The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, July 26, 1866, Image 3

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ht 't itTttitimtboervir.
. 6 "
_JULY 2&, MO.
Prderal Hi l l, will describe
n KATNVI. - -
.4' 1 2 3 m
' ae correeNT.
County Committee Meettng.
Ihmocratio County Committed met at
, e Obrerrcr cffice, on, Monday afternoon
n od un animously elected eon. Belden
o f this'city, delegate for ',Erie and
tarred c ounties to the Pitiladelphia cooren.
James C. Marshal, Esq., wee, by the
note, c hosenlalteruate. Messrs E Camp
wen,a F Sloan and C 11 Sleeper were Se
,;z;a committee q conference to meet the
tiVren Co. commitlee at Corry, on such day
gill be fixed upon by the chairmen of the
i....octirecounty committeee. The following
t.,','..etcn were appointed a committee at
. 0 a ccerurany the delegates to Philadel
,,, '
.. nt rrrOlia, GA?* Dr W C Evans, North
ir Savage, Springfield: P A Becker,
,- v .hantien, Milton Courtright, W A Gal.
F Sloan, Erie; Hurd, Springfield;
J ROSA Thompson, J M Kuhn,
E r ie; J M Finn, G eenfield J L
Nor , lt East; B Sleeper, Amos
C Oakley, Corry; Moses P
C .
..•lcaban. Union; Gen John Kilpatrick,
.c,„.4; Geo C Gallowlaur, Girard; Wm L
E r ie; James Casey, Harbor Creek; I R
Dasc Van Tassel. MSaley, „Edinboro;
BlAinson, Wattiburg; Robert Leslie,
DiCoft, Watts B Lloyd, I M White,
rverfoO: Wallace Sherman, Elk Creek, A A
Concord; J C Cauffman, Lockport;
q a S !looter, S E Nailer, C M Tibbals, Joe
i tter:Jolin II Bliss,'Col D S Clark, Benj
Schlaudecker, A W Van Tassel, Benj
I :: tmart, Erie. (Due notice will be given of
tcle of departure and other necessary
- ;, : eniec!s, trough the columns of the
TS? chairmOn was authorized to appoint F .
.„ ; , te! c f vigilance for each district in the
qui to issue a call far a county con.
q ... a 0'9 each date as he may deem most.
.Y3r9b'e to the int.cregia of the party.
Our Congressional District.
TL,u,itersal intriest feltitu the result in .
u rcu l tresional diarrict this fall induces us
nui;i)lish from our 'files of 1E414, the follow
, ih!.! of votes cast at the residential
A:vol that year. The disinct'consisfe of
t:i cutictics, encoding nearly to the cen—
. state, and 'combined together with
e cUect of ensuring a 11adical majority",
Eri-. Warrcn, 7tlnKran, Elk, Forest,
J 3 / 4 Tersqn, and Clearfield. Of
. these
and Jefferson are certain to
're Dmica':stic mjorities in every etncrgen
r. . )idiean doubtful, and the remainder
The following is the vote in
- Lancaln. McClellan fly MIA
...c. G,911 3,722 3,189
.wren, 2,541 1,503 1,036
'clielu, 7G7 G 52 115
I uercni, 325 232 93
Jr,, , 4t, ' 85 • 62 • 23
Lincoln.' 31eClell'ern. Dem Maj
e%rfiehl, 1,1(.;2,851' 1,285
-Berson, 1,820 1,8‘17 1 - 1 57
18 83t . '
• Total, 1,829
Re; uhlican majority, 2,6:27 ei total Republi
,a vote, 14,313; total Democratic vote,
e,ie,; total vote of the district, 25,-
The vote of Erie county alone is more
oue•third that of the entire district
;5 t, and of Erie and Warren more than
:e half (14,67 T ) It will be perceived that
Republicans lof this county have 'strong
Nods for claiming to be entitled to the
E7rAe? of Cungpess, as without Erie the dis
-c; would give -a considerable Democratic
...,ncs7- •
CONGRESSIONAL Coarcnancs.--The Elk Co.
:Ircat.s urges the 213th of August as the day
; ..):ding the district Congressional Confer
:, • and the Clearfield Republican argues
',Tn. of Tuesday, the dfh of September—
.` favoring Ridgway as the place of meet-
The Brookville Herald refers to our
geition j that (the conference shalt be held
!he 3..1 of Seryember, and of jecti to it as
I !she a day. 'With due regard to •the pious
':•.isions of our tClearfield cotemporary, we
.:I adhere to our original date. 113; meeting :
Monday evening the conferees• from every
-rt orthe district could have abundant:time
retch Ridgway,. by starting. on Monday
;ruing, without :the necessity c...f violating
SLbboth, as objected to by the ,Republi.
s. The delegates could return to their
,yes on Tuesday r in time for each paper in
'e district to announce the result ilk its
roe of the week, and: we could thus bare
e eunpni4n start off -oa the week the nomi-
, non is made; instead of waiting for from
cen to eight days to pass uselessly by, as in
11. , t instances. The day suggested by our
idgtroy cotemporary we consider entirely
oo early, though whatever date may be agreed
403 by the majority will be nasethed to 06 ,
Dtmocrate otXrie county.
NOBLY Sconu.—One of the bravest and
!: known of our Erie county soldiers writes
-I am glad to Ste the call for a ,Soldiers'
..Fer Convention at Harrisburg. The
, •t,burgh
,cobventien !unrepresented the
•vs of at lease half the soldiers 4Ponn
'etnia. The 'soldiers want r eace—they
ut quiet=they avant Union. They fought
•re•tsre the Union, and do not want to see
=tit w. rk nullified by the acts of politicians.
--At km I of a Union will that be when one
.s the other, and refuses it a due
.!!re in making the laws? We have always
u=elltuesia for its treatment of Poland.
'c , it.a for its barbarities to Hungary, and
t..?1t0l for its injutt toe to Ireland. Are we
'•;'acegurselves on a level with them, and
vithltbe South as tyrants? God forbid
I should ever countenance en act of op
"f,siOD towards any- portion of American
'•teas. While the South was rebellious I
:Ine of the moat zealous in my determine
that she should be whipped into eubmie.
Nou - thut she has surrendered, that her
have declared their determination to
:•t the laws, I insist that she should be con
!%ti the,-same rights we would ask for our
t:tes if we were in the same circumstances.
conciliation, equal rights
t: JJttticetowart4 all."
[ •
t5:111 11R aOLDICIIL oPIIIAKS.—The following
1 . 7.1 ct froma it private letter addressed to the
widely known soldier of Warren
'lziy is well deserving of attention. -It
Ars where the independent men who fought
:e ltte war stand—those wl4 entered the
without any expectation of political
h:,laad who neither ask nor want office:
:It is my, opinion that Clymer will get a
•:,:rity of/the soldier vote in the county. I
cast many lot them within the past month
1: 1 have heretofore been identified with the
-t-i.othean party'. They say they cannot vote
old Geary.' You ask a soldier of the
•,,th.teeiment Pennsylvania volunteers what
te !Smits of John W. Geary, and nine cases
f tea will sly/they do not wish to see
a Governor. lam glad to sett that the sot
'•ra. tad s kilors of Erie county have elected
o , l e la set of delegates to represent them in
: -e- "L t ue Convention. I hope to see them all
. 71 .DICEI9 S AND Saliatt3' CiIOVICNNON.—The
Lt:E.g4t es to the ah.)ve assemillage from Erie
idjoitting coUnties will Assn remember
h meets at Harrisburg Ort Wednesday,
. 1 1 'gust Ist. In order to reach' the State Cap
tt. in time to participate in A't proceedings,
I 'El must start on the morning train of Tura
t.'s 31st.
rnotion sae made in the Supreme \Court
;flit', York, „tact week, to rem"e th e as—
E'rcete of Culver, Penn & Co., and to appoint
trtotirer. A decision was not reodereil. It
11141:ei that nearly $5,000,000 have weed
trough the hands of the firm for which no
14 Gtutt
has been given.
