The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, July 19, 1866, Image 3

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    Zhe grit iffellig,ebstrver,
ERIE. PA., :JULY 19, 1866
Vie Observer as an Advertising Medium.
The Earl Ouvriviß Siring Vie lovas eirtotates of
0 , weekly piper pu tidied In Peons, Irani* north of
r , vi bogh- sod w• sf,ot the Surges/anna Ever, and
~; isM the bands or the most Innnential eltissos
ig',6iihatAthe north-western portion of the Sista, is
togneitionly soy of t the best advertising mediums In
.1 „ o .., r ,t r y; Each number is read by not less than
ree.ll 147-esksif persons, and, for the advantages given
0 t he odrerdter, our rates are the lowest of arty paper
~,, 0, eetion To preen, of all classes. who have any
thin to aI - f, the Onagers,. affords an onegualiod
~ ....e j ~,,„ o reovtunlestirn with the pntilis.
it,ea want i Take your business known, advertise
in the Ohs , Ter ,
Ilion hire ilp I , tl bargains to offer, advirtise In the
otsereW• I
if yeepeszt to ray or sell anything. advertise in the
Oars's, •
if val , hat. !ail/ OklttEl to publish, adraettsa in the
° N erves.
♦. I , ' , A wish to introduce £me • tttitte, advertise to
Ls,/ iwwerter.
wish to (Hap: se of anything at tuetlor, ade r
p thilj gaffer.
tr• la to lidfilloll lone Late:eat., ad ...rug, w e
Girs.d and he owed hie 10313:161150 tertian* to
I /ID^. "The secret of I.asisess imam," said
j,t4 .h.cob Astor, 010 a liberal use of pristafa Ink."
ustode of Vnetanees of men who have gained
,es , lh by a proper oyster's of advertising, are
„ tuonst that tio ar.nraent stotthl be
:nn , any bus nets man that the shortest way to
t ype ty a the c,e polntel oat by Girard end Astor
The Ca ~paign Observer.
tie remind our fiends that, the period for
z niing an active ffort to carry the Guberna
-I,vAt contest this .11 has arrived. In no way
no to much be done towards the promotion
aido principles as by the dissemination of
uad Democratiii papers. ' The Campaign
m!erver, publisked at the low rate of own
,r aiz months, or FIFTY CENTS for three
ntio should be in the hands of every fem. ,,, nth-West. Aire desire, if possible,
act it shall secure a circulation of two thou
...and copies. and call open all Democrats
us in attaining that object. -Who will
b , the firs: to send us a club of five, ten or
tve:..ty*. Each of our present subscribers has
11 n eighbor who*, by simply speaking to him,
ccuA ¢e induced to subscribe, and with a la
tie (tort our list can ba doubled in every
p e a thEce district. Go to work, friends,
vithout,delay„ and let h.not be said that we
Let our candidate for Governor by the Want
o f activity in those who claim to be his sup.
. .
DA. KATSY.II, Federal Hill, South Eric Pa.,
iron experietieed Surgeon. jyl2.'Srn
811TATIOLAVANTID.—.A lady desires a a
avian as seamstress or any kind of kig
work. Best of riferences given. Inquire at
the Observer (Ace.
Mustc.—We sie indebted to Mr. 0.
atisie dealer; No. 627 Broadway,
1., for th follow , iog new compositions, 'ad ' •
will be sedt by him to any stidreis, on recei
of price: 'she American Stnitdard,.a patriot
piece,. 30 l ids„ I,e Besir Mazurka, .50 ct-
The Maid dr Saragossa, CO acts.
County Committee.
'The members if the Democratic coup
ictraltee are recinestel to meet at the Ob
lacer Tice, in the city cf Erie, (}ll Mondia l
afternoon, July l i3d, at 2 o'clock. Businee
of importance is :to he transacted, and a ful
attendance is regnesled ,
E. CAmPunrakx, Chairman
FIELI Furnace, situated on the railroad be
treeti'this city, and Pittsburg, on the }leaver
river, near New Castle, is tffered for slat
This is one of ;the best furnaces in the Strati
Eryl, we are assured, offers to ; an enterprising
copitalitt a rare indueethent. When well
nanaged, it will make from six to eight thou!
..tod lone of .iron per annum, and at as low l i
nos, or low, r, than any furtive in the State
Ste advertisement. _
SOLDIERS ° AND SAILOR.S . CO:4221110711.--The
„Ilowing persons have been elected dele
gues to represent the honorakl&discharg — ed
jHera trsailors of 'Erie could” in the
snreution to be held atThlarrisburg on the
in of August: Col. W; O. Colt, Copt. D. Ot
:lager, Capt. J. F. Cross, R. R. Brawley, Capt,
a.Marphy, Thos. Tido:lan, Col. P. Grant,
rapt. J. ft. Miller, C. 43. Sleeper, Randall
Partner, Capt, 0. W. Arbuckle, Capt. John
lanlap, Jesse M. Rutherford, Wm. C. Kee
A SUOCKISO chats.—The Cleveland Plain
Dealer furnishei a report of a case of rape
.vied before\Judge Abbey, r f that city, last
eek, which is at once one of the most aggra
rated, inhuman and shocking affairs of the
:had that has occurred in the- Lake Shore re—
jou for many years . The victim is a little
.rphan girl, thirteen years of ege,named Bar
ieit Angel. She had been living for some
lulu with Rev. Dr. Lyon, of this city, and on
rainy of last week started for Ashtabula,
the cars to 'fait her uncle. Between
ity and Ashtabula she fell- In with 'a girl
•stued Mary Shearer Thti latter learned all
bout Hattie's hikory, among' other things
'-at she had" a•sister living at Valamazoo,
'lichigan tier companion informed Ileitis
-bat she was going to'Dotroit, and that she
Gold pay her way as far as that place, and
hired the little girl to visit her sister. liar
..etc concluded that, as - Mary's kindness
.)old enable her to go so near Kalamazoo,
.sa. would accept her offer and visit that
;Ice. , Arriving •at Cleveland, the two
'4, l :tel, and soon afterwards Mary took her
::!e eouipanion up town, and managed to
1 :e her withisi the power of William King,
scoundrel who has been employed as
tender. Mary
,Shterer ia a, loar agpriaa,
1:1 au old associate of King's. The three
about town during the day (Monday),
in the evening proceeded to the Burnett
3:lse, wWere little Flattie was given a room,
tl3g accompanied by Mary. Here the latter
Tact made a beastly propoeal to the poor
liebalt of King. ' The woman then
, t` pat.iges of Scripture to Harriet, in or
'{t to prove that there would be nothing
'! , tt in tpe - purposed act! Soon afterwards
I vrpt;perid, when, with the assistance of
4 tcyprilon, be -accomplished his purpose,'
two remaining with the little creature all
'tit Early' in the morning they trird to
her on a train and !tend her out of the
'!. but aloe broke away from them and told
!t'ry to a policeman at the depot, who
°kd 01? parties. The details of this crime,
the Plain Dealer, as they came out on
~ 't.utt examination, were enough to freeze
with horror. It is indee) fortunate
4 ' King that he is in each • ,community ae
irtiome, places he would be torn to
°:e+ by an indignant populace. The 'leant
um uncommonly pretty and intelligent lilae
and no one who listened to her story
L.obted one word of it. Mee. Dr. Aferriek t
lAtt street, bes bad the medical care if
and iho tatter is-still, staying , with
t° ' Judge Abbey)bound both prisoners over
*.c Court oftoMmon Pleas in the sum of
4 's 0 :wow:a - dollars each. We hope that
t !• , 7 Isl , l soon find their way to the Peeiten—
L trY, and rtay 'there to the extent of the law
— Er'een yttris r .
Lin IL. Cochrane, Chairtnan of the Repel
"7,o Comity Committee., yitibliehes in the
(.'41.1 Telegraph a letter from Gen. Kane;
vt,teS he alleges tolhave belen refused tithes.
into the columns of 'the Dispatch and
'ildte The General declines becoming
htohlete. for Congress, and advocates Soo
tt(1.11 .ttlaDat)natioli. From late 1131M331310135
pp ear that the Telegraph hat been
Ntea 13 the 'organ of the Lowry and Sco
tl:l,l,4ction knur county. Moons for
46 few weeks bear itamistaksble, proof
Au.tossettew hand is at the hai.W'. ' •
A short time ago, when Dean Diebniond was
in this city, he is said to have made the pre-
diction that "before flee years Erie would
have a larger population than Cleveland."'
