The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, July 19, 1866, Image 2

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    Lxze obstrint.
THURSDAY. JULY - 19, 1866
FOS 0011131SOR,
Congress has resolved to adjourn on
Monday next, the 23d inst. Let all the
people rejoice!
A attune of the State Central Commit
tee,ln a 'private letter to the, editor, de.
tailing the recent proceedings of that
body, says : "Very encouraging reports
were given from several portions of the
State, and the prospect is really bright."
. Tea Philadelphia Age cites a case which
distinctly displays the marked contrast
between the two candidates for Governor.
Clymer and Geary attended the fair at
Allentown several we e ks ago. A recep
tion chair was belog voted for by their .
respective friends: Clymer voted first and'
deposited a ballot for each candidate.—
Geary deposited three votes for himself.
This - little incident illustrates more plain
ly thanicolunt . ns of argument the peculiar
characteristics of the two men
ANoTuaa;'Vera. The President, -on
Monday, in accordance with generalL ex
pectation, sent' in another 'message veto
ing the second Freedman's Bureau bill,
adopted by Ccrngress. He takes aubstan.
tially the 'same ground as in his
veto, arguing al considerable length and
with much ability against, the unconstitu-
tionality and - injustice, of the— measure.
The veto was immediately taken up in
both Houses, and the bill passed over the
President's objections by large majorities
in each body.
Dm United States Senate, last week, by
a vote of twenty-three to seveten, post
poned the Tariff Bill until next ecember,
by referring it to the Committee on Fi
nance, with instructions to report at that
time. As this result was accomplished by
Radical votes, we are anxious to hear what
*ha Republican advocates of the tariff'
hereabouts will have to say upon the sub.
'led. If we can believe the statements of
their organs the nation is languishing for
want of a higher tariff, and vet here is a
body composed of over two-thirds It(pub
linens which deliberately refuses to pass
the act required until December next,
when its adoption will be as.douhtful as
We have at length from Washington
the long lookedlor and welcome news of
'a break up in the Cabinet. Mr. Dennison,
of Ohio; has resigned the position of Post
master General, and will be succeeded, in
all likelihood, by Don. Alex. W.. Randall,
of Wisvonsin, one of the leaders in getting
up the Philadelphia Convention. Harlan,
Secretary of the Interior. Speed, Attorney
• General, and Stanton, Secretary of War,
are rumored to have followed Dennison's
example, but thus far the cheering tidi4s
lack confirmation. The day is not very
Aistint, though, when they will go, if they
have not already done so. Mr. Johnson
has declared that his Cabinet council
must be ) a unit, and if. these gentlemen
fail to take the hint soon, they will receive
anotheso broad that it cannot be mista-
ken.. N. B. Speed has resigned.
Gram. GwT.—Tbe New York Muss
(Republican) has a Washington corres
pondent who professes to have ascertained
General Grant's political position. He
' writes to that paper that be has learned
upon "good authority," that the General
"will, in no event, be a candidate for the
Presidency at- the next Presidential elec
tion, and any use of his name for that po
silicon is wholly unauthorized and depre
cated by the General.'! This will be a
* damper :upon papers like the Gazette,
which have .proposed his name in that
connection with the object of bolsiering
up their fast sinking party. But what will
be their reflections after reading the fol
lowing? "With reference_to/ths proposed
Constitutional amendment, Gen. Grant
has on seViral occasions in private cen
trenation said that be could see no serious
objection to the amendment in itself, and
be in fact approves of its malnifeatures,
but;neverthelesa, it is the opinion of the
Gerarallthat the Southern loyal represen
tativea should have been first admitted to
their seats and an opportnity should have
been given them'to vote upon the joint
resolution to ameii d d the Constitution, be
fore the same was submitted to the seve:
rid State Legislatures. In brief, his views
upon_ the latter proiiosition are iatntica/
with those of the President.".
Tos Committee of the 'National Union
Convention, consisting of Messrs. Ran
dall, Campbell and Blair, ham lamed a
circular designed to facilitate the Selec
tion at aelegates to the Philadelphia
meeting, - They "suggest, that it is - deals:
able that, there be sent from ; each State
four delegates at, large and:twe from each
Congressional district •vho favor the prin-
ciplee set forth in the call,, to be taken
.from the supporters of Lincoltiand-John.
-4 ton in 1864, and a ijkontimber from their
opponents. delegajel from each
territory, aad - -toui &Om the District of
Celan:ibis. In there States • whereof a por
„tion o Os people werniately in rebellion,
a corresponding number of delegate? may,
be ch-seu by the people 'generally who
accept the principles stated in the call."
The - committee ray that the main obisok
of the Convention le ,to bileg together at
Philadelphia "the'ablest men of thena
lion. without regard' to party antecedents,
who favor, generallY,therest oration policy-
President' Johnson hits _ advocated as
, against' the dangerous tottiae pursued by
the - majority of Congresio "devise a
plan of political action Alert lated tare
store national unity, fraternity and bar
ntonyt and secure to an. afflicted people
'that: which is to sincerely' desired, !),) 4 all
good tnen, the practical blessings of ttri
enduring peace." -*
IT..ia aurwiaed that, it the Bread and
Butter Brigade' uad it to do over again,
they would !save the r , business of ',smo
king out," the Cabinet to another ,00ett,
trion.'“Ttul,,bad iderr!that the result •
ne4.ld ba so.Otlable a hillore.—Washisa
. • Thii term F'Bread Mid Bigter Brigade"
strike Ahe popular ear as ‘sa good
phraqe, Ita lase by the Secretary of-the
Senate is Very. felicitous. Think of For
'neY.sittering at at geosuSe he is SO.
• ionlee4oldor or because ho watts otC I
. , . ..
N I li Si sOitect . iva,-
, Dove cot .:with' what
' truth; 14t Giti. Jo, p. A.. .Diz tail Initfen
a Ihttsr favorinith Philadelptiisectiteti-'
tiara. end all Prob#l4 be a iiembeilif it.
—, - -. 0 \ ' I 1 j -- 1 •
; , •I :1 '
. .
-, =
The advantage cf haling such a 'con
vention as. will assemble at Philadelphia
next month is too plain to lemony room
for doubt in the minds of conservative.
citizens, whether or no they shall give it
their encouragement.- By having repro.
sentatiyes from alithe States in the Union .
meet together they can judge of each
other's present !groper, enter into each
other's pints oky , iew, and learn what
concessions may l'be mutually promotive
of harmony hetwein the Northern and
thetSouthernirierldsof the Volga. Con-,
great; hai been 3egislating alt winter in
determined ignorant:foetid blindness. The
only way to find out what the South
mean, is to listen .to what it brie to say
through persons of its own choice. To
pursue such a plan of obtaining informa
tion as has been Jadopted by Congress, is
only a means of 'propagating error. What
would be thought, if, instead of allowing
Pennsylvania Tr& have represrntatiies,
Congress should appoint a committee, or
Star Chamber, empowered. to summon
such 'witnesses, as. it pleased 'from this
State and all legislation affecting our
interests were to be based on information
collected in this way ? even if the com
mittee were composed orNew Jersey and
Illinois men, we should' regard the. pro.
ceeding as intolerable. But. if a commit
teeilrom Louisiana were to undertake to
judge, in this '•way, of 'the wants of our
State, no language could express our sense
of the absurdity. The- only information
fit 'to guide a-•legislative body, is that
which is consteintly,liable to/be sifted by
persons chosen by the people forlheir
cal knowledge. For Mr, Boutwell at
Massachusetts to. determine who - shall
speak 'for Mississippi, is a very different
thing from the 'people of Mississippi se-
lecting representatives tii. speak' for them.
And then a man examined before a secret
committee can merelytansiver questions.
He participates in no debate; he Mtn
answer no objections, correct no misstate
ments. hold no intercourse with his con
stituents. If no knoirledge*of Massachu
setts affairs were permitted to reach Con
gress but by this 'method, her people.
would justly say that Congress had better
legislate on her aff tits in blank ignorance.
