The 6ric ir. ceittglObotrucr. ENIE. PA., AUGUST 2, 1866 RtkrNce, Feleral Hill, will describe r. o.F cr dise correctly. jyl2 3m BM A f,Te ,coke out about half past one,o'cl-ck e'elre s Jir n i It small building dttached Mpior Scott's warehouse, on the dock, and ; I rcnded to the laticr,which was entirely The warehouse was occupied in rt a; an office by Josiah Kellogg, and "the 2,llirler was used by Major Scott for storing and salt, large quantities of which tre nufned with the building. The high 4:ni sent th's sparks in on easterly direction, t fire to the rigging of the schooner ecris, of Canada, entirely stripping the of sails — Sand spars. The - coal on the scent docks also nought 'nee, and Ifni, not itt , ; ,i s bei until large quantities had been There was no insurance on any th e property, and the loss is quite 'heavy. c)voassit ts Conesneses.—The Demo- Wsrren and Clearfield court ,„. t hrough . their • respective newspaper have expressed a preference for . Men. sqtember 31, as the day for tya meet of the Congressional Ccmfercnce: The D e mocratic vote of the difttrict is 11,686, these three countirre:poll 8,028, or thvi two thirds. It being a standard .. 11 .x: of Democratic policy that the majority wo therefore propose that the date siren he agreed upon as the one for the :ttt'er of the ennforenco at Ridgway, and :he (eke of giving the matter official effect, the chairmen of the several county corn. . urritelo looting an announcement to tnt rlrrort, Strike and Fight. tabarcre employed in tho coal trade at a. c , ; ; litre on a strike last week for high with the exception of those in the clr!oi cf Lamb S Co. As usual on such : , 3 ;16n5 a pretty free indulgence in liquor Jive, which had the ordinary effect of ilrg the men quarrelsomia On Saturday .me of the party were induced to undertake Funfolding of a canal boat, and while a -rk 3 fellow named Giles, came upon the !Jul'. partially intoxicated, and Palacio an 7prcrakel attack upon a man named Davis, .lo Monred Li a canal host lying near e 'oat. Davie turned upon him, and was ! 'nrg him a erund flogging, when his cries sled the coalhaavers in the vicinity; who rsie n rush for i Davis. In less than five ❑cutes more than a hundred had collected, - :cher with perhaps half that number of •ioal heat men, and a free fight coni-cenced. s:tnes, sticks, and brick bat's were indis tr;aticately used, and the struggle waxed and \ furious. A coalhenve>i named Tim. .'aliony attacked Davis with y a club, snd qV . retaliated by striking hiha with an axe the heal. laying hill eenselests and almost 1-legs. The police arrived at this juncture •:3 the fight ceased. Eight ~or ten ef the !ers were taken after a strvere ttrugele, y,:ht before Justice Bennett, and fined $lO I.h and costa. Tr.) or three of the ring , tier., among hom were Tom Miihony and man named Lonergan, were ye-arrested :1 Mond, over at the next term of cour'A." Mahony, the injured man, at hat no ;•lats was in a critical condition, and will recever. The strike ended en Monday 7 the men going to work at the old prices, botiness at the dock, which was tempora stigpended during thii difficulty, has been 'ccd with the customary vigor. . Tse CILAWFORD Co. Muss.—The action of Republican Congressionil conferees at rsa tin, in tejecting the Pettis delegates and ':sting those of Finney, has woke up, as' !expected - it would, an intense state of in.: • :mticezeraong the-friends of the former.— . s Crawford'Journal, Judge Pettis' special • ItFraper friend at Meadville, angrily pro :nevi it "a violation of every principle of 4UBe,” and declares that it "really absokres !Republicans of Crawford county from all !'':i.tions to abide by the choice of the con rses." The Titusville Club, a paper lately sued antagonistic to the Herald, which rmly sustains Finney. chimes in with the -:real, calling the_ action of the conferees e "most' high handed swindle ever permit ; in politics in an enlightened community," 1 siding ,other similarly compliment - try cressions of a Pickwickian sort, too "nu , crone to enumerate." But the I ournal is :1 content with merely calling names. It • - ,ldly asserts— ." The Journal will under no circumstances ;port Mr. Finney. Ilia vnlgcr and unpro oke•l assault upon this parer and its editors, it OP Court Rouse on the 36th of last month, .sve destroyed all party obligations between :s, and we-shall Ist:qt.:as earnestly for his Yeat as we might have done for .t success. His particular friends, and the . .tor of the Republican, frequently declared !ere the meeting of return judges, their. sotion tolippose Judge Pettis in the event his nomination, and we acknowledge no 'izstions of a party nature whiek compel us do violence to our honest convictions as those opposed. tit us claim exemption :rata requirements.l Whatever may be thokty.,h'siof the Journal's :r” in s policy sense it certainly exl.P.its of courage which we cannot fail to ire—eopecinlly ac therarticle is one of an timely rare kind among the Radical papers I 'eviers of this politically benighted por ct That its position is '''.','r ,"annot be doubted by any noprejudiced 'tile l Ter. We have watched the con .: l a Crawford with close intereet, and 'put wing far the political intetcsts of l'r (,f t 1.6 parties, have been firmly ''el from the :start with the conviction v its , . Pettis's friends had 'the right ''upon their side, according to thee, I: . 'l'el party . rules. That they- should ' , 4 stt'nit td have themselves deliberately 'v.lis one of the things which could not =nerd of men with 'mind; of their own, .: else of rinnetts nomination, they • :frond justified by all the facts in the, ' Z'a refusing to assist in the election of a rho has proved himself unfit for either 1: Sorer or private respect, . 'Te h)pe our Americin born citizens will , :feil to make appropriate preparations for :• i . :rsat German Festival to be held - on.the a "-I=t and 221 inst. It is expected that :-. v:1; be one of the grandest demonetra zt of the kind ever held in the country, and' :Lt:ple , sr ;aid be remise in their duty if :ty failed to devote a die degree of 'attention :al immense number of strangers Who will - .a attend• nee. In additicin to .otir local -o•,e', the Festival will be a itendecDkir the `:le ' ta il and Sangerbund, of Buffalo; the t su;tzia, of Dunkirk-; the Frohsinn, of - , 11.711; the Nlrennef - Chor, of Cleveland; 1 4 , rteLte, of Titusville; and the Corry mean Singing Society, together with ti large 41 er f delegates and a few miller -.clubs 1 'z•s renter distance, comprising in all ','; Er hundred singers. In addition' to a‘e *mends of people from the surround ; 'Rae are expected to be present. Our 'star' fellow cilizene are making extensive 'qsreti , ;ns for the event, and therth,uld " e the hearty co operation of all others.— ' tat so treat the etrangera that they will ` l lrti to their homes and' iiive a good report !Eris hospitality and enteci.piise. Titusville Herald fools up the losses in 0 :1 regions firer in 1865-'66, at nearly ' f4:1 . 61 " ) , neatly all of which might have tvsided by proper precaution. Bnarttfes Sapts.—Sheriff Brown advertises an unusually large number of sales at the Court House, on Monday, _August Gth. We give tho list as4ollows : • . Farm of Ira F. Gleason, in Wayne, at suit of Sally Wiard, use of .A. Dole. Farm of Wm.