The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, September 06, 1866, Image 1

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tiro Boarz na 7 A ia'p ELoct
‘,. . 34e papp).: —Two DoLLABS MO) Fury CENT' p - r
~,,, if paid in ed ranee ; Tense DOLLAR/ if not
the expiration of he sear. Subscribers
,w4l by ranter will be charge I Flyer Clays
rndm addition. Ali iscriptiss =mts MUST
grltd rootrelly. No paper trill be sent out of
..h....4tate unless paid for is chasm
ins•EurNgliENTS.—One Square oeTen Lines OD0.112•
artitn r,01; two batertion* $1,15; three hour
coo ; one month $2,56 two months $3,60:
4,5015 ix months I7,00;one year $1200:
.0 n a klyortoenumtm to proportion. Thine rite*
;oil* atoct!y adhered to; unielts ehauged, by epectOl
• cr at the option of the publishers. A rid
• sottnas, Strays, Divorees 'and like advertise
; Administrator's Notices 0.4; Load
• Mk. t* a Hoe; Yardage Notices 'warn
rra ts a piece: obituary Notices (over three lines
• _ ta ~trot) (ea rents per line. Original poetry, no•
• re too at the request of the editor; one dells/
pe qe Alt sd,ertiEenents will be to:Aimed it.
ty,,trea•• of . the person idrertlalog, until ordered
o at by WA direction, unless a specified period Is
epee for their Iraertion.
iii enranwanicAtions should be addressed to
_ Editor and Proprietor.
Busiiiiss Directory.
7 C. KNOLL, •
SCSGZON DCNTILT, State St tear 0112
• tf
v«: II
f .xatt
TTORNIT AT LAT', Girard, Eriefonnti,
•, winestians and other wines o
And dispatch.
- 13
4rßatb , tmet. Etle. Pa.
7 P
PBSCYIt d: 31 It VIN.
r3l, , ek, near Korth Writ corner of the
r- Fs.
i ff 0 riENsErs. \ :
Jrwrim , er Tin PRAcry. Office iskona
Frro,h Stre.t. Between Fifth wad
• 5 -(unit-2.
h littTEL % Waterford. Pn..
ROlllllll. PNIPRIRT R.
4 0
,1 ...,,Irtlorbs • ion', and A., ettil nti , m Over to
v . or zu.sta,
TrISTMI a/ TITR PIACI, Paragon Block,
ra g",, , ,t of Fa•rar Aall, kris, Ps.
• -- - ---- , -
.... ,
,F,,,, st frllVilifiilfEn,
I 1 Irr:wort AT LAN, AX9 Jrattem on nun PRATT..
P...i- • .04 , lain, enny•iyancer and Collector.
.;;-, is, glitiiibi buiiillon., ainthicrat corner of Fi ft h and
:N• orr.rti, 6 , i.. P,. .03435 I
ic_ 4 lti %TOME,
rc k d
Gr r,reVillaze ban • n hand • taro !wort
,rt•dorerio. Proehd . ons, Wood and Willow Ware,
T..haeeo. serve, .to which he re-,
c.lll the •ttontion of the publin 'stinted that
orcr en goo-I bargain.; to can b. had to ant part
y!Ciry• e...tintr• tnar:lo'6.s-1.
(t I").
T 9
31‘ 1'11 1 1 7 1111191 AND-4,640%
Frp r..t .'r t, mar C. , tegent wnyr-6(,r. 4
C. w. Rge• 21 $i n• r annth f the ia
nn S'aotorrso .tart flint MALT! fr. mll del. r
unTil 2 P. M. wy.(ll.lrM
W. ri..ttl) ar. (1)..
wrodreee and retail dealoreill Anthr.eite
• .rm:n.,ue ant Illrareburz nail and wood , Genuine
Alin Lon, t v fanndriem prepared for howl, U.O.
',re on Land. Yerde-Curter Bth and Mar le and
atyrtla and Meer 2 agnate* want of-the
...%n neva, 1 rite, I.
v .
J. 1 1 11 , 04R11, M. D..
ii,m.ocut) N 10.0.1 %-n and 4 0r4 . n0n
nee 412 , 1 rrel , ” en tin Po epeo..l o e th e 'ark
hours from U) t. 12 A . M., 3 to F P. 14.,
te.l-7 t 8 KM. ars Cm*
halt. FI)It .111.6.
Nvrral rrrr rr of a buainique sites on StAto.l4ll.o. be
n ••,• .nth nod 1.13 th treats, nid• am t
rd for air on rkry re.ewlable terms, if applied
R•Noir! of
rg , Velf- 4. (iAI nr.A!TIT. r•nt.
1.111:11 1 . •
D1t.41.$ k 11f DST aoODS. GkEkTIRIBP.
FlAnte ,, Roth, Mtn, Muter. tte, emr
,on et anti r0, 7t1
j.. ONT:OrtNE,
ti • • •I mini 00 PALI RTA !ILL 1,13 riZbtb
n- , t‘to fold Pr.•:eh ntif,firoort aul Cu
t.. ,et
r , U
SMITE At, n..r.rwry en a,r, ten
gnat t f any In the city, and vie.e as made
(marl tr)
lieatec in Groceries, Prmiseo. Pro•lsin-e,
W.t!out and .tnne Ware, Cinea, Liquara,
....0-.-ct,o,.phslti the Yosto,B , e,
- mtrils-1 y
W 4411.1,,
ilzyrierr, olip. In Tinzpo-M.
Work nor% Ade-of the Pert. t rin; rr^a '2ll.
li n el( I NS° 0 r 1 0 . c 12 . -1 0 .1 R r v.
',climb n Merchant., and Wne'essle dealers In Coal.
Irrt- f..r N. 7. & E. end People's Line ef Steamsrs.
Puble Dock, PAN - JanrCs ly.
Si. made by
fll t l.Ml ROIL Them.
wriTicm IVIII LLDIN, :11. V.,
l'airolclui A So GTO)
U •
"!r.. 2.1 door Firaity's Block. Wirt rut, Bade, Py
chr'atian k Ruth'. Storr. SealeePes
!irildrlfyitle_atrert &1 bonne South al Ninth. i
boors ,Bto 10 A. and 2 ici3 r. r.
r tuttie J. BLAKELY',
k C... Pa 9 Will slab praotien W adjoining Counties.
wm. MARKS, _-
7 tion Bloek.. shove Dr. Benoett's Office.) Clothee
-sie. r.psired and cleaned on short notice. Teems as
tanotele u eyl7. - ma/ le
W. Bli.toDl3N. arro..xer AT Law.
lat end to p•ofeloinnal botinesa in Erie and
lioicirg en oriel. Special attention given to collet
'OM .nd totiveyaneea
tee. On Priveh Street, firvt door north of Central
v ad depot. Erk, PA jiettlimpt
Cidoste of the Penney vent's Collets of Ikatal Sur
, Office In the second gory of Stern l • building,
Ite the canter of ja e geed gone*, Erie, Pa.
