The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, June 28, 1866, Image 3

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    gin Olt •Withig @bower.
' . ERI.E. PA., JUNE 2 . 8,
• .
v i e opserver air an Advertialus. Medium
The Beni COMOUZI having the largest areatatin of
oaf weekly paper on lathed to Pennsylvania north of
fht.iburgh and w at of the Sareaehaana river, awl
tutu the baud' of the moat tunas:Mal sit:rani
titostiliout the north-weafero paeffock of the States \A'
, tv e%tonsbiy one of the test advertising mediates t \
the country. Etch another to reed , by inotiere than
!soar laavaas d Parroue, add, for the tOOLOtlittl Mtn
to the &Nonfat', ear roles are the lowest of any pope?
Ic. yule yeetioir. To parsons Of all classes. who have nor
thing to &Ins* . f; the Onset:van ends to totequ .110,1
e, e ,puge of cotoinun!call , n with the public.
"it wa weal to wake your butanes, known, advertise
008. 4m/over.
L oom have special bargains to Offer. adverthis La the
Obeet7tr• „.
If r t, lint to bay or sell anythtot, adrertisn In the
Owns! , L.
bore legal notitsiel to publish, Ildrorthe la the
it OtwfrOr., \
OM with to introdste a new arttele, adverties In
the °harele.
I rr n i wish to &sirs* of anything at auction, ads. r
t se Is the 0 t irytt.
10 ,Vrifilt to advance your interleaf, advertise. S.O
phrs Giesrc odd he owed h 4 iconteams fortune to Ind.-
s4rortlsing. !'the secret of lousiness success," said
jo b ° J.ebb Astor, "Is a Ment use of Motor's ink.'
Th e thoagaaala' of tafacees Or moo Irbo hare gained
aworSats a ealthliy . f proper viten) of LI rertbdot, an
%keen that o sr : patent should ha aaatlA
, e . e iaa, /ay pelvis =a that the ahorteat way to
pro ve. tkor,fe pointed oat by aired sod /Wo'
The Campaign Observer.
- We rewind our friends that the peried for
making au actiftreffort to carry the Ouberna
tonal conteat this fall has arrived. ilia no way
can so much be done towards the promotion
of Cajon priociples as by the dissemination of
round Democratic papers. The Campaign
Observer, published at the low rate of axe I
SOWS for sic months, or rifTT CENTS for three
r ongu, should be in the bands of every fore-
ily in the N nth-West . We desire, if possible,
teat it shall secure a circulation of two thou
stud copies, and call upon all Democrats, to
actlit SS In attaining that object. Who wilt
be the first to send us a club of five, ten or
twenty! Each of our present subscribers has
e neighbor who& la simply speaking to' him,
could be hoduceitto subscribe, and with a lit
tle etiort our lilt can be doubled in every
Poet Moe district. Go to work, friends, 1
without delay. and let It dot be said that we
lest our candidate for Governor by. the want
• otactivity in those who claim to be his sup.
portant. i . ma3l-tf
The 081 of the Corry Telegraph has some
Low got the : Ij iaa into hie bead that Erie looks
upon Corry &rival, and Is busily devising
meant for its iojary. We assure him that
nothing is ftirther from the truth. The pea
p'e of thisloily have witnessed ‘ tbe rapid
progress ofpirry with. pride; and -have no
other feelings thari of good will for that local
ity. It i ,, a part of our eountY, and we
know very ell that the prosperity !of a per-
tion it a benefit to the whole. The petty ex
hibitions of malice frequently displayed by
the Telegraph towards Brie are as "much oat
of taste as t ey are undeserved. %'e pity as
editorwho an see no other way of benefit.
Ling his ow locality than to disparage a
neighborly g ! community. I
, a
When the gigantic swindle, te6ed the .
"Culver failure," was first announc , d, we re.
furred to it in straightforward terms, believ
ing the whole affair an napalliated piece cif
'rascality. Every week tends to strengthen
this view. Oa the 15th. Messrs. C. V. Culver,
L. H. Culver and Jahn B Penn, comprising
the firm of °elver:rl & Pea Co., were arreate
at Franklin, by the Chief of Pollee from Ha .
risburg, upon a charge of enabezalem4nt and
fraud The warrant was issued by the Mayor
of Harrisburg, at the instance-of certaih cred
itors of the Petroleum Bank of Those-lite. It
appears that the Bank had deposited with late
Auditor General Bleaker aboht $1,500,000 of
Baited States securities, as a security for
their circulating medium. By some bonus
pocus, Mr. Culver; et. al., were allowed to
take the $1,500,000 securities front the Audi
tor General's office, and transfer them to their
heidquarters in New York city. Of cobrae,
they era swallowed up tri.the failure. It looks
very much as If Mr. Bletiker's gross mistztan
&gement, to use the -mildest possible term,
had entailed a loss upon the State Treasury
of the above snug little sum. A nice Molars
lion of Democratic control of our state affairs.
General Sleeker should be renominated by
that party when General Hartranft vacates the
place. -Erie Gazette.
Ire are not at the date'of writing this at ,
ituainted with any of the circumstances which
have gien rise 10 the above statement, but
we lake the occasion to predict that- an im
partial Theestigation of the matter will ex
culpate; exAnditor 'General Slenker from the
Hgross mismanagement" charged upon him.
During the entire period In ;which he admin.
leered the duties of his office no accusation
of any sort Involving Os coniipetenp or hon
esty was ever breathed, and he was admitted
on all hands to have made one of the most
faithful and efficient Auditor _Generale thp
State has possessed. - '.The Harrisburg Tele
graph, which, like the Gazette, seldom per
ceives any merit id a Democrat, contained an
edit6rial ae , Ltbe close of his official duties
. -
ifrmly complimenting the G e neral upon the
strict int grity and zealous devotion to the
interests ! the Commonwealth wbioh he bad
uniformly displayid. .We have no doubt that
the Gastaktela attack upon bim will be found to
be merelyiartether iriEtanoe 6f its go!itical
spite. • :'
GREAT &TM—A heavy wind and race
Storm occurred on , Monday, 'Lich exceeded
in violence 24 that has taken place-at this
season of the year within' the 34collectim of
the "oldest inlet Dant." No serious damage
vas,doce in our city, but in other places
along the lake shore, and especially at Anffa
tha loss was very gfeat. At the latter
Pisze bqqaings we're blown down, icier@ and
gamey! carried away, trees uprooted, two
Persons killed, and aeweral dangerously in
jured. The panic created was univerial, and
zany exciting scenes sre related by the tetra
rapers. In the neighborhood of Corry the
ttrm caused great havoc, destroying consid
erable property, and killing several persona
A tree was throgn upon a mon by the name
ai Dariel Follea, 01414 de4th to . Was '4l
- instantly. We have news of much dam
age being done in other portions of the county,
but :Antler Ica, of life has been reported
to us. 11. this city the storm raged with such
name fury as to sweep boxes, barrels and
other loose property tip aid down the streets
with a livelinereAst exceeded description.—
The wind drove immense clouds of , dust be
kch it, to such an extent that for a time it
ilr9;mpes?itah to see microns the street. No
1et,419 itlll9 cbcuprod, though it is harpviaing
to know how we escaped. In Cochran's woods
several fine trees were. destroyed. Among
others was a splendid hickory, a foot and a
let long, which was twisted off as essity as
dit bad been a pipe stem. A school pie tic
watt being weld in the wfiids at the time, and
the dread . cr tad among the children was
intensely alar mi ng.
