The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, December 06, 1866, Image 3

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    7:hc xie itttalll Oburrer.
"ell VCCH TOIL A BAHOAIII.—WO offer for sale
3 1/iwyer varier sheet press, at a great bar
•To &country printer, wanting a press
shit will do all kinds of work, this is an op•
seldom offered:
CIRCI:JISTANTIAL. Ertnnscs.---A case has
just come to light: which more fully confirms
us in our prejudices against convictions based
upon circumstantial evidence. In February
two - young men named ; Chas. Jackson
sod John 'McMaster& were tried in the court
of our county, charged with having placed
obstructions on the traok of the Cleveland &
E r i e T. R , near Walnut Creek. The Rail-
Sold Company had offereff a large reward for
the arrest or the t ffenders, and the ratter was
placed in the bands of a de'ectiee. who, after
some time, it upon these parties as the ones•
nf the drenco. ut little evidence was
f o u n d against them. and that wholly circum
utantlil• while on the part of the young teen
it vt.o vorei by rel able witnesses that they
e „ to t
. at. the time of the occurrence in the
. 1 tf the railroad.. They were, hew.
en•r. COOT c' ed. and sentenced to the severe
p u nishment of nine years and nine months in
the ren , tatiary
Th• counsel for •the defendants,
Galbrtith, Esq., Was so firmly inapresSed with
their innocence that he at once determined to
Fpire ro labor in securing their;freedom.'
Acting under - this feeling, awl with, no hope
of reward except that of an approving con
science, he succeeded in procuring evidence of
web a positive nature that no room for doubt
,f the injustice of the conviction of the young
men child he left in the minis of.those who
examined it. On being submitted to.Judpi
Dorrickson, helms so well satisfied with the
innocence of the parties that he wrote a letter
to the Governormsking 'their pardor, which
'was united in by Judges Greer and Cross, big-
Vrt Attorney Lynch, and the members of ,t he generally. Governor Curtin lost no time
in ,re7onding to their request, via on the
.daytfter Thanksgiving. Jackson and Mclifas
tem, after serving out mere thin half oftheir
sentence, were released from their prison
walls; to breathe once mewl) the free air of
Heaven Comment to a statement like this
would be superfluous.
Theodore Tilton, editor of the fndepen-
Aent, end a noted Radical leader, delivered the
,j jet lec'ure of the course, to a 'Moderate sized
audience. at Farrar Hall. on Tuesday evening.,
'The substance of his remarks may be obtain
ed f•om any Radical speech which can be
picked np that has been delivered during the
year. He hick fA.,_extrercesE ground. -de
manding suffrage rot': the entire negro race in
America, and declaring that he and his fac
tion would be content with nothing less. We
could not help; feeling surprise at the gentle•
m remarkable intimacy with the Divinity.
He quoted God's authority every minute or
two :—Tho war pis fought under God's man
agement the 4mancipation of the negro was
God's ; the success of the Radical, party
was God's voice: and the Radical demands ere
God's demands. We have been so foolish in
the poet as to believe that the Alr*hty left
es his last authentic declaration in the
New Testament • tut, after hearing this lecg•
tare, we are half convinced that we must have
been in error, and that the days of prophecy
bane returned, with Tilton as one of the
prophets. Seriously, is it not a scandal—
the elibness with which these Radical ped
dlers talk about s the deeds and wishes of the
Supreme Being ? %very one of them, from
the hypocritical Forney to the rascally But
ler—from the vixenish Mies Dickenson to the
whining Tilton—presumes to lay down God's
law with as much assurance as if they
carried letters At authority in their valises.
how en audience of intelligent people can tit
_down and calmly listen to this blasphemous
stuff,--,nay, even :give it theirpplause—is
something that surpasses all conception.
As a literary performance Mr. Tilton's lec
ture was much beyond the ordinary standard.
Tke illustrations were abundant and well se.
lected, the arrangement ingenious, thelan
guage fresh, vigorous and striking, and at
times really eloquent. We were somewhat
disappointed in Mr. Tilton as a speaker.. Tlis
voice- is strong and clear, but painfully mo-
notonous ; his appearance on the platform
nearly as awkward as preeley's ; and be has
-ah ungainly habit of throwing his body into
all kis& of odd and unnatural positions that
greatly mire the effect of his- oratory. The
impression he made upon us mas that of a.
thorough New Efiglender. blessedwith the ad
vantage of a good collegiate training, who hag
imbibed certain crnde ideas of the nature of
our Government, which he believes it to be
his solemn mission to make everybody else
see in the same light that •he pees them.=
Those who accept his theory are petriole,
statesmen and Christians ; those-who do not,
traitors, fools or infidels.
The Case of the Itallron4 Conductors.
The summary discharge 'of all the platten
ger railroad conductors upon the Philadelphia
& Erie apd Penneytennis Central railroads,
has given rise to so much gossip in the com
munity that wo do not wonder public senti
ment, aeks for more satisfactory 'information
on the eubjeat than bats yet been given. The
conductors persist in declaring their • inno
cence, 4hile the railroad officers refuse to
enlighten any outsiderti with the meth de
silted particulars. As. a consequence,- much
•ympailly has been created for the former,
and there are not a few of their friend's yid
are free in expressing the opinion that, they
are the 'victims of an unjust and outrageous
system of 4 oxspionago. The company owes it
o itself thatia thorough public investigation
of the entire matter should bo made at as
coyly a day as possible., sn that the jute-cent
. way clear their skixte of the calumny which'
tete rests upon them, and the guilty secure
hP punishment they deserve.
From a long article in the Philadelphia
buly Newe, -- describing the' mode , in which
the alleged peculation. were discovered, we
learn that the services of the celebratedde-
Tye, Allan 'Pinkerton, of Chicago, were
brought ints requisition for the ptrOsti.—
Pinkerton 4, _the= priccipal of the National
Police Agenby, which - was established by him
over ten years ago ; its objects being the de- ,
(feint of crime and the discevery and putt
1 6naent of the criminal. It is entirely an
itlividucil enterprise, uncontrolled or unsure
r , ;l by any State or other authority,, and
ttng no police powers asleuelf._ Pinkerton
as' been engaged chiefly iti'detecting express
snl railroad robibers and 'thieves. During
the past tra years, he has recoveredfor itie
Adams and American Express Companiet4up
ward of S1,2:30,000, and in every caielte hqe
,tacceeded in certvioting the guilty—always
refusing to comeromise with them. Indeed,'
this ti One of his eerdinel doctrines, and be,
Will not engage in, any enterprise where the
mere recovery of the stolen property is-the
For six months past he ha. been ab
sentee= Chicago, "working up" the recent
ease of the robbery of the Mame Express
Company of $500,000, and we understand'
that he has recovered the' entire sum, except
abeSt sl 4 ,ooo,besides securing the conviction
of the thieves.
At the breaking out of the rebellion, Pin
kerton discovered the plot which was concoc
ted inlleltimore to asstmeinate President Lin
ole, while he passed through that city to
Wa shington ; and lie alone accompanied the
!laicism from Harrisburg . ce Washington,
the only disguise adopted being the hat and
coat of Pinkerton.
Mr. Pinkerton is, now about forty years ef l
age, but he la • yet in the prime of life—robust,
athletic and vigorous. No man in the United
States bas had so many fierce encounters with
horse -thieves, counterfeiters, robbers and
vagabonds of all descriptions. Twice •or
thrice has his aseaesina'ion been attempted=
once on Clark Street, in. Chicago, about mid
night, while on his way home, when a bullet
aimed at his back entered his arm, The
great point of contrast between Allan Pinker
ton and Vidocq and other celebrated detec
tives has been the fact that he has maintained
throughout his career an repu
tation for personal integrity. Ilia last en
gagement takes him to Utah, under Rietruo
tions from the government to Beek out and
arrest the murderers of Dr. Robinson of Salt
Lake City.'
To such a force as this was entrusted the
duty of discovering the frauds, their nature.
extent and guilty rartles. It is understood
that for months Pinkerton's detectives 'have'
been engaged in the labor. Day after day,
night after night, the conductors en the.
Pennsylvania Central and its branches, pnr='
ticulnaly the Philadelphia & Erie road, have
been closely watched' and their every mere
ment noted Their haunts have been discov
ered, their habits and expenditures reported,
and other means taken to tlx upon the right
parties in the crime. All the expedients re.e_
sorted to it would not be proper to give to
the public. Snifice it to say that every train
carried one or more of the detectives, male or
female. until at last everything was reduced,
in' police parlance, to a "very S. , e
Every fare paid, and the amount; ,the
station, the distance traveled, were all neon =
rattly marked and prepared with a minute
ness impossible to overcome :or refute by the
parties engaged. in the fraud.