• B. Rhoades, in Wayne, at suit of N. W. Russell. Hotel of 0. Allen, in Corry, at suit of C. S. Eimons, use of Hugh Mullen and S. H. Hills. Two fsrnis of A. W. Walls, in Girard and Elk Creek, at suit of Batt'es Webster, use of John S. rieith. ' Farm of George H. Robertson, in Venangot at suit of Jas. Dewitt. use of L. L. williams. Farm of A. A • Clemens, in Wa-hington, at suits of George Gillaspie and Jas. Lewis. Tract of John L: Young and Young & Bro., in Corry. Tract in Wayne, contracted for by ROT. J. W. Wilson. at snit of John Richards. Lot and- house of C. E. Blidlam, in Erie city, at snit of Reese, Graff & Dull. All the right, title, interest and claim of Wm. A. Galbraith, Administrator of John Galbraith, deceased, John Slabach, and the School Directors of Millereek township, ter retenante of, in and to a certain piece or parcel of land situate in Milloreek town ship, at suit of James M. Sterrett's adminis trators. Farm of Dexter Alford, in Venango, at suit of H. McLean. Farms of John Robinson, in Elk Creek, at suits Of Richard Tindall (use of Woe. T. and John Robinson) and Titus Robinson. Tract No. 81, in Franklin, at suit of John Davenport. House and lot of L. Taylor, in Erie, i at suit of T. 9, Howarth & Co. Horfse and lot of Israel Mershon, in Corry, at suit of Davie, Leach &Co. ' Tract of John Galbraith's heirs and John Sch Mach, terreteztants, in Milloreek. Lot' 1,931, Erie- city, at snit of Common wealth.. ez rel. D. B. McCreary. Debonisnon Wm. Kincaid, dec'd, -'- Refinery of Wm. C. Steadurp, in Union, at suit of Ezra Cooper. If tho money is not paid immediately after the property is struck off, it will be put up again and re-sold, and the original purchaser hell reaprnsihlo for any less.. Tan Ctrs:curs or I'ortTUNE.—A. few months ago C. V. Culver was at the head of one of the most successful' banking houses in New York, Culver, Penn & Co., end was establish ing bunks, building railroads, founding towns, and endoWing cilnal:chet and colleges in the oil regions of Penneylvjnia. He was elected to Congress from the Twentieth Penn sylvania District, though 1:416 offered the Co 4 vention that nominated him $20,000 for party purp +see if they would leave him to hie busi ness. But just then he was prosperous, ris ing, and popular, and it is in the genius of American politics to elevate such men to pub lie cffices. A few weeks ago the dullness of the oil trade and the extent of his- busi• nese ventures and speculations, tecessitated the suspention of Mr. Culver's firm. Suite without number have been - brought against him, and tired of trying to restore hie busi ness to soundness with a dozen lawsuits fronting him Ili every step, he has taken ref uga in jail. He is* the victim of excessive speculation, the inordinate haste for the achievement of ' ;wealth which has sadly char icterized the pa st i few years of our history. He was imprudedt and bold even to reekless• nese in his investments and speculations, and hence hik downfall. Gen. Burnside offered him a"loan of $02,000 / on the day of his fail ure, enough to supply his present-needs, but he refused it, lest it should prove insufficient preient his failure The same spirit of outfield six menthe earlier would have been worth hundreds of thousands of dollars to himself and those convected with him. Let the fate of Culver be a warning to that large class in ovary community who bate all :their ideas of comfort and merit, upon money. The man who revels in Wealth a-A luxury to• iday may be at the toot of the ladde i r to morrow. Accinksr Issertascs.—The advantages of accident insurance are daily being proved.— The Venango Spectates, in alluding to the subject, cites the folloiOng cases in that vi. cinity : David.D. Grant was infrared and was hart a few weeks ago, while loading an engine on the Allegheny river. He received twenty-five dol— hi3 a week as long as he was disabled. Cyrus Clark, of New Castle, was hurt at the Coro mencement of Allegheny Celine, and receives his fifty dollars per week. Thomas Lineber ger, near Waterloo, this county, was injured while driving his te.m on his farm, and ro ceives his ten dollars per week compensation. Thcfre of cur readers who may desire any inforMation on the subject of accident insu rance we refer to Warner & Gerrish, corner of the Park and French street, (under the Reed House) who are agents for a number of the beet Life, Fire and Accident Insurance Com panies in the country. ' Puma. Co:vs:mos.-46e gentlemen from Erie and adjoining counties who intend at iending the National Conventipn at Philadel phia, on the 14th of August, are requested to leave notice at the Observer office - on or before Monday, August ell. The proposition•has heentmade that all go in a body on Monday morning, August 13th, and it would add gristly to the pleasure of the trip should such be the case. Efforts are being made to secure excursion tickets, and if they are suocettsful, due notice will be given through our col umns.' • Sunman Totra.—We'specially direct the at tention of those who may be thinking of - in duising in excursion tripe during the pr sent month, to the advertisement on this subject upon our first page. - The route-proposed is one of the most attractive in the country, and the advantage of .procuring tickets for the wholsjourney at the point of departure too obvious to need commPnt. Isorast Douroa.—Dr. G. Copway, eo justly celebrated for his - skill as an Indian Wetor, and 89 the devoted friend of the lamented S. A. Dsuitlas, is now sojourning at, Brown's Hotel. We see his specialties embrace some of the 'ollowing : Fits, piles, rheumatism, dropsy, neuralgia an I scrofula He is truly an Ihdian. Go and consult with him. * DocumaNrs.—Wo hare a large number of political documents on hand, for freo circula tion, which will ba given to any who call for them. Stop when you are in the citY,.and procure a lot for circulation among your Re publican neighbors. Letter from Corry. Conn.:, July 22d, '6G. Ma. EDITOR: —A rather bold theft and the arrest of the thief took place near here on Thursday night last. You will recollect that a Mrs. Rolteway's_house, at Lowiriile. was broken into some time the latter part of last April or first of May, and Mre. Holloway and her daughter, who were asleep, were stupified with chloroform by eome rascals from Colum bus, Warren county, named Henry Hall, Irvin Kennedy and others. • Only the two were ar• rested, and they were taken to jail at Erie.