The opinion was looketharion as osaggerated
by those who heard it, but we are net sure
that results may not prove it to bare been
well founded. Certain it is that the progress
of &hal within the last few years has been
rapid without example among the Lake Shore
communities, and great as it has been, all the
indications show that it is but the mere cote
mencenient of our prosperity. In a few more
months we shalb have railroad connection
direct with every portion of the rich oil rti•
gion,lwhen passenger and freight trains will
run throdgh without break of gunge to Frank
lin, Oil City, Tidioute, Tituerille and Pi hole.
The advantage to he'derived from this fact to
the business interests of Erie is too palpable
to require explanation. Our city must then
of necessity become the great business centre
for all the trade of that Nation, and her
position will be such ths, she can defy com
petition. The trade along the lines of the
Philadelphia it Erie and Erie & Pitt burgh
roads is another element of great importance
These localities are feet iocreatiog in pop
niatien_and wealth, and Erie is leaked upoia
as their natural point of wholesale supply,'
Tho stimulus given to the city by the open
ing of these two great roads has already been
moat marked in its character. Buildings are
going up with a rapidity that seems like
magic, and whole squares that' but a few
months ago were mere commons, to-day are.
covered with
,a busy population. It is no.]
afraid' of the imagination to say that within
two •years the number of- our citizens hail
doubled, and fire more aelsons of equal pros l r'
purity will make us ono of the largest, as we
are n-4i! one of the we.lthiest communities in
Pennaylvartia. Tho prediction of Dean Rich
mond, which *as laughed at when. ho made
it, bids fair of heitig refired ,
The Dispatch t
of last 'erect contained two
oomennoicions, one from Alex. McD.;,Lyon,
, representing Mr. Lorry, and the other
from Hercau Janes. Esq., in which the subject
of the proposed railroad on State street was
presented at some tenth. Mr. Lowry &ceases
Mr. Janes with being at fault for not building
the rosd, and Mr. Janes, on the other hand,-
throws the responsibility upon Mr. L
We are not acquainted enough with the dispu
ted points to be able to say which is right or
wrong is the issue het ween themselves, but, if
me were to give an opinion, re should say
that the failure to get the much needed etreet
railway is tine in part- to the course of both
tiese individuals. Mr. Janes may have . been
badly treated by Mr. Lowry, but that is no
reason why he shsuld.not betted to account
for his course in' connect -lon ' with this
subject. Had it not been for their joint of
forte, a fair and noobjectionable charter
might have been secured from the Legislature,
under which the money for building a street
railway could have been secured in a 'week's
time. We intend that the whole facts bearing
on this question shall 1101111 day see the
that our citizens may read and judge for
themselves of the manner in which they have
been deprived of, an improvement called for
by ail the interests of the community, and
urged by the united voles Of the public
The 'Republican party. of Erie' and Craw.
ford counties is just now in s most interesfivg
condition. In Crawford the Finney and Pet.
tis contest has caused an int n ee bitterness of
feeling, and the respective p rties are calling
one another harder names than they over
called \ Demoomts. Ia this county the party
is scarcely less angrily divided —the Scofield
men -aiming their opportel f ts of every kind
of wislced ,
misdemeanor, nod,the anti Scofield
meniiltlog back at the, onner with charges
quite as severe. They two organs of the ,
respective factions—tire Dispatch (ant i. 4
Soofielti).nnd the Corry' telegraph (S'Oofield),
continue to keep up a most vigorous warfare,
which — chnsidering the state of the thermome,
ter, cannot fail to be attended, it persisted in,
with serious effects. The delightful state of
harmony in the li'parly of great moral
of North Western. Pennsylvania, is
!typical of the condition o..4le..organization
over the State. In almost every county they
are, quarreling over the girdle the lime as
here, and the premonitory symptoms of digs°.
4ution we bare so often witioed everywhere
begin to look more encouraging. \ The Demo°
;racy can afford to look on and enjoy the sport,.
'confident that whatever way it may end, the
1 day of jubilee is nigh at hand.
The correspondent of the Boston Advertiser,
writing from Portland, says it is-generally ad
mitted that the abort supply of water in the
city, which leaves the fire department to a
great. extent dependent upon the water of the
harbor, was the main cause of so disastrous a
spread of the conflagration, as lbe tide began
to fall soon after the fire broke out. and the
reservoirs were iubsequentiy .exhatisted.—
Erui ave.
The contains an item of Information
}bat should not go unheeded by the people of
Erie. If a large ere should break out here;
during a dry-season like this, or in the midst
Of stormy winter weather, with cur miserable
supply of water, nothing less than a miracle
could' prevent it from destroying half the
city. We greatly fear, though, from the lam
of interest that
,has been displayed
,an the
subject heretofore, tbati like the .people of
Portland, oar citizens will anvir realize the
danger to which.they are subject until taught
by. tome dreadful eilaniity;'
A meeting of lendinl conservative gentle
men residing in Erie end WRereqlcounties
was held in this city !net week, to consult
upon the proper course to pursue in theaelee
lion of delegates to the Philadelphia gonver,
tine. It was agreed, in conformity !Rh the
suggestions of the National Committee, to
appoint four delegates for the disirict4-tsto
Demcerate and two Johnson Ilepublldanst. It
was further agreed that as tbe,dietrict confer
ence could not be held in time; and no other
sours!, in the-seleeti . on of delegates wee at
tainable, Erie and Warren counties should
appoint one. of the "Democratic delegates
through their conntyeommittees, lenSing the
other counties to choistie the other. This
seems the best and quielteit mime that-can
be adopted, and it is hoped that itmildbe eta
iafaotcry to, our friends in the eastern portion
ef the district.
Let the Democrats in each township tee to
placing sound journals in the handc 'of every
doubtful voter from now to alecticin day: The
price for the campaign Obserier is so low
that there are few Democralsiwbo : , cannot
afford to subseribe for an extra oopy . to send
to some man who is "on the fence."' 'A copy
Of our paper read regularly by Audi persons
for the nest couple months will be more apt
:to influence teem to vote the DemOciatio
ticket than a dozen speetiheet• Mise;Mectings
though answering very well to invigorate tbe
members el parties, Beldam gpb con
vincing effect upon persons of differing faith.
A zea lo 9, l3 eirNP*Per,read regularly in any,
familylcri. - a year,4rill do moie towarda' ad
vancing the diectrinejt advocates among the
members of ,the saute- than all the elaborate
stump orations they could bear in a life tliee:
For two - trips to . Washington and back
Ghia W. Scofield drew from the public
treasury, shown by a s table is the New
tork Tribune, thelirge Bina 'el $528. hew
much was the act* ispetute:foltim ? Let
any person calnuiste.tbe Amount, .and no
sey whether h& thinks a man-.who will be
guilty of such an act is fit,ta - represent ! the
*0 1 °, 4 4 0 4 11 ,1 1 44TT0 WClonalr.eii?
Local Paragraphs.
D. HATIga, Federal MU, wig- describe
yotjr diseze correctly. Iyl2 3m.
The right num in the right place hue
bend at home in the-evening.
The differeacebetwecri a suit of &Dikes and
a suit at taw Is this—one proyldes you atth
pockets, and the other empties them.
Messre, Warner & Oerrish, insurance
agents, and Hayes & HePier, rend estate
agents, hate taken the rooms In the Iteed
House, under; the First.Natiocal Bank.
• The interior of Ibo First Preabyteripn
Church is being handsomely trammed b.i Mr.
Garibaldi, Vie celebrated Buffalo artist. '
81'0We:drama' ic ironpo-4 'great fevorite
here—will commence s''sertee—of.eutertain
,menis, is Fatrar Unil , CIL the evening :of
September Ist.
