The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, November 22, 1866, Image 4
ff! M PREPARATIONS. "EMMY CONCENTRATED" COMM FLUID EXTRACT BUCHII, A poalve dad EPeatio rtanett tor Manta of the Budd e r, mem., Crewel aad Ducat Ihrodbass„ Tbis medletee laereasee the palters at dleadloa,eao eschew me absorbents tato bealltesateme.try 'ldea eta' raster et caleereeta depositions, end all inatatona ea. here 1 rents ere redneed. es well manta sad teeaaanalas. ea le good foi ErkezW. Val= mai etildsea. -- HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, iron yeoman arty from Excenes. Habits of Moly& tim, Early Indlaereticra, attended with The tollovtas Syraptcaor : Icrlisposition to Exertion, Loco of Power. km of MelrellorY. ' - Dielealty et Breathing, . . Weak Nerree. Illeabliog, Boner of Meese. Sieleettunem Dimness of %Won, Pelt In theneek. , • Hot Bands . . Flnehri of the Body. Dry:LIM:I% Eruptions of the nee , terivereat bade. Palliel.Conntenanee. Muscular Sptenk. these If allowed to go on (which this 31e5. erne Inverted: removes), coon follow— FATUITY, erimmc Ins. az. to one of whtcb the patient um , expire. Who can say they are not frectiently renewed by those "direful die. cues," • DMA-N . l7r AND COYSFMTION? Many are aware of the cause of th eir enfferlec,int none twill confess, The 'teased" of the Insane asylums and Die 'melancholy deathaby coammsption bear/ample witness to the Dinh of the asairdon. The Constitution, onto affected by cicada weakness, reunites the aid of medicine tolithangthen and invigornte the system. which IMIAMOLDI ErrnAcr OB Bur= &amiably does. A trial villeasvlnee the moat sceptical. ta many affections penedlar to Fetnaka.tha 81:11&C? needy U Uneetuded try any other remedy, and ibr an complatntalxf ttotheass,orfaebe D•-MME OR CHANGE OP WE. tir SZX BTATTOX9 Awns sr No Family should be without it. •L -t Teton taLozet, Mareatr. or trapleassat medicine lea isrplesavat and dangermq &nasal. IiELUBOLD'A EXTRACT BliqiiU 11.Mlit ) R07C.DICA12-WA@N Caws Eieczot . Diseases Za an Rub dna littlo cxpease, little Or so amigo of Cot. ao tweet armee, sad KO EISTOMTRE. • • USE HEILMBOLD'S - EX TRAC- UC FIU tor all &mud= and diseases of bee organs, wool gXISTMCI 31.A.1X OV. FEMALE, • From seta'ior ousie originsting.ond no toattzr bow long stozollng. Aseasca of thcso.organs requiro tha aid of a (flung& HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU L. Is the Great Diuretic.. end It Incertiin to nave Qs denied effect In an dlseseco for width tt btreene=dnded. BLOOD! DLOOD! BLOOD! manta CONCICST4LTED 001134APCD FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA, Tarp:T*l2g tho Blood, reaming ell rel:OvoLl ootiltitp• Clonal abuses arising from tmlmporo stets of tho and the only tellable told offer tool tmotra remedy for tho pro of Serohals, Scald Head, Salt rhgpin, and Swellings of the BOOOS, ticerollorM of t.Ms Throat and logo, Rlotebes,limplos on the Face, Toner, Eryslpolao. and all seals &opttooe of the Etta, AND ERSITITEPTTNG TILE coasnaziaor. NOT A FEW .•'• • of the Worst disorders that afflict mankind gibe treat the 'corruption that accumulates in the BloOd.' Of all the db. Coverlee that have been made to purge It out:..irono can equal In sdtct IIZIXDOLDI Cosmorsu Exrn_tcx OF San. IILPAZIMLL. It tisanes and rcnovatat:theElood,inStlll3 the vigor of health Into the system, and' urges out the qumoss ,w.hich snake disease . It sitimulatcs the heal th ; italletkiiSof the body, and expels the df4iders that grow Mid Mahe in the blood. Such a remedy that coulil bo xelled °abash:mg been sought for, and err, for the first time thoptibllc have ono =which they can depend. Our swelters doe' not admit Of cart/Alcatel aglow its errects, but the trial of a giggle bottle will chow to the sick that It has Italirtnessurpaasthg enyildng they have ever taken. Twateblespoonsfutof the Extract of Sarsaparilla addOd to split of water!' equal to the Lisbon plet Drink, and mils bottle Is hal:equal to a gallon of the Syrup of Sam, plops, or the decoction as nanny made. na.tx:sor,vs ESE WASH, An excellent Lotion for diseases arisini from habits of dlaripatltm, need In connection with the Extracts Exam and Sato arils, In snelf as recommended. Eat. dame of the most responsibly and rellabto cbmacter will secempatty the azdieLnes. Also explicit directions for OW Ica Au o/ th ousel : Ws tieing witnesses, and op= manila MA'ansolleited certificates and recommenda tory hams, many of which aro from the highest sources, banding eminent Phydeiand. Clergymen, Statesmen, de. The Proprietor bas never reaQrtcd to their publication In the newspapers ; be does notAto this from the fact that his 'clicks rank Standard 114 - muttons, end do not need to be propped up bey certificates. The Science of Ifedfcbe, like the Doric Coloma, should stud Mole, piste. =Ogle. having Tact for Its WA Induction for It/411hr, and Truth alone for its Capital. I;xtrae t 6ttrsaparflla to irks:KlN:steer ;my Extract }Swim is a binrotic, and will act on main all CRSA. 43 , :t?th'itre prepared on porFly Obtottiho principles-4n raeue=and'are the most active IZICSBOXISS of either. that osn be:male. A rutty arid eciasivci tort 'MU bo a ma. parbonof their proportion with those act forth in the fol. lowintworks See Dlspeastdory of the United Stun. ' Sc. Professor Ozwsze' yaltablo worka i on the Prattle*. of Phyole. See remarks made by the celebrated Di. Parlor, Indla. Bee remark' made by pr. Emmaus MODonzxm, a eel°• Ptersielan and 'Member of the Royal Whip cc Sfteons. Ireland, and publisbed In the Tranathtiona of the Llng and - QuebnlrJoureusL • Fee liedleo.Chfrurgieal Reriew, published by - Rtnrri TiairsaiOrellerw of Co Rotel coca of Bw•geoiu: fee mast of the late standard voila on Medleliss. GOLD BY ALL/I=O43ISW '' .l7 " l = ll 4149.1314 Jetta. tbrinformationaa l 9. T. lIIIIMBOLD, • 01i02ist. 2rtaps2pt Daiwa— Veppboid'a Drug and Chemical Warehouse ! 0. detta BROADWAY, N. 0320 Helmhold's, Medical Depot, 2t0,104,80:1TH TENTH ET, PEA.; Beware of Comiterfeits AS? r_QR MUM:ROLM 'OTHER 1144 titAcs X 0 OLT TOUR IitONET BACK ITE3 E. COUGHLIN'S BOOT' AND SHOE STORE. Etat. Street. Natty Opposite !to Post Mass. ni t i l i =la, Boot and Shoe Dater, Won= the Pallas that h o has ronsmsd his stood to theaters !Weil es Stale otos% osort7 M oths Post Of" whits Its Snits'old Moods and outman to give lam • sitt. Particular &Umtata , Ono to • REPAIRING! Ravine sars4.l vintonse, and suposhitendlag all ida birdmen, Ums4 kabalism, he an she so rood PUMP. Goa sod sal at so low pier is soy other Venom in the city. Good rm. Waresatsd. spirdltt liltANUIp CUIUST/JIT CBAle Eno MO neeid a 1;401h lot of BAISTB, , OILS,- BALD LINSEED OIL, in2Dl Arm LAID OIL. E . 418 lIALL WA Y. GREAT BROAD (WAGE, DOTIBLR TRACY ROUTE TO NEW YORK, BOSTON AND THE NEW ENGLAND CITIES fhb Ball ray extends from Dunkirk to New York 460 miles. BOW° to New York, 423 miles. Sala manes to New York 416 miles. AND 15 PROS - 22°t027 intr.s THE SHORTEST ROUI. AU Tram run directly through to New York, 460 MILES, without change of Coaches. . From and after July 9,1460, Trains will leave in eon. section with all Waiters lines as follows: From DUN BIRK and SALAMANCA—by New York time from Onion Depota: 5.43 a.l. New York Day &press, from Stiamaaa, daily (except Sands's). Interseets at tiffnellsrills with the 5... W A, a. Dar Ennui from Buffalo, and amine - In New York at 10.20 P. 11. I - . 