ERIE WEEKLY OBSEiIYEE ori cra Nos. 9 ,u010 mu* Bonavvigra's Rom N. W. CONNIE 814111 87. ANIIIIOI PAM S CaSCIIIPTION—Tiro Domaine AND VIIITT OMB per 'noon if paid In advice*; Tam bou.Caalf fug paid +he expiration of be year. A abseribera vend by Oirriliy. .111 be ebargel Furs Came a year in addition; 411 siker/An moments MUST be soft/yd aaenaLty. No paper sent out of the S.tato unless paid for fa Wow, t ot EntISRIENTS.—One Naito Wren Mee one In woo. $ , ,t6 ; tgo tagedlotui .11,75 ; three Ituttl!•,_ Sion! UM: one two montbi 113.64:t t hroe Months s4,so;stx month, E7.00;000 pat $l2 00: Other advertleementr i . proportion. Theme rates rill he strtotty adhered W, mains ellenged by epeeist ~,,tr u t„or at the option of the puillahets. Audi- ere Notices, Strays. Divorcee and like advertise menu $2,00; Administrator's Notice* $3. 0 01 Local gotten 13 cents • lien Marriags.Notlees Tirrerr - • err texas s piing nblttaryNotleei (goer three line/ in extent) ten cents per thee, • ORginal leut wri ton at the reqneet of the editor, on dollar par lice 'All advertisements wilt be continued at t h e es passe or the parson edvertising, until ordered oat by his direction, =lna a specified period is ~greed upon for their inaertion. or All communications should be addreesed to BENNIS WHITMAN, Editor and Proprietor. • Business" Directory. T ENA, ArroltNAL At LAW, Unlntt - Ifills En. uounly, r nel-Brif SCROZOS DENTIST, State St , neat 9th • tt • ,• , pinga ILIVTLOR. !sr k ?TOMMY' AT LAW. (Itrikrot Rrl•ermor r , mod other brteinere itiondoli to with - -rot j.isrmteh. sr. wFrmort E. Armionnr AT LAW, in Wsllutea or. le +ea th Itraot. Fria, Pa. ago 7•4? L Pr GSntt o ' rENCNIC'oAL ATTQLNITA ASS COVIRASLLORS AT LAW. nroO, Ninon 1111rk, Dear North Wept enroer of the , ritorr, Frio ' ' pOII 0 136ININIrrr, - JrwriOr or TOl PRAM. 18f,...c0n4 r.r• irrrre rrroeb Stmt,liortwrrn.Filfh Lori ionATA-2. fiIpTET, Wrtterford. re.. R 0.101.7 TOCOMITC. PRnPRTIM,R. Geni nceonniefle nhL and crateful Atfputhu, siren to • , n ,r,-t enoratra, - tteg'f , S I nr. pI . ug l' %M N, , Trerrins OP TRW Plum, Parton ;Met Wild of Parra, Aalt, Rrie, Pa. op), W. GPVNI.4ONr, I r ATTORUT AT LAW AND JUSTICS OP TRW PRAMS. ncnif'lntm +rent, (Innynyancer arid nnllpttor. In rlneltn Inn Minx, nnutbwonl corner of Fifth and ~`.trnnts. finis, Pa. .03n15.t V.Lif !MORE - . Jorrw. raovexamtnan. at the new - atirk store. Pacle Ckilsee, has n hand a lire, 'semi erpt of Grneorries.Prneleloca. Wood and Wallbar Ware, ehoot, Liquors. Tobacco. .ecare. kc . to trhtth he re ..pretfullr calls the attentlnn of the public. satlstlod that as ran offer an good bargains ao an be had in any nark me tonne,. - mar'lo'/Vi r .l v G yro. C JINNSfrfT, "I. P.. AND geROTON CifireFa.t 'ark street, mar C..alogePs ram—board• • tho ror!deoco of C.-W. Real, '2(l door ono% cf It o N 1 " . ChrtrPh, nn Ss rAfras itrett Office boars fromll A. If, anttl 2. P. M. mo,frrott T-1 4 11 do . Wholnnate and Wail dealers in Anthracite. F Ritnininnus and lillnontinr; ens' and wo.d. Genuine !stitch Law , for toundriem. and prepared far hone use. ainnve on band. Yards, Carper dth arid Ifrele. and corner Uyrtle and Rltcer 2 scionres went of the rninn Tleyint, rrio. I? J., M. D., . ~ . Finmonoattlo Phyatetan god Soraoon Mme. and 829 Pos-b St.. Opon•itor the Park Ttol*e. Offlei hoar! from 10 to 12 A. N. 3 to AP. M., awl 1 t. g r.