E RIK WEEKLY OBSERVER; -I i ,N t W. ,9. 9 Courza I'oo (1 . 7 1/7•13/0 Bonny. B tocc &NUMB,. A9n9 p NL A • eopprioN—TirODocuata AND TIM Orris rr .00 if f oil la adranee Titan ttotiantt ft sot, . i ffeetli the erplratiou of be year. Butoctibity by emir *ill be ebarret Thiry Arns lo addition. imoriplive acreaqinror o Wei dotesday. No pin will the State ooteis paid for ys ab ,„„ : brEavororm—onAtlii„, o f Ta t i Lial one to. wtio , 8 ,,00 rwo Desertions SIX ; Akira" insant to , tot : one mil% two unman 13,10 . ;, tly,,yonsassttgeViinsoootbsltts,tion4 $4.03y G4etolreettononte to Oraportlan. , - . lllsein atm r pi t;,,bietlyrePogOt°;,gfaile4lo . er. e m ot, or it OP aitfiei of iiiirubbouerie 0 ,, Oboe., Streyo,Diiiiroes.oud:uki idtettl i. oto goo ; Adaolotayator's Notleas43,oo; tool idiot IS o asts aline: Yardage llotieea iririere raccti 'oval; Obituary Nakao Wort ems Uses tot mite per line.. Prfittiar poetry, so w wri tea al the reqnhet of the - editor, one dollar - edrertleolleata win Isrsontinnid at 6, men I f the person 'Arnaldo& wail ordered hie direetioue stutleas la specified period le west ores for their tosertiou. ' AU es ampotestions 'should bik addressed to waiTsrAN, Editor and PrcepristOr. Bilsinesi Directory. • , f a4gay licrrwr, State St , near Otb _to • „cn' • , F oirag gf. CUTLER. iT ATTO and AT LAW, alisrd, gXi • C 0911 71 d other business-atm:idol to wi whidirpsteh. IVET3II A ir, R O , LAT, in Walk es of. ,:santh itraet. grid, Pa. a= 1 112 ...' =WI. suitrar. ~11 : "i : , - !ti i 11113 • ' ar ATTORITTS AIIM COV7SELL•3I9 - 1? TAM. .... ?env - Meek. oeir North Wed comer of the , , , Zorp, YIP, Le- . 0 NENNErro Jrallor or rus Pa ha,. - oBleospeona rrAmth Street, betvireeci Fifth and iunols'2 ilir E WntorforO, Room', Lw.te. Pkorenry.,e_ and attanti , .o chola to . 4 7,o f ert of ato.tx. • • ap8'6+5,17. 11111'11 t INKN• • ' TCBTICI OP ?HI NIAOII% Paragon Block 14. 7 . 0 of Fa-nir Rall, EH*. Pa. u.:GUNN4 4 ON. r . irrox.lilr A? LAW AWDICSTIOIC Of TUB •nla 1143 • tent, Conjeysaeer Sod Collector. 12 G. to 11(11 Wing, aarith.reat corner of rdtb sod -A:MU , Erie, . spITG6 t •EW %VIRE. Joni Caosassanors. at lb* new ,t,inie Fast* Clilsc.. hu rt band a bon asaort• GrOt.rieß. PTOTWODI. Wood and Willow Ware, r. Llyunni, Vntineco. Pens.. &e. to 'Web be ne. •Vie tills the attention of the public., *elided that an offer, as growl bargains as can t. had In an rparl Fro enzaty. saar3ols-it C U!'"iNft VT, 3/. Prts• - mus Aso Striuttos d Celt AtreAt. over.O. ategert rom.--btf m .trem!eam of C. M. glello den r meth of tt. N F. _rd, err FatMfrus . rtmet CMee bows - film 11 tee. e. ottil 2. P. 14., =ylollolll W. OREM gic CO., • Wholanais and retail dealer, in Anthracite, ee trios and Mhiselictrg ens! and lined. Genuine Lzh Luna% for toandriea. sad preptred for hones nit, me on hand. 'Yards—Cornier eth ant Myr e, and ei Myrtle and Ritter it..., 2 iguana writ fof the -•e Depot, /rte. Pa. . J. FRASER, AI. D.. Flam•opattio and Surtron. b and roside"ce 628 l'ev.ll opooets ttleir.rk ... MEa lours frsan.lo to 12 A.ll, 3toB P. W., .7t, 8 P.M. af6 6m° E%L ENT4TE FOIL WILE. rust verjr dot,* bastnen situ an State Street, be ., keaatL and Fiehth -treats, Sant able me for We on 'rev/ .reasonable tams, it applied t Require et , WW. A. SALIITUTTIT. Agent. gIN C. intEBB, Duran /it Dal' Goons, Gioczams, Uardsrare, Nalls,illassl Seed. Plaster, eta., cos .., gsth street and Public qquare, Erie, Pa. Jantf. Ir. 0101011.NR, • - I.trsaT asn Sala Erasia, on Eighth %Myren state and Emrich. rinellorses ani Car to lot on reasonable terms. my2B'Bl-Iy. \ 'lt El .l MOILit'S LIVERY STABLE, !MATZ BT., 111 LTU W 8D AND 4111. • ct ,Nl2li to soy la the city, sad pries as mode (mart.to KRSSLEfi, • Dealer to Groceries, Proiitioe,, Proviators, ervi Stone Ware,„.Win.e, Liquors, &e, re •troet, opposite the PostotHoe, Erie,. I=Bl6-1 = rtyrrisT. (liar* in Eason . tlnek.nort3 Ado nt the Park. Erie. Pt 0 4 /LINSON, IN I L1.1A31,4 eic . SOCCEsigus to 41• rge J. Vortnn nolnr, Iferthantformi WIlo`• sale de , 0??1 •In Coal! for W. Y. h R. end People's Lite of Stouter& htlie Deck, Me, Fa. , ,• ly. HE BEST PIANOS • • IN ANCRIA in undo b - s. broacsc& &co. LNG Sella RTITIO4 WitILLDIN A , 311. , tIitPICIAN AXD,SlirOteg 44. 21 floor Tf retell Black, Wrot Park, Eris. Pa, , risf,d, Cheri** at - Riath's 4 tor.. RetWooer *lda Mr rile acre• 7.4 house South of Moth. -mbouia-8 to 10* sr., and 2 to l P. at. Irtatf. CURIE J. BLANKLY, • - • • ATIMMT Air Law. Ridgway; ro., Pa Will ego practice in sdjolning. Counties. ...ta-tt.n• 11. :VIA KM, - Teuott Aro Curving CLIA2I4I„ Block, above Dr. Remett's Offies.) Clothes r•ptired and cleaned on short tiotles. Terms ;able Le EDT. vas22 ty , W. BUJ GDEN. Arroberr it Leer, tie Lettend to roferional betimes in Erie sod nine eountife. Necial attentive given toe:4l2e :ad conveyances. he on. Patch Street, first door myth of Central .netarpet, Erie. Pa Poftnaspd U. Y. P/CILESIIII4.4 DENTI&T. lute of the Penneylesals College of Dental 14i1 , WU* in the second story of Starrett e he the coma of 'he Reed Hewer, Erie, Pa. '. _ UIW7CI JOT PIIIXI/1/10.1. D D. 8., North Eleventh itreet,ladel- L Buckingham, n. D. 9,14..2 - 9, Marth 2iln lb \ PlilladelphlA. IErMII EWING," ATTOININTIS AND COVIBILLOIN AT taw MT ON SPRING Sr , opposite Crittenden Ralt Pa. Collections- and all otter level but ui Cranford, Venanen, Rea Warren and Form. 'de; attended to eentlnlly and promptly: • rress—Wm. A. Galbraith . Beniamln Whitman nr.ol,Sperteer k Iferein, Erie. Pa.- , tr• R. Drwn, Hoe. B. P.,TohnenN W• d riAtnen re & Clare. Warren. Pa." 'Mt', BROWN it CO., • Wholesale dealers In herd and sort end, •Pt Tarlns alarmed or okr_dock property to the rstpd tlrm, we necessarily rettr• Odra the seal 4 urnazeuding our sureesucui um un srotruntliewri* sdenes and patronize of oarald *ids 1. 4 , 13W,C. [60.2-eg SCpII, L IUNICIN, PO, ISLE & GOALDINIGip Fuktf =table Titian, rifth ittee.teltwe4o ,t:,: Erie, Pe.- Coati Reeslr, tad , or a:Leant to promptly. Clesetei,die the luta; - intris4l uqua Is. Lie poTTrator, taz CANAL, niaiiAzisiccisiata romp sra„ ritri, Pasir,A ::?rolvted having porolmased the •Infetrart of "1 5 ,.`,11 continua to obadock the &hove tate:Wt• the patronag e of thatnatedoon of ,the old aC the custom of • publligenerally:ptindelaz ntrocat endeavor to give perfect tuttlafaction. 14:At • JAY &CHILDS. 1 „T AND COUNTY SILIRMICTIMIGI.....TOHM /,'MLEZff, baronpli Mazweryor of Month C:rpued n set sey pad* sad men& comets a ' s 'h or oat-lob of the oity of Eris. or benotiph of ard the tracts Murnailmat the wordy. 4 N trim for many-pun mopMpod eaeltyand ,7 tqatetor. ho Mee halm to to all-tbe fur " 1 4 tariorie men who hue heratobla employed jot:in:Ur attention sewn lanai/00W. OaCiand 4 t , thalf. OU Ware pmpared on the thartaet All tern /eft at Oro Erie t Allewbesr aft ofilea. Biwa: f Lori.. W. Miller. Tonna, Mt4-ar Baths - . 