The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, June 07, 1866, Image 2

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    aerie bstrher.
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THU/MAY, JUNE 7, 1866.
vas oorsaima.
It is a curious Act, that has not receiv
ed the to which it is entitled,
that while we are'shipping each week mil
lions of gold to ;Europe, that country Is
sending us grain'in return. A few yeats
ago the case was the exact opposite—we
shipping Europe grain, and she furnish
ing us gold to pay forit.
During the three weeks ending with
Saturday, June 2d, the officially declared
exports of gold from New" York were
_ rather oy.etthan under $25,000,000. Dur
ing the last month, the premium on gold
has pretty Steadily appreciated—begin
-ning at Vki and ending at 411. These are
grave facts. They are fa ll of admonition.
our , currency been based on specie,
such a draft upon us for coin would have
dimiaishiSl all current values from 10 to
25 per cent., causing very general embar
rassment if not absolute stagnation. As
It is, the result is a sudden derangement
of values, leas obviously disastrous only
boositse the loss is thrown on the creditor
rather than ' 1 the debtor interest,4et no
less pernicious and demoralizing. We can
not sober down the general mind to the
ways of quiet, plodding industry while
the medium wherein values are computed
and debts are liquidated is so unstable as
to fluctuate to the extent of 15 per cent.
in a month.'
Hon. Geo. V. LAWRENCE, Ladled mem
her of Congretiei from the Washington dis
trict of this State, has written a letter in
which he pronounces Hiester Clymer "a
personal friend and an honest man." Of
how many candidates for office in these
days would a political opponent be willing
thus to write ? "He is an honest man," l
is the unanimous expression of every
leading Republican, when speaking of Mr.
Clymer.: They denounce .his political
course, they oppose his election, and re
vile the perty with which he is connected,
but none of them attempt to conceal their
respect for. his gentlemanly qualities and
the purity of hhi character. Think of it,
voters of Pennsylvania,! If you elect
Hiester Clymer for your 'next Governor,
by the admissions of his fiercest political
foes, you, will have chosen a gentleman
and an honest man. In the midst of the
corruption which everywhere stares us in
the face, and sickens all wire love their
country, is not such a consummation one
eminently worth effecting ? _
Mama Cx.ntsa declared the war for
the Union an unholy and an unjust cru
sade on thepersonal rights and local in
stitutions o e people of the South.—
The above is a fair specimen
. Of the
mode in which our political opponents are
conductin4 the campaign. Knowing they
can find nothing in Mr. Clymer's person
al character to make party capital out of,
they have sat to wor at deliberately dis
torting and falsifying - his political *ord.
The sentiment above put into his mouth,
we pronounce untrue from beginning to
end. Mr. Clymer never, by word or deed,
placed any obstacle in the way of a speedy
and successful prosecution of the war ,
He has ever been unalterably opposed to
a dissolution of the Union. He denounced
the siwassion of the South at all times
and on all occasions, and when the war
broke out was one of the first to give hi s
aid in faior of the Government.. In his
entire publio career, we defy any one to
point his finger to a solitary expression of
our candidate which can possibly be con
strued into an sot of disloyalty, while hun
dreds of instances can be'cited to prove
his lore of country.
The movement of the Radical politi
clans to get the-soldiers' convention, soon
to meet in Pittsburgh, to endorse the
\ nomination of Gen. Geary, is not 'meeting
with the harmonious success anticipated
by its managers. Called under the guise
of purely patriotic motives, its real object
soon became generally understood, - and iri
nearly 4very county where meeting* have
been held to select delegates, the Demo
ratiol soldiers have purposely refrained
rout attending them. In others, howev
er, 'they resolved t 45,) spoil the Radical
game by a flank - movement, and, turning
out in their Strength, have selected Dem
ocratic delegates to the Pittsburgh God•
vention, very much to the disgust and
consternation of the Geary leaders. In
York, Cumberland and Perry, Democrat
io delegates have been chosen, with in
structions to support the election of Mr.
. Clymer, and sustain the policy of the
President. Should the same results attend
the efforts of the Radicals in, other coun
ties, their clap-trap convention at Pitts
burgh may become es much of an ele
phant upon their hands as it was expected
to bell bug-a-boo to Democrats.
We know not how it may be with the
gallant men of our army and navy else-
Where, but here in Erie the rank and file
are nearly all in favor of the President
and opposed to negro suffrage. If an or
gailisationof soldiers and sailors were to
be established to sustain Mr. Clymer's
election, it would shortly number two-
thirds of all the brave men who fought
in the late war. While this is true of the
privates and petty officers, it does not ap
ply' to those who held high rank in the
service. The innumerable host of col°.
nels, captains, to., most of whom owed
their titles to their political connections,
sod two-thirds of whom are. looking for
further fevers at the hands of their party
• friends, generally go for Geary. But their
influence .is so exceedingly limited that
they will be able to control comparatively
few votes.
Tux appointnient of Benjamin F. But
ler to be Major General of the State Mili
tia of Massachusetts, calls out the sums.
tion from the Chicago 2lnies that Butler
has finally struck a situation! that is ex
actly suited to his calibre. The command
of Massachusetts militia in time of pease
is a position whose freedom from danger
is one that will exactly snit the pacific
hero of Dutch Gap.