-11.. aps ent• E'ATITE lOlt NALP.. Several very choler boeineu mites on State Streit, be terern Sorrotb and Fiala , treeta. Eiet aldor are t • erd form?* oo Ivry raisooeble terms, It spilled TA: quire. of • et. )rat. WM. A. CIALTSRAITTI, Arent ,T GU C.IiESRE, TORY s DEALXR ra Dm 0001)5. CROCTRITS, Bakery, Anvil!' , Nail& Glasa, Reed, fluter, ste., enr ,(Qixth gt , " antl i Putate qctuars, Frio, r.. 14v7ef- P. ° , 4n"";' : ete atSrmElghtb ttAft, bftweea Ststf atm rracn.Fiat[ macs at4_ qsze. to let Ql3 masonshie tnrmx. mr2V64,-1y t • KING,' WALarvrt„ RalwEß, &ND PEALTR 1101.3, al Barley, Nast, flea, Laster, hc. Proprietor of Ate ant t Az ., ncettteries, and Malt warationsea, Erie Pa. jr12 . 84 tf - 111 r Y. PICKERING. R. R. S., (Mee. !met,* . seeonti story Sterrett's Mock. near comer of, Reed Roos* oelB-11 KVSSILICIR, Dealers¢ Grneertee, Prndaes, Prontelone, Vo6d, Willow and Stone Ware. Wines, Llgoora, "dte., tter - ttrre.t, nppoelte the Poatollee, Erie, Pa. marST5-ty R 7. 444.4 . 4 Datrtime. OBlta In ItitteeßM. Block. hart% ehte ot the Park. lttt. e. Pa FrORKINSON, WILLI/1318 cc en.. scroonsoßs J. Vortnn, C09Ini•111012 Irterehatits, and VtlilialP deafen In C.nal tents for N. Y. kS. and Pao lea I.lna of fttestaata. rut Public kook, Erie. Po. r , BEST #.lAlalBl AV IN EB.lOl Ars raids by 8. DRUCKER & CO. WILLII4O Relle 'nem. anlolls 17 T STITRS WUILLDIN, M. D., . PaTIMIZA, AID Strscsou ware, 2,1 Boor Reit t sin Block, West Park. Rea. Ras river Prsortnrti, Chestfin Ac Ruth's atom. Residence Rest Ads Myrtle era.' ad boom South of Ninth. (Mee honrs—S to 10 A. N., and 2 to 3 T. N. net.lol3o. 4.VRIE J. BLAKELY, I j ATTOEVIIT AT Law. Rid¢wa♦, Rik Co.. Pa Will also mottos in aajoinislS Countio. 2 . m.rOa-Aans . MARKS, • TAMAN AIM CLOTOI Cuaru. Colon Block. shove Be. Bennett's Office.) Clothes cede. repaired and cleaned on short notice. T•rzas u euonable as env. T IV. BRIGDEN. ATew airt at Law. , R 1 1 attend to p•o4teional botioeurin Ede and adjoining enno*les. Special attention given to eollee non' and ancoreyancaa. Office in Moderate' re Block, earner at State and sth Ste., q de, Pa. lett-Wm* 'MVO. Q. NPVICiII . RPRY , IIO - EU dr. sIIEICKAff, Arronannre „kr LAr, Sesnklin, office fn Kerr's bettdfoe. Lfbert. street. Pit hnlttity, Pa . Office ever R'emn's- Sank, lielreden St. reflections presently mode-In all parts o' the ell re- Vann. 1,12-41 n r. N - DCTIIRTN. MANN NWZNO. GCTI/ItIE d: EWING, ATFORNATB AND CDUNPINLLORS AT I• 1.11 °rms. ON' SPRINO Ns., opposite Crittenden Hal/ ,I,llle. Pa Collections and all other local bust top in Crawford. renanro. Erie. Warren and Porn, ,ntirt. attended to carefalir and promptly aaaaaa orw—Wm. A. Galbraith. Benjamin Whitman ;mew Sill,Poencer k liarrin, P.rie. Ps. Tina. R. Brown. Bon, P. P.Johnarm, W. D.Bccrern k Clark. Warren. Pi. VO111.14:, BROWN & CO.. Wholesale dials/tin hard and soft coal. Trie,?4. Plains disposed of our doe's property to the Sor naet.d dam, are nseersarily retire from lb. asst. mie.r.snroonding our StICSISSSOYS as eminently WT. ar t , , r , pnctia.nee and pats/mass of our old friends ja01'249 SCOTT, RtNICSN In CO VTLE & GOAILDING, Y.