EiJaMVOID'S 4G-IEN . I.TI:NE PREPARATIONS' CONCp. - 17LITEp" mum= FLUID EXTP.ACT BUCHU, A positive and Fpecl,:t Item:ly for diseases of Bu Bladder, Sidney-, Cr- , cl cad O "Da/cal Ties 'Mallets& In , f 1 the pOWCISOI digeatien,anll excites the etzert.c f , , healtir; netlett, by 'dila Os w.ettcr of eslearent. • ccul all =Wang tor _1 ell :In pin and tallszuatbss„ sad Is good for wen, I:ca.c:i ebitpre, HELMBOLD'S ,EXTRACT BUCHU,. For wealme.s from Excesses, 'Habits of Disidgt.fr tion, Early Intlit . !rcilon,attendOci rith the following Sytoptorz: LullspoEition to 1 - 7erttorr, Loc.t of rower, Loss of ::coon - , Dir.:multi of Fseattaing, 'Weak Nerves, - Trembline, ;Iforror of Disease, 'l7.l;:efutams, Dimness of VI.Jon, Pbz la tho Llot Hands, : Ilo,:hin; of tho Body. Dryness of tho . 7ruplio:l3 of tho Foca, L'olverbal 1 Hid Coantonanee, ". — .r.Lcul:s ey LL.I. Theio symptot..z, if to „ n dna incorlably remori.,), coon • FATUITY, EParavric rITS, !nonce( which the 74..t.1ent =1.7 expire. Who can any they are not irequcuily fultored QOM "direful dts. eases." rssANI AND.OOI.7SI73LPTIO:7? Many ern aware of the esa...e of their Luffertu:;.but none 101 l coulees. The r..-o.,ts of the fz_mac czyluma and the tnelancholy death.; o bear ample witness to the troth of the r,;:erl Tho Cenet cn , 3 EtZe eted lby orplale veakeese, requires the [Ad of ne,:lc Lo ex:mayhem and ineizorste the system. wILIch I! 7.I.IinOL.D'S ESITACT OF DVCU klyarlibly Coes. A tral I:Meows - fate the test awe ks blimp affections r-,:;tlLtr to resztales. lb* I:=Tlttat Strcutt Ia tutegualcd by any otber retatsly, and itr all ebniplalou Incident to The tos,or Is the DECLETE Oa CII!GE urn„ Szt: iYSrtomt statotZ. • Or No Family should be Without it. .t • Take no Basun, !Screwy. or onlocarant medicine for unpleasant and dangertn9 rt!:±ev.l.cJ. 11-INPROULp .7 - -7 . 30Q. ti*7n. - curen Diaeneen il k i n their ',taco Et:: 3 c.zp cro'c , Mao Or no asap of dist, no laccraveaki.::, r.rPosunp- 1 , ~,-• , ..,, ..„., USE H EizmoLD'S EXTRACT' BUCH . O Forel affections cn.l dh c estns cf th.no crgsas,srtiather E83.6:11:170 t.: _c , Frlf Prom whatercie:l=se cnd no matter dov long standing. Menus tLese organs repair() tho dint a diuretic.. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Is - the Great Diuretic. And It to certain to hart, ela desired etre et to .II disateas for wbleb It Is recornrac=led. ; so) BLOOD! PLO Ors ! BLOOD! elinb Ad.'s COSCZNIMAIT.I, c011207/173 FLUID EXTRACT SP.RSAPARILLAp 'rosin:llllsring thel4)ol,l'u . ..wring all chronic =silts. Clonal diseases Wisin7 Iparo aster of the Mood, and tha only t f ellable renxtly for .the Core of ScrOfhla, r.:l cum, P.ins and Swellings of the Bone 3, 131cerattozs rho Throat and Legs, Blotches;ll7r.ri , 4 on 1:1c I .:cc, Tcitc . r,l2l - yiipclas, ?and all scaly Erupt:or, of the AND BEArTIIr."I - ..V a TUX COMYLIS:IO3: NOT A FEW of the wont disorders thnt t01.n . .. 1na arise from aro , tomiptlon that accumulalo In the Of all Om dla• coverfas Outt have Caen made to purge It out, none can ' equal in •fleet n£I.3IF , OLD'a. COITOOMD LOILACT or SAE. •►a....LL• It cleanses and renovates the flood, instills 'the vigor of health Into the system, ond purges out the 11121[10111 which utak,: It Lth.eal.M.ta Lhe keolthy fanctlons of the b 0.!.. pt:, the tilt - en:era that grow and rankle in the Such a rcluedy that could be relied on hue long h,,a Lough' for, and now, for the Anti time the public has c one on which they eau depend. Our apace here does n0...1.1t of ecrlVlcrtte: to show Ito erects, but the falai of a ch.; le bottle will thew to Mosta that It leis Its virtues settpar - tn.; anything therLave ever token: Two tablespoonof al of tbel:ot roc t of Earrnpnritta added io • pint of water :a e.: aol to the LI3Son Diet Drink, and one bottle Is fully eq nal to a gallon of the Syrup of Som. perilla, or the decoct I,n as usually made. BELITIBOLD'S ROSE WASH, An excellent Lotiva for diseases arising from habits of dissipation. used In connection mint the Extracts nacho and Sarsaparilla, In 1.42103 ,Thenze.. - e, a; recommended. Evi dence of the most re,irlonAhle end rilLthle character Will accompany the medietaci. Also c,plicit direr-M.lll foe ulth unctreac cf v.% szi tncascs, and tip , yards of 150,000 unaoltditcd certincalla nod recommenda tory lateen., many et ‘'.l,leli aro from the laglacnt aourecs. Including eminent Ph ysial.tr.s, Clergymen, Statesmen, de. The Proprietor bps ruyer re,ortcd to their publication in the newspapers; tic daa s not do this from the fact that hie articles rank es Stan Lard Preparations, and do not need to be propped up by certificates. The &falba of Medic'je, lilac the Doric Column,thould stand simple, pure, majestic, besing Tnet for Its beak Induction for Its pillar, and Truth alone for its Capital. _ - - My Extrect Saranparill.s to n Flood Parker:: enyErtirset Beebe is • Diuretic, end Mil eel cuch in ail eases. • Both are prepared as partly scion:age principles—Os eacuo--and are the meat ac tire mcsierei of Maier that can be made. A ready end conducive teat rill be a tom. partion of their properties with those set forth In the folA lotting works: Bee Dispensatory cf the United Staten. Bee Professor v.:le-able works on the Practice of Phyile. Bee reinarke sonde lJ the celebrated Dr. Itrrsic, Ma. Bee remarks made b 7 Lr. Mini= br.cDosm.r.z., n cele- brated Physician :caber el the Loyal College of Burgeons, /reload, end pablithed In the Transactions et the Meg end grieen% Joure:l. See kledleo•Chirotgicza recitals, published by Itiorew Timm Fellow et tho royal College of Burgeon. Om emit el the late atanclr--d worka oa Medicine. GOLD Pat ALL-DMJGCASTS k. • tapr wst.e.xsa aglitresilatters for Information, in coaildence. in • EL T. IteLBTOOLD, E i rinelpal Depots— Drug and Chemical Warehouse,, NO: 694 BROADWAY, N. Y., El= Heimbold's Medical Depot, No. 104 13017TH TENT/3 ST., PEEL% Beware of Comiterfeits ASK FOR HELMBOLD'in - TAX= NO CYrItTICIII NSW FIRM. Juni P. Crook. lineup taboo In hts son, ISMS Le aa S partner on the Ist (Ur of AWL IBM, ander the arm awns ofJAIIES P. CRONE 6 RON desires to Wit seat uncitut of We old mount& All persona kneeing them ' Wyss Indebted to hi= are reputed to call and settle vithontetalay. JAMEa P. tOOK & SON, *luau zr 13.017Grt k PLANED LUMBER! Ann MUIVELOTOMO- OF Window Sash, Yrsamt. Doors, and Blind; Maglaings 114 , Pitk e t re te.„...2.