The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, June 28, 1866, Image 1

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nc , x t - 44 11.1. arafas) 11.141104 r VW& ELOCE,
CO/Voilt STATZ ST. ••.1/ TRIt
vv.? s—Tsro TT CISTA per
11 /al ! t .1.1“11 , 11i ; TIINIR ARS if not
~,to to r A rirs , lon of the year. Cobarribera
by Is., nOl be Coaro.l Fir', O nt .,
All au :at ,ptilim craumutilULl:JT
oAnuo'ly No paper wall Ire sent out of
the nab. , A paid for in eidraare.
q-ii,.I..ENTLI.—Oue Square of Ten Lines of
lacorliOna $1,73 threw
T. , ; two months
urautlil f 7,00;0ne $.
Krf au maruL 13 in,porlinF. Theis
4 1, ;a 11.Ar...1 1., old.Eadtallgigt by al
?. r.. 1 11.0 ..I.:un IX Ito pebli.hera. .
lairorema and lib advertise
„ ,f-I.a: A,liiiiiatltratilei: Notices 83,00; Local
11 cou!v A 1,•••• . ; MArtiat;, Notice, TWENTY
~;uLtlumr Nota:en (over flirt.l isles
le I (ear ,0 , ,A pet Ime. thiginal poetry, -un
an Lro , th e r" of tbeedltor, one
, Ail sarerti..e acute will be continued at'
ty ,,. s r error of the person advertising, until ordered
by big dlreCtinD, unless a specified period Ls
24 ,4 i cry for their insertion.
cr Ali or nuounicstions should be addressed" to
rtlttor and Proprietor.
Business Directory.
4.. 10401 L i c , 1
nco:r Dzseurr, State St, near 9 h
— , t ottatc H. EUTIACH.
. knoriyay at.l, vy, dirard, Erie County,
c..lintions and obey boeinua att.:maw! 10 with
cnisi sod dispatch.
1 ‘VILT:IIO:tg.
arroaxaT az Lkw. In Walker', Gr.
,;.Seventh •treet. Ltte, Pa. arnr7.62
lt mpinve.4.
NI.V Pall eon Block, near North West corner of the
fa , c Square, Er.e,
E 14,1t1.0 lIHNNETT,
Jvarzcis 07 TIM Puts. Ogee second
!,..r Wan:, Block, French Street, inatseen Fifth and
W 1 I. ISL'It;
ATToItITB AZ LAW, Ridgway. Pa.
rr.e „ i„, libmeroo tad Jefromon COllO
J C.CHAPIN% [An3te6s-lve] W. W. WILBUR
pitGLE tit/TEL, Watert'ord. Pa..
ROSIER? t.catan;Ptotentrtan.
t;ssl sts.rumulstious, and event at - WI:Mon riven to
comfort u( guests. ' ap6435-13.
ICSTICit °vizi Plum, Paragon illock,
West of Farrar Hall, Erie, Pa..
El). IV. GUN:4I ,4 9N.
.f,tso and claim acent, Conreyaucer and Collector.
In iu tistelte Luildiuz, aouttoreat corner of Fifth! and
.Imcta. Erie. Pa. aplTdret
;.. At ' ll , . Eagle Village, hat , n hand a large &Juror!.
.:-at of i;rocenra. Provietons, Wood and Willow Ware,
;,... I.lquoni, Tobacco, -Fesrager&e . to which he re
vetfully eAlla the attention of the public, antlalleil that
r. , ND of 3.8 goo! ItArglLigur 0.1; can ballad in any part
Rte county. ' ", mar3o'6s-11,
/I NO. C. ML<NNIII. CT, M. 9.. .. '
1T - Po ram ex \ int SURGIOV
. Pee Fag Park street, over C. glegvVe wore—bomb :.,t
:Iv mit:ekes) of C. IV. Kelso ' 21 doer soath cf the 11 V.
ChLrtb." on Samara. strove Mee hours from 31 o'elt ek
.:, g, until 2. P. M. m 3, 10 eCTI
W. ititED & co.,
n, Whotante and retail dealers in Anthracite,
r,turalrnia and Bloithurg dud and wow]. Genitine
r.Lizh Lunn totafotindriea, and prepared for haute use.
.I.IM on hood. Ycr , l —Corner fth and Ifyr le, nod
elrner Myrtle-and 'Rader ate., 2 squares - west of the
won Depot, Erie, Pa.
=J. ERASER, Al. U.. fr.
ri, ilomsopathic Phrilelan and Burrow
Mlles ind resiaeoes 62S Petett 8t;, opposite the Park
House. Office hours from 19 to 12 A. IL, 3 tot P. 11.,
sod rto r. M. apsdim•
rip EAT. IItSTATE 1 , 012 MALE.
reveril very choice business mites on State Street, bee
%veers Seventh and Eighth Streets, East side. &roof;
red for em 7 e on very reasonable terms, if applied
Enquire of
n. Titf. WY. A. GALDRAMI. Agrnt.
Tll N fie BREVE.
Crockery, if arthrsre, Glum, Seed, Muter, ate., ear
wof Satttatreet and Public Square, Erie, Pt. jalTtf.
„ , LIVICAT STAIIL; on Eighth
tetatea State cud Freuch. ,iue Horses and Car
to let n raufonable tgrms. my2S'64-Iy.
IL M. BRECHT', Proprietor. Good II owe and Carriagm
&tyro!, hind at moderate prieet Sept. 29,1485-
C A It 1.11
SILVA or., DTT , VECN lo AND 4,0
So - sk equine' any m the city, and prim as mode.
rite. (
, .
V Dealer in Groceriea, , ,Prodneri ' Proriliono,
Aood. Willow and Stone W. Wines, L iquor., ite.,
`tale Street, oppooito the Postofflee; Erie, Pa.
DILVTIIST. Office in Rosen- 'Sr a ..
awes Moek,north ride of the Park, Erie, Pa.- V.
s l r i a ,LlA.l ßa lsi to o n z .,
a.l. Vorton,
foromisAlon /Jercluinta, and Wholesale ors In Coal.
Sect. for N. Y. &E. and People's I aof Stamm.
Fit Public Dock, Erie, Pa. s jan4'6s I y.
erIR BEST riAns ,
' - Are made by \
WILLING Nene Them. . atilOT.s If
PIITRICIAN AND 511 , 01107
"tr.,1., '2l :103i 13 atty'e Block, Watt Park. Erie, Pa,
• eeearfortl, stian & Both'e :atom: Rettauce
Weo.ii . de Myrtle sti.ael, 31boneo South of Ninth. ,
hotre—k to 10 A. L., &OLI to 3 P. a.
net 1-065tf.
W EVANS. 11*. D.,
11 . 6 Tenders Ids prof 'stoma services to The
orssis f Erie tsnd vfrinity. Office Lyt , e's new bail&_
sec, on Peach strect,& few doors south of tho depot.
febl CB-Gm• • V.
rend Story of RlotiernrchtNlSock, Erie, Pa.
Arrow= AT LAW. Marron
k Co., Ps Will also practieu in adjoining Counties.
TAILOR AND CLOTRX9 CLEANICR Block, shove Pr: Denoett's peke.) Clothes
r.pairod and cleans on abort notice. Terms as
remonable u LOS, me 22 ly
T (MEI. kr. 0 nr AT
‘tti 1110 Pustoo, to , 11+
C , 31,ttee. Tteatt, n ..v l•re
..'1•••1 , Cek.
