141.4trattli IN NEW ENGLAND. The Baston Daily Evenins Veiechas an article on • Factory girls," which shows that while the huge cotton manufactur log corpirations lttustiohmaetts and I{b — e - ri-? - 10antl "are making divid nds to Terra% of Publication. stockholders frOm'thirty to one hundred Slaba^tiptiolll Pr"l :.s) r" year, h ' n V" in " - per cenC, the girls in the mi is are sadly vanes; $3 CO.!! not paid anti! The cad or tha year. over worked, under-fed kind under-paid, ativertat,g rate% and* known on applleation at„,tttp and at the samtastirod subjected to a rigor calm • of discipline which admits of no relaxa- I Lion until nature it4elf gives way," The l'itLte states the average i earninet of the girls to be '"about one &Alm- a day," for tettioh "most of them toil eleven hours a day." although some mills have reduced or are aboa to reduce the time to ten 1 hours. It is only 'Within a few years that it his been reducil from fourteen hours. They pay for-board two dollars anti twen ty-five eats a week. Those who know' what it casts to purchase provisions Rill not be surprised, to ha told that "the boarding-house keepers can scarcely, make both ends meet," and to learn that they "usually have for ttreaklaat hard, sour biscuit, a small piece of soca Ailing called pie, and miserable tea." At such a price -it is impossible that the fire should bevde cently good. It is.charged also. that the paint and fi3or in the roams of the opnr t tires are never washed, and they are al lowed "only one clean sheet in two weeks, and two towels per week for thirty-five boarders." "The gas is not turned op un til a quarter of six, 'so that, the girls have but three-quarters of an hour to wash, put - up their Lair, do their chamber work and eat breakfast." Then as to discipline, we are told that amarytlallas is acin‘a lay Ciao asp oC else boll, In the morning. "three, taps of the bell are given for starting thererigine ; and in three reinufes after, tiOa -yard gates are closed." This rule is se, rigidly enforced hut, "a few weeks ago a young woman, .e.fter walking two miles, was shut out be ,ause she reached the yard, gate three minutes too late, and bad to walk hack, ! l osing her day. Diaring the dty no oper ative must leave the room in which she is etaployed,:•not evees if the machinery stops." and no-talking or reading is allow ed. For violating rules, forfeiture of wa ges is the common penalty; and • two weeks' notion must ho given t' leave, or two weelf.s' ;cages are forfeited." course "wages are not paid every we 11:,"' OA they aretselreed.. Such is the picture of New 'England factory girl life. as told by a Massachusetts paper. Should it not make the cheeks of every New England man tingle .with shame, to think that while the'peaple of his section are distressing themselves tot so great an extent about the Southern ne ,graes, events like thefts are transpiring in ttieu own ntanst how ' MllCl3'surrerrng might be-avoided, if people would only - remember the old maxim that Charity be- 6rie hstrber. TEIUBSDAY, DEG. a 1866 sVITN The election by thtnext Legislature of United States Senator to take the l vdace Ole will be vacated by Senator Cavian on the -Ith of• March. ISGS, is just now the most exciting political topic in ouriState, and occupies a large share of the attention of tidr editorial brethren in the-Eastern and Southern _counties. The Pittsburgh Post learns "from a reliable - sourcn that an 'effort is now on foot to elect General CASIE nom Senator by the aid of Democratic rotes; indeed. we snow," it says, "that at least one caucus wrath that view has al ready been held, 'fait not with a satisfacto. ry result to that arch political intrigner. We also know that in furtherance of the proposed coalition, - the; Oleo of State Treasurer was generously offered as a bribe to. the Demecracy for their votes fctr Sen ator, and that it was actually tendered to a distinguished and readable Democrat in the Eastern part of the State, who with characteristic integrity spume I the offer and declared his determination to_ adhere to principle in preference to spoils." The Harrisburg Patriot, commenting on this statement, which it aece'its rota truthful, well sayt that •zany member. whose neces sities are so gteat as to induce him to Helen to the tempter: should reflect upon the miserable fate af Lene, Mt'nsa and WA- Goiisrata,CALEßON ' S Conner victims. The fate of these creatures should be a warn ing to all who stand in the relation of Eeprese_ntatives to the great Democratic party of Plinsylyanin. Recreancy to the 'time-honored principles' of the party will not be tolerated, but will be, punish ed as rigorously 'and unrelentingly in the future as in the past," The following. from the Harrisburg cor -I:c.qpandent of the. chetter C. ,Toursal, throws some additional light on tbe‘way in which Senatorial contests have come to he conducted in our State "The contest has, a; I said it would two months ago, narrowed itiieif down to Cr,n- TIN and CANtION. Slgress is no longer .1,,0k,a. upon nq A candidate ; as be has but the six votes of hiq own county, and the' seven votes claimed for GROW in thenisrib we;t are conceded .tn Cratts, by the ltd ..xtt men. A; the Cram: men exhibit In •crealing. strength, the* Ctroeronians are worked up to erecter efrortß to defeat nor - wernor, and I regret to ;ay. means ore hnina used di;craceful ^n3 ile,rrading to the rArtlurimtot.,..t.".l tien of iziatow. CaNtraow. I know that af ter the New Vnrk Morriscer fa;hinn; that •vool ) ha= bean made un by fire Vromi ', nent yids"'; of tia•ri.o , urr. Staid 'mon!' " contain; .510( 1 .000. enntributeet by these tire centlem.n in--equal proportions Pr -;.`,'20,0‘.11) each. InieNi, sr) nntsginuu has s s l ch think become, that no mail. ratninc his reputation, can ,rote I.Nr e ‘ N tan s; and many irhrl frionde of are daily _ _cieserang-b-i. , ,--cau.4 kr fear of eontaminß. 