The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, September 06, 1866, Image 2

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    . they know the curses, the c',damitiea and
the miseries which would come upon the
country if that Union was once broken'.
and they have no desire to be separated
from us. They desire to be sharers with
us in a corn-lion destiny, a common come
try and a common future. They pledge
them s elves in every •conceivable way by
whi c h men can bind themselves, and I
say that their interests, if nothing else,
would impel them to stand by the Union
and to be a part of it. But, gentlemen,
- let me warn you. I told you before they
were of our blood, of our 4 race, the same
Manner of,men as we are, and they have
_never been - known to wear a yoke any
longer than he who put it on- had strength
to keep it there. It we deny them the
_right to be beard in the national councils,
they will be right and we will. be wrong ;
and they will have plenty. of friends to
' espouse their cause, just as we had before
the war. (Applause.) Doyen know that
France proposed to England to recognize
the Southerri Confederacy ? Suppose they
had, what then would have been the re
sult of the war, with all our means and all
our resources and the bravery and skill
of our armies? If the blockade could have
been broken i the result of that .contest
would have been exceedingly_ doubtful,
end I think the better opinion now is that
we would have failed.. Did see succeed. un
til we got New Orleans and Charleston.
and until our blockade was perkot and
complete? England refused to.acknowl
edge the independence of the Confeder
acy. Why? Because they made the cor--
ner stone of it eirossy, and the English
-people were to.a man opposed to slavery,
and they would not' permit t heir govern
ment to jhin in any enterprise which
" would perpetuate that institution. Slavery
has gone— t does not exist now. There
can be no retence of that kind ndw for
avoiding a - entry upon an enterprise of
that kind And do. you know that Eng•
land, duri 'it the war, paid fifty millions
to keep her Lancashire poor from story- 1
ing, because she could not run her 'mills,
and by charity she raised that money to
save her suffering poor. Hence it- is a
great matter for England to get cotton—
it is a reat matter for France to get cot
ton. Cotton is_ one jof the commodities
the world must have, 'and when that cot
ton field is shut up down there it is felt
everywhere. There is-no spot upon the
earth 10 much coveted- as thcsa cotton
fields of the South by Eutor estn nations.
The South appeal to us for common
. justice and common rights. They appeal
- to us for their rights under the Constitu
tion and laws, and we deny- them. The
governments of the states of the-South
are noir as perfect as the government of
Pennsylvan.a. They are
-perfectly able to
- run alone outside of the Union: • If Penn
sylvania was out of - the rchan her State
government is as - perfect as the govern
ment- of Great Britain. - The general gov
ernirtent only affects our foreign relations
and our relations with the other States ;
if the had no relations with the other
States, her government_ is yet complete,
and if sh was thrown out there would be
--- iRi nring_to prevent her from sending am
bassadors abroad end exercising all the
rights of sovereignty. • •
These'States are distinct, Independent
governments now; able to make treaties,,
stud if you persist in this treatment of
them there is nothing to.prevent them
from making an alliance with England or
France, offensive. and defensive, and then
instead of letting them come it, they
would reluseio come, and then you would
be compelled to get an &men:ln:lent to the
Constitutiop cotopelling them to send
members to Con'ress. You have shut the
doors in their a ces , you have refused
them admissie nd they have accepted
ri c
your-•terms. andlhey,bave stood out, and
what then ?. You are put to the necessity
of another war, - and what fOr ? Would
that be_a . war' to compel them to come
Sack into the 'Union ? How would you
, ask your soldiers to go into another war ?
I would like to See a Radical look a set
'did. in *the face and ask him to go down
and whip them over again. He would say,
Wile l• spend two or three years of my
life in fighting them, and when they come
in and are willing to come inito abide by
the lawrij yet yoti will not let them to come
- in, and I must go and whip . them hick
again I and,
would' like ••to,know when it is
going tO end; for you do not want to ex
terminate them. When,we made this war
we did it to restore the Union, yet you
will not allow it to be restored. (Ap- .
plsuse.) , ,
There aro two great parties in the
-North. and I believe there is but' one in
the South, and that one is the,party that
, was represented at the Philadelphia Con.
, vention the other day; (applause,) a party
of earnest, Sorrowful, serious men who had.
lost all their Elie, All their vivacity; and,
`lciest strange to say, in that Convention
' all were &silents of _dispensing with
~,veechifying. liTo have assembled a con'
-, tiltion of thitt kind ten years at any
irt, on this cionthaeni, filled. with such
eloquent men, men of such distinction,
such ambition, such desire to show before
the public, you could not hate adjourned
it before ten weeks. There would-have
been ten thousand speeches, but 'ln mat
convention where' everything was solemn
',find still as a church, there was no display
of 'that which is called oratory. - There
was a far greater inclination to tears, and
tears ~ O f joy, .than there was to any es
pecial Persotial jubilation. And,.as the
President of that convention most elo
quently said of a subject which- is made
ono of ridicule and acorn by unthinking
people on the other side.—the President
said 'if the people of the United-States
Could have all looked on 'that boy on
, the first day, • hen South Carolina and
Massachusetts . came in linked arm-in-arm
in that convention, (applause.) why, said
he, I 4o not think that there is a, human
being but that-would have been willing
to have laid down his differences, to have
brought all the causes of his animosity
and laid them upon the altar of a common
country.' A thousand strong men wept
on that occasion as children weep ; silent,.
hardly a word said, but the tAought was
there, that great and glorious thought,
after so tong a separatbin, aft,- r such
scenes of blood, atter m teting ;in the
fierce conflict of battle, we were again
brothem (applause) all brought into a
common sympathy wi;ll' the Union.—
(Great applause.) It wee not a thing for
scorn, but it was a thing of which our
common humanity had aright to be proud
—it was God-like It was in the spirit of
our religion, we had forgiven one another.
That convention put. forth a platform Is
it objectionable? Has it been assailed?
Does it contain a single principle that it
not found and 'embodied not only ,in the
few of this country but in the law Of than
country from whence we derive our laws,
and is imbedded in the hearts 'of the
American people , (Tremendeus ap
County CenvenUon.
The voters of Erie county, without distinc
tion of party, who desire the preservation
of the Union-under the policy of President
Johnson's Administration—rho sustain the
• constitution and oppose the measures of Con
gress to maintain the radical party in power at
the expense of the public interests— who are
in favor of a return to en economical manage
ment of the Government, and epossd to
negro emffrage and social equality,—are re
quested to meet in their respective erection
precincts, at the usual places, on Saturday
- September Bth, 1866, (in the - wards ankhor—
oughs at 8 o'clock. p. m., and in the townships
between the hours of 1 and 8 o'clock, p. ..)
for the purpose of choosing delegates to t
tend.a Conn . y Convention to be held in he
C ou rt House, in the city of Erie, on Monday,
September 10th, 1886, at 3 o'oloot p. nt., to
nominate candidates for the various district
• and county offices.
The following table exhibits the number of
.delegates les which each election district is
r entitied:
ir , gete, le. Milted 2
Ind " ' 2
22 " 2
4th " 2
- Noath do - 2
Nast m E ueroik 3
West Itukreek ' 31
Hartomemek" 41
North Swot To 3
NorteNorth fiat Eloro wn i s t i t 9 2
Volans° S
W Ami ayne ty
Coasted a
Oily • 4
Uolos Township . S
laths 1 AneNi • . 2
y sada or the Os
- E. CAMP,"
I tatatrell 'tamable I
(beanoWaterfard Boren& 2
• a
fkubmlt $
McKean ' a
mideadiewo 1.
wmaiaatea a
I 341nbere 2
I rran &mea klin - a
eprtagesla nt
SkCreek ' 3
. 9
Albion a
1311 m 4
2 To waship 3
algid Bonsigh 3
• -Cy COnntatak
• 1:18N;` 0144 nm.