10 A. a. Ewan from Dunkirk, daily (resnapt, SandaysY. Stem at Salamanca 0.40 A. x . and con nects at Harnsftaille and Corning with the 8.30 a. a. Express Mail from Buffalo, and erring in New York at TOO a. 'IL. 4.15 P.m. Nov York Nigh Krivoi, from Dunkirk, daily (except Sundays). Stops at Salamanca 655 r. and antra in New York at 1220 P. connectlai with aßernoon trains and steamers for:Boston and New England Cities. From Boltalo—by New York time, from Depot Corner Etching. and Michigan Streets: 5.80 A. x. Rea Yea Dia Srprers, (Sundays eteepted). Arrivals to New York at /0.10 P. af. Connects at Great Bind with Delius'', Lackawanna dr Western. Railroad far Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washialiton • and points South. 8.30 LX. Erma Alai via. Avon and Hornellsaille, - dilly (ereoptSandar). Arrive, in New York at 7.30 A. a. Connecta at Elmira with Williamsport k El. • mine Railroad for Harrisburg. Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and points South. 220 r. tr riAddlifillf Egress, Snadara excepted, stop , for wood :Indust*? only and arrival in New York 7.00, a x. 115 P a. New York Med Ewan, daily. Connects at Hornersville with the 4.15 p. m. train from Dan - kirk,'and arrives in New Yeah' at 12-30 P. a. Also connects at Elmira for Harrisburg, Philadelphia sad Our South. 11.40 P. a. Cdadsaati Entre" dal/ (except Spudv")* mime in New York at 3.45 P. u.- Connecta at ll mira with Wil/ tampon k Elmira Railroad; at Great Bead with Delaware, Lackawanna Western Rail road, andart New York with afternoon trains and steamers for Boston and New England Cities. Only One Train Rut on Sunday. leaving Buffa at 6.15 r. and resichin , New Yorkist 12.30 A. In ad • ranee of all other rou tes. Boston and New Ragland gnawers with their bag gnaw, ire transferred fru if in New York. The but Ventilated and most Luxurious Sleeping Cars IN THE WORLD - accompany all night trains on this railway. Iturseere air checked through and fare always stalow as by rther route. eW ASK FOR TICKETS VIA. ERIE RAILWAY, which can be obtained at al principal ticket offices, in the West and South-west. • H. RIDDLE. WM. R. BARB, Gail Sop% Dern Pass. Ag't. feb15.65; IMPORTANT NOTICE. Loaf Sugar, OM Du - for.. ........... $lOO Rut Whits Colin, do., 61118 100 Bmaru do., 9 lb 1 OD TEA AT ONE DOLLAR AND UPW RD3. The best tea in therortrket at $2 00 Choke Honey Syruip, per gallon 1 40 Prints Old Jan Coffee, per lb 10 SELF RAISING FLOUR No faintly ahotild be withouta. Everyb,dy. la mina It. To be had of tut, as we are the agents. Call Ind get cate of those PATENT LAMP CHIMNEY CLEANERS. The nicest thing oat 1,000 BUSHELS cnoicE POTATOES • Just received. AR of the above goods we will sell cheaper than the cheapest. E AU mrr goods are new. having just been received. We invite all to examine for themselves. • re3rlV6d-tf HEARN, CHRISTIAN & CRAIG. NEW YORK HOOP SKIRT MANUFACTORY Neat, light, hahlottable and ebasp—More durable, mini • elastic, aeons medal—net like Thom from Eat• ern hetoinund sold in some of our stores, but durable Ind made of the best materW.• A. F. COHEN, ' Would rasped:fatly Miami the Wien of Erfe an elein. sty that he hie constantly a large assortment of hoop skirts of all sizes and shapes, of his own maw:- future. which he will warrant equal io any In the mar. ket. Haring had large erperience in the business, be Is confident of his ability to glee entire satlifection to all who ma* favor him with a call. Every skirt war. ranted to lest twice &stout as any other In the market. If any of my maaufacrure break In one year, they will be cheerfully repaired and no charges made. ri- Old skirts repaired, altered and ahem./ as new. Also, a splendid assortment of French acetate and corset Ethyl constantly on band. if von wish to get a good fitting skirt call at the Hoop Skirt Manufactory before purchaidngeliewhere. Merchants supplied cheap. Remember the place.looB State St., Sort moth o' 10th, Eris. octll-tf • A. F. COHEN. $lOO 6 A .17 , BD ON A PIANO - FORTE! • S2A to =so ON A MELODEON QR ORGAN I By ptizelussizsg of Z. SMITH, Or ERIE, Instead of sending orders to New York. -. • PIANO TORTES AND MELODEONS Tarnished from the follotting eelvbretad Nintetnrers Stelenrsy k Sons. New Tort, Wm. Kaaba & Co, Baltimore, ltd., Wm. B. Bradbury; New York., • Grovesteen k Co., New York, Boardman k Cray. Albany, N. Y.. Clezd. ?rinds & H. Snug, Flyrsonvo, N.Y. Jewett & Goodmen, Cleveland, 0. • - • • s Chambeie & Gabler, New York PRICES AT A LARGE DISCOUNT BELOW MANUFACTURERS' PRICES! Pianos from 1250 to $1,600. Ear All persona desiring a drat rate ?tamp or Holed.- ' on are invited to cell and examine our Instruments be fore parelutaing Where. - Every Instrument rarranteffor Ore years. No. 815 State Street, Erie, Pa. sur3olstf. Y Z. SWIG. HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO., HARTFORD, CONSECTICIN. INCORPCRATED 1810. CAPITAL =1,000,0 01 T. ALM', Prot ; G. Y. von" Body CITY FIRE MISCRANCE COMPANY. HARTFORD, CONNECTICITT INCORPORATED.M. CAPITAL E 960.000 WIL E. BAKER, Prat. GEO. W. usimn. 306- . immanent fa thnoio•e old WI tellolo Comps- Won ann b obtained on application to • R. W. 1117ESELL. &cont. pIIBE LIBERTY. WR/TE LEAD. Preferred by all praetleal 'point" Try , It, and you oil Lain no other. Ilnantartared only by. ZIEGLER & SMITH, WHOLESALE DRUG, PAM & GLASS DEALERS, No. LI? North Third Strost,Phils 1 . 654.7 • rro comnrnpnirss.—Th• admilienr having been Teetered to Monk to s few weeks by • vely simple rotnedhaiter bating suffered wets! yearn with • morn lung affection, and that dread dint" Con, nuoptlow—Lo anxious to maks known to Ills tlltontist feren the means amts. TO all who desire It, he will send a copy of the pre scription ued, (Errs of charm) with the directions for preparing and using the ems , whleh they will dud a sue Imre for Consumption Bronchia', Colds, Coughs, ke. TM' only chant of the advertiser in lend ing the preseriptioeth to burin the/Mist/dud s pread infoundlon which Its concelne to be invaluable: and he hopes every MOO Will try his moody, u It will met them nothing, and may prove a blaming. Parties withing the prescriplion,nes„ by return mail, will please address Bev. EDW AHD A. WILBON,_ dec2lf6ilr. Wilthmuttiargly Kings co., It. T. T YOU WANT TUE EINST ASTICLS or TOBACCO AN - 11 GIG ABB to the Market, go to IBTEBNER & BAKER'S, s comma Os arm AND lootria Bruin. sin; WEIOL6BALI AND MAIL DLU.IBI3. gwrdlla to the Tobacco Plug, Che w . tag. gar emu. Neirsehaais Pipes. Holders, al ways keyt on hand. Oar misty is so lap nano eon fall to be salted. Partlonlar satiation geld to orders, and ail warranted to be what they are sold for. Elm: T. Btiouriz. (mad 6647) Jam 8. BA;► a. • '.CATARRH. VDT' SITFET.A. WITH Tlll3 • DANOEIOUS AND LOATHSOME DISEASE lirEE] CAN BE .LIJIZED 1 AND ENTIRELY ERADIO t tTED FROM -THE SYSTEM BY :fie lISE 07 DR. SEELYE'S LIQUID CATARRH- REMEDY CAyTARBH • STILL BUBELY UESULT IN CONSIIMPTI ONI • j roles' shacked is Its inelpteat stager IT NEV. - R' FAILS! L...... / CITRE WARRANTED 4 IF DIRECTIONS ARE FOLLOWED SINGLE - BOTTLES WILL LAST A ikIONTII, MEI COLD IN THE HEAD Relieved in a Few Minutes. BAD BREATH Canted by perensiva seastionz , - Wa K EYES Canoed by Catarrhal abetions. SENSE OF SMELL When lessened or destroyed DEAFNESS —, When mead by Catarrhal ditleultles. ALL ARE- CURED BY• THIS REMEDY THROAT AFFECTIONS dm more frequently than oiberwhe unused by r thick, slimy mucous falling from tb• head. me nially during the night, and re sulting from Catarrh. • are cured by DR: SEELYf'S LIQUID C A T ARRII .REMEDYI SYMPIONS. 