ONYTINIE RATIONS/ 4. InGui s cosctrynATED.• commtirD EXTrt_ACZ BUCHU, rPccinc nezttedr tc!!' Mums of the y.. .111.1 Dr,paical Bweatars. r.:.-Tztes MC poach at ,dtgestloa,azgi 1 tG bcatby C;CtICIA.bi %tab the c: - eczecitlc=, WI SP =MEN CD. - • ca p.tatlidUld*MlA. cc vG4lca, andlnA. =I e a i ,...,-z 0 ; , 1.A...., LI.IDOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHUI Lou. etrisiolit Ai:6%Ni with the ,"=7 :e,". NV..:::(...1 t) r Ler: ion, Lots of Powea, to: Cr 7Z=.o-:-. , ll:henlty Ofpnalhlng, T:ech::erres, T'eßtb/ 122 r; :1 fie: 7 ," .4- n:3a.:....:, ruliefutaces, p:clut4w: of Vh:on, ro:n In tte Slack. ilc t 1:0ne..., 7: - ..uthag of tho Body, 177-Ic., rt tr..e, '4.....1. Eceptlona of thence. roi7cr a. 1,..., i -,.•:, 1 , .,: ad Countenance, EMtl=l coon (whlcri thl3 Mei& en, ;11.10:1117 ~..C.(lQt.:low • TITS, ttc.. of N.. 11,0, • o- patent n•_,:ty expire. TatO can say ~te 1101 , ........ r(AItANd br those "d/refta 1.:7 • r•TY AND COITMIPTIO!:? r.ro ft".: cf tho caul,: of I.',ar Ltlating.btli 001:10 .1 I,zords of t".= L....n0 =yin= on?:1 the coasulaptio., bear amplovitnoso to . r L..- . o:cc.Wtectedbyorgantaccalmess, t o atm:schen and thirighrhte n Z.T.Y.; =TACT Or ntratlT ::11 SUS convince the most sootiest, E3Mill tia prey uCcetiora peculiar to Petunias ttaequaleti I.y any other rem -• entr.;Llnts Itteldeut to the E.C:i..orin the DEMME, OE CILtigGE OF WE. Lir Sea Snawrotts Anorz, Mr - No Family should Do without 11 41.11erer.4", or trip csaant taadlelas lbi itottlerisaiit azialtangaroTa; kiELiißbLE;',3 EXT4ACT AST)" D.Z3PLC)% 7 2E) ROtI.E ZY'AtIN Cures Secret Diseases all,tbetr stops Wei° expense, little or no change of . , t; inconresitcnee. taut 1:0 EXPOSITS& USE HELMBOLD'S F. X.TR ACT ,BUCHU Ect en &Zealots and diseases of three organs. what= EXISTV.6 ALE OR FESIALS, from °listen, cum °Mensal:L..lnd no:utter bow long staadlng. Diseases of thew organs rociatro tZto aid of diuretic. .HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT RUCH Is the 'Great Diuretic. And it t, eertatn to bare the desired diteti In $ll attall;Ci torecommeeded. • =own szoov,szboin rielm.bcold"s =GEL: COS=STILLUD FLUID. EXTRACT SARtAPARILLA,_ eiary: um) Stood, iaukooinz aIT ck.ronte eanattta tional dticans erising from an Impure etete of the Stood, and the only reliable end effectual known remedy for the care of Sarongs, Scald End, Salt rheum, Paine and _Serellinp of the/Bones, Ulcerations of the Throat and lege, *Oche', Pimples on the race, Teller, Eryalpelas, e g iidnllaealy Eruptions of the Skin, BILIMTIFI - 11 - G TUI colurraessoivr NOT A TEW the worst disorders that AVM maul:lntl a. be from the corruption that accumulates In the Mood. Of all the CLv A.:trades that bare been made to purge R out, none can Stink in enact ILELXIIOLD's COXI.OFFD ESTILICF OF E.tr• eaPsiums, It cleanses and renovates the Mood. InetEls the 'vigor of health Into the system, and purge 1 out the Armors which make dLseese. It' stimulates the healthy functions of the body, and expels the dlcordera that brow and rankle In the blood. Such a remedy that coati be relied on has long been sought for, and now, for the first, time the public have one on which they can depend. Oar, spice here does not admit of certificates to thou I:Aeneas, hut the trial of a single bottle will show to the sick that it Las its virtues surpassing anything they have ever taken. Two table:moment of the Extract of Sarsaparilla added triis plat of, water,ia equal to the Lisbon Diet Prink, and one bottle is frdly equal to a gallon of the Syrup of Sorsa. trills, or the deeeictloo as usually made. HELMBOLD'a. 9B WASE, An excellent LOUOIS , Par diseases asbieT-4tga habits of dissipatthnowd In connection with the L'xtracts Beau Indthussparills. In inch dlseaies 631 rc,c,qmmended. Evl dnneu of the most responsible and reliable character will nanneapany the medicines. Also explicit directions for unnortth nsoutrects of thottaaatt, living witnesses, and op. wards of 80,C5,0 unsolicited certificates andrecommends tory tette:s e a:tiny °tut ich are from the highest sources, including eminent Physicians, Clergymen, State. - men, &e. The Proprietor has never resorted to their publication In thq newspapers; be does not do this from the fuel that his articles rank as Standard Preparations, and do not need to be propped up by eertideates, The Science of Medicine, like the Doric Colette, should stand simple, pure, saniestic, having Fact for Its bull, Induction for its pillar, and Truth alone for Its Capital. !Sy P.straet SarasparEla is a 'Mood Puriger ; my Extract Egan lea Dirmette, and will Oct es cud; In all cessn. Doth are prepared on p=ely sciantine principles-1n roe:so—end are the'mOst active measures of either that can be made. A ready and conclusive test will be a cote. pariSOn of their properties with those set forth In the fol. lowing works: Sae Dim& eatery of the United States.' See Professor Dzwzrs' valuable works or the Practice of Physic. See remarks made by the celebrated Dr. Pirresc, PhYla. See rentarks made by Dr. E.PMLLI3I IfoDowsza., a sale betted Plinetrian and 2dember of the Loyal College of Sargeons, reland. and published In the TTIIIIISSCUO/13 of the Sing and Queen's Joarnal. ' See Ideedeo.Chirurgieal Review, published by ttsna!st IZaawzr.s. Fellow of the-Enrol College of Sargootta...'4- ' Qin Ogee of the late - standard works orkbledtaine:' GOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ' • AT " M. T. SELL MOLD, . Chemist. .:eineipal Depots— Heintoids Drug and Chemical Warehouse, 594 BROADWAY, N. IN 01110 . i.ielmbold'; ; _ Medical Depot, No. 104 Sol7= TENTH ST., MIL& Beware of Counterfeits • " TAKE NO gerIMFGR 1 T HE PLACE 7' TO GE? YOUR EDNEY DACE OM E. COUGHLIN'S BOOT AND SHOE STORE; gists Street. Newly Opposite the Post O. - & COUhits, Boot and Shoe Dealer, ash Warms tbe Public that be Zi s t saosed re ps stead to the 810r u e:cow Mop, where be invitee:lr it old Meads sad eastotears to tile him eel Pastellist attention given to " - 'REPAIRING: itafriagAar•N workmen, and ealeeintoadiOg all Ilia Winos nmaeit. be believes be can girt ma good satietao- Wu and mast es low petals anyatber person to the elty. Good Tits tenanted. aptiteitt. H s&AIN, CintllsTlAN & CRAIG Ilan Just sestina a hush lot of PAINTS, OILS, BALD LINSEED OIL, BEM AND LARD on.. wawa Cour. e aull-t. F i szzRILILWAY.• GREAT MAD GRAM Dorms TRACI ROUT; Ito NEW YORK, BOSTON AND THE NEW rbts Railwa extends from Dunkirk to New York 450 buffalo to New York. CA tans. rah. =nu to New Teak 415 mllas. . asp se rioN •'25 TO 27 VMS 722 SHORTEST 8017712. •II , Tralus run directly through to New York, • 460 • MILES, without change of Casebes. • YU:nand agar Inly 9,1186, Train will leave In con nection with all Western lines u follows: Irma DUX , - &IRK and SALAMANCA—by New York time from Unica De p ots: 5.45 A. Z. ITVO York Deg &yak from thlomixel, daily (except Sundays). Intersects at Hainellnills with the 530 a. N. Day Express from Buffalo, and Airdrie' In New York at 10.30 r. rt. • 7.10 A. 31. Express Mall from Dunkirk, daily (nag Sundays). Stops at Salamanca 9.410 A. x . and con nect, at Econallavithe and Corning with the 8.30 A. N. Express Mail from Buffalo, and arrives In New York at? 00 A. X. 1.15 P. N. New Tara Melt Itcyrtess, from Dunkirk, daily (except Sundays). Stops at Salamanca 6 65. T. x i and arrives to Sew York at 12.60 p. N., conairetier with afternoon train, and steamers fcr Boston and New England Iron Buralo--by New York time; from Depottorner Exchange Ind Michigan Streets: 6 . 