Speeches by Hiester Clymer, Pres
ident Johnson and Others.
A Glorious Prospect for au te trytailmitur
- Success. v .
The Observer was not: relatiken in its
opinion expressed last Week, that it the
weather was favorable, we should have one
of the largest asserablapit:ever convened
in Erie, on Ittoiaday. It tias not merely
one of the greataat--it was the greatest.
We had wh.114 - ree thought immense crowds
here during the, memorable campaign of
1864, ivizotla party conventions, but they
are net compared to that of Mon
day. The whole surrounding country_
,seemed to have turned out essurne—men,
women and children;—not Erie county
'alone.•but, from points fifty - to a hundred
milers distant. They came in on foot and
horseback ; by rail and every conceivable
'mode of conveyance. Young men and
old men ; the enthusiastic youth, and the
veterans of Jackson's time, with their
wives and daughters and lisps ones,
poured into the city by, thousands, from
every direction and by every avenue. It
was an occasion long to be remembered,
and - has done more to rekindle the vigcr
of our friends, and discourage our ene
mies than any event of tha kind within
our recollection.
The morning , opened cloudy, and gave
indications of a had day, but else patriotic
masses were too strong in their determin
ation to be present, to be deterred by the
ominous state of the Weather. It was plain
frost the start that the • meeting was cer
tain to. be a success. The people corn
' menoed coming in at atry early hour,
And by noon there was a upon. the
streets that would have put Broadway to
the blush. 'Previous to the hour for the
commencement of the meeting many of
our staunch friends took occasion to call
at the Observer office to renew their sub-
Scriptiona, and for a time our establish
ment resembled a prosperous bank in its
financial operations. At various points in
the city flags were, displayed, though we
regret to say, that our city Democrats did
not evince the zeal and courage in this
respect that they should. Some of our
country friends expressed' considerable
disappointment on this subject, and, we
are bound in truth to admit, not without
cause. The general expectationthat there
would be a vast meeting bad encouraged
hosts of speculators to - visit the city, and
at'nearly every corner could helmet' some
specimens of this dais, actively engaged
in trying to "make the dimes." Two_ or
three loud voiced individuals did a pros
perous bushiesq in selling Clymer portraits
and badges.
Mr. Clymer reached the city on Satur
day evening, by special train from New
Castle. He was greatly fatigued. by his
past active labors, end having expressed a
desire to secure some quiet, was taken-to
the residence of Wm. A. Gebraith, Esq.,
whose Guest he remained while in the
city. Oh Sabbath he attended the Epis
copal church, of which denomination be
is a', member. - On Monday Morning be
was ;escorted to the balcony of Brown's
Hotel, where be reviewed the procession,
and Was vociferously cheered by those in
the line. In the evening be gave a public
reception in the parlors of thilotel, and
was waited upon by a large number •of
persons. _ His graceful mianers'and unas
suming address charmed all met him
Among the most enthusiastic of his Yid'
10i8 was Senator Lowry, who' greeted him
with a cordiality that "fully corresponded
with his oft expressed adritiration of the
man. Mr. Lowry bais always -been a very
warm eulogist of Mr. Clymer'stharecter.
They have served i together in the Senate
'many year's, and notwithstanding their
extreme political 'differences, their per
sonal relations have never been anything
bet kindly. The Senator's usual mode of
speaking of' Mr. Clymer is in this strain :
"He is a noble fellow personally, an hole
eat man, the ablest Democrat in Pennsyl
but his ixoitica-are horrible." Dar
ing the evening some of the leading Re
publicans of the city were introduced by
Mr. Lowry, and were highly delighted
.with their reception. About ten o'clock
Mr. Clymer retired to procure.some rest,
and in the morning he left upon the early
train for Warren. He made hosts of warm
personal friends while hero, and-Gen rely
upon always receiving a het*Welceme
upon any future visit. :"••
At 'it o'clock, on Monday, the. proces
sion was formed upon Buffalo street, un
der the direction of Col. Grant as Mar
shal, and Captain Hutchinson and Dr.
Thayer as Assistants. This feature of the
day exceeded by far our exPeetations,and
was creditable, , undeethe circumstances,
to the highest degree. B t little peeper
atlork had' been made for it, and yet in
length and appearance it was equal if not
superior -to the great McClellan rrocesaion
of 1864.' It stretched up State street as
far as the eye could reach, and could not
have been under a mile and a-half or
two miles in extent. There were not
many emblems, as the time was too brief
to prepare them, but the few that were to
be seen were expressive and creditahle.
Many of the conveyances were handsome
ly trimmed with evergreen, and the num
ber of flags would have supplied the Army
of the Potomac. The Republicans had evi
dently not anticipated this feature of the
day, and several of them expressed their
surpris.t to tis at its eucdess. We should
take pleasure in giving a full report of its
leading features,but our time was so much
occupied with other duties that we found
it make the-necessary notes.
Three bands were in the line—Hehl's,
the College, and Gulliford's, of Girard.
After marching through the principal
streets, the procession halted at - the East
Park, and the participants adjourned to
Soon after one o'clock the meeting was
organised. An immense crowd of people
were in attendance. Tito stand used for
the officers c and speakers is one that has
been built by both parties in common, to
remain until after election. Some dissp•
pointy:lent was ; felt because no more
speakers from abroad were present, but
we are assured that the absence of those
expected was unavoidable. Mr. Carrigan,
who had been 'promised, to us, got as far
as ,Tohnstown,when he was called back by
illness in his family. The other gentlemen
who were desired to have been present,
we presume have good reasons for their
absence. The number of people was large
enough to have. supplied half-a-dozen
Manta with attendants, and as two thirds
of them were unable to bear Mr. Clymer,
they employed themselves in wandering
about the citywhich prevented the
meeting froin inalsng as imposing an ap•
pesrance as it would otherwise have done.
Wilson 'Moore,, Esq.. of Waterford, was
chosen President, with the following Y ice
Presidents and Secretaries:
Vice Presidents—C M Tihbala, P A
Becker, A . W Vsn Tame% David Shirk,
John Burton, II &Mural. General- Jahn
Kilpatrick. M Smiley, P G Stratehes, J.
L Brookins, Joel Loomis, Captain John .0
Grahatn,i Id White, W B Lloyd, A A
Hammond, Amos Heath. It D Francis, J
Id Finn, H L Pinney, X Saley, I It Tay
lor, E Pinney, Robert Brown, Alden
Pomeroy, Dr Skeels, L W Savage, J C
Coffman ; George Gallowhur. Capt D. W
Hutchinson. D Olin, E Boyer, W C Ford.