'rne Symptome of Catarrh are at grit very slight. mei and they have a - cold, that they have frequent at tacks, and are more sensitive to the change, of temper ature In this condition the nose may be dry. of a slight discharge, thin and acrid afterward, thick and adhesive, may scene. ' Is this disease becomes chronic, the discharges am increased in quantity and changed In gelidity; 'they are now thick and heavy. and are hawked or coughed. off. The emotions are offensive, cawing a bad breath; the trice thick and 4 nasal; the eyes are weak; the sense of smell is lessened or destroyed; deafness frequently take, pace. - Another common and impodant sywptom of Catarrh is that the pennon is obliged to clear his throat in the morning of a slick or slimy mucous, which has fallen from the head during the sight. W ben tbista.kas place the person may be sure that his disease is od its way to the lungs, anti should loose no time in arresting it. The above are but tewof 'the Many Catarrhal syrop• tem. Write to our Laboratory fur our pamphlet de• scribing folly ill,symptoms; it will blunt free to any address. Also directions where to procure the MAI _ eine. • We are receiving letters trait alt parts of the Union and also wiroerous testimonials from thins, talsg It bearing the evidence of its infallible merita. Thh remedy contains no mineral or poisonous edients, brit le prepared from vegetable extracts ex. claalvely; therefore it to perfectly harmless even to the, Most tender and delicate child. 1322113 BEELYE'S •CATARRH REMEDY AND TALE NO OMR If not sold by the druggist in your eLdety, they •It order, it for you. Mee two dollar, pet bottle. • An as with any affection or the bout, ttmcaor loop, should write at once for our pamphlet tally dratribing all sitoptome pertalnlog to the above diseases. Animus, DR. D. ,H. SEELYE & CO., . ILLINOIS. FSI.T. PORT, iLLINOIS. Sold l all Wholesale and Retail Druggists OENERAL AGENTS Zahn D. Park. Cincinnati. Ohio: Taller. nosh k Pal. kei..Chlcago, III.; Burnham. k Van Pobaack, Mow, Buses k Co , Nair York D. Bassos k Co.. Dams B. V.; Irsztanit, Shifty k Co., Detroit,Nkb.; "Weeks k Potter, Wotan; Preach, Rkbanla Co, Philo goods; B E. Sass Co...Plttsbarsh; Colibes Brea , St. Louts, No.; Barnes, Ward AcCo4 New Orleans; B. A. Solikiacm. kCo Isalinfille, Ey.; Bliley k Bra" Mem ph* ann4 Delay. Itlebsiond, Va.; Thompson k Block. Baltlasosm, Ni; Diztar k Nallegsr. Albany, N. T.; Strong k Arspitrocir. Clesiland , Ohio; Ws. Jobs. otos, Detroit, Mkt.; Wilms Peters At Co...tionfasille • Dentacky. • • • MB IS medicine that main the moat earairalnts and in therefore .4 ft. greatent Tune and Importance la all bailie% Cartoeo Retie of Smart 'Weed. non undo cantidily to thy troth of ibis atatomont, and all that en It a blr tom= of Um IMO mind. erfin ' - 1 GREAT DISTRIBUTION = AMERICAN JEWELERS' ASSOCIATION Depots, 37 and 39 Nassau, and 54, 5G and 58 Liberty Street, NEW YORK CITY. Of Rosewood Pianos and ffelodeons,lrin• 011 Writings, engraving', sneer ware, cold sad trateheaand • elegant Jewel•y,conststlng of diamond pins,dia mead rings, gold brametanortt, core tine, Monite,let„lsra,and ennPo ladies' sets, auk( pens, with sold and sliver et - tension holders, sleeve Inv tons, sets of studs, last p:7d neck chains plain & anted 'go'd chains, &0., rained et $1,000,000, FOR 'ONE DOLLAR. which thay tired not par until , it is known what fa drawn and lig wattle. The American Jewelers APtoehtion calls your atten tion to the feet of to hying the lairAt and most po , n. larjewelry association' In the United Bides The Mai ners Is and always has been condawed in the Most can did and honorable meaner. Ou rapfdly increasing trade Is a sue guarantee of the appreciation of our patrons for this method of obtaining. rtrh elegant and costly goods. The sudden stag , alien of trade In Europe owlug to the lat. no , man war and 411 recent disaatrong Anaemial crisis in Eng'and, has caused the failure of a twee number of jewel!, houses Mr London and Paris, obliging them to tell thilr goods at a great suridce, in some instances less than one-third the cod of mono fettering. bre have la - sly parehased very largely of these bankrupt goods, at such extremely low prices that we can afford to Nod sway hoer goods, and give better ealltlen to draw the most valuable prises than axle oth er ea ablithment doing a similar business Oar aim la to eels.. and we inspection, solicit you patronage as we are confidint of giving the utmost utisfaction. dur ing the put year we hare forwarded a number of the most valuable prises to all tarts of the country. Those who patronise as wit. receive the full value of their money, as no article o 'our list is worth less than ono deller, retail, and there are no blanks Puttee de • ling with oa mar depend on havirg prompt returns, and the article drawn will be Immediately sent to any address by return mail or express. The Cottoning soles have recently drawn valuable prizes from the American Jewelers' Association, and have kindly allowed the as of their. nara 1 Charles J. Hunter, Eur , Washington City, piano. value 1.300; Miss Anna O. Ye: es, 62 lit Mart's Place, N. Y Sewing Machine, value $75; L..Haraton, U. B Tnl; unteena, Nashville, Tenn., Salyer Tea Set, value 3160; Miss Bouts Hunter, ell Front street, Harrisburg, Pa, .sewing machine. value $5O; Lieut. Col. Waller Cinder, den. quartermaster. Louisville, Ey., gold watch, value $150; Wm. Id.litinea. 257 King street. IClualestnn, tE 0, silver watch, value $5O; Al.minder Jobtuon, Ern., -eat tor Musketeer Pioneer. hinskattur, Mien., ladies' enam eled watch, value 6160; Samuel Lee, Seq., President Colorado nod Bed Bank Vining Company,San Franelsco„ Cal., melodeon, value glX); Aron el. Long, Reg Pen-, clod Eckhart Collegiate Institute, Eckhart. N. J,, (Dag mond pin, valve S24X); It. If. Longetreet, Montgomery, Ala., Music Box, value $75 Rev. lease Van Deur, Al bony, N. V., gold lined d i ving set, value EVA MIPS Clara Loearner, Dayton Oh'o, pianoforte, value $0), and diamond pin. value $1715. Many - names could be placed on the list, but we pub-. lisle no namu without permission. Our patrons are de 'tired to sand United States currency, when it la conve nient. PARTIAL LIST OF ARTICLES, To be void for one dolisr nub, without reg rd to value, and not to be paid (or until yon know what yon are to irceiret . . 