4 . 1 ri How, b,,uth'Erte, will be rompay attradadto. Lior,\ WOOD W & 00.$ E®` BANICB3BI ISt • • 01 Peaeh Street, war .IAB Dipbt 41 ". V. A. SZOVJ , ate. - coouvris, • la ttuewt. A. It GIULTiC. , ILIMEIL .41011 0. bath' ;weft-WI !bar ansatourgi ' i nured to do a Olostal Biatisg, ragbinge ,P 4l k i ".: 45.1 1 B l ui nen: , bond Want - /Nisi of all Nruot 4t toegautlx. umt ana uolft. • rt.7 31 ' 1 - - - - WHBEtt Artl99 DILA6XA ta.el. : ittitßY PRODUCE, 1 GROCER! mum To . sicca. Willow Ware, >, 4 1 :714ri, • • so. in niiiii4uoir. ; • 0 4,14** 2 ath c . 44 441fet t:ouitry - p r o f c : ft 41 fisaL via ‘ 4ridonuit . • MEE ,:. • • =MC MOM VOL,S - - _3 t - • ACt-VA np MAGNOLIA. iotroi attiht -4Oipettairjg ±n7 Octorna-410416 bathe the hoe and penal% to ieeder the Win oolt-sod huh, to arzy Intlamattloo, to parttato ototbing, for bead/the, • tefititiotrtiotrirtd' (toil the tfito tenth no Magoon% awl It.otitaziolf i*tronago quits tin' preesdantot. It Is a &fortis with setreeles and open tthitra.', it It red be all dattoro.ot $ 1 • 0 0-.4 totittb* tlea,aad by DRNA§ BAUNIC3 & QO., New York, whole sale aittnto- - - SA TrATOGA SPRING WATER'! / , . Ilea or- "Friell r Solon , Shingle mild; i 7 tiey wee , th re, every tletv " tt hi tett "owter In th e morning\ to took Plantvt on Bitrerif tt be rat imeirreit n42411* tookYialtstloii - Iliftora; It he hated arPailte. Irks vreek..4 . Mirald or rrentiiltii oepreved. be took; len tenon niter* iini they Dever tailed to eat till:mom Me Dina nave awl firm. , , , . 4 P-ir person want toe bolter •• thor:tr. bat Assam) mar, last reed the following: • , • • - ' e• Mich tlik Jaa, for f Trrili be 11• r• Plantation Bitters *testi my' Ws." l ' - - RCP W. fI. WA4IONtR, MOM, N. Y. ;•. • "I hare boa a great imfferm hom DTITAIrolds. Rod had an abaa Loa preartlag.—• .• The Plantation Bitters have, ear•l me." , REV. C. A. XI Ltaroom. Hew York Car./ • • . • had Jost all appettte=erasjo weak wintry IA !erlabi baldly walk, and bads Pei • :set dread of nest y. The Plantation Mrs benne am all right " . - - . • 1=2113 mejmnrwev.flejmafa, U. • • llamtaUota Miters tare eared toe of a iirtsteireceent of the Radom and Misery Prowl that distrait ed met r year.. Thai set Me. a dme. C. C. IfOORE, 2aTtroaiway, K. V..." . -0. sr , nitro% nms z e of - the -Union name School fin - Soldiers' Cbildren, eels she has .girirsi 4 to Mtge weak and invalid abildroo and., her etiort• the roost hippy cod gratifying aertt. We her. en. calved over i bandrol reams of each - air tiSsites, bat no otvirlisuisok • sosifeatoiis ghst people p'elaselver say of a good *Meta/Our fortinav sad 'oar up:tit:on tivit skate. The Menai' iiinilttv and high ebaractst of thee. goods wilt bo onstoined. smear ovary and 4 'alt clea:attunes. . They have already oh. *nod a tale in every town; village, par's - h.:and hamlet amoogeivilliesfnatloru, Bus try to ec l at aa. smarmy owns and stylise possible, nod became a good article cannot be sold as cheap ma poor one, They end Nona import tom parties who do not earl; what they sell. Ps cm YOU? gasrd. 8118 our pintail:nut over the; cork. P. H. DR rat6"* CO., New York City. SARATOGA SPRING_WATER Fold b Druggtita. OVEiL.t MILLAR!! DOs.l.sllB. &WED. , . Nlentlemen: I had a negro man worth $1,200, who took cold from a bad hurt lulls leg, and was useless for over a year. I bed aced everything I could hear of without benegt, until I tried the Mimic in Mute g Lin • Iment. It soon effected a pottutietit cure. illontgomery, , Jane 17, 'B9. .1: L. DOWNING." R take ;ileums in recommending the tang Liniment as a valuable and Waive*. 'hie art }ell for Sprains, sores, Smetana or Ogle on Noma. Oar Men limp steel It for. Burns, Bruties„ Sure,, Rhenium /le., and all say it lets like magic. I. W JISWEI2.,. , romtcurr tor "1/102eT1,24 - 0 ".• 6 !" 'Tiered' " '?hr sprain rf my danzliter's ankle, oantaioned while skating trot winter, was entirely eared in one week after ph. eonamental one yen!' teleErsted Mustang Lint- rant Giouseatxr, Mau., Ang.l, MM. It Is an admitted het that the liteican Vinthing ?Jai ment performs more .tans , in shorter time, on man and tent, than any article erenfiscovensd. Iramilles, lir— ery.men, and planters should 'lime hay: It pot hand. Quick and maze it certainly is. AU genuine is wrapped in steel plate surmise, be. slat tine 11 gartala of G. W. Weatorook, Chemist. and the . pri7ate U. 8. Stamp of D 81145 BARNE3 & CO, one the top.: ' An &Tort luiab en made to sountetteit It with a cheap stone flatilibal , , Look clotelY. • SARSTOGIk SPRING WATER I . •n`o as ly It to ■ most delightful Asir It eradicates scarf and dandruff.' it keeps the head cool and clear. It makes the hair Lich, soft and glossy. It prevents the hall turning gray and falling c II. It restores hair nicer prematurely bald heads. ls is what Lyon'tKallution vlll do. It is ;matt,— It is ebstp.Alltott..:lt V The carload and it He almost Incredible demand is daily ineresstng until tbers is hardly)" mmistrgatore that does not keep it, ors &tolls that does not ems it. T 1101149 LYON, quimut, N. Y. - SARATOGA 'SPRING-WATER I. 1:1123=C3 Who would cot be beautlfal? Who would not add to their beauty 2 What gleiti that ramble purity and die Ungar appearance we obeerveaponthe stage, and in the city belle t It is nu' longers matt: Thej use Haganis Magnolia Balm. Its cautioned use removes Tin, Prat t^ Piamdealand'rusigiucens hour Chu ease mut and leaves the compleiloilimeati, transmit, bloom tog and ravishing. Unlike many cosmetic,, it cantata no nualttal tg) 'plots tb.ths any &nuts' art order it far you, U not on hand, at di cents par bottle. ' L. - s-o Ttldb.N.-Lacitdd:M. DI LAS BARMI ir COWlllliblegalsr Agate, N. Y. SARAI : 64A .4 I' t. 114 G WATER! : : sod by ail prospu. liebinitreet'S Inimitable Bair Coloring Ls not s dye. All instaainneons dyes are composed of lunar elastic, sadism er No &lawny the utility and barityar the hair. This is the original luilr coloring, and has bees growing in' favor over twenty pews. It restores guy Mir to f 4 aiteala soli/ by gradual :absorption, in $ east remarkable manner. It is aim a hematite! Hsi: drawing. in two sisaK-50 onto cod sl—by all dealers. C. HEI - 113121,CT, Chemist. SARATOGA SPRING WATER! 121 M LTOViI IMMO! OP PC= LLZAW.II 141017.01 Ir egestisa, Nausea, Heartburn. Sick Eloniiclie; Cholas Iferbus, Flatalency, kc , Thema titatuaing stimulant is required: lie. mita., preparation and entire putty makes it a chaiia sad reribla artlele for canary . parpo aeK Soldiesrywhere, at 60 cents per bottle. Ask for 'Lyon's' Pam Extract: Take no other. • . ,SABATOGA SPRING WATER I . 