The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, August 30, 1866, Image 1
c giE WEEKLY 013SERVEft. tae 9 4.x MO (re STAIRA) BoinorVrames Coli.Xlit aTATII IST. ASO TER PAHL —1 4;qtrTloq—TwoLuna awn 1 , wry Caryl p r if psul is .18 ranee: Trawl petrel". not ~,•Ifb,,xpirstion of be Sear. 'Subscribers oil' be eherge 1 Fiery Cure e'sr ja idltion , 411, ben:Hp:is" aetassti lIICST ezniar, No pep t 111111 be cent out of t b r r,Ve unteen paid for La straits. ~FqmiettilrY4 —Ace Square of Tan Li:Wong in• J. , 01; two insertions $1.,73 ; three tater nee month $'1,50 inn months $3150: Atts 11.503 ix mon th, s7,ooioni. you '4100: ~ ,,,!,,hOznnts In proportion. neva rata adhered to, unlesstbanged b apes „• wt er et the option olc the phhltsheri. Audi qtrers. Divorces and like edvertisee • administrator's Notices $3,00; Loma 15 ~rte a line; !ferriage Notices virriwree niece: ntituarr Notices (over three lines tan crate per line. Original poetry, ,• cos , so the request of the editor, out duller edrertisenents wffl be continued at • „ of ate penrtn adrarttaing, until ordered I ‘ ,. e fllrretion, naiad • speeilled period la „ c .a.! n prat tor their an corumunlcetione shoUld be addressed to 1113, 4 J'N 1.,111 • 1'51AN, F:dibr and Proprfetnr. Business Directory. 10111 M%. , n(Gener Stea St, near Ozb T1.13.R. vtrursT., LA w, lirard,Rri•Coent,v nth, SIAARPded to with 'Ai ,qtrat, 0 , n ET:4 q) rt Arton.vvr Al LAW. in % . nikeei Elio, Pa. ancT*2 K.N ,77 ‘r ., t 3.; 11 tN VIN. A TroteNTTS AVn CorYSELLOICS A.l . LA W. rib rlork, near North Wee, corner or the; • ;•, .1 . a. nEANNTT. jnerfmt or UI P 1 4 ,1. OfFl4lstroond si 11.1. 7b.tur.l3 flftbomad unel 401 , i irrnavirin, iT taar, Ftifigtiriv, Pa, k, \Se.:OO. Cameron and 1_101111'65-101 P 7. W. •Wit,Bru E 41111T.1., WIIIPTford. Rosixtr I.wette. PR.rftrirr,a. n.ln•inn.. In 4 atteontinn ¢l•eu to ,t ;rem. rc .ress-lv" I.I , IFItkINIKN, , r-STION or TRW PICACt, PAragos Block; cwt • , f Fa , rtir Flail, tale, Ps. (.Ir , NNripiov, AT LAM Agn -Trams or Tux Prom. • lalra acent, entorpylioter and (nlit t r, I;.,n.te slathweit earner of Fifth. d V,no,Pt. aplrtSb.t CUM Sony citONICIBIR.I9I.. at the belt d,re Vltleve. has .1:11 band a Wye Provision., Wand and Wtllow Ware, Ltquong. `.ear.. &e . to which he TO. Ir e'l , m the attentom of thopohlic .aVsfiedi that rood blroine as call he bad tb am part ,onqtr. roar3trafocto PD. r ipcNNEcTT. PHY.IDT‘N AND 4 t , R6110 . 11 ktk trtrort, or.r 4 10Zei'll ■ nro—boatd, eorro c. Kotra, d door 'tooth rithr , If I , t n Ynfl,fftp tMet f Fee boulli from Ti del. unl,: 2 r. M. M•.lYeett = Whnle., , e end istell lisslsn in Authraette, r 111,..Pnurz cat end wow% Peewee ;.1 Lona.. for t•nnlrlem ei.d nrentrerl for how., Use. . nn hand. , Y.rt , os— f ors or 6th end MIT le, end , Myrtle And liltr•er 'vaults u-at of the nepAt., V tie. ^ 4. - \ • 1111MIIMMIIIIMOMMir J. FRASER, M. U.. , 11,,rnenuat+ is Phys;wian and Snrjeon and rem' to C. 023 Pa, t 1 Wit., Opnoffif t• tee Park lours horn tw 12 A. hte, 3 to 7„t S P. g. ars fbn• I , l%le•E'e.T %TR FUR , erokt,R. e—ral very' ehni, hn.anewa anStaa { on .stto. qtreit. , cram,, and r. qbth treeta, F,•mt aid. avw t nn very relaonahle terms, 11 applied pnva n( ICU. A. 1 1 .0.1 fIoATI . II, avant • pc,t,te re Dee renene, GROCIIRIIIII, , • r.) S:411.1, (P .n. So.4.Plutsq, etc., cer Pub , tc ij,l7tf. 7/. I ., n9rtVF• lAl . O[l . An, Vasa STAALII. nn Pig1:111) • , t3te and Fmacb. Fjn, linriAn and Car • , o• : •, r•onns,'• term* m r•:R'3l-17. INE=M] ERN" I 4T ABLE, 4 1,11, +r, }1 , 17,0t, n r , • ftuil, l l inn.( to any 111 e:t., and grit•. a. mod*. (mirl•tn i.Ti %. 1{ r4•lHK{t, f ?..'v ili, riv.., ....t. P-n.11r.... r..a•irinnn, ' rn7 sr, 1 vt.,... W i.... .•'t en, I ,ictctor% b......, '—,_. n-voo:. the , 7.••• on .... 'P r . r.o. / t mlolBs—,v E. 1 1 4.1:11.C. Devrine, Ogre in Roien-' Alork.oorll • id. of the Park. Erie. PA 1 1%Kr!NON, W11.'4%3114 F , rootesoas to Re TR. J. "wino, -3.4 n ‘l.rtkantx, tort Whn'ottl.. detl•ro It M t .'. sir v. V. Ar F.. 'ad Petple's Lino nr steamers. Pub'lePnek, Fria, Pa jawFBs ly. K PIVStk IV AI:If:RIC t re nade by Q. DIiCCRER kCO. ! Se ,Them. -ly NTITIo+ Will ILLDIN, :11. D., . r PitTeuctur Asti SInGTGII 21 On, geatty'a Block, West PIA, Brie, Ps., ChttMitol k ttntlie 4tars. ftestdttet dt• Wyrtro rtrwd. 3d boum south of Ninth , lo • x., sod 2 to a*. I. Ivestf. - - , I ' ' V. EV (Ns., M. D.. Tenders his I.tof 'nicest Fervlees to The , r . of Eci., end vicinity.. Office to LytlVa new build rt, reach Seat, • few dt) , r .oath of the depot. :I fo-ero• ..; , _ _ Boni' Anion'. PLATT' ROOT IT ATTINICTCRST !.too, of Riodorneebt's Block. Erie, Pa, ptia-a—HiAster.v, ArPoRTIOT AT Las, RafTWAT. ^a.. Pa trill also'practies adlorning Cotuktiea. rri-nen• 1. MAILIES, TAILOR ATM CLAI.4/1 Ct./CANTU Bleck, a%ove Pr, Bennett's OfrOE) Clothes A•piired and cleaned on short notice, Teems u , cab , eu env. mni2l.lly • cyr. W. MU (IBEX. ATTo'..!tre A? Lavr attend to pt oreasional buninese to Ede and :.:ev counties. tteeial attention given to eoliee col tonveyances. tono PesA Stnet, Stet door rotikt of eeatral e"ot, Eris Pi , jeltOmpd Y. PICK ERI NG, DENTIST. '''• o' the , Peons, I molt Callon of Drina For- Gt.. in ths sreoid storr of Sterrett a butldlog, • tar corner of •Ins Peed Floss., Erie, Pe. n` x 3 PIKNISSTON: D. 3., Sarth 3erenth street, Phlltael• Rlzkingbkm, n. D. S., No. 243. North Nhi th "lint_V. dr: EWING, trronvATS AND CarIeALVAH A? LAW o' RPRNO Sr.. opposite Crittenden Ball Collections and tell other legal Mast e rv.eorri, Vona ,M Erle,, Warren and Porn ‘ttented carefully nod ornate:4. write—Wm. A. Galbraith, Benjamin Whitman Ar::44 , -nerr & Merritt, Erie, Po, Itrown, Bon. B. P. Johnson, W. D. Brown Clark. Warrea,PA. naows de, Co., . whn!tialettalers in hard end soft vial, •• 7, - Far'ng &Ili:weed of our dock property to the ' Arm, we neeesearili retire from the noel !,:" 4, endlog our successors se eminently wer. • Inhdinee end patroaake of our old Mende Lapl2-t1 scorr, &co Mfr: & GOALDINI4 F.stunnable Tat lore, Fifth street, between EHa Pa. Cu*/ .m Work, Repairing and 'f Et•rid,cl to prompt l y. Cleaning done in LA, .00111481 f INCH PANCV r RYgltio. o. 235 LAST TENTEI STRZT.T. I tial' Woolen and Cotton Goode, Armes ' 44 Pathan' mid Yarns dyed and colored in the rl , ied at axialx.ins rittcre. • 1- '' - "Pre.a 4 and relnished btfom delivery. JO.S. itoarutLtErt. t• IS COUNTY SIVILVEYII S O2.