'tiin." Humiliating as this statement is, its dis graceful char#(4o.2 , can only be fully (tr. preciatedwhost - tire reflect that the ixykri CsAtERON here:a))ty - lei TSN= for a long period the, trusted . counsellenof oar "mar tcred President:" that twice before he has tilled the position he is now seeking, elec ted by the opposition and a fen , rAnegade FottNE V AND STEVEN!!. We perceiye that ;Jou,: W, Foaa - zr ,has written a letter to a Sl`.l3still iron Chester counts , pithdraaing his name as a candi date for United States Senator. and ur i g• :tig the election of MAD. SravyNs.. ' The reason of FoaNsv''concle4eeniliort is palps- Tble. ' With his despicable fawning and' aaroit raantionvering. he bad not succeeded securing.the pledge of hq.lf ti dozen votes.,ant - 1 the support thr,tt would bare been given him, in case he atloweci name to he taken into the cation.. woulct have been so trifling as to be hurn;:ktins. To avoid this eo has withdrawn from the canvass. and, oui of rereenge agoinst 1.1).-k -1 and C.ustto. pushes craws fcr wart., - His friendship for the latter. vt 11 res,i strange?y to those who remember hxy he used to hate the .man durino, his connection with the Democracy. His es 111111'6 of SrEvr,Ns then is cic.irty snonrn :n•the foHorring extnzt from the LA:leis , ter t e be title of the.. ‘l3a2c- &b sar: z" , ..;' "1111DDErSSTE rE.V3 Re T rP clad. to ally It, is rot 3' Pennsylvanian:: His Aim his t.,ry proveis that he came hither a. t--tran ner to her'people, and has continued. it s , '. times, consistently adver.e. to her inter 'est - s. He has been. since his unf-Nraunate Frec , nce in the L. , islature. Pennsvtvls re: ev:l.'gertius. in./ if she has d,z.rerit ed at alt--and the three past. years of her ?-....• prove that she has—he pisnn.Pti the, mio'or;une4. We trill rot repast here his u•ter destitul'on of reputation —ror his cireer is ' ,- '+ne of that kind irh'eh cou4i j -..v11 ZIC C. been run by R . 3 :4,3r- 1 l'. - r .,- slv , :r.`la has tbr. - e`:bleraishes on l: , -r 1 .scu , el..e•-bn -. The Mlso . ri.cinqulsition. the e , .:rterinc of the UnitesiStstes Bittl: and he pr-ssent china;- . ..1 , us clndition of af- J The first. it is n. , :.t r-.quise. to sa;y.,'• originated. and complete - 3. The s;i, o.- , azd was ' h .. t.lrtin, t all-prin: of his brai'n , .; I, f..sr he res. I it - st..-inc , m- , u - s bir. bAfore 'the a .' :, er, it +r Or fi.nresercatires. The ~ ~.,.1 s o l e "S 3 ksh--t war': is ':!-4 hr ever: i :...1 . ..- . f r . .:ltt. Fr.. bezan -the Irtrehv--,jr; •: t h.. f -.,1 i r , ^segu , r.,..---Ip ai h 'k; own 1 iam.i . .. 1 He d:-s , :ved the z , verttment. Ile is novr l o n-zinc the S , ..nai4 to g., on in its pith of i ,i, , r1:„...i0n. lie .s emphatically • the i r.,-,re r be` , incd the timae." The last' is a •1. - stNerat.. , and ! I ins: p:unge, it-ivill either : - ..”. 1 te or unmake hint. /f is is successful. tl 0. ("An cTri. , r up the• f'- , seerin i r infermy of 1 - t .'i and save himself and his comoir ;,:trs trona. intnendtn4,ruin. If it is unsuo.. 1 ,:..F. , fu'. he Trill , be b•rurneii not only rum the hi'.:s of the Lei: suture, bat from, the I :cry State.—Zit'., :.:-...-1 per.r.ait 1...1..t ~ -A.-3.7.<." i MIS Attli . cnß•wation orS:. Mirk's Ei"ii-.n ;sal 0h..: - ."':...in Trov. N. Y.. !sat are-47... a no , ...th'e 'eAta....?„ . of the OL:Vi.f.36 Trlts D:sh,op P.;•7's sermsa: . 5,, 5:,.4:4 /tr. - 104 , 7y ft . c.i'ait whst -Ite tezzl - 41 -. 4.- , a.i1i.0.7.,:ai pr.:A.2lin it. - —3, Li ?.......t. the it tr . : , ..lac!ion of op oratic air. a'n rhea ries! mszt.ie.• Inlty the ‘...7.11:\,13,—!taj,•ib....,r-e:s'.l.lz ,"- airs: the prA f:,.., or the eter4 in 2 , ?.1:'r1: ia eale.sror- t z . ; t':` e,vale riZ.'2•ll-1474- e°Seri.alk-4.- *I - --;:er-a n i .if,i Thai. .3.:.oreas hare :leen - . eszhin; 'r)litic . -It sal 1 ,, , , :ig;,,:; do,, , - hobncbbun g ., st the- tatter's roonts., A . re• .:••,nei.. rather than attenthe g so -the wento ; cune:listForz is ssilf to>e bretritte, and tn i me c "?.s s i t i es o f th e 1 ,- .) ,: r „,,,,i :Av e ,. )" ... ..Teculstion 15 ri.' l .4--- ""z , ;••.n-. :. 1 .„. di t ,.., ttre: ,, whi c h w i . , ... eA li s e l i .. . la, I We tie not knowihNs mach tmth tht're ~e , s te, i 4 mszkel resat::. .„a teng - t h e ! =ay !.---..1 in the : pragiant or reconciliation , :y ,-,...,1 tho...z e wh.3 heard it . " \ ' b•etwe.en Stevens *tell - &want by.: the. ....................... 1 stare wars, ph recalls to our mind a re" s .z. q; t h e N ew 1. 4. 0 1 121...,1 40 , e , . ci ette ,.. 4 I mark 1:21l113 !?y Montgome - .7 - Blair to the ,_... 5 .. A. ; . .., A. ,, z. , t ., t , h ear f t ., 3= . w,,,:,,, g. 1 waiter„ on b. - 3 visit to this 6.'4, during the ~ •:_,.'..l,>c.', A s that he f.35 - ars the, i=pearb- i Ile ctizt'aigu-, He I'm:lifted thet is the Lh zt z ~,... : - .., e ,-,id tqat jehe eezt. w e eap pos . I event ol" our defeat at the polii, t o A, Ile yr ;% , ,:i deay it., G ee _ L ocyx 1, 1 , would take the fast opportunity to with- l i :mars Fret exasi3ered a' .man, or prantil draw from the C'lbit*et ' Ica agafn I'l4 f - e -- 0: o.l==cm /.....,e.” W e Wer rem = ttiL, /142 rse!, motb th e StesEcea.- The aim* ] h ; the mat, the imp. lonics as if: the pretaint vv.. Eta 1.. r 95 leift programme* er, reilitation; 1 . • MI einsst borne Tern . ;LOAVES AND TlSTlES.—.Judeirt g• from the nuMtler of bills introduced the first day o r the session into Congress on the subjet of the regu'ation of appointments to and removals {rum °Mee, the majority in Congress are terribly in earnest on the question \ o( the sPoik... Universal free dom, and the great political reforms they magnty so touch se the peculiar attri butes of their party, are very good things in their place, but they evidently. with all their enthusiasm for these file subjects, have it rery sharp eye to the rosin chance. they are msking history as the Tyra intolerable.' Hence, they have_ no , vs rience. to behold any one in office bat one of themselves. They are like the legiti mate kings: they consider they have a divine right to orrice ofiage was made for them, and they for °Mc?. It would be ia curious and instructive statistical fact to know how many of the ldth and .kin of the insisaity in Can i rs are snugly er sconca3 in public ogces. We should like to see the matter larked 6tisely into. If we are not very mach mistaken, the in vestr,gatitin' would sbow an amount of ne potism unparalleled in modern society. Wxyarm. rantris obiects to Gsnxiar for 17. S. Senator- fiom New rork, on ac nountrof:his - uniorious weakness and cow ardice." and his - periodical sttacksof the old Whig disease of caufpromi , zo " 7-03- do." but he has the Misfortune to he s white man Pnuaars will none The choice of the great Radical- leader is ,thus indicted "We knovi i gentlernatn, well known also in politjcVmrcies. whose loeation in the State hlpferis to he exactly rieht. who - probah,y done more than ally other an to pro -note the cause of uennine -Rtiblicanistn. who is justly distineuish - i,hczne and abtatd as a patriot, jour. nalist . and an orator, who is competent to 511 With honor to hinew.lf and the stioe the pasition of Senator and whose name is FRCP. DOIikILAT.