&:F0U Baring, Witching and ...mut done to of et. Shop on Pesch Bt, Betwee:l4th ad nth Btu, Wht, Pa. We - riorothffly call the annum hiWition dorm rot! tho best nig mad on ricsonablo Wins. Ruin g etta ais m ar= on, with saW i saactitaish we ga enniklm •• siviim oaths ma o.ordats trots abroad win Earn oattaatl44 FizeftlW.U. JIB= P. Glum R 11 __ll A_l W Q~s~r BROAD DOUBLZ TiALIC ROUTS NEW YORK, BOSTON AND TUE NEW rhia ftallway sends from Dunkirk to Now York 450 males. buffklo to Now York, t rnita ilabr mina to Net► York 415 miles. • AND 111 PION 22 TO 27 MILTS IBS samara EOUTT. it TWOS too directly through to Now York, 400 MILES, without chimp of CoaeLea. From and after May 14,1.00,T/111Di will leave In con. ..;'•ectlott with all We.te a lines as follow.; Prom MIN- M.kIUK and SALAMANCA—by New Yuk Must from onion Drpots ..15 a. P. New tort Day Erprenarom Salamanca, 43 , 17 (except +undatel. Interseeta at II ornelisvllle with the 5.33.5. r Dar Expreu from Buff...hi, and smites in New York at 10 20 P. w. 710 A. K. Saprees Mail, frmn Dunkirk, daily (ezewart Sun lays). Stops at Salamanca 940 a. r , and con nects at HornelLevilla and Corning with the /LIS a. Z. Express Mail from Buffalo, and arrives in New York at 730 • N. 1)6 P. x. N.w Yoe Night Express, from Dunkirk, daily . , k (except Sunday.). Stopsat Salamanca 666. P. X., and arrives in New York at I/ 20 r. N., connecting with afternoon trains and steamers for Boston and • New England Cities. From Bointlo—by New Yo.k time, from Depot Corner' Exchange and Miehlgan Streets: .30 A. x. Nese Ye kMy Express . (inadays ezespted/• arr.resta New York at 1020 r. xt. Course's at Great Bend with Dela sue, Lackawanna h Western Railroad for Phradelphia, Baltimore, Washt- gton and point.' South. +37 A. N. Errata Masl, via. Avon and Bornallarllle Cll./ (except:toed/ay). Arrives In New York al 7.30 a. r. C•nnects et Elmira with Williamsport k min Railroad for Harrisburg Philadelphia, Haiti. mot e. We e hinoton and polntiSouth. 2:0 e. r Liglignieg Experru. Suudayz eleePtsde seer ye.. In New York 7 31, a 'I 5.00 r K. Nen York Night ReFeca4 doily. ATM" in New York at 1 . 220 P. K. 045 P. K. Civrisnroi Evens, daily (except Sundays). trtttee in New York at 400 P. K. Connects at El• mita lent Willizeosport& Elmira Railroad; at Great Head with De.awar,, Lackawanna & Western Rail• road, and at New York Teak eterouon trains and steamers 1.,r Boston and New England Cities. Onlf floe Tr.) a East on Sunday, leaving Buffalo at 640 r r , an 1 reaching New Yorkat 12 131 a. 11., la ad oat i.e of all other route.. Boaten and ow England passengers with their bag• gage, aye tranderred fees sr chary; In New York. The kat Ventilated and more Luznriona Sleeping. Cars IN 7HE WORLD accompany All night trains on thin railway: - . Baggage checked throngh and fare always as low as by soy other rents. AIFIC FOR TICKETS VIA.: EnIVRAILWAY, which mu be obtained at a 1 principal ticket (Aces ts the Went and Soutteerest. H. RIDDLE, Gen'l Cap'2. l, febl6ll6 IMPORTANT NOTICE. a_o2hlcli Ulla MA& Loaf Sugar, 6% lb. for $lOO feat Wblto Con's., do., Elba 109 Brows do., 9 Ito 1 OU ?SA AT ONE DOLLAR AND lICIF.,RDS The best Ws In the Epithet at $2OO tholes Honey Syrup, per gallon 1 40 Pit .01d Java Cafes, par lb 10 No family should be without It. f:Teryb .dy 6 using It. To bq bad of to, as we era the agents. GU and got Om of thou PATILNT LAMP CHIMNEY CLEAN/RH 1,006 BUSHELS CHOICE POTATOES. Jost received. All of the above goods we will sell cheaper thso the cheapest. AU our goods are cew.haviog just been received We Lorna all to exurdne for thesosetvem. my IT6II-tf HEARN, CHRISTIAN & CRAIG. FARMER% ATTENTION AGENTS WANTED. All therm venting the but •Yotring Yeahlook et govern and Reaper. ecnahleed, yin Orem whiner eau V. IL GILLETT. Le Bose, Erie I County, Pa. trAleo Agent far the best Cora Planter end Drop per. • - eirLocat Agents want Aid for every township to North Western Pennsylvania. aprUi-2rs r TOII WANT REST ARTICLE TOBACCO AN') CIGARS STERNER & BAKER'"S, 00ILTIM OP STAPP ♦ID 701711211 REtITS 1121411 32 A 08OL3BALE AND-RETAIL DEALERS Everythlagiti the Tobacco llste—Cigars, Plug, Chew Jug, Cigar calm. Meerschaum Pipes Molders, km, ai ways kept en hand. Our variety is so largo none a , fall to be suited. or Part:mist attention paid to orders, and a goods warranted to bo what tbstars sold for. Him T. 811101C11, (ma3'66-1y) Jane 8. Hut a. N 0, 7 . The nodersigned having been defy commissioned by the Governor of the Mate AUCTIONEER )'OR THE CITY OP ERIE, has opened an An -Non cud C 011361111109 Store under the name and arm of GREEN & CRONIN, On State stree• ' opposite the Post - Ohm. where he will be found at all times. Parties having any goods to dim pose of at Public or Private Sale, will end it to their • I. vantage to antnat them tom.. Out door galas attended to anywhere in the city. Googly:anent/ respectfully aolletted, and prompt gettlemeate made Aar each sale. Auction gales two says in each week, viz : WEDNESDAYS AND SAITRDAYS, • Without fall, and I would respectfully request all pardes having goods to dispose of, to nobly roe in that time, so that lean sell them on the above days. N.J. CRONIN, Goannlealoned Auctioneer. GREEN h CRONIN Auction & Comtaledon,Werrhauta. - mid-U 8100 SAVED ON A PIANO FORTE! Us to =so ON A MELODEON OR ORGAN I By pasebasing of • Z. SMITH; OF ERIE, Instead of soadotg order, to New York. PIANO TOMS AND ,11:ILODSONS Fuirsahed treat the . following adebirsted Manallistium Ends:nay & Sons. New Toth., :- Irap. Snobs k Co, Bakkoork, Wm B. Itnikbary, Nits To*, Gorreataan k Co,liror To*, Sparkman & Gray. kiany, N. (i.e. a. hints k Co, BaCaloa N. Y PRICE!! AT A LASER: DISCOUNT cr. All pert! au dodder( a bat rats Plano er eiß aro Welted to eall and *iambus oar Istatrausamts ba fore purchasing elsewbere. Every Inalnmost warranted for eve yaws. No. 616 State Strout, Kr* Ps. c 0301511. HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO.. HARTFORD, CONNECT:CUT. INCORPORATZDIBIO. C4PIT4 $1,060.000. ALLTN, hut. 0. IL : COIL, Seel cm. WIRE INSUILIANCE COMPANY. Chemist. iNLORPORA VW MT. C A P ITAL $233A00 U. K. BAKER, Prost 1001 W. LISTER. Wt. rir Insurance in the above .old and reliable Comps Ries an be obtained on application to lemno23-42. P. W. litaSZbL. aria UUE LIUKILTIr WHITZ 11 1 EALD. Z . Preferred Ty an pre eticalpainter. Try it, and you w bare 00 otbor.. itanotaatnnal only by ZIEGLER SMITH, WHOLESALE DRUG, PAINT & GLASS DEALIES, No. LTI North TWO Street, Phila. 1.664, AUT/101LIZED CAPITAL $300,909. THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK will open for bottom au MADAY, HECKIIHER are. 11164. to the Ranking caw now ewbutplod by the Iterebsara Hank, to Brown's Hotel fballttlag, north-mud comer of dtst• greet ud bobtla Peer. WK. WOW, E bromszle. WH., C. CQRBY, Cairn DIRZOTORS: WM. L. SCOTT, of atm of J. Hearn h Co, Coal Desk» Jos. MoCARTLE, of Dna of rob*, Miss k McCarter Bedaub GEO. J. NORTON; ilo r ia Valet. - W. R. BROWN, Area Rotolo Is Rae Railroad. , JOHN C. BlTRfilkiBB,of ens of O'eastas. Canhey B =en, Wholesale Orows. 