-shippable Tailors. RUM atreet, between rod Mis , Frio Pa. Cunt , m Work. Repairing and "mr ilt , rled to promptly. C/eanthe done in tr , ir , _t manner. •nlO M tf rEqUE ISLE POTTERY, 'rTHE,CANA.L. SE:TWEEN SECOND k TRIED STS Eltlll, EMI • havlnt• pnrehared the s interest o Wo‘..b, .111 continue to conduct the above.stablLsh the patronage of the enetomere of the old snl th+ custom of Abe pnbile generally, promising titinoet endeavor to give perfect aatisibetiom t:Y.'65-tf JAY S. CHILDS. FLIOT, GOODWIN '. 6: CO., t er BANKERS ! lin Oa Peach Street; near Me Dep . et! WfOT, W DROWN. /SO. B. GOODWIN 7.I !VDIWCZCUT. A. U GMAT, a. c. WATER. ''e.% hawing peeected thhtc nix, are :•• mated to dr. a General Banking, Exchange and • .I.Lon hcelness. ~"m"nt Rondo end interest Notes of all bales boneht and sold. my9l-tf ' PA. %V61.1132t at CO., 1:1213:13E1 '-‘f.'NTRY PRODUCE, GROCERIES P . "ll , :ev , s, Irma, mqvoßs, stoat', Tolucco, , n illmn Ware, Fruits, "Hut', 'lc. ea $l4 err Ari eripmr, Vett Ilde,betwee n SthAnd P/ ;Aid rot Country Produee r a - Wtare natRA At - W. EHAVART • • • • 1 IVEItY AND !MAIMING STABLES, i'...." ? Navas. oe rakacu alto lita STRITTO• wira. • 'rt k Johann", Propelatom, Good Trnarto sod ea. lines on hand at moderato prim. j,ll-tf 1 c 2 14 'NMACtIO & CIGAR STORM a7 l .. ° Voosiseetlltaepe en i a yew Totette° ogne.tetwen ctete a•tt inproote rd 151, 4 s'otel and .111 keep covets:lth , tto band a thole , . 4 , or nine, Toles-es, Paa and everything tt• lo *lint ekon 'Nutt° don, th•y artrt •• I ' 4l Sett , e awl Ph:geed Foe cut dander to ,4 '1 4 "f Ike ede In m io brit arm greathnaoirtetisc !attains taseeo, Pi g " t •4 It HOAG k ARENS. VOL. 37-NO 27. nu tilting Mu bsfdli train jived/ 14 nealdag ve4sarsrely—istt han4 almost t 4 Tbitortuno WAD nab•arable. • • The Mexican Mustang Liniment rePerred the pain alossst Istrisdtstel7. ft beals4 rapldly and left ?err little sear. CHAS. FoSTEII,42O Broad St., Phila. • Ws is merely a sample of what the Mustang land meat Intl do. It is Invaluable In all cues of wounds swellings, sprains, cats, bruises, 'pastas, ate., either npon \ ono or bess:. - HsWalls ci enanterfeiti...l4ire is genuine . unless wramid in tine steel plc'. engraving, bearing the rig nater • of 0. W. Westbrook, Chemist, sold the private stamp of Deems Barnes & Co.. blew York. Mn toga Mining Water, soldty all Drogglatt. • • Alf who rake a beautiful head of hsir. end its pees. erratic:l from premature baldness and turning (ref, *l3 oat tall to use Lyon'. celebrated Katharion. It mates the hair rich, soft and glossy; eradicates din 4roff, and the hair to grow with lusnrisust beauty. It ts sold evert lettere. E T 11031,0 LYON, Chemist, N. Y. Saratoga Spring Water, fold by all Druggists. I= MICA DI ICLGIfOI.I•.