•But this preposterous„method has been
pursued during a long session in reaped
to the South. By means of, it the North
ern mind has been poisoned with false or
distorted information. for which we trust
the Philadelphia Convention will furnish
partial antidote.
TLIE proposed Vocatitutiona I amend.
\ ments do not meet with the favor expect
by heir supporierain COngreas., Even
zdany of the
_leading Republicans refuse
tO'llss ist in securing' their ratification by
thiStates, and it begins •to look now as
if they were certain of rejection by, seve
ral Northern legislatures. Gov. Curtin,
who :was the foremost Executive in en
deavoring to secure their ratification; has
-written a pathetic leiter to the Chairman
of the Radical State Ce4ral Committee,
bewailing the-bad fortune which. has -at
tended his labors. Re says :
' } As soon as Congress finally pasied the
amendments, I consulted with th' Goy
ernors of, several of , the States by tore.
graph, with the view of securing immedi•
ate and concerted salt= in ratifying
them, believing that ouch a course, might,
hasten the great end to be attained by
their incorporation into our organic law.
But the proposition was not received with
the favor anticipated, and it now seems
settled that there wilt be no general. ac
doh of the States' to ratify by extra ses
sion, even if Pennsylvania should do so.
To call an extra session in this State,
therefore, would not in any degree hasten.
the adoption of the amendments by a suf
ficient number of the States." •
4 ,
Wo trust that the course proposed by
Curtin in respect to - this measure has by
this time convinced the Democratidmem
hers o the hist , legislature of the folly
they d splayed in,voting for a resolution
endors ng the acts of his Administration.
His protandeclonservatism_was.tbe mere
trick of an artful politician, which should
not have deceived any one famitier with
his character. ~. , : .
, JUDGMENT ADROAD.T-OUr read e rs B i ll do
us the justice to say that we rarely trouble
them with fcireign comments on our Amer
ican affilrs. In fact, America is fading
out Of 'sight abroad. in view of the - storm
of war,rioverising on the Continent otEu
ropia.;, We cannot, refieirt. however, from
copying from the & .72evireo, recently
teeived, the following admirable cora.
nt on two topics of deep interest to the
country North and South. Speaking of
the Radical treatment of the Southern
States, it says :
The Radical leaders are fulfilling" with
scrupulous accuracy the prophecies of for
eign observers who were commonly' de
nounced as enemies of the American Re
public. To the old question, what they
fought for, they reply in substance that
their object is not to restore the Union,
but to secure the triumph of their party.
It is, evident that an independent Con-
federacy would be a less inconvenient
neighbor than a conquered and disaffect
ed province with eight millions ofbah/Al
tants. The enecaiei of the ,IJnited'States
never wished them worse fortune than the
possession of an enlarged and exaggera.
ted Ireland.
WE commend' to the notice . of the. Re
publican newspapers of this county the
following honest 'expression el opinion
from the Selinsgrove 'Post, always a ebn
sistont liepublic:an ' ' '
the have•
During pas. few wee a .we becn
asked, ••Areyouli4avor of Andrei , John-'
son's course r B - - T6 which we must' em
phatically say yes I Ile Mends . precisely,
without feir firor,
,where the ljnioni
tepublicarriartY jilacedlim in 18frI--on
the Baltimore platform. -We'have put
sited, in. regard lo the Lincoln4ohnsem.
policy, the rule - which we always .Observit
in the discharge of our duly--as journal•
ista-,we have interrogated cur.conscissace;
as, to What - we ought to do, and'thakfaith
ful guide telli.ds that' we aught to, with
all our Might; -Mind and strength; tiustalif
thwastesnasnlike and patriotic polierof
the Presidentof the'UnitediStstes ; and,
renounce,with all our dbilit r, the evilde2
signett„partyr-Stevens, Sumner a l Co,-,
who would. if they possessed the,
leantut 'down lead' the Asikneis 'of des
po t isnry or• the Sheltie; andcabfaaiotr of
ereby, for their, personal aggrandisement.
. ,
-,.& mu c us of tbo.. Medtbo,iv of,
Congress-.was held :at . Washington ,lap}
week, to.nonstiltupea massnres.ot psty
interest. The main , _topic:of considera
tion was the Philadelphia: Conventicp„
which the Rsdiesis look upon as likely:to
interfere', with their prospects of party
tucciess.,2lt wm- decided by.a nearlyao,
salmons vote -to give the movement, no:
countenance.- The :aspens seemed WU
more 'neicised about- "he-loaves =and
fishes "' than . -anything el4e. , fioodrifing
to the official steostintin 'theTritscse, lien:
aters TAM% Condestatid Witson, etl tweet ,
ed fiititriethitigAhntkii iirevetit the tbieet.•
enefi - dliphsteniant sor-Republican' °Mee=
holdete." 4 wlicaVa "the
' •1i17.. A"".
- It f;,..f
We hope every man under whose eye
the 61Iowing article may fall. will read it
earel j ully. It is from the Christian h&c, a
religions newspoper published at Atlanta,
Foua Mursges.--Tht great obstacle to
:reconstruction in, church and State, in
,fact and in feeling, lies in mutual misun
derstanding of the facts in regard to each
other by the North rn and Southern peo
ple.- If the truth were known at the
North as to what is said, and done, and
thought, : and. felt .in these Southern
Stakes, we belieVe that a controlling num
ber of. the people there would be inclined.
to extend to us such treatment as we de
sire, and as we think' we deserve. There
are four leading particulars in which we
think their judgments of ua are entirely
wrong, and if they could be correctly in
formed on these points, we believe that a
vast stride would be made toward real
peace. With a sincere desire to do gond
to our fellow-men, and to glorify our Fa
ther in Heaven, we proceed to mention
these four • things, and to put on record
our solemn - testimony in regard to them :
First—lt is believed at the North that
the people here consider the late dispute.
still'unsettled ; that they are anxious for
- emitter opportunity to resort to arms, and
that :they are ready and ripe to avail
themselves of the fitst occasion to make
anothireffort for independence. '
In all this out Northern friends are en
tirely mistaken.. There is eat a - ward of
truth . in it. ~ T here my be individuals of
whom it is true—of course wspoannot say
that there are none—but we can and do*
say that we know of none and have heard
of none. The are not think
ing about arms nor about independence;
the ideas for which the war was fought
are , conaidered obsolete and are seldom
spoken of. the great idea- with almost
every one is to take care ot himself and
Improve his own condition. Hevoluthin
is of all , things the furthest from theit
wishes or thoughts.
Serond.-4t is believed at the North that
_there'li here's general dispisSition to op.
fires' and , persecute the negro race, and.
PoSsible; to re-enslave them.
Nothing could' be fiirtfOr (tom the
truth. During the war the slaves for the
most part stood by their n asters, labored
fcr them without overseers in thousands
o itutancea, and sympathized with them
in every possible way to,tbe last:. Since
the war they have conducted. themselves
with a degree of propriety which, under
the circumstances, is a wonder to the
world. These things have increased the
kindness of feelings which were kind be
fore, and the negro race is held in higher
estimation at the Smith this day than it
has ever been. - The righte.of suffrage, of
holding office, and of 'sitting on juries are
denied them by our lawn, but in all other
respects they are (in Georgi .) precisely on
a f ooting with the white people, and so
we think it is in most of the other States.
The people of the North have been so
often told that the opposite of all this is
true, that they may find• it hard to believe
what we tell them ; but the facts are as
we state.
Third—lt is believed at the North that
the moment the Southern people are
c!othed with political power, they will use
their influence for the repudiation of the
national debt. -
We have never heard this scheme pro
posed. by a Southern man,•and it: probably
would never have been thought of here
if we had not received the idea from
Northern _newspapers: We have never
heard it spoken of except with condem
nation. Most of us are wise enough to
know that it Is to our own interest to sus
tain the government under which we ex
pect to live.