Secretaries—B Whitman, Erie Observer;
C L Phelptr, Girard Spectatctr; C Dickin
son, Cow , / Demers . •
Mr. Clymer waseived wit h a heirty
round of applause. His speech, laying ill
political prejudice side. must be admit
one of the finest ever delivered in
Erie. It was clear,argumentative and Out-
Spoken, entirely free from,-objectionable
personalities. and was listened to with an
interest teldom witnessed. As a.speaker
Mr. Clymer has fewsuper4ors.. He has a
genial presence, and possesses a firm. ring
log voice, which is peculiarly pleasing in
its effect. Below we give an abstract of
1 his remarks, which by ne means does bim
justice. He spoke about two hours, and
kept the attention of all Within hearing
distance during the entire period ; ; ,
mt. csausii's . SPEWS
Paasevtveate :—IL is a source of prefOund
happiness for me to be with you to-day. It
has long been my desire to meet the conserve-
Hie citizens of this portion of- the State -in
council assembled; and here, in this lovely
city which site upon the shore -of an inland
sea, like a jewelled, queen, to arrive with them
at some conclusions which will be to the bene
fit of sus and our-common country. I had
hiped that it would-be my privilege to speak
to a fesitundredo, but when I see around-me
thousands in a district where the Democrats
have no power, and where it is esolusion
from office, almost 'from society, to be a
Democrat, I Am
, truly surprised and g ate
In the county where I come from, Berke, it
is almost impossible not folio a Democrat. A
man there is born a Democrat, lives a Demo
crat and dies a Democrat. It is his interest
to be a Demoora*.- But here. whore it is ex
clusion to be a Democrat, it is far nobler to be
a Democrat. And as here. ms fellow-citirens,
so everywhere through thia ;broad Common•
wealth, Isere is each an uprising of the peo.
ple as has net been dorm 1861—einee that
shot was fired which caused-the blood which
'flowed in the national heart tfiltlow fester
than it ever Bowed before, becattee It was the
shot which announced that We nation was
about to be destroyed.' Now It is because the
people are gathered to oppcfse the - lame
principles which threatened the destruction
of the Union when tbi: first `rebel shot was
fired in Charleston Harbor. It i t mot neon
sary for me to refer to the many questions
agitating the popular mind prior to 1861
There were, prior to that theories not
vital to the existence of the government—a
difference of policies merely. Thome were
wide differences of opinion between the great
minds of the country, North and Elontli,:in re
gard to the ••peculiar institution" which
produced the conflict • which deluged
the land in blood. It produced a. war of
opinion—l bad almost said a war of races.—
The North ,went into the war to - do -three
things': -
let. To restore & broken Union.
2d. To vindicate the Constitution.
3rd. To resto-o the laws over all the
The war ceased. Lee surrendered to Grant.,
and Johotion to Sherman. The armies of the
rebellion melted away like frosts before the
summer sun. Not a rebel remained in arms.
No jarring of the implements of war was
heard from the Penobscot to the Gulf. Re
bel,ion played fora high slake and lost all,
while its supporters slunk into the obscurity
they d d. Would you not have sup
posed, that when armed rebellion ceased.
Peace, blessed Peace, would have come? Had
yen not been promised that. Why has it not
been performed?
With the surrender of Lee and Johnson,
the objects of the war were accomplished.
Bat just at the' close of the contest, one cf
those rare and horrid °flutes occurred, around
which gather in history the circling events of
centuries. By the assassination of Abraham
Lincoln, Andrew Johnson became President
of the United States. lf, under his adminis
tration, bermonyahould again come to the
land, who will not see in the auspicious event
the spirit of God moving over the troubled
waters. Educated in the faith of Jefferson,
and brought up at the feet of Jackson, An.'
drew Johnson when he toos an oath to sup.
port the Constitution, and enforce the laws,
meant to keep that oath, and most nobly has
he doneso.
Dating all the long weary yiers of ' blood
shed thrciugh which we have passed, the Dem
ocratic Tarty has known only its ancient
creed. In the distant past, throughout the
war and to this day, its doctrine ever has
been end still is, that every man everywhere
must submit•to the requirements of the Con
stitution and render implicit obedience to the
laws. Believing this, the Democratic party
of the North sustained the tear for the Union
both by men and means. only claiming the"
right of demanding that 1t should not be per
verted from thatavowed and most holy pur
pose. The man who says that the Democracy
of Pennsylvania did not honestly and heartily
sustain the War for the Union. slanders
thousands of brave men now deed, and the
entire mess of that great party now living, of
which - we, whotare hero to-day, are a coin
ponent part. No one has been more misrep
resented in this respect than I have. Yet
;early in the struggle I laid dose my platform
lin Vein terms and on that I have always
Irmly stood.. In almost tie very first speech
f ever made in la deliberative body,in the Sen
ate of Pennsylvania, speaking for my consti
tuency Ind to some extent for the Democracy
of Pennsylvania; I made nee of the following
language, which may be found ,on page 73 of
the Legislative Record of 1861: •
"lam hcri to-day -to deny for myself, and I
believe for the great body of the Democratic party
of this State, that they recognise anything lib the
right of. secusion of any Slate. I deny, I say,
the right of any State to secede, and /go further,
I tell you that the Democracy of this State, with
0011 : hort and ferling, applaud the gallant
,dirson for hie *fence of the property of the lot
ted Sysila.. If he should go farther still and al
to tray but the Blois- and Strips to float
within the range of his guns. I for one would say
amen to his deeds. There./ stand. I say that
South Caroline hoe no cause for seassion or re
bellion, and that it should he put down by the
strong arm of the government."
Koch was the platform which I laid down
for myself as early as the eleventh day of
January, in the year 1861, and before Go&
as I know my own heart, I have never swerved
from it to the distance of one hair. breadth.
It was my position during the war, and, to so
now. He who asserts otherwise is either-
Ignorant or a wilful falsifier. -
And now let assist whet was the object of
the war? For what purpose was it prose
cuted? Did not every Republican orator and
newspaper declare it was a war for the Unica
—purely and ;simply snob f Were not we,
who were ridiculed as ' , Union savers" in the
campaign which resulted in the election of
Mr. Lincoln, denounced as enemies of the
Union whenever we dared to call Into question
any single act of his administration? The
soldiers, the many thousand, of Democratic
soldiers; who went from Pennsylvania. all be
lieved the war to be a war for the„thtion. - I
ask you if this was not the great obj Act
of the war. Is there any man who dare dept'
it ? ' Will any man, be ho radical or not, dare
to deny it? Would any man iilB6l have
dared to have said it was to enfranchise the
Depots of 'the South; would be have -dared
to say it was to preserve radicalism? Carr.
:allay not. He would have been -justly de
nounoed. and any party which advanced
nob" an ides consigned to eternal infamy.—
The war was waged to maintain the law and
perpetuate, not destroy the Union. I ask
whether you have not gathered.- to represetdp
the trails of the victory I ask every man in
the sound of my voice, no clatter of what
political shade of belief, why are we not in
unity to-day? Wby is it that Then you go
to the national Capital you find ten States un
represented in the councils of the nation. I
will ask who are the Uolori men to day ? Is
it thet men who .deny these Stales representa
tion or those who' declare them entitled to at?
I will ask who have Changed places with
Jefferson Davis sad Ms colleagues in this war
on the government?
- Andrew Johnson, when he became Prost•
dent; found eleven Stales without laws, with
out Governors,' without Legislatures. He wail
not - the -President of- the fikirth; bat et the
' •
whole Union., lie iris the Executive Oleo of
the. eleven disorganised Commonwealths as
well as of the tiorthArn Slates, was the
head of the government.' What was he to do?
Should he permit riot and confusion to reign
in those States, or dispense law and Order.—
Who else was there to do it ? Who else. In.
deed, if the bead of the government had not
the power to do it? Did he proceed to treat
them as conquered provinces? Did he pro
ceed to treat them is States that had lost
their rights and were dependencies? Or did
ho treat them according to that law which
lies at the foundatiOn of the government—
that the people should govern themselves?
That they are governed best who are govern
ed least?
wit was necessary that, trete should be some
means of - communicsnou between these States
in,i the Feiniirel government. How would
any man -have _proceeded? He appointed
Provision4l Governors-for those States. They
were only provisional, and in hie iustruistions
to them be laid down clearly the line of duty.