'pm - IAL 'Sou yin Er4esol. . . R E M O. T A L 4RO . CEBIEOI !*• - 0111xEMES !! - 33s'oilman/sr haa .a movel Als dock of Groosciss from - UK dam& abo.R tho' .db D l po to • Um, room to thole& lilatit WAWA" - Crest, amnia cd l'oarth, when air 'KU I* fern to as. .1i sad clubmen and AU that, Mao for goods Ms stock o Groscriss y o .m mid sonfigy islestsd , se.t.silKs4 st the kmrstss - cosuddlat mint the Ovlcistst *oat. Mr Whew - Mt In - wed ofmayeddr - ta Ids ilt a tiar kiwi - 4111,z IP.IIIOEIM : _ .n7 hM,u„ u N ilml. g oes. ..: ll ,zerrm I s r , sz u, a n d z r"a: nll-,. Wiligmas PM - a h : _ .- „,-, • :'..- ••.'Zt,.? ....'"• • 1ie.5r.,577.i. • ..., :`: ',.. -:,, 4 ,, - ?= 1 ---., .. i. . •,,f. . 7 ' ---- , 1,- . - -tP; - f.. - t:-' 4 - - ••-•;• ,- ;': - :- 4'-' - • !.';',' • ;. --' -- - " " - •,4 1 0rt- . `:- , :c ""4-` -''- :- --. • '• . ' •,;',,,;•.-=, 1 I • . . '.,,,,, ; :., ; •7 . 'Y.: .!!_;X-.- 4 - f -, ~..,-",; -. . . .. .. _ _ _ ________ • ~,._.r , _.,.,-,.... i• , . . .4( a _ P . i: , -.1•tr••••rt 14 ,- -- - - f,• :. ,- • "• St` ~1...•=, ' . - . ' -,••• - • •--' •- . • ••.. -, ''..o • -- - .-* -' _ .-..•• ••• :,, .'-.:: +„ t 0,-, • -:. , - - ' --, :1;•-•,, , -':,. . 06 1 ,,..,.. 1 - - *-1. • , ~, ~,-„,...- ,-. ,.„•,i, 7 .. • ,„ r. .Pt. 3 1.,.. - . • ;:, ! .... -, . .:.-., -. . , .. .- „f . ,;,..r .. . :-.5.3 ... ; : i' . `'' 31_,,,p51.4 -1 & , V1N.1314..; • . .'.i.::,•-,'...• ---:41,7.-4,-', _ . . - • : ,•....t 7; - t .; , ..- ._- : --..-: • r •••• '-:. ' '• ~- - , - - - ..- _ - -... • - .-t..p, , ,..i4, , •'.iv.,i irr- l iaci , ' ~.*••,,:1,:._,t ; ,; . .. 4 .,itsi - di, ' ..4 > 3 ~.,:. ~ 1.;:17 , -.!‘, 7 4, ',"•.-.',.. - 1.-:,`•. - I.,ii•: , 44.;.-::: ~., , '.l''. :'. - 1 - . : "•''' :- - ' ..?t,,, . „ X• , k' - 1 .ft l44 1 . , , b . ..• L. . I F. . .„. 0' : 4 4 ' ?. .. 3 ~:.,:,., .; 4 7 : ,,-, :, .; y r --,:i _ ~ , ..,, ..;. , ~ , " ai- - lq ...g,-•:,1; . - 3 , :119iit . - : F.... - . 4••• 4 - ... ~ .'7 i ...., - - : t. ' ?t, • , . ...... , . . -, , i,r,"P lt. 1„, „,.. ,/ ,..- .11 ,,, ,f.1 , 311,...1 - 4 , - _ . , . • ~, .A. 71 tri` t . o ‘. .' , . „ . .. ... . ~;"_ t .e. •••• t <,, 1 • (."1. ' ..4 1 :--,- ..5 , ,: - .1 , '.. -- ,i - , - . k...`, 1.! , ... , i. - 4 • I ds i':r,i ;,, •1. S ... -• - . . t ... _ . .. . . . L ' .. . ilt 4 li7l -" , ~.: qi/ttft Int :......1 . . v ,: - .t 4,4' .ft . "-Z - ,', , .. i h.:. -,,,•, 1 • „, , . -. - - ,1- iiii - . • ...- , „ ._ . - -:!,,, -,:: c. , - - • . 7% -" , 3 ' ,.. .& ,. 't --. lc*" Ur . • A ' • 0 . . - - I. - ..., ~.. „..,. ... -03. - - i• ,- ` , ...; • t 34 , -1' • i t " .., i ~:, •3 '- ' •' ' - -1 0 -- '': .I':•1- .-': • ...: - , ~..... 1 : 2 7 :, 4 -:, ---, '.': c -• : 1 "7. - , '-.: ' , -,4 '..-iti,i''Y4.- i-Y . : -,-, • '..s ' 1 -,,"` 's . "i . • - '""'' - _____—....-...- ----- E--1 4 '41 l6• ; . , .. . - r-..:'.' , ....• ~ ,,,,,„,„. ' l. . Ni,-,,,_i„, , .4-, , ,,,. .-- , _- ... , 4 4 0 1 0 0 •Th -- 1 ,„ ^"s: • , . ~. MA J .- 4 . , ,71, -,., it : E - W..13: 1 .7.., 6 - •,•:•; •_,•' - -:-.--iir ,i'1?..Z.z,,,• : ‘ - f. :‘,17,;•; ' / ' t . . - - ,-I,i'•-.7-.•4*„.";:•••....,•;.1 - - -,- .•..7...,•• I.: :.--- i r....; •,- :.-,.. ,r„ . RES Sold by all Dr:iced& =I IM. BEXLEY." Sold by all Druggists. Sold by all Druggists Sold b all &aiprlsto: & names•, itAni7tatrzsas!!? PURE CONF ECTIONERY! And denim in ill kinds at PLAIN AND FANCY CANDY! 17110LES4iE AND RETAIL. ORANGES,. LEMONS, NIITS,• &C., &C WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Y_ANKEE NOTI-ONS, WHOLESA,LZ. TOYS . OF, - ALL RINDS, WHOLESALE. , FINE. CIGARS AND TOBACCO ! 11, it it 01r13TER8 I Apots for the EXCELSIOR FIRE WORKS ALL QOODS=IY•OUR LINE - BENER URGESS, 431 STATE STREET I, IOSS AND ELM CANDY! The Cheeped and Nod PioWant COCOH 86MILDIr I N TUN COUNTRY! It .ID do all that be claimed for It. LID NMI 7.111.8 1 . 0 CLEAR - TILE VOICE,- I= TITROAT AFFECTIONS, IMEI COIfGEIS AND IRRITATIONS! And prove -Itself • bIILD & PLELSANT EXPECTORANT ! 11A3171ACTIVIED OX&Y IT REITER a BURGESS, RNA PI. ebld'glatt. SS/nn a A NEW If A RDIV A RE S"7 ".0 R F. NO. I=IPEACH A -for do-rs abatis lb& Eraloa Depot, liberal*, shall , keep cal hand a prima stack of 11-4 RD W A R-EI And sell at the Isenst: resserssatlss pekes, 703 CASH. ONLY. r TRY' Vet Erie, Jamb 18, 14106-31 a J. moznartra, JL J. • IICHTELAVI. J . IClCHilthAtrEi - de CO.) 1141IITACTITRZlie Cl D.O OT. 8 • A,N,D 811 O E vrttousAla AND AT fIITICCED Bartvg a largo ilia of our own roannfato aro on hand, oaths tavola - 4o taaartmeat et taattorettairoottmarstit di at la Imationlo or Itotall than any other ortabllatuhan In Wittily. • lining had lon ittpubiles ay to *We of &tato- Wl* 'pedal perm to aroperhrir don u I to mom: .14 halo th e trohroloo tight In tido en,' to •--• , • , - ninon Pant - BOOTS a' 810E5, *litho Amon starsaotmosots.wd, only * them ilootWY woo so to their sopenwocoatolt W/117 that pao +Atte 404 way. • e.; Thip Maw Boot mods sobridging 0; 11 frsia tiv start as opo wont tor itoomtVmo. Cti; rriz, i.V r} Jl, ll 'My! •Tesobri onr own • bbl attintioie" "*.'" • - raLinfPi...tbiTS ;OD rann,ds- Tar tb. trade. alwaya on band tomtit . - Tairilartag thank' to our Mao& and customer) fat put pgrosago, lops by just MAI lionorsbla dealing to malt a -ontinnasco of th,wis, sad cordially invite ail to call and simulate oar ado& bears parcbaaiag era. Oros. „Vo. =sous., at , ;GROVE/it . 11,11 . .."11. 1 13 - • .• . , . _ "*'"••• naer =.71161111A ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCH • „ • - SEWING MACHINES , . - • 111E1OZT.. kkievet.; Br% Pi. • .• • _ • • • '• - • lf4f/YMENT for bith Sew. • - Domblos-oao famedstiktion; aldOoo sae'Anvils's of alga soltialsiaaa the aunaptopol oStoth lam VD.. way. in vast of mantillas and proldaalo omplor assat.latoontaa. no star, araliooaro oath* caoloolog a postpaid ailtnaaminioloaa ( 0 7 PlitlealiratO • ' DASIIALLe - jylS-fof MAIM N. T. rang' 011! TOIIIFIL-4 +1 same for het == Thimv, laden ft* dimes - t eilf tore* iambi varieta tb•r% an d wawa itakore • ftrffirfre• law assaility 14 Ltollibr -advilit/16211 our w.oavit 7rais-ir.," • • - Fa a ottavaielt4el4 , . . ITIEIR 8 1 / 1 0.110.13111MIBER.aa Earn OrWardik ; sad ladruedos to wanetiro--riblistred by. ttesrt airs Aasoddledfi ald add Mil if dr isorilad lard, ors. kllttess. —lloCrefiTONa . • CM‘r . ,FAlitThr: 6'#°C Ruh as Tim Stank. fasrataploarftid Bork,• - a4O l l/ 114 P/2 awn 'aware, Cram tirtiorbiplis Pus, gnaw Inisa, Assn What, gemiiry, Bei*, Ilimant sleek Ovift Cora Old S:Miftialittlidgat lad*: no. Maw Mai, alibi& a Him gaz. a* Ocresatii,-ft s =aisit. l dioralaillikefsig to MM. t • egis , CITY — F, LIDDELL, SELDEE & ItLiBE, ; " I' 0 D 13-11,8 A"07111(ISTE1 4 zuevnriszi - STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, • OIL STILLS AND TOMS. . DRIVING PI ITIOI WO, • WALIKINGfi3EAM ,1,/34 . 