The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, October 11, 1866, Image 2
3rie bstrber. MIMI TIIIIILOAY, OCT: 11, HO 74.4: ELECTION. Definite repOrts of the election come in very _slowly, but enoughi is known: to satisfy us thst the Raclicale have carried the Su,ite by from ten to fifteen thousand major*. We do not think it can surpass the latter figures, while it may be even less distil the first. The estimates which resetiszs from Philadelphia conflict wide- ly—the Democrats conceding (Gary's election by about five' thousand, and the Republicans claiming a majority of from '`fifteen to eighteen thousand. Our own ,opiriion is, that it will be somewhere in .tthe neighborhood of twelve thousand, 'which will be a very encouraging increase -over the votes of '64 and '65, when the Republican majorities were reapectivel twenty and tyrenty t two thousand. Moat of the Democratic gain has been made 'iin 'Philadelphia cley and Allegheny citunti. Lincoln's majority of nearly elev- eb tiousand in the former city has been reduOodto .five thousand, and of over . nine ),housand in - Attegheny to seven ",..thonsand.. IL_ _the othei portions of the state there is apparently but a slight ichenie from the returns of•'o4 in the - ..general result. Some Republican, counties have. increased their majorities, . while others have reduced them, and tht same is the case with the Democratic counties. We have probably made, no gains of r Congressmen, and there As ground to . fear that we may have lost one or more. The Radicals o clainx 'to have elected Covode, in the Westmoreland district, Cake in the Schuylkill, and Koontz in the Franklin district, all of., which were car• rigid by the Democrats in 1804. The re• turns from all these localities are incom plete, and it may be that they will not prove as disastrous as present indications lead ns to anticipate: • The Western States in which elections were held have all been carried by the Republicans, in every instance by de creased majorities. That in Ohio is fixed by the Tribune at between 30.000 and 40,- 000. in Indiana at 15,000, and in lowa o e at 18-000. In several instances, there is reason to fear, that we have lost Con gressmen, while in no case have we gained any. t • No oovassmser can endure which does not rest Upon the 'affections of the people. A. wise. just, .tolerant, upright adrainistra; lion of public n Mir; back the affeotions of the South and entwine them around the pillars that uphold the Union aS the,"clasping ivy" encircles the majes tio oak. Bindne t ss begets kininesa—con tfidence inspires confidence—charitv and tolerance beget love and affection. Let all these ennobling virtues be cultivated and encourfiged. If the scenes of 'he last four - years cannot be forgotten •by either side, let them be at least forgiven: and passedlw in salemn, dignified .silence.— Let mob aide cease to retain i the other of the disagreeable incidents that oc curred during that sad bul eventful peri od. Let us then be of good cheer. Let no one be disheartened or discouraged. We must all do our duty in a faithful, in depenifent and manly way, and then we may reasonably anticipate a bright and happy future for ourselves, our posterity and our country. • to the other as to advance the common interest of all. We Should do_everyl hing in our power to secure the prosperity of the nation, augment its wealth. de,velop. its boundlessimineral and other reionrcek, arouse its dormant energies. multiply its channels of intercommunicatio n , nd en courage agricultural, mechanical and manufacturing industry. This is due to ourselves as well as to thostawho are to• come after us, and wbo look to us for the adoption of a policy that will place them before the world in the most' advanta geous position. Let us deal candidly, fairly, honestly, justly and ! charitably one' with another, and then, kneeling around the altar of a common country, let a uni led prayer ascend to Heaven, "God bless America." - • A WILITIIC for the Faq River-{Mass.) News bitterly complains that nearly one• half the children in that place do not go to school. There are-4,330 children there, between the ages of five and fifteen years, .while the number of scholars of corres ponding:ages in all the public schools is only 2,342, leaving nearly 2,000 children out of school. This reason given by the above named complainant is this; "The children ar. placed at work in the faetneriw when they ehnuid be in the school-f" This' in in moral Itiqrsohnsetta. whose Congressmen voted $539.000 from the public treasury for' black . adults down in the cane-brakes of the South. But no provision was made for schooling white children in liaqaachusetti, or for "pro :" tectine by the Bureau or otherwiie, • •l white infants of five yeara_of age from b^- ing doomed to the slavery" of factory life for the benefit of their "philanthropic" pa rent& - ir is a noteworthy fact that while the majority of the people and all their Sena tors and! Representative in Congress are demanding equal political rights and privilegga for the "ignorant and degraded negroes't'in the States of the South as necessary to a republican form of Gov ernment, the Constitution of New Hamp shire contains a religions test, which pro scribes white men, native born. In New Hampshire tit) man who professes a belief in the Catholic_ religion is eligible to the °Mee of Gonernor or member of the Leg islature. Isn't Npat Hampshire a pretty State to talk ottotttequal rights and prate of a republican form of government in restoring the golithern States to their pla. ces :in the Union. If a convention is vo ted, it will be interesting to watch its pro ceedings when • it comes to the proscrip the clause in the &ate Constitution. 'On Saturday General B. P. Butler rescheallyria.Ohie,on his way to Oberlin, while ae- Democratic - meeting was in pro great As soon as it became noised abroad that hi); general was' at the depot, the greaten part of the crowd at the meeting rushed thither, in spite of earnest reinon grantee from the Democratic leaders."— Pituiurgk, Gazette. The Ge;fiette is mistaken the rush of the Elyria i3emocrats was to their re spective homes, to tell their wives and daughters to hide their silver spoons and other:bortable property, for which the beast 'is known to• have a remarkable fondness. • A guillotine to be worked by steam and capable of cutting off sir beads per minute is one of the contributions to the Paris Expo- TOR PEES& • pany, a bad life, protestation—in this case .