The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, October 04, 1866, Image 3

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    ttlic Arethlu Observer:
PA., OCTOBER 4. 1866
Efls. Advocate is thel ()city pupa
besteen Warren and Lock Limn.
me e i e eptien. BUPthel33 MOO_ our city
i . 6, r ,z to extend their trade in that direc
t: sin fiod it to their interest to patronize,
~ s i,er
columns. Address, "Adro-
P.dovay, Pa• ser2o4tp
tt •
(,:ON gsr.risos..s-Col. J. Ross Th:mpson
el k as follows: Wattsburg, Thursday,
r ., 4.h: I. liablrC, ( Frida — y evening, Oc'. sth ;
:t. r S our , ' ty af,ern)on, Get. 6th ; Oirnrd,-
. rik ,- evening, O. il.h. Jas. C. Mar
,:",, E "anti 1133. Seldea Marvin will also
,assent et thelatter meetings.
von Laird, Elq., will speak as follows
001‘1:3,c1;00l, House, Hie= Creek, Sat•
.J,y evening. Oct. Ctb;
~,,:,m 1 ,3 Whitman will speak as follows :
r...:,t0, T s ur9darevening, Oct. 4th; C3r-
Fr:ls estaini, 04' t 5t4 ; Federal Hill,
: :111 ev b' ,
opin' , -- Oc. 6th. _
, _--,
~: tC . li. Sleeper will speak as follows:
:3 ), Fri I•ty(evening, Oct. sth.
0 .., NI „,1, 1 11. , will speak =as fol
~.; . 5 i.s' Scao )1 Howe, West Mill Creek,
' ,:10 .. e7 ;b 0 ,- ; , O:t sth ; A lbi:n, Saturday
k;t. tl t y.
r am pilauteo, Eel., will speak allAloics
Erie: Friday evening, Oct. stb.
E4q , will speak as (al-
Thutulty evening, Oct,
tiveri;r:o4Szhool House, Ihrbor Creek,
e , to inc, Oc'. Cth: Stone School
:,S, Monday evealog, Si'.
'],TT V 5. FoortrY.D.— There ai'e a few lea
Ishi:h Mr Snit lifers ea materially
ScoMI, that It seams as if no fair
dd toter thould,fhesitlte which to Euppoft.
sc,t:is a business min, end hos neyer
In no ease has he sought
,:,I:kCfri:e Its was nominatel for
ec;ed ,in' express 'oppositiono
ao;aittation for C..ngre.s
',led by him, .4al t b. Ff only accept
wb?a 1 b. the unin m?u.4 wish of h 4,
therewith eitrgme•reiuotanoe.
Mr Sc fle'd it the ex Let , E;Do-ite of M.
—I in &II thi.•te revee!.. - tiee ie 3 polidei in
he m-et obioxiou4 sense "1 the term. lie
b•en a;C54c fsse holder or Office seeker ever
r-o he attain ,, ,ithe years of manhood. A
, 7r trafficlo.i. for po4ition, he• lice in no in
!•ecarel any without direct personal
/I."ne rki r :y.y... has never sought him: he
nlra_ys;tigbt the clan.
slr,S:)tt is one of thne hrew , i, fir seeing.
ran of whom tco few gee int) Rtiblio
Scafie'd ie a mere talker—o:° of that
:.•• of wh'em we trite to, mlny in Congrese.
in.e,grity ie queitionei by none
ei her party.
'4r. tie field ii aceued, bs hii on pulp
4anq, ant -by senres of his fellow Repub
ans, with elritut tai; - re for !elf-interest than
7 his solemn pledges.
.S r,ttis wed.led, heart and soul. to filo
ftnsi eounty of his residence; and if elect
.n Congress, would labor withal his might
;Isifin , -their ;later eats. -
Ir. s.Nlcii.l v lins' nothing in c'a'non with
people 0-61 e, and if he does anything for
nal/ 4 do..s it to promote his selfish
Snt,t ita wo.rm-hearted;genero is-eiti
a—a frionil to the,l a liberal pro
'er et all benevolent objects..
S:ofield is cold as an icicle ; cares for'
t u himself; contributes little \or noth
;,),flar",t; ; nto has not evia this attach
:. thii intimate Associates. - \
eh la you prefer fir put 11.epri,senti
-:the a;;tive business minor, the slimy
..;i in the devoted friend of Erie, or the
iv nl3 ltwyer the heneet citizen, or the
7:nn? 'place hunter? the benevo'ent and
rpril'nr, neighbor, or the selfish stranger!
'CARS - SILED FOR Narott. —The Dispatch
Tuesday contains a fon editorial booed
:a the alleged endorsement; by Democrats,
t'-.‘e assassination of Xt.. -Lincoln. To sus
position it quotes a pretended extract
-n •pecon mode at Dedford, Pa., - by lion.
F Moyers, D-r.noratil candidate for the
its Smote, to the followiitg efftet :
said the ." name of booth would live.
. like V. inklerie,l, had laid down his life
hie couhtrg ii That Swi , z-rland had her
nkleried, Sertland her Bruce, and America
Booth, and thiit the time would come
l en a monument' would he erected to Booth
cher than that creole I \ to Lincoln."
Nor, that this is very wicked language no
- will , Doubt. That it wag ever uttered by•at4e ora•or we do not believe. That
'lepers was not its author, we ban the
nainC grind levimony
FPrOnD, PA . Q ept 2:; —B.lO P. at'
Patriot end Union :—Th , dispatch in yes
r.-4.,y's Freon, Teltsrrliph. stating 'bat lion
nj.miu F. Meyers. of this place. had *min
i d Broth'. the asses-in of the late Pre.ident,
entirely fal:e.. J. W. Diesess , s,
Che'rman County Committee.
e trust the Dilvalc*:, in justice to Mr.
and the Democratic party', will he as
ly t, publish the c?)ntr grlicti9u- as it wee
ropy the not:l'l3Ni extract. And while it is
:he iee?pinz line, would it not be well to
•zel a lidt'e cf its rirtuoui
rott the fanatics cf its own party, who are in
It !Wilt of suTeesting the hanging of Mr.
:aud dechirirg, that the interests of
coruvry require that he bhouid bej,got out
4, Any
711 Cui Fare.--The following are the
~ 1 11n:Ncs Of voters as fixed by - the Con-
cf Penn ylvania, t he highest author
:, the S:rve...4o;doar passed. by the Leg
in c.)ntrarention of any feature of the
is of binding effect:
I.—ln elections by the obi
every white freernar of tie Pgo of twen-
blving resided'in this S ate one
in the election district %hero he of
:. ...\vcte ten days immediately precedin?
Arcinn, and within two years paid. a
,unty tax, which shall have been
least ten days before the election,
" . ”.07 the eighth of an e'ector but a
'the United States who had previously
tiaitfied voter of this State, And re
t!P th,refrotn, and returned, and who
t here resided, in the election district, and
•i laxcs iis-afciresaid, shall lye entiVel to
.Per residing in the•State,six months:
that white freemen, citizens of the
•.' , l "ate=, bet ween the ages of twenty
zl twenty-two years, and having f , esided
Svc one year, and in the election die
tst nforemid. 31141 be eniitled
a:thca,3ll they shall not. have paid
Lk.9.1 CRANQS.--Democrats : Next
"'!ity 5 the Eleciion ! There is yet much
" .1 iflve you appointed your poll
..z: , 1% , ? 'Hate you made arrangemeata
'1" ,, 10g every voter to the places of' eleo-
It' ow, I.;e that it is delayed no longer.
'every man have his particular duty 1111-
'1:71-1.c. 41n and in order to have this done,
tide 73r1,kg Dernon•ate of- each election
tog,ather and appoint the " right
' 4 for the r:ght place." -Don't neglect this
l!ty longer. 'llavo the polls properly man
,o Election day: See that there is ao
! Attend to the doubtful and waver .
Appoint a challenger for every poll!
elr the Tke and strip for action ! Let us
C!ymer; and the whole Democratic
rte l arg ee, vote ever given in Erie
c!'• Q JaC)b Swap, wife of Jacob Swap.
