The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, July 12, 1866, Image 3

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    The tric Atctidg fibrierrer.
.01E, PA.; • JULY 12, 1866
•Thc O 1 truer as an Advertising Medium.
The Ems °llene's]: baling the laved circulation of
. r seem paper pa fished la Nan, /Mill north of
firs'er,th red o at of the Suquehaticut neer, sad
, e , ihte the hand. of the must ta2ueutial eitloiri
, ! ,„ e gheut the north• pertiotrof the State, to
our of th. test advancing mediums in
t. ro ;cirr i 'Etch num.,:er in read by not lee, than
itasacif r aven., and, for the advantages given
,drertkareour ma are the ',Arai of nay piper
~,„,vAn. To perionc cf all clarsec who hive any
•ii [ov f, the nostarcit afforda an uni•iiti , lle I
c .urmun'eatit n with tho p.blac.
tut to t.,l:e your butiolos knows), adrettze
0 111,..T0r.
bar k :ail-Iv to offer, Advertinu to the
vtlot to toy or col sal thirq, adrertiie In the-
o u Lase l egal notiNli to publitlt, e.l ret Vise irk the
.i•C to iotrodoe, a ne iv - article, cdvettite is
n , .ls t> disp se of aultbfrag at auction, ads
0 rerr r• a
e•at to advance your int..entr, adrertir•. S es•
said he owes Pig i:n•neuco ft none to just's
, a ti,rnsim;. "Tbe sestet of tusinfiss success," sad'
Astor, "is a. libotal use of printer's ink."
lip!! .Imi I of instances of non who have gained
s er.'lll by a proper syatem of advertising, sin
'bit, no ar_umont ahonld be need d to
...I.nn - any boa nano man that the blindest way to
:s tho 0-e poi atel out by Ctir ) srd Bator
The Campaign Observer.
V.O r,m:ad our friends that the period for
- , z,.n active enrt•to carry thyequberna
r.,1 coiltest this fail hail arrived. k In no-way
~.e runea bo lone towards the promotion
c f his priumpits as by the diiseminntion of
. .:1 Democrat - lc papers. The Campaign
il,,,civer, puhlblied at the low rate of cite
~L%S.I-vr olx 7110714115, or FIFTY entsrsfor three
~..ft , .yr,ttld- l ie in the hands of every fain
;;, iti the N ,rth-West. We desire, if.possible,
t . :.: a shall secure a circuit:Lion of two thou
a ' , cerise, and call upon all' Democrats to
:-..-,4 as in tviatning that object. Wh o w il l
`h. , '.e fiNt to t.end us a clu'of five, ten or
tae u! Each of our present s tbseribers hos
~,, : L!:r she, by simply ew es log to him,
' c tt I he induced to subscribe, and with a lit
::0 L: 1 r' on; list can he doubled in every
- 1.,,, liti c di,triet. Go to wctk, friends,
, e ,• ~a. d•lay, and let' it not be said that we
! -: cot e a:indite for Governor by the w int
~t ~ v i r y in those w in o claim to bc his sup
tcrere. ma3.l-if
Congressional Conference.
would suggest to our cotemporaries
thr,nghout the district_ that the time is Lc tr
Land for flung upon a day f r holding our
Cergressional Conference meeting. If we are
tt,t mistaken, the, last conference resolved
up. at Ridgway as the perManent place ftr
h 'sling the conference, and authorited the
Democratic Committee of that county to name
the day. Our preference would ho for the
f,rs Monday in September, or the last Mon
d•t in August.
iSiddlere and Sailors' Convention.
the Soldiers and Sailors--of Erie city, who
favor the election of Iliester Clymer as Gov—
ernor .f Pennsylvanis, -and Ate rettoration
policy of President dchnson, are invited to
meet at the Observer office, on Monday even
ing, July Itith, 'a, 8 o'clock, to take prelimin
ary steps for organizing a campaign club, and
to secure ihe representation of our county in
the State Convention to Lc held in
SYsdnosday, the Ist f August next.
1,1 there he a-full attendance.
Cy order of the Committee
I;vet at SittiT.—The Radical Nominating,
I'savEnlien in Crawford cpust . iy, Week before
ended in a furious row, he attees•do's of
art of the members, and placing\'Of two tick
et; in The field for CeutiresT and Pheriff• On i
aiontingthe votes it was found that Forney
I a majority, but the Pettis men claimed
that is Titusville Democrats and ille4al votes
I.ltl been admitfled to the privilege of ruff
nee A • •• tandintg rule of the party Trovides
that if three or more persona not members of
el.e It publican organization or legal voters
'fall 1•e permitted to cart their. ballots is the
primary clectiA t in any district, the whole
'Tote cf the locy 0101 be fegarded as null.
ri;tt Pett..4 n en proved 'that Ditnocrats •had
let as freely as Republicans in\ Titusiille,
and *the returns, of that city. were, rejected,
wheceupon the Finnegons declared their lode
pendeuce, held a aide convention. pitched into
tte other one .e 4 r, erely, snenominatel Finney
f r tbiegrers, and Peck for sheriff. The
inerabers cf the original convention' went'
ptiet , y cn with 'their work, and placed 's full
tsket in the field, headed by Pettis, and With
Ellsworth r Sheriff. A bitter :tile of, afftir;
ht.i followed, and both sides are abusing one
another without Stint, with, we think, a per•
ceptible disposition to back down among
friends of Finney. We are lcd to believe that.
the Pettis men have the right clearly upon
!lids aide in the course pursued in conven
gentlemen from ; Titusville in
f,1171 l'o that it is true that large numbets of
Ibizacsrats voted there, they being invited to
til-o by the RepubliCans, and accepting the
invitation for the "more eportsf the thing."
The votes of minors, and nonresidents ware
als.) accepted withcht any hesitation, andtit is
estimated that of the ballots returned not less
than two hundred were irregular, according
to We Republic:la party tulelet.- -
Tae ladies kbp.rishurg are preparing t.)
!.)'d .1 series of Fairs for the purpose of oh
truting,menns to erect .a monument in that
e'ty te the deceased soldiers of Da i nphin Co.
irt adopt the garde plan in Erie' Oar
.ordiers and sailors. Weie as brave as
.57 .t participated in the war, and they are
th'e I to the everlasting griititUde of tt eir
cititetp. A monument lit commemorate
conrzge and patriotism would be bus a
acknowledgment of their .nerits, but
a it woul .1 be, it itt an acknowledgment
1 , ,; ) are heartily entitled , to. It will bo
trm:Lt liigrace to Erie county, with its
wealth nod bergs population, if it
to.render this bumble tribute to its fa len
while other counties all around us,
(,l!er and possessing not one-third the rich
va'aurs dWes, have nobly done their duty.—
':iere are the, enterprising ladies who so
, ro'y and u e s 1I y carried forward the
r,f charity durfng the war!. Where are
t..r iort.he..pirited gentlemen who gallantly
t them in all their good measures, and did
7! Inuit- to maize them successful? 'Let th m
of the work_ with the Fame industry,
•ame energy, the same determination to
- .e. , ,r0r.';',1 1 it they digplayed before: and we
vr.trrlat ' that it eiilnotfail
Me defeat Judge Derricksou in Craw..
enunty o by en unexpectedly large ma
is regarded by several of our cotempo
r,riei as an indication that the predominint
lifinenee of Mr. Lowry in this Senatorial
J.i•trlct is on the decline. It is a well under:
.=ioo.l fact that the Judge was Lowry's special
flTorite, and that all the influence of the let—
ter nes thrown in Crawford county to effect
i ,l °nowinati a. Ills defeat is therefore a
tii , uat• detest of - tarry—as decidedly and
ex):citly sueh.n.s if thO Senator had himself
h:en in Derrickson's position. We agree with
cur exchanges in the conclusion that Lowry's
iverthadowing power is rapidly on the wane.
up osition to him in his own party rinks,
ysOarge, is steadily on the inerente, and
:eeeni e to be daily growicebolder. It has se.
