.ht trie ittethig ebotrver. • ERIE, PA., OCTOBER -18. 1866 0-ftlelal Vote in the State. e 4 ive below a table of those- counties in e state from which official returns were re— ei u p to thi , hour at -which we went to Thor include about four-fifths of the I. , , uui her, an I can be d i bpended upon as re- The remaining cotinties will doubtless eie;nrately reported by next week, when the for Geary .will bo authentically Taking the vote giren below, and es that of the balance of the State by the o f '34, wo calcull tte that the Radical o r fty will not exceed 14 500, if it equals number. It may be that some of these „ : ,, t i e s will increase their,Radlcal Vote, and case, Geary's majority may run up to : ;te . t nste of his party, which is -16,500. We t:t think it likely that 'they can secure in enough- to realise the latter figures, in these uncertain times, perhaps it is bot to Se too sure in anything where pol • y ire' Lfl encrned : eciln. 2012 '3'116 21519 12414 t r ot - 3.126 3211 3257 2304 , j . 2336 2752 6710 13266 „ 3292 2686 6865 3007 6436 7335 3475 2974 2244 3036 223 232 1721 2251 . 2817 3399 8446 5987 .„;,,,.. 1780 1 2883 t,-sell, 1506 2801 1666 - 2135' 'orabia. 1914 3467 , ro f o rd. 6141 4525 ~,I • berland, 3604 4354 5444 4220 • 3664 2145 Li, 348 . 835 Fns• 6911 3222 3 2 _21 4126 _ 85 62 11662 8821 4209 4106 ' 694 906 208 3reeLe , 1583 3074, 1699 3230 loi.. , ngdon, 3321 2477 fa una, 4320 2197 2285 ;demon, 1820 1877 103 .Tania.ta, 1437 1751 298 Idneaster, 14470 8448 6002 ~ swrence. t4OB "1389 Lebanon, 3780 2779 1498 fthigh. - 3908 592 J - 15 72 lazerne, 7645 10045 8561 12292 Lsr”caing. 3400 - 4207 3871 4148 767 632 167 +lercer. 4220 3569 4416 3757 `4Bin. 1643 1718 1725 1835 1 1,nror, 1685 2698. 1991 `l.utgoniery, 6872 7943 7285 8441 11.4 tour, 1130 1496 _ 1131 - 1523 boqiiamp,ton, 3726 6944 - 3011 2915 3608 461 Perry, - 2406 2446 2585 2591 1phin,55797 44032 54205 4887 Pike. 260_ 1180 Potter, 11 . 00 680 ~er . 1 .' r 7851 9549 1722 !••loracraet, 2788 - 1799 3062 1759 Snyd.r, . 1679 1368 1812 1326 Sullivan, 369 660 • Suquebanna, 4203 2959 1447 Tioga, 4673. 1584 v rn;an, - 1945 1102 ' 1991 1287 Vfnangb, 3849 3341 919 Wn-ren, 2541 1505 2687 1572 a-hington, 4951 4559 lk 2274 3089 " , te.t.-r- °rebind 4650 5977 5046 6113. yoadag, 1337 1402"-- 5568 8500 5996 8880- , - ^ 0 96391? ''''''63l6 4 Lia.Triaj. 't,t, - • • 20073 '6 13325, • The Radic a gain two members of Congresi Cake in th Schuylkill district, and Coeode 1 , the West related. The gallant General IfcCandiesa is eleted to the .State Senate l'hiladel la, which is a • Demo rine gain, and n:tilso gain several membera tAssembly. Th *wo houses of the Legisla- 14'.. will probab stand as follows: Senate, Rtdicala, 12 Democrats; Eouse, 53 :37 DeMocrfats. This ensures the election Ja Radical Urilited States Senator in place/Of Ir. Cowan, an' event more to be deplored :an the defeat of our candidate for Gov_prnor. , • -- Official County Vote: The fellowirg is the official tote of the cl \A ,ty ialnunty, by districts, on Goiercor and Con gre!S : • 4 , 4 ...: *F3,' :4 0 -7. , iz m O ii co tc „Eike City, lit Dlstriet 1 152 246 135 - 235 111 • 24 District 24 269 241 264 256 • 34 District 1 , 9 3'6 165 263 171 • ll'h District 97 344 216 311 253 1174 788 119.1 I'3l F. rt Mill Creekll3 152 258 119 5 5 Wert Min et Ci eek . I 5 215 140 222 141 nrith Erie ' 36 123 '9 ( kty - -- / lie - tie 91 92 91 9 . 1 1 rr r 2 o h rr i o , 34 2 . i • 76 '34 74 10 129482 351 457 231 Concord 7 2 - 1 5 9 98 191 07 147 - 219 60 219 62 Conceaut RW/EMMI MGM ➢L(nboro Franklin 31 190 61 II 61 193 171 33 167 34 1211=1 P 3 ' .24/1 !18 179 . . 61640646/6- - P 3 147 42 113 46 Grrene '4O 116 155 124 154 Giesrd Itorotteh 4 76 16 18 Totro.hip 156 , 255 70 255 72 Rubor Creek . 88 234 149 234 139 14Bnoci0 199 159 194 153 I,ckport 67 154- 91 135 97 McKean 154 230 45 254 47 Middleboro 32 32 2 20 2 North Part Romeh SS Ma an 135 34 Vordi E4sitTotrorhip 45 :44 109 243 299 Sqiorgeld • 151 575 48 375 46 'ommit 34 PO 124 09 124 rtiontiornarb 3 I'o 912 127 101 "cionToworhlp 3 91 . 217 106 517 100 . .1111g0 ... . 157 .205 00 276 79 . Witta;ttrg 74 50 19 50 20 Wavn. 101 163 7 195 77 wilbington2o2 • 527 114 3:0 715 Ze.enrd P6ron rh IN P 3 as 131 37 W.ttrford Town'hip 175 255 82 292 55 2970 211 7237 3951 7120 4987 624 103 2951 4057 Anoy rote of 15f4 3303 314 3236 30H 3:4 - - - 3165 It sin be perceived that Scoaeld rude . 246 te , \behini Geary. In nearly every township 'tefslie more or less short of his patty strength. .Ary's majority is 99 more than Lincoln's. 7t!--tltet, Tote of the county in 1864 was 10.- this year it-is 11,188 •an increase of 555 :tellq , ublicans gain in the two yeari , 326 and et benocrats 229,which, taking the com Par. 'lle strength of the two parties into consider- Lttel, is very nearly'sn equal proportion. It ti: 'e perceived that the gain of 99 for Geary it To precise ratio to the increase in the number .fr:;tte. C.lNlati99.—We have the official vote for ~ .,7,res; from Erie,Warren and McKean coun aelj the reported majorities from the bal 7 :ce of the district. These foot tip as fol -Ws : Scofideß. ' S c ott, D ' re,, 7128' 4087 2063 1593 ‘!:Kean. - 121 tivij. % , ferE , .n, 100 4zenn, 1 70 •• • e`-t, 50 •• tarfield, 1150 Lk, . 600 • • 10132 7332 :”Sell's majorit7,l_2Boo - la..Worsred Goods, Nubian, Shawls, Breskftot Repos, and Hoods - in many novel ikeßi both hand made and woven at No. 6-Reed Roue”. ecIB 2t MANELL, STIIPIIENS k WILDEY 1 Go where4ou can buy cheapest.. Mon- CI, Stephens & Wildey offer great bargains in kinds of Dry Goods. No. G Reed Nouse. o^lB-2t b 3 i..Tile beet and cheapest line of Alapacas ever offered in Erie at No. 6 Reed Howse. oclB-2t MONZL, STEPHENS & WrDET. ta.SUHOES in silk velvet, jet, medallion and fancy, at 6 Reed House. ' 48 ' 2 4 blonall, Stamm & WiLDIII% Ns Erman tars.—The General finperiz tentlent, of the United States Express Co., which his hitherto enjoyed the monopcly of the express business of this section, has issued the following circular to the agents of that corporation: [DELICATE AND CJEFIDENTIAL UNITED STATES EXPANIAN CEMPA NY, g BUFFALO, Oduber stb, 1866. TO Superintendents of the United States Ex- press Company : An organization known as the "Merchants' mien Exr rent Company" has commenced an express business over some or the routes occupied by this company. Onr Superinten dents and Agents are instructed, under no oircqmstances to have business relations with this organizsticn, directly or indirectly. No express matter of any description is to be re ceived from them, or delivered to them, whether paid or unpaid, consigned er uncoil signed. s- . Yira are, also, instructed to retain the busi ness of the United Express Company, at whatever reduction in price may be necessary, on all routes where the “Merchants' Union", comes in competition with this company. , To accomplish this you will, from time to time, I t. reduce the rates of transportation en all x. press matter to such a figure as, in your ju - ment, will not only secure the business b t preserve the most friendly relations with the patrons of this company and public genera'li. ' Upon roufei where there is no competition you will maintain rates, u'iles, otherwise instructed from this ogee. * * * * * Respectfully, -yours, HENRY KIP, Oen'l Supt. Geary. Clymer. 2910 3126 20571, 12895 810 2581 7121 3520 2835, 13287 2768 The Buffalo Daily ,Express, in commenting upan,the above, enunciates our sentiments, when it Says: "So fa. as the war which is thus inaugurated relates to or effects the inter ests of the stockholders, the matter is a purely private one; but in the question of express rates the business community have considerable at. stake. Hitherto the Express business has be , n a manopolv,only the more oppressive be cause it was conducted in the names of two apparently competing companies, but which, were in reality one ooneern. For, the first time en organization has been started with boldness enough to compete with these long established rivals, and the benefits to the pub lic have already beets made manifest bathe re duction which has teen effected in the .rates.. As between the three Companies, people gen erally may care very little which wins, but thre,morchants gotteraly have considerable at stake in, the matter. Long experience has shown what terms the public might -expect from the American and United States Expres ses,While they had a clear field. By analogy we may infer what would be the result if such a knonopoly should be given them again by the breaking down of the Merchants' Union. The question resolves itself simply .into this: will our business men, for the ake 9f saving a few cents by the recent reiluction, help to damage a Company which.effers to carry freights at scannable ra'es, and thus again place them selves at the mercy of es monopoly which has hitherto shown no favor. In every way the establishment of the Merchants' Union is ta great advantage, and intelliget tusinesa men will n0t,....be blinded to the true issue to be decikled.'2.2 EEO RIM 8500 6714 7285 501 ERR 2951 790 BASE llat.L.—Middle-aged gentlemen whose. running days are over have no idea of the intense•interest which is felt by the rising gen eration of young men in the row national game' of base ball. It is already the sport of Young America. ratching is confined to a very few rich men, and annual regattas, so called, fail to get together more than half a clezen yachts. Cricket is Still confined to a few Englishmen, nor is there\ny likelihood that Apericane willezer take to it kindly. With all the publicity even to horse-trotting races, they do not usually bring together large assemblages. Horse-racing proper creates somewhat more interest, but the - races are necessarily infreqiient. But base ball is being played daily, all over the country; and when any of the famous, clubs are pitted . against against each other, tho contest is sure to bring together 'immense masses of people, who watch the "game with, the keenest interest. There are probably five hundredsgeopls inter erested in base ball to ono in any other game. Twenty thousand is a small number at any of the great matches, and so large was the attend , ante, -for instance, at Philadelphia, the other day, to see the game between the Athletics and Ail /Idles, that the match could not b 3 played. It woull pay some enterprising manager to enclose mast space of ground, supply proper seats, any charge admission fees when any very exciti contest was to take place. Will not some in 'pant Barnum take the hint? The influence of all out-door sp - orts is, in tha main, good. Boat and yacht contests help in boat and ship building; trots and races give us better and more valuable horses; and these base-ball match-es will aid to develop the lungs and strengthen the muscles of the rising generation. Success to them. , New RAILSOID.—Most of our readers are aware that, for some time, a project has been under headway for connecting Erie with the oil region, by means of a new railroad from Union to Titusville, of uniform guago with the, P. &E. road. The movement struck us at its inception as one of vast magnitude to the in terests of our city, and we have never failed at every suitable opportunity to c =mend it to the favorable attention of our people. We learn that enfficient means to stock awl error the road have been secured, and it only re• mains to obtain enough to finish the grading to ensure its comp'etion. The amount needed. we believe, is only $BO,OOO or $90,000, and ,this the officers, think, with good reason. I should be easily; obtained in the city of Erie. A meeting upon this subject:, was held the Council room on Friday last, at which P. G. Finn presided and Col. John 11. Blies acted as Secretary. - 'Mr. Galbraith, president of the Company, "made a'detailed statement of the present condition and prospects of the work, and after an interchange of views, the Chair man anpointed Messrs. John Clemens, 0. Noble and L A. Morrison, a' committee to present the subject to the people with a view of . obtaining further subscriptions." We sin ; cerely hope thh enterprise will no longer be ' delayed from a lack of proper spirit on - the part of the citizens of Erie. Its value to our f business interests is too plain to-need argu ment; and, if our people fail to contribute the small sum required to make it a success, they will not only deprive themselves of an advan tage seldom offered, lint cast a stigma upon our community which it will take years to efface. The new famous deserter law bids fair to ead to any number of suits and cross-suits. A half-dozen or more cases have already been commenced in this county—some by parties whose votes were refused on the ground of al* leged desertion, and others against election boards which received the votes ofdeclared deserters, in contempt of the law. As She Supreme Court has clearly expressed its vi - kr of tae subjeci, bra - unanimous opinion of the Democratic and Republican members, the ad vantage of all - these snits undoubtedly lies with these wSo set the unconstitutional act at at defiance. We suspect that after the heat of the canvass passes away, the parties who are seeking to give election boards trouble for accepting the votes of pretended deserters, will-see their folly, and cease any farther liti giition. In Crawford county several cases have been commenced of a similar kind, and the matter is likely to have a thorough venti lation before the Courts in every district, The position of an officer Oteleotion, about these times, must be extremely pleasant. It will be some consolation to those who are chosen to serve next fall, to know that the Constitution ality of the law will be definitely decided be fore they are compelled lo enter upon their dais* • Brief Paragraphs. A dog fight, on which $lOO a aide.waa wagered, came off in OiMom lately, which was witnessed by 1,000 exalted spectators: Pity the doge couldn't have bit•eich one of them Llent-Col. J. H. Coggswell, of the Titus ville Herald, has been promoted to a brevet tolonelcy, for meritorious services while in the army,—a compliment his many friends. will learn.with gratification. Me). E. W. Matthews, of Tituevilli, has assumed an editorial position upon the daily Dispatch. The Mijor eomes to our city warmly recommended as an aareeable gentle. man and writer of ellant. • The vote of the leading p ces in tile por tion of the State. is as follows : Erie (inelud. log Smith - Erie) 2,140; Meadiille 1185; Titusville 090; Corry 783 ; Warren 384 ; Oil City 514; Franklin —; Plthole 174. • _Warren county gives Geary 1,115 majority , and Scofield 1068, a falling of for the latter of 47 votes. Mr. Scott receives 23 more votes than Mr. Clymer in that cOunty, and Mr. Sco- field 24 less than Geri. Geary. Messrs. F. A.-Weber & Co., 814 State et., bate commenced keeping Pratt's celebrated Oysters, which they will sell by the can of case. These are-considered the best °plant in the market, iind•all the lovers of the bi valves should give Weber & Co. a call. . ,The Gazette is entitled to the credit of the beet joke of the season. It colli the speech of Ex-Congresaman Babbitt, delivered in the Court House, on the night previous to the election, a 4, stirring" one. Had he continued ten minutes longer, there would not hare been a dozen left. in the hall. Mr. W. A. Cooper, of Franklin, Venango County, gives notice that he will purchase bills of the follciwing banks Venango Bank, Franklin. Petroleum Bank, Titusville. Bank of Crawford County, 3fead►llle. Oil City Bank, Oil City. The Republican quarrels in the Penang° and Mercer judicial district have proved the adage that good sometimes comes oat of evil. They run , two candidates fOrJudge,.and the result was, that the Damotraey united upon John Trankey, an honest man and an able lawyer, and elected him. Let us be thankful for so much, it there is little else to be thankful for. The --- Veadville Republican gives• an account of a lady in Hayfield Township, in that county, who told her husband on the tatting of elec tion day that if he voted the Hemoeratititicket she would leave him. He voted ft4,enr candi dates, and an Wednesday morning ebe bundled up her things and went - home to her father's. .A man with such spirit ought to receiie the best office in the gift of the party. In McKean township, the election board, although composed oT a majority of Itepnblia cans, declined to regard the deserter law of the Legislature, and the vote of a person whose name'wis on the Provost Marshal's list was accepted without heeitation. In taking this course, we are informed'that they acted - under the opinion of a prominent Republican lawyer of our city. The Demoorats are in favor of repudiating the national debt and of paying the rebel debt, and of compensating all ctltincs for slaves lost - by. emancipation.—Buffalo Ezpreu. We copy this 'simply to, show what manner of things the Radical presses are capable of putting forth 'to cheat, - delude, fool, gull, swindle, humbug, bamboozle the people.— Louisville Journal. Silly as it may seem, Mr. Journal, it is by just such stories that the Radicals carried the. election. Among the numerous dry goods stores in our city, there are few, if any, mare axtenkive or more enterprisingly condacted than that of Monett, Stephens -- & Witdey, in the Reed House: Their dock is large - and well selected, their prices as moderate as any, and , all about the etoro evince ea laudable a desire to se orminanrist. *h.;. amhiaaraama, that h ;a a rl.w ure to deal with tbeia. We would suggest to our lady readers, that in making_thelr pur chases of dry goods, they should not fail to give Monet', Stephens & Wildey a call. "Our readers," says the Conneaut Reporter, -"are aware that it hoe been the purpose of the Methodist Church to establish fa first-olass Seminary, on the Lake shore between Buffalo and Cleveland. The final meeting to decide on the location was held at Westfield, N. Y., on Tuesday of laet week. The convention consisted of delegates from all the churches in that region. After considerable discussion a ballot we- taken, which resulted in favor of North East. This Seminary will be one : of higiti grade; and under the powerful patronage of the Methodists will be of the greatest bone to the cause of Education in this vicinity." • At the time the Republican Convention met, the Observer bad a highly sensation article in reference to its session, headed "The Slaugh ter of the Innocents." As a sequel. we suggest that it. now patblithes the official returns of the election, Ander the title of "The Massacre of the Gnilly."—Dispatch. A still more interesting chapter would-be a sketch of our cotemporary's warfare upon Scofield, with an appendix giving its results in tabular form. It would be bard, however, .to find an apprspriate cognomen fora Struggle which involved such terrific and perserering seal, with =sequences so ridieutously trifling. The Radicals of Union having passed series of resolutions severely condemning Mr. R. If. Frisbee for accepting the appoint meat of Postmaster at that place, the Conser vative citizens of the town have published a letter urging him to accept the office:and en dorsing his character for political integrity and business enterprise. Mr. Frisbee replies in a long latter defending his position, saying that although a formal Republican be now sustains Mr. Johnson, anti closing With the announcement that he will soon enter upon the duties of_ the office. The tem;er which the Radicals have displayed in connection with the Union and other appointments will do no harm to the victims of their spite, while it reflects nothing but discredit upon themselves. The duties of the Bishop's office in this city . mode vacant by the death of the Right Rev. Joshua M. Young, will be performed until a new Bishop has been appointed, by Rev. J. r• Coady, Vicar-General of the (poem. The let ter clergyman has been urged by many for the Bishopric, and it would afford rare pleasure to many both in our City and the diocese general ly, to learn that the honors of the position bad fallen upon him. He we. stationed here for a number of months as the officiating priest at St. Patrick's church, and while ['er ring in that capacity won the • affection of the congregation to •an extent seldom attained. His too business qualities - caused the Bishop to transfer him last year to the church at Oil City, which was enormously in debt, and so successfully did he administer its affairs, that upon leaving, a few weeks ago, the congrega tion was nearly free of liabilities, and had large hind invested in valuable property, sat— ficient to guarantee it against financial trouble in future. Whoever the new Bishop may be, his appointment will hardly be made kaolin before zi./months, or more. The. course fol. lowed in making a selection of a Bishop is for the Bishops of thiProvince to nominate three -candidates for the position. Their names •mustrthen be sent to the Pope, at Rome, where the character and nullifications of the candi dates are fully considered, and the one thought molt worthy of the place, and best fitted to advance the interests of the church; is chosen. Of course from the nature of this system, it is lasposeiblei to pridiet who the new Bishop will be. The members of Perry Fire :Coates U. der consideration a propcsillonlo sell their , present engine and purchase* that of the Citi zen Co., at Harrisburg. The latter is a splendid Button machine, which throws t hat streams, eac h stronger' and further than that of the present Perry engine::—lt is warranted to be in good order, and is offered for one thousand dollarathe only reason for selling being that the "Citizen's" hare already pur chased a steamer. , Perry company is offered $6OO for its old engine, and we think it would be a wise movement for 4to make the con templated change. The con - taibi and citizens should render them all necessary assistance on the subject. The official announcement is made of the appointment of Michael Al Frank, - of Clear field, to be the United States Assessor for this tongresslonal district,_ in place of Daniel Livingston, removed. • Mr. Frank is a conser vative Republican—or, in other words, a Republican who hal de his country's interests to be above those of the party. A number of ' , loyal" gentlemen hereabouts may now pre- . pare to get their übreadand butter" elsewhere: than at Andrew Johnson's Capt. J. F. Cross, a gentlt'man known to everybody,• has opened an inielligence office at No. 1,252 State Street, Wheire.all wanting employment, and all (melting persons to em ploy, will find it to their interest to call. An enterprise of the kind has long been needed In our community, aid the Captain Is just the man to drive it through successfully.. Oct. 18-2 t. A superior stock of Wiwi , ' sod Gents' Fare, Hays, Caps ing Furnishing Goods, at the store of C. Koch, with L. Rosenswelg, Esq.- Mr. Koch is determined not to be underaold. The State Normal School, at Edinboro, le undoubtedly the best place for teachers to attend. School; the State inlets those who are preparing to teach. JaaT LlT.—The following is a.list of the grand and traverse jurors !drawn for the Court commencing on the first Monday in November : 011 AND J 7320111 Erie—Jas Skinner, Fineman John C Mc- Creary, James Leask, P. Metcalf, Geo W Smith, S R Dumas,. Milloreek—Jno M McCreary. Harborcreek--John F Applebee. North East—Dan Lorrell, B Phillips. • Greenfletd—C S Raymond. M Tarr. Concord—Amos Clark, S F Hammond, H A Baker. Union—Wm Putman. Waterford—John Sedgwick. Green—Seth Church. Suromit—N W Jarrett. 1 Washington—Wm Port. Franklin—C Martin, C Wright. - Fairview—Jas Duncan.' - Albion—P D Flower. • - Tllll7lllllll JURORS. Erie—Geo Loyer, John Robinson, J 8 Richards, Rota 8 Bunter P Fen. denheim, John B Mellnigv,t; Alex Nicholson,- Wm ill Gallagher, C E Bennett, M Henry.' Millcreek—Wm M Whitley,.R G Parker. Harborereek—Jas J Washam. North East—D Cole. . • Gr9field—A 0 Burnham, Wm Yost. Ve go—P Chapin, 2nd, H Brightman. A y—P Betts. wane—C L 8111 x, F W sill , J Chappell. 'Concord-8 Heath. • Union—lsaao Emotion. D Earl. Waterford—F Boyd, - 2 Morton, P S Cooley, L Phelps. Greene—C C - MOKoan—John Bargain. Washington—D E Lay, W 8 Fleming, E gyan, A Oakes. Edinboro—A E Allen. Conneaut—Geo Barnes, L Salisbury, A Barnes, John Curtis Jr., Wm Harrington. Albion—Jas Cole. Springfield—L I Baldwin. Girard—L D Hart, Alei Taggart. Fairelow—D W Nason, F Caughey. 011.!.ND Coscm:—The Cincotta to be given in Farrar Hall, on Monday and Tuesday even ings, for the benefit of et, Patips chunk. promise to be among the mod attractive ever seen in our city. The troupe of Prof. Feder- Jail will consist of some fortyihildren, whose performalees are described as really wonder= thl. To show our reenefe' now toay are eau meted at their home in Buffalo, we copy the following from the Courier. The press of that city all speak in the came rapturous strain of the entertainments given there by Prot. Federlein's juvenile band: CONCIMT. —Those who failed to attend the concert at the Opera House last night—and there was a goodly number present—lost a decidedly rich treat. Without going into particulars, we would give it as our opinion that, a more enjoyable affair has not taken place for many a day. The proficiency exhibited by some of• the juvenile pupils of Mr. Federlein was truly wonderful, and was highly complimentary to his ability as an instructor. There is some talk, we nn .derstand, of a repetition, of the concert. If this should be decided upon, the capacity of the Opera House. will doubtless be severely tested. • Tits ILLIIIITILLTBD AIIIII7AL 01' PHILINOLOGY AID PIIIIIIOOIIIOIIT inc 1867.—Just Published, Contains—How to Study Phrenolcgy ; Names of the Faculties; •Hindoo Heads and Charac ters; Fat Folks and. ean Folks; Immortal , ty —Scientific Proofs • Thomas Carlyle, th e Au thor; The Jew—R acial Peculiarities ; zstiori and Beauty; The Hottentot; A Bad Head; Forming Societies; Matrimonial Mis 'takes; Handwriting; Haw to Conduct Public Meetings ; Eliza Cook, the Poetess ; Rev. Tames Martineau, tho Preacher; Rev. Dr. Pusey, the Author; Fronde, the Historian ; Thiere, the French Statesman; John Ruskin, the Art-Writer.: Rev.. Charles Kingsley, the Author; Baattfulness—Ditacience—Timidity ; Cause and Cue; Eminent American Clergy. .m3a ; The Spiritual and Physical; Largo Eyes: Ira Aldrige, the Tragedian; Influence of Marriage on Morals; • Society. Classified, etc. A capital thing. full of Portraits* and many other Illustrations. Price 20 cents. Address Fowler fit Wells, 889 Broadway, N. Y. 20ra Dzsiszor.—The rote for Congress in the adjoining district of Crawford, Venango, Mercer and Clarion is ss follows: McCalqont, D. - Finney, R. .1,624 783 Cranford Venango Mercer 1,068 Clarion Finney's majority 1,882 Mr. Finney run from three to four hundred behind his ticket in Nib - district. His Tote in Crawford county, the place of hie residence, is 121 less than Geary's, while in Penang° county, the home of Gen. McCalmont, he ran 186 behind Geary. 0/71CIAL Vora.—As one of our local co temporaries hu pabliehed a table purporting to give the "official" majorities at the late election, we deem •it proper to state that the figures we print in another place are . the only ones of an official nature ,that have yet been furnished the public of this section. We have taken special pains to mate . ,our table reliable, and know that no paper in any part of the State has obtained the official report from the counties not enumerated. ita.We are felling gout print., foot cofory, at fifteen cents per yard,. No. 6 Reed House. oole.-2w MOXILL, STIFII2.IIII & WILDZT. 166 Lams pee of Ladies' Cloakinp, at No 6 Reed Som. . 0018.2 t Morns., Swine. & WILDIY. $ For non-retention or insontlnence of urine, irritation, inflammation or ulceration of the bladder, or kidneys. diseases of the prostrate glands, stone In the bladder, calcu lus. gravel or brick dust deposit, and alt fre ezers of the Nadler, kidneys and dropsical swellings, nee Helzabold'e Fluid Extract Bu obit. if . aft. Iltilmbeld's Extran Bache and Im proved Bon Wash cures secret and delicate. disorders, in all their stops, at little expense, little or no cheap - in - diet, as inconvenience, and to exposure. It is pleasantly taste sad odor, immediate in its action, and tree from all injurious properties. tf air Shattered colistitUtioni restored by 114diabobro Utast, Botha tt 01=11 Oa the 4th lasi, by Elder E. C. Beetle, et residence of the bride's fetherla Waithiegton, Me. E. Et. Day, of , Mead, Ceiwfoid Co.„ to Mies Emily 8. Witheebee, of Weehlogtion, Erie Co. • . . Mi , On the Bt h inst., by the Rev. L. Belden, at the residence of the bride's mother v Mr. Rudolph Petit; to Mica Mary Wisner. both of Fairview. • ; On the 10th inert.; in Brie, by Rev. E. J.. L. Balton-at. hisreridenoe, Mr. D. L. Lawrence. of Ashtabula, 0.,, and Misslllattis L. !Judd, of North Bast In Girard. Oot. 4th, by the Rev. J: 0. Os. bore, Mr. Henry Barney. of Cherry Hill, and Miss Thrones 0: Scott, 'of Springfield, Pa, Oa thi 12th of Oot., in West Springfield, by Rai. L. D.' Prawn D. F. Fox, to bliss E. L. Sanbarn,-611 of Conneaut, Ohio. - In Elk Creek, Sept. 10th, sa the' residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. C. Joelin, Mr; A. G. Mallory, of Edinboro, and Mies Rebecca Joaliri of Rik Creek. • • In Springfield, 8ePt..256, by Rev. A. Lull, Captain James Compton,- of leadrille, and Mina Louisa Gould, 'of' Springfield, Erie Co. la Wayne township, on Monday, Oct. lath, by Esq. Smith,' Mr. Jerome Sherwood, of Chenango Co., N. Y., to Mite Mary Raymond, of Concord, Erie Co., Pa. On the 16th Inst., by Rev. Father Cerro!, Mr. Abner P. Streeter, of this city, 10. 31133 Margaret Hayes, of Union Erie co.,lrs. [Our frienttAbiter beiegis protege, of the Observer office, we naturally feel a more then ordinerj , interest, in his welfare. Although we regret to' lose him from the fraternity., of Hold bachs," we cannot help but congratulate him upon the good judgment he has displayed in picking out a life partner.. May their happiness be equal: to their expectations, and health and prosperity attend them.] DIED. In Wayhe, Oct. 14th, 1866, 4fter a severe illness .of fifteen hours, Seaford R. Smith, aged 48 yeast, 6 months and 14 days;; In Wayne,• OM: 16th. of Con s um p tion, Margaretta h., wife of, Charles E. Hatch, and daughter of Daiicis Mead, aged / 34 years, 11 months and 16 bays. At her father's residence in Conneaut town ship, on the Bth Septemlier last, of Typhoid facer, Helen, ageoB years, and on the 2904 of same disease,: Jennie, ' aged- •24 years, daughteta el Jessie and Harriet Mills. In Albion, Brie county, Oct. 6th, Ms. Ann Litchfield, wife of Howland Litchfield, stied 44 years and 8 months. • • Died. at Corry, On Wednesday, October 3., 186 G, Hamilton, only son of James Patterson,) Esq., in the? twenty-fifth year of his age. Deceased was a lyoung - man of tnuenallyl excellent character , and highly 'esteemed by his acquaintances. His loss Ls s severo blow to his parents anbrelatires. I= Paxton hisharnaitr ibu.T . Can hare their hair, restored to Its 'mistral odbr t. 31 Ming Rest's Viarraish SICILIAB 6aii Roma. It is the beat artlet lumen to Kenna the Left, peal montang its falling o 4 and making lifeeta, Miff, !mash; hair Maltby., soft and glossy j All who nse tt sr* unanimous in avardlog it the pre, at babg the twist hair dressing extant, and w.tbont 1 rival in Tutoring gay hale to lts Estoril color. Bessrii of ocausterfidts and imitations. Ask for Hairs, and take no othri. Pries VAL - 11. P. BALL & CO., 251saIms, N. 11., Prcipridi tom. Tor We by all druggists octlli tt P1111..4110 Op. Or . PAIX ALIM KAM .1; For preparlog, marina and beautifying thrElsq, and is the most delrightiol and wonderful arts to the wOrld over produced. • j • Ladips will and aloot only a certain eluordy tora. store, darrin and beatifythe heir, but alga a dedzable article for the toilet, as it Is perfileted With L itch and delltat• perfume, independent of the fregrtht odor of the oils of polm and mice. , TEE lELFLVIL:OF PERU A new and beautiful perfume, whims In 41/eaey of smut, arid the tenacity with Which 4t clings to the bandberehlef and peison 1s anegaalle j I The elms artelleator sale bb all diaggiste ann Pe at per bottle each. , Sent *xylem to any, addreu by the propiletons, ' T. W. WRIGHT & CO., oetlll-1y 100 Liberty Strest,'Nervr York.l New idvertisements. . . I OR SALE—c I A Fancy and Dry Bou cle S tore, delogla good bailing., , Floe !owl= roc Fe eueLosee. - . great margatn. lbw.. 1e...111.e - 11l health. For terms, dc., apply to - I MRS. 8. A. BALL, , 1 1353 Peach Street, Erb, Pa L K ra . Mourne, Mims:, tan rzAticz v Boys, ler Malt, aleklagor els. Proprietor of Ale sad lager %ovaries, and Mall waretioases, Erie, Ps. jr1768 U. He Y. ricVaiuro, D. .D. a., . DUTIIq. Ocoee, Preach EV. wood stofy terraWa Block, near corner of Reed Hones. oclfi-lyr STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, ' EDINBOJW„ ERIE cOr:s77, PA * This 10b0010liara excellent` mettles for obtalnl4, a Usorouets, neactJeal English' education. Ta• Stets u. slits those who letend to become loathers. A certifl eats from this Institut:on Is good for life In all parts of Pennsylvania, and exempts the holder from isaminatlas by eehbol einem, ! The winter term will open December 6th. For otreeler or e►talogae, Siddress , oat'? Ewe J. A. COOPER! r . GREATIENGLISLI RREDV, PSOTECTED BT ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . • ,SIB JAMES CLARICE'S OBLICWIt•TED IrEMALE PILLS Prepared from a Pm:Arlon of air. J. Chub; a. D., Phratelsa Extrtordinary to the Queen. Tais invaluable medidne leunialllng in the atm of all tunas palatal sad dangeroas dimmers to which thermals constitntioa is mehlect. It moderates all excess and so. moves all abstractions hom whatever tame: A speedy curs may . be 'relied on. • TO MARRED LADIES it is peciallarlyauited. It will, In a short time. bent Pre the monthly period with reaularity'.. CAUTION. - Mae Pills daub, east k taken by Nessales • • Adis, iks FIRST TRIMS , NORMS of Prersitaty, ISt thr seas roe to bring ea Afiscsrriege, bat as asp etAsetime tAvy aressfe. In all uses of Nervous and Spinal Affection; Pain In the Back and Limbs, Taigas on alight exertion,Palpita. Con of the Heart, Mysteries and Whites, these Pille efbeta ewe when all other means have failed: and al. though a powerful remedy , do noteentalst iron,allotnel, antimony or anything hurtful to the constitution. Pull directions ti the pamphlet around each packa g e, which should be earefblly preserved. Sold by all Druggist* Pries $1 per bottle. SPECIAL NOTICE. It Is the fate of *my valuable medicine to be coin. terfeit.d. Be cautious, therefore, and see that the Ist% tars "T. &M." are, bkwn in the bottle, apd that deo wrapper bears tie facalinile of the signature' of-L C. Ba'dwin & Co., and Job Mom. Without , which none are putting.{ N. —One dollar with eighteen tents for rods's; enclosed to any authorized agent or to The dole geberil agent for the United States and British dominion& JOB MOSES, 2J' Cortlandt BR. New.TOrk, will time a bottle containing aft pills, by return mall, secured sealed from all obserntioul Agents for Erie,' Hall & Warfel, imp J. B. Carver Zs Co: ooltt-lyeolv 2,940 LIFE - H EALTH-STRENGTH! LIFE- REALTII-STRENGTHA LIFE-HEALTH-STRENGVI 1 .! D IG JOAN. DELAillall)2l2 9 14 I : i" 1 1 SPECIFIC PILLS_ Aro prepared by' the Massimo.. 0 modem k Bazit pharroacoeutists, No. 21e , Ewe Lombard. Park, from the presoriptioo of Dr. Joao Delmarva, chid phial- to the Hospital du Nord oo Laritalsere. *LITYI2 OF 1600NOINDATION. ... .. itiy 6th, Gentlenien—We have mod the*Speeifie Sills" Made from Dr. Delsmarreeprescription, during revue rani out. in our rivals and public radios, and have found them &tont energetic and itaetrnt remedy in eases of Speamstorboes or Seminal Weakness, nightly, daily or prentalnre 102111110111; snail weakn, ss or ieupot th en *dal derangements of the nervous system; amber ems arising from secret habits and canal cream; Warn- Ron of the genital organs; yak Woe; affections of the eyes; *Line or *brick d art" d.potits the urine; *Milky" &whirrs; patentee of toe akin, with sunken cheeks at ploodWeslips; *pinched. features irregialar option of .the heart, and 1, In all the ghas tly train of symptoms arising from over am, abuses, Or ose, from any Cal" if the amens form. We earnestly advimi the, profession. and all, pinions suffering from say symptomatic or organic aff•ctions of the genitO-nrinary , systems. to use times pile. With high rasped, we Sr. yours most sincerely, ft A. Ritatfastatal e R. D,, D. Driaaem R. D., - Jun tavonws, U. D. To Gsrantitni dt Dupont, No. 2111, Roo Lombard, Net Sedentary and steams ow:patina, grief., auxtefko, or whatever ford. - to Impair Om vital sotto* of ;. he bride, dietresslni sad embarrassing disorders •of - th• id Ho system. atudent s, clew men, and :wryer', than fiee, who aro isleufally Odds to -them wrahlemus, should resort promptly to fall's Specific Pills. pamphlet, eont•tniegpartlenlam, with direc tions and MO* printed la Reach Orman. Opaxish, and Yegllsh, memos:des each box, and will be sent by roa.Astme of cost, le any who will write for it. 21 per box, or esteem for 26. Sold br all the prinelpal drunk% 07 will be Ma by rim% seesrel d from •all .Aserratlon, on memo of the prim .by any antherfsid agent. or 10, tbo sole parn al ageuis for Amen, °dens O. 1202114 k CO., 27 Cortisndt Pt., 7.1.. Y. Aufhmtted 'grafi, for grim I. B. Career k Co., Ball k Work!. oetlfPlerow , - ' ' 1 TEACHERS WAITTED:' , • The School Dinettes eg k k Cnek District trill Let at tin boon of Robert Hamar. &a. Waißaillb • w a nk,. the sOtb k ev of ociober Tut. to employ 12 onspotoot ton**, • toe the vista tom The hiened wore eintopstd to tesetters et exesektr. • ev sada ottbaltaard. , t C. C. IMO% t' 1 1 i (ATLAS, OHEAP "AND GOOD. ' • ; --, .... MUNRO'S TEN CENT NOVELS. 4 Th beethg, the Vuelsetkin of the beet UNA= *alb hen attsla.4 • Vonalarlty wesqyallsd by any publications La sae sonatur. They ate pare In toss = v .= Oar:wie:fraillooral tea nipaalois reg g eod sl i t! be ' i 1 The Heats& St Wealth sad Paiute% I 3 t'he Trapper% Retreat 42.. The &MPG, the forest 3 Patriot keghwaystea. 43 The Glutei the Woods. , 1.3 4 I=lrls of the Nome 44 flee eras, 43 Llau Ileartstaior 1.11 The Trunk of Tire: 47 Old roe of the Woods. I 6 /be Man Raters. 47 Mad Nike. _ ' 2 Marlette Tempts . Tempts. ' 48 Whine Headed Huta. 8 Tb. Death Peke. ea Blg Rested Jot. • 19 ludlau &var. 60 The Scout of Louglsland 90 Tares Catetur. ' it ItUverhealgther Delaware 1 t The Lthetsts Triumph. 53 Black IRA the Tropes?. 112 Ocean Raters. 38 Red Yea of the Woad. 13 Tory Dateritted. , 64 Grim Iriek, the oessyed 114 Toles titescum. - Robber. 1 15 Scourge of it. Slag 53 ladles Quen'e Renege 16 Tao Captive Maiden. - 36 Old Scout or the Cave. 11y. Lour Legged Joe. . 117 Big Snake. the Hama. llB Wild &outer the Roan- 18 Villein Jot, the Snake ; takes. • 119 The Forrest LOD.. 62 Steady Ithad..the Share 120 Ths Raiff vine Rtogent Shooting Hinter.. 21 Esttlesnalte Dick. 60 Gipsy Jack. 332 Illeketylo.n the Rorer. 61 The Seeenik-wani ci . 2 Theban* of nu Praia's. 42 The Scoot of Tippecanoe ,24 The Robber's Terror. 63 Sehlotertionose. . 125 Jog the' 8 erplet." 64 Bride of Wolf Glen. - 2r Lletfoogthe timut• 65 Ruffen) Jack, Trapper. 27 G l‘pt*yof Bunker Rill 86 S mit of Rio Grands. 138 Star Cheek the - Wild 117 Da lug Backwoodsman. Ralf Breed-. ea Clumsy Toot. 132 Squint 'End Bob. ' 69 The Straogete Gear*. 'GI snaky Soodgrasa. 70 Mad Waneg the Teases 31 !tolling Tbueder, or the Fortune Teller. ' Rival M'v enters. 71 Long Rag the Hinter. 33 Posey Ustehet,ths Bold 72 The Wooden Legged Spy 1 • Stout. 13 Laong - Lem the Squatter 33 Sly Sam, the Quaker 74 The Dlsek prophet. I SP/. " 73 Old Norte, th e Router. 34 Throe Derleg Trappers. DS Tiger B.e. ,83 The Fatal !taros:so. 77 Rero'utlortary Joe. 33 Bute Rent Take. 78 Jack, Buffalo (Metter. 37 Big-felle Niek. ' 79 Tom Turbtn. ZS rho Bold Scalp Hunter. 50 Smut o 1 the St. Law -192 The TOry Spy. noes. ; 40 Prahie Jake. , ' SONG 1 Pedal arty Song Book. 2 Yankee:4lla Boos Book 3 Madan Bea and Amgr!• gaols song book. 4 The Basra' and Moores aorg book. AB tbrer boolts are for We by all Nioradealea and Booksellers, and are seat pest paid on receipt of price. Tea eel:Meech i. GEORGE MUNRO al CO., roblishere. oetll 2t ' it? WUlta St., New York. HATS, CAT'S, AND GENTS' FURNISHING, G'OODSI WHOLESALE A*D RETAIL ! C. KOCII, 514 ',State Street, opposite Browses Rotel, Erie, Hu opened with • new and splendid stub of Fall Goods, which were bought for Cub, sad will be sold foe Cub only, at • =all ptodt. • I Intend to sell cheaper than an other house this side of New York. A.!1:1 ask la a call audios fir your. self. The' stock ebonite of Gents' Silk Iku, Gents' Cassimere Rata, 'Soft and Stiff Brim Bats, Gents' Brightins 'late, Gents! /lotion Hats, Gents' Peto Hats, Eats of all Slyk4t Boys! and Mena' Caps ofaU Descriptions . ; VAildren's flats and Caps; Gents' Traveling Bally Gents' Trunks and Umbrella, Geo& Shirts of all descriptions, Gentle Turnishing Goods Generally. STOP, THIEF. VIE GREAT WESTERN & AME RI CAN HORSE INSURANCE & DETECTIVE ,COMPANY 'Faye caught six stolen horses within the put week, and lure captured more horse thieves since its organi sation than any other company, or than all other com-' pailesrand dttectrees combined It bu a detective force eitanding from Pittsburg, Pa, to Consort Blain, lows. sod from Cairo to the - Lakes. It ha •-•-" eh Fuel or •terwore os, curt it anurorised capital o 000,000. It has over 184.00 policies in force, and la ths only lire stock Immure Company doing hardness in this Mats. 11l WARNER & GERSIM, No.l Park Row, fire, Pa., will insult gone home or cattle satinet death by dis ease or accident, and against theft, or satinet theft and death both, for lees money than it would cost to adver tise your stolen hone. We might. fill up the whole pa per with names of parties and certificates of indirlduals who haversorind blgouneration from this company for lost animate, but Wm from the well known firm of Loesch & Sterrett. of this plate, will be read with in terest, ithir.kshows.that the company is • costP.nY in fact as Well as in name, and that they not only pay los-- sec but pay them w.th promptness and despatch : We, the undersigned, hereby certify that on the 25th day of August we insured our milts livery amok, con sisting of 12 home', with Mears. Warner t Garnish, in the Great Western sad America/I Horn Insurance Co.; that on the 3d day of September one of them died of Cholic.tad on the 10th day of September we received a draft on New York for the full amount of the Inane arum. LGESCIi & arzaasn. Erie,Sept 11, 141. - Insurance am be effected in Waterford by calling on Messrs. Terry & Vananden; in Wattabdrg of Wm. Van anden; In Edinboro of raged?. Burnham. Very Respectful y, wAvYta & GERRISG. General Fire, Life, Marine and Rove Insurance Oftica, No.l Pith Row, Eris. Pa. rift. MANBLIALLPS CATARRH ISNOFFe—This Snag has thoroughly proved their to be the beet article known for curing CaTeleil, COLD re vas Run and HiaDeons. It ham been Pound an excellent remedy In many cues of Saga trim Dumas has been removed by it, and glatlllo has often been greatly' improved by Its use. It is fragrant end agreeable, and gives IBUDDI ATt DICLID O to the (tall heavy pains caused by diseases of the Head. The sensations alter using it are delightfol ' and Invigorating. It opens and purges out all ob enaction; strengthens Pa glands and gives a healthy action to the parte affected. Koos than thirty of isle and use ofDr Xarshars Catarrh and B• Snuff bail proud ite great value ' for all the common diseases of the head, and at this mo. meat it stands higher than aver baron It is recommend ed by Many of the test physician; and Is seed with gnat lineeees and satisfaction imwrwhere. Read the Certificate ' of Wholecale Dr:mishit:ft : the undersisnad having for many years been woman tad with Dr. Marsha's Catarrh and HeadaPhe awn; and sold to our wholesale trade, cheerful'e date that we be , three It to be equal, in every respect, to the resommendw tloturidren of It for the cure of Catarrh Affections, and that ft is decidedly the but article we Dave ever known (or all common diseases of the Head. . . - Burr & Perry, Reed, Austin & Co., Brown, Lamson & Co.; Reed. Cutler & Co., Seth W. Fowls. Wllsoo,Patrbank 4 Co.;Boston Nensbaw, Edmond' Al Co., H.' H. Hay, Portland, Ifs.; Barnes & Park, A. B. k U. Rand; Stephen Paul kr.o.,lsrael Minor & Co., NeCeason & Robbins, A. 1.. Bovril & Co., Y. Ward, Close & Co., Bush & Gals, New York. For silo bull Druggists. Try it. se92l`6s4y_ VONTED ,-, —BUSINESe,SI - To V ON the ale ef Melrosni great Steil Plate Engraring, "THE plum AT VALLEY FORGE f° Sold only by snbserlptlon. The picture represents one of the most touching and enblima Incidents record. sBl, the lievclution. ...trashlngton'a Prayer for the Satiation of his Army and Country." Pahlishres commindon given. A few ablt.and rape. rieccettom wanted, to employ agents, and to transact metro eoutmeted with oar extensive business In the different States. Pay from $l6O to $llO per month and expenses. Apply personally, or address with reference,' M. McCOON é CO., Pr IMI," of Sable:4okm omit, No. 97 Pink Pt., tlarsland; Ohio. Or to A. 0. Gillett, Union Mills, trio County, Pa. 46 - tq4o.3m• Minna wrings. ,gire WEIGEL ,& ZEIGLEE, , hr0i..820 State Street, Erii, Poutivania, Deslen in IRMO AND 11117310.t_ OCRFRIIIMNTS OF lIFIRY 1 , Fr44 . 47.461111 Italian, Pna•h and German strings of the, beet ity. Sole agents for Clattering k gone. Ifni.P. Manna's, Drucker & C 0.% and Raven & 'Raton% Plano fortes: also, the owletrated Treat & Linsley Cabinet Organs and Melodeon . Muria and Striareent by mall free of poilaige. all ardor' promptly attended to. Catalogue of Neale seat free of postage. GREAT BARGAINS -ill Wall Papers. CAUGHEY, IacCREARY &, CO., Baring determined to retire from the Wait Piper trade, arena, aiming their entire stook, tholoding GILTS, SATIN; DECORATION AND CONNOR fP AL L PAPERS AND BORDERS AT. ALMOST ANT. P3ICZ. TU. I. a rim apportunitr for porton' wishing to ;a par their Donau WI tall or next rights, to lay in their stork at • LIM THLN WHOLZSALZ PEICO Ws are crecrated to dose out our wall papas imam. disbar, to make room for 1111 tuerosami Mock of Book', litstkuurry, pictures, &tars traisa. ke. . • • CAUGHT, MoCRtAkIr k 00, adiU2d AT THE SIGN OF TEd: FLAG ! MONELL, STEPHENS & WILDEY, Paring midi largO - patellae In New York, Bodon, , c t and Ildladel r I; we are no* prepared to offer at 1 - ressonab:a p i our large and well seleeted srocK OF GOODS ! - BILK?, Black and Colored, Plain and Bipt; Merinos, Ringers Cloth; Poplins. Trench and Irish; Black and Colored Atapacar; Chinked, Plat:sad striped DRESS GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY 00E5. 5 The Greeley and Bennett songbook. Jolly Yellow's song book. T The Paul rry Songster. - 9 The Ballade at the Biro- - DE LAINE9; Wo,l Do LatzenWoe: Caton and Robe do Chan - ban , • -- LAM; Vali:miss a; Cluny, Ginpure; Point and Threat. BB AWL 9, Lona and Equate; Paisley and lirolts. CLOAKS and Beimputoosi Balmoral Skirts. A lame stock of Cloths for mon and boys woo. Woolen Blankets, iii qualities and prints. ; Canton Amines, Bleached and Brown. Flannels; Plain and Chen/Led:Bilk Waep Flannels. Prints, Fren:b goglish and Dotnes'tie. Remnant Prints, Bleteited and Brown Cottons Cotton Tam, Cotton Batting, Ticks, Deasnins and Stripe; Knit Goods, Hoods, Habits • d Breakfast Snarls, Woolen and Cotton Hosiery, Balmoral Hese, GREAT VARIETY OF FANCY GOODSI Our stock wu never so fall and complete as at the present tlme. • AT THE SIGN O.F THE FLAG, MONELL, STEPHENS & WILDEY. pRODUCE 3LtRKET. C. KOMI Would respectfally announce that they have opened a stole at NO. t2B TRENCH ST., BETWEEN iTH AND 6TH, ALL RINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE, Eir Orden tram abroad will receive prompt atten tion at the Lowed Market Meas. A , NZ W LEE'S PATENT. FARM GATE! , • The Cheapest, Simplest and Beat anaemia:len' for the purpose ever tusented. It needs Wheels: Pon; or Storm and works ender than soy other Gate that can be predated. ' Specimen, can Fe seen at John Dodge.* and G. F. Elliott's, on the Buffalo road. in Harbor Creek town ship; also, at reverst places in UM Creek township: The undersigned has been appointeeagent. for Harbor Creek lownelilp, aor .will be glad to give any Inform'. lion that may os wanted. J. A. CRO.IS. On the Kahl road, one mils math of Hereof Creek line. I sale LC F ALL & WINTER. lIIILLINEUY GOODS: - MRS. S. EL HALL Tara pteuare In aanntatelag to the phblie that the haaopmed a nev lore la Harmon's Btock,2 Squares south of Union Depot, Where the will keep constantly • large variety of /ifILLINERY AND DRY GOODS, frofsery, Cloths, and a mineral assortment of everything usually kept on hand in • store of the kind. East. ar nn stook of Goods just received from the VTIIOIII - ZED, CAPITAL $500, 000. : CAFTLAt PAID IN, VA)O,OQO, :. THE SECOND NATIONAL DANK • UM open for bneingie MONDAY. DISCF.MBER 19TH, 1861.. 4 In the Banking offloe now °erupted ler the Ifeithunre Bank, In Brown's Hotel Banding, north-east COTher or State street sod public Park. - WM. L. SCOTT, Fulmer,. fill C. CllRRY,Coprika WILL. SCO* _, 1 7,14:ert0,0f J. Hearn Co,O Coal Nolen JOS. MoCARTERJof 3M of Belden, Slla k McCarter Borders. • GEO. J. MORTON, Coal Des*. W. 8. BROWN, Arent Buffalo k Prig Railroad. JOHN E. BURGESS, pt Ihmt of C'emens, Caughey k Hurns, Wholesale Grocers. , O.K. CROUCH, of ilnis of Crouch & Bro.. Flour.Mres. di. R. BABE, clam of Barr. Johnnie rs Beaman, Stone Manatacturion. P. F. - FARRAR, Gray k Parer , Wholesale Greer. J. DRESTRAKKR, Grocer. ;Mk Deb. MUM& ic INDISPENSABLE VOLUME for 11 merchant, farmer or mechanic. A eon plate dine of informs' lon for the year. Volume for Mt . The Am. lean Caroni Cyclopaella. and Rey Mtn of Important Events f r the Year This work yes commenced in the year 1861. and IC published nee vol ume annually. in the same style as too "New American Eyislopaedia." Each volume is intended to bea eyeho pcWia of the material and intellectual development of the year. and anibranes the civil. polltlatl , military and Nodal &lett , of all omit:tea; liopeitant nubile docu ments; bingnitday; •taohnice, comments, anew" litera ture. erienee,aplealtare. mechanical inelnetre. e'c. In a word, it corers the same Bold an the "New AMOTieIIII Cyclopedia, bat each volume la Montimed to the results of its yeikr. . 1 1t. inn enterprise of Iminemse value to the and ought to be Lu every llbnay.Public and Taint., es an inesluable book of referenca—tAtles and Amu, Al bany. Now York. "We en conditentiv and consclanqourdy recommend the Amens/ Cyclops dises all who would have in scan nts and rwlabla Melo elf contemporary meta close at hand , and u ad'• rk of relerence."—(Erenlag Traveller. "It is indeed a most szesitent wort. It Is there'll' and reliable, at dJest each. work us is greatly needed. • faithful &modeler of Important erents.too numerous ter bb remembered, and of too meth amount to be [Clayelaad Daily Phiadealar. ap2l-17 811.1 by enbteriptlons only. Sand to the publishers for dream. ♦gents tasted. D. APPL E TON i CO, Pallet - me, r , 443 and 816 Broad's•, N. Y. OYSTERS! OYSTERS! Flan emmaeuced keeplat Pratt tk Cole celebrated Baltimore 0 stem which Merrill eitil either bj the rig or cue. These Oysters are cousidered the but in ihomartet. plied at low prim . notate, saloons and pirate families sup oeti-am EMPLOYMENT FOR BOTH SEEM Diablo" and rstamed 'Wins, widows and oiphans of slain soldiers, and the unresployed at both ems son. evilly, In vane of respectable and pollteble roplop: uwnt.lacnrelas no risk, can proem sorb 4y imoslng • postrpald addreead envelope for partleolsn to DR. , JOHN ri. DACINALI soP-If Hot 15.1 Brooklet. N. Y. ►/11!8118 ht on* patent znedleteo—.o mlled—that I ruin to be he every foully, and that le Carter's astraet of Maid Weed. Yvam these:oasts 'Web owns to ea boo those that hue and it, vs think there e* Do as doubt dab pod value. r 010204 No. f. Yet Raw. )11) 6 REED ROSE. I==l YANKEE NOTIONS ! And a .13;:adkes Duplex Elliptic-Hoop Skirts. BILMEMBCEt. NC. 6 REED ROUST Esept27.lo U. F. WORDEN & CO., EBiE , , 7.&.. Tor tt ut.rstrebase and ‘4Ol at BUTTER. POULTRY, fULR, to. cir The Mahout price in Cult pain for Trodae6. ranl64 THING. DIigCTOILS PRICE ASI) lITTIJI Or 11,-TDISO. In intro cloth. la Ilbra_g leather. Ia half Inch,' morocco.. luhs!( Runii, extra elt o 7.50 In run nor. kuVque, gilt Wires `I 9.00 191911 Routs, “ 9.00 F.. A. WEBER Sr, CO., 814 STLTt ST., T GMAT ETHILMOTHEII/NG TOMO, - • mot a WhiskriPtsparstlov ItUOPLAND'S dEltitAN BITTERS , Debility vomiting from any awe whaterim Prod:adios of the system, mead by MVO hilraddPif OrPentle. fevers or Warms of ramp ilia Solace, Wino; snide or female, adults or youth, will dad in this Bitten a pare Toole, Rot depatideat on bad livers for their almost ed. rankle. reecho . - DYBPZPBIA, And &Plum remdtlng from dltordom of dm Idma r and Inestivir organ, on mood 6s ' kOOPLANDS Gmaxw.Brmmam7 This Bitten Us pAtrformed came ear% sires better atiefeetten, bar sue latimay, bu More titp people to Taub for It then Any ether artiels in the kat. We defy -any one to contradict this assallon, $l,OOO to uy who will prOdlies.a tt publUbsd by ne that te not ruins. • 1100FLAND'S. GERMAN BITTERS, ears every ems of ebroelo or nereolut debility filt4 es of the kidneys. Observe the following nymph:ad malting from disorders of the digestive organs t. Constipation. reward Piles, Fullness of Blood to the Heed. Acidit of the Stomach Nasser, Heartburn. VW gust for Foo d , Fulness or Weight la the Stomach, Bout IM:stations, Staffing or Slathering at the fht of the Stomach, - 11wistualng of the Head, flamed sad difficult Breathing, Flatter:log at the Heart, Choking or Staccato lag Hensetioas when in a lying posture, Dissnees cd Vier loss. Dots or Webs before the bight, Fever atd Doll pan In the Heed. Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellows:me of the bkia and Eyes, Pala to the... Side. Back, Chat, Limb'. tut; Sudden Flushes of Hee, Boni nein the Flesh. Con. stant Imaginings of Eril and 010 Depreyaioa of Spirits. • RIXIMBISIL, that tads Bitten is zest alehoolle, contains no rum or whiskey, arircannot rusks drunkards, but to the best tonic to the world. Prom Her. W. D. deigfrislie ?utor of Twelfth Boptizt Gentlemen—l hare recently bash laboring wider the IE/treating effects of IndigestionotecOmpanied by a pros tration of the narrow system. frnmatous remedies were recommended by friends. and some of them tested; bu. 'Without relief. Your lloolland's °mean Bitters ware reeentmended by persons who bad tried them, and whose favorable =potion of these Bitters induccd me to ire them. I must confess that I had. an aversion to Patent Medicines from the ,"thousand and one" quack "Bitters" whose ocly aim seams to be to pains off sweetened ar.d drugged liquor upon the community in • ale way, and ths teadroey of which. I feat. Is to make many & COD. firmed drunkard. "Upon learaing that jonra was really a medicinal preparation Itself It with happy effect. Its action, not only upon the stomach. but upon the citreous system,try prompt and gratifying. I teal that I bare dome great and permanent benefit from the rep of a few bottleVaryerstfully morn. W. D. SElG nisp AILED, tto. 254 Thscluunason St. Promibe Estr.E. D. Fandall,Antstant Editor Chriattan Cluvnlels, PhUiubL I have derived decided benefit from the use of Midland% German Bitters, and I feel It snj prliilege to recommend thermos a most valuable tonic to all rrbo are angering from geaeral debility or from &seam arising from the , derangement of the liver. Yours truly, From Beet D. Demise, Tatar of the Pussycat raytist Church. Yhtlads. Prom the many respectable recommendations given to Dr. Etoodand's German Bltters,l mu Induced to give thtm • trtaL After ruling several bottles, l found them to be a good remedy far de: ditty, and a most stagnant lonia for the stomach. D. =RIM E. From Rev. WIZ. Smith, formerly Pastor or the Vineen town and Mi (N. I) lisptist Churches. Ereetett used in Mr family a number of bottles of you: - Mefferd's German Bitters, I have to asy I regard the= es an excellent medicine, venially adapted to remove the diseases they are recommended or. They strengthen and Invigorate the system when debilitated, and are use fed In disorders of the Lim, lose of appetite, ke. I an also reoommendedthata to several et -ray friends. whe have tried the., and found them greatly beneficial In the restoritlon of health. Yours truly, WK. SMITH, gen Hutchinson St., Pkulada. - BEWARE OF COUNTEREITS. See that the eignative of ".C. If. JACKSON"' le as thee wrapper daub bottle. Should you nearest &waist not bare. the article do not be put off by any of the intotkating preparations that may be offered ingi e tio an e. bat rend to an and we will forward, eemcrely by express. St Philadelphia, Principal OM= and alictory. No. 631 Arch reet, Pa. JONIPI & EVANS. ESneeesectis to C. N. Jackion & Co.,] Proprietors- For sale by druggists and dealers in crap town to the United States. decree 1). fir- HUBSBAL'S A PURELY 'VEGETABLE TONIC. INVIGORATINGk 131GIRNGTERNING, Fortides thesystem against the evil effects of merle. some water. NW sure Dyspepsia • Will cure We Will cure General Debility. • Willeure Heartburn. • Will sure Headache. , Win 171121 Liver Complaint. • Will melts and create a healthy appetite. .. Will levigorate the organs of digestion andoderate. ly increase the temperature of the body and the form of circulation, acting in fact as a general eorrobtrrent of the system, containing no poisonome drum, and fa THE BEST TONIC arrinuts IN TES WORLD. A fair trial is earnestly 'elicited. CEO. IL RIMEL ft CO., •Propriltom, Radios, N. T. Central Depot, &ma teen Ritmo Building Si HUD, SON ST., NEW YOE& Tor sale by all Druggist", Grocers, Ike. rjr YINNIG & HOADLEY, Erie, Wholesale Agents, and for sale by Hall k Warfel, Carter di Carter and bins k Booth. octlir6s. • - COAL. COAL. PLACE TO BUT COAL cniiP IS AT Coal Yard, eoraer cf Twelfth and Perish Streets, Erie, Pa., •ho keep medal:My oo hood Lehigh snd PPtatoo Agar ao.) lump and papered, Shamokin, Eig fd ore, and lint eau; Bitominon. (or grate and steam, and BLOSSBURG, PITTSBURG AND:BEAVER, Ow Coal is all retelved ty rail, ti kept on. Wy plank Coos. sad WELL fie d EMED BEFORE RELIVE ty. • , We ofTer groat Indictments tolartlas wtehrog to lay to their wheat supply, ego to dealer' perchlalog b the ear load. " Or Give us a call atvi se guartn tee to give rajldao• tom ja1y17413-tf pEciLLET Mlles AU claimant' r - ar extra bounty allowed by late acts of Congress. can have the mane promptly collated' by reeding their discharges to me, the receipt of which will be promptly acknowledged and .netructions yn turned - . • _ " :: AINCREASIi OF PENSIONS. month for total loss of use of either leg or arm, Instead orst. $2 per, month for each minor child' - ofd .m* entitling or seamen. Alm, other increases. _ ADDITIONAL', FOR VOL. OFFICRB3 OF U. S. A. 'these mor4s pay proper for all In service March 3d, and discharged after April Oth, fess. Claims cashed. Claims rev arrears of pay, Asa menetous, and bounty promptly eollected. Unequalled facilities for closing and complotibg cases. Allowance to caimans of war collected. Only agency in North-Ifeatern Penner n. nis where years of experience In the U. 8. berm Dry can be found, I re Mukha! fui tbe env liberal pairoraze bestowed in ilia past, we bone Or Increased el - misses d unre mitting attention to patrons to same their continued favor. Office In ,Farrar llall Baddlai. • . Addttwt, • B. TODD PF.IILICY, autt.rf • • Lock Bon 101, File. Pa.' rIPORT. PAINTS,I OILS, VARNISHES, GLASS, nen i pR17886.13 in Kris may be found at HALL '4 l NVARFEL'S DRUG STORE; Burs Er., Nona cr Peri:try Ilathig had otig asparienee in the trade, we us enabled to supply pantos with a nthetior quality of goods at the lowan , pric e. Dire stock embraces • general variety of imelthing that , Painters need, and those who give as their patronage tan rely on not being disappointed. • IllwOrdati let Parnishing tettldingi tad be satiate torfis CALL AND EXLMINE OUR STOCK. aultFly per zol. $:&0 , " 650 4 prEE imumirmuniE LEAD, 1 Will do more and better oath at a given cert, than any other. • 147 it. Manaracto red only by SMITH, rruoLssirs DRUG. pimp °Leis 1:1241.. Lad. II 137 North Third Street, ibbriXtAyiek LOTS. 1tAT111,1101416,—1 stem lad mat moth, if yen 'nth to mor.y. &West ths wat!loralma -04.. wh o will rend you. o lth , at now find without prink golonhte intormatlon.lbgt will sosbleyon to nue , 77 happily end gosedily. irregpeetiew of Sp: wealth or beauty This infonegstion will toot yang:olbn. ma It Jon sigh to merry, I will elmortally mad. you. AU let• tom meat!. ;eoaideattaL •Tho oegrod intorsostion gent by return Moll, and no mod asked. Address. . SARAH B. - royle..SM Greoupolat, Map county, N. T. MU It tura:due thus meets the meet Isom Wets and is Merger* ail* greatest. eras dad importance to W Wont* a Who's Rztraet of thoszt.W. ed. Thou• sande we teetify.to the truth of Able rraterorut. and an thet a I,*ll4it bit trial will imam, (Atha sew aged. READ !MO SAYS SO. Church. flillyis. E. D. YENDALL. GOLDEN BITTEUS SALTSMLN JE• CO.'S, , For Blurts=lth Purpose, BALTEIVAN a Co r • NITIONAL CLAIM 71GENglr, I Ea Pamir Hall Ballsllag i Erie, Pa. 1 SOLDIBR'S 'BOUNTY PIT TO 13IIILDWOO AND PAINTERS Ins Largest and . But stook of