Fourth-41, is believed at the North that
the Southern, people, if invested with , po
litical power, would endeavor to force
'upon 'the government the assumption of
the debt of the late Contederacy.,
We. do net believe that this idea ever
entered into the wildest dream of the
most visionary man in these Southern
.States. We have never heard the subject
mehlioned, except with ridicnle..and, as
in the preceding case, we.believe it never
wou'd have been mentioned at all if it
had not been thrust upon our attention
by the Northern press.
If the people at the North c3uld only
how the truth in regard to the four points
above spoken over, we believe that there
would be an immense change in public
opinion, and in the state of public feeling
there, and that . the result would be a re•
storation of friendly rehitions and of
material prosperity. Few of them, per
haps, will see these Hers ; of those who
see them, some, we 'have no doubt, will
believe all we have said. for some of them
know that our testimony can be relied on ;
some, we fear, Will say that we wilfully
falsify, and others will" probably say that.
we are mistaken as to the facts ' We earn
estly ertreat qhese rho doubt our evi
dence to tell us wtiat • evidence would
be satisfactory, and it they demand evi
dence which the nature of the case admits
of, we' think we can pledge ourselves in
advante to• produce it.
This article may be copied by Northern
newspapers, and- it. is just possible that
some of their readers would like to ob
tain more full information from the same
'source; if so, let them addresa a letter to
the editor of the Ckratean•ractrs, Atlanta,
43a.,:und !LIFT shall-be promptly respond 7
ed to, publicly or privately as they may
TIDIE Conservative Republicans of lowa
'have issued a call for a State Convention,
to be, held at Des Moines on the 27th of
the present month, for .the purpose of
nominating State officers, and concluding
the organization of a party opposed to the
revolutionary end destructive doctrines
and practices of the Radicals. - In
ing this movement an lowa exchange
says : " The names appended to the call
will , be readily recognized as including
those of the best men in lowa. 'These
names - show that the movement' is one
which- includes the better portion of all
those Who have hitherto acted with the
RePubliean party. They demonstrate
, that theilecent pertion of RepUblicanism
can. no longer ',loleratti companionship
with, the faftioptactice;
bleinen-Whe compose the diCal wing
of ioWe''Republicaoism." , •
Gts: Gam., whom the Radicals are tri
jigs° ruin by' putting him tprward as a
candidates fir the - Presidenci* recently ie•'
niarkedlo .a gentleman of thin city who
;met bite in• the'-West, that •'unless the
Sordhern States Were speedily admitted to
representation in Congress and the right
•df self-government conceded•tothetn,.Are
should soot - hare Another rebellion)!--
Gen. Grant is no Radical, arid, It the Dis•
'Unionists should elect him President. they
Would catch is mows decided Tartar 'tboxi .
Aiidrew; Jobasom--'
Tux erintio• George Francis 'Train has
.again chili/0111th Coate ' He stumped Ne.
Imitate for the Dethoeratie ticket. ' The
kilkiwing Is an extract froth' one of his
'• The lci•ealled ;Vision' partyis' a disa•
:than party- The isonserrative peaty: wish
to do astir. Linotha . did—forget andlOp
give t.!; Th ipth
e liepoblparty.,,yrant eleven
Ifungarys 7 eleyen Rolands--eleynn ire !
lattils In the Staith: The Depseciatic mitt
"nit& tdreconstriicitne 'Union rcetore
,thela we y - 1 • T • ‘• -
. - ,'•
'Ant vote iii•Cotiftees the negro en frage
wee tifollotre t ' Por , the radature,alt-the
Iteiatiblicenr. ' 2 Agetnit Oa, interne, all
ihit'Ditatterets.. l -I,e. the Botate , of Peep:
'iplintiiit•theJetwetood ....• Fe the eteastO,
el4tbe Republiettzte. ivies thitatelpure,
ill ihetleniodtetel Loolt stile teeerd.
• .i.., vc , i _
'fiii"ttfaiti` Pitrir . 7ll . C.:.4Kl jai. iie~
siiarfled Os- higtika.•posing.' it, eta New
.Yoritzfisatat lairo,doserissa "aka'
fa v;
-Pas* PAL ibrk° 4l ' 4 l
Risfatre. ./***Ale.. 440'
The Austrian dispatches which claimed
a repulse of the Prussian armies and their
withdrawal to Silesia and S.txony, were
soon contradicted by stirring *yenta-7'On
the 29th of June. the Prussinds ;stilirme4
the tO,Tin of Gitschin, and compeljid the
Austrians to fall back to Jorephstirdt and
ll.oelkstatz. This victory sect*d the
junction of the two Prussian' armies,
against which' Benedek concentrated the
whole a - the Austrian and Saxon forces.
Together the contending forces numbered
upward of 600.000 men. The great and
decisive battle .wa s fought 'aril the &tot
July at. Ludowa, in which the Austrians
vrerelotally - defeated. losing - no - lest thou
14,000 prisoners. Their army is reported'
to have suffered an almost unexampled
rout. Whole divisions fled ignominioutily
and scattered in all directions. The Atm
triton sent in a flag of truce.
Austria, , after this crushing defeat,
agreed to gecle.Verletis to ale Emperor of
Frande, esking hisl mediation. Napoleon
at once communiCited with the bellige
rents, and , proposed an - armistice. The
replies of Italy and Prussia to this propo
titian have not yet; been received. •
has . accepted of the
offer made by Antitria to cede Venitis to
that government, and has sent troops to
take immediate pbssession. It' was re
ported that Napoon in tUrzi,had ceded
)7/mitts to Italy for the Island Of Sardinia.
The reported mediation of Napoleon had
not been accepted by Prussia/ end Italy,
though -the probabilities are that it will
be. Peace was getterdly expected in Eu
rope to occur within a few weeks. A num
ber of minor engagements have taken
place between the Prussians and Austri
ans, in alt of which the former have been
• Henry &tither, Esq., of -Itidgway.. 'who
received the endorsciment of- the'Republiewne
of Elk county for Congress, and who ha's boon
urged. upon the support of the Erie county
Republicans, like !.111 'wise and discroet.
man, who prefers tojevacle 'defeat, has written
a lengthy letter announcing his withdrawal.
from the canvass. Ills public reasons for this
course are given in the following extract ; his
'actual reaeonsHvelf,. they are kriewn' tv most
'men. sa y s the fl'oinitiation'iat iight be
longs to Eric county, and the permission to
use his name was based - nyon the supposition
that the would present no candidate=s belief
'that shows Mr: Souther is not - as thoroughly .
acquainted with the ambitious nature of our
Radical politicians as some other peopl e:
",, Three gentlemen in Erie county are now
presented by their friends, and I have no
dclubt their claims be urged vigorously
aid one or the other of them will carry the
aunty.' I have no idea that Erie county,
phesessing as she does the majority • upon
which the-candidate-Of the Republican party
must 'depend for his election; will CO out of
the county' three buccessive times to Rid a
candidate. .That Erie county atd the Repub
lican.parly of the district may not be embar
rassed with the maity candidates. I deem 'it
my duty to withdraw my' name from the
31r. Elonther is not content with closing here.
Be improves, the occasion to strike Scofield a
blow, which' Is the more rerions• because it
ceMes from s political ally and long-time
personal friend. The following shows in what
regard he holds our Congreesinan's character .
for veracity :
"In doing so I deem it justice to myself to,
correct a falsehood which I believe had its
origin through the press, in a paper called the
"Petroleum Telegraph," published at Corry;
and in the interest'Of 'Suite Scofield, which
also published that previous to Judge Scofield
announcing himself as a candidate; he wrote
to me that he' would be o'condldate, and I
agreed not to takeihe - field agsinsf bite. The
same substance has also been writinn ' to Va
rious parties is the district by Judge Scofield
himself. I pronounce the 'charge false."
This is what might be, styled " direct and
to the point," Butler "pungentsad vigorous"
writing what folloWl is still better: •
"I supposed I had a right to he ti candidete
for Congress ia thds district, subject to, the
decision of the Republican Convention. and if
dot the choice of the Convention I Would sub
mit to party usage, and be satisfied. But it
appears that, the right to be a candidate has
been patented or copyrighted by Judge-Sco
field and his friends, :nil up one must infringe.