The storm lashed the waters of the fake
anti Lay into 4 terribly rough condition, and
the wonder is hist great loss of life an I prop
my wa 3 not occasioned.
Fouara.—We learn teat' a commitkee
km been canvassing the cityfor come days
to 4tcare means for celebrating the Fourth.—
Their labors have not met with the' desirable
soiree of symees, ang EA the date of VviWig
Ibb paragraph we are not prepared t 0 state
wheals ! we are to have a creditable celebra
tion or not. The firemen's parade - and base
march will certainly occur, and it is prob-
We that enough money will be realized to
-eecttre 4 fine display of fireworks he the Ova
keYo44 these, rtothlns more is certain,
toogh sufficient time etlil remains to provide
tee many interesting featured!. We are in
Mong hopes that as the glorious annirerearY
aPiroaches, our citizens will arouse them•
selves to the impropriety of letting it pus by
lfithou'ea demonstration tbakiwill be, aPPre -
V li tte i 4 kthe day 'sail creditable to the city.
-'I ' •
Libel Suit.
The Harrisburg Patriot same weals ago
published sr repot of Dan Rice ' s speech at
that place, in whir , as is his wont, he has
died Mr. Lowry with considerable roughness.
-Among other stories told by the celebrated
clown at onr Senator's experts° was one to
the effect that during the famous, canvass in
which Rice and Lowry were' competing can
didates La the Senile, the latter gave to the
,daughter of It shoemaker in Girard a silver
`dollar.. The-story went on to say that when
'Lawry found. that the 86betnaker had voted
against him, be tore the della* from the girl's
neck, there she had suspend(d it by a string
-for safe keeping. We looked upen the thing
at the time as totally without 'credence—only
one a.,Dttn's jokes—and did not think it
worthy l 7-0, f • attention. Few yds' one. in the
county or State would ever bare given it any
consideration, had not Mr. Lowry himself
ellosea to take a course which will make it a
matter of notoriety and speculation for some
months to come. The manner in whieS ha
has done this, is thus told by the editor of tile
Girard Spectator:
We, the editor of this paper, have been ar
[ rested by Morrow B. Lowry, for pubtiehiog a
story told by Dan Rice, which we copied from
' the Harrisburg Patriot and Union. Oniem a .
' iag that the 11-11oraLle G rifleman was offend
ed, we wrote an apology headed, "Justice to
lion. M. B Lowry," which the reader wit
see in paper. the time, we did no
think it poseihlts for the flonorable to meta:
test his dim:Am:awe in any way different from
what we had heard, which was, "that if he
bad not learned that the editor f the Specie.
tor was an emaciated, consumptive rum and a
G—d d—n puppy. be would go down to Gir
ard And horsewhip' him." But leutteed, he
sends down the following document, which
esplains itself:
Etta Couture, . • •
- The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. to Jas.
G. - Catlin, or next Constable: We Command
You, that yore take C. L. Phelps anti bring
him forthwith before E P. Bennett, EN,,
one of our Justices of the Peace in and for
said County, to answer a charge fez publish
ing in the Girard Spectator, Erie county, Pa.;
a "LIBEL." of and concerning 3f. 13. Lowry,
on the 14th day of June, 1866, whereof
formation has t.een made on oath before our
said Justice of the Peace, by B. Lowry.--
Hereof fail not, Witness the hancl and sear
of oar said Justice of the Peace at Erie Kin
the county aforesaid, this 18:b day of June,
E. P. BENNETT, [r. S.]
The above document was duly eerved This
Wednesday morning, by our friend J. G. Cal
constable, end we were forthwith eon
dueled before ifienry Ball, Eeq with all the
ceremony that the occasion required, and
then end there, in the presence of • host of
our worthy citizens, called upon to give bail
(not leg bail) for our appearance at the Court
of Quarter Seesions, to be held at Erie on the
first Mocday of August next, in the sum of
Firs Ilusionsti Doccatts. Tt is Deedless to
say that the bail was immeniate'y tendered
and accepted. And your humble servant dis
charged from custody.
With due deference to Mr. Lowry's superior
sagacity, we feel compelled to say that in our
opinion be has made a serioue mistake by
adopting the course that be bee. if be re
garded the story as Melon!, why did be not
sue Rice himself, the author of it, or the pub
liahera of the paper which ;rot gave ft circu
lation? Why did. he wait until it appeared in
a Ival journal, with comparatively limited
influence, whose editor is not a roan of means
to contest the case, like the others? The pub
lie will naturally make inquiries like these,
and the result will be rather to create eynala
thy for Mr. Phelps than otherwise, while the
story will secure a dozen readers where Rhea
one before. Mr. Lowry generally is credited
with being a man of some shrewdness, but in
this case be has acted, contrary to the advice
bf his immediate friends, in a manner_that
will' be more likely to detract from-than add
to his reputation in that respect.
Local Paragraphs.
The annual commencement exercises at St,
Joseph's Academy (Catholic) will take place
this Thursday evening, at 71 o'clock.
The readers of the Gluonwee should never
fail to turn to the fourth page ,before casting
it aside. They will generally find a column
or so of entertaining matter in that part of
the paper.
A party of Gipsies have taken up their sum
met qusetersilear the city and hate gone in
dustrionsly to work plying the caec a / 1 07
avocatioss of their race.
Prof. Cooper, 'of the Edinboro Normal
School, tae issued a quarterly publication
'devoted o educational interestcirhich is pro
nounceil,equal to the of. its char.
actor in the country.
Mrs. Jennie Carroll, of Sherry's New York
Theatre, whose lady-like deportment and fine
talents won her hosts of friends during the
eta) , of the compapy in Erie, has been pre
sented by her admirers at Scranton, Pa, with
on elegant gold watch and chain.
The familiar saying, "Go abroad for new.,"
is' verified in the following from' the New
' ork World :
Benson has received the Radical
nomination for Congress, against G. W. Soo
lei/ in theil9ih district."
Another :Meeting of 'the 'city barbeil has.
been held, at which they agreed, .tat the re
quest of their customers," the announcement
says, to keep op? Sunday forenoons until
eleven o'clock. The price of shaving on that
day was further decided to be raised to 15
cents, And of bait „cutting at two shillings.
There's nothing,like strategy,
The line of condtictohosen by s young man
during the ten years from fifteen to twenty
five almost every Instance, determine
his charaettir for life. As he is then careful
or carelcw.,prudent or imprudent, industrious
Or indolenti. truthful or dissimulating, intelli
gent or ignorant, temperate or dissolute, so
Will he be in after yearn, and it needs no
irophet to-calculate hie chance, in life.
The gertnati singing societies of Pittsburgh,
Braslo, Cleveland, Titnsville acc t Corry hart
agreed to unite with those of otir.own city in
o grand musical festival at Farrar Hall, on
the 201k,,215t and 21d of August. The char
acter of Mae festival* is generally known,
lind will cause our chinas to lnok forward to
this one witlfraore than ordinary interest.
John 11. Walker, Esq , while riding several
miles from the city, on satneday, had the,
misfortune to be thrown out of Ms CObtey
suer, caused by some portion of It kiving isay.