Upon the reports of Mr. Pinkerton's agents
the company acted. The majority of the ocn
ductors en the Pennsylvania Central have been
relieved from duty pending the investigation
while every conductor on the Philadelphia
& Erie road, now under the control of, the
Pennsylvania railroad tempany„
_has been
placed in the same position. It is said to be
the company's' design to have all the offenders
severely punished:
Every conductor, before entering upon the
discharge of his duties, is required to give a
bond in three thonsand dollars, conditioned
for the faithful discharge of the trust imposed
upon him. This will prove some protection
to the company, as in every case the bond
will be sued out in order to make good, as far
as possible, the peculations of the parties.
It must not be understood that every con
ductor on the road was found to be dishonest.
There has been, it is true, a thorough sepaia-
Lion of the wheat from the tares. The result
is that those who have established their bon
esty, will be promoted to positions of greater
trust and larger salaries. in view of the
wholesale suspensions, the company has si
lect4d from among its employees the me: t re
linble, to take the place of those who mast
now submit to an investigation, Conductors
on the freight trains-good men and true—
have been put in charge of passenger trrilne,
and in this way the corporation has endeav
ored to reward those who have been faithful
in the discharge of their duties.
A. Galbraith, Esq., President of this road,
communicates to the Dispatch , the 'following
statement relative to its affair., from which it
will be seen that our article upon the subject
last week, was entirely °cruet: -
"The length.of the line required to be built
to connect with the Oil ;Creek railroad at
Centreville. in only ftuiteen and a-half
miles. Of this nearly''oue-half is already
"ro complete the entire distance from
Union to Centreville, including track-laying,
and to pay the -arrears duo the contractors,
wilt rrquire - $ 70,000, of which amount about
$20,000 may be relied upon frOda the sub
scriptions already made at, Union sad at other
points along the-route, leaving only $50,000
to be provided for to insure the Completion of
, the work.
"The iron, including rails, spikes, chrirs
and switches, will cost about $175,000, and
this. by arrangement made with the Pen asyl-
Tanis Railroad Company, is to be furni4hed
by that corporation, and paid for in the:mort
gage bonds of the Union and Titasyille rail—
"No expenditures will be required for cars
or locomotives.
"This line will, when built, not only save in
actual distance fifteen miles, bat will inviddi twice as much more in the equated
distance, by avoiding the heavy grades and
ebarp carnation of the presents line between
Corry and Centreville. • .
"Erie possesses the great advantage of geo
graphical priisimity to the oil rrgi,po, but, un-.
fortunately. owing to the •ant of direct and
easy railroad communication, bas never been
able to get more than a small portion of Rabbet
trade. Cleveland, which is more than a hun
dred miles farther away, has, by means of her
direct railroad, the-Atlantic & Great Western,
enjoyed the lion's share of the business.
"From Centreville, taking thatlilace as a
'diverging point, the distance to Iluffalo by
the Cross Cut and P. & E. railroads Is 116
miles; to Cleveland 193 miles; and to. Erie,
by the Union . Bt. Tirtssaille and P. & E. rail
roads. 401 miler.
"These are very eigtiificant'and suggestive
figures, and ought to prompt immediate and
proper action on the part of•the business men
of Erie.
"I have done my very utmost to bring the
project forward in such a manner as to raise
the comparatively small amount required to
complete the road, but as yet have failed to operation which the merits of
the'liorojectlind its groat importance to Erie
ought to gives -insured. I have entire confi
dence. however, that the amount "of money
needed will yet be forthcoming '
A. GALmuitn."
• - -
Junx Lisr.—The following io 2 , a lidlid of • • the
jarore,drawn for the _Court commenting' on
Monday next ; .
Erie—H. Bates, Wm. R. Davenport, Henry
Sampson. _ Millcreek-i-John keret, 'Atom!
'Hinkle, Henry Sampson. Harborereek— Al
bert Wood, L. Weigel . , John D. Boßley,Wta.
R. Cut. North ,East -Tp.—P. E. Hardy, 1).
Ileatfi Greenfield—Milo Teary. Venango—
T. Butler, N, Chapin. 4 1Vattsburg—D., N
Patterson.- Conorrd—James Brooks. Carry
—Major Colgrove. .Union-41. Hatch, it; D.
Adams. Leßoenft—Chatr. Wheeler. WWl
losd—W. Marsh, A.lL.Carsen, 0, River, H.
S. Campbell. &Pith. Elk
creek—lt. Beigumout, L,W. Rogers. Albion—
A. Denio. Sprin'gfield—lohn ' Bagley. 4i
reril--43- Miller, Jr,_J. W. Phillips, Ivory
gawking, L. S. Jones, J. (1411iturcL . Fair
view—John Johtion. -
The following are the jurors for the Court
commencing on the 3d Monday of this month :
Erie City— Geo: C; Dann, E: Christian, E.
li. Smith, E. Coughlin. A. W. Vantassell, M.
R Barr, J. L. King. Wm. P. Morgan, Ed
Reed, N. J. Clark, Sohn llanxard. Millcreek
—J.. rf. Woelmer, Jac. S. Coorad. George S.
Davidson. llarboicreek=A. N. Lest. .North
East—S. fit - Spencer, L. Campbell, S Griffeth.
Greenfield—lL A. Lewis. Corry--L. R.Gier.
Amity—Jno. Middleton. Lelloeuff—y. w.
Willard. G. li. ?ilanross. Waterford Bore—
Jew. P; Vincent. Summit—J. Gillespie. -Wash
ington—R. A. Culbertson,
Elkereek—C. Chaddock, L. M. Irish. Con
neaut—J. Spaulding. Albion—M. Jackson.
Springfield—M. Porter, L:-S. Robinson.. Gi
rard—Wm: R. Miller. Fairilew—Fred.
Platt, S. -
The A. , llistery of the Venango Oil Regions"
is the title of• &neat. little volume written by
Charles 11. Harrie s Egg and hr tied from the
press ads -Titusville Herald. It comprises
deicriptimus of the principal towns, - wells end
localities of the oil - country, biographical re
cerds_of the betiding oil men. and an immense
amount of statistieal and other information .
which cannot be foundin• any other volume.
To all interested in the business of that sec
tion, it to one of—the moat , valuable• books
which hai aPpearod. The work can be
procured by remitting $l.OO to the Herald.
office, Titusville. - , •
Items of Local Interest.
Wo call attention to the notice of Samuel
Rea, Jr., nuclei our new advertisement bead.
We owe an apology for the meagre appear•
mice of our columns this week. A pressure of
other imOortezit matters is our excuse.
The eniounceiceot of the LaLonde/ estab
lishment:of a new Radical paper has created
quite s sensation in politioal circles. ,
Bargees & Laßue's Minstrple will give an
entertainment in Farrar Bill, en Friday eve
ning, the 14th inst.' They are represented to
no as ti troupe of more thin orilinaryinaerit.
Goders' Lady's Book end the Observer will
be furnished during the next year for $5.00,
which loftily cents less then the two publica
tions taken tingly. •
. •
31r. Tilton, who lectured in Farrar Hall
lag Tuesday evening, is aro author of the
declaration, ""No man shall be the next Presi-
dent of the -United. States who does' ot ask
pertnission of the negro." '
Our country friends will please bear in
mind noon of each day our office is
generally closed from 12 . 10 1 o'clOck., A re
membrance of this fact may save them some
Subscribers who Pro in arrears must -re
member that fifty cents are added 'to tho
ecription price when. it is not paid -before the
close of the ykar. Those who do not wish to
riy the extra sum should settle their accounts
before the present - month expire). . -
The text numher 'of •Erti7 Saturday will
contain , -3fughy junction," Char. Dickens'
Christmas story for ISG6—one of his test'
.productions. For sele l at Csughey, McCreary
4Co.'s book store.
"Elizabeth Cady'Statutirt le the mother of
seven children. yet ads plenty of time to talk
politics and make apecehea."7-Ezehangs.
Yen,'•ttt does abe find quint!, attend to the
children ?—th•t's the question! •
Ron. Darwin A Finney, niemberorCongross
elect from the Crawford • district, was .
lying (humanely' ill, in 'Harrisburg, at the
residence of Governor Curtin, last week His
-offilerion seems to be tbe. , tgont."