• Very queer ideas are entertained by a true. we think—that murder was not in: portion - of the public in regard to the tended, repentance and willingness to die. right and duties of editors, and the rein'. He was not drunk, as are usually'the vie tionship subsisting between the editor and Aims of the !scaffold, for no , drunkbn Man his subscribers. When James I. was ask- would have thus gently rebuked the ed to deSne a fre 3 tifonarchy, he replied crowd, eager for the horrible"tragedy. "I that it was a governtient Where the mon. feel truly sorry," he said, "to see so many arch was left free to do as he chose. Some people hero, for I feel that most of them people, by a similar process of reasoning, came here through idle curiosity. I feel seem to think that a free press is a press that they don't realize that they that is "free for me to say what I please to die themselves, and that many may die of others—provided, always, that nobody oritho gallows, like me, just as I am shalEhave the liberty of saying anything about to die. lam very, very sorry to see against me." The 'editorial workshop sOmany here to look at this, and to see often the theatre f many amusing scenes so many women and children here to day." from which hand eds of comic sketches We question if the prayers which cloased might be drawn e ery year. Nearly every with religious ceremonial this atrocity bad man thinks himse f capable of giving the best poisible advice town editor, and writes him down'as a very long-eared animal if he does not follow it—forgetting that there are other principles, views, or Opin ions than those entertained by himself. In this happy country every one is not only born a politician, but a statesman ; and nearly every one who suppose+ he has caught hold of the wing or the leg of an idea, thinks he bfilualified forthwith to write for the press—and each, of course, thinks that his own darling essay must have the first place, and that creation will stand still till it is published. And if the editor dares to reject it, on account of its objectionable charactei, or because of its "sorrowful composition, er for the - rant of r. am, he is often . denounced •as a blockhead or as wanting' in spirit. Aetin ; there is a large class of writers, both for the city and country press, who thiCk they are conferring a particular favor upon the editor by every line they write; because it will help to "fill up." Indeed, the popular opinion, everywhere, seems to be that newspaper editais are wonderfully 'Perplexed to. find matter to , fin their column!' ; whereaa the reverse of this is the fact. Their "trouble is to find Ogee for the tenth part of the matter, tley get prepared; and . many of their on editorials are swept into the waste 'bket for want of room. - A fruitful source of vexation arises froth the complaints of people who either are attacked, or fancy they ais . s, by correapo dents, or perhaps for cause, by the edit.* himself. Cases often occur in which ',a person puts a cap upon his head that was fitted up for some one else ; and it often' happens that covert attacks are made upon individuals, which in the hurry of business, are not apparent to the editor, or do not meet his eye until :after the publication. I-s all these cases, involving every shade and 'variety, hd is obliged either to meet the case directly (as he will, if tin honorable man, if the responsibility justly devolves upon him,) or, in ease of accidental mistakes, do the best he - can. In London and Paris the editor rarely has any difficulty of this description to en counter, because he is not known as such, and the publisher stands in . the gap. One a of these. the publisher of violent politi cal paper, always abounding in personali ties, resorted to the device of paying a salary to a , fighting editor. Per this pnr pre°, a huge Patagonian fellow, six feet throe in his stockings, was engaged, who answered all belligerent calls' upon the editor. Whenever an enraged individual called to demand the name of a writer, or satisfaction of the editor, the giant form of 'Tom' would come forth, buttoned to the chin with a 'dreadnought coat,' and a stout oaken shillalah under his arm, and and his catechist]; were gen:ralry r liZZ retire with an apology for having inter rupted his studies I This policy, as far as we know, has not yet been adopted in this country. The practica of withdrawing patronage from papers far a mere di Iferance of opin ion between the editor and subscriber, npcn accidental questions, is very pitiful. It is, moreover, purely American. In no other country•is it so frequently retorted to as in this ; and it is but eri sorry method of manifesting displeasure or dissent. With papers long established, and liberally supported, these individual instances of private proscription can have but little effect. But in to papers enjoying slender patronage, and struggling for ex istence, they strike at the root of freedom of thought and discussion. In this point of view, connected with the erroneous principle upon which most of our public journals are established, this illiberal 'sys tem may be said to work essential injury. Far better would it be in this regard if, in the work composing newspapers, there was the same division 'of. labor as exists in the European capitals. There the editors and publishers have no • personal know ledge of their supplrters as such ;- here they are known to nearly, all ; and the support which newsmen receive is too frequently begged on the one hand, and bestowed on the other. more in the form of personal faioritism than in the manly and independent course of business, in which favors are neither known nor RC- kncrsriedged on either hand. Within the' last few years the custom in this respect in the United States has somewhat chang ed, and newspapers are becoming more impersonal and indepeident. There is still, however, much room for improve ment. "TO DE HUNG TILL YOU ARE DEAD." The shadow of the gallows blackens the civilization of the century. Nothing is more shameful than the moral of the old story of the sailor, who, wrecked on what he feared to be a desolate isle, fell on his ,knees upon beholding • gallows. and cried, "Thank Clod I Jack—we're in a Christian land." With so much that is holy in our creed, liberal in our modern spirit, and just in our law, it is monstrous That we should still b4ild the gibbet by the side of the church: Every execution of which we have read is (*gusting, but few equal that of Allan P. Eggleston, at Newport, otkFriday last. This criminal abet Captain Almon P. Menter, last June, while attempting to escape from the house of the lattar,which be had entered to rob Fifteen thousand peoplce witnessed hts execution, which took place in the open air, "on a knoll which," says the report, ''seemed to have been designated I bY nature for just the dismal ptirpose it was about to serve." Only one bred in a jail could make green fields and woods the accomplices of the barbarism of man. Eggleston, pallid and weak, unable to walk without aid from the wounds his chains had inflicted, but calm and resolute, was led upon the scaf fold. He looked around at the vast crowd, "with an expression of weakness and resignation, a troubled look, a shade of sorrow, not untinged with disgust," and then he fixed his eyes on the blight sky l and forelt clad hills. The death warrant was read, and Eggleston, suiport., ed by two men; rose to make his dying speech. it was .the old story.. Bad cam the solemnity of these. words. Eggleston's arms were now hound:and the rope placed round his