Tho matter oeuld.l be 'made more secure to
them by getting the Judge to add a section to
the proposed amendments to the Constitution
upon reconstruction, and hivini it ratified,
allowing the present Congress, to' remain du
ring the lives of the present Mentbere. I hove
never supposed that an - officer Who simply
performed hie duty was 'entitled to 'e'er:eiders
tions beyond one who would'try to perform it,
equally as well, anti wiirgoad men who are
now candidates in Brie county for the position'
slionld be tbrisriside by the balance' of the
dieted, to allots Judge Scofield, who has held
the position the term allotted by party usage,
to hold as many terms as he may desire, I am
at a loss to conceive." •
In concluding Mr. Souther tires this piece
of gentle warning; to Scotlrld and his clan,
which may be more significant than they at
pr!Sent dream of :, "."
IS may be mu. a cantlitlate la,in better
fighting trim, to go into tho general contest by
being Scarred and hacked,* his owe
party before he starts out. ; . lie knows ,then
whet his weak porms and sore plafes are, and
is better prepared to corer them than if he
went fresh and unscathed ,into the contest,
and it May be upon this; plan this new feature
is introduced by. gyi present Congressional
hicumbent, and, his tenahls in common, into
'the p resent , cantast. if it is 13 0, and every . -
body eart - take a hand :it it, more than one
person who has gone oat to gather wool at
this time may come back shorn."
The pluck and energy with which , Mr.
Sputher writes proves him to be a man Apr
more than the aitprage mettle of Radical
leaders in our section. - We commend his
spirit to the leaders of the Republican party
in Erie ecunty.. If they possessed. one-hall
Souther!triseuraget ifte days of Lowry despot
ism and Scirdeld hat !cue would boon stoma
, , • •
to an end.
,5 Lowry, IVrites ..0 Letter. •
- We lelie mpde it s practice for s • long pe..
rind to` allay- all ''jgowryte
'publicheilspbeckcc'and i ietters. We do co for
two t cis llierniy':'ProtfuctionS .
they-are bitaiiably eghOt Its •lbe- choicest , .
Sestiabtsire bin cull from the comic - papers;
and second, they..are a complete l inden 14 ilia .
'designs of - the Radical loaders. ' Lest' the
following might be regarded as a burlesque,
we take occasion to state that it is taken from
the columns of tho Senatorial organ at Coiry
.. - , lisaamotrao,
JAMS •Forstisa„,Xeq.Dear , , Sir : -,Yours
of Abe 10th Lust. ,is before. me. in reply,' I
will tisy,titat I .wdrnot be a esedidate' for.
Congress_ at the ,neit, election, , Oa. sine.,
preseible,oentliot,?' with
k ohissolA*l4 Seward
okihe ono aide, and,Bed and •Copgreis upon',
the other, tonst - rome. - I" i fitie no, feirs but
doefield, will stand '- firm for liumaiiq, and if,
he does, I will stand for him fora re-nomina
tion. ' 11/Idoki tome tui 'dine' there would
te . a'gettital disposition to sustain. all faithful
members . of Congress, end the best evidence
of confidence -that men can give to their
representative, it to send him back. ; My
health is such that I would not dare to be a
candidate for Congress were it tetidired to me
without an effort!' But if I enlisted it ever in'
'much, I ' would - not be-tvs eat:WM:de - against
Seefield; it deities • tO-retnitt. • The true.
liolloy is, when'they gel the oiright•msts Willi
right*plaie;nto beer him' there. - '4lrt thie inv .,
speot Masedahusatte lids hilted' 'erlsdem from
South L . ,
'• ~ ii letteriii - Ibli'lvight tiottciliew geed it la
from 'a matt like you to a faithfaraprosanta.•
tire -in- have.- iTrita,to &afield; -you' hail
Influence vial hint Latidayoll4o:44 toLell him
to get BEILEEE , his , olll blende r sad lint& Ids
folly in hir:elfoi . ..tif in' . titiolliata bit ittetnies..,
Wilda the ilitsiteontakabilMssitabirill run
a knife iota him,4nd-liel soOnbr- the. better
IdoXiisliPttiolitY. 'olse'mitio'S"hand Is Upon
the motive powers at,bpth, tha Republican
papers In'Efitt : "' l'apprehend -t he will-be
pod agaiaet.',iislicit filtff 3 Nfr 141 viat
te timAievi,;Tru, Siolika, ..*llkit to 94i:
-them will suffer gratarc-issia these: , k
Attedittouttvbiroied ettiettr• !Italostagrei`-
:Bie.• 14:: 1 4tiatttaliiihiffilitliit 'AV
- kW 'plane adik , lik lam +yid In JOu r
~,, 4
European War
"Tie who 00E4 ina 'runt 'away,
May tiro to Sight coothorday."
In Thad. Stevens, and in God. Tell him to
eland by the Right and we will standby him.
I am truly yowl.
The - cream of this whole epistle lies in the
itheshlng cooliess with which Me. Lowry
speaks of his not wanting to go to Congress;
and the marked spir . rit unsolfiehness ha
dip: lays urging, Scofidd's renomination... ,
Everybody imtbelistrickhnows that the plan
'to send StioSeldbselswas arranged long before
Lowry's letter was written, and that he
couldn't have been - elected• to Congress this
tindrany eirocimstar . icos.l All the Sons
tor:s spread eagle about his "disposition
Co itietairfaltbfaV E represeitativla; the state
of -his "health," the neeesOly of returning
thn old Congressman,, amountd Lei ' this,
assA boating more. '
`The efew'parinershiP sinrangement 'winch
Mr. Lowry announces between ..God and
Congress" will strike the public with sur
prise. The mass of the people had been led
to supycse from the action of the - *edema
legislature that it was as far removed from
acquaintance with the Supreme Being as any
set of men could *ell be. We presume, though,
that Mr Lowry is fully acquainted with the
facts of the case, an he is understood to be on
,uocommonly 'intimate relations with both
.-God and Congre,ss."
The People's Candidate for Congress.
Cos., DAN DION :—Dear Sir .7.—We, the:
tuidersigoed; citizens of Girard and Erie coon..
ty; in view of the patriotic) services rendered
the Government, and the many thousands of
bard earned dollars you bare expended to
sustain and 'carrY on the war against
ion; having proved yourself the true frifiid of
the soldier, and - knowing you, to be a true
friend and supporter of Andrew Johnson and
his Administration in their efforts to , restor e
the Union, and having confidence in your in.:
tegrity and ability to discharge the duties of
Representative of the 19th District in Cor,
geese, we therefore request that you, allow
year name to be used as the People's • Candi.
date for that Mace at the ensuing election'.
•-• GeorgeZenyerd, E. 3: Kenyon, J. Martin,
J. Gulliford, W. L. Trent, 11. Benham, Janus
Brewlei,' Henry Bell, B. C. Ely, A. H. Os
born, Chas. B, Giant, Louis Yeager, S. D.
Cockett, John Brecht. Hiram Daggett, J. W.
Atwater, E. Jewel, E. W. Clark, William Ty
ler, G. 8 Gu'Word, John Hay, Jr , J. L. Hart;
G. W.. Woes, A. :Martin, Rabt. Wilcox. J. E.
Pettibone; A. Steil% James Callen, C. 1..
Phelps, John H.,Gulliford, A. G. Ely, E. K.
Smith, Frank McCreary, Wm. 11. Edson. F.
tt. Coats, John Robertson, D. Olio John Kul
eel, E. 8. Belknig, W. I). Webber, 11. L. Carr,
W. 0. Martin, T. T. Simmons, A. White, 8.
F. Mason, L. B. ,Chevaliee, James L. Thayer,
8. T. Williams, George ,C. Martin, C. W.
Noyoi, D. Ninon. Mom Godfrey, If. tel
berger, 'Jr., Michael Sohumaker, Jr., Hein
rich Sittelberger, R3bert. Calder, L. D. Hart,
J. M. Murphy, J; Header..
Uremia, PA. ' Jane 26th,. 1866.