— Kennedy was soon bailed out, but Hall re mained there until ) few days ago, when he was bailed out and calculated not to appear for trial. Well, this young Hall had been back to Columbus and Corry only a few days, when ho went to Fred Zeilo, a German butcher in Corry, and wanted to sell him smite fat Fattle and deliver them in the night. Fred nnderstood that they must be stolen, of course, and entered into an agreement to take some of till cattle, on a certain night week before latif ; and as soon as Hall went away, Fred went to Justice Gnignon and told him the whole transaction, and also informed police man Drury. At the appointed night, Fred, Gnignen, the police and others were on band to receive the young man and hie stolen prop - ierty, but they did not appear. la a day or two Hall saw Fred again. and a new • agree- Meet weal:neat for another night. That turned 'but as before, though Hall woe there, but they did not make connection. These it went on until last Thursday night. when they met at the slaughter house, and Hall had brought a splendid three year old steer from Lucius Spencer, who resides in Warren county, net more than half a mile from the slaughter Louse. Policeman, Drury vas ma hand, and arrested the young map. In getting him into the buggy Hall got away from him and ran. The policeman told him to stop or he would shoot him. Ile did not stop, so the policeman fired two or three shots after him, none, how ever, taking effect. Ho ran into a mareb, and they after him, where they caught him and took him to Corry. He was there put in the lockup until the following morning, when he was taken to Columbus and tried. before Geo. Cady, Esq., and then committed to the Warren jail. You will see I have Made a long story of it. but I declare I could not make it ahor. er. Local Paragraphs. Da. KAYN3I2, Federal Hill, South Erie, Pa., is an experienced Surgeon. jyl2.3m A Methodist Camp Meeting is to be held one and - a-half milei k north of Union, in IdeFarland's wood's, commencing on Wednes day, the 29th of August. It is the work of a true man to be ever inh doing his passion, and laying aside his preju dice.. The cask is a hard one, we admit, but it pays jn the end. Bate ball continues all the rage among the young men of this vicinity. Clubs have been started at Girard, Corry and Warren, and others are talked of at Weigieville, Swantown and Wesleyville. And — what Erie county asks for in Septum • ber next this D - istrict will readily gratit.—.Ga , zet le. Judging by the result of past Reputlfean conferences, it will grant just the reverse. The Crawford Journal says the Democrats of that district feel confident of their ability to mike a hard fight on Congress, end, the Journal adds. "it must be confessed they have much to encourage them." The Young Men's Christian Association proposes to renew its effort to establish public library. The committee expect to se cure a library of two thousand volumes for use next winter. Success to their efforts. The Morning Review is the name of a new daily paper just established et Cony. Its politics are Radical, and it goes in strongly on Fenianism —a combination which will pni zle many to harmonize. The Cony Democrat hoist., the- name of Captain Hutchinson, of Girard, as the candi-• date of our party for Congress, subject to the decision of the dietiict conference. There are few better hearted' men or sounder Democrats than the Captain. Dan Rice, since be became a candidate for Congress, has cast aside his clown rig, and appears in the ring dressed in his Sunday go to meetin' rig. A. first class politician was spoiled when Dan went in to the show busi ness. A Corry correspondent of the Titusville Tiered - writes that operations on the Cross Cut Railroad 'have commenced—that the money is ready to build it—and the work will be completed as soon u circumstances will permit. The Tidionte oil section promises to be for some time the main point of attraction to spec ulators in that line. New ' , strikes" are con stantly reported, and though there are no very , large wells, all have produced in remu nerating quantities. The tickets to the Pic-Nio for the benefit of the poor are to be sold at twenty-five cents, insteid of two dollars, as incorrectly an nounced in last week's paper. The charge ie so reasonable that every man, woman and child in the city should buy one. The fall term of the Edinboro Normal School will open on the 28th inst., and close Noveniber 20th. This institution during the spring and summer has continued to maintain its well earned popular*, and had an cnor' mangy large number of scholars in attend ance. The Ccimmon Council on Monday maim; passed a resolution that the City Solicitor be requested to draft an ordinance ander which Omens fined for -b-each of city ordinances can_ be required to work oat unpaid figs upon the streets. What a happy time they would have enforcing such an ordinance! The steam tug Home, Carain Burke. bee been thoroughly refitted, and is now claimed to be one of the beet vessels of the kind upon the Lake. A grand union excursion of all the newspaper proprietors,. editors and printers in the city Is to take place on her, by invite tion?f the Captain, this Thursday evening. The Erie Academy will be re-opened the first week in September, under the superin tendence of Rev. J. Henry Black, who acted as principal in 1847-'5O. Mr. B. takes charge for a term of years, thus obviating the dia . - culty which has, heretofore been created by frequent changes of principals. A most delightful social . gathering took place on Wednesday evening in the hill of the Liedortafel, 'the occasion being the unfurling of their elegant new .flag. Elpeiches were made by a number of persons, the Liedertafel gave some of their beet music, eatables, etc., were trovidechn abundance, and altogether it was an occasion long to be remembered with pleasure. Clearfield county has appointed Ex Gov. Bigler,.Hon; Wm. A. Wallace Land Han, Jns. T. Lonard delegates to the Democratic Coq gressional Conference at Ridgway, with pow er to select their own substitutes. This is a strong trio, and we should like to sea the other counties of the district display equal care in appointing their delegates. , The Merchants Union Express - Company have decided to - establish an office in Erie, and eccured a location opposite the Reed House, on French street. Our popular and enterpri• sing young friend, C. B. Harris, (called Charley by 'the . "boys") has been chosen as agent—a: . selection that shore sound judg ment. Mr. Dawson, of the Albany Journal, hes seat his resignation to Washington, because he cannot su ,port the policy' of the Adminis tration. We have heard no rumor that this example has been imitated by any Federal Official in Erie county, although every one condemns the President's measures. Joe. Eichenlaub has associated J. A. Eich• enlaub with him in the boot and shoe trade, and the firm wilt hereafter be known as 3. Eichenlaub & Co. They are the moat eaten• sire dealers in their line in the city, and the industry and enterprise they have shown has been attended by a richly earned success. The Johnson Republicans held a meeting on Saturday evening, and 'elected E. C. Wil son, Eeq , delegate to the Philadelphia con• vention. We are informed that a number of our most Influential Republican citizens par ticipated in the proceedings. No office holder, we believe, was present—showing distinctly that all of them sympathise with the Radicals, or at least are too timid to take open issue with them. The following naval officers, formerly con nected with tho Michigan, and familiarly known to most of our °Risme, have been promoted to the full grade of Commanders: James W. Shirk, James E. Jouctt, IL B. Low-, ry, Francis A. Roe. Commander Shirk is sj eon of our respected townsman, David Shirk, Esq. ; Commander Lowry is a son-in-law of Milton Courtright,•Esq. ; Commander Jouett resided in Erie for a long period; and Com. Roe is the late chief officer of the Michigan. If street railroads will not pay in Buffalo they would be a poor investment here.