A Oorreiptiriaihrer 4 tirkslin ilferrO the I
London Times sends to that paper, under
date of the 10th April, a lengthy report
of an interview he had with the President,
on the day previous. He was fortunate
enough to Call upon Mr. Johnson at a
time when no other visitors happened to
requires his attention, ancrthns got as op
portunity of conversing with him n:ire
freely and agreeably than most persons
who have not official business to transact
are able to do: Tho correspondent being
desirous of hearing from the Presidents
own lips a statement of-the motives whit*
induce his policy, succeeded in confin
ing theoonversation mainly to topics con
nected with the war and the important
events 'which have.grown out of it. He
says Mr. Johnson talked.with a , freedom
and candor which was gratifying to listen
to, and seemed to be perfectly familiar
with every point bearing upon our present'
political difficulties. The views 'thus giv
enhaving been uttered to the ordinary
tone of social familiarity, and without the
formality necessary state documents,
more nearly express, perhaps, the Presi
dent's feelings upon the subjects of pub
lic interest to which they refer than any
thing which has before appeared in print.
The President first adverted to thepcon
dition in which he found tho country on
his accession to office, and pointed 'out
that ever since that time the radical party,
which now . has the control over Congress,
had been preparing for -the issue . forced
upon him. Their object was manifest, and
it was one which from their point of,.view,
they could scarcely be blamed for pursu- -
ing so eagerly. They knew perfactly well
that when the South came back into Con,-
grecs their day of power would be over—
the Southern representatives would stand
as a unit they would probably fall into
alliance again with the Democratic party,
the old issues of Slavery and Stato sover
eignty would be dead and bnried,lind the
party which now ruled would be stripped
of its power. ,Their talk about philan
thropy and benevolence to the negro
core than a desire to work
upon the feelings of the North, so that,
they might be ena led to carry everything
their own way. I was a renewal of an
old conflict. The two sections of the
country were ready to go to war before
the rebellion broke out—the one to pre
serve slayery, the other •to deatioy it.—
Each aide was willing to sacrifice the Gov
ernment in order to gain its object. The
South struck first ; the rebellion was,sub
duedst the Southern end of the line, and
now it is swinging round to the other end.
"These men," continued the President,—
and he.alwaya used these words to denote
the Radical party,—"are almost ready to
go into rebellion - again rather than have
their supremacy destroyed by the re-intro
duction of the South. They know nothing
practically of the real state of the South.
The very man who had drawn up the
Civil Rights Bill—what are his means of
judging? I left him in the Senate during
the war, and went oat to Tennessee and
saw it all, and bore my share 'of the
troubles. He stopped at home; and now
endeavors to make his theories- square in
to the event* of the war, and legislate on
ideas which Ile has never. put to the test."
The President then went on to Speak of
slavery and the. negro. He had been
brought up, he said, under the very shad
ow of the institution of slavery. Ile had
bOught and owned slaves, but still he had
always been for abolighing slavery upon
any basis which could be adopted with
safety to the country. When it came to
the question whether slavery should be
abolished or the Government broken up,
he never had a doubt as to the course he
ought to pursue. Ile •decided to - give up
slavery, and he abided by that decision.—
But the South now would treat the negro
with greater kindness than the North, if
it were left alone and not exasperated.—
"They -talk of justice to the negro," con
tinued the President. * " Goal knows my
heart yearns toward him when 'I think of at
cad which these men.ctre preparing for Aim I
see that end clearly enough, they are pav
ing the way for a conflict of races. When
that occurs we all_knnw lintv it will. fare
with the negro. How 'h as such a contest
always ended t When the time cornea
there will be no struggle. The result will
be decided without that. Now, then,
what do we find ? The very thing which
we said these Southern States could never
do, which we fought these four years to
prevent them doing, these men affirm
that they have actually done—namely,
been out of the • Union. The_Southern
States are ready to come back upon our
terms, take loyal oaths, and acknowledge
their allegiance, but these men say they
shall not. Why, if they had offered to
come back, or any of them, during the
rebellion, should we have turned them
away,on the that they had placed
themselves out of the Union? Mr. Lin
coln offered to receive the whole legialam
ture of Richmond—a rebel legislature—
and would have welcomed them with open
arms. Would he have refused to receive
these States, now that they have fully
submitted ?"
Mr. Johnson then enla4ed with con
siderable detail upon the operations of the
Freedmen's Bureau, and said that its ma.
chinery was now being used to get negroes
conveyed from the North back to the
South by the very men who were assert.
log that the lives of the freedmen were
not safe in the South. They had hired or
bought hands, they wanted labor, and
they got their negroes transported at the
expense of the Federal governmer.t. The
Freedmen's Bureau compelled the negroes
to go, or they stopped their subsistence al.
lowances. It was little better than an
other form of slavery, only that it was
solely Conducted by Abolitionists; foil&
Freedmen's Bureau would not assist a
Southern man in getting negroes from the
North, where many thousands of them
have taken "refuge during • the war. A
gentleman from Falkland county, Virgi
nia, had been to him, the President said,
only a few days ago, spying that he had
sent 300 negroes to the District (of Co
lumbia) for security during the war. He
now wished to hire them, but the FreM.
then's Bureau interposed obstacles, and
would give no help in transporting them,
whereas the Government railroads were
placed at the service of other speculators.
In all that he said it was evident that the
President approved some plan for protect
ing the negro and giving him succor; but
that he admitted the .administration of
the Freedmen's Bureau was not alt that
the true object for which it was founded.
Fusing from this subject, the President
said that the Radical party In Congress
talked to the people as if they had to fear
some act of opposition on the part of the
Executive because the Civil Rights Bill
tulbeen. vetoed. the veto power."
be said., "could never be made on engine
4of oppression. It has only a negative
force—it orisinates nothing.' It can only
say when isees unwise or unconstitution
al legislation attempted : 'Nov stop.—
Consider this thing a Little farther,. Pass
the bill, if you will„by your. onstitution
al two-thirds majority, but I:think it well
to give you an opportunity to think over
it again.' They have passed the Civil
Rights Bill, and it will not lie long before
judge is arrested for carrying out the
law of his State., Then the case will be
brought to the Stipremo Court, and the
people will soon sec who was right— Con
greis,ln insisting upon baiting it or I in
endeavoring to dissuade diem from R."—
Here, again, the President distitiguished
between the principle on which the bill is
professedly based and the bill itself: the
former he was anxious to see (mined out,
but the means proposed he Considered ob
jectionable and hazardous. "Congress,"
the President further , mid, '• represents
the States, but tho men Who vbted for
them individually all voted in my elec.