1 1 / 1 2113101 By POIXIMaIf/X.
PA Pierer, D D. S., North Savant!' street, Philaded.
L Dorihalibut, D. D. S., No. 243. North NI 'th
a oculars. °Lain Mena.
1 'NMI dr. EWING, •
17F!CE SPRINfI Sr., opposlta Crittenden Han
.'rifle, PA. Collections and all other legal MIA
• to coewford Ventura. Erie, Warren mod Torre
attandato carefully and promptly.
Inotrocse—Wm. A. Galbrodth , Benjamin Whitman
~,0 .q11,P veneer & Marvin, Erie, Pa.
-co. T. Lynam. Hoe. EL T. lobioon. W. D. Brown
& Clerk. Warren. Pa.
VUOLE, fßdwr a• CO.,
Wholesale dealers In hard wed son coal,
~, Pe Firing disposed of our dock property to the
rara.d arm, we neeenarily'retire from the coal
^4e.ri enom ending our successors u smlostitly lent
-o•*te conthbmee sod patronage of our old friends
. ' Fssllfooable Tailors, Filth street, bet wean
Cris, Pa. Cost, m Work. Popidilag sad
tturded to promptly. Cleaasng dons to tha
. 68 if
I) 4 ENtlve 14LE rorrzav,
"Fuii, Pm/.
,J at tern igned hatiox port:hired the Interest of
•11➢ I tooth:ye to C3nduct tto above establish.
, : „ . 11 Int I ER. bt.roagb tiorktior at Sou th Etia.l*
n P , Ptted to r, pet any grade and re. mark corners
Ll,ole of out-iota of the city of Ede, or borough of
Erie, tad the tract/ throughout the county.
•,,'" 4 ...4 hen for many yetue employed u RV oed
onlvey or. be begs leave to refer to all we for
blither:l men who have timelier re employed
rtzijeulkr atiestion given tsmaypLog, planzand
f '.
..tteo/. Oil Vans pr/_usred on the /hottest no
t, glen; left at the Erie k it'legheov 1111. Mite,
tk: r kart.. W. Miller, Turopik• 514 at &el
be romp .ly attended to
I " I
ex. , eite the patronage of the enetomers of the old
thd the custom of the public genera!}!, Pr,P01431
/ohs stmost endeavor to give perfect satisfaction.
711 44 X A JAY B.CHILDIt.
OA Pled Street, rear the . , Depot
11, r stoint, no. I. GOODIRS.
M. S. U. own. St. C. NAM.
-- -...wtog ;Wooded their aeteogentnts. arm
Mitred to de. a General Backlog, Basting* and
" , ,fts Barlow.
Itt 7 '''''t 4l Ronde ex d Interest Kota, of ail lines
- fteteleatica bought and sold. ' in 31114
ton, Tau, uctrows, asa:Las. iol4cec"
Witlow Ware, Fritihr, Nuts, ekt,*
'Bl4 STASI irracrir.
t en da, between 8 th and 9th tits. CAM PA.
Ded fo: Colmar, Proclaim. -
kitt4l.. ma2t•V W. !EMMY.
VOL. 37-N0.,145.
A toilet delight -superior to any Cologne—used to
bathe the face and person, to render the akin soft and
trash, to allay indantroation. to terrain° clothing, for
headache, an. It Is manufactured tram the thh
ten Nagroolls, and la obtaining a patronage quite nip
preeedentad. It tea Grerits with schemes end opera
singers. It Le sold by all dealers, at $l.OO in largo bit.
ties, and by DEMO BONO 44 CO., New York, whole.
sale agents
Sold by all Druggists
Walker's Of
ant 7 '62
"les Fo "Basely !^ Solon Shines aaldv "they
were there ever, tint+ If hi felt "owley" in the
Morning, he tookPlanta on Bitten; if ha felt weary at
rota, be took Plaitatlin Clifton; if be lielted appetite,
wee weak lancnid or mentally opprered, be took Plan.
tattoo Sitters, an I ti.ey never failed to lei him on Hs
nine aqua:wand Arm.
P w persona want any bensr a th , ;rite bat km some
=MT, last read the (Growing :
• , • • "I ova much to ton, far I
tiers Plantation Bitten sired my life.'
lic:7 W. Ff. ' 4 7 AM)NER:lfadrld. N. Y.
• • .1 hare been •ar eat anfierer trunk
Draprode, and had to khan inn preaching. • • The
Plantathin Eptters have Giro, me."
C 2232
• • • "I ha r d last all appetite—■a•_ao
weak sal roars tad I could hardly walk. aad bad a per
ect dread ar 'seelery. • - • The Mantattott Rtt—
ters hare sat tan all right "
• • • rlentationMen hare cored
me ore derangement of the Mazer', Led realm, Organ
tfiattllstree eit me f r year. They set lite a charm.
Q. Q. YOURS, 254 Broettirty, N. -
Yo. C. tf DCVO; Tanager of the anion Horne
School for Soldiers' Children. save she has. e'en It to
!the weak and Invalid ehildrers under her ...Large with
the most happy and gratif,tng rasultvv! We hue re
ceived over • hundred resale of such car
tificatve, hut no • Irertleereect 1 so am whet
people t ernielves say ors good article. Oar fortune end
our rap •tation la at stake. the edgiest quality and
Wet of these goods .111 be susteinett under
and all circumstances. They have already ob.
Vaned a sale In every town. village, par eh aria hamlet
among tirili nil ciatlonr,. Bate t itators try to come a•
near our name and stele u puisible, and because a good
article cannot be sold as cheap u a pout one, they and
none support 'torn parties who do not care , what . they
sell lie cn Tour guard. See !Tar pleats murk ova , the
cork. P . A. MI %ICE A co., New York City.
Sold by all Pro glota
s•Osntlotnent I h‘d A As tro m•n worth $1,200, who
took coil !tom a bad hurt in the leg, and was useless for
over veer I hrd 'i.eev•r*thing I could bear of
without 'hermit, until 11 tried the Ilexie n Musts gLin
(meet It soon efts:titl s peruseeht core
Ifontr stager, Ala . Jane 17,.'60."....J. f., DOWNING."
"t take pleasare in reemaniendiag the Ire:lean Vas
tan: Liniment as a valuabla sad la Impetus hie &rite*
for Sprain., Soma, Flesstenea or (Salle on Pores.. Oar
men have use 1 It for Burns, Bristles Sarre, Rhetiram
Vera, he., and all eey it lets Ilte =see.
Torrmin for American, Well., Fargn'e and Ifarabssee
, rrh.l ;prat a .1 rufldsu •hter's ankle, Orasioned while
skatlog la.t winter, vas entire/ mired Iceone week alter
she eemmeneed using yaor celebrated Mustang Lint
ment RD SZELEY.',
GlOtest r,'Mase , an g. 1,1866.
It is `mradmitted 'het that the Mexteso Mustang LlM
meat perferms more cures In shorter time, on men and
toast, then IMF article ever discovered. Famlllea,lir
ery-men, and planters should always ha,' it on band.
