The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, May 31, 1866, Image 4
lohit W. Goft,.iind tio Reldiom 'et tlia Xe*lead an From do Gilalaig 5 . am-is, Fayette Co.) John W. Geary;the candidate of the Radi cal Abolitionists for Govemor of Pennsyl vania, watt elected LicatanabiS Colonel of the 2nd, Pi., regiment of Volmitoers in -the rear with Mexico, upon the orgonization of that regiment. in the city, of Pittst urgh. Wm. IL Roberts, of this County, v 71.. Colonel cote nnd died in the city of MexiL Mier his (Leath, Geary 'Netts rromotel to the co , ouelc/. The Faye:te felonry V•luniec•F, ;fir: at.aehed to this regiment and knArt.t'.lJ CO. li. ,They distinguished thennelvei for gallant conduct and intrepid . hoovers, in au• the important engagements troth Vera Cruz! I - 0 the Cily of Mexico. - inc!tittng the hhods .ns , atilts opon that oily. They crntinucd ini service tuVil theend of the war, aud were' honorably discharged. The survivors, uponi their return, were received with well', uirned and highly , dielinguished honorer by their fel' low-citiiens: Here at the county seat, they were honored by a splendid ,reception, parti cipated in by citizens of the county generally, as well akby . tie ladier, .who , greeted their returriiriih all that delicate attentim and re fined taste peculiar to their sex. At Connels ville, also ; were the recipients of a hand some cm:Rice', the heart-felt tribute of the citizens siuttladies of that place and- vicinity. The reception at Cennellaville took place no Sawed* July 15th, ISIS. The reception epeech - wriu made by Dr. James C. Cummings, and the response by tiergelintpeter A. Joliet, After the deliveiy, of .the spefehes, and par taking of an clegint dinner prepared for the \ uocasioa, the warned soldiers met .lozether and nnaninmusly adopted a preamble_ and aeries of reehlutions, which show npthe cha racter of John W. Geary in snub a light as would reader his election as Governor an everlastingedisgracerto the State of Pennsyl vania. 3 , ' These; reseliii lone-were `inenimeusly adt4- • ' led by true and tried soldiers, by, men wit, - `]teem ties rwell, ;tad bit men .who .did not hesitate to - , procitaim their estimate , of his character; 'and that tco not in tender, dainty • sentences,:. but in well expressed and forcible :auguage. The testimony of these proceedings gains additionat force from the fact that it vies -uttered at ~ , ,enott a titne.and under such circumstance% as to exempt - AC entirely from any imputation of political ' influ'ences. The proceedings were \ I)n:dished in the paper of this county, by request of the eoldiers, on the 27th of July, 1848, and here they are. Again we say, read, read, l / 4. read: - - The following Preamlide end Resolutions,, were offered' by the returned volunteers, 'of company ii. 2d Pennsylvania Regiment, and' _unanimously , adopted by the meeting : • Waxman, The &selvage end art ival home of the remaining 'members of the Fayefte Vo lunteers has again placed them in the position of citizens of the Commonwalt4 of Pennsyl vania, m i nd enabled them to spotlit and assert their rig*: they nos embrace this oce qd..n, the flrst/Opfeetunity since their return, to - expreissAber'de4p anti ABIDING INDIGNA TION' Of • tiie. conduct_ of Jous W.