His atm and stionlilek:were ise:yirOy
and he was considerably bruised in other
portions of his body.
Eureka Lodge., No. 366, Ancient York Ma
sons, was dedicated at Union, ndianday eve
ning of last week, and' the 'filDviltiog- officer's
instalirt: W I M., §leck ; M.
'Cook; J. W., cielge Stigma; Secretory,
Lausratb; Treasurer, J. D. Cocik; S. D., Prank
Jrvin ; , pichard Custard. The Lodge
room was fitted up at a cost of $1,600, and is
said to he one of the handsomest in this por
tion of retina.
The New York Tribune of last week gate ' 1
what purported lo - be aeketch of the leading
men in 04e lowor Congress. Aston
ishing as it may appear. Mr. Scoktid's name
is not even teotioned, and from all that would
be gleaned from the article, a strarger would
not know that such a man existedjn Con
gress. NoW, we insist that this la a
petty piece of spite work on the part of Mr.
Greeley. The organs of Bcodeid in our dis
trict have time and again assured us that he
is one pf tbp greatest statesmen in the loud—
pet he bas no superior as en orator; and yet
hero is the leading Radical journal coolly
passing him by without even so much u the
mention of his name! What other motive
than spite could actuate such a course. Our
oogressman's friends will bus to attend to
Bursae. ,
The Warren Ledger proposes llon-Resieles
Drown, of that, borough, formerly Presiding
Judge of this district; as the Democratic can.
dideite for Congress; and says of him that be
is "able, popular,• courteous, and sound on
the national questions that are sow disturbiag
the harmony of the country. • While be has
adhered most religiously to the Democratic
doctrine of • conducting the war and their
method of restoring the Voltz yet he has not
been so over zealous as to be led into indis
anti ms whiell so many Men are liable to on
both sides. IRe is zealous in the Gann, but
his sea) is admirably tempered with judgment
and discretion, sad leaves hle adverraties
powerless ttratiack him with success. • •
While he can draw a full Democratic vote, be
will as assuredly draw that of the Johnson
Republicans." We can heartily endorse every
word of the above, and take this occasion to
say, that should - Judge brown be our midi
date, no paper In the district would reader
him a more earnest and willing support than
the Observer. If the choice of the District
Conference falls upon a gentlemen outside of
Erin county, we know of no one whose selec
tion will meet with more hearty approval
among the Democrats here than that of Judge
Every loyal4lairted, native horn American
must feel a swelling emotion of gratitude to
ward one Irish adopted either& when he
thinks of the alacrity with which they joined
the armies of the Union, and the admirable
gallantry with which they fought for the pre
"%mitten of the Government in the late war
of the Rebellion.—Dunktrk ✓omwaf.
That sounds well, but it don't prove &G
-eordie% to Diboll. It is in the figures of the
War Department that not more than three in
evert one hundred of our voltutieere were
Iriehmcn.--Jamestown J'arrnal.
We do not - know what may be in ""the fig;
urea of the War Department, kr. Journal,
bat we do know that in this-neighborhood the
Irish people volunteered in numbers and with
alacrity Equal to our native population. What
is true of Erie is true of every other locality
wo are acqueinted with. In all sections our
European bora citizens, Irish and Oerman,
were among the foremost in offering their ser
vices to maintain the Union; and we ninnefelY
believe a correct statement would show that
in proportion to their number, there were mote
of this class of our population in the Federal
army than of those to the manor born, Facts
sometimes are ugly things, but they are tact.
nevertheless. "
The Democrats of Spartansburg bald a
meeting on the 18th inst., and organized a
campaign club, with the following officers
Chairman, Jn3. G. Burlingham; Secrefery:
Dr. T. W. Deplane ; Treasurer, M. W.' Lyoits:
The members of the club could by no poseifill
Ity have eicceeded is selecting a better sot of
officers. Mr. Burlingham and Dr. Deplane
are two of the most intelligent, active and
influential men in the biorth-weer. We trust
that the example of our friends in Bpartene
burg will be generally followed. In no way
can ths,grand old cause be so much bent:fitted
as by thorough organisation: There is too
much of,:!,a disposition almost: everywhere
among Democrats to delay this Important mat
ter until a late day in the canvass, when a
week's labor is not likely to do as much goad
as the work of a day now:
The New York Tribune publishes s state.
ment of the amount of mileage paid to each
member of the Thirty-Eighth Congress. The
sum set .doors to the amount of Mr. Scofield
is $928.• This for four trips between Warren
and Washington—two going and twit return "
tag—is what might be considered a libirralal
lowtuice. 'Four trips at $928, is $282 for
each. The actual cost to Mr. Soofield . was not
more than 02 at the ligheet, so that he
illeered the o".t. little sum of $2OO per trip.
It it tmrprielig that the patriotic man.ehould
be anxious to retain an office as long as he
which' yields him audh snug little per- ,
qmsites I ;
On SondaY afternoon, about five o'clock, a
Mrs.:Siegler, residing on Third street, in that
classic portion of the city known** "Jerusa
lem," "committed suicide by throwing herself
from.,,the Pittsburgh dock. The cause was
domestic ucheiviness. Her husband left her
near the dock against her earnest protesta
tions; she telling him that he would not find
her when he returned. After he had gone;
she proceeded to the aid of the dock, took oft
her bonnet, 'and laid it with her parasol upon
the wharf, and plunged in. Her body was
*covered in a bort time, but life was ez
The editor of the Dispatch, who hu been
taking an esteaded tone thrush Northern.
Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, says: "No "here
did we see fields look more promising, or crops
in better condition, than in the shore region
of Lake Erie, and in this county p ationlarly.
Our cereals are father advanced, and of
stronger growth. Onr fruits are more akin
dant and decidedly more promising ; and our
eegetablee are far ahead of those in the local
ities mentioned that the northwest Is being
largely supplied from the gardens of the Lake
Erie region between Sandusky and Erie."
Last Sabbath day witnessed the glorious
and neprecedented result of the late religious
revivals in our place. At the Presbyterian
church no less than 78 were admitted as
church members, of which 40 went through
the sacred rite of bepilszo. At the Methodist
church eooie GO were received as members.—
And'yet this does not include all that have
lately experienced religion. Many for various
reasons could or would not - avail• themselves
of this blessed privilege on that day. Among
those admitted we find not only some of oar'
most influential citizens, but also some of oar
most promising, though formerly considered
somewhat feet, young men.—Girerd Spectator,
Lust week.
A singular pad most unfortunate accident
happened at North Springfield on Wednesday
of last week. Wbile Mr. A. IlDeverang win
at work in a planing mill, his arm caught in
the machinery, and was cut off within three
inches of the elbow. The thing wee done So
quickly and with so little pain, that Mr. D.
was not aware of the serious extent.Of his
loss until he can the detached portion of his
arm lying on the opposite side of the me
The latest novelty in the ' , feminine line
ispateni eye-lavles—now for sate in many city
fancy stores. A horrid old bachelor says that
the way things are going now, a man that
needs a wife will only hare to step into a mil
liner's shop, purchase a waterfall, "Otto
erio "false curls," , galse calves," itc., pat
them together, and have one without further
What funny 'customs we establish. If you
tudr your friend for a postage stamp, he as
three cents, ass matter of coarse; bit
if you ask him for a eigar he would regard it
as ell insult if you • tendered ten we twenty
coals in pa input.
