EI=iTBOLTYS 6-Eri.rtmNP PREPARATIONS. "MG .* T coSaNTIZATED * COXPOITSD FLUID EXTRACT. BUCK% ',Attire ann rpaill:ltamidi for ajjeala of the nlaelder. yldnr7•r Gravel and Ihrrashad Ihrellaga. 1143 74cdicino tnervaca EDO powers os digeso", saa excitc3 taa t.:Prbcnts knto lugaby =WM. vtkilltbe c=lcsrcort deposition:, tad an =natural a , rce.:cca,cs nspaln cad Ist2i Ondb ZOO 3 Pr comet Ltd datfal. IiELTABOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, For restacn a:jag from Excesses. Habits of =advs. eiot, tarty ItullsorettoN attended with the fertatetes Symptoms: lottkrocttfm to Exert-tan, toss of l'Orm*. Lots off:mom DLltettlfy of Itresthtem, West: Nerve:, Treambllzz Horror of Memo. Watch:mu, Moms of Vlihm, Ptln In the nut, riot Hands, FltWo: of the Body. Dryfiess of the f7=n, r.fefearas of the rate, , rettentt Lttritede, y PatILI Coatronance. - I.:meat= System. Them emptom:Of silowed to goon. (wldott ciao fararlsbly remove:), coon follow— FATUITY, Eunr.tvric TITS, 4e.. - in ono of lOWA the pottent clap e=ptro. Who coa coy they aro not trotocotly followed by those direful die. 11;3-12•:ITY A.I7D COZZIMPTION? Iton7 ore (mare cf tEo canto of Ma: corer:aq„bilt w1:1C411:11# Ta racotda the. :1;114 act= sad CIS =Leonel oly deatbo 67 oonontsptiou bees =Os vitoess is tbo truth of the me:lSn, The Conztitettet, &lee a:rectedbreraardo Teetkeen, recperees the eta of r,..,.71e1ne to strztzthezi - Led tzvlzarata the wyeteri, r..1:1:1.720LD'S =IC: 07 ITGC3II thYatiebli• dote. A Wei wall convince theta:it seeptleal. In many areetlona recallar to Female; Ow Dam= Dr= b onagnalal by any other remedy, and for all complalntaineldtat to tba sex, or In tho DECLINE OA MANGE OE LIFE, Gums aims. rgr No Family should be irithoUt it. -Take ao 71 , 42,1. rerctr..27, or taricisszt raccUclue tor unpleasant sad clawserona &scans. ii .t,li3u3,3a'a EXT4ACT BtiCHii CIOZE-wneim cams Geerct Diseases to all Met: stages Uttle crpenae,llttlo or no clusge ski Oat, no Ineonventeaeo, eatro EXPOSMIE. USE- HELM.BOLD'S EXTRACT - BUCqU For allidrectlons cad 41grases of thew organs, rlmither =sista ni IL= ou FF3t td;, From ahatirrer clue natlag,andnbtgatterhow lmty shcnr kt7.7414z. Memel' at thou (warts redillifo the ad Ca • , . HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Is the Great• Diuretic. And It Is sertalz to bay° the deslrel effect m w Cusses for toblelt It Is rieosuneaded. mom tzeozl Bumps 11.?Imbold's _ EM MY COVINiqa.T.C./.1 co:I:worm, F 7 1:1111) EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA, Fier purifying tho Braod, rta.ovlnt all chrcralononettnp tonal diseases arising f.,!:1 an inraure irate of, tio TAkiA and the only reliable and cffeatrad rot:4 , v for the. Core of &refills, Scald Lcad, Salt rheant,...l.lras. and Swelitts of the Zones, Ulcerations of the Throat and Legs, Blotches, ribs on the Feet, Teter, Fzyelpelaa, and all may Eruptions of the Skin. 4.1. 1 :3)8A.4.xrxr. - ma TUE C., NIKA..7V-1.0 V. NOT A FEW • of the worst &borders that salllct mankir.d n. Lie from the eraraption that acortranlates in the Mood. GI all the ells. cowries that have been made to purge It out, nerd Can' mull Medea lizsznot.Ve Con.° t•st, Fa rmer airaliaLa. , It cleanses raid renovates the Floe& bot1:11 tie rlgnrof iealth Into the system, and pergc3 Oct the armors whirl make disease. It stlainlat.74 the Leeltl:y tractions of the body, tied expels the dL:orders that arc and radio farthe blood. Seals remedy that e.rati relied on hailong been sought for, end now, for the 17.::.t time the pebble have one on which they can depend. Oar tsee here de:snot ndantof certinentei to show its eticc.t.t, at the teal of a sizzle txit show to tha stet that It has Its Nlrtaaienrpassing anything they ha ,o ever telea. Two tablei*onsfal of the Extract of Sarsaparilla added to a pint of water :a eqoarto the Lisbon net triak, sad One bottle to hilly eeptal to a gallon of tho Syrup crEarsas pattils, or the decoct Itne es usually mob!. 3IBLIIEBOLD'S 40311 WASF4i . %n exconerkt lotion fur dLicears nristng disaVation. jested In connection m - $. - b the Extincts Docbn and SazionpSrills, In inch dbesse; ri * re:call-acetic& ne,.- datteo of the Most responsible zale.lo sh orccter a iii IteoOntpany the nieditines. 111,0 c directions for sae, with Alingreds of tho•fsoudv 111 nersci, end tip• wards of t4l.3O4"CitZ.Ni cer tldcoic san 1& ommends• tort' utters, many of ,cbicirere:rerltmTt i trources, Including eminent Physichdo, ergynicri,t"intwx.en, tc. The Proprietor bas Et6er resornia to their put lientlnn In the newspapers; he does not do this from the that his ,trtleles rock ns Etandard Prcplrecionn, and, do not' need tabs propped up bieerUticates. 'The Selene of liedlelue, like the I)9de Cohymn, rbootild stud sfrindo,purei =jostle. harilir Fact for 1:3 begs, biattipn for Its pflla, aid Trani alone for its Ctipltal. My. Extrut amount% is • riowd I'm lZel i ixY Extract Baehn!■ • Diuretic, gad will cct ca cull la all cum. „ - ~ DOM” IWO prepared m purely tetenttne prlnelidee—in recuo—aed aro 119 most t cave cicasnres cf dater tsat can be reide:: A reedy and conch:dire test etti be a cam p22lsaa ertbeir prpperiths with those get forth tn Ibo fo!- ~10viz.z.voria: Sea Disiteptentory of the United States. ' Soo rrelleSr Dzwirs' fainablo r workt on the Practice 4f refs See rehatalpfmade by the. celebrated Dr. Prers:c. Ptah. Eeoro2arb nano by Dr. EPE132.1.11 McDoser.s.d.„ a cede. brsted Phycichsenad Member of tho r.oyal College of Ettrzeoesilrelanel, end published In the Trausecticeas of the lilac enti4lracen's Jeered. SlC4lbO2hgriniCZl Melee., published by Ilicestr Thheres,Felifitr of the toyed College of Surgeons. Sae ea* o the Sato standard voila on Ltedlelue: f ) , GOLD BY ALL MitrOGISTs A. • Atidromlattaita torinformaeon,ln coadeltoo. to !Z. T.EMINEBOLD, Chemist. _ 4netpal Depots— liehr.ol;-is Drug and Chemical Warehouse, : 594 BROADWAY, N. Y, . oz TO Melmbold'a Medical Depot, No. 104 SOUTH marts ST., PSI.®. povan of Combrfeits aziaasours: ritilltlE NO. OTHER T' P LACE .TOG Er BONEY BACK .• TN AT :ri POIJOBLINI3 B 0.0,r AN D 8 li" 0E 8 -T. RE , Eit "" ftr " t • ifluar °Med - fa the Peas mates. i n j. 4 =ll . n. Boot sod SUMO Dealer. teem the ?labile that be bee meowed his stead to the Rim Boor • Off,Must. nearly ow.d t o the Pest whim ha laelbseaK his old hisads and custmete to sin bile a tall. Particular athistioa given to • REPAIRING!' now t gianhi irerketm and suparlate Mg all h e. businesitMeattelisitem he m u ;pod t o tioa eibriell at lea to* priors as say other moos le the ally. Good Pits War.uuted. atelreatt RIARR, CEIRieTIAN•& (=nu • -Dm Intl reeelv_od a firth lot of - - ?Aim OILS. BA I D LINSEED OIL, • arum 1. 1 0 LARD DIL, IF . Wm, Sas (Mr. Fr; RAIL W JILY•:4 GICUT BROAD awns. DOIMILS TUCK EOM • TO NEW YORE, BOSTON AND THE NEW Ms Railway mamas from Dookbk to New York 460 sales. buffalo to New York. 413 mile.. Pala wan to New Yerk 416 miles. 