5`2 MULLINS; .TO OLS, ' MILL GEARINGSANDIMACHINtRY. MI our . work M. Enda from the t eft matrrfajK and w.Mt• warns to Do of the - BEST STYLE AND WOBEMANSBIP. ' vt•'addtor Wyly to I Our Itaebthori sat ifamthicturfair facilities, to impply the mod for oar work. tronitt GEO. , jt23tf. pastr.insaqt. • 1866. • -1208.7 pirownwr TO EXOURSIOZIOBTO; , - AXIL ,- i- • . , ROYAL 11AIL:LINE- OF STEAMERS! I • lath their vinneetlon to Si trattatt States, otter 'vast Inducements to till pumas ' totantar. - - - - • &carrion Tlobete frank NtailintPaUs t 3 Ns. York; Boston. Penland, Saratoga and the White Mountain!, eta Toronto,. Miagatoo. Mentreal.: 4 ;loboo did other routes, among whleh ere Mine of the in et pleesent— traversing mean aboundin g-in I beastlfal stasery. with a refreshing and Isylvorating stsoosphre. These routes by the takes. the St. towienes. through 'the Canada, and the Ma Una and Middle States: itatiarr obtalnedshebropubtrity for summer did fah tratelat ham Neon* en hominid item to thirmenageli °ribose gnu, so mach CO UP to Induce them to detain epeelal attention to 'the red:Logos of rates. sod Inefefung facilities for the satomottodectias ofirastellara: _ • 1 lasts are good by rail or by Ro al Mall Lins Et:MP we. Meals zed gertbs.inelsiled between Totoakr and !Untrue!. • .fillEßEitE ESREY ie. ?At Street nonntctlana are mite iith main - lino it all important polati east and neat. ;To travelers from Pbrad.`pb .Baltiscork Rartiatornp" - Insiamarrort. Leaddll., Titorrille, and orther, important towns in Nizinionab i , *ha route' ars of easy RAM tit the P. & E. railroad to Erie. Cr Foe ticket' and all necaskarY Informallon apply to, FLOWER iietrocac. Jritl-Zak • Ifilabra Slack, Erfa, La. , SLIANNON .!re C 0.,: THE PiACE TO BUY HARDWARE! ' • IT. haTo no erOinge [dr Boot•sesper. sDoke, iroithllsa accounts or enllatilota. Rod esa therefor! - . BELL OREAp., 4 'l3Lsektnalths NW had oworsthhig 11k . At Shannon C0:5.1323 Pooch ht.; atom Marcia Depot. Tbo b4st subrtraent or Noeons, ; At Shaason k Ceo.llZt3 Peach Itt e Charcoal for Bohtterahno ail hiding ! , .. • ; ••• • at Shannon & Co.'e a 83 Pea* t! ti Wastethohn &Roma? evlohrited IXL Who, at Shannon k C0.•41323 Peach St. . . G h „ aiand Putt, - _ • at Shannon & CoN, 1313 Pesch St. • • . etelobrated Uoton A.oto ?wart parrs coins both Well. Atl3bartun & Ces, Pookb EL , T'—rmilleo North Carona, • • L atAsauten 1 Co.'. 1323 i 1 ash tat • ~ • , Soy thee, Butts and Broths ittana• , • Sbavnoo & CO.'e, 1333 rush SG —... • - • 2iew3intar and Pork Pelletier iBharpsost at Shaw:too h C0i?..1223 P. 1 1 40 "• )T31"141-i lhAil d.. . 1496 • " above the ttaton Depot, Pa. Sole Ovate In North trastern Tema.for the drehicadtan Patent Alla; Coo Nortikp • Ms awl Pin 'ear ?root SAW and PalttenVa !tales.- 1112-1 t • - • BOOKS Mt TIM nutaium- - • An ostuasams Bt3ol6tLLE*.§ 'AM? ItTrATIONOS, An new opening the began swiped manfully eeleetid god' of elegantly bound, and beautifully Illnstrsted • • , 'Diet assenttelt& =Att. lieliatif o iitt edam vats. bow .Igairtatb NO • imerleta JUT= Health Walk Prayer Poop, aa4 pyireb pareletkiallets lea. Alas, • Mt Ci-triCist ?Mug Deehe, Vine, !eV headil,tadind . Wilt Ind Wert Boxes. P,rthslissAtuecocopesund OM, Punter 'Card Pictures, the most Mantilla lilioo7 Baca Verb to great •garisty. Port Mossoalso. tlltdtismoLeol.PlOas Propelling Paneils.s tarp variety of PororrArttosto BeoUt Plaid, Photograph Altruist -how Wei bast 'Mow factoriee, in tbs bast atria& _ , • - . juhred tt CACOVEY, VoClrßitirr * CO Hat zelax 4, CO. _ MC •-STOEB. Dv • _ No. - 820 -Mesta Strat i - Erie, Poimairkasisre - Nadirs fa - ficrsti, AND`guaratt, 7glirlflll7liENTS GP !via: -- , DESCRUTION. ' , • Rolls?, Planet oaf Germs! stings at ',theltmotßgiar' Solo grata for Chlokeitog Boat WaL . P. Drucker k Co.'s, toit - Rrren I Bacon's Plano Potion Alio, the tolfrote4 Xrpkt k Unsay aOlaet Qrganaane Yule and String, MOM, Mall tree of postage. All onto" promptly ottoadol to. 0 1. 4kOfesleillailll Nst frss of pottage- : .-. 3 1:014.1 HEADQUASTICEIS'. FOR • •` C:H 01;);S , I, III3IOLISAIJI ^ • 0 4 20CERY -AND ;PROVISION STORK .r_•MOA LIZTICHS. • ' • • F. & M. SCHLAUDECKER, • Are' ski* rightg anus via aims. s.ll.mitleaa DlSai • Slats aka,* WV_ sad 'span stag, at- On/eerier, Providomy LliFOro. - Whim, troodssi sad Etas Wow; Traits Nuts. do.. ks. i'oeofitit ;oiriorythlse found in' ~aaii of tali kind, odd& Um al al as &M ail us cum saBIP. - thpitiad la thi. ofty:fot Cat ar moot kinds le - country . ; Stooks no, Wm obio Mika' off or as Isrood sod talk atrollsboorsad Somali* Vanfi. to W or U; to ldeb tie) Writs Aosthiptdos tlio& - 10-r• Call sad ow is—s Olzoblo dries* to fistfor ssl.r 111 13 V iry allohrti?Cida 1 : 1411 etimastrest bongssirt Grp B Ur 1TABTEBB; ' ;JAUSWICAWDLOCK; ATE BTREETI.. -Juts 14110-43 - • : • IP: II ILSWILAIMMdit. jus :.. L .. nit Louis Aim. pgrzwix,. A ftrfity of ChllamOs Maio ind raliff' • • ! BEADY,-.MADE. CLOTHIN.G., La tles`lteidy-Nadi Voter Clor t atErgialtrof dew 'All of videb.,.tu bs itevt e hssd, aed also mda to erderi- Oinr redid* al] W 4411 by eerier/a amigos. Stitahisatatialisid Sesidlag tosesaktla . sbot Int %swam „ larnyak*i of the bard sty% Illittstawlot -Lagar soil MAWS eshilsotaw Altar dui wipe, pras!pgy attsp!ed to t , . - - JO& ^ 5y.19.11 : . , heads Bt.batirala4ii sollittw DEcis' . , DRAIEREVIN 'SMOKER'S - AATIOLB8; 'a • lz.; ?I/6113'# Gil 6, 'itaCCIGARS, 67 Reach :beet, -Efie, '12e104; FINS !Ogri4Co4 3 / 6 1 !INI 4 IM44SA APES. cumetninAtatetlNA'alii - LAYOIIII2. 4?1201 CLIISM I ZI +10,741, . Op. 7 i Ttitt* iii•r • • ' — "OHESPIIKF'IOiiiC,COS 1 •: - = 7 • - I') Sk im i st utl i ictrosait 1i14 16 *Uvula shift: th-em wMt ' 361 ; wham ft ,r ;VMS! iMD MAKININI4 Al/I=WistaTi g ernr iziL • 4rdapealTagsembiad modest* slaw 1,12-V, VIZ GRAND TRVNIC, SAILWALY CAIIciTIET, MoCREARY St CO., lfo. It ".NORtH rims sow; 13 . 0 0' IC 8.1 WEIGEL itiLit &440 . '4 "Li ' Adveithiliarilfitanitt. . • The Lint OSSZIITIM t billing the Wool eine/Wee et say WWII/ *pat tntb reesejlreale ebb of iittlebieekh" ., iikeieslaielf -the' Iteselehassie Aver; 'bat rfettato:the lbaehrl of the bed bfeeethd eitbies threhlhelialhe !eat 1 , !...1eare wen of „the Bib, li fikustuoitiar thi-betadrerttslnsAWbme I A r taki semler 4 ise4 by not leo, thia tea* s nood einesehtted, teethe abeetiase ebb I .4.l o 4:attLt%_ro: rigle *Pt the Lowest d say pm tot Bootleg. Te'peperuel a!! clams. whihresor .k "i; &toile : . ithi'OlarberzOLLoids an esequilsa Abel ofeeseasafeettrn with the 'pita& itfgeastto alb .7411: babies knows. admits In the Obeyer Urea have Owner. It you Inuit tekiiifeeneff aiethlniiideertlas In the °beam% Plies baistigiesNteeeto pebilah, leivertiee td the -9beitell. L. , TI ',tot( *Lb 'to tor-Ivaco aoo • sitielo, odvorties for .. • .. itioilvtith to atoptooot id/Monis4 -4 dr t' • t'to ism& . , . , . Orovint to saviiiiiyintrtitirosto, adiorttof. 