Dr. W. El Magill , dentist. has introduced
into his practice the celebrated laughing gm,
which has been used with ea much mucus In
Eastern chic.. I n Is claimed to be Infer than
chlorofcirm, and the effect of the gee panes
off quickly, leering no depression orunpleni
ant feeling. 4,
Menu. bt T. Winless ft Co. Wm owed
depot at No. 42$ Preneb St where families
tan be Supplied with sweet and sour milk.
buttermilk. 'butter, theess and eggs. They
are reliable men. who we will warrant to do
nutty what they, promise.
The Dirpatch hu °petted tip a Arms
eamptigu against Spolielptsenoinination. We
earne.:ll: hope our colemporay may not suc
ceed in defeating him. The Democracy are
unanimous in the belief that be b the "easiest
man tolled in the district.'
Mu Ansa Dielimos remarked, is a public'
speech s few days taste, that 14 the ast/ei
waste a mac"—Thiob is perhaps liatadeet tral
of Mtn that Wu Bans . ceaddsts Waal
the titt?a:
The Warren 64er tabltelketi the following
letter from a returned,coldier :
Warosn, Pa., June 14, 18G6.
'Eorron Leman :—1 would like to know,
how the delegates treat this county were sent
to the Soldier.' Couratitlen held In Pittsburgh
om the 6th inst. ? Whether elected by *union
ruse meeting of the dicebarged soldiers of
both particle, or as in 'a orkain other county
la this State, by an adjourned meeting of the
Geary Club ? I can safely and most emphat
ically state, that many are laboring under the
Idea that the said Convention gores the views
at the tnajoyity of the ',discharged soldiers.—
finch is not the cue, ate I think nest October
will above that Mester Clymer is the eolellere'
choice find friend. Oso Run,
Late-Private Co. D.' lI th Pa. Vet. Vole.
Rev. J. - Berry Black proposes to establish
in this city a school for the mental and physi
cal education of. bop. ? His plan is to com
bine,•vitb all the essenijais requisite to a good
education, a thorough military -discipline.—
The exempt necessary 'for getting the school
opened, inclusive of gieund and building, is
from 420,000 to $30,000. A mintier of gen
tlemen of capital hare; heroine interested in
the enterprise, and hopes are entertained that
it may be successful. A. first class institution
of learning is something greatly needed here,-
and'if Mr. Black can Supply ihe want, we
trust be will be liberaliy Elle3araged by oar
A Buffalo railroad conduetor has been Aced
$5OO for ejecting a man from the cars because
be would - not give up his seat to a woman.—
The court held that women have no more legal
rights in publics conveyances than men.—
Whether they bays or not, it is certain thst no
gentlermas will refuse to: give up hie Neat to a
modest and appreciative lady. There are some
woman, though, um Whom the courtesies of
the other sex seem, to be entirely lost, and we,
have oar doubts if it to any violation of the
rules of gedientry to let such find seats the
best trey they can. f, •
John J. Perry, of Paine, in hill letter decli
ning to be a candidate for Governor, frees his
mind on several interesting points. Among
other things, he says that three out of four of
the late Republican conventions have selected
cindidstes who had been but a few months in
the party--a precedent which would render
him ineligible. as he bsa been a Republican •
- since 1853. 7 -Euhasee.
~. What a verdant soul Mr. Perry must be!—
Why, every eohool boy !knows that the surest
way to get Republican ;support for office is
for a man to desert the Demoorallo party.
The Philadelphia Age is entitled to the
credit s of the following ishoine thrust."
It ii said that Dan Rice will run for Con.
greis in the Nineteenth Congressional District
of Pennsylvania. To this Arrsogeraeot some
-of the Radicals object, on the ground of Dan
twins only "a °irons showman." The same
party, however, sent P.M. Barnum, of Woolly
horse Intl Joyce Reth Memory, to the Con
necticut Legislature, and surely that body is
a much sore respectable institution than the
Rump Congress.. The, question is, will not
Dan serial:loly injure his character by accept
ing a seat in the House of Representatives
'Those of * our readers in need of litio till
800 it to their advastege to purchase of
Messrs. Heiler & Spooner, on the canal, near
-Front street. They have erected a perpstual
kiln, of large dimensions. and are prep tred to
supply lime in any quantity desired. We are
told by parties' well capable of ju4 ging that
their lime is of a very superior q t lity.
On Friday evening Of butt week, a eon of
Thos. H. Sturgeon, of Girard township, aged
about 18 years, while tutthlog in the lake in
company with come boys, vas seized with the
cramp. and before help could reach him,'
drowned. His body was recovered in about
an hour afterwards. He is the third one of
the family who has died*ithln n year.
The Republican Primiry elections in Craw
ford county have resulted in the success of
Pettis over Finney for Congress, by the mea
gre majority of ten or fifteen; and of Rich
mond over Derrickson for Judge by a heavy
vote. The defeat of Mr; Dertickson virtually
throws the Judicial contest into Brie county.
Commander T. H. SteVens, of this city, has
sent to Gov. Hawley, of Connecticut, the bat
tie flag of the united Stales, gunboat Ottawa,
which was hoisted on, that vessel at the
recapture of Fort Clinch, Florida, the first
voneti /suttee ears
repossessed" from the rebels.
We ire indebted for as invitation to attend
the first ball of the YoungsriPe Rifle Company,
at that place, on the evening of the 4 , g1-1.
orious Fourth." The list of managers includes
domed the best known military men and airi
ness in North-Western Pennsylvania. We
hope to be able to be present-
The last Gazette comet; out earnestly in
vor of the nomination of Erie county men for
Congress and halloolate;Law Judge. talesa
it presents better material for the position
than has offered itself up to this time from
our city, we fear there Is but little change for
hiving its desires gratified. ,
We call attention to the advertia -meat of
Mr. C. Hoch, who has opened a bit, cap and
gentlemen's furnishing store in the r ions oc
cupied by Inane Rosenzweig. His stock is it
large and-well selected one, and be announces
his - intention to sell at pricey that defy com
petition. -
The Welting elate at Zook it liarsum'e
Commeroisl College is meeting with etirpri
tang games. Over seventy young men have
already entered their names upon the list of
pupils• -
The Western papers are giving careen/3i to
a report that during Rai ? 11r. Hammond's la
bors in Girard, he succeeded in converting
Col. D.en Bice. The statement may be true,
but the last time we earths Colonel, he_ idn't
appesr to be very piously affected.
Among the cute sayfngs of Josh Billings,
We end the following. It will be especially
appreciated by one people under the present
' , Amen running for office, puts me in mind
of • dog that's lost—he smells Os everybody
he meets, and wage hlsielf all over."
The memberis of Congress, with hardly an
exception, want to go home.—Recknage.
We are happy to know that in one thing
Congress and the people thoronghly harmo
HI say, Ittn," says one Mead to another,
on meeting each other, HI bear our friend A.
boatmen In the oil speculation heavily; be;
he made.anything?'" yeti' , says 4111 1 ,
"be has made an assignment."
In Warien county, the following persons
are candidates for Republican nomination:—
Assembly, B. Aliens; Recorder, Jas. Q. Marsh;
Treasurer, 'William 7tyger..all of War ren b ar _
The'Corry Democrat says the editor of the
Telegraph of that place has "not been s Re
publican long enough to ke dry behind the
The pin-nio season his commended in ear
nest. Every day half a dozen par lea, more
or leas, pass our office, !dr a romp to the woods
Of 11 tall upon the bike.