To the Citizens of Girard and Erie County,
Penna:—Your letter, proposing to run me for
Congress, is received. I would indeed be in.-
sensible to the commonest impulses of hu
manity :were I not filled with . the warmest
sentiment. of gratitude for Ole friendly ex
pressions and personal regard that your let
ter contains, signed as it is by Republicans
and Democrats, whom I know to be staunch
supporters of tbe Government, and many who
have risked their lives far the preservation of
the Union. Such distinguished emigration
overcomes every natural objection I may
have for political 'honors; consequently I do
.accept of your kind invdatian to allow my
name to be used,- but with the understand
ing that I ant not to be thu standard-bearer
of either itoliticalparty (Republicans or Dem
ocrats) but if nominated it must be by a Peo
ple's Uonientioo, as I belong - to the people.
,Thby are my friends and 'patrons. and in jos.
ttce to them, composed as they siv of all
shades or political opinions. I mast continue
to liven their esteem, and labor to promote
their happiness and interests which ha. been
the height of my ambition for twenty.the
, Respectfully, Yours, k, DAN Rice
NEW PICTIIIII GALLART; near the railroad
depot, Erie, Pa.—d. D. Wager & Co would
most' respectfully inform the public that they
have fitted up a splendid suit of rooms
in Lyttle's new building, south of railroad
depet4opposite the logatity of the late '
people plaffe particularly convenient to the people
from the country and the adjacent towns.
With a superior, ight, improved back ground,
and the best of instrtiments, they believe
themselves to be preettred to supply the wants
of the public in a iiiimfactory manner. Pho
tographs, Ambrotypes, Gems, and, in short,
every style of. pictures, large or small, taken
in': unsurpassed etyles. Orders for outside
views and lite size portraits, promptly.filled.
Mr Wager having been' engaged most of last
summer in securing representations of scenes
in the oil regions offers for sale a large'vari
etY of Stereosc pia Pictures of that locality.
je2l'66-tf, - •
Ross's Out tituitst's Fumanti() 'Stuns.
—Mr. Werra L. Hoes has, taken the store
lately conducted by Justice, Gheen & Galla
gher, andlfitted it up with everythintenecessa
ry to make a complete gelatlemen's Varnishing
Wstablisbment. His stock of cloths, cassimeres,
vestinge and ready made clothing is fluperior
to anything ever brought to lhe city, and we
defy any tonal° visit the Store without finding:
something to suit his taste. Mr. Aces has
been very snoceisfut In securing a cutter who
is not surceased anywhere. Under hls Antral
supervision the_enncern'is turning out work
equal to the best. Eastern establis hments. No
person can have 'an excuse forgoing abroad'
to get clothing while Ross audit the conve
niences -that be-doeS. In addition to his other
goods be has' also a superior Stock of htte
and caps, hosiery, collars, cravats, — in short,
anything that, a man wants in I - clothing
line can begot at Rose's. Call and see for
yourselves. , je2l tf
ceir Clark & Brotker, Wholesale and Re
tail Ders in Confealionery. Oysters, Canned
Fruit.. .tionery, Yankee Nouns, Bakers'
Goods, i
eye, Cigars, Tobacco,;' Pipes,
West Side of Peabh Ptreet. 1 Square South
of the Union Depot, Erie. Pa. Also. Dealers
in all kinds of Country tioduce. Particular
- attention• paid to tilling ossuary ordere
„._ ____. • '' (Jan 28 tf )
. ,
___ _ •
ricrruacs.—Persons wiskinglo procure por
traits of themselves or membereof their fam
should call at the ualtery of Air. Oblwiler,
'la Iltoseusivelg's blockL speck:bens of
work convince us that lig , ks an artist 'who has_
fewswperiors. The tbrotig of visitors to his
,rodtak ore %o'tndicattoc,that his teethe are,
_ilailylectimlog better known - and appreciated
by theptiblic.: •
510,00 Bansnii—Lbs4eit the.l2th of ' Jute,
ii tait i colored dog, answerine, - -1e ' the
name of ."Cule."-, When last sem had on a
canar tnitifed ßrie, Any information leadiogto his recovery will
be liberally rewarded, a#ll the above reward
stilt be given on his beifferetiorned. Address,
Smith & Gillmore, Erie, Pa. • je2l-4tat
. „
geiti'D., W. Hatchinsod; ratted States Odra
Agent, Girard, . Penns. ';,Pensioas Back Pay,
.11 and allthes.clartas igattlet the Gas:
asameit aitindsVto46 tikromptaess. Charges
reasonable. Afrolisstioneby malt attended to
ihrSit?' Ile If mails person? I,IIIE 4.m)
= thdi esti!, with ateerself sealing glair
type s for sale by iiimr / 84,,Dutoreey. jel4tf
• .!‘. - StediCA tetteett:
-• G r oan Nres,Vflist better newe to the if
flicred'thati,toleform them of a „remedy that
is going to restore them to health.? Have
you the Dyiipepele or Llier Ceteplaint ? Are
year digestive organs debilitated or your
nerious system affected so, at once re
sort to the use of 110 °PLANO'S GERNAN,IIIT.
rims and you will be completely. and perms
nently.eured. , For sale by .all' druggists., 7
,TAV,I°PY Ii n '39 5-211 -
, • Heasim....Tbere is aothieg - more valualtle
Hiatt:bean; withentit the wealth of a.Crceses
* eina'tio.:e!tieSpezt, and: life, Umtata 'eta'
blessing, bettomess burden. Boartatoiallts.
liag Bursas; to; these altherOd yOth say dis
iski of ; MS; Iteiniach Or'digetithia organs; will
furore more valuable ; gram- a mine of gold.
,dtugglatt.':lhey 'Uri, not' Moo
• * jyB.2w.
. •
fice,astarut.. 7 -4io net expose tionmelves to.
the itlillrY_lfeirehWinds and the shaking weathi
er which alwayar heralds 4their 4pprfach.—
Ilesp,yeur children, scarcely,. OS4 ad& cleie
trete' brpittere: - For had' Cough!. auddeb or.
Plistitiatii,Colds.Ciottp,arod.Sose Throat, use
Ottal Oteighdialasaa.:l •
~.: , , • •
160 lergalesetc but 'Sadler itt to = deboate'con •
dilletkiettittld'edtitse emit' to
j For non•retentioo or incontinence of
urine, irritation, inflammation or ulceration
of the bladder, or kidneys, dinettes of tire
prostrate glands, stone in the bladder,
6r►vel or brick dust deposit, and all d'a•
eases of the bladler, kidneys and draped.*
swellings, use Hebehold's Fluid Extract Bu
dn. if '
wa h ,. Helmbeld's Extract Duchu and Tit
pmid Rosa Wash cures secret and delicate
disorders; in all their stages, at little expense,
ati k ;
little or change in diet, no incoovestlenCe,
and mare. It is pleasant In taste and
odor, kerne laic in its action, and free from
all incurious properties. tf
Ilelmbeld's Concentrated Extract Bu
du is the great diuretic. Helmbold's Con.
mended' Estraet ' flartreparills is•the-great
blood pnrifier:_ Both aro prepared according
terules of - Tharmaey and. Chemistry, and are
the most active that can be made. If
110--ilelmbold'e Extract Bnchtveives health
and vigortcrthiframe and blood to - the pallid
oheek. Debility -is accomplished by many
alarming symptoms, and if no treatment is
submitted to, consumption, insanity es epi
lettio 4t5 ensue. if
• ger k- ready and conducive test 'of the
properties of Ifelmbold's Fluid Extract Buchu
will be a comparison with those set forth in
the United - Elates Dispensatory. if •
S Enfeebled and Wattle constitutions,
of both sexes, use Heimbold's Extract Buebu.