‘ 7 As an erl.lllb . E. Ikarldidate, available from locality and onsi.. nett persantil Etness. we commend 31r, beilaass to !biz - lA-or-able cansideratien cif.the hoperaliile meant' mmon of the L.z . s- - la t, ' - • • By &A' means, exclaims the 11 7 :1-fi. let us have rearctass for Senator. lie is cei t-aialy a representative Black. 11 Tie c , 'y objection to him is.-that he has white bicstid•iii ''There's a time (-amine, bais" be New York 1.17-....5;; noticing Ciao. lecture z tgks tap >n th New !;.' ; ioiir.-D4.morr[teT. slv. • Toeomserrstire 1 4 po!iticians of New York till elnapare in 14 users, means. eharloter, morals. r2:lQto i. elegatteo and refinement trith any that the lisittais can proluee alit - where. It is quite tine-that sort of biaelt,.T.zsrdisna was , 4 =2. 4 . ril'Ay AC I tttNlCe. ctB repeat, that in property. position' and education„ in everything whigh cOnetitutes a high'ett% thrrttior. the Cong..rrative Po4ticians of New York .excel the I:attic-11s here, jo3t its Prolsortiln to their votes recto:del. €44 ) .e0. flea der in the gray of New York."' What the 12.. - : , 4-e.ss sly's of New York is just 3S true or Pentsylvenia or any other'. State. 'rue bost ;a4-..l4ttial intellect, the r.ttrest ps triatisat„ and the, clearest statrolgr it aip in ibis Cotuousrtnith4 are nearZy. all OEI the si is of the :r.f?=OL•r. STILENGTII OF TILE DOMOCIMICY. - We find very few friends of our princi pies who do not posre.is an abiding confi deuce that there is still sufficient recu perative power in the Demociatio party to raise it up once more to the proud posi tion which it used to occupy. It Is strong enough today to bold that position if were not for the poisonous drug; that have been administered to it by quacks and charlatans. The fault is not with the par, ty itself, but is to ha attributed to the cir; cumstances with which it has bad to con , tend. Ita order to prove how numeric,sl ly powerful the Democratic party of the Vatted States is at the present time, we will adductka feiv facts and figures. The late elections show thas the Democratic party in the Northern States is now req. lively as strong as- it 'was at the time of "the Pre - iti'lltial election. in 1860. S 1 of the states give larger Rh ti-Mmaccratic majorities in the late electionti than they did in WO, while others do not give ms : iorittes nearly so large. For instance, New York gave about fifty thousand majority for Lincoln in 1560, and Pennsylvania gave him about sixty thousand majority. The Detnocritie gain in thee- two States is consequently about' 'eighty thoniand. But without making .a minute examina tion of the matter we think it is nearly correct to say that the Democratic party is relatively as strong now as it was six years ago, fo 1860 Douglas received I ; 365,07G.v0tes in all the States ; 11-eckin- ridge received S 4 953—making the toga :2,213,929. Lincoln's -vote in that election was 1,8 . 57,610-365,319 less tlian the vote. rem itiinglas and Breckinridge. In that .election 'Kell: the fouri b caudia.e. ,President. received 50,631 votes. Of the latter only 14,65 S were =tit in the North- ern States,'and it is fair to say that all of those who in the South voted for Bell are now with thO Democratic party. Addine the SOuthern Bell vote to the total rote for Douglas - and Breckinridge, we have 2,62'0,002 ash the Democratic vote _so far. To this shotild be added about 40,000 for the vote of South Catalina (the Presiden tial electorkin that State being chosen by the Legislature.) atrl also fifty per cent. of the Northern Bell vote, allowing that the latter ii now equally diiidedbetween the Democrats and the Radicals. We therefore get a total Democratic vote. of 25307.231. Subtracting the vote for Lin coln, thereljenasits a clear Democratic majority upon the popular vote in the United States Of 04%681—nearly a million in round numbers. This estimate is not 1 far out of the way. The - South is now substantially a Moil in its adhesion to the Democratic party, and there is no doubt that the party is as strong in the North as it Yves In Intl. With all the power that I the Radicals have in the government, they are a minority of the': , loyal voters of the 1 country to the extent of nearly l one mil . Ilion. " What else thin bad management will account for the prostration of A 'party whose numerical strength so greatly pre ! dominates TEIR DICIIOUIRAT4 Iv CONGREMB. The bemo'cratie members of Coneress sve had nrrformsl caucus yet, but there have bean several inflrmsl confeteaces, and sorneof,the lesiine men.smonithein have.conferred freely with the President urrm the future pllicy or the p?tacterstie party in C mzress. Tie Washington c-m -relpondent of the New York Times writes the. , 'as the result of such conferences, Tea. tbanirestatiiin - OT op - pr;ition to the ,- sets of the majority than. at the last im,. hot only bectus- it is futi!e, but be cause the only hope of resurrection that the Democratic party now has is that the Renublicans may commit party excesses 1 in their legislation. which a returning sense or justice on the part of th- people may 'rebuke." -rba President." the 'same authority asserts. "will use the veto pogrer sparingly - . reserving - it. for what he may corsider as plain 'Sitiliaions of the Consti tution. anct wilt pcfreme a quiet course, f calculated not to .give his enemies in ran cress any further cause for personal at- tacks noon him. It was not until after serious consideration on the subject that Johnsan . decided not to suggest any •corni , romise measures in his rnema. ce. /amine the sivirp of lealing Dsmocratic r.is. oils. hp' saw ,fit to reiterate his old doctrine or rftloratiqn, and thOrebv avoid the charge of inconsistency. which might naturally foil.