•• • • I +r•t roar ..ort
jo7 linrapd
~a‘tA of the Pennayl Tanta Collage of Dental Sur-
Ullite in the sacand story of Sterrett a building,
it- the corner of hn Reek/louse, Erie, Pa.
ae►eacnce DT PX/IXIBSION.
C. M D D. S., North Seventh etraet,?hll del-
f„ Boe4lnghsm, I). D. 3., No. 243, North NUL lb
nYPICE SPFUNII Sr., opposite Crittenden Fall
tti.rille, Pa. Collectiona and all other legal bail
la Cranford, Vdnando, Erie, Warren and Forra
• ittre, attended to carefully and promptly.
' 3, tEETOES—Wm. A. Galbraith, Jim:4min Whitman
kr^ ti Sill,Spencer & Marvin, Erie, Pa.
r'••o• R. brown,' lion. S. P. JohnsoneW. D.BTOWS
T•locre k Clark. Warren. Pa.
?cunt:, uttows co.,
I dealore In herd and 'oft coal,
Bering dleplsed of our doek property to the
awur cthri Min, we hereaserily retire from the coil
~- -; lrnarneculing 0 1r euccensors as eralueutly
r , luid.rnne aul_patronage of our old fOenda
[epl2-t ] SCOIT, RANKIN . &CO
tt: GUAM/DM,
FAshluaithlo nalors, Filth gtrert, tretvrpon
sth, Frio PA Ca,it.ll2 Work, nookiri.l7 and
prtnriptir. Clesatog done. ID t. , ••
• .nlll CA If
.F.I,INCY 1)VE170111i.
Woolto, Nal( ,Vooloa *rt Gaited Goo IL Dress.
hiqialts and Tune dyed and colored in the
toile and at
ktAl/7111L7t PEICIS.
I f ROWLS prtsaed and refinished tibtore delivery..
s_ lent Principal. Gm. W. Gurntimx Ygg i
,Prof. of Commercial law.
'' 'k*%"`pltlj Simplified, new Claxxideation of At
' lianin•q4 Pr Cleo, Ornamental and Bust.
Feumanship, Commercial Law, Commercial Arial
bum aeot terms, ke n for ladies and genie. The
et. lantwory Cards comprehend the who!e basis of
*Cermet', and exhibit every pouible rads,
''" ,, .f.satrig and elosine hooka. No expense will he
tied to mate this & Tall&S&Att PrZetit&l and Per."'
.' at ""taut.on, "Tbe City of Schools." Practical As
; ;'et Ttaebere will Le, employed. Ternes=-Tnitlen,
advanc e , The hest facilities and greatest in
is vustbb Send for Cirealars.
T. cm OK
pith•Qui: isLE PorrEftv,
utdersiged- hare thesnselyea. tinder
' 4 lrai and aty n le of Webb it Ch asatmistedilda, to th e Pottanoad
at IL. old stand on the mud. %Whim _
fhlni streett
W•aolich th• pampers of f the =40141 or old
.na tad the cut= of the üblte gionimaky.
oar utmost at to giro raid immacuaa•
tizzui r f eta. WEIL
VOL. 37-NO. 5
- J. F. DOWNING - 9 S
461- 'l,4` IN' _T - `4, It. AL L. I S 11. Ab. CJE 11.1 Ts,f C
ilia Otd EetaViihe4 Agency represents lila leatliog, most popular apt most successful Insurance Compainies in the Conntry, embracing
Life; Fire, Marine, Inland and Accident Insurance. Combined Capital ropresented".s2B,ooo,ooo, affording facilities for! first class near'
:once to any amount ilegired, sad on as reasonable terms as sound and well manned Companies can afford. - -
Orders for Insurance attended to with Promptaies and Fidelity, in town or country. Especial attention given to the Insurance of 1:101 1 .
lingo and Farm Property, fir periods of three or five cars or perpetually, by deposit of premium. Rates very low.'
glif•The thoughtful end prudent man insures hie Property against less or. dimage. by Pire,and his Life foy.the protectioniaf wife, chihirrn
and kindred dependent upon him. All' who have riot yet attended to this duty, shoald call at once and get their poll-clef in pee oemore!of
he following Companies: : I , _ ,
t Jatitsary 1,3811. .
Cod) Arstete, $4,067,44590
Lisliiiitio , , 4 r 4 - 244.491 43
Net Araette, ' - - 3, s:.n,ots 1 at
Rill I.
nt . ALS
, Elel6t organisation of Soar thonzand Underwriters,
trOm Nbra ,, Fcotta to California, and L. Au superior,
exico and the gulf, harmonTog the ICIBIIC4 of avarage
with compensating rates to the advascament of Ur*
public welfare.
Or rum
TS. Ismnronm Commissioner to as Legislature:
n'The Etas losuranco Company, a Hartford, one of
he most successful Fire Insurance Comeanie of this
or any other chintzy " •
• • •
'Counictieut Companies follow the rules and prattl
ers of the Etna almost as caret 11l as If they were gm- \
bodied in etstut• law."
Again. pointing to errors of prattles In 'Hes York
.the Etna's successful management and
so Id rules are called to their a'toation Shur
"It still remains more a matter of wonder than imita
tion in the losurarice war 4. 5 ,
•••• •
.117 what subtle alchemy has this corporation been
enabled to turn its full paid capital into the Phiroso•
phar's stone
• • • •
on. egingedlusiey ergots which have dletingnithed
its unparalleled llamas! history." -
The mange Imes per diem In the United State' at
this period of the year, ere bout two hundred and art;
thousand dollari. The telegraph daily sounds startling
notes of earning to all prudeot persons.
Policies issued without delay.
2. F. DOWNING. apply
T. W. C*o WELL, Surveyor.
—A 1 Company.-
1103113 'moat iNun ccomrirtr
OFFICE, NO. 135 ntoADwiY.
ASSETS, lit January, 2166 • - 3,394,674 14
LIABILITIES, - - 133,749 44
Showing the condition of the Company on theist day
,if January, Me.
Cash balance in ank $50,744 49
Sonia & wort., let li it
~ lien on real
estate • 196,892 60
Loans on stocks, pay. on demand 97,392 08
United Plates slooks,market val. 1,850,834 90
State & noun. stocies & bonds, do. 405 426 00
Bank stocks, do 113,550 00
Interest due on let Jan., 1866 27,48116
Balance in hands of agents and in •
caner of transmission . 173,010 51
Bile Kee , for pre. on In. Risks,&o 48,153 44
Government stamps on hand 110 00
Other Property, Mis. Items • 13,505 13
Pre. due and uncol on Pol. issued -
at. office (fire, inland & mar ) 43,141 88
&earner Miguel & wreck. app. 83,483 94
, ' -Total Assets, . $3,698,674 14
. - a Lila TLITIT.2.,
Clai frig t e r riA. out. on Jan. 1, 'CAI $152,046 24
Due stßz on account. dividend 800 00
Notwit;hetanding the fiery trial of the put year, dur
ing abielf, the tomoopy hoe oald looses to the amount
of 5A37.852 35, without omitting the semi-annual dlr.
idanda."The With it. -appal of Two 'Millions
intact, and a net eurptuit of $1,444,957 90, continues to
off., to all who peek !reliable insurance. taducemnita
onrpollsed by no other company.