150 Ittiottattord aka hooirad rt. bisiboalw bottle lojitilt otoostiArossim. IThe moot et bottom focesosroakt Johtir4ieobAqtor,."l6 • IlbTal am of pelota's 10k.," Thi ttioniiiti or ir.staoitio at lola who hors iotimot by moor 'gel ion et adiortioleal, an ' ang2 11 . 1 %-- r 2111 *" 14 lart"-*-2,0/14t fo ihrtait to t istdiokiErlottir d it*tt • 1. - 'A4W p OBSERVICR •ESTAB,pI.4IIUENT, EtTAii OPPOSITE • tHE PCLIT IDFFICE; 8114: PA.. /Wing - AIWA _pp our: aft.; dur:eg the last Mir *lnt .I.lnProvell :„ , , 1 1 4 0*Eli i ♦hd all the 141,1L1T STVLY3 ,OF TIT& , We 'is - 3;car pngsed t : ost - rat ' ve _ for end kioi " et yap! la ottellat. " • r - BOOK, , AND JOB PRINTING, Of every vollsty,govo on short sotto* as madly sad on -- sO iovinstio tonna tilt as bojnoenned • • • any attyslopi 4lnkl&tos._ • • ESPECIAL 4TTENTLON Clivenp CARD3 I DILL SE/D9,- . • I t " - • , , - • . PANG! P . 2.1.rf G. W altead as losltalloo to all who auky be la JOB - W K , „ To eel-mod poi our "pekoes' . . LXNK3I BLAMSI - BLANTICS'i I 1 - , , I * ll4 * ltt i I•gt Bla ola WITPOTO. 4trincip. - I • CONSTABLZP. • N. Nene litetitos be oiled fet bus omitted, ituttre feettmpu Itoontdwulobeingse to top • • • ply any snide wanted. • ; • 0 XVIL B'L A N 1E S. in tat sic isk coed plairr..in • nast-style.sna an nia& impuier tethoie g arri4i, in tho cir Ankh Woad mill be promptly elle& t Ter,l 3l •T: CgaTP III I9 , I I • arrirtrinarTVll: • • ' orsl eas nun or raa Eta! • Erin rat larvaints I GET am we TILT Slalom Cair-Ectiait . ?Eon Pilrutstur its ram! • . - Tarr Pa= ur =ems Az" 8,45 r. I • -Wale _ CoLariaste. rasia stl ' •Taa•rsaverrts. - r - • PAM' BHA% IlingsirwowlTCll., , c.l, • • --E7 l 9 ll° S ••. • . CARTER'S VATEACT . OF 'DANDELIthf :ARD'iBITTER.BWEE • . ' • 1 Which magmas has imiseto ••••• moat Lain tad er.taat audYalsathartaa hevied . ta all We etaar, at eozaplalas, • ' ALSO' cILIITESIt • • fr., la b 0 '..os I N: IT 1, Inds% hat so @gist at • autaht caw lair the PVT. cur* taltatilaotesa eats oat etTriaty. Able: Spat rata ia Bet nhastd,r/Vat Beathial 014 kkasksail, Mean that ars taut to -brat., • PAN of !Muddiest OM per Non.: • Yakiettiat= ,1 4 , 3 A14.7 1711 W " •'''lBD°Y, itiAt3rt, 7 4:unissiori & (n m; e 'NOII IS I rilititoin - •-• TWENTY - 011Ere'br 'IEA ft : HBAEIN,'PIAtIPTAAN 64 FF".. A • ; ZITO /TO welgt4 trim NWT** , • • ~: • FREER) LOT, 011-.COFEIa AND, -11P10.131, nears H.. Yark., ' Ong inifitiroa WI at • 6.1 Shari runny mieigrit. imut - vaalter • ter.% .64,Cuais , r1Art CRO W 44 ' 4.9rEf * 0 gE*4 14 ,44P: ,4 4 1 . 1), WPC C R • • ''!% , 's • .32 TP.-* it , l ' -'ft- gin - -, 164 'Tibitabb , lag* .tagaiguivit Pkigialsted to Uni - P ahl. . The .arm and 'proopaisio turn et, ego LW m.: may dilefttilialmß:-IthOtWif WWI t& OrAPPU ed !PIMP/ 1 h 4T -N3* imps' EN*ttlt itrttf>fC t. ytrdiM itttriat &el not bra pe Intim* *UAW* of-lh• ateassel4birli -tiles didombrestboalintjt hiqulelbreirriditecrotb.` iiitsrety ars ea Us bedyleasisa tier; 1811th =r 1 Wallde ilLitupd 6: 1 4 soothold vepat - that Opaline .thlr OT ECM' WIDOW 441 Pnlak telSaag 12 I,ll .l="E' a 'ma ' sikelkiv Nadi iktatbaiti !ri -- •r . . i 80AP lor Auk D.RUOGIOL . : • • • asia4f " _,••• • •,I 7111,11•11:111 1 Ctiri grILIST, I s si + e ; rwsaintre 111121131116 n -darbarraX. "'' 40114 1- -I - ; ; ,; , f •. • . , Tvirpaurrul ai rri-ombesap bu bums 41nohyd. tesi na sommet. *molests Momatehr - JO' 11. Li soatesse ths breasts st tap LI ifPfri ct:ig t l l 4: tilioulillowjataoliteathe Chu*, 80141, Ma at Ottglorig. Ed • woo*. roi, j /tior tag a4l, to Ito tokdototpr Stialk giourb igoliltilkotiwair -- idmi• *Pr" atter Anent. IWlNialts AI& 21,11".. Not attar Fide; • - eniwra -mum ORM/4 e • , • • OA; a rare Quid fag was ths,flag:We bore. tTis bully:Quid Bag, sn r "nice— Et .:had - sthripes it plenty, , and Bhtirilitore, • - "Tertts the broth of s' party desist; • : Faint, wsoarried it Baptni, ette. we corted•,it .1. -far. An' ar - oued it oitibliodies tirade"; , &et' we aware by the shantloek that never s Altar••••••• • • r -ggram its azure field shcqld fade: , • 'Nye I thii win. the istb,l tell you to rno, - Tnat - was 'wain In the sonlief our Boys " •- - The fight it grows think. so' oar boys the., • " An' the ibelis-like.ri 6atither seritm ; An' the flay—it is torn by many s ball, Mat to yield it we never dhretm: Pler4ed by bullets yit still it bears All the ehtaiw in its tittered field,— Ate. again the Brigade; like to -one man, saints. In Ha : d,list a star from Olefl a g we yield!" -". t;"Tirse the . deep,.', hot pith, I tell you -.That Icy oleos tispo tousle ,of s In Blue. the. vas won/ either Inall , .• • Rut two-thirds oche ooze:wee bore 'The leg' Troia thiiir wives intd"eireethearle • dear Returned to their homes no more 1 .Thardied by the bullet 7 .4isease bad power. An'-,to death they were rudely tooted; Tint their thought came worm in their dying .-1" , :aßlot slitter, from the Ras Is lost I".; Then they said their Paters and Ave. i thiongh; ' • - An' like Irishmen died—did our boys in Bat now they till its some altars are gone Tarn oat by the rebel gale • That - the States we forightforz--the States - we r: Are still out of the Doion't pale! , - &fay their !owl's in the Diout's hot kitchen Who sing pock a lyin' ahtrtutil By.the dead la their graves it shall not be so. They shalt have what they died to gain 1- .1, j All the BMus in our Flag shall shine throtigh 4 ,, . • • ' ; The grass growing soft o'er our Deed in ' I Mae: llkeeht47 . _oA Rational P2lities. , The., Ezeontive,Cottunittoe liaving in charge thosreparationa for the National .Convention of soldiers ,and sailors who support thh President's policy, to be held in Cleveland September 17th, notified the Rev. Henry Ward Beef-her, of his appoint ment as Chaplain to the Convention. In reply that - goisttemairwrituls follows: Ittzszitt, Aug 30, 1860. Charlis G. Ha/pine, Brelit Brigadier Gen'erol; &scum, Majlr General;, Gordon Grenscr..lfojor. General,Committees Grairnixis— I AM obliged to you for the; invitation Which you have made me to sit It Cbarlain to the Conventionof Soldier* and Sailors, about to convene at -CleVelanzl. I cannot attend it, but I heartily. wish it and all other conventions whetsoeier, suceess, whose' object is the restoration of the Stites !aloe in rebellion to their Vedersil relations. Our Viewer government has no place ' 1 for State,except in the tinfoil. It.io justly taken for granted that the duties and responsibilities Of a "State is federal relations lend to its political health, and the . pretenlied,coridittons are fulfilled, - is if it was dangerous to leave a community outside the great body politic. - Had the loyal Senators and Reprezetp tatilies of Tennessee been admitted at 'once 'on theassemblicuof Congress, and in moderate succession ArkansasiGeorgia, Alabama. North Caroline, and _Virginia, the, public mind of the South would r haye ,beef far healthy than Wis. and those . Steles which, lingergi Otkpriitatibract the' test ould have beenander trioteritillutary !irtOeucelo geed cor.dnet than it a dczgn '•atzilitiliOratched over therm ;T.:' Every month that we dalv this. healtn . ' fat step complicities the, cue. Vbe ezbid dad population, enough' unsettled bifore,• grow more irritable the, tinny' . hecoinea. Indispensable goveramenT,'Ohd atillett*a_it ; the pßvertilpept`aMash ingtifin is called to interfere - one end [another difficulty, and this 'will heifone inaptly, and atimelbizet With gretit•injus ' tite4.