-w, as any further compre raise would he an admission that hisres tovation policr wag a failure. In' both Senate and House the adherents of the President will he far more indifferent to 12*.dical ineasure3 of legislation; than at the last session. As one of them em seed it rn-thy, thsy give the Radicals all the.' rope' they want. hoping they ' may hang thetas. Ives' These !iut-giringa are trona the best \informed Democratic sour and I think they . will be confirmed by the action of the party during the prep: ent session. At all-erents. it is difficult to see how they can do anything else." The Cincinnati (I)ranter,i.:' strongly urres Gavorner Orretin as the succP.sor of Senator t - iwan•or"Pennsylvania. Forney it considers as aut of the rine. Cameron as unscruptiltrzs in' the means he lISPe to at tain his Nlitica't ends. while Curtin is all Cast is e^.-est and nable.- - 86- 7 1‘..) The az.ir, , e , 'L-L.t: ;toes:et knots- Curtin a 3 Cre:i as vre do in Pennsylvania,. Efts greatness consists in havinc others do the work be is iccipahle of performing and his nobility lies in pacing - good Lard and n.61:14 devil" to every person and par ty with ;shoal he comes in contact. He_ is the mast cowardly politician in the State, and wouli be afraid to Claim his own name if his party bid him d'.9..-13iin it. : .1a the lasi Churn hershurch .Repara.-ry Colonel McClure gives the f.?l!owittf bard est st cue ist his fellow Badietilr, How the Cotun4i eso hare 'the harcitess of hew': to-ies.l s, =tellr with one of.oir least elneelite3. • =OE troimit!tiour. led purest eitirert=, is. a roys:ert beyotsi our power to :stile= : - ••The Deadinc Gzzrz:e. (Copperhead) says , that genera! Oesry has ifects.-ed in favor of Col. Forney for United b•1t5..4"..s Senator. i , _ I t be s t„thou eh the grze"e ermild hard- t The :lee- I .e. 431 Wee k: " 131 "7P 13 .C' . the lc get th e inform a ti on i n ad vance _ hill far universal .aftraze is the Dzsnict of declaration far Former word be priori- , Co'umlr:s by a vote of tbirty-Sae to Ogr esl neutrality in the contest. ao bnecoald teer. Atu--).4 th c e Republicans who voted co plain of I. with the Democrats against the bill are Senators Ftszzz, Preedent of the Senate. We ate sorry to see so sensible Is rasa ti,sraa• and Drsow. The House has since as Senator Coarkt isle most resPeofs erg" adopted the measure, and the bill has ice the nee ft-orled tbetrioo t.f te=tie i gone to the President. If he vetoes it, raffragto: is wilt be time enoti„ls_to talk Congress will undoubtedly pen the, snots about that matter when any rtapeetaltie ov er hi s head. • number of theses ash it. At the present time there azo very few of the really General Itcaelltm, at last accountewas amble ladies of Anzeric _a--- ! cettaisti7 none sat the baths of• St. Xorits in Switzerland, Surmeg the good rises of the load—bat tdrs. HeCellan's h•alth bid much what look with emsteMpt open ties idea of intnrcited. The onteral %h is said to base their 'set ,partics—pating mgt- -; beton* "LW:stoat. - Political Brevities. Radicals think that rear kept the South ern States in tleia Union. and that peace put them (aka. , Old Bta:Vnlow, is represented as ''eras elated." 140 wonder ; for several years be 'has vented nothing but corrosive subli mate: ~ Let any niessure-be introduced into this reckless ano revolutionary Congress, and it will go thicugh, provided the negro is in it. But let it he white, and the thing Is killed in a mnmen t. Brig. Geo. John 13. Brownloa, — son - of "Gov.", Brownlow, of Tennessee, has been appointed captain of cavalry in the regu lar army, snd'ordered to CSlifirnia. What a pity be is not compelled to take the old men with him. The press d the emiritry hsve made their comments on the President's mes sage. We have trinket over a hundred or more of our exelyinges, ,of all political stripes, and observe the, with few ex ceptions, they praise it for its temper, and style, and ability, Governor Brownlow has rent a tneesage of half a hundred words to the Tennrre Logiblature. in which he neither swears, hisspheines, our`see, raves. nor froths at the mouth. This is thp:first case of the kind in his official or unlfficisl career• The committee to lc ok after the morals of Gen. Banks. which wont to Portland and found evidence, as they-.think, that he took "a drap too much" - there, have Rent him word to that effect. And reqUe4 l .- .4 him to resian hitt seat in Cwigrea°, R R .. Wale charge, was proved. The. Sear York Herald (Hadt r al) slys : The H.tnocraiic ptrty .has ;Came nut of be=e late elpotinne muted, thorsr., fsot and dragoons.' but wa may sap of it whet the great Napoleon °poi Raid of old Blucher : 'Out of tbe way ? N a sir. Give him half a chance, and the fiery Dutchman will soon be at us again." The defeated Radical ciralitiates, foi Congress in Marylnd hove applied to that body to give them the seats of their successful competitors. Congress will no doubt do it. if any Radical anywhere wants any Conseryatiye'S seat in-csogress, all that he has to do is to apply. "Write the word Union upon the sheet, and fill up the rest as you please!" was the exclamation -of Lincoln, when discus sing terms of peace with the rebel com missioners in iHampton Ands. The ward ."reion" wa4written. -The word "Aboli tion" was added. The "repudiation of rebel debts" was added. The Radicals are now toiling to insert just three letters more—p-I-S. They refuse peace to , the country till "Union" has been made to [ read "Disunion." Rssios•roa DamocasT3.—Tbe York 7rq,une, in allusion tabe increased Republican rosjorities, in certain of New York. attribute, them to the in fluence of Rvllblic.an 'newspapers, of which-vast numbers are circulated in the sections referre i to. The lesson lo Delp ocrsts is; if you would achieve similar sets for your party. you must erapissy sith ,tai means. Spread Demoiratic papers , ! YaNcrE Paogaysstrstass.