0011. lam like the Tribunes elected by
the Roman people—l am to stand and
represent their interests. And what other
object can I haiie but to represent their
interest—.the interests of my country? I
have no party objects to nerve—no selfish
interests to promote. If I were a man of
ambition, I do not know that I could de
sire more than I have gained. I have gone
the whole - giddy round, from Alderman
upward, and I do not, value this office,
(hero-the President spoke 'with great ear
nestness iiidleeling) except for the good
which it may enable me , to do. I want
bat a corner of this house to live in, and
I do not care a bauble, as the Scotch say,
for all the rest. Let. me but see the coun
try at , harmony and peabe, how gladly
would / I give up all l I suppose I may-say
that I have done enough t i c) satisfy any
reasonable. ambition, and !feel that my
race is well nigh run. ThLse men want
power; I have enough, and am indiffer
ent to what I have. We think"—he said
these words with a smile—"we think this
a great position, with our ideas—we are
educated to do so; but I•can assure you that
lam often here twelve hours day with
out it ever occurring to me that I am
President." He evidently meant, with
out the pride of power occurring to him.
QUM ? —Can it be possible that An
drew, G. l. Curtin, Governor of Pennsylva
nia, is withholding his signature from the
Bill for'the Disfranchisement of Deserters,
with the full knowledge that by so doing
he gives twenty thousand Copperhead
votes to Hiester Clymer, and neutralizes
that number for the Republican nominee,
Gen. Geary? •Wo trust not.—Cratqford
Journal. ,
Such are the opinions of every loyal
newspaper, men, women and children in
Pennsylvania, and yet the Governor, who
was elected by them, has turned, so far, a
deaf ear to their interesta. We hear that
Senator Wallace, the Copperhead chair.
man of the committee, can give. a reason
why he offered a resolution conlpliment
inggovernor Curtin, at ,the close of the
seasio l .
Time will develop the reason why
STheads compliment a professed loy
iovernor.—Lfarrisburg Tetlie-graph.
This joint attack of two ardent Repub
lican papers upon Gov. Curtin is a striking
evidence of the intolerance of the Radi
cal leaders. The act in clue-41°n is one
upon which wide and honest differences
of opinion exist, and it is well known that
a case involving its constitutionality is
now peksding in the Supreme Court. The
Governor was anxious that the result of
this suit should be ascertained before af
fixing lsis signature to the bill of the Leg
islatures, in order that if the original Act
of Congress was pronounced 'invalid, he
might not be placed in the ridiculous
plight of signing an unconstitutional
measure. This simple act of conscien
tious duty has called down upon him the
sneers and contempt of every Radical pa
per In the State. They have forgotten in
an instant his life-long enmity to the
Democracy, his partizan zeal, and the ap
plause they have bestowed upon hesitation acts ;
and remembering only that his hesitation
was likely to enure against their party
schemes, have fallen upon him with as
little scruple as if ha were one of the worst
of Ccipperheads.
We regret to find that the attacks of
his political friends have had their intend
ed effect upon the mind of our timid ifx
ecutive. After publicly announcing that
he would not approve the bill unless it
was pronounced constitutional by the Su
preme Court, he has at length basely
yielded to the pressure of his political al
lies, and on Monday attached his signa
ture tck the document. The excuse given
for this course—that the Supreme Court
adjourned without announcing its deci:
sion—is too weak to deceive any but the
most shallow; and the whole tenor of Gov.
Curtin's conduct on the subject is a fresh
confirmation of the impression which has
gained general currency, that although by
nature he may be disposed to do right, he
is a mere puppet in the hands of snore
adroit politicians, who take advantage of
his cowardice to brow-beat him into an
endorsement of party acts which at heart
he knows to be wrong and dangerous.
On Thursday evening, two weeks ago,
Hon. Hiester Clymer, our candidate for
Governor, paid a visit to the city of Potts
ville, Schuylkill county, on professional
business. His presence in the place soon
bectuniz-generally known, and the citizens,
without distinction of
. party, turned out
in immense numbers to give him a sere
nade. In response to their repeated calls,
he appeared on the balcony of the hotel
where he was stopping, , and delivered the
following beautiful speech. Like all Mr.
Clymer's oratorical eflorts,-it is singularly
appropriate and interesting :
A Sojourner for a few days, engaged in
the trial of a cause in your C ourts, I ieed
net say . to you, my friends, bow gratifying
to me is this evidence of your kindly re
gard: •
I well understand that the position I
occupy before the people of the State has
much to do with the character of your
greeting; yet t will not deny myself the
pleasant reflection that past associations,
old memories, abiding hlencithips, are the
cords which hare drawn many of you
hitlatg a __ •
reobjfitgo, r! en els inggn notirneT". l
of life, 1 came alroost, a atrauger in your
midst, and here for years in the practice
of my profession, I met with kindness un
exampUod, with encouragement and sup
put; and when any affairs rendered - it
necessary for me - to return. to my native
county, I did so with regret which has
been 'unceasing.' I left here perrop4l
friends than whournone were more (roe,
and althouek sines then' some of them
have been klithered to the "City of the
Silent," yet • I knew that amongst those
whom I address' there. are many, very
many, whose presence here attests their
fidelity to the past, their- support '‘ in the
present, and their ad in the future. .To
have merited their approbation has hith
erto been my highest aim ; tooonthruelo
do so will bo my unceasing effbrt isiarat
though with some of them I may widely
differ as to the memos to the .r*ict
feel they will accord to me that which I
freely yield to them—integrity of par
You do not expect meat this time nor
do I intend to address you upeti4o,eln-‘
eral questions agitating the public mind:
-It would be improper for many reasons;
some future opportunity will, I trust, be
affeded me to do so ; and yet I may not
refrain to dwell one moment upon a sub:
ject of such absorbing and paramount 'in
terest that it may not be avoided.
