The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, November 08, 1866, Image 4
~- J- • ; VIENTE giATI.ONSI usem=.lTED- cogeo=o r) BUCHU; Ell xclac 11= dy for Manses of tbs r.r Crt.vel cond Dropsical i.c.ri;.z , ;":.• 00 parsnips diamika4u4 S-[ hCr.lt7 ICUCI II IIb7 Iltleke° ctf.T.:•:ttlanz. GEd en =mural CM. • , : pan =a umozom 7, 1%7‘ .. ..1tn.r.ta CISIErer4 • MEI • WM. Vite"ret... EXTRACT BUCHU, 'Teri from E=cezzes, Salta Of DILA* ottratded with tho ifblkratoit .1; 7: cr;:crn, Loa of rover; =cull:7 of rrostblog. , rtf.a to this took. ll:Ltlzt of tho Body, . rropt!oniof the race. ratill•Co - xxteataitee, czl-r Clam. sea ~ : l : ~~ ~ ^ =I I t to go qn (which Mb M* , .7T, EP. IL:_TTIC rrrs, at— s •. p.tlerg: =ay A.rplro. rho PM IV ft."lJA:cd b; thaw "areal di& cONzirmPTION? ,o cr.nt: of ctilferLig,but acme lEN 1....a:d0 of too roo.:nto tcylmos and eft consamproa bear ample tattoos, to :.. ............... ; .•' • r EIRE aLbcte:l by erpute ece.statis, • • 4 ........ stresztben antibrilgarate ESTEACT 68 1:417C317 .4111 w 11caatlacethemaetriepited FE - .7 • . t .„ 14 t - s to etaq... mirrat nit yet: 7 ler to ramiles,the Miami! J. , ti tt.T.,,t.,let by azy otter rcmady, end for all c mr , • , ,te tbeltlont to the \el, or In tho r)rruxE on ckt.A.Nor. o^ um. • 1"," Smr. ar2tr:o!:.3 tztovz. t :+"o - P tmily sholtld bo without it. i ., • • "j • - Tat; t.o Etlawn, Merentr, or nart, easant tieTttatte for tuiplcasaLt um,l dangcrons illsca3c3. Lt.i,iißt:;LL'S EXTRACT BUCiiii l ASD DESED:IOi7ED C2o@a rza@P] Cg:a3 Scci-ot Diseasen -In all their Maces' llttto ea - p=3o.lltiln or toeing , . oe diet, no !anonymlmcc,t.q. O ='051711.t. r 4 .• 4 USE HEIZIBOLD'S. EXTRACT BU•CHU roeall affections awl diresSes of tbeso organs, wbather =TLCG IzALOII ET3I.4LE. T:cra ulaatct•crc:.•=so orfc, , ,not.L.lg.c.oll no nutter how long Insesscs of thcso erg= rogalro tho c. 14 of • .:Lnretle. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Is the Great Diuretic. I.nd It L certain to balm Malaita effect Mel Cameo tor which It 13 romanended. - , BLOM BLOOD! =own riehrnbcold's maws coaclormiz= coxrorano FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA ) Tor puttying the Blood, removing all chronic conaldlit• thatal diseases arbiar,f, ti !=pure etate of tho tikad; and tha only reliable and ot:,c torinnown remedy for tho ouzo of SOrofnla, Scald Beal, Salt Ileum, nano and Swellings of the Donu, Ulccralons of (Lo Throat and Logo, Blotches, Plaples on tLe Face, Tette:, Emit:4llas, and all eciily Eruptions of the Skin. D 11134 'MI V ILVG V. 13.1.1 .CUISI'LES:IO.III' xoT A FEW of the worst disorders that a:Let mantled arhe from the corruption that aciumalates in the Mot. Oita the din coverica that have bean made to parse it out, none can equal in ogoet lintathoznee Couvorov DaroAer or SAD. sur.tscrana. It cleanses and renovates the blood, Instills the visor of health into the eys tan, and purges out the Somers which make discate.• It stimulates the healthy functions of the body, and expels the disorders that grow and rankle in the blood. Such a remedy that could bo relied on has been sought for, and nom, for the lint time the pants have one on utich they can.depend. Our fp:nature does not admit of certtheatcatoshowits cads, but the trial of it single bottle will show to the sick that it has its virtues surpamlog anything they have ever taken. Two tablespoonful of the Extract of Sarsaparilla added to a pint of water is equal to the Lisbon Diet Drink. and one bottle is folly signal to a gallon of the Syrup of Earsa. mina, or the decoction as usually made. lEELULBOLD% ROSE WASH, - An excellent Lotion f:r diseases arising from habits Of dissipation, used in connection with the Extracts Dacha and Sarsaparilla, In such 41thases as recommended. Evi dence of the most responsible rod reliable character will accompany the medicines. _Also explicit directions fee Tue.-with hundreds of thou.sands lit the, witnesses, and up weeds of Vl,0:0 unsolicited certificates andrecommerula• Tory letters, many of ..I,ieh are froni the Wainer sources, including eminentPbreicianf,Clergymen,Statesmen,/te. The Proprietor be never resorted to their publication la the newspapers; be des not do this from the fact that his articles rank as Stand rd Preparations, and do not need to be propped up by certineates, a t The Science of Medic e, like the Doric Column, should stand simple,pnrc , m silo, haring Fact , for its bad; induction for.Lts pillar, d Troth alone for its Capital. My Extract Baraap,Dlsls e Mood Purina ; ratraet DneS is o Diuretic, end willtet es each In ali cases. Dore ere prepared on partly Ectenitile principles—ht ractio—end ere the most [Lela mean/pcf either the: can be made., d. reedy and conelesire test will bee com. mason of ,their properties with these Bet forth in the fol. lowing works: 1- Bee Dispensatory of thy nitted States. Bce rrofensor Dzwn,es' valuable W 0421 on the Pruden of Physte. . Se'e remarks Tondo bg the celebrated Dr. Parra; MIL See remarks mada by Dr. Ertm.utt McDowses, sea:* brated - Thyrdel= and 3tembcr of the royal College of Serneans; Inked, and published in the Transactions of the Eln and Queen's JotanaL See Ifedleo•Chircurical Darker. published b 7 .13mmit'a TITICIO, Fellow of the royal College of Burgeons. MftM ,I •CTeMt , .. OI ' , II eft most of COLD VT ALL DDITGOISTO EMISITOZIaI Lidftelsitters for birannation, canlideace, to 'itteipal Depots— tiehr.ce,,is Drug and Chemical Warehouse, 694 BROADWAY, N. Si lielmbold's Medical Depot, • No. 104 SOUTH =NTH ST, PEEL& , Beware of Cdunterfeits ASS :OR EILIEBOWS! T - : •NO -01 - IXECR I gins ri.Acx • TO GET TOUR RONEY BACK an H. COUGHLIN'S BOOT AND BRO-E STORE, nate : Met. Nearly to the Post OAP. . E. Coachlin -Boot mid !Woe Dester, • rotPletialir birettas the POWs that ha Ns:wood/list/ma to the Store &tom - °n otate street, nearly oppoidte the rest , Cillosostiers bulletins. all his ohirrisails and imstomers to ( me him a tell. Mb:War attention Bran to g REPAIRING! Gula aural sansua,. and . unstriatudiag an Ids bwiriato htualf,bobalhms tas gin as good WNW. Goa and son at ai low prices u any other yews Is the atty. Good /its Warsatad. apriettt. HAROPto CHRISTIAN do CRAIG :RIM Rut rieueinA s' huh lot. of PAINTS, OILS, BALD LINSEED - OIL, aPirBM AND LARD =I F 1 LEIS . IL &IL 1617A1r.' A? BROAD 013A11 - 6. Dotritin 414C1t 80011 ro NEW YORE, BOSTON AND THE NEW =GLAND CRIES. Ilia Railway ottendo from DanLlrt to Now Yorie 660 buffalo to New York, 4 mlios. Babe =neat* New York 1116 AID 11 MUM 23 TO 22 1113L123 Tilt SHORTEST ItOITIT. U Trains ran directly through to New York, 441 MILES, without change of Coaches. - From and after July 9,1566, Trains will leave in eon. vection with all Western lines as follows: prom DI7N.. .LIRIL and SALAMANCA—by New Tett time from Colon Depots: 5 45 A. x. New Peek Day Ewa" from Salamaxes, daily (except Sundays). Intsrasets at Hontellsville with the LE A, ll.'Dav Exprks from Hntlalo;and wins In New Tort at 10.30 e. m. 1 10 A. it. Ewes, Nag from Dunkirk, daily (except Sundays). Stop. at Salamanra 9.40'A a and cony mots at Honselbrille and Corning with the 6.30 A. x. Express Mail from Bahl% and Mini In New York at 00 A. u. :15 P. u. Nes York Nigh Erre% from Dunkirk, daily (except Sundays). ittopust flail:ranee 661. 