The Harrisburg Patriot discribes our Con
gressional district: as •46 sort of dilapidated
worm-fence from the 'north-west corner of the
State to nearly the eenirs." 'And it Might
add, with few of the counties possessing any
interests in common with one another.
;The 3feadville 'Republican says It is now
clearly demonstrated that the supply of peat
in that regbin is almost ineihaustlble. It
abounds is nearly all the swamp lands in the
county. In many places the deposit is 20 or
30 feet thick.
The suit to compel the canal company to
build and- keep in repair the bridges along
their line; which was decidedruotaivorably to
the plaintiff's, by Judge Derriokeon, last
meek, is to bo carried up to the Supreme
The community will - do well to bear in
mind that the place to get the' neatest Job
Printing is at the Observer office. We have
just' refitted oar :office with new Presses. new
Type and new material all armed, apd claim
to have one or the best establishments outside
of the two cities. •
The movement to consolidate Soutb Erie
arkti . n portion of Mill Creek township with
the city -does not meet with much favor among
the p:eopla of the two first • named localities.
They claim that it will increase their fates.
The project is also opposed by some property
holders in the city, for the.same reason.
- Dio . Lewis, will deliver the two next
lectures of the course_ln Farrar Ilan, cm the.
evenings :of the 11th and' 12th instants.-:•
The subject of his first lecture will be "No.
man's 13ocial Influence;" of his second.
"Physical Culturie.",
A new clothing store has -been opened on
Peach Street, three doors twat of the depot,
br Captain Wagner and Mr. J. M. Kuhn, un
_of ItainerA.Euhn.. They
hays a large and timely 'selected stook of
goode,irtich they' invite 'the "public tO call
and examine.
.Any of our -readers about purchasing a
stove, wilt Sod every large variety to Select
from at Barr, Johnson large_
-.Thais stock
coml. rises nearly every style in use in' this
l_par't of the country: -
• •
'Miliaria Boesch will commence, on Monday
the experiment of running a regular Bele . of
opt:abuses:from Yrideral :MU to the foot of
State street.' 'Tice bnisettireto travel bao'h
ward and forward every twenty minutes, and
the fare to bit ten tents.
The citizeniiif-Fairnew have perfected a
complete lecture course - for the winter, includ
ing among others, B. F.' Taylor, Rev. Dr.
Forrester, Rev. - J. :R. W. !Rothenberg, and
Dr. Marks: Mr. Tayleir's lecture will be de
lirered is the New School Church, on Men-'
illy evening, the. 17th inst., and we assure
our Fairview friends that they may expect a .
rare literary treat.
Mr. A. Birgham, an experienced oil opera•
tor, has matured a plan, which he designs set
ting ou foot next year, for carrying oil direct
from our harbor to Europe. He claims that by
this course he can export oil arrows the
ocean two dollars cheaper thin if it is sent by
rail to the seaboard. Should he make his ,
project a inches,- it will do much towards
bringing our city into prominence, and add
very materially to our shipping trade. -
-The newly; elected Piothonotary, Colonel.
Rsigers, and Register and Recorder, Captain
Harvey, eitered upon the duties of their
offioee on the I.evinst. It is due to the old
&Beers, pinatal opponents as they are, to
say that few persons in public stations have
even given better satisfaction.
Judge Johnson decided, last week, that the
Cleveland & Erie R. It Co. have a right to lay
a track upon l'welfth'street. The citizens of
that locality have applied to the Supreme COurt
tor an injunction to emitinin‘ the company .
from putting doWn the track. If the irdttnct
low is . granted, it will. delsj preeedinge
for nearly a year before the emir can be
argited. '
The establishmentof a B'. Andrew's society
by the Scotch reaidente-of oar city,twsa Made
the occasion of a pleasant supper party, at
Copt Graham's Dining Roams; an Ft4day eve
ning of last wick. Some 'Aid diiiszi limp
-gentlemen participated, and every 'one An
larn_wastallatiwpon to respond to a. mutt;
meet, which most of them did 'in alelieitous
manner. The entertainment was kept up io
slate hour, and all in at tendanceunite in de
claring it one of the happiest evening gather
ings they have ever attended. - • : -
John W. Williams, Esq.. a, native of this
city; and intimatelykilowzrto most of our cit
izens, has located in the practice of tbe,law at
Leavenworth, Kansas. From notices in the
Kansas pipers, we infer that the "judge" oc
cupies a prominent 'position among the intl.
aens of that State.
The, Westfield Republican has started a pew
idea for this sectionthe publication of
births.' In the, old-fashioned times, when
America was sparsely nettled, births were
published as Segnlarly . .as marriniMs and
deaths, and the custom is still kept up in Cal
ifornia and setae of the far western territo-
The_ remarkable degree of order which pre
vailed in the city on Thanksgiving day speaks
well for the morality and law abiding
tion of our people. No .disturbance _ of any
kind murred, and not s single , arrest was
made by the police during- the day. 'We
do • not believe there is community of
the same size in any part of the country
whiteb can show a better record.
1 . A very fine tad:Terence lecture• was deliv
ered in St. Patriciee church, on Sunday after
'noon last, that was listened to by a large au
dience; and nt the clot. of which several per
eons took the pledge. In thle connection we
cannot avoid alluding to the splendid trmper
twee work being done in the St. Patrick'.
congregation. A 'large and rapidly growing
society has been organized, through the in
strumentality of which a number of hard
drinkers have been reclaimed. The pastor,
Father Carroll, Is a most zealous and able
friend of the temperance cause. and to his
untiring energy may be,oridited much of the
gratifying result. tbat,has been attained.
Mr. George Clifton, agent for Pollard's otil-,,
eial Southern history of the war, "The Lost
Cause," is nova in the city taking subscrip
tions for the work. It is unquestionably the
beat written and most correct record of4be
rebellion, as viewed trod a Southern 'Una
point, yet produced, and should be in the
hands of every person who desiras to be fully
posted up in the annals' of both sides to" our
bloody conflict. The brink is complete in one
large volume of 800 pages, containing in ad
dition to the historical matter, twenty-four
steel portraits of leading Or nfederate officers,
reports of generals, and many interesting
oldents of the war not heretofore published.
A bold burglary and cold-blooded murder
were committed at Omaha, Nebraska, on . the
13th of November. The wholesale grocery es:
tabliehment of W. R. Nibg & Co. was entered,
the book-keeper murdei , ed while Asleep, the
safe broken open and robbed, and the build
ing then fired The fire wee discovered and
eating uiehed after Leavy damage to the store.
The name of the murdered book-keeper is
Wesley Ripens, formerly a residentlf Wa
terford, Ca. At our last advloes, no trace of
tho scoundrels had been ;obtained. • .
the Dispatch has not been, a 'thorough►
going and Radical party' paper, there ball
been no such paper in the State."—Disputed
• Tee, we will vouch for your "Radicalism"
to the fullest extent. BOt why is it that yod
only acknowledge to being a "party papa"
tit this late day, and why do you still keep the
word "independent" at the head of your col
umns? Co.w neighboi, no sailing 'under
false columns any longer.
The divorce business is going on upon a
wholesale sc a le _ in Crawford - county, no less
than four applications having been granted at
the tension of 'ebur l t last week. Two of the
applicationi were from females for separation
from their "leige lords," and two from males
for a sundering of the ties which bound them
to their - no longer affectionate "ladies."
- The several banks of tbd•city have agreed
to open their doors at 9 o'clock, instead of 8,
as heretofore, and close at 3 Instead of 4. We
presume that this arrangement will be as erat 7
isfaztory as any they could make, for, as One
of the bankers- said Is` us a week or two ago,
if they kept open till 6, there would be some
persons who would want to transact business
at 7: •
Captain Napoleon Cogins, of this city,- com
manding the Sacramento, sailed a. few days
sincelor China, carrying with him Still in
structions from the State Department to look
into the Cobliii trade, and after a thorough
examination, repoit all 9:4 facts to his goy
erutnenorith a view to the early amelioration,
if not entire suppression of this tratrio, &o.
The Corry Telegraph employs two deaf and
dumb girls as compositor's, and expreetes it
self much pleased with their progress. _ The
experiment of employing females who cart
talk baei been tried, wittidiit much success,
but it -may be that deaf end dumb ones will
do. -
GonEr for December his been received and
is a fine Chiistmas number. The steel.plate,
fashion plates and wood cute cannot beeX
celled. The publishers announce Maiden
Harland as a regular writer for 1881,.
has been the ladies' favorite peeven ,
years. Now is the time to subscribe for 1867.
