . teas
ror restoration • and, if it be deferred for
any long perio d, she will, in all probabili
,Y, be utterly. indisposed to accept it ;its%
A DANGEROUS PssiT.--A correspondent
relates the following anecdote, as occur
ring in the late Maine eanvaiw. Elder
Asa Whittier wire . veteran Republicin,
who had looked into both aides, and
nearly come to that the conclusion
the President's polioy was the' only safe
one for . the Country. The news soon
went aboard that of Asa .lillll
the hitt', i ttr4 one of -: the iingst,lrtirlicil of
the village politiciahs :waited upon hiar
inotide his lalaulAs *Pietism ,to dui dim=
trine of disunion. Said he, ."Asa, I have
heard that you are inclined to support the
policy of the infamous traitor, Andy-John
son:l . Said Asa„.l.4lut he'l our man ; we
elected him to ' the Vice rreddency..l'._
"Well, l !gnaw that ; hut he's a traitor.
notWithatanding " "But there's 31r. Sesv
aril...we've always 'looked up to him as
°nett our shining lights." ' Oh„ he's a
traitor, too; he's as bri ns. Johnson."
'Then there's 'Secretary M'Culloch, a
Maine man,and Secretary " "They
are all iilikoi I.telt you, they are s nest of
traitors altogether," "Well." said 'old
/a t. with a grim smite, "if our party pats
all the highest efficos in the errantry in the
hands of traitors, it's time it went under,
and never vote.with it noir." •
It is becoming n serious question with
nor Statesmen—whs. is to be done with
the Indians? We can pnswer the guess
tine' in two-. wards—oll*minate 'hem.
We would woke no distinction between
them and a peck of hungry wolves.
Both o re treachernus, erne', and of no env
of benefit to the world.--Crawford JournA
We spy ditto. The Gaverrment paid
$30,000,000 last year to keep these Indians
in subjection. and yet ,each son they
g 7 ve as much troub'e as ever. They are
bound to be eiterminated at 'tome time,
and we might as well do, aw'y with mock
philanthropy, and make n wholesale job
of it nt once.
Mr. Foster, of Connecticut, President
pro tem.,was the onljr Republican whovoted
against'the District of Columbia suffrage
bill in the United States Senate. In Ibis
the Senator tins carrird out the ;fishes of
the people of Connecticut, who proncun•
ced so heavily against tegro - suffrage about
one year ago.
The editor Of the "O'd Guard" apolc
gizas for a typographical erre^. In a para
graph on the last paze t the editor wrote 'de
merited-Radicals.' The compositor set up
idaynned Radicals,' which,- Mr. Burr says,
is no'• the kind of language he is
,in the
habit ofatainz.
Interesting News Items.
A St, Louis gentleman flat his wife by
death, and refused to let her he buried
Tho board of health had to interfere.
! man was found in the sheets of Lou-
Isvil'e frozen to death. with nothing on
his person but a pair of at cc - kings and a
It has become a necessity in California
Lo eelect < nirtnakcied ladles for tecichere,
because the anmaTried*onescannot ho re:
lieriOn!for Apy I - ngth of time.
• k tarty is, the clic.> of w barria•
ter. lately committed !Mieide in prier that
her husbavid should - get her Tiro inFurarce
money and free. himself from debt.
Mr. TI-nry W. Kinaga t proprietor of
the Girard nous., Philadelphia, distribu
ted 5000 lerwea of bread to the poor Christ.
mss morning. Tkia liberal gentleman isa
Hoors or mut Accortcr.-4. yoting 1.4 y
who broke throor the Me at Toronto
last Tup.gday. was Bayed by her "hoops
catching on the breik in the ice, and
holding her held abova stater until as3ist
'ince cam,.
Charles Ruth, a member of the last
New Jersey Legislature from Hudson
County, charged with bribery, ins been
sentenced, in the Mercer County eourt,
to hard I.l],ff in rho State. prinnn for nor.
year, and to he forever after dirqualified
from bolding any Office of profit - or trust
in' the State.
. It is atatt;d that in Vermont one couple
out of every eleven that are married-sub
sequently gets a divorce. When it is
known that there are many more apnlica
Lions for divorces than: are granted, the
amount of na.tritnonial felicity in that
State cannot b. 7... carded SA extraordinari
ly great. . Model New England..
'A citizen of Vir,virkhurg. Ohin, wifa l a st
r e 4X 2 - A -i-rg-mrc'" , ^ ligagNibligic t fitei c itgel k
MR pillow nt night. When he - awoke he
lound•bia hea-room windowr, open and the
moriev gone. -
At Minneapolis- recently two yonne
gir's were kidnapped While on the way to
chub.: The mother aPerwarde received
a letter from her husband, from whom sbe
had separated, informing her that he
had the children and she would never
again see them.
Young ladies joining the Baptist per
suasion should leave their hoops at home
of. atar!iog out to he dipped. It was with
difficulty a clergyman in Detroit, recently
immersed a young lady with her crinoline
on :" he could hardly get her under the
In this State there are sixty newspapers
that are printed in the german langunge,
of which seven are dailies , eleven are de
-voted tOTellaiOUg discussihne. and of the
secular, pavers forty-one are published
weekly. Of .the - §ie dailies four are pub
lished in Pittahing and three in Philadel
• UNPREPARED FOR WAR.-A letter from
London says : "If a,war does cmtne. - and
Eageb t ud cannot keep'out of it, everybody
knows that. an army can lind'qo the coast,
and in three marches take London and its
crest arsenal, Wocilwioh, when England
would be perfectly, pciwerless, and .at the
mercy of the, invader ;, for—there As but
one crest arsenal, one military depot, and
the little army, defeated in ape action,
has no - line to fall back , even and no
At . an early hour on the morning of the
15th inst„ four negroes approached the
house of Mr. Gabriel Hardison, near
Croottan Station, near` Newbern, S. C., and
applied for admission, saying that they
wanted to light their pineal but upon 31r.