• J. F. DOWNING, Agent.
T. W. Ctoxell, Surveyor.
le wltlone and ernnomy to losaredn the bed Com
panies, nod Caere it no e better tban'tbe old Wu
once Company of,North America."
Joints, Jan. 1,18 GO. Market Vans.
First mortgages on city property $444,300 00
U. S. Government-bonds • 334,500 00
Pennsylvania State bonds 109,000 00
Phila. city bonds r, 138,700 00
Bonds of Penna. It. IL Co. and other
corporations ' 190,440 00
Band & other corporation stocks 66,196 93
Notes Rec. (temporary loans) 150,471 06
Real Estate, office of the Co., 232
Walnut street •
Unpaid Pre: & debts duo on nat—
al good 107,581 13
Cash in B'k &in hands of Agts. 168,329 32
Total Assets $1,731,21514
OVER $1.8,000,000 00!
Follette tuned without .slay bY
J. t. DOWNING, Ageo ' L
T. W. CROWELL, Surveyor.
ptioupitx issViLiscs cowry,
LOSSES PAID IN 1865, $110,613 91.
CASH ASSETS, JAN. 1, 1866, 0,006,790 33
The test of Its national
rendered patron., and Its •
sons prolific of conflagratro
those most Interested, may
the foliating figures of
Mionmicts 20,980 42
N. Haab. 25,309 19
liew,Nork 543,530 32
Ne.f.. Jersey 3,750 63
Nii6raska 1,167 00
Ohio I.` 103,953 59
IPenn'a 53,274 40
B. Island 20.771 21
8. Carolina 21,082 75
Tennessee 46.970 90
Texas 3,981 98
Vermont 4,282 43
Virginia 27 24
W. Virginia 2,000 00
Wisconsin 86,481 7G
Canals 38,873 80
Nova Scotia 14,285 78
N. Bruns. 15,830 75
Paid 'Promptly.
J. F. DOWXDIG. Arent.
I'. W. CROWELL, Surveyor.
Arkansas $22,830 43
Alabama ' 45,723 36
Connecticut22o,B3l 97
California 181,320 51
D't of Col. 196 35
Florida 20,468 42
Georgia 4138 751
Indiana 84,203 19
Illinois • 210,698'57 1
lowa 31,616 73
Kentucky 69,978 19
Knnsae 13,416 07
Maine 66,893 45
Mass. 59,870 01
Maryland 39,602 95
Mississippi 20,832 55
Missouri 80,535 36
Michigan 07,057 64
Looses Always
nn P. P. D.
Its peculiarity and wbsrelp it mils all *then la that
afteryour ant outlay. yott hare only to spend TICH
cvas wkaenarer a stew broom is requited. evea this
trilling expense ran b 3 avoided by planting a few hills
of emu in the garden.
Any person am fill one In rat minutes. Yon awe your
on broom maker..
Township rights for sale Li gris musty.
Send for aircalar. or call on the milweriber. our
Chemfee ON. Pa.; and see sairpia.
taa2.4.3m• J. G. BAIRD.
Office in Rosenzweig's Block, opposite Brown's HoteL
22,000 00
sty. the solid toreiA it bu
• lily ti pw through Boa
s's with honor and profit to
Laternel from a perusal of
Erie, Peun'a...
N . A UA II A'
Cash Capital and Surplus
United Stales Securities 468,648 05
Loam! on Bond Morgago _ 262,000 00
Ossh in bank and bands of agents 85,618 37
Loans on Stocks, psi. on demand 352,400 00
Beal Estate:lnterest, &o. 111,168 18
Wisconsin & California Bonds - 8,000 00
'51,288,729 01
Losses in process of adjustment - 20,060 00
Unpaid Dividends 1,326 50
11,375 50
Fair Rates, Fiiet—Clapt Security„lrr mpt Pay
ment of Losses. -
J. F. DOWNING. /put.-
T. W. CROWELL, Surveyor.
Cash Capital $1,000,000
Assets, January 1,, 1868, 1,644,000
The Awned melee
Of ttn; net profits without incurring any LiateMy, or,
is lien *helot. at their option. a liberal dlecaunt upon
the ptemlant.
Strip Dividend, declared 180, Fifty per cent
T. W. CROWELL, (13arteror.?
II 0 111:0
Cull Capital, ' 811,601000
Surplus, .. . MASS
. --.-----
Assts. • 1,275,880
In , nret Itsienfactorlaa Merchandise and
Other property Ina or damage by lire. add also
ensures against ttfiba Bak of Inland Transportation and
This Company has three Departments In carrying on
Its dm Business.
Ordinary or Term Department.
laws term or on year tellelen, on all elmus of in.
Enable property,attniremet ignitable, rata', without any
participation in the profile of the Company—the same
as other stook Completes.
Participating Department..
.1 .. i.
Issues term 'polities for one, three. or ie years. on
Din Map. Intnitune and Yarn Build! and their
mutants, effluvial' peliziee a eartielpsti in the pro.
Obi of the Company, without their Inanities. any- lir
bility thenktT. . . •
Perpetual Department.
Insures perpetual Policies. requiring a deposit of a
amount of money, in lieu of all future payments
of premiums, covering *MN apron Dentilinp and their
Farattora. Harm and their coolants. Stone and stock"
of Goods,Shluntuevand gehaql Howes.
T. DOWNING, Agent.
T. W. CROWELL,Darreycrr.
Or ?RE
No.ll Wall St , N. Ir n - 00. the tat dor of Joo n 1.056
Catkin bank and In ogler, $ 35,888 94
Roads and mort.agee (being first lien on real
estate In New York and Brooklyn, worth
at lust 8368,000) 157,310 OD
Loans °nitwits, parable on demand, (market
. value of wrinuities held aatittlateral379,-
174 00) e 66,743 21
United States Mocks owned by the Company,
market value, 25126000
State stocks owned by Co.. market value, 29 646 00
Real Estate (unlneumbered) 09 ,
Interest seamed (of which (raster part due
Jan. Ist. Is paid.) \ 4,969 38
Balance in hands of Agents, and In course of
transmit/elan from Agent; 24,600 00
Bills receivable for premium on Inland risks
and other Items 13,791 25
Cub premiums uatiollected on polkies Issued
at one 5,89440
. _
Claims for Losses eatataneing. Jan. 1, 435, 15,662 99
Unpaid Dividend;46s 00
, '
Uhl mats ors? Liabilities, 11303,7, - 3
The "Mettle' has • Seat aims reputation for boom
ble uid liberal It' la • wand company, and
doing a prosperous baelaso. \
J. HILTON 811TTN, Pron.
R. FL WILLMAHTG, Vice Prea't.
Prembrr Tarok Seep
J. P. DOWNING, Agent.
T. W. CROWIZLL, Nurregar.
_Of the City of New York, on the 31it day of Deem-
Cub bar.lBBs.
