. .. . . . . , ' . . . , . . . . . . . . \.. , • . . . . -, . . . . . . , . . . . "... .., 1 ...-- 4... . - .. - -...... .. . _ . . . _-... ..-„......._ --- - -....._ . • i ~ f, - .. , , .--."-‘ • O. . • ,PP , '• . . . . ~. . . . t . [ . , . 1 . . . . . . T 'V lIIR i , . . . . • , Sxhiutree ' nuatetem Taoree.---Thi s popular boards , and a. strong yet musical voice, with a .. Oar people are indebted to Mr. J. F. Sherry. The balcony serenade given by-Sherry's Brass t Corry ray hare just concluded a brief• and highly , perfect command of it, and a thorough stage ed. the able Manager of the New York Theatre, for Band. each evening previous to the beginning of -successful engagement at the Hall It ii seldom -'tendon, Mrs. Carroll is mialifi.ed to hold a much these changes in the; Hal' He has organized one of the performance, are highly ceetli,table to the flat a traveling Company contains artistes of, higher position in the profeseloei that she has yet of the best , compenies that ever visited this city- land, which is one of the beat we have listened she merit of Ernaa of those i n this troupe, and we aspired to. - We know of many who "star" it in feet for eensatility and talent. we believe it to to In several years. The band is tmder'the di- I were gratified to noti ce th a t th e exc e ll en c e of the with success who do not possess a tithe 01 her tat- be he best that ever visited us. Mr Fannin, the rectorship of Mr. D. H. iiitubblebine, who may , performance was appreciated by a Trenton au- lent. We hope to gee her again at the opening o f leading man, is ICl,llkbOßro t o ou r citizens as a well feel proud of his success in thus establishing disuse. On Friday evening the play was ..Leah , the tall season. Mist Stanley, Mrs Cappell and gentleman of irreproachable private character, so meritorious a corps of musicians. Remem the Forsaken," the celebrated sensational drama Mrs. Montford, have all shown themselves care• and one of the most promising artiste in the her !-the season in Syracuse closes to-morrow--, in five acts. Thepersonate of Leah by .71fra Jen- ful and pains taking in their various parts. Not country. He is a hard student, a close observer, night, and act aceordingly.-Syracuee Standard, nie Carroll was most truthfully and cfrastely ren- the least of the attractions of the troupe has and is endowed with the natural qualitieeto make tiered, and, the frequent applause which greeted been the splendid band connected with it. and a first class actor. Mys. Jennie Carroll is too well Tnuaeae.- -Last evening Was benefit night fur ' the unfortunate Jewess, testified that the audience which "knocks" anything of the kind in these known to need commendation. In her peculiar Mrs: Carroll, the accomplished actress, and she zelettowledeed the fattliful madition of that char- parts. • caste of-characters, she takes high rang. Her wa.s,eomplimented by a large audience notwith. oder, On Saturday night. the popular actor, Mr. From bete the company go to _Corry ter one various impresaione front the sensational 'drama standing the entertainment at the other Hall; a T. 7'. Fannin,in the character °Pr-William" in the week, and from thence to Lnehhaven, to return have made her a universal favorite.-e anc e a t er facOvhich abe duly ,acknowledged by , extra ef play of "Black-Eyed Susan" look the audience here the Ist of. September. We heartily' wish. Intaigencer, Pa, . ~ • forti to please. The programme was handsome.by storm. No actor, we think, has gained the th em b on voplye ...Di s , a t c h. Erie, Pd, ly carried out. the characters in botbsdrama -And popularity with Trenton audiencesequal to that i - . - TnExrag Last Monv AND :rO•NIGIIT.-Sherryß farce being well sustained; them by Mrs. Carroll, obtained by - Mr. Fannie in bis week's engages SHEnu r, T ,,,,,,, E.