The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, September 20, 1866, Image 3

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    Mls* erstitigtin
rtss Cukat,W inn; a BanouW.—Yili.cifei
for elle a lamer leib7Prelip. i* goad , cider;
tt for feurros• IV" I, ad spy ,tinos otcar4
In d blank wail: in flist
t h e press for a country ;dice. We will war
lie it to be as represented. dur aole-reason
'far seaing it is that $1,1170.
its another
f i res of larger capacity: 13 0 e
Cod press, nearly is good as .
• Sept. 13•Lf
1 . 0 County Ticket.
Tee dainty ticket nominated bytistr Con•T
vennon last week - is composed of ast eletel=
' e at names, and is ono "Of. tbi - stroogelk 'sac!!
selected by the Denioorats ottlakitounti.. F.
Marshall and 'William, /1017:,the carat::
Nes for Assembly, are - 4**,o, the. best
residents of the county:; The • farmer
oige.nid growing _prailles. and the latter
„ rlf . el the proprietors of the celebrated
Eagle Foundry, a slallful mechanic, and on.
lonzeable, enterprising man; Upon- the or
g:ntb • .ian af South Erie in.o a borodgh, Mr.
Henry iss elected Its first Burgess, in which
~_p ici t y the has exhibited a public spirit that
eniitich am lo the highest credit. 7,Tho
v ete • District attorney its Catalan CI; B:
Steeper, of Corry, a I:twier of fine abilities,
sa oujoyits ga iftemtive prnitioe. Re served
vita gallantry in the rar, and only left the
„"ire 'when compelled bj el:Leila% For
Postbonotary, we (have the gallant Co'. Colt,
of Waterford, as brave soldier and cobiej
farted a men as 'exists anywhere. BeL' 444
ierel the field at the breaking out of the re
igii on . and diq,not Tat: the servicerintil the
4: Hit l imed foe" had iurrenterid.
iog Ills home on two or three eessiskairgagei g
the e n r eriod. Henry Porter, orNorth
Eol,is one of our candidates for Aisocliate
Juige. and P. P. Judson. of Waterford..the
ether. Dr. Porter is a substantial farmer; of
enviable repute for integrity, end Judson
I • a successful merchent, who stands in warm
egtimation among the people of hie communi
ty. F. Schlancleekti, the candidate for Bev
Nee and Recorder, is 0110 of the Moat filen—
!lady known Ind prospercun merehan , s in
Erie. The candidate for Treasurer, P. A.
lleeler. carries fen s large and growing trade
in this city. - file many genial qualities have
node him hosts, of friends, and be ie looked
ups as one of the boat 'represeatativcsOf the
German element in our community. Amos
Stone, of Fairview;•the candidate far Auditor,
has filled many positions in his township. And
!erred in all of - them with rare acceptability.
rest Mill Creek gins us cue of ber.werthiest
nen in Brae Schluraff, the candidate for. Poor
Director. He possesses an extensive aequatnt
anee in the county, and is universally looked
upon as a gentlemen or mere than common
intelligerroe. The nominee for Coroner, Panes
Shenror,Of Lel:leen!, is a gentleman well goal
it'd for the place, 'andirnu Id nankeen efficient
officer. " '
The ticket, from top to bottom, is one well
?serving of our support, and we Lope to see
rfeeire the undivided rote Of the party,
1 -
ieerliLD'S UNPOPrLABITY.—..-Thu feet may
cat' be generally known to the public that
11 . -geofield is the most unpopular candidate
rho rust in Erie county-upon the nepub
-I:ean ticket within the laet ten -years. In
ttehlestitace, Isbell be was a candidate be
frt.:, his competitor was a. Democrat, and
th times he fell largely behind his ticket.
teatimony of r this we refer to the following
!!:37P9, far which we are indebted to the Ga.
use of August 30th :
• la 1862 the Union candidate-for Auditor
tl.nt , e3l—the highest Office in the ticket--had
I T-. 1 •ritvin Erie county of 1.642 votes; Mr.
tieli4 majority was but 969 votes, or 573
Ics hell'utl the ticket. In the Presidential
•vnrtign of 1864, when Mr. Scofield ran for
-seczni term. his majOrity on the home
since was 960 - leas than that of Mr. Lin-
The competitor of Mr. Scofield in 1864 Tee
1-G Dv. Bigler. a 'gentleman of. , muth toOit,
at an oaf-and-out Democrat, and especially
pbjectionsible to the Republicans. lie was
;laced iu the field as the reenter Democratic
aninee. and had no Re7 , ubliCan influence of
7 kind in his favor. The question which
aurally crises is this: • If, during the height
I a Presidential campaign, with a competitor
ce was enlrstnely unpopular among the Re
ablicans, and with no especial animosity in
is own party - ranks to contend ageinet, Mr.
.zofteld fell behind 960 votes—what will be
I e ren4t when the opposing candidate is a
oitag, energetic and eaceeding'y popular
an, endorsed by hosts of our beet citizens of
, th parties, having all the business interests
our county warmly enlisted in his favor
d batted by the moral influence oflan ili
um bitterness of feeling against Mr. Sco
ld among - many of the leaders, and two
irds of the masses of the, Republican party
Erie county !
rslo:i MEZTINO6.—IIon-Montgomery B air,
sident Lincoln's Postmaster General, ao
rnpanied,bi lion. E. 0. P-errin, of New
Ark, hes, made the following appointments
Gifs potion of
_the State:
Warren - . Saturday. Sept. 22 .
Minute. Monday. September 24.
Corry, Tuesday, September 25.
EfilE, Wednesday, Sept. 26.
linrtl• East.. Thursday, September 27.
litadville, Friday. Sept. 2.8.• •
Girard. Saturday, September 29.
Conneauteille, Monday, October f.
.G - tenvilli, Tuesday Vet. 2.
lereer, Wednesday, Oct. 3 .
, heron, Thus34lo..oot. 4.
J Itinst Thompson will speak at Phil
;!. school house, Amity township, on the
it iist.. and at North East on the 29tb.
Geo. W. Gunnison. Esq , will speak . tat the
D' school howls, in 'Amity town
• 4. on Friday evening, Sept. 21st.
t , sitrain Whitmais will at ea( at the fol
tt piancs: Colusibua. Friday evening,
Coliy. Friday evening, the 28:h ;
, tb East Saturday 'evening, the 22d ; Gi
rt stisrilty evening, Oct. 6th..
tenesont —The following is a list of the
Itts.sors, which we publish for the bent,-
tf these who have, not=beett assessed. Pcr
•ho aro not suie that their names are
e aseis3or's books, .should have the
•er seen to at once :
District —E. A BenCett,resides East Gth,
ti rts . .tict—Theobold, flirt, East 10th, see
i'a.c wes.t of German. ,
M D:Rtrict--Itobert 'llpston, corner Peech
I .Ith.
Dimtriet—Tiaomas tewart, Btb, between
:bid Sassil'em.
- - .
C IMP (lON SVlA : ClSTBalts.—Campaign
•*itribers will please'remember that the
. ; , ti of the paper sent to thorn will be dis
.ththei tth aeon as the time foe which they
' e ptid flu' expired. r If any of them fail to
nits the Observer AO will understand the
''ua shy. We shall be happy to retain u
Own campaigners as permanent sob%
' re fie think th'hy can afford the price of
l!tription.. After the election, no matter
th say it tea; rein% we intend to give
" ":"dera a respite from polities for • time.
' derma moot of our space to literary,
t find local matter: -- sep2o-tf
C Coxetrroe meeting of the
'olio:ratio County Committee will be held at
' l° °o of Spencer llatirin, in the city of
~`e•Nroaday evening next, the 24th ineL P
O'ClOti., A full anecdotic° lisequested,
LC4:1%3101 iraptirtne• ill to be- consider
-1 Bute Wanzez, Cheireitatt.