0. R. CR01709, Olio of Omagh h Thu Wu% N. BALI, dem of leas; Joisuoa h Stow • `, Nuosteetusen. r. r. TAMA aV or ranizs Wow. J. DEMIRGAWNR. . Dea. 1V64. ZNOLLND CMCL WV. R. FURS. lien') PM. Aget. SELF RAISING FLOUR The Weed thing oat In the Market, go to i S. Spam Byrum" S. Y Joirettfri GoodFax.elreland, 0. Cluorbsio 6 Gala. Nay York BELOW YBNUP►UTUBEE3' PRICES t Pianos from $3OO to $l,OOO. HARTFORD. CONNECTICUT c/Prut. PLID bt, $930.000 ur,w. mimic & TY . HYDE .& WRIGHT'S PATENT HORSE EWE OR CULTIVATOR, PLOW c the above invaluable imp:t meat ha ars received the tint piernium •hent r, r exhibited Bedell who bare used it prononce It far Farr - tor 'a a thing else of the kind the followirg are sow* of th advantaue this Cultivator hu over every other kind ow in me : Ist. Lightness and.dnrability; being a'a otitis but quality of steel, biglilr pollehrd, and t o whole imple. meat weighing from fifty to sixty on o l i i i c - 3d. adaptation to mow Mode of et than toy other cultivator known; being a perfect and borough Cattle vetoer when axed ' w.th all thektetth on, leaving the ground even and level. nod we king nearer the rows Ulan any other Cattiest tr. 34 fly removing the smell tteth, and attaching the wings to the above], it Is the moat peiret. Instrument for billing that cm be found 4th. It Is the best imitntment foreovering and digging potatoes ever invected. A man and horse as cover potatoes aa feat u a Loma can walk, and a m n ant team can dig from 300 to 500 bushels of potatoes in a day'. when the crop is a fair one. 6th. It yolks equatly wall in corn or any kind of crop requiring cultivating, and in most cases hand hoeing can be dispensed with. 6th. Its etteapnpia, earillarting the ma y kinds of work to - which t Con be applied—the fanner harlot in one Itoplantent all that is neeeveary fur cultivating and hilliog any k ad of crop, or covering and digging pots. toes. Niumberieu certificates from the most influential far. , mere in the Unit .1 States might be given of the cope. riority of the above implement over all others designed for like porpo es. We shall he pleased t welt e• e Ii from any one who needs a Cultivator or :Ire' Plow , and explain to them the merits of the above or e Hoe over all other hope mints of the hind. We &trent this Horse Hoe to work , se • Cn'tiv *tor at well as any Cultivator Made—al a Shovel ilow.is well as any Shovel Plow—and as a Home Hoe a complete s .ceest, or refund the money It it does not meet thit warrao tee. We alto keep on hand in connection with our Bar+ ware, Stoves Tinware, and Flcase Furdithlng G00d...a complete assortment of Ilene Rakes, flood Pekes, Crain Cradles„Ser thee, Soather, Forks', Hoes, Shovels, Sped. e„ &o. Don't fail to give us a raiL • W. W. TIIRCS & CO., Sole Ag'te for Morse Hoe to Erie Co., Pa ,and Aaillabub' Co., Ohio, Corner State and 9th Sta.. Erie. Pa. Wm. W. Pianos. rapt:s'6s-8w) Geo. J. Sinatra. FASHIONS FOR 1566. • J. W. BRADLEY'S ChLEBRATED DUPLEX ELIPTIC /Ca vocatx) SPRING SKIRTS They combine comfort, durability and economy. with that elegane s of shape which hes made the Duplex Fair tie the standard skirt of the faahi enable world. The invention consists of Duplex_ (or two) Eliptio "t""i stein's, inteniCataly braided tightly and drmly to. gather, edge to edge, meting the toughest, most atztble elastic and denims spring ever used. The wont meal dexibillty end great comfort end pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex Ellptic Skirt will be experienced particularly In all crowded assemblies, opens, carriages, railroad cars, sheath pews, Um elute., &Lc , and for promenade and house dress. as a dart, can be folded when In use to rcupy a small space as easily so a silk or muslin dress. They are undoubtedly the lightest, moat desirable, comfortable, andeconomical skirt ever made. The "Empress Trai , „" the "Paris Trail," and the '"Pride of the World." the latest styles Introduced, is made of the new.Duples steel, which is rolled thick, gir (n` a great resistance, and producing the most perfect and beautiful trail suggested by the present fa lion, losing _none of the flexible qualities for which the Du pin skirts are so pre eminent, , OPINIONS OF THE PRES.; Heedley's Duplex Thetis.. sold everywhere, is a great fayivrito among the fashionable people.—New York Ex 'rms. They are not e %led In oleo:co, elasticity, durabil ity, comfort er DOW. —N. Y. Herald. The Dep'ex Hoek Is accented as the latest step to ward perfee Joe io skins.—N. Y. Ero 'Post. It give■ the most otdltom7 dress a sty2e that residers It Inn eel In arp arm:vv.—Boston Post. The improvement tt rough the Duplex Elitio is AO great that all otter 'Wes in fait falling into dlan.e N. Y. Co.ISI A dverti.ei. The Duplex Elton, is the greatest improvement in hoop Airts.—N.x.ll¢l.. re- For 'Ale Whoie.ale and Riled. Trade supplied at New York cost—tr.n.portation added. IiONELL, STEPHENS it WILDEY. No. 6 Reed How, Erle, Ps. matt tf J ()SEIM LICILENLAVB, lIANUFACTURES Or 80-OTS •AND SHOES WHOLESALB AND RET.4.IL AT REDLTICD PRI' 89. Haring a lam stock of Cl own maculae: are on hand, with a complete assortmana of city made work, I can an cheaper at Wholesale or Retail than say other establishment in this city. Raying had long experience as to the wants of is Igo mats, I shalt take special pains to preparing my ta l l snit them. I hank the ezdaries right in this 'o make the PLUMES. PATENT SOOT'S . 