Ireq,eatahte former of Conneaut townsbiP,
1 , -, ztled to commit Elli Ade, on the 26th.ult.,
tatting her - Nthrost. She infl , cted very
444oterotts wountisl upon - herself, but, at oar
r eport, Was still lisinS. •
Et:107161.01 RECMID —The foll t ring from
the Warien Ledger, is cue of th bet things
in the Political line we have read in a long
time. It will amply repay the reader:
Mr. Serfield has been in Congress four
years. and is again the nominee for a third
term on the Northern disunion ticket. His
vote, as all Meow, have invariably been for
- the negro—never for the white people or the
Government" Oo his arrival home in July,
last, we may suppose that many who had vo
ted for hint were anxious to learn what great
service he bad done the laboring class. So
we may suppose that he was interrogated by
a mechanic in regard to his votes, and the
dialogue ran somewhat as follows: -
Mechanic —Well, Mr. Scofield, what have
you done for ns mechanics and working men
Soofield.--Well, to till the truth, we
/lava% been ebb to do it_ great deal for you.
Circumstances over which we had no control
rendered this impossible ; but I'll tell you
-what, we're done a great deal for the niggers!
Mechanic--Race you done anything to
lighten our taxes, and the taxes upon every
thing we eat, drink_ and wear ?
Scofield.—Well, no ; I can't say we have ;
but we have laid out a good deal of money to
teed, educate and protect our loyal black
fliechanie.—llaeo you done anything to rc
4tore specie payments, and make the promises
of the Government worth what They pretend
to be
Scofield —Well, not touch; but we have
voted down two vetoes -of old Johnson, who
was determintd we shouldn't give our colored
frirnds the same rights as while people.
Mechanio.—Have you. done anything to
equalize taxation, so thal the burdens of Gov
ernment shall rest equally upon all classes
Soofield.—Not a great deal I confess ; but
then we done a very great deal to equalize
the rights of all classes, by giving the elective
franchise to the negroes in the District of Co
limbo 'Sad in nine Territories.
gechanc.—Have you done anything to re
store the Union, and reconstruct the Sta:es
Scofield —Well, no but we have fixed
things so that if the South ever eats back into
th'e Union it will be nowhere unless they let
the negro rote,
Mechanic.—Did you appropriate the money
to pay the white soldiers the extra bounty of
$5O and $lOO which you promised t em
Sectield.—That was overlooked but we did
not forget to provide the .meansto pay our
loyal black antes the $3OO which we thought
was due to them.
Mechanic —Did yqu do anything to conch-
1.111;! the white people of tb. S and lead
them to the belief that a political association
with the North would be fur their pleasure or
advant tee ?
Sek.fiebl.--Ne • but we did a eery great deal
to prove that the people of the South are
loyal, and to convince ourselves aut. our only
ticpe is in the loyal blocks.
Nlechante.--Dtd you vote to raise your sal
ary as •a Nit mber of Congress!
Scofield —Well, no, yes; that is I failed to
rote. the ?Net is I woo at my lodgings when
the vote was [time and I did not vote; but if
I had voted, very likely, in all probability, mt
'n.b ring friend, I s , ou , tl have voted "no,"
But that night I hatiniAger on the brain, and .
went to bed.
Nieosnic.--Do you think that a just pro
ceeding ?
4 c , field.--Yes. just becan , e we can't make
much in Washington at $2O per day. Wash
ingt , n life is expensive, you know; but still.
had I been in my Felt, I should hays voted
no." as I f aid. But why do you seem to
complain Didn't Clngress votel $3OO boun
ty for the colored soldiers 7
Mechanic. -1 perceive Mr: Scofield. that
your record in Congress is that -of a Negro'
SJofieltl.—l perceive that you area traito-,
copperhead, and a sympathizer with re
LugoLs's Vulg.—The follosing is an ex
tract from the speech made by Mr. Lincoln,
a few days before his death, referred to in
!qr. D olittle's remarks. It will be seen that
it fully sustains the ground assumed by the
distinguished Senator:
Wi all Igree that - the' secenied States, so
called, are out of their proper practical reta .
tion wily the Union, and that the sole object
of the government, civil. and military, in
regard to those States, is to again get them
into their proper practical relation. I believe
that It is not on'y poevi de, but, in fact, easier
to do this without deciding or even considering
whetherd.hose States have ever been out of
th , i Union, than with tt. Finding themeelves
safely at home. it would be utterly immaterial
whether they had been abroad. Let ne all
join in doing the nets necessary to restore the
proper praotic .1 relations between these States
and the Union, and each forever after inno
cently indulge his own opinion whether, in
doing the acts, he brought the States from
without the Union, or only gave them proper
assistance, they never having been out of it,"
It will ba seen 'that the great anxiety of
the late President was to get the seceded-
States ,‘ into their proper practical relation,
to the general government." The great nuij
iety cf the Radicals, who profess to be extent.
iog his will, is to keep the seceded States
cut of " their proper practical relation to the
general government." The phrase describes
their policy with w)aderful exactness. The
contrast between Mr. Lincoin's plans, as de..
Oared by himself, and those which they seek
to thrtiq upon the country under the sanction
of his name, he being deal, makes manifest
their shameless hypocrisy without the help of
argument to pairit it out.
The spirit which animates the Its Veils in
this sits, can be seen by the followinz extract
from a ser;ei of resolutions ad)otel by them
in connection with the Poet Office matter at
Resolved, That C. L. Randall heir been I%
faithtul out efficient Poet Master, unexcelled
by 'any of his predoceeeors in the office, and
hue ere tly endeared himself to all who have
hu4neas at the office, and that any man who
undertakes to assume his piece without his
coneer.t will fled that public' aentirnent bee
made the vsition too hot for him. end we call
upon the Ll ‘pariment to make known to os
the name of the creature. or thing who may
have edvivd the removal of Berg. Randall,
that we may eazgest to him the propriety of
hit reai4l:ng in Memphis or New
Arnow?, the active porticiptcts in the meet
ing at which the above model resolution was
adopted, W 33 T. C. Wheeler,-Federal Meaner
for th , t part of the eaacty." It seems to be ta
horrible thing. in, his view, for a' Republican
to accept office from Mr. Johnson. We would
sog;est to him whether it is not quits as wick
ed to hold on to a position " like grim death "
inter an a 'ministration w'aiol ho pretends to
dispi+e. The difference in the morality of the
two acts is one whirl, we fail-;to perceive.
Our friends at G.rard should not rest content
until they obtain the appointment bf two good
Union men in the place of Randall and Wheel
er. Their patriotism too much of
the 0 Bread awl Butter" kind to be eat
isfactory. ,
LL'TTlia TO COL. Rics.--Tha following let
ter Trl9 last week addressed to Col Wee, by
a number of the leading Democrats of Girard
Immediately upon receipt of it, he telegraph
ed back from New York his willingness to
comply with the request of the signers:
GIRARD, EEL= Co., Pa.,
. . Sept. 22, 1666
Cot. ;Dan. Lire , —Dear Sir:—Too under
signed, your friens and fellow citizens, who
signed a call asking you to become a candidate
for Congress, in this, tho 19th Congressional
District, having, as heretofore, full confidence
in Sou. patriotism and love of country, and
believing that now, as heretofore, you are
willing to make way sacrifice (consistent with
principle and honor) -to mare the triumph of
conservative principles, and f rther believing
as we do, that inasmuch as William L. Scott,
of Erie, has received the nomination of the
conservative Republicans and the Democracy
of the district, he would be most likely to de
feat tho Radical candidate, Mr. Scofield. We
therefore moat respectfully ask that you with
draw from the canvass, that -.Mr. Scott may
have *fair Sold.
Louis Yager, S. D. Coettelt, G Stines
James Brawley, E. J. Kenyon. R. T. Williams.
F 3L Casts, John Robertson, A. Stone, David
Olin. H. Benham, Henry MIl, T. Zink'. A.
Whit e , W m . Plait , ilea. ilknyarcl, B C. Ely,
L. D. Hart, Jas. G. Collin, E. K. Smith, John
Keesel. •
Mr. C. E. Hard, local 'editor of the
Disiatch, hes been absent upon a pleasure
tour fora month past, thripTh the Eastern
States and the British possessions . . We envy
Lan his opportunity for selnzation •
Local Paragraphs.
lion. l!tfontgrmery Bltir has besn'nemin - .-
ted for Congress by the -Conservatives of the
Fifth district in Maryland.