4:are.l, control of all thmllepublican papers in
leie csunty, except one of circumscribed
elation, and by keeping up an iccett ant
Ve ries of attacks upon him,, cannot fail of
s T ealocify destroying his position as a party
lesler. Ile may succeed, for a year or two
longer, but the day is not fay in the distance
- when he will find few to do him revetence.
Forney to Rice.
Some of the Radical papers have seen prop
er lately to allude to Dan Rice in a contemptu•
one tone, and to charge Lim with a want of
loyalty during the war. In view of their
treatment, Dan lies concluded to publish, in
self-defenbe, the following letter addrostedto
hieliy Johp W. Forney. It shelve that one,
at lea'st, of:the Radical leAders does not feel
above being upon intimatorelationS with a
"cloin" :
Orrice or Tne Fuses.
Dan.zllice, Esq., Girard, Penn=ylvania:
My Pear-Sir: —You must think that I have
forgotten your itin . I write to you now
to say that it will he impossible for t e e t o b e
presertron the let of November. when the
monument you propene to rai.e at Girard to
the heroic defenders of the Republic is to be
dedffiated. For imyself I can say, having
watched your course during the whole rebel
lion, that your services deserve to he remem
'bereVand honored by the country. Constant
ly meeting vast audiences, men, women an.
children, of all parties, nothing but loyalty
has ever fallen from your lips. Even the early
difficulties that besot your path Were removed
by the consistency and the courage with
which4ou illustrated great priteipli - -s. I re
mem*, well, in the darkest hours of the war,
hew ybucheered the hearts of those who saw
and heard you. Again regretting that I will
et be able to be present on the lot of Novena
,er,-I am,
- my de .1- air,
Very truly your*,
- J. W. FOtNEY.
The Dispatch alleges that "all the leading
Republicans in Erie county have firmly re
solved that M. D. Lowry Flinn never held
another office within the gift of the people,
nod that their efforts in the selection of men
will always hereafter be governed to a car
taro extent by this rt4oltition." It further
asserts that Scofield and Lowry hove joined
interests, aRh the under , dinding that if Sco
field is re-elected this term, be will labor to
send Lowry to Congress in 186 S. Heaven
have mercy upon us, and. save us from such a
calamity !
The Di-patch‘further states that i. has been
"sol:oited" .ffar a Ppiee" to giett . its support
to Scofield. It sitys : "The nttrPetiuns of
office . have also Lech held up to our gaze, and
sos w - orepironounced a stupid fool fur nct no
cepti thirpropoitition. "Why "it was %tie',
"you Must inalis the newspaper pay j ou rums
thing, and no easier way tlpn this .an be
,devised " w, * Judge Scofield wns liberal
enough - Som . ? Months ago to press us upon the
subject, in a'.!neall sum, for the service the pa
per hadrdole party, and some of his friends
have since I ade very tempting and lit eral
offers." Anil this is the way, is it, that our
"noble," "eloquent," "statesmanlike" and
-pure" 31..0 hepes to get returned to Wash
ington! Perhaes IM has concluded to appro
priete that $9:30 lie rebeived for dwo trips to
the National Capital and back, to 'the patri ,
olio object of enlisting newspapers in his be
half !
cratic Club was formed in Girard Saturday
evening, July itld, and the following officers
chosen for the ensuing 3 ear : —Henry Ball,
Erg iPresident ; George C. Gullowhur, Esq ,
c:ecr ary. After the adoption of the follow
ine~as the articles of - their political faith, the
Club adjourned, 'to meet il'Aturtlay evening,
July 14th _
I.q. The attainment of a perfect knowledge
of the eh:lLater of the institutions of our
country ; ucd
:ind. A complete organization of the Demo
cratic party, to ensure the inccege of its
principles Prominent among those princi
ples we declare to be—lmplicit obedience to
the Constitution of the United States and of
the State of Pennsylvania, each supreme
within the spheres of powers granted or re
amed to them ; the right of each State to
regulate the qualifications of its cleztors; the
exclicsilre right of the white man to govern
the , ;ation through. the ballot i-Istr!ct. :üb
ordinatic,n of the military to:the ciril power;
trial by jury ; free spcech and a free press ;
jtist ttntl et - pal taxatiQn upon all descriptions
of property; economy in the expenditure of
the public money, and a speedy return to a
t-pecio paying basis.
A Alet.ilville correspondent of the Titusville
Herald writes as follows of the prociedings
of4te , late Itepuhlican Convention in 'Craw.
ford county :
1 But allow me to say if there is honor
1 among thieves, there, isn't much of the article
among some of the Return Judges of Craw-
II ford county: Meaner specimens of dirty
I dcmagegueiem were never seen ; more die
gusting exhibitions erawinishners ore not to
j be found outside of the pen ; greater swin
tiles have not been i erpetrated since the days
'of Ketchum. I hesitate not to saythat some
of the officers heading one of the tickets (you
, know which one) owe their nominatiim to fraud.
I am credibly informed that the tally sheets
of the tellers disagree, figures having been
purposely put in the wrong columns—of ono
of them at h oat. A candidate for office in's
1 formedmio thitelic knew of Vetsa being cast ,
l.fer him in certain townsbipswhose Return
I Judges report him as having receised none.
Let it liti bor4 in mind that this is a Re
publican, writing to a Republican paper, " F
the proceedings of a Republican convention 4
and the delightful state of harmony which
prevail's' in that organization will be seen at a
giince. The "Party of great moral ideas" is
1 mid lly going to wreck, ankles disciples are
I turning State's evidence. A hort time longer
and it will he consigned to an untimely grave,
with few bereaved mourners to lament its
fall. -t, . .
The llFirrisburg TeleLraph gives the follow
ing doleful account of the doings of its party
friends in one of the Itiqical strongholds:
At ihe recent contest in Crawford for the
county anti district nominations,dhe most dii
gracdful facts transpired. The party was ac
tually di.graced, And its friends all over the
State humiliated Tan tickets are now itithe
fie'd, each hlaimed by its frienle as the gen
uine, and both boating the other as bogu \ s.
To show trlow the yeti g was done. we will in
stance the` result in a single didriet, which,
we are told. is a fair sample of the i i
other dist' lets. In the boron 'h of Titusville,
there were more votes polled, by a single cons
testant for the Congressional nomination,
than the combinnd vote received by Lincoln
and McClellan. In 145.60, -Darn-Ana received,
in Titusville, 91 - and Davis 50 votes-, total,
141. At the contest for the nomination of
Congres., just referred to, one of the gentle.
men potted 4170 votes—three times more than
the agg egatc vote polled at a regular elec
That - s a fitting commentary upon the po
Mini honestycf "the party of great moral
We find the following important notice in
the advert'sing columns tf the Dispatch.—
Although the call is not addressed .to the
members of any particular party, we preen:no
it to be most directly intended fur the Re
publican friends of President Johnson :
NaTtonat. Utsion COSFENTION.—The peo
ple having determined to call a ...National
Union Contention " at Philadelphia, on the
1•lth day of August next, to take into consid
ration measures to sustain the administra
tion in its effcrte to maintain unbroken the
union of the Slates—
Therefore, a meeting of all persons friendly
to such an administration of public affairs,
will be held at the office of-E. C. Wilson, Esq.,
in Erie, on Thursday evening, the 19th day
of July, inet., at 7 o'clock, P. :51.,• of said
day, at which time and place delegates will
h. eeletr!ed to represent this Congressional`•
District in said Convention. Let the atten.r=
&rice be large and prompt. 13y order of the?