The Warren Ledger, published at Mr. Soo.
field's home, gives us some features of his
Coogiessional carper, which are not generally
known: and possessing considerable interest.
Wo quote from sn,e4iterial in that.
follows, and will add that, after inquiry on
the subjeeSreferred t,,,we are satisfied ..the
Ledger's statements are correct. It does not
look well; to_ say the least, for Mr. Scofield
and his friends to be solielting ths• soldier's
votes after he-has treated them in such a
rt Wo want to know what Mr: S. has done
for the suppression of the great rebellion ?
tie is a men of ample fortune... How mach
money' did be contribute to equip soldiers
and send them to the field? What slid he
contribute to the support of the soldiers' indi
gent families? We pay literally nothing.
While others -were freely contributing their
means to save the country, the only donation
which the public could force from -him was
the paltry ancidt one hundred dollars. While
others were willing aid-anxious to be taxed
to reisioboursties to get soldiers to fill up the
broken ranks of the army, Mr. S. was always
figuring against taxation for so laudabio a
Vlittee..,-,When disaster bcfel our arms at
thesnemcirable battle of Bull* Kan, it is freph
in tire reaollection of (hate who need to visit
Mr, S 4 at his office, that he was constantly
trieink the line which would probably be
adoettli, dividing the North and South, mak
ing two independent nations—this division
running along the Allegheny mountains, eo as
to iveitide Western Virginia and Kentucky in
this Northern portion was his favorite bobby,
and a project which would be a great Caving
of expenditure—in abort, save taxation, a
subject loon which ho seemed very sensitive
and tender-Tooted. Such was his course at
home, and after his election to Congress,
whoa the whole patronage of the district was
at his disposal, did be do anything for the
soldier'whe had suffered everything to save
the unity of the country ? Where are the
soldiers whom he gave office? Let his ai . l-
pointers answer the question. The truth is
the poor soldier has secured nothing and in
almost every 'wane.) his seelization has
been thrust aside and some one who was rich
has bern the favored recipient of - his power.
* * Nor. did the soldiers, claim for bounty
fare any better. So far as Mr. SooSeld'e vote
was concerned, according to his owttrersion,
when the question of iacreased bounties came
up be was suddenly very drowsy, and/wired
to his lodgings. Whether the bounty bill, or
its amendment, giving him four thousand dol
lars increased ray, caused him to retire so his
vote coed not be recorded, maybe considered
a debstalle question—we will not determine
it would have been more creditable- to Mr.
Scofield had ho rubbed his eyes and kept
awake long enough to have voted for the piti
less sum which; was awarded to .the faithful
soldier, and lased his influence to strike from
the bill that gigantic- swindle - giving each
member of the House four thousand dollars
extra pay, than to have been sleeping at his
lodgings when so important a measure was
before the House "
The Conservative - Republioth and Demo
cratic conferees, for the nomination of a can:
didate for Congresi, met at Ridgway, on
Thursday, the illth inet: The session of the
former was held at the Hyde House. The
following delegates were in attendance:
Allen A. Craig. Charles W. Kelso, Themes L.
Mahaffey. Gee. E. C. Wilson, Jahn Clemons;
Clearfield, James B. Oraham, M. A. Frank ;
Warrin, Captain Addison Titus; Elk, J. V,
Houk: There were two other delegate?,
whose names we were unable to obtain. Oa
tooticii, Wm. L. Scott, Esq., of Erie, was
nr.mitmonsly agreed upon as the nominee for
• The delegates to elm Demcoratio conferedne
met at the Court House, and organized by
selecting ex-Groternor Bigler, of C!earfield,
Chairman, and E. Camphaucen, of Erie, sad
J.. A. of Warren, Booretariv, The dele
gates were as follows:
Malls/13-110n. Wm. Bigler, D. W. Moore,
Hon. James T. Leonard. -
Column—Hail. A Tl3oyington, S C Hyde,
J I Newton.
.Elk—Hon. George Weiss, P W Rays, 800
CB- . .
Erie—tn. A Galbraith. B F Sloan, David
Olin, Isano R Taylor. E Campbatmen.
Forest—Daniel Black, Janes Painter, J4 lll O l
Jefferson—Edmund English, L A Ornntier,
D A Elliott.
Xt.Kean-1101)-S SRilwell, Hon.. „Syron 1:1
Hamlin, Ron. A S Arnold.
Warren-3 A Neill, .11, F. King, B F Mot.
- • It-was resolved that each county in the dis
trict be entitled to three votes in this and
eubsequent conventions. ; A committee from
the Republican coorerence , were introduced,
and announcing that they had placed William
L. Scott, Esq., in nomination as their candi
date for Congress, requested the Democratic
conferees to concur in their selection. The.
following resolution was then presented by
Wm. A. Cialbrailb. E.q :
Whereas, Hon Wm. L. Scott, of Erie, has
been requested by lettereddressed to him by
a number of prominent citizens of Erie, with
out distinction of party, to be a candidate for
Congress, and whereas, at a meeting of con
servative Republicans representing several
counties of the 19th Congressional district,
held this day, at Ridgway, Mr. Scott has
been placed in nomination as a people's can
didate for that office; therefore
Resolved. That this convention,haringeutire
confidence in the ability, patriotism and in
tegrity of Hon. Wm. L. Scott; does hereby
unanimously concur in and endorse said nom
inatioo, and pledge ourselves to use all hon
orable efforts to secure bin election.
The resolution was. unanithously concurred
in. The conference adopted a resolution to
hold its next meeting at Ridgway, on the 3d
Tuesday cf Anglia., 1868, and to meet at the
call of the Chairman. . -
Senoron, Doorarrtz.—The Court Renee was
crowded to its utmost capacity 03Wede?sday
evening, to listen to the speech of Hon. J. R.
Doolittle, the celebrated Senator froze; Wie
'cousin. Allen A. Craig was chosen *Presi
dent ; Thos. -Pllehaffey, L. A. Morrison, and
E. - Cazphauset, Vice Presidents and L. W.
Savage and Benjamin Whitman, Secretaries.
About half-past seven o'clock -Mr. Doolittle
was introduced to the audience, and delivered
what mast be admitted one of the most argu
mentative; eloquent and convincing addressee
ever made in our olty. Ravine been for
years a leading member of the Republican
party, his positions were entirely deduced
from that standpoint, - and we think it
cannot be denied that' he proved beyond a
possibility of doubt that the policy of Mr
Johnson in reference to reconstruction Is
substantially the same as Mr. Lincola's,whieh
was endorsed-by the Baltimore convention of
1864, and sustained by the Republican party
in the succeeding election. Wo were pleased
to see many Radicals present, who could not
hove failed to notice the-contrast between
Senator Doolittle's calm, statesmanlike and
&fleeting utterances, with the bad temper,
scandalous dem0:30404 and unpatriplideon-*
duet of • the men who held forth in the same
place het week. Oar only regret in coins°.
lion With the meeting Is. that we were unable
to procure a phonographer to furnish us with
at:template iroport, Senator `Doolittle's re
marks. As It -was, we succeeded in getting
rather a full abstract, which we shall publish
'next week, the necessity of putting our paper
to' press to-day in order to reach country
subscribers In proper season, preventing as
film - printing it in this Issue, -
Horace Waters, - the celebrated \ New York
music dealer, hakdhmorcd, of the slitat music,
music boots andgeneral merchandise branch
of his trade to -Mr. Charles M. ?remains,
who is strongly recommended by him as a
gentleman of inteeit7 and One business
qualities. The latter has lent us the follow:,
ing new pieces of music, all of which are
eaperior bompoiltioni: 4 .ll4mutifal Form of
my Dreams," a ballad ; I•lttajo Gallop," by
Paltharst; “Dells in Distant Lends,"
song with chorus. We Commend 11r.Tte
males to the patronage of ill putokulog
sheet antaits;: _ _
Wield Proceedings.