--John Q tincv. Adams. the . grind-son of John Qqincy Adams, former President of theAllited- Stste;s. and a very. estimable gentleman, was a candidate for - the Legislature at the recent election in__)fassachusett ,, ,ltu_t_w_as_ ton, which lays claim to more intelligence. refinement and patriotism than any other city in the Uni'n. two negroes, black as the ace of spades. were sent to the Legis lature. such is Yankee taste. The following is an exact copy of a let ter written to a Democratic voter residing in Lehigh county' the day hAfore election Br y 'nutty. Oct. R. IS6ti. 31r, - Dser I under stud you Seinari An_ dyneJellincon's Potitcv Ohl 9,071 know thud Johnson lloSoores his Trinnanta; who does not Sopsrd his riediey Now if you do co to the polls and Sopiird Johnssons pot. leer; you must look slim' to him for a home Mese do as you think hest So will I. I remain sour Friend, WILLTIII LregesnAcit At the recent local ele'clion in Baston the ,negroes all .voted the Democratic ticket. Tbis Was *because they found the Rsdictls scrnuld not gire them a chance at the spoils. The asual - Majority errs cut •town some nine hunched. and the - Democrats gained largely in the lower wards - The /baton negrom have found out what the rest of the; African race wilt . dieelver- in good time—that the Demo evils .are, after all, their best friend, The Louisville Democrat puts it thus: “pnce'opon a time the New York Tribute sweat into.poetry, as.below : Tear down the fisuntin. lie! Half-mast the starry Sa.e !' Intuit no - suncv sky • With hate's polluted rsr some years after, % fellow in 'New Of , leans tore down the Stunting lie,' and General 'Butler. without ceremony. bonged him for it. o:ye ley has not yet said a word in behalf of the man who followed his advice; but. on the contrary, i 3 a fast trim(' of Butler. who did the banging, Loyalty changes with the times. 310aaissaT ve. Itcri.sa Ilorri% - rey was recently in Washington, and they tell a good anecdote of him. In an interview with the President, Morrissey said : "Yen no doubt, yr. President, lave heard that I ass a gambler—that is true. I have gam bled at cards and made iii—ohey by it. but I itiTura played fair and 'never chetited,and I hare never been accu.m4 lid it. You abr. no doubt, hare heani that was connected with the ring.'an i 'sas la pugilist. That Is true also, and f always beat my oppo• rent. Now, this is more than B,w Butler can say. Re placed and gambled after his fashion at New Orleans. F ut he did not play fair, but chested crerybcdy, and no I ore can ear he ever whippedin opponent, So I a= at least %bead of bis on both po'nt:" Pretty teir that for If , rrissey. If occasion presents. 3lorriSse! wilt "not brsitate to *ay the same thing toßr-iler on the four of the lions& Teo the surroundieg country. This would TNTEIiESTING TO LADIES WALKER it ~lIONEcK" . 1 ut l it h e e r f olt 'i h w l i n ' l4a nia ti t tl imes a--" een im e ni ta th te tt oo s ee tin the l' takes DEALE,Rs 1 - N; RI ,- Ai j EAT, • rt, ' enable them to become practical pick Turpina The annual Income of Queen Yielnrtg. 14 ,id, S an k shopperds, shout whom they had $2,000 OW, and her living expenses $200,000 reed in the dime novel+ They• lived in the state' Patent °free open 'boldest merits arena oto 1 Sri ST ATP, ST : '' ' T She ought to layriip money. , E H F, l• 1 eaves; a number of days , and during that tett & o l ar Pe•lng „Lhanhlne, and ita w re or i::::: co br e . r i l a taLs . [ New he, ow,e pr.::".. o, „ e ~ , ~.. -To fi ght the Indians costs the Malted States time were toley with all carte of miechief. At; elle.s.r„.,:ty,tchamethsayr:lees HOUSES AND LOTS IOP a great deal of money. The .officiel reports last their parents found out their, strange i,, ....event:Hied for Dine Veen & Green. & Raker ma- Pew IMMO bonen r a Mo , ,eat . ' ALI ' , Pa. Lot tV2K, 1y • y,5 - , , 1 ,: t"'e't- , show that during the fieeal year 1804-05 the hiding place, and took them home. • • chine. a' el oPon 19 /have doe* A-kinds v 4 t o uti'y s ere ,a. y r i, Govern - neat expended $40,Ci00,000 for carry The depredations of the ~g e,tig" were by no quilting and embroidering. Daring all that brae my cb ss s,,, r : In . beri4es a meat de 1 or • e Ini 113 We t: ,0 4 , , i• ~. ..• rite! : in on Indian hostilities, . . Meane confined to their residence in the cave, inackinehaa never nettled renal, and it is am gond b erets , ty,,,,,,,,1.,,, ey„ =mine '• 3' l f I y '", ' Three homer 01:1 nth ityert . • , ' A case of prolonged lethargy has occurredPrem. house no 9 , 21 mt.. I ' r r ';'. ,-,-. .••••,,,,i,” 'ne Woes. iot 42 ti; be 14.). ett be 0, •le a,- * ,2' '''. 33 near Yvelot, in France. A young ran, aged but hive taken place before that event , themand &Await it erait the first day I o=rals have heen committed since. Several of m:l:l'2,,,,,n,2:,,Todstwwith.etib,,e, 7„.,,,,at..11.1T0fi.ri'A,61R.V. lie'le.. 1 eta 423.' by 142 eyelt• ..... ~'".:. :;..--,,,,,- twenty has now been sleeping for about three have been caught in the act of burglsriou.ly ow., wee,. . 1 / 4 neer', hadd v Webs'et.'vy the i'loterre pm: sermon Ist of Aortl 5 1. 5 * '''''' ii I el, =reeks- Gruel and a Mall quantity ,of wine entering honeee. The yr:ingest of the paTr . to k g k in e i r 7 o. atiA% n loa a t t ' l a t roa o7„ ch at ic o o i e,rebodelftrrtebfo,r,:thste,brir.oz: g „,, be b , bee y n . ~,,,, ~„...„, . t...„ ~. • sacra,; lot 454 by 14) -e, t.• y , l' y. are passed down his throat every dey. Ilia- has recently been away from bit 11 ' 11 ° 4 . d ej.jtle... t Pt.°. and lot on -Mb . teen: . 1 2. 0 " nnt .„ • respiration and pulse are regular. ' Ile is ssid traded parents ' for an entire week, and it was tire Dr . Wham; gives the following yealoos for to hey° lain in a similar state for a fortnight, oat until one of the , getrig" bed been bribed ferr , lorky , f the Grover k I alter mr.oll ,s °err all ilymse aoi ',A oo etl yirmer , ~,,,,. ,„ •„ three years, ago. • i to disclore his biding place. that the little fli. others: ' Wyss Lot 82.4 by 19.5 i''" ~fie ii.:lll:llol:Bl:lYlZE:rf.t.C:llll;ittelliirlitlilf::llSini.*,ria::' a l t3 l: f ° ,, ,7: :PZ1.C::1:7 , 1 ,1 . : 11. 1 13:4 . 7 . 1f11 1' ;:f '' ita ' : . . ..:' . low was recovered. There is another elentoPt• in t 3 a nineties of pe Surralt. case . The sea min Wee betrayed _ A Gino. fil'eNl9lo YE tile 1.31100T9 A ROl:pelt. purposely; and herein consate tee cupellority vier V , 'e irt 235,., 39 , 0.., ~b e • ..„,„ 4 r t''''. tO Minister King by a soldier warned St. Mar- ,-••-The Ouachita (i.a.) Tel•oroph, of the let, other =whines Goire IIIEV'tIV .1.1 1 , 1 f n Pre- o b * ,,V,,,,,',„1" ie. who had formerly served in the Union ha. the following . Few families have ever .n...:lthe,,,,,;l.2ot,birieti,dodZeotti,iett.et,ep..l, s 0 the oth- fdt , , , ;' ,.. 1 - Lr 0t .. . , 7;T i 1:' ,1 , .. 0. • -.. army. Both Surrey. and St. Marie loved the been placed in such trying circums t a nces as " -.1 sod this such yin weer igloo; as the gs , meats do 92 , 4 b 1. 