30 A. X. NM York Do, Express, (Suadays excepted). Arrives in New York at 10.10 P. x. Connects at Great Bend with Dela :rare, keekawanna & Western Railroad for Philadelphia, Baltimore. Wallhiogtoll and points South. BEO*. x. Burns M 4, via. Avon and Horneiluilla. daily (exceptSundav). Arrives in New York atlito A. x. Connects at Elmira with Wllilaavport & El. ultra Railroad for Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Haiti. more, Washington and point, South. 220 P. X Ligihrise Express, Sundays excepted. stop. for wood and water only and arrives In New York 7.00, • at. 6.15 r. x. New York Milt Repress, daily. Connect at Flornereville with the 4.16 p. m. train from Dan• kirk, and arras. in New Yerk at 1230 r. x. Also connects jat Elmira for Rarrisburg, Philadelphia and the South. 11.70 P. a. Givrisaati Express, dilly (except Sundes). trriyas In New York at 145 r. x. Connects at El. altra with Williamsport & Elmira Railroad atOreat Bud with Delaware, Lackawanna & Wes tern Rail road, and at Xaw York with afternoon trains and steamers tor Boston and New gngland Cities. Only One Train East an Sunday, heaving Buffalo at 815 P. X., sad reaching Nov Yotk at 1230 A. is., to ad ranee of all other routes. Boston and Sew England plungers with their bag Sue, are transferred free of deers, in New York. The beet Vutilated and most Luxurious Bleeping Can IN THE WORLD accompany all night trains on. this railway. Baggage checked through and fare always as low as by any other routs: . 17/0. Ass YOE TICKETS VIA. ERIE RAILWAY, which can be obtained at a I principal ticket offices to the West and - South-west. H. RIDDLE, WM. R. BARR, Can't °up' L - Orel Pau. let fabliPB6 , IMPORTANT NOTICE., the Una= , and for alt Loaf Etagtr, the for. $lOO But White Case, 1i0.. 1b5.-, 100 Brava do., '0 the • 100 TB& Al , ONS 1;OLL.11t AND DPW RD3. The beat to la the mule, it $2OO Choice Honey Syrup, per gallon ........... ....... 140 Prime Old J&TII CORM per nk 10 SELF RAISING FLOUR. . No Wally should be without It. Everyb dy using it. To NI had of oy as we are the agents. Call and get one Ott:in PATENT LAMP CIIIMNEY CLEANERS I= kOOO BUSHELS CHOICE POTATOES ' Just received. All of the above goods we will sell cheaper than the cheapest. _Cr All our goods are new. having just been received. We invite all to 111=1111111 for themselves. ir66-t7 HYARN , CHRIST/AN & CRAIG. FAR3IIIIIB, ATTENTION AGENTS WANTED. All those wanting the 'best Mowing Machine& et 'Mowers and Reapers combined, will pleas addrerr tot Circulars, V. R. MILLET?, La Bond, Erie County, Pa. „ 112 r Also Agent (.r the but Coro Plantar sad plop• wr rirLocal Ageniswatited for GYM tomistilp in north Wedelns Pennsylvania. aprl9-20$ T YOU WANT TELICSEIVI ARTICLE OF TOBACCO ANo CIGARS In the liarkot, go to , STERNER & BAKER'S, • iOOB3ll OF 77777 An, rornu 'mum% raiz, PMNYA. WEIOLTBALE AND MAIL DEALERS Everytbtng to the Tobacco line—Cigars, Plug, Mew fag, Cigar cuss, Meerschaum Pipes. Holders, dos., si lvers kept on hand. Our variety is so large none eto fail to be stilted. rir Particular attention Dald to orders, sod atl goods warranted to be what they are sold fbr. - -- HINNY T. EiVesses. (e1:14'66.1y) J. 111215 S. Bat NOTICE . . The nndenigned haying been duly commissioned ty the Gotenior of the State AUCTIONEER TOR THE CITY OF ERIE, has opened an Auction and CerOtetelto2 Store under R the mime and firm of GAREN & CRONIN. On State street, opposite the Postale% where he will be found at all timer. Parties haring any goods to dis penser at Public or Private Sale, will end it to their &f -rontage to entrust them to me. Out door sales attended to anywhere in the city. Consignments respeciJolly solicited. and prompt settlements made after each vale. Auction Wes two ?Aye to each" week, via: WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, Without fail, and I would respeetinity reqeest aU parrs having goods to dispose of. to notify me in that time, no that I mull them on the above IL J. CRONIN, Commienioned Auctioneer. GREEN ACCRONIN. Auction asCOntiniadon Yerchanta. matt 610() 8 " 6 ON A PIANO FORTE! V 4 to $5O ON A 'MELODEON OR ORGAN 1 B 7 pttrobselog of Z. SMITH, OF ERIE, Instead of sending orders to rum York. PIANO !ORM AND MELODEONS Faramhed from the following celebrated Nannhutturets Steinway & Soar. New York, Wm. Kaaba & Co., Baltimore, Md., Wm. B. Bndiory, New York, PRICES AT A LARGE DISCOUNT BELOW ILIIIITFACTURES3' PRIM:81 ar All persons detlring a trot rata Piano er Melode on am Invited to call and examine our Instrnmenta be fore purehaidag elsewhere. Everylnatrtiramt warrantas for ere years. . No. 815 State Street, Erie, Ps. n030 . 55tr. Z. 81LITH HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO.. HARTFORD, CONNEOTTOOT. _ INCORPORATED 1810. CdP/7.1/. $1,000,000. V.O ALLTS,Prut. O. M. COIL, See; CITY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. , INCORPORITZD !SO. L /MIL $d0.600 WIL L BAKER, Pleat. GRO. W. MIER, Seep. Inerinutes in the oboe* old and reliable Campa nia, can be obtained on application to inatebEt—eit P. W. RUSSELL. Liana pURE LIUERTY WiIITE MLD. Preferred by all preetleal painter. Try It, and you - hare no other. atannteetured only by ZIEGLER & SMITH, WHOLESALE DRUG, PAINT L GLASS DEALERS, Ho. IBT Korth Third Stssot, ?bits. 1'664 y AUTHORIZED CAPITAL 15300,900. CAPITAL PAID IN, VX9,000. - - TILE SECOND NATIONAL BANE Will open for hnelnees o W/NDAY.'DECFMBER 17TH, In the Rioting aloe now °Coupled be the Merchant'. Baca. In Brown's Hotel Building. north-east (tenter of AlWe street sedpnblle Park Irv. L. SCOTT, PRZSMIIIf. r",l e. CURRY, CASIMIR DIRECTORS:_ WM. I. SCOTT, of arm of J. Hearn - k CO. Coalllealen .TOS. lIcCARTER. of Roo of Felden, Bliss /lc IleCert,w,' Bui'dere. GFO..j MORTON. Coal Dealer. W. & BROWN, Agent Mash, at Eris Railroad. ' JOHN C. BURGERS, of Sr.. of Omens, Cantu, Bargees. Who'ssile Groom O. E. CBOCCEI, *Tenn of Cr,orah &a, Float Story Wet'..:;M. R. BARR, al arm of Barr. Johnson a= RriMane Manesetnreen. P. IP:FARRAR. Gra y Parrar„ Groom J. DRUB:UREA . room ENGLAND CITIES The attest Thing ant Groreateen & Co., Nov Yu*. lloardman & Gray, Albany, N. Y Geo. A. Prince & Co., Buffalo, x. Y, H. Spans, Spice* S. 1r Jewett & Goodwyn, Clee eland, 0. Chambers & Gablee, - Nsw York ?Immo from VISCI to $1,600 HARTFORD,. CONNECTICUT GROVISTEEN . PiANO FORTE MANIIPA.CTURTERS 4to BROADWAY. N. Y. She attention of the public land the trade Ia incited to our new made. Men octave, rosewood piano forte; which for rola*" and purity of tone** tirsivallsd by any hitherto ern"! In the market. They contain all the modern telPorrementa—punch grand action, harp pedal. Iron fame over.etrang base. In ;and each in strument befog made under the personal supervision of Ni. J. H. Orovesteen, who boa • practical erred/are of over thirty years id their mannfacture, is hilly war noted in ever, teiridcular. The Grandee= Piano Porte recede"! the highest award of merit at the celebrated World's Fa; where were exhibited instruments from the best maker' of London. Puri". Germany. Philadriphis. nelibtion. Roc 4on and New York; and also at the American Iwiltuts for eve ruersuahre years. the gold-and direr medals iron -bah of whitlow be wen at oor ware-rooms. By the hatioduttion of Impronmento ire make • still awe perfect piano-fort., and by mooted:albs largely. with a strictly eash system, are enabled to olfer those lustrumeate at • price which will prelude all el:onset!. Lion. flurries" mama $lOO to $:310 ches ' Hrer than any first close Piano Forte. - Terms—Net essb hi current thuds: Descriptive etc:Ware sent tree. jpilTe-1y 114 & COWMAN 11101VOIL AND - ICESP6II. . ?be only whet Combined Machine in am with for yard eat In mowing, and rear nut and ald. delivery In Rasping, and s . - PERFECT' SELF - RAKE: - EpIALLEDS OUR PLOW & CULTIVATOR. Nye Implinneata In one. • boy can manage it with tare, It is nperteet Parroirer. Coverer, floe ,11i11.. and Barrow. The beat implement in use for covering grain.