5. and arrives in 'New York at 12.30 T. M., eon:meting with afternoon trains and steamers for Boston and , • New England Cities. Frain' Buffalo—by New. York tine, from DasuttCorner Exchange and Michigan Streets: 's '.20 A. a. New nth Day Express, (Sundays excepted). Arrives in New York at 10.1 - 0 r. x. Connects at Great Bend with Delaware, Lackawanna k Western Railroad for Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and points South. 5.30 a. N. EMU" Afail, vii. Avon and 110112211.1T1110 - dallr (exoept Sunday). Anima in New York attili A. a. Connects at Elitira with Williamsport & El mira Railroad for Harrisburg. Philadelphia, Balt). mare, Washington and points South. 210 r. x EigAteiag. Elyrus, Sundaes excepted, stops for wood and water only and arrives in New York 7.03.♦ a. 61Sr.'a. New Torii Nig , St 'Forma daily. Connects at Honmrseille with the 4.15 p. m. train from Dun. ktrk, and arr.ves to New York at 12E0 r. a. Also eonneeta 'at Elmira for }finishing, Philadelphm and the South. 1140 r. x. asciastati &rarest daily (except Sundae). grim in Now York at 345 Y. I. Connects at El. a:ln:with Williamsport 11‘1111intra Railroad: at Great Band with Delaware, /4414111111111 & Western Rail ' road, and at New York with afternoon trains and - steamers for Boston and New England Cities. Only One Train Mud on Sunday, leaving Buffalo at 5.15 P. IC, and reaching New 'Mast 1233 A. er., - in ad recce of all other routes. Boston and New England panniers with their bag aim are transferred Tres of as , " In New York. _ The twat Ventilated and most Lostoious Sleeping 01.111 IN THE WORLD accompany all night trains en this railway.. Baggage checked through and fame always aa law an by any other mite. 5 ASK 'FOR =KM VIA. ERIE RAILWAY, which MD be obtained at al prloelpal ticket offices to the West and South-west. H. RIDDLE. ' WM. R. It ARR, Gen'l gain. Genet Pan. Jet. MINOS _ 'I3IPORT/1 NOTIC4,I. Loaf ROM In{ Ms for $lOO Bert White corm do ., a ib s . 4 100 Brown do, 9 lbs IOD TEL AT ONE DOLLAR AND UPWARDS. ~". The beet US in the market at $260 °holies Honey Syrim, per gallon 1 40 Prime Old Java Cam, per lb 10 SELF RAISING FLOUR No family should be without tt. Everybody to using It. To be had pros, uwe are the meats. Call sad get ono of those PATENT LAMP CHIMNEY CLEANERS. The utast thing oat. - • 1,000 13CSIIELS CHOICE POTATOES. Jed reeelved. MI of the above goods. we will 68U cheaper thee the oheapeet. re All our goods are new. having Jed been received. We invite all to examine for themzelvea. 17136-tf HEARN. CHRISTIAN & FA191811. 4 3, ATTENTION AGENTS WANTED. All those wanting the bat Vowing Machines ct sloven and Reapers nosebleed, will pleats iddress los Cirealsrs, V. R. GILLEIT, Le Scent, Erie Coonty,Pa. trAlso .0 , test ter the best Cora Planter sad Drop per. Mr !Local Agents imatad for every township in North Western Pennnylvania. • aprlD.2cof NEW YORK HOOP SKIRT MANUFACTORY. Neat, llght fashionable ani eheap—more annisle, more elastht more sineefol—not like there from East ern faetoiesand cold in rome of our stores, but durable and made of the beat malarial. A. F. COHEN Would reepeetfully inform the ladles of Erie and Ace -IZyLhapt ts: a u l s l t=l s y on and :t i a m nd a pe., !Irmo / o amortment wn a. facture. which he will warrant equal to any to the mar. kat. Raring had large merle:me In the buslbees. be is confident of his ability to glee sabre astisfectien-to" all who rose favor him with a call. livery skirt war ranted to last twice as liver as any other in the rttkrt. If any of my manatee/are break in one year, they will be eheerfully repaired sad no charges made. gam` Old skirts repaired, attend and shaped a. new. Alan, a splendid assortment of Freneh comets mid corset ;toys constantly on band. lf von with to get • good fitting abirt call at the Hoop Skirt Marmfaetory before purchasing elwrshore. Merchants supplied cheap. Remember the State St., just south o. Inth, Erie. • oetll-tf 'A. F. CORMI. 4 3100 " QN A PIANO FORTE! $25 to $ 5 O ON A MELODEON OR ORGAN ! ' By ptirehulog of Z. SMITH, - OF ERIE, Instiod-of Beading ordirm to New York. PIANO POtrES AND MELODEONS' ' Furnished ftem the tollowleireelebrated Maaehetann Steinway k Sow. N. Yo*. Wm. Hubs & Co n yaltionote. ma., Wm. B. Baeftway, New Yost, Croy/steal & Co., New York, lioardatan & Gny, Albany, N. Y.. _ Goo. A. Primo & Co., Buffs% N.Y., IL Siang, Byrieww, A.Y. Jewett at Goodwin, Oweland, 0. Chamber & G►blar, Nan York PRICES AT A LARGE DISCOUNT BELOW ItABUFACITUREILT PRICES t Piano from $250 to 11,500. tr an pris desiring a d nto Plano or !Mode. no are bolted to ons eall and f a mi ne our Instruments be fore purdah:lg otrowberro. Every fortrament warranted for fin yam N 0.1115 State Street, VT* Pa. eartlitt, HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO., • 111112TORD,,CORNECTIOUT. INCORPORATED IMO. CAPITAL SI,OOOEOOL T. 0 ALLYN, Prot. O. R. COIL, Sedy CITY WIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, RAMON% CONNECTICUT. INCORPORATED ISM G anrAL :nuke WW. E. RASES, Pint. 080. W. LESTER, Eisef• • foraisseo In thsaboro old to Mitt& demi alas ass boatel/Ird cm spidlcstlas toare62t-112. R. W. RIIRSRM. Soot Pin= . LIBERTY WRITE WV: Preened ty all wetted titbits?. Try It, and yoifyil bare no Dear. Manufacturod only •y ZIEGLER & SMITH, WHOIXBALI DRUG. PAINT k GLANS. DFJ.12.18, 1 I No. 137 North Third Stmt, Phns • • •66. The advertiser binds( Nth teetered to health to a few vests try awl afmpti remedy, alter barbs grater/4 orreral yew with a INTIM lung itifeetlets, and that dread &ivies, Cos: ollizatio:s--ht omit= kaiaks Imora to his Wen the mean/ Gram' To all who desire it. ha will send a COPirot tha prit. eerlptioa used. (WS at that%) with the tileeettellefee prspluiog and mitti the sante, which the, will finds; rare cum for Coolintotkin. Asthma, BlowU Coughs, Ass The only *Vest of. the sdverthiss in aim& the pteseriplloo is to basset thst aftletsd.and spread inronnaUft which eanceivra to be lavaluabli; and be hopes Artery nano er will try his ready, as it will coat them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the pnseription,rsais, by Warn man, will plows address - JUT. NDWASD A. WI L SON , . dscillreetg. • Willfantsbapildtiogi Co.. IL Y. litl CATARRR. wnv Burma; WITH •THn DANGEROUS AND LOATHSOME DISEASE CiN - BE CURED ERADICATED _ FROM TEE SYSTEM DR. SEELYE'S CiTARR . H. RENE DY' CA TA RRH WILL SLIMLY lIESULT 13 CONSUMPTION! rnless checked in itainciplent 'stager. IT NEVER FAILS! CUBE WARRANTEM IF DIREtTIONS ARE FOLLOWED SIMILE BOTTLES WILL LAST A MONTH COLD IN THE HEAD BAD BREATH WEAK EYES SENSE O 1 SMELL DEAFNESS Who:trained by Catarrhs! LEUnities. ALL ARE CURED BY THIS REMEDY! THROAT AFFECTIONS ' Are more frequently than otherrhe eacure by e thlek, slimy sermons failing from the bad, ape day daring the night, and ser imltlng giro= Catarrh, are We by DR. SEEL-YE/ /3 C-A T ARRH REMEDY! The symptoms of Catarrh are at first very alight. Per. sons find they have a cold, that they ban frequent at. tacks, and amnion smiths to the changes of temper ature In this condition the noes may bedry. or sited discharge, thin and acrid afterwards thick and adhesive, may ensue. As thisAlsesee becomes chronic, the discharges an lnereared in quantity and changed In quality; they are' now thick and heavy, and are basked or coughed oft The eecretions an offensive, caning a bad breath; the vice thick and nasal; the eyes are weak; the feense of smell is lessened or &Arai al; deafens frequently twos plus. Another a omaton and Important symptom of Catarrh is that the yawn fa ottirld to eager Ids throat In the morning of a stick or dlm mamas. which hai fallen from the bud daring the sight. When this takw place the person may Is Barg that big Mama la on Its It. to loop, and should !Wean* lima In smiting It. lha atcdra aw tat relief the many Citarrhal map toms. Write to oar Laboratory for oar pamphlet de setiblap tally allaytoptrem; It vita be gent free to any address. Also d o n s where to proems the medl ehts. We ars receiving' letters from all parts of 1h• Union; and also numerous testiesontals from those vein It, bearing the evidence of its isfaUibls merits. or This ionsedy contains no sninend or poisonous tor anent& but is prorated ire o yeast/dile extracts sos thasirsiV titer/kelp it is pallidly harmless mu to the most tinder end delletie child. sEkLyrs CATARRH . REMEDY! MID UNE NO 01111114 It not sold by the druggist in your vicinity, tbaj' lll order it for you. Prise two dollars pet bottle. • All persons imlbrlng with any adietion of the bead. throat or lunpohould write at ono" tor,our panibbist tally dereribiag aII symptoms pertatalog to . thanbo &awe& Z. 13111TH ADDRESS, -DR. D. H. SEELYE & CO.; Sold 4 all Wlioktate cad Retail Drugsriato. GENERAL AGENTS Jabs D. [irk. Cateiaaati. Whin P. la Mardi di Wed Wt. Malt% M.; /Willmar Vaa Patalials, Ch M.• Dom gareal kCo Nur Yeat• D. Wasson A 00.; faik=t=llll ls 4.tda p r i el.., I P& }lb; B B. maw a i Co., Mears* ; Chan Brag St. Lea% 141.1 BOWL Ward it Co, Wow adman B. A,, itotlaras is Ca.. Loalnina. Bigiar Um" Wm.' Oda,,Teass P. 11. • a __BleivionTli I p • moo, lialtioar% Ka" vazw album N. T.I Maas 111 astartreAr. Magma!, Wm. Jobs. =oat, Ikb.l Win Pears A oa. LoalarWry Illmedia.. that aerate tie mad eimmitrats sad Is tlerefave of the reeteet veils, ear ispottease ta Ismiller,* thrtote Extract of ihrertWeaL Thee eardeeph UM* to the truth or We stateless% and ail that rive it air trial VW became of th e Wee WAIL eelift tr • I= AND ENTINELY DT TEM tllll OP LIQUID Itallond to ► P•W Minutes. Catued Dy o trendy, secretions. Caused b Catarrhal auction& Morn lammed or destroyed LIQUID SYMPTOMS MEM PIMIM . :IRT, ILLINOIS. 'Aut . ruaxActi o t LAwesoNts Li YOB ANTRILI AND BMTVINOI7,9 COAL. W. W. PIERCE & CO., -ERIE, PA., CONNER STAIN AND XLISSI BM. SOLE' AGENTS! We reeommenieon's Forum u being altogether superior to any other 'Melo of the kind. it eager managed, more powerful and less liable to hit out of ordernhut.any other hot air funnels made. And as it will produce more halt with the mime amount of fuel, it Mews the moat enonomieaL All of these points we are ready to'establlsh bT satisfactory toot. 110313 Tif9Tl/102f Ens, Ps, :ma 15th, 1864. Meows. W. W. Three it Co , Sirs—Havbig used , duslog last winter,- tie le J. A. Lawton Fame, which you put into my boccie last au tumn, I mu fatly prepared to offer my testimony re specting its iMeteney, and rill add that - I tate pleasure to recommendt the same to ant one desiring a good heating apparatus. The air that we reeeiTO Um it is pure and not over heated, but coming into the rooms as it does In lane Nne utilise, supplies the required amount of heat, thus - obviating that dryness which is usually erperionced from furnace heat' The simp'irlty of Its ccastraction and the easy mode of governing the consumption of coal, make it the mat complete and economical heating apparatus I have ever seen. I shall take pinnies to recommending it to my Mends. • . IL II COWRY. . Ham, PL,Tehruar, lA, lask Hews. W. W. Pierce k CO.l The J. A. La non Improved Hot AM Furnace, which Jon put to my house In _Brie last fall, has bren In use now nee four months and glees entire. ratifection. By a r adjustment of the draft damper. sad ore• /ion ly tinning the d» pot from stag end cinders, we can hare a greater or less degree of heat ands greeter or ion conerimplion`, of Coal, exactly suited be the churn of the weather. The air warmed by this Fu nnels all that I can desire, being free from all nolifoce rases or emote. I shall take p'essure to recommending It to my friends. Respectfully yours, WlD3Olif Eats, Pa., Vara =1,1826 Kum. W. W. Nam k Co.:* Cantleaan—The Lawson Furnace that yen put in the beementef the Vita Bapti4 Church in this city, hue been in use -almost every day and ensuing during the protracted meeting of fourteen watikand has given satire ntisfaction, and we would cheerfully recommend it to any one desiring a good heating Furnace. W. J. F. LIDDELL. for Board of Trustees Also, ofa long list Of welt know citizens who sr* using Lawson's Yuman, wo refer to the following gen tlemen r Moon. Childs, Boyd and Chapin, Commie stoners of Erie county: Robert Grim Faq.,Ninth St,. Captain .7 B Richards; Trustees of let Baptist Church, and the Commlesionem of Rouse, Estate, Warren roan t> Ye. e regard the L 11111,12 Furnace as not only the beat In use, bat approaching very