The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, December 06, 1866, Image 1

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e l yroi N 00.9 (LT mum) ROILUZWIXOI BLOM.
/CV. Colon Swell ST. £$D tea PAU.
r , annum if paid in adranee ; TERNS DOLLARS if not
pelt untA the expiration of he year. Subscribers
erred by area. will be enamel Piny CUT/
rear in aidltion. AU inkeripting medusas MUST
be grata annually. No paper will be sent out of
the State onion paid for is guivaiie.
A pr gutill:llFN'TS.- - One Square of ten Lines one
„li o n two ie./Alone $1.76 ; three loser
f one month $2,50 ; two months 113,150:
torn, MO at). sl,so;ais months St 0 0;01se you $l2 00;
ether s drertisernients in proportion. These rates
trill be strictly adhered to, unless changed by special
mitred, or at the option of the publishers. Audi.
Ore Notices, Strata. Divorces and like advertise
; Administrable. Notices $3. 00 Luca
Valera i cents a One; Marriage Notices swam's
rmi piece; obituary Notices (over three HIM
ten cents per line. Original poetry, un
irri ten at the request or the editor, one dollar
Nee All adverthievents will be continued at
t h e erpee•e otthe person advertising. until ordered
be his d(reetion, unless a specified period ia
4 e r e ed upon for their insertion.
we All communications should he addressed to
gdftof and Proprietor.
Business Directory.
Artint..wr AT Law, Velan
Catuty, Ps, solAluto.
K 1.1„
Sraclpar DEITIPer, State St . obit 9th
I T - 4widitifiT Le Lim, trawl, lerio'CoawtT.
Careto cad °this!. boldness sittendiwi fp with
.nA israteb
w wroong.-
AITnILYNT LAW. In WaTter's•nr-
- T'64
,r terse.
prq't{l{ S 314 HVON,
nfc,r. Pangen Mork. nsse North West comer of the
cquare, Fels: Pa.
Jrwries or Iros Plume. Offlaye second
Freoeb Street. betwrom Fitti sad
F t"'
K titiTEL, Wtlttirfora. Po..
Ram, I.Ootro.Pitotitntrot.
i',....ll,enwoodelona,sand sttonttno tilos to
t i..,,tort dot:100i
oI , iVOS-1 v•
Trwrme orvnx Pikes. Pingo% Bleak,
111.2• Ir.: a 'Yarn. lila%
wEo. V. 1111P041 , 401 1 V,
It A rtnnvri AT LAW ArD J 14111112 07111111rIMIL
zo,aian and Plaice event, Conveyancer and Collector.
A.ce le Gazette building. southwest corner of Fifth and
fAf. otroot..F.rie.PL, p13'65-t
Jona Caormanorn. at the new
rtrt Wm. riche Mace has • all band a largo assort
roll of nroceriea. Provialons: Wood and Willow Ware,
Liganra, Tobacco. Reran. &c . to which be re-
Teen:di r call. the attention of the public. ratlalted that
re via offer as good bandana wean be lad In am pert
of ;no county. r0ar30•65-1v
C ti, .!.4,4 WM, M. D..
All. rm.! 'irk .tree!. over C. ctlegol's storp—board.
th.rnidroe• aC. W. 4 Re'so. door swath the
Oiono. m
Safras roct Office boars from 11 o'rfrA
,until 2. P.V. , eft
r ; BRE4I de
wb0t....7. and retail' dealer, In Anthracite.
P.itninhanna and Blneaburs o nal and wood. Genuine
!shish Lome Ins foto:Atte& and prepared turbot:tee usu.
&leave an hand. Yards—Gorier 2th and Styr'le. and
toner Myrtle atd Ritter ate., 2 squares west of the
to nepnt.
T . J. Iea.ILSER, M.
flotnnoptit it Phrtirinn and Surgeon
Offiell And B^. l l NIA at °lntuits the Park
Routs. Oftios hairs from 10 to 12 A.. 11, 3toti P. Y..
and 7 t , 8 P. M. aps.em•
govoral very, eboloe basinou sites on State Street. be
he•a Seventh and r Ishtb.treets, East Otis are f
rod for We on very reuonable tetins, If applied
I RlNl:are of
/!if WY. A.6ALBRAITII, Arent.
JOIIS 14-111 i EBB: t ,
DRILLRY INDXT Goon. Cnocrmums,,
cnekenr. rfardias, Nan., Glass , Roed.Plastet, ate, toy ,
4 .ixtll qtroot and PlAlie knarip, F.rie. Pi, ial7tt
1r D. usnonlr
Lrrxxr ASP S•LI STAMM!. on Klatt'
• •
betwono 1.44.9 and French. Fine none! Ind Car
-A.,. to 14 no rnanonnl•ln tonne. v 2 1114-17.
Yawl►R, Rasirtn. ilso-Rea so I More,
3..1”. Malt. ►le►. Lacer, he. Proprietor of Ale awl
tam Preweries, and Malt warehouse', Erie Pi.
IT Y. PicKimura. n. a.,
Disrtay. ()Sim Preset) !t.. attentlii story
*.mytStlll ,, ek. tear earner at Rod linage otIVIt
Dealer In Groceries, Produce. Provisions,
41 1 '6110w and Sinn* Mrs». Wine; Liquor; Ike,
1. Finest, opposite the Postodlee. Rrle. Pa.
D=arter, Office In Roux
e p Mock. eariti ride of the Park. Itrle. Pa 201.
091(1%%0N, WILLIAM% or. CO.
Nromnasons to fro-nts j. Norton.
am Linden , lderolants, and Wholetale deaden In Coal
Mots ftm N. - T. Pa E. and People's Line of Steamers.
t Pabllo Nook; Erie. PL. ' jaz4•66 ly.
. Are nude by •
S. I:ISMS= &
ILI.ING Sells Tbeen.
%TITER.) Wll ILLDI.N. M. D., ,
PossfotAs Aso Streosoo
Agee, 2d floor Realty's .IMoelt, West Park. Rea,
er rrawfoot, Christian At Rath's Rtore. Residetdr
nt side Myrtle street. 3,1 llono, South of Ninth.
rose., boon-9 to 10 A r. , and 2to 31'. N.
ik co.. ?s WM sleo onetin• in a4joini 9g Counties.
TAILOR atm Currnss CLIANE*
non mock. •Voya Dr. Bennett's Office.) Clotbes
r, repaired andpleaned on short notice. Senna as
ncable as env nta22 lyt.
Wll attend to r ofoarfoos) booing,* In Edo sop
•lolo¢ eoanti.L Spectil ►tte►tlon Olio to coUeor
sod enar►nnesu.
, ffce in Rlndenctch re Block, corner of State and sth
, tie terf-ttemo
NIP. C. srzscna. - IOGIIA
PENCE It et:. eIftERSIANO ' -
Arroeurre ar Li►,
oklin. Pa- aim In Karin building. !Aber!r etreat.
h ,, le City, Pa nfilre nee!. Iretnele Hank, Trfolmden
'eetione promptly made In ill parts of the oil re
e crenate. maxi term.
rrir: g " SPltrAra ST, onooail• Crittenden Raft
"ill.. Pa. Coltaetinns and al/ other. level bnai
4a:reword. • Venanro, Erie. Warren and roma
attended to anent!? ant/ - amity tli•
onnitnena—Wni. A. Galbraith. Benjamin Whitman
to sill, finenrerk Vartin t fide.
