zbe gtie Wed% ehoetver. ERIE, PA.. SEPTEMBER 27. 1866 Corer,--A special session of coast will be wa oe If onnisy, lA*, let of October, to Ihith all who wish to 'Obtain naturalisation pro s @ held apply. Another session will be Ded Psturdsy, 0et. , , 6_, These are the only' !Wiens of Conti for naturalisation perposes sst all to held before the election: Cot. RA tor A CLIPWATL — Jciat before p ig to press we received authentic inforina titetbst Col Rica has authorized his fri4nds 0 withdraw Dip name as a candidate for. Con = r ,„: This course is highly creditable to lis j u dgment, and will add to the kind feeling ,blob hosts of Democrats entertain for him.- 6e ! hall publish, the letters on the subject :tot vet. 31111ING5.—The Demount! of the part'of the couttry are preparing to 1 s grelt-Ps" meeting a Albion, on Set . 4; , ~,-sfiernoos, October 6th. Speeches are etretttaftlom Col. Thompson, Judge Marrin, S. spencer, keg., and Geo. W. Gunnison, Wil?.7n Laird, Esq., will address a meeting Greeswood school BM?, Harbor Creek .orphip, on Saturday everting, o;%6th. Mr. !Air] hat entered : the course for the cam r;za; ftia , l authorises us to say he will vie& ray rill of the ,county where his : servicie as o feaker are wanted. !N I lfpntgamery Blair sad Col. R. 0. Per ;ill !peak at Girard, on Saturday even ,e6 text, the 29th {net. A general invitation erenied to persona of both political reeds. me Demo - crate of Union are getting up s . I r.d mass meeting, to be held on Wednes iy next, Oct. 3d. 4 number of distinguished %kers are announced, end the ocotalon is apreted to. be one of mach interest. Our c vott friends tax that is coneideretion of their taring frequently helped to make the Erie sty meetings - enecessful, they expect a g od turn out from here, and we hope they 11111 apt be disappointed. There should be at lasi at beset present from Erie. The Law Respecting Deserters. At the last session of the legislature an Act was passed disfranchising deserters frog ;he army, and treating as deserters all persons rho were drafted and neglected to report, as Yell as all persOns reported absent from the gnu without permission. The questions tined by this Act came up foridecision in the we of Rubor vs. Riley, ~ a nd thi Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, on a writ of error to the Court of Comartin Flees of Franklin County,. Judge Strong- delivered the unani -,cur o?ioion of the Court, which decides 1. Officers of election have no authority try s rioestion of alleged desertion. • 2. A person alleged to .. be a deserter from the army can only be deprived of his right to Tote after a trial and convictfori by a Chart. yartial. ,Tbe Court close their opinion with this "It &flows that the judgment of Court the below in the coos etated, was right. The plaintiff not having been convicted of de ,ertion and fti•lure to return to the service, :r to repori to a Provost Marshal, and not baring been sentenced to the penalties and f;Tfeit tares of ,the law, was entitled to vote." IL. should always be recolledted that the r)eteding?, trial, conviction, sentence„ &e., cf a Court, wbethei it be civil or military, 'l3 only be proved by the record of the pro :2oicg., or a complete copy or exemplification :nee, certified ae provided by act. of Cou nts!. The opinion of the Supreme Court 1.,1 not raiee or deny the conetitationality of .1! let of Congress, but only that a mail :ttervi!e qualified cannot be deprived of hie (r If desertion or failure to report, Mt, 3:::1 be has been legally tried, conVictlrd and mrenced, the only proof of whlch is t s_r.,e re ::rtl of such trial , conviction and - II evter6 or I properly authenticated copy thereof. This ! , evion, being en principle, is just as pertin et to our Penn..ylvanis #ct as the Act of :ogres!, and it fixes the foci :beyond dispute ,bet, eetwitheuandicg the two laws referred . 0, every person in the State authorised so to . 1 by the Constitution has the olear vight.te. 3t his idle; uoless aear evidence of hie con- ,CtiOtl, authenticated by the eeal - of the court tfcie irldoik be was . triad, is brOngbt before St hoard of election to prove bie diefranchise .eat. Table of Votes. Tte following table Shows the mote of enneylvania for Governor each year since ic ! It will be found very useful for 'ference end comiiariaon, and should be cut .t nod preserved : , I:26lotnaon (Wh.te 168 373 iitil-4,cngstratli (IMm.) 165,221 505 7851- 1 31g157 (Deze ) 136,474 1831—Johnson (arla.) .......... Majority 8.465 1114—Pollock (Xoow—Nothing) 261,063 . 1624-121#11er (em,) ' t 157971 Sisjorlty 11.57—Packer (Om.) 1 5 57—Wilmot atop ) - Majority. IW-4%w, ( R n.). 1 .... qt.i—Foater kijority.„. - • I;a—earttn (Rep.) .i 63— Woodward (Dam ) n,v34 ....969.418 ..... - 2.14.171 liajority it Ina the vote Cu Prealdeetkeru Democratic' ' Republican. 278,315 --- 1 298,M1 •Eppnblitin raijority 20,076 ?tie toldiers in 1864 cast their votes in • t=P• They are now at home, and thou nab rho then voted the Republican ticket tauort, the Democratic. It will be per -I,Tel J.Sat even taking the table of '64 as a change of 11,000 votes, - or an aver about one in every sobool district, will pt as the State. Who that knows anything the current of • political sentiment caa that the prospects of Deinocratio sue tH3 to flattering? ACCIDENT .—A terrible and fatal &eel o-ceurredia Greenville, on Saturday af- It3'tn. As Colonel A. H. Christy- was : - iming in a buggy from a squirrel bunt, 'horse suddenly started up,, and in crossing threw the Colonel slightly backward ie ?mild forward to regain hia seat, bie kr. rreek the hamMers of his shot gun, riith was loaded,-and discharged the Con. Of Both barrels directly into hie brain, 1.1....tg him instantly. Colonel Christy be 'tged tJ one of the oldest and most respected Caiet in''.'ilereer county, and was one of the ='st n!teful . ancli enterprising citizens - of havini been a prominent military tt business man of the town for the last i 'tlY-one - years. lie had recently eomple t4 heavy contract of grading and masonry 4'e Bear Creek Railroad. Hie sudden and tupeal death has cast a gloom over the com zzoity, in entities to numerous inquiries, we will 41 0 that our information is - positive to the t.ltet that the _administration is resulted to -MTe none but its friends in office, 'Awe it- Us hel p it. In localities where Radicals 1.41 i Petlesal offices, all that the Conservative People still broil to do to eeoure their removal lt unite upon some good men for their pla :II, 04 %41 the endorsement of several of the tt Conservatives at their county Intl, i sto the petitions for their appoint ntot to Washington. Wit it is deemed 14 rizable to make inch changes, we would Ills that the matter be delayed no longer at %out than a week oe two after election: i• Wuo is Tovacse:.