Hardison opening the door the party fired
upon him, killing him instantly by a %hot
through ~,the neck. The family of the
murdered man were sitting ' , round the
fire at the time. The robbers then enter
ed the house, and plundered both it` and
the body.
A sad accident occurred at Bristol. Pa.
on Saturday evening. The drain from
Trenton stopped, as usual, to let nff' Pao.
sengera at'Bestol, and was delayed for a
few moments at the station. One
--of - the
passOagembelxlming impatient at the- de
layonalled , the conductorierope, and the
tram otarted., At this moment a' woman
and net three children' were getting off
the, cars:. when,• by the sudden motion, all
were thrown down. and 'one of the chit
ctrl °fair years, was caught between
the platform and the care and so terrible
injured that her recovery is not expected.
We have at present. - in Easton,a man
who Hies in peace and harmony with two
wrver.• One he married in the old corm
try and the other in this. Ilia first wi'e
refused to leave the old world with him,
and some titxt's 'after ',smelting Atnerics,
finding that it "was not good to be alone,'!,
be took unto himself another wife. Sub
segnently, the first love turned up, when
.the three concluded to live together with
out making a change in the firm_ See
how e asily difficulties of this kind are
ovenme when the parties interested
show the proper .pirit. —Easton Sentinel.
A Hai =p Honsg.—A gentleman in St.
Louis, who determined to test the matter
relative to the haunted house in that city,
after detailing the noise made. gives the
folimeing as the result of his investigation.
He says : now flashed Maim me that
the rustling sounds and heavy blowt, ap
parently upon the proceeded from
the -horses in an adjoining stable. I
laughed spin. Tbeallk skirts went sitn
'plywispa of hay which - the quadrupeds
were eating and tossing about, and the
groans sad. sighs were simply the coughs'
and Snorts of the same. oreatures.; - ',Otte
Mystery remained unsolved—the rattling
of the door. On examining the dolor, I
found that the rats had gnawed a eiktni ,
eironlar. hole at the b ottom; over this
hole a piece .ot • tin bed been nailed,
-and the rattling of the door was caused
by tite.attrespts of alarge rat to gain
err* into the room." , • '-
, - -
Nara or rut • 4 1..anossv Has."—Mr
Jacob Loucks, a resoecied citizen of Han
chestertownship York county,, and sup
posed to be the lOTePql . man in the
try, died on Wednesday last of apoplexy,
Ore age of ay -seven years., He was
exceedingly corpulent, and Wiskeuppneed.'
to weigh atm , five bn-dred rounds at'
the time of his death'. His coffin mess.
uta-d thirty-five Inches in breadth hy
twenty-three inches io death. His weighs
Was not tar from that4if Daniel' Lambert,
of Leicestershire England. which is Oven
as 528 pounds, and who is said to have
been the largest man in the world.
Ernotit.' Gist. Bvarrsti -TO DgiTll --A
moat melancholy occurrence took plade in
- The selsoollihorn - at Central aty, ---, lndiatts,
on Wednesday last I he= daughter of_ a
widow lady named Erwin, aged about
eleven years was standing near a stove.
The stove door tieing open the fire COM
municlted itsel to the cj tild's clothing,
which being of cotton ods. wag soon
in ilarlee, being no onoaee, present
but sarafl.ehildren. the. efforts td eat in
guish . th flun'es were unavailing. and
her clothes were nearly entirely humid
from her body. The little girl, after &few
hours4)f -most -intense and ?scrutiating
agony, cram'
A Cittser Ccatosirv.—The Louisville
Courier sari: We yesterday visited one of
the most remarkable freaks of nature in
deforming-the human body that has ever
c^me Undercoat. observation. The lower
litobenf an interesting
.young girl; former
ly of rimtress county, Tenn., are so• de
formSd as to be nearly a fccitin diameter,
and her fi'et are as large as an ordinary
pitlor stove, being Larger than the stoves
uced'in Street cars; the lady is giviort ex
hibitions to raise funds an aged
mother, &a. ,
Ayes Amertran Al.rsanac is non relay ter
delivery gratis by the druggists to all who
call for it. Among•the problems of hi g h eel
once which the, Doctor presents in it, is . the
startling nesertioa that-the friction of, the tides
upon its surface, retards the eaeth's revolu
tion upon its ails, or halite It back with a
force of . 6000 millions of horse powers.
fleece it is easy to see that without somecoun
ter force, the
,globe must rotate slower and
slowor,until its revelations wholly case. Then
with perpetual night-on one side, end a degree
of cold far be'nw any now known. we shou'd
have on the other to "fervent heat" from the
sun, which would melt the rocks and make the
mountains run like water. But we ed feel
to &aim. flo•shows a counterpoise which
n.,rty balances this real:toner, and will main
sin. substantianlly, the present mandate eon
dition,'through ages upon ages yet to come.