421 D is linos 22 TO 27 M1L17.9 THE SHORTEST noutir. • 11, 'Mint rum (Meetly 'Elmo& to Kew York, 460 MILES, without &sago of C00t144 From and tier July 9;1'6!4 Trans will Iwo In can. lactic* with all Westrn lineage firlipile Prom Drs.- AIR& and SALANANCAI-by New York time from Union Depots: 546 A. It. lres York Day Express. from Salamanca, daily (except Sundays). Intaneeta at If ornellaville with the 11.33 A. X Day Express from Bulge, and salts in New York at 10 20 RR. 7.10 A. x. Express Mail, from Dunkirk, daily (axon* Sundays). Stopsat Salaccurnra 940 a. x • and eon netts et llonsMirille and Corning with theft** A. X - . Explain Mail from Borato, and arrives In New York MT 00 A. Y. 1,15 P. at. New York Mild Ewers, from Dunkirk. daily (except Sundays). Rtopa at ketsursues 665 r. and arrives in New York at 12.33 e. ' connecting with aftartoon Utica and steamers for Baton and New England Cities. 'Firm RaCalo—by WOW' York time. from. Depot Corner Raesance and MI hie= Streets: • • 1.30 A. at. Neva Yea Day Erpriss, (insdays irteeptedl. Arrive In New York at 10 :0 P. N. Conr.sea at Great Band with Dela auw, Lackawanna * Western Railroad for PhVadelphia, Baltimore. Wahl ORR and points South. SO A. it. kyr , a Atail, via. Avon and Ffornslisaille daily (exempt Sunday). Arriare in New York at 7.311 A. X. Cnnneeta at Elmira with teillismaport ar El mira Railroad for Haniatrum FhlirAellAtar Bait.. more, Waabinctorrand point/ South. 220 P. x Lieltaing. Express, Paydays cicalae& atop* for wood and water only and arrives In New York 7.01. • X 6.15 e x. New York Niel Rapras, daily. Connects at Hornernills with the 415 p. td.. train 'from Dan' kirk. and Rams. In • NA, York at 12 SO P. X. Also cornectir at Elmira for liarriaburg. and Una R , nth. 11. p. X. CA”cialani Ewes& daily (aacapt Funda'Or Hasa fti New York at 346 P. X. roared" at ' Fara with 07 111lamsport ar Elmira Railroad: r tEireat Bead with lla'avar Laegarranas k lAredara read and at Now York with 'Delmont' 'mina_ and stemma+ for Peron and New England Fitts. Only On: ants East on gaudily. loarlor Fla Teo at R. 16 P x, awl reaching New 'Fork at 12 33 a. x., in ad hard. of all other rent-s. • • • • Resinn and a es paueneen el% their tog teams, are transferred frce a° okeve. to yew York. ' The beet Ventilated and tarot Loaorinne .lerpiost Can PI THE WORLD accompany all night train. on th , a railway. RaFeare checked ttreugh and fare stove as low as by any other rants. rr ASK FOR Tirlf aIT4 VIC RRTR Reti.WC Y, "bleb ran be obtained at a I prinelp•l tieket officer 'o the West and SoOth-west. H. RIODLA.• , WM, R R %RR. Gera 'op'tPars. t et. febibTB IMPORTANT NOTICE. lAA! Qom 634 NI for , .......... II 03 lost Whit. rode... dm, S Ma 101 Brown do., 9 Rd , l 00 • • TdA A? ONE DOLLAR AND VP , A - ' MI. The beat teo_th the market at • ZOO Cholre Ffinify Syron. Tr'r ( 1111, P 1 $D Pll6B ma Jars 0/((re, per lb /0 . SELF RAISINea FIADIIR Nn family othnold 6e velanzti It. "rertb 47 be aping It. To be bed of lie, ea We ITO the agents. Call and prone of those , PATENT , LAMP CHIMNEY CLEANERS. The Wood thing oat 1,000 BUSHELS CHOICE POTATOES Just received. All of the above goods we will tell cheaper than the cheapest. rw All oar good. an new. haviegjuit been rreived. We invite all to exustne for themselves. Inv :•11,85-tt ng Arm , mrstruvr s W k CRAIG. F AIME/3S, ATTENTION AGENTS WANTED All those wentlog the best Mov • ie? %Rhine. et aloweis and Reapers conabbeed, will pleas* sadr•-• , o! Cirenlire, 0 It. arum - L• Rhea!, Rile Coate,. Pe. - 4 I rrAlso !gent ter the test Core Muter tad No? per. Loeal Ames wanted for every toirssisip In Nara , Western Pennsylvania. apTI9 2mf IF YOU IYANT TIM OESI MITPULE or TOB,A-CCO ANo CIGARS In the trethet, iro i t , ' STERN . EI3. Sr, BAKER'S, CORNER eV ET/,TI aID POVRTB 11171rITI. tilt, PltSea wnotAs.u.r. AND RSTArt, Mi4LER.9. Sreritblag la the Tobseeo Ilistraalllgars. Plug, Chew in. Clear era.R. Meerschaum Pipes Polders., go., sa, 'lists kart on band. Oar Yaristy Is so large Dons fait to ho suited. 17' Part'enlar stk.:Mon paid to orticv, and good■ warraotPd t+ to whit th•► a• sold fm. Hcaa► T. STUMM*. (11:111844./y) Jaw% 9 RAI ... N OT. CE • n. anlerefgn•d having beta duly eonutdeurioned by the Governor of the State AUCTIOREfat FOR THE CITY Of aRr6, bus opened an Au.tlon and Foniudseina Iltruo under tbe name and 61,13 Or GREEN k 0118 tat• surer. oppadte the Pswtollear. where be wVi be found at all times. Parties having any g od. to (Us pose of at Public' or Prince Pale, will • ad It to their a I vantage toentrust the , too . not door woe attebded to anywtiere in the city. Consignment/ respectfully rolteited. and prompt settbmenta made tar each gala. Auction av'es t. an in each west. via • • ni'EDNPADAT. AND BATTY& DAMP, without fti , . sod! non'd mpeettnll• rtontat all pat I , havlog nook! to Morose of t, not to me In t h at Dna. so that I. angel! thous On the &Uwe AAtn. J. cßnxtv. . Contxrde&loned Anettoruter. BRBBN k CRONIN. Abettun C Commtvlon Ider hants. man-tt $lOO RAVED ON A PIANO FORTE! sz to sr.i . ON A IIhLODEON QR - ORGAN Dy pureksithi of Z. SMITH, OF ERIE," Instes4of sendMg orders to New York. . PIANO. POLIES AND MELODEONS Formihed from the followlageelebrated Kimr.firtsvers Stelensy & Som. New York, Wm. Logo & Co., Baltimore, Md., Wm, B. Bradbury, New York. Groyesteen & Co., New York„ Bondman & Gny, Allay,. N. Y. .1"". A. Mon & C., Maffile. N.Y., ; - - H. Snap Pyramus. N.Y Seven & Doodums, Cleveland; (T. Clambers &Gabler, New York PRICES AT A LARGE DISCOUNT BELOW MANVPACTITRERi. PRIM! NAM» from szo to sl.tott• • Eir All pe orie dealrlos Seat lets Plano or VaDdIY , on are Molted% nil and enrolos our Instromeate be fore purchstlng elsewhere. - Every Tostroosont warrested for fln pmts. , • No.WlAState Street, Not. Pa. no&PIMM. Z. EAUTIL liiini HARTFORD FIRE INSEUANCR CO., _ HARTTORD, CONNECTICUT. iNCORPO RI 12D 1110. C.1177;i1. AMA% , T. a ALMA:wt. - O.IE. CO IL CITY VIER LYSIIRANCE COMPAPIT. - LtICORPORATILD - 1847. • L IPITAL $260.1100 WM. E. BAKER, Prost. GEO.W. LISTER. Secy. Inantanno to tha above old and tellable Coup dia ran bootottLited on appllostioa to leareMA-42 Y. W. RtritAlLL. Agent pm: LIOEUTY WHITE LEAD. Preferred ty en preetieal painter. Try It, Indian nil - bare no other. itaaufaetnred only bi ZIEGLER & SMITH, WHOLESALE DAM PAM k . ALAS 4 DEALERS, 2:o. In North Third Street. rtalls. 1%64 y A lITUUSIZBIR CAPITAL 11300,000. . . CAPTUL PAID IN, IMO.OOO. THE HEOOND RATIONAL BANK -' Will opmm for bealsero o . wvWDAT. MOM= IV% INC fo the RasAfor aloe ofroWerupted be the Aferabaat's DMA. ID Armies Rote tiguems, zumo.imat mama or MAM dryer mid Asl4le. Park 1011. i.. lICOTL resszeter - ''l! C. CIMRT. CAArtis DITECTOBA: Wit. L. RCM% of lino of J. Ireara k Co., Coil OW. rs Kr& IdeCABTARZ Orr of A Alden. 