—JOFIN kI C LER, b. rough Sarveyor of South Eno. to :H r ed n set any urges and re-markcorners ut•lota Cf the city of Erie, or borough of the traeta throughout the *linty. iten for many years amploVad SS CI T Y'S° or. of. begs leave to refer to all the '„! ito law. men who have berate:two employed ..,,wrcolar attention Riven to mapping, plans and Odliaya Frenzied on tbe ehorteat no left at the Erie k Al leakier, lilt. &flee. ; t ar: . . W. Millie, "Inenpik• et Eagle U.wth wid be attended to. tip W M 31 E11(3,33. COLLEGE. CILTY: '.'",-2vat PaC Principal. Geo. W. °cameos - Fag., Prof. of Cara. erMal Lear. ' •! . ..,1",7 4 ,r implified, twos , Classldeation of Acr. Burl:leas Prac lee, Ornamental and anat. Commercial Commercial Arith ':.""" Urtnt, LT, for Wise and Vete. The :,_ '44 tOry Cue' comprehend the whole baste of Armc:di, aid exhibit every possible traria -•,•::,`,tntrt Rid cloning tanks. Noexpense win h• 14 . ie this a pleasant, practical and permir • .r. - t4 4 `"lr, "The City of Gehoola." Practical all y, 4 , , hers will be employed. Tureen—Tuition The beet Ladlitita Ind vastest la- Neale. good for Circulars. T. COOll I . n., t, „„ • htar, Eidt. Scitotoir Drarrin. S iat e lu2s. Bl2 r f t Vim. 37-NO. 14. tkue t DR MAGNOLIA. A toilet delight —attpsrlor to any Coltigne—nred to bathe the face and person, to render the Otto soft and tomb, it,. lityky Inthrumatlon, to perfume elotblng, for headache Act. It Is manufactured from the rizb gm:Mi en liftgluolls,and I* obtaining pttronage quite on. precedented. it fa s favorite with antrowwa and opera alarm ft is sold br all dealers, at $l.OO to large bete Iles, and br DIMA9 OVINE+ dt. CO., Kew York, yttetiii• sale agents SARATOGA - SPRING WATER ! Sold by all Druggists ISZLDRI MARTIN ..Je t , yo I"- “Fxaelly !" Solon Stunt's said; "thee woo" there. time •' If he felt vowley" in the morning, !not Plantit nn fllt , ery; if he felt soar! at eight, he took Plantation Bitten; If he laeled appetite, wee Vwsk languid or mentally opprea4d,:ie took Plan. terion' Ritter,, awl they never fatted to ent him on hie rdni square and flrm. ty nen*** want any batter a• thoetti, bat All come mew, it:et lead the following: • • • "Idol, much to yoti.'ibf I Teel , be Hen Phintition Bitters sired my life." ARV W. FL WAGONER, Madrid, N. Y. • • • "I have been a ler eat salfe-er from lusrypet, aasi had to abaci ton preaching. • • The Pleat:Ono Bittersbave caul me" • REV. C. A. MILLWOOD 'Mew York Pity. • • •. "1 had !oat all appatlte—am an writ and unary tad I could berdt,. .all, and bad a pe - r• 'net dread of gaoler. • •i, The Plantation Bit— ting hare set•nia all right •' t net9is4tl, . JANE; RICININW AY. Rh lAEA Ma . i • • q.ihe rlintation Bitters have eared ms ota aural:ton:teat of the Bldseis Ewa Crintry Orgasm that distres.t4 me f-r 7vsr. They sat like • shams. C. C, SIOORE, 254 Broa2vray, N. Y.", SPLa. 0. 'A DitVOT, manager of the anion Home School for Soldiers' Children, saes 'hi has given It to "the writ acid invalid ehlldren ander her charge with the most, bvppy and gratifying resoles." W. ban re ceived ore, hundred ream. of eodb ear tiffeatag, bat uo airertiaenteut i so effect.m4a what people t' emselyel say of a good article. Our fortons and nor top tallort la at stets. the original quality and high character of them goods will be anataii4d under every and all emu - natal:wee. They have already ob• tuned a eels In every town, village, par sh and hamlet among clylilted nation, Bate I -Motors try to come a. near our name and style as possible, and beesase a good article cannot be sold as cheap an a poor one, they end come support 'rota partlea who do not care what they sell. Re sw vont guard. See our private, mark ore , the tort. P. H. DIRKS,h CO„ New Yo r k rite, , S I AAIATOGI SPRING WATER! Sold by all Druggists. \r 3 , OVER .. lIIILLION MILLAR9!I%IFI3O. .11autirrierq. I had • nese in , worth $1,200, who _took moll frOm • bad-bort in the les, and wu aseleas for over a rear. I hrd seed essryiblog I could bur of withont hermit, strati I triad the Maxie n Mt:lats. g Lin linent 1' soon effestst a pernianent ears. Sfootromerv. Ala . Jane 17, '67. J. L. DOWNING." et take plearare In rootennarmilog the 14.21e1111 Liniment as s valuable bed inliniens • ble laetrile (or Sprains. gore.. iieratoner a, . cialls nu Pores. Oar" r•n have total it for iiidres. Braises iwerb; Ebeetne. then, he.; and all may it seta Übe .rositsz. • J. W JEWETT. Forense for American, Wells, Fargo'i and flarnden'e rxrrewi "Th.• sprain of ray <Tau itter'. ankle, oelaafened rrhtb .a.Hna la.t winter wee eel Irate a...a in nna wikok attar Ph. commenced using your eelebrsted Ifeurtang Mut. merit. ED. SICELET." Giontest - t, Bass , An R. 1, 1865. It is an admitted het that the If esteem Marling meat performs more mires In shorter time, en man and tart, than any artiehrevet discovered. Families, lie., and planters inoald always bey- It on hand. Quick mat sore it oertalnly is. 011 Smiths Li vnpped In steel plate eneraviogs,, be .r'isis the ei !vertu. e a! G. W. Westorook, Chemist, milt% private 17. 8. Stamp of DEMOS BARNES As CO., over the top. An effort butt en m ads to onenterteit it with I cheap stone plate label• Loot closely, ' SARATOGA SPRING WATER ! seld ►y all Druggists. It Is • most delightful Hair dressing. It eradicates eetuf and dandruff. It keeps the bead tool and okay. It makes the hair fish, soft and glossy. It prevent, the hair turning gray and falling off. It restore hair upon premattlfil.rhald hag& This la what Lyon'aitatharion wlll do. It la pretty-- ft is shasp--diarable. It is literally sold by the carload and yet its almost incredible demand is dailezeaalue until there Is hardly a country Owe that d int Imp it, or a fatally that doss noDuse THOMAS LYOIf r Chentiat, N. Y. SARATOGA SPRING WATER! • Sold by all Druggists. Who would not be beautiful? Who would not add to their b - auty Wkat Elves that marble purity and its Hague oppesraom we obserm upon the stage, and in the city belle ? It Is no longer a eemen. They use flogan's ifsgoolla•Belm. Its motioned ate removes Tan, Pm:a les, Pimples and roashnios from the face end bands, and 1 the complexion mouth, tfautPliPotlis blot= Log ancressishieg. Unlike many eatmottes, it contains no me•erial injurious to the skin any druggist win order it for you, if not on hand, at 60 mots per banks. W.S.IIaGAN, Troy, N. Y., Chemist. DAB nanbilS9 & CO., Wholesale•Ageats, N. Y. SARATOGA SPRING WATER! Sold by all Druggists. = --4 , •••• • HeMistreat's laimit•bk flair Coloring . le not s dye: All instantaneous dim are composed lunar and mope or leas d *troy the vitality and beauty at the hair. This is the original Asir coloring; and has been growing in favor over twenty yes». It restores gray heir to ita original color by gradual absorption, in • oast remarkable manner. It fa also a beautiful Heir doming. Sod in two sues—b 4 cents :and St—by all dealers. - C. illtllfBTßgliT, Chemist. SARATOGA SPRING WATER I Sold by all &ants's. ;74nel RI ItiLket OP Puri JAMAICA CiaolE.