It will give brisk and energetic feellngs,land
enable you to-sleep, well. tf
Stir Take no more unpleasant and unsafe
remedies for unpleasant' and dangercus dis
eases. Use Heloabold's Extract Buchu and
Improved Rose Wash. • If
Helmbold's Fluid Extract Buchu, is
pleasant in taste pod odor, free from all inju
rious properties, and immediate in its action.
stir' rho glory at man is strength ; there
fore, the nervous and debilitated. should im
mediately use Efelmbold's Extract Dacha.
ter Manhood anti. youthful vigor ate re
gained by Irelmbold's Extract Buchu. tf
ter ;battered constitutions restored by
Helmbold s Extract, Buchu. tf
Du. Ittysin;-Pedaral Hill, selec&remedies
tom all systems, and cures his patients.
nixes C 1 tea Thrsrenx.—The public attention Is agate
tailed to the merits of this old and popular medicine
-1111/TCU /MEI Tux wou ernotoron . WAS. DURIXO a TI•
Every euesidente tenon knows the imps/nines of
removing long &Zealous In their early stages and many
from sad experience bare learned the danger of Zebu.
Hall's Cough Remedy Is sox reeornmended as e oast
st.Unaracies ros ALL anus ILLI, but only fora
de class of DISUSES lontad in the same structure, Ina
ted-by ate 'same recess Sad requiring much Ow same
treatment, varying only with degrees of violence.
It Is pleasant to the taste, safe In Its eye:llion,
thorough and speedy In its action. Long experience
proves it ha. no sorsa/oh Grine/if. in merit effieteney
for curing OOCCU, uoistessrsi, UzoeCuirie "nor?
arts to and irtioorl3.3
It teIDOTIS Illeitloo, causes free and ease a:vectors
tton, loosens the fight and tall sensation in the longs,
restores the respiration to its easy,' nttural condition.
Imparts health and vigor to theinngs and also clearness
.and strength to the voice.
One bottle is gene ally aoffitlent to eon an ordtaarj
Mall Flea ,50 tents to SI Per bads
Moral indoomouts offered to tha trade.
Sold wh'oleaale and retail by Hall & Warfel. propriet
tore, at their drag store, EN State street, Erie. Pa., and
by dater' generally.
Renews the halt
Hairs Vegetable. Sicilian Hair Renewer
Restores gray hair to its original color.
LUTE Vegetable Sicilian Her veneerer
k Pti events the hair from fallineolt
Hairs V getable Sicilian Hair Renewer.
lia`es the hair .ft and glossy.
Hall's Vegetable Sicilian flair avninter
Does 130 i stain the chin.
Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer ,
Haaproved itself the best preparation fur the -
hair ever presented to the public.
For vale by all druggists, Pries sl`oo.
R. P.HALL k CO.. Nesbit', Proptiaters.
Ptitalsbini for the benefit and is &CAUTION TO YOUNG
NEN, and othem, who =Net from Nervous Debility
Prematura Deasy ot•Naahoob, Bo supplying at the
time time Tall Illeas of Sma•Comt. By one who Wu
mired himself titter sinfiergoloc eossiderable queltery.
Hy eneloaloc a post• pad addremed etirape, single eop
le& free of charge, may be bad of thcautbor.
2.6'61-Iy, . Droalyn,lLlngs Co, N. Y
B 1 William !Swinton. The standard history of the
gaud army. The greatest most on the war ; unser
sally eadoreedAy army °diem and the preen. The au
thor sayer -
.1 design is this volume to record what that anay did
and suffered to Ws campaigns and two non battles.
"I doll have to erdebrate the unswerving loyalty of
this anoy, that oitttmes when the bond of roiling co.
bide° fulled, held it, unshaken oflortune, toe duty
self Imposed. 1 .
.1 shall hen to hollow it Or °sib • checkered cope.
den" in a tale commingled of gran wileortaues, gent
follies .and great glories; but trontille4 to last, it will
appear that amid many buffets of fortune, through 'trio
iar end rough woldher.' the:Arcuy tithe Potomac never
gave ttp, but made o good ifyht and 412511 y reached the
.Of this drama there wilt' be no'otlter hero than the
Army of the Potation itself; for it would 1101119 that in
this war of the people It an decreed:there should arise
no imperial presents to Worn the
.central Bore and
cynosure of metre nee. Afapolemo, to so outburst of
haughty elocounsee notate:it that in the greet armies of
history the stoutzotioder wail everything. Sh II Proud
apothegm; ham no app teeth) x to the sztoyaf the rota.
rose. And one must thttk—uteing , It never had agreat,
andnotorally had mediocre ennmsodere-it was that It
might be sold that whirmer it won it owed not to genius
bat I ought with Its blood..
This Is the o ly History of the Grand Army, cad no
one who has borne a part felts tonflitte, or is interested
in Its grand achievements, should be without it.
Tide work presente• rare thence to make mote/. -
Agents eran'ad... Bend foreirettlers, sod see our truss
• &I Moor at Phila.
G°"' PATT.CRSON: az CO.,
Hare on hand -a; large auarnneat of Teas, Coe.",
Sagu.Syrap, &La..; j/12•tf
rayrstestori: A; Co.,
Have on Land the neat kinds of Ground Cotroini, enloos
of all kinds, ice.
AT Tip LOTi',II3T Tater".
. .
, .
AKind s •• %, .., • ,
A .
MALl .. .rim Burma , DIALIII, IN BOPS
Harley, Malt, Ales; lAger, ke.. - ProprMarla At. Mid
Lager Breweries arid Malt Warehouses Erie, Pi.
3y1116-tt •
Tun quiai, cu./OEBEIIOU Deasy of Warnin
and Instruction to )oaf Nee—pabliabed by lbw
and daroelttloo, •‘d grafi+e of clung in sealed easel
epee. Address Dr. JISKILLIN HOUGHTON. Pblladielphla, Pa.
NsuTol7B DitalLl*Y. Seminal Weaktms, eta,
eau be eared by cite wbe bee eared. himself end hun
dreds °totting, tutd/wlll.y•tt you potblug but tbe
Address with otAM,p; • •
jiaresay. - f _ . I , ISX at. Boston, Itole.
-Dattous OF , TOUrar—Al saatleasim Tho has
coffered toe years troartNeevatte Debility, Prem.
ten Deasy, aadall the ittkle si etntettal Ludiseretion,
evil! for the sake of telfertax btuaaatty, &me flee to an
'who need it. the recipe and • Manton toe staking the
oimPleeetted, by Which be numbed BdShrerewishing
to profit by' the advertleet'i , expertenee,ean 40 to by ed.
dinning '• •
dec33l3 Iy. - No. 13 'Chambers St., N. Y.
li'VERYTHINO Matter twee hom#aaYsttaeme =as
and female; 'the causes and treatawitt:of chimes; the
inarrlage el:stows of the world ; bow to /Carry well, and
a thearmad Mogi never publi shed Want,' read the re
vtalfd and enlarged edition of MICDICUit. Connow bassi
eciriont boot foi carious people. alas good book ter
every one. 400 100 Illotrattens. Pries $1 SO.
Contents table *int boo' to any add t. Books may. be
bad at the boob' eforee,:or iltl b neat by post
the Pee'''.
;add, on receipt A
E. - It ee Affs,ll, 2
• 1130 Broadway. New
N ...5.c4 a; CIGAR - Wrong. •
• •
The undersigned have o'penedi A, Tobacco stCrip,or
7184 street,between Mato and French, (opposite GSA
Web omen) and win inn constantly on band a choice
apply of &gam Wham, Snot and find MINI mulls
sand is first clam Tobacco store, which they will eo. I
at' wholesale and Mall. ?lug and an. art &Orton to
twee et the best uminfacturs. Smoking tobacco, Flynn
sad ewer roods la grist ~ fir
spirek ly noAa & aftBll7
piling LIBERTY . Walt* LEAD,
WM do more muttony walk at it Oren cart, than ael
other. Tty It. Watuthictored only by ' ,
'ZIEGLER . Burn', • :
rraorxsAzx plor ¢ OLAII& DIAL
Oh gtmt. PbtI L
tebrea ly .•
1D It AI 0 V
_ _
GICICERIPO "",0400KR11 1 .11
'etaittioietbor bil nlethia its 664 tiroatiita
bolo tatug4 aboli tbs Like atm. Dopot to tht
roar tat* 'bra* oa Rata ,000.7,0111_at.