15 Rlepnt Koterwood Pianos,worth trent VO. 0 to $450 15 Rte; eat Melodeons, rosewood emu.. 175 to 250 CO FT•st Clue Sewing !ischinre 40 to 300' 75 Fine nil Paintings - 30 to 100 150 Fine Steel Coverings tre=ed 20 to 50 50 Mute Doses 25 to 40 160 Rerolviog Patent Pastors silver 20 to 40 50 "Myer Fruit and Cake Basketii to 115 400 Sets of Tea and Table Spoons. 20 to 40 150 Gold Wanting Casa Watches, marranted,so to' 100 100 Diamond Ring; Cluster lk Magic stens, 75 to 2GO . 17 0 Gold Watches, 86 to 150 00 Ladles Watches 60 to 100 510 Sliver Watches, 20 to 75 Diamond , ins. brorches and car drops, ladles' sets of gold and coral jit and gold, florentine,ll3oMiC Doren- Mae, mosaic, lava and - cameo, sett of studs, Test end neck chains, pla s h and ehased gold ring!, gold thimbles, lockets, new eile belt buckle*, gold pen. and noodle, fancy work boxes, gold pane with geld and silver exten sion I older,, and a large aesortment of One silver ware and jewelry of every description_ of the best mate and latest styles. - Ora. chance to obtain any of the above articles for One Dollar, by purelaaing a sealed mave'ope for twenty five cents. . Fl.O Bested envelopes will be sent lot $1: eleven for sls2* thirty for. $5; sittptivo for $10; one hundred for I 5. . AgENTS TANrso EVEiYWHERE Urn quelled indivements rffsred to Isdi•e and gent■ who will act as each. Our deteriptfve circulars will be Rent on application. Distributions are made In the following manner : Certtflestes naming sach article audits vaine,are paced in sealed envelopes. which are well eared. One of these e.ivelopes co. Woling the certificate or order for some article. will be dolly .rod at our office, or sent by mail tor any addrers, without regard to choice, on receipt of 25 cent.. Od receiving the certificate the purchaser will see what article it drawn and its valor, and can then send ono dollar, and rrceive the artic e named, or can choose any other one article on our list of the same value. Purchasers of our sestet.' ens lopes tosevln this man ner, ohtain an article worth from SICO to $5OO Long letters aro unnecessary. Hese the kindness to write plain directions, end In choosing different sett ries from those drawn, mention the style desired. 'Orders for sealed envelopes must in 'v. ry case be se companted with the cash, with the name of the person pending, and town, county and suite plainly written. Letters'shon d be addeessed to the manazere as fol lows: sPERUAINI, WATSON & cell-3m 3T & :9. Masan St., New York CRY. S TOP 'TIIIEr. t TIIE GREAT WESTERN d: AMERICAN HORSE INSURANCE .& DETECTIVE COMPANY Paientught Rix stolen holm" within the put week, and have captured more horse thieves sines its organi• ration than any other company, or thou all other com— panies and detectives combined It has a detective force ' extending from Pittsburg, Pa., to Council Biala, lowa, - and from Cairo to the Lakes. It bas t ion actual cash capital of P 167,51009, and aq authorized capital of pscossW. It CM over 160500 policies in`kree„ and re the only live stock Insurance CompanyZoing buiinesa in this State. WARNER k Gn.RRISEI, No.l Park Row, Erie; Pa., will insure your horses or cattle spinet death t , we or accident, andmainst theft, or ansinet theft and death both, for less money than it Would coat to 'dyer• the your stolen-horse. We aught gaup t,tle whole pa• per with:pa:nee of partite and certificates of individuale who have received remuneration from this company for. lost linhstale, but one from the Veil known firm of Loesela k Sterrett, of this plaza, will belead with in-- tboastorhlch shows that the company is acempany In fact ss well Ss in name, and that tlfey not only pay los faes. but pay them with proarptoru god despatch : We l .thelandersignedi, hereby etrUfethat on the 20th I - carol Lague we insured our entire, livery stack, con. sistingof 12 'horsey, with' Mows. Warner k Gerriab, In the Great Western and American Horse Insurance Co.; that OA the ad day of one of them died of Cholla, and on the lOth day of September we received.* draft on New York for the fall amount of the insui , suns., ' „ LOESCII &St ERRETT. , . Erie, &pt. 11, Mi.' Insarmere tan be e ff ected In Waterford - by ealting• on MVPs. Taw, & Vananden;ln Witttabdrg of Wm. Van anderOn rellsboro of Eequire EtMobaro. • Very Raspactfaliy, WAllli ER & RENTER, Genera] lira, We, Marine and Ilona Interlace 0111 m, No.l Park Row, Eris, Pa. ._ WANTED.-13USINESS -MN I • v • To conduct" the sale of Mcßoe's great Steel Plate Engraving, • uTI7II - PRAYER AT VALLEY FORGE r- Sold only by subtorlption. The picture represents one of the moat touching a'nd sublime incidents record ed in the Revolution. 'Washington's Prayer for the Salvation ()this ATM and Country." Publisher's commlnion given. A few std• and ripe rlenced men wanted, to employ agents, and to transact matters connected with our extensive business In the different States. Pay from $l3O to $2OO peg month sod expenses. - Apply personally, or addresv with reference. G. /tenor; a co., P . :1)1111er' of Sohncription verbs, No. 97 oath Rt., Cleveland, Ohio. Or to A. 0. Gillett, Union Mills. Erie County, Pa. sep2O«.4m• 14131N117 . , STORE. 111_. WEIGEL & ZEIGLER, No. 820 State Street, Erie, .Peutisyloania, Dealent In MUSIC AND MUSICAL iNgTRDIIENTS OF EVERY PF,SCRIPTION. `ital an, Fren.h sod G erman stringSof the best qual ity. Sole agents for Cblebering k gone'. Wm. P Enierson's, Drucker & Co 'F. and Raven k Bacon's Piano Vortex; also, the celebrated Treat & Linsley Cabinet Organs and Melodeon . Three and Strings sent by mall free of postage. All orders promptly Attended to. Catalogue of Musk sent free of postage. ab 26-1.1, A UTHOttIZED CAPITAL 8500,000. CAPITAL PAID IIS;$202,000. THE SECOND NATIONAL DANK 'Will open for brasin . en 0 , . MONDAY. DECRIBBER 12T11, 1964. 'ln.the Banking office now peel:Tied by the Merchant's Bank, In Brown's Hotel IttlIdln:, north-east corner of State street aid public Park. WU. L. SCOTT, taxon:may. TVL C. CURRY, Cream DIRECTORS: WM.I.. SCOTT, of firm of J. Hearn & Co., Coal Dealers JOS. McCARTER, of firm of Selden, Bliss & McCarter Border'. GEO. J. MORTON, Coal Diger. W. S. BROWN, Agent BMW° & Frio Railroad. JOIIN C. BURGESS, of Om of C'emess. Caughey a Boma% Who , eaale Groom. 0. F. CROUCH, of firm of Crouch & Bro., Flour Urea. M. R. BMW, of dim of Darr. Johnson *Smarr" Stow* • liaanfseirirera, F. F. FARRAR, Gray & Farrar, rholasalaGroctra 1. DRESIGARFR, Grocer. ?„Igal. A . VEILit, BURLEY & BIeELILRO, lIILIMIUCTUBECII 01 TIN, SHEET IRON & COPPER WORK, AND GAS AND STEAM,FITTERS 1 No. 331 . S?ate - St., Cbrner of Fourth, Erie, Pa " WORE - OP EVERY DESCRIPTION, to either of tho'sbove brooches toUettsd and promptly • • model. C. AVERY, B. =BUY, B. IfoBARC, Tin PIA' Worker. Copper Smith. G. &Steam Jitter reeptl3-112 Tlf YOU WANT TO KNOW A LITTLE OF J. IWiIitYTHING relating to the human system, male and female; the mums and-treatment of diseases: the marriage customs of the world ; bow to carry well, and a thousand things never published before. read the re vimgl and enlarged edlUon of limnaat. Cocoa WI; • curious book for mirk= people, and • good book for mi7 i ne.? 400 pages. 