8163,6.16:CArtir ,- Oro. J NORTON. call Dram . W.ll BROWN. A.mrt 13 nitak• /It Sits Rama Jons D. BUPA= .. of dna of Co m e. ~MIT 4 Bum. tv beeial• Groan, - O. R. cßottri, id Ern of Crtmo6 6 Naar WArii. 11. ft, BARN. of Arm of titn. - 4obrump. ••'MOW , • ; ' -16anabettners. ' ' F - - _ • P. PADDAS, GA In z m lt ir 6rms. Tholliaillims, - PRZSI Tr* Des. 7. I it, IIL - adi tt IN f' ENGLAND CRIES HARTFORD, CONNECTUTT C .ROVESTEEN & CO., PLANO, FORTE XANUFACTUREII4 ! . . 03 BROADWAY N. Y. ,The attentlati or the t Olio sad the trade Is Invited to • oar Dew orate. van asters, rostwond plasm torten millets for eolum• and suety of tna• an a r• abet br air aDhPrti eiTaidin the tositiet They anal, all the modern tospeterameats—Prench inad action. hap WW I ; Dent hems oramtrutict Ibmip. Aa . atiti,lial In` strut:sent two/'made cadet the pascal supariMon.a. Um J. H. Grans:ea, e.his Ea a stastlal artatient• of over thirty yaws in lint manotature, is tally war natal In mart partionlay. .-- . • The Grows.ttan Hama rate manna the higher, award or man at tla eelejamad Werld'a nit, a ben tare inhibited laintossots tram th. bat matins et Lot dos. Tian. Ornatin 1 lifian'lshia. Raincoat,. Boa toadadNior Yarls;Ausdalsras the Asaciausientate r for the suranahrs yaws. ha gold sod silver n nide b a t le ttrof latches's Ms seen at our ceale•iecas •. • i• - so the taisesnosthas of torsurseatrahretothas lola ". ale'elateet Wawa rates imd arteaninetatterta TWIT. ' wilts a artatlynah systtia. Sr* mudded to - offer these • issdraiaaahoad slake artitea will ptscands all aospett. i OBE nanitin from $lOO to $2OO dumper ll:nanny Ent - this ham rotti) - • - • • Tentuk).34 CE.h'ta antent twat. .•• Desenpan Hanna) attn fresk jplrBF-tr 11 1 .-. Er p. COLOMBIAN - M917101 • AND uwar. . . . The otey parretdCatattined 'Mutate Ist um% vilb.tah. ward tat In ;arida& mad sear eat ea eta 'dent - cry le . Resplus vat it . . - PERFECT" SELF • RAKE - . BSIA LLEY'S CO etN PLOW. & CUMVATOIL , Tin implements to one. A hay can manage It ir lb ewe. It is • perfect Torrower. Coverer. Hoer, Hill. and Harrow. The b• at inoyeroeet in we for wearing grain BRANCH BEAM HILLINGiPLOW. No F-rmer should be without one of these light and temple don` , l• mou d claws. Wee 'notate* sing. 'Oda tOtk for roes 'Tom ay e to - 3t hut epent., Send fa illus. tratfd punphlete *Ph terms to seems: Th. volumbewilower sod Reaper took the Prat pre minim ar the fir of o - 11 !series.] Institute, lad fsll. for CI calms giving prop list end V II punt &dan. • V. ft. OILLOAT. Folesernt for Erie Counter. Also, egs,t for the bait Floras lie. York. 107- f F"" stlpri.v "Ntottn, 7, Nor: 23 and 24 Vat Park, (Bcatti Block ) "•-• [P.M, PA, AEA RN, CUR ISTIAN ` & CRA IG Wholes& sad retail G R 0 C' B R S And dealers in c umtßv rnororcr, If 1 .00 it, , PORK, 10'13 . r, PRIEfi & SE 'LSD FECIV, WZODEN& WiLi t OW WARF., TOBACCO. SEGAIV, k. art Tht R.. Qu,laire of Pants rd Oils. +rata de'Vesel , ral NO* I,iim sad MECO re 4 bniew and fresh" stork al♦»a kofi "ctiflaw .111 , •11 wl. 1 be ou'.4 at tbe lowest touts. We pledge etitplvee not to Int atidange3, and I. vit. ali to gi rs g• a call, Tb, bfgtost pica rid for eoP.t+7 W"c" . "'" . B . "" wiratilfty_ wrous: P. A. BECKER .t.GO., WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCERS, fbrth.Eot Closer et Os Pent ff hew.* Elrect, (iiriumos.) Woctdteayeetflitiy esti thi; attention of ths eonntrantt. t. h6 lege Stork of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Wbieh be is desiroUs tossll et 40 'SHY Lowr§r rovatpLE PRICE 9, tits sssortmeot of _ _ SUGARS, COFFEES, -- • ' - TRAS, *". SY•BUPS, TOBACCOS, - • FISH, dcC . 1:1 urpu ed in the city, ss he u propired to pm,. to all .ho or. him • call. Ne alao haps conataat:a on hand s tow - lot lot PURE LIQUORS. forth. who!eas trade, which he envies tte 'Meeks uf the pablit motto is, "Quick Ssle, Swat Profits wd ■ tai Aqu7sslest In' - the Wooer... sprll'eCtf. EWINt ICHINES GEORGE ESTER,' Pole arnt for Erie roost, for there cater;'ed ga strin's. has or, bead t Lytle & - aldisres Term. shop. Fifth street. between state and Peach a large varier., embracing all lands and prises. which he respell:Me ineltie the OOHS to ewl/ and crams* 7Nr.Hrirre chine in ackodwiedged •o(be lb• best in - use. dniog all kinds of work. and betrir egady kept in order. F. proof of these aesertiots. t rimpi ask • trial of the ma% chicle erarrenting them to d, ail l prom , se. 15i Let all call and ex miss be or. pre chastiser other machines ripecierl atter Von given to repairing lia• eliir.as of any kind 'prompt y repaired, at moderate char ms:4 -tr N ilr• Ir IU3I • - - James P. Crook. barns taken in his son. Jamie R., as a eertner.ire the lads. ofAorV, 18114, soder the firm osma ofJAVZ3 P cßong & RON !Wand Whew* a set tlement of his old eseonnis All persons lutosins them sew it:IMMO to him an requested to sell end settle r without delay. J A MRS P. CROOK & SO - N, SWAIM IN ROUGft & Ig i ANCD LIISIEIGR: 111417FACTOIL2115 Wineas Sub, Flamm Doan and Nude, Wouldlap sad Picket rano. S-ral Ssaing. Matching and _ Planing done to.o•der. shop on Peaen 4, Between fih end bib Ste., Erie, P. w. resissetfully call tit attratiOn.• the public to oni facilities or dela, work to the best St se. la, prompt sad on te•ranable toms RsCing Ettrd at, entirsis we shops. with carmine tnitebincr 3 , vs NI confident rising entire Itittsfastiooi rirOrJers from thread roeolvo prompt attempt o. 0f2P61-11. JAMES P. CROOK k SON. NOTICE TO PliktBo:4B lIAVINti PRODII:b For. SALE. We are now mooing a WA.Tit.t Lido fton Erie to Re non, on the Phttadeliatda A Bale railroad, and wish Jo same all kind/ of VEGETADLES AND POIIN'NLY PRODUCE To wry It on, hive ettablishe4 s Dopoton s FIFTH STREET, the rear.of the old Reed Roane, BETWEEN STATE AND FRENCH STRIMS, 9f hers se will best all thou ready to melte and ray the • EIG'EST ILIRZET PItICI. for the same. Al! bating rrodnee for Lee are re-quest ed to givens a call bewails for Harlot Depot, Fifth Cl. ana10.1803•tl • MAY Al JACIESOv; iIIsOI.UTJuuY OF COW-% UTNE UK HI F The tins be,tornm ellstina under the p.m of CARTER Br, CARVER. WI. dieeolved by outwit ameetit, dottog from Amide lath, Me, er. Carter r•ttitair The books of tho' old firm may be found nt Um old place. Prompt settlement/ rcqats, ted. S. CARTER. .f. B. CARVED, Yr Career bee aseoeltted his son with hlm, and will contione the !minim under the name and dip of CARVEN.V Seeping neW mid well selected Moo of %its. Medi elites, Fine Chemleals. new Phi ti Prows- Untie, Rare Perfumes, Raney 8 ' The experienced Maks or Ibis bona waif/Mined and persons am rely upon bel4 crotrettly.sased at all times. No? We.—The aertieel of Yr. J. 13. Carter hairs also been secured, and he *lll he happy to meet his old friend, and eaabmere at . . SI PARR DOW.—THE OLD RAW?. vasS•tf P HILADELPIIIA . 