Ron. B. •P. Johnson., W. D. Brown
Malt, Warren, Pa.
one, DRO WN di: CO.. '
Wholesale dealers In bud and soft real.
e, P. Parlor. dhrposed of Our dock property to the
rtmod firm, we necessarily retire from the coal
".r , lti•nrading oar eneaessors as eminently Ivor
th+ rootd.nee and patrons,* of oar old friends
erbha ra,l2- v) SCOTT, BANTON & CO - •
1 TLE tie I,IIIA ,
robionable Tailors. Fifth street, between
W.sth, Elie,. Pa. " Cnst , m Woilt..Renalrlon and
'tlatt.nded to promptly. Cleaning done in the
uts.r• anl9 Re tf
RE•Ncit poLE poVricalr,
wersigusd haelne pnrebosed the Interest a
'rill continue to cunduct the stove °stabil-01i
^ , ts the patroage fig the enetamere of the old
th e custom o f the public promtaine
utmost endesTof to give perfect aetlefiction.
ter BA,NKE:IB ! `SS
Peeehl Street; near , the Drive I
VA. SWIM 3110. I. OOODw1S •
ItY•CHT •. II GMAT. ■. O. Vat Ell...
Pec'ected . their va anent. nta, are
cr, a Getteral Banking, Exchange and
4 tusaau.
tnat Hondo nrd Inteteat! 'Notes of all
, r.ttl , b. beetaht sad so!'
L %%Italic a: Ca.,
, moys;wisza, ugross, 70510".
WiPow Wire, Fruits, Ntits,
NO 814 wr.rit entry?.
Eithlnd 9th Sta.. ERIE. PA
far Conatry PT; do'.es•
Alrell de: Ctti/la STORE.
'tlied have opined a new ?cheep stallt.or
.lOannienYtete and nrimgh, (oppoolta. vet .ad will
keep nnuatantly on hand a thole.
. 4 cara, 'Mven. n al7 and everything salt.
tut clue %taw:sto
saidlife thvl sill "'I
vv . and MCI. -ring one eat ebewlne to
ta arataitara. agookine tobanto, PlPer
VOL. 37-NO 28. ''
44 it I ifting the heftier !Mn the are i melded myself
Teo seremly—one hand almost to • crimp. Thetortare
wee untimumble. • • The Mexican Meeting Liniment
rebored the pain aboott Immediately. It healed rapidly
and left eery little sear.
CRAB. FOSTER, 420 Broad 8
VOW Is merely a Ample of what the Wasting Lini
ment will do. It fa Infalueble fo all cases of wounds.
twelllegs, tuts. bridles, apes's; etc, either
- upon man or beast. -- * ;
Beware of oeneterfelts. *rope freastne unless
wrapped to doe steel plate eiormol.4. bearing the olff
nature of a. W. Westhrook,lCherest, sad the private
stamp of Demos flames & Co, New York.
Saratoga Swirl Wow, sold by all Pruatits
all Oro Talon a beautiful head of hair, and Its pres
•nation from premature baldness and turning gray.
.111 not fall to are Lyon's celebrated Manion. It
makes the bale rieb, molt and glossy; eradicates den•
drutt, and causes the hate to grow with luxuriant
beauty. , It Is sold eterr where.
IL THOMAS LYON, themlat, N. Y..
riaratoga laving Water, rold bj ail Druggists.
ACIVA Ds Illaannata.--Tbe prettiest thing, tbs"eweer
est thine and the most of It for the least mons*.
orentontes the odor of ,nertpliation; setteas and add
delicacy to the elan ; le a delightful perfume:, allay
headache and miumeallea, tad is I imam", magas
fon in the tick room,tn the rummy, and aloe the toilet
ohlaboard. It out he obtained everywhere at one dollar
gain iota SPrlnst Water. Bold by all Druggists.
8.P.-1101/-2.-I'as amemst a Plantation Bitters
sold in one year ls somewhat startllug. Thy would
111. Broadway els feet MO, from the Park to 4th St.
mate's tusanthetory Is one of the institutions of New
York It Is said that Drake painted all the route in the
.States with Ws cabalistic .S.T.—Thea—lt
Ind tbengot the old granny legislators to paten law
"preverithig disfiguring the fime of nature,' idea
glee' blot a nsotopply. We do not know how this ts,
bot wk do know the Plantation Sitters sat as to other
article ever did. Tlpty are Mod by all Masses of the
aommunity, and arte death on Dyspepsia— earful's
they an very Invigorating when languid and vast,
and a great supstivir. .
Parataais Soaps Water. Sed by all Druggists
WHIT DID'Ar?r•I. young lady, returning to bar
country home after a sojourn of a few months to New
ork, war hardly tenor:and by her friends. In place
of a rustic Bushed famish@ had a mon, ruby eomplexion,
or almost marble smoothness: and. instead of 22. she
appeared tnat 17. She litid them plainly she
used flagon's Magnolia Nam, and would not be•without
it. Any. lady can impro t ws her, pereanal'apPenrulans
eery much by cuing this article. It can be ordered o
any draggist . for only 60 eta.
*arauwa Spring Water, sold br all Droned/
iTeircstreet's foizetable ?air Coloring his been stead
ily srowleg In favor for am twenty yams. It sets upon
the absorbents 0 the roots of the hair, and changes it
to It, original color by degrees. All instantansonit
dyes deaden +ad Injure the hair. Heintstreet's is sot a
des. hat Is certain to its rasulta.pronnotal its growth.
and is a beautiful hair dressing. Pries 60 ends and gl.
Sold by all dealers.
Harness. Spring Water, sold by ail
Lrox's Erraser or Peas Zemmol Oirnica—tor leen
ration, nausea, heartburn, sick tie:adults, cholera moo-
bus, ober, • warming, genial stimulant is required. Its
careful preparatiou and entire purity metes its cheap
and reliable article for aullinary purposes. fioldevery•
'here at 60 Santa per bottle.
Saratoga Spring Winer, sold by all Druggists.
Nos. 23 caul 24 West Park, (Beatty', Kaki
G it__ 0 C, E R S ',
aul O'6S 1y
norm, PORK, Purr;
714 Resi Qua Ufa/ of Paulda gal oar
♦sent* for the Cleveland Rile Wain and Bletting
re. choice and fresh dock always kept Os hand,
whisk 101 I be sold at the lowest draw.
We pledge outman' not to be undersold. sod lawns all
to give us a wall.
li' The highest Woo pgd for country rotas,
mine tt
E. li. ANTHONY & CO.,
Manufacturers" of Photographic Material.,
Whales/4e and Rita%
In addition to our main badness of Photogrsphie
materials, we are headquarters for the following, visa
stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views of American and
trona gn_eition and Landscape. Groans" stebeas2, &c,
'sternemeople View of the War, from begot/no made 12
the eafhlsile issolPalettei and fanning a complete Photo
graphic history of the great contest. Stereaseople
infers on Glass, adapted for either the Magic Lantern
or Stereoscope. Oar catalogue will be gent to say ad
dress on receipt of Stamp. Of Photographic Albania we
wantrileo ore more tersely than any other looms-about
'2oovarletlee from :0 eta. to $lO each, Otir A/bome have
the reputation of being iroperior to beauty and dura
bility •to any others. Pad photographs of Genenda,
statesmen. Actors. ate Oar sabilogrie embraces own
See thotaes d different sokliects, inch:Wm reeprodne
tions of the most celebrated engratings, Paintings, Sta
tue., ke. Photographers sad others .rdeeing goods 0.