neck. The white hood was drawn over his face, and, still unable to stand, strong hands support: ed him on the trap. As he said " God bless you" to his executioners, the drop fell. and the - body flashed in the air. What followed was more horrible 'than death. "The body fell through with great force—the knot slipped, and with a fall of ;eight feet the= wretched man's body struck the ground, his head bumning against the wood:work with a thug that could be heard 100 - feet off. - The acme of horror electrified the 15 000 spectators. A murmur of horror and disgust went the length and breadth of the crowd, and they moved forward with a motion like that of -an immense wave to see what would fol low. It was at five minutes after 1 o'clock _ that the horrible event odeurred. The offi cers quietly raised the man, all stunned and bleeding from his' terribly lacerated neck as he was, carried him up the steps to the death-hole again, and gave- him same water. Without a word of complaint or an 'expression of pain, with the old look of meeiness and resignation lighting up his face, and saying simply, 'Gent/men, n't (et that occur again,' he submitted to the preparation for his execution." I,And then he was again lifted on the willow?, and this time r -it is pitiful that we should hive it to say—was mercifully strangled. What became of his soul we 'know not, but the crowd went home to dinner.:--N. Y. Trikne. A DkNOBUOVS .SPIRIT. - The 'political disturbances and ,riots which have lately occurred in various parts of the country, are much to be dep recated.: The scenes that were witnessed in Philadelphia on kit Friday evening, Wherein three Demoerotic headquarters were destroyed, and several persons were seriously wounded, are only a type of many that are our exchanges. In Missouri this state of things has reach ed such a pitch that it amounts almost to neighborhOod wan, in some sections. There is danger in this spirit of turbtilence, and 'all good citizens ought to use their efforts to hold it in check. There is no telling where it may_strip, if Allowed to ge on unbridled. • When prominent and in fluential political leaders continually pro claim to their followers, as they do now, that their opponents are traitors, and deserve to be banged, it is high time for considerate and thoughtful men to make their influence felt against the palpable danger of such teachings. The' riot at Philadelphia, and the kindred disturban ce& which have occurred in vitriol:li places, are the natural fruit of the seed which incendiary pcaticianshave been scattering broadcast over the country. This evil wa - ass — s - ao alcssaassta tut-s, aft ass pas net to discountenance and emphatically dis approve of the reckless course now pur- sued by the extremists of both parties. When political excitement and party ani mosity are stirred up to the degree which is now seen, it is n - Ot a long step between threats and actions. A mere spark _may develop into -a conflagration under favor able 4.nrestances, and it behooves the people to quench the sparks of political disorder ere they spread and assume dan gerous proportions. LEE - AND (]RANT• The following is General Grant's letter to Lee in relation to the application of the latter for pardon : • flssourattraits AIMIEB MUM STATES, WASHINGTON, D. C., June 20, 1866. Gressel : Your communication of date the lath instant, stating the steps you bad taken after reading the President's pro clamation of the 29th ultimo, with the view of complying with its provisions, when you learned that, with others, you were to be indicted for treason by the grand jury of Norfolk ; that you had sup posed that the officers and men of the army of Northern Virginia were, by the terms of their surrender, protected by the United Stites !3overnment from molesta tion, solong as they conformed to its con ditions ; that you were ready to meet any charges that might be preferred against you, and did not wish to- avoid trial, but that if you -were correct as to the protec tion granted by your, parole and wore not to be prosecuted, you desire:lA, avail yourself of the President's amnesty and and proclamation, and enclosing an ap plication therefor. with the request that in that event it be acted on, has been re ceived and forwarded to the Secretary of War, with the following . opinion endorsed I hereon : "In my opinion the officers and men paroled at Appomattox Court house. and since, upc.n'the earns- terms given to Lee, cannot .4.1 tried for treason so long as they observe the terms of their parole. This is my understanding.. Good faith, asmell as true . policy, dictates that we should ob serve the condition of that convention. Bid faith on the part of the Government, or a construction of that convention sub jecting the officers to trial for treason, would produce a feeling of insecurity in the minds of all the officers and men. If so disposed they might even regard such an infraction of terms by the Government as an entire release of all obligations on their part. I will state further that the terms granted by me met with the hearty approval of the President at the time, and of, the country generally. The action of Judge Underwood in Norfolk has already had an injurious effect, and' I would ask that be be ordered to quash all indict ments found against' paroled prisoners of war, and to desist from the further prose cation of them. U. S. (hum': - "Lieutenant'General. 'llendqunrters Armin; United &Otis Juue id. 1895 ' Thif opinion, lam informed, suitstan fame as that entertained. by the Government. I have forwarded your ap plication for amnesty and pardon to the, Pe isident, with the following endorsement thereon : "Respectfully f )rtvarded throagh the Secretary of War to the President, with the earnest recommendation that this ap plication of General B: E. Lee for amnesty and pardon May be granted to him. The oath of allegiance required by recent order of the President does not accom pany this, for the reason, I am informed by General Ord. the order requiring it bad not reached Richmond when this was forwarded. - "11. S. GRANT, Lieutenant General. "Ilgraxtuaayzas ARIUS UNITED STATES, June 16, 1865." Very respectfully, U. S. Own., Lieutenant General. • The Goyeniment allows Jeff. Nils. $2O per week tai the paeans etratioae. • THE Ravacas or WAR.—A learned Ger- Man Statist has - publishei some tables the festful ray ages of war. It appears by these that the . ware waged .by various European natio-s from 1815 to 1864 have cause,' the death of 3,762.000 men, without including deattsi caused by epidemics which were the result of these wars. Of these people 2 118 0)3 were Eta= ropeuts, anct 614,033 betongad to other. portions of the world. The Crimean war of 1850 caused the death of 508.603 men. The revolt in India cost 106,000 lives.— The war betweea, Russia and Turkey, which svaged from 1820 to 1829, destroyed 173,000 persons. The Polish insurrection of 1831, 190,003. The liangailan insur rection, 1Z.870. The wars of this period gave an average destruction of 43,800 lives per annum. Ittoarly as this may appear, at is exceedei by the destraation of the wars fought in Eur Ope from 1782 to 1815, in which 5,530 000 lives were lost—a year ly avAr , g4 of 240 000 • MATRIMONEn FiLICITT.