- - BRANCH BEAM HILLING PLOW. No Partner should be withontone of these light and simple Oaths meted plows. Hu 'movable wings suita ble tor Awe from 3."‘ to 3'. feet smut. Send for illus trated Untphists, with terms to agents. The colas:01.0 Hower and Reaper took the first pre. minm 43 the felt of tne American Institute; last MI. Var Cheaters giving price Hat and toll particulars, !Wrest . V. R. GILIATT, Pole sunt for Erie County. Also. gent (or the best Hors. Hs • Fork. j n 7-4 f FATLY SUPPLY. STORK, .A r oL 23 and 24 West Park, (Bratty's Block,) sacs, PA, HEARN, - CHRISTIAN & CRAIG, Wholesale and Retail G B 0 - C -.E R S And dealen in caysTRY PRODUCIN FLOUR, FORK, TISU, DRIED & SEALED FRULTA, WOODEN .t. WILLOW WARE, TOBACCO, SEGAM, &C!.. Tu Bad Qualities of Pants sad Oils Agents- for the Cleveland Rifle !ILtang and Blaittog Powder. tlr A tholes acid fresh stock always kept ou WO, whlch lel: I be sold at the- lowest figures. We pledge ourselves not to be undersold, and Invite all to give us a call. E r rt., highest p 1 tee paid ,for country P ull% ri.6.-tt WIWL BSA LE AN RR GUM; BUY STOVE. P. A. BECKER t WHOLESALE A RETAIL GROCERS, Forth-East Cbratr of tit Posh Prow% Strad, (tazaranot,) Would reopeethilly call the attention of the cocunfialty to his largo Stook of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Which he la desirous talon at the - VERY LOWEST POSSIBLY. PRICES. • HL aatortutent of SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SYRUPS, •• TOBACCOS, • FISH, &C., Ls not ea rpiamod in the:city, so he is impend tOprars to all who en hlin o coll. • lie also keens copstantly on hand a inpasior lot of PURE LIQUORS, for the wholesale trade, to which he directs the attention of the public. • Hts evitto te, "Quick Sales, Email Profits and a full Ecutrstrat fur the Money." aerUlatf. L govri4 SEWING - I'~ ACHINS GEORgE'MER, Foie aunt for Rrie county for these celebrated Ifs chines, be. on head at Lytle k Goaldlees Tailor shop, Fifth street, between State and Peach. • tarp variety, embracing all kinds and prices, which be respect:rally incites the. public to call and examine. The Bows ma. chine la acknowledged to be the best in nee, doing all kinds of work, and being amity kept in order. For proof of thus amirtions„ I simply ask a trial of the ma chin.i.e warranting them to do all I promise. Let all call and ex mine before pumhasing other Min. Speck. 1 attention given to repairing Ma chines afar:L.7lond promptly repaired, at moderate char ges- me24-tf Nsiv FIRM.` James P. Crook, haring taken fn hie son, James am • partner, crn the let der ailed), 1•44, ander the Eno name ofJAIIRd P. CROON A SON deairesto bays s set dement of his old accounts. AU persons knowing them• entree indebted to him are requited to mill and settle without delay. JAMES P. CROOK k gr, SON, ROUUIT tr. PLANED LUMBER! Window Sash, Pima. Doora and Blinds, Wonldlnp and Picket Team Boroll Sawing, *stalling and Planing done to ardor. . Shop on rasa Pt, P4tlrSelt 4th and 6th Sta., Ma, Pa. We respectfully Mill the attention of the public to OW facilities for doinit works'. the beet of atfle,peomptif and on reasonable tams. Having fitted ay. entirsle sew amps, with aapnior machinery. we lasi eoaldent o tiring entire astidastion. Oriani from abroad will mean prompt attMiti OD mr2B'64-11. JaJLEB P. CROOK k SON. NOTICE TO PERHOZIS LIATINE PRODUCE ?Olt SALE Wo are now running a itarkst Lino from Elio to Bo um, on the PhiladelphL & Kris railroad, and Irish ne some an kinds r VEGETABLES AND' COUNTRY PRODUCE To carry It on, hare altabUjtad a Depot 013 FdPTHI3TREET, In the rear of • tire-old Reed Ham, BETWEEN STATE-AND FRENCH STREETS, Wiens we will boat all Unto ready to resolve and pay gmexsT 'HAM ' PRIM for the m sas. All haring Produce for sato are request. ato nglo.l evel36A4 ns a call. Inqatre for Mi NAYAI JACKSO N. pm° LOT 10y OF L'O•PAU.TNICHOUIP The Arm heretofore existing under the name of CARTER & CARVER, Wee disunited by mutual consent, dating hum Jamul., 16th, 1860.-gr. Carter retiring. The boob of the old Arm may be found at the old plate. Prompt settlements requested. B. CaBl'ER. _J. D. CAM.% Mr. Carver has 'associated his son with lam, and will continue the business under the name and drys of 3. B. CARVER & CO.; Keeping a new and .ell selected stock of Orags. Medi cines, line Chemicals, new Ptuumacentkal Pxyua ti+na, Rare Perfumes, Panay A dicier, &e. ?be experienced clerks of this house are retained mid persons can rely upon being correctly tarred at all times. Norsciu-71e services of Mr. I. B. Carter; hire also teen secured, and be .111 be happy to meet big old friends and customers at 21 ME 110W,—THE OLD STANu mas•tr 1111.ADEI.PlIt A din Eltllt RAIL ROAD. 1713 peat Metros:see the Northern and Northwes contain of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie,. Lake ,Erie., Itrhae been leased by the Peasiryleenia Rail read petpaay, and ls operated by there. TISLI-OP WISTSOIIit !WEI ar Care, Leave Easttrard. Kati Trate ''lo2sa.m Erie Exprese Train • 4 45 p. Corry *CEO= 13 00a .as Anti 0 Westward. Nail Train • 7 10 p. Erie Espren Train 935 a. in Warren Secant 4 03 p. so Passenger carsrun through on the Erie Mall and Ex. prep train, without change both ways between Philadel phia and Erse. New York connection t Lance New York at 0 CO a. in., antra at Erie 930 a. nt. Luce Erie at 445 p. m, anise at New York tlO p.m. Elegant Sleeping Cars on all night trains. For information reopening Pars•nper business apply at miner of 30th and Market eta, Phla., and for Freight booboo's of the Compuira spots. r . 8.13 KINGSTON, Jo., corner 13th and Market Streets, Philadelphia. J. W. REYEBLIIB, Fete. tr. BROWN. Acoot N. C. R R., Baltimore. N. 1•10TheT051. Gamma Freight toot, Phila. H. W. awrmseit, Gen. Ticket Art. Phila. A L. 7 YLER, gee...! , uperintendent. rie, Pa. fINNIOLON NOTteftsuo-pmtamthlu UV ff.-4 beretriare exlattog between the underptami, do. log bosimess under the firm name Of Webb & Child& bu been dteroftedeby mutual (vaunt. 713 s boob .14 wocotote remain to the hands of Joy R. Childs, who will continue the Pottery taudzele at the old stud. ORO. P WRBB, Zaiedaig."3o;6lllSt JAY 13..CHILDB. "LAWSON* HOT Ant TITUNACIS, 'Nos lartatturrs Asi3 Eauxisous co*. W. W. PIERCE & CO., ERIE, PA., carts= STASI MED AIM irs ' SOLE A'GE NTS! We feecontoen4 irwson's tarns as being &Havana' saperior to any other article of the Mad. It la easter mane Red, powerful and less liable to• get out of order then any other hot air furnace made. And as it will produce more heat with the tame amount of fuel, it is also the mod economies!. All of these points we I. ready to establish by esttsfsetory proof. HOME TEST/MONY Eats, 1 . 4., Jute I.sth, 3888. Ream. W. W,Pierce & Co Einr,liseing and co log last winter, the 18 J A. Lawta Furnace *bleb youipntinto Sol borne last an. tont, L I (any prepared.. to -offer my testimony re. ipecting Its efficiency, add that I take pleasure In recommending tbe eagle ta on one derkir g a good beating apparatus. The atr • that ere receive tram it Is pare and not over heated, hat coming Into the rooms its it does In large qualities , supplies the required amount of heat, thus obviatin g that dryness which is mall! experienced from furnace best -The slmpleity Oda contraction and the easy mode of governing the consumption of coal, make. it the most complete and economical heating apparatail banterer seen. I shall take plume* in recommending it to my friends. R. 13 LOWRY. EMMMAI=MI The J. A. Lawson Improved Rot Ali Vlllll.lOl/. *hie] ritl put le my bowie in }Zee lut toll, haa been In use now nearly four months and gives satire satifactlon. By a proper adjustment of the Graft damper. sad occa sionally cleaning the dr* pot from slag and cinders, ea eta have • greater or lea( degas of heat and a greater or less consump.lon of coal. erectly sultrd to Thu champs of the weather 'The air warmed by this Fur once is all that I can desire. 'being Ins from all PriaJOUII routes or amok'. I shall take p'essare in recommending It to my friends. - Respectfully you., WILtION RPM. Pa..ellarck 80,1886. • Means. W. IC Pierce Co r) Gentlemen—The Lawson Putnam that you put In the basement of the Firs: Baptlat Church in this city. has been In use almost every day and evening during the protracted reseUng of fourteen weeks, end hu given entire satlefeetion, and we Would cheerfully runaround it to any one doctrine • good heating Furnace. • W. J. P. IJDDIII.L. for Board of trustees Also. of a long list of well known citizens who are using Lawson's Format, we, refer to the following gen tlemen Items. Child; Boyd and Chapin Commis' signers of Erie county: Robert Gray, Eral, , Ninth I St Captain J. 8 Richards:Trust...la of let Raotiat Church: and the Commissioners of Rouse Estate, Warren coun ty. We regard the Lawson !ornate as not only the but In use.but approaching very nearly to perfection as • • boating apparatus. None mad delay wicuring • hot air Pomace Ltt the expectation that any decided lm 'memento are yet to be made In this tine of article. An examination of the Lawson Furnace Is all we ask to decide this question. I " it is designed to hest every kind of building and is made of different men, of capaeiry ter a medium .toed dwelling or the largest church or other public building. Seven different sizes are tow made. The Lawson Vannes gime universal satisfaction ana l. rapidly 'amending all otter midis'. Besides the remarkable ease With whist' It can be managed. one of its chief point' of superiority is In the purity of the air I promedinz from the !Parolee. it is so constructed that no soot. albs, or cinder" can possibly map. into the air panages, and all unpleasant odors we also w ee. tad. It can be used equally well with hard or soft coal, and managed an easily as any ordinary store. We Invite comparison with all other Puma:en Pa op and set In ea - waking order in al cans. We have the tole agency for this nation of the arantry. ATI inquiries sad ordenraddreesed to ns viii metre prompt attention. One of the Farasees Is in Operation at our estaltshment, coma of *Rate and Ninth streets. to widen weJune ablation. We guarantee th e Law. son-Rot Air YoMaos all that It is claimed to be. - W. W. PIE ACE & CO., Wholusts and retail Zelda* in_ Stover, Cooling Flan ges, Inansaks, Timms, Apiraltnral baplenents, and Raidware. COESII2 OW I LSD SOTS STS., 1111, PA. 5010164 f • QUARTERLY REPORT of - the condi lac, stop of the nigt Natl.:ma Back, at Eris. in Krti, State of Pennsylvania, on the morning of the &it Mon day of October,lBCa. FES OME I Notes and tills dleconnted,, • 643,95019 Over 6. acts, 199 68 Furniture and Fixtures, an el Current impulses, i 2,105 5 -e. , Premiums, 1.229 3 2 Cash items finch - oin rev/nine 'tamps) 6,19010 Poe irom National Banks.. 28,219 05 11. S. Bonds deposited w th , II. S. Tteattcry-to • secure circulating votes. 162,000 00 11. 8. bonds and ether 11. 8, securities to sa me darnel*, . ~ `6,00000 U. 9. bends and securities on hand, t 4,500 00 Cash on hand in circulating notes and other National banks. 5,413 CO Cash on hand in circulating notes of State Wits 931 00 Fractional currency, 107 29 Legal tender notes, 15,500 00 Compound intelest calve, , 21,810 00 87.41? 29 $145,477 96 Lid BILITIE3. Capital stock fait' In; • 150,000 00 Surplus fund,t 6,190 St Circulating notoo teetttEd (tom Comptroller 146,69006 ledirit cal deposits, 96,245 99 United States deposit. • - 40.427 31 Deposits of U. 8. di/imolai officer,. 340 19 flisoonnts. • 1,67668 Exchanges, 1,26734 - Interest, . 2,071 66 Profit -and too. - 2.768 65 1,77413 I 11. Panford, Caskter of he first National -Bank of Ede, do solemnly hat the above Mateo:tent Is Mae to the test of my knowledge and tnillst. .11. 1 38,8IPIMID,Cashler. State of Penneylna* C0n 61 7 of Eotof Sworn to and subscribed before me tbls Id day of Oc tober, 1866. oetAll-lt• F. CIIRTZE, J. P. COILED 11P011. ONE 0011.,LA1.4 READ! For one dollar, per mall I will and free to say &Urea a recipe mad nordista:that I win varante. to sari the worst eas•ii of Catarri the had or bran chill tubes in a few weeks, It has eared my life. aid cured me et Catarrh and a severe bronchial trouble 1 had suffered with for years, I triad the but physicians and &lige advertised medicines of the day, but found co relic! till I obtained thlai I would give one hundred dollars for this recipe and the medicine. HI now had the Catarrh and could not obtain It lays. I Dellis% if instructions an followed. it will mire any ease whatmer that has not already reached - the lungs and Imam a settled eorsomption. Cure it while Toll can. Address T. P. 8111=8. No. 1623 Fulton:lt N.Y. HOTEL REMOVED. Ths Elobacriter who has occupied the Nanalos Hones, just above the Depot, for the put four years, has removed into the NATIONAL HOTEL, CORNED OW PEACH AND DII/FALO 871tHEr 'lmo* be will tr 7 to accommodate twits as litany gnu and as well, uhe did in the-old stand: He hopes th the patronage which lea ell liberally extended to him then, will be extended to him to his new quarters.' His stabling is sufficient to acoommodate all taw:Warp who may favor him with their patronage. 5e20111,41 1 101 IN DOYLE. IN TIME OPIIEALTII Prepare for Disease. Dl. BENNETT'S mar FOE CHOLERA MORBUS, DIARItHCEA ! DYSENTERY, CHOLICS CPAIIP AND BOWEL COMPLAINTS Or EVERY RIND WARRANTED to care Cholera or any of the above dlsesses In their worst forms. A severe ease of Cholera has been cored with it id SO minutes, proof of which will be give it to any wishing It. No can hu ever been mut in which' It ! Prepared be DR. JORrit DENNEIT, of Wesleyvilla, and told by hire, and at the stars of P. A. Becker, Erie, Pe. Pales $l.OO see Items. 'Eisishss es COOTZINLITS. DR BENNETT'S CIIZZERATZD FEMALE BEStORATIVE • Etas to r n tested for thie last 20 years, and giren com plete satisfaction. It cures the following oomplaions: Pain to the small of the back and hip, with • pulling weight and bearing down when long on tits feet; pain in the side,low down.writh palpitation of the beert;cold feet and dimness of the head; pain between the &hood derst weak stomach; certoci amctiots, its. Recommendations to the marts of this inedteltie could be given by the hundred, had we the time and room. The best plan Is to boy a bottle s and test it for youteetres. , Price $l.OO per bottle.' sea by Dr. Bennett, at Ids olds in Weeleysille, and; at P..L Backer's store. Erie, eallo4l THE ATTENTION of the weakly, the Nervous. the low4ptriteei. the hvetsrical, the dyspeptic to tolled to - Cartes NERVE PlWt, which ,outran no °pianos surscuar, no Netccertc,and conerof the unpleuent eff-cts width invariably follow the nee of these ertio'os are induced by the use of these Pills, hey ease pain and gnlet t he, trembling nerves. by imparting tone and strength, which is not trunselent. but permanent—is tient gain to this whole system, and does not pass oir after a few hours, as is the case where Opium. Ether,Vilariaa, eta, have been given. Th e sleep that I. 'nted by their ass is perfectly natural. mini and refreshing, and , not like that which Is found by she u , e of opiates. 1- No feeling Is Induced by their ass other than quilt, repose and atent.uted staingth. Then is not the slightest ,doubt that, 11111111 W sinornrrun of these complaints= be carwror genetty relieved by thole use, and we dare any honed or con-. Oclentious lemma to use, on* hal of illsaa faithfully in trembling eel as lungs. imthefalects, and Dila"; and then say that he hu not malted noon thiall,thwarth of tils money. Prins tO ntILPI a Box. bold by all Druggis. - i _ I IrLICLOIti 4; 11.11LLEY:til 0 D 1E L G . I • iO. IV WILL &RD, . ; 1, - , r W - 11.0 1 1/EBIALE AGENT, ' , . • ; 0.27 BIUNIDWAT, N. Y. ' I I I - • !:. I --'" '' ~ I `. 1 i The neat Omelets kinstrai tostmaimat mannhictural to America, and the lobdul argent of ,the world. Comble - log mistrial and depth of toms. twantihri and chaste ia appesuatice, redolatarid eLetkating in lie teridencliesh For °Machos. Parlors or the Donau it has rio equal. and bas In Mr take* the ' I FILLET, - PREMIUM ! ) , Wherever exhibited to eompetitioa with of well known manufactarers. I Thirty-four-different anthem and from Ito 12 stops. large donti.• bellows. double blow nem pedals, Imes swell, kis ,l thing — knit power 1 132 .1 4 411 4 1. ' . 1 THE ,I, SUB = BASS ; Applied to' the double reed orgies, ges a velum' of tons equal to;a si xt e en :fact stop.to a 'pips argon. and when applied to our organs containing than, and thus s• to of reeds the volumes of tone il equal to a 52.000 pipe organ, and costing only Witt ones fourth se me th . *end for an illustrated pries Bat, giving fall particle. lan. Ada" 2 orders ' 1 -0. J. ',ZILLAH!). Wholesale krent. No. 027 Broadway, N. Y. MIR GREAT UNRIVALLED "VOSE" ' F I A N. 0 ! F'o R T• R R The Chespiet drat slake Plano Porte in the Market Them tesutifol inatruments are hat, winning their way into public favor. • Their tow la rich, full and pow erful, and gushes forth with peculiar sweetness and welud.T, while the touch is easy and elastic. They ars finished to rich rosewood cues, with full iron frame. Over strong bars and Trench grand Who. All have large round corners. with back Bahia like the front. Every instrument fully warranted drir Tema Chairing giving correct Morass lakes from Phistolvagh, with hill descriptive price list, sent free ttliotikei* on tp pliettion.t on I 1 A beantimigong Lod: Immo, worth . f—„ ,octom pintas the eircular,Mol is worthy of preirematlOn. ; Dealers will be furnished these totiatlkil jastrtuntote at the loe.st wholisiale prices, and teachers at thetts.al rates of discount. Addrma all ratters to I i 0. J.' olivlLLATirt. • .Wbolesil• Agent. No. 62f-Doiadtray, N. A'ao Wholesale agora" for ' WU. A. POND k CM'S. BOABD I / 4 ..V, GRAY 4 rO.ll, ' • WM. MNAlly. k And other-first ease, • voided ic; addregi oo opplitiilors: I • THE 'LATEST SONGS. H- Published January Ist, 1886. Mailed to any eiMaressi free of Postage. , 0%, sing me t h e dear old eong..s... ....... ......5.,. Wen drank from the same canteen, by J. G. (Park,. Beautiful Waters, saag by J. B. Themes ' ' ' Pm happy as the day Is long Somebody's Dmitri— .. .' . .-,5,...........—.... ~C.. Violets under the snow, by 1 1 . ' ' . Bonet be the wpm% by J. K 4 Thomas ... s.. ......5..... ' 1501 4 of iho'Brilur.• new college song. ...... ... , .. The Angel Guide, by Fenger ' .;...../ . . • ...i When I went 'conning, Bailie ' 1' A Only a *Meted rose • ' ' it Mother, I have heard nest mtmic,.•.. ........ .-4...5. Plearant dreams of lon aga... .... . ' .....7i, Oh, sky not d am,oman's heart Li — bought.— .. ... 140 Kathleen, ....... . ' .GS Before 1 wu married, 0 dear—., ' ... ............ 1... Us We'll meet no more at twilight ham.— ...-- .i —SG: Beautiful lisle of the firs, by J. R. Thomas .... .77; %Jiro Old Don't Care, by W. IL Buford .. ," sis e I felt of me soul, of thee I'm dreaming ' -3. Se Five o'clock In the morning ' Clean and 1, by Barry Tacker ,• 1 30. Come, Nellie dear, Pm weeping, by Tucker • , Sea Musts on the' mess, vocardnet, by Glover : • 4...40a No time Ms Use old time ' 50a Dire the old Man a sham* $OO One bright inoonraight, comic.— 35a They 511 tam house but mine tiOn Wang men on the railway. • Etie Whsa Fenian fight for freedom. ' ISSC Down by 150 gate. by J. B. Thomsa„ ' we Parties ordering music, and overlaying for the same will resolve their change enclosed with the made., or musts will be selected, as the parties prefer. All !orders promptly attended ts, and any InforroaUen,clusutully given.' . , 1 REFERENCES. •; 1 . Don. George W. Pat.emon, es Governor of New t Yo rk, Westfield, N. Y.: 7'. L. Coleman, President Lake Shore Bank, Dunkirk, N. Y. • . L Sri* Telt. OITT RlailtisclrA. Wm. A. Pond & Co.;: Wm . B. Bradbury: Ca cart, Needham ts Co.; s.serls . Ott; Hugh Riddle,•En.!. Goal Sup't Erie BR ; 11. O. Brooke, Es; , Sup't .111041•5 Power, - Eris B.R ; Wheeler k Wilson. • .1 . - Address orders , i , • 1 • O. J. WILLARD, 1 • i Wholesale; Piano Fure Organ and Mnalc Dealer, , ly. , robber i, every house, store, tank and ofßee abon i Theve one of Remington's Revolvers. Partiesdestring avail themselves'of the late itPrOTen/ ID 111 in a rta/VIA NII. parlor workmanskip and tam, will find corn sied tb the new Remington Revolvers. • Circulars contabaing ants and description dm:alarms, will be furnished neon application. • E. SizmuvaioN tc SONS, won, T; Moors k natal, Agitate, No. 40 Courtland tatted, New York. • le/R-tf DA-VIS $445,477 05 CABSOIT, Dealers In GROCEIDES, YRUITS, VELETA AND PROVISIONS, ALL KINDS 0 Fiftb torrt, between &go and Froncl,Erl• Main purchased ear hock before ,he late aim Ia pricey we J. • featontriett.t oliatL bolne faetion, both in f t ' 1 . gland • I CottntryTtedie• of 'raison bought tad cap always depend on reealeime the highest Icet plies for their Ankles.' • - • DEALERS IN ?as ADJOINING TOWNS, And on es Lim of Rallroad. SUPPLIED WITH PBUIT. VS9ILTABLIP, . Gin et a Call. RUMMER itAlf . e 4CKSON'S MARES? D Irzszi 3-wasse.' TO DOLLINEDO AND MONTE* STORE KEEPERS. I. . . • „ . AT _GRA N D STREET CLIEAT STORE, .._ 1 NEW YORK CITY; - i : - 1,1 Yon ern purchase Cot ;Lengths of Ifllllneryk. . cheaper than down town Jobbers sell ' 1 i whole pieces. CAM Straw Goods, Ribbons; R Wu, -II ower 1, 111 111 osr, La eea. &c., taeehrett-daily phee auction. • - I , =war* RIDLLT. 3C9. 811, RII%, 011113 d Et.. all ea sate ,111krn SC arlifth tactic east trove the noway. , eideleof E. E. Jona. JONES I ;BROTHER, Ilaunfieturem a; 7 2ob ri ol n essie and Ref;all 1 CHOICE ERIE . COUNTY FLOUR ! OATS, CORN, CORN SII,AL, BRAN, SHORTS, MILL STUFFS, &C., 421 State St., third door south of P. 01, Delivery trce is the CItY A3l/:i/alB • I of VII [ARMY • , OF. T-HE , POTOMAC, By. William Swinton. ,The standard history of the grand army. ?be greatest work on the war unfree sally endorsed ; by array Galan and the press.' Thu ant thor says: "I design to pa yohcmeto record what that army did and suffered la ten eampasgos and two score battle". "I 'hall hare to celebrate the unswerving loyalty of ale army, that *Mimes when the bond.of teats*. eo. herb= i*led,i held it, unshaken of fortuns to a drily self imposed. ! "I shall hue to follow it the cough a elterienni fines, in a tale commingled of great misforthass,'great follies and great glorteu but from Ant to tun itywill emu that amid many boteti of fortune, through 'win ter and rough weather,' tin Army of the Potomac payer sue rep, but rude a good tight and finally meted the goaL "Of this drama there will be no other hero than the Army of the Potornee itself; for it would aunt Oa in this war of the people it was decreed there abbnld ! no imperial mann to become the central figerSand cynosure of msn's eyes. "Napoleon, in en outburst of haughty eloquence arethinie th at to the great mbar of history th e Commander was errentling. • This Eiond apotheets hu ;o apple:010 • to the army of the red mad. And one must thfuk--yeelng it niece had a gnat, and generalli had mediocre eammanderr.4l was that ft might be cud that eat( raver It won it owed not tombs' bat taught with no blood." I - This is the o .1i /BUM pf the annd Army, sad no oe:e wire haa borne a part in its eentilete,or Is interested in its grand achievements, Arid b? *latent it. I Thii work Foments a railechanotto outs scow. Agestseauted. Send for Omani, and as. one terns, Address. NATIONAL PUBLISHING co • yr: Minos St. MIL VSTRXY.—Came to the premises of the Jua sotoctelbee, on tile nth day of Soptemtore. Ono loads awn trittrwhltsionips husk 412{12 years 64 small Aso, wlltilito hearts. I The owaar Is minuted to Don vope r ty. , psi auto and tab ha away. Or she will Do disposed of aecongotto law. Bonn mins. 'Malabo:lN Rapt.!,l/—oett4s II 1=1•1 lIMMII 111 1 LIM - ERIE, Ply top 43 • , Ayer"s . - Sarsaparilla A cOmpatmd remedy, deigned to bo the most effectual Attereilia that can be made. It is a concentrated , attract of Par s Sarsaparilla. so combined with other substances of still greater alteratiii power as to afford an effec tive antidote for tho diseases Sarsaparilla is reputed to 'cure. It is believed that such a remedy is,. wanted by those Who suffer from &famous complaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of Immense service tp, this large class of onr afflicted fellow citizens. Plow completely this compeund will do it ha. heenproven by experiment on many of the, worst cases to bo found of the following complaints Scaoret.s. Ann Scam:mons Cotteutart, Ent:tn./cars AND Euoirrivz Damns, Ilicens, PHIPLES, BLOTCHES, TEGIORS.. SALT Rtinu,, ) 1 . SCALD MAD 'SYPHILIS AND SYPHILITIC AY-. irtcnoiii,ll;.llVOlLlAVDlllEthE, DROPSY, Mc =LOIS on Tic Dont/inners. Drnturr, PEPSIS. AND INDIGESTION, ERYSIPELAS, Ross on Sr. ha row Flat, and indeed the whole class of Complaints arising from 'nein= or THE BLOOD. This Compound will be found a great pro. motet of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which fester in the blood at that season of the year. By thetime. ly expulsion of them =my rankling disorders an nipped in , tlie bud, Ilultitudes can, by tho aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance pf foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through/which the system will strive to rid itself of Corruptions, if not assistedsto do this through 'ht, natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bunting through the skir in pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when you And it is ob= enacted; and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foulond your feelings will tell You when. Even where flop:at:War disorder is folt, people ; enjoy better health, end live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood health w mid, all is well but with this pabulum of life disordered, then can be no g health: Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great unarm; cry of Me is disordered or overthrown. Santsparilla • has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these ends. But the world heti been egreeously deceived by preparations of it, ' partly because the alone has not an the virtue that is e= for it, but more because many • preparations, pretending. to be concentrated extracts-of it, contain bur.little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla. or anything else 1 During late years the public have been mis led by large-bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these I have been frauds upon the sick, far they net only . cot:nein little, if troy, &Mope= rills, but often no curative whatev er. Hence, bitter and painful disappoile:cent has folleived the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which food the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat.- Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think we have ground for believing it has virtues which are irresistible liy the urinary run of the diva 'mit is Intend• ed to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be the jbotudi ciou tle. ely taken according to directions on rITX2AIIID 'BY D8,".T.. C. AVER it CO. LOiIi".ELL, MASS. Prier, Slyer Deltic I 612 flotilla for $6. Ayer's Cherry .Pectoral has won far itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of throat and Lung Complaint, that it4s entirely - unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been ern .pleyed: As Whos long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than auuro the people its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do for their-TOO' all it has over been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, Ton TIM Cl= OP Costiveness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Erysipelas, Ileadaehe, Pilch Rheumatism, Eruptions and Skin Dimmer, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tumors and Solt Rheum; Worms, GOlO, NettlVd.giq l , as a Pinner Pill, and for Panfyiny the Mood.; ' They are ssigar.coated, so that the most sensi tive can take them pleasantly, and they are the best aperient in the svorld for allthe purposes of a family physie.i 1 } llea 25 Beni. pe r Zaz Five bores far am Greatndrabers of Cleramen, Physicians, States. men, and eminent personages, have lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but cur since hero will not permit the insertion of-them. The Agents below named fur nish,gratis our AIIEILICAS ALMA!: ke in which they are given with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be ful lowed for their cure. Do - not be put off by unprincipled dealers with Other prenarations they make more profit on. Demand Atan's. anti take no others. The sick want the hest aid there is for them, and they should have it. All our remedies are for sale by NsIV FIUM. - MUM= - AND lINDNRIABaNN W - A E '-- R 0 0 U 8 1 On Mate St.. between Sermth and Elea. The Stbsetifers here entered into the Cabinet Raba; gad FURNITURE TRADE, Atd propose nuking to order and keeping constantly on hand all kinds of Foals:ire. Order& •ill meta prompt attention. Repelling dose - on short notice. UNDERTAKING The subscribers will give special attention to this de. partmnt of their hotness. Yheyaiill mannfestan mid pmoostantl oa hand's Mtge saantorent of Metal& Cases and CoEns, and hold theaseelvee to realm's to meat orders En line, promptly, fr oze any parte!' the country. to spars no efforts to rim AEA*. Don both In the oddity of their goods and prim, they hope to lois. re a liberal of of public pate° • MOORS A RIMY asrlra3-14. • ..Elnaremore to Itnars. READY t PAY STORE. • A. MINNIG wawa mispettiaur inform *be Petals that hs has ?a:chased the STOCK ,f GROCERIES of MEMO If RUSSELL, 0011162 OP 8 . 1% AID STATI In. Whets. he titan& to keep as rood in aasortatent of - FAMILY GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, WOOD k WILLOW WAGE,' AND TABISTY GOODS am Is kept In Sie. Hoptnonstantly on bud. BEST BRANDS OF ERIE CO. FLOUR, rrakiwrzart A GOOD 4RI7OLZ: • car Muhl/hist Karint Pau paid for an Was 0 Country Produeo. Goode (Whored free of charge to any put of the City:: - dee2i.l6-11 F RA NVIEI PFBFFSII, iIdII7 4 IICIOIIIZE •]ID Dt1.1.13 Id BOOTS /AND SBCOB,SI SVERY B'rYLE 4111) TARISTY, - No. MG State St., West Sitle, bet. Bth and 9th, IRIS, PA. criairt r i oeeived, new stook of Goods, which will be sold at the Unrest . pricera. FREDIIIpIII9 & FRU, cSeeeezeore to Weber & Ultra . 21.432211 /2 ] GROCERIES AND PROVLSIONSI Wines, Liquors, Segars, Tobacco, (ROOKERY, WILLOW - WARE:, FRUITS, acre, ruua yorxors, do. "Stateatret F I TS aldo. 'third door north of Railroad P.,Yarzolu‘s. ros2+ll foss rms. jolts ; 4Einsuicipute & wort 13 . mums m L, OLOTlitKai AND GENTS' IrtiItNISEIN Carder at Sem& and St ERIE, 74' 11.112Vit AAREECE, uo Aiwa errasze. P WATCHES. FINE GOLD JEWELRY • PINE 'GIVER WARE lad Superior Mini Plated V • al asatrozatt razossi gammas* outs =TRW MOM lIELMISOLD'a 1114611 u. =UMW'S 111:0110. -11EL1LBOLIY8 131}0111I ONLY •*SOWN Eth;LEDY NOEL O,VtY /MOWN RKIEDYIOII, ONLY KNOWN REMEDY poa r: LTA lON OF TILE NECK OP TEE BLAU 41E, I,• FLAN ATION OF TIIE KIDNEYS ARELI OF 'TILE BLADDER, ernANoNANY on PAIN FUL lIRLNATFNO. diseases it is truly a sororciy,n remedy, an •••t De wad in it, priiiist. A iinglo dose own to tenon tho ntoyf urgent symptoms. troubled with that dist:reining pain in the e Lack and through thb hips t A teaspoon- Uulmbold's iluchu lint tenors you. ysicians and! Others iL.t.tse • • • • nocret of in grad! atte r lielmbold'i En. oe much line been Are you mail of ful a do) I make is coinpueol of Blxhil, Cnbebs, and lola- MEd per Berri- selected wtth grins I se, prep-trod in wo rm; and , . . ini to rules of PHAF MACY AND CHEMISTRY. These in mad are known est the most valuable Diuretic' !lorded. . I , ' 1 A DIURETIC • mi ° Li tut 'Melt acts upon the kidneys. HEL . , OLD'S • EXTRACT. , 13IICHH LS pie= at in taste nal odor, free from on i?illri. ells properiies, and immediate in tttection. F ~,I f r the Satisfaction of All. ‘ti [ deo 3fedi Properties contained in Dispeaws tory or the U. 8., which the following is a correct copy; ss limo Its odor is strong, diffusive, and me what arom tic, its taste bitterish, and saislogous'to that of int t. It is givers chiefly in complaints alibi Urinary such as Gravel. Chronic Catarrh of the ;Redder, morbid irritation of the Madder and Urethra, .....-s of the Prostate, sued Retention or the Incontinence Of Urine, &Um a loss of tone in the pasts concerned in its cracustioni It has also been recommended in 'Dyspcptia„ Chronic Rheumatism. Cutanco l urectiOns, and Dropsy... 1 t . FURTHER' 12191'0WTION 1 see Pro Preepr Derrocs' valuable we I rks on the Practioc of Physic.il Bee renarka made by the celebrated, Dr. Physic, of , see any 1 all Po-inlaid Worhs on 31eRidnis. From th Largest idaunfaoturing,' Chemist IR THE WORLD. - Ima sol inks& with IL. T. lehnhold ;he wee pied the d;g story opposite us residence, and yea euccessful conducting the bUsiuess where others had not bean equally so before Lim. I hero been fa, tunably imionsoll with his charaiter and enterprise. Wk. WEIGINT4X. Gina drown & Wcightussa.), . . Manufacturing cher:tans, Ninth and Brown Streets, PhiLidelphis. I Eno= the :F'hilculephi“ Eye. Ltalrtin, Nardi 10a. i IP's are iefted to hear of the iaintinuel names, inNew Yo rk, afoul townstnan. .r. If. T. trerobold. i l i Deuggist. isshare, next to the II etropohtan Motel. b 23 feet 1 t, 2341 feet deep, and Ore stories iii height. It la cabal y a grand establidliniicut. and ii; a iks fa vorably till he merit of Ins, ankles. Ile retain. his Waco and , Laboratory iu tilts City, which are air, model set a light:nests of their 0.1,,5. These° 1 'dor has been induzei to make this state ment from, 0&I that Lk rernalics, although alrer tined. MI • - a PREPAItAa'/ON. ' And 'mold that the tntelSgent refrain from moo; ;I any thing • 'lle to Quackery', or the Patent bledi nine intiere—M64 of which are palatal by .If-styled Doctors, who are too ignolunt to n.i..i..i a physiiame simplest proscription, much too competent to pin, Pharmsoltioni preparations. i VII . SE PARTIES ] RESORT 1 tomakins sis of effeaing sales, ouch as copyiii., = i c t if ad crtisements of popuLlr reme d ial sal So. wit certificates. The &deice of Medicine 'Mutts SIMPLE, PURE, AND IMAJESTIC, haring F.ut for Its Basis, fiadua tion for its l'illari Truth alone far its CapitaL 1 ' - A WORD OF CAUTION. n o m 6 most important: - and the Sillicted should not ase fire advertised Illediane,or. any remedy, an . knits ccorts oringrelrentr areirnown to others betide, the ianafactnrer, or unfit they are iittatled of the q nods of the party so offering. KELMBOLD'S . • PREPAhATION. PLUM? TRACT CUM°, FIX =TACT SALUSAPARILLA, . and imiutov4n ROSE wada. utoushed upwards of 1G ! I Prepared by IL T. unmooLi). • ! PRINCIPAL DEPOTS. ...ANEW:MU:VS DRUG EHOUSE AND cuEsucAi. WAR, • , Stfl Broadway. Mini K... Asa ECELSIBOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, 104 Soak 10n1 Street., PlutatiepAsa, P Belbl by all Proem/ism. CLEMENS, CAFGLIEY & BURUICIQE, WHOLESALE GROCERS AND PROVISION 'DEA LF V.S, WOODEN WASS, NAILS, GLASS, SOPS, RERIVED, OIL, WATILIt WHITE LIME, OIL _VITRIOL, ceuslw SODA, GLUE. 4tC., NOS. 25 & 2G NORTH PARK STREET, deelr6Stf, £NGLEHART, BOOTS AND SHOES,- AIJO. N.II.IIMVACTI7II3EI OP • CUSTOM MADE BOOTS AND SHOPS, Would take this method of retn i nstig his thanks his Mends and the ambitoy for their HUAI patronage herstoilm can raomatldid to him, and hopes to hare • aintistuttion at the mom. I take plume Info:sung the pablis that 1 am it= ' MDT VA= 1100TP. AND 13810113 ' —at sof • istizx onara.