44 SHOES, for the benefit of my eutomera, and only oak a tr: .1 of made them, to utility say one as to their superior comfort weer thus to the old way. • The Plantar Boca needs no %waking In; It I. u easy tram th. start Al one worn for acme lima. My CURSOR DEPARTMENT Will main soy awn and my brothers wrest at taatiaa. LEATHER, LASTS AND FINDINGS Pot the 'bade always on hand to suit. Tendering my thanks to my friends lad eastpsaars fat past pat/amass, I hope by just and honorable &wiling to merit a .onthsuanee of the same, and cordially invite all to tali and examine my stock before purchasing else where. No. 628, State St., Erie, Pa. mar,0661.1. WIIOLBSALE AND EfACTAII. • Y GROCERY 15T012.13. P. Ai BECKER & CO., • wHoLEBALS RETAIL GROCER% zgerth.Eez Cgreir el the Peril 4 French Strad; 017VA.P8111;) Would regretfully eall'the ettentioo,of the eoetuanni; to hlelerge Stock of GROCERIES 'AND 'PROVISIONS, Which he in 41eeltotte toed] at the _ VERY LOWESt POSSIBLE PRICES. • Ma 4sortneat of SUGARS, COFFERS, ••• T SYRUPS, TOBACCOS, • FISH, &C 4 not rospaesed In the city, ea tra is prepared to pen to all erho sire hho a gal. Rs also Imps °mutant* on hand • anparior lot of PURE •liiIQUORS, Ibr the wholuals trade, to srhlch ha pasta Qs attstlib of Ilia pobllo. Him motto is, "Qatek tb.iimmy Small Prollta mot • fa !Quinton for ths ifooms."': aprlrintt. L SMITH oleurrnt for !Tie eounty for these ce'e',ated 314. chinos, hu on bead at Lytle & Goalding's Tailor shop, Fifth street. betweeo State and Peach. a large variety. embracing all kinds and priori. which he reepecifollr invitee the public 10 rill and eranyne The Howe tot. thine Is ankootelmt4d *o be the beat In one, doing all Mods of work," being pally kept In order. .VGr proof of these tlons, 1 simple ask a trial of the Ma chine, warrentirg them to do all I promise. Or Let all call and ex mine before pwchaaing other ma - chime epeeist attentioi given to repairing Ila• chicea of any hind prompt y repaired, at moderate cha rm - ma2ll-tt N EW .311L1 1 1:11.1f4Y dc•cllt Y GOODS Stem MRS. S. H. HALL Tales plettoriln unn.uncing to the public that eta has opeoeits new store Jo Mormon's 810ek,2 Eqnares-south of Union Depot, Mara ofil Nil kap , constantly laps variety of MILLINERY AND 'D R Y GOODS Robert' , Cloths, sod a general aasortesest of everythlos =aks kept on hesurtlia store of the Wad. Cr • new atoek of Node just received from the Zed. rent Oestrous of elates, out bar old et let, aba , will sell It trouts'°, to ths ht of July basis tog. magi U L!AUPEN, t2O ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHLA. WATCHES, FINE GOLD JEWELRY, • FINE MIXER WARE Att ' ut &pular Eillta Plattd wan, at 11,111)4 , 013D P ICII 8! ■ . , - f --- ERIE - CITY DRY. _ GO - ODIEI,- -0A IL , P-B-T-; - -- - - . -,-----: • .. • -. • . • AND , - i HOUSE. FURNISHINC EMPORIUM! . : • Um added to their extenxtrmtotk of - ...- • i • .. CARPETS, OlL . v ' LoTris, 1 • • . . . , - PAPER HANGINGS, CURTAINS, • AND ROU E ActliTilliNG GOODS OP t VERY inscairrica, • 1 . 1 A Complete Stock of, 4 D It Y G -0 0 D . -S . , ' • , . ~ . . • , --- . , . . • ! • • ~. We keep constantly on tr.nd I , DRESS GOODS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, , ~I , - . - 1 . LACES, EMBROIDERIES, . - ' f . GLOVES, HOSIERY, • i . . .1. - ANKEE NOTIONS, ' • SHEETING AND SHIRTING, HOOP SKIRTS, And everything tote found is a first duo Dry Goods Store, which we oder to purebu.ra lit the lowest possible rates. We haul also added an . . . UPHOLSTER'S DEPARTMENT, i . 1 And chill keep on hand and made to order • ! . MATTRESSES, LOUNGES, &C., , &c. ! . . . We tom moored the amyl - us of a first class Upholster, eha ii experienced in potting op floe Carlains and string he fined kind of Upholstery. 1 Carpets made and ta.d. Wall Paper put on be erperm ced workmen. We are oted to thmtish Meats noises and Hotels. throughout. on short oohs.. We are determined to sell our goods LOW u canbe procured WNW:LiIo or New York Clip. Gire na a ca:L at Yo. 7 Prod }Terre. GARDNER, GRO iS A CO., • i • roylo'6G. . Successors to 0. IV. uarincr. , re onieer !y ecknorl g•d by ladies Aroughout rr length and edIL o' the Id to be the rot perfect & re able skit r Ineented, three bot a rode of 47 slat td • 00 tog trier, and lee or double rend boy vat •ot Id or brook, I the sis4l. ings, hat pram fTII 1r graven' d perfect I hate bees s ;NE S i BBNIFIIt A: BURG ESt , i . , xasmorrimi 11 I, PURE CONFECTIONERY! And dealers In ill lands of PLAIN AND FANCY CANDY I IL?• . WHOLESALE AHD RETAIL ORANGES, LEMONS; NUTS, AC., Ac., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. YANKEE NOTIONS, W II 0 L DS • L E. TOYS OF AT,L KINDS, WHOL'E'SALE. FINE CIGARS AND TOBACCO ! rases 01C8-TIRBI •psatr for the EXCELSIOR FIRE WORKS! ALL GOODS I‘l OUR LINE IE3 BENER & !BURGESS, - 1431 STATE STREET. . MOSS AND tLM CANDY! The Cheapeii, aul Wit Pleasant ' COUGH 11.2.11EDY' IN THE 50UNTRY! It will do all tblit Is claimed for it, AID SIVAS FAILS TO CLEAR THE VOICE, I JUlPilri THROAT Ai?FECTIONS,, COUGHS AND:ITIRITATIONS Ana prim* u.. 0 a MILD & PLEASANT EXPECTORANT I=l BENER & BURGESS. 211 P., PI ilbireatt. D VIM d: CARSOS, • DiLleri in ALL ILIND3 OP GROORIES, 111.M29. PEORTARLO AND PROMISES, - most Street, betwee*Stete sad Sreaeb, Erie Having perehased oar stock before the late Ale to pier, we feel couddeat of being able to give Satle• - faction. both 14 ptiee and Country Proctor. of 'mei , er;rl bourbt azuf told. Farina" can 'lenge depenrlon receiving Diarbighist mar , !et price for Mein articles. DEALERS IN 11 ADJOININGTTOHNH. • And on tha t Lines of Rained . SUPPLIED WITH ?BERT. VINSTABLES. &O. 0111 9 • C&1). KAY k ,T I ACKSOWS MARIO? DIGPOT. Ft.?! Plriaisit anll•tf HEADQUARTERS HMI _CHEAP GOODS! 3 WllOlll3/la AND MAIL GROCERY AND! PROVISION STORE, - WINESiA LWOW. F. Sc M. SCMLATMECKER, Are now retching at their old stead. American Storm State street, • lairs and superior stook of Groeeries, TsaiWoos, W.oe, Liquors, Willow WooSoo, and Stone Ws" afte...Nuts. &c, ate. Together with mouthing found in • House of this kind, which they will nett as cheap as any other stab Moment In this city for Cash or most kinds of country nee. They bars shoots bald one of the largest and Seed Stools of Token" and Sews ewe brought to Me, to which they Unit e the saltation of the public. pr . cell and me coe-4 Weals sixpence la better this c argw el est r firrrir a je t37 ib b 271" -- - Till - 114 rat GROCERY HEADQUARTERS, -AMERICAN BLOCK, STATE STREET.- Jona 7,1680—d2 T. 1 Z. SCHLAIID•KiIIt. CASA'S NU clutt*l YOU ONII DOLLAR,- - MIDI For one dollar, per sesii,l will send free to any address a redpe sad medicine that I will guarantee to mire the wont ewe Of Catarrh in the head or bran ehial tubes Ina few walla. It has eared my Mooted mired m. ef 7 Catarrh and a severe bronchial trouble I bad suffered with for pan. I tried the test physician' and all the advertised Medicines of the day, but faun no relief till I obtained this. I would give poe hundred dollars flir this recipe and the medirdze, NI now had the Catarrh and eonld hot obtain It less. I Wien, 11 rustractions an followed, it will cure any can what'rer that has not already resehrd the lenge and team a settled conenmptlon. Cure you nu. Address T. P. STIOINAS, N0.152N Fulton At., N. T. TO MILLINERS AND COUNTRY Etat& KEEPERS. AT GRAND STREET CREAP STORE, NEW. YORK CITY, Yon era purobase Cot Lengths of =ion, Goods auger WO damn town Jobbers sell wbolitdaess. gin, Goods, Ribbons, Hills, Mowers. Yillinsm Lar 40940; rsollei 4848 trim 9918108. tanny 809. ill, SUM Ilk s9O a-eaded sad II Alba it.. ar block milt 18101 10, Ikrvery. 