100 ilimptistiona. Prise $l6O. te fable s ant free to any address. Bookrinly be had at the book atom, or eUI, be sent by mall, post paid, on receipt of thipatoe. Ad BMITT, gm -" 1 180 Broadway, New Tait. SABN s CE1 . 11.1 OMR & CRAW, N 03.23 ♦ND 2.4 PARK ROW, Hue jut remind TWENTY . CHESTS' OF 'CHOICE TEA ! Whkh *MAD Chap. its 24-1: TAYLOR & rARILEICTS - MODEL 0 `1?, GA N g 0. J. MUSED, ' WHOLESALE AG-ENT, 627 tigoivrAT, N. The roost cruipleto Musical lintrumeat manufactured in America, and the modal organ of the world, comblr log sweeten. and depth of tore, bemWul and chute in appearance, reflntog end eler,ting ID its Up - el:mita For Churches, Parlors or the itoudier it hem zio equal, wG hem invariable tetra the FIRST PREMIUM ! Whererer exh , bit,d In, competition with other well i known manufacturer,. Thirty ifoor different stylee, and; from 1 tone:ore. largo double bellow'. doubt'. hiowl pedals, knee swell, L'o ~ giTin; great no:ter...end atesill ales of tone. THE SUB 1 BASS • I , . - . Applied to the d , nble reed argent, err,' :a cob:rine: of tone equaT to a eixteen Nit stop in a pip, argon 'and , when apleled to cur orgaon containing thew, and roar' sett of reeds.the volon.e of tone !genial to a $2,020 rival, organ, one eoatlo4 only about One fourth as lunch. drnd for an IllnArnted ,-rica list, girloe foil mrtino• , bus. Address orders - 0. J. II ILL MID. Whiileaalo Agent, 21a. 027 Broadway, N. 7 THE GREAT UNRIVALLED . "VOSE" F 0 , E f TES P I A N' 0 The Cheapest first elms Piano Forte in the Ifarket.l 'These heautifal inatrumentslare haft winning their; ' way into public favor. Their tone Is rich, fall end pow.l erfal, and gushes forth with pecaliar sweetness Audi melody, white the touch is easy and They are' (Misled in rich rosewood eases. with fail iron Insole Over strong base and French grand action: Ail ha large round C011:1111, with back floished like the One Every 'Detriment fully. wsranted tire ' , eels. Clecolst4 giving correct likeness taken from •Pholograph, with' fall deseriptire price list, sent free to any addrese.on ap pllcation. A beautiful song an theme, worth 3Teents, acrom-1 paniee the eircular,and la worthy .of preservation.; ,H Dealers will be furnished these beautiful- inetruntrutl lithe 10...5t wholesale price; and teachers at the az it' rates of discount. Addrtne all orders to - O. J. WILLARD. Wholesale Agent, No. 621 Broadway, N. A'ed Wholesale :Agent for WIL A. POND krO 14. . BOARDICILN, GRAY & CO.'S, 4 r t9N. KNACE & Anti othei &fit dais _ MA • .01 • , , PIANO FORTES! Circulars giving correct likentsres of these celebrate Piano Fortes, arid Taylor & Firle)bi Organs, for warded to arty addicts on application. '.THE LATEST -SONGS. PUblishol Jsiandry Ist, rpc6. , Mailed to e'ny 'ads:re:Ai free or Postage. , . I Oh, the dear old !agog ' P 5 We ye drank from thetiame canteen, by J. G. C a5k,.35 Beautiful Waters, tor g by_J. R. l'isumas 115 c I'm happy as the day to long ' Somebody'', Darisrg - 3' Violets under the avow, by H. Tucker •35 Sweet be thy repose, by J. S. Thomas as Song of the Spoon,* new college sow 50 The Angel Guide, by Fasnyer • When! went cowling, Sallie Only e• withered rose r Mother, I have beard sweet music i ne , Pleat sub dreams r f lovg ago , 3'6 nh, say not a woman's heart is bought 106 Kathleen, dear..... ' ' . tIOn Before I woe rrarried,o dear - • ~ 35; We'll meet no more at twilight boor - "be Beal:IWO Isle of the tirs,"by .R. Thomas arc Old Don't Care, by W. K. Aerford nat I ight of raw cool, ~1 thee I'm &taming .....• - ate , Fire reelect in the morning • ', 40& ... . _ Cleon nod I, by Harry Tooker' „, • Mc Como, Nn111... dear, I'm we. ping, by TnelOrr ace Mlll , lO on the 'raven, do-t, by Gtorir dU- No time like the oil time " 'OO Dim. the old laan a chance 4 cOn Ono bright moefitly night, comic Mir. , They al =Cc - Dome but mine ' , fr.: Young men On theirailway ii. ; Mc When Ferl l / 1 35 tight for frro.icm -1 .47i Down by the gate,' , hr .1; li, Thomas Mic rattles ordertng range, and over-puling for tlicintne will receive their chavge enCicerd with the o mile. ex rancid will he ili-lteteil, metre parti.e yrefrr. All ordrro promptly attended to, and any ittforir earn, etreyfdlf, even. REFERENCES Don George w. raf .ixxin, iinverror ot Noir Yor Westfield, Y Coleman; Preti , i.ent 14k , Foom Bank, Dunkirk, N. Y. NSW YOBS CITY r.RPEET.IieItI4, Wm. A. rood k Co.; Wm. D. Bradbury; Cattintr INteedbam & Co.; Vtberls Ott; Oup Riddie . Gera Sop't Erie RR ; H. G Brook", E.:q ,Sup't Erie RR ;tt heeler & WRron, t • Addrete orders *baleen'. Piano Forte °Nen and Meek )3•1763 tf • No. G 27, lyoadiray,Neet York 1 la I N TI3IE OF IOWA:TO L'l7.linzo _le;e;its I Dit,,BE r NNE_TT'S 1110111:Er 1P tt CIIO,LERA MORBUS, ,DIARRTICri DYSEtirgn,Y, caoLics, CRAM? ♦SD -BOWEL COMTIALNT3 OP 'ESETCP • SIND WARRANTED to ears Cholera or soy of Ithe 'above dieelees in their worst Isms. A severe sans of Chopria has been cured with it in 3 , r entente*, proOf of which will he given to say wishing it. No CVO h.ts tier been knawn in which it felled. I Prepared by DR...IOFIN BENNEM of and told by hire, and at the at , re of p. A. Beeker,:Erii, Pa. riticz $l.OO FIN Born.x. BEWARE Os Con-razntr. DR BENNETT'S FEMALE RESTORATIVE • Has teen hatted forlhe last 20 years, and given corn• piste esti/faction.. It entna the following complaints: I Paid in the small of the back and hip; with a pulling weight and bearing dow/ when long on the feet: pain in the elde,low down.with palpitation of ibe heart:cold , fast and dissinena of the head; pain between the ehoul Cara; weak stomach; nervous affections. etc. Recommendations to the media of this roedicin• could be given by-the boollred, had we the ante skid' room. The beat plan is to buy a bottl., and test it for! yourselves. I Price $l.OO per bottle. do'd by Dr. Bennett, at hie office in Wealeyville, and at r. A. Beeker's store. Erie,t suartf Ggir. , SEWING 'ACHIM° 'GEORGE I Sole agent for trio eounty fOr theires eeles.rated chines, has on hand et Lytle k Goaldieg's Tailor shop, Fifth 'treat, between State and Peach, a large eerier, embracing all kinds and prices, which he respectfully invites the public to mall and examine MCI flow, mi. chine Is acknowledged 16 be the beat in use, doing all kinds, of wart. and bete easily kept in order. Ftr proof of these assertions simple ark a trial of the ma chine, warranting them do , all I protege. I , Cr Let ail call and ex •mine be'ore pa-chasing other machines. Special attention given to repairing 14• adzes of any kind twompt , y repaired, at moderate char iffw• m52.4-tf GROVESTEEN do CO. , r I - PIANO FORTE iSANUFACTURERS:, I 499 BROADWAY N. Y. 1 The attention of the public and the trade Is invited to one new scale, Berea °dare. rosewood piano fortes, which for vole.. and purity of tone are tr..rlvalled any hitherto offered in the ma. ket. They cOnteln all the modern improvements—French grind &Rion, help pedal. iron 'frame over-Ann* hue, ac , and Orb in• eminent beta; made under the personal supervision o f lir. J. A . Grovesteen, who has a ,preetical e x perie nce of over.tbirty years In .heir nurnufaettrre, L fully war ranted in ewer, particular. I I The Gravitation Piano Verb) received the highest award of merit at the celebrated World's Vaii,sherei were eshßdted irszhirments from the best makers .of Lando'. Paris. Orescany,,Philad• tplois, Baltimore, Brie. ton and New York; end also at the American 'natant* for five miconeriveyeara the gold andaliver medals from bath of which ean be seen at our ware•rooms. By the introcuction of improvements we makes still more perfect planoiarte, mad by many featuring largely. with • strictly cash system, are enabled to oder these Instruments at a price which will preclude all competi tion. Our pylon antic= $lOO felt= cheaper than any dirt clam Piano Porte: Terme—Net Cmh in current lands, Descriptive circulars ad= from j7l7Be—ly H. ar P. COLUMBLAN MOWER ANP OEAPNR.I The only peed Condit:l4 Ilachin6 In roma with" f. ward eat in mowing, and rear eat and aid: &livery In Beaglog, and PERFECT SELF - RAKE SMALLEY'S COIN 1!L0W. , & CULTIVAIOt. Mite implements In one. A boy elm it with ears. It it a perfect Yarrows.. Comer, Hoer rnei and Harrow. The beat implement In we for coriringtgrahr. BRANCH BEAHHILLING PLOW . 1 No Throw Auld ba without one of then light sad simple doable mou'd plows. Hu movable whirs soar ble for rows froth Sit to 83( feet suit. Send for illus trated pamphlets, orth terser* agents. The Colcublan Noire, and I Reaper took the &e a r • whim at the fair of the Moerleanlostltote, last I ror Clzubss &in Prici Ihrt E irtleith ". address . : V. R. GI LE7T, 8010 stoat for Erie Count)•. Alto s agent Poi deist lions NV Fort. JeT-1 Ayer s Sarsaparilla HEIM= ATILUI Buoau • A compound remedy,' designed to be the most effectual diterafiec that can be made. It is a concentrated , extract of Para Sarsaparilla, E 0 combined with other substances of still greater altcratire power ns to afford an effec tive ;sudden) for the diseases Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those 'who suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one which will accrenplish their cure must prove of immense font ice to this large class of our afflicted fellow citizens. now completely this compound will `do it has been proven by experiment on Many of thelworst eases to be found of the following complaints Selli/tVLA. AND SCILOYCLOES COXPLAINTS, EItUrTIONS AND IinCI.TIVE_DISEAsrs, I Mull i ns, BLOTCIIII, TUnOn'.4, SALT R11T.1:74, Seim, liesn, SYPIIILIq AND Srrinxtrio AP TCTION3, ISIL'ItCOtI AL Discise, DROPSY, NEC. BALM.% On TIC ,OBLOUIIEUX DEBILITY, D. PEPSIA A:;-INDIGESTION, i Y. 5 nT3IPT.LAE, •on ST. ANTIIONY'S Fin; and indeed the whole class of complainti arising from Izirtnarr op THE BLOOD. . • T 111.3 COBIDODnd will be found a great pro moter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul hunters which festat'in the blood at that season, of the year. By thetime ly expulsion of them' many melding' disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by - "the aid' of this 'remedy, spare themselves from the enduiance Of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, thro4sh ;which the system will strive to rid itself of>torruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by . an alterative medicine.,Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever youfmcl its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or- sores; cleanse it when you find it is oh-. strtieted and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it 'whenever itisfoul, and your feelings will tell yon when. Keen where no particular disorder is , felt,' people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum of life- disordered, there cast be no' lasting health.• Sooner' or later something Mustgo wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these ends.. But the world has been egregiously deceived by pteparations of it, partly because the drug ante has not' all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the!virtud of Sarsaparilla. -or any thing else. During late years the public have been mis led by large bottles, pretending to give ft quart of Extract of .Sarsaparilla for one dollar, /lost of these have ,been..frauds upon the sick, for 'they not only' contain little, if any;Sarsapa • :ilia, but often no curative properties whatev- • or. -Hence, bitter and pXinful disappointment has followed the. se of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla whiCh flood the market, until the mama itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous witg r imposition and cheat. Still we call this comppund Sarsaparilla, and intend ;to supply such it, remedy as shall rescue the •namo from the Ipiid of obloquy which rests `upon it: And we think we have ground for believing it hai virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary Ms of the diseases it is Intend. ed to cure. • In order to secure their complete eradication froin the System; the remedy should be judiciously taken }according to directions on the bottle. DR. .T.,C.'AYEIC & ' CO. -MASS. Price, per Bottle ; Six Bottles for $5. Ayer's'Clierry Pectoral has' won for itseir such. a renown fur the cure of every variety Of Throat awl laing'Comploint, that it is entirely unnecessary for, us to recount the evidence of its virtues, 'wherever it has been em ployed. 1s it has long been 'in constant throughout this:rection, we need made more than assure the people its raliiy, is keptnp to the best it ever has f;en, and that it may be relied On to defer their relief all it lfas ever been found. to do. r I Ayer Cathartic Pills, , crrnn OP Costireness, Jinuulide, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dq•enlery, Font Stonuril; Erysipelas, licackche, Piles; Rheumatism; Erirpti - ous and Sian Disases, Lisp). Complaint, Dropsy, Teller, Tumors mut Salt Ineum, Gout, Neuralgia, as a Dinner Pi P, aid for ,Parifiliq the Blood. They are sugar-coated, so that the most semi tire can take them, rlea;antly, and they are the het aperient in the trolld,Tor all the purposes of a family phy3iei - 0. .1. WILriARD, Pricy 25 cents fer Po= ; rivol3;:z'n'for 51.20 . Great number' o f Clergymen, Physicians, S te s men, and efhinent personages, hare lent Muir names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of the. e remedies, but our space hero will ant permit the insertion of them— The Agents below named fur nish gratis our Mumma 's: ALMANAC in which they are giyen ; with also full descriptions 'of the atm; a complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their :CUM • .. - . . DU not be pin otf by unprincipled dealers with (Aker preparations they make more profit 'on. Demand AYEICti. to 'e no nthers. The sick \ - the Lest ei there is for them, and they should have it. i • • All oar rein.:clies are for sale by " X E: W L'• m ITIINTTCRE AND UNDERTAKING W A R R 0 . 