'7".• 7 :4fiCo4
to the the,QbeeTeer_vl4 be reeeite . 4 et lees then
. .
Tblol:ipa - trVeniyaof i !iffairs ,
gengesaait: at : mesas and labnit.4,-abo, iiiil
aommaadiklirgaaapparf Jot. this aliati.",
laborei - of tfiigoilY,.owai! MOO*:
by eialfa i it-Is Its ihiat
fortune of $"6,000 left Mai by a distant ;Ida:
ThaCsiitsfaiti.nnianti Air gill bit lisle! at
Conneauttille. art thelta. 4th and . sth - If..
tober,We retain thanks f-r eatorg.
mentaithiket. - -•- • y • )
The•Ertsiste i h sop of Wm. 1.. z Scott: that he
is ~ i i. i ttatistMore character mid hotteatithan
Mr. Scofield." We should think he is—a doseu
times Mom. -
I. D. Care,- Et editor of the
dasette,his been chosen Chairman of the
unbliosa County Committee, a - eetupliment he
has ireit earned byhis devotion to the party
interim& _
The correspendentof the Pittsburgh Cr
merclid, rho was here at the late cententifili,.
speaks in -warm tonne of the hospitality of
our citisensoind says Erie is "morejuatly on
titled to be called the 'Garden pity' than Chi
We bear it reported that several members
of the Methodist church in Waterford-became
so disg,a3tod 'at - bearing' their minister - pray
for „the President that they immediately loft
•The regulation,. list of premiums, &e.. for
the County Fair oitoupy tee space usually 4t4
voted tomore iuteresting roatilog on the _Emi l
page. Thel,areonly - to be published o!t e tioatt
so that we shall to able to give our oustomaty
variety next week. "
Among the "entirent orators" 'announced to
speak is Omura county, we notice the nape.
of 8. B. Benson, of Waterford. The Press
speaks of him in complimentary pitmen,
which re, iflos_tha saying that '"a 'prophet is
not without honor except in. Ids own coun
. .
3lessrc. Avery, Flubley &Meg, No.'
331 State" street, do all kinds. of tin, sheet
iron and copper work, and gas and steam fit;
Ling_ To persons in aced of their services
we recommend them as gentlericen abundantly
capable of doing anything they undertake.
P. Darlin, Esq., prmerly one otthe pro
prietors of the Observer, has re-lesuedthe
Advocate, at Lyons, lowa, wh.lott ho abandon
ed at the commencement of the war. The
paper Is well filled with reading matter, pre
sents a neat appeatisnoe, and is Democratic to
the core. _
The Dispatch estimates the number of peo
ple present on Monday et 40,400 ; the Buffalo
Express at 20,000. When doctors disagree
who !hill decider We think half the - La
pse-tea figures wOuld more then -eover every
body present, 'including women and chil
dren. .
Messrs. Warner & Gerrie), corner of French
street and the Park, are agents for the Great
Western and American Horse Innlance and
Detective Company, an organization which
especially commends itself to the attention of
farmers. We direct notice to their advertise;
went, which explains the objects of the com
pany very
clearly. -
Mr. C. KoCh, Ni.i 514 State street, has on
hand a fine assortment of hats, caps awl geits'
furnishing goods, which he offers to sell
cheaper than 'any other store this side of New
York.. To test the matter, we Biggest that
those of our readers who need anything in his
line give him a Call.
We sesta call notice to the important 'sub
ject of - assessments. Next weak will be the
last in which_ it can be attended to: .tlLwbo
fail to be assessed ten days previous to the
election lore their votes. Should there be a
Democrat anywhero who is not certain that
his name is down, let him see that it is placed
on the assessor's books at °toe.
ILlbe Gazette of Atigust 80th, it was urged
againstScofield's re-nomination that awing to
his ' , course in ignoring the claims of the sol
diers, he has made himself unpopular with
them and their friends." The soldiers and
their friends have now an opportunity of re-_
paying him with interest for his neglect of
their attains, and the best way to do it is to
'ignore" him at the polls in October.
We have heard it said that every candidate
on the Radical district and county ticket is
for negro suffrage._ If this report is untrue,
we shall gladly give place Its oui , columns to
a denial from any gentleman who does not'
care to rest under the impeachment. Should
they permit the mane to go necontradicted:
it will be taken 'for granted that they are
what they are said to be.
A meeting of the citizens of Milicresk
township; of oil parties, .n are fevered:de to
the election of Wm. L. Scott as our repre
sentative in Congress; and other conservative
candidates, will be held at the Town Hall. on
Saturday evening, September 22d, at 7 o'clock
p. m., for the organization of a campaign
club. A general attendance is requested.
The statement of one Yeungseille corres 7
pendent, relative to Mr. Benson's speech at
that place, is confirmed by a writer in the
Warren Ledger, who gives this racy account
of the matter "Benson spoke very long and
very load—made a great deal of noise. He
said the black man was as good as he was,
and not a person in the house doubted the
statement. He was a tender hearted man, is
may be inferred from a remark ire made; He
said he would like to 'see all the men of the
late Philadelphia convention. sad their sym
pathizers, placei on a trap door, and he have
the privilege of letting them down to bell..
The speech was so coarse and violent that it
did the opposition good, and - gave them
strength. The audience was • disgusted, and
many Republicans left the hence."
The Dispatch and Gazette having given
their count of the number of borsistnd car
riages in the Radical procession, it' may be
well to let the public see the matter from ano
titer point of 'view. Two gentlemen of our city
made a bet en the morning of the procession
as to the number of vehicles that would be in
the line—one betting that there would he over
two hundred; the,ather that there would not
be that many. To settle the question, they
stationed themselves at' the corner of State
and Fourth streets, and counted as the pro
cession crossed the former thoroughfare. Thq,
result was 272 horsemen in the several caval
cades, and 138 wagons and carrtages, which
they will not vary bait a dozen from
the actual number. The man who bet on the
two hundred lost, and paid up.
The Meadville Republican gives an abitreet
report Of a speech of Mr. Lowry, in that
county, of which the following is a portion :
"It was an arraignnient of heater Clymer,
Hemet:ratio candidate for Governor, for his
sympathy with rebels and this rebellion, es
expressed by his votes and speeches in - ,the
Senate Chamber since 1861. Mr. Lo wry said
that Clymer had not cast a vote during those
five years but world be cheered in Web:mead.
Ho read extraetalrem the °finial -record in
proof of his assertion, and after an mount of
Tortoni. important pieces of legislation in all
of which Clymer was 'found on •the wrong
side, he declared that nobody could vote for
snob a man who vas not a double-distilled
Now, we insist upon it, thit.if the shims is
really the aubstanecof Mr. Lowry's language,
that .he does- not • believe a word of it.. Mr.
Lowry, baring rerrCd with Mr. Clymer in the
Senate, knows that Omer friend of the Union
than our ;Whist* dogs not exist, and when
he meets 4 11Seeuttliit - is solely for political
- - Having7-the:l3lateie fit .41i:
Joseph's Hospital were greatly in need of
pecuniary assistance, p collection for their
benefit was last week ' taken pp .among the
labbrthretifolhal". gt...git Mfg, 1 114
with it'll remit hill seen'hytte . folio - 414*
-letter. We will add that, in our, opinion,
no. benevolent enterpritte in the city is"more
:worthy the attention of; the generous minded
:than the -one over which the Sisters have.
'Charges • - • -
Est., Pa. Sept ld. MCC.
:Sister Martha, Superior of St Joseph's Hos
pital, Erie. Pa. - -
- Dear Madam :—Having our attention re
-eently called byl'one of your orders, to the ,
embarrassments end difficulties for yaw of
means,,that your most praiseworthy society
is now laboring under, - we respectfully-ilk
your acceptance of the accompanying sum of
$193 25, money w 6106 has been cheerfully
sod freely given by those employed on the
Pittsburgh Dock, a list of whose names we
enclose. Hoping cur feeble ett.ats may in , :
courage others to render similar assistance,
and also hoping for the prosperity and gee.
eral welfare.of yourselfend' - those with whom
you ere associated. we remain
Yours respectfully, .