A session 'of Court for Naturalization will
be held on Saturday, the 6th init. This Is
the lest Court that will boleti; previous to
the election.
We call attention to the fact, thit, a:though'
we have `
~twice alluded to the rumor
that all tbe.caudidates upon the Radical coca.
ty ticket .favor negro suffrage, not one of
them has yet denied the truth of the charge;
The inference Is but natural that their opinions
must be as reported.
- Hon. A. P. Luning, of Buffalo, one of the
best Ilemooratio speakers in the country, will
a dd ra i s a meeting in cur city, on Monday
mein next. • It is also expected that Dr.
Brunek, the famona (lemma speaker, will be
present to 'address a meeting of fititens of
German descent. . -
"Bob" Hill his just been appointed PO'st
mower at Nciribeast, in place of Jones who
doesn't swallow My Policy." Bob has the
reputation of being an excellent swearer.
We .wonder if be can equal one of the late
Radical candidates for Congress?
General Costar's giest achievement at Phil
adelt his was to swing a big hat, about seven
feet across, and cheer the burl as it played
And the Gazette's " great
.achievement " is
to denounce Gee. Costar and hosts of other
brave officers, because they happen t, dis
agree with it politically. " Qh, shame, where
is thy blush !"
The Chaiinian.of the Radical County Con
vention, I. B. Gam, Eeq., bears willing tes
timony to the merits of Mr. Scott. Ile sire:
" We would not utters word in derogation of
Mr. Scott personally or his claims to respect
as a citizen of energy of character and husi
liege qualifications ;" and only objects to him
on the ground of politics. •
Major General Butler and the Hon. Carl
Scher: wil prrbably epeak for the Republi
can cause. in this city, at some time before
the election.—Diepatrh.
This is the same - Gen ".Butler who, said
in a late !speech ; "ye slum. the dogma
that this is a white faced man's governmeut."-
At a Democratic' meeting is Warren
lately, three .prominent soldiers, who have.
heretofore acted with the R•publioans, made
sreechea in favor of the restoration of the
Union. They are Major Julies, Major Bard
well and Mijor Titus , . The Le Icor speaks of
the meeting edlressed by Messrs. Blair and
Perrin as the /:' l "most impoeing political dem
onstration ever witnessed in Warren."
- 1 -
The Dem . oeratic voter's of Summit Towtiship
met at the St me School Souse, on the 27th
inat.,and organized a Club, with the following
officers ; President, I,A. Hull ; -Vice-Presi
dent, [teary Ebenhouse; Treasurer, L. A.
Vaughn ; Sacietary. John Buys ; Assistant
Secretary,,ll. W. Hull.; Vigilance Comtnittee,
Edward Swale's, W. A. Bean, Thomas Persol,
Samuel Tome, Jacob Yocum, Philip. Mathew-I,
A. 0. Hill, J. W. Whitefiald.
' The Gazette hag had a great deal to say.
lately. about " swinging round the circle."
We would mildif suggest to it that the most
mysterious instanze of " s aging round the
, circle " that we have Been me time, is
- deileloped in:its own columns. The sudden
ness with which it has " swung round the
circle" from being a violent foe of Scofield, to
becoming one of his most ardent supporters,
surpaqses all acrobatic Ante heretofore
Nearly sat the - bead of the list of Demearatio
speaaers, who are to stump Ibis section of the
country; stand the ntlmes of Voorhees and
Vallandigham.—Dispoteh. •
The only meeting that we have any recol
lection of Mr. Voorhees baying been an
nounced at, was that at Greenville ; and. to
the best of our knowledie, Mr. Vallindingham
has not even beetittamed as one of the 'speak
_who are to stump this section cf the
country." • -•
Every Democrat aid every Conservative
Republican, without one solitary exception,
should be at the polls on election day. Who
ever fails to go will fail to perform the solemn
duty ho owes to his country. This is no time
to stay at home for light and trifling causes
The political situation is one of great gravity.
and the Conservative voter who stays sway
from the polls will Incur a responsibility of no
ordinary veight.
Mr. Lowry informs u• that we were mis
taken last week in stating that he is in the
habit of quoting Mr. Clymer'a votes &trial the
unorginized session of the Senate, for the pur
pose of making pilLitical capital out of them. Ile
says he invariably refers to those 'totes as not
being a bona fide expression of Mr. l lytner's
sentiments, and that the portion of oar can
didate's record he quotes in hie speeches is
that made previous to and after the famous
dead lock" In the Senate.
The following is an extract from an edi
torial in the Chicago Tribune, copied into tho
Titusville Herald. It is a fair sample of the
reliability of Radical organe:
. At Erie • feir dart since 30,000 . people came
together. in a rain storm to pledge tiler sup
port. to Congress• and to denounce the
usurpations of the apostate. In the precession
were 1,000 returned soldiers on horaback. !!
Tho Tribune had better try lapin. It may
equal the Eris Gasette after a few more
eff )rte.
The renewing resolution offered by Mr.
Bennett, was adopted by Council+ on Mcnday.
It will meet the apprciral of all who desire to
eee a quiet and well conducted election :
Resolved by the StOlct and Common Coun
cils of' the City of Erie, That the Mayor be
and he is hereby authorized and requested to
i.sue a proclamation closico , all places where
intoxicating liquors are cold, for the period of
twenty-four hours, beginning at, 7 o'clock
A. M. on the B'th day of October next, and
that he instruct to see that the said proclama
tion be enforced; that the penalty for so soi
ling contrary to thti proclamation hereof be
not less than ten nor more than twenty dol
lars, at the di cretion of the'magistrate, before
whom all parties may be taken for such a
violation. • -
The Merchants' Union Express Company is
the name of a new association organized for
the purpose of competing with the old express
lines. It is a joint sttiok concern and inolu
des in, its stock holdersmany of the leading
merchants in the cities where it intends
transacting business. The .eztortions of the
other companies cause the public to hail
its establishment , with mush favor, and we
expect to see it at once secure a thriving
business. The company have located an
agency in this city, in the store lately occu
pied by Strong & Evans. It has bean eery
fortunate in securing the services of Mr.
Charles Harris is its manager at this point.
Ile is a gentleman of more than ordinary
business talent, immensely popular, and, in
short, just the person for the place.
In n . speech. which Theodore Tilton - made
•nt the So.:themes Convention,. we find tho
following gem: t. Referring to the absence
of the Mayor of Philadelphia when the Pie i
dent passed through the city, he said that the
Mayor and himself were that day sunning
themselves on the rocks at Martha's Vineyard.
and watchi sg the fisherman catch . their fish.
Be did not know whether he spoke the senti
ment of the !layer of Philadelphia, but his
was sure beispoke his own, when be said ho
had more respect for a lorry-pens bass than
he had for. Andrew Johnson, President of the
TJaiied Siates.u—Dem. Exchange.
Mr. Tilton simply meant that, like most fish
erman, he preferred a boss to a sucker."
Mr. Tilton, and the editor of the Gazette,.
both belong to the (Atm of men wha endorsed
the lynching and imprisonment of hundreds
of their fellow citizens for criticizing the for.
mer. President in language not- half as of
fensive is flurabirie.
Saolonti, That ire scout And scorn, Is un
worthy of freemen,, that polities! blasphemy
which says : • "This is the white man's gov
ernment." It is not the white man's govern
ment, nor the black man's government. It is
God's government made for, man 1 And all
men who are true and loyal to K. of 'hewn,-
race or country, color or condition, shall have
under Its triumphant and ~g lorious fig all
thosigrest inalienable rights that belong to
The Gazette copies the above from the
seri a of reeolutions adopted by the Michigan
Radical State Convention. and remarks of
it: "The sentiment of tha -.resolution Is of
the broadest freedom and deSerres to be writ
ten in letters , of gold and cherished as e ye
florist creed. Until it is aecepted in spirit
and in truth by the whole American people.
two and oligarchy, relics .of despotism, will
never be banished from our country." Anti
pet, neeordibg to the same veracious writer,
negro suffrage ie " not an issue."
The President of the Union melting in the .