-•Fotln dl`eatlon, Namara, Heartto•n, Sick Headache, Cholera Iforbas, flatulency, &o where a wartn;sts atlantlant ts mated. Ita metal preparation and . entire purity maim its cheap and reloable article e for rallnary purpo Bold averred:tare. at 50 rents par bottle. ,lek for "Lyon's' Pore Extract. Talrszto other.: SARATOGA SPRING WATER!' • sold by aA Druggists R asiOIFAL• GROCERIES GROCERIES !! ! The subscriber has recurred his stash of Groceries from the stead above the Lake diru- Dew to the room to the brick block ots State sired, corm el Fourth, where" he will be toppy to ow .L hisnahl and outman and fill their onion for goods SW stork u. Groceries is largo sad csreiblty eidected arm °Based at the lowest rates eocaisteirt with the otiitheti eon. h e m •in call vitee all to need of Atakethirst tallith' to ere i CIINSIDSIL tt RING. liotrrierhasiv irm, PS kLie%EO Sirilir. Mat. Ala. Lel am Proprietor ot. AU and Loper Brewerley azul Mal Wareboorer, .r t rit4Pa. 111760-of • ERIE - if' _ H I, 1 I 83,Vits k'! "ir sit 'l.Ol ;TI -, ;\ ~ • _ BERIM. rinitatois, • 1 mascrActrrans oP 1, PUBS. C.fiN F F,CT lON ERY! And halm in art Enda of PLAIN AND FANCY CANDY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ORANGES, LEMONS, NUTS, &C., &c., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL i ;. ANKE NOTIONS; W If01;ES AL E. TOYS OF ALL KINDS, WHOLESALE-. FINE CIGARS AND TOBACCO rßeart oYsTERst Apoir for ib• EXCELSIOR ,FIRE WORKS! "ALL GOODS IV ova Lima BENEV, .17 BURGEM, 431 STATE srastr MOSS AND ELM CANDY! The Cheapest and Yost Pleasant COtrGil RF.IIBDY I.N 'THE CI - 117NtR Y 1 It will do all that la claimetor it, AND NETTS TAILS TO CLEAR THE VOICE, THROAT AFFECTIONS; IMM3M9 COUGHS AND lERITAjTIONS! And prove Itself • !ILD & PLEASANT 'EXPECTORANT I NAIIII7/ACYCZED OILY IT BENER h BURGESS; ERIE, PA I= SOMETHING NEW AND Dv StRABLE •A NEW RAROVARE STOR E! No. 1.123 PEACH ernEr, Af. do-re above the Voles Depot, where we shall keep on Land a prime stwk of 11. n x D W AB Z - 1 And sell at the lowest reconneratlee Flee% • POE CASH 011. T. • TRY US! sant:fox a 6:). Efts, Zanotti, 1166-Eon 1:101 :1531971.1C5. SE. J. sOcnostAvo a: vo., IMMEIIPACTI7IIIIB OP BOOTS AND 1311.01 Eat WHOLESALZ AND RtTAIL ./.? REDUCED PRICES. BIM*, • lose stock &Mir own nusnatectere on baud, with a complete assortment of city mede wort, re can ern cheaper at w bohemia or than soy other establishment In this city. Raring bed long experience es to the vents of mien mem, we shall tats swig pekoe in mewing stor• snit them. We here the make the ?LUMEN PATENT BOOTS & SHOES, for the bizeit of onr =east/Mind old/ uk • tri-‘• at them, tootle", sow one se to }heir avatar comfort over those made in tile old way. The Komar Boot newts no breaking to; It Is as easy from the "tart as one worn tar mos tlmß Our . CUSTOM DEMTMINT will 'molls out Own arpeetal latantion. LEATHER, LASTS AHD PINLyROS Forth. bad* always 02 hood to antt - ?enduing thanks to ouo,felonds sod • eostotoors fot Put Patrons" b O Po by lost Lod boosotablo dealing to merit. -oattnassiee of tho wok and eordlo,l7 !Julia all to eel and •11122101 onr cinch Wars riftbming vhau. No. 628, State St e Zsia, Pa. GROVIIR & naKEEPS Bust' PI=WM c• ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCH SEWING IIfAcHINES OEM WEIGEL & ZEIGLER, CO State 6tn.t , Er% Pa. hityrots—tt EMPLOYMENT for both Sexes. Disabled and returned soldi•r; widows wad erpluins of slain soldier; tad the unemployed of both eases pn 'realty ; ta 1111117 t of reepertable and tochtable employ men; incurring ne rink, eta proms snob by ensinsb4 • pnatpaid addressed entreletie far partieislara to Da. ..JOHN Y. fanliALL, Dos 163 Brooklyn, N. Y. PP. P. D. OWERS' PATENT PERPETUAL BROOM. peenliartty wttareLa noels all Mims Is that altat tri rn ant culls/. yon hare only to spend , rz PE whammy • new broom fa molted. Awen N taint expense sore be stab:led by planting • few bills of corn /12 for garden. Any person eau fill con bir ten sainstais 142 ate your own broom soaker. Sowninip eaglets for sals-in bin taunt,. Band Ins erects,. or call on the nabeetiber, near Cherry RUI.Co..Pa.. and sae samples. asallillat• J. 0. BAIRD; Elslums ow Toure.—k osatlemoit who two oniforod for yam from Karroo' Debility, nom b Dion. foodall the offset, of youtbfal fiMbomottos s will for the take of oaffiriao Inuosalty. and frog to, at "bob sari It, We neipm and dine:flow for maldny the gatObbmotody by which Ito was cored. Mimi violist to volt by um odrortlates osportooto flo so try or. di =3l • _ •No.l* Jot& R. oaotsr Mambas 8t..11.,7, was IIittaiLtIMAIIIBBI4 ea row of Words J. obllttettortloa to Ow Ittor•-potalthodM floe attl Atioroiottoooos 4 mot boo otetureo la sioled oenl Gm. &Una Dr..t. BOCClEttelt. IstreNy. • • Phitadelphh. -• W• - _ -, • ERIE, PA, THURSpAY, UtUST ; 30, Mess. - Eii IDITr *UON WORKLU LIDDELL, ISELDEN - lc, BLISS. FOUND FRS & MACHINISTS, STEAM ENGINES AND' BOILERS, 61L STILLS AND TANKS DRIVING PIPES, • pugpiva RIGB, WALKING BEAM MILL HEARINGS AND MACHINERY .111 our work la mad. from the t , eit materials, and raw• BEST STYLE AND WOIIKNANSLIIP wir are now Odin" feryely to oar YaeEto•ry and Mellufactarina facilities, to supply the Increased • aloud for oar w6rk. Jta3tt. 1860. IMPORTANT TO EXCURSIONISTS YRS GRAND ?ROM RAILWAY AND ' ROYAL MAIL LINE OF STEAMERS! with their eoareiettos to the untesa States, stet Brat todsoemente to the ptsaimrs traveler. Escursion Tickets from Megan Pella b Wet , York, Boston, Portlend, Saratoga and the White No : potato; TM Toronto, Megaton, Mootreal. Qusbee and ober mega among which are some of • the m st pleasenr— traversing a region abounding ki beautiful emery. with a reireehlog and Invigorating atmosphere. Three roots* -by the lakes, the St. Lewtsmee. through the Canadas„. ,and the Milers tad Middle Smoot, isaaln g obtained inch popularity for intoner and fell travel. it ham become an important item to the managers of these lien .so much so as to iodate them to devote special attention to the reduction of rates, and itleTVIS.ll# ha Wes for the accommodation of travellers. Ticket' are goad by rail or by Wo• el man Line Bream. ere. Meals and Barths included between Toronto and Moab'''. • ON NY - TAKM4 AT PAB. toznottion made w ith main ling stall Important points, sad west. to &assists hens rbrads'gbia. Balt! ore, Harrisburg; Williamsport, Headvills. Titusville and other important towns in P.rumiraaLs, this rotes us of easy aeons via the P. & E. rai&oad to Bria.: , OPTor tielteta and all nocestory laformailooqipply to iylo-2m snAhmoN ac tfo.; TILE PLACE TD BUY HA:RDWAEEI • We bars no eapanwe for Bockats*Der, Doeks. wortblaa wsunts or entleettona, and can tbstotoro SELL CHEAP. R atksititha will find everything In their lin. • At Shannon &Co 'a, 11123 Pauli tit., above RatiroaS Depot. The best assortment of Novons, ' At Shannon & Co:i„ 1333 Path St. Chareoal for Refrigerators and Diemen at Shannon & C0.'1,11123 Petah St. .