Single copies $3: (We soPies $ 5 . • AdiN l3 . -
L. A. (tacky, Philadelphia.
Ilivatme's Mownit.v.—This is among :the
choicest Magazines now published. al, Anna
be'lli• the heeds of every' cad-who daises - to'
encourage American talent. It• articles are
eselusiveirAinerieen, iad among its costrib
tame are to be found the ablest and moat pop-,
ular of our hotriti vieltem The premium Hat ,
for the comintyettell one a unprecedented
liberality, and thesenf our - readereerholestre
tcr . get - a splendid return fir a' short outlay at
time, ebould write to theisublistira fora pte-, ,
mium list. Subscriptions 84.00 per yitar.- '
-Address Beadle C9' 119 APiiliapi 8t ;New
Marta for Doicember-Ccirltabis 'the follow
ing: Ballad of Beale Joe;. Illustrations ,• The
Secret of Sable Island ;IReminiscences' 'of
Meal:Sri:follow - 4. The Burglary of Faustel Br
'ersleigh ; The Work of Salvation; Gilbert
'Charles Stuart; Vine - Lane; Good Looks; The
Twenty-Third of, July; ,T pate ; Impudrncett.
The Virginians in Terse; The DUI Ditron
,the Porch ;.Satita Hasa bf I•lmar,JObil Bright!'
!John Ecelesten'a ThanksgiViiiirtirt4tY'ros•
Days lo an,Gpen Boat; Habanbaden: Behind"'
-the Siumeig Two Beginner's in Book Welting;
Editor's Easy Chair, Monthly Recortitit'One.
rent Eveiots; Ifolitoe's Drawer.
A• • •
DT mss. Errs P. E. 11
SOUTIIWORTri..-. T. B. Peterson &. Brothers,
Philadelphia, bate. In press and will publish
on flaturday, December 15th, a new-book by
Mrs. Emma D. E. N. Southworth, entitled
"The Bride of LleCtUjn," which will, beyond
all doubt, prove the mortllopular, and
eueceeeful work that baa ever been written by
her, for she is,'beyond all question, the most
powerftit female writer in 'America, if not in
the world. No one ever read a chapter of one
of her works without wishing to read the
whole book.. and no one ever read one of her
books without admiring.the rare genius of its
author; and wishing that she aught soon write ,
another. - Her scenes are life-pictures.• her
1 incidents ire founded on tuts, and .her send
-1 meats are characterized by a purity both of
conception and ekpression. • She has a rare
faculty of saying ',hetet* insane, and saying
it in snob , a manner that her , meaning cannot
be.mislaterpreted. In short, she possesses in
an eminestedegree those qualification which
-Ore the peculiar prerogatives of a good writer,
end whileshe delights • the reader's imagina
tion with her descriptive beenty,sehe applies ,
bome truths to his .understanding with, the
force of rational; conviction. The "Bride of
Llewellyn" will be welcomed - by rach•read-*
Ina especially; end these who hive never read
the works of - this gifted women-reboot; ant
fail to buy and seed this now % neratty this
great American authoreas. .
Sax:l7loa prints, fait 1214 ds. par yard.
-6000 do. do. • do. 16 do.
5000 do: .Bentiaant Palo* but quality. it 160.
5000 do. doe, do. 12.oglisb.yald widißat 20e.
5000 do. oat yard Bride lraelo.y. at 22e.
OM do. do. do. , heavy. at 2ite
3100 do.' Blatelted Munn. ya O litamiat 2 0 8.
3000 posukcla %Ulna. it 200. Por 4• 0 1112,. •
am an wool. 10-4 whits nod 9/1114411 45 • pair.
400 Etelooral titillta al 62 Bach.- _ -
100 pit/. Blaulott Shawls. all quatitto and Solon.
ladies Mop Skirts at 61._ • .
Ulnas and eldldran's Soap Skirts at 60 to V 2 eta.
A Lam stock of Bradley's now patent' gotiPtax
tie (or double) Spitay Ektrto. -
Easitsti and French 11641294 Emma Clotho; all woo
Selene', Printed Detattles. Cobwrires, Striped and
Plaid riveurb and Sad
• Tastes 'Notions. Cotton Yarn, Cotton -
and Woolen Illasoals.Eildrtiag Masi
•. • osS.Stim.o. kei
Having just made Itsisy putabssm. vs .sus nov. yer.
pared to sill gill Ltd& 'et Thy Geri at ID yet
shame than mr. Out steak a fulL Call sad nos vs,
at the siss of this rag. . - • - •
11Aligti; steravis k
desl•St • • Rood souse.
HazirB V 0171210 AND MIXIN . O,POWDER.
• . Also,Apatcpir
, -saki
Bstrrn—Loanza—Nor. 21et. by • Rev. Alai
bro.'s Dunn, Mr. Merrick H.,Smith. of
to Mies Henrietta L. Looker, of Fairview,
• Erie Co., Fa.
Aratan—CotaittEas—Nos. 2tat, at the home
of the bride's mother. -by Rev, T.• D. Blinn,
Mr. B. E. Bible', of hfellaari, to Mies Oraco
A. Chembere of Harbororeek.
, Chombere, •
MoCassaano—Usroken—Noei 22d, in Gi—
mi. by Theodore Symart, Esq., Mr. Samu
el MoCiolland. and Miss Lydia Midler.
floND—Gormu—ln West Springfield, Nov.
18th, 1866, by. Re•. A. Lull, Mr. B. P.
Bond, Allows, to Miss Blither L. adult!, of
West Springfield. ' ' .
lloomea—WlLLs—Ai tiie residence of L. P.
Pink, Nov. 2fah, by Rev. W. N. Rea°, Me.
• Pred. Hooker, of Corry, to Miss Mary T.
Neils, of Spring. Crawford Co., Ps.
Lors--Snaw—At the residence of the bride's
mother, by Rev. Pother Carroll, Me: Geo.
M. Love,,of Suffalci, to Miss May . Shaw, :cif
' Erie.
PAY2I,I--MOUNIEY-.-At the residence of V.
. Dempsey, Erg.. In this city, en the 28th
inst.. by Dew. R. A. Johnson, Mr. Calvin N.
: of Petroleum Center, and Miss
Mettle P. Dempsey.
LlLLlCY—Wiztumal—At. the Titus Hotel,
Corry, on the.Vlnst., by Rev. Mr. Lytle,
Mr. C. B. Lilley,•to Miee B. C. Williams,
both ofConcord.
DAVIDBO2I—PooI —ln WesleYville, Dee. 6th,
by Rev.' T. D. Blinn. Mr. C T. R. David
son, to Miee Julie iI. Poole,bath tif Harbor
Prionn—lburn—lior.,2lBt, in Blooming Vol.
ley, by Rev.. Jaime Wygara, Mr. John
Proud, of Edinboro, Erie Co., and Mite
Motile Smith, of Mead Tp.
Stana—On the 3d instant, , Lizzie, daughter
of Geo. W. and Mary: A. Starr, iged 8 yre.,
and 104 ceonthe.
Brarrroao--At - Waterford, mrthe sth instant.
Mary C.,arfle of S. C. Stamford, in the 40th
.year of her_age. ' • ' •
R9sa—ln this eity.Deoember 5tb,"1866, after
%lingering illness, Mrs. Jahn nose, aged
75 years, 2 monthi,and 7 days.
• "DEAD DEATS."-•-The . folloWing parties
having neglected topay_tas the indebtedness
due at this office, we take this method of re
freshing their memories. in the hope that they
will•not compel us to resort to 'More unpleas
ant measures. VA tent that other parties, to
whom we hare repeatedly seat bills,
receliing nay satisfactory response. will not
compel us to pursue the same mole of remind
ing them of their obligations to the printer
P Hogue, Sparta, Wis., 3 50
0. W. Matteson, Marvin, N. Y -. 525
P: Smith, Albion, - - 8 75
R. L: Staples, Erie, * - - - 740
H. L: Rollins, Erie, . - - : - 610
P. Q. Smith, North East, - - - 525
B R. Burr, Girard, - - - 8 43
iit..John Perry, Corry, - - - "3 07
Mary J. Jones, Edinboro; - - 4'55
M. Riddle, Victoria, 111.. - •- • 187
S. B. Loomis. Clarion, Pa., _ - - 4 87
N;Thorne, Detroit, - - - 4 87
Justus Norton, gossip:loton, lowa . 6 00
Other Dames will be added to the skive list,
errelreamatatteee seem to justify us in s . ' doing
Wno appreciate" the fee that. there
la any'great Importance attached to each a
commodity as a 'Pill? It is• generally sup
posed that anyhody can make them as all MR
take them. But visit the laboratory of Dr. J. C.