Capital, 000,000 00
Surpl22, 251,663 67
751,853 57
Loans on Bond and Martyrise, being Ant on
. real estate worth over 60 per cent. above
the amount lose ed. $210,600(0
Stocks, Bonds and other seeruttlee *lewd by
lbe Company, =riot vane, 392 817 60
Cub in batik and dice, 39.938 44
Loans on demand, with Collateral, 31050 00
Pmninne due andontrandlny. 14.703 62
Cub in agents* hands, in Coarse of trample, 33,050 39
Interest seemed on aecuritlu, - 16,001 16
Bills neetrabis, 2,694 SS
Other property of Campus,, 8,600 00
Total assets,
The losses by era thisughont the United Staten der.
iag the past year have-been howl's amount than those
of any one of the previous twenty year; exceeding the
enormotm samors43.o3o" and the *Seem and - dime,
tops of tte company congratulate its stockholders,
agent' and cludomen upon he My glottillutil mesa of
the jest's business.
In tali company the eatured may participate in the
prate of the businesss with at incurring any liability.
Dividend for 1865, GO per cent. A continuum of your
lava: 1/4011p1M0111,7 solicited.
JAS. W. OSLO Prea't.
R. W. Ithammma, Seely.
3. Gaisirow, Gen. Agent.
J -F. DOrNINO, Agent.
I'. W. CROWEIL, Suiveyor. 1
OP TIM CITY OP reuannyntA
Cub Capital,
Surplus, Jut. 1. Vtl,
_Ameba • asoooo.
Tha naterprisa," with a piall as Cub CaplW of Half
a soillion.offers semmity of the lint order of morn. The
tradwortiStanding Mahe Company Is "A I"—liberal prompt and
ti.- •
F. L WM% President
THOS. H. moncomur, Inas rnif. -
maz.-mr Warns, Beep
J. r. Wining% aient,
T. W. oliovELL, aargroz•
Wilt do mot* andbattar work at a atm cart, than any
other. Try it. Itatrafactand only by
gROLRSALR DRUG. retxr e r arassimAp
• z s,
N 0.137 garth ?Mid Street, _
8. 824516111° mano& us stgicsan
ovast7 maw "
lablillibsorsi rilk,
W ,
.. :
1. - it4, l -
a . ':.•
BRIE, PAj TUURSI)AY, JUNE 28 , 1866.'
. • 4
or areurayilco,
Cub Capital utd Surilus, .rOPOO
$1,286,729 GO
' The “sertessete 'hes done a lel re Ind erottererat
tielogdel for nearly Weal "caryatid U 90.11 of p t ie.,*•
ronte soovanies halting fromNew,Kollland. ‘
- E. vßegium,Prestaion. ,
CHAs. S. L kl-IS. Biey. , I •L,,
J. Y. ±101T);70, Avot.
' .
T. W. CROWELL; - ntl' '
. . ' "S.
Cash Capital and Sophia, ;
The 'Themes" le iu.,eonservelly and well reineirod,
Company, entitled to the fait ma llet:Lee of the torturing
Loves settled promptly and
BUAKE NEMO P., Pres' t.
ILL WinnsmoßE, See'y.
J. F. DOWNING, Agent.
T. W. CROWEut.,Buyveyor. •
loots cm?
. _ . .
Number of Polley Holding over I.• NINO
New Polio e issued during the yea* over Z 10 OP
Receipts for, the year over etisat ood
Dividend paid during the present ilsosi yeer,,Oper csEt
Total dividends paid. ovtr _i-B.4looCiat
Total Lo see paid, : ovt r I , -* Lotkouo
Why the Ceeeeette t Veinal ebn6l4 be preformi
8 ctur it is the
Largest, &fait, Cheapest and Best
It hu been demonstrated to be
1. It bag the largest number of members.
2. It has the largest amount
3. It he. the largest surplus.
1. it bu the largest dietatble tuna/
6. It has the tallied business.
6. It has the lessee Income.
7. It he. had through lb whole ittstory the smallest
average expense". • ;
8 It obtains the largest average! rates of Interest on
Its Investments.
9. It therefore furrlehes Itunaranln at leas cost than
any other company. .
All Poll des brined Or this Com raoy are either non.
forfeitable by their talon, or mi be converted Into
(Ivo.e which are ea at the option o the hatred.
None but strietry unmentionable. deka aceepted; and
' only upon sees between Fourteen and Slaty.
Jana GoaDwur..Preal. GOT:B. PRIMPS. Seer
Z. Furrow, Vim Pfeil. W. IL OLIBTIAD, Cuter
L. S. Wacox:Physiclan.
February 10E415
20.127 99
The Travellers' Insurance. totripany. of Hartford,
Cocos , sru the Brit to succotash)* introduce in this
country the practice of Inrurance atalnst accidents, of
whsterrer kind, whether thee Genet* In trarellna, or In
hunting. fishing, %slang rhlinc„sheting, in the street,
store, office or while workang shpps, tarns, factortee,
or on the !aim.
_ • general abaldent volley covers Ovary Douible form
of casualty, Inslitany the Hat to' traveliny; also, all
forms of dislocatfons, broken Douai" raptured tendons,
sprains. concussions. washings, luttisei, cuts, amble,
gunshot wounds. poisoned wounds, burns and maids,
bites of dogs; unprovdked assaults by burglars, rotbers
or murderers, the action or lightning or run stroke, the
effscit-of explosions, chemicals, fl ods, and
gnakes,and suffocation by drowning or choking.
This Company has now been in spenessful operation
since Argil Ist, UM, and up to Jan.,lst. 1806, had lamed
upwards of thirty-live thousand policies, and paid over
nine hundred loner—lncluding slid large sum or tes,
MO to twen-one pulley holders within the year, for
$39.440 reWred to premiums.
Cash. Assets, Feb. 1 , 1886, I 'i4600,849 72
7he beet policy for even man, whetter he teasels
moth or little. is general aecident policy, which in•
nres against every possible form' of casualty at ail
limes and places.
An annual premium of $lO or $l2 iaceerding to negg.
nation seta nonce • general accident policy for $lOOO
in ease of fetal accident, or $lO per week during diasbil•
fly mound by accident, not exceeding tweaty-elx weeks
tar any one accident.)
An anneal premium o f re or *Alvin, in like man
ner, secure a pallor Cur $3,0A1 or $Vi per week corona
Any other mut. from $5OO to $lO,OOO at proportionate
rates- Where policies are issued agaleat loss of !He only,
or for compensation only, the rates an touch lower. A
liberal discounted thre• and ay.) year policies.
151,653 L 7
This Company now issues a rt , ry convenient form of
one-month general resident polio:tic at the rate of $1
tea thousand— with ft.,5 per week comma ttloo fbrearh
thousand lour d. These are much bettor than ticket
policies, for trave`era and others &trios short ri•ka. se
they can be taken in any amount, tram $5OO to slo,Mlit
they cover all accidents, acd each policy le registered,
solhat the hisiranee le good, in are the policy is lost
or destroys I.
For amehardes and other, who 'Cannot Smutty spare
the amount of an annual prenonaq bat would like to
insure by the month, them short time policies unjust
the thing.' So any wean who bays ale month pol
ling* to any one year a policy /3S hall a year will be
even without charge (except a ppeltw fee of ljt
JAS' G. GATT= lON. President.
". Pommy Dilate. Secretary.
spralos J. P. DOWNING, Agent.
$5llO MI
150 WO
R E /0 0 V" A L.
The auhscather has removed Ma' atoolc_of p realties
from the stead above the lake Shore , Depo to
Toots to: , the brisk block-ea Stets street,. emit at
Jew* 'hes kr will be lutppy to ON c Meads sod
ecetessers end Olt theta orderiTot goody.. His stock 6:
jct. -ersteelNly selected sad clued
at the rail coissiaatt with
ILO hate an OW at 4 1 1 1. oirg
. • . •
OF EGtairoun, (TOWN
$10.( 1001 a
.7 P. DOWNING, Agent
. . .
