The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, September 20, 1866, Image 2

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(trit tgbserfrer,
THeriaIDAY. SEPT.' 20, 1866,
kotiffillESTEß CLYMER,
iVILLIAM . 4. SCOTT, of Erie.
WILLIAM HENRY, of South Ede.
F. , F. MARSHALL, of Erie.
mama" artonair
Capt. C.. B. SLEEPER, of Cony.
CoI. W. O. COLT, of Waterford Borough
Asians?" MGM
HENRY R. PORTER, of North Dist.
P. P. JUDSON, of 'Waterford Borough.
RZCIIIITZR -sap azcounEn
-CHARLES WRIGHT, of Franklin.
AMOS' STOYE; of rafiview.
The contereea from Erie, Crawford and
Warren counties-met at Corry nn Tues
day. e3'& by a unanimous vote selected
Colonel Benjamin Grant, of this city as
the Democratic rorniree for . Additional
Law Jades!. in place of Hon. David Der
vichaln, whose term expires in Decetolser
next. Col. Grant had pt.* riot:lsly been
named for the position by acclamation in
our_ county convention, and thfa re en
dersentent of him qualifications for the po.
aition by the RepreOntativea of the three
counties - in the district, is a tribute which
must he as crateful to him as it certainly
is to his Mends. The nomination of Col
Grant will add strength to our ticket, and
on all sides is admitted to have been the
best that could have been made. He Is
without dispute one of the shiest mom
here of our bar, and peculiarly possesses
that clear:logical and comprehensive 'cast
of mind 'which is an essential to make.s
gond Judee. practic , is perhaps the
larg6ft'nf any aTtorney in our county, and.
embraces nearly all the =Moat important
mama. Althoush an earliest and nnyield
mg Democrat, his talents are constantly
.called into requisition - Republicans,
and by all who know him he is acknoil
-odtted to have few superiors as a keen,
, careful. and reliable practitioner. The
nomination of Colonel Grant is highly en
:domed' by many of the opprisite. party,
_who are . free to express their admiration
of his legal attainments, and unhesita•
tinkly -, assert their intention to give him'
their sUpport.
Inquiries are dailymade,of us in refer
ence to -the probable result of the contest
for Governor in out State. We invariably
answer that so far as our information goes
everything tends to a glorious triumph.—
~Oar friends in th e Democratic districts,
rithont exception, report astonishing
gains, while from -many _Republican sec
tions no less encouraging returns are re—
• Durin g Mr. Clymer'a visit here,
ha openly and enthusiastically expressed
'.ltitztselas genfident of success. An cc—
quabitttnco of ours lately. hid a conversa
tion with a leading Riinblican of one of
tbelower Counties.. The latter asked him
if M. Clymer would reCelvii the same
Vote tia Gen. McClellan. "That and ten
thousand more" was the answer. "Then,"
saiditho De esteem'
by twenty thousand maj• rity." As further
proof of .the gratifying prospects, we may
state that a Republican of our city has re
latedt to us a friendly interview be had with
one of tbachief speakers at the meeting
on the 10th.' The later was pressed to
give his candid opinion of the result, and
answkered by saying both, parties expected
to tarty, and that the vote would in all
putability be doze. FOr a Republican
politician to acknowledges close vote, at
any time, is always to our mind evidence
positive th4t, he,expectit defeat.
We cite these facts for the information
.of our frienda,,,,and leave them to draw
their own interlaces. An extended ex
penance in the newspaper business hes
enabled us to form-pretty accurate opin-
ions of the current of political-feeling,and
we express it es our candid belief, that at
no period within the laic five years have
the prrspects looked so bright for a Dem
ocratic victory as they do this fall.
IA GEARIe - F0R . 240110 PUFFUAGE ►
General John W. Geary. the Itqpublicsn
candidate for Governor, in
,Ida speech at
this city, e ndeavored to cover 'up his
known support of negro suffrage, -by ar
guing that 'it was not a question for de
cision by our people at the °ltch - er elec
tion, and could not be for three years. to
eome. Pore what we can learn of his
an nohes elsewhere, this is the course be
._-.bas adopted to elear himself of the odium;
otseing en advocate of negro suftrage,--11 .
,:measuro which he well knows, if it came
-up directly bet* the people of Pennsyl
vanic,would be rejected ty an immense
.! majority. We are preparid to show that
'Gen. (leery in ,iioaking this excuse Is
leither a willful festsiSer,or a simpleton too
Idull to make an ordinary ward constable,'
'much less Governor of the Common
General Geary is an outspoken supporter
of 'the proposed Constitutional amend
n3ents. His speecch here Was mainly de
voted to a,very feebl , ) dischision of These
eniendments, and be Itzprt.sed himself
L earnedly L ie favor their adoption. Now
The first Ole of these reads es follows :
Sec. 1:U11 persons bore or naturalized
in the rifted States and tUbject to the
ittristlictian thsreef, are citizens of the
• United States and of the State wherein
they reside. No State shall make or en
force any ; law ,which shall abridge the
. prlrilegesland mmunities of citizens of
the United Stats, nor shall say Stela de
prive any person of -life, liberty, or pro•
party, without due proeess of law. nor de
ny to any person within its jurisdiction
the equal protection of the laws.
• There fa not a school boy in the land.
who,'after reading the; above, will be in
, dopbt what it means. "All persons,"' it
asYs. "born or naturaliz4d in the United
States," are citizens thereof,",and "no
State shall deny to sny-pertton" any of
"the privilege" or immunities" belonging
to citizens. The matter is here placed in
so plain a light that no individual of cum
mon intelligence can mistake it. When
tbis clause is adopted, as it assuredly will
It the Republicans retain - power, 'every
wan. without distinction of color, will he
a eltisen,andl being such he wig be e a.
tided mall tho privileges which the citi.
Ws of 1 1 D7 State Powstsrusa In Maas-
. . . c,• <I. , . ... 1
. . . 1
_ ...
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..I • .
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- i ••
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. . . . . .
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._ - -
„ lut a
other. Commonwealths, every
- eitiae t t, white or black, is a voter,
d wheiti is clause becotnes a part of
t 4par law, they will p tia.4o
Pen ykania and 514 614te "(of tie
Union: We submit
public to decide whethirldeli.
CIA possessed of ening* intlliec to see
this matter in its plain; truthfil sense, - itir
whe'her he purposely misrepresents the
question with the intention of misleading~
his hearers.
But even If Gen. Geary' here : bot . ettii.
milted thei - lemendmittita:tire"- - BIT --
enough proof iri his record- to show clearly
that he favors political ertriality to the
negro. His associates • are all- ad vocatea
of that theory, end in his speeches be has
in every in:item:is given the precedence to
the negro question over every other. In
his remarks a few weeks . ago at the
tochiel Iron Works, near weeks,
is reported by his central organ, the Her.
risburg Telegraph, to-tiara said tt
'.When the quesilob of negro suffrage
comes up, as it will probably in ' three or
four years, I shall he ready to meet it.
and I will say that I am not prepared to
deny the right of voting to the.colored
The anxiety which Gen. Geary displays
to avoid the negro question exhibits his
knowledge, of its impropriety:l./tad his
willingness to ride into ofsce upon false
pretenies. After the utterances that be
has giren,', his election would bei claimed
by all thenegro suffrage organs as an en-
dorsement of their position. The people
can seec-by the above exactly where he
stands, end if, with the information we
have-given them; they proceed to elect
him, end afterwards Clod the negro placed
on a level with themselves, the blame will
rest : at their own doors.