On Sunday a lire ocenrreA in 'Salon, di;
stroylng the beau and Amato% of Patrick
Dillon, and Eiloo in money.
A match between the Williatmport and
Excelsior WI clubs Will take placnfon the
grounds of the latter on the Fourth.
his. Rob!. S. tinnier, an old and rellattle
wool dealer, advartissa to parettarm again this
lean& ' • •
The Erie Co. Teachers' Aseoelatiati will bold
its next seeslon it Wettaborg on the oth end
SA days of kV. ,
"U s Inas chests Thee once, shame on him;
if he chests thee twice, theme au the..
Itazo.—Ay of our isedere Viebing a Bret
elm* Ono troa Noy cot am be Wortish
whore to procure Auto al leui that Os soma
iheserde price, by col is at the Mama
Moe. it be iruneatta to be 71 to the
• 3.285 t
Temp lifaw.—There fir a tendency smog CIONSULT YOUR INTER TS I
*cone of more adneeed years to belitt:e
those who are young arAl aspiring. Hew
often do we beerthe remark made, "Ile is a
men of talent, but too young." The thought
has often occUrred to tut that peoplewhe Make
such expreaaione cannot, be familiar with his•
tory. Some of the greatest achissemento
which are reJorded hare been the work' of
youag moo. Afesandcr the Great died at
thirty-three. Napoleon had achieved all his
peat, trietoritt at thirty-five. WashlaTioir
was twenty eerelfirhcia hereciered the retreat
of the British army under Braddock, anti not
forty-4:e is 1770. At thirty three, Jefferson
wrote the Declarctioa of Independence. At
thirty, Hamilton ,helped to frame the Coned
teflon of the United elates. At tweet ' , threat
idelaucthon wro)o the Loci Communes, which
passed through fifty editions within his life
time. At thirty-three, he wrote the Augsburg
Confession. At - twenty-nine Drain= Wrote
the Heidelberg Catechism. Bringli wrote his
chief work*
,before forty, iand-died at firty
-0 ix. At, the' disrupture of Leipsio, Lunar
was thirty-five ; at the Diet of Worms, thirty
seven. At twenty-seven, Calvin' wrote the
Institutes. Mosta sent young men to spy out
the load of Canaan, and Joshua scat /sung
men, as spits, to Jericho. Bard, David and
Solomon achieved their greatest works before
they reached middle life: John the Baptist
and the Apostles did their boding life work as
yoving men, and Jesus Christ finished his la
bors and endured his Coffering!' se a young
men. Nat a
. decrepit, worn out life, but the
warm blood of =inbred's morning did He
shed upon the arose for the world's redemp
tion.. Instead of discouraging young men,
simply because they are young, it abould be
the aim of those more advanced in life, to
bucy them up, to help them forward; to lead
there assintattee. Dew many young men now
on the road to fate and prosperity attribute
their fortunate careerr to the aid given them
at,tho right moment by some older and kind
Mend, And on the contrary, bow many have
been broken down and totally rained hy, the
neglect, perhaps worse, of those who_ should
have been b'nefaetora. We would have none
unduly favored solely no account of their
youth :ut we say , give all a chance t let re
ards IS slistribufed impartially ; lit morality
cud We t bathe standard; and let no one of
merit be crowded down by the senseless cry,
,4 Ile lit too young." .
MORDICIA xa Wanana.—A correspondent of
the Dioporch at the tuism'af Warren gives tlie
following particulars of a murder which took
place there early co Sunday morniog :
At tea/o'clock Saturday night James Me/-
Ginner, 'themes Lee and J. Mcßride were at
or ;e1m...0h0 Carver House. Mande was
using profane language, sad all seemed to
have been drinking. At one o'clock on Sun
day'morning, they all three were at McGin.
ace's shanty, and in a dispute about a watch
Lee struck eleGinnes. Mcßr de was seen to
strike him also. IdcGiunes's wife time out
at this time, when he said to her, "I tiro done
for," and fell to the ground. lie did n3t hare
his senses sifter that time. Lee end Mcßride
both had kniveit McGiunes died at four
o'clock Sunday morning. Be bad ten cuts
with a knife or some sharp instrument, the
one which caused bi- death 'probably, on the
left side of the neck, near the jugular, which
seemed to be six iaches deep. One on the
Bide struck a rib and glanced ; the other eight
cats were all on the Jett arm. Lee was- a
pedlar; Mcßride and McOintiea laborers.—
Lee and Mcßride are in jail.
The Democrats of the Erie district are said
to be talking of running Dan. Rice for Con
gress. The Republicans would not dare to
object to him on the ground of bin
eo bong as they beep Lowry in the
State Senate.—Lcocar4r fatalipencer.
Oar cotemporory Ia mistaken in saying that
the Demoirsts talk of running Dan for Con
gress. In compliance with the requeet of
many of his neighbors, Dan, we believe, has
concluded to take the field ass peoples' ad.
ministration candidate, but whether the Dem
ocrats will support him or not,"rnmaine for
our district conference to decide. The current
feeling at present is in favor of a regular
Democratic nominee.
colon% the Cony Demean&
Another Con4ldate.
-Coi. y, pa., June 12, 1866
How. flitiatitos Doctoras—
Dear - Sir : undersigned, being among
zoor Mena/Lad neighbors, well knowing
your satiny tor sae rwft.rua, Intrws reemniut•
17 ask you to become a candidate for Congress
at the ensuing electron for this District, if you
can 'consistently do so erilliontderanilogyour
present toisineee relations. Your early answer
Is requested. Very respectfully yours',
Simon Kiter, Amos Bighead„
Lilly Bingham, Sepik's Shingle,
John Slender, Dilatant. Mouldy,
and fourteen hundred others.
Colimy, Pa., June 12, 1886.
Messrs. Biter, Bighead and whe t s—
Gentlemen —Your flatt ing note of to.
day has just been handed me and contents
noticed. Coming, as it does, from neighbors
and friends, and asking me to become a candi
date for the responsible office of Congress,
presents claim which overcome my previous
resolution -to rttire from public life, and I
therefore assent to caniply with your lliebetl.
,Please accept my thanks for this new evidence
of your untiring confidence in me ; and I will
here reiterate my etriticients, that they may
be more fully understood beyond dispute :
am a Dalian Democratic Republican, or any
other man, so we can win. Can talk Scofield
and DeCatnp out of the District in three days.
Have reed Winslow on Syrup, taken McGitiffy's
Third Series, and swallowed the alphabet ; am
sound on the goose, you bet, and believe
Foreman should keep the PoetoEee another,
term, provided he motes it up to the Oil Creek .
Machine Shop. Yount till Death,
gnomon '
In Wayne, June 25th, of ,spotted fever. af
ter a aialtneso of twenty hours, Eaaitia,
youngest daughter of Earns and Edaah John
Bos t aged 4 yaws. 10 months and 25 days.
At the residence of her husband on tt.e 19th
lust , Mrs. Isabelig Gelaspie, formerly of this
city, wife of Peter Miller, Esq., tf Fort Mad.
is n, lota, la her Olaf year.
