The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, December 06, 1866, Image 4
DRY GOODS AND CARPET EMPORIUM. ONE PRICE CASE §WORE! DIEFENDORF,, GROSS & IFOSTE'R, Would respect:ally tall the, attention of our Menu sal the public generally to out large and well selected stock, coumating of , DRESS GOODS OF ALL H'IN'DS, WHITE GOODAS', CLOTHS, Flannels, Brown and Bleached" Muslims, Stripes, Denims,'Ticks; Table Linens, Shawls,, Hoop Skirts, Small Wares, &0., Wall and Decoration Papers and Boy den. The largest and most complete stock in North-Western Penn'a. ROYAD.VELVET, ENGLISH BODY, BRVSSELS,', ENGLISH ,TAPESTRIES, Thies Ply; Twain, Oat& Wool, Rag and Ramp, Velvet and Brogan; Ustb and Rugs of al dtaeriptions, 011 Cloths, tftsn one to six yards wlds, 00-w, Cans and Canton liattlags of all width& • !lose justly Celebrated Spring Beds, 'Hair and Seagram. Itatusams, which an, unirerally seknowlsged to be ' the best, eoestantly cm bamt and made to order. -Bedding% of envy densiption, consisting of Toilet Quilts, Colored and Waite Blangsis, Comforters._ pillows and pillow Op; sheets, lice., always on hand. Also. Lim Geese . , . Feathers of the best quality. - CURTAINS AND CURTAIN MATERIALS! • . Lsoefeo*Ados, Damask Repos and Stomaslle, Curtains made to order. Cornices—Gilt, Rosewoodaltaek Walnut, • Pan and ornamental. Stab Rod& at. all kind'. la • word, east% thing , usually kept in • that clam .. . , Lctd Ete . us w e bez. Furn yo lgiln it ocim e Sa a t t a d bllah tho ms urvitp a rice t. eliab Co u. nnal gtortm t n ycg ot; r f l y crs hi resty t, b an at il th tw e y sour goods D \ IEFENDORF, GROSS & ,I:OSTER,- No. 7 REED HOUSE, ERIE, PA HATS, CAPS, POIRS„ IMI 'FURNISHING GOODS! C. BOCiti.. 514 Stale Street, opposite Brown's Hotel, Erie, Has jestopeeed • splendid stock .4 fine TIM. for La. din and tibias* comaristog Cann. Halt Ca res, Victorian, Callan, Stator IL I. Mae and Cnib. la Hudson Bar, Sable Dark. Slink. Ermine. F.teh. Ifirteu, Siberian Squirrel, Ricer Mink. French Coney, dm • Yon we particularly+ regneete6 to inspect toy -Logi sieortmomt and pile's. I • , - , GENTLEMEN'S FURS OF ALL KINDS A. splendid snort nent of HATS AND CAPBI The Boston, Croquet. Mohopac. Bismarck; Driving, Clip per, Champion and Darter Hata; ego a hall stock of latest lapis& of HUY and tioalroirr• Hate; also Caps for .Tall and Winter c riar. A ' splendid stock 0f...t • i GENTLEMEN'S PORNISRINO T HOODS 01 EVEELY DESCRIPTION Rathlo and other Fancy Robes. 2.11 I the above zoods are of the bast quality, and most fashionable, and will be sold cheaper than anyjollier hour In the city. C. KOCH, 514 &ate Street, - • • opposite Broum'a Hotel. oet244t GREAT,BARGAINS in Wall Papers. _ - ' CATIGHEY, IfcCREARY & CO., Having determined to retire from the Well Pam Ueda are penetrating their entire stock including OILTB. LIMB, DECORATION AFD COYNIOS WALL PAPERS AND BORDERS AT ALMOST ANT PILICIC TUN is a lire opportunity for persona *Want to pa per their louses tUe fall or next !pen, to lay in that: stook at L.1:33 THAN ITNOLNSALTI PRICES We an entopelled to dons out our Walt paper* lame. cllately, to make room for an Ineraased stook of Books, Stattoncy, plante r. picture frames. to. OZes in Farrar Hair Mil Ming, Eris, Pit. SOLDUMB - BOUNTY dll elaimante for extra b * onnty allowedly lota aetaol' Conon& can have the same promptly collect/10%y sending their 'discharges to me, the zealot of 'bleb will ed b . promptly seknewtedged and .I:at:notions r• tun - _ - ENcitsass or rstrszoNs: $l6 per mouth for -total loos of nil of either log or' arm, Mend of th. tiger month for each minor ehlld of dammed soldiers or some% Alto, other Masao& ADDITIONAL TOR VOL. 06710E33 Or 13. S. A. Throe months Day prow for all in MOM Month 14, mel*Aohnrgsd after Avit our. 11366. Claims embed. theme for arrears ot pay, mornenelone, and bounty promptly collected. Unequalled - belittles for closing and completing ma. Allowance le prisoners of war collected. Only agency In North-Western Penneelra- WA where years of cope:term In the U,. 8. Treilla7 can be found. __.• _ . _ '‘ Thankful fot the Ur" Metal pitrovage bestowed to the put, we hope be increased experience and nue. witting attention to patrons tor secant their continued favor. Mee in Farrar Elailittatldieg. Address, -TODD FINLEY, . ao.4.te , • • ' Lock Box - 101, Ede, Pat. IMPORTANT ,TO BUILDERS The Largest and Hut gtoek of PAINTS, OILS , VARNMPIES, GLASS, And fiItIISEES in Erie my be fond at HALL ` A WARFEL'S - DRUG STORE, Brays ST., Norri of 9l►ara Having had long experience in the?trade. we are enabled to supply parties with • superior quality of goods at the lowest prim. Our Mewl embraces • general earisty of everpthing that Painters need, and those who giro us their patronage ewe rayon not being disapp:doted. torilyd. rar Otriers for Furnishing buildings slit he astialwa. CALL AND EXAMINE 01714 STOCK. w 143-1, TALL as- WINTER DULLIMICUY 4100B13: MRS. EL IL HALT• Takes plausire in annatmeing to thotimbtlettuit ahs has ()penal a new Moro in Harmou's 810ek,2 Squares south of Union Depot, Whom she milt keep emtehtztly a Imp matey of MILLINERY -AND DRY GOODS, Holum Cloths, and a gooseal meartmeat of everythlog stmaLlit kept oa hand to • mere of the hied. A new stook of Goods jatit,moeired from the STRAW! STRAW! Ths vabscriber will pay CASH tai, VOOONS'OF BYE , WHEAT AND OATS STRAW-1 liesiid at their papa 1411, at the Mouth et Walnut BIUZ PAPER COMPANY Manchester, 26,1666-9 m Tua PLACE '• . TO GET YOUR ItONAT HAM DM • • E. COINFHLIN'S • DDOT.AND SHOE STORE, bests atrestihissrly Opposite tits Post ri l i t=hlio, Boot mod Rhos Dollar. • • y tatonsis the Potato that be rsmoviod lds o w/ t theaters Swat en ?tat. OM% o opposite Ms Peat . gigloo whore he Unitas on Ida old Moods sad esstotoars 'go nits him o rail. Putman, attoottoo &es to' R E'P A I I,N GI - Hub[ea:Wit worktun„ sod soperintssftw his !mom hstoariss bit ow gin II good satlitthe tio, a low prim lis itsy attar parson to qty. Good 711. Wanzata spent% ERIE CITY ERIE,. PA., CARPETS. UPHOLSTEItY. IMPORTANT NOTICE. Loaf Sugar, rdi 114 for ' $lOO Beet White Coffee, do., 0 lta 100 Brown do., 4.lba ' 100 TEA AT ONE DOLLAR AND UM • RIO The beet ten in the rnerlret at $4OO °boles Honey Syrup, per gallon . 140 Pane Old J ars Cone, per lb SD • snr BILSiNG FLOUR. - • No family should be eitilont it. Everybody is trains it. To be had of us, as wean the meats. 