—• This any Honks to this place, - ead 11 am AM staking th• isestonallties Glands' Boob sod Shoo t for whielil em- In ploy ternam** of 0. none but the YILLIB. BM of WORClllll,nnda the Bum- Baling obtained slice se to use Os PLUMER PATENT BOOTS, • I am now prepared to mate the 1 Plotter Patent Boots sad Motes in a manner not to be surpassed in Style sal Workmanship. 11:r &Prim keep on hand a twist/ion of the beet &emit of Presah and Aside= Canna Lips. P.B.—Haltehing attended to. = =Mitt KEYSTONE STOVE WORKS. TIBBALS, SHIRR & WHITEHEAD, aiantruottranitie or STOVES AND 1101.1.0 W WARE. Bare a large and art/nails issoitras - a of Stoves at Wholesale and Retail. THE IRON GATE Is a first-elan Coal Cook Store, with or without reser voir, tor hard or soft coal, or wood, and la • BETTER THAN THE STEWART BTOVI - . We alto maantrArtare the WHEAT SHEAF •ND, NEW ERA , Both low ore; Coal Conk Staritati wopa mkt-- as be used debar for coal or yew& • " THE FOREST JAK. WS to AM Eltuitaattriag this l oolobratad low oven Moro for wood—with pr without ruNcroir. • THE MENTOR, A Low Oran Storm for Wood. This to anew Store beratifol design, and now for sale—tortaar with • larp maxima:it of elevated Oran Cook, Parlor Cook for wood or coal, and Parlor and urea Simian wood or coal. C. It. TIBBLIS, D. BHIRK, W. B. WIEMIDDCAD ID% Jaa.l2. 1814-4 i. IEI Bnowws Homer ! . CORNER OF STATE ST., ARID THE PARS, ERIE, PA. This Well Known House lias passed into control of the ;ladenlaned. who ass determined tO the spars no 'finds that will tend to make it a pleasant 'topping plea for the traysliwa- Ila. A number of important improvmsents have been sects and °thus to bonomplets4 at an sallyWA will render it ono of the Avast - hotels in the country. ilspecial care is taken to furnish Um table with all the seasonable articles. served op in the moat sp e trid etyls and by amommodating waiters. We took to the hotel with the re s olution to make it such se e wants of this section requirn, and feel =Mot of o =c Lho approbation of ou ; r guests LOWlllit & A. T. Looms. • P W. L. Roma .1 Ilisroprietorsytf . . BANS NOTICE. KEYSTONE NATIONAL BANK or Rau . CAPITAL, $250,000. DIRECTORS: BILDEN WARM. . JOHN W. ILIkkONJ HUHU IILLRITIN. HIMITH . TOWN. O. NOBLN. • • ORANGINOBLW Pirsi4oat. - JOSS J. TOWN. - a 000D3, • - The Oise bask will be °soma fos the tetanatkok of beslooni on lELPIIIII. DEC. 5, 1865, IN HUGHES' BLOCS, West aAI alitiatast.telAtaia Bali* sad iltiatitb• • astalbasrp spar dbarstad. Nam salad ea Japan. Collastfass, Biala awl parade asovia# or vita pramptais. , La" eparatial SukaratabaratlAiad NIL A dial it re, maw lininilll9llllloBl 1 prAii - .1 ACTS GENTLY, ERIE, Piii DZAISR IN Foi the Etaxidk HALO A Most Exquisite, Delicate, rant Perfume, Distilled from td Beautiful Plower fro m , es its name. nnufact urea only by Pll A LON, • - NEW YO!Z. RARE OF Co ASE Fog 1114.01V8—T, Bold by Drczgle, FOUTvg CLLUILITZU use al Caitiff ill! kt ; olg-17; trtit b7 ct and dy, ' l4 - 4 4 tnj. It I, T 4.4 r. ft" 4 . 2 FEVER , anima; imeh as ELI,OW WA- REAVES COUGHS, DC3: TEMPER FE: vess, Foulwen LOSS OF APP& ITTE IND VITA/ ENERGY, he. It/ use teeptowes the wind, increase the appetite-gtv( a smooth F/Wl3: iarmt t h [seeable skelet, one. ' To keepers of Cows this pripanit, t Ineresses the quantity and Vat to:t1) ttul exer.m, aram hrC Arat and m:: ', !IA& 5 butter Cr Ear -V, cent In , _ _ =UM uch faster. In all diseases of Swine, sect he Lungs, Liver, c., ibis article ts as a specific. y putting from .ne-half a' paper • a paper in a I of swill the bore diseases 11l be eradicated • r entirely prevented •reventive and cure f 'ce 25 Cents per S. A. 1-'0 woonsAtE, ; o. 116 Fro: Foe Sale b: ut the Lni -‘24't11.1; a &H. T. ANTHONY A Igacrafaitarers of Phatographic Irllo4lllll MID MAIL, 501 BROADWAY, F. Y. 1. "UM= to crar man !Rana. of PHOTOGRAM. TirtIALS, w• are beedqvulara fae tholfoLasrtg, , il: Stereoscopes atatitertostope Tim CV glum ~ VIEWS lir.raens• anortn.l, OF THE via, Maimed al m at e n .decse and tor4zsr IMOTOOILIMIN =WIT OW TIM GALT Bull Bun -- Thatch Gs} Yorktown. Pontoon B , MII, Gettysburgh, Hanover hut% Fair Oaks, 'Lookout Bout), sevageltatien. Chickahomin - , Frederinksburgh, City Point. Fairfax, i . Nashville, Richmond, Peterslargb, Deep Bottom, Bello Plain, Monitors. 'Chattanooga,. Port Horgan, Atlanta. Charleston, • StrawberrylltX &C. dte: Aweless sal Taman Cahn isi laadimpu, 71 1.. at tstracc Um?. Photographic Album. ink to•latradare Ibm• tab es Vaiil cad vs assaduclar• humus quaxOtto It nal str‘ tad la pato bass 511 taata Ii Ato. 04:11.30131:nra of Wag sapmdsr In bounty sad 10aiR01 TA., will be mat by sail, PRPRosk v.los of Cirri= AMUR SODS TO own Al TM Prods will fnd our Alkimatil Saleable they eau bay. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. O 0144104.04 Soor =tam ova Tow 'Nona , Ai isatjada (to .lArts tostlao4lly being caN, it seal Attialcsado.4l.,. Ida amyl 160 114.4esea 100 1.144443414 497 WM* Is 3 1414. • 140 ober 041ars, lio %vs., ES Wanda, TIN., MEN 11.4 Atilt 40 Arlbab at a t &T . a w.i.. to t hee.mar , An, Whew aseradmsalasar et itsa rais oaks , raltslngt, atautsa.k Catalqpn mai as At ardor bat Ona Dan MAWR tram pest tlllsal an neap 11LSO,aal not by la/ ( Ti noet=ll par ant aTt n atat:rssisis sal Ornivri.:ips vole, it ma, lemma all ELY STABLES. The undat , the well-kaiown Lifer). 41ao. b./ Via. J. Sterrett, devret to tvrn b “ /e public that he will couttato the I their patx maga. THE STOCK rov4 -0, be largely inereued and an, 0. the hue been procured. end same to the country. lam determa!!,o _t ibliahment u to give nt" l " t ' obtain the services of a gocd taw. it all times to accommodate tthem, . Recollect the plus, STERRETT'S OLD STAND , street, rear of the Ree 4 llook*.Vdi ‘s l.o I, 1865—g -. GREAT CAUSE of human 1:3- PutdMed. ins sealed envelope. cents. A lecture os the CV latment and radical tun of nrhoes. or seminal weakneoh Italy Emlndonr, Sexual Debttit! inantite generally. Nervousness, inept. and Fits; mental and lol ;from self abuse, tse..;:rey tnthor d thc,"GreennJOhl" °rid reaowned author, in this edren )roves from his own exper!enoe, the MOM of self•atose may be efintla) medicine and witbont dangeroue exl bon Ries, instruments; rings or cord' I MOGI - Of mu* at once certain ind very sneerer, no scatter what his :an Wawa cbeeply, privately and lecture will prove a boon to thooraz dat Kul. In • plain ontilopo, to Wil ls t of az ceati;er tvo potato otalki , Culver weirs !•Yarriaio publishing. CB J.C. /21 80y5:7,24v York. [WO, Emm P. ILMSI6IIO6 an d Boolam= 1:41ilr aliP kagicu To,ttgag nada Erma a 0 IMME MB
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers