The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, October 11, 1866, Image 1
ERIE WEEKLY OBSERVER. Nos. A.NDIO (cp sTaigs) Itausirstrea Bzocz. C qf ' s. W. COll3/1 SILTS ST. .L. 13:. TIM PAU. IrgfiCFLPrlON—Twit Daises! snit Eters three per scrum if paid to &dance ; Mesa DOIZ.AiI if not FRU vot 4 l the expiration of he year. Subscribers err ,/ ,b / euiier will be charge] 'Firer Cuts* • Ist? to addition. All • boil/ism ceresafalitlyST k stiffed **swap No paper will be seat out of ,h e !state colors paid for is 1,42"6111CC. ,ovilril3F.llF.NTS.—One Square of Ten Lines one in. ti,ol; two liteertinas $1,75 ; three laser boo; one north $2,50 two months 15,501 lqthr 11.6031 x monthis7,oo;ol34, year 812.00: • „li.entents to p7i,portion. These rates , sdhsred tn. Doless .hanged he special the optics n( the ecttdishers. Lodi. „ •;.I , trea. Atre , s, pivoreeit and like advertise g../oo ; Adminietr►tnfs Noiless /MO; Local vntines 15 teritA a line; Marriage Notices TWENTT nrs eats a piece; Ahitnary ?lotteei(orertherellites in Went) ten cents per line. Original poetry, no tee e t the 'request of the editor, one denier ivr lice All sileertLiewente WW he continued at ~t e s.c of the pardon adrertising, small ordered nct be his direetion, waists a specified period is c reed upon for their insertion. fir toonnunicatious should be addieued to FIHNJ'N WHITMAN, Editor and Proprietot. • Business Directory. . y liC(. bib. Scaczos DraTIST, State St , near 9th, tf erg ot 11. tarrtert, ATTORNEY AT LA., Marti, Erie 0011IIty, • '' beam and other bnalnen attended to with and dispatat. w. WETMOff r f a , A amry Ar Law, la Walker's Of ,:r.erenth street. Erie. Pa. aria 7'62 A • PrOCAL npaNealt a: 31 IIIITLN• 1 ATTOANKYS AND COVANNLLOIN jr LAW. , '" ,, cre, Part gon Bloek, tear North Wait earner of th• Sqpre. Erie, Pa. E . LW BENNETT. jarrrcts os rim Papa.. Office apeoixd Icily,. Mock, French Streit, Itetweeb nth and I.•th • . . r WTI; MOTET., Waterford. Pa.. I , • Roomy Larne , PiaParMlL 17 ,(0. WOMMOdh . IOO2, and careful eta:dint' given to 0 N ofort of guests_ optreErly• (.411PEIA 111iK141. Tor rail Placa. Pantos Block. tr.: West at Farrar Hall, Eris, Pa try Ell. W • ( ainkrNigOr , nr A7'lololll A? LAW 4WD 0 . 1 Teri PXACI. 7,1;0, and Claim emit, Conveyancer and Collector. Oft" in Grreqe bnildins , aonthveat corner of Fifth and at, rbeets,F.rie.Pa. • aDlZreld-t VW STOW?. Li • Jogs Cant:rga= at the new met sten., V.agle Village, hie nn hand • large smart rent of Groceries. Prnei•ione. Wood and Walote Ware, ceee. Liquors, Tobacco: Pena" &e to which he re, calls the attention of the public, satisfied that ean offer as good bargains u =34 bad in ant Part fne county.mar3o'6s- 1 v . . GEO. C. BENNETT, m. D.. • • PUYSIIII,I2 AND Ecadrom oleo Fart Park street, over C. filegel•e store—boar& at '.l..erpridenco of C. W. gelao, 24 door month of the II 2 Crtircb, on Safgarraz street Office hours from Yi o'elce• =I E . %V. REED ISP CO., Wholesale and avian dealers in AnthrseSte. Biteminma and Illosaburg coal and wood. Genuine :Ahipli LUMP for foundrieu and prepared for bones use. Always on hand. , Yards—Corner 6th and Myr-le. and terser Myrtle and Rltter'ets., 2 agnates west of the Colon Depot, Erie, Pa.. in, J. t FRASEII, :11. D.. I` . Fiona.opottio Physieion and Borgton -061co and reationea 828 Pesch opooalto the Plat 11numt. Offlce hours from 10 to 13 A. IL, 3to 6 P.M.. end 7 tl 8 P. M. aps-8m• ' R EAL ESTATE FOIL MALE Several very abof , e bnainesa titres on State Street, be tv.n Seventh and Elshth Streets, East We. ere t red for rabt on very , reasonable terms, If Applied I Enquire of n. rot WM. A. GAT.BRAITII. Actot Ton. C'. BEEBE., • Dzatss z Dast Gomm, Gaocrents, rnctery, Hardware, Mali, Glass, Sied. Plaster, ete., coy .: Sixth street and Public SOW*, Erie, Pa. isPltf. ‘l - . n.OS Ltrai7LTD Sala &rants, on Riallth .rm.:, between State and Vlach. Flue Roma and Car to lot on rearm:labia terms. pr2B'o4-Iy. t A it • • r MAGILL'S LIVERY STABLE, erfrrli ar,•BITI111/3 So Ann ern z!.-ei equal to any in the city, and prim as mode , • (aarl•tf) WILISTJAre KffSSIACIZ, Dealer In Orieertes,Prodaee, Provisions, Wdlow and Stone Warr. 'glues Liquors. .•see 1... t, opposite the PostotHee, Erie, Pa. mlera -I s, itr Si. ILLGILLis If DIZTIST, °Mee le Roleis -I "s es • • I s l Siteek.noreasido•f the Park. Erie. Pa. 'XI. I tlaK !OWN, WILLIA3IS cc CO.. Scoaziaores to as - rge J. troeton, •eciiadrn Merchants, and Wholesale dealers to Coal. Moil far N. Y. k E. sod People's Line of Steamers:, apt PUbfle Dock, Erie, Pi. s jan4'6s ly. I=l EMEI37OII Are mule by S. ORCCZER & CO .LLING Sell' Thera. • PITITITS Will LLDIN, M. D.i ?litmus kas Stwovoi ' , lce, 2d lloht Reety's Block, Want Park, Erie. Pa, cravford, Cbrlattan k Ruth's Store. Reeklenot rst ‘lda Ityrtlo &I bones South of Ninth. One. boars-8 to Ida. a., and to 3r. a. ,x1.19'65tr. ACME J. BIAALLI.Y; ATTOMY A? Laer. Ridgway, Co..' Pa. Will Ilan practice in adjoining Collating. Insert-Am. M. MAMAS, TATUM AND CLontis eLLANAR, men Block, ',hove Dr. Bennett's Office.) Clothes r ' instruct end clouted on abort notice. Terms ar onaele LA env. 01122.17 R. 11. Y. PICILEUING, DENTIST .-- &tate of the Pemmican!" Collet* of Dental gar• Office in-the reaynd Amy of Star/eft a 'eliding, •site the corner of the Reed Hones, Erie, Pa. • learlissoe IT femme'. r. N. Plan" D. DM., North Seven" street, Phliadel T. L Bookingbaro, D. D. S., No. 20, North 111 n lb ii Philidelphts.• P. OCTITHII. , CILAZX SWING. • 7 'CURIE dic EWING, .k 4 Arrourrri AND Cotmettmoaa aw Law ics coespruga sr., oppoaft.'Crittenden Erbil turille. l Pa. "Collictians and all other legal bbjt ICI Crawford, Venaneo, Erie, Warren and Torre, :Duel, attended to organ,' and promp Ur.- imeasosa—Wm: A. Galbraith, Benjamin 'Whitman - giro 5111,Spenper & Marvin, Erie, Pa. ion. B. Brawn. Hon. 9. P.Johnaon, W. I?.Brown .tnore is Clark, Warren. Pa. OBLIS, BROWN & CO, Wholesale dealers in hard and soft coal, P. Baring disposed of our dock property to the smonl arm, we necessarily retire from the coal '•,nemmmeodleg nor eueoessers ea stolesbflY wor e the cooddenee lied patronage of our old Maude publtt. japl2-tt] Boort, ItaNKIN fe CO • 13MP. Fseblonable Tailors. /Mil Ftreet, between . ..with, Erie, Ps. nete•m Work, Repairina and LI; att.nded to promptly. Cleaning done in the • 's.aohr, .oln ea if LIIESQUE 1.41. E POTTERY, ?Pi CANAL, BETWEEN SECOND & THIRD STN Emu, Paarva L.-;? , :dei , sigoed having purchased the interest o .111 continue to ccoduct the above establish th e petrooege o_ the enetomers of the old ~. 6., thr custom of the pohlia Ife :w : ,3-o utmost` eedeeror to IfiTe S e A `irli . c l i m ps . • LloT, GOODWIN de CO., L BANKEIIS! 03 Peach Street, near the Depot ! . , - c. J r . a. GOODWIN I ,, DALTECIECT. A. B. °BAT,- X C. "ATTN. basing gerfarted their an syrup eta, are !";7rmed to de a 00;014 Banking, Exchange - and Baem•ea ' , Tennant Bonds and Interest Hobe of ale Banat k ':etominaticus bought and sold. mySt-tt WHOEIt & CO., DZILIMS u I ,•-'I7NTRY PRODUCE, GROCERIES, nor:a;osa, 917E9, LIQrORD, UO Ifi, TOBACCO, C O•ery, Willow Ware; Fruits, Nuts, its so. 614 lain IfIUT, , !eat tide, between Bth and 9th SU., ER.1.0, PA • , JS Aid for Country Produce. ma2l•tt _ IW. Entity UM Elty ACID BOARDING STABLES, 4 1 ", Coma or 'Wes aarD rev Sturra, am. 441,4" Johtuton Propriators. Good GPlrsea azid tuu , td st smoderats prices. jyl2-t! ite ALAI) COUNTY EUE.YETIING.-30EIN t i r ii, E. 1 um borough Surveyor of South Erie, to , 1 re el to ra set any grade and remark comers . „tett tout:Iola of the city of Erie, or borough of - i'" ~ end the trarte throughout the count .. r s ,"it tem for many years employed air COY and u.. 5 miler, he brae leave to refer to all the far t, ...„4 emineu men slits hsv• heretofore, employed —..oartleolar attention given t 3 mapping, PleitsB24l "fttinro, Oilllaga prepared on ma tte ahortest n0i.,..” i . ,..” 6 tee with 3.w. Brigders and Wilson Laura. la -4„."1ell It bie. tomer orbth and Etats litresta, Moder e „: I , l kra. Erie, Pa. Au orders left at H. Neubauer"' '' ' Z,7 l .ltth St: Charlie W. Miler, Turnpike St; sr t k ri . ~, urea Bow, South Erin, sill be p yr/66 omp dy " Oen. ynl-tf VOL. 37-NO 20. AlcuA DI! MAGNOLIA-. A toilet delight .-soperior to any Cologne—used to bathe the Le and person, to render the skin soft and bush, to allay inflammatlon, to perfume clothing, for headache, .k.c. It firoactstactured tram the Slab South ern Magoon', and is obtalning a patronage Tilts un precedented. 'lt if a favorite with aotresies and opera singers: It to sold br all dealers, at $4OO in large bot. nee, and by DSMAS BARNES kr CO., New York, whole. sale agents. SARA.TOGA SPRING WATER lalg2l •-•res no r - `Exactly r Solon Shingle said; 'they were then, every time" If he felt "owlay• In the corning, he tuk Plantet'on Bitlentlf he felt weary at night, he took Plantation Bitters: If he lacked appetite, wig weak, languid or mentally oppressed, he took Plan tation Bitters, and they never tailed to met him on hie Diu square and firm. F w Dentous want any better thoritr, but u some may, jut read thi following : • • • oietrinoh to you, tor ♦only bn liar* Plantation Blain laved my ' RSV. W. It. WAGONER, Eadtld, N. Y. • • • 9 hire been • great sufferer from Djamels, and bed to ♦bandoa preset:ling. • • The Plintation Bitters bare Fuel me." MIT. C. i.SCLLWOOrt.Wew York City. =l3 • • • "I had Ica all appetite—was eo weak and sneer ted I could hardly walk. and had a per. feet dread of society. • • The Plantation Bit ters bans set me all right " JLM HEIMINWAY, St. Louis, M. •• • • , lbe I•/aeration Bitters bare =trod me of a derateemecit of the Kidneys sod Orinar7 Organs that distree•ed me f 4 yeire. They set like • chani. C. C. MOORS, 254 Broadway, N.Y." Hrs. 0. If DCVO.% manager of the Union Home School for Salami' Children. says abs has even It to "the weak and Invalid children under her charge with the most happy And gratifying results." We have le agued over a hundred reams of such etr tieestel, bat no advertisement i• so * as what people themselves nay of a good article. Our fortune and our repdation Is at stake. The original enellty and high character of these goods will be sustained under" every and all circumstances. They have_ already ob• Mined a tale to every town. village, par eh and hamlet among civilized nations. Base I ' , Raton try to come a. near oar name and style as poulble, and because a good article cannot be sold la cheap as a poor one, they.lnd some support *cm puttee who do not care what they sell. Sc cc your guard. -See our pirate mark over the cork. . P. H. DRUM k CO., New York City. • SARATOGA SPRING WATER! Sold by all brugglate. ea= ()VEIL d MILLION DOLLARS SAVED. "Gentlemen: I had • negro min .orth d 1,200. took Mild from a bad hurt in the leg, and wu naelem for over ► year. L hid used everything r could hear of without benedt, until I tried the Moslem Masten Lin • iment. It soon effeeted a permanent mire. Montgomery, Ala ,June 11,'19. - J. L. DOWNING." "I take pleasure in recommending the Heilman Mus tang Liniment as a valuable and indLepene ale article for Sprains, Sorer, Smetana' or Galls 011 Moires. Oar men have used it for BEMIS, Braises Sores, Itheuma• Mao, Ike, and all say it acts like magic. Toreitirr for American, Wee, farlaNtiglifrer Vxpeers " oerhe sprain of nay danshter's ankle, oetasioned while skating Lot winter, was entirely eased to one week after ohe commenced using your celebrated linetang Lini ment. ED. SEELEY." Glonesatzr. Mau, Avg. i, 1865 It is an-admitted fact that tie Mexican Mustang Lini ment performs more cures in shorter time, on man and tact, than any article erer discovered. Families, lie—, and planters should always havo it on hand. Quick and lire it certainly la. All genuine is wrapped in steelplate engravings, he. ring the signricue of G. W. Westbrook. Chemist, and the private U. S. Stamp of DEMAS BARNES & CO., Oiler the top. sultY6s ly An effort hub en made to counterfeit' It with a cheap atone plate label• Look, closely. SARATOGA SPRING WATER 1 Sold by 4:11 Proggists. It most delightful Hale droning. It eradicates scurf and dandruff. It taps the head cool and Ft makeithe Daft rich, soft and ghoul, It promote the haft tarring guy and falling mi. It restores halt upon prematurely bald buds. This Is what Lyon's Katinirion will do. It is putty— it te eliesp—durable. It Is litarallysold by the ear-load and yet Its almost Incredible demand Is daily Increasing until there Is hardly a wintry store that does not keep it, or a family that does not use it. E. THOMAS LYOM, Chemist, N. Y. SARATOGA SPRING WATER 1 Sold by all DrUggista. Who would not be beautiful? Who would not add to their b.anty ? What gives that marble purity and die tingue appearance we observe upon the stage, and In the city belle ? It is no longer a secret. They use Moors Magnolia Balm. Its continued use removes Tan,freek les, Pimples and roughness from the face and hands, and leaves the complexion smooth, transparent, bloom log and ravishing. Valikv many ones/settee, it contains no ins'erial injurious to the skin any druggist will order it for you, if not on hand, at 60 cents per balls. _ W. E. molar, Troy, N. Y., Chemist: . DUALS BLASS & CO., Wholesale Agents, N. Y. SARATOGA - SPRING WATER! Sold by all Druggists. Asimitreet's Intmitabls Coloring is not a dye. All instaataneous dyes are composed of lunar caustic, and mom or leas destroy the vitality sad !minty of the hair. This is the original hair coloring. and bee been_ growing is favor over twenty years. It !Vitoria grey, hair to its original eolor by gradual ataiorptiOns in ► nu at remarkable manner. It it also a Umatilla Bair dressing. Sold in two sizer-50 cents and sl—by all. dealers. C. HEIMSTREST, Chemist. SARATOGA SPRING WATER! . Sold by all anger's. LION'S Bxtsic? Or Pena Jattatoa G15G113..--For digestion. Hume% ffeartttm, Sick Headache, Cholera ilerboa, riatnisney, he • whorl a warming stimulant la required. Its. eared preparation and satire purity makes it a cheap and reliable article for ealinary pane sea. Said e►erywbere, at LO tents per bottle. Ask for "Lyon's* Pure Kzemet. Take no otter. SARATOGA SPRING -WATER! apSL6•lyts. Sold by all Drateitc. R ns OVAL. GROCERIES 1! GROCERIES 1! . the imbseriber hie removed We stook of Ora:cries from the stand above tho. Lake Shur. Depot to the room in the tkriek block on Stats alma, aim of Fourth. where he will be happy to OW " Muada and =dawns and gill WI; ordain tar goads. R 4 stack 4. Groceries is large and earefedly salortaa and Gamed at the loved rata" consistant with the original oast. He invitaa all in need of anythbisin bla line in ear ham a nil. V.. SOEINIODER. "ILTatietotre DEMILITY, Monne Winnuas, ate,: VI ems imr awn by one who Ma am enicult and Ma= d rab afar, and Min tall you =Ming bane noel rider AjelreMy. "Box 67,Bostoa,Yost ERIE Sold by all Druggists RENEE ft. svausas, malttlaintlXLll 07 PURE CONF•ECTIONSRyI And deans in 10.1 kin& cd PLAIN AND FANCY CANDY! - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ORANGES, LEMONS, NUTS; &0., &c., • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. YANKEE NOTIONS; AT WHOLESALE. TOYS OF ALL KINDS, WIIOLESA•LE. FINE CIGARS AND TOBACCO ! TRESII OYSTERS! Arabi for the EXCELSIOR FIRE WORKS! 14 1 0001)81V Oint urns frENER - 2c BiTRGESS, 431 STATE STREET MOSS. AND ELM CANDY! The, Cheapest and Next Pleasant COUGH ItZIOIDY IN . THE COUNTRY! It wlll do all that la elaitood for it, AID MITZI -Rama ro CLEAR THE VOICE, 12= THROAT AFFECTIONS, I= COUGHS AMID IBRITATIONS! Lad prop itself • AU LD PLEASANT EXPECTORANT I XLYO7.IiCYOBBD OILS BY BENER & BURGESS, PRIX, PL •blb•66tf. 1. zimicrircs, IL J_. EICEIENLAVES =I BOOTS BHOBSI wnot:zsaLs Axil =um ' AT REDUCED PRICES. Having a bugs stooli " of oar own manatact are on hand, with a complete assortment °Cony made work, we can sell cheaper at Wholesale or Retail than any other establishment In this city. }laving bad keg experience se to the wants of custo mers, we shall take special pains in preparing 'tors u snit them. .We ban the right In this cat to make the PLUMES PATENT BOOTS & MOBS. Mr the homemade eastotnere, and only ask • trite of them, tosattary any me u to their gamier comfort ova those made in the old way. The Kamer Boot needs no bzuWas in ; it L. ea easy tram the start as one worn for some Um. Oar CUSTOM DEPARTMENT WM retain or own medal *Unitlon. Lzxriatit, L 4373 41W FINDIFG3 For the trade always on hand to raft. Temderinly thanks to our Mends and onto:min for put patrol/arts, Dope by lost and honorable flailing to merit • .ontismance of the same, and cordially tattle all to call and exardna onr steak boron parclmidast when. No. NA Mate 14.1Erli, Pa. nen2+Plintl. BOOK/4 FOIL TUE BIILLIENI. cAuauvr, SioCREARY Sr. CO., BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, O. 11 Mins PARK ROW. Are now opening the largest and molt easefully selloted eto:k of elegantly bound and lanintihally Illastratad • - , BOOKS! E'er brought to this market. including standard works, new English and American Jny.Ml Books, Bibles, Pales Books, and 9hrireh Barrios; is line style*. Also, SINE STATIONERY ARTICLES, Writing Mika, Fancy Ink Stands, Ladies' Toilet and Work Sow, Portfolios, Stareolootes and Tier'. Planer Card Pictures, the Most berantital Sunday School Cards in great variety, Port Nonage', Card Canes, Sold Pena, Propelling Pencil, a large variety of Taney Articles in Scotch Plaid, PhotOgraph Album& from the best mann• factorPs, la Weakest steles. j 021141 tf CAUGH.Sy, YCCBEARY k CO. G ittlyEß BAKER'S past PRISMITIV ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCH SEWING IiACHENFS 1 Sold by WEIGEL & 2IUGLE3, ICO Efate Stnet,Exie, july,6B-tt EMPLOPIENT for both Sexes. Disabled and rstUrned soldiers, widow i and orphans of slain moldier', and the unemployed of both soma ten efrall.T. is rant ortespeertabbs end profitable employ ment, h:erring no risk. eon procure such by enclosing a postpaid addressed envelope for partleslare to , • • . D. JOHN Y . DMINALL. Jyl2-(m Boa 163 Brooklyn, N. Y. 1010201E3 OP YOUTIL—A. gentlemen vho has .rj suffered for "se» from Hafrool Debfllty Proms. tars Deesy, and all the streets of youthful falsovUos. for the oho of advise hodasulty, lead frost* all vho need It, the recipe and direction for =dam the ehaplo remedy by which be vu eared. Pavers wishing to prolt by the adnutlsees ezpvdenee,catt demo by ad &system JOHN B. OODPN, _ dee2P6sl.y. No. IS Chambers Bt., H. T. MBE BRIDAL WIAMBISR, as Mat at Wares J. and lastrattloa to lei Mas—jmbliabsd by Bow sal Associatbaa aid wit besot is amid arral oyes. Addles* Dr. J. 8R11...W HOUGHTON. Jalrettly. Philadelphia Pa. 11.11 AIM CHRISTLIN & CRAIG. 11, place to tmi CHEAP FAMILY GROCERIES s uc h L . T ux , Logee. Moots% Wren Wm, Corn Stara. Farina, AgO,Topioems Pesti Barley. itlee ?low, Mae, Baking Pow- , Cream Tarter; Wit btu. Coast! Wheat, Purl Wheat. docility. Hemp? Nadia iteetl, ClPets. 6 With Olino. self Sabin:, Flour, rm. fly rawer, Cone Yeah Oat Yeal, ell Wu at Banos ear dines, Weiss. flake. Coma; ttgiwed. is rul. "emitting belonging to a IliatClass :Amoy titers . antS4l ' GOFF, PATTeIt&DX- `& - .paaxce*Urn Alan Lave on Ma a good emortnsent, td PRODUCE. PECIMIORX WOODEN AND wr o Low Jyl2ll - • - -if w aiminssrat nnv Goons swonz. SOUTH &RD, • SIAWFORD & McCORD, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, Oar stock Ia the lastest era; Wiliest to the el. tozwiltiag or - • PRINTS, DILLUM. FMK% MATHS. cAssoeasa, Irt•l•cpn h M I :MN • Clomplsta isiortnoont of Dress Goods. ' • Every kind of attests In the Notion And, In short, a genera asoorhnant of mein . ihns needed by Colintry TO BE SOLD AT NE7Y YORH PR DYES Country Nam are Invited to et re us • call. lira& .strictly wholesale trade r padpropeie:eallkqr at !wish prises ea will mats It to the adulator of marelosib In tbtr action to deal fa El* instead 'of seudlng Wet for their goals. B. 8. Sotrnuan.„ W. J. Cattrsoaa, /11.180Coszo. am24-tt Lim von. tais. We would respectfully all the attention of NEW PERPETUAL LIME BILK, EtErWELN FSON AND ifEcoino a-ys us now tall operstlow—hays lieu on bnd are prepared to Atrial& It Out the Klble on the shorten notice. , zTEILER .4 spoomm. sUANNON AI 00., THE PLACE, TO BUY HARDWARE! WI Ises no ex - pang& forook-Eieper. 13ccauk worittaiii &decants or collections. and eau tbaladore t3ELL CREAr. Tiutamitit■ .m Bad everitbing in Their line ►t !Shannon & CO; =3 Pea& above Railroad Depot. • The best assortment otNottona, . At Shannon ► Co: e, 223 Peieb Charcoal for ItatrigeratoratO at Shamed& 4V0.1,3814 Path St. vi rostetholm I Borers' calibntid DEL Cutlery nt Shastacin k CEo4l74llPaichSt. Gisal and Punt at Munn k C 0.% 1311 Pqc St. Galabratad Union Almla Swan wen teat both nay; At Shannon k Cep. 1323 Paul St, • T ar--genulne 'Nortb Carolina, at Shuman /11 C 0.% ISO Pastil-fi. ee", basal A=lBolllo Stoma -imur new maniearnfrakifiat • • at Mumma & 1328 raMli St: . Drubs. In vart•ty—Elair. Ham, Vann, Scrub. non. .11015 Wbitaweab, Stave and Cotuxtar Em&es &Dudes - at Shannon &Co 'a,'1323 Peseta 86 above tb. Union Pat Depot. &ivy Pa. I. I- 1:1012121LAZA, rir flal • Agents is North Vestarr Peens. for Uto Archie:Slß/to Patent Azle.; sloe Herrings' Fire 11 3 0 Thar ear Proof Saha-sod Poirbanyo rimes. jll9-t! HEADQUARTERS ERR • CHEAP '4OODS! wnenr.sALa AIID EZTAIL GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, WINES AND LIQUOTA. • F. & M. SCHIAUDECKER, Are now receiving at their old stead, &mai= Blocs State street, • lagge. and superior stock of - °reverie'. TrovWona. Wale. Liquors. Willow. Wooden, and Stoma Wan. ifsulta. Nuts. &a, &a. Together with ER InthillC found In • Hone of ibis hind, which they win sell to disap as any other est*. °aliment in this city for Cash or stoat kinds of costar/ groduoa hey do h also on head one of the Urged and lineit - St T ocks of Tacco and Segal "Ter Wouiot to Itrie, to whit they Mit" the attention Ottolabile. Cr Oal and OM nimble ftgftw is better thin a alow a re t tlY Cash buyers sill had vast ETER)CERYYfEADQUARTEILS, -AMERICAN BLOCK; diATiBTBERt.-- Jun•ALVISO-14 r: EICHIAUDJOIL • ttIII CITY 111.0 N :WOWS& E LIDDELL, BELON & POUNDERS &MACHINISTS, STEAM ENGINES AND tOILEIIS, DRIVING PIPES, rvitrix6; RIGS, WALKING °BEAM IRONS MILL GEARINGS AND MACHINERY. All our work is nude from the hest materisle, end veer BEST STYLE AND WORKMANSHIP. , • We are noir adding largois to oar itebinat7 : and gonalketuring foci:atlas, to supply AU iaereamod is =and for our work. W. J. V - L1DD33.3.. - s• lia23tt GEO. SEEDER. JOHN IT. BUM: FIDENINIUNG "STUBS TOE LADIES AND GIMLENIEN. • Torbay of Children's Plain and Panel READY.ILADE CLOTHING. Ladle' Iteady-Ifida Under Clothing. A misty of Ora& Furniahlng Goats. All of whirb mill be kept on hand, and - aro wade to order. Ow goods are all nanalacturat by ourselves. Stamping, Stltehing,Plattng and braiding dons at the .hottest notice. Allots large earlety of the latenstyle Patterns for WSW and Chltdmb'e Ganoenta. All or ders mill be promptly attended to • JORN I'INCUENt • sola•ly French Bi. between eth and lith. • DECK as MEaL, DEALERS IN SMOKER'S ARTICLES, . Fancy Goods - sod CIGARS, b 7 Frerseh street, Erie, Penn'a. PIN?. EIiERISCHAIIAI szul BRIAR PIPES, ClO/2 11781111,0LAY.CHINL and . LAVA PUSS, - CIGAR Cass, TOB 4030110.110, Eatgerand Lather Totowa l'aurama Vitals date an. -; Aa • he. tnielsb. Garman and Virginia gawking aid CHEWING TOBACCOS i• Otis stash is the most oomplats lam offered in this souk" and,tre sepsesily !wits the *dual= of edam tss tostshents, belissiarwo eon sell thstitgoods to oar Ilse ehetpor than thsy esa obtain thus slonsbeto. Walling, ire mutat iti hos at oisroold tics where. 52,000 . tt.lutzeu.autMALT: withEL. The proddints ashlars and. truantry el I banks W. done the ollreslot. lent free with satopies. &dittoes the Meadow Eteludl Tool Works, tipriegtWn'er moot. it . - , NW TOIRACC ile. . O t CHE M •; STORE. •••••••••• - 1 ' . . sip. Inid4 - ban *pond 1 now %bum stamen froot,Worion Stan Ind hob% foppoidtor DU- Web WIN) mot Mil bop conotiottly on hand wink, os• agora% Tamar, SW& and onotting stun: kilt Ica ant giro Sokoto steak which eh., will.b I it whonoole ant retail Rag and Mao est thoiriol to, ban of tholoit Onatchotiob. astakise bloom s Om not Lkim oo& apkililf • In gnat mirk% nog; k anus ERIE, PA, THURSDAy, `46, I rOIIER: 1866. 423 run erns?, Rita, P.A. ,J 0811.123 ti HOISERY, GLOVES, .10 BUILDERS it LINZ DEALERS To our gitoited ea do Canal, Near leil i cra Doak OM STILLS AND ?Alas, DRILLING TOOLS, ammo to be of the MI EAU ES actin Allierthilllg *gable' I:llgrartOriarrisa Imlay Oa bowl.; drealosloa o' itrf wee* lapriepaillabad,th Plataybasla *iota -of Tiltatibit and; In at of the Buiptahialta stain nut Vetaif tato Atia Asada of the mot bdatittlal clams • Ibroatlwat tliojtelpkwarlant antiosi of-but Ebb, b warbstbastay oar of the gat adrotklay:suadlatos la flan. atantry._ Zoalt liarotor b. bad br-spi Ina lb* tram itarsaael staff. for tho abaatagar stria :to sa attaatiiai oartslat aia the Whit' of say pays! : totM oottioa. To porsolbat all Oulu; ilta lona sap ; Wog to &pose Atha fluirarsi dealt aa, unequalled boll= dooriantaleatlen tutus tha Ifyou Taat to bake your Malmo boys; albertlit la tbik Otertrar. itto); hare iris,' bengal to, oar, itreoye la' Oat ~. ', If want to bur or low ear th ly% adman In as Oternaw. - 1 • 1 - , . . . I If* homier!, wettest to pnba man h, ad in the Observer. v;,immrar. ' rol wish to Introdiee aay • attlete, eeliertlee la the • I , • .. • - . . -wraly tO 'prase of any:flaw etestates, ,di r oe, Um 9brarr. . .. t pre emit to advice, roar atom* aherttse. Slaw phaithited 044 be await hisditzesimitwbus *ilk" ebiplandig* orbs arinytatbsOrs sail Johri.Yaeob Attar, ..ii a Insisl !so of pliable tap/ The' amends of lustiness of nee who hew Waisted "lancing Irwin by Is ProPa roteasot liamedni, ars la well twin" AM no aroma% should be_ a.sled to ecurrinee ear blame man that the eliorlest. way to prosperity Is the ore polotad °ethyl:third end Astor. ! • ' 'ln MUD:, ths kettl• bon the gra I sestlml mysslt vseySsvettly—einS hand almost Ms crisp. Milo:tam ens unbearable. 