4k ERIE RAIL 110 AD TEII3 great Mee tiverrirea the Northern an46Ranbiras counties of Pennsylvania to the en., on arts,. Lake Ma. It has been lamed by the Psarsyfehate Rail root Colvin, cad U operated by them. • VIM Of num= TWIN Alr ' Leave Fastest& . . . . . Val Train .. ...10`25 s. 4 Zia firm Train , - 414114. zo Cony sew= ; 4) a. Ex Arrive Westwud. Mail Train , 655 p. Ede itzprate Train... ' • a 30 a ta Warm Aenom.. 405 p at Putnam ears ran through on the Me Wall aa4 pros trains without abaape DOM ways tattiest naiad - . . pbta awl Ina. • van yarn nonanntou t Luve New Task st 956 a.m., silo at Etta 9EO m. Lean Eria at 445 p. at., min at Meer Tat 4 ID p.n. • ' ' Elegant itfoeptag Cars on all night enact. For information respecting Peweimeer barb:tea apply at cotes? of aotb and Valid eta t hulas= or the Compute agnate. 8. 6 HNOSTON, Ja., agnirrllltb and Vadat Btheirft, IMeNOLDS. RM. w. • EiRriWN. Airtat.M. C. 8 8., Walttatort. H. H. anvoriv. asooratarotobt Arent, Phila. a. w. (moms a. • . Vast Age. Mhz. , - . A L. I y LlO, 4 uperintogeaut. de, Ta. 1111001..VT/O , N ND crt.—Tp.. eapar i. m .hi p I r hetet , tore eststhrit leonine the eedereireklolce ter busmen ceder** arm mass of Webb et hes beta devolved by wetted toned The tweets end .waste roman to the heeds of ley a. (1114 w h o till sentient* the retten heelesee at lig omat aa d. - • - 4- - GM. Y. *l[ll6. isia,Asig. , 4lll4t MT LC CUM. .HOUSE .FURNISHINC Ek..;_0'j,);t1.1..1.101! CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, DRESS GOODS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, . • , Aln , l en rythlo :..- to bo round In a, But el's' nry GOMIS Store, whillt ire can to insesas Ts at the Soffit Pony' mtgs. We have also Wed an • • 1 . . .. WA he WO ; , ed the •ettle• a of a Ent eau rpholiner. el , -I. l l , hrliereel lb Puitiaa till n , " eurtitos an" -, _, 41 4 , 1 tho frost loader Vphol•terr. Caw:4,, atle and std. Wall Pap* 14 1 ,-Pn bt 'Ver. , MI workmen.i•• "Ilk pre, re , ' to famish ~ r iakte UMW, atd Itotola. throe. blut.oti ahoh, Rd a.. We an doterroloni to nit car goods as tows' can be proctored le Biaral ocr New York City. thralls • ea.l. at VD 7 Food War; ti.• '"1 GARD:VER. GROSS A 'CO.. ! , 1 .Succetsors to G. W. xicksitifir.i .. my 10 CC L AWSONM 110 T AIM ,FUIVVICE", ton AV:HUME AND BITUVVOIT 4 COAL W. W. PIERCE 1 !.I: CO., ERIE, PA Re rrammen 1 Lawson's Vainace u being altogether enprior to any other undo of the kind. It is easier tilllD , ged, mote powerful and loss Ilatie to eat cut of ardor th.n any ether hot yr furnace mad. And as it will pr•daw more heajoilth the same em ant of fuel, it !sotto the most eaMomi al. hit of these points we are ready to establish by satisfactory proof. • 'Tam Ya., June 25th, 1666. Yews. W: W. rime ts•Co . Oirs—Tfaelog. used Cluing last winter, the 16 J A. Lawson Vannes which you pat into asp bone last an. tants, I am tulle prepared to offer my testimony re spouting Its effietenep, and will add that I-tate plums in reeammendi g the tune to an) one, d'art g a good heatleg apparatus The air that we recelre.from it is pore and not over heat#6.-Int waning into the rooms as it• dews in large Anstatitle , , supplies the requited amount of brat thou olasialleor tint dryness welch he twain , / exparieneed from furnace but. The slam idly orals ecceruetloa sod the ever mode of governing Its eonsumptiou of coal, anise it the most complete awl economical heating xprratna I hare over seen. I shall take pleasure in recommending it to me friends. B LOWRY. solg - Eels, r• , February .13, IMS ltedi , nl.l7 Plorfr & Co : • The J. 4. Lassa Improved not Air Parolee, whlch von pot le my !Mom to NH* last tall. hub. en to raw now nestle fear months and giver satire sattfactlon By a proper adlestment of the craft damper aid ores. slonany ee11113 . 3)/e the firs pot from alas an 4 cinders. we can bare a greater or le. Ogres of beat alp, a treater or Ism ron , emp'lon of co-4, , exeotly enit.d to the claws a the weather 'fh• air warmed by this Flir t:mew is all that I can dealre Defoe free from all nottnoi MINI or smirk's. I shall taboo assure tn ramornmendleg tr tamp tr.Da. Ile.peettolly soon. • • WILSON NINO. _ Eadz, P*., Varel Z 3. 18e6 V•sni. % lir. Pines 8: Co Gentlemen—The 1 anon Putnam that yen put In the basement of - the Mat Hayti t Church in this city, hut bete In non almost every day and evening. Queue the protracted reeetwg of fatter/len week,. and bee Oren entire malefaction end we world cheerfully recommend It to any one &midis; • good beetles Furnace, W. J. F. LIDDEGL, for Road of Trustees Also. of a boar Ist-of well known citizens wiz, are naing I Iltrettee ranties, we refer to It: following gen tlemen t Childs Beta and Chapin. Canada sinners if Erie ronntyr . itohert Cr.. Ninth Pt, cantata I S Ricbanis; Trustees of lit tiaoliat Church; end the Commissioners of Bowie Estate, Warren Cann Pe -; reward thre Laws. n Fransee-as not /poly th• best la use but anpronhing were nearly ter pi - tertian hating app rattle. Note need delay securing a hot eh. Furnace In, the espectation that any decided fro rroyemen s are yet to be made in-this foe of article. An evamination of lb. Lawson Furnace Is all we ask to drciPe thin queathn. It Is des , rned to beat eyeryk.nd of braiding and to made of different aiara of motels. far Az medium aired dweVing or the largest rhumb or other pabilc building. Seven difiemot sham are co w seeds _ lb. Lawson Furnace itima universal astisnaellott and Is rapidly auperoad leg all et er varieties. Besides the in/marks/lie eve with which it an be teenaged one of It. chief Dents n , intpersnriits is in the purity attire air rine...din from the Fern^ee. It tree eonstrueted that so snot. sOlps or orders can possibly escape Into ' he sir rarsises. and ail osplearent odor* are also rte. ye t d. It ran be used equally area with hard or sot enal.and rnan• grd is oullw u any ordinary store - We inviteannparison with all o her Furnmel. Pot up snot set to rood working order In all swami' We hems the PA SIMISCV for tide ae MO at the country all irquiriee and order, addressed to as will receive fro-rat tt.nttoe. On. of the For-aces la in nseratinn rt ors eeinblialment. matter of State and Ninth streets, I to which we lowlier afloat/ow. W. guaranteei tbst Law. eon Rot Air Furriery al that It is claimed t be. trhatetale and re all eviler* In Mom, Conking Ran. gra, Fainters, Tinware, Agricaltgral IroVennente, and tieneral tlardware, CVITAO RA CULLED FOIL ONE DOLLAR. 