—The prettiest thing. the "sweet (lt thing." and the moat or It for the lead atone, overcomes the odor of perspiration; . seftene and add Weary to the' akin ; is a defeatist •rwerfume; eller. headache and tnfiatoroa*lon, and Is a neceuary compan ion In the tick roan ,in the nurser 7, and upon the toilet sideboard. It can oe °Veined et4ryirhere at one dollar per bottle. Saratoga !arming Water. Sold by all Storittits B. T.—1860.—X.--Tne amr.unt o Plantation Bitten cold In one year ta*mverhat startling. They wonld fill Broadway six fiat 1,4 , 1, from the Perk to VI St. %ghee menuraetory is one of the inetitutione of New pork it le said that Drake pain , td all the make to the Plentern States with ble embeistic .3. T.—lBoo.—X end then if , t the old grimly legislators to palms law "premepg disfiguring the face of nature," .wh'eh gives hint a monopoly. We do not know how this is, bat we do know the Planation Bitters . sell as no other evicle ever did. They are more or classes If the community, and are death on Dyspepsia— tartein They 'are vest invigorating when langurd and rah. and a gre e t alietistr. CSIZEM earatoga elprlea Water. 2&d by all Dragetits, Wotl , DID 1 . 1 . 1-4 young lady, returning to her country home after , a sojourn oft few Months in New York, was hardly secognlzed by her friends. -In place of a rustle fllstaed face, she had a soft, ruby complealco, o' almost ussede smoothness; and Instead of 22, Elie really appeared but ; 17. She told them plainly she used Hagan's: tragnolis italm, and would not be without Is. Any lady can Improve her perermal appearanot vary much by using this article. It can be ordered o any druggistlor only Al) eta. t o ftratogra Spring Water, sold by all Drage*: Helm erten /nimilable Pair Coloring has been atcad• fly growing In favor for over twenty years. /t acts upon the absorbents at the roots of the hair, and changes It to it. original color by degrees. Al! instantaneous dyes deaden 'ad injure:the hair. Fleimstreet's is mot • dire, bat Is certain in its results, promotes its growth, and Is a beautiful hair dreuing. Price 50 cents and $l. Sold by all dealers. Saratoga SpVox Water, 8°1414 an Druggists. /.1 . 021e8 Erman. or Pula, Jaitatua Dreamt—tor to nausea, heariburb, sick headache, cholera mor -1 bus, when a warming, genial Wl:animist Is required. its careful preparation and entire' patitysnakes It a cheap and reliable article tor aullirbuy purposes. Bold every where at 60 cents per bottle. idniratbibil Spring *mar, sold blab Druggists. F AmLy SUPPLY - STORE, Nos. 22 ..,,.t 9g iv.,, park. (Reateit's Block.) HEARN, CHRISTIAN & CRAIG,. Wboleis% and ROO G, R 0 C E B S • , COUNTRY PRODUCE, FLOUR, PORE. FI9R, DRIED & SEALED TrtrlT3, Tie Bed QuaWks of pant st 4 Oils Argenta for the Cleirebuad Rine E hang end Muting Pow,der. rr A ..hatek and bash eta* always kept on hand, which wil 1 to sold at the lowest Artrea: We pledge enrselva not tole nitdersold, and Write ill to glee tug a cell. air The highest pries ysld for country produce. melre6 tt E= PHOTOGRAPHIC. E. H. ANTIIONT & CO, Mpnufacturera of Photographic Materials, NO. fOl BROADWAY, NSW YORK. 4o addition to Our main titlehreat of Photographle materials, we are headquarters for the following, vial: Ktereoseorre arid Stereoscopic Views of American and Pored gn utiee and I andscape.Oroops, Statuary, it:, Stereoscopic Views of the War,from negatives made In the various cunpairos, and forming a complete Photo graphic hiatory of the great contest. Stereoscopic iews on Mass, adapted for tither the gager Lantern or Stereoscope. Oar catalogue will be soot to any ad dress on receipt of Stamp Of Photographic Albums we InstnifLe ore more largely than any other hoo4—about .200 Tenet.