—In San Fran cisco, during the year ending June 30th, 1806. there were one hundred and seven ty-eight decrees of divorce pronounced in the several newts of that city. In Con necticut, which, by traditional fiction, has been assumed to :be the abode of the sternest Puritan morality, there were no less than four hundred and thirty-four, di vorces pronounced in 1864. Recent sta. tistics show that during the last fifteen years' the divorces in that State have equalled one-twentieth of the number of families. We may well ask the question. what is the countrycoming to; and where itLthis thing going to stop? Such a state ! L ifft,Ve-noralization as now prevails all over the country I*.florrible to contemplate. Tun returns from gallant:little Dela ware show an overwhelming Democratic victory in that State. Even New Castle county, hitherto the impregnable fortress of the opposition, hag been earried•by the Democrats by a majority of four hundred. - Tire is a gain of thirteen hundred on the vote given for Hr. Lincoln. PERSONAL rrEns. Anna Dickinson's new lecture is entitled "The Rejected Stone." Medical man advise -Mr. Seward to retire froin public life. Jefferson Davis is credited with the remark that "Treason never prospers, for when it prospers none dare call it treason." Colonel Frank S. Curtis, of Missouri, says : "I have been in twenty-seven battles; led a regiment in nineteen ; and yet some 011 me 'Copperhead.' ' The Buffalo Commercial says that Raymond may well exclaim with Hamlet, "The Times is out of joint. 0, cursed spite, that 1 was ever born to set It right." They are fond of titles in the 'East. Among his smiling titles, the King of Ana has that of "Lord of Twenty-seven Umbrellas." looks as if he was prepared for a long reign (rain). - - Elisha C. Sprague, of - Chicago, has had an action.commenced against Mm for breach of promise, by aCinotaaati lady. The lady has been for eiz years a teacher in the Newport Seminary. Governor Oglesby, of Indians., one of the high priests of Radicalism, while making s speech in Plymoitth, Indiana was interrupted by some one in the crowd, when the Governor "T can whiff you! I can mark your old head for you any day!", sewarct nag %Drammen - mem - party. - see;sm hes. end We think the psrt.M bad better make lassie to die. now thst it homiest its trains. Since ;Sennett, of the tieW York herald, turned over to the Radicals,- he has. been high'y honored, lie has been invited to pre sent a stand of colors to one of the new militia negro regiments, and is now busily engaged in preparing his oration for the occasion. Forney. in. ono of his Pennsylvania speech- es, says that the President was complimen tary when he °lagged him among the species of defunct ornithology. ES may, says the Boston• Post., have complimented Forney, but we are incline•l to the opinion that be was tm nezessarily severe on the ducks. It transpires thit antler gets s2s') per alum from the Central Committee daring hie stumping tour. Thittittm, in addition to tri fles that fail in his war, and are easily secre ted, keeps the dostor quits cheerful and am fortable. A-meet horrible tragedy occurred at Moren el,- Miehigan, on the 3d inst. A Mrs. Simms. wife of a tamer, took her four children—all little glrls,,.into the barn, and after looking the door, cut the throat of each child, and then destroyed herself in the - .aims manner. No cause but insanity can be assigned. Riding two horses, under any circumstan ces. ie uncertain business, but riding two which run in different directions must be very straining to the system. The editor of the Clark County (WIS.) Advocate says that while he Is an Andy Johnson postmaster be is a- Radical Republican editor. 'The whole Radical preschastopied the sto ry of s corresnondent that he , ireoently saw es-United States Senator James S. Green, of Miseouri, staggering about the streets of St. Louis, clad in seedy . ' garments, and wearing a battered hit, and that he makes his living by being a bellablose shylter." The local papers say that Mr. Green' is strictly temperate in his habits, and stands at the very heal of the legal profession la Missouri. John Dabury, the Jteeper of a restaurant in Richmond, we, a slave before . the war, but had bought his- freedom, sal when the war broke out he owed &beaus of $2OO. Some advised him not to: pay it, saying "you are free by the law.": John's reply was, "No my master acted like a gentleman to me—he left me bay-myself and my wife cbenp—l owe him the money honestly, and I intend to pay IL". He kept his word, sod a few days ago discharged the obligation in full. - Nearly all the best men of the two national parties in Tennessee—all the old Feeders of the Tennessee Dertiocraey and Whiggery— such men as John Bell, Cave Johnsen, Neil 8, Brown, (horse W. bum Wm. H. Sevens, Willism T. kvery Jolts L T. ' , need and Lan lion Haynes, arm disfranchised, laid on the shelf, - ostrocisrd from public affairs, while the Tiff-rea low plotters rand schemers. tart ulent nobodies, political paupers and adventurers, such mon as Bernell, Dawn. Brortlow, sit in the sesta of power and control the des links of the State. ;' A story is told of deborst Grenville hi. Dodge of lowa:—While in porno:mad at Vicke burg he enforced strictly the regulations in regard to cotton. The ;speculators tried hie mettle by the usual appliances-an offer of $50;000 in gold; • then $lOO,OOO, $150,00; $200,000. He then sent it dispatch to Wash ington, asking to bo removed from his coin. mend. • He said he had been offered $200,000 to disobey orders, which was so near his price that he was afraid the next offer.vould bring him. A few years ago s postmaster wan appointed in Clinton, Pa, who , wail a 'gentleman of the 0 014 School." lintating upon the asidatitis of situation, he for a time filled the ogled 4 yousg man. ono. expressed his Stirpriee with dignity, and, id all apPearanies, with to Dr: Franklin that tbe.4osses•lon of great eetlefaction. One day; te , man called for a tichse should seer be attended with great ito= letter, the initial) of the last name being M. Wit:4, and initanced a merchant, who, al- Whereupen the worthy postmister toOkdown though Its possession of unbounded wealth, 'nine number.ot lettere, and, looting theta was as busy,- aid much more anxious, than over, said there was no letter' there4—odditlig the:most industrious clerk In his nounting that all of the hittere needy were lee Mr. P. house. iThe dottier, in reply, took an apple lkt, and that he Wished ha wield call and get from nfruit-basket, and presented to a child them: "fen" Saidhe,l"l doletlmOlf what to dtt 1 in the room, who could hardly grasp Ulu his , with, there. I have lived In Canton for hand. Ile then gave him another, which filled twenty-five years, and I never hears: of i man the other ; andlchooslig another, remarkable by the name of P. M. yet I" The roar that for its size and beauty, he presented that also. followed gave tie P. M.' an idea that Ithere, The child, _after inlay ineffectual attempts to Was something wrong. ~ ; _ , il 1 ; hold' the three apples, dropped, the laston the - . WenisliPhilli l r, ,says the AlbleelJoitrall, carpet, and but into tears. . " See" said has an income f $60,000 i year.l lie sits Frpnklin, "theta is a little 'man ilth more under polished mahogany, eats of . ioeintifial riches thin he can enjoy.” , -china and solid eilvir, and buries hil slippers Two liishmen engaged in peddling -pack in the soft pile 4 velvet carpets fit for the ages of linen, 'bought en old mule to sid-in -parlor of a prince . Ile has never been *eosin carrying Idle - burdens , . One, of them would lo deny himself' for pnePoses of phirity. If ride awhile, Usti)] the other; merles the bales during the war, he Contributed to ?also a roe- of linen on the male. One day, the Irishman :ment or eupport of i soldier''s family, we hale that was on foot got close Up to the heels ethic yet to learn it. ilf he has made anyidonstion muleshipi wheh he received a kick on one•of from his abundant, wealth Ito the ,i feud for his shins! To be revenged, he picked up a 1 supporting th e freedmen of the ontb , we stone and hurled at the mule, but struck his ', ktot oompaninn On the - head. !beteg ishat be bad ' stand ready to recoed the feat open enlilo i proof. This'boOk-Worm pbilosophe : and the- done, Its .topped and began to groan and rub °retie humanitsl. an:muses panegyrics .of la- his shim , The ono -on the mole turned and ; bor in an atrpos here of daintiest iniory, and asked what was the matter. ! Tho bloody composes eulogies upon poverty with nil 0116 crathttr kicked me,"- was the reply. mile snreoundinge of enormous effluence.. . • jabbers, he's did the et me, thing to me on the Senator Wilson, of lassachusette,theather - back Of the head," said the ether. . . day addreasel al meeting presided over} byl a ' . . I Whenever yen see a gal stub a whole lot of man who nallel I the . President. ma :Idranken sweethearts it's an even chance. if she ever trowsere-maker.(' The Nashville Uktiot well , ' to any of 'em. One cools off remarks that this is Massichusitte , s eddy gee': sae . n another ri ce ots eff, and befo re she can turning up its nese at honest latter.; The TO bring any of 'em to the right weldtn hest, the mark, too, meta hke pleased Wilson, who coat is gone and & the fire is out. Then she commenced his barestes .cobbler; and who 1 1 • - ! i 1 rosy blow up a dust, but the deuce of a game would, no. doubt, have been a vary worthy can she blowup again to' save her soul alive. member of !moiety,' if he had - stuck to the last. • I . ! .i 1 ! I never see a clever looking gal in danger of I that, I don't long to whisper in her ear, "Ton , Feeney, tired ' l of signing mooolainnal" Ito dear little critter, you, lake care, you have his letters to "my ttroliapers,hoth . d . ally," too man irons' in the fire, some on 'ern -will is now writing to himself and abasing the get ston ecold) and :'other oneserfll get burnt President over the signature:of H.Tane Canoes. so, therikbe no goOd in naturt.—Sans Slick. wait, a waeherwomee." This is' all will 1- '! ' • enough, for Forney it as been most everythieg ; , A. men living at a village near Mobile, on but there is a coolnese in hie assuming to lbe ' Mondayinight, attempted Oo frighten some --2 - -- - ' ' ' 1 _ girls by ItrapPing a . white cloth reund his lithe wife of a Union soldier, awl she of tive - children.r ' ~ Tbe-Newbaryport Herald, in an tirti, tolling the psi:What' charioteristicsof ' concludes that G l eneral Stiller-will be th - cal candidate for-the Presidency' in I against General IGrait, the ponseriati - didato. I I General Orarit's ray Is $18,678 pel and Meta. General fihermsn'ti, l slB,slB-1 is allowed fifty horses. A Majiir-Citiner $5,800 per yeari and is allowed, fire The pay of a Bilgsdier is $3,940,50. 4 Bri.ef Paragraphs. ;I ,41 Our theory of goverumect his fie pi it State except is the Union." [IL!. B Tho St. the iDanocrat• is e; Rep , piper, andthe kt.‘Loule.Repub li ems is I ociatio sheet. -.. • '1 England can concentrate on a Oren! the shortest notice, 200,000 men; 40,01 see,•and 20) guns fir the ilefeiscwof I "Don't you think tight lacing hal consumption, fleeter I" asked a joytit,l her phyelelan, st eV - said the.' "it is just wba it feeds on." • • I At IC celebration of a marriage, a large number of young Indies present, the 'minister Bald: "Those ;wishing to he joined in . ', the_ holy bonds of matrimony, wilt' Oases stand up;" and nearly iii arose. The poet Campbell , who used. a poor razor said that a man who lived to be sixty bideuf more pains in altering than. _ a woman with n large family .evereindared. ! '•} ; Montana exchanges have a bard attpy to tell .f , of *pilaster Who; teenta - RAMA 0 4 O IIPO/2 that he murdered al Irishman and co his dead body and 'starved it up to !earth .. , The settlers strung ; im up on short notic . To find the Shortest way to e fame e heart under, any given cirettinstincas : If she is married, but 'not a mother—Prates her hue:. bend. If she is - parried. and also, a mother— Praise her children. It she ie', unmarried, and • noged—Pralse her lover. If she ia un married, and disingsged--Tra l ei bertelf.l In a dinner, !peach; on the occasion of pommencemen it Dartmouth Coll4e, Den. Sherman said he had asked Chief! Justice Chase whether; he believed tiny panther; had ever changed his vote on say material'queition by reason'of the debate upon it; end the,ans . war was "Noll' . ' -. 1 . .A lady in qleveland the other very affectionito to her husband,l slipper handed: him s cup of ' he declined to: drink, bok 'Puled k hts children. Thereupon the wortia • forirard and seized the cup, Gina the child's lila.) The cup contalied An arrest and 4114 coureefollows.' A 'small meanness has been deveioped by some of the trig:eels of the Antietam National Cemetery', who! urged that a rook 'Mown is • Lea's nook, and wrezoorable for having been the pilit of the confederate General through out the fight, sliould be removed, inairinuch as its retention er as tantamount to erecting monumentio General Lee ! Sabseviuently a better spirit prevailed, en s ! the iesete party`i decreed its safety as a 'leature o historic inter?st." ) - ' I ' , - Home one hal said that a young mother is the most, beautiful thing in natur4. Why qualify it I WO! Young ? Are not almothers beautiful 1 The sentimental outside beholder may prefer youth. In the pretty p k ttere ; but we are inolinedto think that sons and dangh ters, who are most intimately ',esteemed in the matter, lore and choke their Imothere most when therlare . old. How seggestire of something holyi and venerable it is; whin a person talks of 'his "dear old mother !" .; I . 1 1 A young lady was sweeping the , street with a trail two yards long. A young ?an stepped upon it, partly iesring it from her oraist„;i3ba turned shortly upon him and said; "814 yaiit are a rowdy." lie retorted, 444w* yeti are a dowdy." "I(! were a man, I irottid thrash you," said she. "If you were pretty I would kin you," said he. "This is Insuierable," , said the lady, gathering up he ' oalico t indl turning away. I ! ' That to true,' he replied, "whether yearremwrk applies ,to yourself, your dress, or t h e weather." There Is an old tale, of witich,ltheugh-!idla in itself, the ties may be' gtiod.i A certain man who would never go to chtiftehrhen, he 'heard the saint's rbell; would say to his wife, "Go thou to okiirch, and pray , for thee and me." One night The dreamed thst,both lie:and his wife were dad, and that theiknOcked to gather at' tleaVen's gate for eatratice, St! ' Peter - (by the legend) is We porter, Asti I suffered his wife to 'enter in, but ept the husband out, !answering him !'Shoff is gone in, both . fOr herself and tt+e. ~` As`thy wife went tOclitireitferthee, so phi:toast's° '- to, Heaven for thee." i ~ When Aim Beier was about ti? march,,into Syria, to propagate the IPdahtimmodan religion it the point of the sword, he limed this order to his officers : I "Treat your soldieralwitb the. kindest consideration ;' be,j tot in nll your deal ings with ilteml;' eon - stilt their feelings ' : and opinions; fight saliently, andner turn your bank upon t foi. j .1 1 1berivieforio#, herrn not the aged,, and: protect ,'women ,and ohn4rem. Destroy notate islet tree, tor fat trees °fatty tied; -waste itt: thecorn field siithifirs,,; nor kilt, any tattle tieeptist fur food; staid t*lth- Mat trip teittmt alkiCinals*" ' body and personating a ghost. All ran but one, whO pulled out a revolver and deliberate ly find six bails into the headand. body. Al the first 'shot the ghOst fell, but she continual filing. 4e then went home end related the circumstance", and parties returning to the snot forind life extinct, two balls having pen etrated the forehead, and the other four the region Of the heart.. The sympathy .of the people favored the girl, and she has not been arrested. • I - A new method of computing interest on any numberof dollars of six per cent. appears very eiMple. j Multiply any given nuMber of dollars by the days of interest desired, sep arate the right-habil "figure,. and divide by six; the result it Atm • true interest of anal sum for enebnumber of days, at mix per cent. This rule 11 so limple and true, according * to all business usages, that every banker; bicker, merahaid, Or clerk should post it up for refer ence and me; Thera being no such thing as fraction inat, there is scarcely any liability to error or Mistake. II By no other mathemati cal pnicesti 'can- the desired information be obtained by so few' figures. i "Well,, my child," said a :stern father to a little daughter, after church, "what do you remember of all the preacher said?" "No thing sir," was the timid reply. "Nothing !". said he severely ; "now remember, the next time you tell me something he says, or you must stay away from the chnteh." The next Sunday she came home, her eyes all excite ment; "I remember something," said she. "Ah l very glad of it," replied the father ; "whit did be s ay?" , " Re said, pa, -cried she delightedly; "a- eolleotion will now be f siren Ton A great many foolish persona entertain the erroneous belief that the Presidint of the United States has the power to punish Jeffer son Davis and every unrepentant rebel. No thing could too more fallacious. It belongs to the Judiciary 'to leap who dttall be hanged Or whose property shall be confiscated. The Ex ecutive hi" the pardoning power, it is true, but be cannot exercise it until the Courts - pass judgment in the case. Whatever banging or. confisostion is to be done, must be inaugarst-. ed by the Courts. The President has nothing to do with them in the initiato r y proceedings. ace, for i oeober. abuctui 1 11 t4M-- II her, ottiloa for ; the Iledy of doctor ; Some of the pew. 4 in a Ifebrew Temple, in ,Cincinnati, were recently rented for $l,OOO. end , premiums run up on others as high ee s3:soo—and thus two hundred thousand dol lars were realised. This has never been equalled by any church in this or any ctber country. ay' , was and at which "Does the razor take hold well ?" Inquired a btrber who was sharing a gentleman from the country. "Yes," replied the customer, \ with testi in his eyes.' takes hold first rate, but it don't let go worth a cent." j o IT of pprang &mink. New Publications. PSTIIIISON'II LADIES' NATIONAL MAO/MINN for October, opens with a tine steel plate of "Suspense," and followed with a beautiful colored Fashion Plate, and a humorous wood out of "The Music Leeson." This is the eheapest'• Ladies' Magisine' published - . Only $2.00 per yeay. Now is the time to mete up the clubs for 1867. Address Charted J Peter son, 306 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. ATLANTIC MOITIILY for October, has been received with the following table of contents: Childuood,e. fatuity ; Her Pilgrimage ; Farmer Hill's Diary ; Darwinian Theory ; Various- Aspects of the Woman Question; Scrabreited Altri ; Idiantowona ; Passages from Haw thgrnea Note Book; The,Gerumn Conquest; The novels of George' Elliot ; Griffith Vaunt or .lealoney ; The Daurpation ; Reviews and Literary Notices. Published by Ticknor Fields, Doeton. Hon. Charles Ifitimner; of Massachusetts; Gov. James L. Orr. of South Carolina; John Noyes ; John Pierpoint ; Wm. Harvey, and a Kaffir Chief of Mozambique, with other il lustrations; given in the Ootober number.of the Phrenological-Journal. Also,' Social Sci ence; Drums and Dreaming;; Psychology; PhytiolOu ; Physiognomy and Phrenology. It 14 n eery Intarasting.mmber--0n1y".20 Si' $2 a year. Address Fowler Et Wells, 3139 Broadway, stew York. &mess for October hos the followitig in- Tiling table of contents : Personal Recollec iiens of the War, illustrated Wooden Legs, illustrated : Cruise of the Rob Roy, illuatnto ted ; Heroic Deeds of Reroic Men,. illustrated : Shelby Cabell, illustrated; Mrs: Roth'S Bri dal Tour; Sleep ; The Ruined „Chapel: Lady Goldin at Atoms, illustrated; September Woods ; Robbed of half a Million; The burn ing of OoluMblasgain.;- The Freedman's Sto ry ; The Ugly Toadt Cost of a Rome ; Editor's Easy Chair; Monthly Record of Current Events ; Editor's Drawer. GODLY'S LADY'S *on- for October ' Is on our table. "The Rest on the Hill ," is obeantl fal steel plate. The colored Fashion Plate represents a fancy dresit ball and will be ap preciated - by all the ladies. The wood . cut Fashions are brought down to th e l a t es t d ates by a Walking and Traveling dress, little girli costume, Promenade Suit, twelve Fashionable Bonnets, The Work, Department con tains-a- great variety of work for the ladire.— The reading matter in this number cannot be expelled by any Ladles' Magazine is the country: Now is the time to make - up your clubs. The prices•are the Sante u they were last year. Address L.A. Colley. corner Sixth and Chestnut streets., Philadelphia. liaanta's:Siosynu.r.