We ehou'd like to know of those persons
who favor the re election of Glenni W. Sco
field to Congress, whether they also endorse
his taking $912 from the public trtisury fot'
two :trips to . and from Washington,iithich at
the most did not cost him over $1502.4 Or, in
other words, do they sutrain a downright
fraud upon the people, which hse only this
difference, from ordinary frays, that it re
ceives the \ sanction of law and'usage ?
Da. /Urns., Federal Hill, selects remedies
from all systems, and cures hie patients.
Local Paragraphs.
Da. Karmen, Federal Hill, will deecribe
your disease correctly.
.412 3m
Whitley tk Bailsman offer great inducements
to parties wishing lo lay in a zuppl"td. coal.
John Saxe says it is not necessary tette
a profligate, a mendicant, or to be predis
posed to pulmonary consumption to be a poet.
Bei!dere are referred to the advertisement
of the Erie Lime and Cement Co., who offer
to furnish a superior article at lo.vr prices
.Messrs. Weigel & Zeigler, music dealers,
820 State street, are agents for the renowned
Grover & Baker sewing machines.
Josh Billings remarks willies much feeling
as truth, that "in the good old daze there won
more fun in 30 cents than time is now in 7
(loiters and a half."
. The DAM. of Directors of tho Philadelphia
& Erie railroad will arrive hero this Thursday
evening, on a tour of inspection of the road
and return t o Philadelphia on Friday or Stt
- The Democrats of Crawford county have
resolveJ "o hold their nominating convention
lay, the•l7th inst. We are glad to
tho party there is thoroughly Gr
ind confident of makfng a heavy in
crease in its vote.
The Williamsport Base Ball Club, on. their
return hems, gave a highly complimentary
report of their visit to Erie. They seem to
have been much pleased with their treatment
while here.' The Excelsior Club is talking of
paying them a visit soon.
The Storret Ledger announces the diseov
eryT9f shed of ecal near Sheffield Station, in
thal county, of "almost unprecedented .rich
nesi, as regards quantity and qttality.'! There
are three distinct layerl3, the combined thieh•—
ness of which is nine feet.
John W. Forney, in his PhilodelphiA Press,
has come out in advocacy of Scofield's re—
nomi, ation. As Forney never applauds
anybody without some selfish end in view,
we should like to know what Scofield has
promised to do for him that he' now beslarers
him with his disgusting pralire. -
A new candidate for District Attorney has
appeared in the Person of Mr. J. Campbell, of
Corry, Ofcourse it was foul(' necessary that
the people should appeal to him to servo
them before he would consent to take the
To persons who need the services of a Sur
veyor, we heartily recommend Captain John
II Miller, whose card appears in our business
column. He has had long experience, and
hears the reputation of being one of the most
iskillful Surveyors in the State.
Give us a call if you wish handsome cards,
bill heads or fine commercial printing. We
have laid in an entirely ne* stoef of job type,
and our pleasant and accommodating forernnii,
Mr. Foulke, is turning out some of Ate pret—
tiest stiropes of work we have seen anywhere.
The Corry Telegraph accuses the Dispatch
with being owned by Copperheads. We have
only to say that if it
, is—which we don't be.
lieve—its pieprietors take a Oiling° way of
displaying ttteir party proclivities. It there
is a paper 'printed anywhere that is more
Radical that the D:spatch, we have not yet
met with it.,
The Crawford Journal capita a paragraph
from the Gazette, and accompanies it with the
remark that. "there is not a single line of
truth in the'wholo extract." Rather sharp
language that, we should think, for one Re
publican paper to apply to another of the
same politics. .
The Corry Telegraph charges that Mr.
Souther, of Elk, t promised Scofield not to be
a candidate for 'ongress this fall, and de
nounces him for g. ing blcic on hie word. What
a happy family the Republican politicians of
this districtare
A gentleman authorizes us to offer a liberal
reward in his name for some bona fide intli
dividual litho supports Nir:DcCamp for Con 7
gross. The article is such a novelty that be
thinks a largo fortune could be realized by
caging euchan individual and putting him on
exhibition throughout the county'.
The dotty. condition of Peaoh e(reet must be
a soureo of yery great antioyauce to people
who are obliged to travel upon it, as it cer
tainly is to the eitirens r iding on that tiler.
oughfare. We-are surp.rE ed that no measures
are adopted to put the .et. et in a more eatis
factory state...
Messrs. Sturdy & Humphrey have cn ex
hibition in-the West Park a new water draw
er, which locks to us to be worthy of more
than ordinary attention. It is at once eimple,
exact and accurate in operation, and cants
nearer:nor idea of a perfect water drawer than
anything we have ever seen. We would :.d
-vise those having an interest. in such improve
ments to nail and see it in operation.
We shenid be more than human It we were
not au;eeptible to the many kind expressions
of cur , catempornries on the occasion of the
recent'eniargenaent of the Observer. Most of
our neighboring exchtingee, without distinc
tion of party, have noticed the improvement
of the paper in a tone of compliment and en
cot:mecum:A which is D 8 gratifying no it was
unexpected. We are pleased to know that our
course has been such•as to recommend us to
the ftvorable attention of the "brethren," and
trust that our future career will prove no leMi
deserving of their friendship titan the past.
The Crawford county ~Ilepublican papers
are engaged in the pleasant amusement of
"throwing- dirt" at : ono Bristlier in a most
lively style. If we are to judge by their col—
umns, such a set of hare, riecols and defam
ers as have obtaiocd control of the press in
thst locality would be enough to tend any
community to the bottomless pit.: We trust
oar eotemporariea will soon get over their bad
ttqnrer, and return to the good old paths of
editorial- decorum: Our acquaintance with
them all 'made us to believe that they are a
better eet of fellows than they give another
the credit of being.
- George H. Culler, Esq., of Girard, his been
presentted as a candidate for Congress, Enhject
to the decision of the opposition conventions,
making the third candidate now in the field
on that side from this county. Personally,
Mr. Culler is the best man the Republicans
have yet named for the position, but politi.
call]r he is no sounder than either DeCatop cr
Benson. If he had retained his "first love,"
wo should have been gratified to giye him Any
hal; within our power, bet the company ho
has kept of late years is such as to cut him
off entirely from the sympathy of Democrats.
We hope ho wilt some day see the error of his
ways, and return to the fold a happier and a
wiser man. • -
A communication which appeared in one cf
our city cotemporaries. last week, concerning
the prices of dry neod. in Erie; has been
eagerly aeized upon by one or two of our
noighboriug exchanges, with the object of ad.
ding to the prejudice against this city which
exists in their respective localities. We era
desired by several cf our dry goods dealers
to say that the statements contained in that
article are not trot, and to add that they are
ready 1.4 prove that goods of all kinds are
sold here at as low figures-as in any city
in a hundred miles. Our own experience,
and the information we have obtained from
others, leads us to belittle that (hely asser—
tion' in this respect are thoroughly reliable.
The dry goods stores of Erie are
,as well
stocked and sell at as reasonable prices as
those of either Buffalo or Cleveland, and per
sons from the country or adjoining towns will
find it to their advantage to deal in Erie, in
preference to either of thou cities.
.. .
Another important
,ributary to the inter
ests il our city is soon to be added to those
now In operation. We learn upon good au
thority that the iron its being laid upon the
Jatnestown & Franklin It. R., and that the
road will be in running order within a IC!
months. This route aonneote the town of
Franilin, Venango county, with Jamestown,
on tho Erie & Pittsburgh.R. R.' The road is
to be of a uniform gauge with the track of
the latter, and when it is completed passen
ger trains will sun from hero to Franklin,
without change of carS, in a few hour.' time.
The opening of dhis rissd, of the Warren &
Tidioute. and the Union & Titusville, will
enable Eric to secure onsp to control of the
trade of the oil regico, unit f she fails to ob
tain whit is so clearly within her grasp, the
tf.ult will rest on her own citizens, pull they
can blnine no one but themseires.