% from to eta. tosso each. tent Allionui hare the reputation of being superior in beauty. and dura bility to any others. Card photographs of Generals. Atatermen, Actor.. is Our eats ogee embraces over _•re tbousu d different rejects, including re-produe -Mons of the most celebrated eogratings,-Paintings, Ste tees, &c. Photographers and other, rderinegoods C. 1: ft,• ill please remit 25 per emt. of the anadont with their order. The priers and quality elenr goods cannot fall to frailly. nols-dine WHOLDSALE AND RIM EL 011ocitnY.STOUD P. A. BECKER & WHOLESALE tc- RETAIL GROCERS, Mortk-Eatt Censer et ag Park 4 Froak Street, (onzarattw,) Would respeettally the attention of the community to We lame Stook of GROCERIES' AND PROVISIONS, Which he to desirous to soil 'Lee VERY LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. IlLrazooriameot of SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SYRUPS, TOBACCOS, • FISH, W., not In the city, u he te prepared to prove to 9.11 vim ire him a call. . He bleb keeps constantly on tuna a irsportor lot of PURE LiqtroM, r the wholesale tends, to which he dlreciti tke attoutioo of the public. file motto is, "Qolei Riley Beall Proita and s fa Irvinlent for the Stoney." , apart:l3V. R EMOVAL• GROCERIES t t GROCERIES tI I The entweritiez has removed M. stock of Groceries from the Mond above the Labs Stift , - Depo• to the room in the brisk Woe/ on titan street, corner of Foorth, where he will be happy to sea friends in customer, and all their orders for good, His Mork Groetries le tags and earefally selected am' aced at the lowest rates conilstent with the original coat Re invites all in need of anything In his Hoe to sty hi.-,a - P. SWIMMER XT Ins'Voila DEBILITY, Siadnal Weak:ink ate„ sea be turf by one who has eared himself and how• ands qt others , and tell you nothing but** freak. Addzr with stamp, jell' v. BOX H. %atm, Von. H E RN, CHRISTIAN dc CRAIG, RAZAN'a spawn AND MINING POWDER. Also, Agents for CLEVELAND MINING AND . BLASTING POWDER saSi 1 ERIE 'ERIS, Pd, And dealers In WOODEN ig WILLOW WARE, TOBACCO, SEGAIO, IC., AC. Wholdeals sztd Retail. Acosta for B . ,:sotilisort a. ca; i DEALERS IN S T O:Y E S , PIONEER IRON WORKS, ERIE,. PENNA. Cur ateek tithe largeaC and bed west of UaCaio, ern tinting among otbire, tbii following well known mulatto" t THE MAGIC, A PARLOR COAL drorg—TWO sizes Thia stove le Just the same in pnuelpis els P. P. Btewart.