—The contents are as follows : Oregon and:Washington.; The Dead Letter, Part II; - Orpheus' Nightingales; All, AbOut Mermaids; Wtld Joe; Croquet and its, Laws ; The "Romance of the Green Seal," ;. Newport; Penns! 4tsoollections of Major General - Sheridan; Awaiting the Dawn; Old Him's MetsroorphoslS; The The Tense* 111 ; Onttritted bl a/Mount; Art Lines, III;-An Episode In Lumber life ; My Everyday Paper* VI ; Current' Not.. ca Books, Man and Tbiallw • * DRY GOODS AND CARPET EMPORIUM. ONE ~PRICE CASH STORE! DIEFEND9,ItF, GROSS _& , . • . Weald respectfally all the attentloo if our Mandl aid the rublia peners!), to oar t ic : . r` feletted dock, coruniUng of het 1.04 . .. DRESS GOODS OF AL KINDS, WHITE GOODS, a I r i i • ir Fl anne l s , B r own and Bleached: Unsling, Stripes, Denims, Ticks T a lk.- '' Shawls, Hoop Skirts, Small Wares, &m g Wall and Decoration Papers it,r, dere. The largest and most complete stock in North-Western PenrA, 4 • - 'ROYAL' VELVET, ENGLISH' BQbY BRUSSELS, ENGLISH TAPE Tbm higria ., Nub' W oo l, Ha g and. ftcno. Ysirmt and Summit, Watts and Rocco( C otba, from ova Cs .Is yards sada, Coco, Cana and Canton Manias. of all widths. '7-nst Thoseinetty - Celebrated Spring Beds, Bele end 4 3saerus Mattresses, tibia re e noieeenii,, i . , the beet, 'eoestestly on hand and wide, to order. BElM:weed every deseriptes, consotie l , , I ,_ ki , . Toilet go Its, Colored sad White Slooksia Clono.ortere. pillowe so! ptilow -" • *lv, sheets, Ire, always on hand. Also, Live Ges.e . • leathers of the best goodly. CUI:TATNS AND CURTAIN MATERIALS: Leas Curhetec rawest Repos and Brocade Curtains made to order. COttliell— Gist; plaintand orasamentaL Stair Rods et khads. La • word, ever tide; usual krpt and House Purntohlaa r stAllehment Coniult your interest+ sat buy your 10 .4 e t aa where pm can dad the hired aseortmeat, which Is et the one • • , price ebb store' rf DIEFERDORF, GROSS & FOSTER, NO . . 1 REED HOUSE ERIE, Fa,l) 8. D. Mots.hoy. Jots Dlcisos. Jon 'Minn 'DKr GOODS A'? WHOLESALE • SEPTEM,BER, 18G'G. • McELROY, DICKSON COMPANY NO: 54 WOOD STREET, FALL STOCK, Now complete, awl tortte the attention of Dealers to thole eirefally eeleoled minting:a of D Y G- 0 0 h S 1 - . AND NOTION 1 , MIRED AT kPULAR'PRIIMUL I Sim i eloquent flactiatioas in nine of aA descriptions of Merchandise, readers Its matter of especial propriety that purchases should be frequent, and therefore the nearest market besomee n the one but adapted to supply. tog retell dealers, with geode they sell. Marebesers from Western Pennsylvania, Instern Oblo and Western Virginia, are Melted to IrLdt Pittsburgh sod hapset this Stock of Goods, wtich hill be kept dur ing the 0110ANI. Terms; Net Cady dnd Prices Reasonable cE.L.RO Y, DIC,KSO,N &• NO. 54 WOOD MEET. =EI I) B. TA BOT 1"""t PILLS. (ANTI-DISPUTED.) COmposed of highly Ommentrated Extract& from Roots sad Berta of the greatest medloilmlue. prepared from the missal prescription of the celebrated Dr. Tal bott, and need by him with renrtable saceess for of the LITER, or Arai deranyment of the DigiarTri ORGAN& They thus Diarrhoea, Dyspepsia, Sethfala, ..Tiundics Blikumnass. Laver Complaint. The well-known Dr. ifott seised them Pills : " 1 have used the formals from which your Pills are made, in my Fentino: for over 1 2 yews ; they have the float el' feet upon the Liver and Digestive Organs of any medi c:the in the world, and are the most perfect Purgative which has ever yet been made by anybody. ' Thee am safe end pleasant to take, but powerful to thre Their puietrating properties stimulate the vital activities of the body, remove tbe obetructions of lts organs. purify the Ind expel 41srese.' , They purse out the fool hansom which breed and grow distemper, stimulate sluggish or disordered organs Into their natural action, and impart $ healthy tone with ett 'meth to the whole system. Hot only do they cur* the every day com p Myths of everybody, but also formidable and dangerous diseases, and being purely vegetable are free from any risk or berm." They create pore blood WI remote all imporiliss from the spasm, bones are a ooaltire cure for /rows. Headache, Piles Merennal Mosses and H creditor Humors. Dotio-:-for adults. one Pill in the morolog for children under 8 years, half a Pill. Price One Dollar per Doz. ,Trade supplied or gent by Mail, Dolt paid, to any part of the Untied States 'or Caoadae on receipt of pries. Mons imagine without the toa.sitallo Amstar* of V. Mott Talbott, IL D. V. MOTT rev:tort Co.. Proprietors, No. 132 IFOlton street. New York. VORIS IPRMIODICAre DROPS. ocrelLl7 THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY FOR IRREGULARITIES. Thew Drop am a setentideany ecoopounded field =ration, and better than any pills, ponders or now Being liquid. their salon ls direct aad positive. rendering them a reliable speedy and whin wade for the urea all obrtruattons and sappressione of na ture. Their popularity le indicated by the fact that over 100,000 bottles are annually sold and Unarmed by the ladles of Asseries, every, one of whom speak in the stringed terms of prises , of their greet matter They ars rapidly taking the l ag of enry o th er female remedy, and ers urturderid all who know aught of those, as th e serest, terse an most infallible prepara tion in the world, far the oars of ell female comolaints, the eunerrel of all obstraetous of nature, and the pro umtinis of bealth.cegatarity nod strength. Isplicit di rections, stab( when they may be and, arid exploits lag when awl why thsly should not. and enild not b. used withootprodadag effects co ober, to *tan'sUns een laws, will •be found euefully folded around each bottle, with the written signature of John L. Lyon, without which none VII genuine. Prepared by Dr. JOHN L. LYON, 191 Chapel street, New Rums. Conn., who can be consulted either per ennial) or by letter, (enclosing stamp) concerning all pirate dinars and female seunemes. Sold by DtaggisU ovary where. C. O. PLUM & CO., Oen') Agents fur 11. Ladd Prudes nonli-lp t ir lIDSON WILDER, Illsaasatanrs and Wliolases Deal3re to TIN, JAPAN AND* ;PRESSED WARE, STOVE PIPE, STOVE TRIMMINQS, &C., Waterford, Erie Cci:, Pa 1121 r tram by snail promptly attended to Titoicin, BUT TRUE, That Sareeparari. and Burdork.Cnesn: of Tartar and Sulphur. Red Pie atapihle and ltrizaretoas , all tall to core this modern mongrel Itrir.stots so prevalent thronshout the cone u7. Be to Ratract of Dandelion and flitter-Sweet is lust the remedy for it, as It este on the liver.Othaelatee all the arozelkuna. opens the pares of the skin: and In a egad and euy way throws out all Bilk vlsoid. pol aoaooa or impure clatter, and Noes the circulation free r the blood pare : the - skin dean, the complexion clear, and the whole:Amato free from disuse. It la a medicine that cannot he cud without benefit. A DMINISTRATOR% NOTICB, - - Leith of Administration on the estate of :01111 P. deceased,lats of Greene township, trig county, Pa, having been granted to the nn4reigrstii; notice is herein rim to all indobted to raid estate to make im mediate payment, and those haring claims against Ms same will present them, duty authenticated, to settle ment. CHRISTU*SA ENDLICEI, H. L. PINNEY; - Administrators =2 A lIDITORS NOTICE. sae City troU Wald • No. TO. August Otratd Oil Company., 5 Itstia. 