1808114104 pHILLISVIS NATIONAL. MAIM AIINNOY At tb. Sign of the "Old FUR." OFFICE IN FARRAR BALL IIUILBING, Neat Park Flue, Erie, Pa., or:address Leek Box 101 Pensions qbtained for wounded and disabled Soldiery and' Seamen; or their widtiva or orphala, dependent raotbere or eaten. BATLAFACTION GUARANTEED OR NO PAY. Back _pity and Bounty due Soldiers and and their baby, eorseed with,grester facilities than by any other ageney In North-fics'arn Pennsylranis, baring had four year's experience In the United :tides Treas• Dry MONEY ADVANCED ON CLAW: ripening incurred in ob'slaing, bringing home, and burial of deceased Soldiers and seamen, collected at the sign of tbe .01d riff Pay on pensions pmmptly -reflected and *dreamed. MI wounded soldiers and seamen are entitled to pew. slops. • OFFICR,RB, ATTFINTION Kxpenm Incurred for recruiVog. and pay for time so occupied collected, as well stall of elm above, AT PARLEY'S NATIONAL CLAIR AGENCY, ERIE, • No eharve until elsitio are paid. Remember pay on pension, begin with date of appal cation, unless appli.d for with.o one yew of the time of discharge of 'Ewald or death alums. &Oars having unsettled accounts, •ill find at this agency an old M.A. Treasury Clerk, who has had years of esoericome io their sommota. °Mem and se,men, at Parley's agency, can collect pay for o otitis'', ha, Wet by destraction of ship in as lion. Look out for AM OP THE "OLD FLAG," PARE PLACE Claims for horses killed Id action, or sold ter the Uni ted States, promptly eollected. Remember, 8. T. Parley was four yeas In the U.B. Treasury. SAIVIRS, HO I—Prise money promptly collected at a email per cent., by Paris', a lets U. 11.1leaanry officer. B. Todd Parte, . thankful for the very liberal pa tronage bestowed by the nubile; feels that having had a large experience as aH. S °Meer, and as Cor. Eau. of Pemmican's Soldier's Arsoclatlon and COMMiI.IOI2Of for Penns , keels for soldiers , dui the war, he ran render unequalled service in North- astern Pennsylva nia. un72 Szn CIIAMBERS ai DU N! PHOTOGRAPHERS! ALL NADI OF FWFOZED. noa OEM ,TO A .LIFE SIZE PHOTOGRAPH Executed In the beet style of the art. • ALL PICTRIZB WaIiGUITTED TO GIPS 84178PAGTIGA, Pleura flubbed-In INK, OIL OR wenn COLORS. trelton !Hoek, between Browse* hotel k Reed Roam dee2W6stf. MUSIC STORE. - WEIGEL t ZEIIaLER, No. 820 State Street, Erie, Pennsylvania, Dealers In MUSIC AND MUSICAL INVIRIIVINTS OF EVERY DESCRIFTION. • lialan, Pren•h and German strings of tha bett. qua 'Sole 'yenta for Chlekering k Some, Wm.l.'_EMhink__mee Praeker_.& Co.'s,end Raven & U&COD . II erilllO -Forte) also, the eelebtaed Treat & Llneley Cabinet Organs an • Melodeon . . -- Maale and String+ lent by mall free, of postage. - all °rare promptly atteededito. Cala'oene of Music sent free of postage. ap2S-Iy E alit CITY IRON LIDDELL, SELDEN & BLISS, FOUN DERS & MACHINISTS I=3 STEAM ENGINES • AND BOILERS OR:11113.9 AND TANKS. DRIVIN s `GIFIPES, PIIMPINGI.RIGS, WALKING.B,E4ht, IRONS 7. • ..? DRILLINO I TOOLS, ' MILL GEARINGS AND MACHINERY All our, work Is made from the test materna, and wAr RUUD to be of the BEST STYLE AND WORKMANSHIP we an now adding tersely to our-Mathineyy and Manufacturing facilities, to 'apply the increased de wand for our work. - ll= MANHOOD: How Lost, How Resume: —r— Mat Fobliebed • now edition of Di. erten:vim:a' Mini um, • LIT on the raided acre (without audit:bo)) of Britemarozwiesa, or geohial Weskoen, Involuntary Seminal Lou,., Is' race, Mental and. Phystcal Incapacity', Imp dlmeoto to Itarriam eta. ; also, Cossozyszoir, ErILITIT &Pd Pau, loinced by eelf•lndedgence or sexual extravo Anse. M . Pries, in siesled envelope. only 6 cents. The celebrated author. In ale admirable essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years sucoesaful practice that the alarming coneequeneee of selt abuse nisylo re• lolly curial wide:int the dangerous nee of Internal coed icine or the application of the knife—pointisig out a mote of are at once simple, certain and effectual, by me ns of Which every sufferer, no clatter what his condition city be, canon himself cheaply, piivately and reaficatly. CT This Lecture 'hold be in the hands of every you end wary man le the land. lent under nil, In • plain online, to any addles', on the ncer h tl , n ix rants, or two postage damns. or the pub CHAS. J. KLINE it 02., 127 Bowery, New Toth, Peet Oter. Pm 4,646 olarl6`6ll-11. ICE t- LCI l—The underegord Wm fa dole over eh thousand toss of the beet Presque Isle lee. for the season of 1886, and he is properei, to contract witu par tin teurupply theta for the season, or in soy quautify at ones To Ifemiltss, Hotel . Saloon., and other', much inducements will be offend's, will mate it an object lot them to irate eontrath immediately. I will guarantee my foe to be trot beet tkat will be offend in thu market Winona, ass halos prepared to &apply the city, si well as all foreign demand% Bo one eau do better by enstomen la quality or prise thaw inner. I mey be found to- the went at my hoot' MT the out-let loot. Orden through the postcol,e will be att.sood to. man Lm 1 . 1109. CAVENAUGH. E 11-1 IS eLS BEISWHR CORNER OF PARADE AND BUFFALO STREETS ERIE CITY LAOFR BREWERY, COHN= OF POPLAR - AND BINGE STREETS ERIE MALT AND BARLEY WARE EOUSES, CORNER or 7111 STRUT AND CANAL BASIN. Pilo =O'Malley =and LER Mu, Th• Bast Quality and Usual Varitdba Lager, PrimeSelsetad Raatua How, The Olioiceat Qualities of list* and Salim On Land end and tarsals by ' ' A; IMO die2rint, FUItNIMIIINU 1iT011.13 ➢'OE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. A varlet, of Children's Hain and Tanee READY.MADE CLOTHING, Ladles? Ileady-Ilade Under Clothing. A variety otClenW Turalabing Goods. All of whirl will be kept on band. and also made to mien Our rads ars all manataaa , bymuieltes i d =taltebbVta te tin m g end Brat eftlba dlng dens at the variety bitterns far Wise! sod Children's Gemeste l = dm will be prose* scathed ie. •- JO= p37Treseett i IntsoenniMits. - 1 001-.111.1ep IRAL" W. M. W 1-1` L CO. DITUSIINOUS COAL AT VSIV, EST RATEB, --Ps hired le any port of the city And .111 =lca greater 'reduction Quantity or Cu load We baro Emsr on ?lan la LARUE EL'OCE. OF ANTHRACITE COAL Of all grafter. 1 • . ' Oar Coal sully Droll' a trial to eonviple any ciao of :1. , ou r ...liar quality. (Moo corner Plya. and 11'th t tr.. to kilt. es. °rams 101 l at Auallt'. Stone old ruoot to o po..tupt attention. • W. U. iviirtr.r.v aßegrostr. - V. .r.....Ar.r.ist:• pie LEHIGH C.% Tidt POiIVOEIr. Is WanthasTao To se the Meat r eirerful egant . 