5 pylr . ., to c eTC;O r lo r o t y; t . :,:. '5 " ' '• Mine woman at Washington, aril the soldier that of Mr. Vuehnotan's, on Tfutraday night __„,, t ,,,,,,. the e vrnents, in VW. tieveral See MlP.tre...l. ran g t 4 I P , . r Was instigated by jealouty on account of het kto bee-relieved so ttneareete • liss- and by "t can use it from tit. th ek.st dont., cloth to NSA.' to VS trO, in th. bert trestlo n••' ; ' ••••• t, the success of his rife. - such au act of heroism and e elf_po,,,,,e.ion 0 1 soots intislin " ~ Fins , et,d lot on etst ...re th strer, 1 , 51,r. 4 1 el, S. Whip, le. wife of Rev. Vr W hmni., .... - and licl'a d. with rDe fruit ••••• 0. , ' ",:. 4, we are nhoUt to record. Sometime about IetITY vet the Amen en niatdOtary klttalttlle, WU- 11„,,,,,,,,, I 1,. on ....• .. . 0 ' ° - ii en ' , r , T?iere is no truth in the. Peel that the ger- . ~, the e.l7;:t'lartts.rstalt of tear 0 serration and experience. , " line brick 11;f:set:IP Pb t' .0 ernment hen deeared Ott!" it would be best ~, midnight Mrs Cushman was nrousel by harking of the .yerd deg . .' Getting out of bed pardon Satratt provided that be tells all he why combine do you shirt I,e‘t as general fatally In- ity,ltia eo/tr • ~. and geeing a r e p enter which was et the head 5t,,,,,,,,,s Drink boom nu east ~ ,i , het ~,, t n knows about the conspiracy. Between the of herhed,- she wee swatting devel-pmeriss A !tie Drover ictlacer,eleetdetlif • . 'Won,. and lot on alth aid. art t ,,,,,„ choice of haying -him hone, and getting a full , Q State the rexsonry such of them as Yocrier .o Joe, f r o m ~,,,,e, confession out of him, the public would pro- lea n the riolee of whispering was heard,. In f nth , . oolnlnn , Donee ...a lags Poorth erase 501,,..„ a few seconds efforts were being male nt three A. l thi k the With is a Ovine. 'WA than •hst of u s yttr, ._ trounce in favor of the conte.sio'n.any other tnaehtne I hare eon oar& and tt suing t,, me ' Its 'Me and tot on Prera , ry. t.eityrre r ‘1 different windows to buret open the Hinds. much more simple in Its snenagemetit than o • her ma- street,. 34 door from illb '' - - • I. i: _ Mr. Roberts , the Fenian President, tins written to Callnel Lynch : ' - I regret to tell Mra. C. twice ; endeavored to diecliarge the re penter through one of the WWI., but it refus r::;;;;;;;;s'thp7reet, enc .' s p..„ , eht,,,,a, one greet advantage l the ease with ertln • the Prick home with 9 sc-•e rf an' , 7 you that I :10 n t believe you are to be banged." He believes that Oolohel Lynch's ed to fire Do in. a little daughter. nine years iii.sm,,i)trannseel'e'ailphs'entseec'eedelittesere7noteonea' tr : :eVai l, l ' s e,ii l t k r ' Brisk 4 num on lltl, I 5 ret,14.5, per ,5. , machlyr le better thou V' rk or such' 0...000 o p t, a., tree; res donee el Viler, an y ty. old, bad in the meantime been +reeved. and execution you'd • creole in the conquest of she bail withered the other of the two repeat- ' Cll/1411bY the irl°11 • This ill carrying Pa trl- ers which had beta placed at the bead of the 1 thth‘enrtb.Porrogriritsl37;:eter. atati t 0 woes other a" ; Ines lIM nee. &dell illy• she prefers the :toles k Oak r t Misfit to an excess which Colonel Lynch will b e d While her mother less exchanging her '"'ts i's °let.° iihvri-LI rrn Polt s ',LE - 4 scarcely appreciate. stz.ofeaodt.sott:,:gtenrdsotritch,i.lit,i,.,t.z.ortrl/4:oelevietty of t zy 'err br 147 In en 11 to. 5' •,. r , refractory weapon r"r a shot gun which was • The Lower House of the North Carolina in the room. little Delta h ol i tasten her stand It is preferred oe.i. AU i th .t..: it is ' p r y tree- in its 1 Ftste and 10 h . 4 0w 'ft' '''... • .... ,„ b y I t o on ... V. :trey: rtroen ' Legislature have rejected the Conetitutional At one of the witillWs They were too cloy n0..t."'"11 and very ii4t l l iidDietid, att . ?, veil to east site. • in Perenstruction Amendment by a vete of in to 10; and the frr little Della en forcing the muzzle bet wet n u ,,,,D • ny e ey ie e _ , , 1, 3 feet by UP fart s, '• q•s.'. etre I core*. t• • ' Senatn by 44 yeas to I nay. By a e'milar the feldinv hlindo, arul eite.eing a' her Wm, ' I bare haft sece-al .eus expets.nee with a Grover & 1 2i ft . t , b . r , cne 1, ,, ,0r•-• , t f.f. i ,ite,......,.. overwhelming vote. Alabama has dismissed .he fired. The robber had, received his re- I rt i lk.e. ' e r t ' 'o ch e:s e t ... l. l l e :: L it " inflre a 7ttru e n' t elas mt tt . . r . c i t t * rl i ; 1 il'lrk *tore '•c '2.".4'r , West-, It'i. a - -1 the Amendment. Defy Fouthern State which wrd. Groan. and mutterings to)11 the Wade . tt .3 ‘ ery •elll V kept ID 'err ant work* , er.thlUt much 1 Lot '5. 2 .ki " tips. ' -' - hen thus far voted on the question has reject- of buoy preparations to r•-4) and probably ; fatigue, ',web t title k leaver great retomMend.li' 4 . 0 bY i' . .'"'i'b iit ' ' 15 .. 1 . itreet, my- cd it otherwtse outrage the family The robbers m not *err faotuilar fritor otheinsa-hator etc pt a St"' of out Int Vor 0,7 A Britiehyrivate soldier, stationed at Otta- gathered *Toned 016.. wounded companion IN : d r, , : er w11 " c " 1 wa. Canada, received fifty lashes rir ~as.ert- and bore him off It i; not known who : h e ; its" A 0 to,moner rout preiey the Grocer I. It a t . „ d,,,,,d. 1 4 4 :,:, I:e: C : ::h .t e : : . ..1::;. ,. .:: : : : • ~,•,. ,:, , r; t••t; h • 1.1. e bee ' tar. ..0. 'lot' lag that - Canada you'd be annexed to the tau- robbers were ; even their " nr i 5 unknown al; Itrn 15,-V'ne'.'gre‘ssdt,'OralOTY-tlXl.bar known *' 42'4 IrIC y n 5•1., iv- , • •ir• ‘,....., , led States before two yeiare , Ito lIIIF.II 01 .517.001 -Goy. Lyon and his .31.3 th first place, it it very stmp'e an e drainte. icsrned; 1.,- ,, ,: i ;:0 . ie .. ; 0, 7 , ~, A number of leading New York capitalists I private serre 'ivy, late nt . Idaho , left New the'- wing from = ta the n t'iredvire!ril7:' is c'o!n."":" ... q" b 7 11 , ' .. 0 '':''''.* are in Washington to see about the probnbili- ) York ,Mty Wetlnee in 9 noon for Washington, tortoork himat folly, and the e-,broiderl /tit lx ft tr Peer 0.. c i,' , 'a on ",;.. s • ~,, „ ..... lice of the success of the Proposed impeach- ' stopping at phrlidelphi a until tEte 11 P. ot. not liable to get nut of order it r pewter my eerily 5.•%0. , m , ye.. ‘ to . 0 ~ 1.,. ~ ~. .. ,e , Gl.fli of the President: , The_ s.impe - achment train. There they took a.elreping ear, Guy . I , ,, lcgr e i cln "", it alt uP by sating ° • P.Tl'se Ch'„vr . ' rlt ".