'lnn I For one dollar, yes null, I will send fee to any address& recipe and medicine, that I will guaranis* to cure the worst curs of Catarrh in the head or tray aid tubes in a tew 'realm. It has used an life, • d surd ins of ( *Uteri% and a wren bronchial trouble I bad stared with foe 'oafs -I tried the I .rist physicians and all the advertivd medicines of the day, but found no relict till I obtained this. f Tr 'old ere one hundred dollars for this tutu and 'the medicine' If I now Ird the Catarrh and could not obtain it less. 1 Wiese, U , tottuetions are followed it wilt etre any use what Ater that has not study related the lunge and beeline • settled stir gumption Cure It trVie ton an. Address T. P. SYMMS, N 0.161% Fulton .t., N. T. HoTat, UNMOVED. • ' The Sabseriber who has necopted the itarelea Roue, Just boys the rePot, tot the putt toot ss,s, toe »moved into the • NATIONAL UOTEL. • - CORNTR OF VFAc`ii AND BUFFALO STREET ti her be will try to 'aetotratedate twice as many MG ■nd se welt, as he did in the old stead. lie hopes th the pato:mace whi2h was so liberally extended to him there. will be Wended to him is his new quarter. Els stabling Is audltient to accommodate all teamsters who may favor him with their gat:lmage. - an2tAt-ts JOAN RATtle r Tins OP tIEALT i prepare for Disease. CHOLERA MORBUS, DIARRHCEA WARRAlifflttl to care Cholera or gay of the above dimmer la theta Irma fo-an. • **rare Cu. of Cholera h.• bran eared with it la 37 ablates proof of which wilt tort" tailor, wishing .I.t. Mr we hal erer been kit ant trhieh Lama , - Pro Plod pt DD. JOH A" Berm Err, of Wei!wire, in 4 told by likoyaall at-the at re of P. A. Beane. Ere, Ps. , Fares 11,0) rsa BorTax. Cyrus cr Corsnsnir& FE - MALE . &.ESTORATIVE Haerte-n bated hr the lait tow IVO satisfaction: It =tee the following towel data Pala to the weal el the beak and tape, with a palliag. *Mitt sod hewing dowry/ion loafing the hots pale Is the side.low dooo.noltb fllipitatien bweituteld feet and die howls, the bead; rdn Winn the Am* date; Seek attenachi WM= SZeetin eta lieeotetoradationa to the e tbia Inetieire amid be ghats by the hundred, • had' we the that wad now no beet plan is to bay • tottl., audited It fat - • netelvee Plies $lOO prr tattle. Wit be fin Pruett, at his can in Wash/pills, and at T. A. &duds daft Er* amaytt ERIE CITY ,DRY GOODk;, tram odged to ttittr trztotuun:ototk AND Writ, FK*I3*IIIIDIG:OO6DS OF ;VERY D R Y LACES, EMBROIDERIES, SHEETING AND SHIRTING, HOOP nutm, UPIIO . LSTER'S And thal nn head And to Order MATTRESSES, LOIIN\G--;ES,' Vic., . ..&0. COL:MI &lASI AID MITI lITA. SOLE AOE NTS: EMU rsat►uo)tY W. W. PIERCE & CO, COMM 1 , 741` . 11 ATP Mtn Ina., IBM PA. DE.. BENNETT'S 11111DT /01 DIIIINfE3Y. CUOLIC3, INANP AND DOWEL CONPIAINT3 cl: walla" ICIND D.ll BENNETT'S CIUIPIIIATID i r`~4s i~--a h ~ ~r MEI AID PAP - ER - U,AN!3INGS; . . IMIZI=II G S . OE are,krep eons tsally r ink tir:si • Ir '- • • • -; GLOVES, BOSIERY, Lcat bi 0 • E 'L 0 R G A N S 0. .J. V4.IIoL.ESAJ'fE The tccot er my.lrte ltrs'ett lostrenrezt Inounttencired In &tierlei, nod rha mndertrgan of tho world. e^131 1, V... tog **errata- and d.pth tors to tennttful sod c ste In apresrenee, refining DLdd OPT. fn Ito ten' Mer Pants* le Tor Churches, lium or Pend:er boa no estutl, ton hoe Intorirbie huen FIRST PREMIUM! Wbereser ell, bit 4 to nompetition with other veil ifoneen trtannYint Thirt.-fop different st)lew, and trona 1 to 12 d•,ob:e bet aws, conble b ow pedals. ker. swell, Lc , giiin. gre..t power sod ste►dl • tenor tine. THE Sllll- BA$ An t ale, to lbet 4 nt.l• reed orgars, gives is vellum of tors equal to a sixteen f -tat Wog in a Om organ and when app'led to oar orga containing thsai, sod oar wets of reeds.tbet 'ulnae of tone, is ennui to a $7,C00 fps organ. and Engine only &INTO. ono fourtb as matt' vend for an illn..trated pri a Vat, giving full partictr_ lan 'address orders I O. J, 11ILLARD. - Moira& Anent, No. 112.7 lirvadway, N. YYY. viz GREAT,UNRIVALLED , P I A .N 0 • , The Cheapest first class Plano Porte in the vseett. These leantlfal huitrueseuts ans fast winningtheir war into puffin favor. Their tone la rich, toll and pow erful. and gushes forth with poetise 'Sweetness lewd melody, shalt the touch Is easy and testis. The% are finished Yn rich rosewood eases, with: hot iron frame Oreratroo bat sad French grand bailor, All have hop round eon:Jere. with back finished Ilk, the Dos , . ;awry instrument , tally wsr•anted fives SW a. Cleettlars goring. crrreet liter ego taken front Phntoraph. with toff dezueiptire pate list, Neat ftve to any address co sr p'kttion. A beautiful tong and • home, Worth 30 cent., seem tarries the circular, and Is 'rank7 of preservation. real.ra will be fornisted these beautiful Instrunients it the In ,ag hales.4* prism and tea:hem at thesis „al rites of discount. Address all orders to 0. I WILLARD.- Wholesale Aitent. No. CU Eircadwar,N. Y. A'so Wholesale Agent for ' - WV. A. POND & ,s. 11pARDSIAN, OKAY & revs. ' KNABE & CO:A; Circulars eau( correct llkenetiael of these erlaintild Pisan Fortes, and Taylor it Farley'm Yodel Orgarl, tur ns dcd to any iddzeta on application. THE LATEST._ SONG'., Publlshel January lit. me. Walled to any suidrern tree of Postage. i. : 1 , Oh, sing me the dear old song • - - No We re drank from the eeme eardeen, by J. G. C'esk,.Bso Resetlal Winans, eos g by J. R. Tkomu ...... —...350 I'm hippy as the ;ley is long T 3.5 0 tiwnebody • Dolirg I gk i , %Inlets ender the snow, by H. Tricker. _.... 1 ...96e :tweet be the repose. by J ,k.Thomiu ' :We Soup of the Spoon.* new,vollege 50ng....... ..... ~. 1100 The Angel Gold., by Feverer '..t00 When 1 went smarting. !Allis - - 1 801 Only a withered rune ' J Ida Mother. I here heard treat ratiile { no Plea , act dreams of lore ag0...._ .: _ ' . r e :ib.stay not a. woman'aliseri is 0nght...,... ...... 4.. OR Rathleen dear ..11.4the Before I ores 'Tarried. Odes:. .J...ril: We'll meet no mom et twilight boar I Yee Beautiful UM of the Osa. by .R. Thomas.—. i . I • Ire Old Don't Cate, by W. R. Buford r ight of me suil, r f 'tare I'm dreeming................33e .Fire o'clock In the morning -..... ... :.. 40e Clean ant I, by Barry Tacker 1 tAe Came, N. 1. delgr e 'rl:o WO ping, by Tutor .i.. 301: Musk on tee waves, vocal thlr t. VGIOVIT ' 4O No Deno like the old time ,-' 10a Olye the old roan a ebanea ' , ...:...tna One Wight money alght,toudo ' ' • .95e They al CUD, home tot mine /...ECI: Young mm on the railway . , &to When Fenian' fight for freedom. - ' tie Down by, the rate, by J. $. Thomas_ ..' Mk Partite ordering mule; end overpsihng for the .is will ready. their thieve enclosed with the n risie..Or tousle will be whet.% en tre partite prefer. Al/ erders peom yen ptly attended to, and soy infontatign cherally gl. , , REFER,ENcts. ' .. Don George W. Poser.on, ex Governor of NeneYork, Westdelt. '• • Y : T. f.. Colemara.Pretident ILake,tineee Pack, Dunkirk, N. Y. . . • ems' Y.ll CITY ntrzsznite. ' Wm. A. Pond k Co.; Wm. fl, Brildtrarr Calheatte Needbem k Co.: S.beri a Olt; Pugh Riddle s.q.