0. D., 'III please remit 25 per mt. of the amount with
their order. The prices and quality of oar goods cannel
fat) tonally. nolli-Orne
P. .I.•:I3ECFER k CO.,
tfiwa.zus Canon of Ike Parl-4 Aroma Sims.
Would reepsetftry eW Or attention oleo ootoonainly
• to bin tame $
took of
Width be a &aims to at the
YERY LOWEST 1.083/111.111 PRIM.
adimrtemint of
Ste/. RS
FISH, ao..
not stirpaued In the city, as be lammed to
MI elm give bins • call.
'Rd arse ktaPilxtustitathr On tsarat • capotht of or
tbr nue wholesale trade, to üblob be Credo t
of the Wile.
"Quick &slag, Small Proilf • and a WI
Equivalent for the Itonev. nnvlVEZte.
K Si SI, 0 V A L
The embetriber mom(' his etas k of Grocer's*
from the stand above the Lake tihn.. Dip°. to the
room in the brick block •on State it reel, earner ol
Poorth, where be will be happy to see 01 friends and
eintowere and 511 their orders for good • Ina mock o
Groceries i. huge and eatelkily melee! ad sari caned
at the lowest rata* consistent with tt re °Kenai cost
B. Invitse all is need of anythise tr A Ws line to stir
hi, a ea. 1P . FIGT0111:1DSR
w affirAßT,
E . CODE DEBILITY • Swain tl Bookowso. Alt"
ess arra by one who boa moo. blouolf &odium•
dads of °them, wad 19011 tali yew not Wag buttbo &sat
•ddrru with stamp,
JslP66 BOX 17. Boston. Wow
HEARN, cHal TzaN & Tam%
limb lei
Also, Alvrob for
'Wl:plena, laid Rotall
Aid dealers in
S T O . V
' •
Cnr dock la the largest an 4 best wut uffslo,
Diadnaaaong alms, the following known
This storetsjest the same la' principle as the P. P.
Stewart, and la in ern7 respect itseqesi. Ws' elter It
for selevith unlimited confidence in IN merritet t The
Miele In sold by as et • mach /ewer prim than that a
the Stewart, ankis warranted to be all emulates for it. -
" This is beyond doubt the Rota operating Cooking
hard eosl [nth. market There Is no trouble
In either kindling the" ere or managing It afterward;
and it ewe be wilily regulated to aims Joy t sub a heat
uto rendre& Fire eau be Inept Is It through the night
without danger. No one who has *mom It Is ope
ration would want to ass any "other.
Perinea 'mating the Cateatil, can be eapplted b$ Cl
at Low Ingates,
We titre the azaladce fleet la Nanapinata lac
beaccrteetruitig the celebrated
Also on hand, the Yodel Partor.Tarort, Cylinder,
Bell; Peal, Globe Heater, and Belle Cotter.
Oar stock Is very Wye, easalittag Ia part as More
VOMIT, MONITOR (tar vood). -
Including Vies Improved-4W bet In the Tied&
for Botsbi, Bouillag Home, las
And, to tact, oven thing known to tbo trido.
ger Tax Pcnuc Ltt INT&YID To CALL
L 1 p Examstrz oust GOODS.'
BOORS FOR Tint zintjauri.
• ,
NO. 11 NORTa .r2.Bs ROW,
Are now opening the largest and most carefully selected
stork of elegantly bound and beguilingly llinstrated
II _0 0 K 13'.)
Evor brought to this =rho; Including .
now English and Janata EWA, Ude;
Pro*. Boots, and Qum* fierrteay to gni stile& Also.
Writing Dab. Fancy ink Stands. Ladle's , Tart and
Wort Bono, Portrolloa t litarooseopee and ateirs. Proses
Cud Means, thi most battik! Sandaylikboal ,Cardi
in great variety. Port Woonain, Cud Cum. Gold Pon;
Propelling' Psnells. • Ism nrlsty of Ping Articles In
Scotch Platd, Pbotovspb Annum frog tbs beat mann
tentortn, In the bad styles,
!IRS? 11.4.110111
WEIGEL k ZEIGLIM. 50 State Strut. Et% Pa.
S jttlyrell-U
Q TILING li, 13IPT TRUE, That fithisperille rod
1 1.7 r Burdoth.Cresor of Tartar sad Elelphur, Red Pre
elplt•te and Brimstone, en tare tail to ta stc'dota
mongrel Itch, sow so prevelost through at the coca
try. Rat the "shoot of Baudalloa and flitter•Sweet
last the rowdy kr It, es lt iota cm the thy 'Washita"
all the s•unitituropesi the pored or the Ode. sad la •
natural and Noy -U throws oat all *bk, vied=
sonoue or Impure matter, aid harm the clus
free, the blood go% the die Ouse, the eouiplesies
cleared lethe . aedthat the whohl t
said without frig how disease. it is e
• IgSit UM Or TQUIrE rutin= who DV
soffstod for yous boss
• ff Dobill=os:
re Doesy. and • the saheb of youthial I
will for the mks of suffarlsx lossossity, is haw to on
wbo owed It. the news sad directions for seeder
shags moody by which h• was wired. Safferus wish's!'
to pelt by es sdsuttsses espertessr, ems do so bye&
.6 . 7 4 = 1 JOHN 8. tHIOZN,
No. Chisobtes 81.. S. T. •
vuAzthilia, as Zany of %rats
1. and Instractios to yowls —pnbltaltsd by nor
and dasodation, d rnt Oss of alums to NSW ow*
opss. Address ; Dr. J. aiLILLIS RODOBTOS.
. Pbtladelpida, Pa..
The elute to boy .
Raab al Tam, •ate., Chemist% Bala-fa Bitty CND
Starch. halm. Paan.Tapiam: Purl Barloy. Rim Maar.
w e e. itaaia g painfay, cinema Tartar. gpUt Poes. Creaked
Wheat. Pawl What. Ratalay, Siam. Rastard !toed.
Cart; /lowish 011 ms. Sall Rafting Mar. Fam
ily Mour,.Corn Meal. Oat Vaal; all libido of Paw% Fay-
Alnei. Raisins Pkkley Carnusta,sad. In Sat,
marythlag belanabi to a Vint Masa ftally Store.
s .
LUCINDA BCOBY . Is Court Cl Ca Plllllll.
by ber tut hued, - . • frie s Co,
Etna's* Moe. Ira fl. Not. Tim=
Altos debpoeme fie
JAXII4 BCOlllr. Mira "MIL"
whereas, LeetodeSteby dWorefer low petttko to the
nottatoble Jude of threat?! V as t:mom Ohms for the
coast•ot tries planet tar the Violeta set tottb ,
el* wield to &retest hem her unbend. Atom Sabi.
wage it beret/ Wen to the odd James &abr. to
beastlier, bens ear ledge" at trio at • wart at
sessto oleos them sod then to to babies. tor too
misty Cr !Mhos tie third Nesday to Nerootor.ladd,
to won, mid retitle* and abide Usejefroest ottto
wart to the brumtap. R. L. BROWN,
Bberire Moe. Oepetl7ol66. - dhoti.