-114it of .our readers will not fall to remember one of fho "orators" at the Radical mass meeting on the 10th, who responded to the nattiO4Of Tourgee, and claimed to be a "Southern loyalist.";" Ile wore a flaming badge-on his coat, with the words "North Carolina" upon it, to give - the impres sion that he wad a resident of that State. Who he really is may be seen by the following extract from the Cleveland Plain Dealer : "An officer of the 105th Ohio regiment called on us last evening to say that he thought it proper the nubile should knoW the real status of a North Carolina delegate to the Philadelphia Jacobin Convention who appears in the published proceedings as .Capt. Tour gee." Our informant states that this Tourgee, who is palmed upon the public as a Southern man who stood by the Union, was, until lately, a citizen of Ashtabula county, Ohio, and has. been residing in North Carolina a brief period only, ' When the 105th Ohio rep - intent was raised. Tourgee was commissioned let lieutetiaat of Co. 0, 'but for reasons deemed sufficient, he was subsequently "jumped" by eight sutiordin, tee (officers and privates). Whilst in the. service, be was un der arrest four weeks, and for conduct unbe coming an officer and soldier was repriman ded. Oa the ith of December, 1863, at Chat tanooga, his resignation was tendered, and its acceptance recommepded for the good of the service. The foregoing is the history of one of the 'agitators' who figured as a 'South ern loyalist' is the recent convention. Our informant, as we learn from him, was • cap tain of the company to which Tourgee be longed. It may not_be improper to and that the captain went into the service a Re. publican. Raving fought for the Union, be is unwilling now to vote for Disunion, and has therefore resolved to act with thee* who favor complete and early restoration." - We did' not hear Torirgee's remarks, but several who listened to him say they were the most offensive of any made at the meeting. Of course ibis was to be expected, for the creature who would be guilty of so lase an act as to palm himself off as a Southern man, in orded that his etatiments might be received with the more interest, would hardly be likely to stop at any iniezent act. It was bad for Tourgee, though, that the r. eople of Erie re membered him distinctly as having lived in their midst not many months ego. Many of his own party freely denounce his impudence, and pay that if the rest of the go called South ern "loyalists" are like him, the leesNaid about them the better. Mgrrura l IN MILL Cottr.—A meeting of the Conservative voters .of South Erie and Mill Creek was held at the Town Hall, Fed eral Frill, on Saturday evening last. Pardon Sennett was elected V4esident, and E. Camp llama Secretary. Frederick Rues, E. F. Wilson, Peter Loesch, 11. Schluroff and R. N. Dunn, were appointed a committee on reeolu tions, who reported the following Ist. The name of this club shell be "Demo erotic Maiart Club of Mill Creek and 'South Erie." 2d. The object of this olub shall be to Be mire by all honorable means the eledtion of Union Conserratire men at the coming, fall election. 3d. The platform shall bo the resolutions of the Philadelphia" Convention—" The Union of 36 States." 4th. All conservative persons of all parOos are cordially invited" to become members and so mist in accomplishing the objects of this club. Col. J. Ross Thompson then addressed the meeting at considerable length, 'in an able and affective manner, after which an .oppor tunity was given to all who desired to enroll their names, when ninety-one responded.— The following were,chosen as the permanent ofScertof the club ; President, Pardon Sen nett; Vice 'Presidents, Frederick Russ and drisilan Thomas; Sezretaries, F. W. Koehler and D. C. Thomas ; Tretteurer, Wm. Henry ; Vigilance Committee, - James C. Graham, U. SAduroff, Wm. Henry, J. Relb, John Fag n, F. E.. Gerlach, V.tchultz, Arbnckle, Sterner, Daniel Tracy. The. club adjourned to meet at the ;mae place en Saturday evening, the 20th last. "Senator Doolittle, who spoke at the Court House, this city, on Wednesday night last, was pelted with rotten eggs while making a speech to his own constituents, at his home, in Wisconsin."—Dispatch. We do.not know whether the above pars= graph is true ornot, but if it Is, all the stigma of the affair rests on the meo who threw the eggs, and not on Senator Doolittle. Filth and blaelcguaidism aro the invariable resort of men who cannot meet, the argument, they wish to combat. • —Since tho above was in tyre, wo rave been handed a copy of the National Intel': gencer, containing a commanicatioa denying the whole rotten egg story. The writer 05713: "I amdiaformett by a gentleman from Wis consin that the statement that he was recalled with hisses. groans and addled eggs, is utter ' ly, false, No man is held in higher esiimitioa et is home than James R. Doolittle. He hae lko espect, esteem and confidence of all who know him, and so far-from his having been received as staled in the Chronicle, the ut most interest and desire was expressed to bear one who was known to be a strong Oro- eate of the Presidentee policy. 13estaterDost- little was listegtd to for nearly thiee'haure by a lasge.and attentive wildienoe,, composed of the beet and most influential citizens of Racine. As to. his leaving the cars at the "Junction," instead of at the depot, I would remark that this has been his custom for years. His - residencs is a few rode "cross lots" from the Junction, .and is over ens mile from the depot " : The main force of this "cmattedietion eon- Sista in the preen! furnfehetrthat the peep% of Renal or,Doolittylle bona retnat the row • dies the Radicals wouldieenie them the rein-4 tatien;fis being. Were they to bias and rottoa egg Senator Doolittle a dozen times allyelt would not destroy the force of his argziments. ... aLoor ...183,g87 ._148,138 - - 4031 _2132 403 -240.234 -. 15,325 , Wst L. co.—S Our exchanges, published In neighboring localities, almost invariably speak of Mr. Socti's nomination in compli mentary terms. The Warren Ledger nays : For practical knowledge, a sound judgment and an, intuitive perception of the people's in terests, Mr. Scott has not his superior. He is the man this District needs to represent them, and we state what we believe, when we say that they wit's. lIANI Hut ! He "will. be elected, notwithstanding Mr. Scofield.'s boast here _the other day that ha "(Scofield) would carry the District by 2,000 majority." The New Castle Gazette Breaks 'of Mr. Scott's nomination as follows : "Mr. Scott is Tory well known here as President of the E. &P. H. it, and as the energetic head cif the firm of Scott & Co., at the Coal Works at Clinton Station. -At home be is the populaiand efficient Mayor of tbe city in which ho resides. EverywheeeliO is known as honest and reliable, and patriotic. He no_ulil make tlie Jtind_ct_ltep resentative thatls needed, and we, therefore, pronounce his nomination one fit. to be made." The Pittsburgh Post copies the Gazette's article and gives it its hearty. endorsement. To CAMPAIGN SIINSOBINIING.—Campaign subscribers will please remember that 'the copies of the paper sent tbom will' .14 dis continued as soon as the time for which they. have paid has expired. If any of thorn /ail to receive the Observer they will understand the reason why. We then be happy to -Mails as many of our campaigners as permanent 'stk.: scribers as think they can afford the price, of subscription. After the election, no mate, which way it may result, we Intend to give our readers a respite from politics for a time, and devote most of our space to literary, news and local matter. ' sep2o4l RAU* CUANCIIIIOICA'RAUOMA.