Tier numerous friends in this city will feel
sad at th;s announcement. A ehrlatlaa we.
man an affrctionate wife, and one whose re.
gad and for the children of her
husband by a former wife, had doubly endear
ed her to her family circle, hes passed from
the pains and sorrows of This sphere to a
more happrand elevated state of existence
With gentleness in bet manners, and char
ity in all her actions, ehe was admired end es
teemed by all who blew her; and her'death,
however cinch itittka beeti her spiritual gain,
sends grie( encl. sorrow to many! stricken
pours : , • *
New Advertisements.
dcza 3lf DErnalif:'Stato &nook
sou Wed Bide. ja.2B-tt
10 bait' lon aziOttog %Wean Mai II and
awns Are tt„ doing blinitmil oader-um-Arzo ea= at
Morgan t Val a. 144, teis tut" darbles_Aisintind mil
tifi ooi,rast. laAltvsY.MaTi6A-N,
Jona 28, —pd
The 110.i..H lye and Cfreameatal ?abaft* Walesa"
will be 4:matiaant by tWeadeatired at the old stand
as /3 ate St., Weise 1 t and the &rot.
jai ' umtvar u9aa
W o u
taboo, -clam',
. ,
Wasted 61
. -
- DR. W. E l
. OP MUN I Pa,
Mu now la daily rum to istrsatiag taiith "Maid
lob. tts shore 01 °. 4 1 OenWhit Mat, which has beta
a thousaly lnds aroma, sad is cot 'miscasts:l
by Ohysisitto, paidtestlaas which w ess slum
SAYER SLN catasoromir
Oar owsisperisata es that it is mars nimble
du the Sat OW a! 'SABI odder,
=zany {stmt,
sarim ea , ibadm ma.
porno: dislia6 tits ass id Ohkalohno,
cr C. to Eris aid 4 eallniseept , • '
7wrip taisaroi . we of is Battu**
21611-- " ll iztlidid %Oh ar• 4,04, tas-iso
• ,
Buy where you eautity the eheaptat 1
r . -
- is 0.• • f'
ay. 614 aniusweiaii e4cs,
Stirs Sr. RV/, PA.
Roan opened • new flat, Cap, and theatleasetea fat ,
sashimi Ron la the tom theaapbed by Wr. lease
noetantelg, ea State Sy oppoolteAmea's fetal,
would tatimettally Welt, the Wattles of the pub.
nate bib vitamin Ay* tffehtselita• enryysztat,
Id Goodall tha line at WA.
• I
of all kinds, sista and quardia.
Caps of every style and to mil 4,00 tette.
Alves Furnishing Cadre
consuua r of •
Consre.papaik Man,
Neat tir , ke.
AAA be sold at Lowest Cub pries, sod osjosa e.
trOar good' ate eat sapossed by ,gy okiek to the,
city, and oaf prim are so to. as ihe knit
E ),
HARDWA'RE 5.T.0.8 El
1 . 40, Ha PEACH HIREEt,
A 4.1 r does shois the thdoa Deist, when •e shall
top Co Lids Pima sitocSo
11 A .R D W A ' 1
R .!
Aed fell it thii lottat movarnellis ink%
Y U 8 ' '
Erie. Jamb le,
BBBlita di; Buriu ids
Usaatictursts el iv** ‘Fle . 4 01
do re Ltd 6Yr "'Roby th•Osatity
Ortega, Listrans,
, .
1 Bahia*.
sad - Foreign Nem,
(ligus Tobseeo.
- And a gesoisl assortmliat of small 41143 large
• fitoirotits at 11Rwlesakt.
We *ought ouiy sad no oat lednewompte la th is
Mu. I
PLAOB, CANNON,' LANTERNS, j ; &c., &c.
rlittacaretilos vitt' thsalloys, 'wised
. I r
Yankee Nations, Toys, Feeney Goods' and Small
.. . '
, .
Stirt: vorti ir ooto so woritrzdooloso l root tad tan WWII I t to M i
oir ntend to tor. we eta toot ittus wants of
emantrtmetehants With Out elan Goode in our line.
, MBA. B. H. EMI
Talmo pleasure la SDIMNIA! to the, piDflc that she
has opined i *IV store
Harmon'. 810ek,2 Squares south of LrnimDepot,
mums as win lump caestehili lamp ;mita, of
&deny. Clothe, and • igeseed soostamt '
=sally kept oa hukd la i sten of the ILO.
za ttir • oav stock of Goods JasS rocoliird frog Us
Polar( dc slrooa of Ocala, oat bar old stock, As will
craft teorouoa Ur let or Jul} kiss colt, y
m ad u
i t ray Jost isdard Toiy lardy to my tiotittoo.l am
to to dos!, wolk sir tow.,
wan?. romoti,yaomood oxontonmd
workman tram tko nit, end am ploykrod to do wok to
tt.i.tmtsodmoot.pprorod loves. .
NOR II /Alias" . 47110 OF T 42 T l iR itAllraLa.
Moab' its Wortmeal cdtasokboolm lie, i ,ua 00
bisa. tind, Priemiso ispoispiii. and at/4401m par.
ca • ,
304arg. 21 nary of liblairlars tisk
&acme Zig, trity Pa lo Gra L COLT.
uoonwin is 4
gar BANKE3B!
Oa Peach &net, near begot
Rai rum r A. WWI% comma,
ISlNAtagiaat A. U. bitalr, X. COM CIL
k •
Thuhaumpasofug pgrootod their oft ao/gogo•uts;aro
osor govgared to do Osoural Baaktolk , FAOMMK O
CollootSou Wawa& • ;
Efovoromout !km& lord 'Wired Notes Of ill balms
and dooosoloattcou bought and sal& oryll•tf
ran teAL6. —rheas% orsigind 014,„ 6
awl. Ma tam, alto t. le Tairaisw tornado. Doe
slut of Taint",llll e, ow the IRMO Road. via
Wain; 40 scu t all Improved milt b kw R., woo
tad tabor: Sadism tae meted Omen 11 small tram
A van bone with Rood stone eat, and i• good bets
aus. by Mt at, with a alwd at asab •1184-• rood eel
et soft 'raw. and a young orchard et Nell poi:.
!or particulate 00111111 of lbw odosolieed on Ow
soadaws. topIR-Spail MI 18 BOYS&
BOOT AND 50380,80 E S.TO RE,
Bus. stews. Naar outra• Poo offs &
rair=bh Boat and nava Geake.
Worms tbs Palate that to n,
ma, 116
toe rid &lantana le tkeittors Soon
an State street. arraeir arinrint taa Past
ON" "Mee he bettor all Ids old Oa& sad diatoms's`
to Ora ate Partloilat titration steer to
m sarstal ernicaren, and isPornsto an tin
tradniaaalfe Waitress to eaa give as toad mitigate
Gan and rail at ai low Woes am any otter parson in At
atty. Good Mb Warranted. apnlaatt.
, WOOL 0W.17.,
for Yob M Wholes& a ieh►a kr
Goff. Patterimi ck 11,, 515 Ree>sch .!treat.
i 58014113
ntmENsn sroex JUBT RECEIVfP
xonez ?UI routovntso POMP!
Prints /rpm 8 is 12/ Cis. per Nerd.
Good' Bifached aftsaters, 1 yd. wide, 418 as:
- 1 . •I I
Ilerstsr Brotort,l yierd wide, Faefiry 20 as.