RIM:USD O'Baten,.
In the speech made by the Presideut le the
committee from the Philadelphia Convention.
be uses the personal pronoun "I" only one
hundred end forty three times. Country.
papers' cant publish the prised' in fall for
want of the importaat II." They doet,keep
themiy the bushel.— Warren Mail. '
We wonder if the Mail has ever published.
any of Governor Curtin's speeches. If It has,
sod its stock of "I'a" didn't run out, it multi
hares larger font than most violin; offices
are endoteed with: • - .t
A correspondent at Williamsport writes to
the Look Haven Democrat “Dead Duet
Forney undo a speech at this place .last
night, in which he so effectually diaguatcd his
own party, that Mr. Annstrorig refaced to
speak after him, and even Clint. Lloyd. He
was to speak at Sunbury, but it it Olmsted he
was so drunk that he passed the place with•
out knowing it."
J. W. Douglass, Eiq , Dolleetor of Internal
Revenue, gives notice to all persons liable to
.tazby the annual assessment of 18Ge, Wand
ing the income !az of 1865, that the same ore
due en the- 24th,
,25th and 26th Juts:, 70
which dates he will attend to receiving them,
at his office, in this city. -Perrone who fail to
aTrk over" in the specified lime are liable to
addiiionrof tea per memo, collections to
be made by .distraint:
Persons putting cave spouts on their build
ings, should examine the Wstrous patent, be—
fore deciding whet kind to are. It 13 strongly
recommended as the moe. livable, convenient
and tasty ever introduced, and wherever its
merits are known none other is need. Dlr. P.
S. Easworth, agent for the esmpany, has his
heodquarters nt Waterford, and will promptly
answer all communications which rosy be ad
dressed to him.
The political axe continues to fall with ee.-
were execution among the Radicals in this
district. D. Livingston,. Federal Assessor,
has-been removed, and M. A. Prank, Req., of
Clowned, appointed in hie !testi. The Red.
teal postmaster nt Tidioute has also received
his walking papers, and R. D. 'Hanna, a re
turned soldier, takes his place. The fan goes
bravely on.
teal It strings, that with all their pretend
ed abhorrence of Andrew Johnson and his
"policy," there has not yet been an instance
among all the nulical office holders 'in this
district of one sending In his resignation ? In
deed some•of them; while cursing the' Presi- ..
dent night and day, actually hare the &mar
tinet) to beg of the Administration to retain
therci in their places t
The Gazette having just annihi:ated the
Lowry, and . Scofield clement_ of its party in
this county, 6i doroted its powerful talents
for./ wcakor &so past toWardsaitroMpllSLlng
the eamorobjeet for ttio - Oloweresr:' , lf It suc
ceeds en snails the .one blatant* &sit did in
the former our fate - is settled beyond - ques
Speen Daarn.--ratight Roy. :mph
Young, Bishop of thi, Catholic diocese of Erie,
departed this life on Tuesday stoning,- about
8 o'clock, at his residence 'in this oily. lie
retired to Lb room apparently in his usual
health. Hearing a elitht noise directly after,
those who were la the house went to ascertain
the cause, and on reaching the Bishop, found
him in • dying conditior. Ile lived long
enough to have the usual religious rites ad
ministered, and In a few moments after:
breathed his last. " The sense of his death is
pronounced an attack of heart disease.
Biding Young was born - in Sanford, Maine,
in August, 1808, and at the time of his death
had barely entered his 59th year. He served
a regular apprenticeship - to the printing bus
iness In Portland. At the Age of 19• he re
nounced Protestantism:wand became a Catlso•
lio, was sant' to college at Emmettsburg, and
In 1887 ordained as_ priest.. In 1854 he was
appointed Bishop of the Erie diocese, since
which time he has been a resident of our city.
Ile was a man of strong eoneletions, undoubt
ed ability. and thorough ,honesty. Unlike
most of the members of his 'church, he was an
ultra polities, aid the persistent
and sometimes injudicious sial with which be
sought to advance _ his ppinions, led to a state
of feeling which perhaps impaired to a certain
extent, his religions and charitable efforts.
Aside from this be was held in considerable
esteem, and there will bo many who will yin
oerely mourn his loss.
To Omen Sunscatogns. 7 .lre repeat our
notice of a few weeks ago, that, if any office'
subscribers Odd it inconvenient to call at our
place of business for their papers, we shall
make arrangements for having them delivered
at such.portions of the city as may be desk
alcie.,,SYli trust allSw4 will inform ns with
cell delay. sep2o-tf
ggr" The EIX Advocate is - the. only paper
published between Warren aid Lock Haven.
with one exceptiOn. Bulges' men in our city
wishing to extend their trade in that direc
tion. Will Bed 11 to their interest to patronize
its advertising columns. Address, "Advo
cate," Ridgway, Pa. sep2o-4tp
Roses Ciartrtssissie Fralll3lllllo smear.
—htr. Warren. L. Rots has, takenthos.ore
lately conducted by Justice, 'Ghee° & Galla
gher, and fitted it up with everything teem a
ei to make a complete gentlemen's furnishing
establishment. Ilia dock of cloths, eassimeree,
iestinge and ready made clothing is soisrior
to anything ever brought to the city, and we
defy any one to visit the store without finding
something to snit his tute. Mr. Boss has
been very successful in securing a cutter who
is not surpassed anywhere. Under his @lard
supervision the cnneernis timing out wore
equal to the beat Eastern eetiblishrdents. No
person can have an nem for going abroad
to get clothing *bile Doss affords the conve
niences that he does. In additicin to his mine
goods be has also a superior stock of hats
and 'caps, hosiery, collars, estivate —io abort
anything that a man-wants in th ei clothing
line can be got at Ross's.' Cali and see for
yourselves. - je2l If .
Ir • yon Anat s correct likeness go 'to
Wager & Co.'s photrgraph rooms, 1328 Peach
street, above depot. Having introduced all
the lairetimprovements in the art, they lat
ter themselves they =satisfy the most fas
tidious. They hsva the most pleasant and
airy rooms this side of the eastern cities, an
improved background, beautiful side decora
tions and a luxe life sited minor, in which
the subjects can' look *smileless 'equate ht
the face while the picture is being taken.—
The sky light is the largest bi the oily, ad
pictures tan be Whew in .a cloudy day as well
as in the clearest. ' Sept.lB-tf.
Da. Kann, Federal 11114Nicatsremethes
rim all artams, aad cans bla patients: '
kittAlt .
) ialiittia.74. Me ears.
Chambers & Dunn, between Brown's Hotel
and, the Reed Roue, having to leave their
gallery at the expiration of their lease. 2 .offer
alibied/poi pbotoraphie work at greatly re.
Stlnfittriees.7 cams iyieitee...l“usdigArniting
Voi.s2--firepteturiii. owitititsaleiwUivi
$2. for $1.50i duplicates but 75 at.. AU
other work ate-proportionately redneedprlees.
Work equal to anylother gallery in,/grit. Now
is the time to got photographs at.., low- oat.—
Call and see: ' Sept:Oita*
slfriCluk & Brother, Wholesale and Re.
tall Deslerith Confeetionery, Oysters, Canned
PIO; StAtioneri, ,Yankee lifotions, Balers'
Goods; Cigars, - Tobacco, Pipes,
- dm..
West Side of Peach' Ftreet: '1 SquareiSouth
of the Depot, Erie, Pa. Also; 'Dealers
in all kinds of Country nroduee. Particular
attjurtion psicl - o ening country onion.