We regret to perceive that the samtk
evil irfluences which have succeeded for.
four years in forcing G. W. Scofield upon;
the people of Erie county as their tnir-i
repreientattve in Congress. aro again- ac
tively at wOrk to secure his re-election.
not denied that he is notoriously
the most unpopular politician in the dis
trict, that ho has on three successive oc
casions been nominated in express oPoo
sition to the wishes of the people of Erie
county, and that he has done compara
tively nothing for their interests.
The only reason urged in his support is
the stale one that he is the teen
ier Republican nominee,. and therefore
entitled to the support of the members of
his party.
In answer to tho charges against him.
we bear but;the one cry of Party I When
we show that be connivedzt this rascally
scheme 0. secure extra pay for services
already too well rewarded,the reply comes
up—Party I When we' convict hint of a
want of proper devotion to the itkterestactf
our people. 'ple sickening response is
beard—Party I When we quote from tbe,
papers of - his Own political• faith to show,
that he has neglected the soldiers,
warded only his personal favorites. and
obtained his nomination on. each occasion
by base, trickery and deception, the sole
rejoinder we obtain is—Party !
For- the sake of party, ttie people Of
Erie county afe once more , to be cheated
out of their just rights, made the simple
dupes cif a designing clique, suffer them
selves to be OUtmanceuvred by rival com
munities, andionipelled to see their vast
and growing - interests sacrificed at the
feet of ono or two men's ambition.
We sballlsee whether they will agree
to do all this or not at the mere beck of
party. If they do, they are not the
shrewd and far seeing community we take
them to be.
Wm. L. SCott Is not a party candidate
in the sense in t which Mr. Scofield is, but
he is something Infinitely -helter—hg.
ts.- ......aidate of the people:
The people have taken him up without
solicitation on his 'part, and they : Pre
rallying to his support. Ilepublicaneiind
Democrats aike, without regard to
They know that he came to our' city
a few years ag6a poor Nis!, and . that- by
his unsurpasiiiii:lisinesi qualifications he
has elevatedtaiself to a position equal to
any in tne:comminnity.
TheyiknOk 0 - 4 _his sympathies are all
with the !Mil* and that he is always
among the foreraint in every good and gen
erous work.
They know_thitt be is bee of our most
liberal townstrott,„ and that he has done
much:in an unostentatious way, to re-
Here the misfortunes of his suffering fel-
low citizens as aey.
They know that he has intelligence and
integrity, and that in every -position in
which be has been placed, he has acquit
ted himself with honor and hzefulnees.
They know that he has done as much
to build up the present prosr4rity of Erie
as any citizen in her limits. -,
They know that during the ; war his
•.lnyislty" was unqestioned, and that out
of his private'purse he fitted out ii . battery
for service in the army.
They know,that be is heartily devoted
to the city of his residence, and that
wheitier as a private citizen or a public
official, he will never fail to do all it. his
power to protect and'foster the welfare of
our community,
They know that if elected to Congress
be has the energy to-labor ineessantly for
our local interests, and the will to do it,
and they feetassured that it would not be
long after he bad taken his feat before we
should'secu* l some of i the attention from
the Federal (forerun:mot Which Mr. Sco,
geld has tbt4 far ignominously failed to
- - - ,
These are same of the facts that are / fa
roiliar to our`people, and they will enable
our friends abroad to understand the rea.
son of Mr. Scott's boundless popularity
here at his -home. The citizens of Erie
county understand distinctly that the is.
sue is not ofie of party, but of local advan
tage. Thencil easilycomprehend that a
single vote in Congresil on general political
questions will amount to very little one
way or another, but to them, - in a local
aspect, it may be a matter of grave
portance. -
Looking at it light, the best men
of both our political organizations bare
united upon Mr. Scott as the person most
fitted at this time to be their national
representative, and they have iesolved to
sustain him in spite of all the shouts that
interested partizan quacks may set - up of—
Party! Party ! Parry
The I .boys in blue" fully comprehend the
extra bounty business.. A one armed satires
pithily summed up the other day as flout
hundred dollirtifor the white man; three bun-.
dred dollais for the nigger. and two tin:ll4od
dollars for the member of Congress." •
Attention is airtieted to - the advertisement
of a "choice bultdiEig lot a"t alif:10C" The
unusually, eligible , entnatinu,of this jp!op
affords a ran Oppoitu, oily. wow* •
} flatly
Aoki awl *altablelpledest zirithause.:
G. W. Scofield Committod to Negro
OVite 14y11*lt .
lishlig n egrdiuff th • ifrie
lUOa Horts• f 7 * , •
tivs/. all tliki blicanti. nt !Wog
ford it, aistVblltite bemotatiti l / 4 1vir doistit,
The people of tha District, anxious to
avert tho calamity of having aegvaes put
oiDy . ballots werticsse
Ar..“...10 , 652 , L50igiitt„D.-Xualstithiutuati,
jug this egpm.lop i the bill stas_passell
through .thii Hat e s v hit it ealilleas, end
smart the melt ithlanttrt tiliupPitt
6. W I
. metsVr7rcuti this qt.,
,On 15th.ibill:tit .4 .a . lend ibeicorgan!
is acts 4f-Olce*dolowliwttlei.teliilw*
was passed through the lower grUllO. pro
viding for ;3ekro Eitiffrage. and declaring
void all 'sits of 'Congresslinionsistenti
therewith. G. voted for this
bill,which-establishes Negro Suffrage.with;- -
-out the consent of the people. tiod'egiinst
the Jaws enacted . .bi them throUgh . their
immediate representatives. - •
The -Civil • Rights bin. vetoed by Presk
dent Johnsen, but carried by the tidiest
two thiNepower in congress over-bis veto;
establishes Negro 'Equalit'y beftwo - the laW
in all the State,
_; Scofield ititect for
this bill. - -
The _constitutional amendment to be
voted upon by the next, Legldstufe of
Penns, !van's. establishes Negro Suffrage
by its preamble. : It saps= •
**All-persons born t naturalized in the
United States, and subject - to the jurisdie;
tion thereof, are eitizens of the United
Staloff and Of the State wherein they re;
side. NO state shalt mike' or enforce any'
law which shall abridge the priiileies or
immunities of citizens, of the United
Stati a."
?tile citissn Negro, under the Civil
Rights -Bill, would not consent to - an,
abridgment of the privilege or immunity:
Cif auffrage,Andes the anientiment.,43,W,
Scofield voted for the Amendment, and
D. B. McCreary and Cs: 8: Woodward;
Radical candidates for tho Legislatures .
both favor its ratification by-this. Com
monwealth. - We dare them to deny_ it.
Negro Equality was asserted during the --
war, by allowing whiteatildiere to rot and
starve. in prison because -their . captors
would not archaise than fur mats fatno- - ,
gro soldiers.. .
White utenof this coopessicual distriat
do you desire! Negro Suffrage? • -
If you do, 4. - W. Scofield is iss' relies Of
it; vote for him. The Radical candidate's
for the Legislature favor it ; vote for
Soldiers, was it Negro Suffrage, and Ne
gro Equality you fought for?
If G. W. Scofield is fighting "on
the, same line ;" vote for him.
But if you don't believe-in Negro Suf
frage—if yon don't want Negro Equality
—if you support t,he policy of Iteconcilia
tion,, and think' the Constitution good
enough without further amendment. vote
for }Beater Clymer for-Governor Otfienn,
sylvank ; voce for Wm. L. Scott for Con- .
gress;'-vote for F. F. Marshall add ,WGO.
Henry for Assembly.
Let every' Voter' settle kthese qtiestionii
"in', hie " own mind before be;goes
poßa in October next. On that day you
must 'chaise. • ; ••• -
• The - elections in Yernon't and Maine
have resulted in favor oc the Radicals.—
The Radicals throughout the :country era
jubilant, and "hopefoi,accapting-the "verdict
in these States as indications of. the qtsi`
tho est willjump'r in alt the States in-Oc
tober and November. These parties, Rays
the Wairt;a 6 ol l t
Cons and omens 3f triumph, that .wbich is
nwprophetic sign at all. Nothing in the
_World, one way or the other, can be -in
ferred from an election in Vermont and
Maine, so far as the general _remit is co:n
carried. •Stridonte of political - statistics
know, this very well. In, in "the
memorable contest between Buchanan
and Fremont; Vermeinvend lifetime both
give increased Republican . -majorities in
September, and - the Fremont party yelled
Reef-hoarse with shouts of triumph 'over
the remit, just as the Rulicals ire ;doing
now. But: the._electiciii in .October and
November upset all their calculations-And
disappointed' their hopes based ort.the
Vermont and ifaine vote,..the great cen
teal States rolling up their -votes for
Buchanan and overwhelming Fremont
with defeat:,
In iS62we save a _similar spectacle It
was generally believed that a revolution
in public sentiment had changed the re.
lations Of, parties, and that the fall elec
tions would bring the Democrats into the
ascendant. The electtoe came elf in Ver
mont, and the remit exhibited the tide of
sentiment still running in'the old chan
nel. The Radicals carried the State and
their party from Radon to' San Francisco
wail (oozy delight: Bat in October
and November the Demoara4 achieved
en overwhelming victory from New: York
to lifissour% It will be so agaitt this year,
1866. The Radicals have really_no found
ation for ivina, antLihe - q7O - iservatives
none fnr discouragement, in the elections
in the New EtiglandStates ''usme'd, since
they_are no indication whatevk of popular
sentiment elsewhere.
Ws call attention to the letter in ano
ther column addressed to • Mr. Scott by
many of our, leadinecititens. and ,his re:
ply. It is significanf%f the remarkable
pipelarity of Kr. Scott, that of those
who signed 'the letter asking him to hoe
candidate over one-half are- avowed mem
bers of the Republican party. and several
'others have acted with that organization
until lately. These gentlemen have the
good sense to perceive that if we are ever
to have our local interests properly - repte•
seated at Washington, we must for a tam.
forget our political discussions, and !len<
centrate upon a candidate who em •
the qualifications our city 'so mu • - needs
in a member of Congress. fact . thin
for four years party tricks - , -'hisve foisted
upon nest Congressmari,' , o no inter
ests in common with people, and that
the same Willett are oat work to again
burden its - with * 'other two years of pis
,should: be indication
enough to, - 4 :uvitice
zeus 030"th° people of-Erie-.stn expect
nothink fronathat quarter..' .
Tao Sotitheett ionespapartfarbieh eliim
to represent the tatertiltraboldini atistott.
ray. 'are londlo' their - proration* °tat.,
tachnient' to Preildent Johimaim;:abit yet
they loati, no:opportliity . o intuit Mtn by
antera at what they designita tbi "mean '
4:lr poor whitia.-41•8 - ra,O k y on pron.
• The mosiseeming allusion to lbw 'paer
irbitei" Ire ever heard was that made lam
week by Simon _Cameron. if thetourt
Houses in lain cit/..n4. 0 incnnintaatd- the
, people et th at Alme iii-ake &nub aids
, . ~.
picable beyond expressloo. and ttonoithy
to be Witted. And the 'chief editor of thir
Cbron' rei by . all the time fop was
I. rag, hoot ever Opening bitli .
L' d co - the men Camellia wait
.ci an '''. pareritly deeply gratified V
0 cr o is - remarks. .
. '
Vo '
'lns fey of the Administrationi . S
exbibited up to this time, seems to be in
viarrzaftilling - thel'attr •
called. Pgapervaolve 41tWo, titklotoki -r rAis
may be siooktilad . sibeheftfirrarfies Nee
of cases :.tbatg•--Irtslastilleurt . -r:ot th l 9`R.
mere,spolheseektrarrthotaktabe oiifanrE
imaitiqa 4berdov-for2the-Itimple - lakeinf
getting !tijireiffilnienfs, - 1! will "do
more to daortgO die:Administration lima
to promote the success of its -principle.
Wears a firm believer In the nuMintithat
one faltbrtp"friindlpeir - 012A
a dour' new ones. The rook upon which
Mr. •Bncbasau 'split should be a warning
to politicians fbeall . dole toccipf.
John W. Geary.
Viewed gimlet the mediunkof sense- I
eon letters, from cerrespondents (fsg,ie
the rear). Brig. glen. G!,ary.,was certainly a
model officer, combining in his pgargrall
tthe. qualities .requisite an efilaleet
military Cenatosoder, But arum in,propria.
persona, be the front, on the:scene of an
tionallen; Geary's , character presents an.
entirely different aspect. ,Anibitioucand.
designing, , he.was-at the same: tizakex
trete:oily-cowardly. ',Bilitettess , and :eon.
iirdice were the two characteristics-of lit
military- career,4-Geary- brat and
afterward._ Union-
The Union. his 'country, and
tbe — lifes of "h wi're but sec
ondary considerations. Geary remarked
to an officer high in lank in the Ji'estern .
Army, - that he would sacrifice 'every '
in butdivicion ick.get .artothef star. Alit
remar k exiil a laa (fettai tine volummi
could do) his military csreeri Malden:tor
never was Geo. Geary-koorittto go into a
fighttritithia diciegn. but , _ 4 ,
:Watched• the fight star oR H •
Like-some foul •buntrci waiting -to. gorge
'himself upon the laurels won by-the best
bleed in 'his - totemand.'• In the fighret
Wanhatchle (for *Meth hag been' land
ed letheirkielyGeMY waeaci• reared that .
he could seireelrapeak, antrille:Cely only
giro was fbr thfif th'inllii'me iheyt
were beaten) - to Ha — gap near
-Whiteside,. Again at Lookout Mountain
he was seen. in the valley. two, miles be.
low the scene of action. peering up into
the cloud that surrounded- the mountain
lo lee the fight going on above.. imagine
the gallant Brigadier. The "hero of Look ,
out Mountain" so far beneath the-meanest
private in The ranks. In the. fight near
Burnt Hiokory, as the third brigade of
his dhiision was making a charge (just it
nightfall) Geary rode up to Cal. Cobhani•
commanding-brigade. cording and swear
ing like- a madman - because the brigade
was not "doublequicked."' into aeticon.—
And when.; a few' moments biter, when
the 'bep - de (milled' • blindly , upend the'
rebel hatteriesytiss - driven back • broken
and disergauised, Be again met Col. Cob
' ham, telling him to "get his men ond of,
there as best be alight," aridthentriiiiii
rapidly to the rear. , In the battles
in front of Atlanta be displayed
such palpable cowardice that he became a
bywaroll "whit division.- zktAti - cowardly it;
Geary" was the uiost insulting epithet that
could be bistoired':upen
miieh for Geareg record's., allenerat As
a man reconl'h sten worse. Cringing
antiservitc - lo his stapetiers, he "tab over
bearing and abusive to those te he cheated
to' be his •inferioni in rink. Often lila,
Gee. Geary dismountedfrom 'hfiliorie to•
kiak tome arid soldlet:;-itlio..415allY Hole
able to keep: hid, Ogee rank•s„er lei
a pass to ihe r alrelidy.tweicrit4do to:rebut
ances, would be obliged to drag his weary,
limbs along the roadside hestrbezl4l4.