" A cepy:of the Observer ought to be sent to
every doubtful voter from new to the dap of
election. A little sum siertkin this, way, vrill
do more service th an Imkiiirds of dollata in
mass meetings.
iTtie matrimonial epidinalo in Western Craw
faild continues without diminution on account
crot Neither. The Conneentrille Record.
ales each week in the neighborhood of
column of announcements of couples
" tide happy," - "
l'he honorably discharged soldiers of War.
ren t comity who aro in favor of PreelAent
Johnson's restoration policy and the. election
- of Riester Clymer, will meet et the Career
Anse, in the borough of Warren, on Eater,
day; the 21st inst., to appoint delegates tont.
tend the Soldiers' state Convention.
,There is wisdom as well as wit in the fel
lowingjrisinark of Josh Billings:
" 1 always advise short sermons, especially
on a hot Sunday'. If a minister ksa't strike
He in forty minutes boring, he haze either got
a poor gimlet, or else he is bones in the rang t
The Rev. Mr. Hammond writes in contra...
'diction of the report that be has stated in pin
ace visited by him in the west that Col. Dan
Rico was one of hie converts at Girard. He
sap: "I have never said tine word to any one
aboet, the conversion of Mr. Dam Rice. In
fact` have never bad any evidence that he
hasheen cterted." The last sentence might
be Ailed ea her a sharp rep.
Wo are Indelited to Mr. V. 13. Drown, of
Union, for A large club of new subscribers,
• t
for ivritich he will please accept our thanks.
Who will bi the nest to mend us a club? . At
our jlo w campaign rate of fifty cents for three
roontiti; it ought to be an esery"mitter , foV
each of our present subscribers to rend us
two or three new names.,
In behalf of the nu.netouis warm friends of
the local editor of the Dispatch, we enter oar
solemn protest against hie dabbling in either
poetry or romance while the. warm 'weather,
lasts. The intenee heat is trying beough to
an editor's nerve'', without the ifilditlined
strain which Most have been necessary to
"grind out" such effusions as the "entrain"
in our cotemporary of Monday, or the won
derful love episode of TUesday.
The frequency of burglaries in oar city of
late calls for the utmost vigilance of the police.
Several bold thefts occurred last' week.. Oa
Friday the house of Col. Benj. Grant was
entered, and a gold watch and various articles
or je l vrelry taken to the value of shout $4OO.
The prime was committed in broad daylight,
whilO the family were in the back partie the
house. Although prompt measures were
adapted, no clue to the. thieves has yet been
obtained . '
T 4 Dispatch gives the - leaders of the
'dominant party plainly to understand that it
doesiht consider ifeelf "a Republican organ,
and is not indebted_ to the Republican party
for i n. existence." It lays claim to be an
jade endent journal , which admits the dicta.
tion f, no party or clique. Seriously, though,
we is nnot help . thinking at. tunes our neigh..
b l ot - "independence" is like the handle of i
jug—very much on one side: •
The Democracy of Lawrence county have
been very fortunate in the selection of David
8. Mcrris, Esq., as a candidate for Assembly.
Ile is a gentfpnan of Unimpeachable personal
worth, rare industry and talent, and wznld
make a'superior, legislator. • We presume, in ,
that benighted county, there is no chance of
his election, but our hopes ere 'strong that
there may be. •
The Gazette refuses to publish cointnunici
lions advocating candidates for office outside
of - ita advertisiog columns. It conceives (hit
if It publishes articles In- favor of one man,
the :triend , s of others will claim 'the same
privilege s until the system becomes a bore..
On the contrary, we think it the true policy
for an editor to insert all the communications
of that kind piesent6l to him. We regard it
as the only plan by which justice can be - done
to all" sidee,and it has beta our invariable
course to publish every communication sent
us, whether our views agreed with those of
the writers or not. The intelligent portion
of the public thoroughly understand by this
time that an edi-or's opinions and hie corre.
epoc:ices are two different matters.
The Girard Spectator regards thebringieg
out of Geo. 112 Cutler, Esq., as an attempt to
damage Mr. Wood:mire prospects.. It arguer
that, Girard cannot expect to have the two
beet offices to be given out in-the, district this
fall, and that of the two candidates for se_
publicansupport in that borough, Mr. Wood,"
ruff has the first claim, ne he wee two months
ahead of Mr. Cutler in the field. The move•
m, •
ent in favor, of. Cutlor is one, it contende,tof,.
simple opposition to Woodruff, and the
prediction is mode that, its tendency will be to
prevent Mr.
,Cutlet from.getting a vote in the
Republican convention from his - awn section
of the ;Minty. The quarrel is none of ours,
but, like all outsiders,, we meet to see fair
The celebration'of the Fourth at Shenkley.
villa was marked by one oflhemolit,disgrace
ful .violatisns of the day we tisk: ever
chronicled. Judge Pettis was the orator of.
the day; and for saying that slavery was the
comer atone of the rebellion, and that treason
and traitors should be punished, ho was
interrupted by some of the audience, 'ha'
stated that they "didn't come to bear d—d
ibelitlei "patch," and atteMeted`to take hits
from the platform.—Pispatoh.
The "disgrace," if any attended the Matter,
' it seems to' ns attaches to Judge Pettis for
introduoing political opinions upon an coca
' elan Where partistaAtristioneshoulttlist have
been re'terre3 to. We had been of the opiniSi
heretofore east the Judge was c man who
would not be guilty of such improprieties, and
?list the report of his 'expressions is not
correct. Will not some one oroue ° ?tiitcer
county •friemds give us a Matinee - - 51 — the
occurrence as it really was ?
The'Dispatahis the , linty B pobliesn paper
in the distriet..vitich oppos Seofteld's re
narnination. !The Queue has. ' en no ex , ..
preside' to Its views on Oka subject, bile all
the other Republican journals'. are warm
advocates of 'Scofield. The indepe mice of
our daily =temporary. has railed - down upon
it the severe maledictions of Scofield's organs
throughout the district. One o f
. three, the
Cameron County Pre" has a correspondent,
in our city who makes' the prediction that the
Dispatclen:fitecirite candidate, Mr. Souther,
wittAinothato one -friend. or supporter - in,:
the Eris county,Republiostkonvention. See- ,
field's friends anticipate chit tie will recant)"
rha_endorsentent of his party In this cotinty';
aid are striving hard to accomplish that ,
result. 141'. 11.-41140 the Weil, was' pat'in
type, Ibtensette his eerie-out in fai)? dal!
Erie -tumty'oandidatei and Ur. &other hat.
lilthdrnern his net nej"
The "Pictorial Book 'o t Anecdotes and Inci
dents c f the Rebellion, " 1 printed by the Na
tional Publishing Co., of Philadelphia; and.
a'avertised in onr column.; is one of the hand
tom est and. most interesting- volumes issue!'
from the press of AmeriSa. Its illustritibes
number several hundred, mainly portraits of,
celebrated Northern and Southern men.'and
sketches of famous places,- and are all
graved in the best style. ! The work contains
some things, Mhich for the sake of histerienl
accuracy ought to have teen omitted, but is
a whOle, it IS a publication of rare Merest,
f ligents are wanted to sell it.
Ez-Goy. Bigler and C. Graham, - Esq i :
both of Clearfield county; have been selected
to represent the eastern portion of this Cod-%
gressional district in the Philadelphia "Con•
vention—the former -representing the Ilemo
crsts and tho latter the conservative Republi
cans. The appointment of these gentlemen
will ba entirely satisfactory to the Western
counties of ttoo district, as, wo presume, will
be those which Erie and Warren will make to
the Eastern counties.
The congregation of pti Paul's church will
give a pia nio in Cochran'a woc ds•on Thursday'
'f next week, the proceeds of which are lobe
applied as part payment ,upon their new sad
splendid organ. It is designed to be the pie_
nio of the season, and, fro , ta what we know of
the mazagers, no doable` ; m
in oar mind
that snob it will be. Ice cream, coffee and
lemonade will be served utcirinbuodance, and
a general good time is anticipated. Mehl's
band has been engaged foe the occasion.
Pratt ; in Paragon liuilding, still, rootipnee
to turn" 'oat firet 'close' phetogrepheof i all
styles, from the smallest tO life sire, finished,
plain, or colored in ink, w ater or oil. fife
prices for large plcturen are very reasonable.
Go rind sit for one, and if Ad good, you kill
nett e rlkt3 to take it.
, We may be cs.pccted to,'lurnish an item on
the'ireather this ;seek', after half a dozen
desperate attempts fo do justice to the sub
ject, we have been compelled to give it up as
a hopeless task. All the adjectives in the
English lasguage would fail to describe the
intense lea which has prevailed during the
main portion.of the last Id* or seven days.
