MEI Vic Brie arethigobbotruer. • E RIE. PA„ SEPTEMBER 6, 1866 T o ILL Mow ix 31xy Cosczas....We are 01 ,4 out bills 'against all in arrears to for sabscriptio_n; and shall send a , 2 to the particiduring the next - week or IL is our intention to alight none, but to r: -. ererybodY exactlxi alike, so that no Per o can bare any groilid of complr. int. We e that all will give our pleasant little proipt and satisfactory response: ;r . , ang3o-tf. Natter,—Tte editor of the Onsaavan de ires to say that it will be impossible, from m ature of his business interests, to make ioppeunats for attending - public, meet g4 before the 22.1 of September. After that yi e it is his intention to spend as much of ~ t, time upon the stump as a due degree of st:eetien to hie editorial duties will pert it ; be •eil le.happy to make appoiatmente portions of the county where his pre .4c: may be IR sired. aug3o-2w. ANOTI32. Goon CAMPAIGN NC/NEBEL —we p ublish in the next issue of the Oantsre t the letter of Rev. H: W. Beecher the President's policy of recon ,,,i,rjcp. and Gerierul Granger's ; T ett en the condition of the South--two t h e leg camtlign documents we had. ,et:: thi- fill, end likely trs bp,,read witbi stere , t sad bent:* by Repubrfcars 'par.; Wo wcitld recommend Drina clubs throughout the county . 7 ~ umber of copies cf the Onscarcsi t tlining them, for free eireula (loc.— / pr e !or the half she:ez ist-ue Of the paper 2 .( ta per 'hundred; -for wbitif- abeete per bur ' lumber in the 7L—The Radi al con* co• 'Monday after iconbat, led nornioated.a ill ticiet;of the p era r character for ability and fit4ers. , The .:nter of candidates_ who presented their Ai ra orss enormous, and as r a necessary con 4.en;:e, there were... many disappeinted. whosechance; were thoight hardly wor try r mention, found them i selvss, to their pro surprise and that of !heir Meal, sui- Mill, while dozens of .others who believed `euselves cortain of nomination, were re oriele-sly slalighterrl. The contest waxed A sea furious until a late hour, and closed 2 the most sanguinary manner. The non- : :ling forces met one . anoiher roil .daring, and for a time there was a and to,hand contest, which resulted in in eserilable mortality. On all sides lay tlie std and t woundel-, and the wails of anguish sot up by the suffereis was affecting beyond 1 our powers of description. The scores of maimed; bodies—of down-east countenances— & weeping and misery of the iictims—ales: where is the pen that con do justice to so sor rowful a subject ? "In tamah was there a voice Gan]; !amen- Mien, and 'weeping, and great '. , ,mourning, li‘chnel weeping for her 'children, rand would COO be comforted, because they areknot." The first victim was G. W. DeCamp, who received a mortal shot in the rear, which sent tis brains out spattering in all directions. He was carried off dead, and was soon fol lowed by thflifeless remains of George 0. CeElf. In a brief period, JOn li. Walker met o:salmi disastrous fate, and long before his taiy,had been consigfied to its resting place, rsilitnt G. W. Colton fell at the lifted of tip corps. These are all et the down-right tiled, tlut the,list of : wounded Is reseal to nolemplate Below vie give a list of the cal -4' sLitGEttgl Dud W. DeCamp, John H. Walker, Gem II Cutler, G. • W. Calton. .. Seriously wounded.— Wm. Benson. Joh& Greei, Jan. Skinner; Wm. Cross, B. D. Hul• Frt.. W. D Weed. Nighfly wounded.—A. J. Fo'g.ei, J. W. Brig. 'm, Joel Campbell, A. U. Cliigligy, W. A ?oktiqm.f ' Mr. Wal - ker's faithful serrant. - .4szette, was among the mortally wolitted, and now ;es in a-critical condition. .The notorious forcee were under the com mand of Gerr. Lowry, 7ittp,ltee seettEed by this ireidtil triumph undisputed control of the pclitl4l field in the fnkure gelelts made the I.llewitig prc motion! for , gooetWevior in th • IIVICII 1 IVICII :., \ r‘ i ia:...-.1. . . e ' Concress—G. W. fittoftelt.W" ;'— avociate Liw Judge—John P. Vincent, Erie. i , i Digtrict Attorney—Chu. M. Imich, Erie. Prothonotary—C. P. Rogers,E'dinboro. Am:oWe Judges—Wm. Benson/ Waterford; Hollis King, Corrr. Register and Recorder—Ca tain HarYeY,, Scriogfield. Treasurer—C W Keller. Enke,. - CoMmissioner—S. T. Oodtiey, Albion. Auditor—M Efartleib, Poor Ellrector—Thos. Willie; Erie. Coronsi—Wm. J. SterrettAile. To ao Cajun; of tile 49/4 Cotigreosional Dia told of Pennsylvania: I have for some time been aware 'that th natetnent has been cirentatettfamong you that t was my intention to withtirsyr my name as tanditiate for member ofi'obiress froM your in view of my sincere appreciation of - the taupe:fed and entirely uneplicited honor you, irrespective of party, -conferred upon me, I bad hoped that.this dishonorable strata gem of those who sacrifice the public welfare to personal ends would defeat itself, and save me the necessity of that taublio refutation which I now feel called upoit to make, in 'citizen of the fact that many of my soldier and citizen friends are being Mielett as to my in !cations by this device :go'P our =trial enemies, My letter of 41the 26th, briefly, endidly, and I believe Nihmistakahly, set. forth the conditions my accept. Lee of the nomination. Voliirere pleased. to ma.ider them just, to generously, accept of Men ando propose my selection. as one of par sten and bearers in the approaching nrazgle a the ballot box, for-fraternal re talon an er the Constitution of our fatherti. The wisdom of that selection, whatever my own opinion may be, I cannot now with cla im-may or courtesy question, by a withdrawal toil! consider lAMB, should it please my friends to toil! consider nth as a people's candidate. sr r:7 regular convention nominate me upon the platform set forth by the Soldiers' Con., tirtional meeting at Harrisburg, on the Ist diceast. In short, if nominated on these terra I shall accept with heart-fele pride and rum gratitude, and itelecthil shall spare no don to justify the confidence platied in me If those gallant de enders of our beloved montry for whom I eel I haver indeed done Int too little, and th citizens generally of my "lidirt, whose interests are identified with esdevn and to whom I am enable to express -7 thanks for their repeated and.generoas tzdencee of public and private regard. Truly .Tonrs, ' Deg Rms. Syracuse, N. Y., Aug. 28, 1866. The meaning . of the Above; we presume .thply to be, that the Colonel remains in the tell until it shall be decided by the leading conservative citizens of the district, whether toot be will.Mithe the - most available can d due. That be has hosts of -friends who ' would take delight in giving him their l '!rues thire can be no question; but it flotild'he remembered that en a coniest like tie present personal friendship I mtgs( always lite way to the pnblio advantage :" f, upon s tall consideration of the prospeets for ieleotion tt all the candidates talked of, it Ithall be considered beet by our duly autherisid repre:. e eltetives to adopt Col. Rice as our titaßldard, - hearer, we shall render him our beakiest RlPport ; and, on the other hand'," if ,tinother tentliman should be presented, whose probe= -dirties of success may be thought bsetee. we frost the Colonel and his friends wiltsu pport . bini 111:1 Ms readily and earnestly. This lead ile object that every conservative