Well a roadsideid Gen. Geary know that few sot-
diets• would care to risk being omit mai
tialed for striking a superior officer. The
day. the .arm y entered two
aoidlersotthe Ilith P.-V. , ent•-of
the Musks.'were , iirrested• by the Provost
Hguard, and tied to ass ambulance' , r Their
immonsues airtetarea an eel weer loose;
shortly 'afterward Gen. Geary -rode tip,'
and, shaking his Sar - et the =regiment,'
swore-"by the EternabOod" if he bad the
power he would hang every mother'ir eon
of them. •Comtnent is tinnettessarv-On
the 'march home a petite orthiaseetiel
regiment fell - opt; - was - arrested, and by
order of Gen. Geary was tied vp by the
thumbs. The punishment caused tots death.
Could Win have done_moref
heardGelirs'e4nen cheer. him het: on*,
and that when.he aniouoce4 the tar ,
render of Lee's army.. The men would
have cheered any one then. -.Heartless,
*ambitious and unscrupulous.his hands not,
free from the blood of his men, his name
a synonym for cowardice end -incompee
• teocy. And yet this is the men the Rae,
icala have chosen as their candidate but
the-ballot box will tell whether_such a
marvel to beat owed to disgrace the Com/
reeenCilth t f 'Pennsylvania as its Cfritern;
or; • '" Seintortim.
The People for Soott
Mt 18 szinansso -BY UWE Olt ALL.
A Strong Letter antl:a Sensible Answer,.
, . • ,;. lamb' Kept. 10.110 c
lion. Wu. L. Scow-. Dear file • The
. eigned citizens of :Eric citf_and canary re
spectfully request yon to be a candidatelor the
suffrages of the people of this Mania for
Congress at the onsalog*Octic , s. - '
We have:entire. confidence in your Integrity:
°spicily and patrtotbtak and we , entertain no
doubt-that-la the eveot•of your .tileatinti you
will be-foetid always true to the Verundtutuns
and lawe, as. well $a faithfully devoted JO the
important busineediaia commercial interelde ,
o f your ecialtitueige.. a.. •i .•
• Your effortsto laid - the government incite'
recent great stimgglit agitinstimined
and your,known devotion to the'llaion' at ,the,
Staler, merit• cur: most hearty sperobstioreo
and - have secured for you the attachment and
confidence of your neighbors add fellow
Me are etroissly impretwed; moreover, who
a adnviotion that the protect. time can toe a:
dirict ezpreaston of the veep% throtiglithilt
ballot box, antra:melted by mens ertonven
tion nomination*. imitate from the, partizan
an d ansasgtag, and improper Influences, ; thee
too often control snob mode of selecting can
didates.- • ' . • ; • --
We hcprito. receive - au Orly ;and favorible
reply, cod we remain, „ -
•, Very respeetttilly yours. Bo.; --
Henry Hanle, . 'Thoroar Whirr% .
.1 C Burgess Churls W Heiso„ -
Allen A"Craig, John Clemeni, ' .
Mu t t Curry, _ N Murphy,. '
"Oh. A Crawford., , 0 J.ktorton,
Itrand+s, - • • Wm: Zf Arblickle; ' -
John B Payne. B W Russell, -
Edmund. ,Yardley, J 1111er. .
H C Shannon, 'W W Diasniom. - •
J D Mosel!, - • • John 8 Bliss,
H Stephen.; ,‘• _P A Beater, _
D Shirk, ' • • .88.Clark,1-•
Anthony Henderson,"- :Zonis lhoseosielg,"
Janies,Lytli;' ' JOhn-W - Shannon,
JelatvW Walker, ;> • ..loseph Blearier,
Ivastfßosenswelg, (horns
Charlie . - - P P Settbert,
P Jarsokl. -- $O Walther ; ,
Thomas /neck!, - P Wsgoer, -
J A 'Mete,: ' •Vilektindecter, 111
A Boman 1 - Adam - Liebe!, --
John Gensheiro4, C Intialhart,
George Setter,: , •, PD -,lretteeker,- --
J El :oars. • -
Jacob 'Koch, •
-z '2211; Not.. 15,186G;i
Ti Ilauy.Rairls, Aga' h.Tootsi st,
O. Fitton, ,w., Rerso CBtoptia.
- 0 .ilicaltiavidAirs': --. • --•
flieumntuu-Mntrltitter retiuMtlos me to
- Ws ciodhlatiChitO4ritCheettiess sditethal
dye held ttettsiecdeltemeati stub a steam ilk
alkatlon le 6414*iimaF t t*, 40 t oy, em
it% to detided reluotieee mg my paitto
eater tiptoe the netweffoll , teal itrife. whys
Ilmeer had Ilttle espekfemmi, estherkere 1 sae•
sot but feel thit I eusteiiks(tioit-dit
adeestelie. `ail'obleloloPausl,
[ aill'ed and long practiced to ail the mschln
et* of party tactics..
1 - Being now notified, however, that at a con
vention of Conservative Itepablions, held at
1. dge t,4„.1- - t
• inoip • unties . lt 9th oriel
District was a'`' ; poly; l no a..
Icon; foil , . at' a De io
Coven , ass . at r ' e n
th sum ay, a da nn EM new of
all e t- I , ',.) t n r n
emu. amends ideas - ong t not to re ale
your request, nor to decline the proffered
; • ' 'isotiolkot - oo 4— oltko_llo - ZalfiitientAlfzin.
' oin:l7.l3ifiiies, and distrusting the wild= of
l i fl tt g a irgq i i 4-is ADlCfloeffiritegy failen
upon mi. accept the position of standard
. _ .. . . _........, _...,
4 lint, so far r chusaltie.andeaveru, °dome
Uiscredit to your partiality.
ate to toy, °Platen*. - I - tele it for greeted
lbrY are weilknown to 7013,...1 hevo.Ao Con
tentment e -Co met e-ef either my Tait" or - pre-'
oat position, - Leos the ,ezdeot.friinil and
-"gamier 6f- the late Stephen A-. Doi:milts: I'
supported him political white* he lived, and
I revere hie memory'oirid prlindplee, now that
be is dead. In tbo.,recenegreet .struggle of ,
the nation egtinst - Armee:rebellion, f 'did
whet I qoal,l to euetein ,ths- country, . the
Melon and -the "C`,Metitution., On the great
uneaten of the day,—how thall- the unity 'of
the States I.&beet, mid looniest restored T=it
is my opinion .bat the wierkelog i now coded ,
the rebellion having been ;suppressed, the
ease of -.lever, teeter Minted ' 4 50..4 11 4
resirance to the government having ceased,
it • is only right sud-propWr' drat all war
measures 'timid terminate, end that for the
eskti.of 'be fittimektethifethrid Pinpetulty and
for the finenoial stability hod credit of the
r oltioottbstw.stight-lottlehishoes as pined-
cable a reSteration'ot"ltte Litibieral States to
their proper positions I* thteLltstiottil : , Uttiou
TO this entrittm in - favor adtithselott df
, ItePterelktaarea to.Ctlogrsaalffala kalettl
,latelyjA r'aiktillob. Provided ‘l4,eoaly.estole.,
shall be admitted as are loyal to -the (lovers -I' ,
'inentoted,witosiejthis to take the prescribed
oath...- rai:hi favor - of retrenchment - and retina
to the expenditures of the goveniment: The
le 44.140 r total:nice, ofVelsgresPint
'eherecrerized by the plumage of numerous
etheme , and .meieureerr.f which enotmons
earns were 'liken 'team - the publio treasury
for the emolument of eofporations, Glasses
and indlaidaalti Never berets isegnslitstory
:of this government has there 'bees Witnessed
ikfthing 114 ttitr,,csfinittgandeiihr.'isste'
„under the legisl'stion of gimlet* year.
it is be denied that to maintain the
paella credit, atad.rte,be able, 46 ^mess the
prineipsi and ii.erest - -ef - titrr_teetnitlonsi
debt, th erireinit Ito It'ettWok tiPP`ri
Weitehfthipublki mosey, . , -
Iti-oinotushts, - permit eterfet ter 'that Imo
'lnd.,heetl Oiled - lei the fleld'hylith
cusp of:411 parting, Uviersider 'mullahs can*
didete - bf -tturpoople,hdd shall look to them
- f °7 : l o/POK: •
r .I , it`a; veryrespeolniuy,e --'•
•Ww. lirfetrt
fror Lim Obarrii:
- ~_
' ' '
Biris fisttielispleiabsr•
Bkl4 • britv. S 1r Money Mr.• Robois-A; dunks,
• sod'Lodi .MartinB l 4 l ..4 l ll-cf qten7
*MS reliance to frOiloidef4sBopteimbit
-10th, by Rev. 8 IL Monis, Att. James C
MoOre; sad Mies Mosiris, C Lsttimore,! both
of Cheery Hill.
At the Brides Mother's, Bepiejsber 10th, by
RI. 8 11 - Mckrete, Mr: Daniel P. fittsposs, of.
trio:4nd Mies 'Jana I.ll , nnest, of Spring.
field, • - , •I— • -
On the 13th instant, by Ur. Dr. Read (the
brides father,) Mr. Mathew , Moelull.. of
Pittsburgh. In /Hiss Usuash 8 Rod, of U nion,-
Mills. its.
Aito binllEl4 Bergartbee 10th. by Wm.
C .1 1 010 0 11..X1 4 1 , Mr.'"Wm: II -Drummond sof
Miee ittlitcst! Pratt; 'btiteCtit Veaartgo town.
*hip. Erie county.. - • - -•
fly item. 1 , 1r. - TeottanCiellnfon. on the, 12th
lostant...e.ebr residence at B.IIW Webber. Esq.,r
Slr.liobekri-Motton. of Vembridgr. CraWford
comity. Pa.. nod Slier' Lizzie C Noon. of.
Unionitille.,Pe. • . - • '
-:. weat l a t 4l . l :47 l t.;ltte e: s l : 4 .raer a3 l l ; YTaioa
township. Mr Wm. Tram 0. Summer:Me.
,Sinas i sod A.tit Upekwandr"
' domeri,Tat the 16, b
lEs It f 4. Jones:Air, Dean Hawk, or West
,3wits oc
It thie:eltyief - tbil3thfistsat,-11an7.! wife
of -e -e-o6l4friati,ol# SUCH year of. likt.r,
- At-the- reaid;now AV Warr. .0 Co
-Court 'Owe. ituwitiGnilea. consort-of-Almon-
Ooli.a, or weeVlSproaffteid: libitZghthekiss.•oll!
W Walbridge, 'formatlf of Ilia city. aged 32
jean. -
` In Gina Reptembir 501,i Me.
- Samuel Ball, aged 75 Tears. •
air For non retention or iptontinenee of
urine, irritstbitiOnatinimitioti or ulceration
of the bladder, or kidneys. disesees .of the
prostrate glands, stele is the bladder. Watt , -
lus, rowel or brierdust• deposit. and all 4'l:
eases of the Midler, kidneys and dropsical
swelling!, use Efelmbiltd'e Fluid Extract Bu.
oho. , . 'if
• 'ln. Liolutbeld's Eitteet Duchu and, -Tni
rovett Rose' Wish•cures - secret watillieliente
disardere, b all their stager, 'Minh tipense;
little or no change in diet, no incoarenience
and no exposure. It irplessentin uste and
odor, immediate in its action, and free,from
sit iniuriemkproperties. , - .. .1 if .„
Du., , 142 ttliehold'it44iti rated Starlet 'Du -
obi is the great diuretic., flebaboWs• Can.
endrated 'Es tract Saragpatills lc the great
blond Pueitier. " both are prePired merit ding
to rules-of Pharniscreird CkemistrY, ankare
the most aetive that can be toady Itf
g@Lilelutbold's'Estract - 13 u u sires health'
`and vigortotbe frame end b skto the pallid
cheek. Debility is ace b pi rat ed by many
tzt 4li
alarming. syntptoms.-and if no- treatment la
submitted Is.-consumption, insanity oe I era
leptio file ensue- . '' •- ilf
Ili' A ready and , etnielasivo test of the
properties of Eelmbold's 'Plaid Extract Dacha
will be a companion willi thou set: forth hi
the Ettited States Dispensatot7.:. -- „• 1. l• if .
,Eialie tiefra' re: tiaileisaitt mid: nevi%
remedies for nepleasant and danger:oldie
eaves. like' Trelmbold!s Etteact,l3`ifft; end
Improved ReseaWash. --: -, • .., .., ..
, .
'Mr Enfeebled and detest. constitutions,
of both sizes, use Hilinbold'sr.ittraet Bier&
It brisk andunergetic feelings,' and
unable fop to pica; . if
'1 lielmbold's Fluid Eitiatt' Bustin Is
-pleasant in taste and odor. free from all in3u
riot's properties, and immediate In its action.
7 fir The msn Is stresiebl-tkere
lore,Abti &envoi , ihogad im
mediately use Iletntbold'a Extract &chit.
go4e 2 ' bfal
illif* - Niso s yout vigor are} re
gainenity Extractlinebn..'• •
- rter , ithatterett - isonstituttnis ?tittered
Eztract L. ••• • •••• ft •
The Observer as au 'Werth'lai.SSllse.
TUE/BA **aim haul Di, the e6 estiliea of
an, imitir prrsa lidied 413 P o li e'tee4 : hlelith_lr
Potttherglo- mat or at-of - the tlaocethaest t ir &a
eo d
ring tato the bawls of- Me lithet loetto arzathe,
thoonshoost the neeterereatersyletko or the. State,
unquestionably en' or th• hest advietlting emoditteel to
the eeellts7. reth'elbibier, b d br' apt lea than
tinlisad!_ilfb. s ad. to the lidyisitaiii Oen
'to the at nether, orstAvoie Otellopoiriet - Of any' into
to thismigboa.L aciesserothetheessiaboelmeler
siteoliOreehiotalettekiCilt.h rieiehtle;• .1- • .
• II yin wit brash lost babas Abon o ..iiiinirbs.
Um boa opeedg latielos to Oar, *drabs* la; the
tiros want to buy or ail r ierttilioroiolviellai 11 44
Oheetrer.. :. „
iflOn Life l i j al i
ootleetto 'pop* &drat's• too the
Obsebb. • -
yoit ettehhte lotroieee &AD. atUe4,,,adeertiee la
the Oteerret.
. Urn irta ra mbar melds* 11 1 44410110. Nr r
t'rn is ito 0 term.
V *on atiandoiotit fitotoito; adwittia
; 4 1*
Plum atisr,d kis (WO tailatiiiiaso *Alai toptat•
datatietettlik e 'lThs osetOrotiesatotitotieWroalik
John hoot. tato?, "la a MOM • tun of erases tat."
The thilOialit`hilltifoto . Ib o bids
Gamma . 11111 01 1 1rairsii**Fliiiiiiiellibeiats
ot moll taloa that so ax ttonal ohoahttoo toweled *or
0 7. 1 ;1444. 1 iisadlit As s 4444 4 ,, hil
writ: putaiiviimblatardsaCiat•t• • -
• '
4 a Invome. • - awls —......,_
SA 4 0,- -
' ./V4A
1 Ve i j ** *4l4 ,... -lir
...,.. a.A. FAIi4
111.1110033. .
_,All .—' l••
W 1 4 11 ,,
_ 1 ~....C9lO/44 Y
and call I I ciao
th ..,,, la sizi th e. f. put
e oft
at • at romp. -L• .::r . a all other coal.