- (i BARI/. since he, was ebeted to th'e command of the 2d Penna. Regiment at the City of Mexico. The • said John W. Geary procured his. election by a nisrei plurality of voteby - FALSE HOOD anti DECEPTION-IFM e he was \pro mising to give Company II th privilege of electing their own, officers, according to the lbws of thii , State of P ennetylvania, ho, the Hid Geary, bargained with - others for votes. promising and giving appintmenis in f aaid Company 11, to men from other companies who -might answer his pectiliir purposes. The law of Congress of the 18th May, 1846. calling forl Volunteers for the war with Mexi co. has this provision : ' Seer. 6. And ; be it further enacted, that the said volunteers so ogeritar; their services shall tte.acoepted by the President, In comps niete;-, battalions, squadrons and regiments, whos# officers shall be _appointed in the man ner prescribed by law in the several- States and territories to which a'uoh companies,:bat tadione, tauailrous and regiments shall re , specqvelY belong. - The Bard; Geary, while lie- availed himself .i)c this law to get himself into ort'hih o ffi ce, refused thereams right 'to cothpany fl which legally and properly belonged_ to them.— Therepre, . . Iteiolved, That we, the remaining members of the Fayette county Volunteers; view the conduct of the said John W. Geary towards company ; II as an outrage upon their just rights,' as secured to them by cje lows , of Pennsylvania as well as ihe laws of Congress. The whale ct.urne abd lconduct of the said ,:teary being INCONSISTENT WINE THE CHARACTER 9,F A GENTLEMAN Oa, MAN 1 OF 110 NOR--I t -was treating es as a set of; men who , dknot.know their"righte, and who could not appreciate them—it was CORRUPT stud MRCENARY in all its' I:marines, char- F l acteris , i of a' LOW AND GROVELING pERS.O.- , hunting and seokirg poz.opoLottit.s, for mourage and nate at AM 'TM ' - I " ''"'..: HE NEVER' EARNED, by ha— gaining with sopple teal awl "` , .acenaries ' one of whom at least wad a notorious black leg. i • Reiolved. That the arrest and trial rf let Sergeant John A. Cummings, by a court mar- tial, for daring to assert his rights and those 1 -of the company, was A BASE AND. COW ARDLY ENEB,CI,BE OF - USUE,PED AU THORITY -ON THE PART' OF THE 'SAID JOHN W. G EARY—after , he, thesseid Geaiy, had surreptitionsly and villainoutly suppress ed the order of the Adjutant, General of this &tate r (issued by direction nf Goy. Shunk,) -- directing - him - to - fll all yam:roles in, the .2d regiment or Pennsylvania volunteers, by elec tion—taking advantage of his stolen authori ty to cover ,up his worse than base motives,. - and to iojure the hard earned fame of a braye , and gallant officer. On motion of Peter A. Johns, it was lieutolveg, That all the harm we wish Colonel G.ary*' - is TRAT MI DI - GRACE MAY FOLLOW HINI THROUGH ALL THE LANES AND AVENUES OF LIFE, AND THAT HE MAY NEVER DIE Olt GET OLD. Two aim:mix JcllmPa.—A New t tyk wrifer to th) ineirinvi Cwom , :rzial narrates the following ,1—" A good, r nd what is bet , er, en v.npublished and authentic ate. y cam^ to me the o her day from a "Toilet; e" friend, which' may as wellbe set up in your tYpes-now as %tatty other time. t.onversin ; with Hon. J. A..