Our otocto to the largest um brought to the at%
=Aran of
„, ' . •
. CASSIM 1124 e
~ - •
A CoEiplirt, Assoitteinst of Dieu Coeds. •
04 111,1 a.tkis NO O l3 Una.
• • ,
Ind, In s iropciol itiolortzoont of oToryttlog
seeded by Coantry Diabnit.
Cosaby are lovited to give ti s all. We do s
strictly wholorssle trade, and propose selllog masitl
Ores is win mike It to the arcutavvof merchants
is this 'Caton to dal ltris, lostasd el Ceitoling
rapt for their goats.
U. 13.8411711U1D, W. A. Carwroaa, J. Y. itoCcom.
Luna sett SAL&
• •
mold torpatitliyaatt the attaatkta of
BETWEEN racerr tarta scam el%
ntr• aro mow U fan opera bin on
i r on ail, prepared to W.• It hem tbs Inn. on
tits a artist patine.
suartrojt do CO.,
IN torn Imo upward for iteck-Koopor. Boots. warthlois
ardadato Cr collections. sad eta Marton
Btackwaltbi will Wad e ierytblar In their lino
At Mumma 3, ISO Plumb tit,
Above &lima Dept.
l'lme best mortared. of Nodans.
Staxacio kQolr, U22lPosok St
Coma' tordeaden sad manta.
Wostarbolm Rewire adatinited IXL COMO
at libiasou rti C 0.% 13211Paselt St:
Glue sad Putty
at Shantou *Oa* 1313 Pruett St.
rtidetnsted Zito* Mote Pamir; pun solar both
I.J vs". At Shannon It Co:s. Isn Pesch at.
rrvott . vino Notth Carolina.
at Shannon k C 0.% 1323 Pinta 13t.
Se, that Eickatbs sad &vita Stews
at, Shanzion k Co.'., 1843 Puck St.
Wits& New 8a1& sad Pent PaffsheriltSboprosr
61 Shamans k MS Sr& SL
Btatkas t. tsarty— Bab, Rana. Ran% Swab, Ea"
Wattanata, Skin awl Cattotar Stea /Madan
at Bauman k Coq Ira Puma 84
above the Rates RR kaput. It* P,
er We Arcata la Nor% Wagtails Poem ky
krahlistataa Patsnt Axiss; alio Rartinve sad Rar
alas Proof Sakaaad takbazik's koala. - Itl9-If
l inqukaTizalv
, WLyll2l' AND LIPtIM4t.
to nos reestring at their Old stud. America* Block
State street. • 11aarge sad owler steak of •
Groceries, Provhdona, Wats. ,Li 01110714
WOOdell. and Stine Ware,
Iratta. Maim ha, ts. - • •
frigethst with Insrythins toned La. • BOOM of this
kind. which thin will ma as cheap as an? other mash.'
Itchasent In this eity ter Casivormost kinds of comitry
prodom• • ~
- ?her have also on band as of the largest ands 4oset
Stooks of Tobacco and biers on* Uvostir to ghte, to
which they brit* Owattenthrn attar saute•
Call and me ea—a ahablestqwaso l a.bsttc than
'slew tlblWnd, emossmsently Cub tiaras will gad great
harpies ler sailer attir__
Jeseillloo-411 , , P. aLaLsosuatrzwas.
4U our watt to Elsa fros to th4:7 o t u rieriala, and wArr
WI ro DOT adding 'trolly to oar Vottdrata
Itazwfactottag ti:1111364 to suipirthe Isersised 4•-
zosail far our watt.
' A sashay at Ouldorea Fiala sad ram'
Law Bandy-Nade tfadsrlllaLV AL A misty otgrate .
' Irarttahlag
An or Thlell will to hp oat baad, and also Ea&
coder. Oar goods sea all alasodbararad broarsersa
Ma: Wu ltita/slaa,ltatkas sad i!toddlair dowel lie
aboitast Bailee. also, a large Valillb Oltibe Writ styli
Panama for Wks' sad Childs's% Garampats. All or.
dors wUI to promptly attesdod to
Rum !Ut a s t.
Frisch Pt. Wow _ sta. •
MOST EA'ISY TO 11,1711.';
ANN Etas vus HtBT =masa or Atcr is
K 4024111' t 89MTN014. 601 and 107 fratatti Strait,
9 11 . esslikos std ess . stnin or a=slw:
dans Ms idnalte: he& with . staphow 'Adams
tin Ltsariess Montt Tool Works, lisrisigeold. ltss%
stoat •
.140, X' AND PLITKIIIIIIIIIN—Uuttesiad loetio-•
UM ft you wish to 'tiny, Woo Uo Joidoolttlit.
obo gin tiod Joy. Ittvut wow atol 0401
peko, vstuttdolatmoation. %MIMI *nab ion to to*.
ty lumpily lad opoodlly. toolomethro of sp. 'woollki or
beauty •Mt Inflonotkio vitt emit you ouptitagoad lf
you iota to mom, will awfully odd you. Aft lot•
bou otriatlf orafdrsttal. Mot Ortioot talfoosotica
by rotunkuisfl. and mamma UM& Wen% • t
• 84.114111 L4111131Col: •
Otoottuolst. lbws
sty3l-20 5
rbaBMX" b n Wont wind adidr% t%
eedit to to Is grailiumlly, mid Uri tilAirkw tt
d d Bann Wad. Irma the saeonata vh
to oa from those that bay, sad it, an Utak than to
La as do in et its rid walla. arslo4 I
413 131'41TIC sTagsr. lank P 4
30118553 ta
,~ :r :.: .
To ow
attested ea the Cana;
Near Ueda Dark.
PII11?ING klat;
SHANNOII . It CO, IZO Pesch Street.
Come Down, • I Father. .L,r,
Oh, father, dear father, come down with, the
My dressmaker's bill him paid—
She said she would mead it. right home' from
the glop,
Ao soon as the Scraeces were made = '
My new dress from Stewart's Is -down' In. the
• ball, -
The boy will not leave without pay-; •
I've nothing to sport with—can't go to the
ElO, please send the shop-boy Tway.
COMO down.l . Conte, dowel • Come down-i.
Plisso father, dear father. come down
Obrhear the sweet voice of thy child..
Who cries in her rpow all slow,.
Ob, who, could reels& her. Iciest 'pitiful
Bo lather, With stamps You'll coma down.
Ch, father, deer father, come down with. the
stampt, '
'" curie are notfit to be Seen—
The,hslr4resier. said he would not do them
' u •
rilegs p I could pny hint fifteen= ' '
Be only asked twenty to give a new set, •
And take the old beb exobangeh: —•
Besides, 'pa, 'my rtertait's -madly rough,
And so, my baek-heirisill look strange..
Come doWn I Come down Come dbwn
Piesselathfori for }lmitate; oome down 1
' Oh, helm th^ sweet voice of thy child, &c.
-Ely WM.
Shit tied a new crivit •
Which she so kindly made me;
Then smoothed with care my bit, • •
, And with her arine delayed me; ,
She brushed my "glossy bait,"
And laid Mt was eo thirty 1"
While going down.the stair, •
She erted, slksie home, dew, early !"