, T .
. • i
. ,
f A toilet dnlight -apperlor to any yologne—need to
Itlio the too and penal, to rendie the akin soft and
UhlabittalSniulititll4 t 9 P 11 1 9 ,;, eloMling. f o r
itteadeche, dm, It I. manufactured Irani the t ith Swath
4ro Magoon., and le obtaining a' ottonage quit* un
'ikeetedented. It lea favarltd with setreass and Opus
ing.nt. It le mold by all dealers, at $l.OO in large bolo
item nod 1.7 nnuAs BARNES & CO.. New York, whole
tiro a gl s o l+ - .
>f- : ' , - $Ol4 bfr , all between.,
• 1. 3.9 're !" Shingle slid; "ihey
I •
vete there, every time' If he felt .owley. to th
,eiorolog, he took Plantat oo Bittern it be felt miry at
itlirlit;hetotit Prevail:lon Bitters; lf be lacked eppetlte,
iviereirelr lioyeliortoentilly °imam]. be took Plan
%igloo Pttters, *awl they never failed to set blot on biz
i t4oe sqtiereiod inn.
, . .
, "Jr w rerams-Want an, batter sAthorttr, bat •ea stem*
teenjast read the torowlag : • • ' • •
4 -• . e -..• • .1 ore rinett to you, for / ilwrillb•
Dine Plisatztloa Elittertsaved ray life."
RYA, IT. 11. WAGONER, Madrid, N. Y
• • • "I have been s groat antrecer ham
ii(pdadq and fillttO abandon preaching. Z• 1
Plantation Bitters !me caret zue.'•
111 7 :7. C. A. MILLWOOD. New Irtreit City
• • • "I had lost eil appetite—leas eo
weak aml engirt ted I could hardly walk, and had a per.
fret dread of society. • • Theo Plantation -Bit
t,erritiaF a set mo all richt "
tn• • • The Plantation Bitten have eared
me Gra dorangement of the ICl4neys and Urinary Organs
that dietres ed me Cr year... Thy set Ilia • charm.
C. C. liOORE, 2.51 Uroadway, N. Ir."
ll , s. 0. f DCVO -7 ., manager l eif the Union Home
School for Soldiers' Children, says she has given it to
ails wrest and ilvalirl children under her charge with
the%art happy add gratifylig results." We have re
ceive& over si• hundred rum of such CTI ,
tlicatur, bet no aivertiseraent I so as what
people t , emeelvei say ota good article. One tartan" Mad
oni.. rep itation to at state. The original quality and
high character of these ;Owls will be metalea Haber
every and 'all circumstances. They hare al d y ob •
hilted npa In every town, vi lisp, peed! anti mist
among civilised nation.. Base i ritators try tortee ar
neer our i nsme and style u penible, and because a goad
article cannot be sold u cheap as a poor one, they end
some support tom pectin who ei. "^t Tint .they
8011. Fe tit your guard. See our private mark over the
k ..
i ..l°. H. DR&IEC & CO, New York City.
c o 3 u r t .
"Gentlemen: I had a negro • mum wenn $l4OO, who
took coil front► bad hurt in the leg, and was useless for
over,' year. I lied mad everything I could hear of
without bene7t, until I tried the Ifesiciri Nuating Lin•
Iment. It soon effected apermanent wars.
Montgantery, * June 17;'50. J. 1.. DOWNING."
"i take pleurae in recommending the Musician Ent.
tang Liniment as a valuable and in•lhipencble ankle
for Sprains, Soren, geratenes er Galls on Miceli. Ole
men lave used it for Burns, Emilia Sores, Mamma
than, Ac., and all say it anti like magic.
- J. W. JEWS'S?.
Portman for American, Wells, Irarges and Handeleik.
'The• sprain of my dna ehtcr'e ankle, ocmalened while
skating laid winter, was entirely cared in one week after
she commenced aging yqur celebrated Uniting Lini
ment. i e rD. SIVICLEIf."
Clloneett - r. MM. Alta 1.1865.
It t an admitted tart that the Ileatinulfna'Ang Lini
ment perform. more cares In shorter iinte, on men and
i f
bout, than any rtlele ever . I .tiseover..S.' ramlll.4, liv
erymen, and pl ten sboald a lways have it on hand.
Quirk and Imre i certainly 1.. AII 'genuine is wrapped
in steel plate ertirivinvt, be ring the eignytat.); 31 CI.,
W. Westorook.Cbmist, and th • prints C. S. Stamp of
DEM AS BARNES a CO., over the top.
An effort hub an so ado to counterfeit If with • cheap
atone plots 1031. Look closely. '
Sold by an Dmgglats.
It it a most delightful flair dressing.
It enoilesies scurf and dandruff.
- It keeps the head cool and elan.
It makes the hair rich, soft and glossy.
It presents the halt -turning gray and falling off.
It restores hair upon prematurely bald heeds.
Tide is 'what Lyou's Sathariun till do. It is pretty-.
It In cheap—durable. it is literally sold by the ear•load
and yet its almoet Incredible demand is daily Ind:teaaing
mats there is hardly a country store thaldoes not keep
it, ors limner that does.not use it.
E. TiII:MSS LYON, Chemist, N. Y. •
Sold by all Druggists.
Who would not be beautiful? Whe would not add to
their b auty ? What errs that triarble purity and 44
Hogue appearance we observe upon the Mtgy and in the
city bole? It to no longer a secret. They use litaganl
Magnolia Rahn. Its continued rise removes Tan, Freak
les,_ Pimples and rongllueia from the face and hands
nod leaves the complexiou,sinooth, transparent, bloom
in; and ravishing. Malls, many connate*, It (mutant
no nia'arial injuriotia to the akin any druggist will
order it fur you. it not on band, at DO onta gat bottle.
17. E. 1110 AN, Troy, N. Y., Chemist.
DBMAS BARNES & CO., Wbolaiale genta,N;Y.
Drim,treet's Inimitable Bair Coloring l■ not a dol.
411 in.taatarisous dyu ari composed or lunimeacatig
and mu o or lees d afro, the vitality and beauty of the
hair. Übe is the original hair coloring. and has been
growing in favor over twenty years. It restates irar
hair to its original color by gradual absorption, In a
tocotteroartable manor. le Is also a beautihal Hair
dressirw. So'd In two iiief-50 manta and dl—by all
dealere. 0. ITEDISTREET, Chrmist.
;lola by ill druggles
dlgradon, MUIR a, lieartnu-n, Sick headache, Cholera
Vorbur, Plataleuer, he , where a warning etataulent
requited. Its earefut preparation and entire pa•ity
ta aka its cheap and ill sal* article (or oil, nary parpo
sea. Sold everywhere, at CO rents per bottle. Ask for
"Lyon's" Pure Extract. Take no other. '
1,15164„ . 3 . - ta. Said by all Druggists.
A D3IINIRTILATOWS NOTloll4—bitters of
solmtntstrutlon twin been pastel to the under
s'gned urn !he estate et Sally Potie, &awed, late of
the cit. of Crie, Pa., n Ake Ii her by Aleut to all per
sons indebted to sa'd estate to make isamedisto pay
pent, aid those basin slams asthma said estate . 11!
please present them, duly authenticated, for setUunent.