1.1.1111 sad jet one of thou; PATENT LAMP CIIpINET CLEANER!". The ottani thing out Jut received. All of the above goods we will Sell chew than the cheapest . All our goods are new. having just been moiled. We vita all to examine for themselves. • my if'66-tf HEARN, CHRISTIAN & CRAIG. N EW YORK 1100 P SKIRT Neat, light; Aithkmable and eheap—mom datable more elastic, more graesfol—oot like those from East; em tietor'es,and sold in some of one stores, but durable and made of the beat material. A . ., F. COHEN & CO., onld respectfully inform the ladles of Erie area vicin ity that be has coortantly on band a large assortment of hoop skirts of Cletus and shapes, of his own mann future. which be will Tenant equal to any in the rrmr ket. Having had large experience in the business. be confidentof his ability to give sabre satisfaction to iall who =he favor him with a tall. EMT skirt war. Itanted ia hut twice aslant as any other in the rrarbt. It any pf my mainfaanre brah'in one year, they will be cbeerfolly repaired and no charges made. I Old skirts repaired. altered end sheited u new. Aloe, a splendid assortment of French corsets an• corset rtays constantly on hand. If ion wish to get good Lu ng call at the Hoop Skirt liansfacfy biters. ingelleybere. Iferrhanta supplied cheap. Re mbar the place,looB State fit. Just south of 10lb. Erie. - oetll-tt A. F. COHEN h CO. 8100 " D ON, A PTANG-..FORTE I . $26 to $2O ON " A ,1240 DEON OR ORGAN 1 4 , By posthaste's of Z. SMITH, OF ERIE, Instead of sending orders to New York. PIANO FORTES AND MELODEONS Furnished from the followingeelebrated Maiinfaidsreil Steinway k Boni. New York, ° Win. Raabe k Co., Baltimore, ldd.. B. Bradbury, New York, Orovesteen & Co., New York, _ Boardman & tiny, Albany, N. Y. Geo.,A. Prince & Co., Buffs* N. Y, w. H. Soong, Syracuse, N. Y. lewett & Goodman, Cleveland, 0. Chambers & Dalian, New York PRICES AT A LARGE DISCOUNT BELOW MANUFACTCREFA' PRICES Pianos from $250 to $1,600. ler All persons desiring a Brit rata Plano er Naiads. on are Invited to eel and examine oar Inetnimente be fore purchasing elsewhere. - Eeary Instrument warranted for fire years. No. 816 State Street, Erie, Pi. no3o'6stf. Z. AND .PAINTERS. HARTFORD FLEE INSURANCE CO, INCORPORATEDIBIO. CAPITiIL $1,000.000. T.O ALLYN, Prist. O. M. COIL, Stay CITY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, HARMED: CONNECTICUT. INCORPORATED 1847. CAPITAL tiso.eoo WM. E. BAKER, Prat. ago. W. sacra. 17' Inanranee In the above 'old and reliable Comma slam can teobtalnad on appal:anon to nutreb.23-12. R. W. RUSSELL, agent YllO CONSUDIPTIVHS. The advertiser having 1 been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, altar having suffered several years with severe lung affection, and that dread Meatus, Con. snroption—fs anxious to neUe known to hie fellow-suy• fermi the Means of care. To all who desire ft, be will send a copy of the pre. seription need, (tree of charge,) with the directions for preparing and tiling the same, which they will end a sere mire for Consumption, Asthma, Bronehltle, Colds, Coughs, Am. The only object of the advertiser In send ing the prmuniptloo IN to bment the aibieted.and spread information which he nonteives to be havelnable; and be hopes emery Wharf will try his remedma it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties eriabing the prescription, nn. by return mail, will please address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON de.e2T664y.. Willi em (tenth. langs. Co.. N. ' T'. 1511 r im warm TILE awn ARTICLE , 07 . . TOBACCO AND CIGARS Itk i tho Yacht, go to STERNER & BAKER'S, cozen 07 num •7D parrs eramai, mark nriea. Sverytllng to.thi Tobamnillne—Clgare, Plug, Chew log, Him- cfste„ Heetiettenetz Pipes. Holders, kg., et. reps kept on hand. Onr variety is so large norts esn tan to be salted >. Parttetaarrattitatton geld to orders, and a:I goods warranted to be what they art sold for. Ham T. thrum. (auk 76•4.7) Jazu 8. Has. GOFF, PATTERSON /4 CO., am 'Mtn ALL ,R.INDS' -OF FRUITS Canned, DrWS, Gesen,,Preureed, Vorelga , - Call aad an the his, aelostmeat. ' ae7a tt I,M BUSHELS CHOICE POTATOES MANUFACTORY. HARTFORD, CONNECTICTIT WHOLLSALE AND RETAIL DEALERS. ~_- 615 TRzNcH STEM CATARRH. win. SITTER W/TII TWIN DANGEROUS AND LOATHSOME DISEASE MIEN IT CAN BE CUBED £JD . ENTID.ELY ERADICATED _ FROM THE SYSTEM 1 BY TUN USN OP DR. - SEELYE'S LIQUID CATARRH REM-ED CA TA R.ll'll WILL SURELY RESULT 121 CONSIIMPTi'O ' NI Unless checked in its incipient stages IT NEVER FAILS! CURE WAIIPANTED IF. DIRECIIONS ABE FOLLOWED SIMILE BOTTLES WILL LAST A MONTH COLD IN THE HEAD Relhried Ic • Fri Minot's. BAD -BREATH Canted by offensive aftriUmns. - - WEAR EYES Canted by Catarrhal altar:ma. SENSE OF SMELL When lemma or destroyed DEAFNESS When caused biestarrhal ,LL. ARE aim BY THIS REMEDY! MI THROAT , AFFECTIONS •-,, Areasara ftsqueatly than ()eaten amid by r Odal. 'Wily einem' falir:ig from the head. asp* - dilly dating the efsht, mad ter , . •• • IrUltiolifilim Catarrh, ate thud by • . : : DR. FeRiLYE/S LIQUID Q A T ARAM REMEDY! SYMPTOiII3. The symptoms of Catarrh are at first vary alight.' Per golas dud they have a cold, that thy hue frequent at, tasks, and are more sensitive to thsehanges of temps:r atans In this condition the sow may be dry, or a slight discharge, thin and acrid. erlormarda thick and adhesive, nay ems. As this disease becomes ehroadc; the discharge' are increased in quantity and changed is quality; they we now think and heavy. and are barked or Amistord The secretion are taffetas", causing a bad breath; the icier thick and naiad; She eye' are weak; the sense of - smell is immened or destroyed; deafness hesitantly tugs from Another canoe= and hopodent symptom of Catarrh la that the Amon fa obliged to clear hia throat in the morning of a ilia or slimy tenerma, width has Men from the bead daring the sight. When William place the parson may be sure that t, disease la on lb way to the longs, and should loose no time in muting it. The &Nice are bit few of the many Catarrhal Pimp - tom& Write to our Laboratory for oar pamphlet de aralblag folly all symptoms; it, will be tent has to soy addisce. Also directions when to procure the medi eine. . We We reeeldni Wen from all 'parte d the Union, end also numerous testimonial' from thou nab% It, hewing the didenee of its iehinible merits. cir rimed, conteins no mineral or poisonous far. milientL but is preAred from vegetable *streets iv elusively; therefore ft 11 perfectly hersolese even to the mod tender sad delicate child. CALL 1011 SEELYE'S CAT ARRH REMEDY ♦ND TALI NO arum:. If not sold by the druggist inyour vicinity. they will ardor It for yon. hies two dolhas psi tattle. • An personf i gnffering with any affection of thi head. throat Or !mums/would write at once for our pamphlet foffy descriKng all