—We offer for sale a - Lawyer Job Tress, ist good order, at low figures. It will do any, kind Of card and blank work In Brat *lasi Style, in'd • ie just the press for a country : ewe. • Ws will,war .raut it to be as represented. Our sele reason for selling it is that we are pelting, .pother press of larger capacity. Also r for sale a Hoe Card press, nearly as good as new. • &pt. , - - ••• " When Gen. Grant Wks in Pbiladelpbia, ti Johnsonite told him that Clymer Would get the larger Tot of the soldier's vote. The General replied ..r tbinlyou will he mista ken in _that: Clymer is a Copperhe4 and the' moldier who Netts for him will disgrace himself andthe flag be fought under.".—Dis peach. We have the best rotten for believing that General Grant never uttered the expristion attributed to him, end that it is purely a cre ation, to help the cause of Radicalism. Re has universally •thfused . to take any part in the palitical,moveinents of the day, sr to give any expresiion of .preference for one aide or the other, regarding it as improper for an army officer to do so. The .following letter, addressed to the Chairman of the committee for getting up a Radical convention at Mts. burgh. states hie position'anthentioally : 11111ADQUAITIOR Altall2ll U. 8., • Wasti'aeon. Sept. 18,'66. / To Edwin 31, Endloy, - Chatrmatt Executive Com. Soldiers and Sailors' Union : - Six:' General Grant directs MP to acknowl edge the receipt of your inntation to be Free ant at a national convention of soldiers and gallons, to- be held at Pittsburgh, Po.; Sept. 25th, 13360, for politicod purpose.- lie in structs me to say that it is contrary to his habits and to his convictions oOluty_to attend political snot:dogs Uf any chi:Acta whatso ever, and that. ho sees with regret the action of any officer of the army taking • conspic uous part in the political dissentious of the day. Tam, sir, very res;ectfully your obedient servant, ADM BADIAtt. , Colonel ani,A. D. C .flow TUE liar4o to TO DI Doss. , --The Legislature, last winter, passed a, law Which changes the manner of voting. All State officers voted . for will- be voted on one slip, labslied " State ;" all county officers . and members of Congress, Senators, and members of the Legislature voted for, will be voted on another slip, labelled "Counly ; :" and all Judges of Courts voted for, will be voted on still another slip, labelled "Judiciary;" wh:ch divides the ticket, at the present elec tion, into three slips. All ticket* should be ready eta, folded dad tied, before eleelion•day. Let Democrats attend to this everywhere, and see that no mistake is-madr. The following is the correct Democratic ticket, divided in the manner in which it must be voted : Ist Ilip.—;State— Governor, Heisler Clymer. 2d alip.—.7i;didary-Additional Lair Judge, Benjamin Great; Associate Judges, Rcnry.R. Porter;_ P. P. Judson: 3d slip.= County Congress, William L. Scott; Assembly, Wm. Henry; P. P. Mar shell; DistrietAttorney, C. B. pleeper; Pro thonotary, W. 0. Colt; Register Ind Recorder, P. Ses'Audecker ; Treasurer, 0. A, Becker; COmmissioner, Charles Wrishi . ; Auditor, Anios Stone ; Poor Directoi., Urals sohlurad ; Coroner, James Shearer. Tn■ Tiara us Suomi. —Go to Work —Demo crats of Erie county 1 Are you ready for - the election? Da you realize that only, a little more than a week is left in which to prepaie for the great duty to be performed at the ballot box in October ? BE UP AND ACTIVE See and talk -with your neighbors. Urge upon them the necessity of joining you in ptitiing- forth: bolder and more vigoroes,ef fort TLIAN RVEILDEFORE. Enrol the name of every Democrat in your school district and bo sure that none fail to - ATTEND THE POLLS. Bring all your influence to boar on DOUBTFUL VOTER 3, and secure their sup port whenever it-is possible. Don't allow the Radicals to exceed you in VIGILANCE! Or in zees. Immense consequences depend - on de feating the Radicals at this election. If an other Radical pongres.s is chosen, - there is no telling when the gloricns Union , will be re stored. All legislative power will be In the hands of an UNSCRUPULOUS 11 JORITY, and- Tutu. SUM% Qin beite dictator. Let We" feet itizatilstis every Democrat to put forth his DUCE? ENERGIES to avert so great a oafs-tits. The Girard Spectator is a paper which is edited with much ability and generally with as much candor and patriotism. We. regret, therefore, the more, to see it, in its seal to advance the interests of Col. Rice, ecdeavor to give the impression that the proceedings of the late Democratic county convention and the conference at Ridgway were not conducted in a proper spirit. The latter we did not attend, but the former we were present at during Di entire session, and we unhesitatingly as sert that no hirer ,convention has -ever been held in our county, of either- party. Of the Ridgway • conferenee we ?an only judge by the 'representation' of those Who were present, and the sentiment of the party press of the distriet,And, so far as We have been able to learn, the% was not a festive of its proceedings of which any Democrat can reasonably make complaint. Aside from the Spectator and Col. Rica himself, we have yet to hear of a single objection to the action of either body, among the atlPPOrters of the Ad- Ministration in Erie county, or indeed in any County of the district. Rlearn that Mr. Lowry, in his speeches; conues to harp mainly 'van Heister ClY tner'i record, quoting and representing the votes of our candidate daring the unorganisid period 'of the Senate as his real senpmenis irnotiing;' as' be does, the unfalrnesii of this course, we cannot accoant — for it on-any ether ground than fiat Ur. Lnwry'has deliberately made up laiti.mind, to deceive the masses on the subject. Raving been himself a member of the Solvate at the time these votes were re-' 'Corded, he knows,: perfectly well that they were not the bona Ade sentiments of Mr. Cly mer, and in endeavoring to create the impres sion that they were, he is guilty of the basest slander and misrepresentatiOi..We conid ex , owe a Radical who knew nothing of the air cumstances in making the use that Mr. Lowry does of this matter, bat there can be no palliation in the case of a man who is person , ally familiar with its character. The Observer's malAobjection to Mr. Sco field is that he represente acertain party. It wants the people to discard Mr. Scofield be cause he belongs to the Republican party, , and take up Mr. Scott because he belongs to the democratic-party, and at the same time discard all party" considerations.—Gasette. The Observer does no such thing. It ap poses Mr. Scofield because he represents prin ciples which it believes ,daugerons to the welfare of the nation: it sustains Mr. Scott because his principles are those which It thinks wisest's:id beet for the country. /lad a Republican been taken up by its friends; wlto_ endorsed these doctrinesulcup ported him_u_sealfirmly as it does Mr. Scott ;• and had the Radicals nominated a Democrat on their platform it would bate opposed him with u much vigor as it does Mr. Scofield. The Ob server is not like - the ()mite, so wedded to party that it will swallow its own spew, and roll ever and in the filth, in support of ,a can didate it dispiees, simply because he has got the nomination of its party convention. To Orrice SUBSCIIIIIIME.