oesrly to perfection as besting appraine. Noce need delay seeming a hot air Peruse° In the expectation that say decided im prcnrements are yet to be made In this line of article. An examination of es; LavionJurnaes is all we ask to decide this question. ,; It in deafened to best every lend of building and in 'Made a different slue, of capseiry tor a medium sized dwelling or the tartest climb or other pubic building. Bowen different sizes ate now made. The Lawn Ammo rhos universal satisitietion and is rapidly supereedtne all ot , er ea:tette& Beside' the remarkable ewe with. which it can be managed. one of its chief points of =minority la in the purity of the air proceeding from the fames. It is so constructed that so soot. ashes or cinders OLD possibly escape Into she air ounces, and all 'unpleasant odors are also pre. ne• tot. it can be rued equally well with hard or soft coal. and managed as et. fly Al any OrdiDtar store. We invite comparison. with all other Fornires. Pct up and set in good working order in all emu. We have the Dols agency for this se lien of the country. AU inquiries and orders addressed to we will receive Prompt ttsstios. - Onb of the Furnaces Is le operation at ovireetahlhhwent, eorner of State sad Ninth rarest*, 'to which we invite attention. We guarantee the Leer son Hot Air Furnace eli that it is claimed t I be. W. W. PIERCE & CO., . Wholesale and n a 4 Zellers in Stoves. Cooking Rat t Pummels, Tinwarp, Agnesflare Implonisers, sad tieneral Rard ir are, • 00XXXX OW X AM) AIX= 512., 5512, PA. F YOU WANT TO lI.NOW A LITTLE OF I EVRRYTHING relating to the human system, ends and - female; the unsayana treatment of ises; the marriage customs of the world ; how to .narry well, and &thousand things nerdr pubilabed before, read Them. viand and enlarged editinn of MIDIOAL Comm Snag, • miens book for curious people, and a good book tor sway one. 500 pages, 100 illustrations. price $1 it. Contents table s tot BO to iny address. Books may be bad at the book Stores, or will be sent by mall, poet paid, on receipt of the price. Address; E. B. FOOTS, Y. D„ 1100 Broadway, New York. iitrnLev do MoLIARQ, I== TIN,,SKEET IRON & COPPER WORK, AND GAS AND STEAM FITTERS ! No. 331 . 4Sterte - St., Omer of 'Polar:A, Erie, Pa. WORE' OT EVERY DESCRIPTION, in either of the above breathes solletted end promptly resented. C. AVERY, a. moms; If. ItoBAR% Tin pinto Worker. Copper imlth. tu &Steam Fitter EsePtl34Y3 STOP Till EP. 1 THE GREAT WESTERN & AM EWAN HORSE INSMIANCE A. DETECTIVE COMPANY - Pare CI cight six stabil' horses within Abe pelt week and have captured mad horse thieves sines its etyma. cation than any other company, or than all Other com panies and detectives combined It has a detective form Intending from Fltteksirg, Pa., to Conned Bluffs, lona, and from Cairo to the lakes. It has an • netted each capital of Ringo 09. and an anitorised capital of j=0.4300.. It has over 18,600 Witte In form,palm tha only live stack Innaralles Cotway &Ass bwdsAiwt. OW State. WAENER 1 GERRIE/1, No.l Park Row, Rea. Pas will brunt your horse* or cattle against death be die ease or 'golden; and against theft, or seabed then and death both, toeless money then it would cost to ederr tise year stolen hone. ' We might Oil up the wholesa les. with names of parties and certificates of individuate who have reerived remuneration from this company for lost animals. but en* • from the ell known Ono of Loath I Sterrett, of !this place, will be read with in. tenet, which shows that the company company to fact as well at In name, end that they not only pay los es. but pay them with promptness and despatch We, the undersigned, hereby certify that on the 25th. day of August we insured our entire livery stook, eon , Meting of 12 horses, with *reran. Warner lr Gentili, In the Great Western and American Horn Inenrenee Co.; that on the Ed day of September one of them died of Cholia. and on the 10th day of September we received a draft on New ;York for thefull amount of the 'neut. Amos ; ILOESOff 1 SrRRREWT. Er%Sept 11.1681. lastunneo ant* ofneted in Waterford by ealllon on Wenn. Tarry k Vananden; in Wattsbdrg of Wm. ran maim in Edinboro of Esquire Burnbaro. 'Perk Rimareir. WAPNRN & NERRIBIT. - Gamma Pim Llfe, Marina and Horse losnranca No.l Park Bow, Er* Pa. WANTED.—BUSINFssi MEN 1 To conduit. the ule at Yeßoe's great Steel Plats • . Zvi:min& "THE PRAYER AT VALLEY VORGE r - Sold only by subscription. 7'he picture represents one of the most touching and sublime incidents record ed In the Revolution..••Wasbington's Prayer for the Salvation of him Army and Country." Publishers el/minim - an ems. A few all• and expo. denied men wanted, to employ agents, and to transact matters connected with. our extensive butinmu In the different Stator. Pay hum $l6O to SIMI pet month and aspensee. Apply porwinally. or Address with reference, G. MeCOON & • PrlllAlioro of Subouiplion works. No. IN Plait Rt., Cleveland, Ohio: Or to A. 0. Met% Union LW, Ibis County. Pa, • -- eepao.3m• music STORE. •• . • : • WEIGEL , &'• ZEIGLER, • 1410. 820 Slate Sired, Erie, Pennsylvania, • • De Alm in • MUSIC AND MUSICAL-INSTRUMENTS OF EVERY - DESCRIPTION. ity , Frew& and German strings of the beet qual. .-• • - • &thieve& for Chid:Ming & Pone. Wm. P. Emerson's. Drachm & Co., mat Eason k Bacon's Piano fortes: also, We eseletvated Toad & Linsley Cabinet Organsond Mode and Mar aerniby mall tree of postage. AU Mien promptly attended to. Catalogers et Maeda sent free of nonage. apit-17 AUTHORIZED, CAPITAL 153110/0011. t - CAPITAL raw IN, $200,000. THE SECOND NATIiLNAL BANK will apes On business on is , MONDAY. InCEIII3IiR 1861. the nasldnit animism mewled Ili the Nextbsare Bask is Rotors Rotel Belltiag, north•east anter of State sheet astijnalltTmit. - wig, I. isayrnyatuomir. wm. C. CCM. Camas • Dnurcroits : Wit. L MI% of fast of V. Hearn h Coal Dishes JOS. 1140ARTElt l ograe of Salm Moo BeCorhe dew CEO. J. IfinefON. Cool Bootee. - moiriv is t ,B 744adirt. Acres& JOHN C. ;WWI of arm of C'esolos=roy • Wew& 4). CROBCfIi edam,* Crawl k Thor *oft SAM. of arm of Bret, Johnooe Booolothezore. P. Y. "Ann, Foresi. Wholerato Whir& • - J. BRIM Broom rir BANN, CURINWLIN & Dania, - - NOS.'S AND 41 PA= BOW. • • •Wavit. jut Toothed TWENTY , , CHOICE . - TEA t Wkkh vOI:sell Cheap. sallt4t , i _ . - - TAYLOR & Flittpt vs • .; Di 0.1) B L; - •O, B.GIA N 8 ! • ; 0. 