.... um s blond ; - a detective form i
17 0 , ty 14,1%4 t ."- • oat Blain, tow& 1
and to Lailla.C.'"; aci ',Mal auk
tip{ of strtai . N o • °rink ospital of
ji a 04111,ML .0 -, • , fore. and la Om
-on, Ilya' toot Insuranefi , tiffany doing badness to
thin Rte.
WAIN k GEIISI3fI, No. I Park koy,- Br's, Pa..
~-r i nlnanzitrotrlittros:rcr_inaht afpftnittlaithlmitki.
armor arebtont. sod against thin, or against theft and
• '
wi th b sea l or lea moorptlssfrirofnild east WOW,.
soar en harm. WI sn'atif Ilfrblo LW vbahrte
- ___,___ Lper 1/ith wow Omaha sod certifies's& 0/individuals.
germs sinzarsta,
dwains to atl kip& of ?.
4? •
' lost aoleelle, bat one from the eta brown erre of
WHOLESALE Alitti ) HEVAILF - : 2 't 1 h & Street ; of this play, will be read with hs•
.. ‘ which shoes ;that the cowpony is a comp, ny In
~ •> ...t..-;-1 - ....r..„-. — •.../ '• , as well Yto =fr. and that they cot only pill km
' eee, but pay them Vtb proroptntse and despatch r
f, We. the anderatjeed, hereby ttrtlt that on the 24th
.-day of .tartet we .insars4 oar unit • livery • cob, COO.
. stetter of 12 bore*, with Le-ere. Warner 4 Garrish, tn
.the 0 tat Western and • mert.nn Flom lniartne• Co.;
that on the &I, dey et tSeyeetelry pt. ot Om died of
Chalet. and r n the 10th day of September we received a
draft on New tote for the Mit tmennt a lb. lobe'
;!„,,,. - . I.odiGlt'& 9 ITRBP:Tr.
Releyt&twt 11.4401. --- .:- e-e- , era.
VL"rri,":74l:Vb.•=ll: frtst4 by ekll4lt.°l'
g a a F. V. 8 41
=leo le Neither° ai l: ionize ltarnbotn.
,`en Reepeetfitt y, , . WittlN Kit assigtuusinv
Chun' rive, lAN Neese two Hove lontraeoe 01:1:‘,
No.; Perk Row,liele. Pa.. . .„
•:,•.! • •' T -.• `- ';
Y. AI 4:
WlioLEsitLE; ,
11:,1C.911 OTEITrRfII
Apuis for thee,
• 431 STATE. srnset
A§ -- ,tiiiDitaAiiiitii
The Cheapen I 3 Pleaffiant:
• Cowl Regispr
irW AGO tut 4 f or 1%
' alp) If UZI 11;•!1.1.1"0
• - 77 ~•1 11 :111.1417 _
• '
r /
1,? rr •
AND Ittß A T
• And prove itmeH, • .
IlliairraCTCll^D OILY IT
, 1 8eall ham thomaghly proved Mel/ to be the beet
artiste Apices for inning Colson, Cop ts vas tiLD .
end gonna, It tea been trend as racillsort reined,
laistany toes of Son lEria..Dsarness hSS testi removed
by It l and Boum Do Ol*.D bola, UY Improved bY
as. It En &bruit sad agreeable, old firm zu hist*
&MILIEUX' lathe dull Item phut +lensed by &mom,
of thelEsed.. The asenadlaes after ugh* ft are delialdtal
and invigorating— It opens and pure out .11 ok
`strotlona. strangthtna the glands and -gins a healthy ,
salon to the parta abater
' Kati than thirtyyean dodo and nee of Dr lEstabalre
Catarrh and Headtrbs Soft ben' proved _lleVogt vain*
tar all the common dlasoes the head, and at this me
went It stands blew filusAint befor• ;kir nonamaund-','
at b y manta the butt bbyalelansiand is said eith'graat
,needs and sadifietlno ever where. Read the Certlante
if Wholesale Druggists Ito
The kederefearid havinefor - revs been aolnain
ted Vit h Dr. licraltalrs Catarrh and Heads. he Sonyoild
recd nue wholanda trade,meheerfall r state thatlowbS4
litre I t to he Neat In euarnsfeet to tbrireeolatrienda•
gloat These +foe thriven et Catarrh Atieettorea. -end
that It le decidedly the beet artiele,w9 harp ermkeigme,
for all common dimmers et the IDOL'
Barra Perry, peed, Austin Co., Brown, - Lamkon
Co.. Ilbseik Cepa ectiAleth 17, Pottle, Wilson, Falzbank
Co;. Beaton ; flasu , naw t E4manda k Co., 11 Day,'
Portland. Ye: Parnell At Park, A. R.* t.•. nerds, Itt 'glom
;Poi* Co., rssel Victor h Ow+ treCessaa Dobbins, A.
NewL. k K. Ward, Close & Elnah k Gale,
Tor salt by all Druggist'. -Try It..' sep2l'63-Iy.
coxgvnrraV FR. iladrottfaer baling
•- ll been restored to health in s 6. weals be a ion ,
simple rernedy, after heti •• seared several gem with
• *ore long affeetion,. sod that dread die. an, Con.
counntion—la annkoni be nuke knows As pt; -sat.
!bra* the nom oroote.
To all who deers It, he will send • copy or the pre
seription used, grew of 'charge.) with the directions fur
propping. awl .the seism IktitottAiZ,. l,lll l4-84
1111.1. We Cetnnstption. Latium; Ron TAIN , 4011311,
COptill. &e. Th e only object of the naloytlyay In send.
hag the panseriptioo Is to benefit the afilletettand spread
i.V•t ewer ation3e g h ir lie w r i nosie t 7 a to be In
rt zl oi nal i Ve . t ri e l rd ha
ihrnToolidegOend may Prove • Weigel.' -
Panne wishing the preacrpilon, ram by reto-n unit,
will 01111.0 sedan Rey. tOW aRD C. WILSON,
deefirilfily, Wililamsonrgh, B.4tp Co., N. Y.
iyou WAN? .141 , &NOW A LIT? LH Or
11Vgiallirieleistlat tstb• lumen gram. wall
and him* tho muse sad knotawort of Meow.; the
aunriase custom of the world ; bow to ~re well. sod
Jhelum,' Rapp never published before; read the
elwd'aad to ',Mims of gums Cowie, Szinu,
a carious book OP carious p.opls. and a good boot ter
Mel on. 400 . PliM;••100 illmtratlues. Nee 00.
Contents table e eat hime - Marry addles. Books Ins, b.
bad the took stores, or will be sat b 7 mail. *lst
11 110 0 4 reoldP" of the price. Adana,
ism • YAM. 11. D.
' Rrowleret. New Ymir.
mAscor cum? oFGAN
-4114, Mona sdapborto nuked tad bee . olar
sassie, for SSO to MO web • Mpg,* void or*tea r
inediatu at Wow but prem!u sensed Cies: , Ms
tasted Catalogues has. Aildese% BMW,
costoLoelgagntr nammem wimp-Tom WITS. •
- • z
LIDDEtt, 13iLDES & BLI s,
EV( 2C4egultll3l3,'
ir , lu./T.,,1 • i
larp:,:utikan c
BITL , LB typ,' , •
u • lerat;
DBiLLIIEO'• T6OL3 ,•' :~ ,
t OEARINitis AND assaHFf+TEtir
ire* is made IVO' as the beei
urtem to be or the
is now edit* Wyly to oar - ilachlosry and
• ring Gioillust, to ripply th• increased •
oar work.
ORM gat.nnor.
