The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, December 27, 1866, Image 3
7' it k ft ri c Arect;lg 49b5ctitter. ERIE, PA., DECEMBER 27, 1666 Nrw Yi•ut'•'•—Wo 'have coneW-• ,t) IH•UC the urtal New 'Year's yevr, beliPring that the custom. impnition upon the publ , e, be re.,ertt d to by soy well-to , Our patrons pay us for the pa r.t-lorl we in turn pay our carrier boys, and nr,Ti toa much ,f begging lo aqk the fer rrt Y ,(s:rl contrihition at the ewe of ror . to comport with our ideas of ju=t =WM N.7.rthurPechttid C 'tint; Den v r,o. in t^ ort ~ S nebury atul jrq A i vln t, g ,s , ,, aralng other t hingq i i t Sunhur7 tst' e- 20q mike! he from leljthil We nre :30 or 40 ,ea,-or he tcrn. and GS miloa fer , ber from p.• , •• nlaht Dcaecrot • 1 a I ••C luoll of you r.:•-nVetarr. est , :r 7s r.O t s'rove the eel, anti 449 mile!! t tl'onware, or Ilse le- of ezweß-i - -it 2:3 ti i 1 Look ilavin, all 175 (,TC,Pr f•wii Phil vir.l‘phit. ‘p ettV , Ti OFFICERS.—For the nd n• oar licirig out of the cite. cr put.ll4, itle . fk , ' 'ist of public officers F !s•foied here: • F,e,r4/ 1 — Powmgat , r. M. Sterrett : ',;;error of laternallterormr, John ".. Veruty Wm. C. TOL o ; Colee tot pf the Pert, Capt Thomas Wilkins; Deputy .;lect , r," E. F. Gaz.ein,, Coutite—Fteriff, Gen 11 L Brown, Erie; I••••PutTS.ler'lT, 1. .9 or .11ey Erie; R.:•eister , r o cer•ler. 11 G. _Garrey, Serin2Vr] ; I,everer. C. W. V.el'e7,_Eni".n. Pr •••tr . P 11••••4 ElTnl.,tre Lyreh. - 4 the , r t.VlParl Cats rfl. o . Prowl , tir Jn ig P. J •Itn •on, Warr •n : . 1 ,114 1 01 , i L. l llttlpe. Inn P Vincent, Eric As.ockt , 7 „•s %Vat 11-nctAn Waterf .r•i. and 110'- ;4 . ./ ; 1, , i C . l n If •r ,, •k, L. \I . C , ,i.11;". S 11. 1 froy. I'.'krro4c Cr mmig;i Clark d : !iV,:ker ; Coroner, 1 . 6). .1. SI errAti /lon. Wm, I, I • :=1 r E'ij in; 11 JAL tt Trea‘ue , e, I' r•idrnf cf Sol rr C nn^i), r n. W. tit tcr ; :erk nf Sri ect C 'unn . .l Fost? . .r; Pregi lent of Common Ce.t.ncil J. (I. Spence,: - Clerk ,1 Gammon Pennell, I P. Ilennett ; pity Sn•- repor. F 5h; , T11413 ; Street Stiperyker, Joe. Mo . :otter, Se.: Sergeant 'lt Arm';, S•r•'e• C'e* the:Matlce+,Jne. tiVilkin ; 13.'• Poster, C. M. Ve?ney. • linc.oon is Turr•vat.r.r. —Ol WA L laesi.:.• morning of lost 'week the dealt) .1 . 7 of a warn In apparently twonty-ftre. v01. , * of age. RV di on n filth? tn, 'l , use of a lir*. .f:NevirCitiTitu.vire, 7'll , Croat F art of her moch I h , •r hlnds loczr•t -m.l from the eTects of a gecele qtrtteglo. There iras a erick of qtriva-wand, weirhinr about prtrlß. lying. on the 11 , or, with -evlral Clots of Wool on it, nn I it Waa oiriAerit rom the marks on tile woman's howl that this lick was the instrument with which she was tin The dee;m.el we the wife of John !ettey, s !borer, srtts ii represented I , y tho.e ,h ) ;nlsr Lim as an intelligent and inefleu msi , ez•e;t when under the influence of uor ile , r Ito bit the evening t , :e murder. that he scrotal give his wife a b; PP, act seo if that wouid keep her off , :reel3. She IA sai I Cr) have been an ha— 111 dronk•trd vvi was intoiic e 1 .o the Lifore her drruli On Tucullf r„ at work near the depot, aod took several tioki at ',alley's saloon on M , chat.ic street. rent hcrne shout six o'clock, hnt soon after ri Lahey's saloon, where he had two whiskey •and one glass of eider. :Fr? be :etttalned until ten o'clock:When the riny s-parated and he etarted for home. night ono of theinmates of the .a l sti,t that she heard Mc: cy soy,."Annie. Makes you make stic - fiii n d--1 beast of 'ltself!' Nothivg More was heard fro - m until about six o'cleck Wednesday morn .t. when he ktOcked a. the win low of I.ahey it,id him that h• 10.1 kille.l hiq wife. end Intel to know ,ha. he shoidi do: 11. wa. that siner was decd, the he.“ :ng for him was gi•.'himWf up Taking a- advice giTen, he immediately eanea q ~I CIIIIII, by whom be was taken to j ail, her( now The custom of keepinz •'naen hause" on ew Teal's day, aril he maintained in 'onr tr this year t.s untinl. 21 Prom all that we can ettn, a larger number of families than in gen 'Jly the ca' , will k e ep open hour'," and r oecasion ff e r , l `. fine oprorlnn't7 for lkinc new acquaintances and renewing old tendnhirn. She custom is one which origi .telio New England, and in only kept:up in ii'itts which either hailed from that section . zinally, or have •im n bihed the encial ideas the Eastern Staten. Err the -information r . anr readers who ;nay not he informed in led to it. rrevill say that gentlemen .are titled to •init any family which keeps "open Ise" tuaNew Year:n.whether they en !.el n'priitiou4 acquaintance or not. After hag a elvirtl fins, the ha lien et' he house net nsnie refreshments hefore er partaking of which -ihe zentl'emen ;wi , l e their departure The cu-term leads to t 'piny dr . iehtfal acquain'auce3, I.nd it tiye of much more cur eneill feel e dour ta tt 'that many a happy In date Ole time when lorntiret pierced tr,rn . 0 71 t Sew Year's cull upon a" But flue feat rl•ts tram the clist , :ui and that i. the m ,, ng r)ne percona of setting liquor We hope that AO roe gen,tally tthqntleneti in future. • Al' no Young lids will hare the sin to Ire their gIIPRI° wP".for ternivin,-; any g.nt'ernan into a in ) nilC-111 n c.lebra!i,n of chtisttnns in cur city , iidtroted ID a qui t•and op-fabliioned Outvide of the churchev which usu. , op • for the occasion. there woo no. ii , quoni - itrution i 'of any kind, and the in the aftern‘on were as solitary as riabiiath day The weather wits cold, spritazlincs of FLOW, and most onouch to stay within doors. 1, , ,r 11:at the pre3.entit given did no." as equal in number, and costli of the few last years. The dealers aar cold. , did a poorer trade than for rvq, and most persons-confined to articles of a mseful character. money - has affected all classes, .‘• " t;—hence the ottpence of the out'ays which have-marked other 7 1;..• ,inee the commencement of the Carve re!sfrevith gays we int ". " . - I .”;:posing helms an antipathy , r• Foie UP claitns to 'glove reason to ".4tslaiioli thecaurtesg" of our citizens, Q.l 'tat -If public matters were eltecuso "obr al•a grojpd no that taken by thp should have no reason to eny • "vsnnot Etio" .4. we tindervtatui the 0,1 It is . , gilt Ps first duly 10 11e!! the irtete , ts of Corti', leaving rtoMinnoi it— to take care of themselves. t. ye' to 'his stard-point, but trust :•to !ant e nor c• WET Orsry not deem "441.17 prem• to the welfare of the ;C:cl,,, pzb-ishod hot it should which despiE ,, a'l the marssy , n the onbject. we do rot in)" tents kraal. is poor olicy, to vent }our spite against ildiriinala upon an entire Stpr-me. Court bits (tech's,' tbs. itnet Itttal.t.a cannot Convey real ma°, Etc husband's consent Items of Local Interest.... A. WO New 'fele qhall our reatlere: • Mr. J. T: limb 111, of Greek, has taken the well known fi:rorel House, and will carry it on in' future. Mr. Northend, Bathe , ' DAtinerntio cum, titor for Coogre•s, 01.9 taken steps to coo- .et that horn's seat Theodore Tilton is known• among his politi cal friends by the stunning sobriquet of '•the infant licrcole9 of American free irrtry" Thoill health of [Jr. Robt Etalkner has coal - potted hint to give up practice s'or a sea son. fie has started on an Eastern tour, hop ing to regain his health hym change of cl,ityr to. The Miles Grove Academy is the name of a new educational institution started at the Moe- of the same name, under charge of Pr)f. Watson Clark. , . The Observer Johbinz office 1113 beconolll the centre of attraction for all who &Are neat printing With, our rapid ne v presses, and neat new type, we are now turninl• nut work that equalled 'h.; very few nfficeg The rommi,qionerq.of Crowford. die borceil 5102.090 for the relief of foinileq daring the war. This wns.exelosire of township boonti-q and relief nopropris tinne aorine. the slum period. The temperance 40.7:uncut in Union !kWh! is Progressing rapidly. The ministers of the; various denominations have each preached" sermons on the •uhject, and a onmh.c of moderate drinkers hare horn indnc•d. t) sign the pie tge. The npert lovin pni•tion of the public will he 1.1i210c,1 to learn that s';gnor lirirnor and Piropa, so , ived by a number rf o'hsr fimana irrrsr, will give a concert in ,4 'irrlr natl.() the eveninz of the pith of .Jan,:•try. evrh thinks th, tanwtnent to bring Rios out -far th , Pe; s lcnrr a sharp ad revising; .10.1 . ze, iniev.lo I to get Din's name into 0,,0. palters, and help his show, Shouldn't wonder. Dan knows the advantage Of printer's ink :oc:tit as well as any man we-know of. The United Staten Uiatrict Conrt. lion. W,lson MeNnilles., of Pittebwrgh,regirling,. will continence its se•A-n in this city on ,the 701 of January. The proceedings of tho Court will attract many prominent strong:ere, mi he of material benefit-t o••sue interests. t of our weo , clr cotemportrirs to this .ection have , usrendeti public - Ilion for a week, t enable their puVishers and printers V> en joy the halidsys„ Outride of - Erie, there will my h. , two or three poet -4 tniblillied in N r h Western Penn.ylvaoia this week. ;r Foreman takes this method of r , turning LI , sincere thanks to the piety at Water ford, who so kindly (and to him unknown) donated a barrel of apples. Ills kindest wishes are for thl , donor's happiness and prosperity,and long may they live to enjoy the blesain:es of this life To those of our friends wishing a send pa p•r from abrosl, we recommend the Ilarris burc_Weekly Patriot It is ably edited, sound ly L.Wmoortilic, ntia titiea to the twins with in teresting re idiag matter. For a Pennsylva nian. it is infinitely preferable to any of the New York weeklies. .; 'the Ga:ette announces that it will appear in a new dress next week. Oar expenses in refAting our jobbing 'Ditto. have been so large during the year, that we can •ot "follow suit" at present, but we Jo not intend that many months shall go by unlit the Observer makes as neat an appearance as any of its cotempo raries. • The Observer for Also w ee k, as cas t ° , weary, will contain a record nt one tescung etal events in the county during 1866, and also a complete rat of the marriages and deaths which have taken flaceduring the year. Per sons wanting extra copies can obtain them at May's News Stand, in the Post Office, or at Caughey, 3lcCreary & Co's bookstore. On Wednesday afternoon, the wife of Wm. Dutenhaver, living on Eleventh street, went to sick neighbor, leavivg her children at home. During herabsence, the clothes of a girl, 3 years old, took fire from some mat cites with which the children were playing, and, be ore the flames could be extinguished, ipr body was burned to a crisp. The little girl did soon after. Mr .1..\. Kilpatrick, tax coll , c' in Irvine township; Venango county, wis returning home from a collr•e,!ing lour, a few ights since, and when within a hundr.•d yards of his house he was aren'•tel by two men•' nth) pre sented retiolvers — Tui I demand , . I tiie nion'ty• wa•r relieved of atomi 53599. The Dispatch erye: young and talented la ly, n , m who has been reeching school in the nethhirhood of •Lako Pleas in , , recently undertook to correct a pupil, a little girl, when etre was set upon by an older rioter of the pupil and cruelly beaten. She was thrown dawn, her bead jammed npon the floor, and skull broken, so that she is now a maniac beyond the hop! of recovery." The depression of business causes general compl tint to 1) , ! made in regard to the high refits which rays:fiat:o are compelled to pay. It cannot- be denied that. within n few years rents have gone up to an extortionate rate in our city. This is not the cans merely with business stands, but with all classes of build ings The downwarl - tendency of everything else aril also have it: effect 'upon rents, and pr.iperty owners mos' prerare fir a reduction next season. The Jary .n the ease of is'. A. Davenport, Ee assignee of the Dank of Commerce, vs. I'Vrizlit, et al,-after an absence of about an hrougkt in a,verdict for the ritintiff— Sibstantitily ase.rting that the failure of the Pauli Wan a creel, and throwin3 the reopen eibiGtp upon Mr. Wright, its manager A 'few years aza this verdict would have created much on anion, but. so rapidly do events,pass out of the recollection of the public, th tt, aside from a few individuals; the trial and Its result have excite i very little interest. The ease is to be carried up to the SuPremo Court, where, the cle'Sels.l int feels confident, the action of Our county CTIrl will be annulled. ' the woman's rights movement will come to, it successful, waswell illustrated du ring the proceedings of the strong minded female'' convention at Albany, N. T., a few weeks ag). ,During one of the days of its session a street car was crowded. There en tered a severe looking female, An old gent rose to give her a seat. "Be you one of those womenrighters!" he asked. "I be," replied the ancient. "You helteve a woman should have all the rights of a man, do you?" he in quired. "Yes, I do," was the emphatic an swer. ' - Theo," said the man, "stand up, and enj , y thertriike a man," and she dad to stand up A ratty of vags got up $ huge sell on some of the lawyers of Titusville, last week. They gathered a crow!. 'started a sham fight, and had a policeman conduct one of the partite to a insticee office. A jury wa•. empsnnelled in due form, and layers called in to plead f, , r and against till prisoner " The "kill:lite of. the green big" put forth their most elo quent efforts. and their aslonishment may be imeginod when the „jury brought in is verdict of acquittal for the prisoner, and tht c"sta to he paid by the attorneys The latter thought aim was csrrying a;joke too far, but the stern jurtice dvmaridecl the enforcement of the ver dict, and down they had to come with their s' a tor s. We are sorry to know that our friend E--- was one ortbe outraged, diseieples of Blackwne. lt,must be that he hal fOr gotten his Erie clue stiou, or he couldn't be caught in such a trap. • A number of stories are going the ronnds of the press, ab* Johnny Steele.which. we learn from the best authority, are_ incorrect. Among these is the statement that he secured $150,000 frOm Mrs. 'MoClinTock's safe, after her death.`, l The largest sum he could possibly have obtained was from $30,09 'to $40,000. Another false story is to the effect that "Hon. John Morrissey went through him nt faro to the amount of $lOO,OOO in tw,) sights:' He never lost any-money by Morrissey. or if he did it was in small rums. The daily income of Steele I given at $2,000, which is far above-the actual sum. his farm syielded him about $O . OOO monthly, for a time, but during the last vearthe sum has not been more than half these figures. These f+cts we learn from one who is intimately ncquainted with Steele's affiirA. and who would not tell us whet was not the truth. S'eele's wealth. like that of most fast people, has been hugely ersggerated in the public belief Al few days since the inhabitants of n town on the Phila. & Erie R R, not far from our city, were startled by`the announcement 'kat on the following niche a learned gentleman wou'd live•a grand ex i liihition in the public WI, in which be would soow the,complete control he exerefsed over the feline and canine family by making a number of mat; •and dogs do everything he desired of them. Ile re• quested the People to bring their owr. "house bold pers." A very 'large audience, made up of biped , ' and'quadropede in ,'boat equal pro portion, atsembled and waited patiehtly be: fore a green curtain till nine o'clock, when it was discovered that the stage was empty and that the tr , tiatirer, 'doorkeeper and lecturer— if there was any such person—h. - ad left with the admission proceed?. In ace - More° with her previeu`sly express ed minion. Mrs. Jon 5. one of 'the - heroines of the confab published last week, - came into town on Monday, to look at Barr. Johnson & Co's stows. She ,was. not nocompanied t y Mr. Smith, but by her duly legalized husband, Jones—e Jones, one Of the illustrious' scions of the rare house of that name—ns she of right should be. Jones hettit tied and hemmed a' good deal—said the old stove was good enough —bnt after listening. to hire. appeals, and looking over Barr, Johnson & Co's itarietY, his heart was softened. anti hit comedown wiyh the tin gracefully. Meta. J. is delighted with her new stove, and advises all her friends - wanting no article - of the same kind to deal at Barr, Johnson & Co's. • The present is the last issne of the Observer that we will semi to a large cumber' of sub scribers who seem to have imbibed the mista ken notion that we are wealthy enough to furnish them with a paper free of coat Those who fail to receive the next number will on- - derstand the reason why, and do as their judgment tells them is best—either pay up at once, bo made to do so by legal process; or have the pie:saute of seeing their names in our black list, We have given them fair notice of our determination, and they cannot complain if unpleasant consequences result. Th e appearance of 0 o..t.rr upon the ..,r'tne Rump Rouse on Friday was the signal for the most exuberant gladness on the part of theßadical members. They gathered about the Vaiakrupt fellow membir, and wrung hie hands and "smiled and smiled" (see Shalce.pearc) until the very darkies in the galleries grinned sympathetic grins. lied his Satanic majesty appeared in the hall his re ception would not have been moreenthusiastic and delightful. The Catholics recently held a Fair in Titus vine, and the. following are the receipts and expenditures : Received from all sources 53,150 00 Wvr of the Fete 800 00 Net proceeds The Oil City Register presumes that in no other habitable portion of the globe do dead heats exhibit such an• amount of cheek as in the oil region. Interesting trews Items. Massachusetts bee three negroes in her Legislature and three butvired and thirty-four in the State Pfl.oll. Nunn, the great Irish railway contractor, was a few years ago worth £BOO,OOO sterling. Now he cannot pay his debts. The United Staten, according to the Lon don 71res, has succeeded in -bullying the wprhi. 7 A Peer , named Reuben was arraigned to Glasgow. Kentucky, on last Saturday. on the charge of murder lie had cruelly - murdered his own son. o lad shout twelve years of age, heclu=e bc - cc old not pull , corn fast - enough. • - - - Don't put out kerosene lamps by Morrill , : down the chimney.. A doctor in Peoria tried it the other. night, the lamp exploded,- and the doctor narrowly escaped losing his eyes. A &P. Coburn of Showheefut, Me own 400,000 acres of land on the Kennebec river, which is equal to four townships, Thii Srm wit] cut 25.000;000 feet - of loan this winter— employing 228 oxen, 152 horses and 800 1131:41. A good-looking Methodist etirgyman, Rev. I R Dunn. has been arrested in Louisville, for the ruin of a young Miss Nellie Davison, of Indianapolis. It wait the oil story. The followis now making shoes for the State, at a five years penitentiary engagement. • An insane men, named Manuel Drah, who had escaped from his keeper near ,Sparta, Wiv„ -was recently shot in the woods by, a Mu'AneY, who mistook him for a deer. Ile' wn'•lying at the' foot of a tree, and with the hushes intervening, and it being in the early morning light, it is net surprising that the mistake was made. The man was killed al most instantly. The if n F. C. Beeman, of Michigan. call ed on General Spinner, United• States Treas urer, the other day. and paid back into' the treasury over five hundred dollars received during the last three years for mileage as a member of Congress, in excess of what he be- Beret; to he just, although the amourt he re ceived was computed 'wording to Cm present Congressional estimate of mileage. The Brooklyn Eagle says: That on. Thurs day evening. at - the dlose of Fred. Douglass' lecture. at Plymouth Church, a white woman, in the exuberance of her adMiration for the colored orator, forced upon him a high token of appreciation. in a chaste, Platonic kiss. The reporter dryly adds that the fortunate black moo received the salutation "withont blushing.", Considerable feeling has been awakened among the people of Wishington city, otf ac count of the passage of the Stevens resolu tion, looking to the admission of negro children into the public schools. The general opinion is, that any attempt to enforce such a law would be resisted almost unanimously by the white popul ition of the entire District. The Shreveport, La., News of the 30111 gives the particulars of a serious affray which occurred recently at the plantation of Mrs. Murray, ne , r that city. A little boy of 3fro. Murray and a negro boy alsout the some age got into a difficulty, in which the latter was whipped. The father of the negro thereupon obtained a gun and shot young Murray, killing him instantly. An elder brother of Murray. upon being informed of the circumstance, took summary vengeance upon the negro boy by shooting him dead.. THE EFFECT CF A Dnesm.—The five lending journals of Parie contain long and circumetan tial accounts: of a distinguished engineer whose head was turned perfectly white by a most frightful dreami. The engineer bad via.. ited a rough and unfrequented mineral region for the purpose of exploring and reporting to a company of Capitalists upon the richnessof a certain mine. The night of his arrival.' and before he descended into the mine, be. lodged at a small inn, and' after eating a pound or two of pork, wear' to bed. He dreamed that be had visitid the mine and was being drawn up, when ha discovered the rope almost sev ered, and there was but a single strand to supp , rt his weight and that of the bucket• in which he was being drawn up. Suddenly ; when hotted ascended two hundred feet, the rope, he dreabied, gave way, and be uttered a fearful shriek, which sr used the inmates of.. the house, and when . they burst open the door' of the dreamer's - riom they found a white headed man in the place of the black haired young gentleman who bad retired a few hours before. The story is well authenticated, and this is ..he brat instanoronyecord of a man's bead being turned white feton the effeots of a dream. TOM ROPIANPE or A DAs: —A few years sines a very respectable lady, living not a hundred miles from Winona, Minn called upon ose of our lending attorneys and desired his ser vice in procuring a divorce from her husband. who bad left her eight or ten years ego; and during all that long time she haeheard noth ing from him. The lady was taktng the step with reluctance, but it was necessary le trans fer some land. -The case of desertion' seemed so strong that little difficulty was -met in prOcuring the divorce, and the lady made the transfer . . On The evening of the same day the attorney was in Miles' barber shop, -when the . lady in question . entered, accompanied by a gentleman. She uttered an exclamation of surprise as she-met the gale of the attorney, and taking a seat by his side said to him::: ..Do you know that gentleman who came in with met" "No," replied the Attorney. "Well, it's my husband. Ile came up to-day on the boat, and we' shall be married again ' this evening." The attorney suggested the• propriety of his being proipent at the, but while the•lndy was willing ho ehnuld wit none the . cerennoay, she yet thought that be had been a little ton instrumental in separat. ! ing therm Why the husband was so silent diteinr his long absence we know not. Let that remain among the mysteries. Po trr SCOT TO PRISON.-08 ,, , W. Cni ter, the author of "The :ton of Steam;" has been sent ti th%c . ity prig ln at Cincinnati. for six months, for intemperance. The Cincin 7 I nati Gazette nays : Mr. Cutter is a lawyer by profession, std at times has enjoyed eome distinction at the bar; was once a member of the-Legielotdre of Indiana; at the breaking out of the Mexican war he raised a company of men and distils - guishei -himself me a soldier. ffe has puti lished two volumes of po crag, of more than ordinary merit, but for a numhee of years has written nothing that has been published Since his return from Mexico he bag been addicted to intemperance, at times given to beastly d unkruneas. Uod r such conduct he long ogcr sacrificed his legal patronage and .lost his only reliable means of support. And now, we : are and to say it, he in almost- hope lessly a vagrant. and the other day was sen tenced to t•iz months in the city prison, as the heat plane for one unable to control his pis- Fiona for strong drink. Let young men be warned in time To such a fate are many of those hastening who, in the army and out of it aloe' indulge in the tempting bowl. . ORME OF • THE EXPRESS Ersixess —We find the fillowing paragraph in one of our exchanges; . .. . "A monument, costing Mop°, has just' been erected'at Mount Auburn Cemetery. in, Boston, in honor of the late Wm. F. Hamden,. founder of the express business in the United B•ates." llarnden waa'a clerk . in a Boston house, whoa his health began to fail and he consulted a 'physician, by whom ho was :satir e 1 that the Only chance he had for prolong ing his life was change of emplopcsint. lie must quit his sedont try life and travel. His ~? means being limited, at tN suggestion of friends, be began to travel be ween Boston' . and New York, taking charge small parcels and transacting any busines entritsfed to him. Thus started ,the express iinsiness. Harnden died young, but lived to see "Harn deres Express" extended over the entire .country with a European branch. He left his widow rich, and after his death she sold her interests in the express fir $lOO,OOO, Thus, by the failing health of an obscure clerk, was originated what may nog- be called an institution which has wrought alt important revolution in the commercial world. A young mon belonging to reoeut -1 York Tribune. wroto to M. tlreeley. of the New T r ib une. to nes I,tv tonuence ItOwbtaining tor him, In reply thereto Ilorace .wrote : "New York is iu at entering upon the interesting process of starving out 200,000 people whom war and irredeemable paper have driven hither. It is impossible to re ceive and employ mere till these are `gone." ING a or Orixtox.,-The jest disphiyed by cur daily cotemporary in favorof negro suf frage, at the present period, contrasts some what strangely with its views as declared' about the time the Radicals first began to urge the forcing of that odious measure upon the Southern States. The following editorial, which is-but one of a 'dozen on the .subject that appear scl in its columns during the Spring of last year;%rill serve to show the ex tent of . %tor OttgIIDOTEI 3 1 / 1 111110THEIM We onp It from the Dispatch of Feb. 28th, 1865: $2,350 00 CoLORED CrrIZIMSHIP.—Our people are people of extremes. They no sooner' con clude that they are done wtth one folly or ex travagance than they are ready to engage in another. We have been rejoiced with the abolition of slaviry, that,mitterable blot, upon the country's existence and foul stain upon the national character. but aro surprised to no tice the earnestness with which "the claims" of the negro upon our generosity is urged ur on the people by a large proportion of the leading papers of the Country. Can it be that it is desired to have the colored race supersede the white in all the privileges and emoluments of intelligent, progressive so ciety ? Can it be that he would be taken from his positing of ignorance and inferiority and elevated to the superior positions among the people, to dictate to and rule over the whites? It is possible that this may be the desire of those who are so solicitous concern ing his welfare. This isa question, whiCh dis agreeable a• it may seem, is forcing ittelfupon nor people for solution. In fact it is already upon us. Toe question is agitating our State Legislatures, who are asked to extend the elective franchise to all classes of persons. without dis , inct ion of race, color or national ity; and the adherents of the cause claim for the colored race—to which has just now been extenclad boon of ooticoolslo oohs.. obootrrar the expense of the life of the nation—Teel lions and. privileges which the whites of this country have not been able to obtain ex cept by life-long, exertion with the cost of appliontion. We regard the movement ISS one ofluablime imptidence, and shall raise our voice against it. • We do nokquertion but what time would pave the way for this result ultimately, so far u It is consistent with goo I manners et least. The events of the age are giving new impulse and wider scope to popular ideas, and reform will be the fruit of the existing tendency of things. But it should be given time. It should be brought forwarti as the p , eilion and responsi bility of the white class is brought, forward, by the necessary amount' of cultivation and lobar. There can be no. question about the impropriety of the sudden elevation of such a great body of ignorant, untutored. almost barbaric pardons to the rights of citizenship and claims upon society for which they have not earned. It will endanger, if not the act ual existence of our free institutions, at least their tranquil operation, and we do not un derstand bow men can be actgoted to push the matter to extremes. It is a question of the highest importance. and may yet trouble us more then the rebellion now raging in the South, if prudence is not observed in its man agement. 31edleal liotlces. At this season of the year, when io,many of oar people suffer froni colds, we call at:, tention to Ayer's Cherry Pectoral as a cure not only for coughs and colds, bat all affeo dons of 114 lungs and throat. Nevins used it in our family for many years, we can speak tram personal knowledge of its efficiency. There wily be other rermedtee that are good, but in all our experience this has proved to be by far the best. Its nnalitics are uniform and wholly reliable. It is pleasant to take, and should be kept at command, by every . family, as a protection against a class of com plaints whicteeleem harmleSs in the beginning. but become afflicting and dangerous if neglect ed.—N. H. Register. Pagectsn,t The . ancient 'Grecians Were noted for their agility, strength,and great pow ,era of endurance. The English women of the present time are celebrated for their robed and herlth,y appearance, the result, in both instances, of vigorous and healthy exercise The Americans. unfortunately, have but little taste for tliis method of retaining their health, or building up a broken constitution ; hence the great prevalence of weak, sickly, and deli cate men and women. Gootiand'a German Bitters will in a great measure palliate this want of exer'ise, by giving great strength to the digestive organ-, hence product:an a geed appetite and a vigernua feeling of body. A moderate degree of exerelie, however, used in connection ifith the Bitten', -is much better; the most deprerate case of Dverepsia, Liver Complaint, Nervous Debility. yielding quickly to their beneficial influence. All druggists hatte these Bitters for sale. They contain no ,aleohol. The •Old Guard" for January comes to as enlored and improved The famous South• ern author, W. Gilmore Simms. commences a new story in Ibis issue,' and, John Esten Cooke contributes a Southern account of the battle of Bull Run. We find in every number of this lifogozine one or more articles which alone are worth the price for a year's tutt peription. Specimen copies will he sent, pre paid. for 20 cents. Address, Van Eerie, Hor ton & Co., New,l'ork. - Literary. 1011;DET roa 1867 —The January number hoe been received and cannot be excelled. The steel engraving, '•The Fleet Party," le very lifelike. Among Ito , patterns, ie a fumy besides the latest Parle. feehione, Novel tier; Work Department, &c. Pelee $3 per en num; eddress L. A. G.odey.' Philadelphia- . Beadles' Monthly" for January'has been reneived. Among the contributors. we notice all of the old favorites of the past year, and a ndmberof well known writes have been added to the-list The ;utilishers started out with' the aim of making a popular Magazine. and they have succeeded. S •nd for a copy . . 0 .ly $3-00mer year or 25 cents per Pia& number. Address Beadle St Co ;118 William street; New York. PHRENOLOGICAL JonaNat, for December con tains Bne portralta,of Dore, the great French Artist, the Bing and Queen of Prussia. twelve dletinguishe4 American Clergymen. Miss Kate - Bateman, with Biographies and Sketches of Character. Atte other interesting cluding Whitt , is Education? by John Neal; Chardmers of Shakspeare ; niers. theTrenoh Statesm ; Orang Outsngs, etc.. O l nly 20 cents; $3 a year. Now is• the time to sub @Cribs. • A new Volum; begins -with the nest number. Address, Fowler and Wells, 389 'Broadway, New..Yerk. Earnaraise.:—We notice in an es- change an account of the great steal works of the Messrs. Krupp. in England. The, rosin dries and &tops of Messrs. Fairbanks & wipe, which are located in St. Johnsbury, I Vt., rival them in extent. The Company's buildings cover many acres, and give employ- • went to over eleven hundred men, with a, monthly pay-roll of nearly thirty thousand dollara. They are now building large tweee. sines to their works to meet the demand, which is already far in edvance of the supply, - and increasing.' This Company, whose ware -house- is at N0..507 French as in this city, and whose agents, Messrs. McConkey & Shannon, are among oar moat reliable and enterprising business men, manufacture all descriptions of scales, from the immense.rail road turn-tables Ao the most delicate and sen sitive jeweller's, and druggist's balance, that is acted on by a breath. They are all built upon the most simple plan that is. compatible with perfection of accuracy. They also man - ufaeture dry measures of 'all kinds of stan dard capacitias.: It is needless' to speak of their scales, for they have a world .wide repu tation. Parties purchasing of McConkey & Shannon can have them set up by experienced mechanics. The firm aro now manufacturing a patent gas regulator, invented by Dr. C M Cresson. %This regulator is intended . to be used in public buildings and large hallo, to 'secure a steady anti uniform flow of gas. It is now used in Most of our public buildings, and with marked good effect. In the Phila delphia Net Of alone, its use less saved to the government over 180,000 feet of gas in - one y- or. ' , deco-3m. Disratunrioss.--We would call attention to the opinion of one of the leading papers, of Canada on the subject of Gift Enterprises: "Most of our readers have no doubt -read some of the numerous, Gift Enterprise, Gift Concerts, &c., which appear from time to time ia the public-prints. rffering meet temrtiog bargains to three who will potrooi4e them, inmost oases these ate gigantic purobags. But there are a few resteet..bte firms who da-busi nese in this manner,- and they do it as a means o f increasing their wholesale business, and not to make money. Prom such firms, it is true, handsome and valuable artied - s are pro. cured for a very small sum, and what is more important, no one is aver cheated. Every person gets good value for his dollar; because as we have stated, it is intended to 'not as an advertisement to increase their ordibary bus iness We have seen numbers of prises sent out in this way by Sherman, , Wateen Sz Com pany, of Nassau Street. N. Y., and tt l ere is no doubt that some of the articles see w rth eight or ten times the money paid far them, while we bare not sees orheard of a single article which was not tti,ll 3 r worth the dollar which it cost. But this is only one of the exceptions to the rule, for ass general thing the portiesen. gaged In this business are nothing but clever swindlers.—Saturday Reader, Montreal, E. C., Jan. 13, 1866.. • dec.2o Ross's Granonsa's Fcauteutah 8 TOILS. —Mr. Warren L. Boss has taken the store lately conducted by Jwitice, Moen & GaVa— guer, and ntttd g" 1 . 2 11,6.".Ge5va Ty to make a complete gentßinen's furnishing establishment. Hitt (dock of cloth•, cassimeres, seating. and ready made clothing is superior to anything'ever brought to the city, and we defy any one to visit the store without finding somettilagt4q . suit his taste. °Mr: Roes has been very andoessful in seouring a cutter who is not surpassed anywhere. Under his skillful supervision the concern is taming out work equal to the best Eastern establishments. No person can have an •wise for going abroad to get clothing while Ross affords the copse °knees that be does. In Addition to his other goods he has also a superior stook of hats and caps, tindery. collard cravats,—in short anything that a man wants it the clothing line can be got at Ross's. Call sod see for yourselves, je2l If ' Fos sixteen:years I was sorely distressed with the Asthma. A great portion of the time T.was unable to work, and frequently for weeks a 4 a time. -I could obtain Bleep on ly by settiat np In a chair, , being unable to breathe in a lying postuie. - In my long search after relief, I. of caorse, tried Many medicines. but all to little* no purpose,. un til I ,used Carter's Compound Extract ,of Smart Weed. This met my ' ase at once, and the very great relief I have ex'pirienced by using lit convinces me that it is no more than my thity to make the fact publle, that ,others now nos-ring awl used to suffer. 'may know where and how I obtained my renter. I nave also used the seine preparation as a liniment and in Colds wish great satisfaction, and con sider it • very useful article and one that every family would do well to kelp -amid. them. \ - . a - ALYItDD EDDY. North Jars, N. Y. 'Ar..g..2lre.—oct2s-tf A nvarristsa.—There is no' doubt that the great lever in the extension o! a business, in these go-ahead times, is advertising; but the immense popularity of that celebrated remedy for Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Nervous De bility, &c., Hooflatid's German Bitters, is not so much owing to the fact that it has been ex tensively advertised, as it is to the great merit,. of the article. A worthless medicine may,' through publicity, acquire a short-lived no-I tortety, but it requires the basis of true merit, in order to sustain itself for any considerable length of time. lioefland's German Bitters has been known to the American publto for more than twenty years; each day adding come new proof of its virtues and great cura-.. tire properties. -Mee Bitters are for sale by all druggists. Th epicene. a spirituous drink. dec2o-2w. tar A fire made_ in the Morning Ginty stove can be kept up ail* the winter round, _Bithout,kindfingA., finr sale by Nimrod 'AtnP 47 . ; i: 1305 French street. act.2s-tf. . sifr,The cheapest, ssfest, simplest and plessaniesW stove to use is the Morning - Glory. for sale by Nimrod & Company, 606 - French street. . 0ct.25 If. ofir For a parlor braining room stove, no oath" equal to the liihrying Glory:for /shah, Hitnrocl & . Company ' 605 French street. not tf, A Caron, A Cale; On A SOU ?mop mains I soros date &Um/Liaison:t shonl4 Do aboard. It allowed to continue Irritation of the Ltingo,• permanent Th oat Dimon, or Conenmptirin, Is often the BROWN'S IiRONCIIIAL TRIctIES, haring* Croat intirmace to the 'parts, giro taumallata rellat Par , BRONCHITIS, AST 111',1 A, C - AT ARBIL, CONSUMPTIVE and" Throat Trochee are need with tire's good rueoese. Slavin end Public Spee'rerw .111 end Trochee useful to cleating f i bs votes wise taken before flinging or Speaking, and rellrldog the throat after an inaanal inertion of the easel Orgasm The 14 Gebel are recommended sod preeerlbed bJ ph-stclans, and have had britimonlale from stainent_noto throughout the countii. Reing an article of true merit, sat hawing proved their ethscy by a led of nun , years, 'mob yea, dude them in new tomiltles in various parts of the world.eard tba ?mhos are animal!, p rononaged bat tar than alba articles. Obtain only olltowe's firma 14:oehits," sod, do oat harem, of the ererthisee Imitations th at mar b., Waled. Bold eierretheri. n'29 em 0411.i'1l HAM ItSiMai Is the best preparation extant for reatoring grey heir CO its orlgind whir. meriting Its falling nut and pro %noting Its grata.. It to Was a besuUbsl hair dressing B. P. HALL Ie CO, Manse. N. IL, Proprteton. ibtvNiriitdrilaidtL' - I dismal • 41 im.: saamtsrmrs PIILMONIC SYRIM Thu great medicine Cured Dr. J. 11. BMicumr, the Proprietor, ci Pulmonary C oraunnalon, When Ii had tenured Its mad formidable aspect, and lkitefl . speedy death appeared to , he inevitable: Ma phys t elans pre. nottriced his came' incurable when be menced the me of this simple hit powerful re y. His - health was reamed in 4- very abort tin# and no return of the disease has' been apprehen - for all. . the fymptoms mdeldy_dloppmared, and fun present weight Is more then two hundred pounds. Since his recovery, he haa devoted ht attention attention - exclusively to the cure of Consumptio and the vi Taysoci which are =Lehr complicated Ith, It, acid the cures ellleted by Ids medielnexhave been very 12111:111:1701111 and truly wonderful. Dr. *exact makes professional visits to several of the larrer cities weekly, where he has a large commune of tetienbt, and it Is truly astonishing to pee poor mMumpurce That hereto be lilted out of their carrla;nr, and in a few months healthy, robin:. pciMits. Da.' OCRENCK'S PELMONIC SYRUP, SEA.WEED TONIC, 'and MANDRAKE PILLS area centrally ail required In curing Consumption. Poll dire, tlmta accompany each, ad that any one can'toke them Withent seeing Dr. ' s Bousscx, but when It is ran. verdant It is beet to see him. Ile gives mire° tree, but for &thorough examination with his Rai hemmer -. his fee is three dollars. - i new olzetts, when purchatlng, thaiFille two Ifltertataca of the Dcletor—ono when in th 4 ;lad gage of Cocuramption s and the other as he ,3IT , le, In perfett hettli.h—are , on tho Government elatap. Sola by all Dravida mod Dealer!. Prsc. per bottle, or 137:5d the, loth' dozen, 4We - fa tor advice should alwais be directed to Dr. !Schenck's Principal Office, 15 North Oh fit., Philadep a , Pa. General Wholaptlei .teente: Demat Floroca & Co., rt. Y.. , B. 'John D. Park, Cinch. lIL ; l'uvraUD Fnepor I. most arer produces. ;1 Lmtiee will end it xr,. lily a certain re: afore, darhen 4nd hey:ails the Itatr, tut ertichr for the t , ilet , at j it le ,hiably peril J rich anedeicate pe furna, indopenexnt of! , odor ortha oils of paha 'awl mace. SHE 114.11 EL OF PFAU. A new and betutleui perfume, whicti iu eve, and keseity with which it ell bendlierehieund perion le neequilled. • Tlielbo;e artelles l'ep t le by ell &nest timers, st $1 per boitle:eneb: •Seot by gip atdre.. by the = IMMO 100 Liberty :Street. N' New Advertisemen J OPOSALI Mr Building Cana Sealed Pron.:lv -1 e Cans rswide street wIII be received by the unders the first Wonder In Jinnsre nett. When. al *id be opened of the Town Will. - jotter TIER - Ir. N. LOv • d e e27-cd Road Covin4sinneTs r f kill 01' ICE I N. W. SAX FORD 12C3R81.T., To the court . Pleas nt Erie c JUITA ITCUYsEq.: :0, Feb'y terra, • The underalwnrel, TW the Court Plea. of Erie county a entainta.loa• cake la the abase stated case; wit I attend to the do appointment at his ofilen in the city of Co county of Erie. nn the Ilfith . flay of' January. eomruen.ins at 71) "'clerk — A M., at whichl, plane all persons interented can ertend If the WILLIAM B. 1 dec27-It Comm prtICVLIST FOR 10. DAYS ONLY. Print., !ad enlorp, at 125: eenti poryonl. Prints, do. IS - , do. Pemnant Frlirta. Feet quality, IS do. Yard trlde Factory. 1 is do. t do. balmy, 21 . do. On. 11 exalted, 2(1 en. . 10.4 all white Red Blanket.. $5lOl per t;aLr. Balmoral Skirtx2 00 each. , . Double and Single Rh:oo4 Shrterle, LIS to $lO.OO. •-• 40 ,Broclta do. IS 00 to :0 00. Ratting.. 20 ate. perch. Under' '-ta tad Dr ,- ... $l.OO •r - - net. . on], Jnileriihirta evil Dr&'tarsi--i -...---, Pe , Pk Ledi me ilccp wide', • 1 I.eaeb. ilitlarec'slina librot i o; • -001 40 to 12 rte Bradley's Duplex Elliptie Poop - Pkirto radii ,ell 20 per coot. oti former prices. . 1 , LARGE STOCK OF DRESS GOODS ! Conel!tior of French and Pnedten Iferinnel reams* Cleobe. Cleobe. ell wool jleialewo,. Prlotod Delalnea.lCalearye, ..l son Lemma rUpfltri AP • • Starting Flannsl., Shaker Flannel Knit. 6, de. Bow fin% Yankee, If ottops. - Cotton Tern, Cotton Flannels, Cloves. &e. AL•.'OOOD3 MARKED DOWN 2) PER CM nr Call and see as at '111.5114p of lb. FIL E STEPRENTS h No a. Reed Rome, Elie, Pa dat2l-2w A class Ith Speneerlan Penh:band:hip will be ors f eed WRITTNG CLASS WEDNESDAY; - JAN. 2D, 186 T, At th• Co ilea.* Roll7ler earl n'Perk and Pa•ehlltre•ta• at 7 n'elock. p.m. A b•atiltful pare will be given to the ooe iniproring the aloft, Terms for • term of 15 leesons —To Geatlemen, to hvliee, $1.75. BOOK-KEEPING To 8 . 2111101111 Neu—Tho r oriohtnr to tate ti pertia ; bourse tan d.l.o,lind he charged accordingly A Schniar ship. rod to all the Colleges of the chain, sod For time unlimited, including orivilelms At venters at any time, A 35.00. Grand indneennents. The importince or se early, thorough. prs-ticsi 'mein etc education to J. young man drstined tore mercantile course, cannot te over estimated - ACTUAL BUSINESS PRACTICE. Math hu been and la be hie slid by some inatittiti one of the enuntry about the 11re of this portant,' feature to Meriantile teaching We tstiolgare have resclied the •of ttils imoortant facet. tali an ate our student•• books,. Meg for theinitelven -It "pr•etingite it le nooda at.' bought and - dd. • eposits against teklai draft: are drawn at our Bank. d.2?-It ADMINISTuATows SALE • The Undersien.d. -Administrator of the e RENO, Y AMIN. d by virtue or an order Ornhan'e Ceort of Erie County, will 1..11 at p.m! et 619.Frensh street, its the 'city of Eris. S 41" p the 19th day o , January next, at 10 o'clock, ai following descrit ed real estate, to wit: All that 'piece or parcel of lend situate in the township of Summit to said counts', bounded as tollowe cl l .. Com. meriting at the Northeast corner of said piece ; thence south 21:Uranim. east by And of John Jobsueue tire and A. half rods thane. South II degree.. West by land at John Rama one hundred and titty -four rode to • atone or post-; thence along *antra of the "Lai Road" North 28 degrees. West fifty dee sada half rode;:thence North 64 deg. , Root by land of Alexander Fink and Stn. Idattbeors, one hundred and Ilfty-four rode to thy plows of bog' noble. containing 6 ree aeres andel ate. seven rode of land mori or leer. Petog part of tract N 0.369. Alan:the Vest htlf of la-Lot No 2750, to the nyy of_ Erie afar Said. bounded North by Od street. kset brEsst blilf of old In-Lot; Smell by in-Lot No 2707 snit :Wog be 10-Lni 'o . 2763, blue 41 feet three- Inehis In *kith and sae hundred and sisty_flie In length. Also. the followlng described to the eity of rite afustuid : Being known as Buh-Lots so.. 10. tO ' pod 21 of Brig Out-Lot No. 360, as subdivided by Vinkent & 13irnred. Nlntrod. gash Pnb.Lot being 41 test three isehek front and 126 fret is depth, the whet* bounded Ruth .7 NIP ram it, - Bast be Sun. Lot N 0.22; Swath by Buck, • Al. lee and Westwardly br Sub-LOt No. 18. Tiltllt OP Saur....-One•third , to band, the kal min two equal for. imstit• with annual interest to be . by judgment bond and mortgage on the ensue eoe.l jONAS GIINNISOS Ade, of Henri Ilartin.,; NEW COAL YARD . . dee:r 08 I w I ' MERCER COAL AND IRON CO. Y Se*FBAS MEV, ONE-HALF NQUARC NORTE! O 1 USION PEP &Mg rho tremor Coal cheaper than the chaap other Cosh In proportion. ♦ trial Is all that Is n vary to oontinto any 0115 of hair Oa:parlor quality', iffpNAS A. JIMPER3ON, li the Court of Co • 101 Pleu NOtINSON. 5 i COW,. N 0.117 November Term, 1865. tlecfment to Worm the ibeelee perfonnsnee of • contrect for the isle of the following described land by plaintiff to defendant, to wit, a ,lot of ground situate In the city f Corry, and county of Site aferearaldi de• scribed u follows—being lot No.ll in said efts, bound. .4 en the west by Cases street, on the south lot N 0.13, OD the east by %oda of Perintlo w Johneon cod on the Nerth by hind told to Perry Stewart; the said lot being four rods wide on Centre street, - and the Sheriff baa made return to the meld writ that the "defends:Ala oat faint to fhts laliwice, pot' ay one in pours:don of the land fa i the odd writ &fatted, and the Mara day a laid writ Wing now past, the plaintiff by his attorney „coarse nod soiree the :mart to grant • rule on de sodant to impair and pine to sold writ, as& cea. act of nes:mae to inch ewe wade and provided. BE! JA will GRANT, /Ittotriey for Plaintiff. "N ow to wit, Dec. 111" h; MP. ' Ws granted oo de nat ant to plead so preyed for, to be published as trot trod by act of •seezotdy Pet Cur.- Prom the eacord--4 t tnre dye/ lea C ROGERS, Protley. pRocLorATION DIVORCE VATIIARIiqg RI33LING, , • - by her nest friend. the Conti of Coma= GO. Dean. • 1 Pia, Priv Co.. NO. 75. Log. term . JACOB insstvo. s . • Ta Jamb Wolin, Ftsrpandisit.- • T ha node* tha t depa.lttoa to b mad Is astdasse as this baring of Ms agora cam "Mb* taiga at tha Slles ofths aadardrasth as that .29th day at DeCANIIN. k. D. 18 0 6. at 8 chitiek, P. M. 1 F. CUECTZM,, doe2o MEIN WWI Er , HAMLIN CABINET ORCAN. I forty different styles. sdaptid to nand and wok, motto, for BYO 10E600 ..a.• ffllty , one gold or illtner osolals. or otbeg 011% yrendones reeraid eham Ulna. Wad Cato] orator bus. *admen. YAWN &BAUM Boston.orlLASON BEAT TIEVY.Nw• Tad!. " Eby , 1 • TUE NTRENGTLIEVIINGI TO,II-1: (Plots Vrtdokay Prepvatka,) ' 1100FLAND'S - GERMA BITTERS! 1.91 TWA rouptlng f. - orn say acme whatover. Pm.trat4 of a•ay.t.m, emm•el by iwyere iftspo.urea, fortra or i11.•..ra of camp iiro. Sol.ll.ra„etttlauft, ma's iv, adult. or youtb, 'n.l In al., ,iittere a v.(' Toni., not o ..goi'ant on bail 13q.i•re for their s , tno t ml , - 1 itlf3 PXPAiI., Aud 41aexxta r , ea 1114 f.ort, t:llwrdtal of i6+-L:eer &DJ Divecive nr,ar I ar• clf t.v HOOFLANWS GERMAN MITERS This Hitters Nig I erform.d more curer., 'lv.. L.ll* tslltfittlen, has more tc.thnony, h e mote raepoctshlt prop!. to south rot It than any other arttel• In the brat tat , We dr fy cry ooe to cor,tr,,i,ct this isretti•e,-eed trll' pay $l,O 0 to sot one who will prodree s certlU•-st. yablurbed by rabbet.. not zenalno. 1100FI,AND'S GERMAN4BITTERS, 'Pill cure very eve c hron la or tenons debility ant disese tLetidoeys. Inserve the lollovaDg symptom. trsulting from dleordore of the digestive or g era : Constipation. Inwood Piles. Fa:lnstil of Blood to the [lead, Acidity of the Stomach, Nantes, iteartbOrni Die gust for rood, Fulness or Weight in the Stoma* Son. hstict•tloos, Sinking or Flutterleg of the Pit of the Stomachs 5• g of the Head, slurried and difficult Brearblog, Fluttering at the Heart, Eliot tt or'suorcat any Sensations when Ina lylog posture, Ihmossis clis Soo, Dols or Webs before the eight, retry sod poll ra.o to the nevi. Deflcieccy of Persplratioog Vellown•es v. the -kin aud'Eyes, rain to the Side, Paig; Chest, !grabs /se S Sadden Flushes of flew, Burgling io ,tie riesh, Coe stela Imigissiugs of Erit and great Deprwsty3 of Spirits KC& Ica n 4, that thl• !litters ill ootalchoulle, cootal3 DIVTIro or wili.keir ' and cannot Duke Ornobanbt, but lo the belt teak to the world. , • mo. 1 Y T. Asir, sod READ tllO SAYS ;to Flom nor. W. D. zo.igfri , ll, roxit.or of rworth 1.1.4 Ott e the world Gentlemen- !have reesutly been laboring wader the d.etressing eXects of indlgeo ton; lepinyamed by a pros tretton of the nervous nyatem. Numerous remedies were recommended by friends, and some of them teeter!, to without relief Your IloollaudltiGeroatt Bitten were recommended by per•ona who had !lied them. and wiles. fatortble Aloe of these Bitters laduc.d me to Ire ti ern I must cuctemx that I had au ayersiob to rateol blediciaea from the "thouaaod and ono" quack •'Bitters' whose (July aim mime to be to palm off sweetened a d drugged liquor upon the comm.-nit, in a sly way, cud the teed, rice of which, I fear, Is to make many a e.m• Brined druatrard Upon lean:dog-that ours was really a wydlcinal preparation I took it with happy effect Ito action, not only upon the stomach, but noon the nerrocie system. was prompt and gratifylag. I feel that I bore derived great and permanent benellt from the ate e , a few bottles. Very reopYctinily W. D. SiIIG/BIKU, No. :8.54 Thacsamazon ' t. edy to re &desirable med with. i he flagant delicacy or , ICF to the and per EL= From the I:cr. E. tt Fend' Fasietant Rditor Marl . Imo Chronicle. CO, ow York I have derived decided benefit from the a sect? Hootland*. 'Conan; Ihttere, tad h eel itray privilege to recommend them as s remit valuable tonic to all who "an materna trcin general debility or Irons diseases ■rising from the denngetneut of the liver. . Yuan truly, S. D. FaNDAlilii From 1t... P. `dery /0, rutor of the Permian% art 10 Church, Pht prom the Raalill D. rtogcumworierman thrtcre. I troll induced to gave m • trial. After ming several bunko, I found theta tot. rood remedy for doodah' sod • moat exceleat !mar tot the stomach. p /I Bridge Elrldg • on Toed uP pospossla Fro. Her. Wen. smith, formerly Pastor Of the %Intel:a - tore and .111 lle (%. I) litsplist Churches. Raying need In my +=illy a number of bottles of nee. lloodanefe Gentian Betters, I hare to say I regard thert as en excellent medicine, epeciallr adapted to remove .the disease,. they are recommended or. They atrengtheb and le tigarate the sista= when debilitated, and are use lot in disorders of the lever, lore of appetite, !be. I an also rito-nemended them to several of my friends _eh% have tried theme, and found them greatly beneficial in the reneweitioauf health. yoo cm teats', WY. SMITH, 9Ge Hutchinson St., Phelads MEI f C.:7 m_l SM.P .' 11 f *meson tutu/mar uthri of Ms um frith. 4. D 1867, I tin. sad 1 11.11py,. 'I3R, law. BEWARE OF bOUNTEREITS. See thit the eigesture of M. JACKSON" la ou wrappmr of each bn*Oz Shoted yo .r nearest &priest not have the arts m d, , not be put off by any of the intoxication yrsparsoon that may be offered in ate plane. but snit to us and so will forward securely, peeked, by express. Eir Principal On3eo and Manufactory, • No. 631 Ala Street. Philadelphia:TA. [doeinaeors to C.%. Jaeknon & Co., J Proprietoce • For gale by drawl/lets sod dealers In every town o t r olled, Steam. devornb-tdreSS'En .L 1 FE-HEALTII-STRENGTII ! LIFE-HEALTH-STRENGTH I LIFE-.HEALTH--STRENGT/11 D .. JUAN DECLAMA KRAUS SPECIFIC PILLS dre prepared by the llessicors. G ranciere & Dupont pharmacoeutlstu, No. 214, Roe Lombard. Pula, from the of Dr Joan Delman., chief physician to the Hospital du Nottl on Larit °lsere. LITTIIR OF IIItCOXXXXDATION. . . . Pails,May 5th,.111 - 3. Gentlemen—We have Cued the “ttpiwiric Pine" made fem. Dr. Delemarrere rreeerintion, darns se rears past, in our private and pebilo practice, and bare found them a most energetic and e Solent remedy in muses of Speimatorboea or dentinal Weakness. nigbtly, deny or ' prem. ere etniselotto; frlCii IMOD Its Of impotency; 'weal derangement, of the nervous system:saltine. sea %rising from secret habit.. and 'oval ereseeete; niers lion of the genital organs; week spine; affection's of the eyes; "Lime" or .brick duet" a-I:mite in the urine; "Milky" dlcrbe cc: palm:tear of toe skfw, with sunken cheeks oebiondlere hpe; "pion - hod" featur-e; action"'of the heart, and in all the ghastly train of eyniptome Hieing from over use, attires, or luta, from any tweet, of the nervous forte. We earnestly advise the profession. and al' persons entrains from any symptomatic or organic affahone of the genitd-urinary ayalems. to use these pi U. Wilk high respect, we are yours moat onnverely, fliesitsreitts,ll. D., G. D. DCJARDDI, M. Jeer Ds LITCHRII. M.D. 'Co Garscrier. tt Dupont, No. 21.1 Rue Lombard, Parts. &dents ry and studious occupations,, or whatever le. de to impair the vital action of he brain, distressing and embarraesing disioders of the yi tesystem Studeat clergymen, and 'airy vs, there fvrt., who are .es• vitally liable to these wiskoeseee, should resort promptly to Pr. Delsroarre's Speeißc A pamphlet, coot doing full particulars, web direc tions anci advice, printed In Fench Merman. Spanish, and Euglish, accompanies •ach box. and will be Rea by free of cost, to spy who will write (or it. ?tics $1 per toz, or atzkosev for $5. s' Sold by all the prinelpil druggitta, or trill be meet by M. 14 Pecarely aeal.d tram on receipt of the ime.ifled price by any arth•qiced agent, or b• the vole ;omelet agents tor - America, OSCAR, O. 1103E3 k CO, "I" Cortlsndt At, N. V Authorized agents for Kriet - J. B. Oor.•r k Co.. Hall Iv Warfel. • octlB-1....0w TUE. GIMAT ENG:MICR UEMLI)I. PSOTECTEIJ BC R0Y . ..1L LETTERS PATENT I SIR JAMES CLARKE'S C ErIIELLRATED FEMALE PII.LN Proposed from a Prescrlp•ioa of eh.. J. Clsrke, Physician gxtraorainary to the Queen. Taurinvaluable medicine is - unfailing in the curs of ail tam painful and dangeroas diseases to which the repasts consttution itsubleet. It malerstes all excess end te rriers,* all obstructions bow whatever came. A speedy dnre may be relied on. TO MARRIiD LADIES / tate of of the Ile se!". RDAY 113., the It in peculiarly nutted. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. o CAUTION. nese Pills slosh' sot be takes be Pastaks ifonag FIRST THREE NOIITIIS of Prersumcy. v asp ars rare to bring ovi Miscarriage, but at asp other tins tees sr at safe. In ail canes of Nimes and Spinal Affections, Pains ID .be Rack and Limbs. Fatigue on Flight exertion,Palpita don or the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills will erect a care when all other wean• .have failed: and al. though a potretftil remedy, do Ent contain iron, calomel, antimony or anything hurtful to the ionstitsitzon. Full direction, in the pamphlet srocmd each package, elder, should be carefully preserved. - Cold by .11 DrngOsta Prior $ 1 trr . Wale. isPECIA k °TICE. It is the fate of trety_ralnible tnedici no to be coun terfeited. Be cautious, therefore, and gee that the lot .tere `qr. At It.' are hi ten In the bottle, and that eacb wrapper hears V. fee simile of the signaler. oft C. Be' win h Co., and Job Mom. Without which bona are geritite. N. B —One dollar with eighteen cent• for to•tago, enclosed to any authorised ■gent or to the sole cetera) agent for the totted Shifts end Brine , dominion". _ _JOELYOBBB,27 Cortlandt St., New York, lawn a bottle containing tift villa , by return mall. securely seadod Rata all otwervation Agents for Erie, Rail R Wart.), and J. R. Carter & Co.- o-18-.yeow C OAL.. COAL. dee& RD, THE PLACE TO BUY COAL CBEIP is AT SA LTSMAN ct CO;'S, Coal Yard, carver et Twerth and Pearh Wroete, Erie Pa, who keep tomdantty oo hand Lehigh and Pftteton (Farrar%) lamp and repaired, Shamokin, Ezg S'nee, and Nut etw; Sltuadnone for grate and steam, and =MS = BLOSSBURO, PITTSBURG AND BEAVER, For Blseksmith Purposes Oar 0:41 is ❑l received by rail, is kept on dry plank WELL BCREMCBI BEFORE DELIVERY lira care great todueements to parties .eablog to lar to their winter supply, also to dealers purchasing by ttia ear had. • 1 ar Give us a tall wane outran tea to give vatiottlue Von Jalyl9lBtt S tLTSNA N & Ca. M ANHOOD—Hoar Lost! Howßestored j a a a Jett published. • new @Mina of Dr. c;- Calverweirs celebrated essay on The r - - 0- , radcal core (without medicine) of Spernastotrbtaa, or Peados! Weaknesa. lovoluotery Sow tale Losses. Impotency. /dental anti thesical Incapacity. Impediment. to Warrior., etc.; also Consumption, Wotan sad Pita induced by Sell; Indulgence or artnal sztratrarracCa. IST Pries. In a sealed envelope. only 6 cents, YU celebrated. Mbar In this admirable essay clearly demrostrates, from a thirty years' aucceeafol orally., tb.t the alarmists coreeqkeneen of aelfalnurp may be ,radically cared without the Cameroun Use et internal medicine or the application of the toile_pointlog ant • mode of care at once simple, certain and effectrial, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his coo- MUNI nay b., may core himself eboilly privately ind radically. . _ - tt.ti i•tunib' ibwila to in the hoods of arm youth In the land. Seat nod= weal. In • plain envelope, to any address Boat-paid. on receipt of ail teats, or ta o post stamps. Addora the pubther s , B J. C. RIJN? & de .ell-Sto 127 Bowery. N. Y. Pont Office Box 4586. puns LIBERTY WHITE LEAD. - _ IiERNSEMfM!M ZIEGLER k SMITH, WEOLVIALZ DTMG ?LINT k GLASS DELLUS. No.= Ma . th Thud Stria. k?lila. 11617 ...... _ _ G ECIM JONE`z & EVANS jop EEL ESTATE; FOR SAL: AN gam DWELLINci 110UA clasi.beek bong. and half 40: owirls4 Filth Ir et First e itatmSakl4. 4 ke and two city lets; 60111n2 of Chwannt awl Tenth Atre.ta. lie as. andiot of Wri. R'gera, oornst or rtanaVand e•ennd nous, rod lot**. Fifth Ntreo4, Dior Chotrya j !loco , ind,nt on Elztts Striehwort of etool. Foomioad lot, 42 by 165 foot, oo Jotlrtb strait, soot of 4 at tad lot, es by i 25 fret; on Myrtto street, son* of railway , 11.13/1. owl 1 , 4, 60 by 5112 foot, no VlAloot, Dot, 6th et.nre.. ?gm vatir dee rob's horireO tad lots ini'Preaselk Room. and Int nn F.l4vonth street, hear P... It ran rost Pr,* sl, s . Cbrap. Ws have a number nt hnutea slid lots worth toSta $.5 000 to SISC ( X) Fiona* an.l'.l , it, 33 by 125, nn Waif, Ninth 'treat-- erten 112,K0 Hone, and belt nay lot on arid, Ftfth-Stret-.prite $l, 891 110{1,P and lot, 43 by 140 feet, On cod Ninth Street, /4.. From* house on 13 b street—veil also". Peek house lo Wowley - vino 1114 nest n ground. Price $1,313--worth $2OOO. 1 - BUILDING . LOTS. Two city lots on Eleventh St. welt of Ifyrtle. One, city lot on Twelfth Si west 01 fd.rtle.. • • li.z lty late on Eleventh Street, IF/Ha of le afoot. ' Two city lota on Eighth St.. west of canal. • Six. 04 lota, on Eleventh St , west of Canal. O. e•balf lot:corner Walaut and Fifth St " Twelve city lots 39 by 110, Chestnut St., south of railway. Seven city tote, 33 by lin, Duffels near Cbeetnut Street Twelve city' lota, 83 by 1511, 13 - lekorr Street, Chestnut. Two city lota 45 by 165, Bickory near Chestnut. Pis city 10te,413i by 123, Buffalo St., seat Eight' city lots. 41f.‘ by 125, 17th St; east. Five city lots. 43 by 165. 11th St., ne..etaat St. One city tot, 41 by 120, East Bt. c Vire city lota, 41 by 1 85, 9th near East-St. Titres city lota, Si by 132, Swathes Street, Sauth . . . Throe ply lots, 43 by 136, WWII Rt., 130111 h One eity lot, 41 by 169, Butolo St., 'eat.' One city lot, 32 by 120, corner of Eighth and awe: , fros-Sts Pour 10t5,40x131.1, on I , th knot, between Tirade and Walbecostreete. • roar lota on Eleventh etriet, tStreen Pend* uel Wallace streets. , BUSINESS LOTS. • Three lot,, 21.b7100. corner 7th and Penh Ste Four lots. 20. by 5214, corner 10th and State Six lots, 21 by 165, cornsr 2d and State Ste. , Rix lota between Eleventh and Twelfth Sta. Two lots, 20 67 145, State, south of 12th Meet. TEAR CITY. slz ay. acre'rots on Buffalo road. - Four fourteen acre lots Oa - Ridge Road, half a mile from city limit+. FARMS, lf.? acres In riarborere-A—mood improvements. 12% acres in 4arbercreek—good improvements. 53 acres in Ilarborereek—hood iniprorere.enin acres In ilarbormat k—gimd Improvements. 62 sera 4 1-2 mdse east of Erle—good tesprovs 20 acres 4 I'2 mile, east of rie—good Improve . manta. ' arm of 45 acres In Mill Creek, 4 1-2 the from city. °.v!' orteg non... barn. One your orchard. all first quality gravel land. "Price s4,loo—ihe improvements orortb the money. 20 ac-es near i'oo ear's 0111 m. Flint class frame barn. Very desirable and vet. chess. 00 acres sight miles mouth tut of Brle—goo! Improve ment.. • 112 acres near Ninth rut. 250 acres in Green township. • . fd acre in Mill Creek, two miles from city. 50 CMS In Creek, four miles from city. VI acres in Kingiv.ile, Ohl'o—improvements. FIAYR4 & REPLICA: Agents and Dealers in Real notate. ' Reed Howe, E-le, Pa. MEM IBEEIII AT THE SIGN OF.THE FLAG MONELL, STEPHENS ; Sc" WILDEY, NO. 6 REED HCIISE Having mule large pnrehasea in Now York. Boaten, and Philadelphia, we are now prepared to offer at reasonable prices our large and well Beetled STOCK OF GOODS-! Ptt . Meek 'ind Colored, Plan And Hint; ifeninas. ,Empiets Clot! s;-?oplino. Prone.] and Itia3; ilia and ;Colored Alspiina; Cbi eked, Plat *. and Sty#l4) DRESS GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY .1.41.N1Z1; ,Woal Do iLienee; Aniline; Caton tenl Robe deßbaxeber. LACES; Vilanclectes;'aunr, Gil:Loire; Foist ind Thread. • SHAWLS, Long andlhatutzt. Palalay and Broths. • CLOAKS and Barqclnesz Balmoral Skirts: A largo etdck of Cloths for men and boy's wear. - woolen Blankets, all qualities and pride Canton - Flianels, Blelened and Brown. Fiannale, , lnaln and Checked; Silk Wasp Flannels. PAM; wrench Eogll - .11 and Bocasstle. Remnant Mara, nlasarood and Broon - Cattons. Cotton Yarn, Cotton Batting. Tlek■, Donning and BIM Goods, Hoods, Nubian a d ,Breakfast Shawls, Woolen And Cotten Unitary , Bilm,pral Rosy, YANKEE NOTIONS I. ,\ • 13:Erl GREAT VARIETY OF FAICCY GOODS. Bi.stdley's Duplex Elliptic Moon Skirls Our ItCUt WIZ liner ao hall and complete al, et the present time. REE`iiPER, E SIGN -0 F N . C*,6 REF.I7 HOrSz' g 9 ELL, • STEPHENS & IVILDEY. Csept274o) N. HIV F 11131• Sanwa P. Crook, having taken in tats son, Jilllllll N, as a partnee.on theist dam of April.lB44, ands? the erns name ofJAIINa P. CROOKA SON testiest° hairs oast. Clement of his old accounts. All persons knowing tkoun solvea indebted to him ars rogissted to call and settle without delay JAMES P. CROOK & SON, ROUGH &.YLANED LUMBHR! AII:I,Iu=IPACITEZ2I or Win low Saab. Framer. Door* and Elba* Mouldings sad Picket /elm Scroll Saslow. Ma and at Pbugag dons to order. Shop on Patch Et, 'Between 4th tad 6th Sta., Mt, Ps. We respeetfially gll tie attention of the public team feel Utley for doing work In the beet of ftwle. promptly end on reasonable tenni. Having Otted up award, ewer amps, with snostior, roseblien. We Biel confident eying entire satigastlon. twOrders from &Vets& will teethe preMpt attention mr2B'64-11. JAY P. CROOIC k BON. ITI Ais D COUNT V mINSVSYISU.—JOI3N C H.: MILLER, borough Sarver", of tiou" th Er* la ruby prepared-04, at spy grads and re.rcierk comers nr In•lots or ontiote of thte city of Erie, or of booth Die, and the tracts throughout the APnaty riariVe been for Many years emplovedt, end" vounty esurvesor. ias s begs Jean to refer tb all the far • Men and Dubber men who have beret/36.0 employed ,bbn. Particular attention given b mapp please:ad specifications. 011 Maps prepared on the Offles with .7. W. Sri eden and Wilson talid, at torneys at law. comer of sth sad State Streets, Binder means block. Erie, Ps. An orders left at H. Neubeneer atom Fru& St.; Chula W. Miler, Turnpike St.; or Eagle Fumes Itov a pouth Erlis, will be promp4v atten ded to., in10160.4f FOX FOR SALE. Of 130 sere*, ibont 100 sores cleared. The balenoe la pod timbered-land, oath a house and barn on It; a ons orthard of 120 grefts6 apple trees and sons* other fruit trees. &tasted. Ant brie 'loath of flaninsl Fietleves, on the Mks Road, and about four miti 'from EA*, Pa., in West libiferseit Township. For forth partfeularsissqufre of r n0v15.41. • CO':.BROM DOFF, DATIVISON 17p., as razwcrti maw.' HAVE GOT GROCERIES TO SELL =MI 110 1 Eil EMI seSSIt