'for the Staumeh sod BIWA o Cattle, Seine, • or Sheep. to rromuting dig.Mtiae, clean fag the and traneferrinst the Purified animal (laid t to Ckalli, fat, milk, butter and strength, and eetab. , ‘ I lahltig health lad aloe. , r Puvo7's tr",.•;!!, BE roWDESt la the only medicine!, I golly patented in France. , Hug land, Switzerland, A , . No And, and duly ad , T • r • • ruittad by there Couffs, honored with Ptiro•medale, and invented by e. Leroy, Professor of the imperial Collato Sur Agrienlatro at Paris, and now tonnufaclurpd by C.O. filmier, Dr. of Z, and A.. Allentown, Pa. , All duo este of the Stomach, Blood, Lang! and Bow els, speedily and certainly cared. Maltby stock will b broneit into Vie Mews: state of perfection-prod on-i to,two tablespoonfuls a week la of tivi•at alszelo hard working horses, breeding stock, ank_col•e, and 'mewl thousands of ralnalde horses from IN:l.sla:toms dleeare, sa welt at tha barnyard as In the teeny of the POLOMat. THE LErna it WORM CONFECTION! Effectually overcome all the objeetri which smelly pre vent the 'spelling of Worms. are plenmat •0 teko, and also ono of the moat agreeable purghtlrni fot Children 80 nonlident is the turentor, of lb i auseess 9T hut tabo dons studies, in the patlsolog cal composlt'on of this preparation, that he furnishes erery'gradeatraThislsian with a writteq prescription, as a new am t s - V.-Itaterls Mediu. - • . -??„: THE UNION ROACH, RAT, INIICR AND ANT EXTERIIIITXTirit Ts s Powder for the sore ester nloition of. all Vermin will POTOF CllllO CO with ago or elituate. sod tock•ix prel.us hle to the old Phosphorous Poste, which hard..ns i short time, mashing It worthless. i For Ai:salons an I psrtleuisril see the small bills is the Jo P. Eighty-three Premiums Awarde I to theta Prepara. twos since 1858. Dr. Niel', sod Darter & Career, Erie, Whglectlesa Retell Agents for brie county H E. Sellers Sr Co. Pittsburg; John Henderson& Ceo Pittahurg, and Ilea tun & Tiro ,C'eveland, Wholesale .fobters. je2.705.1y. Gtiotamits: GttocEitir.s : AT WHOLESALE AND RET,A t Would reapectiblly Leann tho public that he b.:a 1 , ,J0J Store In NO. 2 1111G11FS 1 BLO(K, EIRE, PA. Where he will &bray', keep on hand a !aria. an, pt. 7 GROCERIES! CROCKERY AND WOODEN Wf‘l.4 • WINES, LIQUORS CIGARS, Lad immything urastly for tato to an establksc, • th• kind. cir Tamp as susonatds as IMF othv /0" Ii city ie W ELLSEIT,I LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT! Obtains HOOl6l sad Stores for thou wanting, and rens Roses, Hotels and Dwellings, with or without thee furniture, for those giving up tiontekeeping. Also, buy all Mods of STOCK IN TRADE, MERCHANDISE, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CARPEr„. STOVES, PICTURES, mmanits, MVSID IN AND OUTDOOR IFFECTS. RC., A.O. Those ebbing to sell by prhede contrast, and ammo money on any useful property intended Tor unrestued sale by auction. Those buying or, selling can lieu to their advantage by applying to me, at the UNION FURNITURE STORE. Erie, Pa. NEW FIRST. nol6l6tf. AND ONDEBTAELSO W ARE-R:00M S,! On Slate St., between Seventh end Eighth. The Bnbeeribeta bate entered into tbe Cabinet Making &ea FURNITVFiE '•TRADE, And propose tstaldng to prier and coustantly rn hand all kinds of Furniture. t Orden wUI naive prompt ittontlos. Repairing dorm i on phort tnics. UNDERTAIe,ING Thoirobooribers will givespecial . I attention tothle de- Crlemt of their hosineee. Thep will =matadors and oonstantly - on hand a large assortment of' Metallic Cases and Canoe, and hold themselves in readiness to meet orders in this line, proutptly , , from any part of the oountry. Determined to spare no efforts to give satisfac tion both In the oddity of their goody and priem, they hope to secure a liberal share of public parroonye. • MOORE }CART, Sugoosooro to J. 11. Metre. RrAoy PAY STOILE. V aytlll.2-tt A. MINN I.G Would respectfully Worm ths Public net he las rurehaed the STOCK of GROCERIES of 4YNIG ¢ RUSSEI.L, COk.TPI or STU APD IiTATS are. Where he Intends to keep se good an usortnent o: • GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, WOOD & WILLOW WARY.,, AND vAlusry GOODS as fs kept to Fzf a. Rept ennetsatly on hand. BEST BRANDS OF ERIE CO. FLOUR, 17411114N7ED A GOOD ARTICER! or The highest Market Prune paid for all Wes n Country Prodoce. rir Goode delivered free of charge to any part n' rho Clty. . drell'6s-tf LANAI. 11111.1.5 i. The undenknad having completed their repairs upon the Canal Mille you'd reoectlully inform the public that lb.: are now prepared to dui 1 CUSION GRINDING We also keep con:tint - 1y on hand a fell etcek at L 017 R,•l' R A IN, &c Of all kinds (or sale ►t wholesale or retail. ' CASH PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF GRAIN. Jouir ROBI'k:SON', antler OLIVER al BACON, 824 State St., Erie, P►. rea2.3.3rs FILiNVIS PFEETUU, W. J. F MODEL( BOOTS AiiD SHOES ago. SELtock, JOHN H. BU No. 816 State St., iVest Side, bet. Bth and Oth 1 „, 1- , . , . I_ yr Jost received, a new .task of Goode, which' will he saki at:the lowest Prices, '; , FREDDICIL. 4 4 & 171111,': (floccessors to Weber & Übra i• Daguass Yl i GROCERIES AND' PROVISIONS! Ilrines, Liquors, Seggrs, Tobacco, CROOkERY, WILLOW ;WARE, FRUITS, Prts, TAXICItt NUTIOX3. &C • Stale error. Pact aloe, third .door north of Railroad Briars EBlit, PA. . P. Pin:wens. itual-if Jon. Mum. J 011,14 CIENMIEIIIIIEK a t”31•4, cwrinso AND GRNTS' #nnsinsta GOODS?, Noinvic PERSONS itiAirjhu pifon via 'We are now 'zinnia; a If arket Lime from Rile to Ito nova, on the Philadelphia R Erie railroad, and wish nr seawall! kinds of -- i , • . - VEGETABLES AND COUNTRY PRODUCE To cirri It 00, have eetablithoii Depot on FIFTH SittEET, In the rear of the old Reel Muss, - I DNSWERN STATE AND Tama STREETS. Where ire CLI bemt all times iutly Naar! and 'ay • UN • - Atrans? MARKET 'EtlOl. hiviz e Prii to;sal n t . lite r eflea- us -1114 - • fel l ItAr 3 MI Are selVtgthe best qnikl!ty of iMaiiii P. SCIIAAF. =MI ■4I7CIICTQEER Ax , DIALER IX BITEIrrSTYLE /IT VARIETY. XII; Pd. DLIARIS Corner of SeTenth and St ERIE. PA FOR SA'LE THE KIDNEYV4 The kidney% aro tivo In num - taw, sittiated at th, , ,11,. per part of the loin, annonntled. by foL Onri 00. • 4 0,1 .1. of llifle vartH, vie.: 1.110 Aukriur, t o int...1.:0z. 04 Vie Exterior. ' The anterior absoriii. Ibtcrior coo:iiitti of Liam.. Or reins, Which S.uno 33 a de posit Ici&Oe Convey tt tolho e.r.t,,t , r. The ed,li , rl , l..C,ll.l‘ielur 111,., in a ..ogle tali., n'tt t .flitd the Uri ter. Tie ofi•t..r. 31 . ,nut sanrni rtpttttritir, 4 pact>,vid.. I:l3lr,lin-1.4,4ttr, It, ..:(41 . 1M14, anti t tc:Allectuz. 