Ayer and.yeu will be disabused of the idea
adapt It to the wants of millions of men—to so
that it is a trifle to make any medicine and
adjust it to their needs, and so core their
complaints, asio make them its conduit cue
tomers In . all the .sones.. Physicians find it
requires some skill tp adapt their doses to a
single patient: ask tlkem If It ifi not_ an intri
cate problem to adluet a purgative pill to the
necessities otantold 'numbers, so that it shall
benefit them nearly all. Dr. Ayer's laboratory.
supplies 60,000 doses of his Pills per diem,
or 19,000,000. a year. Think of that, liscuia
plus I Well May it whltart• the head of any
man to adlniOlotOr.tts' ihatatuolust of Suffering,
and especislly when, as Is here evident, every
thing is done with the ettrtatest nicety road
carerfitutdo/pA ( ft) - Stateman. .
Rose's Gurricasn's BTOIIII.
—Mr, Warren, LA Ross 'his taken lite (Pore
' ' • • silittenhatinAirsariL:
.g er,- • up with everything necer a
ry to Make a complete gentlemen's furnishing
establishmitenk: His stock of clothe, casslinetev,
vestinge and ready made clothing is siperior,
to anything ever brought to the city, and we
defy *axone to-visis the store without Riding
something to snit his taste. • Mr. ' Ross has
bsetOrtiO• successful In securing a seater who
is noistirkiemed anywhere. Under his skillful
,supereisiett the concern is turning out work
mulito the beet Venom establishments. No
person canhavo en excuse for going abroad
to get clothing while Reps affords the Conan
-situages that
- be does. , In addition to his other
„kkoetinlieluts Alm • superior' stock of 'hate
ma- car t hosiery; collars,•cravais,—in abort
,anything 'that a men wants in the clothing
,linemut•bot got at • Call and see for
youreatirm. '
A 011.111 1 . Arlin Tall Okaell,slol , —The fallovdog sect!'
Mu an daly - autballsed to melee money dn.!, GU -
Offices' ledtectptlok, aad receipt fur ths same. Partles
SOAdioliti we hair* sect bitty, cam altber pay to theca or
Milt al by mat, si tbey Cod reqst mere:tient : ,
North Nast!' ''U. A. Tabor Waterford ' W. C White
Valoa Waif thatteiy Lockport J. C. Caufforin
_Corry% ."..- • Atmellsath War , Ciit.D. W. H u tch-
Cobcobas W. C Itearant • smock
Irmakita Cr.!l C. Wrlebt Landy's Loot, W. Sperms.
=ober* - -L Pa 47 Valsetew .tax.e Atone
Itipattakalmrs. :Iwo. G. BUT.. efettelyttre ' I.:Robteeen
_ , • [oa.lasi Tooporville. 0. J. Whiteley
%. I. W. - Rabenn. Garland tr. Jacksea
Labe mutt R. C. Tiles nook . W. C. Webb
Sytto ea :, Gilbert Rare !tilt. Grespae Wm Orton
Rollo alloy U. L. Roney PotrOloom Contoi, Dr. T. U.
Tbilotto R. O. Lott • fgtcatt
Wirral: _.
~D..W. Frov , rd Oak 0 - rOve W. C Fort
ilittbor Clask,Capt.T. WU- Norsk:mills; Stertav , avert!!
[[lard wed/Irina Geo. gonnell
Jade** , R. U. C. late Miles Grove E Ball
Zr you want correct likeness co to
Wager & do.'e photograph rooms, 1328 Peep'
street,-aboire 41epot. Hewing introduced all
the latest improvements in the art, they flat.;
ter therWelves they can satisfy the most 'fai
th:How. They have the most pleasant and
airy rooms this side of the eastern cities; an
improied background, beautiful side doom-
Hone and a largo life sized mirror, in which
the subjects can look themselves equaroin
the feart:While The picture is being taken.—
The eky, light Is the largest in the city. and
Fakir. a can be taken in a cloudy day as well
as is the tamest. '
AN Itiliilt. Ceitll6Cl4l). Most practitioners
and undieine makers, in. preparing pulmonary
medicins,,,use ingredients which must be pre
scribed.Pnot oftener than three orfour time•
per day;" the proper treatment in snob cases
is to amOloy a medicine that it is safe to vie
every -Aiken. minutes—the „erections for
cough Medicines should be "little and often."
It is the throat, not the stomach, that requires
frost - melt—this is the secret of the emecess•of
Coe. ugh Balsam. "Take it.. little and
aftena zlit a very short time It has become
Immo Y popular.
Trtatiiimi lifortvutv.— t Wei have receiv
ad-tha Ailauttie Afoot&ly for December, with the
following table of contents; John Pierpoint ;
May Gordon; Borneo 'and Rajah' Brooke ; •
Passagegfrom 'Hawthorne's Note Book XII ;
Katherine Mernoll; The Sword of Bolivar;
Through Broadway ;
,My Heathen at Home ;
A Friend; /he Singing' School Romances;
Autumn Song; The Fall of Austria ; Reviews
and Literary notices..
Oar readers needing Boots or Shois will do
well to WI at,the store of. S. Z. Smith,
pire Block, State Street. before 'making their
purchases. His stock of goods is one of the
largest to the city, end his,4rices se low as
any. BOots,and ahoes made to order in the
best style. llopairiag done promptly and
sallifeeterfiy. - norl-Im. •
AyOana Man, rho cam give good recommeti
dstdons. -wishes s situation se bookkeeper._
Refers to B. $. 'Beoer, of the firth of Better
& Borzois, or to the editor - of the Observer.
; , : zi0r.2.111 - -
allr;:lt. fire made In the Morning Glory
glom einebe kept up all the winter ,round,
witbonitllindUeg. Far Isle by Nimrod &
COMptter,; 605 Frenah street. 0ct.25-tr.
---.1p 0 .21. cheapest, safest, simplest and,
pinannteet' stove to nee is the Morning
Glory:jot' sale - by. Himrod & Company, 605
rieno& - street. • 0tt.25-tt
For is parlor or sitting room stove, no
ono' is squat to as Morning Glory, for sale by,
Uthrroa' !Company, - 806 French street. -.
:...Detan-sir, • ! 7 . : •';
• Couart, A COLD. am A Sean 'NMI? requires I tarns
dlateatleatlea. sad 'holed be . ebetkal. If al:oaad fn
Deatlnae !siltation of the Lange,* permanent 4 b
Dlsesse, ar Coaiu ptioa , fa often the tenalt.,
nnowx..i nßocntAt. TaicnE'p,
having a dl•aet latlaenee to the parte, give tfrimealate
relief. For
and Throat Dlsatmee. Troches are used with al any" -
good succese. Singers and Public Speaker' will find
Troches useful In clearlo4r, the voice when taken before
PingfngorSpeattng,sod relieving the throat after an
notional alOrtion of tote roes! organ,. The ?Inches are
recommended and - prescriberby ph ' , stolen", and have
had testlminials from eminent wen throughout the
country: Reing an article of trae•mertt, and having
proved their. elks cy by a lett of man, years. each yea,
Onda theca in new localities In cannon parts of the
world, and the Troches tie atnversally pronounced bete
ter than other articles.
Obtain op', 'Brown's BrobehLal Trochee," and do
fret tetaany - of, the worth'em Imitations that may be
offend. Sold eraryarbere. - nn29
A trans•• Minas:me
From old and !wing. from rich 'ant poor, from high
born and lowly. women the unlvereal voice of iiralee for .
Mire; Verrtab'e Sicilian hair Renewer.
It le a perfect end miratnions ,artfele. Carew bald.
nesa Hakes hair grow. A better dressing .than any
'oh" r .-pnenticun." Rotten, brash, dry and wiry hair
Into beatithni silken , ,tresa. I q►t; all. the great
Wonder i. the rapidity with whi• h it rs..tores gray hair
to its original color.
Use it a few tin a. ♦ml presto, thine; the irbitent
and wont looking Fair mamas its youth farbelaaty. It
tlo., not dye t.a flair, but Oran at lb. root pad Ans
It with ow and coloring: matter. It will not take
■ In• r and ditagryetbietrial to prove the truth of this
antler. The Mit ►oplication will do good. Yon will
coo the nttoral color returning, every day, and beore
you know It, the old, gray, dfrn3lored appearauee of the
hair Till ire gone, giving place to !astray, rhining and
I eanliful locks.