Quiek and sure It eartalnly Is. All gennins Ls wrapped
In steel plate encraiings, be - ring the slaarta a of G.
W. Westoroolt.Chentiat, aced the private U. S. Stomp of
DMUS 13k1LNE3 & CO., ores the top.
An effort hash en made to counterfeit It with a cheap
stone piste Istli• Look closely.
•nn 65 17
• Sold ►y all nrugglits
.Itis a moot delightful flair lreutng. -
It eradicates rung and dandruff.
r It keeps the head cool and Our.
"It 'Mars the hair rick soft and glcssy.
It pievents the bail tnruingirmy and telling off.
It restores balr upon prairie . tartly bald buds.
This is what Lyon's Katharion 4111 do. It Is pretty.—
it Ls elresp—durable. It Is literally sold by the carload
and yet its almost Incredible demand Is deli increasing
astir there is hardly a country store that doLre i not keep
'tar a Gamily that does not as. It.
8. TLIOVAS LYON, Chemst. N. Y.
Sold by all Druggirts
Who would not be beautiful ? Who uonld not
their b auty t What ern that marble purity iird
norm appearance we observe upon gm stagy, and in the
city belle ? It is no longer a secret. They use Rama
Mignon* Betz. Its coat g ioued ani removes Tan,
Pimples and roughness ftam atlas and hands,
and leaves the complexion smooth, transparent, bloom
hag and 'wishing. Unlike many corm:tin, It contains
no ms'eriel ininriona to the skin any druggist will
order it for you, it not on hand, at 63 cents par bottle.
W. C. HAO&N, Troy, W. Y., Chemist,
DEIIIB 8AC176.4 & CO., Wholeakle Agent; N.Y..
l i i
eitostrett's Inimitable Bair Coloring Is not a dye.
Al inataltaneons dyetare compered or lunar cattails ,
as more or less d'stroy the vitality and belay of ilia
hate. This is the original hair aelonng. and has Sum
growing in error over twenty years. It rotors& gray
hair to Its original eolor by gradual absorption, In a
cast rernarkable manner. It le also a beautiful Hate
oiraulog. Sold In two slzes-14:1 cents and sl—by all
dealers. ' C. EIIiIIISTSCILT, Chemist.
flokfby all &gulf a.
Leaks garner or Frill iIIIAII7/1 Bean.—Tor
egartien, Nausea, Heartburn, dirk Ilesdaehe. Cholas
Flaiallisof. b *alma a'varalng atlaalant le
regalia Its eareral preparation and entire parity
makes !la clasp and reliable article for eslinall parpo
ea. Bold ereryvbere, at 80 vents per bottle. a-a for
*Lyon's" Pare Extnet. Tab no other.
aPceid•litt. • "Sold by all Ornatiti
R . II ff- 0- • A L .
The setieedher hoe reoternd his desk of areerrtes
from the stead' shoes the Like dtrw. Depot to the
room to the brick block oa Stets itmet, eollllt of
Fourth, where he will he bsoey to are at. Muds and
=dowers sad SD their coder-slot goods His stock
Grasszies Is Mtge std wear /sleeted ssJ opted
et the Unrest Betas eossistset with the edgiest east
• roll. invites ell to seed of et le teibtas tits WHNILIMR .aIe elm
- fr. SO
k !UPI°, •
Mamn, Duos re Hors
Eril:YcHlit, Aire. ramoor mmy irs. li Prop
Leer Bririnties and Malt Warebouau, ErtiN a Pe, and
joreatt . . .
JAM riIitIMINTWAY,Rt Louts. N.•
Sold by ill Denglats.
Berea & Buuaesß,
And dealers in all Idnar
Agents for the
The, Cheapest and Most Ploseant
113 T_ C 0 II •NTR Yi t
ti will do all that is claimed :or it,
Ana prove Itself a
I FRile, PA.
• A NE W
NO. I= PEACE mmur, •
A few do-rs ahoy* the Union Depot, where we dial
keep an Land a prime stocker .
And sell et the lowest rinianerativ• prises,
• .
T-R II 13 !
Erie, Jane la, 1.8684za
J. 220112XLMIR,JZ. J.l 2113113114L11.
j • EIVUENI4I7I3 & VU.,
AT WM:IMM PAM& raring a Wye stock dm
own zoanufaes ore on hand, with • complete resortroant
of city made work, we can aril cheaper at s holessle or
Retail than any other establishment in this city,
Daring had•loat a:winces ■e to the grants of elsto.
mown shall tats rpaciak,pains is preparing store e
snit the= We hare the** right In this dt.. 4o
was the,
forth. benefit of onr eustowArs. and °WY ••• • ti!
rem, Meatier say one aa to their atirior comfort imar
Mom mad* m the ol44ray.
Rh. Plume Boot needs no breaking in: it is as eery
tnm tha start as one worn forsome Um. Oar
14*Eii0v11.3*.m 4 fi'll 4:r
Will, :Kuhr, our ou'n oupociar attositiou.
For the trade &brays on band to stilt
Timdining thanki to co tie friends and 'autumn; lbl lt
put patronage, hope by jut and hanotable dealing to
merit • .ontinuanc• of the saxes, and cordially Welts all
to all and sundae our stock baton purchasing 1114.
where. No. CS. Stite St OD* Pa. coar2trellU.
TIES?• Pl3lllOll
WEIGEL & ZEIGLER, ED b'&ti Street, Eris, N.
EMPLOYMENT for both Beim
MOM and maned Goldin; whiorn and orphans
of own aoldlont, and the ntonoploptd of both ones grorn ltnallY. lll mat reputable and vroetabio employ
_mains no risk, ran proems sookli onolosing
a paitrid addresard earroooo for partials.. to
jyl2-411 Boa 113 Brooklyn, N, Y.
Mtftllolllll 01 TOIVIII.—A pathos= who has
.n &brad for years from Nervosa DaMll=
tare Deem andel the abets of youthbal
will for the make of aslfartair Immasith Mad free to ad
who mid It. tb a recipe and &nations for making the
straplatemedy by stitch he vaa aired. haborre stshbri
to melt by the adrestiseei meekest MI do so by ad - •
JOlld m. 0011,_
aemsllll.r. No, IS Chambers 84, /IL T...
mu t BRIDAL, latAblßlLit. an Dray of *ants
1 and Instructlon to young Mon—publiabol by „flow
sod ansoeLstfoun, d most boo of , ossint wool
opal. Adana Dr. J. 1101JOBTON.
istrelbty. . littladolgt, do, Ph.
wraterionquerux & cwa.
• • ?Mesa to bay
Ewan. Tow Loral. choodets. Babtea Brms. Can
Stank. Farbuh ro rpiem Peat Basky. BIN Plow.