' The Crawford Journal Says therele not
line of truth in the Erie flesetle's report of
the meeting of return kedges for Crawford
County. You are mistaken, neighbor; there
are two, as follows
"The return judges mdt in Meadville on
Tuesday, last week, and iduly - organised.—
Messrs. Shannon & Co., at their new hard
ware store, south of the depot, eiTer rare in
ducements to persons wattling • anything in
their line. Their stock •j the hest in that
part of the city, and their Priges the lowest.
'•Before this question of Justice to the negro
all others fodeinio insignilleance."—ifeadville
There is the Abolition dOctrine for you in
Its purity.—Meadville Den.4.erai.
'Minos Onaativra.—clirard reads milli
pleasure in your last issue the.uame of One
of her most worthy townenien. Ovateln D. W.
Ffutehinson, suggested as the Democratic can•
didato for Congress: Copt! ? Mitchinson is ti
reliable and staunch Democrat, and a mao
well known to the people of this district, and
should he receive the nomination, the eon
servative men throughout the whole 'district
Will have a man whom they; Can trust and feel
safe in giving their voteet All give bim a
hearty support. • " aIRARD.
July 11th, 1866. -
In this city,' on the .evening of the 12th
inst., at the residence of R. S. Morrison, Esq.,
by Rey. E. A. Johnson. Mr; Charles M. Reed,
Jr., and Miss R. Ella liforri.on.
At Wells Corners, on the lid inet., by Robert
Nesbitt, Esq., Captain Janina D. Gonda'', of
Co. F, 211th Regiment P. Y . to ?dies Eliza
Ann Cross, both of Waterford, Erie Co., ?a.
la Wayne, May 6th, after a short illuess of
inflammatory rbeumati.m, Leroy, youngest
eon of Elijah and Sally .Williams, • used 11
years, 8 months and 16 days.
hn the same place, J uno 27th, of spotted
fever, after sickness of 16 hours, Alonzo,
fourth son of the same parents, aged 17 years,
1 month and 9 days.
service March 3d, 1865, and honorably die.:
charged offer April 9th, i 1865, can obtain
three months pay proper, by immediate ap—
plication in person or by ;mail, to S. Todd
Parley's National Grim Agency, Park Place,
Erie; Pa. Claims cashed. jyl9-tr
PIA3O.—Aoy et our readers wishing a brat,
class piano from,New York can be informed
where to procure one at less than the manu
facturer's price, by calling at the Observer
office. It will be warrnalealto be equal to the
best. Je2B-tf
Eric Starkets—.Bnylng 'Meet.
arrieted telekTy for as Obsirati. by Car. Patter/es
tcrmieb Bros, dlarrim, 4 , Dizsaare, d.
hie, lug fkosis ¢ Onien. .
DairD VILITIL—AppIes MIAS; Peiekes C8et3.13;
berrlea 85010.
Vanteasl43.--Potatoes. $1.15 , 31:25; Ontoex,2s.olperr
dos: 1'ur01pa,.40,350; Cabbage, pee hesd„-fO',o2i; Beets,
760100; Carrots, 0050; Pertain., e. 0476., Veritable
Oyster., 2,213 c per bnocbt Oolats Bette. sozootoo,
Pseeoes.—Batter, 25@Z8d; Cggs,:2e29; L.n1,2:10234;
Hooey, 254333; Cheese, 16@l8
Firer —Apple , . $2OO. •
GRAIN. ke. Corn, Mts.: Oats,
.41 , 30 M: Input.
amber, $2 65Q2 6.5 t Wheat, ethlte. $2 tSaa 00 .; Elbert;
Cmii gall, 51 4 5 ® 1 50; /N 431 eel SO ;
Barley, 7503.5; Bev% $1 VW (.3
SILAS —. 4 j l eTtr* $ 531 45 $6.25:: Timothy, $a3G 4ZO
I , lMR.—Market Arm. XX w. erbeat, V 1.50835.03 t
XX red. 5 12 401013 0 0 ; Xiody SSZaftfi. 'AO; XX Clobile.Kl
011.00; XX Red Winter. erns. SO 24t3t75:
Posy Dzsr.—E etre. Ilesyy Pork, 031.511,32.80;
1464 $28.00130/ Oa; Sugar Cored tratus..2l.4/3 we? Th.:
Country do,10010n; Slecalders, 1404 Lard, irerZete;
Extra gess Neer, COZZI.°
New Advertisements.
TRATe=-Cataa tO the pititialies of Win. L Mgr. liz
171 Sleieealt towitehip, on ih• turbpihs. fr'
Erie, th. 6th bet, a tnailintm stand Drown horra, about
• yeeio al, with star on forebesd,both hind feet watt..
rhigloone on lett hind foot. and shad all around. The
owner nail piens come torwazd; prove property and take
the solos] away.
Suintalt.4 al; :19, MG-0 „ •
the undersigned having loin appointed usesirer
for the gm of Porter R. Friend & CO., try the Milted
Court of Allegheny county, Pa., will sell at nubile Ws,
on the praxises; on this dli day el Angler. USES, 'put
out reoperre, to the highest bidder, the following de
e:gibed property, being the welt brows
Waited atiCaospesu Shatloa.on a4a Raba & Pittsburgh
tailiquid.lllndiesnotth Stator Pitistnoty. with Waage
.of land. done or her, abounding.' with 7 1too One, OW,
Lime 8 tone,Fire Clay,he., and with never falling opting"
,ef water,- .P;
Fantac Is ,
Watitplun a salateutlai f sfone steek t .46 fat
h'elx ht N fbet at - tase, sod 14 feet bomb, add bas made
from it to 25 tons of metal per day which can h easily
increased. .Tberekia a hot bleat of Fr 'Wake( pliesoiale
tag* of 173 holes , polar 'sad a doctor, engine, frog
reservoir. &e. 'Also, stock and castle& bower, coke and
coal house. welsh bites, y:Pcsitei to. , 1 ,2 cola
oveds. each of 12 feet gilamotet,.s double sad 9 single
, tenements, bottrf log house, sun cirouse. arid ware room,
bin . ..Amnia shop, atatdes and other belhUrp.
coal reit road sad aribciaot oars to =wok mineral; felt.
to and from the Tamara: Rhe. entormy bare also fa
vorable lesser fen the prim:rya' hiletral tie* fa the
raiottf•— _
The pronirrtyfroetibri ibierreirtriei and the Muter &
Erie Canal, is easjoreccess,ud offers to mellallela
ch um lavesthant• For fattherprratealarw sL
dress._ • 9 AlfUlitL. 111,E11,
Writ/I'3MT for bath Sexe!,
bttd and totainal saddlers. Wow and orphans
of Oda • soldlentond the oiestrieoyo4 of both ages ROL
01114, in want of modals and probtablo amp op
mrsot. Incurring no Oak, can irocor• noel by onoloslog
& po s tpaid a s tip:ty l imi amyl° os-for to
/1- 41 = 'Sox 153 Dm* o. •
menial et the stoekhohlenr et the - Walort CrN
4 10 Quemoy; oh htoediy event:lb Jill, 924 It Ina re
*dyed to dteeeley the argiuthattes;3l4 orlott• lbw
taufnai 'of thir Nam,. Mt thalami evilest the
boursorreoitet Le heeded ta bo the etedetidebed ,tettbsen
thtrii dava hom Oath <Angst 10th, isuy,
_when this
tablx. se., oa toe poetelees wlll be mot 4 et palter
&action. 'ttele to corsesente 44 , 1 'Neck invo eta,
pm/. • • JtraN , WM. Pteitdeit.
:July 11.1156501t0 • • •
VINO. C. DI *.'
_. • 'im
Pa. f amie inHerre buibilie eoaarre
r. Liberty tmt 1
Mao eity,ra,Otte• eta gorges Bade Eialtedee 81.
TepUbetions promptly owls in.a.llpAt, The 01F44-
gloom. -012-61 a
,Agitutily ram 71.030ners, unt.
4 ,l , l 3 o 2 94 l 4 hir rfirtitdte - Goat rums &A
anima op ameoda4cpriess ! 171S -IF •
littiburt; Pa.
I &pais iouisaz
ILANN O I 4 t 4 bc!"l.! f: -
' •
We have co expense for Book-geeper, Rooks, worthless
accounts or collections. and earl Demeter*
!SELL CRX&P,-r f
refacitatniths wrenthingln their Line
• At Shannon & Co.
i o l , 3Zi ne Peach St„
d Depot.
heat &pertinent pc:lotions,
• At Shattana k Cer, Pertott St
Charcoal for Refrigerators and Distillate i tz3
at liberation It Co. ' 1 Plumb S.
Vire est/choke it !byte' oelehrettd sLCuthry
at Shearon k Co.'s, P 123 Pantie St.
alias end Putty -
at Shannon k C0.'5,13:3 Peach St.
1 - 11 .
Celebrated ratan, Annie Fearer; tUres going both .
, ,At k Cohe, 1323 nada St:
Tr—plains North Caina„
Jet !home & 1.153 Prath St.
Qe3 thee, Sisal and Seethe Stones
at ithaenoo k Peach St,
iII Wits' New Knife and Fork Polisher h Sharpener
at Shannon & C 0.% 1323 Peach St.
Brube& in' Horse, ifana,Baute, Shed.
Whitewash. Store and Counter Mashes k Dusters
-at Shannon dr. Co 13n Peach St., •
shore the Union RS Depot, Rile. Pa.,
Cir• Sole Agents In North Western Peens. for the
Arehlostdlen Patent Axles; also Herrings' Ere ant teur
'lir Proof Safes and Fairbank's 8 Isles. h 1911
1860. 1866
with that: connection in We L
United Hinter, otier
glut Inducements to the plum,
• tttte'er.
East:Noe taste trod 7ora Fella to New 'Turk
Bestanjorttaad. Saratoga' amg the WWIe Ifonotains,
els Toronto, Rtogeton. Montreal. Qaebee and other
routes, among whlaa are same of the ea at pleasant..
travail:tar a region abounding In besatifol seesaw
with a refreshing and ieHroratfag atlecephers These
routes toy the Lakes, the St. .Lawnoloe. Womb the
Canada; and theLlia tent and Middle States. haring
obtained inch popularity for summer and fall travel, it
has become en important Item to the managers of thess
lltemoto mask so at to Induce them to devote epeeist
attention to the redamltin of rata, sod
facilities far the aeoommo4ation of travellers
lichen! are good bfrall•or by , Royal Mail Line gleam.
err. Meals and Berths lneladtd between Toronto and
Direct eiruneutioni arw Midst with main lines at all
Important plata,'tact and west. To t•arole's from
Phi!ad•'ppbta. Baltimore. Harrisburg. Williamsport,
Titusville, and other important towns to
renasyt►ants, tha iontsa an of Mr •:case ♦ia the P.
B. railroad to
I:3lrFor tickets :ad all n'ilaesaary la.formalloa apply
Wrjghts Oto:k. Ene. ?a%
'Li •
Coal Yard, cortex cf Tirelfth and Peach S'reeta,Erfat
Pa., abo keep cot/atm:My ea band Lehigh and Plttaton
(Fox anti lump and ppiparad, Shainokin. S oral
and !fat atzae; illtaratuon• for aratnand atom, and
.I.3 . LQSSBURCI,--21 1 T913pna AND BEtVEP.,
For il4cksmitt4Parposce
Our Cps! fi all received by teat, is kepi en dry poi
door. and
We offer groat ludlteemeots to tattles Vaduz to lay
In the!: whaler supply, &se to dealers perch .eing by the
ear load. ,
tr . GUTS UN • eoll and 148 ipl/LISZItt• to give nothroe
jolyl9:4C-tf • JOEI.X 8t1:7851,1: h 4;0.
lit!plt:sicarpt & SON, r
P!"'"'"" •
111 • Mastafactmers of Revolvers,
%liar' Rea, Muskets and Carbines for the
Butted States service. A'so. pocket -sad
•7, belt Burnham., Remaking Piel.l.. Rfflr
Canes. Revolving Rides. Rifle and :that Gun
Barrels sad Gan meta Isle sold by Can dieters and the
trade generally. It thus days of house breskiis and
nobbe leery house, More, tank and office should have
sine of Remington's Revolvers. Parties desiring: to mall
latemselmes of the late improvements in auto* sad so•
valor mcoinnendelp and tom. till toll all covabtort to
the Caw Remington Revolvers. •
Circulars containing cuts and description of our arms,:
will be trualatied neon spoliation.
E. ItIiMMITOS k 5953 , Moo. N Y.
Rome k Nlttiols; Agent; No. 40 Bunked !Pave;
ties 'York.. "
Br Tirtalr ot•ta 01 : 411r of the Orpban'e Court of Erie
county, the nada:signed, Knudsen of the minor chil
dren of Peter Knoll, deed, will sell at public ale on
Saturday, &egad 4th, lige, afi that certain piaci: of
land situate in McKean township, Erie county, Pa.. be
tog part of tract /40.017, guattilly burn u tn. O'Mara
tract. bounded and described as follows Been: angst
post at the west line of the tract 100 perches, south ,
wardly from the northwestern corner, and running
thence by the residua of the tract, north 64N dug.; east •
104.1 parrohee to n post to the centre of &Tullio road,
on the east lice of the tract; 'therm:in the centre of the
mad road, and by tract No. 31e. south 24,4 degrm „ fast
103 3.10 retches to a porn • thence be-re (doe of the tract
south 64g degrees, west 104,e.' perch.' to s pout on the
west line of the tract: thence by tract N 0.318 north
2434 degrees, west 103 3 10 porches to tbe place of be
ginding:—containing 100 rues of landand elowinco of
6 per coat. for rotas.
Terms—One fifth in hand. and balance to Ilse equal
annual payments, with annual ieter-st, In be paid on
the whole sum unsold, and to be Wetted by judgment
bond sad mortgage on the remises.
lul2-3t Guardian.
The attention of the public) and the trade I, invited
air new smile, wren octave, toeswOod plain) fortes,
which for volume and purity of tone are n • r.valled Or
any hitherto offered In the musket. They contain all
the modern improvements—French grand action, hem,
pedal. Iron frame over strung bus, , and each by
istranunt being made wader the personal saparrlaton of
Yr. J. Groresteen, wholiat a practical erperienre
of over thirty years in .heir manafactnie, Is fully war•
minted In ever, pectin:dar
n. Grove dehe Piano Forte received the highest
award of merit at the celebrated World's Fair, where
wire exhibited instromente trims ltur Orel tubers of
London: Parts. germavy, Philad , lphis, Baltimore, Bos
ton and New York: and idea at the American I Willits
for IIT• ancceadre rats. the gold end diver medals frop
both of Whteliean be men at our ware•ncoms. • e•
By the inteelniettew of Improvements we mate • etlit
me.* perfect plane forte, and by manntectoring terreli,
with a strictly cub aPtalt are 'suabled to offer these
Instruments at I price which will preclude all eampatl•
tlon. ;
One ripe szi . from 1110010U* cheaper than atry first
class ?Ann Folic •
Terms—Net Cob ha meant fund..
DeacriPtirs eiraltlM t bac Irlr6Flj B. P.
CLlTOffur, - McCREARY &.'CO.,,
NO. It NORth T.4.RIt ROW,
Ltd irole iipertifvfthe targoefan4 mod cantOlty selected
do* ot elegan9l bound and baautltoLly illnitrated
B-0 if It 9 I
•) .
Ergot !went% tck tLir nuirkot. I.cindioaa •
stoat,* worict it
111/V and At:rimiest, Jntentde Books, ; Bible..
Prare4, 1 4 . 014 ipd_CluFflqr7lsea, In MA 071151 f. Also,
;- Awitatitt:'
WSWlEDeabhfinaf int Staade. ,Lsdies• Wlo=4
wall Baton rattallast.litereasearee and views. P rants
CatdPiete most bemired Sunday %Auld Verde,
du great variety. Pure bleanalee r eard Cu.m Gold Pena.
.Progalllng , Pesci% • Yuba" Foley Amdes; in
Ssotsh Pisia,Pba from the bee; mann
factolies.i• iliabeatitslas,
Astrea ts. . SAMMY:- vocßittorr tYk
W , AO , • ,• '
- •ataiii, , cidAv, • ...