1 . • Ms Ittneaa Mustang Llibasat relived the pals almost hamedlatoly. It - lmshod rapidly sad le* : say itttie Mar. C/1419. POSSES:4W pcosd 9t . TWL. Ibis is manly a sample or what tie . Mustang Lai most w4I do; it LS israbaable In 60 min of wound; swellings, spralas eats, hrulsosi sparing, eta, either upon maa or beast. _ . Beware of rani Wane Wane is genuine • unless mappedin gas steel pli aiming, baring the sig nature of G. W. Westtstiek, Clatilist, and the priests' stamp of pains Barnes & Co., New Yost, Saratoga apri l atWa toy, sold by all Druggists ill who "alas a tsantlfal hood of Lily, and Its ' prso• mutton from proinattus boldnoso sod tonstoggrols will sot fell to use Lyon's coiebratel Itatbarfrns. It steam the. hair Hely soft gad igtearr; eregnastat dan druff. and mums t.lss her' to grow Ntb lozoliont beauty. It loseldfisrary 'bee. • . ' THOMAS LYON, Chemist, N. Y. Nokrataga.Mprtite Water, sold by •U Droved,. ) Actin as Mansnita.—The prettiest thlrebehe "rest. eat things" and the roost of It for the limit menu. orucautei the odor or perspiration; softens and add dellesey to the akin t lee dollghtful polfruno; beaduho and . Vlurititagon; arid la a neeeseam comma. ton In the irleritionr In the mum. and upon the tullot rldeboard. It fan be othlsed ererrihere at ona dollar per bottle.. Saratoga 1911fri Water. Bold bl all Druggist". 8. T.-1888....E.—Tha agerest • Plantation 'Bitters sold la one Year - is ionwalust startling. They would Oil Broadway Ks feet high, &Omaha Park to lthBh otaanfsetor le ose of the institutions of Key York. It hi gild that Drake painted all the soaks is the Eastern Mites with bis eaballetie ," and then got the aid granny Jegtalators to pea a late ''preventlnualalignsisg thO face of nattuw," wtalt gives blot a scusaopole. We do not knew how this la, but wit do kiwis, the Plaatatioa Bitters aell as no other arthele ever did. They ate .igatt by all magas of the waretualty, and are death on Dyspepsia—cattail They my my invigerating when languid cad weak, ' Wass. DID 11.1--•-- young lady, returning to luM country home after a, sojourn of • few months m New I cob. was hardly recognised by har fats& lambus, of • natio thilhed feel", she had a soft, ruby commission, of almost marble mioothntost and inatead of 22. she really appeared lest 17. She told thenl p.Mnly she need Efagan's Magnolia Balm, and would not be withont it. Any lady can Improve her personal appeannts very much by using this article. It can be ordend 0 any druggist for onlyiW Ms. - ' - Iretrataagn Spring Water, sold b 7 all Dremitlits. Helerstreet's Inimitable flair Coloring hia born stead ily ginning in favor Ihr crrar Wont!lan. It Seta "Pen the abaerbente at thal note cf the hair; and changes It to Its original eoloi by dames. AU instantaneous dyes derided sad !alai* the hair. 'flab:Lenore le lot a dye, trot la outran in Its reaolte, - promotin Ite growth, and le • beentlhrl hall' &ming: Priced° cents and Sold by aU 48aleri. 1 Stumpy" Elpetai Water, eoldlry ail Druggist: Laces Eamaure eir Puma JAMAICA. Giaais.4ar Ifadfaa, sassaa, basattol;a. rick aaadacha.elialats aioi tamorhaa a instaataii„ Sant atimalaat 4 "lair& Its weal pliparattaa.aad, earl' purity makes t it a cliasi sal MUM* article toe aalliaary parpoies. Bald .erotp when at 60 mitt per bottle. " samosa Spltaii Wolter, iota by art rhintati; STOP' Till 1501ELITOBLING. - ffla vilrotrt iaryst Om Tint Porn as ami Sam ! BUIL TEM LITIDIITGE GET am OP TEAT IILELLOW COITLEZIEN THEO PIETAINI OE TUN 14E11 Taal Pane Ea was Itms aim Baal t • Taal' DIESEIMED os ra HEAD 1 1001E11111111 OP m Pale I • • a Sagoavaa • • - • • B P ALT rt Rama, Ilay l arratas AND rrcu, ' By ada• CARTER'S EXTRACT. OR,. DANDELION AND BITTER-SWEET, Which Si has prayed to Ea th• molt certain and elf nthdletus that out to naistin all Ihta daces , of Cent At scs:cmintrs YELLOW OINTICEN.T! " VIM lila no equal ea a certain mire for tam ITCH. sa it win atm tall Olnatean ma oat of T,thety. Also, Brat rats to Salt Morns, hear Sores, att Old Sorts, and Oleos that are bard to had. Yea orDandallon, SIM per bottle. Of Yellow Oint ment. SS eta. per Bnz.! ' c r am.T.RF.Ps EXTRACT OF SUABT WEED! Is aadoabtedly OAS of tae" mast valuable Family ifedleises ever. yet presented to the ipti bile. The <rm. Minty sad prompteme with whirl it earn or abu ts U.S fa so many =meal Came* whether taken th irdly nr applied outwardly, le EQI7ALLID BY NO O?KtB KNOWN MICDUNNIC. • Oaks the hot drove so bequeath used. this Sztzeut dale sot Man or talons the coats of thei stozeseh,bet befog • Mumble le Taal, muted through the metem, and emery fibre of the body becomes peter Oiled and wave& softened and soothed by its pees. liar propertlu. than ;opening the lama of the thin, throwing beers, breaking np colds, and preventing diaessn—Dena the Wastage of alwrya bating se* • ready relief at band. BOLD BY ALL DBUGOIITS G"'' rATT.snaori Ik. co., au 4ENCII sum. . • Hm a. bust the bid Wade of Orenina Ceffee, Sp!e aid tkeds, aos. A'S to urine 31126116. jel24f • WARD BOtrva l. • Croderl Street, Mawr NUL. hie Connty;Ps. B. B. Ward, Proprietor. tt CURIISTIAI2 as 00411.7, AWD 2$ PARR ROW. .. Rani Jut remind TWENTY CHESTS OP CHOICE - TEA inakin will oat Chap. saidrtt Hzum, ctuuATLAN do =LUG Hass Just ass:dna bout NW York . A FRESH LOT OF COFFEE AND SPICE I Aise, noised tem Now Tait. Ono lotadrod kits of o. 1 Egon Foully Miami: And tha Ommtoo Cod I4L son•ft OSIBTIIIND NOW AND NOM. for agent* inA Canstry Maas Demist awl all stradaur •an L ourable anal portable tralnata Free a t ra era,; whoisalADl $r do ~ C inameire tuna boa Walla pa Asy wilt. • I. MIAOW igteitcliaanft4los Naar AL, N T. mo.antriztaz. • OW:HIDER & 80811.31111, - 1 , - Attortitt AW:LAW,, Yesaklto,, - in Urea timildlog. Llbe i ttr Olen. PIMA* City. Pt, OeieelPrie Itinap'd Bank Relltidite St. Collsettaasproloptly wide to all parts al the an re; I • f7/341 SERVER, - I= OD PRiN,AMOII ,JOB PRINTING ESTAI3thSHIIENT, - ETAT; &M UT, , • OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, Bating fitted op oar • ono rd diixtag the last psi I . • I/wo POWER P Ana an tea - LOUT tamp or ?WI. • ere Ear Misted to nest» a for osi kind of . werttasv , liie- - • . . BOOK AND JOB PRINTINct, ' Of (may Toddy. dons on abort notion, or naidiand on tavoisids tom an It eIII in VOlolled Soy our along the Ulm,. ESPECIAL ATTE.NTIaIi BILL BEADS, Ira inland as tasitatioa to all sho may to la cord or , • JOB 'WORE-. TO all Sad M. OUT 111$411/4111. LAMES 1- 'BLANKS I! :BLANKS !! ! Tag OBSERVER 0117 CM SUpplied fe complete assortment of all the Legal Blanis la -Arronxims, rorn likely to be called for has been omitted, bad we feel tmplleit eettfideas• In boilable to sup- AY spy w!tbde wanted. . OITA BLANKS T got op an good paper, in mat style, sod ors retch superior to those procured In th e Large lefties. • • • Orders from abroad will be promptly ailed. IXCIIT TEEM! FRI:11T THEM GRAPE VINES, &C., &C., - FOR 7111 FALI, 0? 