Bien, Main Crow' raster, tgli Pow Cnwelood
Whoa= Whet amlay, 134inp, Nostard 1 1 4ety
Jaz, Mho& Mt Balsisi Slaw. ros
ily sioa• CoraVrOat KW, sili kinds of ism Sar
dim. Bald= PiekiN, Ouresste. Pigs, aid. is set,
neryttdag Dolmen to • Mot Clam Faugly Mom
•, . ,
D R . 1.V,1 N,O.' I" I r. E 8 ,
All Oaf work Is =We from thoiwst materials, sad WAI ,
£LITIDtobe of lbw
We ate Dow edam . kris ;to oil Vaeltaery az!
Msasteetaring t opply the tnereust di
awed tot oar troth.
JOHN H. 8L133.
1866. • •
AND I • -
•Ith Unlit COCEIOIOO In Q. United Snag. In/lelk
• peat Inducemepts to, the pleasure
' Uareer. •
Recursion Trekits from Nimiers Tells to New Tort,
Boston. Portland. Mastoge an the White Mountains.
ail Toronto, Megaton. Noutnet. Quabee sod other
routes. &mane which are some of them st pleasant—
travvrehig a region abounding' In beautiful scenery,
with a reheating end iirrivoreilag et.weephere. Thews
routes by the Lakes, the tit gammas. through the
Canada, end the Re• ten end Middle Wain, having
obtained such popularity for eutenner and fell travel, it
ha become • n hyperemia& Hens to the mansgen online
hoes,so much so as to indium them to devote venal
attention to the reduction of rata. end inoreetng
Matinee for the emoromodetion of tmvelleru,
I !chine ere good be MI or by Re. el Mall Line Siam
ere. Mamie end Berths mounded between Toronto and
tloatreaL '
Dftwet eimosetiona aro roads !with man linos at all
Important points, alai, and wOat. To traveler. from
rbl'ade'pb la. Baltimore. Rarriabare. Williamsport.
Tites►lUL, sod other Important town" is
rensayleania, rim routes ars of may scam Maths P. ar,
railmad to Erie.
toyr For tielists and all osesiaary information apply
t7le4so!- Wrlibt's Block, Eris, Ps:
QUANNOPt a: CO., -
179 '
Wolisviii so meow for Book•SMper. Books. worthless
amount, or eolloetlona. sod ens therefor*
Tramslths viii awl milthhig In OW? line
• At Madam & Co., 1393 Pout St..
above Railroad Depot.
The best assortment °Motel* ,
At Shannon Coh, =I Pesch St
Charcoal for Refrigerators and phallus
at Shanaon'As CW4ll= Pesch St.
IT at
& Rogers' erlebrats d rat, Nth/my -
at Shannon & C 0.% 13= Peach St
Ors G aad Putty
at Shannon &C0.t,1313 Peach St.
Celebrated Ucton Aso!. Pelain Dirt going both
ways, At Shannon & 1323 Poach St.
T ar—pintas North Carolina.
at :hennas' k Co.',, Int Peach Bt
S al then Sate' and Bvlthe Stairs 3.
at Shannon* 1123 Pasch St.
Niir Mlle New Knife and Pock Pollen's roans"
at Shaanon * 1= Peach St.
Droshea ty—llalr. Rorie. Rase.* b. Shoe,
Do Whitewash. Stems and Contour Brush,. & Deafen
'at Shannon & Co 130 Path St..
above the Onion HR Depot, tote, Pa.
Cr' Soto Agents in North tisstans Peres. for the
strehlmtdlan Patent Axles; also Herrings' Piro and Rae
giar Proof Safes and Fairbanks Sates. j, 19-tf
Are oar opening the largest and most carefully selected
Mott of elegantly bound and beastibutly illustrated
B '0 0 K 8.! -
liver belied to this market, tanlading standard works,
nay Bonilab and An:orient Juvenile Books, Men.
Piller peeks, and Chinch Benrleen, La fine styles. Also,
Writing NAN Taney It* Stands. Law TsMt arid
Work Bozes,..Prrtfolki.aterealleOree and slap. Prkkek
Card Planes, the most beentlfol *Sunday &hoot Cards
In grant variety. Port lloosales. Card Cam, Gold Pon;
Propelling Pena; • large variety of - nosey Artialre ln
Sortah Plaid, Photograph Jams :grow the best mann
bawl.; In the teat styles.
WEIGEL & zEpaLvi,
N0.,820 State Street, DIG Petuuylocusta,
11 . 1:1110 LND.XU3IOAL IMITRIMIN OP writs?
Italbarirran.ll and Gorman Wings of the but qual
liola agents for ChM,tiring k floaut. Win. P. lintersolll,
Decoke: al Ca.% and Sawn ! Etabm'a Plano Fortes;
also, the ealaktatad Treat & LlnalirrCatihmt Organs and
Melodeon .
Mule And Ellitup ant by mall it.loot parlay. -
all orders promptly attooded to. •
CAtalogas of Mule seat fns of poitage.
Are now receiving at their old atu4, Amadeus litoc,c
Etats stow* * large and superior atom of
Crimea* Printable* W.aa. Liquor*
Willow, Wooden, sad to e Wara, •
/halts. Nut* &a, gm.
Together with everythtng found in • ;Hone of this
kind. whir& they will ash as cheap as any other estab
lishment in this city for Cash or most kinds of country
produce. -
They hare able on hand one af i tt a Xist and Must
Stocks of Tobacco and Began ewer t to pie. to
Which they Invite the attention of Ike
pp Call and see ea—a aischlealzioami la better than
t ah= nir lom b irtly Cash b Ind real
use 116 --69 &Y. 8011LATIDAZZR.
' STOKE • .
TOR Lams £ND animus.
♦ variety of Milldam's Plain and raper
Ladles' Heady-Made UndrrClotbLegt A gulag ankste.
•Ireratellng Goods
All at laid IFIU be kept an band. sad she made to
ardor. Oar goods are all msaufastated by oariebrea.
litazordng.iltltehlMOrhitlng and Breading &meat tbe
shottrat wile*. also.alwo misty or the latest it*
Patterns for Ladles' sod Children's Garments. All or
demean ho promptly Minded to
JOGIAt Iltßattit.
aplaiy !nigh at, balms 4th and Alb.
. • Palsy Goads and CIGARS,
57 . Rend street, Erie, itaseeet,7 . •
CIOLS CMS, T0114CL70;8011:21.
Mater And LesperTobso:i Ana* Kate& Salo
&a., • &i. &e.
tutlab. Glenna =II Virginia poking Ask
' Our stook le the most owlet, Or* othred fa Oro
Nooks; sod ye mefolly Sarno tho ottesstloek at soh*
trr m reliant% Ire eau alt them goods to Cu
lino &raw than they on obtalir Wm, stonrboot
Is Mailing, Ire moot to oadersoti bare or Glee
wham -; - ' royal-t;
• Cosmos Pnanon Juns erinsin. Ram
A Johnson. hop:Wm Rood Borns and
Canhsros shim on band as modszato piers 01241
Dealer' la
Speech of Senator CowanTat Pitts
, burgh, Aug. 27th.
sir Fatsans atic FELLOW CITIZENS :-I
thank you for the heartiness of this re
ceptien. You will accept my sincere
thanks for it. We have met this even
ing for a great and glorious purpose—for
the accomplishment of a purpose which -I
Suppose must be and will be dearest and
nearest to the - American heart—the restor:
ation of a great republic; to - Its fornry
pristine glory. • (Applause.) tireat Re
public, -did I say / • The greatest republic,
unquestionably, the world has" ever seen,
ancient or modern; ktogdom. empire,
aristocracy,democracy,or what not. These
United States if-once back to, peace and
harmony, and that 1 fraternal affection
w bleb fortherly. characterized the various
sections of them, would be unquestionably
the greatest power teHlsy on the earth,
or that ever existed. (Load and continued
applause.) ,
There are two great principles, gentle.
men, to *hick I shall Call your !Mention,
perfectly familiar , and which are the keys
by whieb to unlock all the troublesome
questions which now 'Ogre us hi the face.
The first great distinguishing characteris
tic of , our government, and all govern.
ments, is that they grow out of the peo
ple. They are the work of the people
pro+. I wish you to remember the' be
oaus I shall recur to it very frequently in
the brief time in which I, expect to ad:
dress you.
The' other great characteristic of our
form of government consists in the 'fact
that it is a - government of law. ais.4on
tradistinguiehed from arbitrary power.—
that is our pride and our boast. Nothing
cm be done to the humblest citizen—the
very humblest of you—by the mightiest
in the land untawfulfy, unless by the taw,
(Applause) not even the President of the
United States, the commander-in chief of
our armies and navies ; not even General
t.i4atat,,the General, par excellence, of the
country, (applause) can injure, or dare in
jure, the: humblest citizen, the weakest
woman, or the most delicate child in the
country, as against the law. (Tremendous
'Ncw,[ in, other countries, all over the
world, there are arbitrary powers lodged
soniewhere, or in some particular body—
parliament, council, or what you may
choose to call it. Take. for instance, the
English Parliament. The English Parlia
ment is; said to be omnipotent, that is, it
can pass any late it pleases, and that law
binds the realm. There is no such power
in this Country. All executive officers, all
legislative bodies, are held in by constitu
tional and legal provisions which prevent
anybody from exercising arbitrary power,
and it is m that our liberty consists. It is
there Ms to be found, and nowhere efati,
and whenever we leave that, and abandon
=the law, the declared will of the whole
people, as our rule acid guide for action.
then our great republic teases to IA and
turns itself to that extent into a despotism.
Now, 1 piopose to examine very briefly
and as pliantly as I can. some of the ques
tions whiCh now agitate the people, acd I
think I can satisfy you, if you will be kind
enough to give rae your attention,, that
there really is no di ffi culty -in the ques
tions themselves, but that the difficulties
are purely imagicary, have no reel exist
ence, and are not such, as to make bold
and brave men hesitate. There are diffi
culties everywhere; there are difficulties
in every phase of human life ; but thole
difficulties men encounter, and bold men
face_them, as bold Men ought, so as to
wield them to a bold man's purposes. In
this battle of life we.get nothing for no
thing. In this great struggle for the main
tainance of free government, we must ex.
pect difficulties, and the compensation 'we
have tor that struggle is liberty, In
dependence and Union-. (Great ap
Gentlemen, wo have just emerged from•
a great and terrible war; a war which
shook the earth; a war which astounded
the - nations of the old world ;,a war which
manifested a power and capacity, on the
part of our people as that the: nations
stood aghast ; a war in which the armed
men sprang from the dragon's teeth. This.
war grew, tip in the midst of a civilized;
.peaceful ptople,.ont of nothing. as it were.
In 1661 we had no army, no army, I mean,
that would at this day be called - an army
—we had no navy that might be called a
'navy ;we had-no treasury—no exchequer
which might be supposed able to meet'
the demands of a great and sudden emer
gency, such as then came upon the pets-,
As. It was dotibted' before that whether
the whole Union constituted a first-rate
power in ,European parlance. That war
came on, and was waged between the two
sections with' such force, such energy,
such _skill. and such k an amount of re-
Batten as satisfied thiTkorld that we were
not only one first-rate power, but that we
.were really two. And, gentlemen, whet
ever may ,be said of that war, so far &sit
was an effort of military force, so far as it
was governed .by military genius, I say
the American people' have nothing to be
ashamed of it on either aide.. (Great , .-
plause.') .
The war arose on the part of a portion
of the people of these United States, and
was inaugurated by the general govern
ment against them, because they refused
obedience to the Constitution rand laws,
and the principle upon which it was con
ducted on our part—upon the part of the
legitimate government—was precisely is
the force exercised by your. polietf when
they go out upeta the streets to suppress
a riot or arrest a felon ; and if we had not
the right to.suppressthe rebellion by vir
tue of the authority derived fritm the
Constitution and laws, ffle had no right to
do it at all. (Applause.) That, I suppose,
no man will or andieby. Yon and I have
no authority over our! fellow-men, except,
as we derive it from the law. Pennsylva
nia has tip authority in the Union except
as she haft it by the law t The Unionitself
is the cretatare of law, and the, United
States in . .compelling obedience! to the
Contain:it on and laws, does so by virtue
of the Coutitution and those laws. (Ap
plauge.) •
: In that 'terrible conflict, State govern
manta were crushed,shsttered and broken,
and when the general government euc
ceeded in eitablishing its supremacy
over there, they were:. lying in the t dis
turbed, distracted and useless condi
The question'arises, how are they to be
reconstructed? It was not the Union that
was to be reconstructed, (applause,) but
State governments that loci been torn to
by violence.of war: That is the
queslion of reconstruction. Take, if yen
please, Louisiana. How is that government
to be reconstructed? ;That was' the ques
tion which was presented to Mr. ' Lincoln
while he was President. 'slow did be re
•••:ive it ? Why, geollimen, he decided it
in the spirit of your - constitution and
in the spirit of your; laws. ' (Great ap
plause.) -
: If the State government of Pennsylvania
were by some sudden accident to be •de
atroyed, where would you get another one
—who would reconstruct it?• It is only
necessary to ask the question to have it
answered. The people of Pennsyliania
and no.other..(Leng etintinued applause.)
IV is their birthright,. descended from
heroic ancestors, transmitted ;to them as
their proudest inberitaisce. The govern-
Went belonipi - to the enple, and if it is
destroyed: it Is referred to the people to
Make a nevrkone. (Long continued rip
. Mr—Lincoln referred the question of
reconstruction to the people—the people
of ,the. States; whose , governments had
beenoverthrcnik. Was that right; or was
it wrong ?• 'right.'). That was his
scheme of reconstruction. • But there was
a party who set up another scheme of re.
* 4'
0 I'-• - - I
_II .• • . ' -' - .
- ,
‘ ,
Construction, who bad a different theory
and who proposed a ,different mode ;cof
getting the State governments upon their
legs again, getting them back into prac
tical relationswith the Union. That was
the radical party in Congress. They con
tended that Congress • 'was- to do it- r not
exactly that Congress was to make the
Slate governments, but that Congress was
to make the States to fluke such State_
governments as' would please them. I suri 7
pose if they bad said that to you. as Penn
sylvanians, you wculd .have said: 'lf we
are to adopt a government to suit your
whims and your tastes, perhaps you bad
better make it yourailves." [Laughter and
iiiiplause.l That yr mid be perfectly natur
al. As Pennsylvanians.. you would bare
answered : 'We have the' right to make
our own government; you have no right
to integers, andnobody has any right to
interfere; and you guaranar that we shall
-have this right, because the Constitution
Pf the 'United -Slates guarantees to th 6
eople of every State a rePublioin form of
government.' Now, the Radicals say, 'lf
we are to guarantee a repbile= form of
government, we must ma that form of
government. in order to b ure that it is
republican ; end;they justurn it upside
finwn, and reverse what w meant by the
framers of the Constitution. .
, • - i .
By that particular phrase, 'Republican
term of government,' the framers of the
Ganstitution m: ant to uarantee such
form of government as the! people of each
State' were pleased to Make for them
selves ;- and Mr. Madison says that is a
republican form of government. fAp
!flames] That is what they meant by it,
and.Ahat is common senSe and common
reason. ,
At the ulster' of the win% there were
different opinions entertained, and; as you
Well know, honestly enter fined ; and we
May as well come to it-firs as last, as this
is a country of free opin i on ,
and every man is entitled tp entertain his
opinion. Whether that- opinion squares
with the majority or notOs a very differ
ent thing. Every man is entitled to his
opinion; whether it bo popular or unpop
ular, and that is the beauty' of our govern-
Went. The most mischievous men, who
promulgated the inost-misebievous opin
ions daring the war, I said bring them to
me with • the converts the have made.
and Twill pay the highest price for them.f
I 'offered to buy
. all the converts Vallan
digham would make - at the `highest price.
Why not ? For they are opinions that our
people do not entertain, and to suppose
that our peopletannot listen to opinions
of all sorts and descriptiooe,-is to decide
that it is very dangerous to hive them an
opportunity to settle those opinions. [Ap
r .I remember that we have a very foolish
set; of- fellows, who imagined that they'
vr•;uld exclude newspapera of a certain
class from the army. I stood up against it
and I raid the soldier hed patricitism, and
when he went to the field, you might be
mire he was in earnest, and you might
give him whatever nevrimaptir you pleased
withoot danger of leading-tr im astray.—
[Applause.] I was never a raid to trust
our people with the truth at all times. If
we cannot reason together, end if we ate
to be the slaves of prejudiceland passion.
and tyranny, and outrage; and terrorism,
-we are not a free people: There
always, in every communityi, a consider
able number o: bad men, bi I say that
the virtue-and intelligence o f the Ameri
can people was -triumphant jiver all their
difficulties, and will . enable them to
maintain that government ictwithstancl-
Mg. .
Mr. Lincoln had faith i n -the people
North—faith in th e people South—faith
in the people every where—Lbecause the
people in the South are •your brothers.
with the same history, the same ancestry,
the same legends of national 'glory, thc
came proud recollection of former battles
fought in common, and there is hardly a
men here present who will not find one of
his own name in the South—they . are the
same kind of people we are. 1'
. ;fib I but it was said they are such had
people, they got up a rebellion—a most
terrible rebellion—a bad war—in which
thousands and hundreds of- thousands of
peopl s were killed Thil, is true. It *as a
toil, heaven-daring, wicked irebellion.—
but such is the law of -humanity.
have occurred so since old Agamemnon
laid siege to Troy. This is inot the first
rebellion that has ever beenin the world.
There have been thousands everywhere,
and of course it was our lot tit have one.
It is now our duty to profit bp, the lessons
of the past, to show that we now mean to
cure and heal the wounds of the body
politic,- and get back to our former con
dition and be greater,' More powerful
and glorious than. before. lemendous
' It was said by some that-th people of
the South who had engaged in the rebel
lion, had become so criminal and so far
out of a common humanity; that they
were not competent to. make, their own
State governments. I presumetwe are all
sinners, at least I know I am, nd if per
chance song of -us 'should he criminal
there is a Place of penitence — there- is a
place even -upon earth where We are to be
forgiven, and we are 'commanded to pray
that we may be forgiven as i we forgive
others. '
The people who go into rebellion, who
are led away by bad and seditious men,
should be forgiven when they4how peni
tenCe, and, by tile bye, our fathers in the
'Whisky Insurrection' of Western Penn
syliania, 'were very nearly getting into
.rebellion. I believe that eight thousand
*men met at Braddock's Field to inaug
urate\ their Obellion but the ec0,p1.3 halt
ed, they repented, , ad nobo y thought
the people , ' as such, ere guilty, bat toe
whole crime , was laid upon a few leaders.
But I was going to say that when;
people had rebelled, hen they weetWled
away as tho people of e South were. - iiito
each a 'mar as that , th calamities which
s th
such a war brings, the unishnient .whi
it inflicts, the sorroWs with which it cov rs'
the whole land ate theitpunistiments. o
to the South to - day-, ',travel over their
ruins' cities, over wasted• and desolated
fields; winless the number of, widows and
orphans, see the graves of their children,
and ask if she has not been vanished.—
There has never come upon any people in
the 11 World inch a terrible - and condign
punishments' has come upon that people.
TheY are purged, they have paid the pen
alty'pand they are chastened with many
sorrows. - i
I • *it Id - , to "•-. under the
am not prepares. to say under the
heavy inflictions _they have infrared, they
are not wiser than you. I
Under these eircumitadeas, Mr. Lincoln
feeling that the people had been purged
by the ir sufferings, entrusted t 4 them the
making of their own State
end. that was his plan of rec o ns truction:—
[Great applause.] As I said before, that
was,opposed by precisely the !lame party
end same mentwho now oppose President
3ohßson in carrying nut that same plan of
reconstruction. •
• I
You very well remember that the Rad
icals, to a man, in Congress. were opposed
to Mr. Lincoln: opposed his re•nomtna
tion•ii favor of Chute, and they: got up an
Executive Committee for the pyrpose• of
making Chief Justice Chests President of
the United States. They' tried] at times
to getup Fremont by way of diversion.—
[Laughter.] At Baltimore it was the peo
ple Who nominated Mr. Lincoln in oppo
sition to the Congressimat clique, and
'when he was canvassing, before the people
for re-election, in the very . thick of tht
fight, there, was a protestrogned" on the
part of a reconstruction committee—not
the Onelhat has become so famous, the
imulorbil fifteen [laughter]—but there
was s reconstruction , committee, at the
head, Of which appeared the names of
'Benjamin F.: Wade and.. Henry Winter
Davis, and they published that protest to
Mr. Linedin's nomination, and they
charged him with being a usurper and a
tyrant, and they called bim all the names
which the yecabulary of such people gen
erally furnishes., That is the same party
which to defy opposes Mr. Johnson and Ins
reccrtistruct t ion of State governments. [Arr.
pleuse._. . •
.After the deatn of Mr. Lincoln Presi
dent Johnson succeeded to him and sue..
ceeded to his policy. He has pursued it
precisely from that day to this, (applause)
.and I defy any man—and I am not par.
titular w..ere you bring-him from—l have
met the very bead and front of this—l
defy any one to put his finger upon a
single departure of President Johnson
from that policy all the way through.—
I stood by President Lincoln always
and at all times. .1 even acquiesced in
silence when he was driven from his own
grpund in the very beat of the war, and
they, did drive him as you know. '(Sensa
I have stood by President Johnson in
the mimeo:way, because I believed he was
good, and wise; and true, and had the
good of the-whole country at heart. (Tre
mendous applause.)