• ea» ~., • business" is not very'pophlar with the hold- i Loon or.copying •he lower berth, lie at once r s , s'. .....s had occasion to r i mpsw e th. v •-, t h . 11 1 .-„ t t, o f sr, 'cot Iv tis 12, el- , r ?••,,, ,_ _ , • ... era of Government securitiett. retired. taking. off his money-belt, which con- . otter =chives" The rernit vss a-eal a revOre.lo to- " , t 4 t re-: ' , 7 '5 , 0 'th i re. t, 10.... 0 ?.., the Grover &Raker mactine.” land faired 547.000. and'placing it under his pil ' Mrs Dr Andrews test:quo: , nre lo 5 rah'" rt.l.e., 33 51'1 low. Upon arriving in Washington he disco , • erect that he bed been robbed of his money. ; thing 'l" aZ4fn i i i . t t - or aii the p : b it:s r fir s l ifa e Pt l ic l' it ‘ r%TitMir ii ' lv T wo l' t .. " . / .' ', ;;4 • ,^ t " . l ll%":"; `'' '' ' - ' L r '' '' ' ' :' ..L. 17, I , • Lots on lith ,:,,....„ tear.; his empty heft heing found near the head of • , tori:vg sad to managed-r-"eau ~,,,i , le. perfect ri iftu e t i e e l i.,"4 f ,rd hi. bed. Mr lici 'all occupied the berth above ~it 'hotrod, and tall stain its steenixth Theo he l b read , and Four fell arty m. 00 7, -' )- •• ..' r., him. nobcdy e'er being in the section Goa, a cu t or sexidentelly breken -it* aespty on to d'ilkr.nt I , 7 ', th y : 1 1 : 5 . ",..: ~,,,,,, e • et , gentlemen r lept Soundly until morning. .4 kinds or r wzricAfroF - a 0 * to roarsr , -thout eb , ngt '''i 0 ,2 1 , 2 be r . e.:s 5,, ...:6th ;. 5 .,,,,,'!„*''" -ii - '''''': ' ID 0, Peculiar feeling shoot the he l d, producing a dull, heavy sersstion. which Mr Lyon expe :Mee": lu s- . 2 .l ° E;ane, of the tome of Nolan-, illtman i / °Mtn iV KIPS'. 7 .'41 , I ,, tre lots o r .sastfras stro.ot,l-..•.,,„ , 4 . „ t , 1...' bi 1.5 C•rser of 5•13 and en ; _.,, , . 10nr costorera alllnttirthe Gruver& Pakermachins 1 - - 'deuce' upon awaking in the morning, to- - Ail by 145 .4. i.n el'es, on ray. 5 ,1., 4...,. 0 .... rior dorobilit and tante of stytrb." duces him so believe that he had been deur. Ops Jeante C. Croly (Jennie Jr in.: sirs-, , 22th •n 2 %I : Tin se' telai's `•• 2 ;:l: ged Neither of the gentlemen has any idea • s I cret•r it to any machme I like tbe Greyer & I vbf," . .. .__ , , _, a..,... by whom the robbery vote perpetrated, or the o ßa h le . e . r i ca s te o b u t t e i n i z i l t . ti o s i ps . L play. , ~b a., : zre. t a .i „ I t h i sta , n4 1 ear i l ~.. i r 'L. , "7. ';'' ;,',. , ~..,. a ' t4. ' ' 3J h Ill" cf the occurrence The money itelen be- a Grocer rer & Baker it an * sate m re .” the purpo r s'e of a.l IL, I, sf , tr. 175 on Post ride --ate '........, lunged to the Government. whiett the Gever- neat" I streets moor woe noneeyinz to Wnaliingt on Toe ma t_ . The foregoing tcatiaony me-shim:ma beyoed , 4.4 ter hag been laid, before the co ice authorities r iot- •` The great emptier., and ease of menage.. of 'and the Government detective.. of the Grocer & Baker ratchtsee iimond That lb., ars not Itebte .0 • oct of repair. * Th.:4 * That a greats* Tar et. o;vo r rk -5 can be 'oat) b," „....._ The trial cf John II Puvratt will probably make rattle two impor ant por , ;one of the • with thtint then with othr machines i 4,f scree on Grape; P.,,, •... evilence nn the coaspiracy trial Oae is the Pon:1 That the ehistiett rof sl,t h ranger the oork ebr e - d, :A acres r „,,,, ; ,•0 • ; „ , , e _to 114 ;, 20 0 5 , z h e; ;T, 1t . 0 . ;1 1, 7 , Xte - and wear bet'erLan temk l a" ye , s L.t e p , ,,,„.1.;,,,„, e ., , • • j.turnoi of John XI i'ke , BoCah, in whin the • last entry wt• male a few hours prier to his eptre, That the facility with al, el. sal ;.• t r ot a• , hi ll ' : e ear itty d -yrcreos, , death. and which was taken from his pocket, seam es, be?.mored, etlyen des -o , ', is 0 great ao n- t i rbe r5e: 0f„,..,,,,., but hoe tlitio for been tient ;elect Tire other to r.,:i tt , Th ti the eeez, viii „,...,, ~,, ~,..,,,,5 , ,,h e „, ~,f i lx tiftn., , e .„‘*: , , ,.„,'l " .' i ls a eon!, s.len made by ['sync. to a general t e.,, cr.: Or froten at It.ere ate ofEcer nevolunteera. ju-st prior to his exectz- b 73vventh Ithltt to i'le , l dome alt vartet et of cork ?en* c ;: - . r . l'''''*''' g'' tics in which he declared that the riot was .1, ° ....;; 4 .Z4'"' Le " "' Alt " '"''''' L "' ' f ' / 1 ,; 11 ..- - es't I fer the anducti,n of Prey. len' I.'ne3ltt, ant' Dv, nib I, cc - red other rermerses in the ntre s.-..- eI 11 not e' that ti rk-ir oily 1.• few hours prier to the as- ir - i'd •lit -ivii '''d in'„ 'lt` inn iivittiti i' tb - i ' , '"r k I ear sa•t-n-a , toct that C3OOl v.-.1..r".1 . 0.ta ti c,M- t. ; , k 7, r malt , o re , In , t. „ .! „ e r„ Ltzt. , ....r. e a , m r . f d 0 in . : r c . 1 . 1• ,, 5; , I T : t Er , mil ons_rd.r , they having rer ewe Ily fa•iel in mt. telto. ' a parts o' the aiels: stages tte es., - their attemrt at abduct' ou - „..f,i-e. These mac„h nes ear, b. were at WEIGEL I. VE•,' i-. E.- 1• atur•te eructs NO See FATS STS on r s.- * D 1 ,701,111 rio.s 9.-We would call attention to ~,,n• fo r Erie • Cconer - the opinion of one of tit.' leading pacers of ;a:" Aar. 1 exmcme 4 7 reimens 01 theive•er. Canada on the subject of Gift Entirprisee: 1 recta _:F „,,,, •No.t of our res.d.r , hare no drub: real B" some of the numerous. , Gift Enterprise, Gift Eli. ac EIVItu Weal, - Concerts. &c.; which appear from tinteto time 1 in the public prints. e ffering most temr ling bargains to those who will. Patronize them rt'll' E„, , G , ifiNFECTI(f ERNI' N __ inmost cases these are eigantie humbace But ,„ , • "". there are a few Ten actable firms who tl,:.tufr- - rte. , in this manner , and they do it•to 't) menus .4e ,,..._• 4. GrtOCERIES FRUIT, N l'T'z of inerevdng their wbolgi'e.ensin.e.,,,eend -- ir irernE Oct to make mouiej • i'i otio ou ch firm., it is r' true. finnisorne and valuable 'oriel s are TTO pant,e I T' e ..1 o f f t , r N a is v , e i ry as . v m e a e ll sum ts.y. a . u .k d ,, w i w h a t i• m i T : cut'illlV‘ b •L t r*"t t t' :: : : :- • ;1 : 11Y m 'y : a.b r n-C • f : ': t :l b li e t s :Le r :T t i le e t-nr s e: e r s e:: a : r 1 ! :. : 11: : 1 1 : F. F : 1 : : : : : : . r: I: '711:" AL----i-i'ii L I jj- A V -5- 1: I I) r en time+ the n- new paid f r toom. w , -, ' ; , we the c a le : 'e j u il ev e r 1 : tic I f ' c t i It r th is s t inl : (alit-I :pill, w or t ht o i ' 1 a r r I e • ' el I I, l• '''') . b t ic: taz}'': t he :en Itint P par t ies t ai :':'et clever_s : e . ' n :1 c. 11-17:NI7W:::11-IINDerlY;NA. A '';' I"' T ''' \ : "D ITS swindler. -,e ,, , :. 