Toot% bo wilt to happy to so al. mama asd,
eastomarm theta ontlastor rods lap MIA 4 K
anomie is tam* and aanattly tottattd atht oltaad
at,. Ito looatt aatoolo twat tho %Wald oat.
ti,pAprit4othir am Weal
1016 . 1 41;: • ',;•, :
,-a ,
t ,t 7,z . tl
MAilg:4:(4ll.44ill:Out4atio: o l# 4 •,
, uNight
. 11 loomla g Vcrein.”
rholonPo "Night Blooming Ceresmot
Maloof* "Mluts.lllocoining Ccreuu."
fikslastli **Might blooming •Ccrens.”
41 ,tilglit Blooming Ccreno.n
A most,exemisite, delicate, and Fragrant Perfume,
instnied temp the rum and beautiful dower from
Which It takes Its name.
Manufactured only Ly s
• ionAmoN & sox, Dresr
dr ROYAL ..% 11 .4 0 . PATENT!
Preparoi from I PresMiplion of oir. J. chute, L. D.,
Physician Extraordinary to the Queen.
nit loreluable aurdiMne is installing in tho cursor al
tome painful and dangerosa diseases to which the female
Constitution is subject. It moderates alt Blern and re
moves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be relied
it hi pemillsrlyVuited. It will, in a short time, bring on
the monthly period with regularity.
Each bottle, price One Dollar, bear* the' Government
Stamp of Great Britain, to Mina lounterfelta.
Titus Pals sasofd Rot St taken by Female* daring tw
FIRST _THEE'S moirrns of Pragnaw - y. as Meg ars
sure s. brint on Illiscarriagt, bat at any ea:rime (hay
eta acila.
In al! cases of Nervous and Spinal ,Allectionlii Pala, in
the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on alight exertion,Falpita
lion of the Reart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills will
effect a cure when ullutber means have failed: -and al
though a powerful zemedy, do not centaintroo,colomel,
antimony or anything hurtful to We constitution
Full di:valour id the pamphlet around each p.• Sage,
erbicti should be carefully preserved.
..Yolicksernttoiths United Stites eterd Canada,
JOB 11.051.54 21 Cortlandt Rt, Nerw- Yotk.
H. 13.-41 A mite pWagsktsztyaSselormed to soy as
(braised Sgsak, flB lows s bottle. contsloLor SO
Liromii^,tattataDlCAlt MOPS.
Thus /hope are • selentillindly. eomjoundial Enid
time, mod better than any pills. powder, or nos.
liodep Hgni 7, their action I. direct sad positive,
rendeilug them a reliable, speedy ant certain specific
for the cure of all obstructions and sappresabits of na
ture. Their popularity is lodinated by the fact that
over 100,000 bottler are annually rill and , cousumed by
the ladies of America, every one of whom nests in
its strongest terms of prime of their great merits.—
They are rapidly taking the place of every otnerfemale
remedy, ard are cons detect by all alio know aright of
these, as the surest, safest and most infallible prepare
time in tie world; for the cure of nll female cotuniaints,
the tumoral of all obetruct - ons of nature, end the pro-
motion of benith, regularity and strength. Explicit di
rections, stellar when they may b. u...ed, and explain
lag when and why they rhluid cot, and c old not be
used ert - hout producing erects contrary to naturs'a cho
sen law, will be found carefully folded around each
bottle, with the - written Meatier. of John L. Lyon,
without which norm are gramme. '
Prepared by Dr. JOHN 1.. LYON, Int Chapel street,
New Haven. Conn:, who con be consulted either per
'tonally or by letttr. (enclosing - atarop) concerning all
private diseases andfemale weakness. a.
Bold by Droggieta !my where.
C. G. CL tP.K fa GO.,
n4fetlf-ly Genl Agents for U. 8. aod Canada.
Dtt. Tat, 60T PP•e PI
t;omposel of highly Corinna:sated Es' racts — from
Root. and Herbs of the greatest medical value. prepared
from the crises' prescription of the oeleOrated Dr. Tal
bott, r.nd used by him with remarlabla savers for
twenty years. An infallible remedy la all DlitilstiES
of the LIVER, or wry derangement or the nIGESTIVE
They Cure Diarrheas, primal:at, Ser,fals, Jauldlee ,
Ellitoturness. Liver Complaint.
The well-known Dr. Mott sayeof these PiEs I have
used the formula Irons which year Pills - are made, to
my practice for over 12 years ; they hues the attest of
feet upon the Liver and Digestive Organs of any medi
cine in the word, and are the moat perfect Purgative
which has ever yet been made by to body . There are
safe and plearent to take, bit powerfu l to ear* Their
penetrating properties stimulate the vital activities of
the body., remove the obstructions of its organs. parity
the b'ood, and expel disease. They purge out the foul
humors which breed and grow distemper, stimulate
sluggish or disordered organs Into their natural action,
and impart a healthy tone *Rh stieregth to the whole
syttem. Not only de they care : the every day com
p Mots of everybody, but also formidable and dangerous
diseases, andbeing purely vegetable are free from any
risk or harm."
They create pure blood mod remove all impurities
from the system, hence are a positive cure for, Fevers,
Headache, Piles. Venoms' Diseases and Hereditary
Humor,. Doss—for adult", one Pill In the morning ;
for children ander 8 yea if a Pill.
Price One Dollar ;yr 13 !rade supplied o- sent by
poet paid, to any part of the United 6tate, or
Canada" on receipt of price. Wone gamine without the
tac.elmile signature of V. Mott Talbott, ii. D.
V. , MOTT TALBOTT k Co., Proprietor',
ocd'6S-ly No 6d Fulton street, New York.
Soul has thoroughly proved itself to be. the best
artiele known for curing C, COLD II THI RIAD
and Iltranacnz. It boa been found an excellent remedy
in many cues of Soul St 111,Diowtent has been removed
by It. and Hutu= has often been greatly improved by
Its ease. It Is fragrant and agreeable, and glue IM/1110/-
ATS RELIES to the dull heavy paina caused by diseases
of the Bead. The remations after using it are delightful
and Invigorating. It opens and purge' out aU ob
etructions strengthens the glands end gavel a- healthy
shtion to the parts affected.
Store than thirty years of gale and use of Dr ILarilmlts
Catarrh and Headache Snug bu proved its great value
for all the common diseases or the head, and at this mo
ment it stands higher than everbefore It is recommend
ed by many orate beet physicians, and Is need with great
imams and aatleliction everywhere. Read the gertideste
of Wholeasie Druggists in 1834:
The undersigned having tor rosnyyew% beeli sequin
tad with Dr. bluebell's Catarrh and Header be dune!, and
geld in our wholesale trade, gbeerfulle state that we be
lieve it to be equal, be every respect, bathe Tllll6l9meads•
thane given of it for the we of Catarrh dere:lona and
that it II decidedly the beet article we have ever known
for all common. dliteues of the Read. :
Burr At Perry, Reed, Austin A Brown, Lamson &
Ce.. Reed, Cutter dtCo., Seth W., rawly., WBwo, Palrbank
&Co., Boston ; Renshaw, Edmunds & Cp H. B Ray,
Portland. Re.; Barnes & Park, A. B. & hands,Rgeplion
Pant & Co.,lsreel Miner Co-, IteCesgop A Robbing, A.
Seoyill A Co, N. Ward, Close A Co., Rub & Cale,
New York.
!oriels by all Druggists. Try it. ' sep2l'ps.rl7.
CoNSIIMPTIVITS. The adi l ertieer haVie•
1 been tutored to health in • few weals by • vet 7
maple remedy, atter baytig antlered several years with
Ai:serene /nag affection, and that dread dim a*, Con.
samptloss—is anxious to make known tolds fellow-04-
far ars the =saes of ears.
