The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, October 25, 1866, Image 2

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    CDrie hsertier.
TriurtsPAY. Oct 25. Iso
DYFElrgn.-11114 UMDtUNITRI)
Tho;e of our Radical friends who ap
pear to imagine that the result of the late
elections will be to - destroy the Derno
cratio paro4 may as well make -up their
mindi nowt R4l ever that they will be seri
ously mistaken. , The old Democratic
organisation ha; stood many defeats. moms
to', of a much more dis streus nature
than that of this year, and like the Union
force; in Virginia. 43441' one has only
made its determination the firmer to fi
the battle nut to a victorious -and. The
misfnetune of the Radio 114 i., that they
never seem able to realize the undying•de•
vntinn wi h which Dfmaerata cling to
their principlea. Theca arca the maxim;
which lie at the very foundation of our
Government. Enfirnerved in the simples'
filet' they Ar s• h,—• tt the Canatitu!inn is
the eunrerne law of the I:tut—that the
!Non is a cirrtoact br which each State
is i ecinallv bourri. and in which each is
eatitfed 'n the elle reaftlatinn of its own
internal affir.—and that it can only be
maintained by oreserving the theory of
equal right., gaol will and evatntl reenact
upei which it wt, eatahlishe 1 O t the;'
every Democrat takes his stand. and
determined to ahile, co-no weal nr woe.
It-was in their defence th - at we in Eft', the
late CSTIVaIz, 11 i when th
_n ma-tunity
apin . comes, we 07111 he fo and contending
for them as anfliiv in the -fiitftee a; we
have in the nett. .The late eleefien ha;
dereate4 them far tho time. hot it ha; not
taken away from them ono jot or tittle
their truth. They are as s iund to-flay S 9
they were two weeks ago. The men who
talk in Rah gfih phew; the death of
the Da novvia 'pt-`.s ; net what
they sa?. Defeat h;; nerterrer; for Dana
ocrats. Flrnearly eilht ran they have
been in a rdirtority,e.nd yet at what period of
our history have we battled more intrep
idly than through this 'season of gloom,
of detractiOn and bloodshed? Oar trials
have only served to purge us of the im
pure material in the party, and at this
mnment our organization is more harmoni
oua. more resolute, and mere defiant
than ever. There is no=Danaecrat in
, .„
71vania who dn.; no-4 ave the most im
plicit faith in the justice of our came and
ale ultimate triumph. , _ The- men who
,rated fn. lisis'or Clymer and George. B.
:McClellan cat( he relied upon for any
emergency., They may be depressed for
thcb,lnnme i ht: but. when the time comes,
we bid the{ Radicals to remember, they
will be on hand again for the 'crisis, with
ELS Z.MOUSC an intention, as enthusiastic a
spirit, and al fixed a resolution to do
battle for the right, as they ever have
'exhibited heretofore.
. Indications at present lead to the fear
4hat the election soon to take place in
Maryland may he the consecpience of
portant and bloody results. The Radicals
have set their minds upon careying
Sate at nil bawds, and in_order to do se,
liSve hit upon a plan for disfranchising
two, thirds of the legal electors. In order
to correctly understand the position of
affiirs there, it•is recess's - re to state that
by +be lawn of Maryland a board of police
commissioners for Biltircore city is op.
pointed by the'Goyernor, in whose hand.
the selection of judges of election is IMF.
to 1. The prevent comrnissioneri—chosen
during the war—are nil Rad;cals, 'and have
sPlente.l i I dgnol exft'.u.ively of their own
parts—men rangt of wh ,, m hive no 'mar
nr.,lX.nor , 0014151 Fr 04 Plain a tTokn" not -fi,
permit an of the new'y reei.tored vnterP
to vote At the riming election. knowine,
as they do, that out of the 24,600 regis
tered this' year, at leapt 23.000 are Cnr•
aeryatiyea. At the last Mayorilty eke.
tion. notwieluttancline the fraud perpotra-
ted by them, the Radicals polled but 5 000
votes. The Conservative=, in consequence
of the-clear violation of ithe law by the
Rulicals, and of the pet form
arises of the Pllice . Corntriissbners,framed
a memorial, to which the signatures -of
nearly •
ten thousand of the most respects.:
ble 'business men of Its4irnore 'were at-
Asched. This rnemetriaLwria-supporteitby
nasire than,olist _bunched affidlifitKand'
wit; anxppeal to the Grirernor the re
movtrF the Commissioner.. The Gov
ernor summoned the Com Missioners to
appear to answer the charges at Annapc
lis on Monday last, and there can be no
doubt that if they receive their just de
serts, they will be removed, and give way
to honest men. Governor Swann is a
Conservative in politics, sustaining the
President's policy, and teems to have the
disposition to act fairly on the subject.
- The Radicals are prepaiing to maintain
the Commissioners, and mean to resort to
violenteasures to overpower the author
ity of Governor. At theii special re
quest, Forney visited Baltimore last week.
He wile in consultation with Radical ring
leaders for several hours, and subsequent
ly wrote to his Press an inflammatory-let
ter, in which thieata of armed opposition
P ara made, closing with an embittered ap
prksUo the prejudices of his party. It is
stated that he also completed the prepar
ations for sending in a delegation of Phil
adelphia roughs and 'thieves. who are to
assist the Radical rowdy organization,
known as ''the Boys in Blue." These
"Boys in Blue" ere all organized into com
panies, and meet regularly for drill. They
are armed, and well armed. There are
several companies of black "Boys hi Blue"
—negroes of the lowest sort. On the oth
er hand, the ConservatiVes have few or no
arms, and they have rto military protec
tion—the rgilitia haviitg never been re
organizsd s'rrce 1861. Igeverthees, if the
went cetneP, they decii)re their deterrnin.
etion to- fight to the)last in defence of
their rights - end the idle of the State. The
opening of a cot cor4 ct in Baltimore would
he the prelude to more wide-spread Iron
tier, and the Course of the Radicals
Vainly evinces that they would r4ther
engulf the land io civil strife than yield a
rrticle of the party advantage they have
gained thrugh fraud and tyranny,
The cue of thi.• P dice C ,mcnixsionerp
was taken up by the El , vernor on MAnday
morning. The complainants were repre
sented by ' , lfeestv. Schley and Latroh•;
the Cornmissicners by Biessrs. Sock
bridge, Alexander and Sterling. Tne let.
ter read a reply denying tho jurisdiction
of the Governor, but sissirting read , ness to
cittswer b.fore a court of propr jorisd:c
akin. The Oofernor decid?ll that he had
jurisdiction' due counsel, for the Cam
missioner,s-hitiodre,v, shying their
mission was at en end, and the case was
postponed until Friday . luterviese have
been had between the - Preeidint and the
governor, and between - General Canby.
commander of the department, and the
Maya: of Baltimore and Police Commie
sioners, the results of which are not,deßn
hely known. It'is stated that the, Gov
ernor has silted the President for Federal
assistance in executing the laws, and that
the latter his declines ti furnish is,' hut
hew much tru'h there may bs in the re•
port is merely 'I matter of speculation.
The announcement is farther made that
three thousand liatlic.ola an•i eight hun
dred policemen have r, , porte I ti the
Mayer B alts store f►r resistin ; the Gov
ernor's authority, and an abundance of
help is pledged to them !roll the North .