How happy titan was I; •
. With ail I e'er desired ;,
orinne could defy.
While thus; was admired I
We parted at the door—
Her smiles deserved a eenneil
"Dear lore, but one thipg more—
I.want-4 atm fall bonnet I"
The First; Love end 'the last.
It ie an old story .1 am abeint to tell ;
that story which,. thank Heayen 1
.. people
.never.tire of listening to, any more tbaa
we do seeing the buds swell and the leaVes
unfolding; staid: the world made young
again by coming of spring—the story, to
which as we listen, our own youth cornea
back, and once more the fl,wers bloom,
and the skies are blue; and ottr hearts are
beating joyouslyoind it is. May.
I am not young now, neither is the day
'on - which-I am soberly writing this little
record of a long past -period, a balmy one
of spring, or anything like it ; and. yet
May comes (really back to me as I recall
'that day of which I am going to apes*.
A lark was singing far up in the blue
sky, a fey sheep , were pasturing in the
green distance, and a tall figure dressed in
grey, with a gun , on his arm.. and one or'
two dogs frisking , about it, was coming
leisurely along the sea=wall. 1 hid been
fully intent bufithe minute -before upon
the sketch of an old ,boat I was making;
but now I felt the heating of lay heart,
and saw nothing but Mark ffutherland
coming leisurely along the' sea-wall, with
his dogs playing around trim.
The little picture 'wit never finished,
for at the instant I became conscious of
advancing figure, I 'dropped my blush,
and hopelessly. ruined my distance by a
great smear of vandyke brown. It was
never finished, no—but I have it yet, hod
mean it shall be laid fie Ode mn in my.
ffe'feas a iong way 'Ott When T firstita*
him and'yet it seemed almost the next in
stant that he' was sten li6g heeide me
!peaking. 3fy heart' had not left off beat ,
ingand I could feel the color ho• in my
face u I looked up, but my fiery little ter
rier-took exceptioit to his dap, and flew
att,them"with tumultacius disaoproval, ta
king his attention off me for the mo.
When this little thefts was quieted,. he
put hitgun on the bahk, made • his' re
trievers lie beside it, and,sat down himself
'by me.
'Have - yon bad good sport 1' I asked by,
way of sayleg something--anything.
'No, he answered r 'but I don!t comPre-,
hand. I dicliet expectsoy, I came out
here because 'I thought I should see you,
and I wanted to tell you a piece of hews
and ask you a "question.' •
'News is a precious commodity, indeed,"
in these wilds; but please remember my'
Scotch hlood, in expecting an answer
to the question' '
.. , 11e, did not -seem to •be attending to'
*bat I said: he hail bakenvii one; of my
aablebrpshes and. was ,absently playing
with it, but he threw it down the next'
minrite, and /said 'softly
'Hester, I have got an appointment
that I have been.trying for, and I titian
leave forlndia 'next month—that is nay
litylleart,whih chad been beatirig sowild
ly, seemed to stand suddenly still, ands:hop
down—down. The water kind the green
marsh is rocked,• blended hazily into each'
other, and the sky, and '.then a voici3 that
sounded dim and far off; hut It , was •my
Own, too, said, 'lt Is good .news, I sup-,
' G ood news! Well, yes, I bop s so.'
He stopped a minute here. - "Itis voice
was a very deep ono, for •he was a large,
broad chested man ; but when• be spoke
again it had a soft undertone in it, that
used to ring in: my ears afteriiiirds—.4t.
does molt- - • •
thought it good news this morning,
for without I could not think bt s wife.
TheA•troubled ine t little enough till lately
eh l till I *knew • you Heater. My
dear. I think you have gueaaed my' ques
tion.' • , •
.Thseised it Ay yes. But my face ism
down upon my bands ; be could not heat
the cry that was •stiflingin my heart, and,
be went on gently, pitilessly— •
'But I shall not get an matter to'. It so.
Will yon go with me to India?' '
•,I did not antiter—l not. Ab
those, who have had dellberatiOu to kill
their own tippittest, to 'raise ' them
selsnifi' the barrier ttbat, shale them .out
from'hopt i , and love, ati4,life, will know
bard it
,'Will you be my wife, and AO with me
fb India?
'I epanot.l Awl :"no wonder thiit he,
nude a sudden movement-of surprise, for.
I myself wondered -to- hear the hoarse
pasuon,of my own voice. '•
.'You cannot I What a fool If have, been
tben. I• hoped—l toped—Hester,. is' it.
potable that yen have not knoim what I
have been thir.king of all this- timer -
Knowing what he bad been • thinking
abinit Ab 1 the light and life; and joy of
those moments *hetil had darl3d to hope
that I did:- 'Ah 1• the inpish of feeling,
nog- that they had Reed in vain! ' -
lAA at me, Hester,':,l • don't think I
underitand you, my, dear,' he said
tientty and 'gently. - 'You, say yoit cannot
be niy wife, and yet--tell me you cannot
love me and I am answered at once. •
He lint his arm over ttty' shoulder as 1,
leaned forward, with , my face. buried in'
My lap. and. whispering -
'I think you don't love M.,. Hester.'
, 'Ob, Ido,itark, I dol! • I cried, lifting
my head; but I cannot many you, I
shall /murk , give you up.'- .
Give me upi' my dear lose • an& he
, held me glower.. - • .• •. • ;
'lain:not gala a. •. - •
giVlay not l'-and 4+e-looked baltainas •
ed kalflimosed. •e• ,
r. noultnot ' bear tbe - glenee bie kind
'dark Ole, I shrank 'away from Ms grin,
and aal,di • • - • . '
'X cannot 'foie - •
To my own thinking, I bad ptosbu4c•'
ed our doom now ; but Mark Sutherland
could laugh, and said
- 'Well, then, you abnll not; }Lisa Mill) ,
AO). Ito ten.'
'Alt 1 if that ceilld only be; but Maly
would die-in Indi'. We came home be
cause the climate was killing her.'
'And you, will not leave her?' •
promised mamma, before she died,
that I never would; that if married it
ingould not separate no ; that. my - home
should berHillyra till she did not need it,'
I answered, faltering under something in
the look of bin face that was new, to me.
Up to thii time I bad been thinking of
thyi . ielf, mewl was reminded that I was
giving pain to him..,
Be was ailent two or three minutes,
looking away into the distance. Ile ha d
taken his hand from my shoulder.' •
'Well, Heater,' said be presently, grave
ly, not unkindly—but alit as it seemed to
_ very cooly-'you have simply to
'choose between your sister and myself.
You are best able to judge of your sister's
&acne upon you ; of my own, I will only
say that I love you. I. never thought or
cared mach about women till I saw ,you,
Ito I, am not - likely to change my lilting or
to forget it : an 4 if yott bad married me
- -but I will not: try to plea & say , cause
agaitiat*your sister's. Itqa ToF'you to de-,
'side and for me to_ abide by your
" •
• Ilcioice,d desperately up to the, sinning
'blue heavens, at the calm siresm flowing
on Its tranquil path to thews., at. all the
un•basking Peace around - me and prayed
pith a prayer so passionate around - me,
it. seemed
- like it loud demand that I might not' be
torieditito - shtying with my own bands,
'the - 1
young happiness of my life. 'I can
.tiOt and will slot dq . I said in my
heart ; yet knowing at the a 'me time that
1,-must, and timid. ;
',.,Then Mark spoke again.. ,
;,' ; 'Would Yet? like - alittle tame to consid
er the matter? I need not leave the Hol
lies till to-morrow evening, or, perhaps,
the next day''' "
' ' - 'No . ,' I answered—with or without . my
own WITT! never knew. . 't know . what , I
must de. I cannot leave lifilly," .:, ', , ,
'And Hilly c an nota go. • •That deeides it,
then. Well, I have notbiogte sayi. lam
the_last mania the .world to try - an d per.
strode any one egeioat their judgmecit.'