• Nr sterhobst & Rogan. eetebrato t IEI. entla,7 .• at Shannon et Do.ll, 1331 Paul St. Glum and Putty at Shannon k Co.'., 1333 Pesch St. C.l.britsd Union Aerde Parer; naive wenn bolts Wale, - At Shannon ig C 0.% 13Z1 Petah St. ire—matt* North Carotin„' hantoo & Co.'s, 1311 Peach St. Soy Him Sn .tbe and Seethe mean.. at Shannon A C0.'a,1323 Peach St. w WO/ Vey' Knife sod Pollt Polisher it Sharpener at Shannon & Co.'s, 1323 Peaeh St. Brat.,, In I " o4 Y—Rat r, HO , re. Vane, Stroh, Shoe, Thitewaeh Stove and Counter S cub.* A flusters at Shannon &Co 1373 Nub SbOTS lbe UoT.on RR bopot. CAN P. 80011.1.1 Volt - THE MILLION. CAUGUEY, MoCREARY & Co., BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, NO. 11 NOIIIII PARK ROW, Are eow opening the largest and moat carefully selected sto:k of elegantly bound and besatltelly Illartreted B 0 0 g 8.1 , gm lu'rlibt to tkie market , imeludiog standard worts. on, Engin& and Awe= Juninfie Books. Bibles. Prayer Boohooed Church Bevies; la Ono styles. Also MR STATIONERY ARTICLES, Writing Deski. Panay Tn Stands, Udine Taos and Work Sompa. Portfolio; Stamm pro and views. Proses Card Pletatse, the most beantifol Sunday School Cards In great variety. Poet tionissies. Cud Cum, Gold Pans. Propelling Prod% o largo misty of P Articles in Scotch Plaid, Photograph Albums from t ansy ho beat man• feetorlse, la the ben styles. jutre6 U CAMBEY, VoCTlßittir 4 CO. MONO ISTOBB. WEIGEL & ZEIGLER, No. 820 State Street, Erie, Pennsylvania, /MSC AND MITISICAL Difortlntur3 OP gray DESCRIPTION. !Whin, Fren•h and German eking" of the best vial- Bole agents for Chieltating k Sons% Wen.P: Emerson% Drucker & C 0.% and Rena & Raeon'a Plano Yorke: oleo, the eelebrsted Treat & Maley Cabinet Organs and Melodeon . Natio and Strings went by melt free of postage. all orders promptly etteedsk to. Caa!ogae of Nazis sent free of postage. HISAIIIQUARTERS NOR CHEAP GOODS! WII9LICSILN AND ENTAIL GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, VINES ♦ MOM* F. k M. SCHPAIIDECKER; dre now reedring at tbait old stand, districts' Blocs State greet, • term and smerfor stook lin Owens Pronsiona, Was, Eimer% Willow Woodeo, and Stone Wage, • • Fruits, Mats is, kg t • Together with e• thing found in a ,Iloase of this kind, which that will salt as cheap as any other estab lishment to this any for Cash or most kinds Of mat* prods's. They ham Almon band one of the laigest and deed Stooks of Totem and Sews ever brought to 161. whistle that invite the attanikm of the petals ar Can sad mom—a nimble damsels Is better thaa • slow shilbag, eonsementlg Cash tams will dad vest barman be aslant /Mho GROCERY HEADQUARTERS, —ANMBMAN BLOCK, STAIR STREET.-- Jnas . ll. 1.1160-82 T. r m.sonAmmarat. winuntsanto STORE ' A* non LAPZCS AND ♦ variety of Children's Hata and rarest READY•MADE 'CLOTHING, Wise its - afiridads der Clothing. A misty of Gouts' Tarnishing Goods. A All of which .111 be kept on hand . add alio made to order. Ow goods ars sit manufactured by ourssivra. Eitampinic,Stltchinalsting and flisiding dopiest the ohm test nodes. • leo.• lams mkt, of latest style Patens for lodise sod Children's Garments. All or ders mill bs promptly attsaded to • AR rtiRRIVG, spin ly hooch St, between 4th and ith. Diteli de. 14611 L, DEALERS IN SMOKER'S ARTICLES, Panay Goods 'via CIGARS, 87 French street, Erie, Pion'o. IMBERSCHAUDI and BELO. MRS. maw; Tuass,clAT,capri and 111:74 PIPES, CIGAR CABEi r TOE% &OM - BOW, abhor and Leidlier Totem, ?mar, Mika Sabo ha., he, to Ttalidath Gamin sad neat" SWAIM Isd CHEWING TOBACCOS I Oa. atom ti no nut, oconloto One ofraod to eta turbot. and in oweially Write tto stint*" of MA. try is webasti, Whining in an soll thin gm& to sox Ina abea thin they ma obtain tbon olonnuo. Eir to m Malin& we moot bo tindinoltt bin*, dn. whom 10111141, •r Mgr AND BOADDINQ STANIOW4 , IA Cox= us funs &to Tim fludits. lux Simms de Joboooo. Propiotoro. Good noes ma Cod*ges always oofisad ',moderato plow. I ylikt IRONS DRILLING TOOL°, JUSTID to b• of tha g=MMO 4En. 9Rf.nrq. 3fifiN H. attga ECM FLORTR * ErAtrocct. i Wright. mock, Edo, Pa. Dealers la Speak Gently. Speak gently—it is , better far To rule by lons than fear; Speak gently, lot no harsh words mar The good we might do here. Speak geally—loar shontd whisper low To friends rhea trait we Sod ; let truthful accents for, Affration'e voice is Mad. Speak gently to tie talk child, Its love be sure to gain ; • Teich it in accents soft and mild, It may not Jong remain.. Speak gently to the younit, for they ' hill have enough to bear; Paw through this life at beat they may, lie full of enziode care. ' Spent gently to the aged one, 'tal.ieve not the care worn heart; Thetande of life are nearly run; Lat such in peace depart. Spat gently, kindly to throat., let no harsh tombs beard; They hate moues they must endure • Without an unkind word. "Ppealv gently to the erring, know • UskOrott art, oleo man ; Perchance unkindness drove 'WV=beet a6atq. . . . Eliasy , genii', foi. 'Hi Me the Lord, - _ -,-- Tvfoee accents, meek and mild, Beeloke him se the Son of God,. - Ile ratiout, holy Mild. .. MOO 4 to Me bloott,'redeessed to life, the family of heaven Fbe from airdanger, wrath and strife, ?orgive as they're forgiven. Senittor Cowan's Defense., - Hos. Edgar Cowan bai reached-9 his borne at Greensburg, Westmoreland `Co., where he intends remaining for a . few days, preparatorf j to starting out on a campaign tour through the State, in the, course of • which be is expected to visits Erie. Oa Tuesday overlies, in accord ance with the general wish of his neigh._ bore and friends, be Addressed a large'' , meeting in the Court Tfous . e at Greens burg, in the course of which he took oor. mime to review and defend the leading' erects, of his Senatorial career. MI speech, of which we find the following ab stract in the Pittsburgh Post, is one of the best we hsve seen in a long period, and should be attentively read by every voter in the country. ' AN ATPICAL TO TON PEORii. Senator Cowan expressed his gratifica tion at seeing men' of both political par ties present. Ile had never doubted that his