should have in vie* i's the redemption of thh-tongres lions' district from the darkness of abolition- Ais. To do this it is our duty, let: To care- Ailv Weigh the chances of - .success' of each Leman whose name may be n 41861441; and, ;• To give _him our unanimous sup- port after he is selected, without regard to personal disappointments, or local Influences. Col. Rice ie a man, we believe, of too patriotic impulses; and hap too, closely at heart the , success cf . tia cherished prisiiiples, to permit himself to be made the instrument for dividing the vote.of his friends, and promoting the ends of his enemies. Le eal Paragraphs. The Radical Congressional conference met at Ridgway, on Wedneed4s, and renominated Scofield unanimously. The appointment of Gen. E. C. ' Wilson, as Postmaster of this city, hie been ;evoked by order of the President. The Repablicins of this district opposed to the re-election of 0. W. Scofield to Congress, will hold a conference at Ridgway, on Tues day, 11th host Delegates will be present from each county in the district. - Dean Itiehntond has left an estate valued at a million and a half or dollars. To Me flee sons and daughters be,gists $50,000 each, and transferred from himself to bit- \ wife the ease - of the bslance . of his estate. The rpeech of Senator Cowan and the re port of the proceedings on Monday take up go much of our room that we are reluctantly compelled to omit our usual editorial and local variety. Several communications of in terest have been crowded out. The Democratic delegate elections will bo geld on S tturday next at the following places, commencing at half-past seven o'clock, p tn. : let district, Col. Grant's office; 21, Fleugel'e Hall; 81, Mort,-.n House ; 4th Judge Mania's office. The state •of feelin; among the 13. 'Moat politicians of our county is exhibited in the factthat half a dozen of their candidates be fore the late county 'convention gat their tickets printed at our office, saying that they ad no disposition to patronise the organ of their party. . There were fourteen prieiners in our ocuuty jail jest week, and a vote was taken among them; which resulted' as follows : Clymer, 1 ; Geary, 12 neither, 1. The one who will not Suppbrt either of the candidates a returned soldier, a Republican, r ho served under Gee. ry a , and says be wouldn't vote for him for potiultzwiter. The Soldiers' and Sailors' Convention at Cleveland on the 17th promises to be one of the iosemblages ever held on this con tinent. Not- less than fifty or sixty of the most able and popular officers of the war will be present, together with hundreds legs wide ly knoven.. We hope tc see Erie city add county well represented at, the convention. A meeting of Democrats was hell at: the Lowville school house, in Venango township, on the 31st of August, at which I campaign club was organized, with the following excel lent list of officers: Wm. Blore, President; Mr. Way, Vice President ; M. V. Blom, Sec retary ; W. W. A. 110zt, Corresponding Sec retary. _/ We have had the misfortune to pi one of our galleys containing the names of sub , - scribers, and aro compelled to address a por tion- of- our list this week;iii:..the old fashioned way—by writing. The accident may cause us to omit a few names unit:tan clonally, and if there are any such we shall be obliged to have them send us word. - It is hot too early now for Democrats to attend to the important subject of assess. meats. Thousands of voters are lost in the State annually from neglect on *thiepoint Let every Democrat look about him and see if he has a neighbor who is not assessed, and if so, see that his name is put dotin immediate ly. Ttemerab'er that if raters are not assessed ten days before the election they lose their right to suffrage. The feltowitig are the prices fixed upon by Ills County Committee for each cien s aidati to pay - for the printing of tickets this fall. We publish them at this time eo that the gentlemen nominated may know-whit proportion of the • printing expenses will be: Congress and Law Judge; $lO each ; Assrciate Judges, Assemblymen, District; ,Attorney, Prothono tory, Register, and Treasurer, $5 each ; Com missioner, Auditor, Poor Director and Cor oner, $2 50 each ; Trustees of the Academy, $1 each. The Titusville Herald bas a correspondent who joined the Democratic club at that place, under pretence of syMpathizing with its principles, and then published an exposition of its proceedings. We have beard a great deal of the "mean whites" of the Smith, but if any of them can surpass such A creature for baseness they niu,t, be infamous indeed. We would-advise the people'of Titusville to•lock up their hen rots carefully while he is around. The Crawford pemoerat came to us on Mon day enlarged to an eight column paper, printed on nest new typo, and . looking ex ceedingly handsome. The Democracy of Crawford comity have in Mr. Grayson, editor of the Democrat, a leader of whom they . may justly feel proud. Able, courteous, and gentlemanly, with a charseter beyond re proach, he commands the personal respect of his political too, and the-unlimited confidence of his political friends. We congratulate him upon the well deserved prosperity that is evi dently attending his labors. oe Thp Democratic, primary elections will be held on Saturday next, for the election of delegates to attend the county convention to be held in this oily, on Monday afternoon, the 10th, at 2 o'clock. We trait that Demo crats in every_ portion Of the county will loe sure to attend the primary elections, and see that they are, represented in the convention by none linttheir best citizens.__A_party is judged very much by its leaders, and the character of the men who will assemble on Monday will hays quite as much to do with the acceptability — hi our ticket as the charie ter of the candidates. We hope, also, that each delegate wilt prepare to remain unlit . Tuesday, if necessary, in order that thi pro, ceedings may not be hurried through with the unbecoming haste that has been exhibs ited in past conventions. Some weeks ago, the Erie Zuchauer, organ of the German Republicans in our city, pub lished the following paragraph. We would be greatly obliged if some of our friends will give us a correct statement of the matter : "Col: McCreary has authorized us to an nounce that ho neither brought in nor voted for the ill reputed License bill; that, on the contrary, at the time of passing the bill he was not in Harrisburg, but at the death bed of his mother in Erie. He further promised that in the event of an extra session of the Legislature, which will be very probable to convene in order to ratify the amendment to the Constitution, he will use ail his influence to repeal said law. He denounces the lasi as without sense and objectionable. which may be regarded as clear proof that he had no thing to do with it. Col. McCreary thinks the bill mast have- lien -brought in by Col. Allen, the Republican member from War ren." The following is s complete list of the offi cere to be voted for by the people of Erie cotin ty, st the election on the second. Tuesday o October : • One person for Governor. One person for Member of Cowes!. One person for Additional Low Judge. Two persons for Members ofAssembly.' 