Ask tar g.trs ftjcilts• Asti Renewsr; no °Ms? IA-
tie!" to et ail like it to etteol. You will pud It cheep to
boy, p!eesent to try, sod tare to do you good
There ate mu'', lotitationa, Ile tars you get the gen.
It. P. MALL & CO., Nashua, N:11, Proprietors.
For sale by all draggles. 05t2.541
For ill/paring, restoring and Intantgring the 1111 r, and
is the rornit delightful and wonderful n ' rtiole the world
ever produced.
Ladles will flndit not only a certain remedy to re
store, darken and beim tify the hair, but alsh adealrable
'article for the toilet, ea It la hiablyperfumed with a
rich itid delicate Ile , fume, Independent'of thelligrant
odor of the oils of palm and es.-
- A new and:beautiful perfume, ertdert in done:acid,
soon% and the ' tenuity with which ifeHugs to the
handterchietand person la unequalled.
The above erteilee far sale by all arocrests and 'per.
umers, at
. $1 per bottle each. sent by elprefil to any
address by the proptietors,
°alB-1y 1 'lOO Liberty Street, New York.
Irgblliited 'for Me benefit and u a4:740770N TO YOUtiG
BEN, and Others, who ender from Nervous Debility,
'Presnators Decs7 of Nunhood, ko Lot at the
earn tuna Tile Iguana or Seer-Coon By one wholhaa
cored hie:milliner undergoing constderable guack c irry.
By enclosing,. post.pald addressed envelope, single op.
les„ free of charge, may be. had Of the author. -1
ao3o-3a. Brooklyn, Ilnma Co., N.Y.
Et. W A r.
nag Railway intends from DunMTh to New Voris 460
miles. buffalo to New York. 4 . 12 Mlle,. Pala
manes to Now YINIt 415 milks.
111 D 1M MK
ll inina raa dtmetly throtigh to New Tort, 160
MILKS, without dung* of Casabas.
From and after July 9,1'08, Trains will leave In con
nection with all Westertt Dna. as fellows : From DUN
IRK and RALAILISCA—by New Ircrk time from
Polon Depots:
9.15 A. N. Res York Dap grpraid e bolVidmosart
• tumid &Mims), itact oroellivi with
'The 11.210461 v Dar mimosa from !largo, and WIMP
in New 'York at 1080r. w.
MO a. w. Ewers Mail, from Dunkirk. daily (eseent
Row**. SWAB se ga•taanstma 940 A. 'Manna,
meets at Tfornellavtlia and Condor with 'the 840
s. Express Mali from Buffalo, and arrives In Hari
York at r 60 a: w.
$.16 p. m. Arc Yuri Nigla &ire" from thinkirire dally
(except. Sundays). amps at Pata.manea 655
and arrives lnlzew 'York at 12.30 r. r.. rortnectlo
with afternoon trains it'd steamers for Bostop am.
We. England Cities.
Prato Baraley Wow York Mom. from Depot Cotner,
Exchange and Michigan Streets::
'.30 A. m. Nets York Der Erpress, (deadeye excepted).
Arrl Tee in New York at 10 10 P. N. 'Connects at
- Graat Bend with Dela ntre..Lackawanna At Western
Railroad for Philadelphia. Baltimore. WuM. gtoo
and points Synth. ' -
&SO A. X. Ranee Mail, via. Avon and flornellarille,
delle,(except flondar). Arrives in New York at 7.30
A. N. 4 Connects at - Elmira with Williamsport & Et.
mire Railroad for Harrisbanr, PhliedelPhlee BOB
more; Washington and points Rooth.
2.20 P. X 'Lititaing Emma, Sundays escorted. 'tor
• 'for wood and water only and an+ree to NA York
71:11:0,,A r.
16.15 P. X. troy reek Night Emus, daily. ;Connecta at
fionvernille with the 4.15 p. m train from Dun
kirk, and strives Is • New York at 1220 r. N. Also
connects at Elmira for Harrisburg, kldladelphis
and the Booth.
11.20 r. w. Ciscirmaii Express, daily. (exce „ pt Sands's).
'Mrs, 10 New York It SO t . xt. Connetta at El.
. "mire with Williamsport & ElmirXßallroad; at - Great
Bend with Dalawitm Lukewarm & Western Rail-
road, and at Xeir York with afterraoon tiwini and
atearnara for Boston and New Enaland Cairn.
only 00•Vrtla Rut ;on Sunday, lowing Buffalo at
8.16 r. x, and re:salt:4lNa, York at 112.30 A. N in ad
ranee of &B other route&
Borten and New ltosbtad passrosed.a with their bag
Sin. are transferred fires el ante, In XI., York.
Tha beat Ventilated and most Lusurionagieaping Care
IN THR WORLD &enemata:kr all night trains oak this
anyßagasse ahead th.-engitas4ftre always ea low as by
other rents.
'bleb tan be obtained at al principal ticket Wiles,
In the West and South-west:
H. BIODT.B, ft.'I3A.P.R,
Oriel gap' 4 , deal Pus. Aft
. .
A lamed pp: Catalogue, freebieg how to reroove . Tao
irreeklee;lPlesolea.BloteNet. froth Patches. tzal [mooch
Eqaptlout acid all Impurities of the attn. Frew to forte
whisks**, restore, curl sad beautify the hair, renew the
eta, cure Drunkenness., Narrow' Debility. and other
useitst sad wahasble 4Am:tattoo. Abe/rehear Bead for It.
Address &Maiirr. SEIIITTS & CO, Obeiptste, 285 River
Stoat. Troy, N. Y. - wov29•tt
Will do more and baiter wr.rt. at • Olio eel titan ant
other. Tyy Want! feet-red only by
rriior.Esett pima. PdtleT 41- GLJR3 DEV
Mo.'l3fNorth'• Third, Stied, Phila.
febll4 ire
M I LI, r N t r 4l Y .
• Itri. ItsWirlits Ili just opeurd
••• • -
Four doom tooth of the- depot, nest Boor to the bulb.
and ,is cow' prepare&to furnieh the ladies of Erie and
vicinity with the latest feshioni, made up. In lb. best
little bran accomplished toi.liner, just from one of the
beet eetablishmenta in Buffalo.
We have toads arnusgemsati to ?midi"' all 'of the
latiit stria sad Mahlon' a soon aa Mir are romoi.rid
In Noir York. It to oar alm to please the rout
Nit bare a large aunrkment at Dram Trimming!".
Notion*, g Odle. pl.w tall and oast:doe our
'arcrelrberore parEhming 'hawkers.
Bleseblag and priming, dreasing felts. •nd al) tort
to ogltna done an the akortnat natter,. nolt:Sro
r ,
" • .
rretei t iB etleil Water. Try 0, 'sad you ,
bare en other- Ilenuteotored only by
No. 1,17 wool Thirdltrest, MA • '
Relitble and energetie_ persons. male or honk, ea
weided to solicit sueemittkoos for oat ageseince, and
to such we over very Morel cub inducement•; also,
splendld premium to sebscribere Circulate suitable
to be used in csures.eing. toPther with all neotner/
papers, will to tarnished en spoliation. •
Address, with reference,
Pto Street, New York. _
c 029 tf
• =
, G.07, -- PAIMS9I4 & 00:3 '
616 !reach RooM
130 item about 103 acres cleared, the. teams is
eyed thnberti land. with is boon and barn no it ;a
' c l og orchard of 120 'milted apple trees and sow
other fruit treat- eitneted.ilnit fens Routh of Samuel
lickleirefi: ow the Rhise.Road. sot shonl font toiler
Iron Treiq 11111ereek Township. For farther
particulars acapgre of
Pint duo brick house and ball lot on tut Tittle
First &ass brick boomeknod two city lota, corns: of
Chestnut and Tooth Stmts. -
lions* and lot of Ifni. It.gers, corner of. Freud; and
Second Strada.
Mare and till ell, lot co. Fifth street, sear Cherry.
- -Reuss sod lot on Eighth Strvt, weat or taut!.
Roues:sad let, ill by leSfeet, oa Sosurtb street, west
off ea aftit.
Rouse and lot, f 2 by 125 feet, as Myrtle street, south
of railway.
Hones sad lot, lie by 521.4 feet, we Vaunt, hear Ilth
Two vary desirable houses and lota ow Preach St.
Noose and lot on Eleventh street, sear P g raq•
row!. Pries $1,200. Cheep.
Wei helve s number of hoarsen sag lots worth train
$5 000 to $l5OOO.