Although the Governor clearly has the
law and justice on his aide, we are inclined
to the belief that the threats of the
cals,the fear of exciting civil war, and the
dread of a Northern arnav,will induce hies
to postpone the removal of the Commie
sinner., and thus a mere minority of the
voters of Maryland may be enabled to
qnntrol the State for a year or two longer.
—Later aivicos soy Governor Swann
feats clew in his right to remove the Com
missioners. and in his duty to do so. The
orepor Along of the rev•Autionists to resist
, sutherity continue. A numbsr of
street fi..thts end mob del:11110.r atioos have
occurred in Biltimorrt, and the city is in
an intense state of Plei . errinnt. "A boric
of United S'ates troops hove been thrown
into Fort licileory, the guns or wh;ch
command tle city. It is stated that Gen.
Butler has promised that ten thouSIT4
Iltssachusetts soldiers will march to the ,
Assistance of the revolutionists as soon as
hostilities commence. There is no doubt
tint the promisee of Northern Radicals'
have had much to do with the conduct of
the proposed riotore, and if Vocal ensuos;
the sin vein lie at their doors.
Below- we rive the official vote for Sir-
Prior ea we find it stated in the Harris
burg Telegraph, the Republican central
organ of the Shlie. it profescea to be cor
rect, and is full except that from Pike
county, where only the majority for Clv.
mer k reported. We also give the official
vote for McClellan and Lincoln :
Liqcoln. McClellan. Geary. Clymer.
Many., 2012 3016 2910 3126
Allegheny, 21519 12414 20511 12795
Armstrong, 3526 3211 3758 3078
Beaver. 3257 ' 2304 3310 2385
Bedford,, . 2336 2752 2591 2835
Be-tre, i 6710 13266 7121 13288
Blair, 3292 2686 3520 2768
Bradford, 6865 3007 7134 3091
Buck., 6436 7835 vana 7395
Butler, 3475 2974 3544 306 l
Cambria, 2244 3036 2643 3295
Cameron, 325 ' • 232 374 303
Carbon, 1721 2251 1906 2839
Centre, 2817 3399 3094 3565
Cheeter, 8446 5987 1776 2813
Clarion, ' 1780 2883 8500 6221
Clearfield, 1506 2801 1650 2786
Cl'aton, 1666 2135' 1754 2337
Columbia, ; ,.._.1914 8467 1965 ' 8583
C raw fo-d, 6441 4526 6714 4969
Cumberland, 3604 4354 4039 3576
Dan p,hi n, 5444 '4220 5691 4801
Delaware, . 3664 2145 3647 2262
Elk, 348 835 376 916
Erie, 6011 3222 7237 3951
Fayette, 3221 4126 3569 4359
Fo-est, - 85 62 100 76
Franklin, 3862 3821 4299 4106
Felton,. 694 - 906 775 1055
Greene, 1583 3074 1699 3220
iinnt , nedon, 3321 2477 3248 2289
Ind;ana, 4320 2107 4458 2109
Jetior , Ort, 1820 1877 - 2015 1912
Juniata, 1437 - 1753 151 G / 1814
Lan"a-ter, 14470 8448 14592 8592
Lairrence, 3408 1389 8560 1410
Lehanon, 3780 2779 4194 2696
L^high, 3908 592 I 1 4159 5731
Luzern", 7645 10015 8733 - 12387
Lyroming, 3400 4207 3871 4448
M^Kean, 767 652 877 714
.Mercer, 4220 3569 4416 3757
M din, 1643 1718 1725 1835
Mon. o-, • 1685 2698 705 2699
Montgomery, 6872 7943 7286 8342
Montour, 1130 1496 1131 1523
No thampton, 3726 ' 6914 8859. 6870
No th'd 2915 3608 3381 8829
Pev, 2406 2446 2581 2495
Ph' ladelp - hia,55797 44032 54205 488_t
Pike, .ogo WO im 620
S 78.51 . .9540 8793 10514
Somerset, 2788 1799 3062• 1759
Sn rd ,r, 1679 1368 1812 1326
5..11i , an, ; 369 660 ' 436 761
Seq Tie henna, 4203 2959 4429 2981
'1 on, 4673 1584 4791 1623
fin on, 1915 1312 1991 1278
V• nan , zo, 3849 3341 4409 3492
Warren, • 2541 1505 2687 1572
Wa hing ton, 4951 45 59 4977 4712
Wayne, 2274 3989 2357 2°83
WP ore laid 4650 5977 5046 6113
Wroming, 1337 1402 1408 1499
York, 5563 . 8590 5896 8780
.96.301 276316 306055 28306
Lin • , r al '64 - 20075
G ea ry's tali. 17185
Total vote, 1866, 595.051
-Tots 1 vote, 1864, _ 572,707
increased vote, 23344
Radios I iterease, 10.564
Dom:oral io increase, 12,780
Orli FORM/GM CLA 131 Si
Two of this acts of foreign governments
which the United States silently protes
ted against at the time of their commis :
sign remain unsettled. One is the dam
agii inflicted upon our commerce by
English privateers bearing the rebel pig,
and \the other is the deletion of a cher
ished American principle by the attempt
of France to establish a monarchy in
Mexico. In the '6lt place we have a bill
of damage against lEngland for. the des
truction of properly by the Alabama—a
bill which was presented a year ago. and
which, after a ' contemptuous rejection,
has been *Quelled. , Why has not this
account been passed to a settlement? If
nur Government is not justly entitled to
the damages claimed of E r.dand, the
bill ought never to have been presented,
for in that case we would be placed in a
ridiculous light - ; but if the bill is just, it
should be collected at 'all hazards. Mr.
Sewa'rd, in his correspondence with E id
Russell, offered every thing that_was fair
and reasonable in the way of a settlement.
lie agreed to place the whole matte! in
the hands of an impartial
arbitrate the case. Russell, however, -Tie
fused to do anything in the premises, and
nur position is now that of a creditor who,
with a valid bill, has had the debtor's dopr
slammed in his face, We have stood at
that door for a year without receivirg iitiy
satisfaction, and to the world it looks as
though we were *aid to assert our rights
nn behalf of what is our legitimate due.
in respect to the Mexican question, we
have the assurance of Frarce that the
French troops hitiall he withdrawn, hut
Maximilian. who is the prnlege o the
French E nperor, declares his intention
not to abd sate, and with that purpose 6a
is conscripting 30 army composed aistly,
of Mexicans, with which he hopes t re
tain his position. The silent pro fist
which we made against these acts of
'and and France, when co were pow.rie\ei
to receive them otherwise than silently,
should now be made audible. A - timid
foreign policy wilt not eatilfy the country.'
Our people have no desire to_become in
volved in 'is foreign difficulty, but they
desire to see a decent respect paid to the
nation on =the Flirt' of foreign Powers.
They know, too, that a firm, decisive
stand, will inspire that respect, while a
hesitating and timorous policy will only
embolden foreign Governments in their
attitude towards 13f. We need, and must
have, a more vigorous and determined
administration of foreign - Midi-a, awl we
hope that the Government wilt see and
appreciate the necessity of this course.