It cannot he, any friends, that the'civil
war just ended was waged to .dismember
the sacred Union of these States, to up
root and destroy the doctrine that taxa
tion and representation are inseparable
to enfranchise four millions of tiegrotitirid
enslave eight millions of whits mad ;and!
to reduce to the condition of conquered ,
provinces eleven sovereign States! Yet
such are claimed to be its legitimate re
sults by, many. If' they abonK prove to
be so, if' fanaticism and latent treason
slkirld overpower patriotism and true
st esmanship, and if in obedience to the
demoniac rage of those whom-the Presi
dent has branded traitors, it be attempted
to govern the Southern &striate Hungary
is governed by Austria, Poland by Husain,
and Ireland by England, who may deny
that the blood spilt and treasure expend
ed have been in vain ? But these are not,
and by the aid of the good and true of all
parties, shall not be its results. A restored.
and perfect Union, arrintact and enforced,
Constitution, shall be the priceless and
enduring rewards of the trials and blood
shed of our civil strife.
To aid in securing these remits, to sus
tain all men in every position whose enir-'
gies are devoted tc these ends, is the high
est duty of the patriotic citizen at this
_hour, and for the reason that do so is no
partizan effort, I have referred tb it upon
this ocension dedicated to the interchange
of kindly personal civilities, which are nbt
to be marred by the expression of senti
ments tdistasteful to any one who hears
me. • t •
Wishing you, one and all, health and
happiness, I bid you good night.
The accusation against the Southern
leaders is, not that they retro to submit
to the decision of that arbitrament of
arms which they invited, but that they do
not repent; confess and Ketract their opin
Leo was beaten by Grant, and Johnson's
surrender to Sherman, closed the *hopes
of the South. Therefore; it is argued, the
scholarsiand statesmen of the South must
not only yield to the decision, but must
publicly recant all, their form e r- interpre
tations of the Constitution, must abandon'
the school of Jefferson for that of Adams,
nay, must go infinitely further than Ham-,
ilton or Adams, or the most ultra Feder i al.•
ist of the past, and embrace the consolida
tion doctrines of a Sumner, and assent to
the dictation of Stevens, and his omnipo
tent Congressional Directory. •
But' this is the intolerance of bighted
minds ! The South accepts 'the decision,
and will not appeal from it. But the in
dividhal minds do not, and cannot assent
to the arguments of the Consolidationists.
The' Richmond Enquirer illustrates the
position thus aptly :
It was in the spirit referred to, that the
South accepted the verdict of the war.—
Daniel Webster, atter the unmiatakable
verdict of the people against a United
States Bank, did not feel called upon to
admit that the averment was against such
an institution, but only that the decision
was. He did not concede that such a bank
was unconstitutional, but only that the
idea was "obsolete!' Without confessing
that he had struggled in behalf of a cor
rupt and unconstitutional monstrosity, as
its opponents averred, he simply submit
ted in good faith to the decision against
him. lt,was thus that the Southern States
returned to their duties in the Union ;
with the same acceptance of the rerdiCt
of the war, and the same purpose to dis
charge their duties in conformity with it.
The very hest thing that can be done
for the country as a whole, and for the
States, North and South. is to treat the
late war as if it had been a political cam
paign, and to tecord the result and pass
on. • This would be both expedient and
* * •
The very heroism and
deliotion which made the Southern peo
pie illtotrious during the war, are the best
guarantees which could be gives that their
present declarations may ba confided in.
They should be specially trusted for what,
by a strange, perversion, is specially con
demned—a courageous devotion to what
they believed to be right. It is only the
men who dissembled, that are unfit to be
WENDELL Punt.tes, with all his faults, is
deserving of credit for one trait, and that
is frankness. He generally says just what
he thinks, regardless whether it strikes
friend or foe. His description of the char
acter,of the Republican party, for exam
ple, is a master-piece of candor and faith
tulnesa to nature :
"The Republican party to day seeks
only to save its own life. God grant that
they may lose it. Social equality follows
irreaiatably political equality ; and equal
ity of manhood, without distinction of
color, is the last lesson of the war. The
nation has one salvation, and one only,
and that is to ignore race. The President
avows at least an intelligible, plan—he
has a purpose. The Republicans go to the
people in deceit and hypocrisy, with their
faces masked and their convictions hid.
Thope to God they will be defeated."
Tun 'people are expected by the Presi
dent to sustain the Johnson policy, to or
ganize Johnson clubs, add to form a John
son party in opposition to the Radical
Disunionista.They, in return, expect him
to surround hithself with a Johpson Cabi
net. The President is all. Tight, and Abe
people are all right, but the Cabinetis all
wrong. A Johnson. Cabitsig is itft:e great
want of the country now.
Tns Republicans of Allegheny county
having resolved in favor of "that gallant
son of the Keystone State," John W.
Geary, a
,cotempotary takes them to, task
, for seeking to ride into office on false pre
tenses. It says ]&r. G. is not the son .of
the Keystone State; but."a eon of old Mr.
Geary's, of Westmoreland county."
The Farmers' Railroad, to connect Oil City
with Petroleum Centre, Ph., it is stated, will
be finished in July.