Housestol 101,53 by 125, on West Ninth ?trait—.
rico 'WIC°
Mose and ball city lot on best- Fifth Nisbet—price
(louse and lot, 45 by 160 feet, on 4W. Ninth Street,
—price $3,250.
Oos ely tot on Teoth street, west of Myrtle.
Two city tote on Verona' St, vast of Mutts.
One el ty lot On Twelfth St, west of if)rtle: ,
`Set city lots on Mem:lth Street, wed of Walnut.
Two city lota on Eighth St west of canal.
olty lots, on klersattrit . west of Canal.
One-ball Clite lot on troarth St :wed of Ch Want.
••balt lot, corner Waleat and Filth qt.
Twelve city lots, 39 by 150, Chestnut St., tooth of
Clem city lot;
...zo by ito. Baffslo Aeor Oboist;
Tiede. etty lots, 89 by ILA Melton, Street, dud-
Ch•stout. -
Two etty lots. 40 by 165, Hickory near Chestnut.
Pie city 10t5,415‘ be 194, Bulfa , eSt, east
Eight fray tots, 411‘ by 194, llth St east.
Flee elty lota. 41 by 165.11 th St., no y,l2gst.St,
One city lot, 41 by 199, Beet St.
Viva city lots, 41 by 165, 9th SSW East Et. •
Three elty lots, 46 by 129, Ba-salsas Street, South
Three city lot'. 43 by 135, Glees St., South Erie.
One city lot, 41 by 151, Buffalo St. west..
One city lot, 39 by 120, tomer of Eighth and Sara
hum Ste
Three lots, 21 by 100. corner 7th sad Flub Elba
s our lota. D 134 by 2134, corner Mtn and State.
Sis. lota, 21 by 144 corner 24 and Stale Sta.
Ris lots botaroen glartmtb sad Twelfth Sta.
Two lots, 20 by 145, State, south of 1211 L alma.
Seven lots. 100 br MO. to. oat•lota Not. 135 and 138. /
Three lota, 100 by 550, on Daub Lane, In out lot No
81i Ors acre lots on Buffalo road.
167 sexes in rTartmeresk—zood lenprovementa.
185 wren in garberenek—good improirstennts. ,
60seres in 17arborensk —kaki Improrainents.
70 seas In ilarboreretk—good I , tprovertent..
100 amps font miles out of Elie—good inutroire
62 secs • 1.2 miles out of ftris—good Improve
' 40 sera four miles tut of trio—good Impromitots.
sees 4 1.1 miles aut. of Erie—vod improve•
CO acre. eight mils" goatbead of Erie-=good lzopron
112 atm war Noith E Lit • '
100 awes in Groan township -
60 Sass in UM Creek, two mule. from city. -
60 acres in MIA Creek, four mite: from city.
Wei in Ringrrille, lo—lnipronimonta
Ageate sad Dealers in Real astate, Raid Rouse. Erie, Pa.
We are the most =musty* publishers In th I Vatted
Stater, (having six hot:meal, and therefor• ewe afford
to WI boobs thesper and pay a more liberal commission
than any other tompsur.
Our boon do not nos through the bands' . of General
Agents, (es nearly all subscription worts /10-) therefore
we ars enabled to give our esussaswers the extra per amt.
which Is usually allowed to• reasral lifrall'lL Expert.
eneed canvasse' will see the advantages of de QM/ di
new with the, publithers. Our series embraces the
most popular hmks on all subjects of Importance. and
is selling u rap dly both North and South Old agents
and all o whet lint t`le tact paying agencies, will
please send for cimulsra and see 'oar terms, and Wm
pare thous and, the climates of oar watts with those of
*gist piablishere.
• ..
Bastla,Nasi.; Clacinuatl,o.:
chigago. 4.8 t. Lorais. - No:; at Itlehmoad. Va.
[raving m+da larr pprchasea is Now Boston,
4:41104.1phi*. we w pow premed to (air at
neascatible prim au lug* and selaitiod
• SILK 3. Sleek and Colorml. Plain end Slpt; Kettle..
Impress Clots r, Poplins, Premark and Mitt t Sleek end
Colored Alaptem; Chided. Plat: end Striped •
DS LAINS3; Wo•)1 De LiCiunt; Aniline; Caton ►ad
Robe de Cb►zber.. .
LACES; Valerietenet; Cfany, Glapuref Point arid
Threw 1.
SHAWL% Long and Pqnari, Paisley and Brodie.
:CLOAKS and Bannister: Balmoral Skirts.
A large stock of Cloths for men and boy's wear. -
Ronlen Blankate, all qualities and prises
Canton Flannels, Bleaehed.and Brown.
Flannels, Plata Atli Checked; Silk Wasp Flannels.
Priam, Fren:b Bogil-h 'and Dosneatle.
Remnant Mate, Blesehett and Rtnen Cotton.
Cotton Tern, Cotton Batting. , Tirks, DOMINI and
Stripes, Knit Goods, Hood., Noblu a d Breaktut
Mania 'Woolen and Cotton foolery. Balmoral Hoar,
Bradley's DOla•Elliptic Hoop Skirts
gar stock was never ,eit foil and complete Hs at the
present Uric
patioupn -MARKET.
—•• , •
M. F. _WORDEN do CO.,- -
Would respectfully anoounee that they Imes opined a
'tors at
_ ERIR, - PA..
For the poschue and ale of
. _
cr. Orders hoot abroad will- reeelve.prossist attest
lips at the Lowest Market Prima. ..... •
The Itigheirt peke to Cub pale for Proditee.
616 TRIM .9711115 T,
And •
EisepCi4 . 3
THAT% EICH 'skoatt
rill am*
Debilitj restating from any awe whatever; Prostration
of the system, amid by serer* hOrdingio, orPosnies
revere or dimmers of easop Soldtera, Misting, mai,:
or revel*, adults or yontb, will find In this Bitt... &pure
Tonle, not dependent on bad INtiers for their ahnort
reeteotte offset.
And dilemma no:War &OM. disorders of iharor sad
Dbrost.lvo organs, an =rod by
Thhi !titters hu berforiwwl mem emu, ens Mttm
satisfaction, has more teeth:ion', h.,. more nispochalit
people to vouch for it than any other &MO' in themes
Just •We defy any one tq contradi ct!p rod OtsrUen, snd
'will bay 81,000 to toy mu *to will rbe e ee
published by es 'het is not geialtirat.
. - •. .
WM ens. army cur Olrehroide of it i.ii n ru is - Hubuity ant
diens.* of the Wakes. Observe The fol g g septes,
reralt4g front (Hamlett of the digestlveervioe
Constipation, folioed Piles, Fullness 4 of Blood to the
Head, aeldtty of the Stakaeb, Nooses, Heartburn, Dis
god for Food, Fatness of r eight in the 15tomscli, Sow
Hroetallona, Slating or Pietterlar at the Pit of the
Stainsob, Swimmitig of the Head, Horned and dill:knit
Breaching, Flattering at the Heart, Choking or ltittineat
.ng Sensations when in a lying posture, litinoserol Vie
toe. Dots or Webs before the right, Firer sad Da/1 Palm
in the livid, Denelaney of Perspiration Yellowness of
the ?kin and Eyes, Pain la the Side„ Back, Chest, Limbs,
ta, Sodden Flub*, of Haat, Darning In the Pleib, Con
stant imaginings at Evil and gnat Depression ofd pinta.
itaxixsza, that this Slttora la sot alehoolle, tantalum
co root or whlskay,and cannot mho drunkards, but It
tha beat took Is the world.
From Rev. W. D. eValsitt, Moe of Twal!th Etaptlat
Gentleinen- I hare reeently been laboring isdar the
dattresring effects of indigestion. accompanied by pros
tuition of the nerrous systerg Numerous noodles sere
recommended by friends. and some of them tooled, boo
without relief Your Hoodand ■ Ciereen Bitters sets
recommended by persons who bad :lied them, and Camas
favorable motion of these Bitters I:One:4 me to try
'Vera. t umateenfanpi thatt bad ea aversion to latent
Medicines from the "thousand and one!' ruck "Emote
whoseenly aim mg= to be to palm off sweetened a.
I drugged linnor upon the =immunity th a' sly way. and
the tendency*? which. Nu, to mn,linHatany a om..
druid drunkard. upon learning that leers was really
a reclining preparation tOook it with happyt effect. Bs
action, Dot only upon theetorach, but uporrthe Demons
syetera, wu prompt and gratifylog. I feel that I bare
derived great arid permanent benefit ham the use of a
few Settles. Very reopectrolly moors.