0. JL 'S On state St., between Eerenth and Eighth. The Subneribere hare entered into the Cabinet blalcine and FURNI-TURI ' TRADE, and prepare Deicing to order and keeping conetently on kept, all kinda of Farniture.. Orders 701 receive promptattentlon. Repairing done The" subscribers will give special attention to this de. pertinent of their business. They will manufacture and keep constantly do hind a large assortment of StetsMe Cures and Coffins. and. hold themselves in readiness to meet orders in this line, promptly, from any part piths country: Deterrnined to spare no efforts to give satisfac tion both In the quality of their goods and prices, they hope to maitre a liberal share ofpublic patronage. - aprlTB2-tf. Successors - toII. J. 11. Ricca?. • READY PAY STORE. • Would !rcppecthilly ,Inform she reline tbs . ! be Nu . , rutehared the STOCK of GROCERIES rf MINNIG 4- RUSSELL, coterir or Ern AND BTATB STB. ISl f ete Da intsr.b to keep a good so eutaortn:rat of F'dMILY GROCERIES dr. PROVISIONS. WOOD A WILLOW WARE, AND 'VARIETY GOODS I as Is*ept in Erie. Kept eotieteptly- en han d . BEST BRANDS OF ERIE CO. FLOUR, WARRANTED r A GOnD ARTICLE! ;TV: The hfgli l est Starke: Pitt" •paid for all kirea of Country Produce. c i f Oooda d••livered tree'of charge to any part of *he dec2VE5-tf V EDUIC7I.9 13 ST E R, GROCERIES AND PROVISION'S ;Liquqrs, Sellars, To!deco, • CROCKERY;, VC - 4,LOW IVARV, FRUITS, • State etreot • East aide, RAM dcc north of Railroad Bridge, ERIK, Pd. P. FRIEDEICIIS JOHN GENSHEIHER b• SON. 711111.8211121 CLOTHVG AND GENT 3• FTIRNISIIING GOODS, , . E. Joyr.i. J ONES & BROTHER; CHOICE ERIE' COUNTY FLOUR BRAN; SHORTS; MILL STUFFS, &C.; Dellrery the in Qs City , . HOTEL 11E310TED. The Echeeriber who has occupied the Dam, Jima above the Depot, lot the put four yarn, hu removed into the • • • NATIONAL HOTEL, column or PEACH' AND Emilio STREET Where he wM try to seeoronotiate twice u Inanysnee and as welt, as he did in the old stand. Re horns th the patronage 'bleb was en liberally extended to lam them will be reended to him an his new cutters. *tabling is antlelent to accommodate 42 : tweeters who am 7 favor bin with MOO patronage. • me2Ogrott JOEY. = •on ,hurt notice. UNDERTAKING 1 A. MINNIG (Suressoni to Weber /z.TJhr,) aBLE/18 IF NITS, TAYEEZ It•TIC3p, &O tf - Joas Unlit - '1 • Coroor of ooreath and $t r ME, T 4 Slannfaetosers and Wholesale and Eitel • Pealess In curs, CORN, CORN HEAL, 421 State Ai , third door scuth of P. 0., ERIE, PA, 111.124 bULb" /SUCIIU ,iIC. ONLY ICNOWN ILE.II.I.;DY FOit ritz (.INLY KNOWN Li:SILLY-FOR 1./LL ONLY .KNAYN I:LLL•'LY YOB. • DLSIO;rI:3, rr.vriow or r:id: cnr"rur,, , 1:,, - ELA2::•'.. , _ vv.:: Oh T 111.: MIMES , CA.TAIIItiI OF' 'I LEI 1 I.2II)DER, • s rp.A.A; OIL PAIR- —' 17:1a LT it.I.NiATING. th• xdr c, e,i a> a .• much aruri,44. ,It•t_.prai 40. A firrrlo-da• Leen ;:,11 0 ,7:1IJ Arc jva try. arath 2,1: dc,: ,44•. m.; ;•aan in th ci t:11 ,1 : . 4 '4 l : ,r At 'a) 4,f He 1:0 -0 . I' , I; , t.h ;rill relieve you. Phy:3l.cians. 1.111:1 Othors • 11.1.:.;61i NOTIGE. maize 10 ss cu! m ~.Ct nn' * al it 0%): 21 of Loa'lu, lnd Juni r "si vt.0,17,-reLlt lr ro,,plrvi itl a and iag ril,s of PHARMACY AND oHEI.k,USTRY.3, Thzm inareltentD are known of the moat Yaluabl4: i•tatico a , A Is LT RETIC whull.,:t3 upon tho kt•ll2:ya. • - 1-IELMBOLD'S EXTRACT_ BECHT/ • :LeTs . ,oENTLY, rataz,Unt ht t tsta - -7 , 1:11 o.loa, ft :a fr , ..= 11 4 NT/pc:tics, a 1,2. hat , Iv, For the Satisfactioa of Ally'` sv D,spcniatAry,pl ;01.7. S.. of 33;17e . "Bvenr• ILI 0! , r.+ da6rt3,lye, sal 50A1:4.-i 'hat artaLttic, i i t. - .to T;ittcri•h, an I anatorma to that of mint. I: is given chL3tly in contidants of the Grin-try Organ:, su• h Grav'ill, Claur.L.'Cattrrh .41 • the lit . mnbi I i.nt-tt.on of the ler Urethra, of the Pro , stat , , on,l Itk..-or - Incorinnen.:e of . Urine, from a 101 l of ',done in ihe harts CDtic , rnci is itt cemmation. It hali also hien reeotuniendci in Dyipep da, Cl-onfe Dlsurattism, Cutonencts-Atfootians, ond Dropsy." FO FURTHER, INF. 031SATION , •..ol'rofesdir Dewees' raltrable works on the pr.vniee of Pliysie. See roontrk, made by The celebrated Dr. Physie,-ot ralladelekia. Sec any an/ all Stan•lnrl Works on Ito from the Ls.rxeitlis,4ufszturitig, Chemist I • ,i THE ORLD. iam -wr.qu.:ntv.i , kithil..r. 11,:mhai; he oecw• pied the dra; store oppo3i c. 0 my te.idence, ani was i . succesifa, in ,nda,ting t.: o Ln.,tnos where otters , had not . en equally .to before him. I Lava been f.t soraLly i pre3,ed hi, lh rra.t.c..r ant enterpri, W.L.: WEiGIITMXN, (Firm of 19-truniCa: „ ,Veitftrzan,) , • 3ltnt:Lra to Illg C.l,rnic:s; Ninth on I :how: :it: et:, l'hila , le:p:L. L. [From th Ph.ladc; p:u!,,Elrc. /lot:Lein. ,Iforch 10 , th. I • Wear , gratified to Iledr of 9:...: .eent:tat.u.i sugiei..., ' In New York, of our towm , in in, Mr. 1.1. T. Ilelmbold: d 1, Druggist. II iC , r.e Nletrepoilign Hotel, 1328 feet front, ir:o feet Lep On I 11VC -taries in , rn ,tat. , It de certainly a grand ester. li , hment, and , e tks fl,- vorally of the inn it of 1:141.g..,1e,.. Ile rchtniz In , OfAx and Laboratory ..rd this City, which are a 1.., model cstabathments of their 4,5. t The proprietor his been in Ilvel to make: this , t 1 , .• Merit from tbC net that his r, in-Id,, al thon-,ih a Lre timed. are ~,, GES'T_TiNI il P1.2. - P.:P.A.17.,1.'1'1 ON, - And ketog .. iti&‘Cit tlu, Intelligtt renclin from a4l:i2 anything pegt.ti'agia"> (21,1. I:k., y, or I", Paten , 1.1,1 0110AT:der, —mo+t orrxim.titre prepared by .e: f •t va r .: i,Doctors, who are to) ,leton ant to not: a ph' - ., I: , timplest prescript:on, nvH:. le : f 'toot to j , T ..^ I • - Yharmacentical prep ,ration:. • , , THESE PARTIES RESORT , , . ..- 0 ,._ i .. , to rations mv.010,: ...‘ n, ,t,e,, :I.l_tl AS C i:o., .•, , parte of adverttscru,nt: ts!!! pupa: Sr rs , rn e 11,4 'shin?, withcertsji •ate 4. 1 Th e s nen ss 0 M.5..11 11. • sst sr. I. •lIMI'LI - 2, : 11::.,,,: AND MAJES TIC, Is sztss: I' s. tf sr it. !;,i , - ' i•- tion fur Its l'illdsr, Crifb..C.or.s. f sr Itss C 11111.11 A WORD OF CAUTION. f• Ilealth is race: ; ant t',..1 il:ttct a I not use art advert,Ni tri , •lttu r t, Jr sly nenety, Yes its contents or 1:2g,,, •n:, ore , rt e 'Ts to othor4 bcki Inthe mlnuf , r, ee.ll y ,re ntisdet Of the gut:id...Loa , of tltt, HELMBOLD'S GENUINE: e'REPA It ATI ON S. • nuna EXTRACT;, 'FLEID txmAcrr SAI:SAPAItILT.A, 4nl InN:OVED 1:0:‘1: WA-1 Established upr-.7.nt , of :o.yoar. rreparel Sr Ii I R::L.MI;OI,D PRINCIPAL ;SOOTS. ILF.L.MPOLDS DRUG AND L A•rt Y ! , And HELIUM/LW , 3 . 11.1•1 CA lIEVc,,TZ,,, lUI Suuth IC:h •;:ree% p 4,.