1860 ANI)ARD AND DWARF FRUIT 'TREES, Torludlag Andes, Pow, Charlie, Mae. Peach. tn., o eae, thetti7=l tbe - - _ ORNAXENTAL' TREES I ' CIDVOUS AND FrIaCIRIVINS UI ABUNDANCIL. BAZBASIr PLANTS POI DIDGING. ;• • Largest and Nat V . :Odin:lan !lardy liampbtrry A complsto Assortment of tis but ♦arlatiaa. • -tan wanting special or assorted, stork are Invited • Oro as a ealt. . R. R=EST, • ougZl Se ' - Fars Cr!? Nolinalli a SODOM MARKS!. - M. F. WORDEN & CO., i4oagnatally asap aim that thy bass crud% stare at 431 VIZ I= B?, Sit: VIM/ ;.taLit SM. antis. PA'.. fi Poz the siwthass and ale of 14L14,, , KR1.DAS- -OP COUNTRY PROP CE,- , 1 7 BUTTER, P O UT $1112" Orders Rom abroad reeette proeletatiesk • at the Lowest Ilasket"lttle& 1 Cr Thehisliestprtes to Cash Wei tar A NEW TIEING. EE 4 S PATENT FARE GATE! Chstreet,, %mated aad Bast' maximise fa the Omen ma levitated, It agate ac Wheels, Boils. or Maps. and works eager than any other Gste that can be produced. • 18podtaxons an be won at John Dodge.. and G. "Fort's, on th e thallklo read, to Harbor Creek Una ,p; ale% at covered places In 11611 Cloak towashlp. The Stabilized ban born appointed twat for Harbor Creak taknahlp, and. will In clad to shot any Informs • a that may be wanted. J. P. CRO3O. Oi thalahl road, one mils 'oath - of 'gybes Creak ogle tf law anzsmaruir dc DRY GOODS Store. .....—. libmiptessuus La swimming to As public that As eponod a anr stars b armon't Itioek,2 Squares 'outfit/ Union Depot, Khan she wtil keep sassiest!, a large varlet, Cl - I ILI INERY 41111). DR Y GOODS, Beam Clothe, and a gourd assortessat of derpOdug rang bpt ea bassi Ina store alas Wad. rigir• sew steels et Gilds jest reeslid team the tam att3).tt TOO WATte TO It.l4olnr A LITTLX Off ILTNATTEINO Wither to the hymn ertess, onde hoesbn the wren sad tisstareat of dblesses: the *Mag. orstoiss at tile weed ; how to worry well, sod Jiatimaid thlwie serer patillabobbefors,„ reed the re sted sad enlarged edltton of IficoinSt. eau= ern& amnion, book Or 0111i00 WO/ and good lax* Jar army oar. .400 psm 100 Ilhistratlons. Prim al 60. Cootmts bible stet free to any address. Boob may be had at the book etortion rill N. be seat by 10111. Poet paid. on receipt of the price. addraell,. B. lroorts, D, as Baciedway, New Tort. .UVOLIZY & BIeMIKO, suEzT nioN &. COPPER WOll4, AND GAS AND STkINI FITTERS! 331 862te St., Corner of Fe urth, Erie, Titt. WORT, or Ellin INSCRIPTION, ; I , io eitb7st of the 'eon broneaso wihitof and prompleV AV Y. 'a. !MUST, B. wawa, "Sin Plata Worts?. tiopperthaith- gal &Stank If Mei:. " _ _ Cm0.134/2 SOVEZ ICIUMIXAN. . . A.‘ 3r4N44 __ ik .' aums„ easeirli:. AitaLse =Slims ' Parlay Matt, AM, I.s ,er he .Pregi iiidorletAl. • ail Lvov Ilmneies saii Xatt Ihrobeami 4. ZAN r l6 jy11111641 . BFINPN WHITMAN, EDITOR 0 it S LAT Ig It EU% PA. Ginn to rAkcr Panrrnia JUSTICES. COVSTABLIS, AND 01L YEN PHILADETA'fiLA, E'o 8 E 5 , MRS. 8. B. HALL iLL2177% 011 azareted. ND PROPRIETOR. HATe~ - CYla j~' ';' •• , AND GENTS' RING GGODSI r i • I , t.. i • • i ' cf ':WHOLILILLE AND RETAIL ! C KOCH, _ . ... 514 Slate Itr4 aspolitg Brcnon's Vote!, Erie, ELT . D 31.. 41:h - s, new and splendid Stock of 7411 for # 4. 1 G 00 64 • a • bonebt od ot r Cask, awl will:te siild 4:sula , id•mid pr lintssiM nail cheaper than any odds boned Ws Mee Nil Unto All I ask is a eill and see for pone. NIL Ths ,topkwasalg at Ootelihtuir . , Gnu,' *gainers //ate, &fl and Stiff Brim Hats, ' dints' Brighton Hats, Goats' _Norton Hap, Oohs' ,tdo eats, Zits o.r Boys' sairl Mena' Caps of all Demiptiono, Children's Eats and Caps, Costs' Traveling Rags, Dente' 'Pranks sed Umtrrellss. Genie Shirts of all dsialptlow, Gent/ varnhaikog Goods GossrOlv. STOP THE GREAT WESTERN & ASIERI CAN MORSE INSITIANCE &. DETECTIVE COMPANY Pave canght sir stolen bores ntthln ths put week, and have captared more horse clitoris since its organi sation than any °that company, or than ail other coin pilau and detoctiwnt combined. It boa a &tattiest:woe extending from Pittsburg, Pay to COOtlea Pi" lowa. and from Cairo to the taalms. It boa an actual cub capital of $147.610 09. and an antlaorisal capital of 4300,000. It has over MOO policies in force. and is the only live stock Itmareurat Company doing brutal= in this State. i WAR.NISR # GZII/11311, No. 1 Park Bole, Erie, Pa., vet lameyour horses or mitts against death b. dis ease or aWderit, and against theft,-or against theft and death both, feriae money than it would met to Adler- - Alm your stolen horse. We might VI op the whole pa psi with mimes of parties and earth:luta' of individuals who have received remuneration from this company for lost animals, Out one from the veil known drm of Lomb & Sterrett, of this plate, will be read with in. tenet, which shows that the company is a eompiny in 'fact its well ae in name, and that they not only pay los .ses, bet pay them promptness and despatch : We, the undersigned, hereby certify that on the 11th day of August we . umurad our entire livery erect, eon misting of Y.thorses, with Mew& Warner & Gotha!, in the Great Western and Atriericsal Horse humane. rm.; that on the 3d day of September one of them died of Chollq and on the 10th day of September we received • draft on New York for the fell amount of the fume ante, _ r* . Ree. laini Maras. %Wiwi h Sept now.' trance OW be effected in Waterford by ealling on Terry *Vananden; fn Wattibcire of Wm. Van- In Edinboro of Esquire Bornbanr. . . Very fteeperant , y, WAIRNILIi GERRISR. General fire, Life, Majill. ll,ad Rome Immo 0410, No.l Park Ron, Erie, Pa. ' DH. MARSHALL'S CATARRH SINUFF.