Ou Saturday last, the Hoe. C. V.' Culver,
took up his lodgings id the Venango county
jail—that seeming t& be the only way in
which he c)uld escape to;
relentless persecu
tion waged against him by three or four of
creditors, who appear to think that the
sure way to establish their own reputations is
to pursue with fiendish:malignity an unfortu
nate roan who is r.L Present under a cloud
financially.—Meadville Republican.
The Republican'is evidently determined . to
create the impression that Sir. Culver is` a
grossly injured man. The manner in which
it alludes to the relentless persecution"
of his crtditors is abSolutely refreshing.=
Having been swindled to an enormous extent
through Mr. Culver's speculations, it is now,
in the Republican's opinion, very wrong in
therd to endeavor to int back their own.—
Cruel lygArted ereditors—amiable, virtuous,
pure minded,.adcrable:Mr. Culver!
The Repot lionn conventions of Warren and
Jefferson counties have; recommended the re
nomination of Mr. Scofield for Congrese.—
McKean and Cameron will do the same, and
Forest will ptobably follow . their example
Elk will be likely to•support Mr. Souther, of
that, county, while Clearfield, if our report.,
arc to be depended updn, will be more apt to
ftvor Sczfield fban any other man. As each
county is entitled to the same number of del
egates in the Congressional Conference, the
re nomination of Scofield is thus rendered
almost an assured fact. Four of the eight
counties in the district are certain for him,
while Clearfield and Forrest are more likely
to go in his favor than against him. The only
bitter opposition to his nomination comes
from Erie County.
Those of our citizenc . who imagine that Erse
was the - only place of considerable size which
failed to properly celebrate the' Fourth, are
mistaken. The truth !is, that good c,lebra-
Cone wno the exception rather than the rule'
through•mt the countryi. The Crawford Dem
carat says : "There watt no "inner, not so
much as a pie-nic—no assembling of the poo
plc—nothing at all in the .way of a public
demonstration; and but for the Firemen's
parade, and the balloon assension nt Professor
Thurston, hat. Wedneaday would have baen
the dullest day that has been witnessed is
Meadville within the Memory of the "oldest
We are pleased to le.irn that after this date
the et:beery of :the cemetery aro reaslved to
enforce the bylaw which provides th^-t no
p, rsen shall A be admitted on Sundays or hot.'
idoys, excepting proprietors and members of
their houseito!ds, and friends accompanying
them. For some time past the place has been
a gatrral resort for all ()leases of persons,
and many instances haive occurred of wanton
defacement et the property and destruction of
shrithbety. We are Very emphatic in our
opinion that n cemetery is not designed to be
used as n public park nor, as a courting rtxt
The long pending suit, in which tho Crms-
Cut railroad company was enjoined by the
Philadelphia Ez Erie railroad company from
complet:og its road itoPennsylvania, is said
to have resulted in a,deCision by the Supreme
Court favorable to the first named road., We
!earn that the company proprre cominencing
operations at once, nud that the road is ex
picted to be built from Corry to the Lake
shore by fall. The po-ple of Cctry are greatly
rejoiced over the prospects of the completion
of the road.
During a thunder storm at BeniaehotT Rue, ;
on SaturtE., night,ithia lightning struck the
gas pipe in. the Weft(trn Union Telegraph
well. The (lie luieklyi communicated to the
tank, which explodcd, lend the oil ran down ,t
the Run. - toramnoicattug the flames to other
tanks, which in turn exid.:(led, causing one of
the most extensive conflagrations ever known
in the oil regions. It is estimilted that from
18 20 large producing wells and about:2o,-
000 barrel* of oil wert i destroyed. The total ,
lo.s is not,far from $OO,OOO.
The usually staid and. unexcitable little
town of Girard has suddenly been seized by
an ambitious spirit. Four of hercitizens are
presented as candid:l ll es for office this fall,
viz.: Congress—Geo. 11. Cutler:laq.), MO:
D. W. Hutchinson (Dom ), and Colonel Dan
Rice (People's); A.t:lsordate Law Judge, $
Woadrult Girard is evidently determined to
obey til‘:e Scriptural injunction, "Let not thy
light be hid under a Inishel." •
Pref. Cooper, of the Edinboro Normal
School, has issued a handsome tri-yearly
periOdical called "The Normal." It is devo
ted to school matters, and contains many
things of Missest alike to teachers, parents
and pupils Twenty-five 'eentx -sent to his
address, at Edinboro, will secure a copy.
In the proceedings of the State Johnson
Convention, last week, in Philadelphia, we
notice the names of Clinton Cullum, of Mead
ville, and Major A. F. Swann, of this county,
Mr. Cuilnra is Postmaster at Meadville, and
Majey Swann was one of the most gallant
office; from Erie county in the late war.
It seems that Warren county is not dis
posed to let Erie and Crawford:have all the
wrangling to themselveis over tl.e Assreinte
Law Judgeship: The Republican convention
of that county has'preseated a candidate for
the place in the person of William D Brown,
A "Homeopathic Medical Society of North,
Western Pennsylvania" has been established,
with the-following officers t President, Dr It
Fatilkner; Vice Pre-idcnt, Dr II M Logee;
Secretary,. Dr N Seymour; Board of Censors,
Drs P Faulkner, E J Fraser, J B Frasier.
Dine imprmsion of the en . mous business
dotte at our Postoffice be gleaned from
the fact that during the quarter ending June
30th 124,623 letters were canceled in the
establishinent. •
• The' ifc , sting of Clpmer this fail will be
something like a nigger's note. 7 -eitremely
Oh, shocktng! Oaf neighboes vit, Is as
lama as its p[rotturicistiini poor.
Ai will be perceived by the correspondence
elsewhere, Col. Dan Rice has decided-to-sub
re-it his name to the people of the tiii_triet as
4speople's candidate fdr Congreis,"drrcipcc.
tiro of party.
Dan Mica's show is making s tour af The
oil regions; and will probably soon 'visit our
district and county. It is said to have done
a very successful business Ibis season.
General iiane positively declines permitting
the use of his name in connection pith the
dubious honor of a Republican Congreeslotial
nomination in this district.
U. Scott, of Albion, is requested to call at
this office, and avoid further notice.
nem:l.—Any of our readers wishing a firs t
elan piano from New York can be iatorme d
wiero to procure one at- less th'arr this mann
lecturer's price. by calling at the Observer
office. It wilt be warranted to be equal to the
best. -je2B-tf
Da. - Kivrasii,T4erit tlitt,'South Erie; Po.,
it an ezperienped Surgeon. jyl2.3m
Oa the 4th inst., by Rer. J. 11. Pressley,
Chauncey Clark, of Har: , orcreek, to liiEB
ElbaAlrowo, of Mille elk,
;' • -
On Thatioaday, July 4th, at : the residence
of P. Arbuckle, by Rey. C. F. Hartung,
Loesel to Miss Emma Strickle, both of Eric.
On the 3 , 1145 t., bq Rev: A. 13:Laurie, Mr.
Henry Petit and Miss Annie Jane Baeltus,,all
of city.
In MoorheadTale, on the 3d inst., by Rev.
Mr-Thaveland, Mr. Samuel E. Tate, of Etat--
borcreek, and Miss Fanny E. Greenwood, ;i1
In Millereek, on the 24 inst.. by Rey: br
Wh'al!on, James R. Gordon and Mary E. Hay
In Girard,,June 20th, by Rey. Mr. o..born,
Mr, Albeit W. Wass, of Grundy Centre, lowa,
and Miss Ellen Huntley, of Conneaut, Pa.
In Girard, June '2lst, at the houso of the
brido'e father, by Rev. Mr. Anderson, Mr.