' • " (
Pt mit r.s.—.Persons wishing to prosmrs por•
traits of themselves or members of tbeir
should call at the eery of Mr. OhMier,
Hosen,sweig's block. His specimens of
work conviopo us that toils an artist who has
few superiors. The throng of. visitors to his
rooms are an. indication that his merits are
daily becoming better known and appreciated
by the public..
ter D W. Hutchinson, United State/ Claim
Agent,'Giiaid. Penna. Pensions, Dank Pay,
Bountvind fat other claims against the Gov.
ernment attended to with promptness. Charges
reasonable. Application's by mail attendeo to
be same as if made in person. (jslB 6m,)
Vl* EtTSZKA FIRM J'sa.—This ler was
awarded the highest premiums at the New
York State ratr, American Institute and
Maryland Institute. For sate by Hit:Brod &
Dempsey; GOIr Frenob St. -
Ds. KATII2II. Federal Elill,_tioatb Erie, Pa.,
ie as ezpirleneil Suegeori. - • -3*2.3m .
Tin fruit sans, with patent self sesliug glass
tops, far gmle by Eihneod & Dempsey. jelitf
Dz. LlCerces, Federal Hill, will docribe
your nicere correctly. jya2 8m
Vrast►ew SICILIA], atm fhoswita
flu premed Itself the most perfect preparattOo fa the
hair ever adored to the padre.
It le s eeFetebla eosoponad, Red eositilee ad Injurious
props:KW 'beam,
t , win rettoreiese Wet; Its otightal -
. It aril keep the hair from &Übe out.
It Onuses the soelp, sad stehee the Itaition g lustrous
end data. . •
It Is • epleadd bale anode".
No wen, eld oryoseeadtoitatal to . • •
It Le recoroamell sad "led i 7 tie las tatineel au
•Jak for Mars P.p's I& iiikUlta ads Rer&Teer, ease
take eo otbea -_
& CO, *Ashes. PittillOom
/aerate br7tl
,dfuniff- • &ie.:tau
Tie 41'0 XXP111411:107 or AS te:f4t.te---
Published for the boon sad air stattlON TO TOtflfo
:rand others, Who Weise hem Nerres,Debgit/.
tuatara Deter of VW:wed, 4e. *apply* us the
woe time Ti* Nun op Bet -Cosa. ; BP mew who has
cured himself after naderdelsibsmildwebbi flue4el7..
By bble9sbbr ■ yorth , pald addrawed samdope, mingle cop
Jos. ties Of therm may be had of the author. !
• ao3o-3os , ' Bessidyn. Mop IC,Y.
Now Advertisements.
MVP veurrica EITYLRS fni Bonnets
Hata arid Turbans. Beavers, Felta,and all Mode
of nom Goods altered and entabed promptly. sour
patronage la eapeetrtetp ardleite '
erpl43-two A: Y. ilLAgi '
..! I
roodlelow tba• meets the Goss, manta end le
j therefore.. 4 the greatest Tama sad tuttorteama
elibtottlee, a Oseter's !strati of dead Weal, -Thos
lands esa tool* to the truth of this Oatmeal. aid eta
thatemit able trial will become of the mai zit*.
rrEIIERB to - ono That toodhstoo-zory eshod-dhat
mitt to be is sorry fondly, and thst b ratter's
Ibtbust ot Shutt Wood nom the soemodo .hteh doom
from them th him end it,do thick than, et
be so doubt or Ito boat oslue - Pootkdt
So onnduot the see ef , lifortora great Stec
.117 R PIIAYG/t AT VALLSY Forme ri
Sold wily by eabeint9ilo7l- alota 79 rtprr pat.
one of the *Dont touching and enhlinutinefdante mord
id 'a the litrvolutton. 'llfaabinelotea Prayer faith/a
Seleooa alas Arum and Cons. 27:
,Pnbileber'e eornsaialben Oren. A raw 014• and etzpe.
email men wanted, to employ *onto. and to .trsa•Aet
matters entapotad on mongol,* bashing In; the
different Status. Pay from 9160 to 5.90 pa anntband
tawnier. -
Applf peiscraelly, or *Cleave utile referent" ••
IL 0. mecnow ken.,
P..bliabire of Stiberripllen .041 No. 97 "ink • ot.,
rberejand. Ohio. Otto A. o Gillett. Un•on Hine.Srle
County, Pa. _ eeplio.3nt•
. • ,
City Lai ?:.1I I, on Stith !trot. nosey Oppoalta
the Conn Tfitiot, will to sol 4 at ;OW. &nation at
Frady'. au Monday, ant: It4tb. at 10 ate**. Sh.
ml. Lot is In a * sip 'Dee to Winn, moor Oat pnbita
Knorr, and.bas front of IM,,V kit. and 001110 at
• TETUII 01! TAM. '
'One-rowtik !love : batsmen 4ayaw9e In thinner - OW la.
nail !unbitten* with Intend. The Intenders nee le
eating* bonne sad aim Poseesuom glren lfm=l4l
- •
eep23-1t I WV. A. CALFRiIITg.
S. E. Amt. Y. IL J'aints,
ilaiiiitaatninaland 4flialeasla and Wadi i r
Disless fa . r
oats, CORN. COIN XW, ;
421 BtateAt., third door awl If P. a,
D11v.7 bye In tD• CIO
CommusicATtov.—iii. svrroas is allele op
peered la the Daily Dbosich, ct the 12th Instant,
heeded .11ighwey Robbery aid Attempted litarder."ta
which great Wattles wee eau the puttee hulicated
and parldnatarie m-solf. rbawbel•aet;elelalll itteneof
falloboods from inglantocto eat. and wu co ; doubt
dictated be the perseuter. of le WIN cattalo equity
prejudiced and unreliable I clued au , the Ulna et
the Dispatch, and sakedbim to Coned the error. widish
be agreed t 6 do. and speared matted with re 7
explanation; tut, attar keeping me be supeuet deep ,
tool!• missed to
_publian the emmtetiom flibt
the Getters had internee bile digerent.. What rtglit bed
he to tree the .tatement either cd' the erosocitog or of
the afloat, who lame Lathing aboat the matter
, a.torpt
from the latoratatinaot the proseutor I
The tarts are bdsdy these ,rho pastico (prcetilatnej)
Glen and Lemon at to My boom ow Raba*, err
niog. the 11 , h Luau; and there eanducted tbemtets.
In rah a disordezly and bateau' nausar. liat was
compelled Injustice to mynahs put them net of &ont•
nd wu also compel , c d to go out with them to prsteet
ditPuly. There, eo much latlaenced were Use with
potato* sad liquor, and when lost outside my ear, I
wu awealted to • creel manna, and tally beaten, aid
cut with a knits br dren. Them yea no robb re : or at
tempted minter, bet • mammon. amaatt made epos
me te then &traders. It 4 doing mach biotite
and ealealsied to do meth balm to an innocent Only
to publ‘h the garbled end an, olisheit statement - Ulu
denten lad projedked pretmen'er erten the ease en
tie part et the defendants cutlet he heart, and esatat
thereto» he known by the pbbllu - Thera SIM ha Meg
to all qoattitme, aid we ash ;stipple Fence la the mat.
tar, and n are ready and wining end &teens to Oaten
thewhalef•rtetoa judicial tribunal for arbliennent,
but we do not want public epupon to borne...4w b
thalabikatlon of preitidkial and Wee statement. le
advance of the allay of court. W. Net you to.pnblielt
this, Lr.lditor lactate we are umlaut that th•
patch is enn•rolted be eartali indention whiles t
permit the publication of the truth io entire trai`era
weplo-Ite 114abErg.
THE GREAT CAllS " Elucoan miser
ns el
. —.-- d 1 .