public conduct would be justified and sustained,by his constituents and by the American people. He bad never spoken or written a line in 'his defence, hoping that a fit time for en appeal to the reason of the people would • come. An appeal has been made to the reason of the chi sel:3B,of thirty•six States, and that appeal will be sustained and the government of our fitbers as it was trawl:eked to us will be banded down in all its purity to those who are to come after us. The speaker then referred in glowing terms r.) the power of this government; it was power ful beyond all ancient or modern repub lics and empires,,and w-u'd remain so if we were a united people, and at home preserved peace and . tranquility. To do this Ewa* necessary we._ all should yield eqUiribing V/ PIO pre-conce.v-a opinions on the attar of the country, that the wounds of the nation' may be healed. , PARTIES AND MI WAR Mr. Cowan then went Into an examine• tion of theihistory of the parties in con nection with the war. In the 'hands of ambitious men, , he declared the Union party had become a Disunion - party. He was elected to the Senate as the candi date of the People's party, and not as an Abolitionist. At that'time the Republican party was not an Abolition party, but sirnpiropposed to the extension of slavery into free territory. Ha found when be entered the Senate, two sets of men in the Republican party who dffered as widely as Democrats and Republicans.— One set was composed cf Abolitionists, who had no party among the people, but whose constant cry was that the people must be educated up to their radical views. The other was composed of motl erate men. In the excitement of tbe war. the little knot of reckless agitators managed to push themselves to the pout and then we parted company. VIII WAS POLICY 'MI ADVOCAIqD. When the country beame involved in war, be was in favor of 'making it a war of the people. He recollected the Democratic party constituted half the na tion, and he would do nothing to alienate them from the great end in view of re storing- the Union. The Democrats had to help fight and they would have to help pay the great debt. Re would never do anything . to divide the-country, but the Abolitionists bad done all, in their power, by bringing forward radical measures, to force the Democrats into a position of op. position. They had got up measures for this express purpose. They pursued' a policy . calculated to divide us at the North end injure us at the South among the people, for when the war broke out the majority of the Southern people were for the Union. ,The negro was the last ques tion that ought to have been thrown in to politics. Thousands of - good .Union —en South, looked at slavery from a dif ferent point from what' we at the North did. The Radicals pursued the very policy to strengthen, Jeff. Davis—and he had no doubt the main strength of the rebellion lay in the effect of Radical policy at the Andrew Johnson said to him in 'the Senate, in rarer: ing to tho rtiattionts. that they were taking the very words out of the mouths of the Union men at the South, when they defended the people of North. The Radical demonstrated to the South that left Davis vtas correct in his statement of the abolition purposes of the Northern people. When neg roes . were captured i n the war, he was in favor of heating them as other people who might los captured ; but Congress had passed laws effecting their status; laws intended to go into r peretion where our armies, two hundred thons"find 'strong, could not penetrate. LItiCOLN AND JOUNION. Mr.• Cowan then referred to the position of President Lincoln, and showed , bow be hsd resisted the Radicals from the be ginning. and that be had been as bitterly opposed by Stevens, Sumner, Wade, Win ter Davis and others as Mr. Johnson now is. 'They managed to drive Mr. Lincoln from point to point, and if be hadifer thee resisted them the Radicals wove, pre. pared to sacrifice the government i self, Only three days before he issued his emancipation proclamation, he declared it to be as absurd as tbe Popes bull against the comet. The speaker then went into an examination of the doctrine of State suicide. He compared in absurdity to the doctrine of bank suicide or the suicide of a turnpike company. nail the officers of Pennsylvania died to-day the State would still exist. The State •cannot die. The ordinances of Secession did not effect them. He-then took up the reconstruct. tion policy initiated by Mr. Linooln, and carried out by Andrew Johnson. He showed that the position of these two statesmen wait • identical. He explained at length the action of Presidents Lincoln and Joh • •a in regard to Louisiana, and lIE SERVER troMoil the origin 'f the New Orleans' riot to the machinations or the Radiosls. The President had po more to do with them than any of the audience. Mr. Lincoln invented the present method of recent. struction. 13e it good or bad, Mr. John son had no more responsibility for it than an executor - for the debts of an. estate he is called upon to settle. Oct this point he challenged discussion at all times and with soy person., He cared.not to meet the riff raff; but bring On your Summers and Wades and Stever Res. He defied any one thitt Mr. John / non had done anything in opposition to !the policy set forth thy Mr. Vpoolts. Hi bad no pbjeci t inns to the . 11 tdicals running away- from their principles, but they must not call him apostate TOR SOUTWAND BOUTURN FLOM: Kr. • Cnoran, next referred in graphic terms to the sufferings of the*Southern people The only thing that could create a sectional party in this country was slavery, and slavery being abolished, we could all now stand together in promot ing the power of the nation, lie showed that the fundamental error of the Radio ale was their fear of trusting the people. They do not take them into account at alt. 'When it was perceived that • the Union could be restored—that the States .............i nir back, these radicals u ktind they. had curet.* -- *--- —•'' ."."" wirtar-a -rieetored Union,- for they were fearfel the Southern people would ally #l. themselves with the De octets, and take charge of the governor t. Well, what if theydid r The Democrats ,Well, not des troy the goveroment. We are all equally interested in preserving it. Re believed the beet and purest plan would be for parties to go in and mit, turn about, as they did in old. Whig and Democratic times. .11r, Cowan then reviewed the theory , of SenstorFessenthm its bis report from the famous Committee of Fifteen, that the people of the South were not fit to be re stored to their former relations to the government. If that was true, then in deed the Union was gone. He character ized the clap•trap cry about admitting bloody banded rebels back to their old position under the government, as silly balderdash. What was the war for but to bring them back ? The war was never made for conquest. So Congress declared 1861. Was mot that enough ? What -good would a war for conquest do you 1 A governmentmf the people never tnakea pct nquests ; and especially conquests of men of the same race and religion—of your own kindred, your prothera and cousins. Kings and Emperors may wage War for conquest to increase lb ,, it revenue, but the people can gain nothing by such war. Why then should you enslave the people of the South ? Thank God you cdm not do it if so disposed. God has platted a barrier to such an outrage in the very character of the people. If you could enslave them, they would not be fit to live under the same form of govern ment. WWI 7111 twasta a 11110! man. The South has be i m punished sufficient already... When that section invoked war it suffered all its horrors. The speaker here pictured the condition 44 the South— ern people—their poverty, an& the uni• vsrsal mourning in every household. Yet Congress proposed to punish. them turther by depriving them r. t all their civil rights in the government. Why were not the leaders punished then ? it was asked, The speaker then sheered whole ,fault it was that Mr. Doyle bad not b •eh tried. lie had been authorised to say 00 the flow of the ,Senate. to the radicals, that they could have ai Many rebels punished as they desired—no Matter whether it was triedor tan theusand—but they must be and putustied &rooming gib taw President was not the person to try them. This duty belongs to the humblest indi vidual as well as to the highest. If you wish Davis punished, try ,him according to law. Indict him by a grand jury. and then trrhint before a petit jury. If you convict him or other rebels, then comes in the province of the President, as an executive officer, in -the exercise of the power of clemency if he thinks proper to use it. The reason Davis had not been tried was well known. Judge Chase, the very leader of the radical fanatics, bad re fused to do so, when asked by the Presi dent, although, he indictment was laid in his (Chase's) district. Judge Underwood had offered to , try Mai. He would be well, tried by that man, if the attempt_ was made. It 'Underwood licedin Greens burg, he might(-possibly be considered competent for a petty magistrate, but he would have to take good care ofhimself. Judge Chase don't want the question of the legality of secession and the extent of State rights to come up for settlement before him, and the reason is well under stood. The question is surrounded by difficulties the people doilbt understand, and the Itsdicale do not intend they libel-L -AU the Radicals advocated secession be fore the war. What was the position of. the men who declared " the Union a league with hell and a covenant with death ?" Were they not secessionists ? At this late day to hang a man for acting out their doctrine would be too much for even a Radical stomach. That is the rea son Judge Chase does not want to tty Jeff Davis. The Radicals are fearful' of their own records on this question. RDPVIDLIZ'ANB STAND DY TOE PRUIDSNT. lir. Cowan urged upon the Republican 1 party to stand by the President. He was a good man--a wise aiid.honest man. Ile is a safe man too, and will do nothing rashly. If we do not follow his guidance what leaden; shall we folio*? Shall we submit to the leadership of Stevens and Sumner? Are, they safe men Why, Judge Scott, at the Republican meeting yesterday, had repudiated them as leaders: Thaddeus Stevens was and always bad been a dangerous politician. Do you re member that buck-3hot war he got up and engineered? It was precisely mauler to the war now wage.kby,o Radicals upon the rights of the South In,renresentation. In the toluteetnn, war Luis atteuipu nss made to exclude representatives from our Legislature, who had been duly elected. until Stevens was chosen to the United States Senate. But'the attempt had been thwarted by the deternitnetion of the people, precisely is this attempt will be frustrated. The Radicals hope, if ibs South is kept out, they will maintain their p.nition in control of the government, and that is the secret of their opposition 'to representation, He was personally friendly to Essays. Stevens and Sumner and with alb the members of Congress, but he would not for millions follow the lead of such men. They believe in negro equality, and the speaker could not be lieve with them. Tan TUTUILI Of TEZ ZIECIRO The speaker next entere I into an ex amination of , the condition of the negro race of the South. He believed the ad vocates of social and political equality for the negro were the wrrst enemies the negro bad. They cannot compete with the white race. Since the war commenced; it was estimated that one, million negroes bad perished, because thrown out on the world, without thektuidance of a master, they are as Chilfille b and could pot f a c e the hattle.of W. The poor man North, has a savere'striiigle himself, at every Mega of his life. te, lay no sufficient for sickness and old yige. 'Bat the negro. naturally indolentUdimprovident,would waste in one day The accumulated earn ings of a life time: He never looked to the future. Heisse but 81 inches of brain to 91 inches in the white race. His fate when brought into competition with the domineering, enterprising, wapnciona, as white man, will be the same as that of it weak plant alongside otie,of .strong and uralthy growth. aw-fourtA of th,a BEN.PN WHITMAN, ED/TOR. AND PROPRIETOR gross is etts' esuaisy before the ;Icar„ arc now gone, and before one hundred years they 'will all begone, There is nothing horrible in the thought,for in thirty years, probably, none of us will be filing. But we will propagate ourselves, and live again in our children. With the negro it is different: Unaccus tomed to care for themselves or their children, now that they are deprived of the protection of the white man whose in terest it was that they should live and thrive, the race will in ,tithe become ex tinct. Mt abolition of /later!, 41- MA extinc tion of the negro fate on this continent. lle no longer has the protection and guardian ship of the master. He can not get that now, but must fight. out his own way in the world, and struggle in • competition with a race that bays everathing as low and sells everything as high as possible. Throw the negro into