symytamo pertaining to the shorn .? AB 8u DR. D. H. SEELYE & CO., FREEPORT, ILLINOIS. Sold 4 all ll'holanle and Beta Drupitto. GENERAL AGENTS. - John 1). Park Chscianati, Ohio: Taller Pinch & Tule ler, Chicago, Ill.; Burnbasne & Van Pehaack, Chi(ago. Ill.; Dame Barnewittko , New York; D. Ransom & dog Borate.. N. Y.; Tanta,. Shsley &Co Detroit, Mich.; Week. & Pa t.?, Beaton ; Trench. Bickel& & Co., Philw &Ws; It B. & Co., Pittsbargb; Collins LIN St. Louie, Bo.; Barnes, Ward & Co , Now Orleans; R. Roblnaon k Co., Losainille. Ey.; Higley k Bro., Nem ;thin Tann.; P. E. Denny, Richmond, Va.; Thompson k Block, Baltimore, kidt Dexter & Nalleiger, Albany. N. Y.; Strong & Arnatronr. Cleveland, Ohio; Wm. John. eon, Darrel; Mich.; Wilson Peters k;C;:s., Rantneky. rya s that moots the meet oomn:eltitenn4 I thee re of the yeetrat note and Importance in all fiat re When Ertntot of lintert Weed. now , nada eaa tastgy to the troth of this stetson; and all the! eve a adz hinnerill became of the ewe mind. NA • GREAT , DISTRIBUTION Ezzi AMERICAN JEWELERS' ASSOCIATION Depots, 37 and 39 Masai, and 54, 56 and 58 Liberty Street, - NEW YOUS. CITY. Of Rosewood Pianos and Melodeon; Ylnn On paint/Dm entravlnp, silver wars, geld sad silver watchman.' a t om iirrelry g eonsfitiog of dlimoad pf.asoit•- mond tingly gold Insesietamoral, donrAlno. - • eaosaleJet.lara, and eamoladline sob, gold pezta, wit► r 01.4 and diver es . tannins holden, deer► button; WE of studs, vent and seek ' chains, pWn k chased gold Oulu; he., valued at $1,000,000, FOE ONE DOLLAR. 'latch thipy mod not pay until tt Is known 'bit ip down and Its value. The American Jewelers' Assoeltition calk your atten tion to the fact of As being the largest and most per tinslry association been 17nited States The bail and always has conducted in the twit tuni. did soli honorable manner. Our tepidly ineressiag trade is a save grianrotee of the appreciation of 00P patron, for this method of obtaining rich elegant and costly goods, The sudden espaliers of trade in Europe owlets to UrfTlate Dell3llo war and the recent disastrous financial crisis in England, has canted the &Dere of a lases number of jewelry hostess In Lcurdeds,and Paris. obliging them to sell their goods at a greet su7lll6e, in some instances leas than one-third the coat of umna tattering. We hare pnrehmed very largely of these bankrupt goods,st each extremely low prices that we can Mind to send away threvenode, and give better chances to draw the meet valuable priers than any oth er orabliehmens doing a a;orilar. business Our aim Is to please. and we respectfully solicit tour patronage, as we are corifident of giving the ottottat satiefecttop. log the past year we hare forwarded a number of the most valuable prized to all t arts of the errantry. Those who patronise us wilr receive the full value of their money, as no article o • our list is worth leas than one dotter, retail, and there are no b'anka. Parties de ding with we may depend on baring prrsopt returns, and the article drawn will. irs itratieddately sent to any address by return mall or express. The following • allies have rereptly drawn valuable prism from the American Jewelers' Association, and lave kindickered its use of ' their neor dories J. Ranter, Washington City, plena value $200; Miss Anna a'es, 62 tit Math's Two, N. Y, sewing Machine, value $75; Brig. Gen. L. 1.. Henson. U...S uOtesradiestbelllsb Teen. Sara. Tea list, value. $ l5O l - tills Same Harder, eh Front street, Ilarriabargr Pa., "wing machine. value $6O; Lieut. CO. Waller Chitten-, den, quartermaster, Louisville, Ky., gold watch, value $160; We,. 8 Heinle, 26T King street. Charleston, silver watts value $6O; Aleasnder Johnion,Eso., ern tir Nuke ur Pioneer. Musketeer, Wins. /seles'aass' eled watch, value 6160; Samuel Lee, req., President Colorado and Red Bank Mining Donipanyfranelsco, Cat., melodeon, value s2ok A.-ton ge.Long.Eulre Pilaw clear Kekleart Collerhate ndltute,24lldcart. N. J., dia mond. pin. value POO; B, lf. longstreat, Ifontemnery, Ala., Rosie Box, vitae IsTit; Rev. km Van Omer. Al bany, N. T.„' go.d lined dining sot, nine $785; Mtn Clime Lacagaer, Dayton. Oh'o, pianoforte, value PA" and diamond - pin. value $176. Many name. COU10)0 placed on the Rat, but we pub- Bah no names without permisiion. Oar patrons are de sired to send United Slates currency, when It is conve nient. PARTIAL LIST - OF ARTICLES, To to soh' for ono dollar each, without reg rd to value, and not te be ;aid for untif on know what you are to istaiss: 16 glegant Rosewood Ptabos,wortli from $2OO to 8450 16 glegant Welodeons, To/snood cues.. 176 to 250 50 First Clue Sewing Ilsekitties 40 to 800 76 /ins 011 Paintings • r • 80 to 700 160 Fine Bteel Sprayings framed '6O to 80 60 lute Build " 25 to 40 160 Bemiring Patent Castors. sliver • 80 to 40 ' 60 Sliver Fruit and Cake Baskets 20 to 85 400 Sete of Sim and Table Spoon", 20 to 40, 150 Gold Hunting Case Watches, warrantsd,so to 150 100 Dimond Mum Cluiter a single sterte,ls to WO 170 Gold Watches, - . 86 to 150 00 Ladies Watches, . 40 to 100 600 Sitter Watches, ' 20 to 76 . . Diainotri rine, bro . rettes and ear drops, adiereieta gold and coral, Id sad gold, tiorentine, mash toren tine, mosaic, lave and -cameo, Pets of studs, gnat and neck obelus, plebs and 'hued gold ring., gold tblmOtes, lockets, new lola belt buckle*, gold pens and pencils, fancy :ark boxes, gold pen* with geld and silver exten sion 1 older,, and a large iresortment of line slim ware and jewelry of every description of the best mete end latest etyles. 1;:r" . • chance to obtain an/ of the aboio article, for One Dollar,: by parn4asing a sealed envelope for twenty flee tests. Fine sealed envelopes will be seat fen $1; eleven for U; thirty for $3; alzty-fire for $10; one hundred for $l5. AOENTS WL1411r.1:1 EVERYWDERE. Un.rtualled Inducements (+Wed to lades and goats who will lust as such. Oar descriptive circulars will be seat on application. Distributions aril made in the following maiiner : Certificates naming sail article and its valosare paced in sealed enveloma, which are well mixed. tine of theme eovslopes artalcing the certificate or order for some article. will be delete:a at out Mike, or sent by mall to any addrese, without regent to choice, on receipt of tents. On receiving the certificate the purchaser win see what article it draws and its value, and can then send one dollar, and receive the attic e umut4,or on choose any other one article on our list of the SUM value. Purchasers of our reeled env lopes mar. in this snap• ner, obtain an article worth from WO to $3OO Long letters