Jat published. . Ina sealed • ..- -t
-rai cent. A halm ita the na- '.,., -,;.,-• itty,
tees. troatzaat and radical 1 ova of "..Y• • "•••••
4 pernastonnosa. er seminal weakness, • , c j
involuntary Dotal/am thaual Pebtllty, and Inlyvill
mints to =Map*;laity-, Novansseas. Coimuni
atom EpUeyey, and It mental and pb.slyal lampoons,
teutiltius rum suitably's, te.-131 , Ibbert i Cadmus%
li. D., Anther Or the "Green Back." Ae. ' ;I 1
the world reanamod abettor, In Oa. abalrable teatime.
clean. votes from his :own szyerlente. that the seal
eon•equaness of self abirso may ss ersatnally rummer..
without mr.lelny and oPbout &amorous aryinal opal
rations. bo plea. Inattistarsia. Her or earellela pofot
tap nut anima of cure a¢ oars- mania and oilbettuti, b
which every sallares, noviatter abstain etradiftote ant
cur, can eu bioneoll ahviply , privately and talliaa/h. I
Tbls haters wilrpronr • bJett to Shantou* and *fie.
l ßands eg ander Dille toe 6 14 124 "/ni t^ any add SN .
iho reorlut ed. soots. Oleos ... stange. r- i
__ •
Nan. De. Cabernet!'" altaritTuantds. arks St Its.
Addross the smidgen% ,-. MALL C. CLIMB Pr CO, I
, - US toanty, Moe Tints • .
jylS-ten - 7 - - %Not flair We aplkat
zestrs =urn - 0..
sNo. Nt..1114."NR"1168, 1.
W. , , Al* taboo's& is moorea l
1 t "stars .Nitdl.• -
Kelero+l4 111514 1 / 1 111.
wUseri. tiara 11.1ther fild'parer Me patties to
IleatashieJs gas %Com! ot Comaisai Moir far al
amt. et Erik, pill tie the amps timid* Pt le %
be addltb beavertail his •14 Martha 11. ROW:
splice lader•tty
.71040 thrall Martha M. Mbar ts
be sad opus Idalo oat Mies at Isla at a amt. a4
eeiestos pine thrs sad thus la be holdseatie too
mat: at Pies en the tut *cads, Is haretabasprit4
to mane add patties sad Ikeda thejadroset of the
'oast Is the pew bee. - - I IL LOlSt a z i.
. Ithitilte Mos deot. 26./1,41.
ICAMPA MKS 1.,:, 1. 7 :17 -. • - ...'r 7-: 7 '
- • tir ma
A 2 . • -- 01P' 'Mil El CP DV Old Att.
1 .Br IF toialia. - ZYMII 'alataidat history of the
dread` .. inmr- rattamAtieelt eie.. the wear wrier=
by ammhpailiteremad the pew.- 41ation
, thi,soor - r .. ..-, a. - • • •--•-- - .',---,•,...- .• . ---,
, _
_, 4 thigravae.taiatead vitt that acterild
Ammar bi tat aroviretimettwiesmoirttist.-,
*ha* toubillistcthweiswentig Weft ef
thimenor. hes *a brad of seiltlaryat..
toles WI. belit it, asidialtea -td' - ibittaiAltele 011 t.F
_' stall hefi a t fetter it Mose% a ehectowedittpo.
*ma: il a ettentagleterrotd adrartamea rest
tottiesamed rodarlrat trete trot to kr, ts ate
eppeattleit amthi *say When ettarlamwthwagli We- .
tread am& weather; theArety el that Potemmee meow •
roe ig.batmesmke.satod: , . astlillay lasebfit the
f l A t if th';' -- thor 4 im;A:sotia;;lrihi L a . 1h•
atm gs
wow all telommat i s it tramde own Kist Ili
tiller. al peoddele-vate demmotitheeembeeill atlas
-Ao •Kootriel pnereat te hamemottur-tamdzal APIs sad.
elands" asli 4nm • Ogoolitral, La lut aattesakeed
hued, el stabil= KM to the rot snake of
Way the modes eft enOyedaa. 'lb • wood
i se%
spothods as aro'larlo to the easy etAbe - AMP
me. And zed th al..tesiag It sass had a mat;
sod ~ally had ome that it
might tothat I/Moor It won it owed Dot to vase
tot lonia ith ita Mood." - • _.: -- , ' 7 . - '
.This la t aly Chary et the Owed Army. sad co
on• who bora. • parts fie wallet% or Is ietraated
la Its mad whionaterm. should be Kithellt til
'et& rot* palette a my chasm Umtata Nom.
, Arra eta 44 Fond fro. Amato, and ot• elm freaks
• a ddnet, FATI . :N.A.t. filtilailiKO CO. '
' ••00 1 00 1 :: • , 10t1lAtor St. rhas.
rain' I ninsfir.
B 1: 8. WORDEN,&, CO„- „
. -
respiettnity asi'aeoil;• thibt . tb•F hivaopentd .
stars it . •
. .
NIO. <m TRENCrEI sr, syrnws sra AND DM.
---. '1 .
' no qt teat and But atrangetaft' !Or Os
pupas I.' ft seeds n• Vlbotts. Bolts, or
aors. l s- slat than, ash other Clots that can
Fl l l=o, or' seep at Jolla Dndge . a and G. T.
_fa rood; t x Pastor Creek town-
Alp; Moo. ...lent piaci, 4mu Crook townoldp.
1 The undertictod boa boooi soprolnled agent for Rubor
ernk township, toe will be glad to gins sop. Infor'.
Con that inayi as wanted. ! '
J. F. cogs.
, 0
m . ti.Essil road, ono isr. ..oath of Harbor Crook
U. tf
A Diana.. ItATOWS Iit3TIVIE.
Tatters of adadnlstration on the estate of Ruske
vathban. • • • • late of Malty township, Vie enmity.
Pa hajlny • a rented to the underefirned. mattes Is
hereto glees 110 all Indebted to raid estate to make im
mediate payipant, and Moil heeler claims stalest the
um* will ;Tut them, duly authentlested.tir settle
ment. • H. Z. .ADD,
anil-dwo Adadeletrator
Fire.° irIIEST cog nom missing;
- I
Disabled andotureed soldiers. widows and orphans
(detain eoldsereaaid the unemployed of both lime yea:
orally. fa want it riumeetable and profitable employ..
meal. llionerlar sa.etek. win praetors =eh by eaelcidng
a poWt paid addrl eandopit ter pertimelars to
, Bow lad:Deoohlre. N. Y.
a nO-tf
F_TRAINGIN HUT TRIM, The, t Sarsaparilla and
BureocklCniesi a Titter and Sulphur. Red Pre -
Olt- le ' , tad %Walston., all fait to care this modern
nionscal Itch, nos so pnwatent throne:mut the coun
try. Bui , the extract of Dandelion sad SIR z-lireet Is
J ut the mead, Pr Mai It sate on *he liter stimulates
all tbe -cr.* ne,opene the porn of the skin and in a
imtoral and stay way throws out all Utak, Irina rat'.
minims or Impure natter, and leaves the .circulation
her; the blood me, the skin clean, the complexion
clear. sod the whole systole free , from disease. IL le a
medians that casusat be need without hniellt.
8, D. Y07.1.z0
S .E P
FALL STOCK, mitt o n to r u te 't i tt a teroa l o pealern to
D' 4" • Y GOODS!
The frequent Sactuattoiss Is raise at all deseriptiente
of itereheediesi readers Its mattered sip-slat propriety
thist putcherse abetdd be frequent. bed Smelter* the
sesseat 'RR ,rbetl beetonse the osie best adapted to supply
ing olden Slealtes with goods Orr eell. •
Misebasare trines Wotan Peweertiosaia. gastric Ohio
and Wasters pistil:tie, ate invited to Vaal Pittsburgh
*ad Inspect this Stock of Goods, ert ich 'dilly, kept der
tog the wawswa i l .
; Terms, Alt . Caah, andPricea Reasaluzlk.
MeEt72OY, , ,DiC*KBOIII al; CO.,
- _
. 1
style if
• • .