— We repeat our notice of a few weeks ago, that, if tiny office tubscribers find it inconvenient to cell at our place of business for their papers, 'we shell make arrangements for having them delivered at such portions of• the city as may be desir able. We trust all such will inform ns with out delay. sep2o-tf stiff The Elk Advocate is the only paper published between Warren and Lock Raven, with one exception. 'Business men in our city wishing Ito extend their trade in that diree tion, will find it to their interest te.patronise ita advertiaing columns. Address,. "Advo cate," Ridgway, Pa. sep2o-fitit The Clearfield Republican declares end defies contredici4n, that "those who vote for Scofield - , vote as . distinctly in favor of negro suffrage, a. if, they had the word. printed on their ballots." Local Paragraphs.- Tho Dispatch reiterates its opinion that it does not oansider Scofield ' , honest or desert ing." Are you assessed Have you seen that your Democratic neigbbors are all assessed? if not, and you do not wish to late your vote, attend to the matter at once. . Is it true or Is it not erne that all the candi dates on V e Radical district and county ticket why In favor of negro suffrage? If it is not, why is it that none of them deny the charge The State, district: and county tickets Will be printed by Monday evening next,- and reedy for delivery. Oar friend,' calling 'for them on Tuesday or after can depend on get ting a supply. Among the delegates to the Eoldiera' Con vention at Pittsburgh, We notice the name of Capt. Tonrgeo, late of the Erie Academy.— lie Is named in the list as a delegate from North Carolina. Ur. Lowry. notwithstanding their political differences, has always claimed to be a warm friend of Mr. Clymer. e Re is now displaying his , friendship by misrepresenting the latter's votes during the nnorganisel period of the Senate. As many of our readers have expressed a desire to know the rote in our Congressional district in 1864, we publish it as follow.: Peinooratio Republican Republican\Majority • 1,677 There wee it good attendance at the Court House on Wednesday evening, to listen to the ipeeches of 800. hiontgoniery Blair and col.. E. 0. Perrin. , Among' the audience were many Republicans, who mimed deeply inter ested in the remarks of the .dietingnished gentlemen. All aliens of the age of twenty-one and up wards, who bare resided within the United States one year, and who hate enlisted in and been honorably discharged - from the armies of the United States, are entitled to naturalisation upon , petition and proof of each residence, enlistment and discharge. The Dispatch does not ,hoist the name of either of the candidates for Congress. It takes occasion, )lownver, to • give ,Scofield,a shoe every now and then, which plainly exhibits that, whatever may he its_ feelings towards Scott, Its relations to Scofield remain, unchanged. Assessment lists and tax reeelpte will be in great request at the coming election. Let Democratic voters and Democratic soldiers prepare themselves in time with their Receipts, Discharges, and all necessary documents. and be curs to Bee that their. , neases are oa the Aeseseors' Lists by Friday.night. The Democratic leaders in this district are using money without, slink to debauch }be . public morals, and buy vote." for W. L. Scott. —Gazette. We pronounce theabese • falsehood, male out of the whole cloth, and the author of it a 'ions - clone falsifier. We perceive• by the Gazette that Thid. Stevens has written a letter urgently admitt ing Scofield's - election. .This if the same man who at Bedford recently idvotatednegro suffrage, and 'laid the blacks were equal to the Germans and Irish. The inference to be drawn is, that Scofield ,Stand? on the acne • • , platform. Capt. C. D. Sleeper, our candidate for District Attorney, is taking an wive part in this campaign. He hail addressed n number of meetings, :with 'good 'effect. , The Ciptain has few superiors as a speaker, end is always listoned to with interest. Tie informs us that: he is willing to note appointments-for any portion albe county where be maybe want ed. The official announcement is made of the appointment of a A. Frans, Esq., of Clear field, al, Assessor of this congreatiienal dis trict; in place of D. Livingston removed. Mr.Trank Is a Conservative' Republican of Influence, and the man whom he displaces is a Radical. This , change will doubtless be followed by the removal - of the Radical Deputy Assessors in oar county, and the selection of sound Union men in their places. It is ex pected there will soon ben sweep of all the Radical officials in our city and county. The Dispatch accuses ni :of quibbling in our paragraph last week - ielative to the Rad ical prooorsion. We simply slated the sip stance of the bet made and its result, at the solicitation of .one of the 'parties concerned, mating no comments of our own. If there is anything like "qiiiibbling"in such en act; oar dictionary fails to give a correct definition of the word. Col. Forney, in his speech at Look Haven, empliatizally denied the report that - he had been intoxicated at Williamsport, as report ed- He alleged that be has "bever tasted drop of spirits or of -wine" since the 4th of Maroh,_ 1865. We have no disposition to misrepresent any one,—not even a person - who sleadere the Dszneolitic party as grossly as Vol. Forney—and willingly give him - the ben's% of re-publishing his statement. Hie old friends will learn' with pleasure that-he his parted company with intoxicating drink Ws an awftit wicked Thing, in the estima tion of Republicans, for a conservative mem ber of their party to accept of's new appoint _meat from President Johnson, but it's-all right, in their opinion, for the. Radicals who have ocutinued in •office. up to this time to hold on to thCir positions like "grim death I" orange that a mere matter of party affiliation should make such a difference in men's morality. - - . • On Thursday hot Dennis . Toohliy got into an affray with Michael Corcoran, a soldier In the course. of which the former .was in badly Nand that be died on Saturday after noon. Both parties were intoxicated, and the eviiientie shove!' 4464'00nm struck the fatal blow in self defend°, The Coroner's, jury returned a verdict of justifiable bomi. o:dii. • AS some of the Radi cals are profaning to have bad their feelings gently outraged by the communication fa last _week's Observer respecting ; Petters! Geary'reoilitary record, we desire to_ say that it was- written, ai it . BorportetraVe; itio command, who is personally familiar , witir ,— ilt•the fatlti to which he alludes,. The testimony of snob a_person certainly ought to be entitled to is much credence as that of individuals who know nothing of the - events of the war, except as they find them in partisan publications. • Wo do not want to gave Our opponents the chance of claiming that the $2O 000 Demo untie fund being used hate has diminished the Republican vote.