„ Sold by ati Lr++gf:iats, as 1- ( - EYSTONE STOVE NV - • - TIBBA I LS; SFIIRE. & `VIILTEHEAD, 4i ,x.irittriarrurr.3,97- STOVES AN D HpLI,oO6- WARE;' Hare a large and exterviv's rscrt-not.t B:di-eot, Wholesale and Retail *4' 'THE GATE spa Erst-class Cital Cook Stoce, with or withcot rept voir, for h . ; rd or soft c al, or wood, am' - BETTER TgAN THE STEWART 511% . ,i al-o manufacture the N5 - HE Bpi EA F AND HELP F. Both low oven goal Cook Stoise—wits wood irrate3-- can beoased either for coal or wood. THE 4 FOREST JAR': We are 'still rminufacturing this cerebrated to oven Store for wood—with Or without reservoir.. , . . . - 7 • THE HE.H, TOR, A tow ,Oven Store for Woad. Thin is a new Stove,-' Iriantitul Cosign,and now for aale—tagetler wits -- a large arsotment a •elerated Oren Coot, Parlor Cook for wood or opal, and Parlor t • , and Office Stotes, for wood or eoaL C. H. ?HIRAM D..SHIRH, W. EL WHITEHEAD Erie, Jen. Et BANK NOTICE.; ' KEYSTONE NATIONAL BAITK CAPITAL, $250,(W. DIRECTORS: SELDEN !JARVIS, JOHN V. • • ELLER/ MARTI:, DESTEEI TOWN, 0. NOBLE. . ORANGE ?minx, pretthibna. JOHN J. TOWN, Cashier: The abcan bank will be opened for the transtei , of business op!, • DEC, 5, 1865, IN lIII4HES' BLOCK, West aide of State St., littween tenth and ,t Satisfactory paper dikiconntrd. Money received on Depoldt.. Collections made and yroceeda accounted vomptness. Drafts, Specie and Sank Sees boce,t and sol,l A abate of Public ratronage CLEMICNS,‘CAUGHEY BUitta;...!s, IVIIOI.T.SAL% GrJrERS AND PROVISIONi'DEALFIIS, WOODEN N74IIF;',NAIL.I; VIEFIVF.D , rATER WHITE OIL VITRIOL,• CAUSI IC 130240v - E NOS. 25 5.., 26 NORTH' PARK STREET; deell'alf. FUANUIS PV'EFFEIT MdfirIACITRICR AND DEALSII BOOTS AND SHOES! EVERY amp:min warm, No. 816 State St., West Side, bet. Bth and }f.B. Joassr. 'Jett hiceleed, • new stack of Goods, which will be sold at the lowest ;nest. fIATARIIII CONED PON. ONE DOLLAR. ' IISAD t For one dollar, per mall, I will send free to any address s recipe and medicine that I will tee to care the worst caws of Catarrh in the heed or bun tidal tubes in a few weeks. It has caved way life. aid eared me of Catarrh and a severe bronchial trouble I bad satferefrwith for years. I tried the t est phyalcians and all the advertised medieltea of the day. but found no relief till I obtained this. .1 would give one hundred dollars for this recipe and the medicine if 1 now had the Catarrh and could not ohfain it lees. I believe, if instruction, are followekit will cure any ease 'blamer thet has not already reached the lance end became a settled consumption Curs it while you con. Address T. P.IYILIIB9. N 0.15214 Fulton Et., N. T. leA•ly2m• GOFF, PATTANspig S'CT ! , ,MA FRENCH STREET , o Wave on Ma head the beet kinds of Oreupd Coffees, SPIa e, to w • • Lt• 3,1242 TIE LOTTO rstt,ese. •• . WARD 11011bRt r " .4 strut, uass Own% r.. ,R.A.lfird. rilwelstorq C:lt 3. ilL:Diot): EMMIE OF ERIE ALSO DrALEII3 IS ERIE, PA ERIE, Pl. NEW PEPaint z For the Randkerehiet FlliLO' S • ~t C, ~ , ~ ' &~7 ~~ • Vq* ; . , A 749€ t Delira`.e. grant's fume, from and Beautiful Plowc: frcm takes its name. , 31:Inuati - tired nnly PIIA LON NEw youx. BEwIRE OF , COMITERFEIp, As 7.: can l'll.ll.lti'S—TAXE iyrr,F, So I—,l)^:zzgirts Etnatn.r. F OUT Z'S HMO ad Cato Palm preja•L-. ••' 1;,7 r Icyorr,:f Irltl L LmL MCorp N't7 •. / I 1. . 1 ,G5 . 1%% . ..0,11.,:,'" ftrtt*,,,, z rAnil fiLLL: • • U• I St,CI3SL LLTILLA tenti:e ' • All this animal, end YELLOW W. TER. II EAV E COUGHS, DI. TERPER, -Fl VERS, FOENDE LOSS OF APP . ? TITE AND VITJ ENERGY, dm use improves t wind, therms, the appetite—givf a smooth at glossy eiin--ot transforms t miserable skeet horse.- ' To keepers'of Cows this prepl, 'ILL^ ...„1, 4: It iflCTeibeS the quaut:ty awl I:9i. • _. • , ~., .clv , . ' s , ..,,.. • - 1, 0 , ',r ~!k t. gi ~.- ",-...:', ... -.. gli - .. 4 -... .1 . - : .1 .. ~,, ~., , , ,,.. 4 : 1„..,,, . t 11 , . f.. •- I I ~.., .. : • : C r tv4.-s1 z-. 1 ; ,, ..‹, , -.1. 41114%.,7f, , i 1. , f , ,• 4, tench aster. - • In ail ii:LqC.3 of Striae, iach a-, Coue..3 Caa the Lung., Liver, &c., article• 4 acts .19 a SA93Cifie..knA . By putting fom_ - • one-haff . li.q•a•r n a be-el the I_ ablre igeaaes will be , olicatol - -fag '-,•••---.—•••••=-- or entirel,l,_ tin -.7„crit••l• ,7 • t a f' , 71.3 preocattre and cur* • ' • Price 25' Cent 3 ;IP. ' P ?aletz forra I fllO., i . AT illElll 117111r. , 4 Ir. DP,lti .%\ll 4fEDIMT: nr.r.yr. N0..116 Franklin St., Baltimore, td. rf,r S:ab. Lc lirng.,:lsts!Lrc ,, , , • Ole I:4 Cuitc.ll States. r.a1241b.:y '5.,11 by..I7ALL k WARFEL, trA REMINGTr'N it SON Nieho.M, -rata, No. 40 Cnv . thir t ibex York. D VP3 41: -CARSON. mann ALL RINDS OF GIIOCERIES, FilrITS, VEGETA:. AND rßosisloni, • 7 Fifth Ftreet, tetweta State ILI rent!, F7ri& 1 Ifseive petrehsoe: tea' Ftra b.for the tete ro. ,in VT , C.I., 11l • fr.( cor.fident of te , ing - ..1k,.. able ) to rive Situ,- . (sewn. both in ~ price and qnality - . , , . • uonntry Prndaee 07 4,01 . 7 pert boneht snarl can always dep.od on tecelvieg the ket pilaw for their articles. , DEALS-113 THE ADJOINLVO TOW'. • Atol ol the Linea of Rallroed, SCH"4 , a I D Wrial FRUIT, -V EGETABLI.f . Glee no a Call- REASEMISNR. MAT & JACKSON'S ISAF-SET Gi FIFER STREET aulT-If : EAGLE FOUNDRY, PEACH. ST., ABOVE. THR EUFFA LO FO DIL lIENRY, BRYANT A. SEIETO : (1110CPSF0I8 to Aelie,:opt Bar, NANT7ICITIV:ii , 07 PARLOR, COOK AND OFFICE STIO TIN ► SHEET IRON WARS, AND ALL RINDS OF IRON CdSTIN' 7S XT4117 ROVE. Sold by us issrorsted to cre otts-let Rett.t, Sol Irons, Iv., or talr•vt. ifactured .s, to order. PLOIIA AND rum Dowd of rsr.erter vale Is! Aittty a`wt eor h; rd: A ee . l - n '' r iIOO IN all ask. DENNY, DIZYANT krtlFss," I otal.'Bl3.:—tf. MO/11E1E10N WIIOLDIALS: PEALST,SI. FLOUR, PORK, I;EE.F, SALT, tiR.O. CLOVE U, TIStoTiIY NOS. 501 AND 50',;, , 11.1E - SCII Between Eth aoe. tre, I. •51ay9.63t1 FNGRAVING. RUSINESS, WEDDING AND tria:i c A 111.11 Madly Certldentrs of Oil sn Or:r s •" * STAMPING, EMBOS6ING, SEALS. s' nl J. 11. .i.imtaom BUILDING, ICEST at Yl'G(••! C LlVEltii Strith.l3. •ar' lrl tea antan , - . e , rarehasad *the well—known tirory '. 1,24 ;,,,-;:t occupied by Wen. J.S t e rre tt , , ••t,'"' o.! ~.,,, a • .. A and the public that he will ec,tlaw It . tv,::: ix:mites their pationaie. - - " °VIE STOC' Will be largely increased and _ MATZ TAT , : been procured, and sore . Horses In the country. I am. d trlcnnt . the catabhahment an to glee :0 want to obin the•aerrices of a goad tear: ready et all ta titles to aec,,scroodat,lty" : prices. tlacellect the; pace, Fifth street,S*LEßroßeEt7l.* Reed°'',o,s Erie, June 8,-iso—cr T 9 s• T.HE GREAT CAUSE of burrian :4 Just published, in • sealed envelope. _ Price cents. A lecture on the cs• erC tare, treatment and radical erre of permatorrlion, or seminal weakn ee,thtfi sa l meats to Involuntary Emission , . Sault Pebeeo.^.2 marriage generally. Norsemen ...wid Con Fpilepey. a - Film; mental and „rit C resulting. from eel, obese, fl)tert J. L. I).D..Au wor ihor of the "Green Boot," t:•• Theld reaornid author, in this ad•?! ..i 0 , diesel, proves from his own en.r•ezer•:,,!;,j,o * oounequences of self abort may I e. without mc.leine and without Jar gerOtlf 00, rations, ho. glen, instrum,•ate nee -, or °L ./ i s msM r winfichouteavemryouespoifrf r,cur,it.ant.onteet:Tce.rbtaiitinho.:_st be. culture Winn cheaply. privately and This lecture will prove sboon to theanilo." Sent under envolure,tt„„, says the receipt of wiz cents, or two postsfe,oo, o Also, Dr. Culverwelre eldsnisee,i;,u'EL' 3 ' 3 5 AO Address the publishers, I ris % a 127 Bova, Ng it oi. 3312-3si .11