Court lioese, last week, wage, W. Kelso, Esq ,
a gentleman who has been prominent in the
Republican ranks in years past, but orb° is
now an ardent supporter:of Mr. Johnson's
policy. The other officers were: David
Shirk and E. Compliance; 'trite-Presidents;
and J. P. Foulke, Secretary.;
The Radicals, through waxing and threat=
- suing, hare succeeded - in iOncing two of the
men who signed the letter requesting Mr.
Scott to be a candidate, to Publish cards an
nouncing the withdrawal rif their support
from him. The sole effect of these individu
als' action has been make a - public display
of their own weakness. •
We mike these corrections w:thont waiting
fof the Observer to Ale it next week, as it
would most ,ssuredly, because the time that
would elapse would be sufficient to do more
harm than any exploitation by the Oheerver
c uld remedy. We call thom blunders "
They must be such, for nn partisan p per in
the country culla deliberately m the such
ridiculously absurd and mistrtierowly false
Our neighbor will. perceive by - the article
elsewhere that - we stood ready to — inalie; the
expelled " correction," in case any had been
needed. It !rid alto, bear t e witne-s, we
trust - that whenever an error has crept into
our columns we have always been prompt to
rectify it. We hare a right to txpeet the
same fair course from it, and therefore, call
its attention to the following :
It stated that Senator Dent ttle had been
hissed and rotten egged at his home. We.
abowid by a letter from one:of his neighbors
that the story was not true ; The Dispatch
has not yet corrected it.
It,quoted Gen. Grant as opposing Mr. Cly
mer's election We panted by en official let
ter from the General that it could not be true,
as be expressly deCares that he has taken no
part in the political wrangles of the day.
The Dispatch has not yet contained a con
tradiction of its paragraph.
It accuses lion. B, F. Meyer, wi . lb
gisingßooth. Tho Chairmen of the Cmety
Committee denieS that Mr..M. ever used the
out:miens attributed to him. Will the Dis
patch correct it?
It names Vallandingham as cue of the main
Democratic " dumpers " in this section, when
the truth is, be has not. made a speech in the
neighborhood, nor been invited to make one
during the campaign. Will the Dispatch cot
the statement 4 •
We earnestly hope it will not neglect to.
give these mistatoments a prompt and fair re
-traction; and thus convince the public that
they were onlj blunders," andriot, as some
might be led to think, "ridieulously absurd
and mischievously false assertions;"
When Gen. Grant was in Philadelphia,
e Johnsonite told him that Clymer would wet:
the larger part of the soldier's tote: The
General replied : I think yon will be mis
taken in that. Clymer 1. a C , yperhead, and
the soldier who votes for him will disgrace
himself and the fig he fought under "—Die
The substance of the above .psragraph, al
tered to suit the taste of the different editors,
has been going the rounds of the 'Richest
press for some time. We teak °coition, last
week, to show by an official latter frem Oen.
Grant, that it was not likely he had uttered
the expression attributed to him. and We have
now proof positive to the untruth if the entire.
story. The writer of the following letter is
known to most of our attorneys as one of the
'leading lawyers of Harrisburg, and• k gentle
man of high character : t
HABILIPBUTO, PA., 23, 1866.
John ll'. Forney. Egg
Dear Sm ; A communication under the cap.
tioa ' , General Grant on C ymer," in your
&today Press, contains ttfe following sta , o.
ment ; "General Grist, ini speaking of the
annoyances la which he had been enbiected
from politicians on the route, stated.tbat af
ter they were met by the dod kinitteo of roeee•-
tion from Harrisburg, a red-beaded gentleman
who belonged to the committee (supposed to
be 11. A. Lamberton. ); engaged him. in
conversation concerning our &ate elect on.
Do you expect to elect clymer V raid Gen
eral Grant. • Certainly we do. and by a large
majority,' was the reply. • • f am sorry to
hear ten say so,' responded. General Grant;
and I would consider it ad insult that any
loyal man should be asked to Tole for a man
who had been as di-loyal before the war and
all thi-ugh the war as liteeterClymer was "'
- I know nothing of any such cnversation.
At no time when I was • in , the company of
General Greet was there any mention made
by him er any one ese of Mr. Clymer or Gen
eral Geary No r ference or allueion was
made to the election, its reeulta, or to any
thing a partisan or politic el 'character.
I h eve seen the only other, memberd of our
committee whose hair has any tinge ot . red.
They are gent emon of tru , h, and they Ray
t hey had no convereation whatever with Gen
erel Grant, and were not present* any con
versation. with him.
The use of my name in the communication
I hare spec fled, sewns t require this denial.
May. I ask you to publish it
Tons, relpeotfally.
—Mr. Warren L. Ross has taken the afore
lately conducted by- .lptice„ Oheen &
gher, and fitted it up with evdrything nodes , a
ry to make a complete gentlemen's furnishing
establishment Ilia stock of clothe, cessimeres,
vestings and ready made clothing is superior
to anything ever brought to:tbe city, and we
dery.any ono to.visit the state without finding
something to suit his taste. Mr. Ross has
been very- successful in securing a cutter who
is not surpassed anywhere. Under his akil fal
supervision the concern is turning out work
equal to the best Eastern establishments. 'No
person can.have an excuse for gat g abroad
to get clothing while Ross affords the conve
niences that be does. In addltion to his other
goods he has also a superior stock of hats
and 'caps, hosiery, collars, cravate,—ip abort
anything that a man wants in - the clothing
line can be got at Roses.. ,Call and see for
yourselves. • . 341 If
Chambers & Dunn; between grown's Rotel
and the Reed Hoare, having to levee their
gallery at the expiration of there lease. offer
all kinds of photog aihio work at greatly re
timed prices. Carte.tisites, usually Coa ling
S 3, for sq. large pictures, costing elsewhere
's2.-;for $1.60; duplicates but 75 stn. AU
other work at proportionately reduced prices.
%ark equal to any other gallery in Erie. Now
is the time to get photographs at low coot.—
Call and see. Sept.l3 Ga'
VIP Clark & Brother. Wholesale and Re
tail Dealers in Confeetionety, Oysters, Canned
Fruit, St tionery. Yankee Notions,. Bakers
Goods Toys, Cigars , Tobacco , Piper, &o r.
lMeet Side of Peach fireet. 1 Square Sou th
uttf • th e - Bairn Depot, Erie. Pa Also. Di , ,eler
in all kinds of Country nroduce.- 1 4ert4ula t
attention paid to fdlieg ccitatry orders
(.1au.28 tf )
Picrtrase.— Persons Tithing to procure por
traits of themselves or members of their faun-
Mee, should millet the gallery of Mr. °Oilier.
in Rosenzweig's block. His specimens of
work convince tut that he is an 'artirt'who hat
few rnperiors The throng r of -visitors to his
rooms - ere an indication' that his merits are
daily becoming better known end ippreciiied
by thepabliz * •
Our people, of all parties, , owe it to tette.
credit es a community to rebuke such at.
tempts at bribery and corruption.—Gazette.
"Oar people, of airparties, owe it to their
credit as s community" that. the first thing
they el/W(1 do is to ascertain the mysterious
cause of the Gazette's ardor for Pcofiehl at .
present, after tiering denounced him to the
beet of its ability fora few weekivigo. The
Ivy of "stop thief" generally comes from the
thief himself.. If there has been "bribery
and corruption" in tile cue let us know, that
it may meet with the " ratite such.attempta"
Apropos to this sabjlot, wa• undorstand
that Mr. Johnson hes placed the whole MOW
of appointments and remova's in this °minty
in. the hands of micon.mitiee consimting of lion.
Wm. L. Scott, W. )1 - ; tisthraith, Se'dea Mar,.
Tin, C, W. Kelso:wad now, brehaff4.—
As Drawn by Ills Pall/ OM=
How Unpopular He in among the
, . Soldiers. .
GroaaNealect ofthe tail rave Rev to Ithie.”
The Erie Gazette is now one of G. W. Sao
field's most ardent supporters; In order to
advance his interes's it stoops to the lowest
degree of mail riity; in making charges against
Mr. Scott, which bare no font.dation in truth •
whatever. That the readers of the Gazette
May see how much reliance is to be paced in
its present pretensions. we have lakes the
trouble to ezareine its files of a few youthe
pasteto tivir what ti - tlic right of 0 IV Sc. field
at that time, - Thnresult 14 as follows:
[From ibe Gazette of Aug. 9 h ]
brle‘e:tilat either, of the three gin
f•Tin , his county is possessed or equal
aba,,, wit, tow. and w uld do equal service,
Vol lb-it their Item& elcitirg too letkelllnD
eoti.le tains to rut ee IWO u•fitlea e Sad reared
wi th. hoods t,f every Gillen man—, Neither t 4
the Erie county candidates embrace - a the faith
of the Republican party within a. week after
having been refused office by the Democracy,
andlitither of th m have continuously held
office as if it belonged to them as a personal
prerogative. ,Duriog the war, when our brave
boys were manfully responding :e tr.'s appeal
of the government, when sons, and husbands
And brothers were called coon to face hard
ships, disease az@ death, what words of en
couragement and good cheer were heard from
ourthea ttepreseutative in the nation.' Con
_greed. It seas a Matter of remark then, and of
deep regret that he who okould have been fore
most in-czkortations to patriotic duty, was so.
seldom seen or heard to Erie county."
[From the nazette of Aug 22 ] ;
EDITOR GAZITTS —ln your article of the
16th inst., /elating to Mr. Scofield, you ad
vattced sentiments that elicit friths the sol
diers throughout the - county throat emphatic
expreseione of apprises/. The soldiers of this
county, and not only of this, county, but of
the entire ! district, • have witnessed with ill
conceited indignation, the actions of Mr. &a
field during tie 1r, -sent term in matters per
taining to them and their welfare :During
the late rebellion no one received from the
soldiers a more generous support than Mr.
Scofi id, and in no one did theyplt-ce more
implicit confidence,' and float no one had they
a clearer righ to expect kindness. What re
igen has he made th em ?
4- The case of ajor Swan to which you refei
is not an isolated 'one. .Four or five cases of
a similar character of- which your correspon
dent has personal knowledge, and wherein
Mr. Scofield has preyed himself the political
demagorte, end not the honest represents
tive, stand en record against him • Why is it
that in this district, which supports so twiny
lucrative positions attainable through our
representative, got one soldier is found in
office? Worthy anplicante are certainty to be
1- nod. The roll of honor is large. Daring
Mr. Scofield's term of office be had the
privilege of makiii a large i-umber of ap
poielments. Many . applications have beet,
made to him in-behalf of crippled and other
wise deserving soldiers In all of these he has
promised to
.fulfil his duty. In' how many
cares has his promise been-kept 1 If be has
made such appointunntso it bay bein by
stealth. They are not to be fauna upon re
cord The tee made of his privileges In the
eneport of the Bepresentative-S tidier Dill,
in which be gives the /tektite sloofand him
self tl el' enthuse 03 of $4OOO. .m.ght have
been more Ito torabl. to himself, but cou'd not
he more lost . iive t his o thstituente.
The soldiers -f rie county ass for the
nomination of a t by , representative fr. in
Erie coin ty. The, Cannot and wilt not 1 , 14- .
port Mr. Scofield. - NORTH EAST.
The editor of the Gazstte says of the above :
"II is from the pen of one who did good see- ..;
vice throtighoutjhe 4 war, and grid, ratty feels
earnestly abOrtthe facts to which ho alludes.
We tont se aimed:tee surprised at the extent
and strength of feeling among the soldiers
in r , g,,,1 to fl. u .mination of; CO ,, irrelisnia..
It I, ri..iii, in it it t-hould be known. for wear,:
COoriece.l aril. Mr Scofield' Is weak just
where be ought to be strong." .
A if not satisfied with the cmmente at
tached to the cemmunication. the Gazette
publishes an epeesl on the same subject in
another pertioa, of the toper, in which the
writer gives ft as his opinion that. "North
East," "expresses the fe -ling of the soldiers
toward Mr. Scofield- There are tow" it says
"resitting.-ia Erie county at leagt I, f)
who serve .1 - ,in the army and navy ing
the late war. ,In the balance the
district there nearly as many ,morn.. We
figure from careful estimates that
.there are'
altogether fully 3000. These three'thougand
soldiers cast three thousand votes, and many
of them control one or more votes alto. - Every
soldier-will ti•ce the fact thrust •in Ms face that
while Mr. Scofield takes a bounty of $l,OOO for
himself, a few only of them get $lOO or $5O each,
-end the cast nrsjaiity get nothing " In view of
these facto. the Gazette may well inquire:
"Shall we (that is the Radicals) jeopardize
the success of the Union (Radical) ticket by
nominating a plaid ate. to Congress who is
unpopular with the soldit7:l"
[From the Gazette of Aug. 30th )
~ In 1862 the Union candidateler Auditor
General-,the highest , office in the ticket—had
a majority in Erie county of 1.542 votes;
Mr. Scofield's. majority was but 698 Tram; or
573 votes behind the ticket. In the Prtesiden
tat campaign of 1894,, when Mr Scofield ran
for his secood term. his majority on the home
vote alone was '990. less than that of - sir.
Lincoln's." .
In view of the above, we do tot wonder at
the general surprise 'Mph isexpreased at the
Gazette's zealous support of Mr. Scofield now.
That party influences might prevent it from
supporting, Mr BGott we can well aneler r wro,
but coneYteney at lean should restrain i
from landing his ;opponent, whom it Lau so
often and savacely condemned, and strive to
advance the Litter's interests , by misre presen
tationspf the blvest sort in retard to'our
candidate. We dislike exceedingly to charge
. unworthy , conduct upon a cotemporary, hut
we are not alone in the etypicion that others
and less- honorable motives than- party re
quirements have led to the Gazette's singular
0 change of bise,-;" • ,
The Dispatch, like the Gazette, was bitterly
opposed to Seefield's nomination, and d at,
him sops :hard blows in. the course of the
contest. Its course qn Om subject is male
doubly honorable by contrast with the emetic;
for having thought him unfit before the nom
ination, it does nut swallow its own trutiatil
word's now, and 'snip -ri him 'solely because
he haabecome iIY piety candidate- The fol .
lowing communication whioe appeared in its
et:earring is interesting In connection with the
extra pay (plastic° I - .
Girard, August 24, 11366.
B. F. 11. Lynn,l 3 / I .
Sir t In Sc' field a letter, addressed teed. P.:
C,claran and published in thisdiy's Dspvem,
he says be / received for his eitlary the amount
bereiorcie fixed by law. deeltnii g the in
ere..-." It ' , !r. Scofield intends to be honest
in this mazer, l- t him imi e'e the example of
Mr. Hut-bard, Cougressmin train/ West Vir
ginia, who drew; he money(s4oo3lbut immedi
ately returned it so the United S ales 'teas
all. ,In Mr .Bm/field ,tteelinitig the Tin e,
Ger) pas
when he received hi - pay, does not 4 wilt
not &Witte - se preclude him fr hereafter
pocketing the $4OOO . Would also erliegen
that Inasmael salt does not cost for railroad'
tail meta taaa twenty-Are donut to usns-
ponblMSelf from Werren to Washington, that.
he returns to the United States Treasury shoo
nine Auncfred and forty-three dollars, the amount
hi demo and poeked Pr. mileage ahoy* the
I actual money he kid ma making the trip
Mr. Ancona. M. el., from Pennsylvania, said
that enough members purposely absented.
themselves and were Wats ante-room when
the vole increasing .the Tay of the members'
wee taken, Co_ have defeated the bill. I
wander if the Judge, lasted of "being at
his fadeless," wasn't in the ante-room ? Bat,
by all means, let Scofield imitate the centuple
of Congreesman Ilubbard. Tnis will, at least
sheer honesty, and better gaiety the people
than by voting to themselves en increase o.
$4OOO and stinting the soldier with only - the
pale, sum of one hundred dollars bouCty.
which is an outrage hat should not be over.
lootsd by the peep'. And ter. Scofield's
omission to rote, and help defeat the increase,
(ter it only - passed by one majority.) 39 a.
grvat. an (Irenea as it he had recorded his
vote in favor of the meteor".
I " • Q,Rsruot,ican SOLD' ER.