are annecesmoy. flare the kindness to write plain direction, and in choosing different aril alio from those drawn, mention the style desired. Orders for sealed envelope* omit to re. ey dui be ae coropaolet with the cub. with the name of Ito person sending, and town, county and State plainly mitten. Letters thou d be addressed to the managers as fol lows:Aff silEitWaN, WATAON k ra. ocl7-oar 37 k E 9 . Nina SL, New York. City. STOP. Tat SF.. • THE GREAT WESTERN Zr. AMERICAN WHINE ,INSURANCE DETECTIVE COMPAIPY five caught six stolen hernia within the Tint week, soil hairs captored more horn thane lance its arserpi ration than say other company, or than all ethos com panies and dstectine combined It hut detectissforce extending from Pittriburi. Pa. to Council Illonk,itemr. and from Cairo to tin Lots'. It has an Waal can capital of 0161,61009. sod an authorised capital of $300.000. ...It his one 10,600 polices la torn. and 10 the only lice stock Icahn= Consyrdolag badmen In tlas State. GERRIStf. So. 1 Park Row, Erie, Pa.. will tame four horses or cattle against death b• dis ease or accident, and against theft, or stained theft and death bath, fir less money than it would coat to adver tise your stolen hone. We might 1131 up the whole pa per with namee of parties and certificates of individuabo who hare evolved reuntneration from this company for loot animals, but one from the tell known firm of Lossab & Sterrett, of 'this place, will be read with In terest, *bleb shove that the comp - any 11 a eompsny in fact as well as in pains, and that they not only pay loo ses, bat .papthem with promptness and despatelt: We, the undersigned, hereby certify thit on tie 11th day of Aulfact 1111 minted one etatire Mary stuck, con sistingof 12 bones, with. Men* Warner k Gerstell . , in the Great Western and AMIIIOI2I Bons lnenranes EO-1 that on the 3d day of fleptstober one of them died of and on the 12th day of kiepteteber era reestred a drag on lie, York -for the tail amount of the insur saes., . LORBGIII. & 8 [METE Erie, Sept- 11,138 i. Insaranee an be effected to Wateriord - 14calling on /doom Terry & Vantaiden; Wattabdri of ierrN. Van widen; in Edinboro otlfsionire Burnham. Very Rerpectfully, WARNER k GRIMIER, General Ping Lids, Marine and Home tnimrancetoMee. No.l Park Row. Erie, Pa, . WANTED. -BUSINESS MEN I. To conduct 'the sale bt Malipgfiv:se,Stsol Pisa itattlarla4 • "THE PR&U AT Va Ltrir YORGZ fl . Sold only by sabserlptlon. The pieta» represent( cue alb* moat touching and Sublime locidenta recptk ed In the Revolution. ..Washlocton's Prayer ibrthe Salvation of his Arms aria Country." rabllahree commiftion giVen. A few abl. and MO. rieneed men wanted, to employ NOMA and to transact matters connected with oar Wester* business In the different States. Pay from $l5O to $2OO Pot otoolbloa expanses. - Apply personally, or mlldzses with referents, U. 0. MeCOON k CO., P: blithers of Subscription - sores, No. 97 Penh Frt., 'Cleveland, Ohio: Or to A. 0. Gillett, Union Ville. Erie County, Pa. • sep'2o.2ro• Mingle STORE - WEIGEL ,& ZEIGLER, . No. 8 4 10 State Street, Erie, Pennsy lvania, p Design la MUSIC AND MUSICAL tHstTRUMENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. • Italian, Frearh and German strings of the best quid. Bole agents for Chlclrering & Sea, Wm. P. Emersoe's, Drneker & Ce 1, and Raven & Recon's num Fortes; also, the celebrated Treat k Linsley Cabinet Organs and Melodeon ' Marla and String■ sant by mall free of poataga.. all orders promptly attended to. Ca•alogus of linen Bent tree of pottage: , ap2fi4l A WM ORIZED VAPILTAL 15300,0(10. CAPITAL PAID IX, 8200,000. - THE SECOND NATIONAL BANE Will opirn for bushiest c, MONDAY. DICCRYBER 17T11, 1881. In the Backing office non occupied ►by the iderelonsVa Back. in Browne. of Building, nortb-east corner of State street aid public Pazt. Wli. L. SCOTT. Pumps:gr. WM. C. CORR; °Awn DIRECTORS: - WW. L. SCOW, of Arni of J. Mani is Con Coal Dealers JOS. IfeCARTER, B of lima of !aide *, k MoCartes edam. • , go. .1. IffiFlTON,Caal Dales. W. S. BROWN, Agent Buell° k Erie Railroad. JOHN C. BURGESS, of Int of Vann& Canghey tl Bonny Wholuals Graeae. 0. E. CROUCIi, of Orm of Crouch I B Flour Vets. Y. H. DARR, of Seto of Barr. Johnsork Elton Kanaketurero. 7. T. EARRAR, Ors g &Farrar, Whalen/4 Ocoee'. t .1. narstosna, Grow. . • • tric Ilk, 11161. Pk ) UIII3LBY do MALABO, A. IA1147AM:OU1111 OW TIN, SHEET IRON .fc COPPER WORK, AND GAS AND STEAM FITTERS I No. 331 state St., corner of Fourth, Erie . ,: Pa. WORZ OP EVERT DESCRIPTION, In tither of the sboie !nudes solicited loud promptly executed. C. AMY, D. HUBLEY, If: MAUR% ytn Plata Worker. Copper Stank. &Btiam Titter Creptl3-17,1 • , TT YOU WANT TO KNOW A LITTLE OP A EVSIIIIIIII/03 retidint to the human sat., male and female; the siturris and treatment of dlrasee; the marriage enstoms of the wotld ; how to amp se l l, and • thousand Way noisy 'published befive, mad the ro sined and enlitrued edition of NEDIOALL Conran Bum, • ourioni book for mime people, and s good boot tor every one. 400 pig a. illustrstions. Price $lBO. Conbints table ■ sist free to any address, Boots top tad et the book stoma ; or will • bet .it lip men, port paid, on receipt of the prim. Maws* . . D. TOOTIfi, 31. D.; dm '' • MO Broadway:Dim Tort. HEARN, CLIKIHTIAN 6c CILIIO, - ' nag AND pi PAM 110% Mtn Jut viedvid .• • TWENTY CRESTS OF, CHOICE 'Tit 1 villja Maw aa2411 vasitamsT MODEL , OR C 141.151 0. ' J. WILLOD, WHOLESALE AGENT, e ritoaxnr*T, N. Y , Thi meat complete WOW Itiatrnenat insiotacinred In Aosiniea„ and the model organ of the world, eturible iug sweetness sag depth of tone, beautiful and dusts in appearaneo, roguing and elenting 1n ita hiodszeiss. for Churches, Parton or the Handler it has no scusl , and has invariably takes the FIRST PREMIUM I Albums exhibited in competition with other well known manattetnrars. Thirty gone different idylls, and from 1 to 12 atom. Logs doable tedlowa, double blow pedals, knee swell, ke , girinj great power and steal • DIM of tone. TUE Slltt • BASS . Applied to the double reed crises, glees a solo= of tote equal to • alltemi trot stop to • pips organ. and when applledlo our envoi containing them, and four sets of made, the volume of tone Is equal to a $2,000 Apo omen, and costlus only shoat olio fourth as couch. • Bond for an Illustrated pries list, giving 1011, Addressordera 0. J. 61/I.LABD. lirhoksialt Agent; No. 627 Broadway, N. Y. ME GREAT •lIZII3.IV# L LED "VOSE" F *CY 11._T E S PIANO • Ths Obeapest first class Pierre Forte Varlet. These beautiful inatements are fad winning. their way Coto public favor. Their