111.1 uj.p r.:34u: 1 4i-he • r lids.; a di Are Ii Uri - nate a itheet t,thy... urinate xiilloat tie al..iil~ to r,.• tot r, quelitly oTirt to eitlhlre ft) asrn Vat e alts, Wee: We Must brlu , t iiito acttnu wlaciram eiordoLdin tdie:r 44,1011 , 3 I all, hut,. II tit( .) are hegil t ‘l, ti rat oh WI thoimy July bime. The reader 'um; also be made ana - aro lilt liownver il4;l.'t ma) bo Coo attain, at its onto to alleat , his bodily -"Ili and mental lioaserii; :la our 11041;4ml blood arm iiipported from tics, boomed. - ; MITI', Olt ItIiEUNIATISISI. • l i PAlll•iceurring in tlio loins in indlertivil of the abovo They oi,..ur in persona dnnlosed to acid iitoiuntill and chalky oncretiuus. , I . iir, (11IAVIM. 1.. i ''the gravel ensues Crum neglect orAniprolf.r treat (ll (a: at the italneye. There organs Tiehr.: *al:, the ivat,..r lasuut expelled Calla th, bladiler,i Lat "likpited lo rcillsni; At b. camel tlAerL4ll and seldimeatarin.i. It 14r.ca this (1,10-et that the steno i l l forlned and Cris cl en4nc., I)ItOPSY ; iK a collection of water In some par of tile boly, a,..1 bears different paten, acennii in; th the parts, af• viz.: wiasi generAlly diffnard oter the body; a lt ~x when ATI4, 41 ea; WIW of the alSrlom,n, Aszttes, n of the rhea C, Itydruthoras. 7.7: TRL IT.If YT. = 11 , 1ntliola's highly concentr.ted ramponnit.}:arast 'llneho 14 decidedly one of the b2st rninedles fur di rCa nil 0 l4{l blaaldrr,kl Cys, (frolic!, ilropaiv,itortel• rheit„Watibut, and „only affectioao. Uniler Una arranged Ity,tria,or dit3ty,ty aria Para: to pan.ongarattr, Scanty acoretlons, cragall! and fr,s quent al..3.:tc l argas of watir.t, Strothntrf stopping of ' viater,llel4atotrio or bloildg urine ; 09 . - r at wid !Than. 4,0 of_tte kohoty 8, witiout any change lu qoan hot inereaue. of color.orih....rk war4r. Iowa; . 1 I,gilly recommended, by Ulu Ini* Dr. tiayslelz, ' V.., sa I."ktsnina..sina inerlslates the por:c . S'n.l . .. , i d t ' igesg . an and I neat 3 t. absorlwatn Into healthy c xerrlac,fix which Uieuillory oreateareou.,depooltltllntonilalf.4lloturol -3,}largelnelltr, 2.7 pain and Ind is oro rada.,l, and in e..11..eu by . 1 1::.\", 'IV i)..111:7..Nr .IS7) CIIII,DIig.V. •`.` . . nir..,..t.i0,.. for use ono ..lit - iiciaotoitany., 7 ... - • Pilll,,lOlLl'il -- lt, PA., relir t uary 25, 1357. ''...' If. T. llri.,triox it, linto,m,t,,, L .. D. , re Me' I have lic4 ' uTli stifroror, hi: upward; of tv, Jolty ~_ -to., ',JO! graft lAl.ll.lor:aulliiiiisiiy tilfro . t.„, , ,, (- mom r wit: .11 Linn have iti;•.liC.Ool.aily r lO.ll- t .3.1 pr0,.4.0.101, , , zeal 'io, II tinder 111.1 l'?/Iialsomit el tm• I.mot ...tillllt IA PilynicHli.,,spenrbit little 110 :4. , 1 , /:...o.ings naon yoor prepafations irotiosio , irely eolvor. ti-„1, 1 , att.„ilt._,l with my f void) il , lY,.ioi..tit to re.;ar..l ti, ‘l , ..aW your /.....t t liocittl ir 1:1.1 tuo. b, ; au, 11,4 it., a a1L4,1 , A. or ~11,:t1, : ••1 r r,,,.,..„,„ :tadha Motel tleem 4MM:Ih-s;. Jeri s mei quite /11,mm:iv ; lit loot. I tlii ' s,•dait - r , l '• : • ?l m. Cr imt . to4 n•.•:1.I. root ut t ;letertiliol to itao , llo rein . :lei It, r ,. .1:1.A . : , 11111, , s I LlieW of tilts ingrial,mits: It 1001. tom Coot prompt ..A. I.le to lute ;oar roin;•;13. iyou. 1 that it ars. conittomol of beteh , ~ cubel•., la 4 :t IfjP. r In rri. a, it 0. mot , 1 to me nod tar hits .....t as eat exoell.ttit o ottititt..t.en 0,11, wit', Ifistad vice, oft..r as r ClAlllinaton of the arts 10, awl c.0./oaf...Mai asai it with th... tlim,iet•t, 111011.111 . 1 , it t I try_ it. I Ittelint;•tiorcl ILI 12P , about eiglit Months a Ty, at wilt/Al i t:At° I W:..1.1.6f1- JIMA to toy Tomo. 1'4..•1 tl.•• to I i-I I, 1 k.-.l4.ti tinushed and gr.Ttnfiwl at the buts i s ., to ,itit t, a .lt;1 a ft,r or:Om : lit 1110i...wool:a v......ib1e to si AN: out. I tell 1.111,11 like libting,) l lll a full ttateoh.at Of ray case at II": that.. 1,P.1t thought my imp:mann tit 4mi:tit Only bu : temporary, and therefore .. oneltt.leil t,o defer and 1,., lilt would effect a prrfeet euro. ku OW Mg thou it world he of iire.ator value to you old more safialootory lonia. I Olt tOW ABLE Tt/lIEVORT TLIAT A CITITA: to t.nmeTral Arrsitivat.so TILE ILLIIIIIYI 7011 ITI li WS - IBS. I mt . . E NOT USED et!..lt NOW 11011 TILIEEL - :4110 OT-t, AND TEXL as NVtLL IN ALL iteecr.l AA t Et 111: nib. Your Duchu being din oil of euy implesaant tasty and odor, alike tonic and Inel , inratur of.the eysteld, I do not mean to be witnout it whenever occasion way require its use in eueli ajiectlonk. ; If. IIcCOHHICE. • Should any one doubt 31r. lloCortuidea statement. lie tilers to the follo 'dug gvutlotnen.: Hon. Wu. Itiot.nr. to-Governed% Dianqylvanla. Hon. Tnos. B. FLOL.ftelL lion. J. C. Knox. Judge, lion. I. S. Bu. a , Jada^. Pinta lion. D. lt. Pours. us-tioveruor, Pennsylvania. lion. Et Llh LINIS, Judge, Philalelph:d. lion. It. C. tintrit, Judge. United States Court. Cl. W. Woolovenn, Judge, Philadelphia. non. W. A. Pint rut. City C dicitor: /Lyn. Jolts DzoLty, es-thniruer, Cal :nrna. ItiOn. E. Boors , Auililor.lieheral,W,h,oi;tou, D.C. And sunny others, if necissary. Depot. 1111.1.1BOLD'S DIiUG AND CHF: MEC.. L 15'AIlEHOUi E. 594 BROADWAY, • ISILTEOPOLITAIsi 110TET, Yortm. / Sold by Druggists everyn hero: Reware of Counterfeits. .03 CLE3IENS I CAUGIII.Iit 'IV HOLYZ,..I;E: GlritS • • AND PROVISiON IDEALFIIS; ALsolvssactitsl l N WOODEN RARE, NAIL 3, ' G 1,1 4 1, EOPT., REFIgZD OIL,' W.VITR WUII LIME, OIL VITI SODS, GLUE NOS. 25 & 26 NORTH 131EINZI deell'6stt. CN UGLEIIART, , 1:13223:123 BOOVZ AND.II3IIOES, =I CIISTOM'MADE •BOOTS AND SHOES, Would talre , thde method of returning hia thanks t his friends and the lirblic generally fat tLeir lit•aral pr.trocage her'etotet- extended to him, and hopes to hai a continuation -• the race. I.tate;pte.,icte icloformtug the public that I to still selllng 1 _ P.r.Any BADE itOfT.? Adi'll giIT(P.St. , —IP POP LITTLE C 03.4 Pit:i • Than say Holum In tide place, and I Am 1;111 making the bee: qualities of Ceuta' Bunts and Ittloca, :Jr rrhich I em ploy aim* but the BE.T of W tittidittc"Dl,uniti.: the Septr- Intendincre of 0. 3IlLt Haring obtaineda Lean E 0 to ci , u l the 'PLUMER-PATENT BO)TS. lam tom prepared to make the Plunvir Patent Ltoiite and Shoed in a manner net to be tilt:pater d in ntre - le and Workmanship. art I. airman keep on baud a satectian of the beat Brands of t ranch and American ea' f and I:1 F r. P. Lt.