—Qagate. The random and impudent manner in which the Gazette "swings round the circle " of truth is well exemplified in the above extract. Bo fad from there being a $20,000 Demccratto fund, every ntipber of our party in the city conversant w i the facts willbearns witness, that no amount has been used outside of the ordinary means necessary to carry On a cam paign. We will venture to assert that where one dollar has been expended on the Demo erotic side ten have been used on the Repub lican. - Better commence 'now, for the benefit of your readers and your own credit. Swing round the circle, and devote your •gigantio mind to purely, ocel rommice.—Garetts. The best thing you can do for the "benefit . .of your readers, and your own trodit," is to "swing round the eirt4e" ilia get out of the newspaper business. . Your ' , gigantic robe could find a better_opportunity for its Fenner qualities in some other calling—boot blacking far butinci. Oar people, of all parties, • owe it to their credit as a community - to "shake inch at tempts at bribery and oorruption.—Ossette. "Our people, of all parties, owe it to their' credit sa a community" that the first thing -they thout4 do is to escertairt the myiterious cause of the Os:site's ardor for &afield at present,. after haring denounced him to the best of Its ability for a few weeks ago. The lry of "stop thief " generally pomes from tbi thief himself. If there has been "bribery and corruption" in the case let us know, that it may meet with the "rebuke limb stump's?. deserve. • Apropos to this eubject, • we understand' that Mr. Johnson has „ placed the whole matter of appointments and removals in this county in the hands of a committee consisting of Ron. Wm. L. Scott. W. A. Ualbraltb, Belden Mar vin, C. W. Kelso and Thomas Mahaffey.— Gazette. You "understand" do ytu4' Who do you understand-it from? Oh, unacrupulou.s slea derer, confess that it is an invention of your own brain, and that no one but yours elf ever understood anything of the kind. Wm..L. Scott is supported' by every man in this District who votes tho Democratic ticket. Toyota for him is limply_ to vote with (bat disloyal sad Alsgrsced party. No good tfilion man Will commit each an errar.—Gatette. - Well,. we shall see. Our impression Is; that thousands of better Union men than the editor: of the Gazette ever his been or ever can be will give him their support. In - fact it, is now the usual question when a mint innouncos his intention to vote for W. L. Seilti; -1 1 Ito i much did you get —Gazette. • L. 4 • It a more, " usual question" how much the Gazette has got or etpeots to get for 'supporting Scofield now,, after having for several weeks before his nomination asussd hint - to the:,best of Its feeble talent. , - , 9,954 11,631 • , . -? - i. The iir).kuen Ledger says Mr. Scott. "bu girtirt;:to kesoldiers_and the Union -cause in singiAinaiiAre than G. W. Scofield in all. ell Um any Onii4 Wet MR Scofield has ever -girettlinythitil • erbaps he bail. Let some person ansWeireh knows ;for we are very certain that - lint - ow know ( of his generous gifts, if he ha**, made tbern." , . After refusing.l, do so for several weeks, the Greenville„-Ai!gus has at length been in duced to hoist ;14, name of D. A. Finney for Congress in ilia district. In doing so, the editor says be kirrenders none of the natant; able opinions afluney he his herciofore`ez pressed, hut sinkly because the party inter ests demand iti4- . i A young matt,, of boosiderable experience, wishes a situat'Cit in a groosry. st re , or at some businessVlti Lite nature Being more desirous - to obtlitn employment than to make money. -he will accept moderate wages at first. Apply . to this editor of the Observer.. The Girard } Spectator City! of Col; Grant, the Demiaritio notnitee for 'Judge, that be "hoe the repUtstion of belog one of the ablest lawyers in tSte District, and no man could have been pu), in nominatl)n more acceptable to the wishes' of the people." allATLZMilee FIIIIIIIIIHING STOIII. —Mr. Watren L.' Roes hen taken the store lately conducted by Justice, Gheen dr, Galla gher, and fitted it up with everything neceso a ry to make it complete gentlemen's furnishing establishment. Ills stock of cloths, cassimeres, vestings and - ready made clothing is superior to anything everbrought to the city, snd•we defy any one to rich the store without ending something to snit his. taste: Mr. - Rossi has been fiery anmanful in securing a cutter who• is not surpassed anywhere. 17nderhis skillful supervlsion the cnncern,ls timing out work equal th. the best Eastern establishments.' No periOn can bait an _excites for Oleg ahroad to get clothing while Ross affords the con'eo ■tences that .he does. Is addition to his other goods he has-also a superior steck of hats and caps, hosiery, collars, cravats,—in short anything that a man wants In the clothing line can be got at Ross's. Call and see for Yourselves. je21.0 1r you want a conect likeness go to Wager &Va.'s photrgraph rooms, 1828 Peach_ street, above • depot. flaying introduced all the latest improvements in the art, they flat ter themselves thefcan satisfy the most las: odious. They have the most pleasant and airy rooms this aide of the eastern cities, an improved background, beautiful side decora tions aid a large life sized- mirror, in which the subjects can look themselves square in the face while the pietarp is being taken.— The sky light is the largest in the, city, and picture can be taken in a cloudy day as well as in the clearest. • ' Bept.l3-tf. PUOTOGRAPIIII AT 11111)11011) PATOIB.-. BUNTS. Chambers dc - Dunn, between Brown's Hotel aid the• Reed Houle, having to leave their gallery at the expirationnf their lease, offer all kinds of photographic work at. greatly re duced prices. Carte visitea, usually costing $3, for $2 • large•piotares, costive elsewhere $2. for $1.50 ; duplicates bat 75 etc. All other work at proportionately reduced prices. Work equal to any other gallery in Erie. Now is the time to get photographs at low pet.— Call end see. fhPe./3-611* VW Clark lb &tither; Wholesale and Re tail Dealers in Confectionery, Oysters, Canned Fruit, etitiosers, Yankee Mulatto s Bolters' Goode, Toys, Cigars, Tobacco, _Pipes, aco. i West Bide of Peach. Ferret, 1 Squire 'going of the Onion, Depot, Erie. Pa. Also. Dealer* in all kinds Of Country Produce. Particular attention paid to filling country orders. (Jan.2B.lf ) CIT *RD.—Persons 'whams to procure por traits of themselves or members of their fam ilies, Should enlist the gallery of Mr. Qblwiler, in Rosenzweig's block. Ills specimens of wort convince us that he is an artist who has few tuperitirs. The throng of visitors to his roitme are an indication that his merits are daily becoming better known and appreciated by thepublia • - * IferD. W: Hutchinson, United Btates Claim Agent, Girard. peons. Pensions, Back Pay, Bonnty,-and all ether claims against the Gov. einment attended tc‘with promptness. Charges reasonable. Applications by mail attended to the same as if made in person. (j'lB 6m,) Tua EUREICA E uzT ime,—This jar was awarded tie - hi¢beet• premiums et the New York State Fear, American .Inititute and Maryland Institute.. For WS by trintrott & Dempert, 605fre,iteh 8t , • jel4.tf• Dn. KATYLL Pedefal BM, South Erie' nu experienced Surgeon. • jyl2.2m Tin fruit nano, with patent self befall* gnaw tope, for sale tip Birorod do Dempsey. Jana Da. Harsira, , Federal Hill, will .describe year disease correctly. 