-4 , ast evening the great . T roupe gave s p o tt ier splendid e n tertainnient last %elite was often enthusiastically applauded , meat here, 'Air. J. W. Carroll, is another actor sensational drama, entitled the ..Tieker.ot'si,eare evening , and to another hie house. ThiS corn... , Messrs. Sherry, Pargl is on, c a rr e ll, a m . tildig- in , whose versatile talent Mr. Sherry has been forte- Man," was praliteed at the Academy of Music. Pant' of th e atricals are nenwstionably favorites an d .Miss ,Stanley-all of Which was. demonstrae sate in securing. The company a ro all gond, and rendered in a manner that asserts the genius with our people, and as their engagement ,straw~ tively 'acknowledged by the audience. It is a our citizens regretted that their stay here was 541 and ability-of the actors. Mr. Fannie,. as Robert to a close the interest increases; and will• lite re- trea t, t o h ave so excellent a the a t r ic a l comp a ny, short. We heard') eouttopod.,thent to the public. Bristly, has to equal; while Mrs, Jennie Carroll, gretted tvlien they leave to fulfill rat enga ge ment both as to talent and social liearing, visit here; in Eric, at which place they ate advertised to play and it i s a gratifying feature that it has been so It - letterer they ma} go, hoping to welcome their e s 'May Edwards, fully established her reputation after this engagerneet i' closed.' Odd Fellows well r ntatained.-- Lockport Unfort. r eturß.here before the seeson is over.- Trenton as a first class actress. Mr. .T. F. Sh we, as (N. J.l -Democrat. f ' Hawkshaw, acted well the part of detect e; and Hall was last evening the scene' ..f that thrilling ; t, '., - -- ri.::. drama entitled "Little Barefeot," and. " say that . AiIADEMY or sleets.-Despite the inclemency of ---440i-reuls3llll ‘ le4: t liecovereil ere this his mercy to Robert Brierly, when his history was about to be exposed, drew forth the aytn- it was played well only faintly expresses the sat. the Weather last night, there was a. fair attend by posterntrouriat. Sherry's New York path, and admiration ut' the 'audience. The i s facti on with which st was received by 'fl Jonge mice at this establishment. The ladies, as usual, Theatre-the favorites of the people-are to open gtief and anguish of Itoliert, as' pursued by an strut appreciative audience. The little bare.font were,well represtMted, and appeared' delighted a two weeks engagement at the Theatre this ainned relentless fate, and the love and devotion waif was represented by Mrs Jennie Carr o ll, and at the intellectual treat furnished them. During [Monday] evening. The Drama selected for-this of May Edwards, was received' with lend and in a manner that called Out Dodd maifestations of the performance ut the play of "The Last Man," evening's entertainment" Alum;" is or the Hosed- continued applause by the h audience; the „ t , delight by the audience, that were well - pleased there were tnomentsewhen Mr. J.F.Sherry's delini. Killarney. - Mrs Jennie ' Carroll appearing in the evidence ot their appreciationa-corry Telegenple. by the :truthful picture Terrxmate of the little ationMf the character of Geoffrey Dale. held the role ot Atine,"with songs; rt:part in which she ex- ... . . friendless orphan. Mr. W.J. , Ferguson. as Bare- audience entranced; when not a sound was to be ______. 4 . eels any acmes now traveling. We notice by the - . , York eRETtCY A 43C19 Theatre cloud a SOCCe3.4. cite that all of the old favorites are still with the chara cter, as 40111111 y." Anti if thdold o.aying is ful engagement of two weeks, at Grant's Rail,feet, so solemn a silence, was a greater tribute of company and we may expect the beet fortnight lath Saturdayevening. with the beautiful drama true, "that it takes a wise mart to act the, tool," admiiation than the rapturous applause which entertainment we have ever, had in Newark. See then Mr. -Ferguson is a very wise man;''for -all ,r o th at e c d it, H e Sherry may well record his last of • Green Bushes,or the Wild Huntress of the ' advertise i eat for to-night.-,Vieen I, ry„ J . J . A.k... r . ...... . . . f "faddy who were present last evening will bear O A aut in night's effort as a great success. Mr. Rainey at "andthel eh bl f • ...ulastssippi, au, a e farce o . riser. , . . character he rsonated the assertion that thePe Jacob Calling was ay humorous as evert he "net.- ' Miles,' in which Mr. T. Rainey kept the house in a _.--..-.... THICATIIIC4L-A good House last night was roar of laughter, by his impersonation of the rem . needs no improvement-Ida acting VIM splendid. Cr spitaks unless be says something." Mrs. Jett. To-ni lit will tatt presented the great- sensational pi a . • • g• Carroll in the afterpiece made a very pleasicg present to witness the thrilling play of the Ore ebevions Pruldv. 