Henry L. Howard, of Franklin, and Miss
Minnie S. Lyon, of Girard.
'At West Springfield, June 28th. by Rev: Mr.
Prossor, Mr. Lather Riply au] Nisi Josephine
Wright, both of Conneaut, 0.
On Monday, July god, by Rev.' Mr. sbip•
man, Mr. George Senyard to Miss ;Isabel! J.
Oliphant, both of Girard. ,
On July 3rd, at the residence of the bride's
father, by Bey. Mr. Bainbridge, Mr. Charles
M. Slocum to Miss Hattie E. Tanner, both of
this city. -
At Wells Corners, July 3d, hy,Robert Ness
bitt, Eeq . Ciptain James 1). Gourley, of Co.
F, 211th Regiment Pa. Vols., to Miss Elisa
Ann CrOSboth of Waterford, Erie county,
In Union, on the 31 inst., Mrs. Nancy A.
Miller, wife of ErenOie Millei, aged 3il years,
6 months and 7 days. .
Icrthis city, at the residenon of her clan.
Wm. 8. Brown..on Friday merningo n dttly Gth,
Mrs. , Elizabeth Brown, widow -or the lac!
Samuel Brown eget 65 years.
Eric Markets.—Buying Prices.
Corrcciel mesh!, Jar Via Observer, by 0 - 4; l'atiosov
Co , Craven 4. Brea., Sbrruom 4 Dihmisoet, A,
hire, aal Davis E r Carsva."
Dicta. Frtrir —Apple. 10314;los 283:13; Matt
b-rries. SS gm.
Vansrantata.—Patltoei. $1.1511.3; n Pin. 25310 pie
dos; Ttarripa, 40gre0; Cabbage, per bead, !,,0 , 375; Ceeta,
7503100; Ca-rota, 43G30; .e. 00,73; Vegetable
°peers, 7.6y.te perbeach; , thtou Sett.% $a 500;7.09,
Ppercra:—Butter, 25 , einc; eggs, 25023; T0.r,1,1 3 25 a;
110ite5,25653); Chet.... 133,8
Form —App:e al.
Gnus'. &e. Corn, 70 ta.• Oats; 43a50; Wheat,
amber. $2 55(13,2 05 ; `111,,m,t, Alto $.l 73:3 le);
Cern Meal, $1 40e31 l'eed, $1 .1501 40 ;f•
B.rkY. 75345; Le tem, $1 50(32 CO
SFICDS —eloT r, $i 75 ;Th'l; Timothy, $3.50
reL—Market firm. XXX v. wheat, 1.50Q16.00 :
XX red. $l2 570'3 (10; X erd,sB.soso.lX): XX rtab $
Qt 1 0; XX ttrd dielt r, elan, $0 2.569 75.
roes AND nzz..—Exirs Hcarr rata , $34:51852.00;
Ligtv, 17S 00A19 0,• Rove. Curet thmm. 2 / 4 23 ree
Connte, <ll, ' , oc . ; shruh . ..'ers,l4os; Lard, 2da2scta:
Extra lee, +tee; $lBO7O. -
New Advertisements.
A. filYia
Rade', 3111 t, l'ropriAtnr of A alai
lAvr (lieut.:los acd Si3ll. Warellonla, Pa.
TIMO. C. STENCIIR. 1106101 aasEY AN.
•Fraakl-rn, office is Xeres building, hitorty.litraat:
PP hole City, Pa., Office over ICemp'e Holtadon St
Collections promptly mule in all larva of no 01l re
gions. jll2—fila
Itlenner & Johnson, Proprintnrs. (it od ft mins And
Carriages •Iwals on hand at moderate pr ices. j 3-12-1
..11SD REP/II.1: PlAlnis,
Aelodeons anti org.ais, to.,e, E. 1., Pena's:
rj OYMENT for both Sexes. _l4 4 •
Disabled and returned soldb-re, vsidoes and orplisna
of slain. ealdiere, and rho nnemploAd of botti Sexes gen -
ersal:y. In leant of respectable and peottable employ
moot, incurring to risk, eau rtocul• ebeh by enclo;tbg
a postpaid eddr6ssod ouvoloos for particulars to •
jyrj—im Buz 153 Brooklyn, N. Y.
At a meting r f the stockholders of the tin: nut Crock
Oil Caron, sny, on !tensity evening, July oth, it was re
seised to claclre the organisation, wad . rettl. up the
business of the tisane. AO claims sksinst the
company must be handed in to ths within
thirty days from dste (Angiv.t 10th, 186 4 ), when -the
less*. toot.. as:, on tin ',lamina will be cold at public
auclon. :isle to communes at 2 ree'ock in the after
-130012. JOIN Ple.ident.
'lal7 11, 16436-7tp 1
0-0", twrristtsos & CO.,
Hare on haini n lame auurtment, of Tess, car r„
gur,,,r, Syrup, &z. jrl2.lf
ri (WY, PATTECUSON 2%; 4.31, p. , ' •
nave on heat the but kinds if Ground Coffees, Spites
oral! lends, "&43:7
G"'"' rATriittsum CO.,
ais Frix.;:t 3TRE,4,'
Almsla have an haulm food atsortrooot of
j,1.-uWARE. AC.
GOFF, PATTEGSON k 6113, E. 15 TratNea :4 rilgir
• By virtue of an 'order of the Orphan's Coon! of 17rie
county, the undorsigne.l. ccardien n( the 1113i11101 .
dren of Pe , er li 11, deed, will sell at public cal -,on
Saturday, Augur 4th, Iw6, alt that eert•la piece' of
land attests, iu 11 "ea. t +unable. Erie county. rs., be
teg part of tract N 0.377, generally Snows' ar t , e O'Hara
tract..bounded end described as follows .•Itorinning at •
post at the west tine of the tract 165 perches, south
-hardly from the northwestern corner, •art , running
thsoco by the residue of the tract, north SIN deg.; east
164 perches to a poet In the contra of a pubic road,
on the eist line of thetract.• heves In the centre of the
said road, and by era :' No 370, south 2431 degrees, east
103 3;10 perches to a port thence brie 'blue of the tract
'loath 64.1: degrees. west 164,1 pore:Lis ton post on the
west line of the tract: theme by tract No. 373 north
1414 degrees, west 103 3 iti perches - to the piece of be.
ginning.--eontoinlng 'versa of allowance of
'0 per cent. for road,. -
l'erms—One fifth Ire hood, and below° is Ore equal
axonal payment'', with annual , i ter et, to be paid on
the whole rum urinal& and to 1. secured by judgcra,nt
bond and natirtga;e on the p . eernices.
Ittl2-3t Gus:dine.
A LECTURE to Young Men.
..It4et prabl;aSe6. in a nailed caT Bl 66 ll .
Price 6 cent.' ' A lentaro on the on
to•e. ncd?adicnl' ante of • ....:4 ,T AA-al
Spermatorrhoes, or sea - dent welkneer,
joenjoiityri Eml, lnnr, S mos] l'ebilitT, and 1-notai
mints to. roarrinc. c•neratly. Nerveneneas. Con,tomp
tioo Fpnepay. aid Film; mental antl phteicsl incapactty
resultioz from re ( %I. 1:2.-117 , 11.nArt .1. Ca!wercrell,
U. D.. Author of the ...Greer. Bonk," .t-.
. . .
The world re.owntd aat!or, an this rtilmireJTe lecture,
• - •
china' proves from his own sitper'ence. that tie awful
coniequences of self aim, nay be effectually remove.,
without ineacine and ul boot dangerous surgical one
r,lioos, bo, g:er, instrument+. rirgi or cordiale, point
tug outs =tent of core at once certain and effectual, by
which every sufferer, no matter what %is condition uij
ba,elll cure himself cheaply, privately and radically
This lecture will prove a b nto thoutands and thou.
Sent nittlrr mat, in s plain envelope. +to+ address, 013
the receipt of Mr c:inie, or two po.ts it+ to pl. dadtes/ -
the publialars, cm AS. J KLINE k CO.;
I'T bowery, fi •iir York.
iYI2-3wi P. at Atli.s 4,55 e
The attention of the public and The trade is invited to
our - new scale, mesh cave, rosewood plea° fortes,
which fo,r volume and purity of P..tre nee u r railed by
any hitherto offered to the ma. het. They contain all
the Modem imptoremeate —French Fraud action, harp
pedal, Iron frame over.struog bass, nu, and each in
strument being nude under the personal supervision of
Hr. J. H. arovestren who has a practical arperiente
of over thirty yeare in -heir manufacture, isjully war.
rented to every perticulsr.
The Greyest:um Piano rests receive.] Vro highest
award of merit at the orlebreted World'e Fair. ' , here
were exhibited instruments tom "the best m eeeee of
Lor don. Peria. Germany, Phil/id-100a, Valtimore, Hol
ton and New York ; , end also at the American I.stitnts
for flee successive years, the gold and Silver tedate from
4th of which can be sun at oar were-Manna •
Hy the intro octh.n of Improvement, wo make a still
ma e perfect piano fart.. and by manufacturing largely,
with a strictly cash system, are enablfd , to ntler these
inurement? at a pries which will preclude All competh
Our prime are from $lOO to $2OO cheaper thou any first
cites Piano Forte.
Terms—Net OA In current fend..
Descriptive circulars sera tree. jylra-lv .H. & P.
W 0 .0 L .
- GOOD. CL Av,,
ii..nted by
ADMINISTUATOnts rairicu.
Lettstl of
_administration on the estate of P. rs oels Mutterer, Itte of
lutirinx b,oe rented to the undenftn.l ;
notice Is booby nivessep indeh'ed to the sail *stet*
to teaks immediate nayment, and Ulnae having claims
egtlll , t titeume, will present tam. dale astbentiestes%
tor orttleroset. • 8C
- - P.4.EIOTITN. .
Irie. Ken V. 'Oll-410. Admialstratoi.
510DE0 R A N S
The complato I.lo,sfeal lustramont manufacture
fe Averies,und lhemodel Man of the world, comll4
lug swoon:m[4lmA depth of tote, Yeautlful and ebastf
to apiisartnee, refistrtg and clivitlng in its ten .each .
Ynr Churehiu, Nikon as the tottdier It hoc no gnat,
-and has Invariably him*
litherewar et filblt4 In oompotlttrin with other roll
known manufacturers. Thittr ..four diger-cat at) lea, &nd
from Ito 12 stops. Luke doable bellow', double b'oer
pedals. kpeo swell, &o, rain/. great poser an!
rem of lose.
Applied to the citable reed urgers, gireso volume of
tone equal to a sixteen not slop in a pipe organ, and
when appki.ect to our organs contenting them, end foul•
BO to of reeds, the volume of tone teequal to a $71,01:1 pipe
° Ma u d a f n ar d an I t i l l a n!t "ly d ab - pelut!tielet,,fourLtgaLtrrach;ti.
lan. Address orders -
O. W
Who:calls Anent, No. 627 Orautroy, N. Y.
The Cheapest fret class Plano Forte in the Starter. ,
These testittfol instruments - are fast winning thete
way into public favor. Them tone fetich, full and poi:r
eefed, and gushes forth with pecan'r sweetness and
melody, while the touch is easy and elastic. They are
finished in rich rosewood 1115:11, with 1%0 Iron frame
Over strong base and French grand action. All hare
large round corners, with bsek finished like the Irons:
Erery lestrumeut tally warranted five rests. Circulate
Virg correct likioe a taken from Photograph, alth
full doscriptive price list, Bent free inlay address on AP-.
A beautiful song and I horns, worth =cents, accom
panies the circular, and le worthy of presenratlon.
DeVirrs will be furnished flue beautiful instruments
at the to 4 , at wholesale prices, and teachers at the ne.aal
rates of discount. Address all orders to
. •
Whole/14e Agent, No. 027 Proatlway,N Y
ALe 1.911.,a4{{ Agent ?.,z
And other 0•d Cllll4
I 1 • I r - •
ti 4
z 'T •
Circulars giving e3treet likonevies or tb.. relobratvd
Piano Fdrtee. nod Tailor & Fgalev'm lfoet Orgnort.ll,
In ded to any addreon on appliontion.
Pnb'lehe I January lat. Inn. Matted to an, AV!' ea
tree of Postage
Ob, stag me the dear old rung, .. .. „ . 35e
we ve drank from tic ame canteen, by J. it C'ark,..3se
Beast tai Waters, ed , gby .7- IL Thomas.. ....... ...3te
I'm hippy se the dty fa long 35e
Sorachodt's Barb r g eiLe
Violets under the snow, by H. Tucker
Sweet be the rrpo.e. by J. 11. — thamts 35a
Song of the - new college abng 6oe
The Angel Gelds, by ravager ' , de
When l trent courting, eallie...„ . °Bs
Only a withered roll 35c
Bother, I have heard aweet music ' 2 ,5e
Plow act dreams of lot g ago. ..... ... .......... .....35e
nh, sty not a, woman's heart is bought 511 e
Kathleen, dear 40e
Before I We IS married, 0 dear 85e
We'll me.t no more at twil,gllll.cur
Beautiful Isle of the Si,t by. 'oft. Thomas are
Old Don't Care, by W. F. Tlaafard Ifie
I 104 of 122 V Ott?, cf thve Pm drramtng, ....... 33e
Five o'clock In the morning 4l>a
Clean end I, by Berry Tucker 30e.
Come/ v dear, I'm we, pin g, by Tucker. ..... .._.3oe
Wale an tne'lv.:ver, vocal du t, I:7 Glor‘r
time like the old time SO:
Give the old man a chance opa
On. hright moony night, comic
They al dame hops Cut mine.
Young mtn no the railway
Whin . F;tlianmft , rht for freedom
Down by tbo rite, by J. R. Thom., :Sae
'Pathos orderin; mark, and oret•pay in; for tbooline
will rneive their ehat,go torlosal with the ntisio;or
rondo will be ethet.4l, to too putt.. Frefer. Ali order.
promptly attended to, and any infarmation,chnerfolly
giro a.
flog Georg , . W. Putt+r•on, ex Co•ernnr or New York,
Went!!lel.l, N. Y.: T. R. Coleman, I rontdent Lake 13hoze
Mak, Dunkirk, N. Y.
Wm A. Pond k Co; Wm. R. Itradeury: Cathcart,
Needham , k Cs,.; Siberia Ott; Pugh Riddle, Fop. Goal
Sop't Erie UR ; U. G. Brooke, E q 5.411 1 Motive Paver,
rale AR , he,ter
Addrcre order,
Wholm:a Piano Forts Organ and Music Dealer,
Jll2'o'3 tf , No. 6:l7.6roadway, New York
Cup where ycni can laty tic cheapest !
C. JILT 'AND CAP sTortu,
• No: 514 nosENzwpaa'a ticooN,.l
StATS,6I'. 7.atx, Pa
C. K 0.0 H ,
airing opened a stew 'Hat, Cap, and Gent:emues Fur-
Witting :tore In t h e 40003 occupied LT Mr. !emu
itosansweig, on State lit., opposite Bros We lintel,
would respectfully Invite' the attellion'of the pub
Zia to his extensive stork, embracing every sanely
of floods in the lins of the trade.
ices wad qi1:11ii;e:.
Hats of all kinds, t.
and to snatevery 'tacit
Caps of every style
Men's FarnisAiny
Coml.:tin:: of
RA.IIY+VAr)E cor.