politics_ and what chance would he stand with You, or any other white man? Tile same law that sweeps away the Indian, the Bushman and the Australian will govern the negro. and drive him before the all powerful race, into mere oblivion, The speaker here referred to the m .ntal and phrsiolo gical peculiarities of the negro. What ever horrors may have existed under African slavery, at the Son th,were eclipsed a million times, in Africa , at ha yr amongbs y e vt es t slavery thheey ale: D thiii ... exis „vr ta ne t u be le re n, slaved each orb memo. taerible - tuaVl4. -"lra, be Yet that wan their condition in their on land. Hr. Cowan referred to the fact that the ahr3wd and intelligent among groea themselves were opposed to the at tempt to thrust their forward in politics. He said that when fie moved to amend• the bill regulating suffrage is the District of Columbia by confining its exercise to white men, delegations of influential and prominent negroes waited on him, arid thanked him for his motion.. They did' no.. want to vote for they appreciated the inevitable effect of being brought into political contest with, the dominant race.. WUO aurroar ; tin PRIM/MN? Mr. Cowan urged the Union men to stand by their trusted and tried leaders. in 'this emergency, and not wander off after such strange Radical gods ae Stevens and Sumner. Of the leaders of the Union party in 1860, William H. Seward was an earnest supporter of the President. Was ha not a safer adviser than Charlet Sum ner? Secretary Welles, than whom co American stood -higner in Eorope,hecause of the genius be bad displayed in build ing up our nevy - ta be •the wonder of the world, stood by the President. So did Secretary hfcCullouglai one of the first financiers of the age. Who was now strug gling to get us out of 'the financial diffi culties into which Chase had involved the country. Stanton stands by the President too, and endorses everything he does.— And where is the first military man of the world—where does General Grant stand On these questions of reconstruction With the President. The last we hear.of General Grant is his receiving, in company With the President, the Congratulations of the committee of the great Philadelphia Convention. You will recollect how he was assailed by the Radicals, when be went South and, reported Upon the condi tion of the Southern States. Lieutenant General Sherman was with the President heart and soul. ' This he knew more de cidedly than he knew of General Grant's position, through Eying. of Ohio, Sherman's father-in-law, one of the most able and influential supporters of' the President's policy in the Union. Sher man Was with the President with all his great and characteristic earnestness of purpose. So was Ord, Sheridan, Hancock, and in fact every general who had acquit d• himself as a thorough soldier. One o a f your erns generate--uue ut the bravest of the brave—who had been shot through and through, and round and round—Gen. Richard Clutter, stood firmly by the Pres itlent in his great work of reconciliation. But what military men were with the Radicals? Why, every sham general that served in the army—every pole with a cocked hat stuck on it—all the Butlers and Schwas. Every fellow who blew his own trumpet, and carried h . newspaper correspondent with him to write his blood less battles up—every general who made stump speeches—all these fellows, as a matter of 'course, are with the R adicals and very free in denouncing the Presi dent. 11l was generally understood by the audience-that Senator Cowan, hi his description of the sham generals who train with the Radicals, bad Geary especially in his mind's eye, and the cheering, and laughter of the audience grew uproarious as be opened his batteries of ridicule and denunciation on the hero of Snicker villa ] • Those who adhere to the President is his of peace and restoration, have with them the patriotism and intelligence of the whole country, North and South. We have appealed tchhe people. and the speaker believed the appeal would be tri umphantly sustained. But, if we cannot get the victory—if this Ra,,,lical rule is to continue to afflict tll land—there is some thing in waiting f rus worse, far worse, than all the horrors of:the late war. Tat RICIIIDT. Mr. Cowan next proceeded to diaowis the remedy for the disorganised condition of the country, and the certain preventive of the greater evils impending in the fu ture. This remedy was very simple, and lay in a faithful adherence to the plain provisions of the Ccnstitution. Each State has the undoubted right of repre sentation ; not only that, but it was the duty of every State to send representa tives to Congress. The States lately in, rebellion were entitled by the law dam - a law voted for by one of the gentledien who addressed the meeting yesterday— they were entitled by this lew to fifty eight renreientatived in Congress. Obey the law, by admitting the representatives already elected to seats, and that ends the whole trouble and gives" peace to the country. But Congress says the people of itettiP a llieY% - lig ta gad 1,9 Vdrsll7: thens of te — xatiOn, without being repre sented. Of the three co-ordinate depart meats of the Government, two of them, the Executive and Judicial, have decided that the Southern States have been re restored to their practical relations to the rest of the Union. The President has recognized them as States in and of the Union. The Supreme Court has done the name thing, and in that august tribunal the States lately in rebellion are regularly called, and casesa i rising in them beard the same as thcitglt arising in other States. But Congress refuses to recognize these Estates, and adrcit them to represen tation on the broad, flat ground that the i states and the people of the states are hot entitled to representation. Matt doctrine ' is the dictritie of dissolution—of disunion —of anarchy. If we keep these people out of the Union we throw the country into a state of anarchy. It is your right, equal with their own, that they should be rep resented. When I address the Senate, on behalf of the people of Pennsylvania, I have a right to have—it is your right— that there should be twenty more Sena tors there. If they bad been theta., the wise and =dente in Congress would have had the lead in shaping legislation, in stead of the noisy and fanatical dema gogues who now tide the legislation of the country. Mr. Cowan concluded by expressing the hope that we may be able to restore the Union of our fathers. That achieVement will be glory enough for this generation. The report we have given in no respect does