3. WILLARDi , I WHOLESALE Ad 1:1 , 1`, en /WAWA; N. Y. .......... is 1 . . i I • The most Corneas ifusical Ind/nu:mit manntantared to America, and this modal man of the , word„ comb! lag ermines:4=d depth of teat, besatilnl sod elm .. in appearance, refining and elevating la Its terrienett For Churches, Pastore or the Randier it .ban no equal and his inn:eh:My taken the • • . :, . , , . FIRST PREMIUM I. j -fl Wherever extobltrdin competition with other .wel known manafseturers, Thirty-four different srjles, an • from 1 10 12 idops.'Lags double bellons, dontde bin pedals, hiss gaud, &waiving great power and stead! Dill of ,tane. Anne. "" , I '• ' ' •.. Tint ,SIBLI , BASS, ' i ' Replied to the doable reed ergars, given • s'olums • tone equal to a sixteen not slop in • pipe *ion. as when applied to oar organs containing them, nod fo • -NM of reeds. the volume of tone in equd to • $9.030 OP orLah far an lad to:stir d' only about one, fourth as ma. • ill itrated pries lilt, giving fall prtlen Lars. lAddress °Mem - • : i 0. J. WILLARD. ] Wholesale Arent, No. 0= firoadwkr, M. T. I . • TErg MIRO UNRIVALLED "VOSE" , . PIANO. ON I „T S The Cheapest lint g i gue Plano Forte is the Rene!. These beautiful Instruments are lent winning their way into pulls favor. Their tone is ride tall and pow+ oriel.' and gushes forth with peculiar! avreetriees- and melody, while the touch is easy and thane. I They are finhihed to rich wierwoodoases, with Ail iron frame. Over strong bare and French grand /*Mon. 1 All have large round corner: with tack iinished like the front. Every instrument fully waranted are yea's. I Circular* giving coned likeelna taken from Motor:spit, with fall descriptive pries VA out free to any address on ap , Titration. 1 A beautiful song and chorus, worth advents, aecom• pante' the circular, ima Is worthy of preservation." Dealers will be lurtitshed these beautiful inetrucents at the toe rot wholesale ode:lo,l'nd liwieltarii at these-sit rates of discount' 4ddreile all order's to , O. F. - WILLARD. , Wham!. Arent, No. C 37 !Roadway, N.lf. Vito Wholesale Agent for W. A. POND` k BOARDMAN, GRAY di CO.'S, WM. RNAI3R & CO„ m, 41 . 0 other Rest elm; Cirettlars airing 4orreet Monts/ea of tboce Piano Forte, and Taylor & Fkriera Model 0 warded to any addrees on application. THE • LATEST SONGS Published. January Ist, 1866: Mailed to >free of restage. Ob, sing me the dent old wing ... We ye drank from the name canteen, by J. GI Beautiful Water', song by J. B. Th0me5.......i I'm happy as the day is long.:. , . ..i . Somebody's Darhmr. ' L 350 Violets under the snow, by If. Tucker 1 35a Sweet be the repot% by 3. K. Tboasi ' 1. SSc Song of the poon, a new college song I ' toe The Angel Guide, by ?avatar -. 'OO When I went courting, Sallie 'Si. Only , a withered robs ; 330 Mother, I hive beard sweet milk--; 6 35a Pacoima dreams of Iron ag0........ ......... 11 . ... ....3 5 e 36, any not a woman's heart is bought."... 300 Kathleen, dear ' ' 40e. Before I was martial, 0 dear..'..,..... ..,..i....... .....35e We'll meet no more at - twilight b oor.. - Pse Beautiful Isle of the Sea, by '. B. Ilumiss Vre Old Don't Care, by W. K. Basford ' ' 35e I telt of ter coal, of thee I'm dream1agi.... 1 ....,.:. 35t Five o'clock to the morning 106 Cleon and I, by patty Tacker "I _I .... .. ...... .300 Come, Nellie dear, I'm wevpirg, by Tuctar:4. 3ne yenta on the waves, vocal, duet, *yy Olivier— 10.: No time Micah° old time • 'Oc °lest be old man is ihanes " L....... 200. Clue bright moony night, comic, 35e they al tame home but mine ' ' - I • 303 Young men on lb* railway. i. 115 e When/online fight Ifor freed/n. ' , • 358 Down by the gate, by J. R. Tbonme ' ' I 300 Parties orßering music, sad over-paying for Its aims will receive their change enclosed with the Tr aide, or movie will be sehicied, aa the panties ',refer. I AU order. promptly attended ts, and any information cheerfully 1 given. • - - ZEFEBENCES. I .; • I • Bon. George W. Patterson, ex Goveinor.ol New York, Westfield, 4 ... Y.: T. L. Coleman, Pneldint ;Lake Shore Bank, Dunkirk, N.X. , JEW TOOK MET 'nisriarroms. Wm. A. Pond k' Co.; Win. B. Bradburs: Cathcart. Needham k Co.: Sdnkrl• Ott; Rues Riddlej Ety.. Gon'l Suet Brie EtR ; 0. Brooks, EN , tho Motive ?crier, Erie Bit; Wheeler & - ' I __43l,firsee orders. • mul6'66•tf 'O. 3. IFtt.t.i.l WArdexale Mei) Forte Organ and . Busic;" Jyl2lld-tt No. 627 Broadway, N! t . I N TRIO OF 11EALTO Prewire tor 4, Disease. DR.'BENNt _ CHOLERA MORBUS, WARpIECEAA CRAMP AND BOWEL COMPLAINTSA, OT MITT HI2tD. 1 WARRANTED to cure Cholera or Any of the above diseases fn their innit fanny. A savannas of Cholera has been eared with it in 10 minutely proof of which will be given to any,wiattiog it. No ear. hia am been lawn to which it titled. • Prepared by DR. Jetlit4 nENNETI: .i!of Wesnyville, and sold by him, and at the at , re of EC A. Becker, Ede r Pa. " _• Euez 11.00 ?as Dorriai I RWAILIS Pealiptrall6 DR DENR,ET:T'I I 1 , 171.14.118.&219 F 1.31 A L RESTO p RATIVE Hem been .tilried 14 the tart toyeans. autt, - errs cam plods satisfaetion. It mires the following complaints: Pala in the mat of the Wk and him with a pulling weight and bearing dome when long on Mb feet; pain lo the sidelow down.witti palpitation of the bean; told feet and diatoms of the band; pan between the shoul ders; weak. stasuich; nervous alfectrons;etc. I Recommendations to the merits of thin medicio• could be !riven by the hundred, bad 'sea the time and room. The best plan is to imp a Dottie, asti test it for yourselves. , Price SI.AO per bottle. Sold kr Pr..itc et; at his once in Wealeprille, and at P.A. BeT.kires ' tors. Eris, n 30.11 GEO;WQE SBTEE L • floteagent toi Erie county tot Wei celebrated Ifs chines, has ott baud at Lytle .t (Matthaei Tailor shop, Fifth street, between State sod Peaciai a hale, variety, embracing all kinds and prices, width , be respectfully invitee the public to call and examitne.! The Howe ma. chino la acknowledged to be the best! in we, doing ail kinds of work, and being easily kept in 'order. fax L i ta f - Vr u er s tatiraf atr i erito t 7. Aall cal and examine before parchasing o th er u. Special 'attention given to lepiliing 'Ma chines of Itaittad prompt ly impaired, at moitarata char Ites• j mat{-tf GROVESTEPT & CO., I PIANO FORTE MANOACTURERA I N: • 499 BROADWAY' V: T. ' t The attention of the public and the, trade la invited to our new solo, semen octave, rosewood piano forte; which for volume and patio of tone; are urritalled he any hitherto offend in the mocket.