- ' '
AIVID IDlttilltaßLE.,
°wow& Re allMr, ban bean iriqaetad *lth Vest
gra sad Will to mold at wary man advattika
i • -
moNLL, BTE/wilts k F!!DEY.
DRY GOODS, xarzoNs,
Oar stock fe the Wiest *iv hrohgbt to the hlty,
t • adding ot,
a, ennuis ainnetnient of Dieu Goode.
, Zan kind of *Mete In the Notion line.
And, la shod, • (Omni asoortmont of oroything
nroded by Coa•tr; Dilators.
Conatrybealers are to to give os a all. We do a
ctrtotly erholsale trade, sod propose 'miller at =eh ,
pries/se "VI teaks It to the adrsotage of merebento
'ln tlas action to deal he Erie, hawed of seeding
Last (or their good".
o.B.Boryselars. W. A. CRAWFORD, J. Y. mocoßD.
F. A. WICONis-
,ritanzloya,iriate, laquoßa, azoircs,-kozacoco,,
Crockery; : TWittino Ware, Thins, Nu(s, &c.,
No. 814 rem eileacr.
Val slda. between Bth and 9th Sta., EWE, PA
Cub paid tor Coautr? Produce.
Y. A. Wain
011.1.31 D, Nay 141 h. ISA
R. Woonticrre, EM.—Dear sir r —We. your fr.ends
sad seighb ra, haring tonedenee In • oar AIM, tad
tesoitv, desire pin to become M
candidate for the °ee
of addltiopet L A . hap. An early and farorable reply
Is eariseetiy•sidlpihel.
&restos Slater. fleorT Modgo 2 ° l 4 Theodore R.Ttosai
Rodney Smith, Geo P An. Fleury Ball, C L Randal,
S Battles. Janos 0 Clio, Chas L Rad,
0 wbeeter, Bowes Beath. Johnston Rea, John
R GnUUord, Jessie Webster J 0 Bookstall, If Benham,
P Rockwell. Joodusaltvans„ T Y Godfrey It B Demo.
say. L S J 0110; John Ray, Jr.. Levi Low:ride, .1 aunt.
ford, j *Lovorldge, ti Nlehols, N Silver.
thorn, A G Bly,C L. Phelps.
6 / 1 42P. May lath, leaf.
Gann►rtes; 40pf favor of , he 14th inst. requesting
me Co bosom. • modidam tor The ogles of additional
Law Jodie of the Math Judicial District, to received.
wi th w a n , thlcas frr the expemulon of ensaaeueo It
soutane. Seep an a torsolon from ohs loweetli. to ne,gh
ners--bpstneso moo irtil are Intim .tely aoqualnief with
roy pram/Moat sa Kochi! staadirm—is very sniff. fog
to me. Shoo d the Mahan Caussotiou of Erie county
add their sanction to your Irish so kindle ea rrorood. It
will gin me groat pitmans to be a smalltime, for that
honorable EA reepoovible position.
' •
With b gb reap et , lam yours,
a. Woonursr.
TO Heim lifeennoall i ErasicisSlatar as .1 ottiers—cittiNue
of °bird borough. 1231314d*
V ILE WOK nA4114
g:• /AM litir OlinnationQuivi Urea on
h nod are prepartel to bra : it from the Kiln, on
the attest °Mink '
Tee vale/ tbalfleboat ziazirat pia paid. Tn.
Was %Man
Doe. e Haaamat, at their Lbw Ella, ea Oka
cond. war Rearm
Pa., Jame fad, 1111641
0111STIZENO AMU X01'614 kr Ageots,
0114 Podia* Coast* B b 3lll 6DmitgligtA ilAa 10 swift
to ItosimaWasd peoltable ladamr. Fne•tor SS Aits.;
vitiated.. $9 pa des. Comm sulfas tram Si to $l2
mart 4%
" %k VOl/4 ftutrifilie Water St, Ir,
N 0.6 BUD 00118 E.
423 , STA'tg 8111ZET, ERN, FU
=24 it W. gatatEr. ,
pe ,bald nepettfally cell the attestioit of
To our
Sttnalnd on the Cue),
IgONT ANC) sEcoNq sty,
Near torn Dock
W A N T. E D
Tux tUtICAT PATRENO - 7 0, Inti Nu To Nov
Cut s PPhletil Preparotlotg
Debility rforattog from MU taZllll , lastalsT, Prostration
of the opit.m.consed
camp erpon roe
re dionj o o, of amop lift. 50141 , 4*. ottizoo., ma le
or foa l,. A d o lf. or youthorlillicil Ole Bata," awo
Took. oolodependout bid IffLoom for their stwoo I Lai.
racalous effect. , •
edad discuses remitting ham &monists of the Lim ee.l
Diorite. cermis,sre cued 111
This TIMM tula Venting more C. giro,' bety
satisfaction, bin mord testimony, by more strapactsble
;wools to youth lot it MINI air ottorsiticie to the mat ,
Ist. We day any one to contradict tl4O astattion and
win drloo9 Wany aro who wilt ptodttitad militate
bataincd by no, that {' not s'''cat. •
wupiettie aTery etre oonronfd or tforroor mail aril
disess* ot tbe kidnerkl, °burrs the faTlOTing 1170 3 0.061 1
minltiog from dirordorr of the digarthro Moto: :
Conettpstitni,lnwerd nes, Fullness of Blood to the
Head, anidtta of the Stamsebeitsases, rheartbara, DIP;
gust for Peed, ?Lanese or Vrelaht the Stlnfteehr Beet
Kruetailone, Staking or Muttering at the Pit Of Ibn
Stomach, litithruning of the field, Barred &ad didlcult
Breaching, Flutterkg at the Heart, Charing or Su ffocat
cog Sensations when in s lying portiere, Viscous" of-Via
toe. Dots or Weta before the night, Fere/ and Dull Pain
is the Head, Denctwoor of PereptraWillownese of
Ore r kin sad Elea, Pete In tho Side, Chest, limbs,
to , Sodden llushei of Heat, Burning in • Flab,
cunt ISOagicaap of g‘ti_SO4 peat DePfeell" afBgrits'
Raartataas. that this /jitters le net alaboolta, cantatas
oo 'two or tatackar.aad cannot maks dratutatda, but 1/1
the tort tonic to the world.
train /14. W. D. defected. rOtOr of .riellth Baptist
Church, Philodo. •
ilentlemms—l hare recently bean Sabering under ea
a:stressing street" of indlgestiem i ffiemimpardad by • pros
trstion MMus sorrow" alatem. MOSIMaII remedies were
refornmeotted hy *taloa* seam of them meted, Mr..
wdboatsidief. Your oottaavia Gamma- Bittars veva
leOztanzamded by person* who had tried tbero, and whom*
foronitdemsation of thee Bitters Induced OM to try
Om. I molt confess t h at I bpi an siversima to Patent
Medicines from the ' , thousand and ono" quack "Bitters'
whose only aim seams to bs to Peel ea' aweeteued
dragged agoor upon the COlTlZlcility 11S & 117. 'ray, cull
the toodency of which. I foot. la to Woks mossy * eon.
firmed d run k e t a. :Upon laming that )01:11 was loony -
a medicinal preparation I took It with happy effect. Its
'tattoo, not only smooth, stomach, but uponthe nmoue
system. was ptottipt sad gratifying. I foal that 1 he re
iferited great and permanent benedt from the me of a
few bott.'es. Very reepectiully No
W. D. SELO/MX.I4Mo. 264 i'lteductmon Et.
• ;
, ~
rtatll the E.ev. C. D.yer4sp, 411e!Istaat Mitte: Chrtettate
i have &Area decided benefit from the tees orgoog,xx,
German littten, and Mel Italy privilege to r eco mmend
them as a roost valuable tante to all who are ereetiot
from general debility or (NM diseases arising from the
deraegeMeot cf tbe liver: _
loafs truly,
From ROT. D. ilartge, Pastor of the Passel - oak rartist
. March, Pht/aide.