Notlee is hereby glint that letters or administrtion'
henbeen ousted to the indenting niain the aztete
of Win. IL Whittiey.late of the township of Ntll Crest.
kNie aonetp.dwiasnd. All ;snots indebted to eV-demote
will call and setthaend all pereonstateteg shams P gataat
the same will had these in, provosts , twetibel.
as..lo4lwit - Aossialsttator.
...,. .
--- 77, .
ti1113..13. IL lIALL -
remslorisuri la aotteunctorto the pabllc that she
has opened s beer etoreht .
liftmen's Ploe l k,2 Squats south of Union Depot,
When she wilt keep constantly a large vutety of
Velvety. Cinthej and a metal emetment of tfeerlthlng
usually kept as hand In a atom of the kind.
ar• new iitoti of Nam jait tetXtved from the
jailudlng A tee. Pe&i, Par., Ciworliem. Mira. !Web.'
• . es. *es leaS ' prov e d la:ibriny rowtb. sod at Ups
- _
. ,
. . .
DICIDCO) . ...
>-‘ .
• •
Italaysest Itostitodn,lvr Flardy Flanbesn
..• R 811 " •
. 1 '
eataplate uaartaatat tha beat trarittita.
?Loan wasting 'lambi! or matted stack are taaltad
testae as atilt. 1
- alit° 80,
HAIMINs LlilltiNTLlN -
.1 .
• 1 - aarl-tf
Gorr. 41k , ' •
Mitgir Mat
as bad ssierissut of Tais. Coto.
PlastrOlpsMtalls bnit,
Tot flit ginotiaio aid &Ai of
from abroad will ream prompt attest
wed Mari* Priem • •
r ghat pr as ta • Qath pat for Produce.
tattle tf
a t- x 4 .
JAXIS Etzczaos. Jolty ?. SNAIL
I'EM,D.ER, 1868:
brrlatik er
, . NO. -54 WOOD STRUT,
1111111.07.PLARTS tOR 112taING.
tars env Itemazza,.
EMI "Ditor7liair-cemi
Norma: §TEPHENS VtitbEY,
. ,
I ' . 11141LFSE , STOCH JUST
,RE6.111 . ED
, .
I .. .
- THE FrittolnNa "stets
Prin4J*orit 8 to 12/, Cis. per yard.
GoOdlßleathed Muslin, 1 yd. wide, ot 18 Cis
. I ,
Hea4 Brown, 1 yard *de, Factory 20 Pit
On:Goodsaeeap new have been relented with great
us% and will be sold at very small &demos
xci. • . sum nom,.
42& wens slue. 12114-PL
Oat stock G tho lerseet ever brought to the city,
eel:46UB: of
CL021113. •
A ConsplshrAlsortreent of liteen'Ont.ts.
Every kindest ante, In the Notion Huh-
Mid, to short, a aostral amen:ant of mrjrtbing
_ needed by Comas? Dealers.
Country Destars ars letrltid t give us a tall. We 43 a
Aridly wholepeal• trade, andi propose selling at snob
prime as will taste It to thin advantage of inerebents
1- thin yeellon to deal is trle, Instead of uniting.
Last for their good,.
Fi would respeetiatly eall Lis attention of
Tb oar
Ettnltad on itie Cum%
Near Zieds Dcck
ars now In full operation—Mos 1!r on
bond, and azo nronarod to tarnish tt framth• Mtn, on
tta aborted cones.
24 - EILER s-nr*r&R.
Kim AN ?tom & 00.,,
W. hare so =perm for Book-Reeper, Books, north's's
aceousts or eonsettoos , yea as therefore'
. .
Natlunttitta etU and eveiythtetr In that line
&Mattoon & Co No. 13:11 Poach St.,
Above DlLl!road Depot
T he kit al-3C'etum ig r
als tr ut i. &l3o:• • 18 23 PolabSt
liefrigf irtrant d ol l' at:lB23 PosebSt•
W asbnbolm & Itosir t z bu le . h a ra: t0141.1C,1141,07 tit.
, . •
rikkaamt ratty
• at Shuman k 1323 reseh St.
i t td"an g eNi l i r7 .°' C7s, tLttnonaolB4
r - v°"" 14 :
"I nt li t. &LW Nub St
/ •
Set th , v Botha anditSesTASotatirco' ,
t3lt Poteb St.
W Noy Entr i a t ard ft w ork u rilt o k . q . tag.rpTst.
Driotoe to vadetyeeligir, Mitre: Rork Relish. Sim%
Whit/meth, B.ovie sod Counter Broglie% k nage."
at Rheims It Co `e. 13 3 Path St, -
• shoes the 8010% RR leppet; erle, Ps.
irr Fete Aired* in North Wrenn, Pe,oei. for the
Areblendian Pateaf An's*: Abe lierrine Fire owl ^or
ear Proof Sdet sad Darbanles %S ides.' j,19-tf
E rtmlumermas von
wunisatt MID UU TAIL -
Am tese reeetetaa debits:old tem BiCret
State street liepr: • at
attretter. Peettatatte. , ow Liguori,
•WUIo. leetellee. eaa Stone Ware, . ,
• - "Wee N.
?Seabee ettb eetZthlett ate
found fa • fill/IXI of flab
kW, 'bleb gm ad es cheap u say ether alter
itobtoest la Steen, far Cash or taut Made of comae,
May ' have
'have Coto land en of the heist wet aunt
Macke of Tobacco sad Began am km,o2 to Zrb, t
erbleb they ladle etteattoa oleo Wale.
sg" OM sad eiees—s Male itspeata le better thee
Vitz uj etatzaattr 03,11 bayou CHAO vsit
-:`, ,_
- _
i-THB .01 1 A; ( 9 1 :4 1 uusa Turia.v
1100FLAIM: 7 SIMILitri, BiltEßs
! - •
frwaglt igioliMins;;triotratitim
of how avid by nitro hordoldpe, 'vont*
f or izo O - of map --Bordlirm . Mims. ow,
-ospooshowilUottethdaßittomo owe
?ODI., no tint oa t/411tquagolor ear Aymost
AnstihinelitittalUstritote &soden 'et the 4 . at' end
D cuzsm,aus =MO •
ii_pc!Ptows - 0 Ealux inns. .
iiKOTIMI - amore CTIIIIN llo t bx
aatlataetloo, hal*** tostlatosy; kai MOM nneeltail ,
real, to voaah.tor thaa soy other &Ws in the war
hat: We defy ally one to attatibeet tjata aawartioa. azta
val. pay sl,oooto an out who will podaeo a awilleate
1101144 by as that la not avaulao. •
Smears ferny Sus of elarcedo or MMus debility ask:
&awe of tba kidneys. Messes the follovfog sysoptoos
writhing boss affords= asks digestive moss s
Cosatipeflos, lavas Ptlee;ltilloeme of Bleed - hi the'
Head, acidity of the Statitact. NII2I I / 1 1, Hear Many Dia•
gust for Food, Fulness or eight to the Stomach, Bone
Estietatioca„ Malang or riattering at the FM at the
Stomach, diwbaming of the Head, darned and digicalt
Smarting, Flatted: mat the Heart. Choi log or eadout,
log Semitone when is a lying Folsom, Diames of Vle
too, Dots or Webs before the sight, Fuer sad Dell Palo
to the Read. Deacisacy of Perspiration -Yellowness cd
the k;a sad Eyes, Pala la the Side. Bac k, Chest, Lambe.
ise Sodden Flashes of Bea', Somas in the Flesh, Coo.
stoat !magi:dap of IC wit and a Mat Dap merlon of Spirits.
Ra 31101111% that thl. Ehnen' le not 'Montle, Conteine
net TO lor whi.lteroned cannot make dry:dards, Out to
the bed Lento in the world.