justice to air. Cowan's eloquent effort. We have been able to do little More than present the leading points of sin argument elaborated by him in a speech of two bones' duration. He concluded amid holly outbruatit of applause. "Three cheers for Cowan" were given, with a will, and an engrossed , had the audience be come with the matter and manner of the speech, that they dencteded he sh ould go on. Every one aeamed *denuded when informed that Mr. Cowan bad aPoireil two hours. No one seemed to think he had occupied ball the time, and this, we lake is about as great a compliment is a r obiic speaker can well receive. What Changed Oartin. The fanatics and distanienists are Mak. Initio little fuss over the tact that GoV,I, Curtin has swung round and is now warm ly applauding Stevens and other Abolition traitors. - Curtin some two months since. when in this place. MU ' S warm frielid_of President J4hnson. At that time hei,ez pected the appointment as Minister Plenipotentiary, to Italy,- and because he• did not get tnat position, he now turns on the President, and like the whole pack of disappointed officia seekers, eases his disappointment by villifyiog him. So great was his anxiety for the appointment, that he requested a Democratic friend of ours to ask us to say nothing through the Madman, in regard to his position as a friend of the President, for tear that the Radical papers would raise a howl about it, and the fanatics in the Senate refuse to confirm his appointment if made, lie as serted positively that it 'was only Stevens and that class of men who were keeping our country divided and in trouble."--\ These are facts and we stand prepared to prove them. So the Radicals can thank Johnson for having Curtin on their side. Had be got the posltlcn he wanted, he would be - - - tician. — Saoh . are the prrricili Carton.--Bellefonte Dsm. Waieltmati. A GOOD AND TWIN Attecnors.—We were told by a workman in one"of the foun dries or machine shops in Harrisburg, the otner day, of an anecdote worth repeat. ing One of, the hands, a stalwart fellow, who had been a decided Republican for years, was observed one day to be highly excited, talking to himself, and occasion. ally shaking his clenched fist ; finally-he passionately threw down his tools, and started across the room_ towards a fellow laborer and a Democrat, muttering pro fanely, that he'd stood it long enough,_ and lie'd be damned if he'd stand 1 longer. Ms renew workmen who had - been watching his .Motions,_and suppos ing from the violence of his manner, that he was about •to commit violence on his Drmocratio friend, rushed up to prevent a fight,'and were just in time tohear him exclaim " he'd been a Republicati all his life, but by Heaven, no wet of pcilitioians should ram the nigger claim his throat. Here, Jim, give U 9: your fist." SO the threatened tragedy proved to be the end ing of his "Comedy of Errors." Oasaava the fact—not a Geary organ • in the State dazzles being in favor of negro suffrage ! Geary himself does not deny the charge ! Their whole cry is—" Oar plat form don't say anything--about negro suffrage—for that ain't an issue now." It don't matter what the platform says, for that can be pitched overboard, like the Chicago platform of 1860, even if directly against negro suffrage—which it ie not.— But it does matter what the Geary organs and Geary leaderti say. Their views and utterances constitute the platform and principles - of,the Geary faction, and they are all far nesse suffrage and equality. , They do not and dare not deny the tact. IN a speech at Lancaster, Pa., the other day, Mr. Thaddeus Stevens came down severely on the President, whose nomina tion as Vice President Ve said he had op posed from the start. Mr. Stevens thinks nations are 'punished by Providence for their crimes, end that Mr. Johnson is sent to us because the nation does not do; justice, A year ago the Republican leaders thought Providence gave us Mr. Johnson as President as a token of especial favor, and that the mild policy of Mr. Lincoln was to be departed from. We are afraid the Republican leaders cannot be recog nized• as authorized interpreters of the Divine_ will., Jutactottei Dthstos.— At an examination in one of our young ladies' seminaries the other day, the question was put to a class of "little•onee," who makes the laws in our government ? Congress, was the ready reply. flow is Congress divided ? was the next question—but the little girl to whom it was put failed to answer it. Another little girl in the class raised up her hand, indicating that she could answer it. Well, said the examiner. Miss Sallie, what do you say the division is ? Instantly, with an air of confidenCe, as welt as triumph, the answer came, "civilised, hall civilised, and savage." • JINERAIL GRANT'i presence at the White Ifou.e when the President received the deputation firm the grand I+74tional Union Convention,' bas greatly disturbed and excited the RadicalDisunionists They naturally feel chagrined that so many brave and gallant soldiers of the Union, are with the President in his patriotic efforts .to save the Republic. But. they should be consoled. ' , Have they [not on their side, Butler, Schenk, Banici,-Otrens, Collis, and - '"the gallant" Geary. Tus qUestion of amending tke State Constitutions boas to allow -imitrage_ to colored people was last year submitted a vote of the nor o, September 8 ; Con nicticut, October 2T ; Wisconsin, Novem ber 7 ; Minnesota, November 7. All these States decided against it by brig° majori ties, and yet the Radicals-op 'ee the re storation of the Southern St because they will not confer' the eleotiv franchise upon negroes. GAMIN IM Mrseoeiu.—Strang* with gun —la there mgch game in ti thes° parts that a man call ,amuse itimralf in hunt log? • Radical _cittzen--Not much, 'sir but yonder is a preacher of the Gospel 'coni n T ing over the hill—you can take IV pop at hies. 'BZFORI t he war the Radicals st&l the Southern States could not be kicked out of the Union. Daring the firs year of its progress they declared thatThe3' never shovtigo out. Afterward they swore fer vently they were *tout. And they now protest' with equal ahatielessness that they are out and shall stay (mi. One country devoted three - thousand millions of dollars and halt talon of livesio keep the Ftstes in & s e 'Union.— Congress has consumed eight months and other millions to keep such Stites out of the Union. Atunria year ago the Disunionist& de• clarod that " Providence gave. us Andrew Johnson as rrealdent for swim purpose." Now they declare that the " plague came from Jobn Tikes Booth." El