They were instructed to encourage the telling
of conventions by the people, the source of ell
power, in order that by them the defects in
existing institutions might be retuedie&Shia
was done, sad speedily all began to assume
the appearance of good order. The Secretary
of the Treasury sprint/led his officials to take
charge of the reset nes, the Postmaster Gen
eral re-established mail routes, the Attorney
General put the Courts of the United States in
operation, and again the life bleat of good
government began to course' freely through
the parented members of the wounded politi
,The speaker then:traced the,reconstniatien
policy of PrissidentJohnson, and showed its
identity, in the forniation of provisional gov
ernments for the late rebellious Statel, with
the polio, inaugurated by President Lincoln
in the cases of Louisiana and Tennessee. Was
not that hie duty ? What else could -be do?
Wan he not bound, ias the Executive of the
nation, to reconstruct the State governments
:AU establish kw and order among the peo
ple? But he even. Vent beyond this : he re
quired of the reconitracted States thatAhey
should ratify the Constitutional amendment
abolishing slavery, and repudiate the rebel
debt. The States acceded to these conditionr:
and no one at the North gainsayed the sots of
the President at this time last year, when his
policy had been fully developed. Every one
—Democrat and Republican united , in /ray
ing that he had dope his-duty, and done it
patriotically ancljndiaiently.. The Democrats
not only earnestly endorsed him, but.went
farther and proclaimed from every stump in
the State !bat the Republican endorsement of
the Fresident .was, a sham= and a fraud.—
We were deiounced by the opposition
for pointing out their deceit; -and that
party went into power a year ago upon their
endorsement of the President's tolioy.—.They
von the October elections in this /State by a
clear case of false pretences. It was not the
first lima they had carried elections that way,
but be trusted in Ood it would be the last.—
They were no sooner seated in power, than
the Radical leaderisfaleified their pledges,and
declared that the President's reconstruction
plan would not suit. them. The only reason in
tits world for this _change of their view was
this a If the Southern Stales were admitted to
theirjust and constitutional share in the gov
ernment, the Republican party would be
driven from power.' The Radical leaders see
ing this, determined that the States_ should
not be admitted until they effected a perpetual
insurance on their own retention of power and
;at renege.
Ia what does Mr. Johnson's policy differ
to-day from that of a year ago? Upon what
line of his policy can you lay,your finger to
day, differing from; that of to-day ? I want
any honest men toianswer me. Where is,,ii?
My fellow-eitizeni, the great conservative
party of the North said one year ago„fand
subsequent events nave proved it to be tine,
that the Radicals were not tens in their en
dorsement of the ;President's policy. It is
unnecessary to prove the.oharge now, for they
stand convicted. We said then that they only.
intended to deceive the p S ople, and when the
people had given ; them I power they would
use it ; against thePrisident. How were these
predictions fulfilled-? I refer yen to the party
records for their; truth. Immediately after,
the October elections, when the people had
trusted to their :protestations, arid again
trusted them with power, they commenced
planning their wet upon the Executive. In
the latter past of November the Inman , vas
startled by a speech from Sahuyier Colfax,
Speaker of the House of Representatives,
from the steps of his house in Washington. in
which he gave the plan which the Radicals
have since carried out to the letter. In De
cember Congress assembled. Thiy were in
Inch baste to start on their plan of disruption
and dietician that they had hot the courtesy,
to wait for the before they elected,
their officers. They had net the common 'de-,
(tens, to hear his explinition of his policy.-4
Oa that Mender: morning, before the sun'
went down, a resolution was adopted which'
sent this whole Subject to a committee of fif
teen, composed of members of both Houses,
to which all questions were to be referred
without debate,—a course which has never
found its parallel except in the Central Direct=
tory of the French Revolution.
Thu e, my fellow citizens, did Congress shot
out from the ring of debate the greatest
questit as which it has ever bad to, deal with
since its foundation of the Republic. The
Radicals began to, show their true colors.—
They showed their position towards the Pre
sident's policy. • They knew that the Prat:
dent's policy was the death blow to Radical
ism ; tbey knew that if the whole people were
represented in Contrails the radical element
would no-longer rule; and they knew thit
there were millions of majcrity against thiem.
So they tried to devise setae plan by which
they might continue to- govern. And they
proceeded, day after day, during many
months, to develops their plans. They pro
ceeded to legislate for one color and against
another. Tiler passed that bill which de
serves the execration of every white man-•
the Freedriten's ' Bureau bill. The President
vetoed it. They ; passed it over his veto.-6
They passed the Civil • Right'e bill. The
President vetoed it and they passed it over
his veto.
Every week the country was startled to bear
of some proposed; amendment to the Constitu.
lion of Washington,
_the instrument,- which
was considered as nealy perfect as could be
obtained by human judgment. Such an in
atm-merit as thisi these gentlemen were un
willing to live under. any- longer. because it
was not intended fora party bat for a whets
country. That tau its "Radical” defect, in
the opinion of these "tinkers." Long months
passed away, the summer was nearly over.
the dog day's came and it was es hot that
these gentlemen could stand it no longer.—
The heats of suremer had come upon them
and they knew i that they might not much
longer delay. They knew they - must soon
meet their constituents and show why it was
that" they had turned &unionists. , They
Must answer their constituents how it was
they were doing` today by exo!usion, whit'
the rebellion had not done by force. Their con
science told them that they must give some
excuse. . They made a plan in opposition to
the Constitutional plan of the PresMent to go
4 ,4,4 a.
before the masses of the nation. I will at
tempt to disuse' that plan ; sho
yon its
gual.tier; show you that it is no plan ut •
trick and intended to deceive the people; that
it is • plan to, cover universil confiscation
and negro suffrage.. - 1,..
The first is an attempt to make .constitu
(local their infamous Civil Rights Bill, which
had been property vetoed by the President,
because of its glaring violations of the funda
mental law of the land. Their attempt thus
to re-enact it in'the shape of • constitutional
amendment. obesre that they kogw that -the
very law which; they passed over . President
Johnson's Veto by a two-thirds vote was un
constitutional. !I assert fearlessly that by
'that set they were guilty of that, to nee •
moderate term, I will call political _perjury ;
for. having taken an oath to support the Con
stitution of the United Sisk% they °eat , ' not
without perjury,pass a 111 W contravening it.
That they know the Civil Right's Dill was un
constitutional. it proven by their attempt to
remedy the defects of the sot by re-enacting
it In the shape of the first clause of the pro
posed series of amendments. The secant'
clime Is meant: to force negro suffrage upon
all the States by mean* of intimidation and
bribery. The Southern States are to be kept
out until it is adopted, and by it Pennsylva
nia Is to be dePr i lved ors member of Congress
unless she confers the right of suffrage upon
the migrate within her borders. It wee de
signed to especlidly benefit the Sew England
States, In whiehithere is no negro popubitiou,
by cutting down the representation of States
like Pennsylvania, Maryland, Kentucky
New Jersey. with a large negro populatio .