TA-E1:14 , -- 0 , 0,1•4-
-!.". •
• _ •
• jaßS•lna ' ramtrsa.
lAR3AWerFaxiTtRi, Npri_efit.. , ,
-- Lou:, '
adnointstraWnt on thill.steite of Fronde Itatforor 5 .1.t0 of
LWOW. baths been grants, tonbr nr id olgn.4 ;
betebyento to slit Intlobfoßtn Oa Maio
f* coda inernnonstanwpotort, Ow It @talon.
Iliettfr pretes t tam, defy antliontladodi
for otteinnot. P. ;:6011072 . 16R.
Mit. Itir . L.NO—Ono = - , ldnditlotra!or.,,
al: co"
alvizgcate ,
trl24S ' WARE, ke.
Tawfrptill waser , :: I ...A.:a is. is,
EVR 4 3CBRIES, -•,
.•,t+ f
p.tuß *Tr. '
7; .; . ltrm AID 121CPLIIVIR 111/
lii:"1"•"!104tIrgt4 Nimes , s"
. C 27 BcoAgrini, N.
The Mail complete Meshed lostremeat manatactared
ht Amok*, hod the model amen of, the world. eorotdr
-Oaf sweeten' end 4teptk el Joss. thantlful and chaste
SPOSalligq" naafi% 410 , 01 the taltsien cocks.
7 01 ' Chelan. POWs or the Voed!orii eons;
&Ohm Inearbbt,y taken the
Whersyer asbiblted lo rompatition stifle other fret
tabu* otasattetorms. ?bitty-four dtlferact atylaa, and
from 1 toil Maim. Ulf, doable bellow*. 'doubts Mow
tape. Irmasavall, he , string great prof and gad(
tem of •
Applied to the &alai brad tagaraatraa a volume of
toad equal to • atztaen Nob atop In • pipe aro& and
!bap applied to oar orgasm containing them, end four , 1
sets of reeds, the yenta of tune ls squat to a 12,000 pig,tol
Organ, and mein* only about caw fourth as much.
Ind for as Illustrated phi, list, giving fall partici-
Lug. /lamas orders
0. 1. WILLMISt.
Wholesale dont, l'qa. CT Broadway, Y.
P I A. N 0
FO•T E S 1
The Cheapest Bat clad Plano Forte la tie llartrt.
Theca hiaattfal instrstaanta sirs lad winning their
wag into drills favor. Thew tone 'aria, fall and pow. ,
eagl e and gashes forth with peosilar aweebrace sod
soelm „ what the roachday is and elude. They a
Raided la rash toaawood had. 'with tail bon frame
twort strong bans and Trenth grand action. All have
Iwo nand assess, with Each inishaid like the frost.
Every, id.raaunt fully warranted doe yews. Circulars
fining tarred Aheada takes from Phoioraph, with
tall dairigthe pith* list, sent free hang "ftiss on kr
Atstantifal song and chord, worth 30 eau* lewd•
packs thseirealshand la worthy of prnatation.
Aided will be tarnished them 'weariful tartranunte
at the lost st whalciashfrolors, and tsarists at the seat
-des of discount. Addrusall ardor" to
, . 0. .t. WILLAIIO.
- Aftisherle Add. Nis RIT Broothrag,li Y.
Nor Wisleaski Agent for
1711. A. rpm) .
Of S" k
V. 11 , 4 ABE k
And other end olds '
I Circulars giving correct If keneues of these celebrated
Plaao and ?Otos iSerles's Uodel Organ', for
*stated to any address on spillentlon. • ,
I , 4dollabet g laattiry let, 16156. Welled to say address
--A her of Portals
Ob. et ordwe the dear old soot ~. .. , dso
pees Mott frets Os same canteen, by . ..i. a. C's, k,.. me
IlesaVfol Waters, sews by J. a Th9teee ` no
Pm happy aa the dty la lone-- , Me
tianiebodt'e Garbrg ~, .... .. .. .. - .33e
Violets under the allow, b ; XI. Tucker ..
Sweet be the repots, by J. It. Thomas ' 3.ic
Song of the Spoon.a taw, tillage song Ode
The Angel Guide, by neater ' - tOc
When I went courting, Faille ' :Oa
Golv a withered rose.... • :tic
Mother, I have beard sweet music 33e
Plea, sat dreams of loeg ago. .. . ..... •., ......... ....Mu
Oh, say not a womaa'altaartle bought- . Ws
Kathleen. des; Mt
Before I was martiod, 0 drat'
Welt met no more at twilight bear ' ' 256
Roautlfal Igo of tbe.SMI, br 5. R. Thomas - ate
Old Don't Care, by W. K. Raiford . - 900
I ight Glum soul, e f 'bee I'm dreaming. ...... .....45e
rive o'clock In the morning toe
. . ... . .. . .
Clean and I, by Harry Tacker 30c .
Come, Nellie dear. Tat vs.& g. be Tacker 300
Mode on tee waves, VOW du. t, by Glover 4U:
No time like the old Ume........._. bile
Dive the old moo a thanes toe
One bright moony eight comic 3.5 c
Theist canoe home bat isdos Ms
Young men as the railway Zoo
When realms light for freedom. Mc
Down by the gala, by .1. R. Thomas 33c
Fatties - ordering music, and over-paying for the same
will racalee their chute enclosed with the wants. or
metals will be selected, as tte paribes prefer. AU orders
peeroptV atbradad to, and soy inforronlion cheerfully
Som. Geozge W. Patti:not, ex tiovernoi ol New , York
Wutield. N. Y.: T. Colo=u4n, President Oka Mho:*
Dank, Danklik, N. T.
xsn• YAK onY stressathic
' Wm. A. Pond lc Co.; Wm. O. Etradbarit Cathcart.
' Needham k CO.: Stbe ri a Ott; Pugh Pada% Eq.. Gun
Sop't Este E 8 ; H. 0 Brook', Eig , Supl Motive noir,
- Eris Rlt ; Wheeler at Wilson.
Addreis anima
Wholento Piano Forte Orvn sad Ilustr, Dealer,
j 71214 If No. 627 Arosaluay, :New York
Buy to/we you can bu:y ( tlie cAeopme
TO2 PL/Cg TO 0$? TEM BUT' 1111311AINTS
so. 514 Roenzwara's afoot,
'Sim% Sr , Erni, PA
Haring Opened a we Hat, Cap, and Gentleman's Tar.
1 Wahl/ie.:lore in the room occupied by Mr. haze
• Rouneneig. on State St, opposite Bruin's Hotel,
would respeetfuliy invite the attention of the pub
, lie tO his extensive etort, eunbraefrig eery wariety
of (Hods in tha line of the trade.
Hats of all kinds, rises and qualilks
Caps il4 . merit style and fo t ittit every las&
Men's furnishing 00pC13 irocry kind,
boodating of
Ilobery, '
psper& linen,
Neck Tits, /se.
All to be sold at Lowest Caill_prfces, and,b.yond cow
Our goods ato oot au paced by ally stock to the
oily at . sod oni prka are as low se th e lowest.
ir • •
le. "w Artri BEAUTIFUL WORN.
. ,
~ . !.1 . : .. ; ...49) TaziAvazdroN. .
Ilelrolc. Pail:tic, ItoinMtle, Ilumoroita and Tragical
tapleodldlYlduattated ulth orer MO B. portraits and
,bestutilulangiavinp. -
Isinmock far iumtak hunter. { ender pathos,..atarthug
ira Witand attaches: been% steads peahen and alone
:mg .alt .lb Umpatltora. The valiant and brave
he rtirla the. picturesque and dramatic , the witty and
m ri ethics, the tender ud pathetic: the , roll of tame
an fitain MUM blade apfa Punt. bivouac and gave
at ling surp . rieet, wonderful escapes,. Limas word.;
an deedspanorama of woman, and the Ira le of the
ar are ,bete tbrillinglyportrey'ed in • masterly man
ual, IA ones historleil and romantic. reddening it th.
'en atilmpte, tofilimat and readably boot th at the war
ha ailed forth. •
ei t ii,
Uwort mills Welt The people ar• third of dry de.