General Butler. in hie political stump
ing tour • through the West, has been
zsaloua4t urging the impeachment of the
President. In a epeeeh delivered in Cin
einnati. and repeated in Chicago and
other places, he read a formal bill of in
dictment ag %iota the President, and gave
a statement of the manner in which Gin
grass shOuld proceed to effect the impeach:
merit. He said the President should be
quietly arrested by the Sergeantat-Aves
of the Senate, end be brought before the
latter body for trial. Wring the progress
of the trial be should he kept in close
custody, the same as a common criminal,
and in case of conviction he should be
formally deposed. Then "The Vice
President must take the office, - and there
being no Vice President, it must devolve
on the President of the Senate for the
time being." With regard tothe danger
of the high-handed business RiVer says :
"We are toti that if Congress limit pro.
ceed to exercise their rightful authority.
then there will be tied the .strength of
the.Governm ant ; that the President will
call upon the army and navy of the Uri!.
ted Sates—those few men that are
in the. regular service. (Applause.) . I
have .no desire to disparage either the
patriotism er the integrity of the army of
tit; U:iited States, hist if the army, es
sucb, or if any portion of it. or if any offi
cer i tit, shall so far forget the duties he
- owes to his flag end his profession as a
soldier ea to answer any but the legal call
of his country, that small body of men
shall be swept from the face of the earth."
'Vali programme has Virmed the staple
of all :the speeches delivered by,General
Butler during the present campaign, and
.the danger of his teaching is evinced by
the extravagant demonstrations of ap
plause with which ho has been received
by his Radical audience's. And Butler is
only a type of the Radical leaders. They
all seem to he imbued whit the same de.
sire that he evinces In stir up anothercivil
war, which would be-the inevitable con
sequence of an attempt ta displace the
President by Bsi3. Wade or some other
crazy extremist.. -
It is time the people should this
qurstion of impeaching the President of
' the United States in all its bearings. It
is a grave and momentaus mater. Such
a movement was never seriously contem
plated before in this country. To -be
sure, the _Constitution makes provision for
impeaching and trying the Chief Magii
trate.of4he nation; hut it was never sup
pose() by men like Washington, and Mad
isoni4nd Henry, and their colleagues,
that sectional partisans, taking advantage
of ainejority acquired by force, fraud end
misreipresentation. would use that power
for deposing a President who would not
i yield" to their dictation. Yeti this is what
the Radicals intend to do unless restrain
ed by an exhibition of public opinion.
We hear a great deal from the Radicals
about certain "securities for peace" which
they - demand before admitting the
lately seceded States to their legal places
in the'Union. In our bumble o inion
the only "seaurities" whleh can be reasona
bly asked of the Smth for the "nation's
peace" have already been given. The
South has laid down her arms, has accept
ed the free - basis. hi; ratifi 'd the consti
tutional amendment making the slaves
forever free, and wants now only peace
and - Union. It is for her interest to have
peace. Her people, taught by a terrible
experience, long for rest and forms opper
tunityto repair the horrible waste which
""Th u e — way to make the "securities for
peace" effeetive is to treat the South just.
ty and'megnantreously, and to bind her
to the Union with -the .sernng bonds of
affneinn and interest brinda that will be
more potent than caiaina of triple stee'.
Arbitrary power is a poor "means of ce
mentine a country together. Tie hiatory
of despitism in alt sees proves that We
cannot but regard the expressed in
some quarters of danger to the peace of
the country from its thorough restoration
to a state of harmony as frivolcus and lc
sincere. Eveiy body knows that the
South is powerless k r mischief if she was
ever so much disposed to it ; and noth
ing, we feel sum ein tempt her to try th
'experiment of appetiser revolt but intoler
able oppreeains. If she- would be dis
posed to measure • arms again with the
government, won't the government be on
the alert, and always better prepared to
crush any incipient attempt at revolution
than it was before, when it -was not ex
pecting war ? Will- the great and popu
lous North go to sleep and never see any
preparations for s conflict, admitting for
the sake of argument, the South should
undertake to inaugurate one? The idea
is' absurd. The "pre•eminently proper
securities" for peace, and the , only ones
that are or ever will be worth laboring for,
are-generous conduct, and A seam . of jus
tice and - protection to the Southern peo
ple ; a course of action toward them that
will make them feel it to be for their in
terests, their safety, and their honor, to
make the Union perpetual. A contrary
course will make the South an Ireland,
a Portland, a Venetie, and the ligatures
binding the Republic together so many
ropes of sand
Many persons in the North have un
doubtedly been led to fear that if the
Democrats were allowed to elect a mejori.
ty of COngressmen, they would agree t o
pay the Rebel debt. Tu suppose that
Northern men believe such ' a thing, is
not v-ry flittering to their intelligence or
gocd sense ; yet the fact remains, although
it may be discreditable. In the first place,
there is no Rebel Debt to pay, because
the time at which the rebel bands be.
came payable will never arrive. The time
of payment stipulated on the face of the
bonds, is two years after the indepen.
(fence of the Southern Confederacy shall
have been acknowledged by the Uni'ed
States! In the next place, men of no.
party feel their present, taxes so light that
they have a very keen desire to have
them increas-el, even when their justice
and lawfulneuCrequire it. •To pay their
own debt incurred in putting down the
rebellion, is quite as heavy ebb as either
Democrats or Republicans have any re'.
ish for. Finally there is no particle of
reason why the_rebel debt should- be ap.
sumed. - It was cotter mated for a purpose
which, if successful, would have perma
nently danosged the people of the North,
end in preventing it they suffered smar
m -u-ly.e The fact that the Abolitionists
-did much to provoke the South into rebel.
lion. does not materially affect the tines.
lion, The Confederate States took the
risk of g into revolt, and the benefi s
(if any) ishicketeiilti have resulted from
its suceess, would have been their's and
not our's. Hence, the pretense Atria any
part of the people of she- North, either
Thinsocrats or Republioani, are bound
either by honor or. _justice, 'or would be
willing to assume the rebel debt, is pre
posterous. The Cnigiesanaen 'who would
vote for such a thing would be as dead u
if he were in his coffin.
Tee official statement of the public
debt on the Ist of October shows that its
Amount on that day, less the cash in the
Teninry, was $2 573,33G'0•11. Going back
two months, and comparing this with the
corresponding statement made on the Ist
of August, we find that there has been a
reduction of- $59.762 335, or • abont sixty
millions in sixty-one days. At this sur
-prising rate, the whnle debt would ho
Pat in gu isherl in less than seven years
It is obyinus that the rate of reduciinn
will be rapidly accelerated as the debt
approachen est' nction, inasmuch as laTget•
sums now annually paid to keep down the
interest will then go towards the liquida
tion of the prinCipal.
Or cot:rse. we are not to expect that - tbe
national debt is going to disappear with
any such marvellnus rapidity. The ex
tmordinary rate of the .last two months
cannot be kept up throughout the year:
The income tax, thich, is collected but
once, a year, has beet elm:ling in sincf the
Ist of August, and the redundant. reve
nues of this season ails abate 'when the
income tax is all collect'etf. But although
the reduction of the debt is not so great
during the year, it is nevertheless large
and constant, every monthly statement
showing a diminutish.. We have no
hesitation in ascribing tile gratifying re
suit to the policy of President Johnson- .
Items. of Local Interest.
Me. ipale Blakeslee. Niamey of this site.
has been appointed rienetial Superintendent rf
the Warren &.Franklin 3. B. -
The Pae•ioniet Fatkre will opine Mission
on Sunday next, the SIM inst.. and continue
during the week, at St. Thomas' Cl►uroh.Corry.
The Meadville daily Brpnblioau, after a
brief and denting as ,its °need to exitt.