—This Sung has thoroughly proud Matt to be the best amble known foi cuing ATAM, COLD ur Ins Hun., and aIuDACEII. It tube= band en excellent noway_ In many cues argues Toms. Dususs h been renoval . by It: and Huenea hew often been greatly u Imp fat by its use. It is Emigrant and agreeable, and gins HO MCI ATS itsusr bathe dull heavy pains canoed by disuses of the Head. The 'oensatlons altar tester It an dalightbl and Luvigouting. It opens and pups out all ob viande and eras a. healthy • meat tt stands higher thasOnergOr fOrAtaatittro , ad by ugly of the bust physinsza, And Is seed with peat muss and xatlifsetioa everywhere. Bud the Certificate of Wholesale Druggists in : tbe'underabeneelhaving fo.r many years been sequin tad with Dr. Marshall'eDstervh and Headache Snuff, and sold be our wholesale nksie, cheerful!• state that we ba ilees it to be eqwd, la every respect, td the reeoraezenda. dons given of It for the cue of Catarrh , Alliections, and that It le decidedly the beat article we hats ever, known for all common diseases of the Head. Barr h Pr. Reed. Austin & Co, Brown, Lamson & co., Bawd, r & Co., Seth W. Towle, Wilson, Talsbank It Co, Boston t Heolhaw,_ Remands & Co.. H. H. Hay, Portland, Mat Barnes & Park, A. B. & D. Sandi. Stephen Paul A Co., Inset Minor & Co, DeCesson & Bobbin; A. L. mourn A Co, M. Ward, Close & Co, Dash A Salo, New Volt. • role sale by 'named& TIT it CONSOMPTILItifige m. advertiser having I. been restored to health toe few weeks by a very simple remedy, after basing suffered several lan with a sevens bum sfiection, and that dread dive sts. Con. iimptiou—is satiate to make known to hie fsliovvant from the means of care. To all who &mire it, ba will seeds copy of the pre scriptiou used, Ores of charge.) with the directions for preparing and using the gams, which they will dada . rare can for Consumption, Wham Bronchitis, Coughs, he. The only object of the advertises In wad ing the presaiptioe , Is to benefit the afilleted.and spread informan which he conceive' to be invaluable; end be hopes eve ry sollitire will try his remedy , is it will cost them nothing. and may proves blessing. Parties wishinss Hem IDW g the prescrit lon, aR rims, rstarn OWL wit) please addre. ti A. WILSON, dec2B'6.s-1, 1 - Wilitameouigh, Kings Co., N.Y. WANTED, -BUSINESS MEN ! To - eanduet t sAdear'met Steel riM. Engraving; “TrtE PRAYER AT VALLEY 'FORGE re, Sold, only by oribealplion. The Odors represents one or the most touching sod inblime loeldents record ed in the Revolutiao. , ••Wrishingtort's Prayer for the Salvation of his Annv 04 - Country." Publisher's commission given. A ter ab(• and expo rieneed awn wanted, to employ agenta, and to bound matters ennneeted with oar extensive random in the Merlins Stater. Pay from 5150 to COG per month and 1111POZWII. • - Apply personally, or .advert with reference, • 11: G. hfcCOOR & CO, bllshert of Sobaeription worts. No. 97„ Rook 9t-, Oteroland. Obit): Or to A. 0. gineti, PIIIOII Wits. Erie Coutity,; Po. rereOcrt• 2anzte Enziala, Ia The Coact of Com. Clem of Vie C0...N0. Au. Tenn,'66, MenDivorce.e • Mama It Mums& S !intim Is beteby glyea 'o cid defendant that tealieso ny he taken 'before me at my dace to Erie, on Sat urday the udth a nd September, A. D. lade, between the hears of 9 'a. m. 6p. on behalf of the above united petitioner 4 to be read on the heaC oro g rin of nid tue. alationer. Erie. Sept. 11, 1616-21 MUSIC STOLLE. ; • ' WEIGEL & ZEIGLER, ; No. litO State Street, Erie, PFruy4lania, Das.ters•ls • ESC AND MUSICAL Drit6VXT.firi OP &COM - PBEICRIPTIOX • Prea^l and OffEllff Sting a the beryquel- I. % Ls spats far Okiekologli Or . ouiP. ginecioare, Dresher & Co.'s, and Baran & Saco ' e-P orte * : else, the celebrated Vogt & Male st Orgooa and Melodeon . Muds and Stringasent by mall fteo of pester. AD orders ytoraptly attoodod.tb. Cots!ogno of Moak rot tosoka postass, TN:x=omm MIMS. 1 .-. • 1 • i I „ 'tatters toriammteV• on the estate lot Ella Victoria Clark, dated, late of wattabarg, Erie county, Pa., bay- Mg Wen granted to The endatorigned,nottat ill befit/ given to ail indebted to the geld estate to makelm mediate payment. and than haring claim, whilst Wt.' mats will present Thom,-dal y anthentreated,for sottis h:lent VECTOR; MeLR.t.N. Wattabn - rg. Air. 24 '66-43 , 0 , Executor. MIME MASON & HAMLIN CIASINNT ORGAN ' tatty different etYles,adsOted to flared sad secular aeasie, for SAO to $6OO 000 h. litty-ooe gold or ether medals, or other flrit pemitcars Awarded:than. Me toted Catalogued hos Address MASON fe MAMMY, Boetnisor UMN lINOTHNRS. New York, ' ' W IZAT cow. Cease to the premiers of the orobseriber. ie itsat-11111 Oreet.:aboat - the ith of September. a Red Cow, with white fare, tad brook losobo ea her. horns.' The overt la stsparsted to come forward. prone Verdi. pal et . ar• so take er a—otharwise she wlll be of sooordlo d w to h taw. rsi -- JACOB WAIT L. I f0rpt.14.166.30 EurLoyacerrr FOR non' 'mass. iiiheabled and returred soldiers, widows wed orphans of dais soldiers. and the unemployed of both semen gene in want of respeetable and prctliable employ. meat.teasarbee sth rbek. eon proem* nook kV eueloldhr &post paid addressed envelcrpe for pelotas' to • Etft..4o9ff 1G :DLOWALIN_ Bos 153,-Brooklro. N. Y. - - W. .BRIGIDILI. Also. as is Law. el .„ Ft t attend to roiosolonal boaintos Silo sad sAjolettes etotetes. Special ottostkoi giotal to coUaa ,tirok•aeopftaversates °aim io Sindamtahri Block, coma of BlslT-tgai •t ate and fith ta..Srfa. Pa, ighe gritly Crum ERIE. PA., OCTOBER 11, 18+30., tifiP The.Elt Advocate is the only paper published between Warren dad Lock ,Waven, with one exception. Business men in outtity wishing to 'extend their, trade in that dine lion, cell! And it to their interest-to-patronise .its advertising columns. Address, "Advo. cate;" Ridgway, Va. , sepgo-41p, To Oma■ 8111111CRIBIR8.--Tre repeat our notice at a few weeks ego, that, if any office subscribers find it inconvenient to Mill at our place of hobnail for their papas; wi /hall make arraugements for baling them' delfvered at such portions of the city as may be deiir able. We trust all such will intone us with out-41v; ' 14264 f RAHN CHAXOIII 10ft A BAIO6IIIO-We .otler for Sale a Lawyer Job Press, in 'good order, low figures. It Will do any kind of c►rd and blank work in first clasi style, and is just the 'press for a country office. We will war rantlit to tie u represented. Our tiole reason foi selling it is that we are 'getting _another presS of larger capacity. Also, for sale a Roe Card press, nearly as good as new. Sept. To tADIPAION ,SUBSCEITIJIJIIII.