In regard to the third proposition, forbiddi
those who had taken the.eath as members f
Congress, Judges, &c., from again holding
1111011 offices, he said that a more damning
proposition was never made to a generous na
tion. It is a blow aimed al the brain, the
heart, the life of the whole Southern land. It
is an, ungenerous sot. I know that none of
you who met ?them in the carnage of death
but made digit your friend and brother. Wet
know that these men who engaged irt the re
bottles ltitiglit and voted against it to the
last. Whin ads/Ulla want oat what *eke
they to do? lied the Federal Government
power to protect them? Is it generous or right
to treat theta so ?' Why,: they would be in the
position of the Iran who was damned if .he
did, and damned if he' didn't. •They would
have been hanged by the Confederate Gitv
ernment ii.they didn't, and now they were,to
be ; more than hung by the Fedetal Govern
ment because they did. : The fourth proposi
tion of Congress, compellieg the States lately
in rebellion to repudiate the rebel debt and
acknowledge the National debt as a sainted ob
ligation, be denounced .as absurd. Who,.he
asked, questioned the validity of the National
debt? Every mas.almost in the United States
was interested la it. Scarcely a man is so
'pour that he does not own one or more of the
Government bonds, and the party that would
pfoposp such thing as repudiation would be
swept into obscurity. He would not insult
thb intelligence of the audience by discueeing
it.l, The rebel debt was promised to be raid
six months after the ratifteatiooof a treaty of
peace with the trotted States. Na suoh treaty
ever has been made ea by their own ft ce are
they shown to be dead. The States by adopt
ing new Coostiintions repudiated the whole
Of the rebel.debt. Tbt4 killed it "deader.",
what need then for that ? - •
Mr. Clymer then quoted, at length from
Wendell Phillips' speech at Framingtoo, Mas
sachusetts, In Jtily last, to shove that after all
the amendments were nothing but a cheat and
she, to "bridge over" the October elections.
When the people had been again humbugged
the real purpose of the Radicals 'will be ex
prised. Their plan hi, if possible, a larger
majority than they now have in Congress,
when a constitutional amendment. granting
universal euffrage to the negro!' and dietrib
'citing the lands of, the South among them,
would be adopted. Mr. Clymer ah , what
would be the consequences of suchA move,
and painted in glowing, colors the despicable
condition of the Middle States, when they
Ith-luld be thus giound between the upper
millstone of 'flukes fanaticism and selfish
cupidity, and the nether one of whole States
controlled by negro votes.
Mr. Clymer referred to his, opponent -Gen.
Geary, prefacing his remarks by deolaring
that he would not disgrace himself nor, dis
credit the party which . nominated him by say
ing one harsh word againet his private char
acter. Hie public and political sets were
-public property. With them alone be should
deal. He was running as a soldier. Of him
in that capacity be, allowed these who had
served with him to judge if he had won
laurels not one, Vpat would he pluck from his
brow. Of his political career Mr. 'Clymer
said there reutilized little record. Mr. Clymer
proceeded to read his letter' to Samuel Mc-
Guire; in which Gan Cleary announced
self a 'life-long Democrat in the broadest
sense of the term, without affix or prefix "
This produced roars of laughter. M r. Cly late
then read nearly the whole of Gen. Geary's
speech, recently made et York. com
ments on the General's allusion to Bank's
report on the neutrality' lairs led natural) to
a review of the coarse of the party which was
once the Know-Nothing organization. In
fittirg terms be -exposed their 'former infamy
nod their present shame and arrogant pre
sumption. The unmanly-attack of Gen. Geary
upon the men who composed the &idler'
Convention which assembled at 'Harrisburg,
which he denounced them •As.- - Jlenesits,
ektdkere, cowards , and hospital &tamers,"
:gave Mr. Clyriter • chance toleal 'with him
'in that' keen invective of which he is so corn
plate a toaster. He `Said he supposed soldiers
would Tote against as welt as for him, but he
hoped to God his - tongue would be palsied
wheneverhe stigmatized the armless and-leg
less veterans of the war, or any one who ever
wore toe blue, by such false. and calumnious
epithets. Mr.: Clymer then clearly and elo
,quently referred to the charges of the Repub
licans that he has been hostile to the soldiers
and the Union. ,fle showed by 'conclusive
proof that he had always been a sincere friend
of the soldier; both in private, end public lite,
and that the professed extracts from his record
in therSenattrwere gathled and intended to
give a false IrOprecrion. As to hie love for
the Union,.he : thought no man who knew him,
and was present, would question-it.
Mr. Clymer said by the will of the Demo
eratiostarty of Pennsylvania he had been
put fcrward ae the exponent of their prin
ciples. II • had nothing to conceal, but would
frankly state, his priaciples. Ha had • been
nominated became° he was supposed to have
illinstrated by his life his devotion to the
principles of the Democratic party. • He did
not ask the support of any man on personal
grounds, btit ,'aimed only the votes of tho-e
who tweed with him in principle. Men die,
but nrieciplest are eternal. He then exam
ined the platform of- the Republican .State
Convention, end showed that it contained the'
doctrine of negro stiftrage, sugar-ended, en
that Inelpient.Redicals could swallow it. He
also referred to the statement made by Mr. T.
M. Marshall, of Pittsburgh. that Gen. Geary
had expressed to him his hearty concurrence
in the policy and principles of Thaddeus
Stevens, the disunionist. Bet decidedly the
richest part of Mi.-Clymer' speech was his
withering ridicule of the attempt,being made
by the old Know Nothing leaders to wheedle
and blarney the Irish into the support of the
Radical ticket, by a professed desire that the
neutrality lava should be repealed.- Th.
cheering at the speaker's hits was tremendous
and one had no ditßoulty in , recognizing the
"rich Irish brogue" in the shouts that went
up from the meeting.
At the close of Mr. Clymer's remarks,
Col. Dm. Rice, who was upon i the stand,.
was lonaly called for. AlvirayS willing to
oblige the people, be stepped forward and
delivered ina extemporaneous speech,
which was so good that we kave to doubt
many in the audience felt as we - did,
that -a first class statesmen was spoiled
when the Colonel went into the show bus
iness. fie said he was. knoWn to be a
warm friend of the 'soldiers, and at first
'the cry against Idt. l Clymer bad excited
some prejddice against that gentleman.
11 He had fully investigated the matter, and
ievras siitiefied lbei soldier had' no better
friend in Pennsylvania than
,Hiester %Y
-. mer. The paragraphs going the rounds of
the ..Republican press; pretending to be
extracts from the Democratic candidate's .
record,' were perversions in most cases,
and falsehoods in other?. He had consul
ted with his personal friend, Guy. Curtin.-
about Clymer, and believed, .from what
-Curtin told him, that he (Curtin) would
iota for Clymer if be could do it on the
sly. He bid reluctantly consented now
and then to speak of politics; but politi
climb generally, and especially those of
the Radical party, were
.; two hundred
thouard per cent; worse than a show
man, and . he_ disliked to kite - Maw with
them. Some of his friends,ln . the kind.
nese Of their hearts, had urged him for
Cdongr ,3. It was objected to,. by .certain'
parties lon the ground that he 'amid not'
appear- well without his mules. If be
isent.people would discoier-that be knew 1
how to manage jackasses. He, threw sem-
mersaults to amuse the , people—a legiti
mite pursuit ; and ati . hanorable one; but
if any one could be found who could
throw sommersaults like the' Radical par
ty, then he was sick.; The Colonel spoke
at some , length, alternately Causing his
audience to roar with laughter, and stir
ring them "to a print of uncontrollable en
thusiasm by. his eloquence. Al as. effeo
rive stump orator, toe . certainly has few
equals. At the close 'cf - Colonel Rice's re
marks; the, meeting adjourned, to enable
the people to visit the depot, and see the-
Presidential party. Directly after, thevol;
diers and marines stationed here marched
to'the same point, and they were soon
followed by thousands of citizens'.
The Commitibe of Arrangements and
the people In the vicinity of the depot are
entitled to much credit, for their proper'.
'tions for the arrival of thedistinguished
visitors. A capacious stand wes erected
in front of the depot building, before
which the people, gathered 'in numbers
exceeding anything ever before seen in
Erie. The' entire space in front of this.
clear Out to the Cl* Mills, wait a compact
mue of people, in some places so crowded
together as to render it airiest impossible
to breathe. The buildings around were
!dive with spectators, wails' the* crowd
extended fax up and down Peach street:
We have heard many' estimates, of the
number' present, but as any figures we
might mats **old only give riea to cone.
troversy, we content ourselves with saying,
what few will dare to deny, that more
people were present than ever assembled
before in Erie. The depot building was
handsomely trimmed for the cecasieri:— .