•:, They 'contain all the modern froprovismenta— preach &Mood action, harp • pedal, iron tram* over-strung buoy Ac ; and each in stmment being made under the personal supervision of Mr. ,J. H. Gromateen, who has a ;radial, modem" *lover ranted th irt y y years in their roanufactme,•M fully war. particular. The Grommteen Piano Porte received the highest award of marit'at :the celebrated World'. Fairowhers were exhibited Instilment@ from the I hest makers of London. Paris. Gormany, Phillub4plibs,,Baltimore, Bos ton and Plow York r elm at the_AMortean Icatituts for eve succesalve yeam, the sold and Oar medals from both of which can Is Men at our varorrticons. - •By the Introduction of improvements, we Mahe 'a stilt mois perfect piano -far% lad inswibmitudogolifily. with a Aridly cub system, are .enabled till o Una Instruments at a pries which will preens& enzpoti tion. Oar sirloin antra= VW to Silileb#* thanany ant clam Plano Forte,- • • l'imns—lifot Oath In cement Dm& •I Deperiptitedreaters met trefh J 34214-1 ,1 11.1bP. - I COLI:I3IpLIN INOWBII- AND. REAREIf. - 1"; • • Tho only pallet Cozobisoot Machine in ow, with for trord est- in =Wog, and roar estolot tide dallvery to Romping, sod • • PERFECT : S ELF - - . J., SMALLEY'S COM( PLOW & OULYPIATOE. itteftWitisatiisiAliks: to 1544% 1 Ltwitti sue. lib Iranewir. A Cove y ter; floor. sad Bartow.", no best hoplemost to umkrof earsing grab. sitexar um;l.—nu,urt-c}-;LOW. No now ow& to oitheut etsitthise tight sad stsolle double issaM Bs' tossibts !hap alto tat for YOWL tem Vireo 11X fon 'SSW Elstsl 'ete tasted tatcpbtstr, Sith Isms to spats. 1 : ' The Clobuebtas !lover sod r eek the anAprim ohm st &Oil Jassetess lasA ti tav i ; ;; odder far Cheaters siting vria, Ust fall Mohican! Star the bad Wass " al eitifk. Chlgnistki. EMI telebrstett rpm', for+ I .aye„ , 15 4 , C'grk, 3.5 a 35e 35a :RD, ,Malec, Zew York • DUMMY,: optics , MU fi n EVIINt• ICHINES ii• Ay6fsSatgatiarifi' ll a . A compound remedy.. designed to be the most effectual Alteia!ive that can be made. - , It is a concentrated extract bf Para Earisparilbt.: an combined with other -substances of still greater alterative power' es to afford as effec tive antidote for the ;beams Sareparilla is reputed to cure. It. is believed that such a remedris wanted by those who suffer from Stromous .contplaints, d that one which will accomplish thew cure mast prove of immense service to this large clareof ourafflicied citizens: How completely this compound will dd it has been proven by experiment on many of the worst cases tobq round-of thisfollowing complaints : = &norms :AND ffctleverinrs dower.snrrs, Euerstoas Ann Extortive Dmosswtrtmens, 'Prorr.ts, IlLorcurs, TonCLEE:43ALT Busch, SCALD lICAD, SYPUILIBI LED STPULLITIO veer:oas, Mattoon:sr. planar.; MOM. Nam. DALatA on TIC notmounces, DEDILITT I , Dra• PEPRPI,' AND INDIOESTIONVEATIIFELAII, ROSE ou Sr. Armionv's FM; and indeed the whole class of complaints arising from Unarm oi THE BLOOD., - ' This, compound will' be found a great pro -motor of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which fester in the blood et that sequel ofillinyear. By thetime ly expulsion of title many rankling disorders are nipped in the I bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedyorpare themselves from the endurance of Oil eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through dap natural rl”m”Pls of the body by and' alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitia&l.blood whenever you find its impurities berating through theakin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when you find it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it wheneirpr it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. 'Brills-where no particular disorder is feltoiseople _enjoy better health.- saliva longer,'=lor, cleansing the blood. Xcep the and all is, well; but with this pabultna of life disordered, there - can be no lasting: : health; Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. - Sarsaparilla has,' and deserves much, the reputation 6f accomplishing these ends. lint the world has been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not ail the :virtue — that is claimed for it, but, more because many preparations, ptatending to be-concentrated extracts of it, contain but litdeof the virtue of Sarsaparilla. or any . thing else. During late years the public have been mis— led-by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for ono dollar. Most of - there hare been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain) little, if any, Sarsapa rilla, but often no curative properties whatev rs. Hence; bitter and :painful disappointment has followed the use of tho various extracts of Sarsaparilla which Soca the market, until the name, itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we adl this vompound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue • the name from' the load .cif obloquy which rests upon it. And we think we have g . rceind for believing it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is trOnd. ed to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication, from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. , z rntranza DY C. AYER & co. 'LOWELL; •MASS. Prices 01 pee Bottle Si; Bottles for 93; Ayer's Cherry' 'Pectoral . has won for itself such a renown for 'the cure of every variety of Throat and- Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of, its virtues, Wherever it has been em ployed. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section ' ,We need not do more than, assure the people its quality is kept up to the best: it ever; has been and that it may be relied on: t 0 do for their relict it has ever been found to do. Ayer's • Cathartic Ayer 's. icm =to =me OP • Costirene* Jaundice, ' Dyspepsia Indigestion, Pysentery, Foul Seomach, Erysipelas, headache, Piles, Itheurnatism,_.EnTriens and Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint. Dropsy, Teller, 21tmors and Sale IThium, Worms Coif; Neuralgia, as a Dinner Pill, eau t for4nifying the Mad: They arc' augas-coaitd, so that - the most sensi tive can take them it asantly, and they are the best aperient in the s,cer d for all the purposes of a fatally physic. Price 25 cents per Sox; Five boxes for:SLOO. Greatnumbeis of Clergynum, Physielans,St l ates men, and eminent personages, hare lent their names to certify thinnparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but oar apace here will not permit the insertiort or them. The Agents below named fur nish Katie Our Astrarean ALDIANAC in which they are gate; with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure ' I - Do not be put oft by :Unprincipled - dealers with otherl r preparations they make more profit on. Demmid Aimee. and take no others. The sick want the best aid there tor them, and they should have it. r • Allonr remedies are ior sale by. • NOW VIUM• ItIENTftIRE INE.TuNDRETAIaNs W • 'R `E - • IV 0 - 0 DX S 1 : Ori State ED, between fierenthand Eighth. . 