Cure ynarself of Dyspepsia This most ag
gravating of all erroplaints—a, disease ft out
which ;more people suffer and die han almost
any ether— has at last found its master Cne's
Dyspepsia Cure controls and oompletsly cures
it in Virworst stage; ne one wh suffers from
dyspepsia, sick-headachs, enuring and rising
or the food. should, he without it. Whilst in '
all cases of bard colds, stubhorn.conghs, sore
throats, and all bronchial affections, C , o's
Cough 114Isant is the cheapest and - bast.. These
'two articles are deservedly very replier with.
tbkattisses. _ '
Fairest of Earth are oft first-for the
tomb, and thousandEt of the most promising of
our youth die arnual'y from' the resnit of a
certain secret vice The only earthly salsa
tion for snob, is the uss of Dr. Juan Deism
re's Snscific Pills, a never failing remedy ftr
seminal weakness, general or sexual debility.
nesronsne-8. impotence, and all the attendant
'suffering arising from a life of Ocanism.
Thousands have been cured by a single box.
Pee advertiscme,nt, headed, ,Life, Health,
- Cases - run Tem —Tbe following is a Hit
of the oasee set down for trial nt
C burl cominenci-g on the Wit Monday ioJest
Headley & Minnie vs Foote &
sue, Acker's, vs Lun', Smith vs Feeley, Van
Buskirk vs Milks,- Use df C open vs S.sith ea
al Stropg vs Stara, et al Sherman vs Spires,
iferiar vs Warren ec al, Gledlifnrd vs Pickett
ger. trie Gas Co vs Heverstiok, Farrar vs
oleveland, Holey vs Colby, Thont & Servant
vs V.St, Patterson vs Caldwell, Bliss vs C P &
A R Co, Vincent in tenet vs allir re, Leib vs
Clark vs Miles, Bailey, AM:Writs May,
Wbieher vs C-snghey, Sherman TS Winohester,
A(FvsWaldron do,rorryN B'k vsMoore
et at W , ight vs Dunham et al.Alcornvs Cooper.
Geettor v' Rice, Road Com Leßmuff Tp me-
Gillett. Cunningham vs Graves, Shields vs Si •
mom; Com use Vaughn vr Boyd et
al, Coin
nee Rsrr vs 13 s a `"r tSA
rveiiNtonor Wright,V
Beck i vs Beck, Miller vs Dalton, Willis vs
S4ubbs et ni. Peters vs Lynn et fa, Casper vs
Erie City, Gloth vs Traoy et al, hfott vs Loomis
it'r nes, Gail vs Robinson, Weber vs McCann,
E utonds vs Lilley, Sherwood vs Peckham,
Floag & Co, Carver et al vs Ring, Bacon vs
have, Barri ger - vs Evans, SleCobkey'& Shan
non vs American Espress Co, Winans et al vs
Clerk' et 111, Buie vs Pinney et al. Scott ec4.l .
vs Jatass, Schoonmaker & Co is Kahn,. Terry
vs Serofford, - [Jewell vs Pfleger, Kinsey &
Shenk vs Duffey, Corbins, 'Atim'r is Corbin.
Williams vs Brown et al, Gardinier vs Rich
mond; Reed vs Vedder, Winchester vs Allis,
'Alford vs Alford, Williams vs ShaddoCk, Rae
worth vs Wear. Geer vs Crandle, Johnson et
al ve'Pa RR Co, Lytle & Co vs Thlimpumo, In
graham vs Pithole-City Water & Gas Co, Lin
coln & Co vs Pa B. It Co.
change ail account of the great steal works of
the Ileum. Krupp. lin England. The faun
dities, and shops of 'Meson. Fairbanks &
s• wing, which aro - located in Si. Johnsbury',
Vt., iival them, in extent. The Company's,
buildings cover many acres:end give employ
ment' to over 'eleven hundred men, with ti
Monthly pay-roll of noarly thirty thousand
dollar,. • They are now building large nocei ,
Montt to th eir works- to meet the demand;
which is already-far in advance of the supply,
and increasing... This COmnany, whose ware
house is at No. LOT French e., in dd. city,
and whose . agents, Steam. McConkey &
Shannon, are amoisg our most reliable apd
enterprising business men, manufacture all
descriptions of scales, frets the immense rail
road' turn tahlea to the most "delicate and sea=
Attie jewellet'a and druggist's balance, that
is est donby a breath. They are all built
upon the most simple plan that Is compatible
ritb; perfection of accuracy. • They also man
ufacture dry measures of all kinds of stan
dard capacities. • It Is -needless to neck, of
their scales, for they haves world-wide repn
',wino. Parties purchasing, of ItloCemktv
Oh noon can have them-set nit by experieoced
mechanics The firm are now manufloinriaa
a patent gar, regulator, invested by Dr. C DS
Creagan. This regulator is ititended to be
uoed in puirtio and large to
s-ctire a - steady and uniform flow of gas. It
is now used in most of our public. buildings,
"nod with marked good effect. h the Phila
delphia Pest Office,alone. its use has saved to
the 'government,over 180,00 feet of gas: in
'ono year. • -- • decd-Its.
Ross's csrtones'i Pitasmuts° areas.