Snepended upon its front was a banner
painted in . Chevalter's best s'yle, and
tastefully bordered with ; evergreen
'through the industry of some_our second
ward ladies, with , the following- inicrip.
Lions :
Welcome President. •
Picture of a dqve besting' the Olive
The Union—lt Must be Preserved.
One Country, One Constitution, Ooe
We'll . Fight it Out on This Line.-
The buildings in the vicinity displayed
numerous flags, and the whole ii.pect of
that portion of the city was decidedly
cirditsble. Under Mayor 'Scott's super.
vision, the arrangercients for the reception
of the party were complete in all parties•
lars. The east room of the depot had
been set apart for the committee, into
which none were admitted except those
who had tickets. A goard was placed at
each door, by means of which the visitors
were afforded a free exit froth the cars to
the stage; and an uudisturbed return. At
the expected time the train arrived, and
lif3 crowd sent up a shout of welcome that
must have born very gratifying to those
in whose honor it was given. The train
seemed scarcely,to have stopped untiitbe
President and party appeared on the
'stage erects I for their accommodation,-
attended by the Committee of Reception,
and numbers of our leading.citizms.- 7.
-When the applause which greeted theni
had subsided, Mayor Scott stepped for
ward and delivered the following mere
than ordinarily nest, address of wel
come :
Mr. Presi.lent.--In the acme and on belie f
of the-people of Erie I, give to you and to dui
distinguished gentlemen who are, with you, a
most hearty and . cordial welcome to the Lake
City of the Keystone State. North-western
Pennsylvania U-day does itself . honor in do
ing honor to the Chief Magistrate and chief
men of this great nation The people well
know and rememl se the debt of gratitude
they owe to you and to those who stood by
,the country and the old . flag in the hour of
danger and trial, and whatever the so-called
leaders antlXpoliticians may say or do, the
Jelling muses, the genets' people, will neier
forget how; in the darkeet hours of the na
tion's struegle for Pi life, you, air,living in
the midst of treason; stood firm and faithful
among the faithless.. And now that the rave,
gas of fratricidal War are over, and blessed
peace visits us, the people look for a recon
struction of the Union. I hey desire above ell
things the renewal and perpetet :Con of inch
s Union of these States as shall be based upon
s permanent harmony and common; ty of feel
ing and interests between all sections of our
common country. We 'want a Union which
Wall not be a mere empty_name, a vain delu
eion,lut a real, actual and harmonious Union,
to continue to ourselvii and to be perpetuated
to our posterity forever. We desire aboie all
things the preservation of our common birth
right and heritage—the government of the
UnitedEtates on all its integrity the
Constitution made and handel down t.o us by.
our fathers. I am not an 'orator, and have
neither the ability nor the inclination to'det
tails you with a set address or , long speech,
and the few words I have felt impelled to sty
are spoken In behalf of no party dr faction,
bat :4e, one of the people, spearing in behalf
of the people. Their prayers and good wishes
wilt go with you, sir, in yournoble errand to
the tomb of Douglas, in that State where re
pose the remains of Abrahvm 'Lincoln. We
_wish peg and your illustrious *on, mos
heartily :a pleasant journey, and a Vain rein
to the National Capital.
The Mayor thets introduced to the people
in encomia:2 President Johnson, Secretary
Seward, Gen:' Griot, Admiral Fatragut, See
retry yfelles, and Postmaster General Ran
dall, each of whom was roceire4 With hearty
cheers. Aftet dui formal ceremony of intro
d,uction had beau concluded, the Preside it
spoke as follbwa
Fellow-Citizens —I do not come among,,yon
for the purpose of making a speech, but sim
ply to tender you, through your representa-:
tive, my sincere thanks for the reception you
have given me on my journey to the Weet: If
I were disposed to make a epeech, time would
o-t permit it, and my voice is chattered from
frequent addressee. But let me ray to those
who are here to-day that I have ever acted in
such a manner as would restore the Union. It
•has ever been the highest ambition of my
soul to administer the government In such a
manner as would preserve it. I do not come
here as a partizan. I do not come before you
to-day as an Exiseutile having - ideas co-exten
sive only with twenty-six States. but with
principles co extensive with thirty-sixStatea.
1 some bare to-day asking your attention to the
'Constitution which our fathers formed an !
handed', down to ns—the most of us—as a'
pri.lelets legacy. In entering upqn the dis
charge of my duties, the people required that
I ehould take a solemn oath that tho Consti
tution of my country should' be fully execu
ted, sad I have tried to see-it done. notwith
standing. factions. A certain department of
our government, representing only a part of
the States, have tried to drive me from the
discharge of my duties. I tell them that all
the powers of bell, and all the agencies of
earth cannot turn me from my purpose. If it
is my life they want, it is ready to be poured
out as i libation upon the altar of our com
mon country. If it is my life .they, want, I
tell them to come and take it. Mr. Seward
and myself have been denounced as "traitors,"
because we would not retard party: - Party,
when your country' is imperilled! Party,
when the Union is in danger! In such a cri
sis as this, I. ask where 'should men be sent .
who.plece the existence of party over that of
National existence? On Saturday, when I
asked this question, one answered "to the
Devil," and atiother."over the Falls of Niag
ara." Tram disposed to be an orator—if
I were disposed to play the roil cf Hark An
thony, who made a speech' near the dead body
of Julins`Caesar—l would point you to my
countzyinan front New 'York. rpoi4ting . with
his right band to Secretary Seward] who
stands , before you untried by the assassin's
knife and were I so disposed I could dont
you his gory garments. AO yet he, and I,
who perilled my all; are deboaneed as trai
tors.! Then being here in-day, passing
through, as it were, on telegraph wires, I bid
you 'farewell . . And let me say to you, take
your flag of thirty six stars, preserve it, and
keep it ever a sacred trust, 'Then let me say
to you all—farewell. And let me say to you,
the people or the-Keystone State, are you Bo=
ing,to be recreant to your country to•day ?
'Recreant alike to your conntry, and the prin
ciples yeti havemaintained so long, and
*ell? Will yob longer follow the blind lead
of the partizintwhose shackles are now' upon
tour limbs? May the blessings of Heaven I
rest upon you and tind you in close unity to
your country.. I see many ladies before me.
Were I disposed to make -a speech, there!
much I have to say to them. They are pu
—pure as angels. Bat I must bid you fare
well. To you I return my sincere thanks for
this reception. "[Cheers:l
During ' the President's remarks; , Mr.
Seward stood by his side. General Grant,
Admiral Farragut,' Weller, Randall, and
the other prominent gentlemen, were a
portion of the tium.direetly behind the
President, but Grant. secl Farragut were
soon called into the eas.. to receive
the salutations of the ladies. The General
was overwhelmed with billies, to the in
tense disgust of several inlay bachelors
and benedicts present. Re was appai
sully "tinder the weather," end received
all the favors extended to bim in a listless.
sort of ;manner; that seemed to say : " . I
am used to all this, and Would , as leave
it were dispersed with as not," A gentle.
man who rode from Buffalo with the
party, says he had a long conversation
with the General. in which he expressed
himself as heartily coinciding with the
President's policy, in all ita essential fee;
tines. _ Mr. • Johnson commended lilt
speech in-a low, husky_ talent Telco. but
soon roused tin, so acto ber heard a con
siderable diitsnoe.• He lOoked Solemn and
tiiunian"fiziOnat • as he, spoke his
countenance riastimed a pleasant but
earnest .expression , . The main points of
his remarks were delivered with an em
phasis which plainly exhibited that they
came from the . heart. 31r. Seward,
throughout the proceedines, was as cold
and . Unruffled as an kick.. Being called
on be responded as follows. The tones of
bis voice were too inw to be heard by
any except those in his immediate
vicinity :
. ua. ssWARD'a maw.