-13rigo,.formerly state Agent of Ohio in • Nati. York, one day at the White House, the late P. esident told in reference to the rush df office-seekers and their ingenious devices to secure his attention : 4. Why, Briggs. I believe ther43 - 13 :erect a system of bra temp in offices here in -"Washington, for I. am constantly beset by women of ill sorts, high and low, pretty and ugly; modest and the other sort. Here, yea . terday, a very - 1(1111*mo young woman called; she - would not 'tare a denial, was admitted, and went to work solbiting. a' certain office Sor somebody, atipo6sed, to be. her husband he plead his cause dexterously, eloque .tly, and at times was.almost successful by bf r im portunate, entreaties, ;. , By degrees she came . closer and closer to me as I eat la my chair, until really her face came so near my own that. I thought ehe wanted me to kiss her. "Then my indignation came to my :relief, and, drawing myself beck, and straightening my self up, I gave her the proper spit of a look, and said • Mrs. —, you are '!very • pretty, and its very tempting, HOT I wotts.. 7 " PAY As You Go.-:--The eccentric John Ran _ 4°lo once surprie Congress 4,1 t. jumping up from hie teat and. tcrearaing at the top OT __-his biotin voice, "Mr. Speaker ! I have die. -Covered the philosopher's atone that - turns everything into gold. It is—pay as you god" John' Randolph never uttered aliter say ing. to far as thrift, and success Is ennoerneti: you•go," and you wee root dodge alterip or constables. "Pay as yon go." and you etre:walk the street. with Jilt - erect bank and manly front, - and you have no fears of those' you ,neet..— You C11:I look any man in the face • without t3in3hing You need not oross the: highway , ao avoid a dun, or,,lcok intently into the shop windows to avoid seeing a creditor. - Pay es you go." and when you laugh, it will be a hearty, honest one. ' Pay, as yowgo," and you will meet smi ling faces •at home—happy, cherry checked, smiling childrett—a contented wife -and a • cheerful hearthstone. ; • • Ex Gavernor John Leto er, o Virginia, in a recent: letter,.statetii.hat lie takes 1.13 part in politic=,and has not cast a polifical Tote - sitveHe says that tie is peCuniarily - inined, and compelled to iliAue his pro, foes - on. lie stys in conclusion : " The only service canr_nder is to give the country the beaeflt l W example;invehiritting a - proper respect laws of the land, CR i praotl. cal Ow NW." "" - 401 7 4 di kit, HYDE WgtlliT'S tiViENt lIORSE HOE OR CIThTIVATOR , PLOW Zits ifIT•11:11.1.` !LT . . h...e tin receive 4 Ile loi.l pv O r tiont Ithet.tx,i eabill.ted, end ail who have us, 4it pr to, llt f!.t . Lir o :or • thing 01te. 01 the kind 'fin , lo,:unllg Wl' et,ne c.f the advantAgea ibis 1.4110;3U, has uv r tat T 1 01.1 r 1;10.1 no in nee : 1111. I.!glll4tori sad tiono.itity; Leirg rut oof the beet sleet, bight) polifired; and the whole 11111p1t went weighing (Et at fifty to alsty nun e. 24. adaptation to mob , hinds of work than any other eultivatiir known; being a perfedt and thorough Culti vator ails( a IlAtri anth all the twin on, leaving the ground even NDI level. and working nearer the rows than any other Cultivator. ' 31 By zemrlng tbe 'mall trent, and attaching the wing. so the ihr:vel, it ti the most pelfvct Inshument for billing that can ,e funnd 4th. It la the best Inotrument forcovering and digging potat. ea Byer ILra t,d Amu and Marne raa covor putolom; fast an a horse ran walk, and a in n •nd tram can dig ter LOu to 500 tochele of potattee iu a ,iay, u h,n the Le a fair nun. oth. It walks eti •itly well in corn or soy kind of ernp requiring Laltirming, and In most C4lBOl hand hoeing tslopenaud st Rh. OM. Ita chaapu 4 n es ' corsidering the ma y kinds of workto a }Lich • t cintos appltad—the farmer having In one implement all that fs necessary for cultivating and tering any k 140 cr,w, or covering and digging puts toe?. NI timherlom eertifleatie from the most asflueutial far-, lima in the Erni:. d .stetra sight tie riven or the' sopa - r ority ei the aIkOTO impltuzeut overall oilers designed ter like p.m° le3. We shall be pleased t retch e e e 11 from any one who needs ri Cultivator or t hovel Ploar t and explain to them : the merits of the above Hot e Poo over all other 'Mee ' nerds or the kind. We warrant title Hone 116 e to work; as a Cu'tivitoi a well many Caltivator made.--aa a; Shovel flow,aB Well mostly Shovel Plow—and se a Hone' Floes complete tweeess, or refund the money if it does' ;not meet this warrAeten We also keen on hand in cooneetlon with cur ilatd-1 ware, Stores Tina ate, and Beene Foriiithing-Goode a, complete lINFOITIIIe Ul, 01 Untie Rakes, ' and Fakee, Cra7n: Cradle'', Scythe+. Sloathee, Forks, thies, thovels„Epad s,• /to. Por.'t fail to give us a call. • W. W. PIVRCE•k CO., Sole A g'ts for None floe In Erie Co., Pa , int Ashtabula Co , Ohio' Coen state ascii 9th . t. 3.. Erie. Pa. WII W. l li I\ litil.' fayl6'Bfellw] Geo. J. RICOVD. F thOllo 'S FOB 1866. J. W..BK.S.DLEY'S CELEBRATED DUPLEX ELIPTIC (o 6 DOUBL) - SPRING• SKIRTS , re waiver acknowl ,d be ladies rough out length and !adth o the; id to be the; wt perient eesbie t r inviated.'l three but soda of,i tX ,aa b ' In g ~ v'er, and ice or double n•ed. ley will not; id , or ereceni the single ings, bat ' plea rye graceital _ perfect --sets will'have been thrown aside as useless. ' They combine comfort, durability and economy, with that eleganc of shape rthlchlse made the Dep'er. Slip tic the standard nitirt of the fashionable world The invention consists of Duplex' (or two) Eliptlc steel co: ings„ ingeniously braided tightly and firmly t 0•,., gether, edge to. edge, ma Itiog, the tJUgheot. moat flexible elastic end durab , e, spriog ever wed. The wonderful fler.:b lay and greLq comfort rad pleasure to ark lady. • weariog the Employ l lipttc Skirt will be experienced particularly in, all emwded assemblies. operaa„carriages, railroad ears, • hu-rh pews. atm ch the, ~ and for • - promenade and house areas, as a skirt can be folded i when In use to ~copy a emelt space as easily as sank or •j muslin dress. Th..y ere undoubtedly the lightest, meet' clash com:ortn ,, le, and economical shirt over inside., The "Empress Trar." the "Paste Trail," and the' "Pride of the Woold." the _latest styles Introduced, Is made of the new Cl•iplcs. steel, wirioh Is rolled thick, giro , Mg a grew. Tashi-Lan, r and prcoinclng the most perfect;; and beautiful trail treggested by the present fehbion, losing none of the ilexkleAsarillties for which the Du-1,.; plea skirts arc Co pre eminent. 1 OPIMONS 01 THE VW'S-% EX'CELSIO . R' 'FIRE WORKS! Br.uller's I uplex E.tie sold everywhere, is a great. 4 lv favorite among th fas ' llo4l)lnpeople.—New Tech Ex- T Tern. Thera ‘r e aot equnled in elegaree., elasticity, dtiraing itv, °mil ecquoras Y: ' The Dup z F.liplle is accepted ea the latest step' t o . we'd perfee ion is skirts.—N.r. ETO. Pont, It gives the ino-t s style that - to , .dera it g..n eel in app a:ann.—Roston Pont. ThO'impro.emeat tl rough 'the Ruprez i is so great that all otne styles are fad falling into .. aliswe N. Y. Corn. Advert: or. The Dup'ez `i.DL ti^ It too greatest inkoroTement In hcop ' For ale W116,16 , 1%14 and R.66fts. Tie .cie e opplied Yolc coat—trAn•portation ' , WO: • , 110 NELL, STEP Fi f..K -& ILDEY, No. 6 Reed Roo se, Erie, Pa- ma2l t 3 (MEM EIVLIENL.IVB, MANUFACTURER. op B 0 4 0'1'8 AND 8110E8: WHOLESALE AND RET 4IL AT REDUCED PPITM. Haring a lar es stock of my own = alletorera hand, with a coarplet• *anneals:A of city made work, I Can Pelt cheaper at Wholesale or, Petail than any otlier istablishment in Ma city. Haring had long experience ea to tho wants of eeeto mera I shall take ioeilal pains in I,ipaparin . g my ewe u BUR them. 1 have the czclusive tight to :his citi in make the ' _ - . . PLUMERi,kATENT BOAMS Sc SHOES, -tar the benefit of in r customers, aid_ only ask a tr.! _' . - .1 them, to satisfy say one as to their superior comfort over those made in the , Id say. . , , , The Plumer Boot need' no bpeaking in; it Is u easy (rem the start ae one worn for some time. kV . . CUSTOM DKPARIifENT Will' receive my own . and my brothers eepeetal tention. LEATIaIi, LASTS .1211) FINDINGS • Y e t the trade always en hand to suit. T daring my thanks to my friends and customers fot past patronage, Z hope by jut and honorable deaJtng to merit a .ontinuanee of the same, and cordially invite all to call and examine my stock 'before purchasing else where. No. MS, State St., Erie, Pa. mar2:Pffilf. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL - GROCERY STORE. • P. A. BECKER. & CO., WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCERS, rforlit-Eart Cursor of lAs Pork ek Franck Street, fanueetsinej Would respectfully call the attention of the communitp to bib' large Stock of GROCERIES. AND PROVISIONS, Which he le desirous to 801 l at the VERY LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES;His assortment of SUGARS, COFFEES, ° ' TEAS, • SYRUPS, • TOBACCOS, FISH, &C., Is not aurpaesed la the city, as he is prepared to prove to all who give him a call. He also keeps constantly on hand a superior, lot of PURE IQUORS, for the wholesale trade, which he directs the attention of the public. , - 17.1 g motto is, "Quick Sales; Small Profits and a fanl Enuivelent for the Mons.i." arall'63ti 446 11 Ha ttl lACHINES Pole erne- for irter (moots fvr those ee'e'ntte , t Ma chines, bsa on Irtad et Lltlr &: GLaidieg'il Tailor eLop, Fifth street, bedweel State and Pesch, a lame y were r embracing all kinOs and prin..s, which respe attune inrites the public to rail and evowne The chine ittacknowledged ro be the best' in nee, doing all -hinds of wzih, and being easily kept in order. F..r -proof of these asaartiona, l timpir oak a ti lel of the ma chine, ',Litre nirir them to do all I promise. reUt all Call owl ex mine bvere pu-chsalag other macbiMe :tpscisl attnntion given to ret airbag tda chices dr any kind prompt y repaired, at moderate cher vil- *. T . . ana94ll-tt N EW MILLINSILY S.: OILY 6:M/5S Store. • - MRS. S.ll. BALL Ta'tes pleasur-1n announcing to the public that she has opened it new store to ljarmon's Bloek,2lSquarea south of Union Depot, Marian will keep constantly • large variety of MILIiINERY AND R Y.GOODS, Hoissry, Clothe, and ■ general assorthaent of everything carnally kept oalvard la a ' , tore of the kind. A cum stock or Gaols just received from the Befog flodoova 9' autos oat her old at/4,949 wilt .191/ /JO= coo to Skold of July him cosi4 • 999244 HOUSE PURNI I SHINC EMPORIUM! CA'RP - ETS, OIL cLoTus, DRFtsS GOODS, DRESS TRIBiIitIOGS; . . And everything tells found to a Belt class Dry GI:10dB Store, 'nab we offer to parehaa re at the lowett poultile zates N i We hare &Leo added an We ham secured the seniors of a drat etas' dohabiter. who i. esperleneed inputting-up doe Cartaina and dales the GorationdlopUpbolablry. Cirpots u•sde add • aid, Wall Paper pot on by exper.o Mai workmen. We ire propitt to firhitah Myatt Rouses and floteWthrourhont, on short node •. 'We are determined to sell oar goods as Low as can be procured in Buffalo or New Ytirt. City. Glitrita • MIT at No. T Reed GARDNER, GROiS & ••Suctesdois to G.' W. vlarJoer. ,m,y10'66 B IMBE & BUILIGIESS i o itairipaarrizaza (7 PURE, CONFECT 1 PLAIN AND FANCY CANDY I ORANGES, tEMPN i S, 'NUTS, &CI., I. `Y . A N"ll.4's 11,0 TIO 24 S FINE CIGARS AND TOBACCO ! ...• t , • t: MOSS AND ELM CANDY! The Chtapeq and Most Pleasant coub Rural, lL THE '.COUNTRY! ' THROAT AFFECTIONS t , , 414.41. T ' COUGHS ANIVIRRITATIOIS! t; MILD '& PLEASANT EXPECTORANT ebls'66lf. t o %VIM & CARSON, Dealers ALL BIND 3 OF .GROCLERMS, P WXT3. VISORTARLIV AND PROVISIONS, ;Fifth Street, between State and French, SAS Ps. .Eavingrated our stock before the te prime we feel confident of being, able to give Pans ' faction, both in price and quality. - • - Sinintry Produce ofevey Port bought and sold. Farmer, can always depend on receiving the highest mar let price for their articles. DEALERS LI THE ADJOINING TOWNS, And on th• Linea of Railroad, SUPPLIED WITH TRIHT, VEGETABL E.., &O. Give us a Call. l- MEM= MAY k JACESON'S ItAIIHRT DEPOT HEADQUARTERS FUR • CHEAP - GOOD'S! "-W1101.1i&tiLB AND R4TAIL f - GROCERY AND PROVISION !STORE, WINE A LIQUORS. • • F. & M. SCITLAUDECkER, Are not' reoeitlny at lbw old etas& aunif luta Moe, State stoat, a largo and superior a ottt of, Oro-erier,, ProehdOns, 'Wats. Ignore. Woodea. and Stowe Ware, 4ket . aD7 • Toarther nttb ce'erythtir found In a `Bonne of Ihti 2lnd,, which they will MI as eheep as any Other *dab ttobtuant In this city fur Cash or mod kind, of cottntrY produce. They basest.° on hand one. of the largest and Amid Stocks of Tobatneand Segue ever brOnght ;to Erik to Witch they invite Um:attention of the publtai rarCall &Ad MI as—a elaitiestxpency bettafibas iimAsyw sbillismoonsynyntly Caditvers lop And troli !v b 1 ealline atth, GROCERY HEADQUARTERS, —AMERICAN FLOOR. STATE STREET. - - anus ZlB4O-43 -\ r. kN. SCIFILLIMiItra. E 3 T, E E, CURED FOR ONO DOLLAR. SDI Pirr line dollar, per watt. I Will Had free to acv , Immo a recipe end cooiloloe that I Will tie to elm nit worst calee of Catarrh In •tha or braze ibtattabee in a few weeks.. It ham need iv Ilfe. and tared .tae si Catarrk and a 'torero bronchial tremolo I bad suffered with for learn. I tried the lest phiptirdan sod all theadvertlnd.rnrdteinea - of the dzi. but found ma rebid WIZ talned:thjs,wltild give eh. bnadred doltsra . mai *fps , 'ad the' inedtetee,ir I now bed tha Catarrh and conld'itat *Mita it Irn. I WM, it tostlibltltwoaletnnallett. it will anti any rase wbatinrer thssbl so, lawadt,rwithed the bake ladgeaa. 1•111111 a id lODUCameap Cure it while rt lO art• 2, P. ar IX% /0.162 g fts 11411. T. ERIE CITY DAY , .• . AND MUSE FIIRNIiISINti 0006 i OF k 6RV DESCRIPTION, DRY :GOODS. SHEETING ANIi SHIRTING, HOOP SKIRTS, UPHOLSTE'R'S DEPAItThIENT, MATTRESSEi i LOUNtiES; &o. And dealers in all kinds of WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.; WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ISZI WHOL E',S A L E . TOYS OF ALL'EaNDS WHOLESALE. ' FRESH OYSTERS! :` r - ' Aireats for the •LL 000D.S.INt OUR LINE BENER BURGMS, i 431 STATE STREET It will do all that is claimed (or it, i 12= CLEAR THE VOICE, I. And pieve itself • 011.!T BENER & BURG,EO,, !ERIE, P 4 Frylet Seim,. anl7-tt A NID . t J rave added to that. extennvo att•ek of- 71 - !AP1;14.. JI A NG INGS, CURTAINS, A Compete 61., ti{ of We Lie; contently on h e,l LACER, EH 13 ROWER ,14ES, And shall ki ‘ 3l;l on haE d and made in Older pIOILIIVNI NATIONAL CLAIR AMINO,' At the 81ira of Quo "01rIlflag," OPIUM IN FARRAR WALL BUILDING, Pest Park Nam. pate, Pi., or address Loak lloz 101. Tensions obtained for wounded and,dtsabted Seidler* and Peamen or their widows or orphs a. de:sootiest =others er sisters:-. - SATiffFACTION GUARANTEED OR NO PAY. ' Dick pay and Dainty due eoldiers and Segatio and their heirs, col eased with kreato facilities than by any other *sew in North,Weerrn Pennsylvania, haying bad font :see -experience in the United states Treas. MONEY ADVANCED ON CLAnse. Raponme 'rearmed to °Wilma& bringing hope, end burial of dorwaaed Soldlars.and Seamen, collect/id at dm alga of the "ald Mr." Pay , on p.oaloga promptly eolk , eti and slimmed. All monocled foldlari and aramen are entitled - to pea. flocs. OTFICERA, ATTENTION I' - Expenses Incurred tot rearitit'ag. and pay for time le. occupied - collected. u well u all ot the ahem AT: PitliZtVi SATIoNiL CLAIM AORSCT, 11.12. .• : No eh until elitism are paid, - Remember pay on montane begins with date of applt eaten, claim aypllod for wlthm one lan of the time of discharge et Inraold or dratb °fume; I - Odleers haring unsettled amounts, will end at this You' an old 11. 3. Treasury Clerk, who hu had years of etrerienee in their amount& ()Orono' and sa,men, at Parlays/A agouti?, CID collect py for o . othing, kg-, loot by destnuttloa of ship In ao. Una. ' Look oat for ittiN • 011 11111 r "OLD LAO," PARK PLAOS. Ciente for horses killed in action, or sold le the tint led States, promptly collected. Remember, 8. T. Parley was tour years to the U.B. Tecunry. Bdit.i IBS; BO I—Prls• money promptly collected at • small per cent., by Purist, a late 13.1tessury other. 8. Todd Parley. thankful for the very liberalna. tramp bestowed by the public; feels that hating had a large experience u a 11. 8 °Seer, and as Cor. Bea of the Fenosylvanla Soldier's Asseciatkin, sod Coismtrianer for Terms , ]vela for soldiers, during the war, he no render unequalled service In North-Western Pennsylva nia. null Soo CHAMBER!! & DI NN, PHOTOM „. ± . PkERS! GEM TO A LIFE SIZE PHOTOGRAPH. WARRANTZD TO - 01V2 SATISFACTIOA Union BIQA, Setweta Brolitta ,note*;* Rood Hoar dee2ll'6Btt. , , . music • sTon.E. , WEIGEL & No. 820 State Street, Erie: Petraylponia, =SIC AND,MUSICAL EVERT DESCRIPTION. Italian, Pren%h and German strings of the beat qual ity. Solo sputa for Chlnhering & Bose. Wm. P. Drucker di - Cee end Raven at Bacon's Plano Fortes; aleo,- - tfrieelebrat:ed Treat & Linsley Cabinet Organs and UelOdeon ' Iftwirrand Strings sent by win free of postage. - An Oars promptly attended to. Catutugne of Ingle sent has of porters. ap2d-l7 n 1.4 CITY mord