tone 4rteb, fall and pow 'idol, and gushifs forth with peeallur ililetneti and melody, while the touch is easy and elastic. They are enisbed in :itieb rosewood cases, with fail iron frama Over strong We 'and French grand' action. All have large round corners, with back finished likr the front. &try instrument fully wisranted five yews. Circulars `stag correct likeness taken: from Photograph; with fall descriptive price list, sent Tree to any address on ap piteation., • 'A. beautiful song and there; worth 30 cents, accom panies the circular, and is .ortby of preservation. , Dealers will be furnished these beautiful_ hatexcarnts at the to • ret wholesale prices, end Umbers at Oleos-al rates of discount. Addrers all orders to 0. J. WILLARD.: - - Wholesale Agent, No. 627 Broadway.N. Y. • ' Also Wholesale Agent for POND kr 00-13. • BGARDWAN, GRAY k CO.'S , WY. ILNABt k ;CO„',2, And other first elms tIANO FORTES! - I Menlari glvingeorriket llkanaluon of those eeli , brated }quo Forte; and Taylor b Far War Model Organaeor• warded to any addreso on appllntlon. • 1 TUE LATEST SONGS. Published January lat. no. Mailed to • any address free of Postage. Oh. sing me the dear old song no We've drank from the some est:them by J. O. Vark..sse Beautiful Waters, Borg by J. R. Thomas '3se rm happy as the day la long • 35e Sonaebodee Darling • Ode Violets under the good, by H. Tucker ' 35c Sweet be the repose. by J. B. Thomas— ........ —...35e Bong of the:Spoon.% new college song 60e The Angst Gal4e, by ravager doe When I w-ut courting, esti, 80c Only a withered rose 35e Mother, I have heard sweet mask., Ode . Plea; ant dreams of long a g 0...... .... . ......... ....3.5e Mk, asy not a remark's 'heart Ls bought -60 c Kathleen, dear • 40kl Before I was married, 0 dear ' ' Ode We'll meet no mordat twilight hoar Edo Beautiful Isle of the Bea, by '. R. Thomas flat Old Dorn Cart. by W. K. Buford ' Zlkk Light of my soul, of 'hes Pm dreaming ....... :-.... 55e Fire o'clock in the morning 40e Cleon and I, by Harry Tacker- 50e Come, Nellie dear, rm lisping, by - Tucker • 30c Boole on toe waver, vocal duet, by Glover 40. t. Ho time like the old time,..4 50e Glyn the old Man a chance.' Etio Orre bright todany eight, chmle. 55e . They al- came home but race. 30e Young man on the railway - When Fenlans tight foe freedom: 360 . Down by the gate, by J. R. Theater _ 30e Para' o7rdiring 1371111dC, and over-pen:, for the elm riU reeei re their enclosed rich the r este, or mole will be 'elected', o the parties prefer. All orders peoceptl7 'Mended te; and 0.07 infortaatiou cbeelfsdly glrm. REFERENCES. Ilan. George W. Pat•erwn, ex Governor of New York, Westfield, U., Y.: T. r.. Coleman, President Lake Skore Bank, Dunkirk, N. Y. Nltlf TO= OTT 11.113/11101CLII Wm. .d... Pond k Co.; Wm. R. Bradestrzt Citheart, Needham) k Co.; %bells Ott; Rue, Riddle, Req.. Oval litnet Este RR ; B. G. Brooks, Esq., idap*t Motive Power, Erie RR ; Wheeler At Address otd 0..7. WILLARD. Who Wale Plano littc,Orgut and Mao Dexter, 171266 tf H 0.627 Broadway, N. York r TIME QV HEALTII grertre for Dlorsae. BENNETT'.B ittialDi ros CHOLERA 11ORMIS, DIAEHHCEA, DYSENTERY; CEOLICS. CUAMP. AND BoWYT. COMPLAUnS Or EVIST SIND WARRANTED to rays Cholera or sty of f.lao above &tons in' their Tend tonna. A snare cub of Cholera has been cured with it I 00 minutes. proof .of which will be Irina to any wlehthg it. Nn case tua ever been kit )1 , 13 in which It Propred by DR. JOHN' BENNRYI'. of Wooloyipille, and sold by him, and at the at re of A. Docker, Erie, Paws 11.00 razaorris. Brsits os C.Oomicsssra. ,:*.DE BENNETT'S 021.331LU1LD 31 - A;L itTORATIVE ES „ Use been tested fnt th• last at Team sue itnlll2 oom •plete It cures the following complaints: Pain In the wall of the back and hips, with a palling weight • and bearing &Am when long of the feet;pain in the sige„ltnr down.witk palpitation of the heart:cold -feet and diabnies of the had; pain between the shoat dem; weak Rummel; nervous arcetions, etc. Recommendations to the merits of 'this medicine eoutit be- given by the hundred; had we the time and room- The best plan Is to buy a bottle, and test it for yourselves. Pries $l.OO per bottle. Sold by Dr. Bennett, at his office in Wesleyrille, and at P. A. Becker's , Mora. Ms, k g H O ICHINE4 0130 . R.GE BaTER, ' Misspent for Hrte county tor theta celebrated 1/hie eking', has on bawd et Lytle & Molding's Tailor shop, rilth street, between State and Peack, • large mist/. embracing all kinds and pribes, which he reepectrolly invites the publie to nil and examine. The Howe ma chine is acknowledged to tw the best in use, doing all kinds of work, and being easily kept in order. Fir mot ot these assertions, I simply ask a trial et the cm,. chine warranting them to do all I promise. mot Let all gall and ermine betora purchasing other es. Special attention given to repairing chines of any - land promptly repaired, at emigrate ehar ms24-t! GROVESTEEN it CO., - -PLANO FORTE MANUFACTURERS 493 BROADWAY N. Y The attention of the publio and the trade is invited to our new wide, Men octave, rosewood gum forte; -which for volume and purity of tone are arrive led by any hitherto otered in the market. They contain ell the modern improvemante—Trench grand action, harp 'Pedal. iron throe Over-strung base; ho , and each strut:cut being mode under the pommel supervision cf it,. J. H. Grovestien, who bee a practical experience acres thirty years in Asir manufacture, is folly war tented in *very particular. The .Grovetteen Memo Porte tottered the blithest award of merit 'at the celebrated Woriffa fair, where were exhibited inetruntente from the best makers of Lando'', Pula. Gannany, Philaddplits, Baltimore, Bos ton and New York; and ' also lathe American lasi:Bute for toe mowed» yews, the gold end silver medal from both of which can be wen at . ' Bj the introtuction of thiprovirmente we make • dal mote perfect ptiolo:forte, amity laanuftdMing lorwelY. with a strictly cash system, are enabled to oWor those instruments at spies which will preersiter competl. dos. Our priori are from tlOO to lOC choicer than any trot clan Piano Torte. Terms—Net Cash in current tondo. Descriptive eirenlaro sent hoe. jy1166-ly H. &P. COLUMBIAN MOWER _AND' REAPER. The only parted Combined Rubino In au, with Car ward eat In =whet, sad rear eat and old. delivery In Reaping, and • , PERFECT "tiELF • RAKE. - SMALLEY'S COdN PLOW & CULTIVATOR. PITO Implements in one. • loYeas Innine_it with ease. his • wield rarrowfr, COTOTTT, 00 Ors than and Barrow. The best implement menu covering grain. BRANCH BEAM BILLING -PLOW: No Tumor should be with - onions of these Tight and simple dogablemou'd plows. Has movable stays nits ble for rows from alf to flaf feet spelt. Send for Tan tmted pampbleteopetth tame to spas. Thee!tamable* liquor and Roarer cook flea arest‘pre solar at the felt of the AmesteenUetttnte, lest P d er Medan 'Wing Tette Het V and ß. O full par lLLlM tie ad rnian, ress .