New A6ertisements.:
EiTRAY —Carne to the 'premisas'of the'
maw thee oo the 146 day of erlitmob. , r, •no
man. wit White 'tripe to tam ab at 12 veers o
shoal the h-eree The bylaw Is re coated to,
Provo p opert., pay e.a.rpeo sod lake her awe), or abs
*l4 be depose:lot accentlag to law '
FJaee emameneed Imorerm Pratt & Co., celebrated
Bo r tler re 0 mere, ...131.b airy will pea sit , ot by the
'llOOl our. Them Oysters • e moldered 'hotel to
the moseet notate, eiloone and pinup Lamm., .4.
plied at to. • oet4.oco
.V 110POALS far grading and Luilding a
xi go on nollaad
..I.d pmp rata sill be i.e•red by nit 3 - te.t Cnai
moto..l tha f t.ns, nail lanitdan "et. fhb. at 3
p m. for tht amigos of Holland .tr b.P.san
4.1 t 414 h. north ',W.W . II's. at wnea's .3. an 'on bll
n4O, bride. aver tba Pb.l dt. Zit nall•oad tram a. as
floPent otra-1 Plena and .pecideati as as b. aeon at
, tte Sect Connell on and after Itumodei.Odt
I. V. RUTIN. '
. ' A. cvl VAN • ASSELY,
, .. .
.US. Vio AR.ER,
. -- 11. EMMY i , Cocioalttnit on Stoma,
DEOFO-ALS fur building an arched
sealed propotee .11114.rreelyed by the Street Coro
tette* di the city of Pie nein Mood ~ netaber Mb. at
3 Wel• et r. n. f,r the bpi die t .{ .. is t e d culver t
seines Mill Creek, on Mint) , B'r—t. Plana ; ad well-,
mikes can be seen at the 8.. et CeoreM rows. ,
J. Me AR•
Street Coauatttee. '
Lettere of Aftolotrtnitoo on th. Inflate of Joito P.;
god ten, 4.oased late of Greene township, Ens county,
P%. hawing trositrontod the underolgual, matte* to
berth , tee. to all lodahted to raid estate to mate ten.
mediate payment, and then tutelar damp , anima the
&One will present them, duly'auttotntieated„tre settle.:
went. •
fief-6w Administrators
, H. ER, b.rcusit - Sareeyor of 'Swath Erie, is
telly papered te r: set any grade and re mark corners
in•fote or out•lots of the city of Ede, or borough at
South Erie, and the trzeM throughout the o note.
flaring been for many years emploted ea City and
.'onnty rnrreror, act twee leave to refor to all the
Mara god bnalnent men who base larva m emploted
him. Particular attention given t)lnespiny. phnsand
ppec 18,010Ds. Oil %fare prepared on the .berteor moo-
ties. Offoe with l'W. Braaten end Wilson L'iipd,
tone , a et :am -enter of sth and Sta 4 St•iet• Hinder.
necht a bock E•le, Pa. AU t Odors Ott at 11.Neutieesee
eters, French Sr.; char.. W. Miler, Turnpike St ;or
Rife. Fetuses Sow, Soith Erie, •HI be romp it att•.n.
ded to. Inlys'6B-tf
_.....-- ,
I Edo City Iron Wmlui i Fl. Fa , : 4 ; 3. 70,
TP. Anipsit -
Girard Oil Company. i Term. Mt. . ,
October 1. 'the, . n :notion Geo. W. On ntlion, En ,
IPPolialed andlter tom It• dlatribution of mono. made
.1;4 al.oi tatted Fl Fa, rer eor All rflllol3l intero-ted
firth - 1T above .twee ease Ira bomb. ontidad than I 'rill
attend to 'be dotl.. of to• •ppgottaent a. to • MB,. in
Erie. on Friday, lbe 03th d 0.. ., .o.tob.r. A " 'RA at
2 o'.-1 , -dia p in. GE ). Wt. GU , :!....190N.
'oet4l-3t • . A sditor.
TH R ATTEN TION rtf the weakly. the
N. roue the Orli. ih rtiti. the
dy.oeptoc is iialLtd to Certet's NERVE rf t 14, which
ootais nn oP•CIf or 11RICr5T, 0 X • 11.00 le.sod . One of
the unpleastat .If e s wba to Invariably follow; the are
°Vibes.. •stin es are intoned b. be la. of fl• pv!..
b.y ease pale .ad quiet the tterobille neivei by
of arlina tone and • rental. • h eh is not 4,-Opo r h.et_
pereta ent—ii elver gain to the whole • e ma, and
doe. not par od after • fee bourn ea Li the ease whys
Deimos. Other. Vilidan, etc.. hate been given The
sloop that t Indite/el - by •heir peif- tit natural,
caln. and reftwittine. and ant lite that which la f t owl
titr ee n •of epic's.
N. feeble, I. induaed by their oaf Gni./ air quiet,
ripple and then med infra*.
There is tot ti. iggb eat doubt tlet suratrzez
regime's of tb se ensnpleinte can b. oared orgiest r
4:laved by their ueme.,/ bee
•• date any bane •r con
••frn'i mit re, ran 10 0.• o-• e co f tb. lei Mali. in
trine/ of fit, vat slats; end ti e .I.e. end
thin pee tttat he has DO' Stio. lied mere then the worth
• t hie to ney. Pylon i 0 cents a Boa. tia'd be ail
irkPARTERLY ,NEPoRT of the condi-
A n g, two •Itte F nt. NM,. al Bay k of Me. la E le,
of I evesp•at le, OD the mof.iDi vine
day of Octal) r,
ES In( r.
Note. and Filly disconscod, • ' 063 95010
Over d eta. 199470
Pauline* and filliar O,MI 4 1
.lOrt•ont osponsea, 230.62
Piinati . vas, I*9 2 Poto., et. eluding , •everna •tanitid 9 190 10
'• us Tom 'causal Hanks, , 28,299u6
CI A.-Brnda &lonised . tb V a Ttaa , ttry to
' • wont. eirenteing eaten- 192.000 00
M A. Do d•••nd • lbw II B. seenritni to ft
' i can 10 colts. * 150.000
tr.-rbesda and seenritirici^ band, : 4 : 05 OCI
Cub on band in diva 'ling notes sad othu i'
va•innad bay lui. . .. - 6,4113 [4:1 4
Co. hno band In orerdatlng Wald ALIO& bilis 95100
Fried nal can.ney. 107 CO, •
I evil tender metes, 15 90 00
comp-tied 19terest metes, _1,9.009. 27.117 6
J .
i, 1 -. 111/5,477 95
Capital tiock paid le,. . • .
Surplus feud. ' 6 1 90 24
Cleutaterig note* received from Comptroller 165,65000
T. 4 ii. eel devorta • - . 941 24609
Gaited Sarre deposit. 4O 47 1 31
• awaits of V. 9. disbursing odleerr, . IRO 19
11 iscPunts. . . 1.676 49
Eintarges, 1,767 24
oterest, 8 • 9 071 66
Pratt =4 :010, - - . 2,76363 7 774 12
I M. fiantrill, Culver of the Pint National Pant of
E IN do ninon': near that the .bole gatement is
tree to the test or my ktewledre cod helt.t
V. fifatiliinD,Citebler.,
Statec! Prirtasylesete.Conaty of B ii:
„. 'Avon to and gratvenbea before toe tbie 9d day of Oc
tober. 11168. , oet4-its F. CtrbTZt, .1. P.
The subeeriber will pay own to
Delivered at their paper mill, at the Month of Walnut
ERIE PAsER: _c031p.11%;?
E E. /oxlip. -
Ilauttfutartrs sad Wlintamsli and Retail
Nairn pa
• ;1
I • - -
421 &ate , third door gotta of P. 0. ,
j'rWiTery [Hein the fat,
!B r - Winn= Cain on. Tb. eteadart ii, ory of the
tiTzed amy T..* emoted work no the au; polar,
W O ig end.ed by artny allters arid the meal. The an
I deogo to this volume to vetoed ertAt that amm did
ln' to 1.0 emota`gor an. two aeo n battle*
'l.!' II hare to oe!eb,ats the tunweralt g loyalty of
}IP arose, that d.Gme. Oben , he bond of military Co
herein!' tined. iteld It unshaken of farina*, to a duty
sell horns. d.