—Ga. sate. Whether they would pay or not, responsible gentlemen etand ready to build them, as soon se several of the •Qizette'e polities' friends stand out of the way, and allow them to ob. Lain a eharter . for the purpose. If theie par ties are satisfied to invest, .outsiders should not complain. o In 1864 G. W. DeCamp was a candidate f r state Senate, when he wee ingloriously whip ped by M. B. Lowry. In 1865 be aspired t the Assembly ; his.iivaulting ambition" bavia fallen a peg. This year he takes an upward leap, and ventures hie chances for Congress, with about as much chance for success as a frog would have to attempt to jump over the Rocky Mountains at one hop. As George is inevitably to be a candidate for something every year, it lan be seen by this' eliding scale about where his aSpirattons will place him. 'Next year he will,; in all probability, be out for Assembly again ;, in 1868, he will try for Congress; in 1859, anotbev nibble at the Assembly bait ; then at Congress, and so on. About the year 1880, he will be likely to con clude that "all flesh is (grass," retire from seeking for political honors, and secure con solation in studying the blessings of adver sity. All othermeaus having failed, the Erie Ob server is induced to join in the attempt to force the Gazette to advocate individual inter este and inaugurate s Crawford county erauete in the Republican ranks'here. We will en deavor to withstand even this pressure, mad most respectfully decline to accept the Ob server as authority for what we should or should not do. Will both the Observer and other parties please to mind their own bust nen? Try it, for variety's sake..--Gasette. If the Gazette does not , desire to Win , the reputation of being a common scold, it must learn to be better natured in its treatmet{t of those who differ with it. , We simply expless ed our opinion on the general subject of pub• Netting communications, nod had not the re motest idea' of interfering with our neighbor's transactions. The OtMelte_should take les sons in minding its own business, before giv ing advice to others. We do not know -a journal anywhere which more frequently "sticks its nose" into affairs that do not be long to it, or betrays more sensitiveness when its own '-toes are tread Upon," than the Ga zette under its present management.. The Supreme Court, at its recent session in Harrisburg, decided-in the case of Hinters Moho, of Lehigh county, that a woman who makes too free use of-'her tongue clan be in dieted as a common scold: Judge Woodward, in delivering the opinion of the Court, said: "As to the unreasonableness of holding women liable to punishment for a too free use of their tongues, it is enough to say that the common law, which is the ex tress wisdom of ages, adjudged that it is Cot unreasonable.— And the Legislature have not chinged the common law in this regard, but on the contra. ry declared, so recently, as 1860, that this offense shall be punished as heretofore." How about grumbling :men t Is there no law to meet their case? Ilf there is, we can find a dozen at least in this neighborhood who require the DitlekAttorlley's attentions. 1 • The people of tisl ,, , and the legal portion of them especially, will be gratified to, learn of the passage by both hinses of Congress of the bill-establishing a U. S. District Court in. Erie. The aot t which was drawn •up by Col. Grant, provides that. the! Court over which Judge McCandless, of Pittsburgh, presides, shall hold statedsessions bere. The proceed. logs, we pre`Sume, will be;, held 3n, the Court House, - and as s the 'same officers act, with few exceptions, there w r iklm no additional ezPense to the Government. The Action - of Co gross will prove of great convenience to;a1 who have business to transact in the United States Con ta. A number of the engineers on the &moult; Pithole Railroad were air sled at Reno oii Wednesday last, at the instance of Mr. L. li. Culver, upon a charge of conspiracy. A large' amount of back pay is 4ue - these men, and upon demanding it of Mr.:C. he was notified that they had denidedlnot to do ony more wcrk until they were paid. Upon this warrants were at once obtained for their arrest; and they w're taken• to Franklin for examination. —Exchange. We think the above about as cool a 'pro ceeding as wo have ever heard of. Think of it—keeping a number of Om men out of their pay, and thee, when they Undertake measures to obtain it, placing them under arrest for conspiracy Here is a recipe which will be worth s year's eubecription to any family; I;roviding it works aceo• ding to:promise. We cut it out of an exchange: "It may not generally to known that an excellent article of vinegar may be made by taking the hat) stalks of rhubarb, and chop— ping them as one would for pies or sauce; then pour scalding water over the whole,.and let it stand on the stove until well cooked, then strain off into a suitable vessel, add one gill of molasses to each quart of the juice.; set it in a sunny place ; stir occasionally,;and in a few weeks one may have a stout article of vinegar.'" The Gazette makes a violent assault upon the delegates to the Deinocratio Soldiers' Coniention. The brave Inois who compose the delegation can well affOrd to be sneered at by such papers as the ,Eile Gazette. To have had its praise would have bien the greatest insult that could hare been offered to their s atriotism ;. to have Obtained Its enmity is the highest tribute ttiat could be 'paid to them. There are some calainities lou grievous to be bosh.; and the severest of them is to secure in say way, shape or manner the nom mendafion of the notoriously disloyal old Gazette. -,Another important link in the railroad o n nitlons or Erie has just .been completed.— Tide - Warren & Franklin Railroad, opened to Oil City on Thursday, will give ue a new route to the•oil regions, and add' materially to our trade : With that !motion. Persons having busi• nese at Pithole, and other localities therea bents, can leave Erie' by the Phila. & Erie trains it the teorning, take the Warren & Franklin Tdad, and return the next day... FormerlyAfcliok- nearly a week to complete the came trip. The Gazette "Oannot conceire , -" , how any member of theßldical party here!! can sap— port. Sanfield , fOi re-nomination, and not "prove false" "to the home interests which have a ctitim upon hie idheiene . e and sup• port." "Atials) Ern!cta ptirty"—it asserts— "must aid will sufferjif the claims end rights of this section-of the iDistrl:t are "observed to personal ,aggrandizement." We put these statements ea sword for comparison with its language afterthe nomination. Mies Subinit Wet, daughter of John L. Way, Esq., of Greene) toimehip, died very suddenly on the mortting of the 27th inst.— She was engaged teaching' school In the dig Snot where her fathet resides, and after breakfast that morning she:remarked that ahe did not feel well, and would lie. down till school time. At nine o'clock, when her mother went to her room, she found her dead, on the floor. Heart diseasp was supposed to be the cease of her death.+-Dispafeh The Corry Telegraph ditties that it is Dowry's organ," and the editor asserts that "with Mr. Lowry . or Mr. Scofield" he has had "no dealing, bargains or business transac t dons; riot even to the value of a dollar."