• , Bole a - mt for Erb Coanl7 . • nisoingoat br the best Horn Bar York. jarAr Ayer ' s Sarsapanila f BILIEBOLD 8 EITIIAOT MOHO A compound remedy, _designed to be the most of Alterative that can be made. It is a' concentrated extract of Pam Sarsaparilla, so combined with other substances of still greater alterative power as to affordim effec. tine antidote for the diseases Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is believed that such a remedy is Wanted 'by those who suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense service to this large class of our afflicted fellow. citizens. liow completely this compound will do it has been proven by taped:neat on many of the worst cases to be found of the following complaints : Sefton:is AND SCROFULOUS COMPLAINTS, ERUPTIONS AND ERUPTIT.E DISEASES, ITLCEILS, PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, TUMORS. SALT RHEUM, SCALD DEAD, SYPHILIS AND SYPHILITIC AF• FECTIONS, MERCURIAL DISEASE, DLIOPST, NEU• HALOS& OIL Tic Boutoutizna, Denarti, DIFe. r EPSIA AND Ismor.sizos, ERYSIPELAS, Ross on ST. ANTHONY'S FIRE, and indeed the whole class of complaints arising from Iscemu s rx or TUE This compound will be found a great pro moter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which fester in the blood at that season of the . year. by the time ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes am, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which .the system Will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this,through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out tilt vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when you Sad it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and ymir feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no hating health. Sooner or later something must' go wrong, and the great machinery of, life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla bas, and deserves ranch, the reputation of accomplishing these ends. But the world, has been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is chained for it, but more because many' preparations, pretending to be concentrated, extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla. or any thing else. During late years the public have bommis. led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Moat of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa• riAai but often no curative properties whatev; -or., Hence, bitter and painful disappointment BM' followed the use of the various extracts of SarsanarMa which flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we *ink we have ground for believing it hai virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend. ed to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according - to directions on the bottle. I'ILEPARED BY . , DB. J. C. AVER & CO. - LOWE.LL, MASS. Price, $i per nettle; Sir nettles for $3. , Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won for itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it 'is entirely unnecessary for us to recount that evidence of its 'virtues, vvliefever it has been em ployed. Mit has• long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has over been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, POR TUE COUP OP Costiveness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia,lndigestion; Dysentery, Pod Stomach, Erysipeas, Headache, Piles; itheunudism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Liver. Complaint, Dropsy, Teller, Tumors and Salt Rheum, Worms, Gout, Neura/gia, as a Dinner Pill, snafus Purifyinjrthe Blood. . They'arc augar-coated,,so that the most sensi tire _can take them pleasantle, and they are the hest aperient in the maid for all the purposes of a `family physic. Price 25 cents per Box; Five boxes for SLOO. Great numbert of Clergymen, Physicians, States men, and eminent personages, have lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space here will tot permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish gratis ourAxanie/at aktousttsc id which they are given; with rilso full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that shOuld be fol lowed for their cure. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers. with other preparations they .make more profit on. Demand ATmes, and take no others. The sick want the best aid there is fur them, and they should have It. • All our remedies are for sale by - ' • WSW • ' LI • PEENTITritS AND lINDERTAKDis W ARE-110011,iSI ' - onstaust., betirmr &Mtn% NA sloth. The SubscatberibAno entered into the Cabbletleaking end • FURNITURE TRADE, And propose puking m order and keeping constantly ea band allkinds of Furniture. 11,C1 ere will receivei prompt attention. Bapairhsg done on short notice. • • UNDERTAKING The subscribers trill gin special attention to this de. ipartment of their business. They trill manufaetare and beep constant/I , Am hand a large essorhnent of Meta ll ic Cases and Conic% and hold themselves in readiness to meet oriels in this line, promptly, front any part of the - country. Debsrudzed to spare no adiortsto give With*. tion both in thaqualim• of their' goods and prices, they hp*. to mecums Maul dare of palls patronage. MOORE lc SUBLET, swriyes-a. faumesmors to J. H. Rinse • READY PAY STOEV. • A. MINN.IO Weida- ,respeetfully Inform• the 'Public met he Me ?unitised sivcrr ti GROCERIES of MINIM 4 ROSS Gapers or BTn AID rears errs. Where he tubeda to keep u good an assortment of ret KEW GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, • WOOD it WILLOW WARE. AND VARDSTY (GODS as is kept to Eris. . Kept atnatattlf on head,— BEST BRANDAPR-T,RI:* - :at= weaRAMW--= - 4 - iii5PD ARTICLIff; ' ar: The highest ILarkel Pride paid for all lads of Country Prodnee. Cir Goods &livered tree of ehirge to say part of the City. . der21415-tt FRBDRICEAS & (Boeteason to Wobor it Ulm) r DIALIZ3 1111 GR OCER lES AND PROVISIONS Wines, Liquors, Segars, Tobacco, CROORERY, WILLOW • WARE, FRUITS, arts, TAU= Novcanr, dm Bridge,note tmt , pas t aldr, third door north of . Railroad ERISA. P. INJXDRICIiIL roa34-tf . Jowl Um TORN GIVISIIBI3/1111, & SON, 1:1=3:1 cLorunio AND GENTS' IitaiNISEDNG GOOD% Corner of Sovegth and St , - SEUL FA E. E Jams. - - JONES it BROTHER, Manotaidnrani and 'lolanda and Man Di hi CHOICE ERIE COUNTY- FLOUR OA'll3, CONN, CORN NEAL, BRAN, SHORTS, MILL STUFFS, &0., 421 Skate At., aird door andA of P. 0., ERIE, PA, Deliven. Gee In the CRS • HOTKL RIERIOTIRD. The Sebectiber oho has setrapted the lisastoi Hotue, Jost shoes the Depot, tot the wt toss loam bag roams" int* the ` NATIONAL nom, cortins or ,rgAce AND norrato unit? where he win try to awomoodate Mee as mop gam • and as Iran i as be did to the old Mend. e. hopes tk ' the patronage ranch wag go liberalfy sstaadd to him them .111 be Wended to him to his nesautos. , Hie stabling Is salleiant to soomontodat• all *hp may boor hbA 'with their patronage. a 5231114 JOHN 2071111. 