84beeribers hors entered into the Cablasit Making sad YIIMNITtiIiE ••TRADE: ' And propose making to coder end keeping constantly on head al erode of Pornitors. Orders will winds* pwnsipt. attention. Begoittlag done ea short mane. - UNDERTAZING • The subscribers will givimesisi attention Wilda de. partme••• tat of their Weimer; They trill tosinatheture and keep constantly on hind WO issortment of Metallic Caws Ind Comer, and hold themsehres In readiness to meet orders in this Has, promptly, DOE any Pert of the country. Determined to open no edortstopive Mon both to the nullity of their goods and prim. t! 6 l hops to 'emus • Masi diem of grobito.patronsre. MOORE & BIBLE?, 5pr11.414-11., rinommeors to J. 11. Rennet. READY PAY STADIE. ' A.. MtNNIG uroula, •nipir.ttally Inohrilla that be his • • . Youtiarod Du STOCK ff GROCERMS ej BURSIGIROSSKLA 0610112 07419 AID KATI SIM When he ininatts to. keep. as rood an aasortraent of , _ POIELY' • - GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, WOOD k WILLOW WADS, AND VARIETY, GOODS _ - . as kept In Erie. ' , Kept eoutantly on bud. BEST BRANDS OF ERIE CO. FLOUR; WARID 4 GOOD ARTICLE! far Thabletert Market Price paid for an lads of Country, ,Prodice; I - rip- Good, delivered free to any pUt of the City. , - • - dte2E6s-tr FREDUIPIIS & U, (§Detessors ti Weber & Tihra. DZ.(LIU LW G R ODER lES AND PROVISIONS _ Liquor;,&gars, Tobacco, . • CRO9KEItir, MIMS, _- • . • TIrrT I S:TAFFP, X 0 V 03 4 kn. -.4t4 • ,1 • _ • State 114 third door north of Uttroad Bridge, S7,PA. ntoill-tf JO= rim P. Famaluette. Jowl GIPOINOONNO it SON. tralaseat cuTiTisi i 'ND nutmatatia Goons. • Comma E "andSt, • . - R S.FI jOin • • Ibnufactartre sod Wholeub and B.Bbn •• Dalai In CHOICE :PATE :COUNTY FLOUR .. OAT!, anti!, coax =AL. - BEAR, BNOWTS, MILL STUFFS, &C., _ • • 421 &debt., thi4 door sotatA of P. 5., ierilkas • iL;DIIED. - The Baboalbselito bag .ea piel itoelfeedee Beliselesa Male 1101 Doak ter %.p itfeeeesea.baa recierml late the ititIONAL HOTEL,- • N ammo" or-mica Ant surcao art= Mese bevaLlayteee an swim we; weal; letrdellattheald tie bepr th *ma. we so imam etesedell le blae thawrill boieeleallate te Skew quetere 111. 'Weise $a tto, all temieloa . ars Ante Itlek _ • ate! •'• ' • BMW EIZIEBOLTYS EXTRACT BtfoHl3 iIEiatUOLD'S 111.7CLItl. 11=ltiOLD'11 ILEL:4IIULD'S BIICIIM MK ONLY KNOWN REUEDY POit TILE ONLY KNOWN itratznyi von TILE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY YOB. • . DIABET/18, ' -' :ITATION OP TILL: NUN OP-TIDE DL s ; 'VA INYLASIIIAT/ON OF TILE KIDNEY cATAUIO.I OP TILE BLADDER, _ • STRANGUARY OR PAIN- . FUL URINATING. t luxe disawusi4.4 trals 3 szvarcigi2 =no ly, .'u much cinnot I.c stiLl iu its wait:. 'A single .a.ibiextknoui to relieve the MOStrutivnt tympiona. r: Aro yOtt trout il COI tilnt illatmiing pain in tdu inotliot int ksclt usl thr °stall ttiolLiiis 1 A te.v.tboclo • 4113 (4 1ie11111,4,144'.1 yuchu veil roguTo you. Physiciana and Otliers iI,E.Asr, NOTICE.- . 1 / 4 1 nraktiflo stt irigroiionty .11oliabo:Xs nisi Machu is ockinisisei of Buc4u,Cseuebs, o ..r,perlim:selisl.c.l with, prepartil lu Ira, no MO ii..soorkltii,l to nal. of _ _ PHARMACY AND CHEMISTRY._ These ingtalieats are known as the mast Tab!Mb ,:arctig alterdel. - = A DIURETIC is that which acts tip= tho 1 ir:LMBC)LD'S EXTRACT . DucHu ACTS GZtiTLY, Is pleasant in taste ant trio:, free from an Wad ,o+ properties, and immediate in its action. - For the Satisfaction of All. Medical Properties containea in D:spensatory of she Ef.13.:0f which the following is a correct copy: - "Brent. Its odor is strong, diffasire, and 110020. ~, h at aromatic, its taste tigerish, and analozOtis to that of mint. It to chiefly in complaints of the Urinary Organs, such as (travel, Chronic Catarrh at Rio Bladder, morbid irritation of the Bladder and tfroltira, dre,.., of the Prostate, and Retention or thelnconthaence of Urine, from a loss of tone in the parts concerned in its orscuation. It has also been recommended In Dyspepsia, Chronic, ithennntistn, CO:amens Affections, an Dropsy... FOR 11110a1,11 Lli£ollll/iTIO9 ~ Professor Dome vsluablo works ou flu) Piectio. of Sbyee. I ego remarks made by the celebrated Dr. Physic, of l'hilactelplda. Sec any andall Standard Works on 3letclne. From the largest liimmfacturing Ohemist IN THE WORLD. lam acquainted with 11. T. lIe:mbold ; own ..pied the drug store opposite my neddence, and irsa tgccoadial iD coadurting the bulinews There others had not born equally so before him. I here been fa, ratably impressed %nth hie character and entehrriss. WEIGILTMAN: f • CElrse of ?ewers 4: Wei ghtmer4) • , • Monnfactering Chemists, Ninth and Dror Streets, Philadelphm. Erraiiitke.Paideiiihtit Eq. UullrGn, 111artAiDeti.: We aro gratified to beatSof the continue! CI C.els. NorYork,ofour townsmsai, Mr. U. 7. Ileufsbou, Druggist.' liia store, rum/. -O a t/le nd a lt r e:.:c e3 p ri oli . ...a. ,n r& l, l ,j o ,r te h l t .. Le n t certa fect f ro ira n y t,..2 gra 3o te a t esi dge a p t , uahm,nt. and Yorably of the merit of his articles. no ritnns his Office and Laboratory in this City, which go m 1,,, model citablishments of their clam Thoproprietor hos boon Minced to make chi, state. cunt from the fact thsalis mmeilicu, although alree dad s are GENUINE vitE,PARATxoN,- ; „ And kteembeg that tho intelligent retrain teem cenn,, anything Pnrunling to Ginackeey, or the Patnt Moth eine order,--moutof which limpet-p.