Local Paragraphs
Do: KAANEIL, Federal Hill, South Erie, Pa.,
ie an experienced Surgeon. jyl2.3m
The Republican county convention is called
to meet at the Court HouseT,ort Monday, Sept.
SA, at 2 o'clock.
Mr. J. G. Barr, formerly of Erie, is land
lord of the Naticnal Hotel, opposite the rail.
road depot, at Buffalo.
John B. Gough, the temperance lecturer,
returns an income of $12,982. Loyally and
reform are profitable things for him.
The Warren county fair will bo - held at
Youngsville, on the 26th And 27th of Septem
ber. By resolution of the society it Is to be
located at that place for three years. r"
Samuel Hayes, of West Springfield, requests
uc to make novice of a Its tese cit of his
which recently gave birth to sixteen kittens
at cne litter. He thinks of .sending her to
The Corry Democrat argues that Scofield is
the "very candidate Democrats should want
nominated by the Republicans, for the very
reason that he is the man we can defeat the
ea siest."
We ere rcquesteJ to state that a meeting of
the conservative Itepadicane will he held at
the office of Captain E. C. Wilson, on Satur
day evening next, et 7/, atoek, for the eke
lion of ) a delegate to the Philalelphia conven•
Lion. • "
The Corry Telegraph—Lowry's organ—
editorially advocates' he nomination by the
Republicans of CaptaintHenry G. Harvey, of
Springfield, for Register . ' and Recorder, and
Joel Campbell, Esc.r, - rt.! Corry, for District
The beet shot of the season is the Corry
Telegraph's paragraph-Up'en the Gazette.—
That it went to the mark is at parent fr - om the
e-; en more than ordinarily acrimonious manner
in which our •neighbor "vents its spleen this
The State Central Committee has appointed
Wm. A: Galbraith, Eaq , and lion. J ae T.
Leonard, of Clearfield, delegitesegi represent
the Democracy of this district in the Phila
delphia conventior We shall publish a full
list of the delega es for the State in our next
paper. e
C. V. Culver. Republican member of Mon
stress for the CraWford and Venting° district,
still remains in jail in Franklin, where he
allowed himself to be placed to avoid the
imrortunities of his creditcrs. 'The -loyal"
men who elected Culver to Congress must feel
somewhat curious over his present condition.
The I)43tch tells of a young man mho at
tended his mo.her's (uneral at the German Ca
tholic cathedral on 3 hursda b aDd was married
t in the same place on the succeeding Sunday.
Wbio , was be? Atl4! . liridual with such euter
tpri4ing qualities shiinld not har:e - his light hid
under a bushel.
I)uring the presetit week the_W..rren and
Franklin railroad lx expected to make con
ne'otion at Oleopolis'• with the Oil City & Pit
hole railroad, thus Completing a continuous
narrow gunge track from Erie to Oil City, by
which freight can be shipped from our city to
Tidioute, Oleopolis and Oil City without
change of cars.
Locomotive No. 41. on - the Phila. & Erie
railroad exploded on Friday of last week,
while standing on the track at Renova. The
engineer and firetnah were killed, a boy bit
in the head with a piece of iron, and several
persons narrowly e9eaped with their liras. A
train loaded with passengers wag within'i
short distance of the explosion, and if the
accident had occurred half a minute trier
would have been blown to pieces. - _
The Union Literary Society will give an
exhibition on Friday that place, on
which occasion the "great national allegory
of the late rebellion" will be presented in
what, we are led to expect from the pro.
gramme sent, will be an unusually attractive
stylti. The editor acknowledges the'receipt of
a coMplimentary ticket, and seriously regrets
that'an important prior engagement prevents
him from beittg preseni.
A trial of bowing .and Reaping Machines
was held last;:week, or;: the farm of John". 9
man, east °Oho city.i,The machines entered
were the Brinkerhoff Self Raker, Columbian,
Buckeye, jr.'„ Russell, senior, and Russell,
junior. After a full and fair trial, the judges
decided the l3rinkerhoff to be the best self
raking, side; elivery machine; the Columbian
to be the best aide delivery, hand raking ma
chine; and 'the Buckeye, juniJr, to be the
best: drop Machine.' The width of cut was
respectively as follows : Brinkerhoff, Six feet;
Coluaibian, ifive feet; Buckeye, junior, and
Russell Machines, five feet.
The match games of ball between the Ex
celsior club,of this city and the first nine of
the Union club of Titusville, and the Erie
city club;ark the second nine of the - Titusville
club, car off on Wednesday a ternoon, in
both instaVirs terminating in a victory for
The Erie "boys." In the first ma ch the score
stood 31 for:the Exoelsiora and 18 for the
Titusville club'; in the second 32 for the
Erie city 0,0 22 for the Titusvil e club.
Our-re4lers may expect us 'to pay some
attention t.-) the Gazette this week, but we
frankly confess that we hare tad much human
sympathy in our breast to retort upon our
neighbor in the manner, it deserves. The Git
zettebas quite as much .as it can profitably
attend to just now with the Corry Telegraph.
When it gets through with that paper,' we may
dev to a few lines to its benefit., but not until
then. We make it a rule never to strike a foe
dial is down
Our readers will miss something of rare
inteiest if they fail to read Dr - Ituttley's ad—
vertisement, in another column. The Doctor's
plan of cure is certainly novel, and if effeetuel,
as he claims it to be, borders on the marvel
lons. While on a previous visit to our city
be experimentecLon a young man in our office,
with, as the latter at the time declared, bene
ficial results. We confess that cur faith is not
very strong, but if there arellny of our
readers who 'possess more than we do, they
cannot be harmed, nod may be benefitted, by
calling upon the Deeter.
Burglaries. have become uncommonly fre-'
quent of late, end it is plain that an organ
ized bend of thieves have their location in-our
city. On Saturday morning, about 2 o'clock
the Philadelphia Douse, at the foot of State
street, was entered and $2,700 carried away.
The money wee in a truuk, which was taken
out of the room where Sir. Anthony Kelly,
the landlord, slept, and carrie some distance
from the house, where it we broken open
end the money secured. A r Award of $lOO
is offered for the recovery of be money and
arrest of the thieve,. On - Frid. y night of last
week the risidence of Rev. ulius .Degmire
was broken onto, and propert • of considerable
value taken.
The . Igreat German singing festival, to be
held ifi our city on the 20th, 21et and:22d of
August, promises to be one of the most at
tractive demonstrations aver held in 'Brie.—
The celebrated Buffalo Liedertafel and Seen
gerbund' societi , a have announced their de
termination to be present, and musical asso
ciations will be here from all the towns for
hundreds of miles around. It is estimated
by t those beet capable of judging that not lese
than five thousand strangers will visit our
city during the festival. Our Germs citizens
are making extensive preparations for the
event, and we trust they will receive the
hearty co operation of those of American
birth. It should be the object of all to give
the thousands of strangers who will attend the
festival as good an impression of Brie as pos
table, and we suggest that measures be adop
ted at as early a day as possibleto devise the
most appropriate method of exhibiting the
hospitality and enterprise of our people.