'On Friday evening, the cent- drama. a as originally played in alt the principal appearince, her perplexity at the bold advances toroon, in five acts. This play, as its tide would len s ,produceti the celebrated and affecting dram cities thrtnigliont the country, entitled ."Our o f RayG b •verynaturally Gomez mg expressed. , indicate, was written to illustrate the beauties of of ' Etat Lynne," Mrs Jennie Carroll taking the American Cousin," with Mrs. Jennie Carroll Slavery. It shows bow the least taint of African very diftitalt parts of Lady Isabel and Madam ~ ,.oren. ,, as In fact thecotme.ny did their very best to amuse, which as blood made Its possessor. though beautiful as an Vine , ..e rendered with Such lifelike ac- e i co Trenchard, Mr. J.F. -F Sherry as I 'Asa an d succee d e d. haat and accomplished in all the graces and re-nracy by this tat,a, c ted mimes as to draw •tears , Trenchard" [our Amerisan Cousin] and M W.To-bight T. Ferguson.as "LOTti•Dlullireary,", TWA -. • Mr "Colleen Dawn" anti "Perfection" man Hutmenta of polished life, a slave , subject to be from the eyes 0f,... yof her auditors, Mr. J. Is a will be performed. It must be borne In mind t bill,and should draw 1 crowded lY - Cottrell played Sir Franme v n i n a m an . Free • house, - that to-morrow night is the last of this talented bought and sold . and to be made the victim of • _ .. . Ise nes , Reeding Dirrvileh, p a. . ' company, at least for the present. They will be brutal masters. But, fortunately, such pieces as ner winch sliown nun to to perleuhr at home on 1 . -..- - -a...a-- ~ , the Octoroon and Uncle Tom's Cabin are now the stage. In fact, the whole COMP 34: are favor• Stu:ear's Ttleartie..--The closing performances theyreturn -Bin . R abli welcoale whenever . g ep el in .- ..played out." Slavery in this country Is a thing item with the Harrieburgh people..4ll 1 .4% Mg on Saturday evening of the New York Theatri• can: •I • us, take with them the beit wishes of all. net that was f 4 1 C der the mebagement !they J. F. • 6 • •,I -... " --- :_mt 4 ompany. unSU& nv 3 ...eIY YORK. THKA.T44 : ,-••.4 ce.eara - Mrs. Carroll as Zoe, Mr. Bowers as the Yankee who behind them many wane per sonal friend., tst•erry, telly sustained the reputation have deli h Who will bail their re-appearance,with tie g 1.- k test c npany gave another splendid e n tertainment . Salem Scudder , Mr. Fannin as the Indian. and per in our cif of of being the Most' finished co Ql • ' "Hid last'' • • Mr. J. F. Sherry as the slave dealer, sustained ling combines so touch gen- No company trave . , gratelat sent truthful delineators of charateter of l • at ruing I. evening. in presence of a Th 1 and talent as Shettry a New I ink, entre.ante and well pleased 'audience, l '' The "Taming their parts well, as dill the others; brat we think tilij , • . . , any who have visited us for marry a month. The of the ' Shrew." one of Shakes' ' ow 4 -comedies, the acting of the evening which drew the,most - ilornsh urg Telegrap h . -Islay selected fox th e occs , *ion, was "Th Rob -.... e • was pat upon the boarder whichl EaVe universal 1 applause and was really capital, was that ot T. ~ . I bets "1 a thrilling *tragedy translated from witisetction to all Mr.' T ' present. J. :Fannin the T. Rainey "oast Pete the slave. He played the arc - . '''‘ 'one Triaitnl3.--This troupe ham mete e last week at ehab . Hall to+ Shiliel';Shak ' Peare cm .4 ct‘totaf• Mr. wife tamer. performed his difficult task in a au. plantation gger?' in better style than we 'have Cr during th . , composed 2°, be Faaanin, is Charles De Illoar,,fairt, e ectr id e ,d t h e perb et le. lling nut thunders , ed , a la a seen it done in a greaf while, and much better- and itirceint' ce arnnencen of large audience in his rendlthtm of suer rsit rtiOus sum of tins duringla ' "Ba 11) " es the '- y. 1 ptista, by, than It is usually represented on the' boards or...tlant s. and ion of our borough. Mr. She has i • "Y. of tine difficult character be so well sae • the fashionable "minstrels" of fie-dy. Th e witithim some of the best talent on the Amerman - -- Mr. Mreitford, "Hortensia, by