Prom the. may yishongibliorormarmollatiorui Aim to
Dr. Ilmfbuld's German Bitters, I vas Induced to ISIT• theta
I trial. ATMS using Were bettlea, f Conte them to be le
rood remedy for deollttr, and • most excellent ton for,
the stomach. DLltar4Cis.
From Her. Wm. Sintllh.fortneriy ieetor of the Vineen.
tfrro I.m rillville (R. I.) Baptist Mart he&
Raving used in my family a number of bottles of yom.•
Floodend's German Bitterly I to may I.regard them.
siren excellent mitilletne, genially adapted to remove
UlO diseases thel are recommended for. They strengtheo
anitlevigorsie Cassia= when debilitated, and ere use.
.Int in disorders*/ the Herr, loss of appetite, ic. I eye
also reaurriaradedthem to ,severat of my friends, wtre
have .ried them, and found
et ti:bensfotal tho
rentorstionofhealth. yearst
WU.M, 985 WnEn
St, Phllids.
- See that the skeet:ore of "MX JAC/Z.4OS" ea the.
wrapper *fetch bottle.
should your noarett drayiest not have the "allele do
not be pa off by any of the Intosicttlng preparation
that nay be Orate Inttittbut send to us- and we
will forward, ameorely pie -by express.
W." Principal Office and nfeetory, No. 611 drat
Street, Pbtledelybia,ka. . .
io C.I ...taakion k. Co. ' ) Proprleto
For ulO Vaggistslnd dealers in every town in tna
- Wo JLEED & VU.,
whceegas ina retail Dagen ti
QtOnSoßlwhtgh Lamp for fcrandiia'.&o,l profs:ea (or
Y./inns—Corner eth.and )4itle; and 'corner lifyrtlo
and Ancor rtreet42squaroweet ot the Dillon Depot,
EE U. DUI niliek
Rattails tha system agidatt the svil effects of anwlale.
icons testae
cars Propapea.
Will cum Weakness. , •
Will care General LWOW.
Will curs Ramtbma.
Will care Headache.
Will care Lira Cempfsfst
Will exalts and create a health sp ts.'
Will tistgorste the organs of on an moderato.
ly Increaee the taraperstare of the body an ato t
circulation, acting is fact sa s general corro ran the
system, containing no golsonocut drags,.
S: fair Walls sarzsatly solicited.
GRO. C. RURBEL b CO., Proprietors,
Centrall Depot,4ractrert krpress Bat Dodson,
ting N:
aa ktaa.
Sox sr., fam yeas..
,Por sale by all Druggists, Grocers, Re.
It/NNIG Wholeaals gents.
and for sale by EAR Warted, C ute r Carver and Wil
kins k
001.8103 PATENT 9ELB7lloLal2fti
615 PiNen4 St, Erie, P*., pa.,
Hire been bppointed Bela Agents tot the Bele of hie
,- caxamisn WItINEXIt,
Par the eity Nrk - ekrath Kris. Mill Creek Onkne ,
ennunit, McKean andFairetenr toWesdkilm ' , \
44 - .
Agents wanted to yell them in all the above named
• Any letenvet matt orwatnitpaks SS per de." by
canvassing fur them For liana apply Ai above.
, .•
DIOSSOLUTSON -OP 00 4 . Awrists amine
Vie nem heretofore exlating undo the =we of
Pas dteaolved by etintral ettrat,t, datin g hum January
nth, 1884 jrr. Carter Midair, The boob cd the old
arm may be tosauttt the 9.14 p Pro mp t settlements
requested. • S; oaRrER.
bir Career bas; eseociated hie ion with, httn, and wilt
continue the builnou under tbe . 9iarno and tiro of
• 1, B - . OLP. VtR & CO.,
Keeping., new end well *dated Ito* at Drupe, 13
elnea, Cheralesle. new Pbanaseoutleal Pzepaa
tlee6, Rare Pe:luaus:, ALTO:lea, lea
pesolaperiVri clerks of tbla bonne aro retained and
an r
tbrieL upon being coneetly served at all
tfortom—liie Serffele of Mr. J. 3. Cartes hare alio
been securtd;aa d lee mill be happy tq meet bur old
Wends sed • •
Rs4*6 BOW,—tag OLD STAND.
For oar neW *CA The Pictorlid Dock of
OP Pus
RznEorr. •
Boole, Patriotic , Political., RonsantiO,Tintnorous and
Tiercal, tiplandldly illustrated with over 3.0
Ene Pota di bautlini Engravings.
/ L UX W att. COX IMAM htilt ur,tendea pathos, startling
intareat and sittrwatlts bogy, 0244 peerlere and alone
among all its cbtapetatort. The valiant and biare-beart
od, the picturratte and dramatic, The witty and marvel
lous, the teaderand pathetic,. The roitof fame and sto
ma' t autli6i.toei. t.towt.tityout4And &mit; startling'
I rVadtlTU lin I MICMAC words sad tirade
of women, and the whole panorama of tte war are bete
stedetartliogly portrayed in a master's man
ner. at ones hiatorioal and renmatte. meeting It the
230at araPNI.Juilliaat and readable book that tbo war has
called forth. Dina lad *flora and soldiers, teachers.
MinTeitey4ang mee, and all in want of gr.:Amble eizi
plmaiwit, lind - thisiha hoot chance to make manor
taw at eltspit. pond fer einnilere and senora farm.
AddreteralATlONAL. Etrar NC.,407 law
nor Street. Pidiadelpida. atsZt-lore
NEW Huta= haring aosectetK l ow
him 4_dattijare Artiwzie welt Ironer, xi
food freehold's; eespeeshali rs Qualm for the peat
fermi of the Walla. AA Joliette's itehttneem cd the
as tot thanes thin. The !pitmen* ISM &r titer be
combatted ender the Cue al turioase liraismder,
the aro stand on derntill bolfrefhf Mate and
Pesch. "%ate lialdng, thinaaithihit men"
i . &e.
lierwiriog dose, with tautness wad
thaw gterawked. Giro es a all. r-sm -
• •••••• • •••,• ••• e estat e army:Le Witter.; 1,14, 1111
Cris City..hada: Nee Dented 40 - the vaderfil l ue .
map s Ls Verebtem to all lode to the slid - Otter;
to MAO I, =„3 ll ,lzottot e
soda the time Mon hating
,um ezeoutt- ewe azilistuticated.
Pte. ;Ler el, '65-410- Adtalatatretk
wi/3 can-
MUD WHO 13A.111 Be.
Chroalcle, Yhllaas
411.114,Til 03 4WD
02 , 10 z.