Warren 1.. Ross bee taken the. ore
lately candnete`tf tt,f. Juotice. Gheenit Gallo
gEhr, arid 'fitted it up with everything tikes. a
rfto (Peke a complete gentlemen's furnishing
establishment. Eris slocrof clothe, esssimeres.
vesting. and randy made clothing is superior
to - anything ever brought to the city, and_ we
defy any one to visit the store without finding
something to suit hiS taste. Mr. Rose hap
been very successful in securing a cutter win
is not surpasSed,anywhere. Under, his skillful
supervision the concern is turning out work
eqtial to the best Eastern establishments. Re
person can have on" PICUISO for going abrhad
to get clothing while Ron affords the conve
niences that ins does. In addition to his other
goods ho ha s ; also ',n 'superior stook of ,hati
and capes hosiery, collari, cravats,—in short
anything that a man wants in the clothing
line can be got at Rosee. Call and see for
Foa sixteen years I was sorely distressed
with tho Asthma. A great portion of the
lime T was unable to work,, and frequently
.for weeke at a time. I could obtain sleep on
ly by setting up in a chair, being unable to
breathe in a lying posture. In my long
search after relief, I, of course, tried many
medicines, I:rt all to little or no purpose, un
til I used Carter's Compound extract of
Smart Weed.. This met my cue at once, and
the very great relief- I have exaerieneeChy
using it convinces me that it Is no more than'
mj duty to make the fact publ'o, that idlers
now suffering ae t need to eater. may know
where and how I obtained my eellef. have
'also aged the nine preparation as a•liniment
and in Colds with great satisfaction, and eon
eider it a very ue•ful article and one that
every family would do well to keep chant
:them. Amert" EDDY.
' - North Java, N. Y." Actg. 215t..--00125-tt
ter tliw made its the I . doiriing (Miry
Cove ette be kept up all the etinter.totted,.
without Willing. For Belo . &
'compsfiy, 605 Preis:4llnel. 114.211 pg.
Aradts—Darts.—ln Westfield, N T„ Deo.
27th, by nor L. A. Skinner, Mr. • emu&
Allen. Ito. Mutt Emily Davis, both of Wee
le vine, Ps. -
RA it--oLEsta, —ln (hie city, on the 2701
• residence of V \t - Thompeon,
— E'qby thealter Jya 11 PreStlleV.
S. Elsner, of Meadville, Pa ~to Miss Mar
gtrel 0 eutt,.of Erie.
Woormitrr—Woon-1n Unioo, on. ilje 26th . 1
inst. at the residence of •he hrids's father,
L Mead. 'Mr. W. M Woodruff of
Metadaillg., Pa , to Miss Jessie, daughter of
P. Wood, Eiq.. of Union.
McdCooti—Krao--By the same, in Onion,'
Dec. 26th Mr M. 0 MoKoon. ot.Cleveland,
Oc - and'lMiss Eino;'Of --
-Wsinnr—Mitatta—Dee 24t6,1886 by E'd.
E. E. Rogers. at his residence in Edinboro.'
Mr. Johnson Wrd.tht, of Franklin, to Miss
Mattis M. 3filler.ll.Elk Creek.
Mum-000m 29th inst.,: in this city. Mrs.
El , sabeth LTaraot, widow of the late P 8.
V. litmot, E.q., aged 69 'care. [Obitu
ary notice :jest week.]* t
'Fenno—ln Fairview, Dee. Title, 1866, of
tsplinki fever, Ame'ia, wife of -- Thomas J.
F.rgo,'nged 35 years, daughter 'of Lewis
Keith, Eq., of Chautauqua eaunly. New
jell The cheapest, safest, eurnp,est and
pleasantest stove to UV , is 'be Morning
Glory. for sale by /Untied & Coinpanv. 605
French street. act.% ff.
Q®` For n parlor or sitting. room stove, no
one is equal to the Mcrninc Glory, for sale by
Ilimmd & Company, 03 French sired.
A COMM, A COLD, Oa A 8010 TILDOAT nquireS ha at.
diets affection, ant sheard ha checked. If Wowed to
continue Irritation of the L0n7,1, &permanent Th oat
Meese, or Consumption- is &ten the iecalt.
isn,qwir3 nr.oncrtuT. IrclertE3,
hiriniTa give Immediate
rollsf. For
and Throat nig.”sno,'Tenelits are naafi with always
gored mineral. Shaer' and Pablo Bpeakere will find
Trate. neeful In clearing the voles when taken before
Ploging or Speaking. ail relieving the throat after an
annuml ex.rtion of the ;octal !Irene'. The Troche'. are
ree , mmrnicil end p*r•crP,rd by ph , Itlcti . Urf, inl Imre
had tettimnnlabr from eminent min throaghout the
cnuntry. Being on artlee of tnati! : inerit ant haring
proved tbcfr efle•ey by a teat of omit , fear*. each 7 5 % ,
iln . dit them In cm': IrCslitlee In various pert' of the
mutt!, and <II.T - rattles sr* p nnwonced bet*
ter than other &Melee.
nhtsf il nn'y .13r0004 Bronsbist Thebes." sad *do
riht 'take an♦ or the vrnrth'ees imitations that MAW be
?o!.1 everywhere. 'w , 29 61:3
47ALL's flAn: Rits,wza
le the beat preparation 4itant tor 14 storing gray bats
to (taw lenal c••tor, prey nting: itagalllng mot and pro
toottrp ib pterlb It •a alert a beautiful halt. dreeehtg
11, P. HALL k CO- ZiAsbaa, N. R.. Proptillton.
For tee by MI otrueztete. doermtlt
New Advertisements.