Though an orgsn of the Republic-in party,
its patrontge did not warrant its further
The pots.° crap in out: county seems to be
tainted afe lure this yesi. The yield is abun
dant, but most of the potatoes are by die
ewe. Like young lovers, they hive an affec
tion of the heart. . •
Wa are to ott kind friend, W. C.
Whits, of Walerford. fora bottle of wine,
mode from the celebrated wine Vaal It Is
of enperior quality—near'y equal to tha beet
grape wine.
If all reports be true; the min Frank, ap
pointed assessor of this dietrict. is anything
but a frank num. lie will probably conclude,
before long. that riding two horses at one
Limo is not a, healthy built:ere.-
Tidiolite supports seven gond sited hotel•,
and three more are now building, while an
other is talked of, the dinieritom of which
will be largo enough tte hold either of tho
others. - Union boasts of three, all of them
very fair.
The friends of Commodore Mamma. in this
city, will be pleased toilesrn that be has re
turned from his expitdition to the Pacific, ant
is now in New. York.
Parties in oeed of Market Produce of any
kind wiU find the store of M. F. Wooden & Co..
on French Street. near Fifth, the plsee to Ito
They keep everything the market affords, and
of the best quality. . .
Coins continues to be excited over the Poet
siEce treitiun. The manner in which the
Radicals have behaved towards Ntr.Feiebee,the
newly appoint-1 Postuuteter there,is malicious
and discreditabfe in the extreme. We hope
he hag .the pluck to "give them *as good as
thee send."
- The vote M the recent election tbr largest
t e enatroro n ou nty.ana tne contest
we, perhaps the hottest ever experienced
there. ( -The whole vo'C as 'hewn by 'adding
the tatate no Governor le 11.783. At the lam
Presidential election tint vote wee 10,812.
The increase *ince. that date is 1 481—a re
markably large gain in two years.
Persons in our city having low business in
Pithele should send it. to Masses Spencer &
Sherman, a Lem we know peraoaaily to be
creep way "reli , b'e. Sherman wee for
merly resident of Erie, and is too well
known Si a young gentleman of talent and
integrity, to need any; commendation at, cur
lion. James 13.0” Snowden, of Madelphii.
delivered a lecture in Pa•k church. on Sabba , h
evening last. upon the evidencesiof Christian
ity. as presented in the Coins of ihe Bib'e:
Tpe subject was rented in a manner which
exhibited long an l - careful study, and to
those who hive o taste for such wafers, Mt.
Snowden's feature must have possessed extra
ordinary interest.
Those of our friends livinx south of the
ispotohoull renxember that they eats obta'n
es good a photograph at Wager & Cis watt
vishmont. as in any other pert of the city.
Their rooms are neaLand convenient, their
light superior, their stock first close, and their
instrument one of the Lest in the country.
To those who with poitraits of themselves,
members of their families, or friends, we
would heartily reoommtind this firm.
•The two oonperts given in Farrar Mil. on
ifooday and Taesdayareainga. by Prof Fed
erlein's juvenile troupe from Buffalo, were
among the beet we have ha•l here this Bastion
The wonderful progress of the little boys and
girls coonseted with tho troupe coll'ad f,rth
general applause, and We -hare heard of on
who attended the concerts bat were delizbted
We hope to lies the Profeasor and his " 44 4.P9
family" again in Erie this winter, and pledle
them a cordial greeting.
The Crawford Dethocrat learris that in
Athens township, of that county, where the
Radicals " had the whole board of election
officers, and where all; the so-called deserters
were of their own party, they were reimitted
to'vote; while in Summit township a Radical
.board received the votes of Radical . deserters
and rejected the votes -of Democrrateragainet
whom the charge of ,desertion- was made"
'The tame thing occurred, we are informed, in
one or two districts of this county.
The Council pulsed en orlin mos on Moe
day'evening enacting "that it ehtnit not be
lawful to er'ot or move on or upon any lot.
.piece or parcel of granted in the city, situate
b tween French and Pearl streets. and on all
streets running east end west, beginning one
hundred and sixty-five feet west of peich
et.. within the limits of the Fire Dietriot, and
on all etreete nirth aid south, any
woolen or frame banding
. withmt, permission
first had and ohtained from the Mayor. Select
and Common Counn-ls of sail city, on ler the
penalty provided in the ordinance, to which
this lea eupnicatent •
Tie. Supreme Court of PAtt County,- New
To - k, his been, crumpled at Deal .with
very ridieu'ots gait. For the third time a
jury has been summoned for the. tri d of the
case wtrohntems to be interminable. The oily
question invoived is the title of a little piece
of 13nlin'the tows nfddowetead. ties vela, of
-which ie not mo-e than fifty d litre at the
utmost. Etch party elders to have the fee
simple. 3n I the land hal been -surveyed sod
re-surveyed by a dot- it civil engines's , : Alto
geth'r it- is said the cost of the. litigation
amount to over two thousand &Ware, but
both partiqe are determined to fight it anted
this line if it takes forever. The action eu
begun to 1859, and haahus already extend
ed over eeven •
Political Brevitie
Prentice says that the man •
upon Northern radicistism and robe
ie • man of- the right stamp.
• At the National Cenientlos of •
Providence, the Christian rolls'
echoes, animal Todd, tindAndr•
were resolved against.
The Lock Raven Democrat 11;in;1
reliable authority, titat thirteen;
'dieoharged from work at thelumb
liebmeat owned by,: Wm. E. Do
York. near Williamsport, because
act vote the 'Dieuninn Robe!.
perperratara of infs . outrage will
vi ,
ed nud.,puttished according to la
' Near itarrishurg, m re than twer4 men
have been discharged from 'the ochiel iron
works, simpl y because they vote for theater
Clymer. Tbia is
r contemptible bioircess—a
poOr man has co! right to an pinieit—but
must be the trol of others if h desires to
earn his drily brrad. The woe aro riainly
owned by Simon C 'mere!) -
The Democracy have geitted El
joint to.lict in the Legislature
ter. ,Toe S ruate iiiands as ! efor
cr icy hsvingbtined one Senator
In the House the Democracy hay
members The two'houses sten.
1865. 4.7 j. 1
• Suipte-D
D'm.l2 ' " D
House-Die.. - C 6 ;; Houeo-Di
4.' ' " D
46 87-'r4l
The repiesenta9ves' to the
gress, as tee as chosen, ere poli,
as follows:'
I Radially.
Oregon - 1.
Mama 6
V. moot. , 3
TYnoallyaola • - 18
Ohio 16
Indians , - 8
Total , 67
The limo; and pine in lb
equal. compared Cat tin trey
Two {Jolted States 2enalors;
be*n gained by lbw '. Radionla-o
and another in Pennsylvania.
that io Wabash 'Township, 0
usually' stands airy-four De..
Republicans. As that townsbi.
unedited, Dilly fifty; Lenoir:ate
two Republicans r.ll Tuerdsy.
difficulties th'este` Democrats v .
Aid not experience the trial ca•
deretand; but these fifty Demo.
be crowned with laprels for the
traveled to the polls is skiffs
on dry land only, a portion o •
waded the balanee! Onit old
his son, starting frOu! home as
the morning. did not reach the
till 3 o'clock. During a porti l
they waded through water up tj
May of the Dcmocrats travail
they wou!d reach dry land, wh,
carry their 'skiffs over to th;
water, and Boats till they rea l
- Surely such Democrats arc ne'
,Three tithes three cheers tor I
have ' pluCk enough to wade"
Evansville Courier.
itlerion towrahip, Mercer
gave 360 votes for the Decency
not a single vote 'for the Ra.
township, Anglaise . county,
some notice. fierer;is her vote
oratio,ticket., - ;43; ,fn the It 1 1
Democratto nuijority 343! 1!
eon would-bp. healthy paces t.