Addltim.....g . tlib m ,
- - Ern, inns 4th, 1860.
. Ma. Eurroa : —lt perhaps might seem as if
Democrats had nothing to do with the strife
for office which seems to be going on amongst
the Radicals, and ulliiiiiiMie offiee is altogeth
se • pnlitical Mint tins !Mani thing: we pars
talispoilild MI wad' aloof lima all their. WI
li ti
!wpm ' les., i
.i Th Mc* of /whit ot t t not to be Or.
;„, d t ;pinto oilk tied politiciatict ee
hsead te AsJilli 'bead een annotate •
the office of Additions' Law Judge. They
are all Redoes of_ the most radical kind. The
nearest one of these wfrlitie proparie4 by the
convention of Pile County t 9 the conferees
.from Ott ,thres counties composing this judi
cial distriet,..and he will be eery likely oho •
.010,1114/50-41411ShfirIMIS.161114840. ArANNOMMON ,
Lion bz . tbatzarty in this judicial district may
Pelastutiftfso fis) htivaleckt an -- eitt l ion ;
- Ind this Mali sarthhs n will s in j"u gment
for the next ten yearn upon some of the most
3s.sisstssillilertsls itla iiiticTO se stfiEss,
Republicans I Each being the case, ought
not Democrats to use their influence in ro
ger**,tbilinominiacii? Ought we not to
use what influence we have to prevent the old
.14irt,Ipolitiqraes of. that party, to hap ' he, aritti-Itiniocratia ' csailldM ( tor A I M
longer than most of vs can remember, from
Ong - otrio the Bench with their life-long
prejudices t_ Will a man who ha 3 been , for
'fan MIS R. trip with revery piabile control:6llY,,
andiningled /a It with partisan bitternesii,' hri
his phi age invest! himself of.prejsullooswisr- ,
gekall his ',polities, alt 4 calmly iletatt..oad do
imparliatjustleti to all? Of all the ciiiilidatiii'
aimed! do not hasitate.tir itipriss-asjpieter
mice for Mr. Woodruff. Re is a- lawyer of
good legal sbtUtles, - etinstantly devoted to the
Imbrue of his and living wholly
by it.'' ' Re' bit ittiiii than toiled up lit the
Araralmbrhig out eT.theettrlottroorperatiens,
banks, railroads, &o. Ile is Punctual in all
his engsgementa.,an4 in,his aitenciaeoe upon
every Court, rilthlho practice cf ;Which he is
„very-famillar„lyAtaert r large,and.increasing
business, ass fevr til6theittelaiptation in the
Prothonotary and Clerk's offices will show.—
Ile •hilt - beet renetrhablyinccessful, both in
the courts of the county sod in the Supreme
Court of therfttate. For more than- trelity
years'he has been engaged in the duties 'of biz
profession to this. county, and.although an
setfive and even radios! party 'thin, has been
but once a "eandidate for office, and that via!
when; thirteen year* ago, be was cleated by
'Abe - Whigs to:tbe lieu of District 'Attorney.
-Ms habits are to treat all men With kilolstes
and eoneideestion: For these and still tithes.,
reasons *blob might be mentioned, I say if ,
Radietillianulalinan must be chosen, I prefer
Mr. Wocdruff. .The "old Gasette," which
used to be the respectable organ of its party
and of its candidates after nomination, hes sunk
down to-the position of tke'ersan of a clique,
composed chiefly of its owner's relatives, in.
tent only upon foisting themselves upon the
party. is it not strange that a man so well
known as John "IL Walker should require a
half column lender in the Gazette to make
him acceptable to the small clique who still
continue to be influenced by that paper I If
we, asp party, had a reasonable chance of
success with such an ablellawiirolfed polish
ed, gentleman 'as Benjamin grant; Esq., it
would be of little concern to as who might be
the needs.. of the Republicans, but at the
matter now !tends, I feel (hat it is a matter
of deep interest to all. Yours, ito.,
Fart Nay.
, •
Prints /icon 8 to Ili a.. ? e rr - mi.
Good Bleached Muslin; 1 , yd. wide, in 18 Cis.
Hec4 Brown, I yard wide,' Factory 20 Cu.
W•IIN.•••M ~.,
Oar Gnats an all - nay. bare tom caked trith groat
we. and will be sold at very small advance.
raa24 tt
p P. P: 0. r
Its peculiarity and ohmic' itaxesis all others ti that
after_your ant outlay, on have only to spend TEN
CIINTSI whenever a now broom le ownleed. gun this
trlaingexpeas• 'an ha ar.plisA :by pissatiag • taw kills
of wins In tit* garden.
ownAn y moon cut All on. t n Toa yiyar
' mem maim
Tairsaktp eglita for sal. In Zits constr.
geoid ''br circular. or ragerrlner, near
Oben; ICA Die Co.. Ps., and nrs
era 24-3,0 , J. O. 83/41RD.
The aaderrigned have flexed a me* ?Maim stamens
fifth etrest,tetveen State sod Irmash. (opposite Di n
patch ogles) and will keep eonstaatly ea tuusd a choke
apply at Separe,Tobveo, gaaff, and everythieg a malls
mad la • diet dais Tabasco store. which thy will Pe. 1
at wholesale and retail. 'Plug tad Mae tat dines; tle
bean of the best maaatietate. , lbsoklag tobeeet4Pirk
sad laray pods to grad varistlN
metre& ly • HOAG k arum
SAL U, PROPOSALS—WiII be received by the
la Street Committee Monday, Jose 11th, lees, at
ock, P. IL. for the buildhyr of a: brick or stone
&reed culvert, sexes Garrison Ron, on oath &Wet.
mu and eneddeations will be ea inatiblUell et the i?e
lect Council Boom. Wrisbre Block.