—Repairing attended to. rerl2l64tf. K..Y.STONILI STOVE ',YORKS TIBBALS,' SEcIRF. & ~R lIITEHEAD, 7111ZUIT4ACTURrlift STOVES AU) ILOLLOW - 1V AEE, Have a large owl extemaive afts'ortfuor.t of Scone at IS holesale and SIAM!. THE IRON GATE erst•elwea Cowl Cook Stove, with or withc reirr- , Tour, for Lard oeaoft c a:,' or tvccd, anl ty BETTER THAN 'THE STEWART Sit: We al o manufacture 1.1. WHBAT SHEAF AND N6W ERA, Both low (Ten COSVOOt. wool gratei— .Gtil be use either for coal or wood. , THE POTiESTI JAK. - We are still martrifaeturirg tbia le'rbrOad 13: oven Stove for wood— r with or votriloat reseorca. T E( NiT 0 11 , A Um Oren Ftor* for Food. jTlils is a now Stove beautiful destan, and ndw , for pale —toot-ter with slams weortment cf elevated Oren Coo , Parlor Coot for wood or 0n4,-an i Parka and 011Elce Stove., for wood of coat,- - C. Y. 1113 0 .ALS, D. SIMI/, 1 , W. 11. WIIIrEtIEiD Bile, Jana/. 113115—tt. Bnonws 110tEL. •I , • .CORNER OF STATE ST. AND TILE PARK, - - ERIE, PA. - This 'Wei/ Kwwn Houle Ms passel into the eontiol of tho Undereign.d, who are determined to 'pare no e aorta that will teed to make it a Operant stopping place foithe teaseling pub lie. A bomber of notorious improvements have already teen suatie,and others to be complete' at an early period will tender it err of tLe finest hotels in the country. Eneeist cam is taken to famish the table with all the teasonab'e artic:maereml up In the mos• approved et} le, and bryieconnamiatlng waitere. We took cLatcn o: the hotel with the resolotiin to mak" it such as the wants Of this section :mono, rod feel coat tent of meeting the epprobitton of our guests. .4. T. Loowie t I:roptieton. IT. L. Itcss. ( ' *NW( NOTICE:. KEYSTONE NATIONAL BAIsM. OF EXIE CAPITAL, $l5O,OCe; DIRECTORS BELDEN MARVIN. • JOHN Ir. RAI .. 1 liLllll3 11111V121, : 11E.ir1st , r N. 0. NOBLE. OWINGS NO➢LA, Neat,'Aut. JOUN J. TOWN, Canble.r. The above bank will is 0 1 ..0.L1 for the,Sraoll:tt o of baslLera oa DEC. 5, -1855, IN HUGHES! BLOCK, ' West aide of Stkto sot., belvecrn Serena' and ! Igllt a Satisfactory paper discounted. Atom incelred on Deposit. Collations made and parsed% scsountsd: ar wile promptness: • ' Dal ts. Spate and Bank Notes bo i nglit and sold. Is shark of Mils Baronage le air" atfally NEW P wctr the Hezdkerchiet g zo „, it ~......„ .10, 'M. r jibs, 40, .....0,-; •-..t1/,- .:.-'Te `,:, 0 - 40 47.,•:. . • : , . : • • ',,,- t •!.. Y:• t•-s' ', ' Vim; e'.llc, , r ,••_ , , of ,; , .14 e v, 0 i 1 ~ A7-_ , -,--,,,. :- t.,.. - ~,...„0 : _... ~,,,,,*„;,..„..,,,,,,,,..7-Arii.,l7, ( \t „,, ,..,,,..__.:,_,:;.,,,.,.. ) , ;# ,,,,, . , „..,...,..„..„.,.,,.,.. ..,........ ...,.,,, ~...r,..,..,..,.,,,, ~,a , „,..., ....,.....„.„....„...,:,.. A Mort grant Perftlrae, DlLtii.lact from th, and Beautiful rlower from takes its name. Maimfacturel only by PH . ... LON it SO NEW Yrit:, EnTARE or 0051 ER 1:01,1 PYIALON'S—TAKE:iIj Dru,ilto rc,,c1,11 . , ' VS FP . N. . .v 4 i Chi i 1 / 4?`\'' FA:-24/ 44) _4 4 , , ,:b • _ 773:i ,e e WO ' r7C - • - •4; -., ,•-:r.," - -' ----I'v'J 44 t-..,::,-,-;•,.„.:',--.••/,,yo • —..;-- , - 5-7 - 1: 4../ ',.., ~.;-',,- „:' ,-; - - , - .7 - L,AA c....,, i7 „ . .' ,,,, :z." ,, , , ,,, , ,, v : • t , ...--.•-„.- . <.: . '•i\--1.,-•:••T \ ,E••,-/,..)4 tcke Particular r,dat TS'" REAL VEI.P.LIT 1 , 1111112, ?T. :1 So Val:. t• :t. ; c 1171.1 al. r' • their criminal rtuploa n.,-:•• I: ••, 1.0.0 a, are Tae-.44^0.414•.40 f • Caw' in' Auterl4-t. 9131 y .hat verit4trari*. uhFctrity fs•ra brigFrt.ltor,sft'N'tiratt to a 1•1•1. :•tutt-n40, 71 ,11 and ,trict t• - ~.• and has wlthltel I 044:a •.-,..,, tre, Icst triey should be ctn . ( lit overco:7lti: g of the 1V,•4%•;•, • 43 : ,t 4. r.ess. Suppre , i• -it, It , t: :it, el, 4.• la.:_ Film; p 1 the M. , n 6.. . 1 .„,„ to h e t r uly 441:11,ip.-1 , 1. ar,44:•_; 24,4041.gati•S tr, :. r , tac;pr4.4ltl:4 to t I t•. , V are 4,:,1 ct4 At 0 , „ lit only f , r I• ,•i+l and .4:i fr•rl:l , hh-n to :•• 11 ml:•..1.1 it 14 t• tht‘t the ;; unlar4fal. thould. wt .4 r ttic.e tie m _4.6.4•4 totrt 71 to lorhat ti...y sure to, pric! ; Three rill; are Clint;:•i •. cuinct:,:nae-m, being e,44114;• t ; btanees fruit the vegt.tah,, Eaeh buz has the ceat Lf a t n.. 4,‘ of Paris stamped on the 1. " Trade Mark - -in Fr4;:,,h, to 4. •ta.t, Is a tnit4tlctuvatr , r„ all i; r t l is with :HI- Full : 4 air. 7'11.11. - t t 1 till aI, x of the et:tiou, la• 14 at. 1 , •:Itr pest•l4:lo.! V'S , or to U. for the 'United tate., 11•atert4:-.`a, N, Agento r AGE47.3.-,,i 7 Letd k Ett.tt, 'dal! k Booth. Lid2ell k bro . Carter Si C,rur, t• Brim, North Reit:Dant ; tter; Horn ild Cattl6 Po • •••-• • • , this anunal. such as LUNG FEVER, Y ELI. W WA TER. II F.A E COI: Gll v, PIS• 1 TEMP F.R. FE VERS. FOUNDER EOCIS • tIF A PIT.. TIT E AND VITAL ENERG Y. he itc use tmpro,.• the wind. increases the appetite--girls a smooth ant' glossy skin—am transforms t miserable skeleton into a horse. lIIIOL, CAUSIIC jAR.. STREET, To keepers of Cows this 1• 4, 1'" , ': -It increases the quantity at.tl Ln.l • • t -4- 4„xg•F•3l ,-••• '"•P•-• • '- ,t 1 • 'lrsisc•-'' • • • •13Pr-,, , . such L•uter. In all di.,,an3 of Swine, ' , a. the Lun,+, till:. article Bets as a QT , ,ifle. By putting' from one half a , paper to a y paper in a barrel of the - above 11 isea, s rill he eradicated `-• • or entirely Irev•ra , • preventive and Price 25 Cents po: . . orEr..,aLD . - S. IF'Ol-I'4l, 13.1 AT TITEIII WIITILF.VILE Duni IND MF11101: , ' No. 116 Franklin St., Ba!t1 _ . For Salo by Itruegi-t, abd out the United Slat, Sold bT HA!,,, E tGLE FOL NUM , PF.ACII cT , ABOVE TES 7.1.:F4.:4. HENRY, si (VICCIA•OrtI to • t,her,, PARLOR, COOK A SP OFF TIN A &Err J ;c!ri. AND ALL - KIN' OF 1:1 Ctn.. grary St?ve .old by u; Kettles, Sleigh-el:ore, aftetured to order. PLOWS jND PLOW PoINTS alanyo on ham] AZ • - des is all as sok,rdiENllY, IIF.YO sl inr23.62—tt. • M ORRisoN ni t yoltn: mint sAtr. Dl-1.1;i7: 1 FLOUR, PORK, BEEP, CLOVE;; T.NIt'IllY , NOS. 501 AND 51 , 3, Fal:‘• lust 9'6L'tt F NUIt A V I . BUSINESS, WEDDINLI :OD c.tup STAMPING, „C.\ l',o;=' , lNG, • B . A PARAGON 111.11.1,P-0, 1, IVERIC • Putetased the vrell-1.r. - ii. , ocrupiLii by ti to • and the public that inelles their Patton:; •• Win be lamely inelen,ed a I antes have been pi o re !. n^ ! Horses In the ceuutry. I AL, c, the ent•blinhment an to •ant to obtain the nervier! , ready at all tbnen to ACC LA - I prt e. Utenllect the STERRETT'S 0%1 • Fifth street. rear of the 8e...1 Ee!e. loan 8, 1865-11 lI UT.EL IF EIItIVL Oaenpied the Maneime Mete, the peat (oar y ear', bs , re 110,0 • CORNER OF FE:A(11 :1N:) Where be trill try to acro—ic,d ate t itud as we, as h• • the patroatge attach tree so bier d 'l glare, Win be ex ended to him to bit ,tabling is enffleient to accommoda te et ' Mu tailor him with their ratioat e • jo p 1110011A-tt FOUTZ'S lEEE= 'T El SS MN Between ME ME