04e person for District Attorney. One person for Prothonetary.• Two persons for Associate Judges. One person for Register and Recorder. One person for County Treasurer. One person for County Commissioner. One person for County Auditor. • . One person for Direct:err of the Poor. One person fur Coroner. Three persons for Truetees of Erie Aced envy- Twovereons for Trust fi t of Waterford Aced emy by she elsotani of II Vim& lbw The Oxford (N. Y.) Times antionnoes 'the death of Di. Austin Rouse, of that place, on the 27th ult., at the advanced age of 70 years. The doctor was a brother of A. P. Rouse, Esq., of this county, 'and the eldest son of Judge Caspar 11. Rouse, of New York. Be commended the practice of medicine in 1822, and adhered to it until the, day of his death. The Times says: - "In the social and domestic relations of life he was ever characterised by great purity of character, Integrity of purpose, and an abiding, kindness of heart, as uniform as it was admirable. Dr. Rouse was a thorough student of his profession, and ever shared largely the confidence and respect of his pro fessional brethren. A marked trait in his practice was the shame of that pride of opin ion which insists upon its own ootme of treat ment as an altfmatuin, and refuses or chafes under the advice of. associates. Nor'was this the result of any lack of resea-ch and knowl edge of his profession, but rather of a native modesty united with ,a heart free from envy And mind at once enlightened and liberal. pew men have secured a larger share" of the love and confidence of the community in which they lived—few have-died at whose lose there was a more generous tribute of heart-fair-Or row." " The last Union-Mills Bulletin dontaitle a letter signed "a McC:ellan Democrat," which ilexes that :dr. Chainberlain, the postmaster at ibat place, shall not be removed: We yen lute the lion that no Democrat wrote the comthaniention, and, further; that the author is n . Radical who abuses the President •day in and•day oat.. Mar a person of class - can have the Presumption to ask far the retention of any of his political [elands in office, pui . sles us touaderstand. We Were slwayatanght to believe that no man of honor would seek to retain a aituati. - n under an administration which he did not approve. much less one That be hated, nethe Utlicalsprofoss to bate that of Mr. 'Johnson. ne'Clamberlairi'm ybe n good officer, and, foe one part, we have never beard a word against him, but there :are 'Amity of men to the Conservative ranks at Union equally as' capablet . and it is the dut y .. end determination of the administration to see that its positions of profit and influence are distributed among its friends. . Durum Bleartsos.—The West Chester Jeffersonian, in an interesting article upon the subject, - makes some suggestions which will suit quite as well for our county se in the lower portion of the State. It strongly fav'ora the meeting of Democrats in thelOsi• Timis school districts, at such places as coati, be Most convenient, and-thinks they maj-4ws made very interesting, even it no speaker from abroad le present to address them. "On such occasions a good reader - may entertain the audience satisfactorily and profitably by reading to them a rpeech of some of the prom inent public men of the country published in the neirspiperer of the day. At these meet ings campaign documents- and newspapers may be on hand and pat in course of circula tion, So as to do much good in the district. The occasional coming together of the Demo crats of the township, and, talking over the various questions agitating the public mind will, of itself, have a most excellent effect.— We therefore 'pay to our friends, do not absent Yourselves from any Democratic meeting in your township är district merely, because you are not certain that a Speaker frcm abroad: will-tie present. Go, and take others wits you. Show by your conduct that you feel an interest in the political contest now going on, and thus and in every other honorable way; do what you can for the success of the cause wigs which yon'are identified. • . "If the Democrats of any locality desire the presence of a speaker from abroad at their meetings, and do not wish-to be disappointed, Some of them should see the speaker, and have the assurance of his attendance before an nouncing his name in the newspaper or on the bills. For frequently our friends calla meeting, and get out the bills giving the name of a speaker or speakers without-.knowing` whether or not it is posiible for the ePeaker to attend. "Speaker, who promise to attend and ad dress a meeting should never fail to be pres ent at the hoir appointed, unless prevented by sickness, or some other cause not under their control and when thus prevented, they should endeavor to send a substitute, so that the people may not be wholly disappointed." We stand ready at all times to do everything in our power to reoure speakers for our friends, but they must not elpict us always to succeed. Many times when are an nounced on evenigs when evettginneman accustomed to add sling public audiglaces is engaged, and cannot possibly attend. Our expefience has taught us that it is always best to endeavor to obtain speakers a couple weeks in advance of the proposed meeting. As a genera" thing, also, gentlemen - in Erie can leave their homes easier on Thursday or Friday than upon•any other dap. • SCOIILLD AND rat EXTRA Pet.-The War ren Ledger, published at 'Jr. Scofield's home, has the following comments upon Ma letter to .1. R. Cochran "He says be voted twice against it (the ex tra pay.) Once he did not vote. Why ? Be was absent. Why Absent The measure was an important one to tax-payers. He was.paid at the rate of $2O per day to attend to his du ties; but just when j le was most needed he was at his lodgings 4 Any private individual hiring a servant to perform a piece of work, for which be was to receive handsome pay. would expect that servant to be vigilant at all times to his employer's interests, especially when his absence, would cost hundreds of thousands of dollen. Did he take the in• creased pay? Noy he says he declined to take it. We think it very likely he did de cline to take. He slay have money deposited in the First National-Bank at Warren, which 341,,_decHned to takelast week, but will be not ' 9 l/stia - ii eelsS So wiih the eves $4,000. -May-hi-not It ' est winter, or at any thee be may think it to his interest? On this poiht the Judge is not so clear as we could hiia to be. He does not say he paid it into the treasury for the benefit of the people, but Hat only he declined to take it then. It the money remains still to Mr. Scofield's credit, what better off is the treasury, pray? The Judge's letter will do very well for Itoput Haas clap trap and chicanery; but,to the honelyt inqui rer there remains a vast field of doubt in the mind. We trust tke 'edge will write-another letter, and tell tub' people of his district, which 'he has so badly represented in other and greater mattors, just how 'that $4,000 Which he so gene?ously allowed to remain to his credit, ;is to be used hereafter I" It will be recollected that the Harrisburg Soldier,' Convention proposed / a series of b terrogatorieeto Gen. Geary. 