Now what is the difficulty_? What is
the great question which-now agitates the
people ? It is whether ten States of this
Union, whether the people of ten States,
purged by war, made wise by Calamity,
tried in the fire of suffering, the people of
ten States just as you are, people entitled
to the same rights as you_ are, shall be
heard upon the floor of Congress where
the laws are made which aro to govern
them, where the taxes are levied which
they have to pay, whether they shall be
heard by their Representatives or whether
they shall be treated as a conquered peo
ple, or whether they Shall be deprived of
their rights which I say. belong to every
American citizen. (Great applause.) This
is the great queition.
Aro these States in the Union ? (Cries
of 'yes, yes,' from all parte of the house.)
They were in the Union, I know; in LAO.
They were in the Union, I know, because
the - laws are upon the statute book by.
which they were made part of the Union.
- Have those laws been repealed ? Did the
ordinances of secession repeal them ? (No,
no !) If the ordinances of secession did
not repeal those laws they are in force yet,
upon the atattite_book, and' they are as
, binding as the will of thirty millions of
the American • people can make them.-.
(Great applause.)
I told you that our pride and our
boast was that this was a government of
laws, that it was our security, that it did
not depend on the will of one man or any
set of men. •It does not depend on the
will of the Executive whether such things
shall be or' hall not be ; it (ices not de
pend on Congress, but it depends upon
the law, the established law. Then if
those States were- in the Union by the
law, and if that law tuts not been repeal
ed, and cannot be repealed except by the
American people, then they are yet in the
.Union by the law. (Great applause.) They
are there by your law, and the man who,
in spite of your law, says they are not
there,insults you to your face. (Applause.)
Then those States are in the Union by
the law, the people are bound by the law,
- submit to the law, and are entitled to the
law. (A voice—'we'll keep them by the
law.') Yes, we will keep them by the law.
(Tremendous applause.) '
But. we are asked, are we to have no
punishment. upon those' rebels—not the
people—for I believe nobody asks that
the people should be punished except the
Radicals—but a great many good men, a
great many good meaning men, ask, are
these rebels, the leading rebels, the great
spirits who created this war originally,
not to be punished? I spy certainly, if
you please. There is no doubt about it,
gentlemen ; they are in the clutches of
'the law, and if the law imposes any pen
alty, they will have to suffer it. A man
might just, as well ask, can the thief and
the felon about Pittsburgh be punished?
You answer, certainly; they are in the
hands of the law. And so it is with those
, wh o have been in rebellion. -
You have all these people now under
the law.; they are within your grasp, and
if any punishment is to he inflicted it
must be inflicted by this law and -under
the law. You and I have no right to pun
ish offences. If you saw a man commit
murder upon the streets, yon - would not
undertake to punish it, and if you did, so
far from being justified, Voir would- be
guilty under the law, and if you under
took to punish him capitally, you would
be guilty of murder. And why ? Because
you take into your hands that-which the
American people have plecect in the
hands of others. You try him ;n is way
which they do not authorize, and you in-
snit them in undertaking to execute- it I
in such a way. That is the situation of
the rebel States. It has been said that
the President.ought to punish these peo
ple. Why, gentlemen, the President has
nothing in the world to do with it. The
President is the Chief Executive of the
nation—he is not a common prosecutor—
he is not even a District Attorney. Gov.
Curtin, the Chief Executive of Pennsylve.
nia,does not come here to protecute crim
inals, doe, he ? Did you ever see him on
that errand?
. (No, no.) It belongs to the
people to punish offences. It belongs to
the humblest man as, well as the highest.
The humblest man, if he knows that
crime has been committed, has a right to
give informatiOn, to take out a warrant,
and place the criminal in the hands'of
justice. And the Judge—the highest as
wellies the lowest.-is bound to respect
the law - and deal out punishment upon
the offender. Gentlemen. who want the
rebels pucished—gentlemen who insist
that they aie not punished-enough, and I
that they ought to be punished further,
—such gentlemen are themselves to be
blamed. Why do they not get warrants ?-
Why do theY not put, these iseople in the
hands of the law for. punishment? You
never hear one of these bsbbling fellows
who cry out for punishment, instituting
punishment for the offencea or which
. proclaim so much horror. I took
oceAsion to tell them in the Senate of the
--United States, if you want to punish the
guilty people, the guilty iustigatcre of this
rebellion, say who you want to punish ;
say hcw many; it it fle ten, fifty, five hun
.-Ired or five thousand. You shall have
theni all, only 1 beg of you all do not bab
ble about the I'resident, that be doei not
become a common prosecutor, a thing un
heard of in the history of the country,
and indicative of ignorance of the laws on
the part of those who make-such an asser
tion; a thing that ought to be known by
every school boy.
• As I said before, the great question was
whether these States should be represen
ted in the Congress of - the United States
by their t epresentatives, properly elected,
returned and qualified. • This is the ques
tion, I told you before that this is a goy,
erionent oflaw, and whenever a question
arises, if the law settles .it, theAnestion
itself should be settled. I neverfiad the
slightest difficulty. I never hesitated
when two Senators came to the door of the
Senate from Alabama or Mississippi 'or
Tennessee. I, read the Constitution, and
that sacred instrument declared that each
State aluicild have two Senator'. There
was an end to it. What right bad I to set
myself against that , Instrument which I
had sworn to support. and which I was
fighting to save? [Applause.] It was not
for me to say in the face of that great
paramount law of thirty millions of my
countrymen, that is wrong ; they ought
not to have two Senators. What presump
tion that would be ! So in the other House
it was also fixed. The Constitution de.
°larva that ' each State shall be entitled to
reprettentation according: to its popula
tion,mad it provided that a census should
be taken in order to lee how many people
each State hie, an# after that census is
returned—Ofter the decade has gone by—
Con_gresa apportions among States their
representation, anion the very beginnin g
of - the war, on La 4th Of March._lB62,
the Congress of thtfUnited States did ap
portion under that census to all the States
in the Uisian=all that were Statesatthat
time;-and told the eleyenStates then
rebellion that they gave fifty-eight mem
bers and !het was the law., It theism
voted for by your representative 'from Al
legheny county and there was no ditision
upon it. Was that binding or was it not
binding? Was it the lair of the American
people, or was it not their law? If it was
their will it was sacred and binding upon
every' member of that House, and espe
cially open those who voted
. for it. If it
was net, the law of the American peoples
it ivae a farce and this is, no govenntneat
at all:
.[Great applause.) That disposes of •
the question of admission into the Con
gress of the. United States.