— We are glad to learn that fiat is the case, for the course of that paner lately was calculated to gtre rise to -the impreesion that things stood differently, From a careful investigation into the cros• pacts of the various candidates to this county, we are led to believe that the Republican convention will make the „following nomina tions: Congress, G W Scofield; Associate Law Judge, 8 E Woodruff; Assembly, D B Mc- Creary, 0 °award; .essociate Judges, John Greer; Vini: Cross; District Attorney, Charles M Lynch; Frothonitaty, 0 W Cotton; Register arid Recorder„ Capt Harvey; -Tt ens urer, Mr. Keller, of Union. The Warren county Democratic convention met last week, end decided to postpone' the making of nomination! until the 3d of Sept. The same of the Springfield is; Roads Poet Offias has bees'aseled to . ' East Pints/04M The Republican conferees of the Cleari old Congressional district, at last reports were tlll In session at Franklin. - kaving had some thing less than a thousand ballots, without making a nomination. The selection appears to lie between Mr. Finney, of Crawford, and Mr. McAdams, of Mercer, (a so-called " fighting possum," who commanded, regi ment in the war) each of whom "his been able to Master six of the twelve votes and no more. We ,are brained to think that after a dna wrangling spell, both these ,individuals will be cast aside, and a new man hit upon, as in the ease' of quiver, IA 1864. Our Re. publican • brethren in that district seem doomed to continual trouble In making their congressional nominations. The Convention of 11152 sat seven days, and that of 1858 five or six days, before Meeting a candidate, while the one that nominated Culver, con slimed a•weck in its deliberations. ' The committee of arrangements for the great German Festival have adopted the fol lowing resolution. We urge that its aunts tionsbe generally sdopted,: Resolved, That. the business men and citizens generally aro requested to decorate their buildings and residence; with flags, ezergreens and other appropriate materials, on the 20th, 21st and 22d of August, in order that the_Sengerfest to be held here upon those days may be observed in the earns manner and with equal credit as other cities. _ We cannot help but be reminded, 'after evading the list of Laical candidates in this 'county, of the youngster who wrote from the West to his father "down in New England" : "Dad come ant here. You will get along bully ; mighty email men get to office." The pressure of legal tulvertiaing crowds out much valuable matter for this week's issue.--Grazette. No excuse needed, neighbor. The adver- Laments are the most Viluable and intareet ng portion of the paper.k MARRIED. In East Springfield, by the Rev. John Proe• ear, Mr. AI. W. Moore to Mrs. A. L. Wolver ton. On the' ICth inst., by Rev. Watson Clark, Mr. James Crosby. of Geneva, Ohio, and .lien Sarah M. Ingersoll, of Girard. At the Girard House July 21st, by Henri Ball, Esq., Mr. Ira Rodgers and Mrs. Mar gotta Lobe, both of Albion, Erie no., Pa: - In Moorheadvilte, on the 15th inst.; by Rev. G. W. Cleveland,, bir. Orrin Terry, of Waterford, Pa., and Mrs. Thirds E 7 Luce, of Harbororeek. On the 19th inst; in Freeport, Armstrong Co. Pa:, by Rev. J. K. - Melhorn, Mr. F. H. Frantz, of Union—Mills, Erie Co.. Pa., and Miss Susanna Iseman,•af the former Paco. In Albion, on the 18th inst., by Mir. W.A. Clark, Mr: Alva N. Sturdivant and Mims A. Matilda /Nunez, all of Albion, Erie Co., Pa At the residence, of the bride's father. July 21tb, by Rev. 8. H. Morse, Mr. Tobias B. Fiokinger. of Kingsville. Ohio, to Mils Allot A. Day, of Springfield, Pa. • In Edinboro, July 29th, at Igo bride's res• idence, by Rev. Mr: Graeae,. Mr. W. A. Smith. of Erie, to Mrs. Jane Minnick; of Ed inboro, Pa. On the morning of the 30... h. at the resi— dence of 0. Noble. Eeq Mre.'Kezieh Reed. aged 88 years and 12 days. DIED_ In Greene township; July 13th, Joanna Evans, wife of John Evans, aged 37 years and 6 months. Literary. The Phrenological Journal for August coup lain Portraits of Benj. Franklin, Lewis Case, C. F. Brydges, Brune'', Mrs. Parkhurst, etc., with articles on Responsibility ; Sowing and Reaping; The Servant Question; Getting Married Writing, the Philosophy of Pho nography ; Hew to Live ; Air end Sunlight ; Summer, and its Lessons; Over Eating; Head :and &ay ; Man-Monk . tys ; Insanity, and Religions Excitements; iPhyliognomy, Time, Tune, Veneration, DonqeChins. Large Ears, etc. 20 cents, 'or $2 a year. FOWL'S & Waits, N. R. • Godey for Attest comes duly to hand. The Toilet of Death is a fin i (s i steel plate, and the Swings finewoodout. 'The Fashion Plate con tains six figures of the latest and most reliable Fashions. Rispah's Idols -is continued, and the usual variety of Novelties, Fashions, Hints, Receipts, &o. $3,00 per year. Ad. dress L. A. Godey, Philadelphia, Pa. Peterson for August has been received. Going to the Party is quite natural. The Fashion Plate is good. Cape May in Full toilet and Cape May in Bathing toilet - is a fine duplicate picture This is. the cheapest Ladies' Magazine published ; only $2.50 per year. Address C J. Paterson. 306 Chestnut at., Philadelphia. Harper's Monthly for August is filled with its usual choice miscellany. The anklets illustrated are More Curious Homes," " Mr. Moir's three Months with Italian Brigands," " Heroic Deeds of Heroic Men," and Nation al Cemeteries. The Editor's Drew* is just as racy and readable as ever. The table of contents 'of the - Atlantic Monthly for August comprises the following : How My New Acquaintances Spin ; What Did She See. W ilh ? The Miner: Physical Histqry of the Valley of the Amason; A• Maniac's Confession ; The Great Doctor ; My Feria ; Pllll5lll from Hawthorne ' • The Chimney Corner; Gri ffi th Gaunt ; Lon don Forty Years ago; A Year in Montana; Iteviewa. A. What Did,She See With?" is a weird and pazzling story; having for its staple!of interest the phenomena of "clairvoyatiogi r The Old Guard, published in New York city, by Vaq Eerie, HortanA Co., is the only Detnocratic Magazine in America. , Each number contains two or three articles of rare interest, and no ono possessing a vqlame of this publication would part with it for five times its cost. The fact that it and. Harper are the onlrmonthlies we. preserve and have bound, is evidence enough of the esteem in which we regard it. . The -Campaign .Observer. We remind our friends 'that the"period for making en active effort to carryike Guberna torial contest this fall has arrived. no way can so mach be done towards the promotion of Union principles as by• the dissemination of soiled Democratic 'papers. The Campaign Observer, published at the low rate of ens DOLLAktor six months, or Fiery purrs for three months, should be in the bands of every Jam ily in the 14 3rth-West. WA desire, if 'possible, that it shall secure a circulation of two thou. sand copies,. and call upon all Democrats to assist us in attaining that object. Who will be the first to send us a club of five, ten or twenty Each of our present subscribers lies a neighbor who, by simply speaking to him, could be induced Id subecylbo, and witb a lit- Ile effort our lie can be doubled In every Post Office district. Go to work, friends, without delay, and lot it not be said that we lost one candidste for GoVernor by the want of activity in those who claim to be leis sup porters. r 81-tf tar Clark & Brother, Wholesale and Re tail Dealers in Confectionery, Gysters, Canned Fruit, fitntioaery, Yankee liptions, 'Bakers' Goode, Toys. Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, &c.. West Side of Peach Ftreet, 1 Square South of the Union Depot, Erie, Pa Also. Dealers in all kinds of Country nroduce. Particular attention paid to filling countrj orders. ( ) • Ptcruitts.