F. D. BBiChottlED 140.154 Thankamazon ht;
From the Rev. E. D Yendail, Assistant editor Cbriztlan
Chronic* Phi**
L hare derived decided beer' Ot from the use otilootland'
Gennezt Bitters. end I feel tt my wrirtiege to recommend
them sa a Most rateable tonic to all who are 'Oaring
from gagers! debUity or from diaeages arising Gum the
derangement of the timer. •
Your. - E: D. riNDALIe
FIrGIO ROT. D: Very 'alto! at tbe Passintiili 1: ai:l
Chat eh. Phibida.
From the many respectable recommendations gtvtli to
Dr. Boa= ir German Bitten, wrap indtheett to give in.are
I trial. After using Nevoid bottled, t found them to be a
good remedy for duality-, sada most excellent tons: for
the Memel. 1). itinerant.
Prom Rev. Wm..mith, formerly Pastor of the Placed
tow: and Yillri4ee (s, I) Churches.
Harlot used In my a number of bottle" of rim.
lioadsne's German Bitteral hare to my I regard tberr
as an excellent medicine, sr...retails adapted to remove
the dlassaits &keys', recintuneoded or. Thersirsogitieu
and invirsrete the sr stem obeli debilitated, and are use
ful In disorders of the lever, losa of appetite, &e. I ay..
also; reenrinended them to' several of my (mode is be
have tried thee, and found them great', beneficial lotho
testo•atloo of health. Yours truly, -
WIS. 531.1 TH, PllP.llurelatesonSt.,Pbtlacia
Bee that the shrnehorts of • C. M. JACK3ON" is on the
wrapper ofeach
Shoied yoor neatest dr:lyrist not liars the ankle du
not be put arr by ans of the intoxicating preparation
that may be °gored In its plane, but read to us and we
will forward. weenrelf peeked. by 'won.
Eir Principal 0 ee and-Itacrtactory, 681 Ards
Stseet e Phlladelphia, Pa.
egooteasors to C. 11. Jackson tr. C0.,1 Proprietors.
Fur mile by druggists and dealers In every town in the
17nitedtitatrei &gni& Ir.
Cosi Yard, coiner et Twelfth and Pesch Streets, Erie.
Pa, who hasp constantly on hand I,ehlsh and Pittston
(Ptir, us) Wog an 4 prepared, Shan:akin, Egg, Stove s
and Nat sizes; Bitandnow for gists and steam, and
For Blackzoitth Parra*.
Paz Cod is OL main& tty rali a• kirpt oa dlt i ptsalc
door. sad
RMS. SCREENED 8itl"0101.13111.IVEKY
We Ceito_gres_ lodscesceota lc putts trlattlog to lay
to tbstrlrlntor supply, also to dealdroltairloalog by the
car load.
tr'titto ttitt tall sad s• ow= too to c h. sitlesti-
No a .
Propared froials Presetio:fon of aft.. J. Clarke, Y. D.,
Pitymid= Eztnielditutrp -- 1 - WitteQueen.
?am Inv:lmMla medicine toggling the care of all
tam, painful sod dangerous ammo to which the female
conetitntkos is subject. It moderator sit
=wall obettnetione from wbstener tame. 6Wedl.
cue nuke be, relied 00. • .
it L peculiarirtaiiid. 11; will, km short time, bring on
'the monthly portal with veniality.
. .
Tless Pills Assist MN ha takes by Females Ambit tka
FIRST THRZR tIVOPITH3 of Preraasiey, as tier ars
sues to king es Arrerriags, ht el of esker ties they
safe.' ' •
le Mr were 1411V0t11 and Spinal Affeetions. Paine in
the Back and Limbo, Fatigue on 'light ezertion,Palpitaz
Uon or The Heart. Hysteriteand Whites, These Pills silk
OW a ewe when all other means have felled: and al.
though a powereet remedy, do cot mutate hoe, calomel,
antimony or iusytklug hurtfill to the censUtution.
troll di - mum* in the pamphlet sward each. parkas . %
- which should fie aarstatly
.Sold bsliDruggists. I=
y - per bottle. - _
. .
It 111 thefate of every valuable Inedielatto be Goon
terfettql. cantlons, tbeivabre, and ore {hat the let,
ten "2. dt N." are hi, nu in the battle, and that each
wrapper bears II e facidrolle of the, signature of I. C.
Bedwin & Co., and Job Ibises. Without which none
are gaunt's'. •
N. B —One•dollar srlth eighteen ante for re lar.
enclosed to any anthortzedneent • or to the ewe general
agent for the United States and Itrttlel dominion".
JOB MOSES, 97 Cortland' St.. New Yore,
will insure a bottle rentaining eft pills, by return =O.
securely - sesiod firm all observation. Agents for' Sr*
Hell it Warfel, and .7. s fl. Carver & Co. mid-treow •
Are' prepared b 7 the ileeelente. G ranaiere & Dupont.
pharmaeoentlets, No, 21.1, Rue Lombard. Pm* from the
prescription of Di. Juan •Delamarre, ehtrtphyeiciap tar
the Litayttal du Nord on Larßoteere,
Palm, /fay dtb,lll°3.
Gentlemen—Ws hive used. the especido made ,
how Dr. Delamarrati prescriptioa, during amend 'sus
past, in our private and public practice. and have found
them a most 'target* and elnelent remedy la eases of
Spmenatoeboea or Seminal Weaker's. nightly, daily plp
proms are emissions; sexual—wean sa or .linpoteneig
special, derangements of the Dorton. system; "mane eat
arising from went habits and aoseal szeemea; zelage.
floe. of the genital organs; week Wee: affeetions of She •
eyes; t•Licae" or "Wet dun" deposits is, the nrinet
emote discharges; gutireess of toe skim, wi th sunten
cheeks or bloodless lips; "pinched" features; Irregular
action of the •Itsart,- end Is ell the thistly train of -
symptoms arising from oven nu, stases, or loss, tram
any muss, of the LIOTTOUS (one.
We earoistly adstselbs prolessioi. and * mai peraoris
sudaiost from any. symptomatic or manic arPetioas of
tbs gentbrarteary *Telma, to etas three pl la, lilt la
high respect, vs are yours meat stooemly,
•- , •
Jams Di Livonia, Y.D.
, .
To Gars:dere & Cupola, No. 214 Roe Lombrd Pula,
Sedintire Mid studious tgrapotious. grist% ismisties,
or whatever tat de to tweet? the vita l soden of he
brain. dist:resale, and .amtartiotla i r disorders of the
e 1 ihe system. Students,sloryyuren.sed Moyers, there.
tore, who are marestally HAM* to those westernmost,
should resort proorptly to Pr. Bodauutsmea Species %Its.
A pataphlet,eostAtolog fdl'eartimatara, with dire* ,
Cons and adttreferfoted 111 'Pseud% German. Sesuab,
sod English, accompanies each box, and wilt be sent by
treo arose., to soy who wOt write for it.
Price $1 per box, or HZ boxes for $5,
Rola by alt the priosiest drunter', or will be sent by
moil, securely mat , d from all t.beerratloo. On receipt of
the srpelfled price by any authorised agent, or be the
sole general agents for amerlea, om'AR O. NOSES &
CO 27 Cortisudt Rt. 11. Y. Authorised arrests for
gr 4 : S. W. Cart er & CO., Ran it Warfel.
F. A. WEBER & CO., 814 STATE ST.,
gommeneed keeplic Pratt i Co..' celebrate,'
Baltimore 0. eters, which they .1.11 Dell tither by the
can or eau. These Oyster+ are bouldered the teat to
the m►rtet. Hotel; saloons arta private Ihmillea cup•
plied at low view. oet44m
by bar next Mend. In the Coast at Miasma
Stephen KINN Plats of Vie Co"
won. No. Nov. Sem, Ided,
Io possoande of a role of Coait, duly antariod., the un
dershot's!, appointed to. take testimony in the shore
alluded cam IP 111 attend - to tikir duties of his* appoint..
'meat an du la daof December, A. D. 18116. at his tßee
at 11fillaCoram. to the county of Eris, eminnoneing at
10 o'clock a. m. - whim and whereon poisons intsrsited
ins Mead it tlisy asa pow. • -
. wain newt
asl3-41 - commintoodir.
Um lust isatirtal team New York
Also. 'Weaved lien New York.
Ow UMW kite of No. labor* Timmy Nada s]. tad
ths Gutty* Cod