3712 8m Box.ownr—Goatt the madam of I. ll. Gare l mu ett l . c m .T l Lasilay, the 18th. t it. by Bor.lb...Lyare Hr: demote IttehletO..if Laexi; N. Y., to ino writ rot Bata, of Phltedelphle. Porroosoa—Suoass—ln Oltard, Sept. it, by Soo. 11; 0. Howland, Ur. W. S..httotook, of SRstageold, ]flat Carrie &lbw, of. Girard. ' Bituxr—Dacrox-4n 17nio3y Hit 10. b i 110 0 li Moak , ' 313. 13 emllsy s of L•Bos!iff, azid Wu it . II neon, at Bloonzdall. • Pomiz—Ti:o*Lia thilon x ilept ZO, by Ow (Far, lit • J Forfar awl Ws Illaareta Tonne, all of 'um*. Passo-Kauar- Io Upton, rept 20. bj tbo time. Yr X B Fenno, of traloa, and Wu Bush ♦ Kelly, of BatNAIL 07171M--0/11WOLD-011 the nth blatant, In this city, lir. Owen iladosy, or Fares Mil., N Y, to Miss Frank 13 Griswold. DIED. Pawns-4 nlllll2lll township, Aril 2d, Ks .t.Lbn P 4 altar, abed has Imusdrsd sad Ere pare., Hard: 4tortrana 13!ortras Ifirsltsesitale - 12aa proved WWI the man perfect pnverstkor t.r the hair gm offered to the pubUc. It L • ireriteble eelaponad, tad malaise no Injurious properties whatever. It will restore pap heir to Ile cadging • 010 r. - It will lump the bar trots falling out. It deepen the scalp, and soaked the balr soft, Isulzaus It it s irpleadid Utz &inter. , No Ploor. attorioltss. aboupl . 411 cal K. 'lt verinsiodid sadrimod4l the Om mace so thedity. • • Ask tot Rees Pie Able Siam liar Bps,lran awl talcs so other. • R. P. BALL k CO., Itaahaw N. tfi'Propstelm!R -•Tar oak le gEdesubta. , is2lsal4 IILtaUaRD. _ - TIIIIIVOIMEIOXI AID Itarsaram ay .1:11/ !mutt— Published for the basset sad at a CAOTION TO TOLOIO UN. as&otbars, who salter from Nory'rsts Daddllta, ppputhea Deasy otAtahood. do. rapphing se do limo time TI Suss or die.s•CsaL ByKd vho has eyed himself atter iiidargoing eavaldstshlik — Ity saolostoPs post-paid adinsed Sian+. striglo cop te% tits achy" may be bad of Lb, aullem, NATTIMIIit IMPAMILae. sit3o-3as - Ibroiddys, • • Co., N. Y. . New Advreillseme :13 Dls SO L pininersbip beritedirs a:WV between . v. tiellle tad C. A. Creed ill. wider the era same of Malls* Caudell. le Absolved b mesa vessels% Kr. C t retiring boa the llrm. no Mistime bill Sr oolinlid Iry the ' tteittrelipsed. et the the old styled. Arab street. 11 doors earth et Bagels St. trr *too ell sit:mints Ballad the Ilea Eras .111 be settled. W. _LI CRUM. ' septt6.3lO, QIRAWI STRAW! nip sabacrib4;er will pay 01811 000 TONS OF RYE, WEIE OATS STRAW! . - rislittred at Mate papa mlll, at the Ilea Creek. I-- Manchester. 614.14, IM-3m ANNOUNCEMENT TO MERCHANTS AND SH, irri MERCLIAr"3 1.71t10N E COUPA NY will open Its Motet lines to the ON MONDAY. OCTOB Aud ‘• prepersd to do a densest Nip .. - vitb the Fut, West, Southwest and Inst.- Including also, the early • d eollsettns of mouSesi valuables, ate. The lines tt.en opened •ill embrace t teems New York, Boston, say°, Vitro Cincianati, Chingo, Milwaukee, I. Cro • Chian, led , anapnila St. Louts, and alt the places, and to be t rapidly estended over ALL THE ROUTES OF TB iba Capital of Wfa,Company TWENTY MILLION JD end la an ample guaranty to the publio of bunt!. 411 Maass or &metes of property' it. w.ll be ortrowily and equitably adjuatel iCrery effot will be made to merit the the Inlet expectations of the putitu. Cr fora law dim* previous to Oct 1. oar dope tor the dlstrilmtion upon them oil EI.IIORZ P. Atbaro,l4o. 20t6.1864:P71t r. P. JUDSON. JUDSON tt WILDER, IlLeaufaatarete and Whole/41e Deal TIN, JAPAN AND, PRESSE EITOVZ ,PIPli, STOVE TAII,ektIN.G.S . Waterford, Erie CO., Pa cr 0144 by cull promely attended I AT THE SIGN OF THE F IdONELL, STEPHENS & VFIILD,EY, 1 1 No. d REED Hamm;. ' I I Bowing wide lap purchases in N.. York Batten, mad Philidolphis. w. itie! l now prepared to °Margit Felsonab:i'Priees out lapte - uad w.ll tkieeted • STOCK OF GOODS . — 7 1 1 " 1 1 . . FILM. Matt and Colored. Plain and Tr; Merinos. barrage Clott a; Popltml. ai Trench d Iria '; Black and Colored .11.1.specia; Mir ri.l4 and StrfpC'd . i D 1 8S GOODS INJ)REAT ViSIETY. IMEI .11 LAIEIftS; tro.4 D. Ladner; kalltaseCators and Robs de Charbar. fACrit s ifalinelsais; Cluny, Glarus; I Potat cod ?kraal. PELLIII,A, Long sad Pim" Paisley aadlirochs. MOM sad tlasqthres; Balmoral 6litrtli. large stock of Clothi for ma sad boy wear. Wcolea Ilardistr, all qoalltlss and titlark Cantos Vannes. Bleached tad Brown. Flannels, Plato and Chsekinf Wasp Vannes. Prints, French Knit , h and Donrastle. ' • - fteattoratt Prints, Blanked and Brown Caton*. Cotton Yam, Cotton Ratting. licks, braving sad arl" Knit Goods, Roodsp ,, , 'Rabin aid Breakairt ehsats, Woolen and Cotton flosims, Bidoiosil Hots. >' l '' l ' • YANKEE NOTIONS 1 ' , led a GREAT VARIETY' OF FANCTIGOODS • Brddley's•Dsiples nom, &iris i. i - •Li - • - . Oisr . slosh su never so tall and eolaploiS as' It the ti , A ... prsoral : ti ns. , . REII-11 . i • Li 1 T THR SIGN O F THA4„ FLAG, • REM trouts. i MONELL, STEPHENS & WILDEY. . 1; jsip It R. Jon,. Si. ti.lorzr. J ONES & BROnIER, ji . 4 Maaufaettirert ikod Iniolegal• and titan Dusts= la CHOICE ERIE COUNTY r FLOUR I oars, CORN, wart ant i , BRAN, SNORTS, MILL 13T1* &C., 421 &ate At, do . or scutA 0., Mt PA, IDilhary figs In the ety. T TOD WANT TO KNOW A LIIITTLIVISP I IVIIIITTOINO eoliths to tbe houswoort, mole awl bawler the saws ta trestiost WOw userritere eastome the weld ; bow to missy well, efts: sad &thawed thins weer published billers,, read the's,- Wed mad salaried edltioa Ihrinast Couto& time. a eadoas toot for =rims poop* sod • good book tar awe one. NO 100 illaetratheas.l Pelee $1 be. atats Wile a rot Isl to to aildtwei. Tooke way' be Lid at the bookstores, or will to seat hp , mil, post pshl i oa reesipt at the pries. d&ww_ . B. MW.; • ela • , 111 KI Bioadwite New Ter!. CAMPAIGNS ARMY OF THE POTOMAC, Hy Wallas Seln'on. the Standard history of the grand WM. .The greabol work on the war; nosier sally iodated by army carers and the press The au thor mys s design In this volume to record what that a-maid and reefed in ton eampargos ana two more battles. el dell hare to sehilluabe the traswereing loyalty of this arm, that Mallon ohm the bond of military co • Melon Ailed, held 11, unshaken of Zaino., to a duty NU Imposed. .1 ebsU bees to follow It th ough eberkered cope- . ranee. Is • tee commingled of great arleortunes, great follies and great glories; but from last to Met, It will artier that amid matt buffets of fortune, through 'win ter and rough weather.' the Army of the fateful' nerer give up, but mad. s good Sight and des ly retched the gosh "Of thie deems tbers.will be no other hero than the Arm otter Potormo Half; for it would mato that la this war of the people It was dearest there aboseld arise no imperial presence to become the central 01111, aid cynosure of men's Ores. Hapelemr, In an outburst of haughty eloquence; melalms that In the treatments* of Maori , the Commander wse everything. The proud epothesis