JOHN H. 81.134
) • • •• • ••AID •
. their ecamecUmi Isnbi Waited SWAN caw
OM leiktesuAtikts tlfogy• • r-
lisectsist WA* best *ontrelle.ttltein Suit
Soetwtoetket&thereteriond the WhlteLlioseteleev
els Trottaki retearliestreel, itestes - saii ntbae
roatee,ammiltde tes sou* tke as at_ Wenewt
t fi r th
a raps asossittog besatitel emery.
-04istiornstlai ate ee oaphs.e. ,Thees
recteerhy-ther- elmiN - thellt - Iserrim, - throver the
pamosok, tormorla tom 11114 altlitle r ffikKai Itartee
it pesedaeltyter eseitoetoW telt bowel. it
tuattepeetee teptetteht noes to tlet eieettettiottbese
Volk leiSselnes 4 tM Whim thelittokdt‘titirepiselat
sttestSda , ll* the itilleettet eitirstm~letreei:eit
teetiltleillttibeligemaseklataelittreetlibit:.- ,, "
Iletetettetteet Intellsebt
TA& sod thottbit *Wed between ToreeWedia
iiiin:alitUrest,:, ',ltattatit*ot
flirAW StlltEee, r Wellittottt,. gt ?Y. libitilto;•oe ono tespc;lliatitnnie .14
IfeliCetie lento are of sag eeekte eta the P.'S'
N. mot to MIL - - - -
Orr°, Whets US ott mikoratidire t ais Not
Biro* ,% irdikFlelOgifOkolb.hle‘,
e'raiLlT -- C9Wik-f ~ 7 --- i-. ,1 -,..- ,
i llisilikiksumiltho et ilmreslie Is Zesiill-
Cole anti --- 4111is~mardillot_ gear We
stileilemitid orb* Wm: Twanser
ligispissollasese lowit i =t .
ria=allwAritillipmbe • Mii=
as 1160., , t z. 414 1 1NPVIMLio.
• 11.141110111611,
.1 -. • -- • , '
T Vre'lliklaDEN..arto-tort ee Leo, -
rl• WI) attend top cessalonal hominess to Erie eeki,
eitioinieg coptlf kg. Seciok Win.* 0 ! fti . tO 40 Y 4.
thins iM oosvoribooem • • • • •
Otlimht /1005orajoht'a Mock. corner ofd We sod sth
SOL. - , le174:140
HATS, CA r?s,
F N . -G' 0 0-
c,, 'lc 0 c If.,
514 State Street, oppotio Bregon'a
Efai 0 0. 1 %d irith a now sod opl.od.d stork of nu
6004 whiett tore vooght for f'44,5, sod will Es cord
for Cash only. at • Email profs.
Wend to roll elie.per tb&, soy othorlinttio this
of Now York. A t I sit is • co I +trilled for 7elin4
The stock COMMAS of • '
Geiti-Sak - Ilati,
Graf' Cmaiatt►e Has,
ISO and Stif Brim 17atr,
dente Bri 3 Oton Hata;
Cents' Horton Hata,
Gags' -Pao liata,
110tf of ili
Boyeinti Ifens7Capt'of all Descriptions,
Children's Hats and Caps,
. G‘otif Troliftoff nail, 4We Tenotto ind'Crolirolllur,
Gonte qaese of all domeriptious, flobuf Fandshiair
Goode Goo trillr.. ,-, . , • - 41 . i
. -C. KO -
. .
airing a'p ear Au elm lib you pith ,
lagOrta ,
POWER P4l E S'S-E 8 , -
: „.., , ,-, , ,•-.. Aid all the
4 ,
I . :-.., -. ss.r , 'Oil' l'; Pi,
I Wart nalotowilaredintreoira orders tot isly kind Of
• _...: - • work In oar line.
Preeasel from a Prase:Winn cr •u.
Physician Extraordinary to thi
dissAnsainableomedicine unhilln
tt painful mud dancero as diseases le
constitutica Is subject. It mrstessl ,
"ESPECIAL ATTENTION o ,l af , es all °Gs:ructions, and a speedy
Wit:err 'ittietf.dottn'oit iterf notice., in nostly and lin
as Itsvarsbtio tow %On MU loit wonted tn
city slogs tits Lakes.
We extend an Invitation to all nbe may be in
need o[•
J B • W.-0 R K
To 'Cal and res our sitmelm
' , 7.
eupplLocr with & complete usertment or all the
_ Lepl Bleats Is ace by '
.W ,TICE",
No Formilkele to be &led for ban been omit ed,
' feel implicit confidence In bon nsable to eap
ply .ny 'article wanted.
OUR 1U K s
Are jot bp-oe abed papa•', in ent style, ted ere reetb
Reiman to then Immured is the
terse elan. -
rir Orders freliabread will be promptly filled.
Zoos Duane . 22.
liitbs.C. , •art or Com; Plots of'
• vs Mit Co .:No. 43 Aug. num, '6O,
Libel lb Divoicp.
MAttitt NTlntazia S
N Is hereby given to said defendant that tailiano.
ny will be taten before me at my dflei lo En% on Sat.
iorday the .9th day olleptember. 4 D. led% between
the boars of 9 a. m and 6 p. in, on behalf of the above
wanted petitioner. to be read on the hearing of said C 11144
R. DAIIPHAUSEN, Comnalationer.
Stria. Sept.l2. 11166.2 t
11111M7ACTIS14211 Or
;1 4 7 .,. 0 !. 331: e r e: P. L aTler of rourai; Erie, .r 1
'le alibi; Of tiet Oben inmates. solieltiel and preeeptly
lya Plate Worker. Popper Smith. Gam & State Witter
A,ttratc arose.,
WEIcTL, =& :12.P7a,*,-,'•
- N0. , 820-Stater - Street; Afrie‘.Pmnayteefal,
liiinsa.Frosph sad Germa# ateingtof beutAttofr,
= Sole agents for Chhkertog k Eloast. Wm.P. ratersorik;
Drpeker k Ces. ask Reese k Baoseele Pius Perko:
olio, the agenda:l Treat to Linalay Cabinst Organs &111 -
Nada and Oaring, nanilrnnail. hen et paataga.
au °Woes poinorptly etteeded .
ealalegeee!Nesie ma! beset ptsteirh.
ill/ tillisiitaiiil on the estate of Ells Itletovia
Chu% dee'd. late ot Wetteberg. Erie county, PL, haw.
tavern grantetto the ennerstankr. 'settee tir hereby
glee* to ell Indebted to the old [ seterelnisele hip
nalheti v rtmes‘ Metillieeelketwolahne stalest
Oast. --rr... i t ,!".411.11,1t..111211501111301r=5etth0.
liktbiant, Asti 141. ; 8164110 allerints`•
i s,
Coftiottslals bra t
P. millinad, lot
?no two tati4v von
lotstf — lferve7 p 4 ,k,
Thlt Yet Nadu& it
Itimite . attuitre,
intim% t
flow senior land. ii
borh iss gram To.. Pt
nog amw of taw % floe
rooms; tara; Fruit;
_ -
enirbalf all" lot ra
Chestnut. Prieell 050.
Rouse eo pre. eh St,
Fa deep
- A daltrab ciao rtierr
of iltrallw.ou s u p te u,
1110611 (FP.
Thirtfiaa lur=e er.1 . 1,,
rreirdrityftt, &IA", 44
ample* !spur.. Price to
Tina elan tlinweet..r r
apt side;ii atoned elfarp'e
gala.- .
Wistrire ourrber , f
for sole. worth from Al,
The Ana a'a ado do.
'of Cbwetmati. TWO fit, lo
shrubbery. AltoKotter th
frit Pries WAD
- Tait dwelling of W. J. P.
A twolitory, rwit to relah
'Lot 49 X 160 Well frtilti , d
- • Two new dwellito x or P.
doable boa.* VIA°, or tic
ebwarst mei true - bawd I.