1112. ONLY ILNCiWN ItEMZDY POO TILE ONLY KNOWN ISESIEDY YOU 'ME ONLY KNOWN REMEDY POE aI'ATION OF THE NECK OF TILE ELi INFLAILILATION OF TILE KIDNEY CAT t g.ltllll OF TILE LILADDELL, iiiTLiAliatliltY OR Yank- or these it is truly a starerttigu remedy. a ,o much cannot he said in its pnsise. A single do; as been known to relieve the mast urgent symptoms': Are you4roubled with that distressing pain in th mall of the hack sn&through the hips ! A traapo..• , n 7 a 44,y_ of /I eltubold's Ruche will raisers you. Physicians and Others A.LIL‘Sk: NOTICE. .make no isscr • et of in,, , ,redietsts.lnshold's Es- , Ihschu is co:bpi:s*Qlll Thschu, Cubobs, andluni• • Derricw, seloac•l with great care, prepared in ta• uo and according to riles of • PHARMACY AND CHEMISTRY. risme ingreslientu aro. known as the must valuable tactics atrorded. is that which acts upon tho {Caner'. lELItLBOLD,B EXTRACT; BUCHU ACTS GE)7TLY, t. pleasant in'tasta and actor, free then alrinjnrl• Ropertie,, and immediate in its actinn. For the Satisfaction of Ml,-' e Itecti4l Proporticls iont-tinEd in DlAl>cnontors o .c U. 8: of which the following is a correct copy !' Decoy. Its odor is strong, diffusive, and some what aromatic, its Lute bitterish, and analogous to that of Tint. It is given chiefly in complaints of the Urinary - Organs, ouch as Gravel, Chronic Catarrh of the Bladder, morbid irritation of the Bladder and Urethra, doo•tses of the Prostates and _Retention' or the Incontinence of Cram, from a loss of tone in the parts concerned in its evacuation. It has also been recommended in Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheumatism. Cutaneous daomions, and Dropsy." TOR 11:11:111E3 DIPORMATION Professor Devoetkvalaable verbal:" the Prmetw , of Physic. See remark* made by the \ celebrated Dr. Physic. at Philadelphia. Sea any and all Stdndard Works on dtaininc From thetargaliandutning Chemist lam acquainted. with IL T. Iletmbold; he aczu vied the drug store opposite my residence, sad srai successful let conducting the business where others had not been equally's° before him. I have been fa vorably impnnised with Ids character and enterprise. WEIGIITMAN. (Pirm of Powers & Weightman,) If.anufacturing Chemists, Ninth and Drown Streets, Philadelphia. (Arms the PhJiadelphia Ere. BrUetie , dfard We are gratified to hear of, the continuo' moots, In Naito*, of our townsman, Mr. 11. T. lielmbold.. Druggist. Nil store, next to the Metropolitan Hotel. 1328 feet front, 23 0 feet deep, and fire stories in gEr - It is certainly a grand establishment, and's' auks Cs, volubly of the merit of his articles. He retains hi-• Office and Laboratory in .this City, which are can. model establishments of their class. Thestroprietor has been induced to make this state. meat from the fact that his remedies, although Liver Used. are Grlirt`irtrn"rJEG PREPARATION:-_, And knowing that the intelliTent refnun from Lino • shy thing pertmnrnrto cinukery, or the Paha*M e di eine order,—most of which ore prepared by serAnty lot Doctors, who are too ignorant to read a phylder.,% simplest prescription, much Ima competent to prep Pharmsocutictil preparations. THESE PARTIES RESORT to Rik= means of ellecting'salos, such as cup),... wea of adveztisomenta of popular remmlies awl fin lotting with cortifltudes. The Selmmo! Medicine stands SIMPLE, PUlfh, AND MAJESTIC, having Pant fur its Basis, tics' for ita Pillar, Truth alone for its Capital. A WORD OF CAUTION. Wealth is most important; and the edracted shoula not use unadvertised rocclicine, or any remedy, UP. leo Its contents or ingredients are known to others besides the manufacturer, or until they are satufted of 4he qualifications of the party so offering. EEL MBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS., YLTHD, EXTRACT BUCIIU, FLULD EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. end IMPROVED ROSE WAsll Patabliebed upwards of 16 Fran. a Prepared by IL I'. ILELXBOLD, = - PRINCIPAL DEPOTS. LIELISBOLD'S DRUG AND cHruicei. WAREHOUSE, 591 Browaruy, Aem Yu.a. taad ItELMIIOLD'III MEDICAL DEIVT, 104 Scull. 10M nrat...PA r d.devn a , p Bed by all Druggist,. KIMISTONE "TOPE WORK". ) TIBBALS, SHIER & WHITEHEAD, saimerr szas or STOVES AND HOLLOW WARS, Have a bizie and extansive usortzosat of Stoves at Wholesale and Satan. THE IRON GATE - - Ls a trot-elwas Coal Cook Stove, with or without reser voir, for bud or loft oral. or wood, and ia BETTER THAN THE STEWART BTlh We 'Po mandoeturo the WHEAT SHEAF. AHD NEW ERA, Both low ore! Cosl Sent Stone—yrDo wood mass— can't)* awl either for coal or wood. THE FOREST JAN. We are still marrateeturing Ms celebrated Lee oven Stove for wood—ltte or without reservoir. THE MENTOR, ♦ Low Oven Stove for Wood. This is a new Store beautlfril design, and now for sale-toketier with • Serge assortment of iiivratad Oven Coot, Perim , Cook for wood or cost, and Parlor and 01111* atom, for wood or coat 0; Y. Tll ll / 1 1.9, D. SECIBM, W. H. WHITHISID Kr% 111115-b. • 10tANIE NOTICE. " KEYSTONE NATIONAL BANK OF EATS. CAPITAL, $240,000. DIRECTORS SZLDBX MARVIN, . JOHN W. A s, - MLitt!' *ARVIN, ossrerOrtm.v. 0. - ORANOX..Nefific President. • 4004f- - .7.TOWX,f - `l,'lnareilintilerill be opened for the tranuet• of - butane on DEC. 5, 1865, IN HUGHES' BLOCK, West side of State hi., between Seventh ud Satisfactory paper discounted. • Money received on Deposit. ' Collectiont made and proceed' secountod I t rompows. Dratta, Specie mid Bank Notes be light and sold A share of Pablia Patronage is respectfully so t wourars, CAUGURY & BURGESS, AND P-ROVISION •DEALFBB, WOODEN %nat. lAILS, GLOM EOM 11.631110 OIL, vretEß. WllB,. WHITE LIME, OIL VITRIOL, CAUSTIC SODA; GLUE, ix, NOS. 25 & 26 NORTH PARK STREET, deoll'Utt, F fitAiNCIS PrIIFFIM, warcruaram Asp bias' la BQOT S' AND SHOES! EVERY STYLE AND VARIETY, Re. 816 State-St., Wtst . Side, bet. Bth and 9th, N. H. Joss. lJut rseelivka eow stock d Garb, Ada