W. P. SWIChTIiY, After.
If..1;1 Mb. 1866 —6w
, Letters testamentary on the white of Buell Phtl-
Ips, - demsect, late of North East bot nett s Ms county,
l'a., having been panted 'to - the andarslyed. natio la
Alretn , given to all lodebtod to told tango to nab la
raglans parmant, and thaw baring claim' igalast tas
tams TM pausatthas. dalyistbiatt far ak»R.
_ _
North Eat, Jan, 7, ' oo.6iropt MAFIA 1
- i!I
Sontebody'll Come To-Night.
I must bind. my hair with the myrtle:- bough,
And gem it with buds of white,
And drive this blush from any burning bre!.
For sontebady'll coms-sto.night ;
And, while his eyo shall discern a grace j
In the braid of the folded. flower, - j
lie must not, find, in my tell-tale :ace, "'
The spell of- his wondrous power. I
must don the robe which he fondly !calls
A cloud of enchanting light,
Arid sit where the melowing mootilight , faltsi
For, somehody'll call tonight ; " I .
And while the robe sad the place shall seen
---But the veriest freak of chance, I•
'Tis sweet to Itnivr thy, his eye will beam ,
' With a tenderer, happier glance. .1
'Twas thus I sang when. the years were (Sir
Thst lay on my girlish heads ! • •
Aud ill the flowers that its fancy greet
Were tied with s a golden threvd. .
And somebody . iatoe, and the whispers' there--
}cannot repeat them (wife.; - I ,
But I know my soul went up is pram, ' •
And somebody's hare to-night.
I blush no more at the whispered vote,
Nor aigh to the soft moonlight;
/kly robe hag a tint of amber now, .'
.4nd I sit by the 'Anthracite; .1
AndllOWthe kik, that vied with gloSay.wren:
Have passed to the silver gray ;
But the' love - that decked them With .froviers
they - • t
Is 'a holier love Ict-day: -
I .
Beocher on the Situatictt.
en kisrul6l ol? As gni_ pa;
On yesterday, .7dr.,lleccher, - who !has for
soma time past been unusually silent; on pub
lic affairs, seemed to be moved by ,the con.,
junction of Fenian rcitiv, and ietatialory
construction reports in Congress, to mingle
some public instruction with' his Parochial
Hie text Ism the well known precipt of St.
Paul, nOvereome evil with good." lib Irat
Made a searching analysis - of the whole Pas•
sage, raiding with eignifioant import ,that
portion of chriat's Sermon on. the. Mount
which overturned the inolent law of retalia
tion, and :castling the solemn desiardion;
..Vengeatice is mine: I will repay," with the
Lord. . - '
"This," be proceeded, "takes tinily all
foundation for that everlasling prate which
we bear,- of justice, justice, justice'Not, that
justice should not be-regarded'by the parent,
the tescuer, sae MOgizieni.o nuu Luu
that in nineteen cases out of eiery , twenty,
what men really mean by tjastice' is 'ven—
geance.' " •
Sold by all Drlggisto
Mr. Beecher then went on to unfold and
make, manifest the philosophical principle
involved in-the text, showing that: ;
1. Evil being merely a wrong nse of aright
thing, or n wicked and perverted appliciatiOn
of a righteous principle, if-maj be overcome
by converting the misapplied force to its
proper use. Evil is !unction', not organic ;
and in hie own nature man may overcome it
with good by simply patting the same powers
to work in the right, instead of the Wrong
The same principle underlies our lees!,
ment of others. Every faculty of man in ac
tive operation tends to beget its kind—anger,
anger; malevolence, hatred Mtintlnese,; lee
But when any. of thorn MN; by" pi"ivorsion
bringing faith evil they may be counterbal-.
anoid and overcome by the.put:ting forth of a
new and different power, which:shall ! by alka
kening its own counterpart; neutralize and
eutulhtlate the first. Thee edam sugar may
by the.hright flash of wit be turned la .mirth
and good nature. The sense of fear may be
binished by exciting the feeling of hope, dm.
With a full and well elemrated discussion,
of which this is:but the bsrest suggestion, the
reverend gentleman . developeethe resources
of his text, and showed :that :the Christina
doctrine of lOving our enemies, blessing those
who'curse us, doing good to th6se that hate
us, and praying. for those who despitefully
use us, is not a mere arbitrary dogma of reli
gion, but anouncl'principle; funded on hu
man s ature and, common sense, and Imply
sustained in its" wisdom by thousands cof ex
periences in every day life. He illutilroted
his position abundantly by pictures fecietrin
dividual, civil, social, political and .national
tle argued it amply, - giving many strokes
both pungent and trenchant, upon the modern,
praCtical interpretation of the kw - of, forgive
flees, Awl abetting tltatjtUve - r9 Phis° of life.
,people act and talk as if tie great danger lay
is the propensity of men to be too,reedy, to
render good for evil ; as in the commomutter
ances of the day, able& one bears argued and
urged in the street, anethe Boast circle, in
publia hall and prayer u.eetlng, that t Ae
, -clut,y
of forgiveness depends upon the r/pentanea of
the telong doer:=this, he said, helailedto Sod
in the Scriptures. " Trus,sl.-find that when
there is.repentance Irene° to forgive; forgive
and forgive repetitions of .offence, even to
seventy times seven, but I can nowhere find a
prOhibition of mercy to the unrepentant."—
The contrary of this was enforced and affirm,
ed by calling to witness all the teachings, and
especially the ' example of phriat, whose whole.
earthly life and death were a eticrifon for hie
enemies, that they might be turned , toward
him and their evil' overcome with good, •
In applying these propoaitions; . (which be
bad established, not by priestly demand for
unthinkieg belief, but by inspiring reason
with faith,) be came to the duties of commu
nities and nations to each other. And here
he hold that the rule was the same: end for
the same reasons, as in individual cases.
was illustrated by an allusion to thti present
troubles on the border. I beer man say, , Abe !
it's their turn now. .Let us be quiet, and al
low the Fenians to return to them some of
their St; Albans mrieeles. I'd like to see a
town or so burned, a bank or so robbed,- just
to let theni ktiow how good it is' Well; now
this is all wrong. I will, not deny Ott Any .
natural man wits delicately andquiotly tickled
at first:by - a udecbierous sense of poetic jus
lice, but it was only fort moment. Trueithe
Canadians did act moat unfairly, and the
Mother Country most wickedly, toward us
when in our d i ce .dibtfig.;,but, if we take
lili opportunities to i st4oeaame spirit, in
,what is rep . ablicanismiri — than depotisin ?
Israni. to besicoalsoffrre en their beads by
showing the grand ipectacle of a Christian
*Aeon actuated by Christian principles. If
Sold by all Dragglata
Itiskland is involved in war, I don't '-trani to
seta single ihip go oat eonr ports; to •de
otrorlier commerce, and over the:Cinadian
banter I do not want to see a eingle l cottage,
horded.' I watt them - to deli their evil over-.
come, by our good. 'The way to Hie - in plop
is to be hotter than your enemy—in. his opin
ion, not yours."
. .
After enlarging somewhat on this point,
Mr. Beecher paused, and looking around with
a humorous glance, continued— don't know
whether I'd better make any further .applies..
don of this principle or Oct. ekhave without
very popular with7my people *trios the pid
Tear. I but falba $4 etizep thou
. 01together
with to eel ewe public qiustion*-41id . I etc
(From the ;iorr York Thoe)
ierry for them! Rut get, I must say, I MOot
escape the direct hearing of this gospel low
I ant es strong ne emits the minvietion that
the true result - of the . war must bet.recognlard..
Whatever went into the Constitution on 'ac-
count of Mosey must:come
,out ; and what
Was kept out on account. of Slavery must be
pat i to our organic law—and I,bnieLelievcd
atl labored for this neetrongly, and stronger
Allan, many of you., . But 1 have felt that it
,should be.done in Use tipirkt , (if love, not of ha,
trod. consider the ; doctrines brought 'for
ward. in the "[louse of Representatives by'lqr.
.Stevem—though followed 'in their entirety.. l
.bank God ! by levy few—f consider then to
he doctrinal of Beliaf , leading to' desfruelio . n.— North had a chance to show• grace;and
love, and magnanimity. Ilow - I longed tO see
it!. Both Congress and the President should
have been pressetttO Union. I had hoped to
see the North showing' her superiority in
difristiattnobletith and generous forgiveness
Dig I hive been disappointed: It has' not
been done. 'Yon can tio•inere change rebels
to loyal men by casting them out and turning
them away, than you Can ;convert the wicked
by building up a wall of separation bitnten
them and Use good- r shutting,-them ant from
the very influences thatahOuld be. brought to
bear ,upon - lbem, thine ,enemy hunger,
Iced bim ; if ,ho thirsts, give kint' drink,.for
in eo doing thou shalt heap coals of fire upon
his head., - 110 not overcome of ,evii,.butover,
come ovil There,. ge cote' 4,11.
You have been talking it lonfrilough ; do, it:
ronhame been prayinglt long ensue' ;
Death of Lewis Cass.
General Lewis Cass die& at his residence 10
Detroit, Michigan, Sunday msnaieg, the Mb,
inet., at the ripe age of nearly eighty-four
year& Isis death, Which has balm long ex
pected, comes with no surprise. Foe months
past be has been failing, and his death re•
sults, immediately, from• softening of the
brain, though-ho may be said to hive died of
al ago,
The career of Lewis C 1199 is so well known,
from his long while prominence in public life:
that the merest mention of his many seridoes
is all that is needed to recall the long! and
honortile record of his well spent yearsj He
wits born in .Exeler, NI IL, October, 1782 ;
was educated there, and studied laW at Mari
etta. In 1806 tier was- elected so 'ltt: Ohio
Legista,u.c. 1001 ne was appointed Mar
shal of the State, a position which he filled
until 1813. In the war of 1812 -he volunteered
to join the forces it Dayton under Gen. Hull;
and.was named colonel of the ThirA Ohio vol
.41 the Close of the campaign he was
left in comettand of Michigan, with his head
quarters at, Detroit, a command he exchanged
for the post of Clail Governor over the same
State in•Ocdohera-.1813,-• In 1811 he wasiasso.
elated with General Harrison in a commission
to treat Will the Indians, who had been hoe,
tile to the United States during the war - , In
1819 he established himself permanently with
his family in Michigan. - From the-year 1819
to 1828, General Casa was the main instru
ment in the various treaties concluded during
these years between the Unit.d States and
differeqt •
itinlizz-...tsms us was made Secretary of
-War by the then President, General Jeckson.,
In 1836 he was appoi sled Minister•of the
United States to France. In 1842, President
Tyler, euccieding General Harrison, General.
Ca - a• was, at hie own request, 'recalled. He
was' etlerward elected to the -Senate of the
United States , in which be always held a
prominent.position. He was the Democratic
candidate for 'Hie Presidency in 1848, • and
though defeated, h^ secured the electoral votes
belt tho Slates of the Union. During the
Presidentship of General Pierce he was a
prerninstit el:ntler-onst! great questing, and
was appointed by Mr. 'llucthaean to the post of
Secretary of State. For the past few years
Mr. Case has been living quietly antretegantly
in Detroit, in the enjoyment of' social life and
the large fcrtuse which he had accumulated
by investments in real estate. ' lie has also
figured to some extent in the literary world,
and is author of several ephemeral works
which excited considerable attention when
first printed The General was endeared to a
large circle of perilous' friends, and be passes
away, leaving a record, both private and pub
lie, as honorable as it is lenowned.-IForld.
FORCID Mantuaoss —A Washington spe
tiel to the N. V. News of the sth' inst., says :
st The most lidicrous as well as the most dis
gusting scenes take• place here at the fetid
Marriages of "he negroes by order of General
Reward. Every evening, large squads of
gem •of both sexes and all ages, are compel
led to stand up before the Bureau and be mar.
tied. The acmes complain bitterly of this,
and dt elm...l. : that they
.are free, and free to
live with any woman, they please. Three
hundreideouples were thus married last week,
and the men in many cases, have already left
the women that they were married to. Noce
expect that they will pay the least regard to
the obligations of thesis forced marriages.—
The latest recoMod exploit 'of the, Bureau, in
this line, wag the marriage `hf two' hundred
and forty-seren couples at ArlinglOn. The
victims, adeined for the . sacrifice with all the
'grotesque finery so dear to the African heart,
were drawn up in platoons, and 'Whets all wail
readrrgittill'qaTfirsons, detailed for the
p c urlsose, opened' fire's upon thein. A few rounds
outfitted to use up the party, some fifteen or
twenty couples being knocked at every ehot.
The -whole affair went off with groat eclat,
and reflected the . highest credit upon the Bu
reau - and its ,Very efficient and gentlemanly,
etc., etc."
An exchange says: " A . lady of our ac
quaintance, young, lovely -and intelligent,
called on a celebrated physician to do 'eomo•
thing' fr a 'rush of blood to the head, I
haro•been doctoring myself,' Raid the languid
fair one, with a smile, to the bluff, though
kind hi. D., while he was feeling her pulse.—
'l4hy,il here taken Brandreth'q .pills,
pills, Stranberg'e pills,. Sand's Sarsa;
Jayne's,Exprotoraut, used Dr. Sherman's lc z
euges, and planters, and- 7 'Nly.hearens, Ina 1
auk,' interrupted the astocislicd doctor,
liaise do your complaint no goal?' 'No !
Then what shall I take I" pettishly inquired
tho patient. 'Take?: exclAim d the doctor,
eyeing her from head to foot.; exc'aitu.:
ed be, after a moaient's reflection, 'why, take
Off' ' , Owl' norintti •
stitous , Quittrace.•:—.A. friend of .khet•
Preadent wax urging upon him, tfie other dly,
the -weeeasity 'of „his. making more removals
from office than, he, ecemed disposed to,
make, and finding .Andrew a little hard to
union on the subject ; became indignant at his
stoicism, and finally buret out : Prost.
dent, will you answer me one queetion ?""
will, if
,I replied 44e11,
the*, : in the wi t me of Ciod, do 'yon you
can kill begs bellies with
Wise!" The President thought:lt em
treacly doubtful problem.
The "Other Enot of. the' Linc,z,
- .
Come all la -eatlita -Consernitive4 •
Andliatett-taini•emag •
'Ti but a little ditty, and
It will not keep7you long.
'liaof three suitlting traitor-men,
- • As you- mey-volviner
Who keep up 114 disunion tight
At . ttje other mid of the line.