The Dispatch continuos its warfare on Sco
field with increasing vigor and interest. In
an editoiial on Tuesday it styles his course
"neither honorable or commendable in any
sense," :causes bun of being "unfair" and
"oven rasoally," calls the proceedings of some
of his followers "a piratical meeting," and
their endorsement of him a '"piratical nomi
nation," and closes as follows :
" It may be said that Mr. Scofield does not
countenance this sort of thing, nor approve
of it. Bat we know that be does. He is too
timid—not too unprincipled—to indulge in it
as a chief manager, but he is affiliated with
men who have the courage to attempt any
thing below the standard of fairness and
honesty ; and no one can entertain the same
admiration for a man who will consent tohive
his friends do dirty work - for him', as can be
entertained for the person who has the cour
age to do it himself. There have 'been more
of these 'flank movements' practiced in this
canvass than any otherwe have any kneiwledge
of, and if it was hot that we knew the Trivet
pals would not hesitate -to practice the same
sort of thing in all their connection with
public position, where their own personal
ends could be advanced, we might not object;
bat when the whole party, from centre to-cir
conference, engaged in electioneerinc, is
influenced by, and depend upon,this spirit, we
must continue our protest. We consider it
vile and degrading in each of them, and their
supporters suffer the consequence much more
than they." -
We have been remonstrated with by some
of Mr. Scofield's friends for what they termed
too severe criticism, but we submit whether
anything we have said was as unflattering to
him as these charges and epithets by one of
their own-party organ 4. If one.half of them
he justly based, he is as personally unfit for
the place he occupies as be is objectionable
politically, and the people of this district owe
it to their self reepeot that another anel
better man ehould 'be given his seat in Con
The President OW Monday last cent in his
message vetoing the Freedmen'allureaa Bill.
On the sem/ day the, House passed the bill
over the veto, by a vote of IU4 yeas to 88
nays. Hon. G. W. Scofield, as usual, voted
against the Government.—Ledger.
• We were always just green enough to sup
pose that Congress, being th , e. low-making
power, was essentially the Government. The
business of the President, we have heretofore
believed, was to see that laws were enforced,
not made ; and our opinion is that when the
President becunos a Legislator, he also be
comes - a - Usurper ! Warren Mad.
The Mail) idea of the "Government" is
somewhat mixed. lThen . "Old Abe" (So the
Republicans familiarly called our last Execs
tire) was President he was the Governineet.—
Now that the President is not a man to suit
the Mail's taste, it argues that Congress is the
Government. Should Congress happen to be
come Anti Radical, we expect that the Mail
will contend that somebody or something else
is the Government. The Government, tic
cording to Radical theories, is a queer con
cern—ever changing to suit the varied ideas
of the Radicals. What they will do when all
three—President, Congress and the Judiciary
—become Democratic, as they inevitably will
before three more years, it puzzles us to guess.
Perhaps they will then contend that we have
no Government, and set themselves up a new
one, with Satan it the head and old Stoma
and Brownlow at the tail. .1
The ilepublicen congressional conference
for Crawford, ,Venango, Clarion and Merctr
counties met (4 Franklin on Monday, and bee
-been engaged ever since in the difficult task
of reconciling the party troubles in the die•
trict, and nominating a candidate to be des
Anted by Gen. McCa!tuna. The Finney and
Pettis • delegates from Crawford county, both
presented themselves for admission to the con.
fetence, and after a long discussion the former
were admitted, leaving the latter out in the
cold, very much out of humor, and swearing
vengeance like a set of troopers. Each count/
in the district furnished a candid i ts. Up to
Ttiesday evening ninety . ballots' had been
taken with no choice—Mr. Finney, of Craw
ford, receiving six of the twelve votes cast.
The rules of the party require a majority of
all the, votes before any one can be declared
the nominee, and it does not seem likely that
either of these named thus far will be hit
It msy be set down as a coirtniuty, in nine
cases out of ten, that whenever a journeyman
preacher from abroad makes big appearance
in either of our churches, who has not intel
lect enough to keep an audience awake five
mitides, he will branch off on to politics be•
fore his sermon is half finished. A striking
instance of this fact was developed in Park.
church, on Sabbath -evening last. This class
of men make up in partisan bigotry what they
lick in brains.. They have but one - idea, and
this they feel bound to ventilate in every
place aid upon every cccasion, regardless of
the bad taste displayed in so doing.
Mrs. L A Gray, of Connecut, Obi is the
manufacturer, and has the receipt for sate, of
a new soap, which is one of the be+l, composi -
tions of the kind we have ever mot with. The
hardest artic'e t, extract from cloth we know
of, is printers' ink, yet on a trial in this office,
it removed a stain of that kind as readily as a
common dirt spot. Like Mrs. Winslow's dooth
lug Syrup, it is an article no family should be
• .
We have negleotel to. mention At:re the
extension of the Dispatch office, by w hich the
facilities and convenienoe of the establish
ment are much inereved. The large building
of Mr. Gallagher, No. 10 Union Block, has
been leased for ten years, and fitted. up to ac
commodate the business of oar cotemporary.
We congratulate all Concerned upon the
tional room and comfort secure! by Ibis ar-
Captain U. J. Whitney, of Youngsville, will
please accept our thanks for 'a
handsome list
of new subscribers. The Captain is emphat—
ically a working Democrat. If we had a few
friends like him in each election district our
pnbscripLn , list would soon run up to the
coveted three thousand.
The arid church Sabbath School held a
pie 1110 on Thursday of last week, in
van's woods, near North East, which, from all
reports, must have been a delightful affair.—
The attendants—come 345 in number—left
the railtoaditpot at lei o'clock, and retarded
about 7—alWleased beyond espression by the
results of the trip.- -
A correspondent of the Dispatch charges
that * the meeting in Forest county which en
dorsed Scofield consisted of only. two or three
persons. The same correspondent calls our
Congressman , a "debater in politics"—the
exact meaning of which we are not prepared
to give, but presume, it implies something
very disreputable.
The Crawford Journal (Republican) con
tains the follcwing hard rap:
The Erie Observer is authorized to offer it
liberal reward for any bona fide individual
who is supporting Geo. IV. DeCamp, the Irre
passible. The reward will never be claimed.
The vote for Judge at the Republican pri
:nary election in Crawford county was as fol.
lows :
11. L. Richm ond ,, 2,766
David Derrickson,.(preseut Jud g e) 1,736
Richmond's majority,
Peter Goodwin has opened a dining Woes
under Brown's Hotel, where he proposes to
furnish meals to all who call upon him. He
sets a table equal to any of the hotels. Per
sons from the country will find it just the
place to suit them. ' , •
Two men, calling theravelrei, McGrath and
McMullen, have been 'committed to jail,
charged with perpetrating the robbery at the
Philadelphia House, noticed elsewhere.
A census of the enterprising town of Look
Haven, on the line of the Philadelphia & Erie
Railroad, shows it to contain, a population of
6,002—an increase of 1,100 since 1860.
A new difficulty has appeared to add to the
troubled waters of BafflesSimi in 'Crawford
county. The Pettis men haTe discovered that
by leaving out the returns , :of Titusville,
which were discarded by them in convention,
Captain S. M. Davis has received more votes
than J. T. Chase, and he hap accordingly
been adopted as one of their candidates for
Assebbly. The Meadville JOurnal, which
supported Chase for r time, has titan down
his name, and run up that of Davis. There
will thus be two Republicim candidates in the
_field In that county for the legislature, as
• well as for Congress and Shiriff. Messrs.