—,Campaign übeoribera will yleibee remember that the copies gni* paper sent to them will be dis continued as soon as the time for whicit i thc.l have paithas espiretl; If any of them fail to receive the Observer they will derstatid the reastnaohy. We shell be happy to retain as many of our cauipaigniirs as perinanent: Sub. scribers as think they tan afford the price of subscription. After the election, no matter which way it may reoult, we intend to give our readers a respite from politics for a time, and devote most of our space to literary, news and local matter. sep2o-tf 11 , Ross's' Osartxxxxx's Funaisautq Brows. —Mr. Warren . L. Boss has taken the afore 1 2 lately condoc by Justice, ( sheen heen Galla gher. and fi tted t op with everything neceos ry to make aoo plete gentlemen's furnishing establishment is stock of eloths;eassimeres vestior and ready made clothing is superior to anything ever brought to the city, and we defy any one to visit the store without finding something to suit his tuts. Mr. :Bois has been very successful - 1m securing a cutter who, is not surpassed anywhere.:llnder his skillful' superyieion the concern is turning out work equal to the best Easteni establishments. No persotretinhave an excuse for going abioad to get clothing while Ross affords. the cense sinus that he does. In addition to his other goad* he has also a supetior, stock of .bats and caps, hosiery, collars, cravats,—in abort anything that a man wattslll the clothing line can be got at Roses. Call and see for yourselves. C. KOCIL. Iv you. want a correct likeness go to Wager & Co.'e photr.graph rooms, 1828 Peach street, above depot, Bevies introduced all the latest improvements in the art, they flat ter themselves they can satisfy the most fas tidious. They have the most pleasant and - airy rooms this side of the eastern cities, an improvect - l?sekground, beautiful side decora tions ands large life sized mirror, in which the subjecle can look themselves squire in the face while the, picture is being taken.— The sky light je the largest In the city, and pitta• a can be taken in a cloudy day as well as in the clearest. 6ept.l3-tf. PaoroonArris Ar ABDUCIED Chambere k Dunit, between Brown's Hotel and the Reed House, having to leave their gallery at the egpiistion of their lease, offer all kinds of photographio work at - greatly re duced prices. Carte visite!, usually costing $3, for $2 -hrge pictures, 'costing elsewhere • for $1.50; duplicates -but 75 eta. All other work'at proportionately reduced prices. Work equal to any other gallery in Erie. Now - is the time to get photographs et low east.- - Call end - see. , Bept.l3 :s'wt VW' Clark fi Biotite?, Wholesale and De- tail Dealers in Confectionery, Oysters, Canned Fruit, Stationery, Yankee Notions, Bakers' Goods, Toys, — Cigars, Tobacco,Pipes, fie, ,, West Side of Peach street, 11 twenitk ricrungs.—Persons wishing to pfooolll por.' trade of themselves or members bf their bah— Hies, should call at the gallery of 14.ehlwiler, in Rosenzweig's block..---114,*elioens - of worklacEiligg curt hat:lnas un'artiat who has few.gapeifOrs. The.thrgrg of visitors to his rams are an indicatiifn that his merits are daily becoming better if.sown and appreciated by the public. r` W. Hutchinson, United States Claim Agent, Girard, Penna. Pensions, Back Pay, Boiiity, and all other claims against the Gov, ernment attended to with promptness. Charges reasonable. Applicitions by mail attended to the same as it made in person. -(ja18 dm.) TIM 'EUREKA Farrr JAIL—TILLS jar was awarded the highest premiums st the New York State 'Fair, American Institute and Maryland Institute. For Sale by llimroct Dempsey, 605 French St. • jel4Af Da. KiTaxa, Feasts' Hill, selects remedies from all systems, and cares his patlente. jyl,2 3-at Da..Karaza. Federal Bil e Beath Erie, ra., is an_expgrieaced Surgeon. - yl2 8m - Tin' fruit cans, with patent self sealing glees ope, for sale by Hirarod & -Dempsey. - jel4tt We. Karim, Federal Hill, - deeeribe Tour - Teem+ correctly.' jyl2 8m giter•_For nim•retention or inadettinenee of urine, irritation, inflammation or ulceration of thri,bladder,-or kidneys, diseases onbe prostrate glands, stone in the bladder, exlew Ins, jr kvel or brick dust - deposit, and all;Cs. eases of the bled ler kidneys ,and droisical swellings, use Helmbold's Fluid Extract Ea ebb. tf stg,. Heimbeld's Extract Raclinarid Im proved Rose Wash cures social and delicate disorders, in all their stages,/at little expense, little or no change in diet, no Inconvenience, And no exposure. It is pleasant in taste and odor, immediate in its action, and free from. all injurious properties. tf on, - Helmbold's Concentrated Extroct-liu chtt is the great dintetio lielmbold's Con. cefitrated El trim: -Sarsaparilla is the• great blood purifier. Both are prepared according to rules of Pharmacy and Chemistry, and are _ the most active that can be secede. tf 101.,Helmbold's Extract Rubins elves health and *lgor to the frame and bloom Co the pallid cheek. Debility is accomplished by many alarming symptoms, and if no treatment -is submiged te, consumption, insanity or -epi leptic tits'engrue. • if tar A readt.ansl conclusive test of the properties of Helmbold's Fluid Extract Bucba will he a comparison with those at fotth is the United States Dispensatory. tf' sie Take no mote utkpleaktant and unsafe remedies for unpleasant and tiangeritus Erse Extract Buchn and Improved Bose Wash. '' tf ger Enfeebled and deicate constitutions, of both sexes, use Helmbold's Extract Butihn. It. will give brisk and energetic feelings, and enable you to sleep well. eL l'Or t gelrobeild's "Fluid Extract Buchu is pyasiptin lute and( odor, free from all inju noffsAropertlee, ael . lmmediate in lie action. 'll if var The glory of man is strength ; there fore, the nervous and debilitated should ins-: mediately nee Helmbold's-Extract Buchn. tf tier Manhood 'and youthfal vigor are re gained by Helmbold'etEztract Buchn. If tsar tuiterta cortstitr.tions restored by Hettoholdfs Extract - ' • - tf QTRAWI STE-AW!. The is helper walpoy: - CABII tor 1000, TONS OF ItY, WHEAT AND - : Delly•rot at Wit pßer ell. p it th• Youth of Wilma ClOlll ' V sichutor, Ent. 25. 1115(1-3ak =M OATS STRAW 1 EWE PAPER COgPAITIC