I was delighted. to hear yens. _worthy
Chairman explain it as well as it could be
explained; but there was no danger in
carrying out this constitutional law. You
hear all .these empty beaded people say,
bring back the rebels into power, bring
back the men of the &nth who tried to
destroy this government, and the country
is gone. I would like to know what the
war was for if it was not for this very -
thing. [Laughter and applause.] Was it
not for that very thing that we sacrificed
three or four hundred thousanctmen; and
expended six or eight or ten thousand
millions of dollars ? If it was not for that;
we should not have made
_the war. Gen
tlemen, it is -a very high compliment to
our soldiers that they were not afraid to
meet these eleven States in the field in
open fight. They did meet them and over
come them, but the Congress of. the Uni
ted Slates was afraid to meet them in its
;halls. [Great laughter and applanee.l We
;have 183 members in Congress, end they
;were afraid to meet 58. [Cries of , egood,
good.."] Rome must have lost her breed
of noble lords, I should think._ [Ap
plause.] We have fifty Senators in the
Senate of she United States, and they
were afraid of 22. And, gentlemen, if this
Republican party had the smallest pallet
commone sense or political sagacity, last
fall. whew they went to Congress, they
would have laid down a platform such as
the platform of the -Philadelphia conven
tion..[Great applause.] I remember once,
on going Up to Cumberland, I_met an old
Whig named John Fenton. The majority
in his district was largely against him,and
I raid to him, How do you expect to get
elected—what platform do you stand
upon ? He said, '-'I stand upon the Con
stitution and. laws." [Laughter ] Now, if .
Congress had ad'orted the Philadelphia
plattorro,or had they said they stoodopon
the Constitution and the laws, more than
one half of those S,outherio Senators would
have been right ready to kiln hands' with
the Republican party, and they would
have bean united with me.- I thought I'
was as good a Republican as they could
make. I ]did think I could understand
the old article. At, I understood the old
article, it as simply that slavery should
not go intb the territories. Was not that •
tire whole of it?
. [Yeig, yes.] In old time s .
there were three echools about that thing.
The Republicans say Congress is supreme
over the territories. and if Congress says,
by law, that slavery should not go into
the territories, then we say that slavery
shall not go. If Congress says it shall, we
submit. Mr. Douglas said, No. that is
not the best way; let the people of the
territories themselves decide. That was
called squatter sovereignty doctrine.—
Then there was' another doctrine which
said neither the people of the territories
nor Congress have any right to decide
this question—the territories are-common
property—common- to all the people, and
they have a, Fight to take 'their property
into the territories. whether that proper
ty consists in men or horses, or what not.
That was the Southern . view. As a Re
publican, I was in favor of the first blowy,
and that was Republidanism then. That
question did not exist after Mr: Lincoln
took his seat. - When we organized a ter
ritory and provided by law for its organi
zation, it was not questioned., There was
no division, not a particle., So fay as that
was concerned, Republicanism had
achieved its victory—Republicanism had
done its work—and Republicanism had
ceased to be as a party principle. awes
then balled upon to meet other and great
er issues. Last fall, if a fair and reason
able platform, standing upon the Consti
tution and the laws as they were written
had been made by the Republican party,
then, if there was one, it would have been—
accepted by more than half of the people
of the Southern States, because these old
issues had gassed away ; Republicanism
and squatter .sovereignty and. the Dred
Scott decision had been swept away in the
whirlwind of war and become dead issues
of the past.
Then, I. tell you, gentlemen, there was
no dode at that time in admitting the
American people wholly and fully to their
rights as before. There war not only no
danger,. but-there was not the millionth
part of the' danger that we are likely to
encounter:by , the course putsued.hy the
dominant party, in keeping those people
from their - reprealentatibn. What is that
danger t Have yeieu thought calmly of the
importance of being represented in the
Legislature of the country that-makes the
laws that govern you ? How 'would you
like to have your representatives from the
city of Pittsburgh, from the county of Al
legheny, turned out ? How would you
like to be represented 'by letter writers,
people who walk around amongst you and
take down all your vices, all the various
kinds of crime that are committed, and
communicate them ,all to Congress, and
have somebody get up and read those let
ters day after day as the condition of
things in Pittsburgh ; and what would you
into Congres s say it that was done in the Senate of the
. United States, and I was not there to give
the lie to it upon the spot, which 1 would
do, of course . [Great applause.] Why,
gentlemen, the blood of your revolution
sry fathers would turn to - milk in your
veins if you submitted to that. You could
not look up to Heaven, where their spirits
now look down upon you, and feel your
selves worthy of them, if you submitted
to be governed without representation.
The meanest felon in your court has a
right to be heard. •No Judge in the city
of Pittsburgh to day dare-deny it to the
meanest criminal in, the dock. The right
to counsel , tet be heard, is a sacred right
everywhere, and yet that right has been
denied the Southern people. They have
not been allowed to
othera ateal s nd they
hand,cif alone h w e e could
h condition ave t a e i p l .
r ce f Ye t, th l o e i f
r o people
who are exceedingly anxious that a very
disturbed state of things should continue,
and exceedingly anxious that they should
not be displaced, because they have offices
out of which •tliey are making fortunes,
stealing 'government and individual cot
ton, and everything else; and they write
letters up to Congressf, and sometimes
they wodld have dozen a day. In one
case I knew a man who wrote some Of
them, and lam satisfied- that you would
not elect him a night watchman in the
city of Pittsburg. (Laughter.) A man of
no character, but a man who went about
like, thedogs cf Lazarus, licking at sores,.
and sent his effusions-to the floors of Con
gress, so as tontake a stench in the noses
of the Northern people.* That is the way
the South was represented. .
We .maintained this government—we
enforced this Constitution and these laws
because we were right, God is right, and •
when you are right Re ht,45: sour side-
Apd you succeeded; but you deprive these
' people of representation ; yew treat them
as conquered people— and there you are
wrong, and you cannot succeed in hold
ing them any longer than you have the'
physical force to do it. , I--a,. -- -
Now, the Southern people feel all this.
They do not feel resentment. They be
lieve that the Northern people, when'
they understand them, will be as just as
they were brave—that they will be as
generous in the civil administration of the
government, as they were valiant
field.of battle. (Great applaus e, They
t e the
want to be your fellowesountrym . They
want to keipartners in this grea public.
.They want to enjoy the blessings of this
great :Union. And they want to hand
down to their children the blessings it was
intended to
_perpetuate-as yo do. (Tre
mendous applause.) They Ittow the value
of the Union to you and ;to them, and