• t obit have to fol'ow It lb ongh • eh*. Ityred tsp•
rlenee la • tale a •utininsi4 of great mls amours, great
follies' and rest al031.11; out tram Belt ortas...ll
appear that amid =toy hOCets o' fortune, th.ntigh..ll.
ter and rough wombat' th. Army of the' Otero .e peen
gam op, bat mai* • good hot semi dna lirmolred the
P.M ties drams eats will be no other hero them lbw of the Poto lan ifser; for It a ,mad seam Vat to..
this - WV' 01 the people It was tonne hare *both, mire,
so Tommie! reseocer to become central , dgme and
eis...traro of o an n aerie. n. mae *nun• at of
haughty eloquence, eseta'ma I at In the anutiondea
r Ivory the • •unnauder bas everjthisg. T6a proad
Sp , ttosle ban so app lattlo to the army ot, the Pete.
cow. *ado's, most 'lt nil- , eeinw It neverhad • dust
and gen •ealty had mediocre etiontodere-lt tru that It
might be std that ob row it won t owed not to mile
bat 'ought with 1M blood'
?Mom th• e ly thetory of The Grand Aeniji;sad
ex 'a who bu bouts a part in US esi Ilictwor Is Interested
to its mod aehler-roenta should be withrut It
area wain?, a ram chin-, to Inate mosey.
Arn ela wan taa, " ridt r irt. N a l d ill " ;:a V I Z 07 "
11 'SOUP
, .
. .
Flar;se mode liege purchases in Nay York; Boston.
and Phllladednbts, we are sow prepaid to sires at
ressonaVo Ohms our large and well se scud
2 ,1 1L6a. Block' sod Colon,. Plato sod Ript;
Empress Plot s; Poplins, Prime.) s.d Irleb; Slade sod
Colored A:spserie: Cbieked, Phi :and Striped
PE Ls I i;1 Wobl Ds Linos; Inalae; Caton sad
ft** de th' bilr.
W 3.1; Valtaelsasi; Claw', Maputo; INgal and
lATI MG% Long and Fiume Paisley and ameba.
CLOAKS tndlttaardnes;lmmal Skirls. "
tarp stoir t Clotye for man and liars wan;
W. clan lillantets,atallties and prlein
Canion Panties, ed and Brown.
Flannels. Phan arid Clrrekad: Bilk Wasp Flannel..
Prints. Frearh Eogit h and Domestic.
Remnant Prints, Bleached and Brown Cottons.
Cotton Yarn. Cottrn Ratting Telco, Dennis!' sod
ripas, Knit Good,. Rood.. Nobiss • d Breiktat
Shawls, Woolen and Cotton Elostery, Balmoral Si as,
Bradley's Duplex Elliplie Moon Skirts
Chi; stock war weer so fell, sod complete as at the
. present time. •
OTITAZIIGI3, - 11171` TRUE, That Sanutceella and
1 - N Burdock. C rani -f Tartar and Salphtar, Red Prt
colt te and Brimstone, all tag to core this modern
monare! Itch, n^e so prevalent tbrnueb at the enact.
try, Be the retract of Pend-lion and Bitt r-Avreet le
Just the remedy ter it, se It seta an 'he liver stimulates
all the • &el. In, opens the norm of the akin and in a
eat •ral and easy , hrnwe out all thiek„ si•eid
some or tumors clatter, and lutes the drool - stied
I ree, the b'cagni Are, th• skin eine°, the - comp'etion
ricer, and tbeiehole ;engem 'free fromdenenve. It is
medians that cannot' be used egthont benefit.
P. P Jury. wiLDIL
' . l?N' do WILDER;
lianafeatnrens and Who Wire Dealer■ In
Erie Co., Pa
Ordra "y mail pro - optlr attend+d
S. B. ito - Laor. JANIS 146{tor Jour T. Se Axe
No complete, and {Delta the attention of Dealers to
their ausrally seetated adwriment of
140,477 03
The frequent fluctuations fri value of all descriptions
of Verchandise, readers It a matter of e•p-dal propriety
that petchases should be frequent, and therefor* the
nearest market becomes the one best adapted to enpply-:
ing retail dealers with geode they sell. -
rutehasers frrns Weste,n renosylvoulewrintern Ghia
and Western Virsinia. are Invited to visit Pdt•burgh
and teapot this Stock of Goods, wt Leh will by kept dur
ing the 1111806 I
Teems, Nei Cash, and- Prices Reasonable
U. B. Joatr
asp'6 tt
Natio* to hereby , g'ven then' tettere of edeolelstrattou
hare been grautenl w the 'auderelgovi upon the estate
of Wm. It Whatley, late of the talentlifti of MR Creek,
Reit eottetv.cleeetwed. All persoue Indebted to re'd nutty
wilt call end all pereone hathegstalcusgainet
,the same CI, hand th-m to, properly eerrhel.,
anBo4w ' ' A•inlotstotter.
REALM 1,11111 4 3T1AN & CRAM,
- Also. Ards for
nr4.Bm o
515 FRENCH 81113:ET
Haim en" bead • lug, IS: e n:nest et Teas, Colt-. 1
Popp. gy rep. jyttell
zolus MAIM li Common Phis, Fele Co ,
PPlo 41, • ay. Term.l 6 ss.
U. alias rabpoesa to Divorce,
f I return ..2iiitil.'" ,
11ARTDA u. nua Dag. i
.1 ~
ieb..., Z DOS b i leer did prefer his Witten to the
Honorable Jo es a the Cottle of Cezemott Vette for the
eortat of _FON pray Mc for the camas th.eala at meth,
be Welt tedivmeed fn m Ms OM Marta 111. Miter;
a Ito. Is her by Oleo to the said Martha It 111111ker to
tread appear te , tni, ear elndirre at Cola at a mart of
mamma p 1 ai them dad them to be holden. for toe
amity of 1 t te, ea the ant Maeda," to avarembor wet,
a armrerr mild petition aad , elada.thejaegmeat of the
retort In the rem 1.41.4 ' . 1 0. L. IMAM
Sher Era I flia, Septlo,lllell dbeall;
• e• 20.0 , , .
ICI IS S 0 L 1J TION..—Tbe- psitnembili
ham War- reiallty between t .4. i kWh mei t: .
erst &11. ender the Illm same of (*hellish essedafl.
I. dieenlyed by Memel Get on% Mr. Caumblf fetirfer
from the Inn. Mat bealeme will, he cositeved by ths
meolettee.d. et the the old stand. reach etteet.B doom
north re Befhtlo 8 .by wham WI amulet" 'rata t the
UM Imeenllesettlea. 'W. 14: Vailllt
- And •
Ne. 6 11.E3p 1 ISOrS4
[tept27, V]
Apsta for
torithMTUbrelllo Zvi
ryas OUSAT
,„ , • -
• (Wet yndikl7 Preps:lama
efl 2 care
Paha:Wit:W(las from say gam whatever, Pesstystion
of the aptenljeaneed be Pipe hardship, Plain,
testis as disposal atop tlfa sotdi.nnt,, eitifebe, ins
or fa m- It, Malt. or south, will dad la this Blues ',m,
Tonle, ant dependent on tad liquara for thithr almost mt
run'oas effect. -
- - ;
And diasmea nannlas from d3sorfon of the Lisoo-117a —
Dlsosttoo mon; an band by •
This Bitters bad-Performed in» cure, gins betty.
ostleselloo, boo mots testimony, b e mon respectable
people to 'nth tor it than ear other article is *spar
let. We dr , fr soy ono to eootrAtet this arsertlos. lewd
El , pay $l.O oto *by one who will produce a certlikste
published by us that.. not asuaise. -
iefileure stony CMf of einnfe or tavola debility Inc.
dlseu a of the Ilidoeys. Warts the followtogOmptome
faulting from cllapta mot dm digestive or.aus :
Constipetten, Laud Piles, Tallness of Bleed to the '
lime l selQitr of the Stomach. Nauss, ' , outburst, Dm
glut t.r Food, ?einem or ^ eight Ia the Stomach Soo
blistatationedgeluar et Fawning at the Pit of the
sumath; Beimetteg of the Flout, ',turned sad ditEeult
Ores:biog. Flattering st the fittest. Cho, tog or Salient • '
og eausaliona when Us a lying posture, ht ut ,,,...1
too &Alt or Webs b. fore the • tight, fever trt Fate
In the Hear PetTislity of Ferepiratiou, Yellosruess
the leo end Eves, Patti Ii the Site. Pick, Chest, Limbe,eve
to, Sudden Iflttehirs of Rea - . Bunting to the nett, toe
stint Imiginfage of Selland great Deprnsion-of Spirits.