- u s and pram wort*, and 'nett - something humor
ot: . romantic and rivaling. We Rave unlit clearing
o• rI2OO per Month ttiod . for ctrealant. and see our
t mg proctor Me chore amerflon
addrru - '' NaIIi3WAL PUB lISCITAW CO..
LOT Vlntlf RI, Pbtadelpbta. l'a.
• , GST
, YOUR ;t . °XXV' HAGS
• ;
•, • t-COtIGHtIN'S -
8. 0.0 T • . A.ll D.. 8 II 0 8-T:0 R E
Stall Stmt. , Haw qpnotito tha Passtene.
Coustain. Boot and &too Nev. • . •
ratosattally Whom the Pnblio that ba
humed hhtatand Abe littota Room
on Ste* m lark% nearly prod!. tha Part
OSen, when ho bona Ili ltia old Wands and eturtontara
togivallen oalL' Pattfitalto attalstion elm to
,Stinftleanekl areilanan, aspninteldhlg au hL
hadisnaChWasMlseloolteete ha out gine ea goad Whinny
tin ci and WI at at law Prim uany othar pinion ht the
atty. (toad Rts Prarnented. ' apr9lol.
TjWB DZALlitte.
'• TO BUlLDilifit
e Ed. Uwe awl ti:awlittototiene ire irottarlid to
faF rah haililers with QUICK LIVE, cRVICSIT. *TUC
-1:10.11.1titaLB nom, Li MI low piked IN (tray eta
be ought at coy otter We will also can
Atlkinsit admoeo wpm mad.- The Qatet Lim =au
feataredlty the Ego Lho. add Cement Company fit.
beffeed Inv widtansse and parity, betel bp misd fr
Ott Wait -Impend patents aod of *a tots'
Iflidinatitoos. • •
Orlin Lett at thiLaelee eiti'ourieb tit. at the Itlre, or
at pa ot ammo. anew it Mums II re
item prompt atleatiss. , jalylhls
L & Y‘
Prints/gm 8 to 12,4 CO. per yard.
Gaul Bleached Muslin, 1 yd. wide, at lg Cte
Heavy Brown, I yard wide, Factory 20 Cis
loodsare all neir.lisre been selected alb great
ram and will be ao!d at very small advance
Our stork to the largest era brought to the city,
esusluting of _ •
. BILK 3,
cassum RES
• Ccunpleta Aneotzetect of Drees Goode.
IReezi kind of artle:eln the Notion line
And, to ,Lott, • gonna mooviaosat of eireryttitog
seeded by Coast:try Dealers.
Country Dealer" aro Invited to glee ua a call. We gla s s
strictly wholesale trade, and proyote telling at such
vices as will.mate it to the adreatage of merchant'
in this Hellen t. deal la Sala, instead Of sending
East for their geode.
A. S. Socrrea Ars, W. A. CAAwsoan, J. N. Ito Cost.
Crockery, Willow Ware, Fruits, Nuts, ir-c
West ilde.treteeen Bth Ind 9th Sta., ERIE, PA
Nth paid for Country Produce.
F. A. WEsas
(A.A ssuciAme LAW JUDGIE.
GiIARE4 NO 14th. 1818
a. Fl Toopiturr, Reg —Mar : sour frwnds
.04a re, burins confidence la sour ability and in
tegritr, eosin, you to Income a =Mate for the Oleo
of Additional Law Judge, An early sad farorible reply
le eatutstly solicited.
Endue Slater. Beery kfcConnql, Theodore Ryniko
Rodney iulth, time P Rim. Beaty Ball, C L Roods
R S Battlev.jsmet C Calla, Chas L nee, t Hutehin
-500. T C Wheeler. Eugene Smith, Joknetun Ray John
II Gollitord.lemes Wenger J. Rockwell, If Renbam,
C Y Rockwell. Joehow Reams, T 3l Godfrey. R B Remo
ve,. L e Jones. Jahn flay,, Jr Levi Loreridge J
ford. J V Loserldge, U .Iklciols, Biota, .1 ,
that; A U Sly. C L Phelps.
- •
GIRARD, May 16th, 1865.
GuyWalla: —Tone law of .he 14th inst., raw:testing
me to become a candidate for the 0,0/se ; or Additional
Law Jitdite of the sixth Judicial Distric t Is received,
With many thanks f or the expreaalon of null:Wane, it
ltontalat Knelt an astirsasion tram rsk sdiste
bore..bnalness men wh.t ono intim del/ aconatnted with
my professional an social standing—la very gratit leg
,to car. Shoo d the Colon Convention of Erie county ,
add their eadetlon to your with ao kindly elpreseed,
will [he nye great pleasure to be I candidate for that,
bonoreble and reirrn.ible negation.
With tiL et reap. of, I am yours, ki .
S. 6. Woonarre.
To Hilary MeCoortell, grtalateakater an dothers—eitisens
otOtrord borough. say3l.llme
NOR -11.4.L1C.,_
c!,, , I V O ‘ 0 , 41 4 griP e CR II I CO I 4 1a ttBI!VQD of
aunaißas k I.IIIZ DEALERS' "7
V. ate cow la fall aparattou—lian Ihno on
- hand, and era prepared to tarnish tt from the Kiln, on
the shortie grotto,.
0.000 002 DO OF HEMLOCK nAns,
- Yorwhieh 11149 WOW amid rim will M pald.' rn
quirs of Iloilo Jk lipootier, at their Use KU, ou the
calm!. tear Read'a Dock.
Rds, Ps, ;ate 214.18864 ' •
conattattio law - iNo NOVEL for Agettt.
1.3 Pollak Creates Stmts. Magiloth sad W mookisz
.askomilal mid proltablo WWI,. Frse for fikirtU
lo ttotart% SS pow dm Carman ma to in Sou It S
610. 6 REE 3 Et ESE
xo. a anF.Rouss
io Sti snag gnu"
To our
81tuatv4 es the C 1,3,
Near Rears Deck
or a •whwiff Popults.,) _
DeWitt, itsentilvg rout soycoaso whotarar,
of thoryst.m, ramrod by settle bac...ships,. o+po.utfs.
Seven or dimmers or camp We. doidirn4 olthenr. mai.
or NMI My .101;114 or y oath. v ll ) 114.1 in this MU , : e pat.
Tonic, trot dopedout on tad Minors for their almo t oat
theiNtOs elfeet. . . .
And diseases resulting from alsoil
ero .E.Lret
ingastl organs, aro earAcl
TlSTißlttert bat I crformed tr.ore ituter,:teue tette
astlstactlou, hal more teettntooy, liJlessu te•PiOitir
people to Touch for it Mau any other sidle In the .irsr
het. We erfy aziyovela tout:gullet Vile ar Lt•tlou.
wit. pay $l,O 0 to tub one who wllatoduee eeertto • I,'
published by us the not tetioincp
_ 1100FLAND'S GE11,11.111 DI :115,
Willenre erery OM Of ChrOleil or LletTo . l6 &LIMY
disers-aol tbo kidorys. Ots.nro the folio 'v , "rog 0 - 4. 1 0 0 "-i•
reraltiog from olaar 'et, of :ho 413eatire 040,;'-d
Earvirpttign, invarrl l , PLl:ltass strEt4tyPett the
Ilsaileseldlir of the Stoma , b, Xmases, taiiltbiam,
East for Food, Foltiess or weight in She Fitosnaell,
Eructations, Slohton or Flattering. at the. Pit
fitornacto, It orimanog of the P.ead, tinme3 sod d+tlt alt
Bresrbing. Flattering at the }kart, Chol ins or
ing Sensations when in a lying posture, E1in0.Y.5..,•
or Wets tn furs the ,ight„ Firer , n 1 00 ll'ai~
In the Bead. Detelorsey of l`reptration Ysllesrores o.
the t kin and Eyes, Palo In the We, Bank cbcait.
ka , Sadden illuabes of lira., Earning la the
. youll, coo.
etsuA Ictiaziats!g4 ot . EYE end treat DeproAdnz
Itaxassne. that 6s ditterr i not alchoolls, co te.n
no rtud or whi.lwe,and cannot make drunkards; but .1
the beet tr ran In the world.