•and is Ii swory respect Its equal. Ws offer it for silo Trip un/linited confide:es In its. Oren/. The Megle Is sold by ne at a math /arrogates than that of tbs SW/ ut, and is warranted to be lip winialm for It. TIER U. S. GRANT. , This Is beyond doubt the finest operating Cooking iltovel'or bard coal to the market:• There Is no trouble to either taunting the fire or managing It alt rwardr, and it can be sadly regulated to eezure Ja t snob a'beat an Is reunited. Fire can be kept in It through the night without danger. No one who has ever seen It In ope ration would want Como any other. - TILE OR-lENTAL Panama wanting tie Oriaatal, eta be ' , applied by us at Low Figures. PARLOR STOVES. We hire the. excluidre right to , Pealiesirazda !or truarortactoring the celebrated •• • MORNING GLORY 1 ,ADIVITTIDLY TUX DEBT • EVER eigTRODTCED. 'Also on hand, the Model Parlor, FaTorlt.. CyMeier, Belle, Pearl, !Bobo Hester, and Belle Cottage. COOKING STOVES ,012 r stock is vary Large, conststiog to gut as follows COMET, MONITOR (for wood), • • • ECONOLIVST, VI9TOR, IItOGRE3EIVE, fIEfiELD, -• • • • REPUBLW, ritroxeri. OHAUPION, HARSIONk. ALBO DIIIALSIIB IN HOTEL RANGES OF ALL SIZES I ll:eluding Vanit Improved—the best In the world; DLOIXISTP PASTRY BAKILRS for notate, Itzsrilog Houser, ace SHEET IRON STOVES I FIT R NA CZ 8, And, taxi, everything known to the trade.' ter TUE PUBLIC Alll' LIVITED TO CALL AND EXAMINE 01:12kkOD.S. BOOKS FOR TUB ,MILLION. CAUGHEY, AIOCREMIY & CO., BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, NO. 11 NORTH PARS ROW,• Are moor opening the largest and most earefally Wooled ' stook of elegantly bound and beautifully illustrated BOOKEII Bra brought to this market, including stiodard works. ow E.:4OlSb and Americus ZlllllllllO Books, Bibles. Pryer Books, sad Church Serviette, in dos stiles. Also, FINE .STATXOI.OIRY ARTICIaS, Writing Desks. Panay Ink Stands, Ladies' Toilet sus! Work Hopis, Portfolio.. Stereoscores and views. Prange Card PlOgres, the moat beautiful Sunday School Card. in Vent 'VarlOtl. Port Moonslen Card cues, Gem Pant, Propellift fillaCill; a Urge variety of Panel Articke Scotch Mid, Photograph Alborne from the best mono• factortar,,tn the but stem ja2P66 tf CAUCA= VoCREARY k CO. GROVES & BAKSIVB • riasr mmitui ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCH SEWING MACHINES t A. Bold by WEIGEL & =inn, 820 State Strait, Erie, Pa. J alyVea-tt QTHANOR, MIT ?nut, That Sareaforiiht and Bardoek.Oream of Tartar and Sulphur, Red Pre elpierte and Walston% all fail to cure this modem mongrel Itch, now so porralent through at ilaseoem• try. But the Retract of Dandelion pad RIM r•Swiett Is Just the remedy for it, as It acts on the liver etteretates all the emetic na, opens the pores of the skin, and In a tutors' and easy way throws out all thick, vtedd, pet. sonons or Impure matter and leaves the" eireelstloa free. the blood pure, the ' Ain aeon, the completion clear, and the whole system tree from abeam. it le • medicine that cannot homed without benefit. septa-ti 'IEIRHOI3I4 gontletrun who bee r.s suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Pima tors Decoy, and all the effects of youthful indfiesetian. will for the sake of suffsMag butrwolty,wind free to all who need it, the recipe auel dilutions for metier the slum% remedy by which he was cooed. Sufferers wishing to prollt by tbs advertiser's experience, nu do so by M ai psalms JOHN 11ee13433 11. No. 