It will be impossible to wake you hear me, I
and I will not try. I understand that you
have two conventions in session in your city
to-day. .They ore of opposite politics, and
what are they called? One is called Union, ie
it nat . [A voice—Yes, Dee is county con
vention.] A county cmvention is it ? Well,
'what is the other? It also claims to he Union;
does it not ? Ido not know which is which,
but doe; not this .fact ehow that the great
question is •then,. Which is for the Union ?
All I have to say is, ask which is the more
for the Union, and give that 'one yrur vote.
But let me ask you. did you ever hear An
drew Jell-neon, or myeelf, propose to strike
One star from that flag ? [Pointing to a large
flag over the Morton House ] - -:D.d you ever
bter•ary man who followed through fire and
blood, and through the horrors of a battle
field, where del' h.was met nnflinchingly and
blood poured cot like weter•to rave it from
shame and pollution, propose: such a thing?
And yet, who is. it that is now working to
preserve it in its unity and en•irely ? Is it.
the bud Congress, or the present Congress?
What slaw Congress done to recognize them?
liar it done anything? - The President has
done evet•ything,that has been dune trward
restoring a broken 'nd di.eevered Union It
only remains for the Southern 8 wea now to
have representation, and the whole •-roblem
isetalved. But Cowies h-lieves that they
are dis'oyal, andprofe. , es to he nfruid t giv
init hem representation. Afraid of ler; poor,
broken, spiritless States, crushed down by
the ',misfortunes of tiniest merci'e s a_d pi-
Weill war, ending in their total defeat and
almost annihihtlion They tell me :,tolt we
cantMt have the votes of Pennsylvania this
year. I tell you to try. I have been. behind
the scenes and F know that they (the Radi
cals]. will not have the votes of the Sate of
New Totk.
While Ur. Seward was speaking. the
'locomotive whistled "time up," and the'
party hastened to the cars, and Were,
compelled to leave without affording; the
many who desired to take them, by. the
by the hand the coveted opportunity. The
a Prcsident appeared on the piat'cral as the
/train moved off, and cheer upon cheer
was sent up by the
. pecple, to which be
: responded by profuse bows Thus ended
the leading incident! of one of the Most.
interesting occasions in our local bistiry
—a day which will afford pleasing reeol
lections to many fcr years to come, and
be the topic for more discussion than
would till a book, bigger than all the
vo'unies cf the Corgres);ional Library
cam, reseed lot) oae.
We had desigoed to give a FIVA eh of the
personal appearance of each of the distin
gulOted gentlemen mentioned above, for
the benefit of our'readers who Could rot
be present, but find our space too much
occupied., •.
A marked feature of the day was the,
absence of those disorderly demonstra:
tiona which Fearcely , etei'''fail to occur
when large masses are brought together.
We my saw one drunken man during
the whole day. Fewer arrests were made
by the police than on many 'days when
nothing unusual is going on in the
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lianurnetured only by
dr ROYAL "A•ki- A r ,b,....` PATENT: '
• wed trent a Prevail:don of Mr. J. Clarke, V. D..
Physician Ifirtraordloary to the Queen.
nvaluabedicine is unfailing to the cute of al
to .= nfal and dangeroes dimmest° which the female
a.. . taloa la ospiect. It moderates all excess and re
•• • vet all obetruciloos, and a epeody cure may be rolled
it is piscullarlyinitad: It will, in a short time, bring od
the monthly period with regularity.
Bach bottle, pries One Dollar, boars the Government
Stamp of Great Britain, to Oresent counbxrfedts.
nue Pigs .each sot be takes by Fessaise aria, Me
FIRST THREE MONTHS of Pregasazy. as Ility ere
'wogs Wages Miscarriage, int at sop ogler triiiiikesl
are safe.
(n all cases of Nervous and Spinal Allbetione, Pains In
the Back and' Limbs, Fatigue oa elightexertiouPalpita
lion of the Heart, Hysterias and Whites, thew title will
stint a cute when all other Eosins bare &Balt ;sad al
though a powerful 'weedy, do not contain Iron, ealomoL
antimony or anything hurthel to th e conetitntion.„
Full directions In the pamphlet sztuund each package,
which should be carefully presorted,
Sole Agent for the United Statue and Canada.
JOB MOSES, 27 CortlaUdt fit.. New York.
N. B —51,00 and 6 postage gamine enclosed to any au
thorised agent, will baser. a bottle, containing 50 Pills.
These Drape arc a scientifically nom uounded duid
r reparation, and better than any pills. powders or nos.
trams. <Beingquid, their action is direct and positive,
rendering the n a reliable, speedy and certain wage
forth. cure of ell obstructions and 'suppressions of us
tare. Their pepnlarity - is indicated - by the feet that
over 100,000 bottles are annuallisold and courtmed by
the ladies of America, every one cf whom speak in
the strongest terms of prism ;of their great merits.—
They are rapidly taking the plane of ever, otner female
remedy, and are eons dared be all aho know - aught of
Unem,-p the surest. rifest mut Mut infallible prepare
time In the world, for the cure of all female comokOntl,
the "emend at all obstructkne of nature, and the pro.
=Menet berelth,regularttr and strength. Replica di
rections, stating when they may be used, and explain
leg when and l :r o hl they should not, and o old not be,
used wi'hout ming effects contrary to nature's oho
yen laws, wil be found carefully folded around each
bottle, with the written signature of John L. Lyon,
without which none are genuine.
Prepared by Dr. JOBS L. LYON, 191 Chapel street,
New Haven, Conn, who can be consulted either„per
sonally or by letter, (enclosing stamp) coneernini all
private diseases and female wmumessea. ' ,
Bold by Dinggists everywhere.
C. a, CLARK k
Cern Aienta for'll. 8. sad Canada.
n'a6 My
D r,:. Ei aurryi P/14,01.
Compose! of blittily Coneintratad Eructs from
Roots and Herbs of the meted medical mine - prepared
from the °signal preeeription of the celebrated Dr. Tal
bott, . ad need by him with remarkable enemas for
twenty years. An Infallible remedy In all DISE *SIM
of the LITER, or aay derangement of the DIGESTIVE
They Cars Diarrhea. Onto:Isle, &lota's, Jaundice
Biliousness. Liver complaint.
The well-known Dr. Slott says of them Pill " I have
widths foud% from which your Pills are made ' to
my practice fbr over IS pars ; they hum the gnat et
fest upon the Ufa and Curative Organs of any atectl
eine In the world, and are the most perfect Purgative
which has mr yet been made by anybody. Thee are
safe and ~sit to take, but powerful to cure. Malt
penetrating properties annulate the vital activities of
the body, remove the obstructions of Its organs. purify
the b'ood, and lapel disease. Thee sluice out the foal
humors which breed and grow_ distemper, 'immure
sluttish or disordered organs tato their natural action s
and impart a healthy tone with etc aegth 'to the whole
system. Not only do they cm the every day coin.
elate of everybody. bet also foreddable sad dangerous
diseases, end being purely vegetable am free from any
risk or harm."
They crate pare Moroi and moors all impurities
IMO the 1711t116011P111111 area tooldillr• Mil for Fevers,
Ileadoolte. PUes. Marcurial Diereses and Seminary.