1 se . 1n. , ..1 .'I or, •••:,nf;• , :: E C, on 14. I Flo/. - J dee :Ii) t_l,l4t. Interesting Plaragraptts 4 . A man named'Jobn MeNaughton, of Liv ingston county, New York, is before the court on' charge of seducing his Own daughter A nutnber of young Itomen. behttging to families formerly in affluent circumstances in Georgln, are now employed in settinz type in some of the printing offices in that Sine. • A Windham county, Vt , couple last week, applied for a divorce after a fortnight of mar ried life: The Jude refused their request,. saying that they hadn't yet given matrimony it ;air trial. At Cedar lowa, last Monday, a younZ, man named 'McLain stole two hnodred dollar?: and when de6.eted. cut his throat with a pen/ knife. lie was likely to Survive at last sic,= counts. 1 It is safe to estimate that from SONO to 101- 000 negroes in Georgia in the totninz winter from exposure and starvation. The white people cannot support them They are so impoverished that mahy whc were rich be tore the war will abaoltaly suffer for the Ile ceesirtes or We__ Here ie n broad. field for pracetal philanthropy—,P , eket pbilisnthrDpr. : The general riot , of ni3tiality by d?eease in our army daring the War, was for the whole gantry esnotry 59-22: for the New England States 70-45 for the Western States 71-55, and for the !diddle States but 33 SS. • As a couple of drtinken men were waiting along the canal towpath in Oswego. N ,0 1%, the other night, one of them felt into the csr al. Rig companion In the dark catizht _hold of what-be enpposel to he en arm. and callsd for be , p. When aid came it was -discovered that be held the man 'by the , leg, .whiie his head was all the while under the *rater, and life was extinet. A most atrocious robhery occurred at Ilert line, Cotinty, Illinois, list week. The isolated residence of an old man Iras entered by two robot villains. and not only r3hbel of $3,000 or $4.000, but the old man, a woman confined to her bet by sicknes...ancl a relttirp of the family were tied. band.. and frot, and. then. ria with thehope et wiping out every On Thuntlay r.iglat laet, in. the sown of Sharptburg, A ilsglanny C , r313..y, a brutal an 1 unproioked mtraer was committe I A white , man tamed 3lcCotcbeon was shot dead On the P - rch of a hotel, , by a negro named Mttlony. The negro vase au eveu.e that 'the decease had reached through a window an 3 tried to poll his hair. Ile bovted that. it was nor the first man he had shot. The city paper reporting 'the brutal murder, winds up its *contort, by saying:that ”Nfalony. 'who is cer tainly deranged, woe 'cOmmittel, to jail to await his trial." The Detroit Union, ,of last week, gives the following aecotint of a grave miv:t.ke the marriage fine: "Me. Edward Thayer and Miss Helen F. Setlituan, attenkiNi by Mr: 'An . 3a f.-.- r 3'34 . w.itcpx s: GIERS' , SENVTNG MACTINER, t . 0 ., 1 ,..,-.. ri . ;,...1,..-.,-f.:. , • . -.h.. ant's: 1,33 t? ,,- -3,33-3.---: fo--..' ler , : - . , 3- -4 ,Baeo,t Ka3•:=c, . , a ,- tans ". ‘,...tr gire- :a •" - e mi . J,.- - .E es:, a ILL.. 1.3.3333.. a;: s 7 0.!. -at ;Err on.,J and wren, ta.-:* air.- .b p ~....f . - - :.-... , ,,4 ,-,:,,. ;,- n r...., st - F . .... a . , ......,.;,,.... c : • c-ky of Tinr7.k. -3n.-,1 Erin al in a S.T. sta. c..., rto ! a. . corm 7.?•si ::-' , ..2 2,..e. 11.• tr. -t, !.., 21 - :',..... for t -3. 3-nlz-to of grit, on .31-3 Tort. .1fc.,!... in 131-na.-y. :‘ , 0" . .•, !io as.arv , aaidl:33.3lnon and a1,Z.?.. • .`3. :::-'3-o-f-nr. 'f:`_• toll': in Le r0e,....33.333 IF - - L. :: !"-: )S'l, :-. 4 .1.33154 C" - -no, No '.,,i 15,3, F1.=r, - T , d•c11... it A". 7 TRWEt,RY C IF.E=rLr.:r RX.AIRSI). itv t:= l. :frzyit; re :cten cr. !ev:ecy In sty _______ y , =.`it , ...1 I -, - .y.: r 5 etas. -ese -st , s the ts. , !c. Ca.:: Az ~! i±.., ~,y .i:i ~,,, ~-,,ti,....1,r ! .., ..,,, 6,,..U . " , TIPIARTICITL AI; N2 I TICE.—..i. i I)&ru.e4 ; e,!!. 7.. if - . r . Ir . a tai.7-iN- . .. il. ..lis are Ist:lt:ad •ts sag f - r fees. e r •;:s 'Et...a 'eft ; -. is siy hitst‘a ;srra of ir,p, state,_ z-y sass...tr.:l to eel • at the tSsse , e 1 Pt-rester *at %4,,- :a, a• la‘a-2 as "07.4-- . iS. :4 t?..7?. eett.:* r.attere stir La st• 1a . ...s The ehas.go c.YoSeefl. taste. *eh , * setise soese:vare.. as: it is :• ;eel ; ; that a:1 sro as., tisteres•lte WI:: 1. , ' a ::- dess-11 . aalit. RE:t. :r. ' '. r . .. ... N . N et - FlStia. ' - vo R S A L E.: rit • Iie!LIDAY‹ REED BLOCK. ERIE:- PENN' _1 ....r ~:.' t.', 1` , ,,1rt t•a-k V! i.,- , ..,:_ s ;2 1.' , 11 . 4.1..tt r Y;L:.. s. .• :, i l':1.1:r 7.4••••,.:4,,,,,, ..,i...!n g l -- .. r_ , T‘TC - 141 1.. CLO . : . :i :... JE7E`..RY. • 5::::?4. AsD i'L AI'S .4, W ill - , • - , :r•-‘ 3 .5 7 -- - s-. ,•-'? V- . : 7 • A:L.: 4 : • r , ttr•ta 3••••.,...-1 t-st..-^,-tart t , e:-. 4.... A.... ,' i - .7 , -!,- .. ; 1.1, L.. tc ler!: dt<••••:. tee ttr Ili: c- ek tt•vte tit: F.,4 '. 1 l '"'"" 1. • --1. •": L ''''''''''' .. - .• •• F l''';'l 7 . • . •• , :•tt‘tt. Pt-• Ittit:' t.+4,3 mitt.: ts tt-_'• .2.2,2 1.... Y 1; 5-2,-.-C:::4-1,1 .7tvelrls t4:cre. - -. p•••:,-;.:t itee-Stee ti 7. le.t er's•a., tr,r. matt i_--"•=e iv t• - tt:-..1 ,- .1.t.a...5 al: tteteal.trEt.t.t.tits or 44••=timcit'act-t•t • ' .t at...! WA!" Vri.::: pvetzt e..m. 437, " 1.-,...,. .-.L,-,,,.: 1 , :, . . .. ; se %.*=.:. ..--.. .10.1 - t tiL. , V:Ci, 55A.:: . ..,.,. 7r4. ,I-tirt to taf.: at"rttit 2 . 12 22.? r.-w sty:es c! : 4 ,i 4....-3 C. • ' 'CALE...MIER CLOCK.S.' ' : fIRPI.T.ALN'S C(‘T.:l-1 r: .ALE. ' EiMEE ,__. . -- 7 7E - r.1.. a. y:4 , , , e, .:a !e t:',,, tr...t %, •.=. ~,i,-..e. Vii- i r.y •....,t. :f & . , 7"-*7 C: t..+l'77,.ziz. . ~..,.......7. '7 r s:ep db.; rimy, czak - sat:s ea has. aS!'"-flio 1, e^ , .._ '; ft - C ,, ." . ..! c! C' - ' , ". " 't-t Cr. r 4 ft• ari' s 'aa at 'it , 'a Si A. ;05 t rr.4 - 4.'s?, , w.f.*" tl..e 1'...".! day C. lav=a. - , . :fi":. al * - •:ae:-1-! ' N, 2 F.,...•, - 2.:,..k_ •a . tl. - e f:•l.lcs - ',...; i r..ca..,Z a :Ala is 1`...• ..511a.r• of .51.7:-Esz, E•ie c-.--: - !. - E S V ELOp a.: le 4 . RrrING pAmlas 1 Fa. ta:aa :ovNa. 4 a V.atit Sc. .:4. e5......ar SL-17- 1. '• .-• • • asset rats as:aa-- -7 ..asr• o:. as. ': r.:.:.: ea •--: ..,:::: ae arac::-asate. ' ty r.ala s - trae', aa•r! -ta F.:: st:er.s., - 1.•5t.:.• ::- 5 .7=c-:• • 5&& ,- ! -- g r, R&T.NrIR & Cr; , -