Prentice Pp" that i
his numsroaarela•ires have b
the publie breal sSztl_lsurier
of braid and.,-,Ver is ezh
fro every.pdie rifttbnir boil
cept•ble ten ysrd4 n "
and batter party.!' 'The powe
is indeed amazing.
Brother D•ooher has made •
ed his "arrore,'! and been rec,
full .communion in the 3I!
Eiseiher has heretofore had en!
for bravery a d s!oldness in
.'opinions, but h 9 has proved
and 111 snook of tite,ileury J.
A Christian minister! .(Ile
monk!) who wil! support whs
as wror g, only four weeks p
suoh a Chri;stiati 0 we have a
Beecher to be. scrip!. dog h
hie iromitr—let, him alone.
There has been a;;Metlatidist
John McCombs. ti r eaching
Clarion C minty, fry some Om;
of the LoTAL stripe=-and like many itiliet4 of
that character he .40, eery's e e're , in denotincr
ing copperheads, and ad•leating "negro eqtittl !
ity. A. 'colored glkd itamed,, Harriet Jakk
-1 \
son was tieing at ta" . -place whir. the Lei t rim
man wag in the habit of stopping, and think
ing path ips
i that be was an agent Of 'the
Freedmen's Bureau, be behave/ inauch a nt n
nee as brought' his case into the C 146011
county conrt,, I
tas the following from the cabal
record of thejSepf. term will show: 1 t
C. as. John .!'Comets. , drsvultiaucl et
eery with intent to milk; 6 title bill. ar
rietJacksontl prosecutor. Verdict, •euilty of
an eewitalt / Sentenced to pay alne cif $1 t o
the cominonweelth, and costs, ' which as
shout $l4O. L I
at Union Square. , N,, ~
In his speech . Yclrk,
ex-Goveraor Parsons, of Alahams,,said; I
..I defy any man to show any not cif er$ ed
hoe , ility to the laws and Constitutioin ofbe
United Srates from that. day to this time.
That there have been disastersantiouerhreak",,
I don't deny ; but I say theyweret n t politi
cal in their character; they were BubflistUr
hances as happen anywhere. We. he r
it timid
that there is nd liberty of 'speech don there.
I will guarantee , that if the, President Will
visit us he can lasie - an bearing That is m ore s
than be canlhnle-up here in -the Ncirlharest.
Now. what Wooed be staid if Conereeh imme
diately upon its assembling, beornee jthe
President was not allowed to - peak in /tidier's;
should denyj the Senators tr-m thet Si t ate their
seats until they purge themselves from their
iniquity 1" i 1 1
. 1
The Illinois State Journal, leading Rath
paper of the St ate, flaunts this, mottle at'
beta of He e lumen: ..The gebuine epu'
can principle—Universal muffin., wi bout'
gardlo colo r " 1 •
g The cheeps-t, West, simploqt
eleemintest store •to age is the ,141,1
Glory, tor side by Minced 4k, C.iropenn.
French street. , rictl.2s.t
mar Fora parlor or sittintroom More
one ie equal to the Mornin.r Q orY,l sal.
& Company, 605 French tree
0et.f.15-tf. •
grar A fire made in the Mornin g g -
stove can be kept up alt the winter To,
without kindling. , Far sale by 10mr, ,
Company, 605 French street,- , 00tL25-t
• Terrlble.Rall Road Accident.
Tram the Union :lir of list wrelg.]
Ilia Rapiers train going rase on the At
v o an d a r eal item era Railw y last Itlied ,
day morning between 8 and 4 o'eloelr. ran
the,traek about four miles east qt-here.
bn - wo as the Ilighbenks, ma:4lm ,
the rngino. to ider. ha gage' car. ktind
apaches dawn The embankment which is t
shoat 25 fret bleb. : I I •
It seem.; that the locsmnt've' and toder
first ran off the frock break4x the , coo p ing and
•ith the rest of the train • and that theare
- kept along an the ties _till the forirardictr
was more than hi leper beyond Where (the
farmer tumbled down the embankment, when
simultaneously' they rolled entirely Dyer light
ing nearly •right side" up, except the tear
sleeping par,which made another bilru
aid lay ti2p downward in the creek, were
the Miter gas about lime feet deep j I ,
The train contained at!ont 200; paltsenerr
aud•atrang• to' tray but one person. • Mr
liatiMiluijelrekr•#ela fir; N. T., iras
kilted onteight. - He was in the rear sleeping
ear, and eras prcbably stunned by bruises on
the head and chin, and was afterwards
drowned. When thp train rolled over, the
passengers were thrown upon their beads and
we bear pf but one person, en old man, who
was not more or less injured though but few
seriously. One woman, herself badly hurt,
lost her infant in the general confusion and
darkness, and forgetting her own injuries was
In the most heart -rending agony for th e fate
of her child, till 'finally the little innocent was
found having sCatained - no injury save a little
scratch on the We. Another" woman bad a
out on the beaAtextindinir from near the top
well down on thepide of her forehead, but
with real Spartan courage, and a devotion
worthy of Eivitice Nightingale. did not even
bind up ber,opn wounds but went about car
ing for others..:
ImmediatPli after the occurrence of the
dinestar.!one of the pasarngers hastened to
this place and Dr. Humphrey we sent up.—
Dr. Walker Virg absent. we believe did n ot r
arrive in, tient to Feeder any aesitnenc , ,, Tiro
phyticiitia from Derry . and Soother from
Meadville arOved shorty after Dr. H. and
tare woundev4Ore cared for with all the
Ipromptnes4:abimeana at 'command.
Ito et .
w Johoeon
brut eq. so
teed l l i , were
ring stab
• re, eF Yew
they Would
• tru le t the
r. I
. The Meadville Republican. soya:
An et , the , track ehowcd that
a-rail on the inner ei of the curve had been
ma , icionely removed from its place. %Shen
the engine came to this point, the inside
'wheel struck o f on the ground, while the,
enter ran along the rail for a distance; of
about eight feet ani sprang off, throwing the
train dotin'the embankment. The rail was
found id the centre of the treek uninjured,
end the Frites which hid briefly.' it to the
shapers: we-e missizt . Other rail. in the
immediate vicinity were battered. but this one
war no. ,irjured in the least. The company
have offered a rewardef_S2ooo for the detee
lion of the earned/el who perpetrated the
eo'd bloodederime, and a detective has been
enroyed tolrobe tip matter to the bottom. -
The Slar, on the oh' er hand. attributes the
accident to the- bad; condition in which the
railroad track is kept, ani says
It is bat a while ago that' a iimilar
- accident occurred w mile sod from this
station, 'thr.uo rot to disastrous in ite resulu,
and thoy,Will multiple with aralling rapidi
ty ttniais something is done In the way of
'repairing the roa.d. _
e ELT V tee OD
on hit win
-the Demo
nd foist one,
gstard four
'i.e rOUOWfi
66 I Mel
im 12
-60i3 -33
Jriiei Con
r.mtly ivided
I . ottrervattvey.
!ties...ire) Richardson & Co.. of New York,
will polo'ish on the led of Neverobee ;Mr.. W.
Gilmore Simms' cancel ion of "War Poetry of
the South." It is a source of congratulation
ihet a Southern author 'of Mr. Simms' ac
knowledged ability has prepared. a volume
which must ever be one of great interest. It
contains very many, piems of high merit and
interest, and records the intense. feeling of
the hour. as the varied scene. of the ;war
transpired. As coon as Mr Simms' purpose
to prepare , this volume was announced, con
tributions poured in ,upon - him from etery.
Southern State—contributions. many of them,
which would not have, been c. lied forth by
any other author—and in the" abundantire of
material, he, has been enabled to select the
best in very case. Here will be found the
lyric w)tioli times the march to battle; the
slogan which inepirea the charge ; the., WY
which reinepires after reverse; ,and the elegy
which recites the virtue• of the beloved one
It is% grateful, though roe'sneholy reorrd.
and although it tells f it &twat:nod overthrow.
and the foe itnre of Confident hopes abd
icipatious! it 1080 tells of heroic etrurgle and
of resignation even titter the defeat rt every
hope. The book inn very valnable contribu
tion to our l'tvratue, and cannot fail .t . O in
serest all intelligent readers , We are' told
' that the hook will rot be for isle in the hook
'torso. but will'be site on'y by canvassing
agents., ,
-se.Slitta are
cue eieotiov.
oweer, bale
e in.bregon
....4 learn .
Itlo; the rote
co rale to .is
was Well in
oted a d only
trod r whet
•ted, few who
e -
Thyoperly un- ,
.rate deiserve to
ir Plat. They
.artly walked
the 14sy, , Inc.
eollet l
an add
n' l 1 , ek I n
,lice of rati n g
.n 'of lbo w y
f t/teir'rmpits:
I d io skiffs till
n, thily wotild
iler4 beclot
bed tbo polls!
SriEau the great tidings—Tell it. to the
.World That Consuinption the great scourge
of nations, can be cured, even in its most ed-.
vaoced stages. by using King's Prepared Pre
scription. See sdvertiecment.
Tuxes is nothing equal to the Dandelion.
as a cure for Liver Complaint and Cost ivene• P.
A fair trial of Carter's Compound Extract of
this old' fashioned herb, will convince any 'one
'of the truth of Olt statement. Sold by all
Druggists—at one dallar a bottle. oct 25.4 f
ONE Hundred Dollars Reward will he ptid
by MeSsre. C. CI Clark E; - , Co.. for a ret . edic , ne
that wi tl cure coot ha, co'ds. croup. vthaop
ing cough. or relieve coi•umptive .c tugh as
quick as Cle's Cough Ihleam. Let all our
reader! know that Coe's Dyppepsit Cure will
certainly cure the worst caeca in existence.
will stop pain after eating as coon as you
take it, and is a me... se,uentent !VIM!' for all
ueseasea of the stomach and '•owels.
Nauseate DZHILITT.—This is a complaint
very commie, est ecially among females.
Ho fl ind's Herman Bitters never fail to cure
this disetve. - The-system. under its nee, is
restored to its, original strength and 'vigor ;
the appetite beeames good. the spirits become
cheerful. and in body and mind you feel the
full restoration .rf health. For sale by drug
gists everviihere. They mrenot a beverage.
Oct: 18-2 w.
emoe eta *
o the polls.,
ontay: 014
hie. ticket,
also 'desert
t'cir tli i e Del
icat ticket,
rion itad J , t
; emigr l to to
orey i
l ea living tic
l ota tie ea
d FO l ett on j
- 4 to ti be
our the "br
of iMptidt
Ppeec4, Feely:at
ived beck lite
egret i •eharr h .
9 litt e eredi t
.1 -I.
sit:l4'9,l3log ;nis
motif IL cowlird
rtyceonil etrir.
htea save pfe
he denounhed
vion. , ,lir, ie last
3E- s-
Sructu.swrs.—Those requir'ng the assist
a"cfristould use lio , flul's German Bitters.
They contain no a'cohol or injurious ingredi
ents-. and yet ropappa great 611MObsting prop
erties. followed by to deleterious effects If
you are suffering with Dyspepsia, Liver Com
ptaint•. Nervousness. Los• of Appetite. these
Ilittere will !petit!, and permanently cure
yon. For sale by - ell druggists. Not an Rico,
rne/ to
polio reparotioo
r Gated
ersbu r rr,
Was one
at Ty
b. wha
Duals° the epidemic of intormi•tents is
the West this season. the whole immense
stook of Ayor:s Ague Cure was exhausted, and
the producing power of his Laboratory was
found !inldequitte to meet the demand. A; any
who knew its ettraordinary virtues for the
cure of Chills and Fever, peid eihnibitant
price's", for it 'to gum who were fortunate
enough to have a stiPply on hand. some .of
ou- neighbors paid ten dollars for a bottle,
while ;the regular price - is but one, and assure
ns it was on thew ole the oheapest remedy
they could boy, even at that Sgure. They
praiis it for tern - qualities': first, that itcuree,
and Riot that It leaves the health unimpaired
—lowa Standard.
Fos sixteen years I was sorely distressed
with the Asthma. A great portion of the
time T Was unable to work," and,-frequently
for weeks at,s time. I . conld obtain sleep on
ly by setting up in a chair, being unable to
breathe in a lying posture. In my long
search after relief. I, of course, tried many
medicines, but all to little - or nn purpose, up.
til I used Carter's Compound Extract of
Smart steed. This met my case at once. and
the very great relief I have experienced hy ,
using it conainers me that it is no more than
my duty to make the fact mobl:c. that others
now sniffling as I usfil to coffer. my snow
wh.reland how I obtained my ro•ief. I have
also need the same preparafjon es a liniment
and in Colds wi h great sat , sfitefinn, and con
rider it a very offsful article end one that
every family would do well In kesp shoot
North Java, N. 1.. Acg. 2lst.- - oci2s-tf . •
Chambers & Dunn, between Brown's Hotel
and the Reed Howe, hating to 'leave their
gallery at the expiratinn of their lease. offer
all kinds of phoreg aphis: work at greatly re
duced 'prices. Carte •ictites, usually costing
$3, foe $2 • large pictures, costinc elsewhere.
$2. Air $3 50 ; duplicates but 75 ela. All
other work at proportionately reduced prices.
%Sort lequal to any other gallery in Erie. Now
is the time to get photographs at low anat.—.
Call and see. , Seri.l3 Gw*
ger Clark & Brother, Wholesale and PP.
tail Dealer' in Confectionery, Oysters, Canoed
Fruit, St .tionery, Yankee Notion•, linkers
Goode, Toys, Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, So.
West Side of Pesch Ftreet. I Square South
of the•llnion Depot ; Erie, Pa. Also. Dealers
in all kinds 'of Country "reduce. Particular
attention paid to filling country orders.
( )
Flamm—Penns wiehtng to procure por.
traits. of themselves or members' of their fem.
Hier, nhould'call at the gallery of Mr. Ohlwiler.
in Itosensweig's block. Hill 'specimens of
work convince us that he is an artist who bas
few superiors. The throng of vivitors to his
rooms are an Indication that his merits are
daily becoming better known end appreciated
by the public
I off
air D W. Hutchinson. United States Clttim
Agent, Girard. Penn. Pension', Beek Pay.
Donuts, and all other claims against the Gov.
eroment attended to with promptness. Charges
reasonable. Applications by mail attended to
be same as it made in person_ (jelB 6m )
Tax Common awn Irsrwersm or an bream:—
Published for the bonnet and se CAUTION TO 'MONO
vim. "'ea Ohne, who sorer from Nervous Debility.
Prevestera DOW of . Manhood. ie. teeplybvt st the
stene item Tee Vaasa on Bur... Cm. By rue who has
cured biewalf after undthroing coosiderable qusokeo.
By elvelosing a post-pad abintened earsloye, ale& cop.
tea, the of charge, way be had of the author. •
=Si Ir.
Medical Notices
Oc'. 18-2 w
i►oald respeetfally call the iittelol ton of our Menotti sad tho pubitti c•ofnlly to OUT 4:
oel.eted stock. coutigtinit of It+
• •,,
Flannels, Brown 'and Illsaebsid "Molding. Stripe's. Denims, Tick., To ) , t i.'
= Shawls, Hoop' Skirts, Small Ware, , &c., Wall and Decoration
derv. The largest and most compete stock iii.North•Western PentA,,
j.. 'atria Wm', Val and Rama. and ti 011414 Matt. and R ug , of . 1 , 4,, , :;Li•
C et, t, from one t CI yards old., Vocto, Can* ant Caatna itattla,t of all eldtba. '4-ax
Thosejost'y Celebrats4 l 'Sprit.' Beds. Flair sad Reorrnee Ifee , rsenvo, which sre noirersvr4si,
i nnot4y on head and mvnis to order. Ged,'lor or every dereript " 14 ":'4,
the be.."
Taiiot Q 1 it., nred gni ghats die Geldsl onne , e , sii ,, orr , sal pd.°, -4 "
s! - pv, -heels, +Tempi On head. A'so, Live Geese
feathers ore* best qua ity.
(.sea Curtains. ''Surnaa's °spoil and Bronstein, Cnrlains roads to order. Cornices—Gilr, !troy nysi
plata and nrn•menisi tifalr Rode n 1 all kindo. Ins word. am' thins usu a lly
and Hones Varnishing Kit .blishmant Consult roar intsrast • ant hay ,oar
- when yon pn Sod the 14-gast aasortmsnt• which is at the one
pries sub store
Now Implode. au 1 ferrite the attention of Dealers lo
their eaarealky Wee led eas,rtoaent of
"b. fwdlaPat 11 , bta*Vno. io palm, of all d teriptlon
of Werehtnelow renders it a mttt•rof e.p rral propriety
that pa shame ahnold b. frequent. and th. Wore the
pawast Apt twarowa the one brat adapted to suppl -
101ndail dealwra with ennda they
t•wehmart, fr.a weete.a Petmayieraals, Eaat•ra
and Western Virzlnia C e lorded to visit. Pdt•bartb
and loapeat this Stott ul goods, 10 leh will b k•pt Cor
ing the 1.116500.
Teens, Net Cas'i, and Prices Reasonable
D R.,TALBOTP4 re I L•e.
Mouposel of bights t:boovlDrated Es meta from
Roots sod Seem of the greatest medical value prepared
from the rwigeal prestriptino of the celebrated Dr. Tel
be,t, tad used by bleu with reruarkable e.ean for
Ill.pety ',ear. An lotdlibie remedy to all DIB6•KES
of the LIVER, or &ay deraugmaent oi the IGGESTIVA
- .
Thee Cues Diurticaa, Dyspepais.ficrofals,
Bitlousneu Liver r omplaidt.
The we I-known Dr Mott says of these Pills " I have
used the formula from which your Pills are made, in
my practice for over .3 years t they hive the finest et
tett upon the Liver alai throttler Orme of any mwli
eine in the word, and are the most perfect Purgative
which has seer vet beengulde by method,. Mot ar,
see and to tate, but powerful to cure Their
penetrating properties egmalate the vital activities of
the body, remora the obstructions of its organ• parity
the b nod, and expel disease. Thev-porge out the fool.
humors which breed and grow diremper, stimulate
ell:welsh or disdriered organ* Into their na oral action,
and Impart • healthy tone with strength to the •hole
system. Not only dt they cure the every day com
p slate of everybody. but atui formidable and dangerous
diseases. acid being purely vegetable are free from soy
risk or harm."
They create par. Wood and remnve all Imporitiee
from the nystem, ben'. ars a omlltive enre for Fever.,
firsclanhe, Met Werenr al Classses and Hereditary
Humor-. Inottx—for Mal... one Pill in the morning ;
for children under 8 year.. half a Pill.
Pries One Dollar p-r 80. Trade eappried a sent by
Mail. poet paid. to any part or the-Unitvil vt. ten - nr
Canada. on receipt of price. yore Fannine without the
tat-aindle signature. of V. Mott Talbott, Y. n
V. MOTT T ALROTT • Co., Proprietor..
-nes'BB-ly No 88 . Talton sweet, New York.
- -
These Drops are • scientifically corn-rounded fluid
neparatirm, and totter than any pills. powders or nos.
trains. BMus Nati, their action is direct met positive,
renderlog-them a speedy ace' certain specific
for tie cure of all obstructions and suppressions of OM.
true. Their popularity Is indicated by the fact that
OUR 100,000 W1161.861* anuoally snlo and emommed be
the ladies of America, OT•17 one of whom freak to
V • strongest terms of prises of their Vest merits—
They are repidly taking the place of every other female
reandy, ar d are eons demi be all • Ito know aught of
`bean, as the surest. safest and most Infallible prepara
tion's' the world, for the cure of all female comelaints,
the removal of all obstruct one of 'nature, end the pro
motion of Willi, regularity and otreuyth. gsplleil. di
netted, ste a ls w when they may by u..ed, and explain.
tag when and why they should not, and e not be
used without produclogweects coctrare to Eiliturep Cho
rea lawv, will he found carefully totted around each
bott'e. with the writ'en signature of John L. Lyon,
without which none ire genuine.
Prepared be Dr. JOriN 1.. LYGN, 195 Chapel street,
New Garen. Coon., who mu be coneolted either per
sonelle or by letter ' (enclosing stem,) concerning all
private diseases and female weeknessrs.
8014 by Droved. every where.
. • C. G (`LARK k
no9r6"ely °eel Agents foe 17.,8 and Canada
Mannfeetarers and Wholesale Dealers Ito
Waterford, Erie Co., Pa
Orden tT mall promptly attended to
Letters of AOttenietsabon on the estate or John P.
Rod tin, d•seased late of Gyros township, lira. count).
P 4, . havlng twen,granted to the ttteteeetieed, notice is
beret, g ewe to au ledeMed to said estate to mate Im
mediate payment, sod afore bovine cisme egairet the
same will present them, duly sutbent'ented, ter settle
ILL. frswEv.
4. 'Eriti City Iron Worts I Ft. Fa., Xt. %11,
tre. Angola
Chad Oil Company. 5 Tenn. lan
October 11 1 6. '
• motion Geo W. Chang/On o E.g.;
appointrd andltortei Midrib .ioin of moms nude
a she,- mated Fl Fa. Per Pat Alt tenons intereted
In the above ewe"! IMPS an here, notified the I will
!Wend to the dulls. of m. appointment at pe Ma.* In
Sri., on Friday, the 26th dae of Ortober. A 'i tI.O, at
3 Welnelt p m. GE). W. MIN ME M.
oct4•St - Aoditor.
PMtrie, Conetre Stores Dreggist and all 19.01nr
an honorable and prattable badtaria. Prim for r rte.;
wholesale. $ per doa Claremore realise from is to $l3
per day prAllt. nal? lit
AB OTT di nO‘D„ issafts.l9.3 Water St. N
Zoo= MINA&
SPKtoACEit 61111101.11 AN,
Franklin, Pa.. taro In Beres talking, Elbert* street.
Pit bele City. Pa Once ever Hemp's Sank tt Maiden St.
Collections promptly made In all p arts of the oil rr
VOR SaLR—A. Fancy and Dry Goods
Pune, doing a rood touting . Ping load' on for
coal busiogag. A mess har.• in. Eamon tor selllag—
In b. SRh. t For te rm; ie. epos to.
MRS it. A. BALL.
131.3 Pesch gtreer, Erie, PG.
a .1 21 . ,
/IMAM sal sas, 0,4140. in Borg,
tailin. sa L e ack g do. irropria . tr a nti l t . t• ass
irYltf4 do KEPLEIVA COLt
Comfortable new tt-at ry bottle CAD
P..k.E. railroad, lot 601165. • nee $ 2.1
he two-Rote well firdebed boaw, biz; u;t...,
l o t of Bartley Poylea on west btb greet kat:
The well Sobbed trot claw bones of q. yt , '
Remy • n 6th street, between State sad ied
(rue acre of land. a 134 ry h
barn in Green Tp. Price $11X)
one WV* of land; fln• eonage
•nome; tern; :trent, a:. Ci wales cut et s
$2,003. .
roe-boll otty lot eie 914 Street, Eele+y•
Cbechut. Pete fl 050 . .
Huila* on Fre; eb south of TO Ccr
sod cheap
A riesiiab e two story frame nacos
of grotio on Sssisifras street, nest th e
Trice $1 ))e'.
Shy flOO large derellbtr bona. Qf
Tren-h street, e Met ut .etnai. t;4-,-
complete repair. Price
First elm tbtee r' brtrk dreitg ,;,,
estt_eide, fin•tned acd tit k r
gain. •
We hive. ocioth•r f
roe rile worth from ti,o o olosls,To
The first ese b• lek dr. Mee •••••: INF
of r ho.t , at. Two csty latA, tnci 1 4 , r, tee fn.'
.heabbery. A'tortLer tl., ta It et.,Ml, Mace
log Prie. =ld/ 00.
TheidoeDiog if W. J. F I 1:411, tut
At in !eery, wetl faro Hoed Cvearg eul •
Lit 4 X 14.0 Well froit.d.
Two re w, wean s on Przett St, COrb,t
t o,b.d pt.t• lee or e,,te • tout, f,. t
doom,. h sl.s: u, or $1((,0 .r %h. ev.,
ebeapent dwel log. °gored indl! city
Lot 90 Z11:0 &et, on •eat 6.1. SL
Flues . )•tit'dtog Int In tn.n.
of 40 z 445, on S ate St, tear tsole.'t
per foot.
F.•ur drat chat b , lidtog lota, o , iviTzk,
treat lode a part of the .etate - ,,f Dr. Ball to^•
to it , to 0110 ',fly. aid very 1 %mole
e a tr. re'e ("1. , ,r 4 9.
b.tareea ',late mad Peach. We .1.1 kll Ito ;,
Twn eh^le• dr, Lou on Tnlrh %LI
Cboatnu' . , 41 fe.t 3 .neb..B by 16- 6.1
bal ., 1..1: a notzhfr ;if • ultelo;: ',oc;
•nd Ehfl'.l‘ it t e•w•en Von.nn aLI
Lich rare: gr and and Terl
toidin I ootno of E • vro1,11," re,
We offor r Pee Cue fire iler• lot th.
h.onut •I (1 utt.Llo p :et tp, hg. p•
Oe. aJ t.r
" 8 ..are.: of tb. 50.Eqrzelo M.
and litrbor Cretin tps., at pt;....
rirrs RtlitGH
EluiV.lng int• on west P:b 1;
Che.thut Pr me 25 p.r fo,t; :13 X C 5,•
BEMIG,V , 'Ott v sc. :17 Y 1-. t fr , ot on L.+)
corners of 111 and Iltb A.O on tha .107131,
Farm of 109 sores lo Flar%or-Teek p, *lt n:
' 11 b ,1919 % b 9 ' 9 . b ure. ke rrires YO Rc
ram of C. N Static, in tiarb,l ervig Ili •to
rontaini. g hone., barn and orelsrd. ?-31
A Farm of F 5 acre. In rhautauquo eonr!'
f orm la located wittln there mien of Q.; As
About 70 acres improved: a brat clear ,dri
cond barn and out bootee, •osG ;nat..; ;
from t•—appler. ;etches, plums, etc.
Twenty acre. f Fern.ousla d and 10 an.
lot, 4 to 4% miles east of th- city, no L. Lis
Price $l2O er acee—wl I sell the 20'aern a•
weed. Fine tarn on the 20 serfs.
le Hs berereek, on Lake tow!. 1,4114
5e Remo Gout I ovrovementii. S 40
eel tin
Osborn term, tear ale 4 east a Era a
Fine large home; geed improrem4nts
P. P. Hardee Farm near strithe•S Sta.:, 1
flratAisa4 Improvements; rend a n Fe.11:14.!
ry th4t lb. owner should sell. $0.5 per Ir..
0, C Walker 'arm. .04r r.roor ,044
ea.. t.O atori•anua ; flee goo tern.: li t
lot; 7.50 grafted apple eteee; fruitf t
Loose, Le. 'Very cheap—termv mg . . $73 ret
Idin properly of ',simnel We n"li tn.' I
view 11.11100 two WWI from ileKrtz Cum
mils,. lair, mill. and feed Mill. 1
boasts; good °tabard. Poise s7.ou).
si Y E.+
Agana and DASI•is in ta:
Ja:l3tt Waste 81,1
Maiden , . . "Night *leowin
Ph akin 'a
Nigfit Blooming
Phalan , * "Night
Phislon's "Night Illansisi
Pimleti , e Night Elloomlaz C•
A most exgnidte. delicate, sod Frocz
(Lei led from' the rare tad besaLib:
telueh It takers Its nAme.
Ilantdactured only by
PIIALO:V & ElON•~ts~ d
opened an Ao^t: on ani
the Doane sod fire:,
'State etre, 'opaoette the Norte. ,
found 84,01 4
11mo.. Partin, hurt
I. ant or Priewe,e,e, D.
' t ar` $0 entrust lbw'. tom d' "
anrttere to ottr trWlltenerr
;cited, and prompt settnreets nndr
:non salsa two aye to eatn T"'• "
EDNFSDAY' ,V 4 ‘ )
theue t.,1 and I wou'd
ring '
go*d. to d;. . nee r lit or l, r. .
that 1 tinsel them ~o "4 ebb
GIMP? i CFO , I% • '‘
Auction k Comiie•lon ller Piet,
otrlere?gned heetsie ben dot!
evert:int of the +tft•
or -
In the Iltrket,
. .
WROLISAIE A .v u &Stir. ri+'
• r•
wer7thlue to the Tobseeo Pow— V o &
Cigar aware; Illeetachaant r‘r"
kept ent band. Oar Tang/
'we Vatted.
rtletaar atten , los 0:11 to
anted to he what thr7 "a,
'Tunas- 0na3',15-1y)
ant .0.62""