13 Chambers Bt.. N. Y. TBFi BRIDAL lI:RAABE% so Essay of Births and lostriaetion to 'mot Men—pobliatosd by Bow and AssoeLation, a i d Nat tree of ettarg•ln tided son& opts. Adiress Dr. J. SICILLIN HOUGHTON. ja11136.1y. Philadelphia, HICARS,CUEUBTIIN & CRAIG. Ilia plies to buy. CHEAP FAMILY - Path as Tama, -ores. Otnieolate, Bakvv'e linos, Cons Starch. Parise, iiagn,Topiona Pearl Barley. Mee rout. Ries, Baking Powder, Cream ?VW, Split Pus, Cracked Whilst, Pearl Wheat fiesoiny. Pansy, Mustard airett, Jelly. Galin*, Amish Othrs.lbelf Raising Flour. rata n, noun Corn nt, Ad Weal, all kinds of flatrit, day dines. Relates seleklen, Currants.' This, and. in Oink everything belonging to a l'iret Clan Fistipy More. - 1 au93 if PROCLAMATION IN DIVORCE. LUCINDA WONT, r a Court of Common Pius, by her next friend, • Erie Co, - • when Mop,. • No. Nat. Terni. litte„ JIVE seSCOW t . • / Aliso S re a ire ihil." bpoena Monte, Whores', LneindaSeebr did prefer her Petition to the fionorebie Jodgel of the Court of Common Pima for the eaunt•ot Erie, preying for the Hues Uteffitl rt forth, the Watt be divorced from her husband. Jamie Stab& notice Is horthy given to the mid Jams Bobby, to toe and appear before out ;edges at Erie at a milt of emotion plena then and there to-be hoiden, for the county of TM, on the third Monday to November, INA, to WOW said petition and abide the ferment of the eOOl4 to The Iffeeeillee'ti. L BROWN, Sheriffs ma* 0ct.141864. '. 7 7 oct2t.dt. f‘' • . • • • ' ca • •1 1 : . 7 •; 1 / ' t9.N.: • • • • ft . • , LIEBIE ~;~~~~~Y='Moans _~en~s: SOUTHARD, CRAWFORD /dcOORD, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, Our stook fa the; Isrgest Beer brought to the city, ecarbrtiog of PRINTS. ' ' „ MCLAIN'S.% SILKS; - • , • CLOTHS. CASAINFCRIS, A Complete A iniortinentof then GOO& very kind of Artie, In tin Notloo And, In short, a general u■ortment of rre27tEktog needrd by Coubtrr Dn Zerx" TO RR SOLD' AT -NE M- YORK PRICES Country Meilen are invited to silk, us tr. call. Wo do • strictly wholesale trade, and propose calling et such' vire, u will male It to the adiantage of ateittleata to this getltion to deal; la Erli, 'MOM 61 sending Realtor their goods. IL 8. 8 017TIIMID.. W. A. CRAirronsh .1. W. IfoCoaD. inar24-t L. MK FOR toAlsE. We would respectfully call the attention ok NEW .PERP,ETUAL LIME KILN, nrwERN FRONT AND SECOND SIN • WV* are . now in ban 'operation—tome lime on the band. and are shortest notice prepared to &With It nom the Kiln, on NRILER k SPOONER. SOANTION dc CO., THE PLACE TO BUY -HARDWARE! We bare no tom* for Book•Keepar. Books; *cellos, newunta or nanoetiou. and out tharafora SELL C9E&P. B uctip.stb. will find everything. la Moir Sloe At Shannon & COB; 7321 Paseh St, T he best assortment of Nothies, Ist ;Rumpus k Co. e, ISM Sebes St Cbarsoal for Rehigarators and IMitirters at **anion h Co.'s, 1873 Paull lit Uroaterttoltu & Rogers' celebrated IXI. Cutlery at Shattuou k C 0.% 1823 Poach Bt. TT , ('t _ la and Putty Celebrated Union a r s o h le s. Pearr& o fttr , ;a32soahtiost ard DINING Etoolll T ar—goimhe North Carollni. at Assmoa k 1323 Pearl St. -a- SC/ Melt &nth, and B