ON, W: oil N AN 'I LINEI
snur S.
end. rs,
0.11%r q perer it linen,
Neck Tien, &e.
131 to Le .11 tti, Low
111 t Cash price; aria L yo. c 1 cow
of surpassed by atsy . stork in the
as low as the losest.
rrOor goods are
city. and oat prie ti Kr'
pea 8w
of T'
Heroic, Patzlotie, RO antic, Hun won. arid Tragical.
Splendidijilletstralld with over 200 11n. portraits and
beautiful engravings.
nit work, for tecial humor, tender pathos, startling
lotting acid attraetiv Nutty, 'stands peerleu and Cane
among all Its tom Mort. Tho valiant and brave
hearted, the picture ottani dramatic, the witty and
mart allow., the taro, r nod pathetic: 'the roll of tame
&Di story, camp, pickt, nay. stout, bivouac asd slogs;
startling sarpriset, orkderfal escaper, famson ward.
and deeds of woman, and Ore wa to panorama or the
War are here thrtilii giy portra3ed in • masteryMtn
nu., at once laistori .1 and romantic, vetdrring it tee
meet ample, brilliant land readable book test the war
has called forth. •
Tills work sells WO. This people are tired of dry Ilk.
!la s sad parliaka works. and want. sr.midbillip humor
Gus, rotossitle sod sittlioir. Ws hare apiOs 'nog
pier taw P er month. Suid for kirk Airs, awl pee our
ikrms; and proof n(rhe shore assenlnn
Address, 1 1 , 17.: I. 1 1301 IS;fIING IJO ,
07 fluor SC, Philadelphia, Ps.
ie AT • '
IIOOT AN 911 - 09 SPORE,
State Street, Ne Ir Opposite tie Pont Mite.
g. Conshlim, Dont arid Shoe Dealer,
ramsertfelly Informs Public! that he
.:as removed bls atm to the Stqra Room
on Stitt street, nesrl opposite the Post
Ogles, where he invites ell tits old Mende and outworn.
to glee him stall. Tartieniar attention given to
Maytag drefel wo ktnen, and superintending all bhp
bu•dnese himself, be • • Heron he ears give u good satisfac
tion and sell at as I•er prices as nay' other person in the
city. Good . • tad. • • aprirdett.
The Erto Lime le. Cement Comma". ero prepared to
foroixh bunters let h QUICK LIVE. C.KILEYT, dIUC-
&a.. at as low prima as thvy can
.r IT* mei also tell
be bought •t of
1. E 12110 XS!
Iter mat. The Quirk Lime menu
. Lime and Cement Company rennet
100111 and portty..being loaned in
improved patents end at the e4n7
At a small att.anee
Notated by the Ert
bit molted to Irbil
kilns of the late
beet Lime Stomp.
Orders. Lett at the
prompt My
office on Four h St., at the Kilos, or
Caughey fauvism, wilt to.
a. jalys4e
. 1111 UP, HAM C 0.718 :
Prints from 8 to 12/ CM. per ya
Good Bleached Mialin,l. yd. ai
Heavy Brown, 1 yard wide, Fq
• , 1 0
Our Goods are all new, have teen re
ear; and ■lll to so!,1 at very. et.
ma 4 tf Hb. 6
, r & IicCORD,
Oar.etcek is t.¢e large 4 ever by
eon pa.Ung of
A Comp ete evorlinent of Mesa Go 4
Every king of artlclof
And, in 'bort, • eentral wprt•
needed by Counter De
Country Dealers are lorlted to give
strictly who:orate term•, and ',nil
twines ma will ramie It to th• *des
trithls section t deal in Erie,
'Put for their good..
Crockery, Willow Ware:, F
We side, between Bth MA oth
'Cash paid for Country Proda;e.
E Y A Wants'
Glum/il, May 14th, 18:8.
Tool:l7erT, Zig =-Dear Sir :', —We. your friends
'la oei!hb is. having confidence in Soar ability and in
tegrity, oesire you fie become a candidate for the office
of Additional Law Judge. An earlyland favorable reply
la mama!) , solicited.
kiastne Slater. Henry McColl:Mall,' Theodora Hyman,
Rodney Smith, Geo P Bea, Heart flail, C L Randal,
l S Balt:ea James G C.ltin, Chss LI Hart, II Hutchins
sea, T C Wheeler, Eugene dmith, Johnston Rea, John
II Goliitord. Janeee Wobeter J t.i Roe:well, if Benham,
Clr Rockwell, Joshua Evans, T tl G dicey, R B Dimo..
sey. L Jones, John Thy Jr, Levi fsoveridgs, J Galls
ford. J 11 Loveridge. J 11 .kiahoLe, *Navin, J N
thotn, A 11 Pay, C I. Phelps.
i • j
Mullis., Has 11th, MA&
,Gititnotwas -Your ftvor of he 14 1. .ns.„ requesting
Me to become a a iodide's, tar the to of Additional
Judge of the algal Judicial District, i• received,
With mini Grimes hr too expresden -of confidence it
contains Such an expressien from my Immediate neigh
trot s—bus:ness men .h. ere Intim stielv acquainted with
rorprofeselonal an social standing-is very gratif. ing
tl. mow Shou d the Unino Convention of Eno county
add their sanction to:your wish so kindle expressed, it
sea etre me great pleasure to be a candidate for that
honorable and re - paneible position.
With h gh reap ct, lam yours, Al
70 Henry . ATeCoonrll, Brutus Slateri
i of Girard 12orauzh.
I J :',
ICa wasthi reopen:fully calf
4 To our
; are now In full opal
hand, and are prepared to furnish
thc abortut notice.
j- NVANTtDI• •
1 For which the llighest mead ;ries wlll%, paid. In-
Aare of Netter & Spooner, at their Lime Kiln, en the
canal, near Ravi* e Uotk.
Edo, Pa, June 215t,11864t
onltTtliN4li NEW AND Iriovici. for Agents,
Mtn% Coostev atm*. Dragatat t. sod all waking
as luotoorable and atonable barb: due. Yoe for $ll eta;
wholesalo. $S pa dos. Cultism, maim from $5 to En
pr . d
ai wlt. malt 4t
&BOW% Idamsrm.FlS Inds: AN N.Y.
at 18 Cts
octal with great
111 advance.
AND 01V¢ US - ♦ klik
1W coons!
Lillit to the alty,
n the,Nolloa Hue,
Ia a tall. We .1 1 a
sav wiling at oueh
ittaga of merchants
natead of bawling
J.ll. lloCugu
its, Nuts, tf.c.,
r W. Evavar
'as othera—ci Use=
.0 ottent:oll of
Intucted on the
Near Need's Do
Von—hats Ifni on
It from the Kiln, on
(Not a Wbtakay Preps/AWN)
Debility resulting from an tom whatever, Prostration
of the epiters, sawed by t
era hardtatiPt. *sown..
fevers or diseases of amp Db. Stadion. Olken', male
or femsls, adults or youth, sill and in this Bitten • pure
Tonle, not dependent on had liquors for their ohnost ml
tueutotte groat.
/led diseases resulting from disorderit . of the Liver Ind
Digestive organs, are and
This Bitters has seitoromil more cares. t its' beam
otiafattion, has more testimony, hail more respectable
people to vouch for It than any-other article la the mar
bet. We deli any one to eoctrikillet this aesettlorr, sad
amP pay $1,0X,0 to any one who will produce a certlel.str
iablished b 7 ae that is not genuine.
will cure every cue cord:ionic or nervous debility &nil
dues a of the kidaeys. Ot set ve the following slmptomus
malting from disorders of the-digestive organs : •
ConAtiPatina. inward Piles Failures of Blood to the
}lead, Acidity of the Stomach: Nausea, Heartburn, Ills
goet for rood,. F alone or Weight in the stomach, Sour
Eructations, Slaking or - Fluttering at at. Pit of the
Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Humedand difficult
Breathing. Fluttering at the Heart, mob log or Suffocat•
tog Sensations when In a lying posture, Dirovess of Via
lon. Dots or Webs before the bight, Fever end Dell Fain
in the Read. Nadel:icy of PentdratioatiZellowneis cat
the :kin and Eye., Pain in the B Chest, Limb;
, Sadden Vitiates of Rest, Burning In Flesh, Coo.
aunt Imaginings of grit and great Depression ofSphits.