—Persons wiebing to procure por traits of themselves or members of their fam— iliac, should call at the traleery in Rcrsensweig's black. I His specimens of work convince us that ha is an artist who has few superiors. The throng. of visitors to his rooms are au indication that his merits are daily becoming•better known and appreciated by the public. * air D. W. Hutchinson, United Slates Claim Agent, Girard, Penna. Pensione, Back Pay, Bounty, and all other claims against the Gov. element attended to with promptness. Charges reasonable. Applications by mail attended to the same as it made in peraol. (jalB Gm.) Tun Etiaara Faoir JAL—This jar was awarded the' highest premiums et the New York State Fair, knerlcan 4 Institute and Maryland Institute. For sale by Himrocr Dempsey, 6015 French St. .tel4.if . , GOFF, PATTORsoN 115, FRENOU STREET, , , Always have on hand a good wortniant of . MODEM PROVISIONS. WOODEN AN) WI - .LOW I.IS-12 -WaPE:II4. T' C. K40L1., ' l ll Sant= Dairnsa, State Streit, as az - 0264 New Advertisements. pIiOPOSILVFOR PAVINU. Netted proposal@ will be received by the underafred Committee until Monday. Any. 6th. 11164 at 3 o'clock, P. M., for the grading and parley—with the Nicholson or Vertical Stone Pavement—the striate surronnoloy the Parks, In the city of DI.. Sperilettaoss ran be seen at the Select Connell ROOM." A. tr. VANTASSELL, J. Y. itunN. JCS. VoCARTES, IL EMMY. Committee on Streets. A DMINISTRATOWEI SALE. • 1:23E The nod...relined yin sell at Pahlle. Bda, at the Court Rouse on Satan:lay, August 4114 1946, at o'clock, T. Li, the following eueribed Reel Ertate, to. wit : Fifty three eerie and sixty-sense reds of land in Saiomlt township, bounded rut by lands of John Johnson' sonth by land of John Haut west by the Law Road, and north by land of Al•eauter Filth and Mrs. Motthews. Also, west half of Is-Lot N., - 2,760, being co the stitch lids of Third street. wear-Iwo rapt alz inches ust of Chestnut abut. Also. iota No's 19, 10 and 91.„ of Vincent & Rintrodts anbdtylsion of Out Lot No. OS.. Tatuoi—One-tbhd in band; babanee In two equal an nits/ instalments with interest, seamed by judgment bond and mortgage on the pirSlllllll. JONAS GUNNISON, aug2-1t Administrator of teary Martin. EXKCUTOWS NOTICE letter testamentary on the estate of Ella Victoria Clark, diced. Lee of If attsburg, Erie county, Ps., hay log been granted to the andereiened, notice is hereby glen to an 'indebted to the said estate to mate Im mediate, payment, and that. having claims against the same VIII present. them, duly anthenticateei.fnr sett's.. went:__ 4 Ecrou NoLEAN,. WattAtparg. Aug. Rd, 'O5-,-49101 notagtvs GREAT GIFT MALE OF • BICE AND ,VALUABLE GOiD3 Principal Warerooma, No. 663 • Wuhlogtoo street, Boatoo, Ram , and No. 23 Wart Park Row, Rite, Pena's. , 250,M RiLODEObTS. COLD AYR SILVER WATCH ES, SETS OY JEWELRY. Peeing Mszhlrtei, Photirraph A hums. Gold row, Lockets. Silnr Plated Tea Pala Fra tied En. graving', AFttnn.,Btaeclintast • Plea, Ne,k Chains, Dry • Goods,Shawls WORTH OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS ! I= SOLD FOR ONE DOLLAR EASU, Without regard to value. Not to be paid for out" Ica know *hat lon ate to reoehre. SPIZNDID LIFT OF ARTICLF.S., All to 6.3 sold for $l.OO each. LO Beautiful Melodeons $lO3 to $250 110 sewing toschhoes . - 40 to 109 :03 gent's gold hunting case watchsa., 50 to 100 150 silver plated tea setts , ' 45 to 135 200 ladles' gold and enamelled case • atches 33 to 63 450 Gents' bourne case silver watches - 25 to 15 2000 Chatelaine chains li ward rhatna 4to 25 20001 Lars 5,4 rborrottne btooches....s... 3to 10 15(0) Gold plated oval band bracelets 3to 9 1500 Chased Gold brace1et5............ C. ~ . sto 10 3000 California diamond breast pins ..275 to 10 3000 gents' gold California bread pins 3to 18 NaCqUinlature lockets. 250 to . 8 E 001) Plato gold rings 3to It) 4004 Gold toothpicks crosses, &0.. 250 to 6 60 FM dot table and pocket rotary sto 70 ISM Ladles' port monnslet 250 to I . 5111 Fancy boxes - 2 to a HE :Wier plated batter dldlea r . 6to 15 100 .llver plated lee ;dithers—' 15 to - YS 2E014115er plated fruit, eard and ' eake baaete 10 to WI belle.. 0.1 600 C.lI ....... o'lo 3910 Gold Thimble; pendia, &c. 350 to 8 IWO Ches^d gdd ring 5..—.....,..., sto 10 4500 Stone set sod Pfgnet rings 2 76 to 7 50 10A0 Gold pens. silver estenslon holders ' -- and nautili 3 to 9 50 4COOPhotogrsph &looms ot.o to 4 §ci. 5000 tid• er plated goblets and dunking cop.- sto zie 8000 Silver plaited colors ' 5 to 20 4000 Gold pima and silver extension hollers sto 10 6000 Betts lad se jewelry, jet 80 gold 5 to 17 4000 California diarnocid rings a to 10 3 0 00 Mehl, 'frwred ergravinta 5 to 15 1:1030 Photographs is oral triunes 4 to 10 • sro the silver plated tab'e and tea spoons.. sto 12 600 dos silver plated table forks . 5 to 12 5050 Prow: linen table cloths ....... 319 5 • .. 400. Slimmer skawle 160 Woolen thaw's.... .......... .....,.. 4to 10 60 dr x liana doylesa , .60 to 4 WO dcz ladles' and gents' otton ho‘o ( x , ' pia) - 260 to 6 700 Woolen table tovors • 260 to 6 600 Pieces carsimere (3 yds each) ; . 3to 6 400 ladies shepplog b•gr. ..... ".. ....1. Ste 6 100 Sets ivory banded kw eves sod f0rk5......, 6to 10 Together with • great veriet4 or other artialeo, all of whieh *re - row SAS AT ONE DOLLAR EACH The proprLetors of this establishment offer this lot of goods for one dollar each, although unredeemed goods aro vaulty mold at auction at the expiration of six months. They are constantly making &drone aon mer chandise of all kinds, oath to rosaufseturers sod died ers,and all gobde not redeemed in doe limo will include the ums in the protent male. =! Advertisements of stock are irepmed, naming each article add its cable, and are placed in sealed envelopes and ,we I mixed One of toes' macelopts emntatning an adartleement. together with a cho to collectlo • of pep• Warsongs and realm's, will be sold at oar warerooms, or sent by mil to any addreas for Twantc fire cants or des for one dollar. On raeelpt °COI, ad erVemnant yOu will are wbat you 'ars going to bare nd tirn it la your 'option to pay the dollarand ta ke tlie vitals or not. Parehatere may thus obtain • Old or silver w atM, direr plated tea eat, or any article on our llat TOR WE DOll .A. 7. , yr Ho money received but Nat'onal taut money, and all those wLo r rder from the country mast he par ticular in giving their post office ddress, the oame of the town and county in which they live, and by what express they will have heavy gOO.ll sent. Company's wardroom tot the North was; NO. 22 WEST PARK ROW, ERIE, PA 11. P. COPP & CO , Ifinsgers MEI g 2,000 "5t...1 - ,111. - tty„ael44:::riee!)l The presidents cashiers and treasurers of g honks dorsathe dronlar. Pent foe* with samples Address the Am/irkingSteed! Tool Works,pnoittfeld, Ver mont.jr 2m GRAND PIC-NI C. A PIC-N/0 - FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE, POOR ! Will be given at the Celan ON THE 15t11 DAY OF LYDDA? rigxr. Under the direction of the St. Vinsent de Paul Society. ! P10T11110.711, 11131[3, LIQUORS, BECIAIVI., TOBACCO, "'IDIRET3 TWENTY-FIFE CENT 3 ., jyr-td COAL. COAL, THE PLACE TO BUY COAL Cal; if' IS AT SALTS3IAN & CO.'S, GIRARD, May 14th. TS a. • . Coal Yard, comer cf Twelfth and Pearb S'reets, Erie I -, I. Wormer's% Rau—Dear gir : —We. your fr ends Pa., who beep ronatantly on band Lettish and Pittston . wad tieighb , re, having confident* is .oar ability and in (Far se , lump and prepared, Shamokin, E•g S.DT., i tegrity, realre