+ Gail Sopl Erie RR ; H. C. Brooks, EN, Oupit Mollie Power, Eels lat ; Wheeler lir Wilson. Address orders ' ap1611641 0. .7, WILLARD, Who Wale Mao forts thltiol, tad Mimic! Denier. jyIT6B If • No. GT Broad:al, Is ow York, • D UEMI?iUTUN s SOY, . • . rented 'Pates service Aio. "pocket Snd • tarts Ricolron. repsattrin Pistols. rifle ' • Canes, revolving Fires. Nee sad Skot Gun Barrels and GlitliPalenials sold by run dealers awl the tends generally. Is tbele dale of beets briskly, and robbery. every iv nee. store, bank and rifles abould ban one oi Elemleston's revolvers. rartlindesirteg lo avail themselves *item late-improvements in patois, end in . pallor workmanekip and forte. will ilcd all combined , in the now Remington.revoltimi Circulars nimbi:tine Irate and description of one arms, will be funelahed naon'apidication. E. USI A ` TON. k frN3, titnn, N.Y. Mons & Etch°lß, Altrir, No: 40 Gesettand ,34inst. .I:.w Took. - 1)l9-tt D►iie & c►a r ox, ALL 1112;14/ GROCIEFER. rairrrg, veer" FM Phut, Wynn State !aid 'nub. Res a Having preettesed one stock before I. the lote tits in prices, we Gentry Prroko of @lvry port boniht and sold. Amnon - ran always denial on medal the bighting onu• • tar pales for thttr artleka. ' • CZALBRS IN tin arfromaga Towtri f '• 7 .1 And on tbs Liskes of Balirasd,. iIiPPLIED Walt VVIZTABLIO, 111. Gino as • Call. L, krigupla NAY ft lACESON'S NA DEM 4i17-U , YPO DI AND. COIiNTOS "arms SISPERS. . - ' • "" AT °RAH!) STRt - ET CHEAP STORE •irzw POPS . Off' Tcra 'am prams C , l. Lengths 16.111sety Goods , eluiaper-thaiti dor* tawaJobbas *bale &cm. gill. • I Straw &oda IntatifrA tilliClncrwrylieng,74l, a ) I ke.rax lll 4 4147; 4.04 tattoo. • f IDWARD PLEDISIT'. _- 3111. VII, Elik. enuea Et, Ind 04 andel:lAm* Crlifth block out bps the "ma. a of : _ • - •"; =NE ME MEE =1 YANKEE NOTIONp, C•2I BROADWAY, N. Y. E=l "VOSE" FOR T E , -- Ifsnufartorers of Ravenlra, Rl dm Moeller and Carbines for the Dealers in ANI) niOTISIONS, fat coil dent being able to give Fatlr lactton, both In ' price and , lotsrls,9 v Ayef§Sarsaparilla A compound teriedY, designed to be the most effectual afliniatire that can be made.- It is r a concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla. BO combined with other substances of, still greater alterative power as to afford an effee. tide antidote !for the diseases Sarsaparilla is reputed to c4e. It is believed that such a 'remedy is wanted by those who suffer from -Strumous comptaintss and that one which will • accomplish their cure must prove of immense senior to this large class of our afflicted fellow- + 2 citizens. lien , on this compound will do it has been proten by experiment on many of the worst eines to be found of the following • complaints ' .Scuovets. (.tCo Scuorc toes Courwarrs, Knurrioss Ann Eiturrive DISEARES, CLODDY, PHIPLIOL BLOTCHTI, Tenons. SALT Ituren, SCALD IL DAD,,! SYPHILIS AHO SYPHILITIC AP• FECTIOxs, 3learcunisr.Duinssc. DapraT, Neu. aimatit: on Tic Doerouricex, DIDULITY, DTP. PPM.% AND INDIOBTTION. BItYBIPTIAB, ROSE OA Sr. ANTIIO:7In3 rum, and indeed the whole class of complaints , arising from Lemurs' or. THE BLOOD. , This compound will be found a grelt pro moter of health, when taken in the spring. to expel a the foul humors whieh fester . in the blood t thrit season of theyear. Ey the time ly,expulsion pf them many rankling disorders aro nipped ih the bud, .Ilultitudes can, by the aid of" this remedy, spare themselne from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulberone sores, through which the system will strive.to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels nf the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse oat the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, Or sores; cleanse it when you find it is ob•• strutted' and• sluggish in the veins; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell, you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, - people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep• the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this =°Elite disordered, there can be no health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. • . . Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these ends. But the werld liar been egregiously deceived by preparations( of it, partly because the drug alone has not aIL the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be .concentrated extracts of it, contain but littlo Of the victim of Sarsaparilla: or any , thing else. During Into years the public have been mis led by large dioules, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of , these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little,lf any, Sarsapa rilla, but often no curative properties Whatev er. lience,lbitter and painful, disappointment 'hat followed the use of the vaious extracts of Sarsaparilla; which flood the market, until the name itself Li justly despised, and has become synonymous with; imposition and-cheat. Still ire call this 'compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such w remedy as shall rescue the =mama from the load of obloquy which rests upon4t. And we think we have ground for ' believing it has virtues which aro irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend; ed to cure. In order to securethetr complete eradication f from the system, the remedy should, be judiciously taken according to directions on the botde. I .I PEEMIUID nit' 'DR. J. es AVE U &J co. I.;;; ; AVELL, AIAS r S. Price, $ t Bottle.; Six Bottles for $3. Ayer s Cherry Pectoral, has won for itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung plaint, that it is entirely uanece, , aary for us to 'unt the evidence of its virtual. wherever it has' been em ployed.,As it has long, been in constant use throughout .//i9 section, see need not de/more than assure the, people its quality is kept t i , lto the best it ever has I been, and that it may relied on to dope their relief all it has ever bee and to do. • Ayer 9 s Cathartic - POO TUE =BOP • Costicenes4 Jan:idler. DoPeAlia, ladijesliem, DysenterY, 'Foul Stomach, Erysipelas, Headache, Piles, RheuMatism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Liter • Camidaint.' iltiopsy, Teller, Tumors and Salt Rheum, Worms, Gout, Xeuredgia. 01 a Dinner Pill, and for Pursfying the Blood. They are Isugar-coated; so that the most sensi tive can take them pleasantly. and they are the best aperielt in the world for all the purposes of a family phy c. , Frio° 23 cents per Ear ; Piro boxes for $l.OO, . , Greatatunbeis of Clergymen, Physicians , States men, and emi ent personages, have .lent their names to ecitifitbe unparalleled usefulness of tbese remedieg, but o r space hero will not permit the insertimj of th . 1 The Agents below k narned fur- . • tiish gratis OUT UEILICAN ALI( ANAC in Which they ate given ; wit also full descriptions of the above complain* an the treatment that shbuld be fol lowed for their are. Do not be p t off by unprincipled dealers with 'other yrrepara ions they make more Vl , t on. !Demand ATE s a nd take no others. sick taant. the beat d there is for them, and they should have it. I -.` , All our remedies are for sale by ' tr.sr , . NR . w.vi. ._;ITENTrIfftrAND UNDDItTAXINd • W A-ft El R 0 0 • t On SiteeSt,tetween Ilinenth sad Eighth: The Semmibers have entered Into the Cabinet Waking mid FURNITURE TRADE. • And propose making to ordaiand keeping constantly on hand all Sande of Turatans. Orders wIU receive ,prompt attention: Rqinitiog done on short notice. U>.IDERTAKING't The subscribers will give speciei attention to thin de. mrent of their twines'. They mill manufacture and keep constantly on .hami a biro amortanent of Metallic Cum and Coffins, and hold themselves in readiness to meet orders in tide line, promptly, foci" any part Otte aountry. Determined to spare no efforts to eve satiates. lion both in lbw Duality of their goods and prices,' they hope to scent. Others] share of goblin patronure. MOORE di RIS LET. sprlll2-th _ Rueressore to J. H. Rome, R EA DY PA 11 STOU.B S I A. l MINNIGr Would .respectfully inform *ha Publia'tbet be has , . rarchased the STOCK qf I OROCTRIKS k r MINIM* RUSSELL, MILTS/107 BTB ,AAD STATZ 11/B. 'Where he tetsids' to keep u good an' usortreantot ' FAMILY GROCEBIES & PROVISIONS. WOOD & WILLOW WARE, AND VARIETY QOODS noLkeptioE i.. Kept constanUs on hind.- BEST BRANDS OF ERIE CO. FLOUR, DAILIIANTRD d GOOD IRTICT.E! L ip- The highest Market Prig paid for all kir ra Country Pendoeta , • • ap. Goode delivered Free of charge to our City . dre21456-tt • F MANIAS PFHPFILL; , IIMILV3CTIIIUI2 AID MALI; Is BOOTS • AND S'HOESI EVERY STYES ♦ND VARIETY, No. 816 State St., West Side, Let: Bth and 9th, XHIC, PA tr.rag readied, a new dock of Geode, which will be sold at the !elitist pewee. FREDItICIIII Vila, • (Summon to Weber k Mr.) I airs GROCER I,ES AND PROVISIONS ! . , Mrs, Liquors, Segoxs, Tobacco, CROOKERY, WILLOW •, WARE, FRUITS, • • sing, TAusz sonosa,ta. • Stainatroot. East alas, third door north of Estinad Bryn, ENC. PA. P., Paramus. misty lons rem ; /aux pummelling & 8O?. CLOTHING AND GOSS' FURNISHING GOODS, Catnti of Seventh and St 1 ERIK, 14 ,• . , 11,111 1 1ir .14111.111, " *9O MUIR ErfRIELIVPHILADELIiat.A. WATCHES, ' 'f."` ' " " ME GOLD JEWELRY, , FINE Warn WARE Lai Strpetter Elhatilsisil ?ass i st - RtDVCMI vavor.lo aslitifts ! ME NEWBOLD'S ,MTELOT BUONO. --t— -zeratuaLttls Drew. =tat DOLD'S DUCIIII fIELVISCILD'S i3t7CIILL IA ONLY KNOWN ItMINDY YOU. rum ONLY' KNOWN itESIEDY FOIL THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY !OR Dieurrr.s. :frivax Ot•.TILE NSCI OF Tile VLA ' 15F.1..15111.1.T/ON OF VIZ ICIDSE4 • CATA1:1111 O} Tile PLADDEII, STiLANGUAItY P4L,Cit• rtu.VItINATINO. :'or these &seam:sit ft truly s sovereign rotrus/P•u4 - . 143ntOth eantiOt lessdid • in its vrntse. A single do« knoirn o reset': the meet urgent symptoms Are yOu troubled srlbla that distreums pain in. tie =not the hack and through the Idiot t A teaspoon dap OL Ile:rn,ssld's Ilu.lut •Will relieve you. • Physicians and Others - 11.1.:Ast r xoticri. no secret of intmlionts. Ilelm:J.44's Es ott is cowpox , ' of D.10.1U, Cobott.,..tatJunl• r solo:tf,1 mr.th gro .t t• rwo Ire I In ths. .0) and tuxorltng to rule. of 'PHARMACY AND CIIEM/STRY. These luzroaientsar.l known 1s thr rynt valuable 'lurches nffarle.i. . DIURETIC -1 -1. tathatwlll , :ai ids upon the tiluryi iiELI4BOLD'S EXTRACT EtiCRII ACTS GIINTLY, " , • Is vicuna in taste au I odor, frlu (rum 0 1 properties, nal Intl) lu U 1 action. _ , For the Satisfactioi'of All. ''-k oaf 11e4;f.ai Proper:tee Lantainod fo WlPerl , ntOi74 l las U. ft, of ahu.L the ! ,, :coxing isg * 1. 47 1. Bututt. JtsoJ,yt.o etring, dida3i.o, ant icarie ....hat aromatic, its tistc LittZrieh. awl antlor,ons to thole( mint. It is glsen ofii-nif In -ompinints'of the Urinary Orimns ni It-4 tlhrank Catarr.b of the.llladdcr, morbil irrneal in of the -11:s•Ller:ischl Urethra, dies of th'.3 Proetato,frlani Itetention the Incontineneo of Urine, frord'Ate. of tone to the parts bentxrno I in its erlottettot It has ?Also been recommended In UYst47zli.Viirolic Uhtnntatiein. Cutaneous Artocttoiii, era Dro,refyf" • ‘: roll runt= nit:VATIo3 rsotessor Dewees' raluiole re , 4lou the rracti , .1 Maio% Scirretitulti m 410 by th 2 celcbra&srar. Phpir.i'o! See any ant all Tan /la Wor'.ll,en'lleheins. From tb3Laizest tlanufazigring Chttaist 'll , l TI iam acqu.Lntu rite ,T. 3t-ilin'iold; be emu 141the dry; ,torn orpo Ate suecoisful in condnzting The when others bad not been ein.lity xo bef.n, Hui. I tore been fit vornblp impressed enta his clmrazter n rt entorri, (Fir= of,,l'Ver.s , S WeigLtman.) Manufacturing Chemists, Ninth t inl jironrn Strft•tm, PhtlAeliiau Cii-ofx the Phdadeph”s .err. BaL'lhn, .111,4 lOia, We aro gratiaed to hair of the ountinue 1 vice., in New York, of nur tovmsm rl, Mr. 11. T. 11. 1 thit.1.1, Druniv. Ills store, next to the Metropolltln note, is 29 feet front, 2 lo niad tine 'lion, r, hrt;bt. It is certainly grant e:t4l46hinent, - an I - •,ka Ir•- vorably of the lurrit of hil arti,lees. li e , bee Odlat and Laboratory i e rho Caiy, which are also model cstablit,ltment. , of tin. xr Tho proprietor hns been induce! to ratite this ststt.• meat from the fart that his r pm,,t1...,, h ou ,b ad , skro GrECNILTINBI I" FC zAT L 0 N AMllmosing that the iota:lll.7.ot rorrito from unic.r anything pert-etre:no to QuoLkery, nr the Pawn: Noll nine order,—most of wine.. ar.l,,l.kart, by ...feta/ Doctors, who are too . ‘c....r.tet to le , Vl a V.,yetain% eimplest prescription, morn io , ....Peteut 1.. prinnw, rhormaortracal prepanowns. THESE• PARTIES RESORT to ' , MAGUS means of effooting ssks, such as coffin% =of savcrtmeruente of portlnt Mtn e , /ba- sti./ 11111- 7, nth eurtth stes. The Suun..e of N 11,4./ in Statai SIMPLE, PUMP, AND .11.1 J Mlle, husui4 FAct for tti Trublc• Eton for tts l'/1/nr. Trut.^: ffs tlsro:4l. • - A WORD OF CAUTION. Liasslsh j most import(' at ; att,l the a ftlietol should tat use SD akiVerttsed tZleviit•rie, or on 7 mm a d, len itll content-I or oorr.hents arc Itnueit to others berdaes the martafieturer, or mull they are eattsftol of the qualitlhations o f the tr.urty , odenn4.. HELMBOLLOS GZNUINE PREPARATION'S. FLUID EXTItACT LUCII 17, ExTRAc r SARSAPARILLA, and IMPRoVED WISE WASH Establieed utoiaM, of In rear.. l'revani b, 'r. lIEWIDOLD. PRINCiPAL DEPOTS. ILETAIDOLIPSW li It Eilt nU Ur3E O •iND CHEMICAL; atti //rem ~ ray, Arn Ywa Atd liELSI1:OI.1”S M FIJICAL DEPOT, 104 btnit4 IW4 r P 4. 1.4 tit p 4,4% P hold by all Druggists. • c uintsSs, cAuGniev az mulatto', VTICLZSALZ Gmens, AND PROVISION DEALFNIS, WOODS :NT" WARZ; iIAILS, MAPS, ROPE, R6F11161) am. w4T6R Limb. WHITE LIME, OIL:•TITRIOL, CAUSTIC scam. nrs, kc., NOS. 25 & 2G NORTH PARE STREET. ERIE,. P.A. deell'att. ENGLEUAILIr t NJ. DICALISE IN HOOT 6 AN•D SHOES; Er.= CUSTOM MADE BOOTS AND SHOES, Would take this method of returning his thinks ki hie Mende and the public generally for their Ronal patronage heretofore extended to him, and hopes to liar& • oontinnatton rff the same. I take Osman in informing the &alai that I . m still selling READY WADE 800TP AND 81100 AS CHEAP, NOY • LITTLZ Call/12 - - It - an any Roma in this phme, cad lam sti ll making the best qmilities of Gents' Boots lard non. for which I em ploy none but the BIM of WORRY EM.nrider the Super. intendants of 0. MILLER. Gering obtained a Peense to nes the PLUMES PATENT BOOTS, lam any prepared to make the Plainer Patent Bouts and noes in a manner nut to be surpasadd In style and Workmanship. 119" I *loaf it keep 'on band • selection of the toe Brands of -ranch and American Calfand Rips. P. S.—Repabing attonded to. „„ . tarl76.4tf. K EYSTONE STOVE WORII.S. TIBBALS, SHIRK & WIIITELI,EAD, ■II.IIITI7ACITIMIB OF . STOVES AND HOLLOW WARE, Have • farce and ex:swirl assortrcs, t of Sloils Wholesale and Retail. • THE IRON GATE L a Crstealasa foal Cook Stove, with or withc.o rrnr volt, for hard or 'oft o al, or wood, an•' is BETTER THAN TILE• STEWART SI 1) t W. a o manufacture the WII•ICAT Etttltar AND NEW ERA, no% Inv even Coat Coot dtoyirswitd, wood wrate3-... cm be cued *lam for Willi or wood. • THE FOREST JAK. We are still tranntaetartrig this es aerated lo oven &am for wood—.with or without reaarrolt. THE MENTOR, A Low Orso Eton for Wood This Is • new Ettore beautiful .14raigu, sod cow for sale—togetaer with . o tarp araorttoont of 'devoted Oven Coo , , Porl^r Cook - for wood or coat, and Parlor and Wks Stoves, for wood or coaL C. 11. 11114.U.C. D. SHIRK, W. H. WRITICHCAD Ina, /an. 12. BBOWN'S I.IOTFiL. CORNER OF STATE ST. / AND THE PARK, ERIE, PA This Well linoton House Wu passed into the arattol of the liodersiviedi who are determlowl to ewe no efforts that wii/ teed to make It a pleasant stopping place for the travell=- lin, A number of important Imponannts have been mode, and others to be completed pt an early period will tender It ono of the finest hotels in the country. Bipedal cal% la taken to fornith the table with all the seasobable articles, served up lathe moor%rid sty* and by arrommodatiag welters. We took at the hotel with the resolution to make it such as e mots of this section requite, and feel confident of muting the approbation of our guests. LOOlllB di ROA, A. T. Loonic t Proprieton. , W. L. Rosa. i Vail( ' • 1,11,N11 NOTICE. • - , KEYSTONE NATIONAL BANK Of Mt.- CAPITAL, S2SO,CM. - DIRECTORS: MOEN WARTTN, JOHN W. Salim:. ELMO mAavur, ' BEEITIIit, TOWN. O. NOBLN. ORANOW NOULT=t: n JOSS .r.IOWN, The above bask 1111 Do opened for Ow trassoem a buskin os , - DEA/ .5, 1865, IN HUGHES'. BLOCK, West aids et Beata ht.. Wren &math sad tights. Elititirettompapqr dismanted. item , etictitted oat Depotrif. What= mak and prowls aasaatwd• at .iitr promptum - .. Ikeda. Spode sad Bank /totes bought said& A dais el POP* Abaft, yruessilially Whit/ NEW' PEA For the Handkerchief. URI . A Most Exquisite, Delicate, ar4 grant.Perfumo, Distilled from :he and Beautiful 2lowor from which takes its name. 31ansfacmred only by PIICLOY 4 S so t vows. • BEWARE or come!! AE lOU PILALONS—TASE NO Mall .. gold 147 Drusgida tete:lll7. F.OUTZ'S =lig Ono ad gni Pitt IC is ra, Tentire cl CI a ci,rte!,l7.t.? this animal, such as YELLOW WA• TER, II EA V E S, COUGHS, DM TEIIPER, FE VERS, FOUNDER LOSS OF APPE TITE AND VITAL ENERGY, &e. Its use improves the wind, Increases the appetite--; a a czoo h glossy skin—am tramforms t h miserable 'bele' *horse ,r:ice77TCpira:ls.a:::: 11 illtTeL7 the quantity am% imprn f 3 I , tzb of tl.t z./L :.,Y " , 1 been b- , ^li s. 4 1 - 7,- . but tx ? -,....4 1 ' t . 4 - 1 „ . :,1' c ' r e tnn tt?.,—, p l 4 i V i - 1 ; li v c , :t. , -4 rake tht , . i. , r , ~, g m -.):: i i ll ;Fn c 11.17.E-..4 i IMP r.n.Tfrt.te.l7 Inall dlsmses of Swine, such as Coqta,t",•l:. the Lunt:s, Liver, , &-e., this article r • '' arts as a specific. ~ •• ~ By putting from , ? •.t „t - 1 one-half a paper • - - to a paper in a _ ' t-,t.• barrel of swill the „_-_- i R. - _- - -t above diseases ••••• - --.;.f...wh will be eradicated -..P'-' , --.". --- . :....r......- or entirely prevented lf evm ii nue. 0 reus preventive and care tee I:, li-t Cool a. Price 25 Cent. 3 per Par,e,-. a sPapersfor YaEPAIII:D 7.T S. A. VOUTZ & 13R0. • . 6T TEM ISMOLES ALE DUtfi AND MEDICINE' KM No. -116 Franklin St., Baltimore,E, For Sale by Druggists and itorele.pers ttrr,i out the United States. ms 24 00-ly bo:d by HAIL Z. WARM, lu Q . H. T. AIiTRONt a Ca l Igazugotaxers of Photographic.ltak reoun. aur. 601 BROADWAY, N. Y. I..detto. be oar 'toes bsdoss of PIIOTUURA7IO. TERIAI-4, won tddlvartals tot 1.1:. fanole e sc Sterodscopes and Stereoscope Vint Of then ors base so gavots,— An ti , VIEWS OF THEW Alt, Into/sad aS post ones.. sad tarntag • resew PTIOTOGILATIIIC CISTOZT Or Taft MIT 0102 CO= Ball gun. Dutch Os . l 4s i n Yorktown; Pontoon Gettyalurgh, Hanover Juudsz Fair Oaks, Lookout Xenuts, , Singe Station..Chickahominl, Prederickstargh, City Point. Fairfax, Nashville, Richmond, Petersburgb, Deep Bottom, Bello Plain. Monitors. Chattssoop, Port Ragan. Atlanta, Charleston, Mobile Florida, " Strat‘lien7 Pilo to. to. Asses= sad Tonic. Offos .od (Avid." G.. 1. : T AM& =gal *N t r ill bee.ost to. f 7s=f r Stamp. Photograpbio Albums. Vs .s the fiat to fsfrodre. 6••• lab do CIO sr* SlaussAilor• losmeaso quatitas. larut osno br to -. boon 110 Mall to 01:4 flex ALBCSIS bsys of Wag orpsaie, to boooly sad dorsbdit, to Thry still Do osas by maß , 116.13 C , - rondos of ;r4as WIPII3II ALUMS WADS TO OZDZIL„,/ The Trade will Ind our Albums Saleable they can buy. CARD Pflor-OGELPII3. Catolora. so* ardtbasoss nn Froi To, suldsets (to which salclons aro conaultly balaj sat A.12Nri , 31.4 Sr., via .5 0 . 1 11.4-Goa. . 100 Llsat-CoLs SIMMS 100 BAT- • Isd osSer Moors, 110 IN. tot Col^nb, MIAs, 015.1(s, HI At SO ArslstasEY 5,X4130*.1'" JO of Wash of ossossioctloas of the eons seloYstod Pelotas" Susses do. Catsloposs not ast so , A. ardor tot Oss Omen 1101. r% from foal Wail roorpt of EA., WI mit sos!b s Thatoresphors.ad sews oaring goods C. 0. mat 1...t0-Ave par coat of Use sa.ocas wish f or Tuirips sot quality of oar goals mar E MILE FOUNDRY. FEUEI ST., ABOVE TUC U HENRY, BRYANT (11i1Cdte4011 to At PARLOR, COOK AN: irriN & SHEET /OM ALE, KIND 3 Ok Svory. Store sold by tts Foram Ket....leP, Sleigh shoes. Sad I „die axed to order. ruqws !SD PLAIN' Pars of *fifty always on band t rail &a is all -try &.k HENRY.' mr23'ls f—tt M OiIItISON s 1.31Nt13 ' ALIOI.I,3ALE 1") FLOUR, PORK, BEE CLOVER, TAIOTIC NOS. 501 AND .503, Between sth and 6th nab Watltt E N 0 U-A VIN CI BUSINESS, WEDDING AND GIEE Bill Pesdß, Certifies...ll of o,loool'g STAMPING, ENIBOSzISCI, S EA LS, BY I. U. LAP - AC P 2,114003 DUILDINt3, lag rag 5p21.65-ft r.V L lNHitt - evrAßLs. tteacLcrl Pun:limed the well-known Liter, `to' occupied by Wm J. Sterrett, delve'. to and the publio:that he will tortes. tit . Invites their petionsge. TIIE STOCK Will be large* ineressed and no;rom t , rt anew hate been and rDA of t Morin In the country. lam d.teittatt it the establishment as to give esti',