lOU M meld at ths loyal Prima. nimAlion CURED FOR ONS - DOLLAR. talit I For one doriar, per mall, I will sand free to any addrese a recipe and medicine that I will tea to cute the wont reeks. Catarrh in the b or bran dale! tubm fu a fete lt has mired ray sied cured me et Catarrh and a mere brousbOrl trouble I had inhered with for yens. I tried the boat physicians and all the advertised midielnes of the day, but found no relief till I obtained thho. I would glicette hundred dollars for this recipe apd the medithn. if I now had the Catarrh and tang not obtain It lees. I believe, Ii inannoticon are followed, it sill rare any Can whatever that km not already reached the. lunge and beanie a settled consumption. Cure It while you ean. address T. MUM. No. MX Tulton N. T. e•P• 1 3 8 m • G am, PATTIUISON & CO., 611 PUNCH 011&Cr, Cava an band the best bads of Omni Coda% Bolsi! of all kW% . T ALT TEO LOWILIIT PRIM. jylltt wenn n orissz lick ,, dB4 . o, v al . mini, f p R. 3. W ul f hapriskid 1 1 M41DOLD'S Ducuu UELYBOLL'ES , DUCIIU lIML3IIIOLD'S BIICILU DIABET,ES, FUL UItINATING A DIURETIC IN THE WORLD. WHOLRSALE GROCERS ERIE, P♦ 1311, PA F oltzv toi HOTSO Cattlo To keepers of t! pr.;, It UV:MINI the equality rit,tl e ' • `44 kccr, r. : 4411% ;; 4 1 1 , e"... , r - r_., Muth faiter. In all diseases of Swine, StLeh ea CG17.J,',....64 the Lnngs, Liver, ~ tt,c., .this article A :: • : . ~,, acts AS a specific. ~ fi". %,. '..' ' By putting from . er., , 4. • ned:l3lf a _paper - to a paper in a . - 1 barrel of swill the. ,=- 7- . - I above dileasee •,' ~..!,. WA will be eradicated • --,--.. _ -- or entirely prevented If git. ni n ~.... , ~...- preventive and ea, _4, ii , IT , : r 1,4., . Trite 25 Cent 3 p 2 ; ?:pr. 0 •5 Papert f z t . Pr.tpez-ED BY -S. A. IiND AT ITTZ & HnO •• Timm WEIOLESUP. DRCti AND SIF.DIrII2 Dym . No. 116' Franklin St., Eakinore, d . or Sale by'Druggists ar,d Storcie,tpen out the ICEVIted States• - - • artl24'66-ly Sold by MILL k warn., , . DR. SCHENCK'S PULMONIC syittp ,r Tua Fast medicine eurei Dr. J. 11. gesT7, 4 Proprietor, of Pulmonary Cousuisptiou seamed Lls most formidable &pea, a,,a, r t.„, 4 7 death appeared to be inevitable. Ine-i-te,, nounced his ewe incurable u hes be the use of thts simple hut • potsreru health witta restored in s very then retnrn of the &settle Lae Wei, the symptoms quickly illeapPearee.zi,;-, weloht_te more than two hundred Since his recovery., he has derot, 2 !" 2 ., atchulvely to the cure of Conraulsz m &acmes, which are 11211 MAY the mares effected by his eamhrele,l 3 ,.l„ 2 numerous' and truly trunder-e% L: re 2 makes prof - material vislu to revers , tl - 2 , 2 weekly, where be bar a ter„.e a n d it us truly attoutthing to rce i pour muu,s's that have to-he lifted Mu of their arra, U= a few months healthy, rohuo 4 . _ SCHENCK'S PULSIONIC SYVP, TONIC, and Id ANDIIANE Pais as, all required In curing Conlummon. WM. annotonksnY each, to this tin ; o , with o ut seeing Dr. 5cuc•.,,.., but. , verdant lib ben to sec liar.. Ile, but for et thorough eximinat • .1-•;, his cco is three dollars. Please °tame, athen likenmes or the Doctor--one sea, of Consumption, and the othe: s t perfect health—are on the Go-sr,„ Bold by all pluegists =I Nutt , . ?: per bottle, or $74 , 9 the half.tcres, udelee should always be diree.,l tote. rete-al Prioclpal Omer, It North t'Ah St. F.r.V. , s, deiera.) Wbo:enal. Accuts: t Y t S: Mace, gat:l4:p, ul. Lk, o Bark, Cincinnati, Oho Walker C`...cok ILL.: Collgis Itroa., St. Lout% Ito. [4l se. ra. REIIINGCON &so!›. tonhotorers of Rssolvett, deo, If toasts orol Carblzu fcs roast! Sates ssrries A so. poskot Dols Revolvers, Reftatioq Pats/s, Canes, Ravolriii Mem. Pas sod Shot Barrel, wed Cam entellels sold by Gnu leaks trade ,brenerally. Io there lone °rheas* brestr4l . — Having purehue4 our stock befall the late rice in prices, we fed confident of being %tile .to give Satis faction, teeth in price and quality. Country Prodere et erere rote bore!! t and sold. re can always depnad on teermiu the highest ket pries for th•te articles. DEALERS IN TUE ADJOINING TOWNS, And on the Linen ot RbStrod. SUPPLIED WI?R FRUTI; VEGETAELD, Giro al a Call. ItEIIEMBER MAY k JACKSON'S kAltilt .Irtrira wl7•tf AGLE foUNDILV, E&913 sT:., ABOVE Vag BUFFALO ROID,IO HEIIRY„p RY AN T. Arr..: :SHP •4. orri — e= r tireseAdt—ireft' A0TC1.122 OP ..& 1 •40451000K AND OFFICE S 7 TINA Starr -IJION Witt AND ALL lUDS OF USON CA°ll3 4 Every Stove sold by, toverarranted to gov ea° Settles, Sleigh-Am% 9i4 Iro cy ice., o I tads. °factored to order. PLOve ASD PLOT Mlle o!ecperor 1 2 always On hand. A call avd fir 'JUL cies all we mak. RENBV, BEYANT lar29ll3—tf. MOIT.ISON a DINSMORE4 71101.1:gA.Li Dtellllo U • FLOUR, YORK, BEEF, SALT. (3E/:• 1 CLOVER, TIMOTHY BSED, r NOS. 501 AND. 503, FRENCH SW" Between Sth Lad (It.b.Stmet.s. LI% nay.l/63tt L:O A GRVING. › . .... .. .1 /NESS, WEDDING AS ei.''' CARDS. 13111 Hauls, eertiflegis of Oil to10::e r.,:0 13TANIPING, EIIIIO99ING,sE. 4 . 44,it.' 'j - BY J. II ; LAPlitil PA ap21 . 66.. ft ;69 ft BUILDING, IriST.I.Ls% T prskr ST.ll.l3Llib. The aatt , e.T. .Mchased the well-knowo Lfrerf 1,,;11.91 treettpied by Wm. J. Sterrett, &smite , : ,_ l e and the public! that be will eouttecett r."— - Invitee their patronage. . • . " THE STOCE ,i 0 0 Will t be largely increased Lod invert , „ , arms haws been procantd, and was of a: , . •e, ' Eoreel in the country. I ant d tercet: o e, the establishment as to give sstisfe; 01. ~,, 0 want to obtain the ureic/ea of a good I . t .o.ti mad, at all times to accommodate the:: • plias. Recollect the place, - STERRETT& OLD STA.P Filth Week rear of the Reed Ilocla ,01 TE103.• ........ Erie duce 11, lB64—tf ' . ......../: 40451¢aratatra..ra: -, L. cig, J. BICUBNLAVB Lic CU., MANIIIPACTURBIS or BOOTS AILD WHOLESALE AND arra 00 3 AT REDUCED PRICES Raving is own mannfacture on hand, with a tocipOs6o l of efts work, we can sell elle.per , Re than say other easelisbizent liming had tong experience la to el ,tIP, men, ere ahall take special Warta arOv snit them. We hays the animist right a maks the • •PLUMER PATtNt BOOTS .t for the benefit of our ointment. and them, tootisfy any one as to their rayed/ran those made en the old way. is The Plunner Boot needs no breathy from the start as one worn for sofa cusrou ogrArdza l • Will remit, our own eapeat 4 Atia 4l .,„ D ttai LEATHER, LASTS 40 Fix"' • , ' T T El orl ain hetoads alwr to o o o n: r i re ad o to b stif o c. put patronage, hope by J and honocni al J . wadi • -ontlananes of the bane, sad e'lT:tial tO Call d etamine oar stack before P.7, -- 60 where. an No. OA Stafe Sato Ps'