Ifeurrom Doss—;for adults, one Pill In tiro morning
for children ender II years, half a PUL
Pries On* Dollar pr Box. Trod, supplied. or sent by
tearpsidOo any part of the United ft tans or
on remipt of twice. Mons genuine without the
hash:die signature of Y. Mott Talbott, M. D.
Y. Noir? Atmore a co, Proprietors,
006614 y No. 62 Talton street, New York.
s2,oooBgieit Soot Ho aaper~a
with Olt
Stsprosidestu cutters mid imam,' of Shooks to tbo *CRUM Fait *so with saroplos. Address
ttie Americas Woad' Tool Work", aprogilohl, Ter
!abut. • • MO am
ni Puna ssnErr.
• Alvikto Lava oil Mad a good amortmaat of
RATES a: KEPLER'S toLux.,„.
DWELLING 11 01JS - ES Fog sett
Boom on grineh Bt , small of NI: •. I
end cheap..
• "
• dealiah • too-etory frme bon•set
g,,,tptet on Itaseshas s creet, Pea the th ,:• 41 11
4 arcf
Prime $1 010 -
~, ono. deal:law Woe of Um.] 4 )
1.1,Z0b Item earner of Seemd. 1 i
complete rape r. Prtee low—temp a
First elms three rtitrr brick drelitct r 24
ten s t d . . !leaned eotepate, Ice ‘ l,l t .'• ,
W. h••• • amber ef eery c 0 d, 07 . 0y ,
for see, worth from 25,0 , 41 to sty,ow, • 1 se•
iTTAGIC flOUtti -L'OR la ell—On et,
totem Ninth and Tenth street.. licopi;!
room,Maio' roomy kitchen. eke
clouts. cellar, ,
yin? cf,sBi DWSI2.INO erg asl.r
MIL .a 6
dent, OM door • et of St to.
The first s tole. da.tlin
'of Obastont. ea
Two city lots, t
bri on ck wee
hot Ifty e ,
ahrobtPrieri s4 o ooarr. Altegetler the Oat 4.4 44 4",
The derelling of W.l. F. Liddell, o
A ton story. veil fornisked
L ot 43 x 100 Wall fruited. dr/etlx tej er.l
Two new dwellings On Pfteli
m St, i sord r i
Dished a pieta. Price of eArser hoop, tti
doable home 111,1140,10 r 21000 lee ts,
cbespeat deal ingrocered for .ei to ILI
On west elth sheet—Cotter bows sat .
rapotr—• rooms. ball el,
trees, 10 to 12 bearing var..
-.ems .bar, A., A • bargaia of tie e*
dollars. ?riot $1,060 t0
Lot 00 Z 120 ot, on west Sib St. c
Slaloms, tal'dlog 111 t to town. Nip Vii
rot 40 X 445, oo tt ate St, Near Boyt,',
per foot.
pour first eta, building lots n, 4tilati•
Test side. a part of the teat, of Dr. EILIE
H all is nna body. tad reryd Cradle.
Nod:... prtprit, for Let
b.iw.e, shpt. ard Peach. {co i se?, tl
cheap. _
Two clank , dry Lnt. on )(lurk ak,j,
Chestnut, Ii feet 3 'Demi by let, 6,, •
7t • have lefts number of toll , !4 ;
end Baffaln st , eets, between Llollanl
bl a b gravel grnand and eery de. , o,:e
Ten Bollding Lots, mine. of sl, texl4'4 l .
00. fell tat, eomer Tenth ~4 4 11 , 1 4: rr
one on Tenth alt., between Ityrtle ate r1y,.. 7
side. his 100 foot attwet le feat
Hee dealrfing o erect drat elw reaHrar s • 4
FOR RALE& numtwr of the Enestls n , 4 .
and harbor Creek tpe";st p,loe, from ri
Building lot. on west,th 'trek, h e i r ,
Cliedent Pries 25 p•Vtetot; W.
itnelvese lot. trout '2o'6 2, f-ettirtet
corners of 10 sod 11th. r on 'the Int
Farm of 182 were. to the tom. of Yea,
Talmaga. Two &id barns. goad hole.
plate. •wo orchard.; soil as 'co.! a.
be offend for a short time at $4 per act
Vann of 108 azree In flar',orreek
containing barn, h tiro, ke Pries
Yam of C. N. Staik, In Hatton:seek. nj
contain'. g house, ..barn and orehrd. '
FOR RALE-144 .tree Of the fame
Barr. landed on Ridge Road. one ot.
containing an orchard of 160 grafted att..;
tew peach and pear trees
. FOR RALZ-100 acres wood tot, 10 sca t
miles front the city. Pike, *2O per an*
• Farm of t 6 acme Iq chantanqua mom:
/arm is located within three notes of in':
41bont 70 lICHeII improved; a End C:11.51 2,
pond barns and out bonus, k ,
frottr—apples, peaches, plumy, en
Twenty street f Fanning lard and 101
lot. 4 to 414 miles east of the ear, on;
Price 11110 ; er *di the :0 ac.
sired. Fine tarn COthe 20 irreg.
44 , 11 hem for salr—tee tam d
Mitt Creek. ab •at miles from the c,.
boors—asa beak taro. °teas' d. at
bottom hod Plies tt,ooo. ron. l 4r.1
New two stnry triune bone on wt Sxr.:
1112.80 per mouth
Well known as the El. Saficery.f lc
sing order. Can be boseht club ash
owner is obliged to leave the tits.
Buy tolirre you Can luy tie ti m:
DO. 314
Elie, 71
c. Koch,
Having opened it new Hat, Cap, se,
&shin , Stirs in thttoOrn oevap
R oisnswele on State'St. opposer I
would respectfully invite the arr.:
lie to his extensive sto:k, embnet.i
of Goods In the line of the trade
Hats of all kinds, sizes and T3.25:4_
Caps of every 361 e and to stat nn
Men's Furnishin g Gods y er,-;
Co sling o
811/ 3TS.
♦L to be soLl at Lowset C ob price.,
113rOne rxdonot ourpaiiid
and out prie4 aro u tow of
1711311- PLACE
Stale Street. Nearly Opposit
E. Conchlfn Bait and Shoe
respectfully liforinethe triblie
rtes removed ltie atisatteithe Store .
en State street, iteigy opywHis the.
OMEN where helnyttesall les old hie
Vier* hies a call. Pirtlentar attest
gimlets auW workmen, and rat ,
badness blroseU, be believes ha ess
t!on and sell at as low prices as •-
, 1 Fits War anted.
Would rupeattally stu g uar t , flat l% t
For the purotwo aml al@ of
R, P IfiLTRY, Ifft-LP.-
' ____
ar Orden from abroad "
time et the Lowest Market Niro.
rir7h. blatteut price lo Cub pii
The Chu :want and But
purpose over lorentod. It seut} e"
Hlnuw. and works outer this oat
Specimens ain M nen at hat
Mott% on th• Berea road. Ind
IMP; 0" 0 team OW la
The nodanigeaStatinimior?, ll
rank townabipone
Una that rosy to !anted.
On the Itnlithroid, one vine 06°'
AvaiirlerreATewei nc
Letiera of Atrointstestion 0 1
Patbbun, deetateeilate of Anil"
Pa, having been granted to th•
hll7llbleValf to all Indebted to n
mediate payment, and eon bIT'
acme will present tbem, dolt sot
111;oblod sod retorsed
of slals 'oldie/Land thr
_la via es rip.
moat. Itiatuntlig so OA. au
• pot latiliddrused envelop
Da. JOE ,
an9-t! Bea