Mr. Ferguson. Mr. J. P.Sberry, as Count . Delloor, was par i...., d „ •94 31 ' * scenery was well managed, and the -tab eatm of Ihnirdlik Thtpieces areaf a bigh!order runt are lady fine and effective. a better representation I meet( an D rendered r. Bowers, were exceeding er that reflects the death of Zoe and of the Ulna' of the meanie "Put - mime thtestage" i a menu,. with . , of a feeble. beset -broken old rain, never appear- I .ve in all of these posmieent chine: tars t'•tt make n this trulylaughable c omedy -- of Paul by the avenging Indian, closed the per. greet.'cludit open the man went ; Bn t/ r el ed before a Syracuse audience: Means. J. W. aka: J e na,. c p.. • .arro, as asual, performed her part r omance w i t h mar k e d ek e ', The Orchestra, ~new acemwy,contames, and decorations. Carroll, and W. J.,Ferguson are favorites here, to the very letc" As „ Katherin a the Shrew' hur t which is a part o f the c o mpany, i s worth s t one Mrs. Jennie Com e i l i l ay i e s nee of the most -r ian and will be in every place where gentlemanly Mrs. CAM I I exbibi- i• •ti• mi it lir. iar • 4_7 etp en the price of admission. The music is excellent leading women V 1. seen, . perionf i r an .. sad correct deportment, In the street and on the and ohs kind that can .. ilia-i to her An the and liberally dispensed. - The company, Mart • Y ea '`a,r De in her me. nolo . J stage, In the bat ioom or the parlor, is prized as constellation of "stars" ..., = at of the MisieEmtiv under favorable auspices, and we think will be u l n a* Ic hti ct that charming Utr e ut -- it should be. Annie Fannin and Mn .sJen- profession. She has became a g,- Stanley, continues to add new ,laurels to this s favorite with well sustained during the holiday season..4-3for-. ale Carroll. have also made Mends of alt who our maple who love thedrame. Tne ....„, 4% ee sting Herald, Scranton , Pd. wreath aldramatic glory that encircles her mow, have witnessed the easy, self-possessed and grace- concluded with the laughable musical - i, 5 ,.. In her acting as well am in her costuming there is New Yosa Tasaras.--On Saturday evening oteervable that which is always agreeable to the be final performance of the season 'took place, buttes of the refined and cultivated audience, that leading members of this truly gae company. _ Ail manner. free from all stage rant, in which genes entitled "Jenny Limkat Last." The cd:r they hays performed their respective duties as pony give their last entertainment in this city for present, this evanin'g.-Aubitrit Advertiser, the closiag. pieces being "Faint Heart Never greet her . . We but egpress•public opinion when we say that Y. r... Won Fair Lady, and "Ireland as It Was." The Mr. J. T. Fannin is certainly one of the most Mr. Sherry and his able assistaate k will ever -................-..- performance was in every way worthy of the refined and polished actors upon the Amerman meet with a cordial welcome in Syracuse, and Titterne.-Although the weather was nnpro company. boards. His renditions are eo perfectly grandand tteooner we are allowed to announce their re- fltlown and Platine bestowed with no chary A e parting word in regard to this company may truthful that he "who runs may read. " He does tu the better we shall be pleased,-Syreense band the aqueous fluid, a large audience waste not be amiss, and as we can say nothing but not rant nor tear the air with his hands. nor yet &two. . attendance at Ely Halt, to greet the New York . good, we take great pleasure In putting it on does he lack that force of expremion which con- _ • • ,' _ . ~ Troupe upon their opening night. The Company record - tributes so much to the effect upon the audience Tassras.-Tbe great drama of "Our American have reasons to feel highly flattered; notwith . Mr. J. Hherrv, the -manager, is not only aas well as the proper rendering of the character Consia" was performed In an 'excellent manner standing the rain, it was the largest assemblage finished actor, and gentleman, bat a thorough he sustains. at Wieling Hall, last evening, by Sherry's Thee- we ever saw gathered to witness the opening ,business mare In tds deafings he works upon Mr- J. W. Carrel is also an actor of sterling attics! Company. The attendance was large, night of a / theatrical entertainnientin this city.- the square, and no Printer ver waits on hi s so-worth . His reading is faultless, his intonations and !satisfaction was expressed by all preseat - The reputation that had preceded the company count over a dead bill. Heas shown great tact Mae; hie conception bold and truthful. showing Mr, Sherry as "Asa Trenchard," was perfect la was fully snatahied. the audience being highly l a getting together so good company, and still a depth of thought rarely met with, whilst her his role of the "Vannounter," and was the reel?. pleased by the evidence which the Company t greater tact in managing it so skilfully. gesturing is of the must graceful Character. We lent of (eat applause. Mr. Fannin as "Abel manifested of pox exams first rate talent. The four leading gentlemen of the company, hazard nothing in saying that he is in every sense Morcott , " performed that part in a manner item Of cause there are some Inconveniences dor- M e ssrs. BateiS„Sherry, Carroll and Ferguson, of the word the actor Shakelpare permits tumid end to none, land the apprecietion of his efforts , lag the first night's performance, which arise hare made hosts of friends during their brief to describe. was manifestly shown 'by the large audience from unfamiliarity with the stage. but these will s t a y here. riot only on account of their profes- Messra J H Bowers and T T Rainey.aa comedians present. Mr Carroll as "Mr. ;Cape." and Mr be avoided in future. The play of the "Guuma menet excellenciet, but their social qualities.- rank among the first upon the slap. We observe e'ergneoti as ' 1 4,151 Duadre a ry,7 exhibited'sorne her ofMoscow" was capitally played. The lead. G en tl e men in education and association, they these two gentlemen never resort to profanity or fine tak e ' In their parte: Mrs. l i iivinieflarroll as lag characters by Mrs. Carroll and Mr. Fannin have, with the other members of the company, vulgarity, relying entirely upon the merits or the .1. loream Trenchard." was excellently well pet'-- were finely metered, and Paul, of the voracious ( t one much to relieve the odium which has here- character to please. Their renditions display a' 'masted, as is' every part sustained by that Audy. appetite, by Mr. Sherry, brought down tthe . t o fore attached to traveling theatrical companies • fund of originaliteend deep thought seldom met This highly -accomplished and favorite actress house. • 1. The "Irish Emigrant" developed in Mr. Our readers will long remember the many capital with. They certainly marry high positions up- will take a complimentary benefit thlsevening,on' Sherry 6 tip top Irish comedian, who ttas had no dellnietions of Bides, the excellent personatlons on the roll of Dramatic fame. • ; which occasion Shakespeat's great play of 'Rath. equal in this city. The company all do their of Carroll. and the careful acting of Ferguson.- Mr. J. F. Sherry is a highly necomplailied gee. ank l e and itetruchhi." . in which Mrs Carroll will parts well, being well studifid and the cue Rainey 4130 deserves commendation, as in fact, unman and as an actor stands number one In appear at ..Katherine.” Th e (programme will' promptly taken. The music is worthy of colli de all. .. Ins prof:mien. His renditions display a Terrelli. conclude with the musical burletta of -Jenny mendatton, and everything is ot a character to Of the five excellent lady professionals, Mrs. ty of latent that but few actors passim. We ate Lind." This Is the last night I but one of this merit a generous support from the Elmira people. Jennie Carroll takes the lead. With a face and pleased to see Ids so well sustained by the they. truly excellent troupe, and no one should fail To-night they play "Little Barefoot.-Elmira figure admirably adapted by , nature to the . tre-going public.-Lazenw Mien.' of seeing this company before the season closes. Gazette. , ) a• tit tie v w i s 4 r - .41 ORGANIZED IN NEW YORK CIT Notices From. the Press of New Jersey, 'Pennsylvania a d. New York. d Opening Night, Sat-urda 4=•.• V PAINS DAILY .TELEGRATR- POWER PRESS PRINT, CORRY, E . GI- • r .0 -4 r. •.• , • . , .SEFTEIkBER 10th, 1863. , Sept. Ist, P. F. SHE
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