you to become a candidate for the office and Not eta`'; Bitumluou • for grata and steam. and ~tiki Additional Law Judie. An early and favorable reply . [ 1 11 earnestly solicited. Eriktus Slater. Benny lieConnoll, Theodore Rymsn, BLOSSBURG, PITI,BBBRG AND BEAVER, I 11 .atu' )4clith • Ge° P Pra. c "r , Bal l . C 1 ' 4 ' l4l ' ' R d Batt'ee.James 0 Calle, Chas I. Part, lf lintel/to , we; 1' C Wheeler, R1:1,720 Smith. Johnston Rea, John HGaliiiord. James Web.ter .7 U Rockwell. til Benham, C F Rockwell e Joshua Brans, T st Godfrey. R B Dem, eey. T. n /one% John Hay. .Tr. . Ler! Loveridgs, 1 Quill en dry , ford. J li Loveridge, I H Niehola, A Martin, J N Silver thorn, A G Ely, C 4 Pbeilw• ' WELL SCREENED BEFORE EELIVE .Y, Foi Blacksmith Purkswers Our Coal is-all received by WI, is kept en dry plank Door. sad Ws offer groat inducements to parties wlsblo g to lay In their winter supply, also to dealers push .olog by the air load.' Er' Glee ass call and ae gizmo tee to glee tatl.fac thou jeI7I7CC-tr • Stratill v & CO. 0,111.AY.,--Careeo to the preemie,' of Wm. L in 09 Samoa". township, on the turnpike, ikti miles from Rae, the 6th fut., • medium aimed brown horse, about. 9 years old, , with star on tombola], both hind foot write, rlogbone on left bind footaind shod all aroacd The owner sill Virg BO come forward, pox. property std take the away. fllnmixq.Jaly 19,1E16-0 TN I MMOLOTI ON NOTICE. Tbe partcerrhip ../ herete_fore existing between Haney Morgan and George Fewest!, doing bmfn•n ender the Inn can» of Morgan & Fawcett, has Ode UT been dicsobred Tr eansect. FARE ET MORGAN Rm., Juno 26, 11163 pd ' The How. Sign and Ornamental Painting business will be ennSnued by the underelgied at the old stand on Site St., between 1 ttri and the de•ot. ,112.11.3 t HARVEY HORGAN. G w KLLBEY , LICENSED AUCTIONEER ,AND GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT! Obtains Houses and Store* for there mantis[. and rent nom. Botrla and Direlllora. IrDb or uithouttl,et all W far nituads rs, for those airing up botundleoplng. Loy of STOCK IN TRADE, MERCHANDISE, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CARPET 4,. STOVES, PICTURES, muincins, MUSIC, IN AND OUTDOOR EFFECTS. SO.. &C. • ' Thou a tilting to tell by private contract, and "Manes MOM, Co any useful property intended ;o• isorerPrred sale by suction. Thole baying or Polito can hear to their advantage try soviets( to M. the UNION FIIINITIMS STORE, nolaTatt., Er% Pa. T D. DAGGETT'. Turn asu Itszatara or Pumas, tit:dews and 0n..; Willistea Man, Edsk Pansea.. 10541eid THE DROP HAS COME MONELL, STEPHEN 4 dr, WILDEY IMMENSE STOOK JUST RECEIVED! WOTICE THE' FOLLOWING. PEWEE; Printsfram 8 to 12.4-(4, per yard Esecutor Goad Bleached .11"uslip, 1-pd. wide, at 1R CIS Beard Brown, 1 yard wide, l'aefery 20' Cl 3 A LARGE STOCK OF DRESS GOODS Oar Cicada are all clew, have bees 'sleeted with groat ears, and will be sold at vary mall advattee. READER, LOOK TO 'YOUR INTEREST !I NO TROUBLE. TO SHOW GOODV MONELL, STEPHENS & WILDEY, REM 1=1313 WIIOLESALD DDT GOODS STORE. - 423 STATZ . 81RSET, E2IY, PA SOUTHARD, CRAWFORD A McCORD, JOBEZII3 in DRY GOODS, NOTIONS,' Our stock la the hugest ever brought to the city, conalsttog of PRINTS. BLEACEM) & BROWN SLIMING 3 A Complete dexortment of Drees Goode. Every kind of artlee In the Notion Moe, And, to abort, a general assortment of everytbdcg - needed by Counter Dealers. _ TO - BE SOLD AT NEW YORK PRICES ! Country Dealers are invited to give na a eall. We dl a 'Midis wholesale trade,•and propose selling at 'nth itires as will make It to the advantage Of merchants in this motion t 3 deal ia SON inatesd et sanding Dag for their good.. 11. 8. SOCTIZARLS W. A. CiLLWIrORD, J. If. MaCom:. . mg2t•tf • A. WOBSO & CO., COUNTRY PRODUCE, GROCERIES, Crockery, Willow Ware, Fruits, _Nuts, (N., West olde r between Bth'and 9:11 Ste., ERIE, Pl Cash paid far Country Produee.4 IMEITIM A. ISSOCIATS LAW JUDO& - -..... G Mau, May 14th, therrtexatt : —Four toter of she 14'h ine, requesting mo to become a mindlda's for the oflls. of Additional Law Judge of the sloth Judie»! Distriet o Is »mitred. with men, thanks for the soxpressioo of confidence ft contain* Such ne expression from my immediste neigh bere—tinelneys men lib, are »Om .tely acquainted with my profeesional so' social ate adieu—is very gretir log to me. Rion d the Union. Convention of Ere+ »mar add their emotion to your wi.h so kindly expressed it will Ws me pant pleasure to be • candidate for that honorable and reiponeible position. With h gbyesp et, I am yours, Ac , 8. F. Woonaerv. To Floury MoConnoll, trastna Motor as dothero—catiz-ne of Glreed borough. tusnl T 1.71 K 1 , 011 BALE. We would respectful', call the attention of GEJ. YAWFRIT NEW PERPETUAL LIME KILN, RE7WEEN •MONT• AND SECOND SJS,, a CST we are now In fan pporattne—lnv tlr a nn band. and ars prepared to formula it from the Kilo, on thi. shortest aatica. PLUMER PATENT BOOTS d; 8110 Eb for the hersent door enetomere, and only ask a 'it them, to 'Misty any one at to their anyarlor eomfott over those toads ,to the old way. Thot Plumer Boot need* co breaking it iv to easy tram the start sa one worn for sr taistlme. Our CUSTOM DEPARTMENT Wall rosin onr own eswaciat attention. LEATHER, LASTS 4103 ruvrnivos Oalliruirou NEW AND NOVEL for agents, Tomn bed. on hand to CI atilt; Pedlese, Conotre Stone Druggist,. and all rotator e . thanks to oar Moods and macaw= tot as honorable and atonable eastern. Pm for P 6 etc; put patrol:Mae, hotel by Jost and honorable destine to .h o u i d.. tp " r a m csaysi men r i ghornee se t o $l2 merit a rot:Militants of the lawneasnd cordially invite all may 41 to Balland 'esamtste oar stock Wore parobastror wasp. rar tglMik DOE% Kamen. Water Ste E. Y. whim' No. as MAUS , Metes Pek. martntlf. , WANTED! 6.0D0 CORDS OF REIILOCE DARK, Toe which the Rrirbest moist price vill Iv paid. Fo ol:dee okreiler at Spooner, ty't their Lime Ei!n, en the eseel, Deer Reed's Vott. Erie, P a. Jane 21,t,1Sd6•tf NO. 6 REED emu El AT SQUALLY L3W PRICE AND GIVE U 8 A CALL =I MI NO. 6 MD noun MISERY, GLOVES; &,C DELLINIC3, • - CLOTHS. CASSINRRES, It= NO 814 STA?' eTIUT, 103=ESI OEM BUILDER% b LIV 6 DEALEI;% To oar ' Mtn teed on the Canal, sear beers Ikea NEILER & SPOONER Tale (MBA TRT EISPICVMMOING Tom (Rot • Mbkg Propanelnjr HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS Petrility rraultiog from say cairn whatever, Prootratw o of the ayrt•ro, mood by revers bsrdoblpo, onmourre„ fevers or diosuea of ramp life. Soldirr!, attire.; mot. or female, adults or youth, NM dud in tht•Blttom•yure TOW.. not dayeudeut on bad /Pinar, for their almost wt. rseulous effect. DYS YZPSIA. And diseases resulting from disorders of the Liver end Digestive organs, ere'caredbY ' lIOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. I This Hitters has mere cures, gives be saltsfaction, has more testimony, hIS more r w ids le people to Touch for It them spy other article i t h e se hot W. defy soy use to costradiet this arm log. sod wils pay 81,0 0 to ins one who will produces certificete published by U 3 that Is not weittlina. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, Will Mae every cue of ehronle or servorm debility enc diseases of the kidneys: °Nerve the following symptoms malting from disorders of the digestive organs : enostipation, Toward Ms, Falloeis of Fined to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nantes, Heartburn, pls g0,t1,4-Food, Folntae or Weight In the Stomach, Soul eafictettone, Slating or Fluttering It the Pit of the Stomach, Swlmmmg of the Heidi Earned and difficult , Brearlang, Vintt•rhon id the Heart. _Choe Ititt or Stifineat. log Aenrietions when in a lying poetare, Ifileno•se of Vle ion. Dots or Webs before the z•lght, Fever ant Doll Fain In the Head, Deeelancy of Per•plratlon Yellowness M the +kin and Eyes, Pala to the Sine, Chest, L•inb.% Sodthm Flushes of Has', Darning in the Firth. Eon. slant Inniglning‘ of EMI and great Depresalost of d F.lfits; it. sang., Hod thl‘alttere le not alehoalle contain. uoirunt or whikkey, and cannot make drunkelds, but is the best tante In (be world. READ WHO SAYS SO. iron Rev. W. D. Selerle:l, Tutor of Twelfth Raptlst Gentlemen- I hare recently teen laboring ander the d.storolog effects of indigestion, aecorpsnled by a pica tration of the I:terrain eyetem. Numerous remedies were recommended t e friends. sad some of them tested, to:- without teller 'Your Ilooland a Careen Bitters •ere recommended by persons who had :tied them. and whose favorable Meo tom of these Bitten Loduc.d me td try Vem I must confess that I had an arerstoo to t strot Medicines from the "thousand and one" quack "Bitter," whoa* ot,ly atm seems to be to palm off sweetened aLd drugged liquor upon fhe commlnity in • sly way, and the teadtney of which. I EMU, Is to make many a urn firmed drunkard Upon learning that • ours was really a reedicilud preparation I teak it with happy effect Its action, not only upon the stomach, but upon the aervaua system. eras prompt and gratifllag. I feel that I bele den t ed g reet end permanent benefit from the use of q few bottles. Very reerettully sours, W. D. nifIGillIED, N 0.254 Thaekamaxoh 1/4t. Prom the Rev. S. D Pendell, Arel.tant Editor CU&Min I have derived derided benefit from the rum of Honffand% German Bitters,,aod I feel it my privilege to recommend them 41.. • moat valuable topic to all woo are maftering from general debility or from diseases sr - Ming from the dentogernent of the liver. Yocrs From Rev. P. Merrige. Palter of tlliPaslayunir. 0.4p0t Church, Philad& From 0,4 M ll2 .9 resPeetable recommendations sleep le Dr. Hoatl►nd'e German Bitten, I .as ind need to glee tb:to ■ trial. After using sereral bottles, I found them tabs a good remedy for dsoility, soda most ezealleut toots for the stomach. D 311iFtRIGS. From Bev. Wm. Smith. formerly Pitstor of the Vine= town and 11111vitie (N. I) Baptist Churches. Hating hard in my family a number of bottles 01 yon. Goofland'e German Bitten, I hare to say I regard them al so excellent medicine, specially adsEted to remove the diesaaes they are recommended or. They strengthen and in.g irate the system when debilitated, and are nee tel In disorders of the liven loss of appetite, fra. I art also recarrmended them to seratal of my friends. whe hays tried them, and foondShem gusty beneficial in the restwation of health. Yodre truly, Wll. SHITH, 96• Hatelinsou.St., Phtindei BEWARE OF COUNTEREITS See that the signature of C. M. JACKSON" la on the wrapper of each bottle. Fhou'd Jo - sr nearest druggist not have the article do DO , Do Put or a s ens of the intoxicating preparations. that may be offered in its place, but send to as and we will forward. securely parked, by express. or. Principal MMus and Manufactory, No. 631 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. JONCI & EVANS, puteessors to C. If. Jackson ft C 0.,) Prohrletote For tale by dmggista and dealers In every town in MN% United States. dscrlib 1). E. W. REED dr. CO., Who'sral• and rat II Nolen in ANTURACITC, DITUYINOOd AND DIA9SIDInO • COAL 'AND WOOD. Germinal Lehigh Immo for foundries, and prepared for House use, • 411MATII oa 1141/1). YARDS—COrIer ilert 111111 i Itrele; *IA COTTAT myrtle and Ritner streets, 2 squares west of the Union Depot, ror-tt ' ERIE, P.A. ['T Q B B B' 1i L ' eS GOLDEN BITTERS A PURELY VEGETABLE TONIC INVIGORATING k STRENGTRENLVO, F et-titles the at item sealett the evil effects of unwh•l• Will ewe D r espepe a. will cure V. eakzele. Mill cure General Debility Will cure Heartburn. ill enr.Headaehe. 0 ill care Liver Complaint. ' Will excite and create a health} appetite Will Invigorate the organs of digestion and moder►te ly Increase the temperature of the body and the tome o• circulation, acting in fact as a gene•al corroborant of thr system, containing no poisonous drugs, and is THE BEST TONIC BITTERS IN THE WORLD. A• fair trial is earnestly solicited. GEO. C. BUSHEL a CO.. Propneiera udso, Central Depot, Mn, lean Express Buil H ding n 61 HUD SON ST., NEW YOB Q. For sale by all Druggists, Grooms, die. YIN IE HOADLEY, Erie. Wholesale agents. and for sale by Hall & Warfel, Carter Carver and W it. king re Booth. • octiras. V HIV FIRM.-I'. Venetian hating associated with IA him Mr. Adam Br•beuder, who is well below= as a good mechanic. respecluliy returns thetas for the pest revers of the pubbe, a d solicits a continuance or the same for the new am. the bus nee. wilt her after to conducted under the tile or Harlem. S. Brabender, at the new stand on• treventh !treat, tete ger. State and Peach. Scale Haying, Gunsmlthing, Bell flanging. &c. /Serrating done with newness and dispatch. hatitriac tiou guaranteed. Gra, ua► in7-31:13 E LIO T, (4001/WIN & Co., ' : Cam - BANKE39 ! -151111 On Peach Street, near • the Depot ! joHN ILIQY , WA. SHOWN, .110. E. GOODWIN, R. 7, NI7IIIII3IOHT A. H. OHAY, M. Q. ■JYII. Thia loner, baying pereet4d thrit angam• DU, are now prat ared to dr. a General Banking, Ezatuutert and Vol It etion Barletta. Government Boo& ,rd Interest Notes of all tines sod del:loath:Atkin boarbt sad gold. m331.-tf • p P.. P. r. POWERS' PATENT PERPETUAL BROOM. Its peculiarity and wherein It creels all ctt'ere Is that afteryour an outlay, too have ooly to spend 'I EN CENTS whenarer • new brxita Is required. slut, this triPang expense ran D 3 avoided try plantings few hills of corn in the garden. Any perion COO fill ono In ten nitrates. You ere your own broom rnak.r. Teisnshlp ri silts for sale In Este eounty. Pend fur circular, or call on the subscriber, hear Chem - RIO. Erie Co., Pa., and Le* samples. m521.11u4, J. G. BAIRD. • TICK PI.4CiC ro GET YOUR MONEY HACK TR AT E. COUGHLIN'S BOOT AND SHOE STORE, state Attest. Nearly Opposite the Poet Office. . R. Coughlin, Boot and Stine Dealer, mcpacttally Informs the Public that he ~ 111/1 removed bis stand to the Store Room on State street, nary oppnalte the Part Mace, where ho invites all his old hinds and enatomsra to give ,its a call. ' Particular attention - given to REPAIRINOI Having careful workmen, and superintending all his bo.inesa bininelf,heitelleves he eau give as good setae, lion and sell at IN low prt- as any other person in the efts_ Good Vita Warantri. amerbitf OM J. 11 1 C1raLAVV, Jll. J. EICIIENI.AVU ai. 11,00 TS AND SHOES! wiaoLssALN AND RETAIL: AT asnucsn PRIrVt. Flaring a lupe stock ohm. oirmroanntacr um on hand. with a complete assortment of city made mote, me esn s.ll ehesper,at • holm', or retell than aoy other establiehment In this ally. Raring had l o ,rp .Sp.. •41 to the Fanelli of c asto- mere, we 'Lail tske special pains In nrepart sit milt them. We have the subunit right in thia all% ••n make the will cars Cbareb,, Philads. Chronicle, PUMA. Z. D. TBSDALL. I=ll some water. I= UANOPACTU9gO9 of
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