18M. October 1. 1565, el*notiou, Oro. W. otinutooth DR» appoloted auditor to taste distribution of mote, mad . no atom rated Hl. Pa /Or out. MI person" batmestad in the above slated seas are heroes notified that I will attend tat lit a datles of my appointment at ley ME= la Iv* an per t the Nib dav of (Mom. A. D. 10111, al II o'clock p. CEO. W. BUM NISON, oet d•dt Auditor. O.OINKTRIND NEW AND NOVEL be Aro . at; UU Pollan, Comb, atom. Dealt salt ill linking kosordis sad prolnabla badness Pros tbr ti wbotosolo. $9 pa 6os. Csavuolts nails hors 311 to sn por day mit. molt 4t • ADSM k DOOR Ntanhi.ll4 Witsr Bt., N.Y. TUC. 0110112. wafts anzi .ar SPESOIta ft 19111natuv, Arromn 14.4 - =Wawa Liberty atosa. Cidisehmirmagy saes Or alt re gime* 434141. EB,tb . CITY- ME ERIE, PA., CARPETS. UPHOLSTERY. irrES &I KEPLER'S toi, DWELLIXG HOUSES FOP.ll..qi Cola°Kahle new two-sb ry bones co ti:l uw , P. & & railroad. lot 661.1 Q. i 11CISIVO ~.. ''' The two-story well finished hens., tent:it:, r o t of Barna .noJkli on west 6th gni% Prot*, The well !Welted first clams bones of tte,:c„, le. R ons , ou Bth street, . between State eni Peo.l. desirab ' - ' One acre oT land; •ig story h toe, Itg ruc , WO In Green Tp. Peke MO One acre of land; Sae cottage home In reol k „ i room.: i s ,„ ; I, ri t. ea, 0.1 miles Best et In ity,tXll. • ' ~ One-half oily In On Bth Street, betirelih t Chestnut. Priest MO. bane. en French St, south of Tart' Te 11,.., and cheap. A deeirstie two-story frame hove sti fow l , of ground. on Sambas street, our tie reary . r a Prise $t Orb. The In. urge dwelling Louse of Met J•Lii; Freund strest, corner of Second. Bona hue, „moo s repair. Pitt. low—tennteley, Fort cues three story brick dwells; ca era, cart side sideAwinned comp'ete, and rill los rot ci We have • cumber ff eery desirable pe r m., for sale. worth from 10,003 to 47/I,oco. The first ewe brick derihor on wed Mb St of Chestnut. Two city yds, brio 1,,,,,, , In . 'a li obrabben. Altogether the intet thdzthie Ilan c log. Priest 518,000. The dwelling of W. J. F. Liddell, on wet Mil A twolboey, well famished dwelling an emit! Lot 48 X 160. Well fruited. ,' Two we w dwellthits on Pearl St, corner et s„, 1 n ut t ed onwplete. Price of eoratz•hanw, We, double house $1,860, or $ll6O for the ON i 4, ebeapeett dwelling; offered forte!. in the 4 PI7TSBURGII, Lot 90 z 120 feet, on •eat 6th St., onon d Finest building lot In torn. hicli S5O feta I of 40 I dis, 00 State St, neer Boyez . • per foot: . Tour drat elus Deflates lots on Oth stit "rut side, a part of the estate of fir. EalL that is tell In one body, and very desirable. BUitelS property for I'4.—U, feet Irt between State and Pearl. lf e rid sell Ch Ft/ cheap. Two thole• dry tots ' al. lonrih inen, Cbeetout, 41 feet 1 inches by 105 feet. Ws have left • number of foildlag hunt and Buffalo streets. betweend3oUand and tics. bitch gravel ground and v ery de• reds. - Teri Building Lot% corner ( Ilenetb set 116 We offer for ra'a In ()velour lot or :Uhl , chestnut god Buffalo streets, to iota itir-yhr. On espy tering. 1000 SALE • ntimber of the fug and Harbor Creek tpa., at pi:us Iron its 13 131 ' PriT3BURGA - Building lots on west 9th street. be:sx. Chestnut. Price 23 per foot; 56 X es. Vn Business lots Irons 9 to 2, Pit treat, on :ax edmere of It) and 11th. A Iso on the env FARMS FOR SALE BY HAYES kill' Farm of 108 &eras in llariximeek lea tie en, eentalainq Dam, h else, he Nice Cat Farm of C. N. Stiuk, In liartiorelealr- Ili ell ontaini-g bons., earn and orchard ; ?re A Farm of 85 acres in Chantangna enurv,3 farm is loestod wlthio thrive tales or thigh About 70 scree improves!: a tint elm doe good barna and oat bonus, young ant r al. e, fru ts—applea. peaches!, plums, eta. 'twenty sera. of Farming land andZ . atin int.{ to 11% miles mat of the city, on = Pries $l2O , er sere—,go I sell the 20 seas ngsl sitad. Fine tarn on the 20 urea. , Iu Fratbora.k. on Lake toed, Demi , bv 67 *errs GoQd improvem.qate. 141 1 teir sae. Osborn fano, tour ml'ea e nit f Erie. ft ift , Fine large house; good Improeent,nts: Hardee farml nest stoethead Stantt. , "first class Loptosunsotaf zood .11 roLtlrql ry that the o.rer sheald sell. $53 per sat C. C. Walker :um, Less Rumor tetkj . ." etas■ two story bons': gee gone lot; 730 grafted apple trees; /tuft of tat" bonae, &e. Very cheap—tar= easy $75 pre Yillp"ropetry of c'amwel Weigel/ olow - station. two miles from Melbas C.rtet mitl; sow mills iodised tolll. 18 setet'ltWit , himms; cond. °retard. Pries HOYEB & tar) Avail and, Denim in Rn Wail en Blatt! = A SEW PERFUME FOE TOE HINDI uNiskt illoentiss fr PhaleaV Night Mooedlig (1 Pkalens!si "Night Bloemiss Phulepho "Night Hloonsist Phnloato "Night Blooming 00 - A mad exquisite. delicate. and Frcemm' distilled from the rere sad beisulithi which It takes Its [tun. lantivisettrred on* by PSALM! &fra ETE=2I BENVARE-Or COUNiERMS ASS FOIL PELALoN'S—TAKE NO 05' TUE GU AT ENGLISI SIR JAMES CLARSEI CELEBRATED FEStAr,rt:.' PROTECTED tElra • 13Y ROYAL 4 ,, vi Prepared tram a Punierlmlon of Mt. J. Ceti 'Three!** Extraordinary to the lu Invaluable medielpe untuliel I ' l3' tame" palatal arid &sigmas &statute at:ch.>, =Neut. It 0.0, mares al4 obstructions, and a 'peed) to -4 • • - TO. MARRIED LADIES It le pecotiarlyinited. It will, In a etort the monthly perid with replant). LW " bottle, pri e sOne Dollar, bean to at " 40,1 P of Great Britain, to "prevent Hut = CAUTION. • toe nos PHU Amid ant be takes ?IRS? THRJUS MONTHS of PllPalymil sere to iring % e Afierarriegn, Log 'g ore e4fe. eases of Verrone and Spinel efeen l r) the Back and Lim* flatigue on rilthl , P7 7 6 , Lion of the Heart, Hysterics andTWlliA,.;i: effect a Once When all other means ten . ' though a powerful waled'', do not antimony or anything hurtful to tie rOll directions in the pamphlet a:par.*" which altonid be eareilllty preset - I'le SOLD BY ALL D8CG60. , • , ,,,y Sole Agent for the Visited States I:a.,:WtO I JOB YOSIS. Coramite!"*ll,o, N. 11.—51,00 and 6 portage stamp met. Marbled agent, will Moore a b.ttle, coon*. sfp'64l Q.TRANGIL BUT TAUS—S: er4W' putlsman to th• trailed status em u way math to thole minddagu . by rruzi tiaraby &di:lnning tb• to:designed ""'"SI Wu/humbugged abr. by bot:00 cad. All others will pleat* Wren telk rms. T. Cg! ey Si ducare3•l7 • 131 B.+''o MATOMONV.I,I,_,.4; • i d lassn. it you wail' to man y salsa who will seuid you. s * ill a...1. 4 1 :01 11 prilas, valuable latosuatioa , Mit o l' be haVialyesid speedily. irreopectiws beauty Thu tutomiution will owl JOI "O f wfafl to clanii I will cheerfully esalt4oll tars staidly eaulldeatlal. The deem! t0,7;,i by return rail, sod DO mewl uked- SaRLI Greeopolot, DIP °•"" itiyal-2ak• CIIMISTIAN & (WV; Dada. vr. CABLE ROPE , ROPE. PACall'L G ' - 01XiX AJID 111.00: 0 /d i p ilausiti BUILDING LOTS paR Sia EtßliEln ?IV'