The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, October 18, 1866, Image 4
- ' l ',l - 11/iTIONS. GEM .oNrcrrr....;rl - n: " COMPOUND! T r vTRACT BIICAU, , r.cinely for diseases of the , , , Crave' Lad Dropsical 1• z-ca:n the rowers of digestion. and r• Itto hcaltby actlaa,by which tha sad all =petard ea. 'Men ptuardtlan=attZ, .70=C1 r..T.1. dale:ea. .4. .rs r MI lEEE lIELLICOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU,. For VC:2"r.CE) 3r:slag L - ona Tlcessas, frahlts or Malys. loascratlon. ;monde.' tritb tho following F3y.lpto=.l: t) 3. toza of Power, io_s of ::o=or;i• rl'-lcUt7 of Moitblog, R'ea'l eran,Tross. -- .141a:, Dorrer of :Ll:case, Dim-mess of Clzioa, Fla 11au17,, bumess of sac :rah:. ralsarsal Loa:P C7V.I; LOW', ; e.lt7 co on (valid' tills Ile& :nvarlably renn.% ), toon fonov— • FAT7.7ITI", L.:ILL:TIC, :ITS, ire., In coo of wh:cl, the pc:'. at tiny cr,Oro. Ulm can toy they are not !re fbnowed by thorn “dlrefal CUTS," ni: 4 -1.7.77TY AND co-a-raa,TIoN? Many aro ar. - arc ref t , ,c cnnbc cf ttztr cuffertns,bnt Dana 1:111confe3. 7,The cf tho tn_inc azylt=3 and tho melancholy t • caasumptloa bear cmplo , witneas to tho truth - of the 71,0 Constltn: Ica, cr.: r“Tectc.l by organic treakstess, rev!re3 n: t - f ea: 3 tgerenzltlett and lnitorate the s7:-.:stn, r' , " 7:::21110LVS Ex - rracior BUCIItt layarlabV trial 71 l convince the most sceptleaL in many arzetions pecultnr 'to rentalca.tho Ernuar Scour la uncotialad by any other rebnotly, and f0r413 compllints Incident to tho cc:, or in tho DECLIXE OIr . CTIANGE OF LIFE, • GIF" Srlan'olts AZOTZ. ri^" :No razaily.shoul4 ho without, it. \ ; ' tnalo ralara, Macw. or unlnenaint medicine for unplecoentiap dangeroF.a discosca. iIZ - 1,111.1 ri; ‘ GT BUCHU .1.1511 0rn1720% 7 ED ElOt•S Vt 1 7&@PY Cures Sonnet Diseases. In alt their etaeca Bate expense, Mlle or no change al elec. no inconcenicnce, cad IiZO EXPOSURE.. T_TSE HELMBOLD'S E- X T2ll A - C T 13 U fi - U t'or all nEccl4.oas and dlBolBe3 of MOM Ofgalle,mlll3tillef EXIST:D:O OP. vam.A.LE, TromvLctcyor atm ortio.ttinz, endiaor.atter Soar bag aOaltg,. DlroaSCS of tl=o organs require tho r aid or a rr IiELHBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Is the Great Diuretic. Ar.dnir certain to lasso tho dOtred erect In srldletaaca {or which it fa recOlinztetdcd. BLOOD: BLOOD! /3. 1 :00D! ' MOULT COZ:=IIIAT=. COIII.OC.D FLUID EXTRACT Sa)RSAPARILLA, For purifying the Blood, remov g all eh: onto constitu• Lionel diseases arising from an pure state of the Blood, and the only rellablo and eaec al linown remedy for the cure of Scrofula, Scald Head, Salt Ilheurn, Pains and ilie,e/Haga of the Bones, ticeratdons of the Throat and Legs, Blotches, Pimples oa the Face, Tetter,Eryelpeles, and all scaly Ernlipons of the Skin, • .3:17) BB.AiVIPT - Ll:ilit TEM C 33 tßß NOT A FEW of tbo irdrst disegters that al2lct moulded arise from the corruptiOrithat ateurattlates In the I:Aced. Of t.ll the di, earOleftliat have been made to purge It out, nono can equaltn effect nalaty.o.l..D'il C0112.0L - .5"1) Exar.ser or Eau- Stranisz-a. It cleanses and rams - etc:l the Dlood,in.:l:4 the-vigor of health into the syrtztn, and purges cut tLe fanners 'which make disease. It stimulates the healthy functions of the body, and expels the dirorders stet gre77 and rankle In the blood. Such a remedy that could Le relied on h i ss long been sought for, and now, for the f.r:,t time the public have one on which they can depend. Our space here does not admit of certincates to thou - Its otrecti, but the trial of a single bottle is:ashes: to the sick that It Wilts Tint:tea surpassing anything they hare ever tab= Two tablespconsful of the Extract of Sarsaparilla added to a pint of water !e equal to the Lisbon Diet Drink, and one tiottlo is tally equal ton gallon of go Syrup of sans paritts,Zr the decoction as usually thade. HELX2OLD'S ROSE WASH, An excellent Le,ttOn for,arldag from habits of dLssipation, used In connection r7bb the r. xtracts Duchy 'and Sarsaparilla, In each (11.55.13C5 rec.mnmendcti. deuce of the most resportAble putt bcitable character trill accompany the medicines. Stsn en - 010U directions for use, trith hundreds of Vaataandi 111 log witneeseS, and cp. Wards of 30,000 um-Oh:Ilea certideatea and reco=Menda- Vary ICPCTS, many of v. hich aro tram the highest hot:Tees, it:winding eminent PhysiCians, Clergymen, Statmen, Go. The Proprietor bas nerer resorted to their publication In the newspapera ; he does not do this from the tact that Ida articles rank ca Standard Preparations, and do not need to bo propped np by certipcztes. The Science of Medicine, like the Doric Column, ohorad stand simple, pureonoliVe, baring, Pact, for Its bags, Induction for Its pillar, and Truth alone for Ito Capital. Sly Extract Earsaystrilla ta a Llood Pariter ; my Extract ractia la a ITharctic, and 1:111 act c3tach In all Doth aro prepared on purely scientific principles—in racuo—and' are the most ee::Cc ineaStireS of either that can bo made. A ready and conclusive test will be a com parison of their properties with those Oct forth in the fol. lowing works: Sea Dispensatory of the United States. See , ProfessoriDawnr.S . 'valuable work - on the Practice of Il l yste. • See rescarkamiidp by the celebrated Dr. PliTale, Phila. See remarks =win by Dr. ErraLtut MeDoum.t.l., a celn• braced PhyzAian and Member-of the 'loyal College : of Surgeons, Ireland, and published in the. Transactions cf the Lang and Queen's JournaL See Necileo-Chlituliteal Eirierr, published by Mimes Tiscres, Fellow ot Mors:qui College ot Burgeons. 800 most of the late standozd works on Medicine. \ „ . s„ , i. 7 . . COLD DT ALL DEDGGISTS I.v taz n 211.11 k. Addrega Letts for Information, In confldenee, to - T. LIM =razz" • Chemist: ..lcrincipat Depots— lielmticie's Drug : and Chemical Warehouse,' O. 594 BROADWAY, N. Y., on To Helmbold's Medical Depot, No. 194 iiotrni TENTH ST, PIiBLA. Beware of Cormterfeifs ASK FOR HELMBOLD'S! TAKE NO OTHER 1 - TEE PLACE 1 TO GE+ YOUR mom itiAcx • IN - F. COUGH 'S BOOT_-AND 8U E STOBEI Bute Stoat. Mealy Op t• the Part Odles. E. Co Min Boot and Shoe Dealer, hid, the Pnbl that he b" relmoved his eland to the hell Roam on State street nearly opposite the Post OM", eaten hainvites all bis old friends and cadmium, to ere him • call. Partlenlaz attention given to RE i'AIRINGI • Butts earefal workman, sod nperizdending all his baaloser htimmelf, he belle nes be en gin am good Wiese lion and ull at u low p a ir u any other Anon in MS pity. Good Pita Warmated. aorffeatf. HEARN, CLIBISTIAN & CRAIG Ern loft teethed a froth lot of PAINTS, OILS, BALD LINSEED OIL, arEltli.AND LAID OIL. Wa Waa. Sas Caw% analaW WWEMI GREAT BROAD IMAGE, DOUBLE TRACK BOUTE TO NEW YORK, BOSTON AND THE NEW this Railway extends from Dunkllk to New York 460 toßea. buffalo to New York, 423 mile.. Bala• manes to New Yerk 116 miles. AND 18700* '22 TO 27 MSS ME snovEsr ROUTE. All Trains run di:natty through to New York, 480 MIL&S, without change of Coaches. From and after`July o,l°oo, Trains will leave In con nection with all Waite, n lines as follows: F Tom MIN AIRK and SALAMANCA—by New York time from Colon Drpota : 6.45 A. ta. Nan York Day Express, from Salamanca. datlt (except Sundays). Iranian-tit at Homeltsvillo with the 5.330. K Day Express from IlnEalo, and arrives in New York at 10 Sirr. ar. 7.10 A. r. Express Mall, 'from Dunkirk, daily (except Sundays). Stops at Salamanca 940 A. a , and COD. nut, at HornelLville and Corning with the 8.30 a. w. Express Mall from Buffalo, and arrives in New York at 700 A. N. 2.15 r, a. Me York NOS Express, from Dunkirk. daily (except Sundays). Stops at Salamanca 665 r. it., and arrives in New York at \12.30 32.30 P. a., sonntdlag with afternoon trains and steamers for Boston and New England Cities. From Buffalo—by New Yolk time, from Depot Corner Exchange and Streets: 0.30 a. Y. Nor Perk Dar Express, (9ciudays excepted). Arnie, in New York at 10 0 r. to. Connects at Groat Bend with Delaware, Lackawanna Al Western Railroad for Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washit , gton and points South. 8.30 O.K. Expruts Mail, via. Avon ar:l • daily (except Sunday). Arrives in New York at 7.80 A. U. Connects at Elmfra with Williamsport & El mira Railroad for Harrbburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and points South. - 220 r. M Lig/doting Express, Sundays excepted, atop• for wood and water only and arrives in New York TOO, • 6.15 P's[. Neu York Wight Express, daily. Connecta at Hornersville with the 4.15 p. rn. train from Den kirk, and emus in New York at 1230 P. ii. Also connects at Elmira for Harrisburg, Philadelphia and the South. 1140 P. IL Cincinnati Express, daily (except Sunders). , rrives in New York at 345 P. a. Connects at El. rain with Williamsport & Elmira Railroad; at Great Bend with Delaware, Lackawanna & Western RAU road:and at New York with afternoon trains mad steamers for Boston awl New England Cities Only One Train Nut on Sunday, leaving. Buffalo at 6.15 P. ll,and reaching New York at 12 30 A. rt., in ad vaned of all other routes. Boston and be. England pusengere with their bag gags, are transferred tree of glary*, in New York. • The bast Ventilated and most Luxurious Sleeping Cars IN THE WORLD aecompant all night trains on this railway. Baggage checked through and fare always as low as by any other ratan. r ASK FOR TICKETS VIA. ERIE RAILWAY, which can be obtained at • 1 principal ticket *Mao in the Wait and South-west. H. RIDDLE. WY. R. BARR, Gang File/ Gen'l Pus. AO. febls'66 pIPORTANT NOTICE. 2.::3 13 the toe.; r1311:3: or the Body, rrcptorn of the race, r 4::: countenance, Loaf Sugar. 6 lbe for Beat Wlitte Coffee, do., 6 lbs..- Brown do., 9 the..._.... Thl beat tea in the market at -- Choice Honey Syrup, per gallon... Mae Old Sera Coffee, per lb SELF RAISING FLOUR. Nn family should be without it. dy is using It. To be bid of us, am we are the agentm. Call and get one of those PATENT LAMP CHIMNEY CLEANERS. The nicest thing out Just received. All of the above goods we will sell cheaper than the cheapest. rir All ou , goods are Pew. bas“ng just been received, We invite ail to exemloe for themselves. :7'613-tf TIE SRN; CHRISTI&i & CRAIG. F ARMEILS, ATTENTION All thare wanting the test Slowirit Machine. et sloven and Reapers cinableed, will please ad& -• 'cot Cicadas, V. R. GILLFrrr, Le Bonk!, Erie Cana:oll,Pa. • • t2rgleo 'gent for the beet Corn Planter and Drop per. or Local I gents wanted for erery to wnehrp In North Western Pennsylvania. .aprl9.2m; NEW YORK HOOP SKIRT Neat, light, fashionable and cheap—more durable, more:eLutle, more orraesfel—not tiko tbose from East ern factor'es,and mold in some of our stores, bat durable and made of the beet materiaL A. F. COHEN, Wonld respectfally Inform the ladies of Erie and !loin ity that he has constantly on hand a large amortmeot of hoop Alexi of &Malta and shapes, of his own manu facture, which he will warrant equal to any In the mar ket. Having had large experience in the business, be is confidant of his ability to give entAa utisfaction to all who ma• favor him with • call. Every skirt war ranted to lut twice as lox r as any other to the mat krt. If any of my manufaernre break in one year, they will be cheerfully repaired and no eharges made. r4fr Old skirts repatred, altered .nd shaped as new. Alen, a splendid assortment of ?much corsets and corset 'My, constantly on hand. if von wish to get a good fitting skirt call at the Hoop Skirt Manufactory before purchtaingslaewhere. Merchants supplied eb a , ar ,. Rememter the place. IOOS State St., just south o , 10th, Erie. -- octll-tf A F. COHEN. 8100 us to $53 ON A MELODEON OR ORGAN By pniehialog of Z. . SMITH ‘ , OF ERIE, Farzimhed from the following ef i lebmtstl Ifasuopmturom Steinway & Sena New York. PRICES AT A LARGE DISCOUNT • Eir An persons desiiing a first rate Plano or Itelode= on are invited to call and examine our Instraments be fore purchasing elsewhere. Every Inatramont warranted for Bre years No. 816 State Street, Erie, Ps. ao3o'Bstf. H ARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO.. RARTFORD, CONNECT:CTrT. IMORPORA TED 1810. CAPInt. 81,000,000. T. C ALLYN, Prost. G. M. COM, 3e 'y CITY FIRE INNURANCR COMPANY, HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. EVCORPORATED 1847. PITUL $244.000 WU. E. BAKER, Prost. GEO. R. LESSER, Eaey. r a m Insurance In the above old and tellable Compa nies can Mobilized on appliestion to mareb23-42. W. FINS RLL. Atent PUKE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD. , Preferred by all practical painter. Try it, and Ton wil have no other, aanufacture4 only by ZIEGLER- & SMITH, WHOLESALE DRUG, PAINT & -GLARS DEALERS, NO. 137 North Tbtrd Street, Phila. I'6B-ly TO CONSIIMPTIPFS. The advertiser havlog been restored to health to a few weeks by • very simple remedy, atter ball lo &offered ►event years with • severe bog affection, mod that dread dire gee, Con: eamption—ie koalas, to mate known to his fellow-ant ferers the mama of care. To all whodesire (tam will send a copy of the .pre iferiPtlou aced, (Bee at charge) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find • gore cure for Cloneeption, asthma, Bronchitis, Cold', Cough", dm. The only object of the advertiser in sand ing the prescriptioe is to benefit thle afflicted.and spread mfortnation whleh he conceives to be invainatdet and he hopes every sufferer will try.hie remedy, •s. it will cost them nothing. and may prove a bleating. Partieemlahlog the prescrpliondreaw, by return mail, will please address Ear: KIM ARD d. WILSON ~Wilitasolbtozb, Map Co.. N. ' T . ENGLAND CITIES ..... .......... SIOQ 101 11.IU TEA AT On DOLLAR AND UPW,RD3 1,000 BUSHELS CHOICE POT ATOER AGENTS WANTED MANUFACTORY SAVED ON .A- PIANO FORTE! Instead of sending orders to New York. PLANO FORTES AND MELODEONS Wm. Knobs & Co., Baltimore, ltd., Wm. B. Bradbury, New Yorke Grovestean & Co., Now York, Boardman WGray, Albany, N. Y Cleo. A. Prince At Co., Buffalo, N.Y.; It. Spaag, Syracnia, N. Y. Jewett 4: Goodwin, Cleveland, 0 Ctumbers & Gabler, New York BELOW MANUFACTBRERS' PRICES! -t Plano' from S2ZO to $1,600. - GROVESTEEN & CO., PIANO F O . III E__IIA;iIJFACTITRERS 1 492 BROADWAY N. Y. The attention of the public and the trade is Invited to our new scale, wen octave, rosewood piano fortes, which for voltam. and purity of tan. are tterivelled he any hitherto offered in the =Amt. They oontato alt the modern hnprorements--Vrench trend satiety harp pedal, lion &semi over-strong base, ke, and each in-. stnunent beteg midi under the parental supervision of Mr. J. 11. Grotresteen. •ho has a practical experience of over, th irty years in .heirmanufsatnre, la fully. war ranted in ever, particular. The Droverteen Piano Forte remised the highest award of merit at the celebrated World', Fair, where were exhibited instrumente hum tha lend makers of London. Parl.. Germany, I hard , Ink's, Baltimore, Boa- ton and New York; end also at the American Petitute for Eve enmesh* years, the gold and silver medals from both of which can be seen at our ware-rooms. By the intro 'notion of improvements ere make a .1 111 tars cerfv.t piano-forte, and by mannkeinring largely, with a strictly crab system. are enabled to offer them instruments at a pike which will preclude all competi tion. oar Trion are from $lOO to $:O3 cheaper thin any Crat am Piano Forte. Terms—N.l Ca•h 1a cornet (undo. Descriptive etrealara sent free. jetraf-1r A. &P. COLUMBIAN MOVVIIIL AND DNAPEIf. The only perfect Combined Machine in use, with for ward eat in mowing, and rear cut and aid. dellrery Reaping, and a PERFECT SELF • RAKE: . smAta,Ers CORN PLOW & CULTIVATOR. Tire implements in one. A boy can manage it with este. It fit a perfect larrower, Conroe, Hoer, little. and Harrow. The brat implement In use for covring grain BRANCH BEAM BILLING PLOW. No Farmer should be without one of these light and simple double moo d plows. Has morel'e wine• sada. ble for rows from 2 to 3'. feet apart. Send for illus trated pamphlets; with terms to agents. The Colomb , an Mower and Reaper took the Bret pre mium at the filr of tie American Inatitute, lad fall. rm. Ciuculars &log price list and fall particular,, address V. R. GILIATT: Sole agent for Erie County. Also. agent for the beat Horse 'Ha Fork. FAMILY !OWLS' . STOltti t rhos. 23 and 24 West Park, (pawls Block,) HEARN, CHRISTIAN &. CRAIG, Wholento and Retail G R 0 -C. • Dv, j 3 cousrßY PRODUCeii FLOUR, TOR; 713.! ," - DRIED 'SEALED FRUIT.% t 2 CO 1 40- Bc4 QuoWiest of Pan 04 crd Oils lgenta for the Cleveland Rifle rdatng and Blasting Powder. . Cv A choice and freph stock alwsys kept on hand, which wit I be sold at the lowest figures. We pledge ourselves tO be undereold, and invite all The highest pr ice paid for country prod wee. ' mtl7lo tt WIIOL BEALE- AND RETAIL GROCERY t3TOUIL P: A. BECKER S CO., WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCERS, North-East Cbrner et Oa Peek 4. Praia Street, (01114281D11,) Would reapeettally all the attention of the eotosonnlty to ids large Stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Vi'hieh he is desirous to sell at the VERY LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES - nil assortment of SUGARS, ' COFFEES, • TEAS, • SYRUPS, TOBACCOS, FISH, &C., Ls not aorpeePed in the city, u he u prepared to prom to all who giro hl *call. Es also keens constantly on hand a superior lot of PURE LIQUORS, for the wholesale tilde, to whteh he directs tke atteniton of the public. His motto is, ullulek Sales, Small Proftta and a fa]) Ec.nmalant for the Moiler." • • rirtEollity -...........„_. -. ._ - ~, 2 - w sEviiNt _ k ' M AC HINES_ <-> I _.,,_,..„_...._____ GEORGE ESTER, Pole agent for Erie county for these cele,rated Ida chineashas on head et Lytle .t Gealdieg'a Tidier shop, Fifth street, between •State and Peach, a large variety, embracing all kinds and prem.', which be respectfully Invites the public to call and examine The Plows calk chine is acknowledged .6 be the best in nee, doing all kinds of work, and being easily kept in order. Fcr proorof these assertions, 1 simpl- ask a trial of the ina. chwirranting them to do all I promise. VWLet all call and ex mine be'are pu - chasing of machines • Special attention given to repairing Ma dan of any kind prompt:, repaired, at moderate char ges. ma24-tf NEW Fliff.M• Jame&P. Crook, having taken In his son, James IC.; u • partner, on the lit du of April, 1864, ender the dna name ofJ &ME.; P. CROAK 0 SON desires to have a met tlement able old aeeonnts. All persons knowing Mela mines indebted to him are requated to call and settle without delay. r JAMES P. CROOK & SON, ROUGIEI & ,PLANED LIIISIBER! AIM *aac►anroaaa OP %Undo,' Bub. Frames. Door. and Blind.. Moulding' and Picket rllllOll Aeroll &mint. Matching and • Planing don* to order. Shop on. Peach St, Between tth and dell lilts, Erie, Pa. We reeruethally call Ole attention otthe nubile to out facilities for doing work in the beet tit style. pronspilt and on relsonable toms. Baying fitted a; entirely aew shops, with superior machinery, we tie confident o . strillit entire uatistaation. yr Orders from abroad will mealy* nromint attenti on ros2Bll4—U. JAMES P. CROOK h SON. NOTICE I TO PEUSONS In VINO PRODUCIb 1 FOR BALK; • —.— We are now running a Market Line from Erie to Re nova, orr the Philadelphia & Erie railroad, and triah•ng secure all kinds of TIMETABLES AND COUNTRY PRODUCE To esrii it on, hare established • Depot on FIFTII STREET, To the rear of the old Reed Reties, BETWEEN STATE AND YRENCII STREETS, Where we will be at all thou reedy p metre iad Tay EIGEIF - st 11.1.11ZET PRIM. for the same. All haring Produce for sale are request• ed to givens a call. Inquire for Market Depot, Fifth St. stiglo,lB6s-tt MAY & JACKSOst. pISSOL VT lON OP CO•PARTIVRIDIEUP , The firm heretofore existing under the name of - CARTER S; CARVER, Was dissolved by routdal consent, dating from January 16th, 1666, far. Carter retiring. The hooks of the old firm may he found at the-old place. Prompt aettlementa requested. . 8. CARTER. J. D. CARVER, ----- "deferrer has associated his son with him, and will continue the bagman ander the name and firm of J. B. CARVER-& CO., Keephor a now and well selected stork of Dom, Medl• cites, Fine Chemical', new Phansoiceutical Prepare tile', Rare Perinmes, Fancy a &c. The experienced clerks of this house are retained and persons can rely' upon tieing correctly sewed at all times. NCTICIL—The /A.rf 'MI of lit. J. S. Carter hare also been •aeeared, and he will be happy to meet Ms old friends Lod customers at Z. 13111 TIT 21 PARK ROW,—THE OLD STAND maB-t! P lIILADELPIIIA & EUIE .UAIL ROAD. TFIN great line traverses the Northern and Northwes counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, Labe Erie. It hen been leased by the Pesarylsrawla Real read Company, and is operated by them. 711111 OP PAISSINGIIR num AT MI. Leave Eastward. Itail Train ....__. _ -- ____ 102.5 a .m ~ Ere Express Trails 8 43 p. m Corl7. aceom. - - 6 00a • ws Aeries Westward. Mall Train...—. ................ 10 p. tle Erie Expires Train 933 a.= Warren Aceom 403 gi m Passenger can ran through on the Eris Mali and Ex pre es trains without change both ways between Phlladel• phis and Erie. New York connection t Lean New York at 900 a. m., arrive at Erie 930 a. m. Leave Erie at 443 p. EL, arrive at New York 410 p.m. Elegant Sleeping Cara on all-night trains. For information',riposting Passenger attained apply at coiner of 30th and Market sts ,Phlls, and for 'Men business of the Cowpony's agents, S. B KINGSTON, Ja, corner 13th and Market Streets. Philadelphia. J. W. REYNOLDS, Erie. • W. BROWN. Arent N.C. R. R., Baltimore. R. N. fIOINTON. General Freight Arent, Phila. H. W. G WINNER, Gen. Ticket Agt. A. L. 1 Yl.Eft, general Superintendent. a ete, PiIBSOLILITIOINI NOTICE.—Tke co-partzentip berets fora existlog between underlay:4A; do. tog bulb:lees ander the arm nuns at Webb & Child% has been &noised by mutual consent. the booka•nd seem:lota remain 1n Bria hands of Jay P. Childs, who will continuo the rotten baldness at ibis old stand. GEM WEBB. grit, Bat 30.14 JAY B. CWLDS. ERIE, PA; Aid tlelers In WOODEN & WILLOW WARE, TOBAcCT, SECiAIn, &C., no to giro al • call LAWSOMS 111;rr 'Aug FLTIZNACI4 E'o3zorrnaens ADD tirCUNINOTIS COAL: W. W. PIERCE & CO., ERIE, TA., COILV6 &MATZ AID !RITZ VW. • SOLE A GEN-TS•I We reoommena Lawson's Fumes tut boing altogether superior to.any other article of the kind. It is easier managed, mote powerful and leas liable to a,et out of order then any ether hot air furnace made And as it will produce more heat with the fume ammant of fuel, itisalso the most economical. All of thaw-points we are ready to establleh by ast , rfactory proof. _ . =2 REMMUMMiI Mrs—Baring wed outing last .vinter, the 16 J 4. Lawson Furnace which you pot into my house last ah. tumn, I am rear prepared to offer m; testimony 4 e . specting its efficiency, and will add that I take pleasure io recommendi g the same to ana one destrir g a good heating apparatus. The air that we metre from It Is pure and not over heated, but eoralng Into the mum as it does in large gnu:anis , eupplien the required amount of heat, thus obviating that dreneu which is newal le experienced from furnace beat The imp laity of tts eons' mictioi and the easy mode of governing the coneumptioo of coal, make it the meat complete and economical heating apparatus I have ever peen. I alien take pleasure in recommending it to my friends. ' AL LOWitY. tars, PA.,Yebrzuvy 13.1353 Ileum W W. pierce ar. Co.: The J. A. Leeson Improved Rot Mr Funs* which yen put in myJmume in. Erie lut fal4 hu b,en In use now curly bur months and glue entire utifaction. By • proper adjustment of the oraft s daniper:sui occa sionally churns the fire pot from alas and cinders. we can hare .• greater or lean degree of heat and a greater or leaf ,con.crupgoo of cal. tautly maid to the changes of the weather The air warmed by this Fur nace is all that I can desire. being frualront all noxious same or amok.. I than take liftman, In recommending tt to my friends. Respectfully yours,Wllol , l Erta.. Satz, Fty Vareit 30,18E8 Mum". W. W. Pierce & Co Gentlemen—Sh• Lanigan Pumice that you put in the buement of the Filet BapWt Church to this city, hoe been In ne' ■!moat every day and evening during the protracted meeting of fourteen utak., and has given entire eatlifectiona and we would etteerfolirrscommend It to any one dextrine a good heating Furnace. W. J. F. LIDDELL, for Board of Trastees Ale°, of a lone lilt of well known citizens who are ming Lawson's Furnace, we refer to the following pis tlemen Ifee•re. Childs, Bold and chant , Commie stoners of Erie comity: Robert Gear, asq., ' Ninth St, Ceptall J S. Richards: Trustees of let Baptist Clutch, and the Commissioners of Rouse Eats% Warren coon ty, Pa. - We re:aid the Lawsrn Furnace as not only the but la use, but approaching very nearly to perfectlen u beating awl-stub None need delay seouriog is hot air Furnace in the expectation that any decided im provemenis are yet to ha wade in this line of article. An examlostien of the Lawson Foetus Is all We ask to decide this question. • It is deslirned to beat every Cad of building and is =divot different Oyes, of capacity ter a mediate sized die/alio' or the tamest church Of other pub l ic building. Seven different slats are now made. The Lawson Furnace gives univerval.satisfaetion and rapidly superseding all °Vim varieties. Besides the remarkable ewe with which ft can be managed one of its chief points of aziperwrity fe in the purity of the air proceedina from the Farniee.) It is so onsattnoted that ■o soot, ash , ' or cinder, ten possibly escape Into the sir pumps, and all unpleasant odors are olio pre. se t•d. It an be need equally well with hard or non coaLand man.ged as 'oily as any ordinary stove. We invite comparison with all other Farcumes. ' Put op and eet in•good working order Ina wee. We here the sole agency for this me Mon of the country. All inquiries and orders addressed to us will receive prompt tt,ntion. One of the Furnaces is In operation at oar estabilahment, corner of State and Ninth streets. to which we invite attention. We guarantee the Law eon Hot Mr Furnace ate that It la claimed to be. W. W. PIERCE it CO., Wholesale and refill Oeilera In gtores, Cooking Ran ges, Inman, Tinware, Agricultural Implements, and tierteral Rardware, COLVIR BTATZ lIMPTI 6111., IRIS, PA. al:16184f QUARTERLY. REPORT of, the condi ttoi of the Fast Natioral Bark, of El*l4 111 U.. State of Peppily Netts, on the morning of the first Men ds}, of October, 1E69. PIZSOCRCE '. - - - Notes and bills dleconnted, ;69,93019 Over d.afts, - 199 66 Furniture and Fitt= ai - - - 63781 Correct expenses, • ' 2,103 63 - • Premieres', • 1.229 '2 Cash items He ending revenue etamra) 9,191110 Titre mom Nattonal Banks, 28,249 05 O. S. Bonds deposited wthU. S. Treasury to - ca.. asinralanag rap., 197,000 00 U. S. bo, do and (Aber 11. S. secnrlttes to se-' bends °t ',788 08 U.N. and s ecur i t ies on band, • Cash on hand in etreseatlng. notes and other Nallonal backs. - s,tra co Cash on band In circnlstlrg notes of Stale b'a a 931 00 Fractional currency,lo7 241 Legal tender note.. 15,5(0 00 - Compound interest notes, _ 21,810 04 31.41729 LIABILITIE3 Capital sleek ph! in, 160.000 0) Sarptrau fund, 6,19034 Cl:rotating notes reeelred from Comptroller 146,6000) Isaiah sal derosits, 95.245 99 Vatted S'at.s deposit, - . 40,427 31 I opoptts of U. a. disbursing I:Amu, • -34010 Mac' ants. . 1.67 G 68 itclinges, 1,267 &I Interest, 2,071 65 Profit and lou, 2,768 65 7,77112 • $413,477 93 I, M. Santovd, Csshier.ot the First National. Batik of Erie, do solemnly smear that the above statement is tree to the Lest of toy knowledse and let. 11D • M. SANPo bal ,Cashier. State of Pennsylvania, el:nutty of Erie: Sworn to and sabserihNi before me ibis e d day of Oc tober, 1685. oett•lt• P. CIIRTZE, J. P. CATARRII CURED FOR 0:111i DOLLAR. READI For one dollar, per mall, will, send free to any addrem a recipe and medicine that I will gaarantee to VIM the worst cases of Catarrh in the head or bron deal tobee to a few weeks. It bee eared my We. sod eared me of Catarrh and a beware bronchial trouble I had suffered with for years. I tried lb./est physicians' and all the advertied medicines of the day, but found no relief till obtained this. I would give one hundred dollars for this recipe and the medicine if I now had the Catarrh and amid not obtain it less. I benne, if attractions are followed. it will cure any Cane whatever that has not already reached the lungs and became a settled Consumption Cure It while •on an. Addreu T. P. BYRNES. No. HIM Fulton Bt., N. T. HOTEL HILIIOVZD. The Subscriber who nor occupied the Mansion House, jest above the tepot, for the put four years, has removed into the NATIONAL HOTEL, CORNER OP PEACE AND BUFFALO STREET - Where be will try to accommodate twice u many gnu and as welt, aa he did in the oldatand. Re hopes th the patronage which was so liberally extended to him there, will be trended to him in his new queers. Ris stabling is sunclent to accommodate all teamsters who may favor him with their patronage. ar2016-lt JOAN ROTLE. IN T 13113 OF ILEALTII Prepare for Elbease DR. BENNETT'S 11/IXDY TOE Ch OLERA MORBUS, DIARRIICEA DYSENTEM MOMS, CRAMP AND BOWEL COEPLAINT3 OF EVERY KIND WARRANTED to cure Cholera, or any of the above diseases in their wont forms. A severe cap of Cholera has been, cured with it in 3 minutes, proof of which will be given to shy wishing it. No cue his ever been ho men in which it failed. Prepared by DR. JOHN BErmErt, of Wesley vDle, and sold by him, and at the st,te of P. A. Decker, Erie, Pa. Paws $1.03 ran Dorm. BLWARZ or Ccroaaatarra DR BENNETT'S CILIIIII/761:0 FEMALE RESTORATIVE Ilse be •ti tested for the last 10 pate, and given com plete satisfaction. It cures the following compisluti: Pain In the mall of the back and hips, with a polling weight and bearing doter when long on the feat; pain in the aide,low down.with palpitatic n of the heart; cold feet and dic.inees of the head; pain between the shank. ders; weak stomach; meteor's atfectons, etc. Itecommendatioas to the meats of thin medicine could be given by the hundred, had we the time and room. the best plan is to buy a bottl., and test it for yourselves. Price $lOO per bottle. Ro'd by Dr. Bennett, at his office in Wesleyville, and at r.A. Beckei's store. Srle, anNytt , . TEE ATTENTION of the weakly, the Nervous. the low-Think the bvstarical, the dyspeptic is relied to Carter's NERVE PILES, Which ordain no ONIIII or ETFICZRT., no Nsucarsionnd sons of the unpleasant eff.Lcia - which inraTiabli follow thews of these arUa es are induced bv the as. of thee, Pill. They ease painiand quiet the tumbling sterren si b l i imparting tone Ind strength, glitch is not trawls* bet permanent—is clear gain to the whole system, does not pass oil eller a few hour; as Is the name where Opium. Ether, Vitaetan, eta., hays been jinn. ?be deep that is iodated by their nee is. perfectly natural. calm and istreshing, and not like that which is Need by the tt •of opiates. • No feeling Is induced by their en other than grist, repose and increased strength. . There la not the slightest doubt that 2 : 1X31123/ wwwwnarros of thee" complaints can be cured or greatly relieved by their ass, and' we dare as henel or con scientious person to tun ogre box of thew faithfully in Dena:tut of Us nem, twasfetessa and the like, and then say that he has not remelted mon than the worth or Me mousy. 'Price tO cents a 800. Era N. • TAtLOII.I d:• IMILIBIVEC X 0 DEL, 0. f. wiLLlno,.l WHO'LESALE AG'kki 627 BROADWAY. N. i The most Complete *salad lostrostesl men • to America. aid the model organ of the world,l log Penises. sod depth of ions. 'bessUfal 14 lo appearance. yeti slog and elevating In Its tel /or Churches. Parlors, or the Ibutdlin• it has i and has invariably taxes the - • FIRST PREMIVM I IWherever eabileltrd to' eompstitlen with of et kpo.n manufacturers.' Thirty-roux diSpront styles. and I from Ito 12 stops. Line double tallowt;ASubls blow ' ,pedals, toys 619 i thing great pawn an steal tee. of „ THE /WILL BASS -1: • Applied — to the diuhls ned.orgars. giros* solutes of too* meal tos sixteen fat stop in a plpe *man, and when applied to our organs containing think sod font as Is of reeds, the yolome of tens Is equal to a 8;000 pipe ' organ, and testing only about es*Loarth - tai nritsh. • Send (or an illograted price Ihrt., , givlng-foll I platten. fan. Address orders 0- I. wirz4gn. • Wbolestls Atent, Nn. 6:7 Broadway' N. . t THE GREAT UNRIVALLEP. lip . i•VOSE" r o R T P I A• N 0 The Cheapest brit clue Plano Forte in the Market. These teanUfol instriuunts an. tact winning their way lu In public (*tor.' Their tone is rich, fall and per erred, and gashes' forth with peenliar erorestUm and melody, while the tooth is nay and shmtic. ,Thsy are finished In Hat rosewood ruse, with tall DOD trams. Over strong but and French grand- nation. All hue Urge round corners, with back flashed like the frosts. Every inetrament wsrantad firs JIM& Fire:aim goring correct litmus taken from Photognph, with fall descriptiesr price lit, sent Oros to any addrans on ap plication. A beautiful song and chorus, worth 30 'l:n4 'panics the circular, and la wort hy of preserve • Dealers will be furnished thess,bstutiful Ina at th e to whole/ale prices, and turban at ntes of diaconut. Address all orders to e II 0. J. WILLAI • Wholesale Agent. No. 627 Broady' , Viso-Wholesale Agent for WY: A. POND k '8„ . • • DOANE/MANDEL:a it OCSti, Cl=has giving toned tlk►aease of those - Plano rostra, and Tailor St ParleVe Modal Or warded to nny address on ►pplleatioo. • nit LATEST. SONGS. Fab]'shed January lit, UN. !Jailed to as, flew of Postage. ' Oh, Meg teethe dear old song ?be Were drank trete tbe-asme canteen, by L. 4. C1ar14.3.50 Basetlfal Waters, torwby J. J 3. I'm happy es the dsy la long J 35e Bnnebody's Trailing - I gee' VlO/01 tinder the snow; by H.Tneker Sweatt. the repots, by J. R. Thomas' 35,3 Bong of the Spoon, • new roller, eons I ' 600 The Angel,Ouldr, by Pferager EOC When I went courting., Palle,too May * withered ram...l • Me Mother, I have heardiweet =male— Ito Plea/ant dfratee ..... .... . ' !Ir ay 3 il; - Oh„eay not a 'romans , bou g ht6le Kathleen, dear: ......... Before I was magi - e . d.'o dear .. 4 . ....35e Well meet no more at twilight holm- ' ESa Beautiful Isle of the Bea, by • ..R. Thome Ole Old Don't Can, by W. 25a Light of my tent r o f thee Pm dreaming ' 35.3 Fire o'clock in the morning 1 4 ae Club and' I„ by. Barry Tacker 30a Come, Nellie dear, Pm weeping, by Tucker-4 ...... 30a Mule OD tna waves, vocal duet, by Glover.. No time like the old time • bOo Give the old mu a change Ehe One bright moony night, amnia They al came home but .. . Young men owthe railway • When Pentane fight for freed ...... 366 Down by the gate, by R. Tbouses. I J. 30e Parties ordering music, and over-paging for the same will receive their chimp endued with' thol mnsie.or music will be selected, u the parties prefer. ordion promptly attended to, and ackyinfora.ation serially, given. REPERENetI. Bon George W. Pat•ereon, ex Governor of - aw York, Westfield, t?L Y 1: T. L. Coleman, President lake ftore Bank, DunklzkoN. Y. - L sr, 'roux ctiv ninuaress. - -- - Wm. A.- Bond k Co.; Wm. B. Bradbury: Cathcart, Needham it Co: Siberia Ott; Ha& Riddle, Esq.. Goal Sap't Erie RR ; H. 0: Brooks, Esq , tiop't Bolin Power,. E'rie littitYler & Wilson - Addrera orders _ -:, I_ • ;LA _D, 0. J. Who Wale i'lano Forte Orgen and - MOsto Pester. jyl2' No.Al27llroadiro7 lie?" York. E. usUirrceiux soN t •. • Ilssefsetsteei oC • .1 Iles, !gaskets and Carbl•o _ Patted Piste, service. Ago. Poetat and belt Revolvers. Re ties Platol4. Bide Canes, Revolving Aides. Me and shot Gun Barrels and Gin patella's sold, by Gun dealer. and the trade generally. .in there days of hones breaking and robbery, every berme, store, tank and elites aticnild have one of PelilliDgton's Revolvers. Parties deal:lag to anti thentssivee of the late improvereente In pntels, and ire puler workmenskip and form. will Ind allorbited in the new Rendngtop Revolvers Circulars ennUining cub and description o Cabe furnished wan application. $145,477 95 E. ILIIMIGTON k SONS, Ma Moore& Nichols, Agents. No. 40 Cos Nair York. j , Davis,e!i; CARSON, ALL KINDS 07, cntocsnurs„ FRUITS, PE • , AND PROVISION!, Fifth Rite; betieen State and Frenc h , 1 Ifiaitit pasakand our stock NEM the late rise to prices,- wa , • feel confident of bins . ' • ' ' able to era &at . ' • factlon. both lie sale:v..lml quality. ; . I • I • Cettutry Predns of arm sort boanbtand sot • can &largo' depend on nocaiving,ths ket prize For their articles. , : DEALERS LI THE ADJOINING TO And en the Linee of Ballro4. FICITLIED 'WITH FRUIT, YEGET,t Giro as a CalL antEssza 1147 & JAcisolra 1i kirTff staiir EIZ3 'KRA AND CODNTIL VOHS KSEPERS. TO 311LLI. AT GRAND STREET MAP' STORE, ;HEW YGIIIC CITY. I Yon can pnrchue Cat Lengths of Millinery Gopdi cheaper than down town Jobbers tell eces. CalL Straw Goode , R ibbon ,. Mika, Timms, Mildinery, Lir Clll. &c., received daily Iron auction. ; imweltri MUT, • ZOO. 811. 1 nig. Grand Rt.. sad 64 end de, Allen Gt. cr. Fifth] block ea!t from the Bowery. wp2ll.3mf E I ONES BROTHER, J . lianneasturers and.Wholeale and Ratan I I - Dealers in I _ CHOICE I Mb" COUNTY! ' FLutrill I OAT Ili CORN, CORN NUL, .• I I BRAN, SHORTS, MILL STUF .9, &C.; 1 421 Stiz te St., third door soutFi of P. a, . . Delivery frill in' 'CATIPAIIi/lafk ' oy one • • ARMYI OE THE PO-TOM AC, By Will istra BVrlnfon. The . standard Ittery of the grand 'arsay4 The greatest work on the sr; univer sally endorr by army °Mem and the' Veto The in thor pays I I . *1 design thue volume to retort whit Olt array did and suffered in ten eampa.gne awl two Score battles. • oh 'II boa's to celebrate the unswerving loyalty of this army. that °domes when the bond of sanely en hesion Lolled,' held it, units/ken of fortune, to a duty self Imposed.; I .1441 burs to, follow (h tough a checkered tope rinse, in a tale commingled of greet ndiforfunes, great font's and great glories: bet from drat to true, it will appear that amid many buret, of fortune, through 'refu ter and rough weather,' the Army of the Potburso never pre up, but Model r good fight and dually reached the 11 011 - I I • this drams there will be no-othai herlo than She Arm, of the fotoceetaiteaLfl fun would esien Out fa this warof the peciple it vrOs tecreedllntro should aria no imperial present* to beet= tie =but .gun and eynoeure of mei's sees. Venation, in an Outburst -of haughty eloquence. szabemi That in the greet armies of Hooey the Commander roe "welt/dog. Thisproud apothede hen . an enpleatio • to thwermy o f the Pito. t mac. And one nuts/ think— reefing it nem had a freak! And centrally' had mediocre tommandors-it true that ft might be said 'that wet. rover Kum it owed übt to palm, but I ought with.lll blood." Mb la the ik ly Guam of the Grand.itrlag and no C , B who has borne,. part tilts candle/10r tuested in its grand achlonmente, should be without] it. • This Turk prorate& rani dance to nuke noney. Agents runlet Send for circulars, endue our tenni. eA-d le dy's ; /A ' T lONAL - Pif er ß I • rC , CO., Phil VSMAY.—Vame tothe preirdst ' of the eabsetther, on the leth dal td Sot *dor, one bla c k =aft Tim white stripe /A tat., Wet 12 Tee" old . small idle, with the heaves. The alma Vir reAustesi to mire prowth sayebereessed lake tattner. at she will be diepeeed to hi* ' .WellabstelY,l344.l.s.ottl-Tt ZO `B O G IM! !T !tomble -4 aut. 7 , aecom on. ram►nL Re ablated • a, for address livers, RI , et for the 011 Z &MI, -N. Y. d 'Street, Jrlo-t! Dealers in rrfris Farmers 'hut mu• DEPOT, WM E 33 ERIE, PA, th. City .p-133m• Ayer's Sarsaparilla A compound =MY, Psiiiaed to ho the most effectual Alteiatirp that 'can bo made. It is a concentrated extract of Pare 'Sarsaparilla, so combined with other substances of still greater alterafive power as to afford an effec tive antidote for .the diseases Sarsaparilla is repute 4 to cure. It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense service to this large class of our afflicted fellow citizens.. Ilow completely this compound will do it has been proven-by experinient on many of the worst cases to be found of the following •complainta SCIIOEVLA. AND ,S, CROPULOVS ' CONPLAINiI, Entirriess AND EUEPTIVE DISEASES, lltcrua.- PUIPLES, Iluarcrirs, Ttatoni,. Siam lIUCUM, SCALD ILP-SD, &PMT.'S AND SITIILLITIO Av reeriosm, MENCUIIIAE DISEASE. DII9PSEt NEC" EALOIA , IOD:Tto Dotrtountex, Dierstrr, Drs- PEPSI-11AV} INDIOESVON ERTSI7E4LS, ROSE • on St.eSTUONT'SYSIXE.LI indeed the whole class o , complaints arising from :brown - or Tun 13E006. This I compound' 'be found a great pro rioter . ot health, wh taken in the spring, to r - .the foul humo which fester in the wi l b ... at that season o the year. By thetinte ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders are niPped in tbo bit/ Multitudes can, by the aid ,of this ,remedy, spare themselves front the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptiene,if not insisted to do this thiougli the natural channels of the body by an ;alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, ,or sores; cleanse it When you find it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins • cleanse it wheneVes it is foul, and your feelings will tell -you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt,! people enjoy better health, and rive longer,: for cleansing the blood. Keep the -blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum of life disordered, them can be no lasting, health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of -life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has;., and deservesi much. the reputation of accomplishing these ends. But the werld has been egregiously deceived by preparritions of 'it, pertly liecause the drug alone has not all the virtue that Is claimed for it, but more bee.auso 'many preparations, • pretending to tie concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue. of / Sarsaparilla. or any'thingulse. During late years the public have been mis led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have • been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any; Sarsapa. rills, bast often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, and pairiful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of. Sarsaparilla which flood the Market, until name itself is justly despised, end has become synonymous, with imposition and cheat. Still we cal4 . this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests uponit. And we think we have ground for believing it has virtues -which aro Irresistible by the ord*ry run of the diseases it is intend.' ed to Cure. 7n order to secare':their complete eradication from the system, theireinedy should be judiciotisly taken according to directions on the bottle. . Panes= EY : • DR. J. C.AItER & CO. LOWELL, MASS. , Price el per Bottle Six Bottles for 05. : Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has wen for its if 'such a renown for the cure of every variety 'of Throat and Lung Complaint; that it is entirely unnecessary for - us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been cm-. played. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do mom than assure the people its-quality is kept up to the best it aver has been, and that it may be relied on to' _do for their relief all it has over been found' to do. Ayer's' CAthgrtic Pills 2 POE TIM =PM OP Costirness • 'Jaundice,' Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysenfery:Poul Stomach, Edvsepelcts, headache, Pile?, Rheumatism, Eruptions And Shin Diseases, Liner •Complaint, Dropsy,' Tetter,. Tumors and Salt Bheturi t iPorms, Gout, 'Neuralgia, as a Dinner Pill,. and for Purifying the Blood. They are sugar-coated, so that the most sensi tive can take them pleasantl y ; and they are the best aperient in the world for all the purposes of a fdmilyphysie: • Price zs rids per Box; Five boxes for BLOM . Great numbers 6f Clergymen, Ph's' ci ans, Sta tes men, and eminent personages, Stave lent their named to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space here Will not permit the insertion dr them. The Agents below named fur nish stratisour Avrar A TAI ANAc in which they are given; with al so lull descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment th at should be fol. -lowed far their cure. Do not be, put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. Demand ATER's, and take no others. fhe sick 'rant the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. • An Our remedies are far sale by N E yi" Of It VI. . D ;11 , ANI4DERTAICLVaI W- A - R *E "—', R 0 -0 3i S 1 On Maio St., betereen Seventh and Eighth. The EnDwibere hays entered into the Cabinet Making and FURNITUEE - TRADE, ===MM;6l Orders will Mocha proinPt attention. Sapaidsg done • • on abort notice. , _ lINDERTAKING.! The enbsoriberstrill give special attention to this, do. MtheTof their business. They will manuiactnro and t otantlion band a large assortment of Metallic Curls and CoMns, and bold themselves in radium to meet orders in'this line, promptly, troth any part of the eountry. Determined to span no effort/to give estirdac ticerbotlt tbe quality of their rode and prices, they tippet* memo a liberal sham of pu OORS kirlßLblic astronams. ST. Successo M r' to JAl.Drourr. Raspy PAT ' STORE. A. MINNIG Weald [moped:ally Inform the Prthile that be has Purchased the 1 STOCK 4J GRQCERIES of MIIYSIIO 4- RUSSELL, cobs= Or 812 AIM Erwin rm. When he Winds to . kiep as good an assortment of I . FAMILY H I GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, • WOOD I le WILLOW swim , AND velum GOODS • as is kept In Erie. /Sept' oinstantly on _haad. BEST BRANDS OF ERIE CO. FLOUR, ii.IRRAPTZD A GOOD ARTICLE! rip , ;he highest Market Prtee. paid for all kdrds of Country Produce. Eir Goods delivered free of charge to in part of the City. det21435-t! FRAi i NCIS PFLIFFISII, ; ,11L3Mlefrilli £3O Dtbuia Ls 800 T S AND SHOES • ' I 1 ETERY STYLE AND, VARIETY, No. 816 State St., West Side, bet. Bth and 9th, nun. PA. EarJast received, a sew stork of Goods, which will be sold at the lowest meow. FRBDRICII4 & (Soecetsors to weber-& Uhra DILUXIJI IX GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Wind, Liguorc, &gars, Tobacco, CROOKERY, WItLOW - WARE, FRUITS, MS, TUN= SaTIONS, • Stateatreat, East WI, third door Borth ,of Railroad Bridge.' BRIB, PA. P.:Fittnim =1441 Joss TOIIPf GENSLININIER di SON• =V:I CLOTERAIAND GENTS' TORNISMG GOODS, Comer of Santis:ld FIC Ffiflr HEMPEL 623 ASCU SIBICET. PII4.ADELPMA. WAIOHES, " FINE GOLD JRWRillt FINE aux7l4 WARS Superior Slime Meted Wog at • lIDUCSIP PB 6 leltai saldißmo - ZELIBOLD'S EXTRACIT-P7MII. LUCLIIP 1117C101 taIb.NLY It.:SUWN , poit an; oNt,v iidUIQY agSIEDY FOR Tut: (my KNOWS i;I:NIL:DY FOit DIAIII"rEs, I..LATIoN 444•" NI:o1C or TILE tLA ISILWINI I lioN oi."rallKLlENLys cATA.IcEII Or TII L' LADDER, , sTiLi . NOLUEV OIL PAIN LTILINAXLNO. diwa....o, it is Lis:ylso_eureigistiornely, uu inuell'onnot lars.i.l in its yrai.e. /Veinal° dose ul.sbeca known to solicit, the mitt urpitt spruptonif• Are yon trottbiial with that t iti!itri.wiii.3 . pain in the pi:tail the Lack an i ttitoui;litinps !•A tam." l ill a ilit3 of Soliorn you. ' Physidians ata Othors NOTICE. I !auto no se-rat of ingrolients. Ifelnaboltra riot Duel= Is compose I of /Nebo, Cubolra, gad ltual iwr Berries, selo,,ts.l %%Us gross etrv, proparei t 2 uo and atear.:to,r to rules of , PH RATACY AND 'CIig!,2ISTRY. . T ingredients are knowa as the mast rateable !hurt otatloni,sl. ; • 1 A DITJr.LETIC' ts that acts upon the kidneys. riE IsIBOLD'3 EXTRACT BUCHU ACI'S 01:STLY, • Is 143.1:111t is 43.40 ant odor, fris3 frum all injuri i.iti properties, and ituni4di Ate in its 14:00. • • For the Satisfaction. of All, gate:Ll rreperties contained in D.spcinsotot7 of this U. 8., of whi4l, the following is a correct copy: . "Beene. Its oY rto stria;, diffusive, and some. what aromatit, Its trite bitterish, and analogous to that'of mint. It [sin V.:11 chiefly It .complaints of the Urinary Organs, sm.!' os (drove!, Ciirrume Catarrh of the Bladd'er, m3ria•l irrit Rion of the Blobbir and Urethra, diseases of the Prostate, and Retention or the ingoutinenee of Urine, from a !owl of WWI in the parts asneerned in tto evacuation. It has also been recommended In Dyspepsia, Canonic Itheuraatiswri. Cntsnemis Atfomions, au-i Dropsy.. k FOR EMT= TEIP33:3.ITION Sm Professor DOTC , " . vain shin work on tho Prszt of l'hyinn. Soo =arks - mlio by tho colobr.atel Dr. Physic, of See nny and all Works on Ile lnins. From tho Largast Manufacturing Glemist IN WORLD. I am acqu.aint....l witu It. T. llolna`Joll; ho noon pied tho dries store opyo,ile my milorm, and tea sine:awful in conducting the busino.w whore others bad not been equally co befo.n Mtn. I hare been fa vorably imyrewd =ill his clial-oct, nal enterpriu, ' • War. NVEIGILTNIAN. (Firm of Power & Weighturino llarufacturinuChoniiits, Ninth ant Brown Streets, Philadelnium. (prom jje. Pluluderlll4. Ece. 13,t114 WI, March Iooh.l • Nye ire gratified to hear of the cm:tut:Lei SWX.C.S.,, fn N e w. 70r14 °tour townsman; tf r. 11. T. Ifelmhol rhtiggist. Ilia core, next to the Metmpolltan fluted 1 3 23 seek trout, e.o feet deep, and 1a....d0ne.' In height. it is certainly a grand ertalthshuient, and e:ks vorably of the tnentof hLsptticlee. Ile rrta.nJ Inc Office and LnheratelT to the City, %Lich ore also lllodel cstabli.dameidA ul the.r Theprtprietor itzs Lieu 10 htc to make this stAte meat from the Ltd, that hi+t 0n , •.:1 , , Although Odor tined, are I? A-12, 1 0 Ana knowiir , that the intelli;ent refr Lin from un,,, any think pertai ning t0gq,3,,..e, or tee V.atent h tine osier,—most of WILILLLI ore to epare 1 by heikt Doctor!, who lire too: Lour...tit t., re t t a p*:y.;,f,,,•.., simplest promption. cou_l‘ Lunli,el,ot to pre4Lltr Pha.rmaceuUcal,. THESE PARTIES RESORT to various metni of eff,stlng h l such an co:vtn pnstaof advertisements pcpuldr rovfollth nnd, h Labia: irtth ocrtato.stet. Tito fkience of taad. SMPLE, .orD MAJFATIC, Lavin.; FAct for iis lion for its I%lldr. Truth o:une for its Caro tel. A WORD OF CAUTION. fleapit is most mirmtant ; and th afflicted should not use an advertixd tor, or gzly remedy, un less its eontenteor ingrulleuts Ic) , tuam to others betides the nannufaxturer. or until :der uro satisfied pt tho qualaztons of toe pany r fence;. • HELhIBOLIPS f t GENUINE PREPAYLATIONS. • TLVID EXTAACT 111.7C1117. £LUID EXTRACT s:in-SAPARILL.A. - and I.IIIIIOVED IWSE I. 'Established upwards of 16 rears. • - Preparad by It, 'E. uta:3lboLo. PRINCIPAL .OkPOTS. 11Ei3110LD'8 MUD AND DD r EIDCAL ' WAI:EDOUSE,. ' 4 Brut:rangy, Ana Yu., And lIELIII3OI.Ii'S .IrEDICAI. I,EPor .. , ID4 Sdlah 1001 s:rce , . PA,.. ~....4., P Egad by mei Druggi.sts, CLE3IENS., CAVGLIEY- , S; Bpi( • is*l., ? ' i raOLCSALS Gibezits AND PROVISION: DEA LF Nts, ALSO DIALT.II3 WOODEN WARS. NAILS, GLASS,R9PE, REFINED OIL, WATER LIRE,': WHITE LIME, OIL VITRIOL, CAUSTIC SODA, GLUE, &C,, NOS. 25 & 26 NORTH PARE. STREET, S,RIE, PA docll'att n • ENG L RIM HT, 1 .- 1 ' DEALER IN BOOTS AND S.HbES, •. ALSO. smarrecromut Or t, CUSTOM MADE BOOTS AND , SHOES, Would take this method of retuning hfirthanks t $ his friends cad the public generally for ttreir liberal petronsee heretofore extarAid to him, and hope. to have a continuation ni the same. I take igeastire in informing the public that 1 am still selling READY RADII BOOTS AND SHOES AS CHEAP. = Than say Hones in this pleas, and I am Hill making the best quatlea Boots ard Shoes, for which i em ploy none hot the BIM of WORZYKY,under the Super intendence of 0. MILLER. HaTing obtained a license to nee the PLUMER PATENT BOOTS, I am now prepared to make the Flamer Patent Boots and Shoes in a manner not to be amassed to Style and Warkmanship. - Er I always keep on hand a 'election of the beat Brands of Preneli and American Calfasid Hips. P. S.—Bepatrins attended to. mrl2l34tf. KEYSTI t INE MI s TOVE TIBBALS, SHIRK & WHITEHEAD, 1111FITTACWRIRII or STOVES AND HOLLOW WARE - , Have a large and extensive assortmeat of Stoves at Wholesale and Retail. THE IRON GATE Is a fast-data Coal Cook Stove, with or without reser voir, for hard or soft coal, or wood, and is BETTER THAN THE STEWART BTU L We also manufacture the WIIEAT , BREAF AND NEW ERA, Both low visit Coal Cook Stoves—urns wood grates— can be used either for coal or wood. THE FOREST JAS. We are still manufacturing this ce!ebr•ted 10, oven Stove for wood—with or without reservoir. THE MENTOR, A. Low Oven Stove for Wood Thum je • new Stove ' beautiful deals, and now for vale—togataer with • Line assortment of elevated Oven Coop, Parlor Cook for wood or coal, and Parlor and O 5 Stoves, for wood or coal. a. ELTIBRALS, D. MIRK, W. E. WHITEHUD • Erie, Jan. 12. 1885—ti. • BROWN'S OOTEL. , CORNER OF STATE ST.,•ANDTEE PARK, ERIE, PA. This Welt Known Souse Has missed into tht, eonttol of the Undersigned, who ate determined to spare no efforts that will tend to mate it a pleasant stopping place for the trending pub tie. A number of importent improvements hare already made, and others to be completed at an early period Will render it one of the [taut hotels in the country. *peal Me Is taken to tarnish the table with-all the seasonable articles, served bp in the moat' approved style, and by, euicanmodating waiters. We took charge at the hotel with the resolution to Make it such u the 'anti of this nation require, and feel eonedent of meeting the approbation of our guests. ' LOOlll.B & A. T. Looms, . Proprietors. W. L. Rees. f• ' liaytf • 13ANK. NOTICE. • KEYSTONE NATIONAL BANK OF ERIE CAPITAL, $250,000. DIRECTORS: •... , BELDEN MERVIN, tonN W. niaity.v KLIEO Lamm, - BESTIR TOWN, 0. NOBLE. 01tANGE NOBLE, President. JORN J. TOWN, Nattier. The above bilk TM be opened for the transact - I, rof bottoms OA DEC. 5, 1865, IN KUGHES' BLOCK, West lids of State St, between Smostb aad !JON - Bailhatory papa dlseassded. Kam readrsd oa Dopostt. -Cattlattpai made sad proosed4 sasoszdad. or att. , proaatasu. Drafte e Spade sad Back Notes bonslit md add . A din f:d Poll* hdlialin reqieditaky 1111 "v ir • For the iiandherthiii: tllllll 0 II r Most Exqu. it Perfume, Beautiful rs its aami gra • and; ta • = ME IMRE BE ARE see ro F tj u "t vs MEM ITO aad Cfilluoil ~ t~..~t:: y~ ~i2 ~- , 1.1 VEl‘ , c this lanimal, such as YELLOW WA TER. II EA V F.S, CO CONS, DIS TE)<PER, FE VERS, FOUNDER LOSS OF APPE TITE AND VITAL ENERGY, &c. Ita lac improves the wind,lncreases the Fippecite-givel a amooth - _ Sloeey Ekm , -ae transforms th e miserabh: slteheon lota. • , ~,, • r . "r./..nn the Lanz., Liver, 11113 art,c:,. :Lets .ts a Fptc.f:o. .13y puttmg. fr,el .17iie-tialf 1.,r, to a pap,r a barrel of swill tie above cli,Pa,,s Trill be eracliwat,il or erthroly ion rtrIZ•A preventive. and ca f Price Cents per rnz: S.' 17Cor DITOLF-S . i LE DUG No. 116 Franklin .I.'or sal, by Dru g o,-, e•th the Unitot F at ea' te-ly I S. & H. T. ' Vanatattnzera of 501 Mt to car malt TI.ILIAL,, aro haw.: Stereoscopes Of Uwe vrelAvre WENT Obtaflied rnt ►2IOTOGLPIIIC Mit Ball Ban, Yorktown, Gettysburgh, Fair Oaks, Savage Station, Frederieksburr Fairfax, Eiebanond, Deep Bottom, Monitore,. Fort Morgan, Charleston,- Florida. - z d 41 , 2: . ct r e, if T.' Phi CZI=IEI pric.l6cca 1.214. of belsesti They vrlll Must VErrat Tho Trade Oar Catalog. ecado• Oct uct . esni dmericans,, 1.41-Gegu. Bog , ES Colrma., inclndln; repeal& ralntiers, Swan. An cedar Le One filed nmipt o Phol.rapLers alt tnrsaty-livo Therkin kuLp FOUR CR ST., ABOVE ENRY, BR. (successors ARLOR,COO: ' Tii•r a • AND ALL El ery 'Stems sold .t Kettles, Slelitt-s! stored to order. Px,ows AND Px.oir My always on hal es is all we ask. mr".T63—tf. ottlusON.& DINSMORE, waoLgsels mauls LOUR, PORK, BEEF,,SALT, C, CLOVER, TIMOTHY SEED. I:. OS. 501 AND 503, FRENCII Between sth and 6th Stree,.. 1:17321 NURA V L b USINS, WEDDING 0) Cls£ CAI )S. DIII Gelds, Certifiestes of Off &a! One it 3 : l s TAMPING, EMBOS:iING, s,' BY J. If, f.10':" /[ "' PARAGON ,lIIIILDING:.ica? Ptla 1,2114. ft 11(Elt1 STABLE. • reteused the .well—known pled by Wm J. St e rrptli..levrre .? id the public that he will cotitiLui the 'ilea their patioaa,te. THE STOCK - U 1 be largely increase.; AL.} eve have been {uncured, and a me ' " crate lu the country. 'ALI establuilituent net, g.ce tetn t ant to obtain the terrier. of edy at allrivnea to ace .rnm,l.l:e cos- itteolleet the pace, • tiTERRETT'S OLD fth street, rear of the Reid Rot:ie. Erie. Jace FL 196,5—tf HE GREAT CAUSE of Just published, in a realivienselor. , rice 6 cents. A lecture on the aa• Ire, treatment and radical eve of nnlintorrboes, or senain•l weatne" ivoluntary Emissions, &anal mss to marriage generally. Nersec";, } o , 7 suiting Epil t e r y d m cell .} b ' o l t e z o_t l end,p ßy b, h t c. j ca. c. .1).. Author of the "Green Boos."li As. The world renowned antbor„intr carts proves from his own eneres,cr. insequences of self abuse may 1.4 C !: thou% medicine end without mays e bo, glee, instruments, rmys or g oat a Inout of tun at once certain 1n . t .t.t. ,„ hich 10,17 sufferer , no matter what h' 1 , 7 ; 4,:a can cure himseli cheaply. privately This lecture will prove a twen to thoa nds. seal Sent under mai, in a plain envelope , t022... 1 e receipt of mix mote. or two poideltp;" ad; :l,7,lo ) Also, Dr. Culverwell'e ..tarrisze titres the publishers, CilAti.f. En Bowery, tiff roerorA_ DEEM P. MOO UN, BPOVOLLIIII and ' Det!e 111 rata magisizes, Nimpavo, to_ Coanut! P•• Store under Brava Botel,fozeii pr26latt. / J. , v BCE =lll 1., a , , —: =II 7 ~i RNO