He rose deliberately, but did init go for
I satetid. ,
, ,
'Are you going hornet' he asked,
after a
_minute. , 'Hester„. don't look so
sad ; you are feeling for .me—io,n't do
that. - 1 should like to think of you when
.1 aui over.the seas ; as happy.aa T Would
have:tried to have you, think of me
sometimes as a friend, I don't expect to
forget you,Hester. Good bye.' '
Hia hand, as be held it out, ahookl, ever
so tightly, but he held mine in c a , firm
pressure for an instant. Then he let it
drop, -stooped and picked up his ;gun,
whistled his clogs around him, and strode
away keit: ' along . the , sea-will, without
on turning tolook back. • ' ,
*Hilly and I were both• orphans. !Our
father-and mother both - died in India. and
we were sent home to the care of our sole
relative, my father's only sister, an elderly
maiden lady, .living in - a kind of ladylike
poverty at a dull little .village at :lfent.
Aunt Dolly died when I was sev enteen
and Hilly twelve, leaving to us the little.
cottage: that bad been her home and ours,
,with every thing it _contained; no Very
valuable bequest, but alt the'poor soullhad
to, leave and bore Hilly and L—not.heir.,
eases, no, but not destitute, neither--con
tinned to live with the dear -old servant
who.had been our aunt'i faithful compan- '
ion and Our kind, affectionate.nurseever
since, fatherless and motherless, we . b ad
been sent -to England. I
- There were not, matlY-PeoPto to vita at'
allbstead -elan reutori We doolor, and the
family at'the Hollies comprised them. I
think:we were. the most ,antiniate et 'the
..Hollies; for the children there were il
ly'e coutemnararies, and her surorne.d le
ers and friends,- I first sow Murk' 8 th
erland at the:Honks / • he was Hr. , ' 8 th
erland's cousin, and Ihad heard of him
often before I. saw him.- Hotbed led a
wild, adventurous kind of life, wandering
allover the world for his simple pleasure,
I. suppose, since I never heard he had any
other'dbject in doing so.. I bad ',formed
my idea of him ; to, be sure , the reality
yearn:4 in the, least like it, INo, quite'
othersviae. and yet, after the first five Min..
utes, I would not have . chantect ,the • real
span for. the ideal for worlds.
Do not suppose That I speculated much
upon Mark's character in those, daye. *itch
as be.was I loved him; dearly loved hi
eh : he would never know , how dearly,lfot
had I not given him up 7 • ' 4 -
. 1 As one in a dream I went home; as nue
in a dream I, crawled slowly up the steep
Winding lawn to our cottage ; • saw Hilly .
on the garden gate watching for me, crime
flying out-into the lawn to meet me, ' ll
her golden hair streaming straight out pe
hind her, heard her call me, scold-me or,
being late ,my own _voice answered,. O w
-and bear d; .0 Os 'familiar sights d
sounds of everrdaylifti as,,,we do
times in dreams,' all , made strange.- 4
perplekipg by some . dreadful sense Of
pain and trouble.,
;Het,' said Hilly as we sat et tea, 'you re
riot eating anything,. you look pale arid
glum, you've sat out id those horrid
marshes till the sun has' made you sick.
I shall not allow you to go out. there
again, mind that.', . . I
It 0 - Wised - Hilly to ploy the - elder sister,
and I was always content that the little
one should do what , pleased her. ! nhe ;Sp;
my darling, the one thing that my solita
ry life gave me to love till-I saw Hark ; I
bad set my idol long agci, but it coat me
dear. -.- T remember that the child Was i n
'more -than usually high spirits on that
evening, that she teased me to talk to her,
sing to her, and finally flew pp tb .bed M.
I a- childish fit of angeribecsiise I !could do
I neither tine - nor Vie other. 'At any other
time I should have gone after 'her, coal
' ed and caressed -her into good . temper ;.
but now; with , a feeling' of relief that ph
wee gone , I sat at he window—staring o t
into the dark, scented night, and coup
the Cost of the sacrifice: Long, long I e t
there after the moon bad' risen. had he ,
and the eters began to grow dark befo •
the streak of grey light in the ' east.
'thought of Mark; of what I had done,' a
what I had given up, until I was' nearly'
mid, for w h en . Tatood up'and closed the
wind before going to my room. I' had
said that Twould write to Mark, Suther r.
land when morning came, and'tell him
'that -I had 'chosen once more betimen -th
'two e
I lolled , and ' chosen_ differently'
Therefore I hoped that I Was Mad,- but' T
went up stairs quite resolved arid quiet;
I undressed without ever once eancing al
the bed where my little sister, lay ;
meant to lie down on my pillow wittiou ,
doing so-; but 'oh I , I multi - not Say my
prayers and leave Hilly within:it the hit!
I always gave her before-I slept, '' • 1
Se I went up to the bed, and drawing
back the curtain, looked dowirtin what
bad for years been my sole earthly true
ure. The child looked pale in 'the cold
grey dawn, • her - golden hair wee tossed
widely back Irons her-lace, and covered
the pillow; and while I stood and gazed
'my madness dying away, my old +telt corn
ice back.: she stirred • hi-her sleep, an•i
with a heavy -soh:she :murmured , "Res
ter I'' . ~' • - ' • ' , -,' • ' • '
Then , l knelt down in the grey (lain
log, end thanked Mod .'that my madness
had passed, and prayed that as He bad
given me strength to make the sacrifice,
so He would help•mei:lever' to regret it:
I.did not seek Mark Sutherland 'again
bnt the next time Hilly went up', to thei
'.lfolliea. she told:me: on ber returnr•thst
'he had left, the Mollies; goise away to the
dreadful - India :and was .nev*r coming
back again? My heart echoed the words,
lAA I drew Hilly to me sad kissed her,
and tried-kvbe patient and forget.' • :
ecsibioolforgety my' statute sisa ten
acious.of what had once taken hold upon
it, and the course of our lives was too cud.
form and monotonous. to permit change
and variety their usual influence.' I scarce
ly knew, after Mark went away, bow' the
days.and years passed by, their course
was so unmarked, and every thing seem
ed so unchanged. At first I used to
shrink and shiver at the chance mention
of Mark Sutherland's name at the
; that passed, and I pined to bear of
.him with a weary, anxious .longing, :set.
'dom satisfied. They ceased to speak of
him after a while, as people do after a
long absent friend, and by degrees it
seemed as was only remembered in
one poor woman's heart who almost came
to think of him as if he had been removed
by death, So that one day ?dilly came
back from .the gollies, and said as she
untied her bat and threw it down, Iles
ter guess • who do you thin iCcame to the
Ironies last night T' Not even my
thoughts suggested the right norm.