- for out saavernisient;radapted' to Its own propetfuutkins, is utterly de ,Void 01-tbosejusbita, andtmequipped with' the., inatruments which - .fit .a centralized government to, exiirciie stithinitv in . Mate States owed local Waits. ' Every et lisraps to perform Ittett.dettiat have result eitt-1 ill:lnietekee , •Plaieb have , excited .the' itut.,,whalever imprudence there may be to the Method', the feel criticism: shenid be against the' -ricitillitei-oft each. Ilea el' the 'general gaverurnent.w•The .federal government , ittoanfit to. extv: cisozninor:policeAnd goiornment, and will inevitiblif bitinder ' when 'lt' teiOptei It • Pro keip - abhif score of States Mader federal avithoatiP; gisiv& - ties andwerxundbilitiett; to . oblige the ventral :authority to-gtizem.lialf the ierrIIPAT of,the ,federal . ' civil -13Zeera and V the 'army. is a Peoliernot confy uncongenial io'cror Mitt -prin. , (elutes; but preeminently darixerans.tothe apirit of- our, lemma:wet. • However hu-i ,mane the *toils, soulOkand the mot ives,. it. is,Lui hid,' course of instruction; preperi z ineetir goi&rimutent `to fib defrbotie,r and. familiarizing the people to a ittritith of auf - thOrity which • VW.- ,tte*er..be-..etheri than ,dangetzsus to liberty,* , . • •! am &wire:that goodriten are Withheld. :frothedieisatitig the prompt' And-sueees tilielideritOdow-of the.exiled .Statin try-the fgar,chielly. of, it* effect upon the parties, and upon the` freedmen. • ; __hie said tbat,,it adniittedlo Celigress. the Sduther nSetiatori and risPresentatives. tritii.';ffzirthern Dentearate U 1 e "country. ' Is this' nation-. Alien p , retirtlii dhmembered - tO serve the Have,enjlaol parties? bitirited. no, piss by the fr ,hYsturt f . theMait:•'ten ,years;iiivflifc# jusethis couVsq - .oVitieriile: ilit,t4e nation 46 theta/o . olft Xlol'lll4_ plungest,us .*: ; Eyes Sdenitilsetthe in ironkilssa luta) Of a party' t‘de - up of Seidlerti :J1 MO'dithen: lised,kld - Petitizericy tired Mirth; Chit porteriima tot be used'justlas they pleased...Theates.hteichabged ,. not alone . The wholetexiun; lituf.AdVaticia: sentiment' is lfedLfar• heyondjethat- it.hsolieettp at aitjr foinierpentaLl' neW Agsrty.woold; , river„ be, tp _seek out its chsonels in the cdrsaadi_enieting, slopes; ferin"Oif the, continent'. - • .~ _ rtVe hare' entered Crtegttti of -11berit: The style of •theitglst• is freeri end-Mere' -.The young teen 4 our time!, ern 444 ,P,r14 4 . on ThaSreikt ersoi.heilvest p. d -hundr eds of • usoinsilds Of 'snit sretotie homer tojireseh4i tint, and ' ' tiOhler - ~settuinan right. - Atithe its clustriatinterests of :society. ere leering with increasing,,wi*m ; toward,,intell*-• Pace atitPlittrAkanwhere. re.. in litirsuure. scion:ay in ihisiaitd Indust rial , • in *chief questions. well Ss liViinlitialicthei Wien -feels Abet - the ntatarisover` and sneer sprhstbanp is tisChoylSol4 st:ti nerbia-thrimitil4 sin the e*P. GPO-, -thif.bapPilZ thaDifealitrid r-entreed,Ondition 'of Silks/is - to party of Iprotesid#liiiiniatioitzeit fearekeiStdOttleensustinerish—f , : 5 , *ln- rod Ishiteot end- . sown the fear of nfew,ths_Alite Bonth ones more in attinstmentttith the , - atm OIL ION:. ENE =I ,;77:-, ! j p it .: 01L , : I'_ nil' _LI. lIIMEI government, wilt rule this nation I The Nortb.is rich—never do rich. The South is poor—never before so poor, The popti teflon of the North is nearly double that of the sleuth. The industry of. the North, in diversity, in. productiveness and for syardnessi in all. the Machinery and edu cation required for manufacturing, is half a century in - advance' of the South.— Churches In the North crown every bill. andsehoola swarm in every neighborhood —while the South has but scattered lights at long distances, like 'lighthouses twink- Hog eking the edge continent of darkness. ' In the presence of such a con trast, how mean and craven 'is the fear that the South will rule the policy of the land. That it will have the influence, that it will contribute in time, most im- Portant'influences or restraints, we are glad to believe.- But, If it rises at once to the control of -the government, it will be because the North, demoralized by pros perity, and by groveling interests, refuses to discharge its share of political duty. To such case the South hot only will control the g overnment, but it ought to do it. i It s feared, with more reason, that the restoration of the - &nth would be detri 'tents' to the friettuett:' The sooner we dismiss from ettrnaltds the ides that the freedinen can tee.olassitlid, and separated fora the white population, and nursed abliiefended bylliemselyes, the bitter it will 'be. for them - and - us. The negro ii part and parcel of Southern sod' ity. He cannot be prosperous while it is tinprm pered. Its evils will rebound upon him Its happiness and reinvigoration cannot 'be kept; from his participation. The res• toration of the, South to amicable relations 'with the North,. the reorganktionr,ot its industry, the re-inspiration of its enter prise and thrift, will all redound to the freedmen's benefit. Nothing is so danger ous to the freedmen is an unsettled state of society in the South. On him conies all the spite., and anger, and.caprice, and re venge. He will be made the scapegoat of lawless-46d , heartless - men. Unless we torn the government into a vast mili •tary machine, there 'cannot be armies enough' to protect the freedmen while Southern society, remains insurrectionary. If Southern society is calmed, settled and ,occupied and soothed'with new hopes and prosperous industries." no armies will be needed..," Riots will subside, lawless hang ers on will be driven off or better goy erneetande Way *ill be gradually opened up :to the freedoittn, through education and industry, to full citizenship, with all its-honors