- 1, -J :;
So Stevens, Samner, Philips, too,
Be suio . yriu ever shun;
- They run the nigger Conginai' at
;Tbo town of Washington.
r They are throe sneaking traitor-men,
Kho Preeident• malign, • - • •
keep 2 tiv,the disunion light
other etul,uf theline„
..- •
• ; Freeform long years we fought; the South,
The Unio to restore; • ; --•
'Now Thad and Charley went to tight,,
tiColigraiss, four yeare-mOri.•••
Because they're sneaking tritium-hien,-
- Who foully do combine,
To keep_np the disunion fight
; At the the
Bat theres a man fiom Torino...mei;
And Johnson is his name,- -
Who Brines by tho rulerof Woe s :-
And always „bags his ganao.:.
Arid he will, take those traiitor•men,
,r3nre no the sun loth-sbiae;" -
And long tbent,high as Haman bung.
Al. the 014 r era of the lino ;
A. Chapter on' Bachelors:
Pope—himself an old bachelor, actitherc
fore 'speaking from experience , afforde but
little comfort - to the brotherhood.. Tic stays
Ltt sinful baeholorsibllr woad deplore; •
Pall .1 , 01 they mei all Um, log and nate: • :
The .etymorogyof, this worti ; fir! ouy#ing
hut coppliipaigary„ , Suralp r derivea it from
haleelos, incriiteriaii:from vas chivalier,
a knight of the icisiest order. It is'eripposed
by' simile - to be'derived from Laterttaureus,
crowniti4ith laWrel :berries: 'Title is lnore
'oertailaly r: but it reminds us of
Georg4eolmaree words, in regard to SiriTito- .
tepriegtutio; who returned from his wars in
France crowned with laurels, and pat down :n
his solitary, Castle, all alone ;
met pitting older laurels, ill alone,
' Ie mgs.b parole aighUladthen'eatetplittteg::'
Legislators - have toad their 'nlidobt,lninee
God created men, to compel this -rotradtory
class to fall into the ranks, likti =dist citizens,
and obey the standing order recordedlin the
twenty-eighth verse of the first chapter of
tieneeis: . The Raman censors triad i 'cld bach
elors, as Satan advised the Lord to try
in their _substance. They were fined,..but to
very Mao purpose; possibly the. ardbat wic o
boils might...byre been more' etrectilat: 'Dina
mentions an anolontlaii which compelled per.
stns or, full age to marry. In - the: time Cf
Augushis, the he x Attic; maritciurfis oftfahib43
was enacted, st d old bachelors' Were handled
without:mitt:ins. Toey were made ineapable
of taking 4no. of inheriting,' with
certain eleeptiou. 'Thus to employ rt:vener
ablepue, matrimony_ beosme in a somewhat
novel way,. a matter of money; for Plutarch
says the dread of losing thedo golden aclvan-,
tages drove many to marry—probably the it
evil of the ti;afti„ • ' •'
wail. ••• - • ,
.ne Hebrews, marriage at twenty
vas a matter of obligation. They gave a lj, : '
era! construction to the command in GenAig. -
Celibacy was. accounted diegiaceful—a caut.e
for reproach: Women wore . willing to sup
port themselves, if they could only get
ried,nni remove tho disgrace. - Thus we real
- -
Andin that day seven women shall take
hold of one man, saying, Wo will. pat our
own bread j 'and wear our warn appar . el; only
let us ho thy name to take away ~>”
reproach' " '
It is not 'Waled whether these seven women
were maids or widows.
Lycurgus was rather hard upon whYbache-',
lore. By his laws they were, accounted
mous ; rendered ineligible to 'nu &FA, civil
ur --L- 1, 11,44.13.14m i4r-upptss? at the
public.ehows'ot - Sports, unties to be led round
the market place by the wolaiti, .
They were c , xipelted to sing certain gongs in
ridicule of theorsilves.
By the canon law when males arrived at
puberty, they 'were required either io marry
or turn monks and profess chastity forever.—
in England, in lOC, the seventh year of
Liam 111., bachelors over twenty-five years:of
age were subject to an annual tax•:-..£12
for a duke, eto. • In after; 'tithe they taxed
upon their aerosols. IM turning ojer the
leaves of Williamlltine's table book, we stum
blid on this passage :
:" There is n. being who cad never taste the
exquisite joys of home—l moan the old bach
.110 returns .to his lodging—there may
ho everything he can possibly desire, in the
shape of external comforts, provided for, him
by the officious zeal of kis housekeeper ; but
the air of chilling vacancy—lhe very, atmos
phere of the apartment has a dim,"uniahab
ited appetiranee ; the chairs, set around with
provoking neatness, look provokingly use
less and unoccupied. All is dreary and repel
ling. No gentle face welcomes his arrival, n 33.
loving hands meet his, n 9 kind lOok 'answers
the listless via ho throws nrosid !Ie apart
ment as he enters. Ile sits down to a hook
alone. There . is no ono sitting by his side to
enjoy with him' the favorite passage, the apt
remark, the just criticism."
.And the--'-wo were about CO finish transcri
bing this interesting passage, when lifting our
eyes across the street, we saw Caudle and his
wife—she was leaning on one arm,' and Le
was - carrying her sick' poodle on the :other.—
Well, truly, thought we, as we shoved
the volume and laid down our pen, them is
Much to be said on both sides ofalmost every
The wife,of Garibaldi waaa,wqman of ex-.
unordinary daring and bravarr .-4 short
;time after their marriage, she Rent through
an engagement at sea, with her, husband, re-
fusing to go ashore, and (iaryitg
_lho fight
would stay nowhere but on deck, where sho
wielded a carbine and cheered the men. In
the heat of the battle she - Was' Standing en /
deck, flourishing it • sabre",'aiid inspiring .he •
men to deeds of . valor, when she was knocked
down by the witid?of.a . eannoeflitild that :ad
killed two men standing bir , heijside. Geri-
baldi was springing forward to her,' thinking
that ho would 'find her a elapse; when she
rose to her feet, covered with the blood of the
men who had fallen close to har,bnt quite
unhurt. He bogged her to go below and re- '
main there till the action was over. will
go below," vras her reply, !'but only to 4rivo
out the -sneaking cowards who,aro skulking
there;" for only a tew sedondli ; hefore she had
seen throe men leave the deck and bury rap.
idly down the hataturny,•so as to escape out
of danger of the Mom of ballets that was
sweeping the •deek.' And 'going below, she,
immediately after ie-aPpeared,•driiing before
her the three men; overcome with shame that
they should have been surpassed is couragZt
y a woman.
A WORT, TO TUB Imo found," says
Addison, "that thO,Men Who are really the
most fond of 'women, and who
„cherish for
them the highest respect,- are seldom popular
with [ho sex. Men of great assurance, whose
tongues • are lightly hung, who wa l e words
inpplj the plimeS of •ideas, ania &lap oomPli"
went in' the roam of sentiMent, are always
their favorites,' A l duo respect for women
leads tft respectful action towards them, and
,respect is taken. by them for neglect or want
of love." -
That was not as -empty toMarkof tho old
woman from tho country, who;,witilo on a
Bait to her city daoghtoriaaw A-waterfall for
the first time. "What do: you tallthat great
big - etuffed bag; Mary 111 . , taThatte lt vtaterfall,
ma." •, , tik waterfall, , looks ?nor° like 4