. 'No, no,' Said Miit7, aa I named one or
two ; 'no ; who but Cousin Mark who
went away to India years aeo wa
mere child at thit.time,, but I remember
ed him instantly—a compliment he did
not return, by the by; though, when be
found who L was, be asked after you.'
- Years ago, , was It; since M ark , went
away? Ah as Min i
, spoke t seemed
only yesterday ; the psy,.the sorra*, the
old plant, so freshly now,, were throbbing
so wildly oncemore in my heart, He hid
not quite forgotten me then? but did he
remember me as I remember him ? 1
• 'I do believe you have forgotten: ill
about him," Milly went on ; -"and let me
;tell you. I wonder at.that, for I remember
he used to beat) loud of talking to, you.
Hetty, And be is thekind of a than , that
women may he proud of attracting not
the less, because he cares very little, I
should say, for women in general. • -
Milly, you seem to have studied
Mr. Sutherland very closely, considering
this may be your first acquaintance with
him.' ; •
She laughed, blushed. and threw back
her. heauitiful golden hair. . JJ
'No. I don't know as I have; be &trot
ed'himself to me a good deal this evening,
and I couldn't help forming my opinion,
yeti know. There is to be a croquet party
to-morrow at.tbe Hollies, and 31r.Suther
land made me promise to come ups and
bring you, if you would come, but I told
him beforehand that I knew you would
not, knowing your dislike to that delec
able means for the promotion of flirting.'
And after this it happened that Milly
either. went or was sent for, nearly Svery
day up to the Hollies—where,'indeed, she
was very much in the habit of going ;
while I, who-bad long ago ceased'to 'rate
for any companionship. beside my sister's,
sat at home, longing with a feverish long
ing to see Mark Sutherland one more, and
yet dreading with a sickening dread to
meet the careless 'estranged glance of
the dark eyes that had looked once into
mine, full of love.
It seemed that Mark not unfrequently'
accompanied Milly part of the way home;
but he never came - near enough to our
cottage for me to-catch even the most dis
tant glimpse of him. and my little sister
had some howceased to talk of him after
the first. So, although I stillknew be staid
at the Hollies, he nhightielmost as well
hate been across the wide ocean as far as'
I was concerned. And yet—oh, tol the
sense of his presence seemed borne to me
upon every breath of the sweet summer
air that floated into tap room; I could not
sleep at night nor rest calmly by day; and
often, while Milly sat with her friends, I
used to wander out, scarce heeding where
•I went, impatient only of rest.
, One day, when this terAble
was on cie,-.1 - sooirmy sketching materials, -
from force of habit, and set out for a walk
to a pretty wood at some distance. The
cool, green fragrance of the leafy shadows
was grateful after the glaring -sunshine,
and I sat down to rest where they felt
coolest. But a sudden sound of laughter
and merry voices close at hand startled
me, and, not willing to see vrhd the speak
ers were, I got up and fled swiftly down
the darkest and most tangled of the paths
that branched sway into the heart of the
wood. I soon left the merry voices far be•
bind me. and, slackening my *elk. I
wandered on. dreamy and as Absorbed as
ever, till suddenly turning rota another
patio, I saw what caused me to stand still
ant) forget everything but whet my eves
looked upon. Mark Sutherland 1 Yes,
Mark older. darker, thinner, but .lif..irk
himself. Alt, bow the green marshes end
the winding see-wall and the lark singing
far up ,in the. sky, 'all floated before. my
eyes, as I taw the downward bend of his
stately head to look into the face beside
him—the face that looked np into his,
with'those.candid . blue eves, and a smile
upon,the soft parted lips. The smile stem
ed to reflect itself. upon Mark'sgrave face
for an 'instant and then be took up the
,little hand lying on his arm •and kissed it
tonderly. I looked' no longer.; I crept
away ; stricken with a dumb anguish
dreadful sullen despair, - I crept away and
went home. For I knew the candid blue,
eyes, the sweet smile and the floating
golden hair ;• they were my sister Idillyts.
Oh, had I not done enough ? Had I not
sacrificed enough f . Was my cup' not v
so full that this bitter drop must be added
to its overflow.
• 'So I cried in my anguish, and it was
long before better thoughts- came to me.
or that coming. I could hold them firmly
and, take comfort. But by-and.hy I rose.
from where I had laid myself down, and
sat by the window to look for 31illy. She
came alonO presently in the quiet eveni ng
light, and I looked at her with my eyes
strangely opened. I had never yet ceased
to think of her as a child : I realivd in
one moment how that child was a woman:.
I looked at:that fresh young face and in.
volun tardy, glanced at thereffection of my
own in the mirror opposite. I never could
bare been in my bestdaysivhat !dilly was;
and now—l turned away with a sigh from
the image of that faded woman, with pale
lips and weary dark eyes.
Misty came in the next instant, threw
off her hat, and cominglip beside me took
my face between her two soft kande,
looked into it tenderly for a - minute, then
kissed me, and eat down' with her arm
around me. •
But my dear, I have something to tell,'
she began, with a .strange tremble In her
voice, though she was wattling too ;
wonderful thin g.'
• 'Don't you think I would ever guess it;
31illy dear r Pressing the little one to
my thrhbbing breast.
'You never. could ; - 'end yet how your
heart 'sleeting, .she-said,.looking up at
me timidln_ believe. you really do.'
Theo sinking her face down to my
shoulder ence more, she added almost in
a whisper.
. 'Hester. he titd me to ask you whether
you would see him to-morrow.'
'Heir:newel - Hr. Sutherland, of amine l'
'Of counts Pester; do• you mean to say
yes?' asked - Dfilly, stealing' another of
three timid glances at me. -
'My eyes' will go with yours, Mfily dear.'
• 'God bless you. Hester I my darling, my
dear dear sisterl' cried Milly fervently ;
and for a long while we were, both'silent.
*Nor indeed', did she mention' Mr. Sather.
lane's 'name sigain, nor recur in any way
to.the subject, till about the middle of the
next day she - suddenly sprung up, from
her place by the window, and glancing at
me with a vivid blush ands smile. ran
out of the room, and loud her fIY up
stairs. • •- • •
Then I knew who, was coming, and '1
"sat still .because to move -was entirely' out
of -my power. So.:- when he entered the
room, I eat., and thceigh I -held out my
hind and tried to utter &greeting, I know
that my lips only' Muttered inartundately.
He looked at me eagle held my hand in a
momentary grasp. and I - - thought there
was pain- and • a shock' of Impose in his
fair. ,Then he begin.
- 'I have not come unexpeetettly, I hope ?
Mil y, promised to ask you—to tell you'—
ce did tell me; I expected you,' I
s ti to say I, and I hOp said it quietly.
`ll Id' you guess why wanted- to see
you f' , he asked . with -that directness of
ape ,cb I remembered so well.
fres, even went so fir as that,' I an
swered, acd smiled—oh I what a ;wintry
'smile, if it did not belie my, heart. •
/Di' course I could only hare one purpose
in asking to see you ,again,' he went on
quickly; 'but ah Hester, what will you
say to me this time?' •
qVitataoesly say?' •
‘lifillyl always Hilly still l but liester
it is you to ans - VW me first,' bb sai d
and abruptly vralking from his position on
the hearth, be Gune and sat down boa'
'Hester—l must• call you so—did your
sisterltell what'l said to her yesterday t'
'S4 let me infer it!
'ln I Fiddledee I Nothing like plain
speak ng to express meaning,' he spoke
out rather impetuously : 'But . you are so
°cold, So unlike your own self. Hester, that
I could not take it for an answer to•what
I came to ask. ' Did 3iiily tell you that
yesterday—'or I have grown to love the
little girl dearly—Hester. Hastert What
have.l said / -What is the matter?
I hated, despised myself -for the weak
ness, but the mortal struggle of yesterday
Was not done yet. , l could .00t hear this
man, ' hom I had - loved so long , so deeply
avow. ; o
my face hislransferrexl affections
to my ester and be unmoved. Involun
tarily grasped the arm of my chair for
support, for my life -seemed fading from
me in the straggle. He bent over me, he
lifted thy faint head on his broad chest,
but I Shrank from him feebly.
'lt istnothipg, I am often faint, I am
quite well again. Yolk were saying—yes,
go oc, litr. Suthee..snd I'
'I was saying--ah, Hester—l think I
need net go on—yonare so changed, dear,'
be said o looking down at me with sorrow
ni perplexity. 'Well, well, Hilly led me
on to hope; I ought, to have known better.
You never' cared for me in the begin
ing-as I did for you!". -
'Surely, surely; that bygone ought to be
a bygorie pow,' I , cried bitterly. •
'lf you say,that, it ought, indeed; he
answered, turning from me; 'but , I told
you the», Hester; that f should not forght
you, anil from something Hilly said, and
your remaining unmarried , I was wild
enough' to dream—to hope,—
Sows:Oh:10-a light that, ,dassled ,my
poor e yes—was breaking in istioriisse as
he spet ' ,
'Mar l' said I, 'Whit did you come .. here
to.dar-t ask met
'The Same questiots that I asked eight
years al" by the strehm in the marshes.
Hester. I have done; with India ; I am
no long r a poor man, and I want, the one
woman have always loved. Hester, is
tru f Is she mine at Intl?'
Fora Ong time, I thick, after this, we
forgot the existence of any one besides
ourselves. Then it told Hark the little
game ofAcross purposes we ha been-play
ing. His incredulous wonder '
hat I could
imagine, be bad ever thought of any one
but me, touched me to the heart. .
'Poor 1 3filly 1' h said ; 'so you would
have put her off with the reveretrin of a
heart. whedshe marries, may she be
what - y u are, Hester-=her husband's
first and last love.' • '
Psec rors.--4n urchin leading r< small
dog along the streets, some days ago,. was
accosted lty 14 gentleman as follows :
"Well, My son, what's your dog's nattie ?"
"Haint got any name yet." 'MeV, why
don't yoi name 'him? Give him,somo
good name. Cafl him Andy Johnson."
"I don't like to do that—'twould be dis
respectful to the President."
then, nathe him Beast Butler." "1 - won't
do that neither, for that • would be dis
respectful to the dog."
A Niir ; Linza.--"What, is that 1" said
the Sunday-school teacher,- pointing to
the letter, 0: "Dun no," said the urchin.
"What do you say when you stump your
toe?" continued the lady. "Darn it !"
was the precocious; youth's reply.
- DOMESTIC DEAMA.--.330110 1. Mother in
the cellar splitting wood. Scene 2.
Daughter in the parlor singing to Clarence
Ml* Pi °oats ballad 'of " "Who
shall care for Mother' now."
PoliticSl Clippings
Eton. Geo. 11. Pendleton„Democratia candi
date for Vice Presidint in 1804, was induced
by the Conservatiie men of Cincinnati to
run for, Congrese,• because it was hollered
that if the huge majority of Eggtested could ..
be overcorae by any one, it would bah.) , him.
Re failed to be elected, but the 2,400 majOri
ty which Eigleston h i nd in 1864 was - reamed
to some 900.. Thit ie an evidence of popu
larity of whioh Mr. Pendleton may' well be
e , -
What political instrument declares each
State shall have two members of the United.
States Smote, and that no State, without Its
consent, shell be deprived of iti'equal vote in
the Senste7 Answer=-The CoastitutiOn4aU
the United Stites. Who, after taking an oath •
to supporti this Constitution, deprived tens
Stales, without 'their consent, of their equal
vote in • thl Senate! ' ! Answer"-The Jacobin
United States Senators..
The follCwing is a
plain otatement of the
reason for irotracting Manion':
"Why don't': they reconstruct the Southern
.Who stand repentant. ['knocking stet? gates?
.1t seems to me,' said Simple, 'tie a sin,
Now they've repented; not to let them in.'
' , lt would not do,' said : Wise, , for past a doubt,
'lf they come in, our party will be• out."
• 1V
It is for theinPrest of Northern manufactu
ring and noMmernial classes to cultivate kind
relations with the . Soathern people. Eloetile
and proecripilve acts will only serve to drive
them to rest:4l4o their own resaaroes in ill
branches of talustriel effort. - -
the New Y l ork Ciownercia/ says : 4.We
learn, thrptig k on baring. the entree to the
Government circles, that President : Johnson
is of the opinion that Congress intends to
, i,
impeach him t the nsui session." -
The 'Radio le contend that the - National
Union Conve don was held in - favor of seeps
eioniste and then quote ssrcessionlsts to prove
thtit they do tot accept , it nroceedings. •
Fon sixtee• - years I was sorely distressed
with the A • tbma. A great portion of the
time I was n• able to work, and frequently
for weeks at time. I' ould obtain sleep on
ly by setting up in a chair, being unable to
breathe in lying posture. In my long
searoh after iislief, I, of - course, tried many
medicines. bt(t. all to little or no purpose, un-
tilt I used arter's Compound Extract of
Smart Weed. This met my case at, once, end
the very gra& relief I have experienced ,by
;using it cone noes me that it is no more than
my duty to make the feet public, that others
now suffering as fused i 9 suffer., may know
where and how I obtained my relief. I have
also used the same preparation as a liniment.
and in Colds with great Satisfaction, and con
sider it a vary useful article and one that
every family Would do, well to iee about
them. ' i AMID DDT.
• North Java, N. Y.. Aug. Elet.4.-tio 54.1 1 . •
, 1
Tux DrepErric..--Theitrials and sufferings
of the Dyspeptic can only .be realised by
those-go unfortunate es to be &Meted by this
disease, and yet how many of them suffer and
continuo to suffer! . Why' they do this so pa.
tiently ilia impossible toi tell. It may be from
ignorance of any certain remedy, or it mayber
from prejudice against the use of a Patent'
Medicine. Hoofland's ..tiernsan Bitters has
cured thousands of the Worst cues of Dyspep
sia, and each day adds new names to the re
cord of its usefulness. 1 Oise -the Bitters•a
trial, Pariah, by all druggists. They are not
a Whiskey •drink. • noe22-2w
Tunas is nothing equal to the ;laudation,
as a care for Liver Complaint and Costiveness.
A fair trial of Carter's Compound Entrast of
this ,old fashioned herb, Till. conviattaany one
of the truth of this statement. Bold by all
Druggists—at one dollar a bottle. 0at2.54f
FloussnoLD Fantsus.-;-Coe's Cough Balsam
and,Cee's Dyspepsia Cure--they should . el.
•treys be In the 'house ready for *modiste
use ; they are the most reliable reuiedies
known. The one aliraye,has4 and speedy*