jittAct %, 110 BAYS
kola Rev. W.D. Satericd, Pastor of rifarth feat t it
Church. Mllads. 1
Giatlernen4 I hate rieintly bean lubor:n; under the
dlittai.bcii *thou of Indigestion, seen a paolvd a'ptcs
tration ail:4. sericite oly stun. Nttroarone rem-dlee ere
tetentastutsdad by Mind; aid some of than taiord,
iittetoatrslFif War lioattazd a Getriiin Bitters - v vii
racomnattuded by patinas who bad :iltd-thera, and
favorable tattot'aa cf these 13IttersittiStta d mo to tt
'ltem. I attpt edsfes. that I hid an averrian to patent
Itedicties from the e'llsocuoiad and once' quick "ill tints"
'home only alm statacto be to palm off mreetent ti d
drugged ligoor upon the carom Hitt is a 11,y way, and
the in.dfocy of litlch, !feat, Is to stake many a on
aired dipotaid. Upon loathing that • ours. via rvar,y
a o•rthalnal preparation Itsok it with harpy eff.ot Its
action, riotonly upon the sto each, bat novo tit. DPI - 1 , 1,1
system, was prompt and gratifYisg. I feel that I tor r•
derived greet and permanent beneht from the u.,e
few hott'ex. Peer,oep'ettntiy totue, -
- W. D. SE:IO, , PIED, ho.2l.l.Ttuactaccainti
From the Lee. E. 1) Arerittuat Editor Chr't
Chronicle; Ihitads. .
' I have derived tierldeiberie:t from the Ole
German Bittern, and I feel Bray privilege to reeranne
them as a Most valuable tonic trtr.ll woo are sell r,c u,
from general debility or from estates wrisirg frou 114+
derawgerreot of the Leer.
Yours truly,
Front Her. 1811err!ge, r i wz r , of th: PartlynZi - a. i
Chnieh. ?Mises.
From the many reggretabla recommend:A.l , ms gt,.,. 3,.
Dr. flo..tland'sGertaan Blttera,l au induced to give ; a e,
a trial. After using several bottles, I tcondilbeen to 1,,
good remedy for dealllty, ands most azesilerat foal., ha
the stomach.
From fey. Wm. Smith,fortnerLy Pastor of the Pincers
town and 31111rilla (V. I)_ Captibt Churches.
laming woad in wy.iandly.p.-onmber of bottle n 1
Hoofland'i Gersten Bitten, 1 here to say 1 rrrard th,tr
swan au:elle:lt medicine; apeciallY adaotea to nen , me
the dlteeses they are reeommendad Cr. Tbef .otratizt Lou
and invigt.rete the ey stern la= 11FrSilt3ted, en 1 are u,O
MI In disordara of the Leer, loss nf appetite, -, 0._ 1 sot
also tee oormendedtheni to gere, at vi ray frtonra t .
hate tried them, and found Mom gredt'y to,nerinZ iu tZr
restoration of health. Yours traly,'
WU. salmi, 964
• See that thelrignabare ct U. M. JACILSON't fa ou the.
wrapperofcteh bottle
Shoed yoornearest druggist Dot hive the arils l» do
not bo put off by any of the intoxleating preparation:
that may be clfered An its Mace, bat send to ne t ant
will forward, securely packed.y by expreat. •
rjr Principal o&ce and Manufactory, :Co. 631 .1 rd.;
Steen!, Philadelphia, Pi,
Eitiatusors to C. U. izokeori & CO,l 13 ,, prteto,
For sale by dragging ani deltas in ceerylo,en
United States. &crab .
E. W. RI &
Whiresat4 add rrt jl rAttlers is
ANtURtCITE, nlnutyclus Asn BLOSSIII:tai
Genuine Lehlalt Lump ror foundries, end prepared 'fo,.,i,
Harms WO,
-r . .
Yaans--Corner 6th and Myrtle; ,nd . earner ttyTi ie
and Ritter etreetna. squares treat of the Uziun Depet,
RVIII3 13 k: " :
- I -
iIivicoRATING k nuENGTEmsmi,
Fortlf es the el sten against the WI ereeta of unwh.le
earns water.
Will cure Dyspenst
KWill cure ea,kne
Will cure General bility.
Will cure Heartburn.
Bill curs Headache.
Will cure Liver Complalet.
Will excite and create •healthy appetite
Will Weigand° the organs or digestion and Z.oderate
ly increase the tewperatttre of the body and the for , 0'
oirculation: sating in fact si a general curraborant of to
eyeteto, containing no poisonous drugs, and le
b fair trial is earnestly solicited.
- BRO. C. HIEBBIA 6t CO. . frupnetoru
(_, . il T
uentril Unria - Ant leap Eaxese znuingudsoa,
SON . ST.. trwwlroas.
For tale by all Druggists, (its
nr'ximma BOA BLIf.Y. Brie, it
and for male by Egli k Warfel, Carter es
-alas k Booth.
Coburis PATENT .EL 4 •1101.Di\(;
4O} F, PA - TTERSON &—Oo
7515 Prriat at., Erie, Ea.,
Hate been appointed Agente , Lt. tiro Sale el
Fpr tbe 1' Erie, South Erie Cree,, p,
ummit,MeEenp tad Fainlew towneb.ips.
forge. is ;rooted to sell them in AIL Mrn
Me :bore naatl
Aoy iotalllgeo t man rennin-xi ilia info , i 3 per day, by
canvaaping for lltati. For particalare apply as above.
- -
The firm licreternre existing and.= the Intnei
Wee dissolved by matissi consent, dating trona Jan.uary
nth, 1866, Hr. Carts Ktfringß. of the old
arm In'oY to found it thiold place. Ptianat aettionent
twinested. S. CA ILTER.
Ur Carver hag tenet tted htesenwith.him,andwill
continue tee hurt:int anger the name and Arra tt
J. E. 1.. CA R VER- CO.
Keeping aNita' end well selected clock of Dru,v,.
ttnnFine Slasmitaia. new Pharmaceutical Prv,..ta
e, l'sare Pentium's, Planer Article", Ote.T` eexperteaps •
Cerkitof title how," ore retrancl on.:
Persona CAD relyopoll heltig rermtly sem, .1 at ail
NoTior.—rThe Israeli. of We. J, 8. Cuts hire ei:G .
,heco teeured; end will be - happy to C.ett bra u:'t
trlendour d motorail.. at •
OLD-91%1N D.
. imag•Ur
E IV% Bar,trian hay in,.; as.oci. l tt il with
Jlattlffe.tdewrct grabettdet, 40,0 • el: lin, as a
goopatehliSo. twopOlfully qwtorao Matzke far 4L. pot
lii•ot. or 'Ma - patslia. - 1" 4.1 soliella a eotatornoco the
" 1"-4 ' r1.14 " 401.11,1 4,,T.1111 buil coo. wilt Ler ft.r
totwinctod under the - ello co Matra & 13:ahndet, nt
tho 11137.8t1nd ' seventh street, et. coy Slategod
rholdl c aisle flutouttitlitufc . Ilr.ogiha:et c
/ 4 1 ,11 4 6 41' dagth 4011IIKIK 424 dttpatell. tte ac. 7
tiOU rellisnteed, ... - B,lwe urn - .
Et: it.'Co - , =iiao Nvtx s V U.,
On Peach Street, near the -Depot
rider, s. snows, :so, Silcohtoxis,
ZYSRIngSZCIIIC. G c, agatza.
bolupa, bairlag par .eted thllr ►r,.
now pagared tq th , ►- amoral sapp ,, Zathaage and
Callactioa Baguio& . •
0011141141111111 Sandi and Interestotes of all lLanc's
sad denoadaaticias bought sad 04/41. . raj 31-tf
iti Ptletahaitf 114 a l intraliafttiiieara all Ott , ars la th.t
afte_ti94 l. egni 0 4 11 7.0'70.11itir0 ant:
Cltrirs wink:neer a neorlaroornif rertrateid. ,Frey this
tainexpente can bravoldlod ptrastifig a for( WIN
otnitsrlia tin garden.
lnelettaratt elm Matto In ten calautee Yor aro y Dar
own braonFinak4l -
~, c 4lfiablksigb la fa; sale in,Fria count!.
et4.lor Ainialar. or eall on Abe autaertber, near
C 4 h; t i aati V* MTV" ,
/ t • , G. D &MD.
will curt
star., PA. '
Halmos , A4zent..
, array an.lls'zi,