WOUI/11. "- FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS, IILURIPACITIII ' . STEAM ENGINES. AND BOILERS. I WALKING BEAM IRONS DBlldlxa TooLq, GEARINGS AND MACHINERY All our work la roade from the test owitstials, sad lirklt• : RANTID to be of the BEST STYLE AND WORKMANSHIP We are now addinglsraely to our ifaeilnery arid Manufacturing facilities, to onpply the Increased 4e mand for oat work. W. J. P LIDDELI: GEO. SEMEN, jaEltf. JOHN H. BLIS3. M ANHOOD: flew Last, How Reetolo4. Just Published a new edition of DL Ccrayrnwsta's amasser= Es saw on the radical awe (without medicine) of arzesavoisasosa, or Seminal Weakness. Involuntary Seminal Lmssi t , Iles !MT, /11111ta and Physical Incapadty, imPadimenis , to Marriage, eta. ; also, Cossinualost, Sinner ar d rITS. Induced by self•indelgence or sexual eatrava pace. sff- 0 Price, in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents. The celebrated author, to this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty jean enecessfel practicq that the alarming consequences or self abuse may be ran fealty cured without the dangerous use of intoned med Mine or the application of the k toting out a mode of can at once simple, certain and elCea by me •ma of width every sufferer, no matter whathis condition may be, can care-hiresell cheaply, privately end vodka/Iy. sW" This Lecture should. be in the hands of 13 TOrl Jon th and every man In the land; Sent - under seal, in a plain envelota, to any Adds** on the receipt ofai s - strifs, or hroputagestanarii. Addles the publishers, - CHAg. J. C. KLINE di CO, - _127 flowery, Ne' Yotllt, mar 1 5 41.4 . Poet nokooßoe 4.6,6 ICH lt; !—The enders has has la store over els I thoenad ton of the ben Presque Isle lea. tor 'the 'sown of 1850, 'indite le meyare3 to coatraet with par tin toiripoly then for the aeon; or in any mouttty at ones To TOMMIPI r HOW esioneir. and others, min inducements will be offered null! make it an object tot them ,7 , itkit notelet immediately. f will guarantee my lee be toe best tint will b. , offered In lb. market thU eNtaaon.% Ana bent probated to eoPPI.T. the 4 07 , le welt ea all 'foreign demands co one , can do better by mrstorners to qualifier pries than myna. I may be found to- the present Man bonne neat the ollt•lot lock. Wen through the poattiazet will be atteneed to. malb bro • TUOB. Ogi7SN/IJOR. . Ea" A,LE BREWILIty, CORNza Ol PARADE AND BUFFALO CITESICTS ERIE CITY LAGER BREWERY, CORNER OP POPLAR AND RIDGE STURM ERIE MALT AND - 13 IRLEY WAREHOUSES CORNER OP I'PN STREIT AND CANAL BANTN. Pal* and Amber= and XXX Ales. The Beet Qeall and Una] Varieties of Lager, E Prunifieleciod Hoodan Hops. ••• n• Choicest Qualifies of Ralf and UAW, ea Mad and sad for ool• by. KING. ildillitt GLOVES, BOSItitY, VANKKE NOTIONS, ALL EINDII 07 PIOTORIII, 710 X a Executed to the beat style of the est. Natural Ilnlsbed In INS, OIL OR WATER COLORS. Dealers Is LIDDELL, BELDEN & BLISS, OIL STILLS AND TANKS, DRIVING PIPES, rOXPINGI,II,I,OB. CO/Ml' boAL, bOhlti W; M.: WittTtliY C C. ArS I.llhtir the best quality et BITIMIINOttSt COAL AT LOW Elisi RATES, • I i • DOlillue4 114 luli pet: a? tlic cal, - . And will maks greater reduction by Quantity. or I.m ' . Load We bare now ou hand &I I LARGE STOCK- CIF ANTHRACITE c()3 :.' • Of all 'pradier. ~, i• • Our Coal only nerds a' l.'sl to routine, ar l 4rnre or IA superior quality. 07 crsorner l'rarb errl ' `41*.z.44.•,. '. