The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, October 18, 1866, Image 2

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    (grit Oberkr.
THURSvAY. OCT. 18. 1866
. The Democracy of [ New York have
scarcely recovered froM the first painful
shock with which theVearned the death
of Dean Richt:nor°, when they are called
upon to mourn the loss of another of their
faiorite leaders. Jobn Van Buren died
at the age of fifty•air on beard the stearn•
er Scotia. on the 13th of October, while
returning from a European tour, His
health had been poor for some menthe,
.but did_ not assume a precarious condition
until a few days before his demise. The
career of Mr. Van Buren is too familiar to
need repetition. lie stood at the head of
our political orator., and was hardly less
distinguished at the bar. His social qual
ities were of .a peculiarly genial nature,
and secured at an early age the title,
which has always clung to,him of being
the "prince of gentlemen," Mr. Van
131-ren was the second son of the Presideint
of that name. Although a zealous politi.
clan moat of his life. he never held but
one Orme; always regarding the private
station as the most independent and
agreeable. He wad no • leas admired
among leading Republicans than in our
own ranke, and the news of his death has
caused as much sincere sorrow as that of
any public man who has fallen within the
year. - •
The e"lection returns ure still incom
plete. l'he Radical msiority in the State,
as, we predicted, is materially whittled
down as the official returns come in, and
the probability now is that It will not
much, if any, exceed fourteen thousand.
The Conservatives,' therefore; have gained
something 'near six thousand upon the
majority against them in the last Presi
dential election—that gain being nearly
equal to the majority against McClellan in
New York in 1864.- In Ohio the Conserva
tive gain has loeen still more decisive.
Lincoln's majority was 59.586, but at the
rreent k eleCtioe ' when the vote was appa•
rently as heavy as in 1864. the Radicals
: have no obtained more than 40,000 ma
jority. ndians shows a somewhat similar
result. , .iincoln'a majority in that State
in 1864 was 20,189, and now that majority
has been reduced below 15,000. We have
not yet reOeiveci sumpient returns from
lowa to - form &near estina-te of the result.
But there is no doubt, judging from our
adv w icea p that the Radicals have also lost in
sto s - RM. - vie amyl." ... —. , •
.1864 ) in "lowa, was 40,533 and the Radical
majority nosy is not likely to reach 35,000.
In all the States, theretbre, which held
.elections this month, the Conservatives
have made substantial gains upon the
r vote at the last Presidential e'eotton.
The smoke of the c ntest has not
cleared \away, but enough is visible to see
.plainly the same.remarkahlo state of tiff +ire
which has been seen in the North for five
years. The people are not fir from being
equally divided on the great questions of
the day. , There is no such preponderance
in the votes of the Radical party as tosin
dicste any great and lasting m'ajority. It
is one of the meat marvellous things in
history that for so long a time, from elec
tion to election. in 'the midst of the ut.
most excitement, through war, and peace
following war, the votes of the immense
governing . population of the Northern
States should remain so
. nearly equally
digid,ed ,on_ the grandest _ at:Lemons ever
ft - is plain enough, also, that the major.
ity of the citizens of the United States are
Opposed to the course taken by Congress,
and in favor of , the policy of the Presi
dent. Almost half the - people Of the
North and all the people of_the South are
agreed in this. On the other hanL . it is
certain that the minority of the people,
and a very decided minority at that, now
rule, and will continue to rule the coun
try until the prejudices created by the-war
will have-passed away. Boast as they may
of theif victories, the great fact is - patent
to all, that they represent but a portion of
A 'Union, and that five-ninthe, if not a
larger portion of the peop'e, unequivc
cally condemn the Radical measures. The
Unitecl States are now as, emphatically
under the rule of a minority as if the prin
ciple ;hat the majority should govern was
never known - within their limits; and all
this has been accomplished through the
very theory of State rights, which ,two
thirds of the Radicals declare to be unpa.
triotic and heretical. .
The correspondence published in the
daily papers between the President and
Attorney General Stanbury, with the let
ter of Mr. Chandler, the United States
Distt)ct Attorney for Virginia, regarding
the case of Jefferson Davie, shows why
the prianiter r has not been tried or releas
ed. The President notices that "a apecin:
term of the '', Circuit Court was appointed
for the first Tuesday of October (last
Tuesday two weeks) for the trial of Jeffer 1
eon Davi. on the charge of treason ;, but
that it.appear2 now there'will be noses
sion -of that court during the present
month, and dnubta'are express - whether
the regular term, which by law should
commence.on the fourth-Monday of Nov
ember next, will be held." He then asks
—there being no good reason, PO far as be
is - informed, "why the civil courts of :the
U ited States are not competent to exer
ci o adequate jurisdiction within the dig
tri , c i t or circuit in whickoheState of Vir
gi is is situated"—the 'opinion of the At
torney General as to "what further steps,
if any, should be taken by the Executive
with a view of a speedy public and im
partial trial of the accus 2 :1."
' Mr. Stanbury replies t at he is . ' clearly
of opinion that there is nothing in the
present condition of Virginia to prevent
the full exercise of the juresdiction of the
civil ecturta;"_dhat the "actual state of
things and the ' President's proclamatton
of peace and the restoration of oivil order
guarantee to the civil authorities, federal
and State, immunity against military cou
trol or interference," and that there is
"no neceasity for further action on the
part of the Executiie in the way of pro
clamations," He then goes on to tell
that Congress, it its last session, required
the Citcuit Court t Mho United States to
be held at Richmond in May and Novero
ber of each year ! and authorized special
or adjourned terms of that court to be
ordered by - the Chief Justice of the Sup
reme Court at such time and on such
notice as he might prescribe. He had no
doubt as to the competency of the Chief
Justice and the District Judge of that
court to try Mr. Davis: he does not see
what further action can be taken on the
part of the Rxecutive to bring the prison-'
er. .to trial .;' be suggests that to avoid
mistuaderatandizg an order be issued_ to
the commandant at /Fortress Monroe to
surrender the prisoner to civil custody
whenever demanded by proper process,
though in fact it was known to the civil
authorities that be would be surrendered
at any time they should make the de
mand. -
District Attorney Chandler, in his let
ter to the Attorney General, acknowledges
that ho was aware the prisoner Would be
delivered to. the United States Marshal
for the district whenever demanded by
civil rrocess, but his declined to remove
him from custody at Fortress Monroe be
cause this was a eater place than any
other to keep him, and berause it was bet-
ter for his health to remain there. That
is all the District Attorney say.. no does
not tell us why 'Jeff. -D vie has not been
brought tc trial nor when he will be tried.
It appears from the Attorney General's
communication to the President, howev
er, that some pretended difficulty had
been raised about holding the court, on
account of Congress having passed an sat
last July changing certain judicial die
tricts and making a new allottment of the
duties of the judges.. This change did not
take away Vireinia from the circuit of
Chief Jnstice Chase, and as the Attorney
General remarked, he was fully compe
tent to hold his court and to try the psis
oiler. It appears to us that this is a mis
erable quibble on the part of Mr. Chase
to shirk the responsibility of trying Mr
Davis or for the purpose of making politi
cal capital out of the victim and the ad
ministration. It is clear row that the
President is not to blame, and we think
it is equally clear that the Chief Justice
is, for thus violating the constitution,
which guarantees every man a speedy and
an impartial trial. We-hope, for the sake
of justice and the reputation of the coun
try, this disgraceful state of things will soon
be brought to an end either by . the trial
of the prisoner or by his release.
The, following are the States which hold
elections during the present year, with
the dates, and a list of the cfficern to be
chosen :
West Virginia—October 26.—Governor
three members of Congress, and Leghea
New York—November G.—Governor,
thirtyone members of Congress, and one
hundred and twenty live members of Ass
embly—Senate holding over. United
States Senator to elect in place of Ira
Massachusetts—November 6.—Gover
nor, ten members of Congress, and State
Legislature. '
New Jersey—November b.—five uarsza
hers of Congress and members of the
Stale Legislature. United States Senator
to elect in place of Richard Stockton.
Michigan—November 6.—Governor, six
members of Congress, and members of
Illinois—November G.—State cfficers,
fourteen members of Congress, and mem
bers of the State Legislature. United
States Senator to elect in place of Lyman
Wisconsin—November G.. State offi
cers. six members of Cougrei)3, and mem
bers of Legislature. United States Senator
to elect in the place of Timothy 0. Howe.
Minnesota—November 6 -I c Goverri l or,
two members of Congress, and members
of Legislaturr.
Missouri—LNovi_mber 6. —SuPerinter d
ent of Publi?Tradruction, nine members
of Coogrees,, ardtinembers of Legislator:.
United Statsla Se4tor to elect in place of
o.—tiovernor, mem
hers of Congress, and members of L-gish
ture. Tko United States Senators to
elect in lalnee of James H. Lane and Sam
uel C; Poineroy.
Neyadi—Noy. G —Governor, members
of Corpre.s. sod members of Legislature:
United States Senator io elect in place
of .141:13P8 W. Nye.
Maryland—November G.—Five mem•
hers of Congress, and members of Legisla
ture. United States Senator to elect in
place of John A. J. Creswell.
Among the other shams and falsehontla
of the Republican party, remarks, the
IVorld, is their assumption - of repre\sent
inn a majority of the citizens of the 1.713 i.
terl States. 'They have never been any
thing but a minority, nod are so to this
very day. C!aiming that the principle of
our system is the cum E.t. of noses,*not a
written Constitution, ey have-never had
the noses for them a
,iy more than the
facts or the law. - A parti..which gets the
reins of power simply 'Through - the State
sovereignty principley, and then terms
that principle a hereSy, itill naturally
enough claim the supremacy of the Con
rititution over others, and deny that supre
macy over itself. -1 _
If a vote of citizens!
taken at any time 'Er;
yetirs in •the United
of Statep—that ip, the
A 9 one people, not the
separate peoples—we
beard of the martyr
serted assassin Davis.
Take the constitutional amendment
now claimed as a pia:laces., There is a
clear haff-million msjority against it in
the United States if we are one peopl -
anti vote asi citizens of one notion ; but if
we•are an Union, there are more than two
States to ode in favor of it. Our system
is a very good system if men are honest
about it— if they either take it as it is, and
practice upon that the4)ry, or if they take
it as it is not, and practice upon that the , .-
ry ; but the juggle and the swindle of the
Republican party is in taking it when it
suits their purposes as it is, and when it
suits their purposes as it is not.
There is no wonder that the Republi
can party rolls up such msjorities in the
Eastern States, for it is simply a "Yankee
trick," with half a continent for its exhi
bition and fifteen • millions of citizens of
the United States for its victims, viz.: all
the citizens of The Southern States and
all the citizens of other States who are
not Republicans. It took the nineteenth
century to exhibit to th. world the Baton.
iehing fact, that in democratic America
little more than one-third of the citizens
could violate the.constitution at pleasure,
force a great war, hold power eight years.
and brag all the time about equality, boy
altv, patriotism, and the V Populi.
. -
WE aie gratified at being able to an
nounce that there is no foundation for the
statement made in our columns last week,
on the authority of a telegram sent by the
Associated Press. regarding certain inter
rogatories purporting to have been maitre
to Attorney General Stansbury by the
Ptesident. Mr. Stansbury emphatically
pronounces the statement a canard,
and further adds that there nevrr has
been airy conversation, even, between
himself and Mr: Johnion upon any sub
ject bearing in the slightest upon
such a topic. rho President also states
that the airy itr a falsehood, and any re•
ports that may bo in circulation that' ho
questions the constitutionality of Ciu
grecs, ire base fabrications, intended to
effect the gold or stock market. Some
rascal undoubtedly got up the thing es a
hoax . , and will be compelled to pay dearly
for his fun if he is found out.
The New York Day . Book aptly remarks
that "not a little.of the disastrous result
oP the late campaign is owing directly to
the halcin-earnest policy of Mr: Johnson.:
Tle . has . done just enough to irritate the
Abolitionists and to- infuse them with
energy, and not enough to weaken or die
arm them. Out of forty-four office-hold
ers in the Treasury and War Deplrtments
from Ohio, forty-two voted on Tuesday
the Radical ticket, and only two to PUP
lain Mr. Johnson. In other wordy, be is
feeding forty-two men at the public crib
who stand ready to hang him, a la Ben
Butler, and only two to protect him.
We . do not refer to this for the sake of
Fecuring officer for DPmcicrate, hut in
order to phew that it a man is in earnest he
must give that moral effect to his fictions
which shows his .eincerity."
TILE fate cif the nnfortun t to Fenians who
fell into the hands of the the
tirade of the late raid will soon be deter
mined.. The gran 1 jury at Toronto are
now engaged in finding indictments
against theria, and it is understood that
tbey will be immediately put on trial.
The charge of the chief justice to the
grand jury deserves nitice. He gave the
Feniins credit far theit-treirotion to Irish
liberty, but denounced the United States
Government "fur allowing such a revolu
tionary body to exist and attain such gi
gantic proportions under its protecting
(ogle." This is rather ungrateful, seeing
that cur government incurred much trou
'ble and expense in order to save the-Can
adians from being overrun by the Fenians,
or ro.kee vim-. • •
No that the election is over, the N
Y. T unc speaks as follows of our citadi
date: ,
- "Mr. Clymer,-their candidate for Geyer
ernor, though a thorough Copperhead. is
a gentleman of good character, old Whig
antecedents, fibre courteous, and a most
effective canvasser—much more effective
than" Gen. Geary."
The. use of the term "Copperhead" is
too well understood by cur readers to re
quire explanation.
Tau Dh:lortalphia Tztrigar bgp jt fallow
log among its special telegrams:
"There was an unusually large attend
ance of visitors at the White House today,
who were received by the President in a
more than usually cheerful manner. This
would imply, and there is other_ authority
for saying so, that the returns from _ the
elections have not disheartened him, but
that he is still persiaterit in the course he
has marked Put."
Rev. Maar' WARD BEICULR, on Monday
evening, made a speech in New York
city in which he, in effect, "took back"
the sentiments of his Geveland letter,
end endorsed the Radical nominees 'in
that State.. For rare specimens of "ground
and lofty tumblers" commend us to
Beecher, Raymond and Bennett.
ire Speech Trepan-if by - Forney
Comes out Flat , Fooferl for Nigro Slfirroge.
. When the returns on the 9th finer. , ar
nouneed the fact of. Gen. Geary's election
as Governor of Pennsylvania, the Rsd - •
cal club of Harrisburg formed preces
sion and proceeded to the Jones House
i n th a t c ity, for the purpose of serenading
him. After the band had ceased playine,
General G•sarv, who was loudly called for,
see ended in the following address It
hears -vidPncit'of having been prepared be
firehand, and, differing entirely as it does
from Gen.GPary's style, we have fib hesi
tation in attributing its authorship to the
Governor elect';; right hand tnen and
counsellor-in-chief; John W: Forney:
Fellotc-thizrus: As - the candidate and
representative of the triumphant Union
Republican party of Pennsylvania, I re
ciprocate your congratulation", and return
you my sincere thanks for thisgreetine.
It is indeed a noble victory jer • have
achieved. We cannot too fervently and
too repeatedly - offer tba'nks to Almighty
God for this new evidence of His Presence+
in the midst of our- national diffieultie".
The same.hand that guided us through
the sufferings . and death_ of a cause.
less rebellion has led us through a new
and even mere tremendous peril. The
intelligence of the terrib'e overthrow of
treason in Pennsylvania-,the sublime
civic sequel to the crowning victory of
Gettysburg—the second and final surren
der of the Rebel sympatbiz ire, will for
ever and justly settle many disputed
questions. It permanently establishes the
fact that the Government of the United
States is vested in the American people,
and in their representatives in Congress
assembled, and not in a corrupt Execu
tive. And upon this strong and granite
feundation we shall now proceed to forti.
ly against the inroads of time and the at
tacks of treason, the following truths and
could have bean
thin th'e last ten
i:tateo, irrespective
ote of the people
vote as the vote of
head never have
,incoln, or the re-
"That the Government of the people,
by the people, and for the people,
not perish from the earth.
"That cruel and revengeful traitors, de
feated in. battle, shalt not be restored to
ruin the country they attempted to des
"That when our forefathers declared
man capable of self-government, they 're
jected the heresy of human Slavery, add
pledged equal political rights to all their
”That hereafter the citizens represent.
ed in the State and National Legislatures
must be clothed with the right of citizen
ship. •
"That all the agencies of the Govern
meat, civil and military, must be perseve
ringly and sternly excercised to protect.
vindicate, and, if need he, avenge our
oppressed trothers in the South against
the savage persecution of Rebels who aris
en impenitent and defiant that even 'An
drew Jrihnsen fears to pardon them.
"That this obligation is as sacred' as
that which made the Roman citizen
strong and respected all over. the world,
and which stimulates the British Govern
merit to•ddy .to deferd British subjects
against oppression and persecutitn, how.
ever _remote and however remorseless
that if we must chorsehetween. them who
will not yield to the cer.tplerers' terms in
.the recent insurgant States and those who
have fought steadily for the Government
-and pray for its protection we gladly pre
fer the men' who offered their lives for the
flag 10 these who continued to acorn and
team IA upon it." ,*
The defeat of the aymnathivra with
treason, and the overthrow of an aban
doned and ungrateful Executive in Penn
sylvania. opens the whole Southern coun
try to the pt ogressive people of the north;
with their ten theusand intellectual and
elevating agencies, and hater thin this -it
secures to the resident loyalists, white
and black. those natural and civil rights
pledged in the Drearation of Indepen
dence and secured by the laws of the
land What Pennsylvanian who contri
buted to the resplendent majority we
contemplate with such gratitude and joy
Gen. Geary Serenaded.
r...;, ,
tc;night; will not feei , proud that to his ' 'NEM in 'Brief'. -
vete and to-his energy mephitid is indebt- ' --. 1 414.-----. . 1
ed for these priceless.blessings? saving A drunken man in -Alexandria hid $f
fortified these great truths against all fu- 'here he could not find it when sober. , .
ture dangers, it is ferias of Pennsylvania The President has is a proolamatio
to maintain the forward positionere hare reeommandieg that Thursday, the 20th day o
so proudly won. The , result proves November, be Observed as a day of- thanks
an intelligent people cannot 'be driven giving and praise. • •
away from principle by appeals to Prelil - A woman in Cutler. Bates' county, 11114
dice. But it fixes the, fact that more than
all that profligacy and proscription in caught a wolf, the other day. which hid bees
stealing her chickens, by the legs as he, ws
high places serve to arouse popular indig-, me di cs th r ou g h a fence, and held -him tilt
nation, and to strengthen popular convict another woman killed him with a pint). , I
tione. No tyrant in 'any age—not even. ,The population of the 'llititecl States iii in
that of Nero; whose infamy is written m - creasing si the rate of 5 1 million a year. , The
the immortal , pages of Seutonius, ever 41 ; Western and Northirestem
,States are near!'
scended so low in hislefforti ,to debauc h abierbing this popttlatiort . i
or reached- so high in, his efforts to des- Bixty-threw psesinger trains eame and Oct l'
troy; as*Andrew Johnson. Strong in the Chicago, every day,
-being the tyna -
-stolen power of a , betrayed people, he nun of thirteen or, more railroade, sod the
"stretches torti his area; paralysing where
be could not purchaser zed scourging charters for more have been procured. • .:
A little girlie Cambridgei fell down on 8e ;-
where he could not Subdue. Our State urday in the greet' on a eiate'pencil which el e
ass converted into a market-place, where carried, which penetrated her side and, it s
the offices of the people were proffered to
themselves as the piles of their ,own de- thought, reached her right lung. .The pencil
wart removal a short time after, but the patient
gradation, and where honest opinion was B ee i n a critical condition.
ostracizsd and craven seryophattey dißgust.
Two hundred and eighty acres of land Iyii g
ingly rewarded. Buf!ais attempt to restore
the traitors of the South and Co revive tee C. in Goshen District , Elbert County. Ga.. were
--, sold at public, out err for twenty-five dollar.
perhead of the North has proved to be a galvin: A horse was also put upi and brought nothin .
isnL a
t eleep 6ri :r i d g e ita at t li A ami ljai tO lwr a e h as
dar )17:• * -- n — ed • "--'"" At• the oinking of-the Lizzle Brown, Apla -
to 4 "'" "'"" ter from Kentucky, bound to Washings n
that they -occupied &fore. The Common- County, Ark ~ when awakened, seized his car
wealth that has resisted end de fi ed such pet-sack. containing eight thousard &Ohre,
bribes and such brutalities may well claim so d re.hed intethe ethic, where he saw a lady
the proud title of being, the fortress of "struggling in the water. Ile threw awes , hie
American freedom. ' But as I speak to carpet-sack anti money, arid, seising Untied ,
you I feel that we are-not alone entitledcarried her t
to the laurel* of transcendent triumph. en place Of safety.
According to an official report of the Wee
Indiana and Ohio complete the triumei- Department, the - number of Union prisoners
rate as-they competefor the palm Let us taken during the rebellion was 260,040 ;rebel
share it with them ai those who won the prisoners, 200,000. Number of Union prisoners
immortal battles egainet rebellion shared who died in confinement, 22,576, :or a little
eq tally the dangers and the honors of the over 8 per cent; of rebels who died, in Nortri
conflict. 'Now that; we have done our ern prisons, 4,430, or 13 per cent.
duty, it will he easy for others to follow--• The Norfolk Virginian 'says a bricklayliy•
easy, let us hope, for Maryland to hold employed on ie bowel buildibg on the corner of
the position so bravely
,and so bloodily Freemason anti Church streets, on Monday af
won during the war, and now sought to be ternoon lost his balance' sod falling a heightef
torn from her by returned, rebel!? and three stories Was caught in the arms of a bro
pensioned mercenaries ; easy for Tanner- ther workman, who happened to look up and
see to retain and ri#it the splendid post saw him coming. What is most remarklible,
she has captured from a double treason; neither was injured, though the falling Min
tray for Delaware to: cut loose from the wee of heavy frame, and the Other was.a mur
prejudice utidet which she-bas groaned smaller men. „ • * .
so long, easy for Missouri to add another The South Carolina Legislature has adjourn
page to her crimsoned yet immortal re- ed after a stormy session. The Illack Code Wes ,
cord ; and. above - all; - easy for the patri- virtually repealed, and all the, Civil Rights'
ota of the South to compel - obedience to Dill adopted, - except suffrage; office fielding
the last generous proffer of the American and being a juror are now extended to the
people in the new amendment of the - Na- negro. It is reported that Governor Orr Will
clonal Constitution.
recommend the adoptioir of Mb Conetitutional
- Amendment;' also, a new election of Depi1e
eentativew who can take the oath. -
Several gentlemen ofidistiuguithed politleal
influence in Tennessee, have just arrived lin
Washington, with a view to conferring with
the President regard:og the present eoyeen
mental status of that State.. The projectl i of
calling a Convention for the purpose of re r
espiring the State government and framing
anew the codatitution, has been very generally
mooted in Tennessee for some time, notwith
standing the denouncement of the, plan as
revolutionary by 4
Parson Brownlow and ,
official compeers. The delegation is desir us
of learning whether, if the Convention be at
tempted. the President ,wiltprotect it from the
violent,dispersal _which is promised _by the
State officials. .
General Howard has ordered the teats that
hrve accrued upon the,property of JeSepl E.
Davis, brother of Jefferson Davie, to be Paid
to him from and since the date of hie pardon
papers,. which' were issued on the 280 of
-March last, but not forwarded to him .niatil
early in September. The value of three rents
is not far from $20,000 per annum, so that in
effect Davis receives probably is full or near
ly as full en:equivalent in the way of riots
upon it, as !if the' properly itself had been
*restored to him.
_ 'II i
A correspondent of the Buffalo Expeess
states that-Rev. Mr. Lindsay was arraigned
before the ?eittereme Court, of Albion on the
27th nit„ on charge of manslaughter, and
pleaded not guilty. Liadeay was arrested for
whipping his:_own child, a -boy of three years
of age, th death. He was released on $12,000
bail, given by his father and brothers, arid, '
case deferrytto this term of 'the Court. At
the request of the District Attorney the Case
was put oreele the :tannery Term. Lindsay
is deseribed - as rattier below the medium else,
about thirtY:five years of age,and with a Very
determined look. lie fully justifies himself,
and devisees he was only in' the: way of didy.
A. serious disturbaries occurred at Cat ,' Is
land,' twenty-five 'miles 'below Memphis, on
rieturdsy.,About fifty Regimes armed them-
Ecasutb, old and worn, la depending on the
world's charity.
Grant and Desaregird exchanged saints
tione-in Central Park.
Tharlow Weed has Immo out in favor o
Hoffman for Governor of New York. -
A correspondent of the Washington Itepnb
ileac inquires jf Drownlow and Hamden' be
long to the "Infernal hew. Department." -
A Tennessee Badiehl killed his dog for
barking at "old Brownlow." The dog would
have died. anyhow.
A brats' husband, 'named Julien Dupont,
murdered his wife to whom he had been mar
ried two months, in Auoyelles Parish, La.,
last month.
General Butler had a narrow escape at Be.
res, the other day. A locomotive-ran into the
car in Which he eat, crushing it but lotlejor-
ing him
The Charleston Courier states thaL.JetY.
Davie health continues to fail, and that his
family are in serious pecuniary strait!.
Daring the Chicago receptint of the South
ern loyalists Long John Wentworth disgraced
himself by publioly appearing in a tre.nendons
state of litozioation.
Commodore Stockton died on Sunday of last
week, at Princeton, N. J. His death inat w
deep feeling of gloom over the- community
where be lived.
Mrs. Unbent Csdr Stanton, a noted wo
man's right feratle, announces herself as so
independent cendidate for Congress for the
Mr. Coleridge was' Once asked which of
Viadewortk's works he considered the prelti
rmr, when he promptly replied, •'llis daughter
Every surviving candidata of the Whig,
American end RepubliC s an virile, far Presi
dent or Vice President, except Hannibal Ham
tie, is a supporter of the Conservative policy.
In the Criminal Clan, Philadelphia, Jared
Ingersoll. a member of one of the "first faTi..
lies" of the Qtaker City, •bas bean .convicted
of stealing , books from (be Mercantile Library.
lie was sentenced to en imprisonment of two
years and ono month.
Miss Cirolino Brewer, aged about 70 years,
died in the almshouse in Portland, on Friday
last. She hid been an inmate of the house
for the lost thirty-yesis, being the oldest In
habitant. She bad not spoken an intelligible
won.' in all - that time. Having been disap
pointed in lore in early life, she made s vow
never to speak another word, and abe faith
fully kept her pledge.
A convict confined in the Western (Penna.)
Penitentiary, named Holmes, on Thursday
morning indulged in the most blasphemous
language, cursing Christ, cursing God, and
pronouncing Him the author of all sin, and
ridiculing the Bible. While uttering his bias
phemy, he Was suddenly struck down with
apoplexy, and remained unconscious until
he died at noon, Friday.
A gentleman who was induced to listen to
Miss Dickenson, was asked on coming out,
what he thought of the lecture. "Think !"
said he, "I think Daniel Webster died at the
right time, and before a °lrrupted public
opinion was willing to receive its interpreta
tion of constitutional law from the lips of an
old maid."
A ."prominent gentleman" of Louisville,
who has a very beautiful and -brilliant wife,
returned home unexpectedly one day last
week. and found another l•prominent gentle
man" in hie house, under suspicions circum
stances. Instead of making a fool of himself
wiih a revolve-, be quietly took
. his two chil
dren,went to a relative and at once Instituted
a suit for a divorce. -
A child of thirteen threw herself upon
lady in the streets of Paris,-with an "Oh, my
dear, dear &anti!' and,then in a moment re
leasing herself and discovering her mistake,•
she spologiied and went easy—and took the
lady's puree with bor.
Dan Rice'. Elephant en sr Bender.
[From the Utica "Obserrer, 2is .]
The big elephant attached to Dan Rice's
circus, that exhibited at Utica last Saturday,
concluded to go on a raid last night. His
keeper had confined him to the tent on the
commons, back of the reservoir, for the night,
and then thinking his charge would behave,
went to his hotel. In the middle of the night
the police at the station-ho.tas were aroused
by a man rushicg in eo excited that he could
hardly speak. lie deOlarod that the wild
.beaste bad broken loose, and that, headed by
the elephant, they had; made an attack on
Corn Hill, and the' the citizens of that local
ity were fleeing wildly for their lives, and
that hatted barely escaped to tell the tali!
Ths driver o• his elephantebip was aroused,
and on sroeeeding to the scene of action, the
elephant was found in' a garden, corner of
&eaten and Eagle streets. quietly mukbillit
cabbages, turnips, and other "gsrden. sass."
Somebody who watched his motions says fen
ces were no protection at ,all. He would
quietly pick up a length of fence and lay it
on one side, and then "lay Into" tbo coveted
cabbage.:. In a short time the contents of
three gardens had been' disposed of. and be
was looking about for more provisions, when
the keeper arrived and relieved the anxiety of
the inhabitants of that tocality.
. y hoop skirts at greatly reduced prices,
at No 6 Reed Rouse.
0018 31 Mona, Eirassaars 3 Muir.
armed • thecieelves and -went in pursuit." hut
after the death of their leader the' negroes
scattered through the country. Partiea are
new in search of some of the ring-leader.. .
The Grand Lodge of the Odd Felton* at
their recent- session in Baltimore, set them -
selves-firmly:Against every scheme of rallies.
lotteries or gift enterprises or schemes, of haz
ard, or chances of any kind,att a means to obtain
funds for any purpose of relief or assistance
foe any individual niensberer institution Over
which they I:YTS! any eentrol.• The total num
ber of members of Lodges in the Hailed Stites
is 172,176, find otHocampments 25,746. Penn
pylvania haelhe largest membership, '51,708
in the Lodges, and 5,914 in the Becampmeite.
Obio.le next,. With 22.t94 members of.Lcdges,
and 4,527 members of Encampment.. !
The hot:eel:old effects left at -the Arlington'!
%Tension bj General Lbe, Or rather the frag
uients remaining of them, were lately deliver
ed 4 • the party authorised to receive them.
This was dope, the National Intelligeceer Nye,
by order of the President. appears -that
nearly everything of any values:hats been Sto
len, and many valuable heirlooms, including
some of the family portraits, bad been purloin
ed. The portraits weretaken from the franks;
packed in boxes, and stored awayin the aline
loft of the mansion for safety in 1861—these
boxed - have been broken open and everythi ng
of deal value taken away, and the letters Ind
papers of Geiieral Lee nattered' over the loft.
, • !
. Last week our sea cosset -was visited by a
terrible gale, which has caused many skip
wrecks ancemuoli loss; .of life. • The cycline
seems to have been Of wide, area, and lasted
for some time. On the Ist, we - lead , the s pin
Sebastopol was struck by it In latitudel26
deg., 46 m. ; longitude 77 deg.;
_BB m. ; end
became dismasted asd water-logged', the crew
having to take to their boats, and, were denied
by a passing vessel. On the 4th; the British
steamer Queen Victoria encountered the hurri
cane in latitude 33 deg, 8 m. ; !longitude 170
deg.; 30 m , and foundered at sea—the crew
end passengers, taking to their koala, and be
ink, ultimately picked up by an inward bound
vessel and brought into New, 1 ork. -'Thbre
are many other casualties reported, but the
loss 'of the Evening Star is the most harrowing
of all. That vessel left New York for New
Orleans on the 29th of, September She Was
a new - and well built steamer; and had 250'
passengers ands crew ; of 60 on board. She
seems to have come within full, force ofhe
terrific gale which the other vessels report ed,
-as she foundered after being first disabled by
the heavy ea, Only about eighteen persons
are reported as having been eased of the large
number On board.
Gen. Foirept, the noted cavalry leidei,
recent meeting of Confederate soldiers !
Memphis tO respond to the sentithents of t
Cleveland Convention, thus heartily Indere
the President: i
title thought it the duty of the
- eland by President Johnson, eo,„long as
makes the,Constit u tion his guide. He el_
not steed 'by any man; of any !party lon
than this. He was glid to tee so l- die • num!
bee of those at the meeting whom be hsti da
sociated within the army. They hors together
then as they were 11011 for the maintenance lof
their rights and the vindication. of theist
eater. It behooved every Southern soldier to
stand by President Johnson. The war 'was
over—he would again say he was, willing to
clasp the hand of, any eitisen of the conntry,
and to assist in bringing about that time when
the American statesman can say he - knows' no
North, no South, no East, no !West. Gen.
Forrest was frequently interrupted in his re
marks by eathusiestict applause; and when he
bad t-' ken hie seat Oen.' Chalmera l was called
for and made an eloquent and peitinent speeOlit
relative to the tunes now before , the country
and the veitioo which Thould tie assumed by
the abldieraiSind people'of the South.
On , the evening of ths 2d, 1 'the steamer
Eaceting ,Star, froin New, York td New Orleans,
commenced eueountering a NATO gale,' and
on the Bd, When she was 180 miles mist of Ty
bee Island, :after ,weathering the storm fee
seventeen.henrs, site foundered,' carry ,dcrirn
with her.alliher pesaengera, over 800 in unit
bar save eevetween who sueneededAn empliog
In a life 1;1°14. Not'ons of thefemile passengers
was saved=their sex aid helplessness being
fergotteri to the hour of peril, and duds'
terrors wishing them easily succumb to the
watery element. Among the paesisnettirs weis
eighty-seven public' prostitutes, said to snub
ber amongst thin:Ethel most aiteeteplithed and
handsome* °MI, frill 'wen of New York, who
awasally talitats -boa that city to Sonthert-
cities, , to remain during the winter. In, ad
dition to tbese were the members of the French
Opera` Troupe, numbering silty singer' and
ballet dancers. They arrived in New York
- two days before starting on their second alder:
Mulattos voyage, and were en route to New
Wean te appear at, the Academy of' Music
during - the All 'and winter season. Besides
this troupe there were thirty male and female
eirtmaperformere, belonging to the company
of Spaulding and Bidwell,i who were alto
going to New Orley?! with bright prospects.
They bad, ---it _said all their paraphernalia
siege 'appurtenances with them, but were
without horses.
The news from Mexico is of a very; impor
tant character.. General Melia, in cbmmand
of a French forge, bad advanced on Monterey
sad defeated the main liberal army under
Escobedo, completely routing and punning it
toward, Matamorot. The espectathin , was
that an engagement would ensue st . tho latter
point; and it probably took }pleat on the 10th
inst. The f- roe of Mejle was much larger
than that of the -liberal commander,; and the
second battle doubtless resulted like the fir. t.
The defeat of Escobedo and the oecupatiOn
of -Monterey And Matanioros Is an impor
tant 'gain to the French, as it will give
them c•ntrol of the line of Ihe'Rio iirande.
from , -which Mejia was lately driven, and
also :posseaslon of ootiof the mast impor
t-ant eeaporte of the republic. The defeat of
Escoliede's army, the best of thO liberal
forees, is a heavy reverse to the liberal
cause. , .
The Philadelphia Ledger hns•publithed the
result- of its - investigations into the origin of
the recent, canard made. publio tbrOugh its
columns in regard to the' President's inquiries
into the constitutionality of Congrete. H. M.
Flint, a Washington correspondent, obtained
thb pews from a. person in office, and in the
idoeetigitims-explains the eve as follows :
"The person.kt office" told him that another
person bad told " the person in office" that.
be, "the other person" sista be had seen the
paper, and that hit informant about the alleg
ed conversation in.the White House, between
the President and en "intimate friend," said
that the 'intimate friend" had fold another
friend who had told mill another person, and
that this fourth person had related the con
versation to him.
. The city of Quebec; Canada. met with the
fate of Portland, Maine. on the 14th feat. A
fire brake out at fenr o'clock A. M., and raged
for thirteen hours, burning a large portion of
the city, destroying two thousand five hun
dred houses and , property to the value of
Ark millions of dollars, and rendering house
less eighteen thousand persona. . Four persons
lost their liver, and others were injured.
; Tile London +time, of the 4th instant pub
lishes a very remarkable article advising the
British government to amicably adjust, and
then discharge, the claims . 'of the United
States for damages canted by the "ravages"
of the Alabama. The appointment of an in
.ternational commission, having a -power of.
settlement and charged to "deliberate on the
rights and duties of neutrals in time of war"
le recommended.
Gold bas been discovered on both the-Mary
land and Virginia sides of the Potomac, in
dications' extending for about six miles on
eitber side of the river. Several companies
have been formed to develop!the territory.
7. The impeachment of the Preeident by the
'Radicals iq being diecussea in Waehiogton,
even to-khe extent of commenting on his
Medical. Notices.
Metanta. The decayed and decaying vege
tation of newly settled 'lands. when damp,
exhale a miasmatic poison which, absorbed
throligh the lungs into the blood, causes - the
intermittent fevers and kindred Classes,
which prevail in our Western States and Ter
rill:iris's. But this greit scourge of our rich
alluvial bottoms in the West, is now•robbed of
its sting. Dont. Ayer has discovered an anti
dolts which effectually neutralises its venom :
loati, combined in it a remedy—"Ayer's Ague
Cure—which rarely, or, as some of our neigh
bors say, never folk.. It is reliable both Rir
prevention land - cure. With it, men may live
with complete immunity from the- malignant
effluvia which has hitherto rendered many lo
calities almost uninhabitable. Those suffering
from Chills and Fever may-find in it imme
diate relief, and those 'exposed will find - sure
proteetir n from attack' by taking it in small
quantities as a proventhre.—Elll. Democrat.
: . "More Valuable th. n'Gold," is the eipres
pion of thoumnds who have been' cured by
the great French Remedy of Juen Delamarre.
Ilitodtieds of despairing Invalids - have been
speedily restored to hfrnlih and strength by
thq timely use of Delemarre's Specific Pills.
L. 4 ,e;..._,,,itr,„..1p,21.4.•‘th/ina.....eiut..destet-inut
headed, Life health, Strength.
Nanvous DIDILITT.—This is a complaint
very' common, eel ecially among females.
Ho , Bind's German Bitters never fall to cure
thil; disease. The - system, under its use, is
restored to its original strength and vigor ;
the appetite - becomes good. the flaring become
cheerful, and in body and mind you feel the
full restoration of health. For rate by drug
gists everywhere. They are not a beverage.
Oct. 18-2 w.
STIBICIINTI.—Those requiring- the assist
trucc;ehould use Iloctisnd's German Bitters.
7'bey contain no &echo!' or injurious ingredi
ents, and. yet possess great stimulistihg prop%
'erties, followed by no deleteriotil 'effects. If
you are suffering with Dyspepsia, Liver Com
plaint, Nervoruinesir, Lose of Appetite,' these
Bitters will speedily and permanently care
you. For sale by aU druggists. Not an alco
holic preparation. ' Oct. 18-2 w.
• A Fresh Supply of Coe's Cough Balsam—
the greatest remedy'for.coughs, coids, whoop-
Ing,cough, croup, and all lung complaints—is
received and for sale at our drug storey.
Coe'e Dyspepsia Care, the only remedy ever
disciovered that will Surely and permanently
owe dyspepsia, indigeetton, vies -headache,
and enable dyspeptics to eat hearty food with
dut fear of distress, can be obtained at all our
Sir James Clark's Female Pills—The great
English Remedy: Everybody knows the use
Of them. See advertisement.
.Chapabere & Dunn, between Brown's Hotel
and the Reed Rome, having to leave their
gallery at the expiration of their lease, offer
all kinds of photographic work at greatly re•
duced prices. Carte visite!, usually costing
$3, foe §2 • large pictures, °seine elsewhere
$2. for $1.50; duplicates but 75 ate. All
other work at proportionately reduced prices,
Work equal to any'other gallery in Erie. Now
is the time to get photographs at low cost.—
Call and see. sspt.l3•Gwa
MP Clark & Brother, Wholesale and Re
tail Dealers in Confeotionery, Oystere, Canned
Sti.tioaery, Yankee Notione, Bakers'
floods, Toys, Cigars,- Tobacco,
Pipes, &o„ ,
West Side of Pesch Ftreet, lSquare South
of the Union Depot, Erie, Pa. Also. Dealers
tin all kinds of Country Produce. Particular
attention paid to filling country orders.
(Jan.2B.lf )
Picrualit.—Pertions wishing to procure por.
trims of themselves or members of their fam—
ilies, should call at the callery - of Mr. Ohlwiler.
in Hosensweig's ,block. His specimens of
work convince us that he is tin artist who has
few superior's. _ The throng of visitors to his
rooms are an indication that his merits are
daily becoming better known and-appreciated
by the public:
air The Elk Advocate is the . only paper
published betwe!n!Wayren_and Lock haven,•
with. one•exception'. Businessmen in our city
wiehing to extend their trade in that direc
lien. will find it ta their interest to patronize
its advertising columns. Address, "Advo
catei'l Ridg*ay, P l a. sep2o4tp
tharD W. Butchinsourilnited States Claim
Agent, Girard, Penna. Pensions, Buie Pay,
flondty, and all other elaidas against the Gov.
eminent attended th'with promptness. Charges
reasonable. Appl&ations by mail attended to
the sa me as if made in person. ,(jalB Cm.)
, Dt. KAINZR, Fedtral Hill;seleets remedies
fro i m ym ai alm systems, and cures his patients.
Da. KAYSER, Federal Bill, South Erie, Pa.,
*am' experienced Surgeoni j712.8m
11..tresa, Federal• 11111, will describe
yourdlsease correctly. jyl2 8m
COMIIIIOIIII aab . 11:zrf am= op so hress.m.— ,
Mashed for the basal sad Nis CAUTION TO YOUNG
MIN. and Mimi, who sorer hoe: Nervous Debility,
heeketars Docay of Manhood. &a s sandytug at the
muse Woe Tau Nun as flocs-Ctoua By ea* who hem
mot himself of unhirsoiss coustdirable imam.
eaclodus a postiold eddresee; eavtiopeogosts sop.
troe of charm may 14 had of the author.
MOON NeidAm, inn. Ow. N.H.
Would respeettdlly eiil the attention at oar
s mut the salytte seoenilly to oar Is r -
teloeted stock, eosueUng It *al eru
41 41 ; n '
Flannels, Brown rind Bleached Muslin'. Stripes, Denims; Ticks, '4l
Shawls, hoop Skirts, Small Wares, &c., Wall and Decoration Pape r , ,Z l b - n
'dere. The largest and most complete stock in North-Western Penn's,
, .
rAp Es ,
Tan. Plir. Ingrate, I, ollteil Woo ', ttag and Hemp. Velrlt and B-tmell, Watts and Rep of all dr"..%
C otLe, from one to els yards tilde; Coco, Can, ant Canton tlatttols of all srldt 8. • 1t , T.,,,,,,,,
These j u stly Celebrated Sorting Beds. flair and Sourau Mattrams, which tre tint run, ,a,,,,",
the trest, eo,stnetly on hand and made to order, Bedding' of err," detain , o. oolutiti,-.7 ,
4% 'a,
Toilet gaits, Colored an 1 White Blankets Com 4 ortera plllO.l an t..;,pd:oe •' •
i d,p,, theete,,,kl.. always! on hand. Also, Lin Geese
Feathers of the best guilty. , •
Laos Curtains . ramash Repos and firooatalle, Corfains mad* to order. Cornices-611k R0raw00?,14,,,,
oak and ornarostate. Stair Rods of all Mods. In • word, evert thing taaalty kept la a ent., - -4 'N"
and Hoop Funktidili:f,Establiibuiliat COatalt your Intsrest. and buy yottr- pod, -
' where :ils can dud the lavrt asaortmeat. which Is at ths•orLa
...S, price cub stony of
• - • '
• ,
.11. B. Mercier. Jain Diessos. Jour T. Stria'
DnY . abotis
SETyE " III4 . R, 186
ruszwr Tax=
Now complete. awl ferrite the attention of Dealers to
their ausfully selsaitd amortcoaat of
. '
The freposilillattaations fp vales at all description,'
of Iterehandlier, renders its matter of espkeial propriety
that purchases shduld be frequent, and therefore the
_purest market bssonkes the one beat adapted to supply
ing retail dealers with goods they sell.
Yutchasers fella .Westetn Penesvirania, Eastern Ohio
and Western Virginia, ate invited to visit Pitteburgh
and inspect this Stack et Goods, art ieh will be kept dor
' log the season.
Tema, Net
,Cash, and Prises Reasonable
AfeE.4l2OY,- DICKSO'N & CO
1 , 19. 54 WI) aura.,
D' ..r.iLlioTr , tl PI LL.g.
Coarposied ' f- highly Concentrated Extracts from
Boots sod II of the snidest medical value-prepared
from the ori - preeeription of the celebrated Dr. 'W
itbelt, 1.114" by him with remarkable semen for
twenty scan.`,- An infallible remedy In all DI3E e 811.21
of the LIVER, cr soy derangement of the DIGESTIVE
- -rney 1,1:11.3 !narrows. Dyspepili, Bernfole, „Tin - odic° ,
Biliousness laver Complaint.
Thit'wellArithrn Dr. Mott says of these PiUs r .. I have,
need the formula team which your Pills are made ' to
my practice for o AF 1 2 years ; they hsre the finest of
feet upon the :Liver and Digestive Organ, of any midi.
clue to the w7rrid,and are the most perfeceTatuative
which has ever yet been made by a eybody. Th ee are
safe sod pleasint to take, but powerful to cure Their
pareetmting propertles - stimulepe the vital activities of
the body, receive the obstructions of its organs. parity
the Vood, and expel disease, They purge out the foul
humors which breed and grow distemper. stimulatl
sluggish or dilordered organs lath their natural action,
and impart a healthy tone with eta smith to the whole
system. Not lonly do they ture the every day corn.
p slots of wverzybody, but also formidable and dangerous
disease; and being purely vegetable are free from any
risk or harm.T
They create . pure blood and remove all impurities
from the orystint, hence are a positive cure for Fevers,
Headaehe, PiJea Iteretirtal Moues and Hereditary
Humors. Dows—for adults, one Pill in the morniog ;
for children soder A years, half a Pill.
Price One Dollar p•r Box. _Trade supplied. o, sent by
WO, post paid, to any. put of the United States or
C on receipt of price. Slone ganuine without the
tco•aimlle slynature of V. Non Talbott, It. D.
VAVOTT TALBOTT it Co., Proprietors,
0c.5415.1y No. 62 Fulton street: New Pork.
These Drape are a ecirntidcally compounded fluid
ereparation, and tatter than any pins, powders or nos
trums. Baling liquid, their action is direct and positive,
rendering them a reliable . , speedy and certain serene
for the cure of all obstructions and eripprualotui of no
tare. Their popularity is Indicated by the fact that
over 100,000 bottles , are annually mid and eonsumed by
the ladle" of America, every one of whom speak in
tree itrongeit bums of prime of their great merits.—
They are rapidly taking the plug of every otter fatale
thusand are conedered by all who know aught cd
the same; safest and most infallible prams-
Mos la Um acrid, for the curs of all female conalsiuts,
the iszeinal of all obetructons of nature, and the pro
motion of health, mentality and strength. Explicit di
rections, Ealing when they may be nad, and explain
lag when sad why they, should not, and a tad not be
used without producing 'Eerie contrary to nature's cho
rea laws, will be found carefully folded around each
bottle, with the written signature of John L. Lyon,
without which none are genuine.
Prepared by Dr. JOHN L. LYON, 19t Chapel street,
New Ravin. Conn.,erho can be consulted either per
socially or be ( enclosing concerning all
private diming and
female in/ILIUM&
Sold by Druggiats every where. ,
C. O. CLA.RKk CO.,
no 7 ell• 1 7 Gael Agent, for U. S aod Canada.
P. P. J17D1103. a. WILDE:IL
ups o ist & WILDER, •
Yeaafastarers and Wholesale Dealers In •
Trairrford, Erie Co., Pa
rir °Mari by mall promptly attended to. -
QTR./MGR, BUT TITUS, •That Sarsaparilla and
Bnrdock.Crearri of Tartar and Sulphur Red Pre
&piffle and Brimstone, all WI to cure this modern
mongrel Itch, now so prevalent throughout the eoun
try. But this Extract of Dandelion and Bitttr-Sweet fa
just Ma - remedy for it, as It acts on the liver stimulates
all the s-eretk as, opens the pores of the akin. and In •
natural and easy way throws out all thick, viral& poi
sonous or impure matter, and leaves the circulation
free, the blood pure, the skin dour, the complerJon
char, and the Thole system - N w
o from dhow. It is a
utedlidne that 'cannot to used without benefit.
. .. -
Letters of A?mintitiation on the estate of John P.
Redlich, daoraamLlate of Greene township, trio county.
Pa, having been granted to-the underslgned, notice to
harsh. Ono to all indebted to raid estate to male im
mediate payment, and thous bovine claims sealed the
mime wilt present them, duly anthenticated,br WU*.
meet. . .
B. L. PCSNET, .1
0e441w ' Administrators
tie City Iron Works :M. Fa., No. 7 1 30 -
U. • Augus •
'Girard Oil Company'. Tenn. 16 6 7.
October 1. MIS, Pa mottos, G.o. W. Gunnison. EN"
appointed auditor to maks distribution of money made
nu abevc stated in. Ti. E'er set All pentane Intended
in the akove stated ease ue hereby notidid that / will
attend to the duties of my appointment at 01 °Mee ln
Erie. on Friday, the 213t1i, dew of October. A. n lags, at
?o'clock p.m.. • GEM W. OIIIINISON,
oct4b3t Auditor.
la Pedlars, Cosa tryltoree. Drepriatl. and all essider
an beserable aed wettable badness nes for 86 eta.;
shakeup, de per des. Cumin, molls. from $6 o $ll
stall et
142 :is DOWD. Masers,l96 Water Et, E. T.
FrXTCEWC summit, 100 U
107031.111711 AT Law,
Fria/111a, Pa., atm • Is Ewes balding. Liberty stmt.
PitholeCity. Pa.,012a0 ever WAWA Dank Bohadan
Osikottson ywwwiefisade to ail pelt di 'MMO"n
em. lb
Comfortable new two.ateiy house as llabs4,
P. Pr B. railroad, lot 601165. Iries
The two-story well finished hear., bats udh+
lot.of Bander Boyles on west 6th street Prot
ThsWelf finished find clam house! tbelat s .
Reaaqf o - nth street, I.trees Meta and
imitates. ' ..
One am of land. a 15; Pt.*. IW.IIO
barn in Green Tp. Price VW
One acre of land; goe cattails hoaxln fasfistr
rooms; tam; trait s Aie: di: tulles east 4
Cne-half lity tot nn oth Sheet, be Itr. t
Clieatant. Price $l.OlO.
lionsason French St, south of Park. toy.,
and cheap.
A deallato e twoatoryframe home and bipay,
of gronnO, on Basaafrefstrestrufr the eMtrd?t.
trice $1 Ow. •
The due large dwellinr Lome 0nfri.J1.1.4,..y.
french street, corner of eftond. Bout :laz a
complete repair. Yrice low—terms easy.
Past class three artery brick dvellisroa Nacre
wart aide, Owned eomp'ete, sod alt be sal a .
We haves comba t s! very dealrab't ;Orate neva
for sale. worth frum 0. 000 VEX.
The first olive Mich dwelling oa sea flit et.
of Chestnut. Two Mt.! int; inch ten; du frau
shrubbery. Altogether the mc desirable Piece oh
hag Price $16;000.
The dwelling of W. J. F. Litetel, awed lhkh.
A two.story, west furnialsed darting an euttA ,
Lot 49 X ICO- - Well fruited.
Two taw dwellings on Peach St, earner of V.,S
ebbed complete. Price of sonar bowie, .
doable hoagie SI,SCO, or SI 000 ior the ore tat
cheapest dwel Inge offered lot tat, to the city.
Lot 00 x-120 &et, on weld Bth St. wrnir of hay
Finest building lot In town. Price $5O per hat
I of 40 x 445, on Slate St., nom, Boyles Pau it,
per foot.
Four first c 1& building lots of oth and %bits:
West side. a part of the estate of Dr. Hall. tb,ll plc
la all Mote batty. and very &strati*.
Bosizeo prowl. for taie.-82N fret fp ct to.'
between Mite and Pesch. We col sell thin pot ,
Two choice dry Lots on-Fourth street. Li ie.
Chestnut, 41 feet 3 inches by 100 feel.
We hue., 1.1: $ number of Enilding lots Woo
and Buffalo ghetto. between Reflood sad Germ i
high gravel ground and very deplorable
Tea Building Lot", corner of Eleventh Ind itr
We offer for vale the eve acre lot :on
rhutnnt sod Buffalo streets, to lota to sit tr
On eery tart e.
FOR SALE. number of the finest form hill
and "labor Creek tps, at prices frOnt 575 to I.
acre. --
Building Into on went lith street, bettrten litre
Chestnut. Priest 25 pm. foot; 53 10. Vert t
81211101104 lota Irons 2U to 2' feet front. on Stets
CORWIN Of /0 and 11th. Also 017 the 110rOtt of
oft tot.
Farm oFIOS &eras in Hataiote l reek ox the tita
containing tam. t um, ko Frier Sls[9 Caw
Farm of C. N. Stark, in Barborereek. 116 to .
containicg tam and orekard. look
♦ Farm of SS ecru in Chautauqua county, '5
111119 l located Within three miles of the talon
About TO aeres improved; a exit claiss'direfic.L
Rood bents and out houses, crania u
frutts—applee, peaches, plums, ete..
Twenty scree of Farming laed and 10 arrea ir
lot. gto 4 miles east of the city. on the Lebo
Price $l2O or sere—will sell the 20 sties ales.
aired. Fine tarn oa the 20 gem.
- 1n lialborcreek, on Lake road, coonol bill. '
5 4 acres Good toprOvements• $ l 4 O MIT scry
• Osborn farm, tour 6111111 "Alt ci EMS, on Lib
Fine Mtge house; good improver/vents. .
• P. F. Hardee Tarn near Moorhead Ratio:l;lP •
first elite improvements; good a 11. Positiviry •
ry that the o 'Ter aborild sell. $55 per mil
C. G. Walker farm, near flartormeek gest
ease two story hone.; flee good barn.: 12 we
lot; 750 grafted apple trees; troll of all tied.. -
house, to. ' Vary cheap—terms easy. $75 per es
Mili ProPert7 of aikinuel Weigel. eve miler fra
TIOW ITSIiOI2. two Cain from Mateo Corm,. 1
n 2 1 ,14 UV WWI an d led mill. le acres trzlial;
bopsee; mzod onehard. Price $7, 0 0).
RaYg4 &
gertte and Nolen in &Ilia
jaWitf. Warne Block.
Pimlonhs Blooming Can
Planlonhe Night \ BloOming fa*
Phulmes a "Night Bleemingtors'
Phulanes "Bight Blooming fns
- A most exquillte. delicate. and Frawast
/Lolled from the rare and beautiful !we
which It takes Ita name.
Manufactured only by •
PELfLON do SON, New Tea
The widenlgned having been dal! toszaces 4
the Governor of the State
The name sod Gres
GREEN & o''4.t°• it, On State street, oppodte the Pottofflo, sr i t,
be (mind at all timer. Parties harlot int
pose alai Public or Private Sale, mn n!tz;,,
yentas* to entrust them to to. • Put d u " 4: : 47 41
to anywhere to the elty. Corrigrwrou
solicited. and prompt settlements cede ,(ter
Auction sales two cafe in each stet, en,
Without hi). sod I would reepeetiolle oscestslr_.
. 2 v ,,
m/1 good. to dispose of. to cotty cre c air•
so that I can sell.them on the above dors.
C GRESN k 011 0i*N.. "3°1131"ed • I'f' es:. 17 !
Auction & Commis/ion tar: hoots.
T 0.131 A cc a AN-I) Q Ali
Everything In the Tobacco Itas—Citto, r,,,,
Mtg e . - Cigar cases. Meerschaum rive lio!eio. 0
wale kept on band. Oar variety ie w lee
rail to
b• Ma gu rti tt ct . ar attention aed o 11}1
rods warranted to be what they Mt sold
ULM 1. STIR-VII. (Fis.Tef).l7) JAVI S. .6.
QTKA NUB. BUT Tltlll3.—Tel7
itentliman in the United ',Wee ceultnra•Z
'Y cinch to their advantage "by return 10 1,
ellaraw) by addressing the undmignol. 17•4!!!,.,0
tars Of beta( humbugged will ololge by not
Ord. AU others will please address their otedtw,"
ad; vioq. T. 0110,1 N..
deed3ls4y. rat Bigsbro."
as, cutusrux & vamt;,.
Dallas In
t st Tos
Sues bud a Jaw saartoom 04
”Night Blooming Ctrs
lasi bs.liarket,' go to