and duties. - CUM:mitre to a growth. N. , titier tan es cape that fortygenia in the wilderness who travel from the Egypt of ignorance to the promised land of civilization. - The freedmen mist:take their march. I have full faith in the results. If they have the stamina to undergo the hardships which every niaiillized people has undergone in, their'upward progress, they will, in due time take their place among us. That place cannot be bought, nor bequeathed. nor gained by sleight of band. will come by sobriety, virtue, industry and frugality. As the nation cannot be sound ntitil the South is prosperous, so, on the other extremes wealthy condition of civil' society in the South is indispensable to the weltire of the freemen. ' Refusing to admit' loyal Senators and Representatives from the South to Con gress will not help the freegmen. It will not secure for them the vo th It will not protect. It will not secure any amend ment of ' obr•Denstitnttion. It will only increase till dangers and complicate the difficulties:. Whether we regard the whole nation. or any section of it, or class in it, the first demand of our ,time is entire liPiltu 1.7•1it0 . • ..••••• , • attack each evil and secure every good. Meanwhile the great chasm which re hellion' made is not filled np:. It grows deeper end stretches wider. Out of it rise dread spectres and threatening sounds.— Yet, that gulf be. closed, .and bury, is it slavery, sectional animosity, and all strifes and hatreds. .' 'tits fit that that, the brave men who, on' -spa, And ituad E feced death to save, the notion, should now, by their yoke and vote co nsummate what their /Riot& ren dered potsible. • Fertile sake of .the fteedmen, for the sake of the South and itemillions of our fellow-countryreen,-for outown sake, and for the great cluise'of freedom and civili: 4 s tion; I urge"-the immediate reunion of ill , the parts which rebellion and war have .shattered. am ',truly yours.., Thw following is the report of Major Goners! ,Gordon Granger, one of the ca reers sent 40 - investigate the condition of . . :the, South., Gen. 'Granger is one of ; the bravest; ablest ant best known,of our sal diere, And his testimony merits more eon rideration than that army hundred Rad ical letter writers, *hese prejudices dies hie them from-seeing any virtue in tie Slut/gen people .„ His tleney,.Andreto. &Anion, President of the United States • obedience to initructiOniaated 1F66, directing. me, while carryi• leg out a specific mission; "to 'exenSine carefull# into the disposition of the peo %de of the Southern States through which .1. might pus. toward.. the ,goverernent of ;the United Stales," I have the honei to report Thatirr ell the States! - I - visited I found sigriasr :symptom: of organised disloy- - sity.to,the general,` government . Ifound - the peppletaking our currency, 'and glad lb get, it ; singictis for Northern • capital and Nerthertilaher to develop the resour ces of their_ wrasted =coon try, and wellsiis posed toward every Noriticrn Min Who came among them Wall that elect in: . •, Some lrealitiee I •heard rumors of se cret organizations pointing to asenevral of the Oc myestigaring,these se; crist — secielies, I could discover' n them 'nothing more then charitable institutions laiiinglhr:their principal abject the relief of. the 'widows and orphanitof Confederate soldiers whOhadfilion in the war.. ' 'During the. Whole - am* treeple I found bei - rus %alit tied tenvenierst to mingle with the per-pled thie- South, freely die. cussing any end_every Milks that came up, as-in any. other section of, the :United States. .1 'iris often among , them un known,,and the tenor Of their acts-end conversation was then the same as when my name and official ;position was thin , ' oughly_underatood. The .propleof the Snuilt may be divided into twoclasiee. - 'There is the industrious elati,laboring earnestly to•huild up what has been, broken down; striving to restore proaperitt, to tke.country. and.interested. mainly in, the great questimief - Preividing toed' and 'clothing 'fork - themselves and AMMO. - - Theme ("twist this: great majoritY' of • the.people.- .Thee there is- Another en,utterly irreaponsible posect.tolunirof youognienvito were the "bucks"' of•Southerweecietf before' the war; end'ehiefly spent their time in loung-: ink round .the court- rooms and hen; in chicken Sehtiog • and: gambling., These havebeen•greatly broken up by the war;, ~many,of them hav e been ;' but those Whiiiemain- are' disturbing menu in the z community, sad:ere doing !much, mischief- thy,,clean of And a number.. t the, ,poot whitest; wh. have formed pnga few - berm stealing. = It is - thisy r arliti in some instant*, have made atterike - orreffloers of the. ',admen% Bu. rite: end Lheritilktreited the freedom'', I It le r thelmhomfrookthclogn,pretatter saying Mat there ii among the veoplf of .4 • .x~ ~.. . HiSILT WARD BLECLIZE. The Scnith'ss it. Is. ..- .? MI .1 • - • ,lie &it 114 Willrl:o4n°' ' . y ,to 'the 'United ,Sotert;MEMb. IEO they arsaribtthet . prelautidiirat of the &leak. ern people. -They form but ma•‘insignig. cant Inintwitrirt theeenusunttYs and wren they.autactuati.d.:not2samuott bye feet. . ing of opposition to theurarnment as by a reluctance to' earn lbw own liswilhood.... b) ho3filTsl6l l etertion.. That cases of autheettbrontrage have occurred- in tbeßoutkrispeisettcrerareray _ one familiar witb_the currentxtewe of the day. But litameassArefirWand far bar twain , * ad it hi bettiMajust-iind ungemer• cue Webers* the responsibility for mob' acts rWawath * upon e wiJelft 00101' ern pleNia,, For ems is/4'oloOn WWI. accoutits of these isolated disorders nave. been tpllected and grouped toga/seri - tine sown ,broadcast over the Northiss 10 give to the public mind an utterWerrOn: eons impression as ' to the condition or Southern society. The fact is, that wher ever disaffection and turbulence manifesteed themselves outside the-olass to wbo rfY above alluded, there hail been some local or specific cause to an aunt for it. Lawlessness, likean epidem ic, has extended over particular belts of the country, and, Mtn an •epidemic,' is equally tfacable to some' inithitory cause. Chief among these causes must be named bud government, pillage and oppression. For fiveyeani the Southern people have beenthe subjects of gross misrule. During the war their government was a military despotism, depending solely on the dic tum of an individual. Since th - e war they have been left more or less in a chaotic state—their government seml-civil, semi military, or rather a diiiaion of rule be tween i fba military, the Freedmen's -Bu reau and the Prosisitmal Government.-- , What might have been the result of a different policy it is notalsogether idle to Speculate. Every military man wbo.eerved in- the' South during the war will agree that the heart of the people.wernott nugbly in the adruggle. The. number . 0 desertions from the , rebel armiesabun dankly establishes-this fact. Had a policy of wise and statesmanlike conciliation been followed out immediately after the Gloss of the war, • it is more than probable that the condition and disposition of the ' people Would now be far better than they are.. But on the subjugation of the South, the national authority in she lately rebel lious. States was divided and broken up into Opposing factions, whose action graat• fy hindered the re establishment of civil law -arid good order so muck 'needed among a people demoralized by the most demoralizing of all agencies—civil war.— The country was flooded with Treasury agents, who, with their accomplices and imitators,leeced the people right and .left, returning into the Unit ed • States Treasuiy for all the enormous amount c property theY seiald and confiscated bare}} ly enough- to pay the coat of confiscation. Agents of the Freedmen'Oureau stepped between the planter and the laboren-stir ringup,strife, perpetuating antagonism, and often adding their quota of extortion and oppression. On every hand the peo ple saw themselves rubbed and wronged) .by agents and self appointed agents pr; fessing to act under the sanction of the United States Government. Need it be. wondered at thit among a community Ihns - d?alt' With; pweilesalo "redist"itill too week 'and prostrated for successful complaint, some bitterneli and ill feeling should arise? Nene but a brave and well meaning people could have endured un resistingly all that the South has under , gone.- • • . . • MI In prosecuting this inquiry I hardly deemed it fair to ask more than what bad been the actions of the people of the South .toward the general government. With their private 'opinions, their sympathies and their prejudices I had nothing to do. Yet, fors more thorough understanding of the'question, I made it a part of my mission to investigate even these. I found they bad universally compllsd 'with-the conditions.graisted and accepted at the final surrender of their armies and cause. I found that- therwera carrying out with good faitkand alacrity the requirements of the constitutional amendment abolish.' big slavery, - and that in all the States' ex cept Mississippi and Texas, the fattens Civil Rights Bill had been antici pated -by the action of the State Legislatures -previous to its Passage by Congress. Further than this,lfound that repudiation of every dollar known thorities, and bad. been univertalty in dorsed by thepeople; and I neither beard • nor saw any,disposition, or anything that pointed toward a disposition, to repudiate . the national debt, or to retire the institu tion of slavery. • • • But while the Southern.people ire thus loyal, arid have fulfilled all the require theists asked of them by the Federal Gov- ~, 'ernment, it IS impossible •to disguise the • fact, and the better class of citiserts de . not .attempt to disguise it, that, there is among.. them a deep feeling and a strong apprehension as to the cause of their long continned exclusion from Congress. They believe that it is part of a set plan • for perpetuating the existence of the political. party now in the asdeuclant, Oita 'that the suffrage„ readjustment of representation • gni remedies &rebut excuses, foe still lon ger delay.. Thus regardless of the 'great interests, not only of the Suffering South, but of the whole country, burdened with debt end laboring under severe embarrass ment. I found the prevailing opinion among, the meat inteligent citizen", so well as among those moat 'anxious fr`r ad early restoration of theUninn; to be that, if, representation and an sqliar and just co operation in the administration of fed- _ oral affairs were mach' longer withheld from the Southern a feeling at . difference would "spring up toward Jetting .any, part ' in filling 'Federal, offices, and .more particularly ' toward re filling their seats 'in- Congress-that' the people, in fact, 'would sitar away from' the - Fells and allow the elections to golly 'de faulCto the great' detriment' 14= the coun try at large.,'This feeling of indifference ,indeed, .ia aleady' manifesting itself, and m rapidly , increasing. so much - so that were .11 _not fin a „ few , persons fit' each Southern., State who have found it neces sary:for ,their existence tolivenpon and bold (Alice, end wbose'haunts and occupa tions bare hitherto been at the Federal capital,..t do not believe that any Ohtu k or for representation would be 126,14. *bat is needed Lirestore harmony end Prosperity. to the, entire .Ocrostry, • both North and South , is closer_ andhetter ac , :z quaintance_with each'other. I have:been astsiniahed to:notice how little _people, even whose social relations are alt. South ern, know of -the, true state of feeling in that section of. the' enctittlY.J We' need greater politicil; social, and commercial freedom? more frequent intercourse,- nd a kinder appreciation ofseph other's peculi arities. _ The adrintiges to - the - country in its present financial streakier-a raitnion of heart - and sentiment,' would-be, beyond enumeration: , The broad lands of thoter, tileos.outh are now. lying, almost in, waste for. Ivantoof means and capital to cultivate them, when eiery tore 'of the 'beneficent 'sell mightlia a gold Mine twits posseisor, were therpolitieal relations of • the people better understood and acted upon. I have the honor to be jour most obedi ent servant. . Goinozi Glamors,' Brevet 'Major Gen, U. 8. A. Tnac.43sassimesanamangss.—ln Thad. Stevens' , -Lancaster speech. in which he blackguarded the President so character istically; he expressed his 'disgust with foreigners in the following terms : . 4 We hare listened too much to, those whose cry is 'Negro Equalite—'Nigger'— 'Nigger'—'l`7i - We are influenced too much 67 *km paresis frog!~ hoofs who, while sn seam& of freedomi'demtent' bleamailmen to. doses& fro titair cask" - uThose -imam! ,from foreign lands" who arn"inflaencing 1111 WO WWI" will please tack - D ouce that according to the -highest . Radical - authority; -the n are otherieeliiiireirl:lii the last P m ew campaign it was openly mask the leading argument for ,negramtiframs that it was apolitical.necessity to en the blacks so thaVtheir votes en ter . • these' of rtitanaithed tsandotheigmorentbisottedlestch." en s now thesafrad defamers; of - Adapted Citizens are coquetting for the Tete of the men they hare beimi_peraiitentlY reining for their inee'of the Union. - - PTAs ' vain is the net spread la the slight at soh hird) ==elni