To all who desire it. it. will send a copy of the pre
scription need. (free of charge.) with the dilutions for
preparing and using the same, which they will End a
Imre cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Colde r
C,ooghs„ LC. The only object of the advertiser ht send
ing the preamiptloa is to benefit the afilicted.and spited
Infonnatdon whtch he conceives to be Invaluable; and be
hopes every =Beta will try hls remedy, u it will cod
'them nothing, and may prove a blessing:
Parties wishing the prescription, eau, br return mall,
will please eddrtu Bev. BIM aRn a. WILSON,
dec2B'os-Iy. Williemenugh, Kings Co., N. T.
STRANGE. BUT TRUE. —Kreri 01112 g lady; and
gentleman in the United states can hear something
you much to their advantage by return mail, ,Hrsis
charge) by &admixing the andeisigned. nose having
fairs of being humbugged will oblige by not noticing this
card. All others will please addreas their obedient serv
ant, _ • THCS.I. CHAPMAN.'
TT DYE AND DIATILIMONY.—Ladirs and gentle
r./ men. it you with to mar y. address the undersign
pd, who will rend you. t ith• ut money and without
price, valuable information, that will enable yak to Man.
happily and speedily irnrapective of sea Wealth or
beauty This information will cost you nothing, and if
you with to marry, cheerfully waist you. • All let.
tan atrietle - confidential. The desired information rent
by return mail, and no reward-asked. Address.
BABAS O. LAMUNtlf.'l'''
Greenpolot 411 n county,
Trim 480 N & 11111 LIN CLOTH= OPVAN
'forty different styles, adapted to sacred and senior
made, {GeV() to $6OO each. Pitty.onee gold cir Idlest
medals, or other Drat preadnrol awarded theta. jilt's—
treed Catalogues fro.. Address, MASON x HAMLIN,
Boston. or MASON BRO:THERS, New York.
OP '81112.,PA,
Hu lino' in daily nee fur esteacilng teeth nithont
pain, tbe above Earned delightful agent, whelk has been
used Weir thousands of cues, and to now advocated
he able pb'yeleiens, la publications which - wei eau 'how,
Our on EZVOISIN WINS II that It is Inoue agreeable
'for the petlent,and that he offset passes off quieter,
email, In cue minute. looming Imp depression er on
plassaat feeling, so common te the use of Chloroform.
sir Coro* to,Zete end be, uontineed.
. Half prise for this us ease in Extraqing
Stith where w teeth. an Insetted. jszt-tm
O ROVER • 4 . !b, „SAREI4,IB
soutb r
WEIGE(. klltint.Ell.,B2o I•Rate Streat i ,lisia, Pa.
.j" . 176415-tt
p i teuttc.-1138 upward i ;• , .
. - •
. ,
Jtrowt the'prentees of the mbar' Ilse , In Somali town
ihlp. eit Monday wield. Mr tde 4 Lugs Dapple. Say
limo Colt, a yowl old, With I. men white 'pot oaths ,
itwehasit,whits on the kende of both Mad bode, end
having a (reek Milk tett or tub, babe. lest on,the
- left flank how the hook of a tow. "A reward $6O will
bluer the Moro of the poll, and $6O fo` the at
pie thief..., _ r , 'GEO. W. LININOI cit.
0 i r A 43 Xi • • • , Jti
, "Alf promo hoistdrd to - ttio Saul Di ,
we orquirott to Rua , Am sonata paztornt to
S.Q. sr toy 'wit, or .setae steno
1 4 44 ailrottel s ototOos Moat tho lit ay
+ setw
_Aild .- . MAIM liaLltatt. '
Sono of O. W. Bur, ea w id 4tto ,
plate. 0001 btra. lot 49x Pd.
Hones on French , South of Part'
cheap. -
A draisab'e two•story hams hol•e
Ptioegro wg.
of und. on Sassafras street, nea r th„
4 rier,
tb . ana lugs dwallfrg Lease gL
Treacle atreet, e , roer of 8.0)44 ?
a/ 111
etnaplete 'repair. trice low—terrns rt', 4el
Fuel class three storr an ds e
IU g , •
aide. fir:o,mM comp eta, d e
fore hare nonabsr f eery
ale, worth from s,frO to MA&
C sTTAOI: SOP. S hh,tia
tetwiwn Ninth and 'Live street, c a
sitting room, dining root, kitchen.
elowsta. etc lo rq., c
FIRST CI. erlzi I.)V7E.LLING Toa „
sliest, first dour e It or St .e.
The Snit &Ivo betel dwo fling 64 Overt I •
of Cheatr.nt. Two city iota breft
M bbery oe SI , AIAM. together the o. at d eiintli •
The dwelling of W. J. V. Ll !dell q ' 141 . 4
.• A tv,..tory, orinatied
CI rg, ;
Lot 48 X 160 Wei lfewt a d .
Two new dwellins a on Pesch It,
cul l ed complete. Price of uorcer t doahu hobs. au t ,
$l,Blll, or ihrld tor tk,
cheapest dwelt tags )Cared for •al latt,
On wed 4th yreet--sotts te looses ;
NPol, rooms, half etty lot, s) to trees, HP to IS bearfog raru rtes. welly, weber. tat A bargain of th,, s y,
don,Lra. Price 2,1,W)
L o p 00 x 159 Get; on rest Bth St
Finest building tot in torn. Pace jSy p„. t
r ot
per foot. 40 3. 41 5, an S ate nu nearßoleti t•
four Gret else' betiding log se eth L t .l,
sMe. bad of the ertete of Dr. Da
1 all in one y, and very lrn,t.
Boat: era property fur-sa.e.—F:l;
betweetr State and Poach. TLI
Chestnut, cho 4l feet 3 la'. clry L
lathe, b ots on Pearl: row y
We bare left a number ofl3:Lnildiapkb,
and Baguio atreets. bet wren Ifolhzierf
bleb gravel grounder.% eery der,bt, , ,, •
Teo Building Lull, 'ern e . of Et-rthtt
One Sall City Lot, corner Teetl..ed
one oo Tenth Bt., between Br*
side. Ibis 100 foot street 13 tut; to ties &airing .0 erect brat dm r
FOIL SALE& nturobe: of the taw iartatt
and Cabot Creel tps, at pr.. o , f, tm
lot. on lied 9th streit.i.t.,
Choottut. Price 25 per foot; 14 x ti. c r
B us k es . lots :tom 21) to 21 fret !TA: 0
amen of 10 and 11th. lin on the »;),
Farm of /82 urea io the town 4 I u s ;,
g. Tato:mot. Tro glod baracrAd hook,
piste. two orchards; soil as good as is 1; 4 1
be , offend fora chart time at 14: per toe
Farm of lOS acres in Harbor-rook al
eardaloieg bore, L use, he ?See I..Yri
Farm of C. N. Stark, in flartorereek.
eontaini,g bowie, barn and wharf
FOR SA LC-1411 acres of the farm a'
Barr. situated on Ridge Road, one n
containing an orchard of 150 graft„.;,
few pawn and pear tress-
FOB SALE-100 acres wood lot,llans:
miles from the city.
A Farm a S 5 acre. to rhaolauquae:.7,
tam Is located within Parrs calla of rails.
About TO acres improves; s fret
good bares and out buses, yam: tialan.
frtuta—applee, peaches. plumy, Et
Twenty 11C11“ c f Farming bled ad l i ear
ishAto 4% miles out pf the eq . ,
Pelee $l2O er acre—wail the 6.•
shad. Fine tarn on the 20 acres.
platy sera farm Tor ule—the farm d
Rill Creek, ab . int 4% miles from lb, ci'
' house—lnc bank r are, sward,
bottom land Price 24 000 nesesolos
New two starlit - axle Lou. on wren!?
:12/0 per mouth:
HARD. W_ A,R E S rf.
A fer Jo^n above the Union Depot, at
_ , • keep on taw] h prime it'd c'
And 8.11 at the. lowest Tema:rot,.
. t : : i
it : :
f . .; .
g ,.
.. , ,.'f
X NE x•
l' ItY US!