J. 111.M11.11 .
Wm. a...cniA -
Isial•td !Greet Geounittes.
I —MatittratittiZON S•
Prude/ reafg for Obserfor. by escr, Paltry**
4.C0, Crimes 4r Bret.. MIPMIIOII et' Lijuttxurr, 4.
bag and Davit t Ca rf ore.
Daum Plannt.—applen 16017; Pea:k:s 231,32;
berries, 1111040.
Vsnaretaan.—Pcitabirea,„6l.lool2s; Onions, lade
IP2o;lornips, 60060; Cabbage, per bead, 101012; Beath
VOWS; Ciirroik 45060; Yarning, CCTV% Vete/LW
Qyatain, 203 e pa bunch; Onion Sett , . 114 nclie _
bc; bggs, 17016; bard, Welk
#no 5@1,:10;
To —. l l,opVill 112 00 eA 12
0 . Oben, 641,00; oats, 490:4:' Wheat,
amber. $2 4002 CO ; best. .1.1t0. - $1 7543 Fho , ta,
Giffjp Real, fl 4661 60; 64e it, 61 4601. W ;
Batley, 76035;164 - 100,11 6002 00
Stand —Olevi.r,' $5.76 0 V, 25; Timothy, 66.66 0
IPL.CR —Market firm. XXX w. w'hsst, $1
Ex red. $12.50011106; X red, p.soet.qol xx Club 610 CO
010.60; XX Red Winterimew, 00 0600.75.
'ool6.4Radianiaw-iiatia limey Hain; $31,60060.00:
Aght. $28.0002900: Sitar Cured. Rams. $10:23 nee th„,
Cm:nu.? do., 100 Oc; Shoniders,l4ol6; Irir per bane!
$23; in keg*, $2l; Extra You bee, Melo.
ow.••• 11.
• Pas.ifit cord% Vtxtopz- . Tirmblio Otistiont4 wan
noted to trio of this old and popolu mediator
- woairaatirra.
eonalderate reason boors the Importance of
removing long affections in their early stages sad man;
from rad experience bare learned the danger of delay.
Han Coogb Homed, is SOT recommended an a 01111.
SAL MUMS rem ALL ITONAS ILLS, ISA Only for a sped
4te alyst9f Lawmen leaded la the tame strectnre,
ted by the mime causes and requiring much the same
trey tvent; rifling only with degrees of violence.
'Ai is ilhouatit Laic tart*, ute in Its °mation s
thoreggli and irpacilly . its take. Lang a:perinea
prover it has no scriraion or aqui in =Mar aiding
for caring mug; 'nanny:nun, DIONCIIII3II. atom
It temoires Irritation, senses free and 41J11 eaosetora•
Wm. boom" she tight and run senastion to the hinge,
nestonn the rsepirstlon to its mug; ratan/ condition.
imparts health and vigor to the longs and also clearness
and strength to the vele'. •
~ Skin bottle)" iisnetally mallistant to core an ordinary
• St ofr bottle.
fferod to the tied.
Retail price $0 cents
Leffeenet IadSOSMIMtg
log wholasalenad
taut their aviltri
al suwratty
hair Antineine
11111kopeid by Was. 14 .
Is the Pinsosepl*i Ci
'ligCatraotago outs
man vi lun;ir :maw mil
.lafrainita 711 TM* t
otall4e'the le we t
gadfly of the MIMS
it, .q as to reduce t
be a convocation of t
&oriel, some new met
'recipes ?"
With regard to the
thy, or la the me
fluid extracts,l would
lase the health of th
Rained. The coat of
wire* pat taco the a
hauls* ilk it is baud!
My puha (ilfelmool
foraarly, and if it car
on, they hare to
in the price of materii
geed of quality, we i
Commodity, and mai
using the medicine if 1
H. 7'. tiftLWRI
by Efali k Wasig. Fort.'
, CJO State street,. Brie, Ps aad
4Tovirm. ar flualuar; Mal
' Jr., iheiasoor of Pharmacy
ft* of fhirmacy.—"Will the
sope cedar to the high price, o
• ritetive snodldest one of the
!, • make them at a more reason
I V. shall the - chance be in the
m.or In the intoner of appl3 inz
quantity requinite? Can there
Committee of Revision to so.
; l a or modification at the present
niteniplated cheep Lis the quius
in Redly, In the preporattou of'
ke MC Pt OD to sai tbat In meal
' patient la the pat object to be
tho material Is something. but
• with, human health , and o'ten
worthy of consideration at all.
will continue to be mode aa
, •
be nitintsined at present Irt
• advanced to meet the advance
To such as desire quantity W
OOI4 Si) that Weir it a cheep
be readily added by the person
e desires to do to
LD, Druggist ~ ,a d Chemist,
•94 Broadway, New York City
A Corm!, COLD 0
mediate attention an .1
. to continue, initati I
thr.oat afectlon at a;
be checked. if allowed
II of the lamp, a, permanent
• tacarable lan theme V often
roielital Trotles baring & dim
the result. Brown's
lemmas on the • give immediate relief. For bron
chitis, asthma, ea • • , consumption and throat diseases
Trochee are used with always good success. Stagers and
Public Speakers will And Troches useful in clea•ing the
iota, when taken befces tinging or esaking, and relieve
the thrust after an mutual exertio n
, of the rocal organs.
The Trochee are recommended and prescribed by physi
cians and have haV testimodals from eminent men
throughout the country. Defog an article of true merit,
and having proved their efficacy by a test of many years,
each year tins them in new localities in various parts
of the world, and the Trochee are universally pro
nounced better than any other acticie. Obtain only
"Brown's Bronchial Troches," and de not tate any of
the worthless imitations that may be ramrod. Sold
werrywhars in the Matti States, and la foreign coup
tries at 35 cents Der bor. jail
TUN COXTZENToSi urn EXPltillerai on—
Published for the beneatind ass CAUTION TO 'nun
MEN, and others, who stiffir from Nervous Debility
Pro:titan Decay of Manhood, ica, supplying at the
ism HUM TRU NIZANII op SXLY-CIIRIL. By one who hen
owed himself after i:indergoing considerable quackery.
By imelosing a post-paid addressed ezweope, single cop
ies, free o f charge, may he had of the author. -
Brooklyn, Kings Co., N.Y.
JOBBERS. and Dealers In
Our stock la the breed ever brought to the city,
comprising among othcr articles
PRINTS, : „;
_.; .: . f
CLOTHS, • , /
A Catniplate Assortment of Drees Goads i!
rery kind of article In tLi Notion line,
And,in short, a general saria_tr of ereryeihing tonally
. kept en hand in a While;tale Dry /Weeds
and Jobbing Store. -
Coantry Dealers 'are invited to give ui a all. We des a
strictly wholesale trade, and !impose selling at inch
prices u will male tt to the advantage of merchants
in this section to deal in Erie, instead of sending
East for their goods.
X MI .
paoviston, no's, ticiroxis, asaaßs, TOBACCO,
Crockery, Ware, Fruits, Ruts,
1,0 . Mt lITAri 11111111.,
West side, between Bth end 9th Ste., ERIE, PA
Cub paid for &natty Produce.
F A. Wain
ma,24 • tf
- Will be so`d at public outer+, on Seturder. June oth,
1236„1et 2 o'clock. p m, on the pnenwsee. the - following
real estate to welt : Cozraeoeing on the e uwer of Ri.hie .
toed sod Poplar street. and thellell along the northern
line of Ridge road outwardly about 10 perches, thence
north and parallel to Poplar 'street, about 20 perches, to
lot fnfmerly owned by Ur Same, thence wee; on tine
parallel tp Bid, road, &brit 10 perches tee Poplar street,
thence south along cut line re Poplar street about 213
press to Ridge road—the plane of beginning. Coo
tainiag ab mtM of an sere of land, more or less, end
having erected thereon • one story frame building, and
known aa Goe's Banes Garden,
Tuits BAtz —thie third in hied, the balance In
two anneal psyneente, secured be Judgment bond and
mortgage oaths per:else& HENRY SC swEinvi.
ma24l Et Aden r .fgestate of Simon Schneider, dee'd.
KNOT Plod National Eanli of Erie (U.
H. Depository) will Neap. the new Rankine Ito- ni
the R•eit Mom. corner of the Part and French St
on the dist day.•l June. The Directors of this Hank are
J.C. Soon_ ,aer Henry Rawly ,
Chas. IL-Rised. John C. Sedan,
David S. Clart. It mum°,
N. Santard.
M. 5A43011,2, Cashier
SOlllltTllll l l4l Pilaw AND NOVEL . for Agents,
Plains. Cougar, l!itorefa Druggist and all patio,
as Colombia sad profitable Wimp. Ave for' 15 eta.;
wbolesals, $9 ter do, . Causfeen realm from $ 5-to $l2
per dap profit • faiD et
ANADTI' & DOWD, Wawdts,l9lll iTater St, N. Y.
Rt Y " ac
DW EL LING Ut.)lls4 Fr
A await nay twO•story h.... ,
grata ad, 011 t
, int Mt Runt, nem
tense. Pric e $l.O
A de,li a h' e tIIF.I +tory font, ,
a Enound. on easniflas And, a 4 4%,
hien $ 11)10 - •
Farr filet dog hulliteir lota ni 1
west *his, 3 rat+ ( rm. htat, ON
te• all an one neniy. and vary 4.4, k
Rt!PiLt) II pinpalt i
~....t t;
bd ., e„ state ar.l l'et,lt. 111 Li a..,
The eee large eleellia t 1e k ...._
Frindi itrewt, c ,rterr of :teem 71
mept e t e e pale. I ties lotr.-ta,,,.711
Vent elate threw 'tory tet t e 4,,,,,...)
ti n t aid., fialtaad etelse'ete, eee i:
. 2
w e barn a nur7bot , f very
ten...). worth (real $ 5 0 , 0 tem '
H . ,Tiecie House roe esL t
between Ninth an d Tenttte grin,
•elttlee , room, dining oom, 0,6,
dogma, cellar, eta.,tw omel e t, , e ,'
rims? CLAIM DAILLaila Pet
wt. street. Arst doer emit of St •ta. r., 2 ,
A Full City Lot on Eighth er e .
ch,,,,gp g I. alio, the L o t in Oa
Convenient to eanal. Very &ri rev '
Two thole. dry Lot. on Peemyr
CtmlalAst, 11l feet S litchis by
Ws have lift, a tither of ft
AAA Baal , streets. *tea Hog
ttisli ` ravel ground and very deal
Ten Building Lots, earner of
One 101 l City Lot, corner T m t
one oa Tenth St., between Wm
side. 'hi. 100 foot Welt is Id
ties desiring lo red first elm
FOR Se LE • nanher 0(141,
and liarbor . Creek tpa, at .pips
amble building lota in thtelty
AT A RARGAIN.--4% g l u m
the Ridge\ Paid. CO acres tale.
Can be boar ht soder any pier
FOR SALE,-14, acres of Thal
Dam sittiatrd on Ridge Rob!,
containing as orchard of 110
a m , peach arri pear trees
FOR A LE-100 wee arrodi t t
ogles from the city. P r i. e ,l ll4r,
A Farm of t, term to Chtatalo
faro Is locate: within three cute
About TO germ Improved; a trn
good barna and out houses, le,
fratt.—applea, pear Lea, plait I, tt,
Trani' , acres of Farming late. axe,
l a t . 4 to 4)5,' annex east of the ear.