•ituationa turntshed for girl. r f all oeterintl , ns,
print. (*miff... at •b"rt notice.. rhamborteutiAs.
Norse*, 4m:loo.omm, gewnortn.e.s.. ,Waltera and Itro
ohsolos flail kinds. Vv. h.tela b ,arding bnu Si and
private sonallad with servants of all kin's at
abort •rotios, "Inre , forgot to call at tale
102 Svate Erfe, Pa. • J. Y. CROSS
XL t le tAVO would .e.rwettatly glee =did to hi.
Petrone and trims& that be will C13=1:1111204 his ',oboe]
toe tbo above Ittatractlon. at
Far Laps, Waft and Masters
rar Muni ofJestmetion from 2 to 6 o'cjoell p.
TV .' Teat!Orl $6OO psi. e3hohr.
garsaane• of an order of the Orphan's (inert of
See county I will offer at public's!. at the Court Hanes,
la the city of Erie, on Oatordarasn. 204 at 10 o'elosk
a. so., all the right and interest of Thomu S. Sinclair.
late of Erte,,deoeuld, in the following desombeezha .
'.~l arZ of out-lot three iiiiadredrso sixty-three of
the town of Erie ' se laid out by the Onromonwealth of
Penn's.. Beglnnleg on the East side of Plcon . street at
point I'S perdue` :Thnthwardli tram the Noetverest
corner of said ont.lot No. St 3: thence Rastwerdly par
allel to the North line °USW out-lot,lo perches; thence
Seuthwardly. earallei b T.nth street, S perches; thence
Westwardly. parallel to the North line of said oat lot,
perches to ?lam stied: thence along the Zest aide of
Plant street ti perches to the plus &beginning% contain
ing about one-third of an sere of land. being lot No.ll
of th, plad, an suh-dlvilioul of said oat lot into lots
'eal. or sold by E. ItabLitt, assignee or Edwin
&leo -
Tarns.—Cash in hand na-ennfirmitlon of sale.
- ago. W. GUNNISON. Administrator..
orm, amoin
Or ?Mt
Ifr. Satemto has the himor to a1:16 , 32.1U that Er le
esbobrated convert troupe will appear u ►tare, for ors •
•sight only, at
The wlde•world eivelnity, arluev.th7 the Mat 'melt
and Insirruntstarperformarn of wh+m this diethigalsh
yd party Is ensure-el hu been so theroughly meg.
rased wbsrever they base appeared, that it would he
wolfs, to dwell • non a feet universally- unaided, that
nnetyylblr before tumor, stagy great artiste Wilted In what
militeijastly styled a .
Batman ben lays to ettl attention to the fe
Urgings/iv of mates :
Whoa* communes with tint Itslien. rees‘h, Gamut
and nasals!: langur*. sad magnill•eat -siege and
thorough inualesi coitus, whether hoard iv ovulate
eeee.ions, io wed. songs, or fa thole , Grout sad
tiogliah b.itah to width a orquigila rendering has
ereen end. ire nu.. his Droved awe Ow SIICCOSOCIT to
- Jannyl. tid. in the atom and admi ati , a o the Motr
in* pakilv
Mtn chiming tenor hex returned with new laurels to
the 4"1103111 14 h , e former Mumble tn meet shoes met
end tender letterer tstione of versa" music that hare
=de Ilda neme famous in both continents
i . .
The ireslooTy comb,' eto eselttn q bran , who has
.t 4,4
with the public, whetter r ho has a
.neert veßl. alle.enll.
I,l,.. c itui. g . -ndaecomplishod baritone.
Monfeiskehly the great. elude nistest el t h e day.
whose repertoire e mprfses all te; walk, of the old
meson ite we' se the nettling Reza , of the modem
la' 001. not .hose wond.rful ot • endue afford• not opts
astonishment and del'sht hie esprendito•s. bat s'so
.tai fuzz highest m del of style f mnslce students.
The gifted and youthful Wiollnlit, whore thorough fe.:
mUtadtf with the beet compositions, Emelt') and eta
neatly sgmoittketie style and brillliant Berartom bsve
jury,phamrtim in the my! tint
nag Of Mt wollsiloti
in Parts, Hamburg, Planes, tn, u veil ws to this
aonntrg. ,
Thowelt 'known wed ettetesed oompaanr r INN oftelalo
eoadoet or god aceorep
.Bdesiesioa $1.00: No extra chess for rtsernkt
rests. Ilekefs eas bs preleared and &eats removed at
Cosign% Rook:atm:a, as iodate! Wedaeaday
Teo rata otaso asrd at these Coneents to from the
toattlaotory of 4 t.ieray don& -
Doo, a opts it 711; to comae:lee at 8 o'clock..
"fro a tindendesed, administrator of the estate of
REMIT MARTIN, doed, by virtue of an order of the
thwharenCoort of Eris County. will sell at pribtle sale,
ot 619 french strut; 14 the city of Erie, A CrIRDAT,
the 19th day of lunar, next, et 14 o' leek. s. te., the
foltoolnn described real *state. to wit 1
All that plow or parcel of land nitwits In the township
of Stimult in said anode, bounded am follows - Com-
Menfdrur at the Northeast corner of said piece; thaw*
south 96 degrees. want by land of John Johnson My.