Lot 9, x T . 06 en„ an Te,t Rtl
lrinert ani.ding Ice in brn. I
at 40 x 446, oo B ate St, to
per foot -
Tour drat claire
wear Inds. a part of rho eetatraf
Is 111 itirra•bs4y.and very 4,
Hoslres reftpslts tr./ /34
Isstabea state and Peach. We
Two th6le• dry lei on F o
cheata,4ll last a Isle sby 16S
gra hays Loft a atIOISer of Ey
hod Borrilo atoteta. be areao Hall,
40616 ravel ground and very dae:ft
ltn 'm pg Lnts. er rye , of rti
sect for ssle the flys am
thostatit and Borst° s:rvta,
Oa assy Ur, P.
FOR S ALE s num'seT of tbe fne.
awl Harbor Creek eke., at prlol
BaWine lot* on wait nin rt.e.
Chortent Priem 25 oor foot; 63 X
11 mottoes. Tots-, rroo 2) to 21 5-tt
tornint of IQ and 11th.. Alto on %h.
' Flynn of 108 same in fla"on - rnfr a A.,
containing b use; ka Prig Sa t
Farm of N. Static, In Harb•nei".4l
contain:dr: bosuns barn and ordme,
A - Farm of 45 aerials Chantal:lqm
Arm is Mafia 'ULM time mtles o
About 70 serer Improved; s But e'd
rood Darn sod out /muses. yeam, ,
frent.—epples. peaches, wlemne. ete
Twenty *emu If Fanning laud
lot, .1 to 4% Intl,. east ,it the eft,, :
Price $l2O er sett ,tbs - 20 sr
alrsd., tine tare on the 'to serm.
lo ila.borereetr, on Lake road, ree,
be aces Gomil.nprovainenfa. t e
• Osborn taro, tour inal'el emit O . Er 4 .
Flee large house; good leiprorrn.,: e
P. F. Hardee rare" near )10 ) , Erri zt,.
Ire: clue improvemante; rood • I: p o ,'
el that tb• n er
C. C Walser firm, rear frar.crett
alsae two 'Ol7 bone.; Cr/ jau , tam:
let; 750 grePed taw; fruit ct
term, be.'Very elaq—terns ea: SI
Hiu p r
roper'y of carau.l W. 44, 1,.
atactoo two mi'.34l f•om Metal
m 19% la! milla and fe.d mill. It vi,
holuta; good orchard Price SIMI.
, laft;•ali
Ag.ote and Daily.
WaTne P'
rinlon•s "Night Moo
Phalenhe ”Night HI
Eninlouts • "?..iglot 111
?fiftlon's **NI!.-,4e II
N4a:st aloomis
A meet eagnWe. detente, and
d`.4ll.led from the rare and Tent:.
whterilt takew Its name.
112.zreartmect mar 13?
ASK FOR rrtno-s-F-TAFE
6S ROTSI, r iLzkr2IN
' 70 I.lAitRliD LADI
it is pteullszi?aulted. It will, it a cher
the monthly period With regulanty.
Each oottle, price One Dbilar, ban
Stamp of Great Enton, to meant cot:
These Pills shoild net be takes ire
F 111.57 IVIREE MONTHS ef Pre.;
aerate brie, MI drucamairs, bat at 4
ere safe.
in sit dna of Ferrous sod Spinal
the Rack and Limb., Fatigue on File
Hon of the Heart, Hysterics and ITN!,
effect • care when all other meant two
though a powerful remedy, do tla t eszt.
antimony or anything hurtful to the <
Poll direettnne to the pamphlet am:
whieh 'lonia he et.refolly protected.
Sole Agent for the United *Hato
JOB /106161 A 27,Cartteis
N. IL-61,00 and 6 pottage stamps
thoirtzed agent. will thence a bottle.,
These Drops' area scientifically
;monition; sad better than r atty pine
trams. Being Nei, their action is di
tendetleg theretA reliable, epee, La
for the mare of alt obstructions and in;
tore. ?belr pepubizity is indinted
nose /09.000 bottles are annually e.l.
the ladies of America, every one cl
t- e strongest terms of, prime of the
They apt rapidly taking the place of
remedy; ar d are come dared be all e
Ahem, as the serest. safest and most
Bonin the world, for the cure of .11 1
the removal of all °hamlet:ow of in
ctoVen of istrilLie. seguhvity and strem
reetions, enestteg when they mar be so
lag when and erhe they 4 : l 'n" oat '
need wi bout frodede.eileotseoanari
Yen laws, will "o toned caret ally 101 l
battle, with the. written Omit:ire of
without which none am gene ms,
Prepared by pr. JO LYi4S,
Now Haden, Coon., etp don to coon:
tonally or be letter,
fenc;csLog — stamp
private diseases and female weak:unit.
• Sold by Druggists ererrehere:, o , c A
doWellt4y Gen e t Agents fa C. 3
D R. T.l .
Composed of bletiv ttlaerittatel
Roots and Herbs of thiirreet 73,o "d i&
from the original prescription of the Ce;t
bet; red nand by him with Te=l) 4l
t'rentriCank An infallible remade in
of the 1.19 R ,or cry demageraeatol '
They Cam DLerrhcaa, D .p •re . ,
Dilionmeta Liner cm:opt - mot.
The nil l-linowo Dr. Hatt sive of theta
nod the forrndla from which your In,t'e
eV prattles for our If: year, ;
feet upon. the Liner sal agony's 0 7 1 ,11 '
alas in the World, and ate the Mae l
which has ever pt been mute by se;
safe and pleasant to tate. bat pelrerfni
panstriting properties Ltlrmlite the 7 1
th 6 body !! femora the obstruction. ot
the Vood e and expel disease.' The
bet ova latch bread and grow a. O
sin:34M Or disordered organs foto am :
and impart • healthy tote with themn
irystem. Not only dr they corn
p 'latter everybody. but l'ol)araubb e.
diseases. and being Fuel) , Vtable err fn
tier or hum." '
They create pore Wood at I Terra
from the ewers, pence are a 6 mitiretsl
Headache, .Pilee .nerenrel Divan' 7e
Humor.. Dose—for &dui's. one l' ,ll
for children ender 8 years, tuff •
Price One Donee per non Tad. ,
Paid, to say part c( the
Canada on rreelpt or price. Coal re- 2 e:
davaizoll• efirnaturo of V. Stott Talbot;
V. HoTT TeLurryt &Co., Fr
No 62 rotten street
gentleman to the United , istsi
nig smith to their cirtatage b 7 "t
-thine') by addressing The nneardtst
buts of beteg benabs eta wit oblige OIL
All others will please addmie
~decB'66•lT. s•Varc°
. T.CITE AND 31.11THEtION I:11.
LS aim It pit with to mar y.
ed. who will seed you, c fth ut
pticqsaltishols inbreestieie. thee will old 4 We
4PPIILIOd speedily Irressectlis of ,
Tnls tufatecuilon will c it ro.
lOU wish to tunny, I ell c neerfoUpyrl'
ton strict] entfldentlst The &end
by pitmen wan, and no rowed Liked.
Dialnv ia •
pa= um woo Asp
A s s 0044,11
IUSEs Fig sdi~
ismin a ," 4
4 5t :11 4
h ' *int. t .l°, X.
Innup o r u lnb)
li I-0, 114,‘,
!It? , It.
41 tut ti
tei4 g. 41
, t. 4
oefV, J ,
7 :st " ji •
15,4 . 13 4 .4:*.
. 'll t•
.4 6 "
Fig $.l
" teo A
'Y oh. ,
t „„ a
I Etat*,
PIIA1.01 4 ( 1505,