Grier and Davis. the Democratic nominees
for Assembly, and Mr. Hubbell) oar candidate
for Sheriff, aro all represented :as very popu
lar men, and, with the opposition divided, the
prospects of their election look exceedingly
flattering. A friend from the Eastern part of
the county informs us that Mr. Hubbell will
run five hundred votes ahead' of the ticket.—
Chase, one of the Republiokn candidates for
Assembly, Is highly offensive to the friends of
Pettis, and they, will, under no oircumstaroes,
give him their support._ •
The Oil City Register says : I"That portion
of Oil City on the east side al l the creek, re-,
cently hurtled, has been almost entirely se ,
built, and the buildings are fir superior to
those destroyed; The fire oci i mered on the
26th cf Mai last, and in 11a9 conflsgration
fully two hundred buildings were destroyed.
Among these were, compriso clearly - the
whole number of business hotres located on
that side of the oreelk. What better proof
could be" asked of the business! merits of the
place, and the indomilaMe energy of our peo
ple, than the fact that, though two months
hare not yet elapsed, the greater proportion
of the buildings destroyed by! the fire, hare
been rebuilt In superior style •c"
The latest crop reports are far more favor
able than those which prevailCd earlier in the
season. It is now conceded-that, taking the
country through, there will be r a three:fourths
wheat crop of a very 'superior quality; so
much so, indeed, as to mate this year's yield
as valuable as that of last year. The barley
and oat crops will be large.! and the corn,
though backward,
.promises tirell. Potatoes
- will suffer if the warniNweether continues,
while the fruit crop will be dilly a little less
than an average; Were it notlfor paper mon
ey, we should cert.tinly have cheap food this
year. • I
The Democracy of this Distiict, it is said,
intend to run Dan Rice for Congress. Why
not nominate, hie trained elephant?—Warren
Eith•r would make quite mi good, if not a
Fetter Congressman, than our present one.—
Erie Observer.
Jee' so. And if the elephaht, he would be
consistent and be an elephant, still, and not
like our present member, pig or puppy fo
suit the tunes.—Corry Democtiat.
The Union (Radical) party has often pier
busty erred by preferring recruits from the
emoorrtia ranks to its own tried lenders. It
is time this practice should !cease —Gazette.
Is this a stab at our Menai Lowry,'Cutler,
Scofield, DeCamp, et al, We protest against
the Gazette's abusing these gentlemen in an
underhanded manner. It it tilslikes„them, let
it do so in an outspoken way, and not by inn
The *Dispatolt of Thursday contained the
following. A great many reflecting men in
in every part of the country will agree
with it:
The expense of collecting the revenue tax
is enormous. It seems like selecting • body
of officers to take from the people enough to
sustain the officers: • }
The income Bo for this Ointy, we are in.
formed, will not be ready for I publication uu•
til about the last of August. rrhe tax mere,
consequectly, will have a juonth or two's
longer nee of their money thin most of them
Dlr. D. H. Stevens, one of the moat ener
getic and efficient Democt?zts of Eastern
Crawford, has laid us under obligations for a
laile list of new subscribeis. He says be
shall not be contented until he ands us twee•
ty-lve more new nemee, andi from ,his activ
ity in the peat, we feel sure that he . will not
fail to get them.
A young-man, who has had some practice
its a compositor, can obtain ei good opportuni
ty to complete his trade, by making immedi
ate application at ibis offies.t
• The Gazette takes position In favor of Thad.
Stevens for United States- Senatoi. Our
neighbor's Radicalism prides worse every
'The comma of Buffalo haaOnet been taken
for the Directory. It ahowi the population
of the city to be a huadrcilland twenty-five
On •the evening of the 24th instant, by Her
E A Johnson, Mr George W Ifoldea, of Dayton,
Ohio, and Mies Annie C ;Hulbert, of this
On the 11th instant, by F. Cartze, Esq.,
Captain Elijah L. ThompeOzt to Miss gate
Bernhard, both' of this city.
In Quincy, stiohigan, July,:2ncl, Ur. Frank
Dewey to Miss • ,, tr.o Tripp, both of North
East, ro.
On the evening of the nth instant, at the
residence Of the bride's father, in South Erie,
by the Bev. J. B. Tagg, Mr. Charles Dods
worth, of Buffalo, to Miss Maggie E., daugh
ter of E. F. Wilson, Esq. lio cards.
At the residence of the biide's father, . in
Conneaut, Erie county, Pa., ;by Rev. Burgess,
Mr. Wm. A. Pratt, of Springfield, and Miss
Mary E. PeSon. i
On June 30th, ?dr. Stephen M. needy, of
Erie, and Miss Sylvia S.. Thayer, of Lines.
villa, Pa. t ' .
' In Elk Creek, tho 4th inst., by Rev. C.
Joslen, Mr. Reuben Mason, of Warren, and
Miss Cynthia Joelen, of 'Elk! Croak.
In Springfield, July 4th, 634 - ter. S: J.I.
'Morse, Mr. S. _ D. Owen, of Esouy, Lake, to
Miss Mar y 61. Davison, of Springfi eld.
In Springfield, July finely Rer. S. 11.
Morse, Mr. Henry C. Edy. i.f Springfield, to
Mies Libbie C. Skinner, of Conneaut, Ohio.
In Girard, Jane 21st;• at Fhe house of the
bride's father, by Rer. Mt'. Anderson, .31r.
Henry L. 'I owarct of Franklin, and Mies
Minnie 8. Lyon, of Girard., •
On Mortday, July 2nd, by Rev. Mr. Ship
man, Mr. George Senyard to Miss Isabell J.
Oliphant, both of. Girard.'
At Troy, N. Y., on thli 12th inst., Mr.
Richard R:-Qamp, of Erie, to Miss.. Genie A.
Corking, of the former place. No cards.
In Philadelphia, on the 37th inst.., Mr. Wm
P. Atkinson, of Erie. to -Miss Caroline Jack
son, of Philadelphia.
In Union Mills, on the 19tb instant, by
Rev. A" M. Tennant, Mr. Lewis Bfedbury, of
Detroit, Michigan, to Mrs. Msry E. Sherwood.
On the 7th instant, Frederick lickinger,
son of Samuel ald Mary Flitkinger, aged 10
years, 6 months and 28 days.
On Monday, the 16th Initant, Mrs. E
Clarke, wife 9f W. E. Clarke. of Wattsbarg,
and daughter of the late Ilan. Altana A.
Weeks, of Herborcrreek.
- ,
On Tlictsday evening,Tdi 1711, Eliza
wife of Mathew ifatailtpa. ,
At Lyons, lowa, July legliddary Gertrude,
oldest daughter of Abner and Sarah B.
Darlin, aged 13 yore, moptbms"ll4 . days.
read the Declaration of Independence to a
promiscuous gathering in• ' Mercer on the
Fourth. When he came td that part of the
document which declares the' colonies to be
free, sovereign and iedependeht States, a great
sensation 1113,11 manifest among the sharp-nosed
portion . of the audience. One individual, with
an umbrella under each arse, said De France
was a copperhead, and he didn't °onto there
to hear a secession speeth I BeAral blue
bellies retired" Prom the audience, imßiguaat at
what they conceived an I attack- upon the
Freedmen's Bureau and the majority he Con
gees&—Vesicosto Spectator.
The Ede eonferenee of the Methidlat choral, whist
met at Painesville last week, rude the following ap•
polstmenta In our county Prodding Elder, EJ L
Rater; Edo, let Minh, E A Johnacin; Slmpion Chapel,
Tavg; Weeleyville, T D Blinn; Green, J E Menden•
ha; North But, T Gun Waterford, lf it Birch; Ytib
J Allen; Bataan, N W Jour.; ElinbOto, E. M
ott; Painter, A Ball; Gl•ard, N W Reildi nion,o L
Mold; Watteinug and Mins, W X Bees, A ID Waits;
Eingnotio, T P Warner; Coaneant,'W If Wilson;
Spenitleld, W 8 Lloyd; Albion, W A Maltby; Lsteliport.
0 L Barnhart; Ashtetnla,W P
$2,000 ittE.,,
YEA . l r lit oota m . le o bi zp an . Lo es sie with $1 ,. 6. v.
The presidents. cashiers and tressarentof 'tanks in
dorse the drenlar. Sent free with samples. Addrw
the American Eton& Tool Works, Hpnitgilidd, Ver
mont. 3723-11m_
Under the dire:Um:l of the St. Vivi:tot do Pant Society
• New Advertisement's.
Will be given et the Celan,
Coal Yard, coma, of Twelfth and Pasch Siniets,Erte,
Pia., who keep constantly on hand Lehigh and Pittston
(Par. seri lamp anA prepared, Shamokin, Erg IS'oml,
and Nut stud; Bitomtnon• for grate and steam, and
For Maelistaith Purposes
Oar Coal V all received by nil, iskept on dry plank
110t7r. and
We offer groat Inducement" to parties wrobing-to lay
ID their slater supply,also to dealers purchasing by the
car bead. .
ar Ohre no a call acid v e guarani,* to give sattafte-
QTRAT.—Carne to the premises of Wm L 81atr, In
1.77 'Summit township, on the tarnpike, 9SG miles lam
Erie, the bth lest, a medium sized brown horse, cheat
9 years old, with star on foishe id, both hind feet voile,
?Suzhou, on lett hind foot, cud shod all mound. Th
owner will pleue earns forsrard;pr o ve propertyand bike
the &obis! sway.
Summit, Joly 19,14366-pd
The undersigned haviog been appointed receiver
for the 15ron of 'Porter D. Friend k Co., by the District
Court of Allegheny county. Pa., will sell at public tale,
on the premises, on the lie day of August. 1868, !M
-out reserve, to the higheet bidder, the following de
scribed property, being the Tell known,
situated Wampum Station, on the Erie & Pittsburgh
railroad, 41 miles north west of Pittstntrr. with 'Maass
of !Lod, more or less, abounding with Iron Ore. Coal,
Lime Stone,Fire Clay,&e., and with never falling opting'
of water.
Wampum Peruses Is a imbetantlai atone stack, 45 feet
10gb by 4d . feet It base, and 14 feet bosh, and loss made
from 10 to 25 tons 01 metal per day which tan be simile
Increued. There is a trot Shut of SO staid of plp., one
engine of 175 horse power ,and a doctor engine, iron
reservoir, /sc. Also, stock and coating houses, Coke sod
Coal houses, welsh house, Scales, &a Also, 12 coke
ovens. each of 12 feet diameter, 'll double and 9 single
linernants: boarding house, stole house, and ware room,
blacksmith shop, stables and other 'buildings. A , so,
coal rail road and suldelent ears to coon./ ti 2 Weralilke 6
to and from the Furnaoso. Tho sampan! have also fo
rmable leases for the principal ,tolnersl lands in the
BeThe property fronts on Bearer river and the Ihmver
le Canal, to easy of access, and offers to espltalloti a
rare ch are for investment For farther putlemlars ad
dregs. N ttIUEL 11. KLEE,
Jpl9-2wpd Pittsburg, Pa.
EMPLOYISENT for both Sezei.
Disabled and returned soldiers, widoe ■ and Orpheus
of slain soldiery and the unemployed of both ernes gen
greatly. In vent of tenantable and probtable employ+
meat, Incurring no risk, can procure such by enclosing
• poetpald admired envelope for partleullee to
jyl2-lot Box 153 Brooklyn, N. Y.
Cogoas Os Paixon AZD 71.11 drum. ram.
Blecuer A Johnson, Prdpriotozo. Good El won sod
Carriages alsoys on band at moderate pleas. 012-tt
Hy virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Erie
county, the undersigned. guardian of the minor chil
dren of Peter Knoll, deed, will sell at public sale, on.
Esturday, August 4th, Vird, all that certain piece 'of
laud situate In McKean township, Erie county, go., to•
icg part of tract No _377, generally knows u t e O'Hara
taut. bounded and described as follows. Beginning at a
post at the west line of the treat 18h•perches, inoth
sadly from the northweetern comer. and cunning
thence by the residue of the tree; north 64!: dee:: ant
tali perches to a post In the centre of a podia road,
oa the Gut line of the fruit thence In the centre of the
said toad, and by tricti No. 376, south Peg &Mei. net
103 3.10 perches to a pos. ; thence pi re (due of the tract
south 64X degrees, west 164. K perches to a post on the
vest line of the tract: thence by tract No. 3711 north
24/4 degrees, "et 1 0 3 310 perches to the place of be
ginning:—containing 100 urn of land and allowance of
6 per cent. for roads. kr.
Terms—Oce fifth in hand. and talareef he flee aqua
snout payments, with annual Intent, to be paid on
the whole sum unpaid, and to be neared by judgment
bond and mortga;e on the rendre.
j012.3t Guardite.
Buy where you can buy Me eheyeet 1
so. 614 sonatzwzta's ncomc,
SW/ $1• EWE, LA
C. K . O CH ,
Iliviog opened a new fiat, Cap, and Gentlemen'. Far
, cashing Store in the, room occupied by Ir. kw
Roma:wet& on State St., opposite Breeds Hotel,
"odd respectbally Invite the attention of the pub
lic to his *atomise sto:k, embracing every variety
of °code in the line of the trade.
Hats of all kinds, size* and qualities.
Caps of every style and to suit.every (oft%
Men'a Furnishing Gonda of crony kind,
s Cowl/time of
.0 . .
MaLeery, '
Glom, ,
, Saspend-ra,
• Cellar., paper k linen,
1 Neek Ties. Re.
Air to be gold at Lot est Cash priers, and kg yocd cam
Oar goods ate not anipaawat by any l aiock in the
nit!. and ow view are a. lo► as tbi louse \
jun ern
GROVESTEEN ! 3;0., •
4.90 lIROADyAIt, N.• Y
The attention of the public and the trade is limit,* to
our new scale, seven otters, rontrood piano forte.,
which for volume and parity of tone are tr,rmalled be
any hitherto offered In the ma. kit Mel' contain all
the modern improvements—Preach grand action, harp
pedal, troll frame over-strung base, At , and each in
strument being made under the personal sopervialoo of
Mr. J. 11. Greresteen, whd, has a prattles] ereperience
clover thirty years in their , cuandaettire. Is folly war
ranted in every parthealer.
The Groverteen Pisan Porte received the highest
award of merit at the celebrated World's Pair, where
were exhibited fnetrumentil from the beet mane of
London. Puts. Germany, Philaci.lpkia, Baltimore. Boo
,ton and New York; end also et the American I uttitete
or en assuasive yew; the gold and direr medals loom
both of which can be men at mar ware-rooms.
By the Intro:notion of luterovemente we ante a still
me% perfect piano -forte, anriby manufacturing largely,
with a strictly csah system, are• enabled to orbr these
instruments at • price which will
,preclude all competi
tion. I,
Oar rises anthem sum to $2OO cheaper the* any IM
elan Plano Forts.
Terme...Mt (lath to anneal toads.
Deseetptive circulars sent free. 01766-1 y 11. bP.
Lim neaLtias,_
The Eris Lien and Cetaitht Company sr:
runtish builders with BOWE CEVE.Wsr.
CO, MARBLE DUST, ite.. at as low prices' is they wow
be bought at may other place. •We will slat, men
LIME 19• T 0 1 , 1 It .1
At ra emelt streitee over coin. The Quirk .int• mann
distated by the Elie Limited Cement Company cannot
Le eseelled In Indian/es and parity, being bastes to
kilns' of the Istat Improved Wants end of the lay
best Lbw Kona - r
Cada" lett at the aka ea Fourth Si, et the Simi, or
at thiralha ot Clam; Geadbq Entilitte via ne•
eiveprceptattiotiss. _ jalyNis
Dr. Euttley's Column.;
I •
Els opened an callee In the FARMER'S ROTEL, ter a
few weeks only., •
"Thiy shall lay hands c o the sick d they shall ! + e.
Its , a of Nestretb, said, "fie that Wieling!' en me,
the w rks 1 do shall he do also, and greater works thin
them nball he do.'• Ministers and protium* of religion,
do you teller* the great Teacher and' Truth Teller 1 1 1
, .
, . f. ,
Ti el beeline art commenced with the Grecistts, daring
the Ilene of Eseulaplus and Hippocratee.. Individuals of
energy and learning devoted their time to reweoredies
into tine laws of health and dimwit. Yore lapse of con
turlei the profession wu &Tient totally among the
doge:tidies and Irsopyrica. In these later days the tem
ples Of Pantheism have been rebuilt drugs and potions
as remedies - have been so commonly used that the God.
of Physic. like the warriors of old, can point to every
gisvetszd in the lard where lie their precatare dead—
, the trprhtea of their mighty skill ,Vo the scientific and
rational mind the 'wintry wises:Am physic or drugs
' sweeper, in the treatment of human diseuse Mettle
' avian said, .Throw physic to the dogs I Ergo, will
• demi take physic , 11l
Whin we refer to past ages, embracing the enlight
ened countries of Egypt, we end the healing of diseases
' was performed by the laving on of hands, wiiiiih la More
potent in Its effects than any other knows remedy. Di•
resting the healing c f disease from the mitsmilous; we
find al long gaisSY of illnatrimus names engaged in heal
ing diocese by the laying on of hands. Elialm i the Pro'
• Phoi,lJotus of Nazareth, Ms apostles, their suceessole,
including Ignatius Loyo ay Ehrysostam. Veapssian. Man
' peer of Rome, the ~, a xon flings Valentine (thestrathc
' and others too numerous to mention. Piston reveal.
1 the fact that this mode of treatment bas old as hu
manity Itthif. . .
l l :Proving, the wonderful and almost minim:done mares
, made by this celebrated physician and benefactor of
suffering humanity, Dr. J. 11. Ruit:oy.
. I
The Buffalo litprras up:
wond l erful cure hu been performed OD Mr,. Rhoda
Bedlidal. ef ninm, Portage county. Ohio. Dr. Raft.
ley hu remooed a tumor of 16 Ito weight witboot,knDo
or medletisa He hair also cured her of Pits, Drop!,
Prolopicui Uteri, die. (A good ease for alleptlni to refer
to.) I. .
Tho Zeneaville Daily Signal, of Deo. 234. 1 563, nye •
ALllOll2 ' Ytsacttors.—Wre Abigal Millineoo. of Dia
mond Allay, who 'tate, A* has been blind for fonrt.en
Sara, In one eye and eightin the other, assures ei she
can now read the smallest print with ewe. and did read
hom a neweptiper le our promote. It la hard y neees•
wiry to add that A. has been treated by Dr. Bellboy%
The Dayton Daily Journal, bf Dec. 10th, 1445, says.:
Pforosirrc ClllZl—Joiner ifinintea.—Dr:O. R.
MIMI/7 brought Into our office, last evening. Lib&
0 1 kle. ate? 82 years of art, who soleamly assure, us
,be has been cared of shaking remit its aid • dislocation
of the hip joint. krt. Hinkle was ars°, cured of con
gumption. The doetor bag otrformed • great =unbar of
ether cures, just as miraculous, and thew &lomat mint
eke ars the wonder of our city.
The 71aerril le Daily Signal, of Jan. :: , 1, nee, says
DR. RIITTLIT.—The doctor is melting Quite • lair .
*Wong the lame, the halt, and the blhel. W. cal/4 at
his rooms yesterday and found quite •a numbel 4 of pa
tients in waiting. Severs. were attended to In odr pres
ence. A man who could not FM our band wbel pia& a
close to hie eyes. in ten unlnutee could tell tte colors I•
R pocket handkerchief. A colored man whom, arm bad
been panel , std for yews, is now Ws tome It a. of old.
A little girl who bus been deaf for years' said she e old
hear as well as anybody—and many mon e•en might
be enumerated.
The 740astille Cowin ISJI I
Mre. Weals came to our °Mee and eattlfled that bar
dati.htar Aenle.sqe 1 11 fear, ebo was Outhetlf drain
her right ear, sad beastog Ind Winona to her left ear,
bu broo„hy the treatment of itr.Rutthif eatirelyporod,
bearlow distinctly to both ran.
[Signed,) that C. St►af.l.
The Zenenllle Dells Sipe; carob. let, 18,8, Napo
We called at Pr. Rattlers office yesterday. and them
paw 11fos Sarah Jane Miller, into Carlton. Carroll Co..
Ohio. who savored no oho had been deer IS years, but
that Dr. Rattle, had eared ber In tea toll:inter. Alan..
a boy wanted John Boswell. who eame to the doctor's
1.00113 on crotehes, was so far motored as to be able to
run soma the room without hto crutches.
The ClueinsAti National Benner, of April ith, 1468,
A Weaken or MistecLes.—fir. ftrittley. of the flit
Bowe, Cincinnati, Ohio, who for the last few wets Ilse.
been performing regular Bible miracles. 11 the tastimanY
of honest, ermainle, unimpeachable witnesses In worth
earthing. We undentandlhat 11. , has performed the
most wonderful cures anon hundreds and thousand. all
over the country. and these etires are vouched for by the
persons thimselves. Eturve propose to mention only a
few. which have elate mentallp to our office with the
reQuet that we give tbe facts to the public. Cant. Jae.
1.. Boos, of lientgemery, aamilton county, Ohio. wan
boa a pan 1e years and six months old, barn deal and
dumb, wu with one week's treatment, able to bear and
ruak. We think we never raw •-more enthusiastic and
'happy man than bin 'ether.
Another ears. Mrs. nectar. lee Everitt `it, Cloche
Ohio, deaf eight years, and has been anbj , ct to eta
three; cured. Can be referred to.
The Cincinnati Daily National tale% or Larch
1816, anye
Lance minters continue to be treated by The laying
no of hands at Dr. Ruttier' rooms. In the Galt Home:
Among• the rennin.. know of p•rsonalh la a w ba
Josephine It*oe, of Covinstut. Ky., who has suffered for
28 y. ate with an P.ryalpelm condi lon of the eye•llds.
Ravine failed to ordain relief from the most celebrated
°mallets the ewonla7. Dr. Ruttier treated her a few
times and she (snow entirety well.
Another ease. lle.P.Ellermaa of Piqui, Oblo, had
bean deaf for 18 ream In one ear, and could hear Mat
iodlffarently In the other. His speeeh woo also much
affected. After three visits his bearingand speech wore
perieetly rotored. It te but fustiest to may that we our
selves hare readred a beneficial proof of Dr. Ruttier*
mysterious and marrelonesover in removing pain.
The Penmen, Telegraph say"
Wt. H. Hulbert, of Thompson, Owing% cloy, Mime
to our °Mee Baturear. the 2d of June, and .toted
that she had been troubled with s lame 'boulder for a
sear lad a half, t gather with as affection of lb. liver,
bat after oz. treatment eonsldm herself cured. Another
woe to one office, named Were Woods, of High street.
Painesville, aged, lg. and for 17 year. steely, deaf and
dumb-bearing teirfeetly restored, and "peaks so as to
he easily understood.
The Vann:dim Blvd, of Ettebmond, Ind., says
Wontitart t icate —lles. Path Judaea, of Abbler
toe, to this unte, wse In one *Mee yesterday, end
stated that f ten years put th e list last the Duca
her arms and h' s from paralysie She state, that th e
am now ow an pin. and yesteiday 'fitted a bed with
• yoting lade on it year s -of age. She duxes it her
deity to make th enblie statement.
Another ewe: rs. Barbara Illop, Cheater postefffee,
red , maned for ten Years from prolapsna sited—paid
WS for no relief, sac. she states, aped by Dr. Rait
fey. with two treatments coating Gale SW.
Another. Ittu Elba Eitep, danghter of Dee. ft. Es.
tep, Diptt.t. Webster, has hese, by Dr. Ristfisy, eared of
• stiff nut, after all the Y. D.'s In the country had
failed. ' , .
, VW' The poor Will be healed free, without looney and
without Ore, every Fetrodey, from B to 12 a, ID.
0211C2 1101313 from 9 to 12 A. U., and 2 to 0 P. ll
j,s -Iv. Fermat/ Uot& Ed% Pa.. lair Cid.
(Formerly ofEngland,)
For the treatment of
um rearossup
~~ ~
frUE DirUr HAS COrtle .!`
-Printafrom 8 to 121 1 Cm. per yard
Good Bleached ,Iftislin, 1 yd. wide, at IA, Cie
Heavy Brown, 1 yard wide, Kittery 20 Cts
Oar bonds are all nee, bare been selected with great
• way and elll be sold at very mall advance.
30813E113 txt
Oar atocis J. the largest ens? brought to the city,
consisting of
• Complete Assortment of Dreas Goods.
Every kind of artiste to the Notion Ulm.
And, In abort s a 'antral assortment of:everything
needed by Countrs Dealers.
Country Dealers are invited to give ni a exit. We dye
etrietly wbotevide trade, and propose selling at inch
prime aa will make it to the advantage of merchants
in this section ti deal la Erie, Malawi of rending
Feat tor, their good,.
11. S. SorreAßD, W. A. CitAwroaD, J. V. ItoCotto
F A. WEliftet &- CO..'
. e .
P80713/0.14 VINE*, LIQUORS, 140A114, TOBACCO,
Crockery, Willow Ware, Fruits,. Nuts, (Pc.,
xa 91{ arA?■ ,
West side. between Btßand OtlfStn, ERIE, P/
Cash paid for Country Produce.
F. A. Mu
aIItAND, Ray 14th.
R WOOD/MVP. near. : —We. tour froende
sad oeighb• Pl, tumble confidence in • our ability anJ in
tsvity? desire you to bona= a candidate foe. the &See
of Additional Law Jude. An early and favorable repty
is tart:wally rolicitod.
Eroatne Slater. Henry IteConnqi, 'Theodore Ryman,
Rodney Smith, Geo P Rea, Geary Ball, C L RandAL
R 8 Bathes. lames O C•liin, Chas L Rart, If Hutchin
son, T 0 Wheeler, Hugest, Smith, Johnston Rea, John
Gulliford, James Webster J Rockwell, 14 Benham,
0 P Rockwell. Joshua Sans, T SI Godfrey, It B Demo
oey, L S Jones, John Hay. Jr • Levi Loveridge, J
ford, Jif Loteridsm, J I Nichols, A Ravin, J N Silver
thorn, A G Rly, C L-Phelps-
Cituaten. Mar lath, 1884.
GETTLiceinr:—Yottr favor of the 14th inst., requesting
me to become a candidate for the ofnae of Additional
La. Judge of the sixth Judicial District,: is received.
!nth many thanks far the a:premien of confidence it
contains Stich an expreasion from my immediate flinch
bors—buslness men vh, are intimately acquainted with
my professional an' a - octal nding—la very chaff• log
to me. Shott d the Union Convention of Brie county
add their sanction to your whit so kindle es premed, it
will siva me great pleasure to be a candidate for that
honorable and reepouaible position.
With it gb reap at, I am yours, ko ,
S. K. Woonarst.
To Henry MUConusll, Krastusfitster and others—clam:ls
of Girard borough.
LiT 13111 El'Ot. eabil.
- 1 1
We iroold respectfully call the; attootigri of
To our
Situated on the Canals
Near Beets Dock
We are now In fan oparmtloo—hare nme on
hand, sod are prepared to tarnish It from the Kilo, on
the stick:teat notice,
. 4 : 17 AN T E 'Et
Tor 'bleb theft!cheat salute}, prtee - erlll to paid. In
quire of Netter & Spooner. at their Lime Kite. 013 the
eyd, tear Rears Dock.
Ede, Ps, Juno 214.186 6- ff •
, .
comeTtereto NEW AND NOVEL for Loma.
0 Mins, Conotry Storaa.Oragglat 6 and all Nada/'
43* to
so Imarabla and prodtabla tuatara nos for Ilb cta .; _ i
*holm* 10 per doa. Campy' maul Cron se tO $l2 Gorr. p ATT i ago.l 6 ow. ii i isms mum.
, .
pall rat. malt ft :
Ur a DOWD, Issitts.l9s Water itar.T. 17/1-tt
T ai9ll.ll/IT mumaTuenthu Toni,
, atat a Wham, Itnaratlato
Debility molting from as:IMM whatever, Prostration
of tbe system, cowed by serer* hardships. ' , Posture;
fevers or awe. of camp life. Soldisrn, citizen', male
OT female, &dolt+ or yenth, will find to Mb Bitter. o pens
Tonic, oot dependent on bad Liquors Wash , skean ml •
Turku, effect.
And &twee resalttng from disorders of the Liter sod
Digestive oririas, are eared he
MI Bitter' has performed MOT* cures, guess bete:
satisfaction, has more testimony, has more respectable
people to vouch for It than soy other article in the soar
kit. We defy any one to contradict this atserUon, and
will pay sl,mo to any one who mill random a yenta-ate
published by us that is not genuine.
Wincaretrary cups oielarotile or llertwas debility and
diselm Mite itidoeys. Observe the follcrving symptom!
malting from disorder* of the digestive °resins
Constipation, Inward Piirs, Ealineu of Blood to the
Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, lleartbuns„
put for Food, Fulness or Weight in the Stomach, Soak
eructations, Slaking or Fluttering at the Pit of the
Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Burned and difficult
Breaching, Flattering at the Heart, Chub log or flatlet:at.
tog Sensations when in ► lying posture, Dimness of Vis
ion• Dots or Webs berate the bight, Fever end Doll rain
in the Head, Detdmq of Perspiration, Yellowness of
the :kin and Eyes, Pala in ttie Side, Bark, Chest, Limbs,
gm, Sudden Flushes of Best, Burning in the Flesh, Coo•
stint Imaginings of Reiland great Depression old Wits.
Reiman's!, that this Bitters Is not aleboolle, eontalus
no rum or oht.key,and cannot snake drunksrds e but is
the best tido in the world.
From Rei. W. D. Selgfrinl. tmloe:of Twerlh Baptist
Utir;eh, Phi lade..
Gentlemen— I have recently been laboring wader the
d!streming off:cis of indigestion, accompanied by • pros
trattoo of the careen' system. Numerous remedies were'
recommended - by friends, and some of them tested. bn.
without relief Your iloottand's Geroan Hitters sere
recommended by persons who had :tied them, ; cod whose
favorable me.. Lon of these Bitten todue•d me to try
them. I must confess that I.had en aversion to Patent
Medicines from the "thousand wad one quark "Bitten"
whoa/ only aim seems to be to palm off sweetened and
.drugged liquor upon the community in • sty way, sad
the misdates of which. I feat. IS to Make many a PM.
timed drunkard. Upon learning that 'oars was really
a medicinal preparation 'took it with happy effect Its
on upon the stomach, but upon the nervoue
system:. we, prompt and gratifying. I feel that I bars
derived great and permanent benefit from the - tue of a
few bort VOA Very respectfully Yount.
W. U. SNIGIkIKD,Iio. itsll Thaskamaxon
2 !~~
From the Lev. E. D Fendall, Assistant , Sdl for Ctirt,tlart
Chronicle, Milled*.
I have derived decided benefit from the use of Booflanir
German Bitters, and I feel it my privilege to recommend
them se a most valuable tonic to all who ate imffering
from general debility' or from diseases arising from the
derangement of the liver. .
Yours trairr
rrcui tsrrlise. Pastor at th*rtsisi*llk
Cher eh, Philsda.
From the may respectable recommendations glimr tv
Dr. Hoolland's German Bitten, f eras Inducedto give than
• trial. - After using several bottles, I band them to
good remedy for doollity, ands most excellent trinix for
the stomach. D MHRIUUG S.
From Rey. Wm. Smith, formerly Panto ,c of the Vineen
town and Stlnstil* (M. 1) Maptba Churches.
- Gering oesd in my family • number of bottles of "oft.
Ef ooflencri German Bitter; 1 have to Itkr I regard tberr
ae as eseettent medlefne, apreidll adapted to ramose
the disease,' they aro recommended 'or. They streogthotr
and in vig..tate the system •ben debilitated, and Cr, use
lel k disorders of the liver, loos of appetite, otr. I art
also reemmended them to several of my friends •he
bees tried the'n, and found them creatlybenefkial in tilt
restoration of health, Yonra truly,
WIS. SMITH, 967 notehintoit St., Phtlada.
See that the signature of `C. 11:JACKSON" la on the
wrapper (leach bottle
it holed yoiir Dearest druggiat not have the article - an
not be put off by any of the intexitating preparabont
that may be offered In its place, but send to na an.] we
will forward. seenrely packed, by express.
Principal Wire and Manufsetory, No. 631 Arch
Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Joriv; at EVANS.
(Successors to C. Jackson bi Prtiprietor■
For safe by druggists and dealers in every town in tbit
United Stara. Overbill 1,.
E. w. u.,ED .1: co.,
Gennins Lehigh Lamp foe fouridrieut, •nd prepared for
!loam nes,
YARDll—Carney oth and Myrtle; ■ad corner Myrtle
and Ditner 'Uinta, 2 squares welt of the Union Depot,
Forting. the system agelnet the etil effects of cowhide
Will ears Dppepaia.
Will cure V. eakaasa.
Will aura General DebiUV
Will cum liaartbnin,
Will curs Beadaele.
IS in cure Liver Complaint.
Win excite and create a healthy appetite
Will invigorate the organs of dipstiou and moderate
ly increase the teumerature of the body and the force rr
circulation. acting in feet as a remota oorroborant of thr
system, continuing no poisonous dcrigs. and
A fair trial is earnest/0 solicited.
GEO. C. HII3BEL & CO., Proprietors,
Hudson, N.Y.
Central Depot, Area loam Express Building 6b HUD
For sale by an Druggist; Grocers, &e.
, 4 /WADLEY, Erie, Wholesale Agents,
sod for sale by Halt B Warfel, Carter & Career and Wil.
bins B Booth.
- -
The firm heretofore existing under th 11•3130 of
vre. dissolved by mutual consent,Mal g from Tantrare
16th, 18150, Mr. Carts, rrtlring, Th f e i. oohs of the old
firm may to round at the old plane. •P ompt settlements
requested. . CARTER.
Mr Carver ha, aasoclated hie sonliillit - hint, and .1 11
coutione the badness under the Mime and ems of •
Keeping a DIM and well selected stuck of Drugs, Medi
cines, Flee Chsmlcals, new Pharmaceutical Prepara
tions, Kate Pettenes, Fancy Male?, /lc.
The esperiormed c. , ,erks of this Imam are retained and ,
P c o o nser can rely upon being correctly served at all
Nomcw.—The sinieel of Yr. J.t. Carter hare also
been secured, and he will be happy 'to meet h.n old
friend' and canton:len it
W. E
taTEW 1 , 112 M.—p. Hartman having associated with
btal Mr. Adam Br.bender, who Is well known as a
good mechanic. renew fulls retinas thanks for the past
'moats of the Puhlie, a d' solicits a tenth:mance or the
611133 s fur the new aim. Ihe him nem will her atter be
conducted ander the Ills of Martha & Ittabeader, at
the new stand on Seventh Street, t ethnic State and
Peach. Scale flaking, Onsismillihag. Bell Hanging, it o.
nephritis' dons with assorthis sod dispatch. satisfac
tion via:antes& Glee tut a coll. jcaiiassi
E L,aOT, aoon . wir4, C . ,
.tonS ALIO?, w♦. sum; Au,. S. 00013w1X,
w. r. lINDSILIECIII A. U. USAII, X. C. Malta.
This hnuee. beeline per eeteci their s•r sngem•nts, aro
now prerared to do a Gauen! Hatilliag, Exchange and
Collection liariaera
Gosornment Bondi and Zatorrit tt,'oloa of all f.sues
and denocaloatis no bottobt and sold. : m73t•t(
, -
p P. P. .C.
iti ppentinity and vb.rda it eices ell ethers is that
afterioor first outlay, you hare only to spend TEN
.CENTS whenever Anew broom I required. Keen this
iritllogeSperiee can ba avoided by plsotier few bills
of .ro in the garden.
Any Orlon 0110 till net in ten raiputri. YOlOl.O your
own broom maker.
Township Tights for Ms In Frio coon ly -
Pend for- eirenlar, or. call on the subscriber, near
Cherry hill, Srte Co..Pa...ind see samples.
maai-3me .r. a. 'sun.
ru Orr .:iroun DEONEY BACK
State Street. Nearly Opposite the Poet Odes,
E. CoMin, Boot and Shoe Dealer,
tee rhenium the Peelle that be
has removed his stand to the Store Room
on State 'tree; needy oppostte the Post
Mee, wheri, he Invitee all his old Mends and el:Women
to give him "dill. Particular attention ityan to
Raying motel workmen. and eepwintetothig all hie
bngneas Would% he Wiliam he out give as good eathgew
ton and all at, as low Fleas ea any other person to the
city. Good rite War:voted. • arflettf..
r Tin IMO
Z. D. ricgtoer,L.
Wl:Kieftit and reg./1 Ventre }rs
iotae water .
fer BANKE33: -eill
On Peach Street, nuts the Depot !