Prom Bey. W. D. Deleted, Pastor of Pirelli Daptlat
Church. Philo&
fleadensma-11 have Mently been 'facades cadet the .
datmerin effects a Indigesttoa, fusecrlipamied h 'a pita '
{ratios of the sent= systettt. NtUninots were
recommended by Wends. and arm ad thematested, btr
without rale Youtlioodandi demo mum %erg
recommended hy patrons who bad:tied them. and whose
tmoraderise Aim of these Bitters indnond me to try
Mem. 1 mud sonless that t had an avinibra to l'atewt
Medicines from the .thommad and one" quack "'Mime'
whossOoly aim Man to be to pedal off sweetened a ,, d
dragged Lkaor upon the emmeattp to a it way, and
the medency of which. I Mar i la to make rainy- a eon.
Snood drsolan). Upon blanling that 'con was really
a medicinal preparation I took It with happy effect It;
=ton, cot only upon the ortomaeh. but upon the nerrOlUi
Wysteto. wu prompt and gratifying. I feel that I love
derived great -and permaaent bet from the nu of a
few boas& Vary reeretfilly loare. -
W. D. SNIGAIILD.No..2Sf Thsokamazon
Prom the Eay.D. Feu
ic PhDs& taa dadat Editor aloft:Ma
Thar* derived decided helmet from the IMO of Hoodard"
German Dittman{ Mel 'tiny privilege to recommend i
them as a moat valuable tonic to all who are mattering
from veers' debility or from dlselottri ariaing from the
derangement of the liver. '
Yonrs troll,
Ftcta Rev. D. iterer : nutter o flirt Paaiyani ( a! lit
ChtUeb, naiad&
From the teeny respea• sir.. it.
Dr. Hooftand's Vermin 13 . Ittess;1 eta to daNri to pre th.m
• treat. After acing emend bottles, I (mod them lobe •
Road remedy for deoiilty, &oda tonstAzeellent tonl3 fur
the stomach. D. MIDDIGC.
From flee. Wm. Rthith, formerly Pastor or the VW"
town and Sid!Tills (W. I) lleptiat Churches.
Flaring used in my •amtly a numb of bottles of out
1100d$0,0 German ßAUM! ban tO In I regard Thaw
swan excellent medjcine, specially adapted to renters
the dLesaare they_ ate recommended or. They et renvlien
sod inrig rate . the lindens when dettiltated, and are nob '
tut In disorders of the lieon Iran of sipctlte, Fa: I to
also roc opmended them tei of toy friend. •be%
hare Wad thy.. aced fond them greaVy benedcial in the
mattration et haslth. Yours try,
warn, WA Hated/Limon St., Philada.
See that tbs a4nalase of 'IL IL. JACKSON , ' to on the
vrappor Ofeurb boC•
Shon'd 7o ulna:est draniat not have the wilds do
not be pot off by any of the intoxicating preparations
that may be cfibred to Caplan, bat land 10 ns and ter
sill forward - nreafely packed, by express.,
Er Principal 0 - See and Illandaelory, NO. 631 .trek
Street, Philadelphia, Pa. •
[Sneessaors to C. 11. Jackson & Ce.,J Proprietors.
For sole by drermiste and dealers in every town is tht
Unttedntairs. dared
B E L • !!•
Fenian the net= against the evil etasets of cewhoit•
Still carangspepe;a.
Will ears Wealtasee.-
Will Inge General DeMilli.
Wiliam Heartburn.
W ill cur- Tleadaet*
WM care Lira Complaint.
Will excite and create. healthy appetite
Will iaelgorate Hu organs of digestion and moderate.
I, lemma the temperature of the body :width. forte a'
circulator. gis feat as a gene-al onaroborant of the
eyetent.vontaining co roi.onoas drags, and La
A' trial I. earneativ solletted.
ORO. C. HI MH. at CO.. Proprietors,
Hudson. N. T.
Central papa Air. lean :same Building 66 BUD.
For wale by all Draggiote, Grocers. &e.
113%111NN10 BOADLICY. Minis/if:2mb,
and ro Vile by Hail t Warfel. Carter &Carver Wil
kins nt orth. •
, • -
Coal Yard, comer el Twelfth ard Nadi Wrrata, Etta;
Pa., who keep eocetantly op_hand Lehigh and Merton ,
(Fur as t lamp and prepared, Shamokin. E So m
and Net eve; Zitarlizoo, fat Oat* and atram, and
Our Coal Wall matted by Inn, belupt on dry plank
door. and
we offer great Indictments to parties wtshing to is
in their winter supply, a en to delleno porch 'slag by tU
ear load.
JCS' Glen na a call and ye !pulsate!! to ere 'pales*.
Jalylfrie-tt SALTILYAN & CO. -
Mee iII Farrar MIT E , ,a Illar, Erie, Ps
All elalments for extra boriel 7 allowed by !of f ado of
Centres! , ' can bare the same promptly eolleqed
sending their 4frebarges to sea, the receipt of which
will to promptly. ackcewleegeft sod .ostizettons
$l5 per month for total less of use Of ettioneir af
ame, belied to $ per month for each minor ekrld
of dennusedaoldlms or s: amen. Alp, other faareise3.
. hem month.' Per proper far all In aerrice Sarah td,
end discharged after April Rh, 1853. Claims cubed-
Mama P.e arrears of ply, and implant, ind bona,
prornntle collected. On willed faeitlUN ine cluing
and completion eases, allowance to nriseners of war
collected. Only crane, in llntitb-West.rn Plitl2.llle,
Ida where years of experience in the 11. S. 'hew ameen '
be loved. -
fir Tbaribil ln the sere liberal patrolage belayed
in the pan, we h0;41 he increased incidence ard sere=
!aquae attention to patrons to items their continued
Tarot. Office In Farrar Hall Btallast.
Adams, S. TODD PERLAY, -
an94l Lock Box 104 Erie,
_ IniraL":l73.4l3.lst 'gum Its fostid 44 •
UALL . 1 1V4E - FttillgiUG STORE,
Flaring had.leng safwrfansa in As trade Wl' are stabled
%surf!, oug tswttss innorior-coiLtl7 of roods at
the lomat pliers.
Pnr stork isonnesei a nowilatiroeity of /leery 4h*no that
Patoterloqed, sod than who ohs as their pstsonsv9
on rsly oa oat bail dlnpiolate. ►
Onhos forYorfusblofibolldlogs ell be is!.lsfif.
tit-11y Ol'ede r •-.; -
_ , . •
Pass 11411,11trIr 1;1711ITIS - !AZAD,.
Will do mon and better work at a given out, than as,
other. Try p. lYaavLet rod iltdy f -
DRUG p B lll7 : 4. GLASS DEAL
No UT N anal TWA Stmt. Pl4l ,
fobV6B If& .
4Onirlitill4VilUng ,ricrricla. •-)
- -
Litton of idmlotabittoa own* sststo bt Masa
Rattrap dersissO, We of /QM, tons) tts, esooll.
harlog b.en itroatt4 totb• sodonigooll. bottes ts
hasbyttirao to all toit.bbso toted ostagooto irk} Imo
soodiat• psyroosit, nut *ow /miss. elsliss aptosilbs
MIN 11141 itcasot the , .duly antheallested , foluostgo ,
meat. LADD.
au9.810 - Adialitstrstor 4, boots Veil.,
4 DEITLITY. Ihnolualiroiksoso. etiti
n cos bo awed by ono who boo oortd,hnnuelt and lonn.
ddnio willo of °then.
stioss*. Will tall you mottling bide* Mal.
W 1134. " BOX itilliontoik. Wm,
REID IMO BAirg 80.
Z. * D. FeND
SALTSUAN it Co.'s,
For Blackamlth Pariners
SOLVIEW3 aollyry
1N0R 7 .8.3.% 07 PtNSION3.
4.2.1 i) PAD:TER:f
The Lcatat and Blg stock of
firsts Fr , Voter-ea PiTirru. .