Ewers elle, that thl. Bitters la ixot alehootte, eentains
he ULM or whiskey, sad =got maks drtakards, hut le
the bait tont° to the valid.
From liev.l7. D. SekerioLl. tutor o! Twelfth Baptist
brigeel, naiads. "
Geistlemon— I have recently been laboring under the
&strewing eaeCtlll of indigestion, accompanied by • pies
tattoo of the nervotui system. Kw:Om= remedleswere
reeommeiuded by friends, and some of them tested, tn.
without 'tenet Your Iloodanda Cereals Bitter. were
recommended by persons who had tried thew, and whose
favorablemea Von of theta Bitters induse.d me to try
them. I must corium that I bad an aversion to relent
Medicines from the "thousand sad ono" quack "Bitters"
erboseonly eilm teems to be to palm off sweetened mod '
dragged liquor upon the community In • sly way, and
the tendency of which, !feu. to make many a con.,
firmed drunkard. Upon learning that lours wax really
a medicinal preparation I took it with happy effect. Its
eaten, not only upon the stoach, but upon the riercotis
system. was prompt and gratifying. I feel thst I bele
derivedgreat and permanent benefit from the use 0 , a
few bottler: Very respectfully intim'
W. D. SXIG/RISD, No. 54 Theciamason
From the Rev. E. I) Pendell, Assistant Editor ChM. Ran
ebroulele, naiad&
I have derived decided benefit from the use of Iloodsair.
German Bitters, and I feel it my privilege to moomesend
them as a most valuable tonic to all wbo are sulieriog
from general debility or tract diseases orioles from the
derangement of the liver,
Yuura truly,
From Der. errige. ?totter of the Paseaynnk Paplist
From the many respectable recommendations glean to
Dr. Hoogand'a German Bitten, I was induced to giro
a trial. after tieing several bottles, I found them to Fe a
good remedy for docility, aud a wont excellent tont: for
the stomach. D. ueltRIG
From Rev. Wm. Smith, formerly Pastor of the Vincen
toga acd litllville (N. I) Captist Chu - rubes.
Waving Mud inn family a number of bottles of you.
lloofisnd's German Bitters, 1 hate to say I regard therr
uan excellent medicine, specially adapted to remove
the diseases they are recommended 'or. They arnehen
and Invigorate the system when debilitated, an :are iise
MI in disorders of the hrer, loss of appetite, &or: 1 :am.
also ream:rounded them to several of my friebds. *he
have tried them, and found them greatly benellitial in the
restomtion of health. Yours truly,
WII. BYITII, 969 Brachiu' St., Yhilada.
Seeihat the signature of ..C. M. JACKSON•• is on the .
wrapper of each bottle.
Shored Igor nearest druggist not have the article de
not be put off by any of the intoxicating p_reparationi
that way be offered in its place, but send to, us sod we
will futrward. securely packed, by express.
rir Principal °Mee sad lianufectory, No. 631 Andi
Street, Plilladelphhi. Pa.
• • ' JONE 9 & EVANS.' •
Vuecomors to C. IL Jackson & Co.,] Proprietors.
Tor Out by drag:lets and dealers in every town to the
United States. deed!. 1).
E. w. OCED 41;:, CO.,
Who'eeale and r.t..11 Ilra.lers in
Genuine Lehigll Lump H r o o g r . fo u u . ndriei, and wetted for
YAnae—Corner eth and KyrUs; end earner Myrtle
ad Ititaer streets, 2 squares went of the Union Depot,
IRU isn ri lc L • a
rtiEee the spits= against the evil /Mots of owebolo
will cars Dppepsia.
WHI ease W eakness.
Will cure General Debilike
Will cure Heartburn.
R ill care Headache.
tt W ewe Lieu Complaint.
Willexcite and create a healthy appetite
Will le rigouts the organs of d igestion and moderate
ly ineresee the tneperature of.the body' and the force o
circulation, acting in fact u • general ourroborant cl Lb
system, cootelning no poisonotis drugs, slat
A hir trialis earnestly solicited.
GEO. C. HUBBEL CO., Proprietors,
Dads... N. Y.
Central Depot, Am* hut Entrees Building. a (it'll
For male by all Druggists, Grocers, ha.
Mr 111NWI0 k tiOADLItY. Frio, Whulrawle Ag,rtta,
wad for fa% b 7 hall k Wartel,C4rtar k Carrir VC&
Mon At Booth.
isettaTti. •
Have ficert appopated 2ols dgento'fae, the Bale of thla
For the eity c f Erie, South Erie. ill Creel', Greene,
Summit, Ratan and Fairview town hips.
Agents wanted to mill them in I the above named
Any b,telligent man oreoman make Taper day by
Can aulcic for theta. For paztl apply as above. •
my lOtt. •
The firm heretofore existing mhdir the name of
Wu - dissolved by =Mail consent, dating from January
16th, 18C6, Mr. Carter fettling , . The bcota of the old
dm may to fond at the old pace. Prompt settlements
reptated. - S. CARTER.
Mr Carver has wedded his eon with him.and will
continne.thebuatnata under the name and Mat cf
J B ,C R E C 0 ,
1. ' 4 1. 10 fr rift 4 and well selsated stock of Druz., Medi
mow, Pine Chemiaale, new Pharmaceutical - Prepeuv.
liens, Pare Perfumes, Fanny Articles, he.
YEo esycrieneed c:erks of this bona:, are retained and
persons can rely upon being correctly served at all
Novol.—The service. of llr. J. S. Carter hare also
been scoured, •ad he vitt be happy to meet hie old'i
Wends ard autumn, at
INT/CW i t ilt3/ —P. Hartman haring aerrociated with
him Ur. Ad in Hr.b.nder, wto I. well known as a
good meohanic. renpectfully returns thanker for the past
hems of the pahl‘c. a d solicits a continuance of the
WOO fur the tiew arta the Rieman will her alter to
coeducted tinder th t tie of Hartman k Brabetder, at
the pew stand 04 ilirteuth street, I,etween State and
Peach. Seale ataaina, Onnemlthlnt, Hell Haeginraac.
?repairing done with‘essinirso and dlapatch. eatiefac
lion guaranteed. Giek as a c.II. Ju7-3m
ELIoT, G 1 oDWI4 a: Co.,
irk a Peach Street, ~near the Depot !
JOAN 61.10 T, wA. nitowx, Jsc.. s. 1300DW/N,
w. T. amoziorscur. A. H. oVer, Jt. C. vAcllll.
hieing per'ectad their art sage tn. nta, ane
now prepared to do a Gantral Uniting, Esilainge and
Goverdinent Bondi and Interest Notei of all Wines
and denonalnattena bought and sold. in)
P. P. D.
mid wherein it exesis all otbors is that
altar our tint outlay, you hats ohly to spend TEN
CENT winnower anaybmam Is required. Korn this
trin aspens* can ba avoids& by *Jain a row bills
of .e r g laths garden.
Any pawn catiAll one in ten zolinten' You ars your
orris broom Enke to
'Township rights ter obi in Eris county.
Rand for sheds; or WI on this sobieriber. war
11i5i5.1.11,4114 M VP&
♦Lv~i! OS 111..1r0
515 French St., Erie. Fan