'He has not, tt to this date, seen proper to answer them, and 'we republish them, in .the hope that on hiti visit to, our city he may be induced to give give them a response—which - we shall take much pleasurkin printing. They are as fol• lows: Are you in favor of striking - the word "white" out of the Constitution , of Penneyl •anis ? _ - Are you in favor of enforcing negropArege upon the Southern States I Are you in favor of :the act recently ilesed at Washington giving to negroes equal civil rights with white men—commonly called the Ciril Bights bill ? Are yoti in . favor of acts; of the Legislature prohibiting street railway companies frem ex cluding MAIMS from cars used by white per eons? DISTIIOOIIIIIIID twasarroae.-I•The lilaa trated Phrenological Journal for September contains portfolio, with descriptions, of Coital Biemark, of Pnissia ; - Archduke Albert, of Austria; Queen Emma, of the Sandwich Is ; LI race Vernet, of France ; Ciral Field, of New Yerjt; and a group of native Africans ti characters in Shakspeare, Dinget, .Cassias, lete. Besialeg eyes, liaPratitiour Large No'no, Questions for Debating ewe Ales. A rich number. 20 cents, or $2 a year. Fowler & Wells, N. F. s • Ds. KAtings. Federal Hill; &mitt' Erie. Ps., knit expfaiaboesitikupcs. • _j7/2.8n rEfi Scofield' at talon. ' : Uttar Mitts Aug. 29, ISM, Ma. Norioat—Allow mejto makes fawn rotas through the columns of your paper, in reference to the treasonable harangue that was delivered`here last evening. by .the right unhonotsble Scofield. The hail used to ahoy,- said elephant (or imitation Ithereof) was what is usually termed the Towns Hall. capable of holding 200. Thieves nearly fillel, though I should think 60 wore Johnson men, who, like myself, wore curious :to see what the great man would do with Johnson's body Ahead he succeed in obtaining it. Eight o'clock came, and with it (as usual with Sco field) a third rate speech, ',an abolition har angue which denounced the sapporters of Andy Johnson ad Copperheads. (As he did not dedgnate present or'past supporters we presume he meant both.) He 'aid that Andy is a "big thing" and alwayeiwill be (I presume -he will) dud that he will here to answer for the many sins done hero ici.the body, especi ally lithe New Orleans riot, where he. (Sco field) states that Johnson.khew 'of the whittle plot, and had previonsly..sent off the soldiers of that department to hunt up imaginary In dians, so that the police could have full away over t hat convention. (Nice argument, isn't it?) Instead of being-greeted with loud ap plause,lis abolition brothers looked on with anxiety depio ed upon their countenances. as much as to say t. "Judge Scofield, you voted for Andy, and we folio aedlyour advice, now you have betrayed the wisdom of your choice and brought about all this'evil that now rest& up and we guess In Otero we will not guff; dolln all the venom that you spit about 'us but will, vote for whrm ;we please '" Only once during the caroming did applause greet my e•-re, and that was wher our great Cun gre•em'n etraightoneditimeelf up with great pompo'ity, end stated' that We Northerners bad got;the whip in our own hawk and that we should keep it.• I wonder if he believes in reconstruction and equal rights; if so,it must be Ike the lamb and lion lying- down to gether, the one inside of the other. -The ap plause we have referrsd towns at the expense eta smell man of .stature (usually known as Nubbin. Rome) who WI at the _speaker's right. and who had that honor of bong some what acquainted with the speaker. Of course,. :Nubbin had to bo placed in a conspicuous - place, t ,and upon one occasion the speaker re ferredo him which so elatel the little fel low that he failed to give vocal utterance, but dug - his heels into the eiderof the dry goods box which he rested upon with such vigor that the whole audience was convulsed with Nutter:- Let Mi. Sco fi eld alone, he is doing 'wed ter us. Already hie friends may b• heei discussing his last evening's harangue, - and Wondering where the point was that he was trying to get at. The: fact is, one half of thttßudica's don't know where their platform ii;and When a man like Scofield comes out atiOelivers an abolition airmen, It makes a great many of them open their eyes. There is no nee in mincing the matter—one-third of the Republicans of thietown are not going abolitionism. And, in conclusion, I will say let the friends of the Union work. Let every _portion of our county be represented at the convention next Monday: Let them bear the truth t without its being, clothed in the gar ments of dialoyalty, and-all will bevel!. JOUNDOSITIL The following extract from a letter written •by another gentlemen - at Unioic, which reached us after thb above, will show our readers" the sort of trash that Saofield his electioneering harangues: P.eforring to a clam in thi proprsed Con stitutional amendment, Scofield remarked, that d 4 the Republicans of both Houses carry their 4themes through, supporters of Presi. dent .Tolenson were heard to say in threaten ing tones, that a civil'war was imminent at the North That newspapers that were imprudent, heralded these proceeding e, and be (Scofield) bad heard threatenings of Ithis character, fall from the President's own lire. Whoever heard of such treasonable sentiments t Are • they to be allowed to be sown broadens! through our land? He denounced in every conceivable manner the President's move• meats, in whatever direction. He said that every veto that was issued by the President came to the Senaie and Rause with the finger prints and blood stains of rebel criticism; or, in other'words, the audience chamber of-the White House, was da l ily thronged with John son's friends (rebels) : whose deliberations, were of great-weight in the President's opinions concerning vetoes, &e. Thii did not leave the impression ,that, these rebels were from the North, but Were 'Southern rebels.— Speaking of the New. Orleans and Memphis riots, he seirdusly censured the President for doing as he [Scolieliirlifys he did ; that hav ing intimation theee:distuehanees at these places, the' President - ordere' d the pollee to break up the conyentitin, and also sent off the soldiers to marci£ far imaginary Indians, In order that hi naiad °antral affairs in those places. Thioldeinitcry speech was the same in tenor throughout, invariably harping upon one thing, viz:* ,The Republicans have got, the whip now and-they are deirmined to keep it: MAJORITY. CCommunieeted.] A poem by re3d at de eillind pio-nie, in Coohrmi'e i9.4;41de Ofd Uncle Ned. Yon have all heard tell of that good old man Dat died, lonz time ago, He lived in de days when a man had to work, _ For den dere was no Freedmen's Bureau, Den•lsy down de ehubble and do hoe, "aka down de fiddle and de bow, • Dere in no more ) worklor de nig any more, For now dare's a Freedinen'e Bureau. Dia Bureau' day say has been gotten up Regardless of all expensee ; Da will provide ono for you and one for me, • And also one apieeirforall de wenches. Lay down de 'bubble and: de hoe, Take down de fiddle and de bow, Dere is no more- work for de nig any more, For now &We a Freedmen's Bureau. bn sccount of a row tilting place - when the' reader had got ao far, which, demanded his preeon€e, our reporter was unable to give any more of the poem. DIED. In'Girerd, Austen 26th, Mr. A. L. Coats, aged 66 years. The People's Candidate for Congress. Cot.. DAN • Rica :—Dear Sir:—We,' the undersigned, citizens of Girard and Erie coun ty, in view of the patriotic services rendered the Government, and thelmeny thousands of bard earned dollars you have expended to sustain and carry on the'wer against rebell ion; having proved yourself the true friend of the soldier, and knowirig you to be a true friend and supporter of Andrew Johnson and his Administration in their efforts to restore Ore Union, end having confideneo in your in tegrity and ability to ditchers° the duties of. Representative of the 19th District in Con gram, we therefore request that you allow your name to be used as .the - People's Candi date for that office atdius ensuing election. George Senyard, E. JACenyon, J. Martin. J. °Wilford, W. L Treat, H. Benham, James .Brawley, Henry Bell,. IL .C. Ely, A. M. Op born, Chas. B. Omit, Louis Teagey, 8. D. Cockett, John-Brecht., Hiram Daggett, - 3. W. - Atwater, B."Jeiel, E. W. Clark. William Ty ler, G. 8. Gulliford, John Hay, ,Jr.. J. L. Hart, G, W. Stites; A. !Martin, Robt. Wilcox, Pettibone. A:. - Stone, James Callen, C. L. Phelps, John H. °Wilford, A. G. Ely, E. E.- Smith, -Frank McCreary. Wm. H. Edson, F. it. Cos, John Robertson, D. Olin, John Bes s:lLE:B. Belknap; W. D; Webber, H. L. Can., W: D. - - Martin, J. T. Simmons, A. White, 8. F. Mason, L. B. Chevalier, James L. Thayer, 8. T. Williams, . George C. Martin, .0. W. Noyes, D. Nason. Maxon Godfrey, IL Rittel lerger, Jr., Michael Schumaker, Jr., Hein rich Bittelberger, Robert; Calder, L. D. Hart, J. M. Murphy, J. Bender. Atrooss, Pi?, June 26th, ;866. To the Citirentof Girard and Erie County, Penns:—Your letter, proposing to run me for Congress, i 3 received. I would indeed be in sensible to the cemmoneet impulses of bu. maaity were I not filled with the wannest sentiment of gratitude for the friendly ex presides" and personal :regard that your let ter contains, signed as it is by Republicans and Democrat'. whom I knew to be Staunch suppOrtera of the Government. end army who have ticked their lives for the preservation of the 'Union. Such distinguished consideration overcomes every natural objection I may have for political - honors, consequently I do atteept• of your kind invUatien to allow my itime"to be used, but with the understand ing that I em not to be the standard-bearer of either political party . Itepnblicarisor Dem cereal built nominated It most. be by Peo pie's. Convention, as II:belong to the people. They are my friends and patrons, and in jos. nee to them, composed as they ere of 'all gado of political opinion". I toast continue to live :n theifesteemsitod labor to promote their happiness and infirestaihich ham been tie height of , cty ,amhitiod - for 'twenty-ire • _ •Beartt#ol l / 9 Yours, • • - :375.4e , Akan Elsie . ii - • - rye°, Mae 91,11421701NG1. ' • - .!lteses OssainelatiO:Pascpsatio Oresal. 0 -;41r., Warm 16 ,- Itioss kali taken Cie Were -..,. int vr•Totrairrom I •. ~ • lately eonduted by UAW, Ohm ti.flalli- - -": --' Hsu Ins toles GP in Ems 1 ..,—. : ihrszonre moot ghee, andlittittlai with everygdaglitolll..a-• .. • i - f ort so affliAT Castor CONPLIVON I ry. to make sr =pieta 'gentlemen's ftaliiidsitit* , -1 : .luss Vcrousas an lfate! - •_ _ ostablYibetelth 1111stuirof cloths, ciaslngnea' , ' `lt':, ?Al"- f VA. tinix I. . . atettingsentteida Canis clothing Itiattpircittr , • --- ,- se sentas: I courk to anything ever brooghtloitbe city, sad we " -* 4- taila t - detritus,. meow obis the store 'without See* . r 'itanc _wiTiontAs Az? Mu. something to snit his taste. • Pdr. • Roil bits' ".--. • „..-. • ili =it's been very_stoixessfelin securing a ender .be :f -it! not surpasOsi anywhere- tinder hisikillint ,-',l* . , .. •• • , CiatTEIPB 'EtTILA:CT 'OF supervieloa th e itiosoern Is turning 1 out Iiork.t'pANDEI,ION..A.It equal to the bestitutern eitabllabelents. No ii . -,.. i* ii -- - -• i• - D 4).triaii-SWEET, . 7_PE_T_, persoe can have an excuse for ohm shroud, tr,_,,..Lliss j=l be te twa hoitr a cievt aukai rrr iam to get leotblag 1414 liras' afferdt th e eons** 'Tr K0W4 4." 7 ". ' : •` •-, - _ . • meets at ha does. Inaddithno - to his other • . - ' . /Mark Caltreire '. . ' goodshe bat also a superioiftstoelt of hats T - . $ 1 L Ii OAP '''. ' Iti I, 11-T It 'Ell- T I sod caps. bailie*, collars, erivato. — isibort . ",moo! toir DO oqiil of o cortda Ornslia• th. frCg. anything that a new wants in - the clottleg s• itlrilterm N Mattoon woo on of Twenty; Also, line can begot st.. Rosa's. Call and see ; for tiarsiti co teut fuw V aliairere ihnemtil,s)rel. ai yourselves. d- . i ... '-* '' - je2l:lf ~ u that ori hail. PAO of Dasitollos: Val prOotilik AVl''olloir Alit. ea, sat. 5_3 eta. per Box. i . , ao36tt Go to Wager & Co's Photograph ROOMS: No 1,823 Peeoh street, above. the Depot, and m what beautiful results can 'be obtnfued b the use of the , mirror . No dlifteultyla obta ining a natural etpression, as the lOWA at thiktim • the picture le made, instead oflooking its "dark boll in a bon, look themselves square in the . means of s largo lifti-sire mirror being placed directly in front of them, so obit they can pee every particle of drapery they have on, and whether they have an expression on their couttentooo that they would be eatiified to have on their picture. All are welcome le/water wanting pictures or not= jy2C-if . or (lark A Oraa l er. Whalers'. sod Pin tail nesters in Confectionery. Oysters, Canned Fran, t..liort!TY. Yankee Notionr, Eakerp' Goods, Toys. Cigars, Tobacco: Pipes, Am, West Side bf . Peach Ftreet. 1 Square South art he Mit . . a Repot. Etir:lrsa, 'Also.. Dealers {a all kinds : Conn try nroduae. Pertieniar attention . to Ailing country" orders. W k•e •. ,, ,z • 4-- • 'e , k rte -' Pscrtrase"—# - Poi* traits of o , ''.:Oittria. • Mei. should 'Pe gallery - of -gr. in RolensweiOadookl• 'speslmeris - of work convince ne that he is an artist who has few superiors. The-throng of visitors to his rooms are an indication that his merits are daily becoming bettir known sad appreciated by the public - * W.'lintehinsen. United States Claim Agent, Girard. Penns. Pension!, Pack Pay,• Bounty, and all other claims against the Goy. ernment attended to with promptness. Charges reasonable. Applications by , mail attended to hd same as if made in' person. (jalS .6m.) Tin Summit Facer SAL—This jar was awarded the blegest premiums at the' New Fork State Fier, American Institute • and Maryland Institute. For sale. by Ilimrod Dempsey, 005 French !It. • - jelttf . . Da. XLVIIiAR, Federal Hill. selects remedies from all ayitems, and tares his patients. 57 12 3 a? - • , " "Tin indicant, with Vaunt self sealitirglass tops, for este by Himrod drDempsey. -jel4tf Ds &trips's, federal ;Hill, will , describe your disease cornetir. ' jyl2 am Ames Irsonasim SlCril LI Bats RIXIII2II llsa proved Itself the most perfect preparation br the hair Over offered to-the public. It :is a Term:abbe comp:nu; and contains no in jorions properties wlustayar. - OestongraT halt to its original color. keep the bait from &Meg out. It ileums the scalp, and makes the bait raft, Nitrous arid Silken. i - It ; L a spimdid hair dressing'. • 21n person, old or young, 'lonia fall to use it. It is reiommended and need :by the ant medleal so thority. 3tai U Ira Vegetab:e Stain tfalr-Itenswer, bud talc/ f ilm abbr. R. P.FIALL* CO., bhablui. N. Proprietors. ro; mils by as druntsts. babied* Tau BOSISSI/Ole Aso litsrasszsos op as Dtvatrin— mum for the ksmedtandas a cuoitom TO Tomo NEN; and others, Who Eider from Nervous Debility, Presnatuis Decay of-Manhood, !e, supplying at the . Mall Una Its lizasior Sus •C"can. By one rho ham oared himself after, underplot considerable quackery. ISy eneksing a poet-paid add/owed enreicrpe, stogie cop ies. foie of charm may be had ,ca the author. NATBANIItt. ItalrIFAM. Esq.; au33.3nt Brmalls. Wage Co.. New Advertisement& WARD 110111n6. Crotired Street, Union MUD, a te County, Ps. R. B. Ward, Proprietor. QTR.* NUR, BUT Ti That Sarsaparilla sod L - 1 ' Butted'. Cmiutt of Tartar and Balptotr. Red Prc &pit. to and Brimetone, all ad to aunt th is - modern mongrel Itch, nets so prevalent throughout the emit tty. Rat lb* Ritmo:it of Dandelion and Bitt r-Sweet just the remedy thr it, as it sots on the Herr Almeida all the treat 01", opens the pores of the akin. sin • athirst and easy way throve out all flick, ibeld. Tod ono, or Wenn nutter, and leaves the eirenlatlos tree, the blood ore, the skin clean, the temple:lam elev.-and the whole iretent bee from disease. It is • medicine that cannot be used without henallt. seplenti 3;0;f1.11.0T D16E.30N. - Jo= T. SIMI, DRY 'GOODS AT VIi.IOLpSA•LE BEPTEMBEIre . IB66. MCELROY, DICKSON & COMIiANY, NO. 54 WOOD STREET,, PLITSBUROH, . PIISCIAt TIMIS FALL STOCK, { i Nos maple* and lavita tiro attentkos of Dealers to their confab, seleeted assortment of DR - Y GOODS! ANP NOTIONS 1 • Omilip AT FOPULAZ PILICU • The frequent doetaallons In vele* of all denniptions of Werehandl" resdersit I matter of sums* propriety that putehsare should be frequent, end thrusters the nearest market themes the am test adapted fo supply- Log retail &elms nth goods the/ silk runtime= from leesuirn Pennsylinuds. Casters Ohio and West ern Virginia, are invited to visit Pittsburgh and inspect this Stook of Goods, which will tikept'din . log the season. Tuna, Net Cash, and, Prices Reasonable. MCELIZOY, DiCkBo.ll & 'CO., • so. 54 WOOD 11711 Zr, 'wpm tt - kni' wisTWAToall ; WOMB. ; -- ' r A otlai VII ii V giros th at letters of. admlnlstnittoa 'bonbon to-the audirikteiri apes the odds of fish It. blttloy.lato of Us tairseldp of HUI Crook. trio eouathdoosamod. All loom Meted to said malts will nil and selleotod all posossiusfas claims against the Ism sift haattAtaz In, mostly eortiaod. JOHN w. ITAN, Advisterstsr. CSferia'. itIQE! 801110 . 6 t. • Tie Ikardpt Contniketta i s eoedolidated th• higher elan, le Utir Ciale-"setiarots. sod otinaisted a hub school._ nasal tentafod that attended the perhile. othoolf during the last you; will. attend the schools with eiiieb they yam tweiwetsd, wstltdatted to two testi°. fbriallasat to the Gretna 10:1=pig others wilt apply t 0 ta• itepointetideal. as No. 2. Past wanktire, told a. receconseesidag fr, Sept. 34, V. E. J 0311%. • , &D 3) Ur — " ' " onot.dfdeboola. N & OUT !ODDS Mom giLS. s. n. up - Votto Vinare in almond:lg to the jotellilhot she two opened • 01 Om illarinotes Broek,2 Seaga with ojygion Depit, ' Wtotf ilo - irillkOtiotouttiOttly tlarge mistral' - *UsLIit`EBY - -4*) DRY GOODS, Rotary. Cloths, sods moral modftatt ocoporsildag atailly , Woo btool faio opro of • noir*oitlr t .:of bode . 441 - ne'ohi4 [too the .v . Xecirreats Irmo& • • rotters testynents*a * Mats ot Rio . ,l** Clan% asell,late of Windom Etio month Pa, kw. r tog*it &Natio tbt osdiodsoid.iontsio boroby ova to igt War** tie aid ostatolar oaks Ise mottatojpoyasot, soil-Aoso WM( &boo "Ong the MO doirsatbsottatotio with. tont- • • ECIIAR Wa4bizi.Air.;ll*4oo - •ftleiltor•- LAitaiiistr Jut Fiance,' tOlt AMILIWOIrcApAnR/CCEOCra COAL. CORM MIT IND Aunt Ire. SOLE AGE NTS: 'We teeomman•7 Lawson's Foresee as being altogether superior to any other article of the kind. It le sailer managed, mote powerful and leu liable to jot out of order then any other hot air furnace made.• And u It will produce more hut with the Mill amount of faeli it 10 atiO the most economical. All of these pointe we are ready to establish by satisfactory proof. "lOUS TZSTIMONY FA, Jane 25th, 10611. Weems. W. W. Pierce & Co , Sine—Haying need Cueing but 'winter, the 10 J A. Lawson Furnace which you put into iny home last an tuenn" I am filly prepared to offer my testimony re. Reeding its edeieney, and will add that I take pleasure in recommend' g the same to any one desiring a good heating apparatus. The air that we receive from It Is pure and not over heated, but coming into the rooms as it does in large gnyntitlee, map pre the required =Mid of hest.thue obviating that dryness which to tumidly experienced from furnace beat. The simpleity of its eeaitructlon and the easy mode of govdrning the consumption of coal, make it the moat complete and economical heating appostus I bars ever seen. I shall take pleasure in recommending it to my friends. at. B LOwltr. M!MMMZMiMiII The J. AIL-Lannon Improved Hot Air !tunnels... which you put in my house In Erie lut fill. hu trinin raw now toady bur mouths and gives satire satilUdion. By a proper adjustment of the draft damper. tad ow atonally reaming the Ore pot from slag and cinder,. we can have a greater or lees degree of heat and a pouter or leo eanitimeinn of coal erectly suited to the Amigos of the weather. The air warmed by this litr nue j all that I can desire. being free from all noxious slam or emeite. I shall take Wiseacre In reesurunanding It to my friends. Respectfully your* WHAM; MG. - Ey; Pa., Yard: 30, 18641 Yuri. V R. Pierce* Co : Gentisonsn—The Lawson FU213114(1 their= put In the basezesut of the first flapti.l Church In this city, has been In use almost every day and ereotng during the protracted meeting of fourteen week :and has given entire satisfaction and we would cheerfully mot:amend It to any one &airing • good heating Furnace. W. J. P. LIDDBLL, for Board of Model's 'Also, of a long list of well known citizens who an ludas Lawson 's Furnace, we refer to the fbitoering gen tierso I Vern. Childs, Bold and Chapin ' Commis elopers et- Brie county Robert Gray, R e q. llinbh Ni . Centel, J R Richards; Trustees of Id Baptist Clutch. end the Csamnimiancon of Room Sedate, Warne coon. thy'. • We regard the !Arson Forams in not only the but In use. but approublog very nearly to perfection aa a beating apparatue. None need delay Rearing a hot air Furnace to the expectation that any decided Ima nresemmc'e ate Itt to be made In this line of article. An examination oohs Lawson Furnace is aff we sato deride this question. • It ledealirned to heat every k:od of building and is made of different sizes, of capacity far a medium deed dwelling or the largest dwell or other public building. fen different sixes me now made. The Lawson i'homes rim oniveisal ant/action and igratddly anparceding all other varieties. Banda the remarkable sail with which it as be managed one of Its chief points of tuperorrity to in the'pnrity of the air proosedint tram the Purees.- It to se eonstruttstd that so soot sahm or cinders an possibly escape into the air passages, aid all Unpleasant odors are alto me. veva& It twit acid tognanY well with hird or soft coaLand mot god am gaily lc way mammy dots. We invite eaterporimis with on &bar Fornmea. , • Put up and at in good winking order in all easter We boys the sole teener lbr tbit se Una of the country. all itqulrtee and cedars ad/meta to to will receive provpt tbmtioto OM of the Portant Lin operation at our establishment. VIM? of State and Ninth struts. to which we invite &Wailes. We ruarantee the Law son Hot Alr Plarnace al: that It (a elsime4 be. r. W. W. PIERCE & CO., Whnleigle and re'ail dealers In Stony Cooking Han gs*, TarrAeii,,wirvip,hula! Impleallinti, and ileum! rfiiiiiware, • octipum era' I AID 113i1 131111, PA. atild'e6 if HEARN, CURTSTIAN Az CRAW, . - .:R . 0.9. 23 AND 2i PARK ROW, a . : ,.i. 7 7 Have Ant received TWENTZ • CHESTS OP CHOICE TEA ! . :: , :f 'Which we will sell Cheep. aa244f TICICARN, FURISTIAN do CRAW ° JUL Havejast 'seeing frorn New Ye* A FRESH LOT OF COFFEE AND SPICE! Mao. received from New York. One bandrod Ws of P. 1 Shore Ihrolly Mackerel. and • the Genuine Cod rah. au= tf HEARN, CHB/STUN &_ CRAIG, . _. Dollars in • , CABLE:HOPE. *RE; PACKING, HEMP DAZUN AND BLOCKS AND BOOKR; 1 CARTS U. B ,i EkiRACT OF S 71E,., A R T WEED! • le undoiebtedly one of Pe . most valuable Faintly ifedleisee Am yet' preeented to the puffin_The cer tainty and promptness with which it ewes r sins re to ere many &Sweat disesens, whether taken fa in:di, or Applied outward/V s is [EQUALLED BY N 3 OTHER KNOWN Unliko the hot drops so frequently and, this Extract does not hien or inflente the costs of the stomieh, but being diffusible stimulant, it Is quickly carried through the srstsaf. sent emery fibre of theekody becomes pent. bared and warweeL suftewd and soothed by its pee - 1w list properties. U; m opeatog the pore , ' of the skin, throwing-id Jiver% husking up colds, sod preventing dims.; —hey es 'th Advantage of rawly' having such ready relictiefiluerV- • . POLODRUGGIITS. • : I ettftNtf Y irmtow Prepare or Dlopsie. • 13 N i .t T . TS • " i •_ TO CHOLERA iteiRBUS, DiARAffiEA ! DY'dENTWaY, CEIOLIC3. CRAMP AND BOWEL COEPLAINT3 01 lIVIIIIT MIND WARRANTED to nun ChoWeer any. of the above dlierne In thels Tont Rms. A wrens case of Chol-ni hila bolo wind ,*nth It to 30 minutes. proof of whith 11l be diem to any wishing It: No carp' des nee been Anon In whieh it What. Prepared be DR. JOHN BENNE Weeleyvnle, and sold by MIN and at the stots of P. Decker. Ertl, Pa. Pludssl.oT eta 807751. DR ' BENNET T-,'S attasaarioe r t . • EMALE RESTIOATIVE . bin beta! fair the beet to Plat), and gine plate satJateedbm. It sum its folloelatoostpisiota t Pain in the small nine back and illpveritbei pulling wahrht sad Nadel dove 'ham long oa.iks distpain In the sida.lair doonorith palpitation of the beir;;eold hat sad atom... of the heed; pain between the shoal derr; weak stain/eh; narrow a ...Ibooe. Resoatteradatfons to the smite of this inedleiet eauld be even by the hnodred, had we the tinwand tom. The best plan la to bay • lbottl., and tact tt for 3rouraelves. - Pries $1 Oil . per bottle. do'd by Tr ions% at his erase in Weedayvilie, and at T. a. Bashes store. Kr* - sato. GOFF, PATIAREION & CU., : 816 nem imusrr. 'titanisltlFds, hut the best liana al Ground Who; Spies A? 'TS 1.011:1311P TWOS& ran iI k ISPICOLUTIOX NOTICE —Tke co puicersidp her taore witting betwoott the unglemsf u ldo. Jog bulimia ander Uno m O same of Wobb da. boo boos &Whoa by mutual eotaaat Th e .ad mounts mato la the baud* of Jay s l .lThilds, Vilo 1031i:oath= Ilt• Potts* badness all go old abed. ORO, T.' WIEBB. , SAY S. caws. _ rig pitOP U* traUs t MONELL, STEPHENS & WILDEY, XO.O MD Malt IMMENSE ,STOCK • JUST RECEIVED I NOTICE Tax romosrau PRIC29: Rlidsfrons 8 0 12/ as. per yank i 6( . 4'4l'l3leadied 3fueEn, 1 yd: wide. of 18 Cie ilea;zi . Ranc7i; 1 . yard wide, Fact,r3r 20 ~r:~~ - _. EEO EFFOOi OF DR1338 "GOODS AT'XQUALLY-LOW MM. Oar Goods aro all new, ha►i boon saleclad with great meowed will be sold at ►ark mall &drum . READER, LOOK TO yOtTIV INTEREST I AND GIVZ US ♦ CALts NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS ! MONELL, " STEPHENS £ WILDEY, N 0.6 REIM NOUSE. ma 24 tf WHOLESALE DRY 'GOODS STORE. 423 STATE 812112 T, ram PA. SOUTHARD, CRAWFORD & IIeCORD, JOSBIR3 lo D 417 GOODS,INatIONS, HOISERY, GLOVES, &C. Our stock i■ the largest ear brought to the etty, consisting of PRINTS,DV AINtB. • SILKS, CLarnS. • BLRACII63 & BROWN BB6ETING3 • Complete Auortment of Dreu Goods. • - Every kind of &Klee in the Notion line. And, .1a UM, ik goitre' selortinent of everytbini needed by Country Dealers.. • TO BE SOLD AT NEW YORK PRICES ! Country Dealers ass tutted to give u a call. We do strictly wholesale trade, and propose millog at snob prime as will make it to the advantage of merchants in this melon to deal la Erie, Mate, ad of sending Cast for their goods. . H. S. flmmusr., W. A. CsAwloAD, J.ll.lloColb. asy2ll-tt LInE NOW BALM. We would respeettfalreall the attention of BUILDERS L 1 1.10 - DEALERS • To our; NEW PERPETUAL LIME KILN, ' Siteated on the Canal, • 13E [TEEN PEON? AND SSCSND' 528,. i NeaOttets Dock. . 1 1 h W are are 4pared ' "t fd f am °P a st i=m a , l ita i sl i ra a on and rtist notice. MINX& & SNipNER. r /I"ITTHREE FROITf G THEILO. • L. RAE r. VINES, AC.,. &C., - I - I • - FOE SSE rAu. OP IE4 STANDARD AND DWARF;FRUIT TREES, Iselading Apples. Nam Misfiles, nous. Filth- M, /to, of Ono. thrifty mirth, and of the moot opproved nestles. ORNAMENTAL TREES ! DECIDUOUS AND EVINGELZIIS IN ABUNDANCE BARBARY PLANTS,TOR =DOING. - PHILADELPHIA, Thi and Host Prodnettar Hardy Raspberry ROSE.B", • ♦ =spiels assortment elite but varieties. floaters wasting speeds' or assorted doe! ara invited to give rue a calk H. PUS?, aue.ll3 ram Cray Ntreatram. lizAaN. VIIBISTiIaN acCll.4lu, i . Agouti tar BAZAN'S IfPOBTING AND PINING 7zrout. 1 ' ; Also. Agents for CLEVELAND ,Ansa AND BLAMING POWDRR. au2341 cainermcd: CRAW "; U fut ;oho! a feinih tat PAIN* OILS, BALD LINSEED OIL, BPIIIII AND 'LARD OIL IllaWustais. Cale. GOI/P;.rATTEILSON & CO4 • w FUROR NUM • Have aa. bad 'a tarp ausertarsai tit!lbw Cog* •[vs BAIR b• U'Ll`tt TIM GlitgAT ErntilitilTlMPlßlG Toxic Oct a Weisz Ptirpontlos,) HOOPLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS! • I Debility reralttag from - any cam whatavar, ProdalAtea ante system, crated br asylum hardaMpai, emonues, orlon:* &mum of amp t& 8010mni male Malta ar youth, win dad to tmlo nite pan ?Date, =tarps:ids:it an bad Unains forthalr aitt mt. menus Out. • • DIE PZ1.3111, And down resulting from &saran d the Liver - and Diguithe orgsay an axed by HOO.FLA.ISD'S. GERMAN •BIrrIMEL - ' This ilttas has pahtimet more arell. istisheilen. he more testimersy, has mews rzpl; r tor t ;etfr U s t e sr oo =l it her l i ra= cad pay . sl,o4 taw Cue wbosrill prod's* costliest! published by us that is not gesmise. 000FLANIA GESIANBITTEIIB, • ~lilenrsarorf eue chroaro lir ammo beidlily ULlssams oi the Masts. Obeers* the teUovistopipleSo tug from disorders of thrtritosfiln orison s • • • Conitipation, Inward Piave, Pauses of Moodie the Flea& Aditlibr of the Stomach, Names. Hearths" Dhl• goat for Food, Fulness or a el /title the Stomach, Swat ihnetetiona, Kilda, or rinirerier at the Ptt or tho Stomach, Swimming of the ileid,itorrord and dillitalt BrEarhing. Mattering et the Heart, Cho: tag origarineat. log Sensation when In a lying posture, Mamoru of Vie inn, Dote or Wets before the -11h4Versr 'n•i Doll Fag in the lies& Detclency or Per•plroitbo, Wilownegts , o: the richt end lyre, Palo la the Side, dark, Chest, Limb•, he ,Sndrienlinshea of lies', ito.reing in the Pith, Con mant linaginhige of Sell and. great Depression orrigl Tits. ) Itiwcwiew, that till. Bitters!' not elehoolle, no rtra or whiskey, awl eettaet drunkards. tltt'ie the Lett tnale in the world. -READ '- HD.SAYS SD. • from Rt•. W. D. Sigerimi, hear of Toraltib - asy.t'm Church, Phllada. Graillamr-1 - WirTinelatly !MI laboring wider the N.Strowiagefkcts of ladtrartos, §nilinfed*jeriaia Dation of the narrator sy sant Nanterousriargiss were rearamnesded by distal', and ant" of them temed.kno -triltbalit collet Your lboothrod • Ger.= Dittos er ire nomonosEed by perronevim bad tiled thin:4.lod *bra .frorablemtArcue of these Bitters taihnad me to DI Neat, ' toast eenitos Wt Ma -orairitiolt to raDpt Mallellwn Dom the NilloWNW4 WOW srack'"liltlinu" whose ocly atm veinal tab,. to rapt off metsne4 ar.rf" drugged 1.4a0r upon theealmaroulty is a sly way,, and the t 011641101 Of . ..which, I ties. is to coda many a ono. armed drunkard. bon Darning that 3 oars au really a medicinal preparation 'took it with happy. effect Its action, not only upon the stomach, but upon the venous !yearn. enupnrdopt mad ratifying. .1 feel that I bare derived great d peramoent benefit from the use of a few bottles.. Very rimpatfallr to W. D. fikIOiPPIND, No. on 't. Prom thi Rev. N. D Feuds , P % Assistant Editor ohrialLsa Chroniclerhlistla ibanderived decided benedt from thq use offloodand% Gennan Bittr; mid I feel (tintortvilige 'to reeotomond them as a moat valeablp fouls all who are gamin from general debility or from diseases 'riling from the derangement of tba liver. - ours truly, - _ _ From Pan. D. Kerrlge, *..tor of the Fassayenk CILIAIet Chnieh. Phtlads. From the many,Tespetable reemotontdatlons given to Dr. Floonanefe German flitten4l vas Indismil to gin than • trial. 'attar aging seven) bottles, I bond them to bel• rood remedy forteolllthlind s most excellent tonic for the etosnech. V • D. UZBBIGY. From Rev. Wm. Smith, formerly Pastier of the Vincent town and (N. jr) Baptist Churches. RilYthe used 16 mr family a =steer of bottles of you Rocdanc's Raman Sitters, I have to way I regard then• as an eacellaut nucliedoe, specially adapted to remove the diseases they are recommended They strengthen and invigorate the system when debilitated, and are use fell in disorders of the liver, ices of appetite. km, 1 an also rectrarmended them to lomat .1 my friends •he have tried tare, and for nd them greatly beneficial In the restoration of health. Yours truly. wit:81111T, lidS Hutchinson St., Ruled& MI BEWARE OF COUNTEREITS. See that the signature of ..C. it. JA.C2S3O.N" Lon the wrapper of each ' Should your nearest druaglat not have the article do not be put off by say of the intoxinatinSPrePuratfolu that may be ofered.fn its plate, but arnti• to us and *t • will forward. securely patted, by exerts& ar Principal o.2ce and Ilanntsclory, No. 1131 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. JONVI & EVS.NS,' [Summon toe. IL Jeekson & Co") Proprietors. For. sale by drageds and dealers la every town in the United States, decT6b H U I B B ft - 1. • 8 A PURELY VEGETABLE TONIC 11r4/00RATING k S.THENGTEENDI3.. Fedi! es the lurk= aplnet - the evil effects of =task. Will case Omni'la. Will cure Weakness. : Will eursOeneral Debility. Willem* Heartburn. . . Will coo Headache. . f . . W ill Ms User COMpat. . Will excite and mats $ health lIPTeFito Will issigorsts the organs of vision and moderate ly increase the temperature of the body and the force ot circulation, acting in factas general corroboiant of the system, containing no poiso ous dram and is THE BEST TONIC B R 8 IN THE WORLD. &fair trial is rely 'Solicited. GIRO. C. RUM= a CO Tropiistom Hudson. N. Y. Centril Doped, Amu lean Express BlLUdttig .11 REID. SON ST., NEW YOBS. for sale by all Druggists. Grocers. am Eir anima a HOMDLEY. Erie, Wholesaled/oats. gad fu sale by Hall h Wasill‘Carter a Caner put Wa hine as 800th. octant.. . •cOAL. ...COAL. . • : • . . CASSIIIRRLS, THE PLACE . TO BOY COAL CIIELP IS AT Coal lard„ corset of Twelfth acd Peach . Wrests, Erie, Pa., who heap constantly on head Lehigh and Pittston (Par. act), lump and s prepared,'Shamokin, E:g Sow, and N ot alter; Bnsmituon for grate and 'team, and BLDsSBURG, PITTSBURG AND BEAVER, • Oar Coal is all received by rail, la kept on dry plank door. and I- WELL SCREENED BEFORE RELIVE II" We offer great badarements to parties artibiog to lay In their winter supply. also todealers parch aging by the car load. • Von, _ ar.l3fre us • call hid as giisnut ts• to gin lianas& 1 okylne-tt SALTSIIIN & CO. pIIBLEIRS NtTiciivill. CLAIM AGENCY', An claimants for extra bonnty allowed by lets sets of Convut. eau bars: the tame promptly collected by sending their discharges 'to ma, the receipt of which will be promptly acknowledged and instruction' re. turned • US per month for total lou 'of nee of either leg , or arm, whist'oe SS. $2 per month for each minor child of deceased soldiers or s.amen. Also, other increases. ADDITIONAL FOR OFFICER OF'l7 S. A. Ibraa'toonthe p ap proper for all in Ferries . Ifareb 3d, and dlepharrid a er April Otb, 1581. Claims =shod. , CLims for arrears of psy; and newtons, and bounty promptly collected. Unfelt:llW facilities. Cot teosing and completing cues. Allowsnef to prisoners of war collected. Only agency in North-Western Pettnevlva nix where years of experience In the J. S. Treasury can be found. - raw Tithokiht tot the very ligetel petroesge bestowed to the Tw, we here Or (Demised enerteriee and tare *ratttlog ettiotton to pstroos to emus their motioned favor. Woe lo Fafnir Hall Badding. Addre aus6tr si, I3IPOR.TANT TO EIIILDERS PAINTS, OILS, VARNISIIES, GLASS, . . -.' HALL it W REEL'S DRUG STORE, :hers 6 ~ Noire os Brawn!. nosing had lolly experience In the tradeoraere enabled to supply with a nparlar quality of goods at the leant priens.• Our steak =bingo aliennal nriety Mover/tiring that Pelotas need, end thou who given their Wrong, as rely on not being disappointed. P ° "Orders farrandshing buildings srl.l be Balletic. torilydUed. CALL AND Exarors OUR STOCK. • artlbly • punt: I,IBIEUTT WHITS LNAD. Will do mon sadbettor matt at a env coif" thoriiiij other.. Try it Nsautret^ rod only by ZIEGLER to SMITH, WRODIESALE DRUG. PRIBT R • N 0.137 North Third strait, Phil.. taint 11.• A DIIIIMS =TOWS N0T10.14 - . Lettere or 'an tble ..4. of ifatbas NOM= deetortd tato often, =V o l t. trio *Boot& Pa, tuning booll rooted -to Clio optic* to baraby gloss* all tallatiotrio oald oats to maks ha. mediate mom% sod thou Swift Athos whoa the rams grUl prole at %I P. datr atparotlook 4. Cos Mar* m. at . : R. ll' LADDy &Wert ... 4. •‘• .r do boob sea. f.' wyiiiiTOUlt •$.• Woabrio, wio; 111 ems kowroil by an y .: who haw Ilibobelf sad boa. ands Ks awl yosioothlog bat Op grog. Adams with • , BOX will am Z. D. YZNDALL. GOLDEN BITTERS I SALTShf.AN CO.'S, For Blacksmith Purposri OlDee in Ferrer irniitOnilding, Erie, Pa so - amrs aourry LVORRLSE 07 T'SNEIIONIR. 8. TODD PERLVT, Lock Rol 101, Brie, Ps AND PAINTERS The largest sad But sh;ek of And BRXIBEIE3 La Iris may bs found at