=4 by seltstYled Doctors, rho are too ignorant to read a physicrin. simplest p=tioa., much leas competent to prepare Ptuantatwu preparations. THESE PARTIES RESORT to various meane of effecting slam such as =VIII.. wrftpt odrertiectffents populdr retnolies . I ,r fin ',thing with certifitetee,- Tho Science of It ulicitte stuide MUIR, LIME., AND MAJESTIC, hpl,x F.ttrt. fur its Ards, rnduo— tion for Ito liar; Truth atone for it.; ffapitaL - A WORD OF CAUTION. Health b most Important; and the afflicted, ehoulo not use an adverlieed medicine, or any mambo:kn. lets ita =tents or ingredients are known to others balder the manufacturer, or until they are aatiefled of the clualtdoatians of the party Go °tiering. - •HEIMBOLD'S GENUINE ,PREPARATIONS, MILD EXTRACT BICH ti, - FP:MD EXTRACT 3 ARILI4, sad DITROVED,ROSE Estsbliided upwards of 16 years. I - Tmpared by 11. T. ILELYI3O/.13. PRINCIPAL' DEPOTS.i_._ TIELMBOLD I3 DRUG AND CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, 301 Broadway, New trura. sad ITELYBOLIKI MEDICAL-DEPOT, 104 Sosait lOth tint!, P,bisdriptdu. P _ mad by an. Druggists. KEYSTONE SToys. %cum's. TIBBALS, SHIRK 17IIITEIMAD, I= STOVES AND HOLLOW WAP.E, Han a large and extensive assortment of Stoves at Wholesale and /WWI. THE IRON GATE Is a first-elan Coal Cook Stove, with or without user _ vot r. for bard or seft wal, or wood, and is BETTER THAN THE - STEWART Rim:. We also manufacture the • .WHZAT SHEAF AND NEW E Beth low oven Coal Coot. Stow—vita wood atrides— caa be and either for coal or wood. THE FOREST JAR".I A* aro still toansfaatnring this es:anted 106 arra Stove for wood—with or without reservoit. THE. MENTOR, I A Lev Oven Store for Wood. nil is • noel Store bantilni desks', and now far esOL-totetser with a limp arsortesent of elevated Oven Coop, Parlor Cook for wood or coal, and Parlor - and CHee Stoves, for wood or coal. C.II.IIHRALS. D. SHIRK, W. H. WM' ' Erie. Jar. LS. 1864—b BANN NOTICE. KEYSTONE NATIONAL CAPITAL, $250,000. DIRECIORB: BELDISH MARVIN, JOBICW. EMU MARVIN, - RESTER TOWN. O. NOBLE. - ORANGE NOBLE. President. JOHN J. TOWN, Cashier. The above bank Tilt be opened for the tratisse:i , of business on DEC. 5, 1865, IN 111301.1ES' BLOCK, Wert side of Mae L. between Seventh sad 13atlafactory paper dlaconated. Money reeetved o n . Deposit: CoUsettona made and race/oda recounted .k 7 -.• • ininptneas. Drafts, Specie and Bank Notes boagbi and sold ..11 shin at PnbUa Patronare la rameottolly to 'tot.. cLzamcivGazy & Huitusms,l its, WHOLtSiLE GROCERS AND PROVISION . D7 -aists, jar-mm=6r - :4110.5, ROPE, REIOII . II3' • 011, WATF.II LIVE, I - WHITE • LIME, OIL NITRIOL, CAUSUC SODA, GLI3B.ItC.. ' NOS. 26 - dr, 26 NORTH PARK: STRtET, IRIS, PA deell'Otr. F RANCIS PFEFFER, 3tAnsurruzza ♦DD DILLIES L 7 BOOTS AND SHOES - =SHY STYLE AND VANIETY. /' [ • 'No. 816 'State St.,. West Side; bet. Bth as oth, SNIT, PA 1:1" Jut naked, • :Lew kook of Goods, whiali will be wad at the lame pees. ch:rlßEl MUSD ROM. ONE DOLLAR. t For one dofar, nes; midi. I will send free to lay Wren a recipe and andleinethat I will nannto to ewe the want cases of Catarrh in the bnd or bran ahlal taboo - Ina fisw imam It has sand ny life, sod eared no of Catarrh and a severs bronchia! trouble I hadand salad with tor years. I tried the best PhYticialls all the adnatind lasagnes at the day, butintad no Mill UM obtained thls.. I would gin one hundred dollars in Ibis any* and the medicine, If I sow had the Catarrh and rand not obtain It lea I believe, it tasiontinar Selland, ear* say eon whatever OM has sot already melted the law mid tame a mind wamnaptiote ' Care It vldleyou au - . Addrso T. P. tipotts. N 0.11104 Patton ato N. - dpivowpiligsWavto n . ,WININCE Bat; ea Mai thibist Wadi ifilraoad Cloa, ger ° "" lia - ries Lovett MCI& - ' -; cmgr a iii - 'EW For thegalpikerchig 1 ,01 - A Most Exquisite, Lelicat" ti ant Perfume, Distilled• :d Beautiful Flo-zer inn ti• kes its name.l u fortorc 9niy P LOY 4 NEW Your,. ENURE OF CO .S! ror; PLIALOSI—T,' Sold by nn77.1, F 0 U.TZ's CILLBCIII3 USD ad CRiile PT this animal, YELLOW TER, REA COUGHS, TEMPER, wais t FOC' LOSS OF TITE AND' ENERGY use Imp' wind, the appet a ■moot glossy aki transforms miserable skt horse. , To 'mown of eiitra this prrrit-li., $ Increases the quantity rita.:4l,- t% ,, a 7 , Val Is• C Lti.' MI In of Soto, lull ai c, the Langs,'Llrer, Ulla. article acts ILI* wri.ecifle. By putting' l'rorn one-half- a japer to a papqr In a barrel or —" .srel of Milli the hbove diseases will be eradicated, ` or entirely preventcd. If pi , -.n preventive and en, f, t'• • IT,. Or, Price 25 Cents per Pipe-, or 51Val F4LPI.LTZ ar S. A.. FOUTZ AT Ttriall 11110LESILE DEM AND REDlflil , No. 116 Franklin St., Baltir.t For Sale bypeogy,lsis and Sturaterm oat the United Etates. • anfiCCO-ly Sold by k Wir 11=3 t . .. 17 IS dc CARSON 4 • , Dears In KINDS OF GROCERIES, ?RUN, Tr: AND-'?ROCISIONS, • Fifth Street, 'between State end Freed, E.rtb gaTlne purchased oar god before" the late tire to prece, feel =Deena et ten able to five ',iatir • - laeflon,tott is price acd•* quality. • Cointry Prance of every gore bocebt ALI a an *Ways depend on receiving tie If ket price ft -their articles. ' ma :DEALERS IN VIE ADJOINING II ' And on the Liz= of Milne.. SUPPLIED WI TRIM, vrarrial C6e ds s BEUENBT.B, NAT a JACKSON'S icor Pi?Tx Syeast 121113 ELGII.FOUINDIIT, S PEACH ST., ABOVE TRI{ lIIIFTALO ET, HENRY. BiLYAIFF SP4WI ' Olueeeatiore to Acheson • PARLOR,CONIC . T.e &Sun? I ‘" WA= ALL ythips, 4r IRON oAsrai, vety "re sehi ei ,A,- ' s oled to gin „ Sleigh-ewe *4 Irooi, es hoag It .A..... .ffited to order. A" PLOW 1.11113 nr sarerlorOa . r •eysts on hs . A csil nevi s este tiii of eles is all we ask. EINBY, BRYANT eaSSF MORRISON* DINSMOItE, WIIOI.II DIMS" 1:1 FLOUR, PORIid,IBEEF, SALT, al" CLOVER, SI.F.D. NOS. in AND 603, FRENCH ST° 33 wweeza Sao sod 6th Steeis, Sr& I' 13.131863tf E BUSINESS, WEDDING ASP Or ) CARDS" A;" Bill rind% Certifintre of Nil STAMPING, EMBOSel> a, • PARAGOBNYBpsj.f.rs_o2ljwAti;rlirA:ll.o.l,:,. ap2r 65• ft 1 0 F 4er STABLE. , Ste t.„ t Waced the well-known Livery occupied by Wm. J. Sterrett, drone and the paella that he .411y:curt:a the t-- - inrilee their patronage. THE,- STOCK • sumWatlrae:sbstaarteisuauntbeehelynelputrirtiutcryosgre.teoddigaz.:::a dio,telroecn.tFtiloe,:)ll want to obtain the Lerricee of a good •to%l reedy at all times to accommodate tem prices. Itscollmt the piece; Fifth street, rear liaerCOL:onso6l:l:l.o.3 V% JUDO a, 1866—t1 T HE_GREIT CAUSE of buav Jut published, in s sealed enveloS 6 I Price 0 cents. A lecture oa the ra• , tun, treatment and twit& two a ~, .incßgerssawritlutontotarlrrxwhodazi.eatriorgneonStail,4.lall.lE,, juirooit. lion. Epilepsy, and VIM; cents! an . 4I' I FID.N• rmalling trom self &buss, Aa—dl 53:.:i M.D. Author of the *Green Book' ko: 1 . The world ,reaowned author, is ea' •"`"" - 0 eit' of proves from his own esperit7l consegnanoes of serialise utsy ball;, o'iii without medicine snd without ~, _ , rations,,bo.. gins, instructs% rirg , vt,„1,04 ing out a mous of cum at ones tartait , 0 ,74 'which entry *offerer, no natio vast oP d s ges ba micas himself cheaply, prir01a!"....600 This lecture will prove a two to 11 0 . 1 Bauder us3l, in i plalosarelotot to_tr., the mosly4 did: cents. or two 00tie7 1 7,16 Also, Or. Colverwellts ^Munn; .; OW Addreserthe pablishers. , aid&.'les, BMW.. t oo vs Poi , 17.12.423 [3l 11 tz:._ fAirr v. bro, 3 .1 b, 1 -msv t. r.l tijS t h • t.