Fries $l2O , pll
aired. - Fine tarn on the 'Ai amt.
A FA.IIII north of the rei;r.,al
Road 100 'ode, shout 'Weer,.
boost, 2 flue Wren, archer:l, cat
is in a No 1 lasts of caltirab•o, ?t,
Terms easy.
F i fty ac , e farm for We—the fir.
)1111 Creek, ab , ot miles b t .,
boom—tine bank tarn, 0rc1.i...A
bottom land 1./ ice 14.000 Pr,a 4 ,,,
Well knlen as the Eli
eking order. CIVI hn bOti tht rAca
owner is obliged to lease the city.
-ja22lt,r Agents and ilea'm
DLL JLI itti HA L Lrtl CAT
Snag has thoroughly prove.
article known_far curing C
and HBADACJUIL It has been four:.
in many cam! of Solite EY Lk DIAT
by it, ano Hammen has often beet
IL time. It Is fragrant and Street
ATE RELIEF to the doll tower 7
or the Head. The sensations aftei
and invigorating. It opens ant
structions,etrengtheas th e 11 4.4
action to tpe parts affected.
More thaw thirty )ears of male se
Catarrh and Headache Snuff hu
for all the mama diseases of th
went It stands higher than eve t .te .
ed by misty of the best phylum:a/
'acmes and satisfaction ever,e zer
of Wholesale Droggiats la Me :
The node:signed having fr.:-
tied with Dr. Marshall's Cat
Mid in nut wholecale trade,,_
Have, It to be eql:dd, to every te r ".
Cons given of It for the tun cf tr:
that le decidedly the beet et.t
for all common dietuee of the Ea;.
Burr & Perry. Reed, anotio t Co,
Co, Reed. Cutler k Cn., Seth W. Far
k Co., Boston ; Renrbaa , Edeezti
Portland, Ye.; Rarnee & Park, A I
Paal k Co.,larael Minor k Co, yr
8covill.& Co., M. Ward, Clow k
New York.
Far silo by all DruggiAL Try it.
Prepared from a Prescdp inn cf
Physician Estraorthasn
• Ms Invaluable =saltine n
those painful and danzeroas ra
toustitutioa is subject. It mn
MOTH in ObitIIICUMIS sad a.,
it Ia Teeuliarlesnited. It mr,,u
the monthly period with re:mhr:
Each bottle, Trite One Do:Im,
Stamp of Great Britain. to
Tine Pills 'tumid ■ot
art to brow on Misesrnage,
In an ears of Verrone id S.,
the Back and Limbs, Tattoo, o■
tion of the Mort, Hysteria nue
affect a cure whoa ell ahem mean.
though a powerful remedy. do r
antimony or un,thing hurtful
Full direetiorir in the
which ehonid h. careful
N. 8.-11/058 Lad 8 pootaie
thorited agent; will issue , & bp
Fancy Cr
Our stock is the mast comp'r
market, and we e.p •eis,ll7 ineite
tr.; m reliant*, believing we et:
line ci - eaper than tbey
cir In retailing, we cannot
S. R. Woonargr, Erg —Pear S:
aid naighb .r., haring co:*otl2,:i
tegritr, desire you to become a
of Additional Law Jude Ac es:, ,
,11 earnestly sotid ted.
Erastua Stater. Henri licCer.:
Rodney Smith, Geo P Fie., heu.
R S Battles, .Tamea G C.ltm,Cto
son, Y C Whm,ler, E1141.1:14 32
it Gulliford. James Webiat.r J
C F Rockwell, Joshua grane,l
sey. L S Janne, John liar, Jr.,
ford, J if Loreridg , e, J 11
thorn, A G Ely, C L
Garrtaxewt—Your far ,r or
me to become a cand'lve far t:
Law Judge of the airh
+rah many thanks ice tae
contain+ Such an etpreesinb , :
bora—ln:minces men wh are
my proteasional an' social tail.:
to me. Shwa d the L'oioa Cole
add their Planation to your wo'.;%
will give me great Vemmi
honorable and re.pon. , bte P"'1";
. Wtth resp et, I am yee!t,
To Frpnry MeCononLErunr o ::
of ,Girard borough.
aintinistration hset , ui
slued upon the estate e. :42)
the c.f.% el' Erie, Pa., n )tlee
sons indebted to ss.d Witt
meat, and those haeiur em.l
pleue present them, duly
Me, lith, i SCR —6.
E LIO T, G001; 00
tfir BANKO:4
W. F. RINDBTOILNIC/IT, LI A G . 14 4.'1 : 1' .51.
This hoist, harlot per'ectel Wt,t
now prepared to Oenetir
Cella cotton Ba , tholl.
le 50
Govirrnment Bond.; trd !ste
and desomln‘ti. Ds lanibt
T (EVE AND :111T11 1110Sli,5
tarn. It 7 u .11 to :air
pd, who sia rend you.
price, nluablr i of Ims:i al,
0 7 bur pily anf sreediy, •iee.
This. informs ion
3 on lash to WWI'. I 111:10t.1:f.,/71".
1011 strictly eorddential. Va. de `' .-
b? "turn-lutilo sad no r srd sttfl
J. 0. SPRNCSR, Pre.'t.
BUI1,1)1Nq LoTs vo)
Sole Agent for the tint.
57 French strut, Ems,
Ruble? anal Leather Tobaecs
•e., k.:,
Turkish, German. and VL7;
On'' Peach Street,
--- 0