has so applatio to the army of the Pet,. mat. Auden* mud Mut—Maw li mese bade great. sad gensrallyhad mediocre ememsnderrit arm that It might be tal l that 'plummet-, it won it owed cot to genius butt ought titbits blood." This to the o y History of the Grand Army, sad no ore whir has borne a part le its meta% or Is interested in lbegrandachkeremente, should be ',about It. Ibis work presents a rare chance tomato moessy. Agents sewed Send for eireutere, and see our terns Address, NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. septo lms NH Minor ilt . Phase. pIiODVIDE !RAH RUT. T AI*III F. WORDEN & CO., of Rigout PIiPANt. I Would respeatfallr anoartars that thy hare opened a . state at NO. 128 iirrou ar,•DsrggßN rea AND sm, PPE lIS 1 For the potshot's:#.4l:o We of ALL KINDS OF .COUNTRY PRODUCE, RUTTER, POULTRY, RILE, ke. TnEss rir Order' from abroad Will receive prompt atter' lan at the Lowest Market Prises. Ell IST, t ar The highest price in Ca/I/quad for Prod►ee. [►nta•tf Etatinesi North , gig - A NEW TILING. ' LEE'S PATENT FARM GATE! GITIEI The Chas7psst, Simplest end Best arrsogernen for the purpose ever invented. .ft .tends rm Wheels, Wolfs, or Hinges. end works easier than any other date that eau to produced. CloreLand, Prattle Du Specimens an to seen at Jahn Dodge,. and G. T. Elliott'. on the Buffalo road, to Ffarbor Creek town- ship; alio, at several panes in. Mill Creek township. The undersigned has bun appointed agent foe Harbor Creek township, and will be glad to give any- informa. tian that may oe wanted. CRD3S. Co the Kuhl road, one tote 'oath of auto, Creak line. . anl6 tt a llts nsponsl• yntntstod to QTR.* NUB, BUT TRUE, That Sarcaparilla and CI Bludook. D , OWL) , f Tartar and SulphnOted Pre etnit-tp and Brimstone, all ht,t to mire this modern mongrel Itch, now so prevalent throughout the omit.' try. But the etztraet of Dandelion tad Bitt r-Sweet is Just the remedy frr it, ea It acts on the Herr stimulates ald tte s-cretti us, opens the pores of the etta. and in a i tneft est..rai and easy way throws out 104 tb mid, poi tenons or Impure matter, and leak . e circulation free, the blood pare , the din C/:212,, co mpletion clear, and the whole @lateen free frihn e. It is a medicine that cannot be used without isoneflt. : xte repl6-ti Ezmi Fr abel as, Our OWO CCM 9, Prins: CfILDII. Et B. -Monaca. /AMU Mpisox. - Jon In WARE, D it it' Grooos AT WHOLESALE 1&c . , SEPT E/1 S R , 186 6 . I= „.• McELROY, DICKSON Jc COMPANY, G! NO. 54 WOOD STREET, F ALL'STOCIK, Now complete., and !netts the attention of Dealers to . their carefully selected assortment of DRY GOODS! AND NOTIONS ! OTMED AT POPULAR PRICTs The freititient fluctuations in value of all descriptions of Merchandise, renders it a =litter of especial propriety that purchase' abould be r frequenl, and therefore the nearest "'aka! bnoints the one best adapted to supply ing retail dealer, with goods they sell. 'Purchasers from Westin n Pennsylvania. Eastern Ohio and Weston, Virginia, are - invited to iirLatt Pittsburgh and inspect this Stock of Goode, witch will tit kept dar ing the IMOD. - , Terms, :Vet dish, and Prices BiasCltable 31cELROY, D.,TGIVSOJV cf: CO., so. 54 If 4 , 0 D BTalakyt 4 sept 6 If PITf4 A DMINISTRATOWS 1 1 .0T1 IdE • Hallos Is himeby st:ten that letters of administration hare been granted to the undersigned npoa the estate of Wm. IL Whittley,late of the tosissldo of 11111 Creeb, Erie eottatj.,deeessed. All ninon' indebted to raid estate will Cat an d eettle.and all , ptrsorsliaring claimer rgainst the same nill bandstbern eerie cent: be 1. _ 3illi :1 W. RYAN, an bll-.5.• , Atliaßalstratar. _ N EW allLLlNltttlidrk HOODS !Stores MRS. S. 121. HALL Takeo pismire In annminelng to the petille that she bat opened a new s'ore in liarmon's:Block,2 Squares south of Union Depot, Where she .111 keep militantly a large veal) , of MILLINERY AND DRY GOODS, Holseey t Cloths, and a general assortment of eserything timidly kept on Lind to a store of the kind. , - Or A new, stoat of Geode pet remised from the F RUIT TREE FRUIT TLIV;ES. an APE VI 2.1 .* E S, C., FOR THE FALL OF 1888. STAND4RD , DWARF FRUIT TREES, Loehtding Apples, Ware. Cherries, Herr; Peach es, tie., of due. 'quirky ;mirth, arid of the most approved varieties. U.1.1./NADIMA/; a nT. Trll2l:e. DECIDUOUS AND EVERGREENS IN AMINDANCE. BARBARY PLANTS TOg naratNa. •PIIILADELPIIIA, The Lupe ' t acid Most Trod'attliv flaiikerry A complete areortroeot or the heat Tirietitll. Planter wootltig opetha or mortid 4toek are toeltell to give oases% . FL - .11211.4?, toga° Oe• • Tam err* Newness: :~ ~~ ~ l IIMBN, I.3I6ISTIAN & CUAILU, Arid, for 8A11134 SPORTING AND RINI/ill POITDRIL Agents for' Cc - ErnAim iffNING AND tiLASTING - • a023-tf GP"' PATTERSON & CO„ 616 PRIMER STREILT;t, any on band a largo assoracternt of f Seta, Caro, Bagar, Synth pie. `"-• 1;12-0 PROCLAMATION IN 'DIVORCE. zstnis ultustrai Conunos Pins. ;tie Co, No. 413. Aug. ter • 11. Alfas Ilubpoess_.To raters "NM" YANTFIA if. MUNGER. S Whereas, Zeno stinker did prefer bi. *Mon to-tut- Honorable Jo gee of the Court of Cotompaltensfor thd comae of Brie. pnishig tot the mesa the — SW set forth, the 'might be dienteed trout his wife Noners..N. Mikan %often Is hereby glee* to the said ifintlut Billikosts be sad appear before our Jades at Erie at a Gout* masonpleu then and there nit* hoiden , for the scanty alert*, on the dust Monday in Ndleionterafest, o anweeesaid petition awl abide the Sudontat•t -40 art thsprambes. L. gigolo' Owl% Ms, thfist 20. 111110.' *Olen ifirehata . or tar ERIE, ?A PITTSBURGH, =EEO ROSES, r, r n GREAT siluo(rragrata ilnUe Mot a WlLLikey PriParationj ne)OFL AND'S GERMAN BITTERS!' rin en» toraltiog trots as, eases what:vim Prootisflea of tbs esitom mused tis -savors hudithlps, lisporares, firms or Moises of amp Ilb. Foldlery ettfnny =ls or fra 24o . Mel. Or path, wlll find Ls els Bitters a purr took, not doposeont os bid liquors for their almost rot• rotu'oos idea. DI'S PEPS/ 4t, Arid diseases mottle( from disorder' of the Lien sod Digestive organs, am curd by , • - lIOOFIAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. This Bitters has "serforinad more , cam, sires lailttX-- satistsetiorr a his roars !antimony, ha• news respectable popis to vouch 41. It than any other article in rho war kat. Ws dafy anyone to contradict this arsertloto, and pas mr oto any ani who will proclaim a cartiOrate pribliahedty os that is not gennine. 