Resat" that thit Hilts, Is ant aidoslle. cantatas
non ror whl-key, and cannot make drunkard% but ts
the beat tonla la the world.
Prom Rat. W. D. Natlrl•d, Tutor of iwil!th Baptiirt
Claret'. Philads.
Gentlemen- I have reeently teen laboridg. wider. the
&etre. log effects of Indlgsolos act" n yarded by • pats
testate of the narrow epitome. Numerous rem-dims were
recommended b 7 Meads. sod snort of thins tared. to.
without tallef Year Heofland • Gee—ad Bitters were
ratozonewa ad - by peaces whotted :tied thim. and whose
favorableme t po of then Bitters fodae d me to to
t. am I san , t cot fearthat I had an atrarri•ln to retest
Medicines from' the "thousand and oat" quiet ...Deters"
abate*. ly • Masao. to be to palm off sweetened a d
d•vgged Dauer upon 'he comet pity to a alt way. sod
the teed. bee of With. law. is to make malty a tat.
armed 11,1101'rd Upon leartilog that our. was really
• reedicmal pteparatloo 'took it with happy effect Its
action, ootoply opoothe Ito • lab. bat upon the Demos
'Mem. p ooze gni gratify I ig. fleet that I urea.
Sensed great andparmanant beasdt from the an of a
bottle. Vilory rsevetra IP oats.
W. D. bElfl/nIED. h 0. 254 Theeltimason 11.
From the Rev. g. Ye
nicdalle, l, assltt Phtiada. eat Editor Chrttlan
I have derived decided benefit from t h e asit of Booilsoe
a•rmsn Elituts, mai Ifeel It my privilege to zaciummetal
them s. a most valuable tonic to all •oo an miming_
from pineal debility or from disessiis arisingrfrom the ,
daraogerneot of the liver.
Yours truly. L. D. YANDILLL.
FrCUI Der. D. Menge. 'Astor of the Peusynek re; tilt
, Chuttb, Pbtlade.
Trout the nouty ropeetabSe MIXIIIIMIMILLaU6III 4I- a 3 to
Dr. ootlatld's German Bitten. treahadneed gtve ita2ll2
• trial. After Wog &roust bottle~ 1 Wand thorn " boa
good remedy fer &any, and moat exeeDesit t 001.3 tor
the attenaoh. D. NUM&
Fro= Rev.. Wm. Smith, formerly Pastor of the Places
town mid 11114111 e is. 11 Baptist Cbarrhas.
Haring used Mai aimily a number of bottles of you:
Efoolland's German Salami tars to say tepid their
as an exallsut medicine, 'midriffs adapted to f 111130 1 ,11
the diseases they ere recommended or. The, strengthen
and invfirrate the matem when decilitated, and are um
to in disorders of the liver, lou of appetite, de. I set
also menu mended them to several if my friends .ebe
have tried Um^. and torrid them greatly bet:lentil In the
resto•ation of hesqb. Yours truly,
Wit. &tuff, NS Entail:ism:St, Mted&
soe that the signature of . - C. Si. 4.01 fat).%" Ss oath*
empire of teat. bo
Plann'd Jo .r neareatdediglitnot hare the article do
not be pnt cat by auy or the intoxicating preparations
that may be tiered in It. Care oat send to na and ws
forward ascorely packed, by swear.
Prineipal °Mee and Eannfactory, No. CI trek
Street, Philadelphia. Pa.
rinccesiors to C. M. Jackson k.C0.,3 Preprietore
For Ede by dengesets and dealers in ever, to4R I. the
United Stelae. deer 66-11.
uusE IS
n . 1.13544 the sTeUtot wit"?' the eAehte'el eyehole
tome rater.
WM care Dyipera'a., •
Will ewe weakness.
Will more General Debility.
WU I can Heartburn.
Wilton Headache. . .
IAIO care Liver Complaint •
Will excite and create • healthy appetite
;Will Invigorate the organs of dige4lon and ecc•defits
ty increase the tmoperature of the body and The force o•
circulation, sett , gin fact as a germ at cerreaerant attbe
system. containing Co poimments drags, and le • -
A fair trial le aaraartly eanedted.
GEo. C. HI BURL B CO., Proprietors.
- Dada.% W. Y.
Central Depot, AM! lean Espresa Building 55 -DUD.
'ON ItT.. NI R' YDS &
For isle by all Druggists. Br , nera,
rr POADLEY FNe. Abolegale . Aseatt.
and for ale by Ball k Warf.t , Carter &Cann and WU
'I.IW. lb Rooth.
• .
ro.l Yard. carver et Twelfth a•d Pairh 134vera.Erte a
ra, who 'pap oratantly oo bard LAtab sad Pf•tatoa
tear. y 'atop mod rooarwo, Shamokin— 13 g S OTIN
and Not size ; tiltoraloott for grate ano attach and
For Ulacksmith Purposes
Oar Coal iv all received by rail, Is kept an dry plank
ilaor.and •
We &Tor rent brlneemento to tootles . ebtn to la
to their 'lnte l supply, Co to dealer. parel.sing tilt
ear lead.
Von 7
113 0 " alve at a eel 'and se guarantee tort,* eatiafte•
OfEee la Farm 1 1 / 4 111 1 / 4 11fIfstr, Etio. P.
All claimants for extra bounty allowed by late - lieffrat.
Comma& eau have the ems promptly colte•ted by
aendtng their dluturges to m•, the receipt el abtalt
will 'to promptly trkLeerledged and .I:attar:Jena re
turned -
INCREASE. or itvstoNs
SIS per moth - fir tots, lon of 038 of either-leg or
arm, ineta•d 0" $2. $2 pet month for each minor child
of deceased Soldiers ne wanton. ,Also, other Increases.
I brae mantbs lay 'roper Oae all to lervHas Watch
azid &trauma after Aprit OM, 185.3. Claims cubed,
Claims for Amara of pay, aid crepdons i and bounty
puned-1v collected. Unequalled facllltlea fora oiling
and completing cuts. allowance to nritnnprs of way.
collected. Only plenty to North-treader* PenneClra•
tale where years of explanco in the U.S. ?real ter can
r 7" Thankful fn the very libersdpatrosace - traiowad
in the pm, we hope, to increased es reriroce era ante•
witting attention to patrons to snare than continued
favor. Office in Farrar that Btuldtse.
dddrris„ - 8. TODD .PERLIeIr, -
aull4l Lock Box 104 File. Pe.
• An renrrEttt.
The Largest sad Rest stock of
Aid DRUSESS tet • of found it
HALL & I , II , FEVB-1)1303 &TORE,
STATS ST „Xenia es et7l..4tr:
Iraviog had long exper.enos ia . tbss trade we erstorablid
to I , IS rply pante. est% • superior quality of goods at
the tomer prices.-
Our stout eutsrifes a geiserst neiety of every attest that
?Akita , wed, iaa itlittiata as their patronage
• tan rote sla not bring cliaappolotell.
r— Ord, ea foirtillisibtak bolldloge4l.l, be estlase
tostlg E1t.4.,
' • " — CALL' 9 11 4 0Cis'_
*OW' 7.
trill do triaiiiisdbotter Itotist a "Ws au t. tinny
other.' Ilanobtet, red ooly by
• R
• 1 No. otth
F '" AND Vs INTER STY IrtrA fur Bonnets.
- Etrta and Turbans. BMWa raps, and alkali
4I t;aw Midi slam d and d prv?o 3;t17. Una
patroasgs4s seapro!rul 13 solicited.'
.0140,4nte'' _ ifiatAlZ
Tu ft frodlebo tbi mete the mutt coma deb End b
timbre f thir rrealtit nab and terrobtasee to
dtba9lllol • Cart•ee tatted of !Wad WI ed. Thou.
• • tootitt to the trettorthla otatewat t and ail
It falt Wet beton* of the bieetatp,
Will Ent ta ohs patent andltiso— so eanot--that
j - ought to to is sorry Natty; and that Is canna
kallaet twos
Stain Weed: ilea thwatelaste which ewes
te se twos those th t titre used t; fi e
think Osman
be . wo doubt silts portestak _ feW•ti