Iles and a halter:ids ; then ce aim% 64 degrees. West by
land of John Man one bandnd and filly-four rode to
a limo. Or POO. ; UNIDO, stony centre of the new Roar
North tddeirrees. 'avert ility•avo aod • ball rods; thews
North hi des Neat by land of Alexander Fink and tire. intrekred andkfty-firar rode to the oboe
01 beginalaga.neralthang slay.thrietwrae and aixte-neven.
rode of land wore or ha . Being nut of boot No.lo.
also, the Vest half of In-Lot Ito .1740., In WI city of.
Nolo 144*411 1 4abinadnd North by sagfted.gistby lust
half of said LA et Okra bwlna.ot 1441-111,67cM West
by lo•Liit l a.ll2ll3,;trlng it end Wu inane 1a Width
and one hundred and ehrtY:de• in len*.
41sa q, tho following described lota in the elty_of , , Frio
abreWd : Reins known as Eint)4ete Noe. 19. id and 91
of Res Ontlot No. 964, as inabdivided by Mama
Moro& Rath ontkiat beinidlleetthree hieheofront
and 115 feet in denth. the whole boonded Northby Ba
ron et. East by MINIM No. 97; Swab by P•difkri
let end Westwardly by 1144111. • •
. TlF:as 01P SALII.OII64Idtd in hand, Abe batmen in
tan equal tisWebnentetritkaatondintareette9Weecared
bylodkwent bond and =origin* owmin Mont r ose.
'der7Vs 4w. MlsaY iso! gru7,/ &AL
Burma it sulusas,
111.71M141 or
Awl Intokohl Dealers la
Wolavg a 11-0 assortment of
sioo Pi A •-• B D
$25 to sto
By yurehasiag,of
Instead of goading ordeni to Nos 'Volt.
Furntshed from the foltairlageelebrated Manutsstarers
Stetnray & Sons. New Toillt,
Wm. Smite & Co., Baltimom Wd.,
W. B. Bradbury; Nov York,
• 0 rovsatatnk Co., New York,
floardsan la dray, Albany, It. V
06•;A. Trines b Co., Buffalo, N. Y.,
A. Smug, Syracuse. ri'. I
Ism att & Qcodnan,Cloyeland, 0
Clisiol.rok Gabler, Norr York
Pianos trout $230 to $1•600
rir An perrons drifting a Met rata Plano or Malodor
no era Invited to nil and examine our instruments be
fore eofebasing elsewhere
I -
Sett instrument warranted for fire yea rs.
tin. 815 Qt►te Street, Fris,Ps
rm33'Sstt •
Three doors North of the Railroad Track
Naming opened a ekes Store the above locality re
spertfally announce to the public that they have on
band Goa of the lutes! and most' carefully seteeted
stOcks of Ready-ttade Clothing, Cloths. Canimeres.
Vesting, Gentlemen's runushlng Goods, Rats, Cara,
fte., ever brought to this market—all purchased aloes
the fall In Jodeee and to be sold at the most reasonable
. nmoree. We have one of the bentgat i tre coon
;1-ishintae arable 4..... b..... ca
rsioel complete.
Nothing in the line, of our trade has be.n neglected.
Give no • cell and via for yoareelvei• We warrant our
goods to be es we represent them- and our pces as low
as any in the citf. WAGNER & &MIN,
BITS a large stock of goods In their line gettable
for holiday presents—conatillog of
And a tall nasnrtmant of all adios+ +mall kept in a
Bnt•elw Jevelry Store.
We &gra to all attention to oar new styles et
wtiteb we biaw» to be Thebes% le the tnathet. 274
dbg rings eenstantiv-on beod sad roads to order.
deel3-t! ' No. 2 Reed Block.
cerqvunt fa Coo of Com PIMA,
by her Me friend, , Rris
George Beam, No. 5. Au . T
-AIL' ma
JACOB ICI &OLIVE; retina ..NibiL twee,
Whenue.Catherine hullo it did refit het Petition to the
Honorable Judges of theCoartof Common Pleas for the
count. of NM% praying for the ceases th.rein set forth,
she might be divorce/dire= boor ttnebend,Jaeob Misting,
ti tics Is hereby given to the mid Jess. Staling to
be and appear before our jades at 5111. at • wort of
common pl-vs then nod there, to be holden. for toe
smutty of brie, on the Bret Monde, in Bobrusrr.ll367',
fo arenrsr said petition and abide the jaCirment of the
emirt In the nnirsteee H BROWN,
Sheriff's Mike, Dee 7,18e6. Sheriff.
' &el& St
whereas labor, t.idameotar , ti the totato of Prod ar
ks L. Wiorth deed. lat. of Vino et tootabip. Etre
mutt. Pa. havlot bola irrooto , l to the .nb ce bar. all
riontoo indobtod to and fates will mate home 'tato
paymeataild all Moto hayloft calms or demands avdo.t
said. oatita Till prompt them. dolv aolhootleated for
sokt'alsont. JOHN WIERI'II. Ssoontor.
dec4.6.• •
ORPHAN'S coußr SALE. _
virtue of an order of the Orphan's Comt for the
county of Vie. to me directed. I will expose at public
sale, on the 23d day of January . 1667. at S o clock. p.
m , ' the following orevely. to .it: A lot or piece of
ground Wage in-the village of Albion, Fria county.
Pa. telogiot No. 4 to block No. 64, o utaining gar•
moo rods of land, more or Um. b ‘unded on the earth
by Staty-qvistplast by or
v.iit by lot former!,
owned by Olivia Wilcox. and south by lot formerly
oared b. David Wilcox.
Tams of lisle—One-half on toner:ration of sale and
balance in one ye r. frith interest rued by judgment
baud and mortgage. on -premises; or cult in fond. at
the option of the 'prelims'.
deekat .Adg{ p' s tratrtx of Abraham Luce, deed.
• Tom soatainicr 97.5 i acres.
ana-half cleared,
000 b TAXI,
E r Tor farther partlonlaze enquire' at the Drag
Store of t
Coiner Tth and State Streets.
A barge 6 pp. Dataibgne. teaching bow to raaanve Ten
Preekten Pfunelaa. Illoteben, Kolb egoton. Sel °vain%
Ilmptions end all tuipnettiero of the Ain. /low to tome
whlsktoereatore, curl end boaster the hair, man the
age. mire Drankenseee. Verrone Debility and other
tooth! end valuahls lufernation. Eesrrbatir 1111111 a for It.
Adtreet. T dress Biffalil4 MITTS a CO, Miami/111 , It leer
Sroy. ff. T. rinr29.lf
Virg lassi l / 2 st
dse.lB At
BY es dean orfilosts, for &Jr IT
•7 . ilacn-tt • J. O. MEN.
HISAInfe COM - •
/its jot Isedad trots Now To*
Abe, rieetesd Mao Iffm Yo*.•
Orb Iguana bits at he. I Slave Mutiny Notkoril. aid
taw OnsatariCh4 rah. ; $41141
817 STATE at, ERIE, PA
. .
ND r 6 ---- T. TS
...Sy trams heats, on tforatid POII between 2d and
1.. d. Led alt(c l .l '45 • rine nw; terns eery
New two Owe 114sfre'finus. on etrut betwera
Chubut and Wirtle totog y. Cheap, ea easy
teems. nueutnn situ 1 fatal..
Time honors na 11th ree lietwere(Priel, and Put
sera*. l ohs 425 he 142 iiatalirlee in. r trim envy.
Yentas heave en Bth street bet.seen State and Peach;
possealloo lit of Aarll
Fran% b•oasa on 121 h ►tree', ladartron Naeb a• d stria.
Writ; tot 11214 by 1Ii) bo sold at a rest bargain
fronte and lot on 6th 'drool. babas*. Nada and-,aa
sena. Lot OM br 142• oil M ao'd,st • are t barest..
Roost and lot 01011 ,teen, between Peach and • as
safes: Cot 82% by 165.
Noose • -4 two Into os (Ph street, between Poplar and'
C1,..,'. !rite low and terms easy.
prick boo • on ath street, between ilemose, cad
140 lot .2% b' la"; on lone w. '
Pomo cud two le'• on French strut, bwtwean 411! cod
Stb; taxis vary, r ries" o
Rouse and lot on errner 6th rod Cerium itreata, Int
rag b vra.priat low, on Inns time. - 1 ,
Severs.' Gee Treidencre. raven, In prime f,cm fa (ae!
to 1126 OM in the best looitio• • 113 'be t its
Herne pod lot on emit ..eve , I h street'betwa`en French
and Holhvd; with One fruit tress and aplervild Inver.
finossisni Int on,Yeesi Seventh street, b-tw ea Peal!,
and qmasirsa. fit
Moe belch ¢.3013p on V.fth street, bets:ean Yrr, &I an !
Holtand4 -
Brick house *east Sieb street '
Roza* and tot qn south side of rtla thi r ,,,
from iteestfres
Ilocse and lot Voarth street bet.... flee 0r,.. ind
Tlcuse - and lot on Parealms, between 1217, 13
street', 3.1 dote from 12th
BOA hoeu with 8 arts of Ire, in Water - or - 1' Tb•
rosideres of eol.Cemnball,
Brick tones on 11th Wrest, between Peach ant' Facet
free; residence of Milos Boyle.
irrS•Sfe batlm on llth a rest, betwe re. Perch an' 4ce•
mires, lot 8214 by :CS.
22 lWet by 147 . 10 1111 13 (ant alley,on north west corner
State and 10 *h street.
21 feet by 102, on Mite ttroef, beta -ten 7t' lied Bth,
alt Oda,
21 feet by ICe3. east aide State rt t e.t,, , ,,,,,„
21 feet by one lanadred,eaatalde State
tb. stuns. '
Rd& stem on State street, between 4th and Bth S'
L o t 22}," by 106. t t_ •
40 by 105 loath ride of 10th etreet, port of oat lot No.
6 4 7.
74 he 100, arnlh alde 70th street, near Ash Las e, part
of not lot No. 687.
by 105 on elh street, Yetween German and liol
land. Pro. 967 •
02g M 16' on 4th street, !retirees% German an. ='til
lend. Nn 1474
62l b• 155;'0n 7th street, byte ten German end
Lrd,Nn.l9' 9
Fourrull e'ty lots on Poplar etrinst„between 4th and
sth atreeta.
Three 101 l city lotion Flab atreet,betseen Poplar recd
50 yet by 60 1 2. corner Peach and 2d street. .
100 feet by 10 on Sib street, between Purnell and Dot
Flee lots nn 9th street 53 be 18 0 . to an alle betwe.n
WalliWrind Ash I ane; un lone time and eery ...heap.
31 b. 185. on 14'h etreet — near -sib Lane; sera cheap.
Tern full city lota on 11th street, between C Intent
sod Walnut streets
Four full city iota oti 121/ 'taut batsmen Chestnut
i n a Walnut altant. t -
01111 2by 146 on French street, between 2d and 3d '
821 2 by 185.013 west 6th street, coiner of Myrtle, ad
sntreng W per, *el. - •
Pr* lots no *mantras Oust s between 3d sad 4th.
821.2 ha I°s corner of foh and Poplar: pee, low.
40 by 145 fio e n alley, 013 cut side Stare sir-et.terweene
12th end .3tb; will tell twenty feet if deemed, eery
P.llO eel donee lot oe * acres, sejnining Capt. Wilkins
and J.B Carter Creek
21 by 165 on cut side agate, between Bth and 9th
IEO acre... 8 miles Iv= Erie. .etween Buffalo Road
and P. kk rat'road; 45 acres of timber. Warms tr, the
state of Itiration; brick house. with good
born sod flee orchard.
12 aorta on (Irene) Hill. six mites from itrfe—good or.
chard; 53 acres timber: good mole land: well watered
109 arms on 'Lake Road, tour miles from trio—house
barn and gond orchard.
108 acres near Harborereek; good g-us land adjoin
ing Cepa Motor'''.
50 scree of tandook timber lend near Concord Station,
on the P. & R. Rd.; very eheap
Serer 1 other good farms w Rhin two miles of the
SO sores of lend. two and one-half t wo
from Erie; on
Watt ebtagh road, house, two Dams two_ ortberds.
31 sores In Green township. two toilet from Erie.
ea acres two miler from Vie, sear Bldg: Road, under
ens eultiration. -
Moores near Harbortreek, on Lake - Road, near Four
Mlle Cre k
A large amount of 011 Lands and producing wells In
Pennseirsoia, West Virginia, and Canada, are offered at
extremely low prices. no22:tf
%Imre tkelr CI;MOM:SOTO Vrln aprq■ turf
IN OUR - Mt., -'-:---_
17' Being ifautesoturers, their freillties •re elle
best for supplying thsir COI Liners with FRESI
1866. ERIE. PENN'A. 1867.
9. lan.S—Rev. John Lo.d, LL.D Subject, “Ifartm
Luther and the German Reformation:'
MI Jan. 9—Rsy John Lord, I.h D. Subieet,
sound Rude and l'arliamentary Eloquence."
11: Jan. 15--Ralph Waldo Ea:lemon. (qubjeet to be
'supplled )
12. Jan 22 —Prof. E. L. Youmaru. Subject, "Ede
catihn In England."
12. Ise. 29,-James E. Murdock (probably. r alert
It la possible that one er two of the subjec's of the
features will be changed, but generally will be as
above rat d.
.. ..
One seat, $3 511
- Two nate, - 00 .
Three seats, lb 0 0-
Four seats, :3 0 0
Five nate. 16 03 '
'Each odd rut.- 3 od
. Skids to single lectures, 4O
07 e have endeavored to preps e•tht very bast c ore,
of lectures it was possible for us to organise. Most of
the lecturers secured are old favorites hers' but we
,added cue or two new ones that we 'hunk will
prove aeceptable. Three or four whom we know our
eatrona vrou.d have been glad to hear again --such as
Dr. Holland, 'r Chapin. Prof. Agassis, Etc.—but were
unable to come this winter. The coarse will cost ua at
least $l,OOO ; and we venture to assert that, la the
character , +f the lecturers. and In the intvresf end u ti
ny Of the lectures. it will folly equal, If not turrsses
any course that will bo delivered In any of the neigh
boring titles. We trust the friends of tree intellectual
cultivation and entertainment will show their appreci
ation of oar effort. by liberally contributing to the
A. , 11. Cancun*. ' 0. G. Efoar..
' E. L. P et.vos, W. it. DaTillrOaT, ,
E. Nurrsar, .1210 GOY?.
' C. E. Cosmos, , . ' Lecture Committee:.
Pimalent* ••Night Blooming Ceremmt , ,,
Phalan'', "Niglit Blooming Cereals-0T -
PitalonN .• Night Blooming Vervain , '
Plassion 9 a "Night Blooming Coresso.m
Pli%lantsi "Night Blooming Gerona. ,,
A most exquisite, delicate, and Fragrant Fedoraa,
distided from the rare and- beantlfhl flower from
which It takes in name.
Mennfactared only
PHALLON m 8101Y.l ew lork.
TRABIGIC. BUT TRUlL—Every young lady and
'4l3' to the United :States mw hear somitbing
very much to their advantage by return mail, ((Ices of
chary) be addreming the undersigned. nose having
leers of being humbugged will obi*, by not noticing this
mud. All others will pious addren their obedient !ure
mia. 21101 1 . CHAPM A _
dec2Bl3-Iy. 831 Broadway. N.Y.
J. 0. &ELDEN'S'
& CO , 814 STATE Sr.,
Bars cammeneed keepiew Pratt tk Co.'s Celebrated
Baltimore Cl! stem *bleb they will sell either by the
eta or sue. These Oysters are eaasidered the beet to
the market. Hotels, Wawa and private families ear
plied at low prime. octl-em
SRI DAL VIIARIBEIZ, on Einar of Warnin,
and Instrnalon to Icon' Iten—iimbliatunt by flow'
art Losoeistion, an d plat free of ebo in mind enrol
open. Adams • Dr. J. 8811.1.. M ROUGHTON.
,D. 1111617. • PARAIR/Phist
Ilaye opened at 11
They will keep a gaud lice of
OV EVERY renmq
MC Rite e e