1100FLAND'S GEllitAN BITTERb, Rill tore every else of ehronle or nervous debility am. dist*, -a of the kidneys. Observe the following symptoor reselling from disorders of the digestive ar g on' ; Constipation, Inward Piles, Fannon of Blood to the Head, acidity of the Stomach, Hanes% Heartburn, Die gnat tor Fmn2„ [alum or weight to the stomach, tfout rhuctettone, Slaking or Flattering at the, Pit of the Stoma:l4 Beimmtog of the Hoed, Homed and Matron Daubing. Flattering at the Hark Choi, fog or :indent eg Saturations when in a lying posture. Dawes of Vie tom Dots or Wets helm the eight, ,seer read Dan to the Head. Dendeney of Pernirathoo. Yellonnem the :thread Eyes, Pain in Ile Side. Hark, Chest, Lambs, toe , Sadden Flashes of Best•,.Bouting to thewl - leak Coo gan Imagining of Sal and great Depreuton 0f.3 Wits. R'am's, that Wu Bitters le ootalchoollo, contain. no ram or whiskey, and cannot make drunkard', bat to the beat tonic' lo the world. READ WHO SAYS SO From Rer. R. D. Sehtftiel. Pluto! of Twelfth Raptiet Chureb,.llsda Gentlemen— I hare neently been laboring Rader the diatomic, effects of Ind igertfoll, MOO zipeeded bye pros Intim of the nervous ay stem. Numerous rennedles weer recommended by friends. and some of them Meted, bu without relief. Your Booflacd German Bitten *ere recommended hyperons wheTbad tried them. and whom 'favorable meatton ct then Bitters induced me tp try teem. I must vastest that I had .an ¥tas to West Ifirdialnal from the "thousand and one" quack "Bitters whose only aim seem to ,e to palm off sweetened al.d drugged liquor upon the emsunonity to a sly way, and the tesitee, of whirl. I fell, ts to =he many a a.m . armed drunkard. Upon Jeletztlag that your, j aa rea lly • medicinal preparation Int& it with happy effect. Its action, not only upon the stomach, but upon the nervous system. wu prompt and gratifyiwg. I feel that ri m ,. derived great and permanent tomtit from the see of a few bottles. Very restrertfullr toms. W. 0. 8100,,WIFLD, No. 254 Tlmokamszon St. From the Rey. E. D Teele.ll, A94tjtat Editor OtriAbo Chronic Ls. Philads. I have derived decided benefit's= the nu e' Realm d' German Bitters. ant Heed May privilege to recommend them as a most valuable tonic to all who are stalliffng from mural debility or from dime', arising from the derangement of the liter. Yours truly. trim Elev. D. Mersle , Pastor of ttuPasuraolt - a! hit Otittrer, . - From the many respectable recommendations Orris to Dr. HooflandrsGermsn Bitters,' eras induced tepee th:tu • trial. After using several bottle'," I found them to be a good remedy for debility, soda moat excellent tongs for the stomach. D. SflOilftlag. From Rev; Wm. Pmith. formerly Putor of the 'Flom town and Mi 1) Saptist Cleurelne. Haring cud tomy 'amity a number of bottles of you. Bootlend's German Enters, 1 beret...say I regard tleirer as at excellent medicine, 1111PtiblIT adapted tetremore the diseases they we recommended 'or. may strengthen and bulgorate the system when debilitated, and arenas tot In disorden of the liver, loss of appetite, &e. I an also recur mended them to venial of my friends she bare tried the., and famed them gresVy herniae's! la the resto-atlon d health. Yours truly, WE. SMITH, 964 Ent Mown St, Philads. BEWARE OF .COUNTEREITS. See that the signature of C. IL JACKSON" ts ea the wrapper of each bottle Should your nearertdrturglat not hare the article do not be put ofr by any of the intoxicating preparations that tosy be offered In Its plate, but mend to us and WI arillforward. securely picked , by expytifs. Eir Principal 00ce and lianatentory, No. tKI Arcb Street, Plidladelphte, Pik JONES & eveits, [socemors to C. Y. Jeekson & C 0.,) Proprietor,. For sale by droggitta and dealers in @Tay town In the United States. decTll6 -11. R U B BBs L-.$ - ' GOLDEN BITTERS A PURELY VEGETABLE TONIC. INVIQORAVNG•k GMIENOTEENING, ertif re the natant igatast the evil *Otte of anwhiile• gorse water. Will env!, Dylpepsia. • Will erreoWeakiseee. Will care General Debility. WlltaQre ftearthirrn. Will cure Headache. Will enre Liver. Complaint Will excite arid itreaft4 healthy appetite. ' • Will invigorate the organs of digestion aid moderates ly increase-the tmapatatura of the. body and the form of circulation, acting In feet as a general oonroboraut ot the system, containing ad poisonous drug and Is ' THE BEST TONIC BTITERS IN THE W ORLD. A- fair trial la earnestly solicited. • • , GEO. C. }UMBEL k CO., Prop Einra r ,t. T. Central' Depot,tio lean Expels Building 66 HOD. SON St«, NEW YOB L For sale by all Druggists, Graters, /re. tor KINNIG ar FIOaDLEY; Erie, Wholemile Ago and for We by Ball is Warfel. Carter k Career and W il aim ar Booth: ,prtlTid. COAL. COAL i=l TOE PLACE -TO MIT COAL MAP IS A? SALTSMAN & Co.'B; /N Coal Yard, comer ct Twelfth and Peach Streets, Sri% Pa., who keep constantly on hand Lehigh and Pittston (Ynr‘ seri lump and prepared, Shamokin, Rim Woe% and Nat elms; ilitomlnon• for grate and steam, and BLOSSBURG, PITTSBURG AND BEAVER, FAr alackamlth Pasposes Oar Coal 11411 received by rail, is kept en dry plank floor, and WELL SCREENED BEFORE bk.:irk:kr. We carer great Indacemeate tepartieglrieblog to ley to their winter supply; a!so to dealers parchutng hy the eat load. or Give to s vii) and e e vino tee to en Bathe• Con j01y19:61 , ,fl • picu,l, gist N TIONAL AGENCY, Ofita In Farrar Hall 11411 dial, Erie, Pa. 4( SOLDIER'S, SOIINTY. AU elaimanta for extra loonnty allowed by late acts of Congress. can here the 'meow promptly eollelted Dt rending their dietherges to me, the receipt pt which will Fe promptly aeknewledged and .netitteticns re turned INORVASE 09 PrwszoNs.• • sts per month for total loss of are of eithri leg or arm, instead o• de. taper monthlor each minor child of deceased soldiers or acumen. Also, other Increases: ADDITIONAL FOR VOL. OFTICEB3 .or Q. A. Three months pay proper for all in genies March 2d, and discharged after April 9th, 1196. Chime culled. Claims for sneers Om, and een.toos, and h ati oty promptly collected. Dosonelled facilities (or emend and completion. eases. tliowanta to prisoners of war collected. Only azener In North-" Western Penneylre, We where years of experience in the U. O. Treat ory can be found... Tiankfhlfot the very Metal patrolled. trial:Mid in th e plot, we hope by increased experience az d nom, mating attention to patrons to mom their co:Matted favor, Ofilee i n Farrar Hall Baddied. amßt( TODD PERLIT. j• Loth Box 101, ltrie, Tea pirownwr ' J O CULLOM Idages t and But atoek of PAINTS, 011,5,, VARNISHES. GLASS, And BRUMES In ttle sup Do fond at HALL WARFEL'S DitUSE STORE, Inn Er., Nos►a es P.srurn. flarhiibbol loos experien c e la the trade'. we are enebled to eeelfri Parties with a ~ceder qtalltf of 'ea, at the leant irkaa. Oar 'tea embrace' a "eneral witty 'of imerithing that Painterkneed, and that, who gln W their Pelrealle can rebt on , tot being diappolated. - tart filled. Orders ibr Tarnishiag ballditegi mid be "sathete ll CALL* AND MUMMA OVA STOCK. pURIg LIUE9TY WI:UV{ LEAD, Will do riot* and better work et • gives cart, than any other. Try ft. MairofseVrect only by ZIEGLER ft SMITH, rraot,EsAtx DRUG. PAM? 4 alalBB-lia4L ZR$, N 0.137 :forth Third Street, fibl'64lly.• Lt4►LL AND' INTER !mimes for Bonnate s .11: gate and Turbans. Rearmi i TRW, and all kinds of dtzaw Goods sitarsd 01/ Asished, promptly. Your peel:raw is %ItapocrUnly anateitad. surg4o-810_ A. V.Dtillti. frtaseillel rs o f the that meta 1160 mart Osalr lu arl . ate awl Meteo greatest ether aad pe/twee in latslllek Carter's lixtract 01 Swart Weed. Than. seeds an Wally to the trntb of this atateassaq and all that sire It slab Irbil I beams of the mos Wad. , aval Manila Lone patintmidlelie—ao called—that' auelt to be ►n l'o l. esvill7. seed that is Csrtse's Eabiketof Smut Wad: loam ttis smut§ vhieb some UPS from those that turn used It, ire think then can 1)0" ot►ts Erssiviqh, s svp2o.ti Z. D. FIINDALL. siurosaN ..t co Alta PAINTERS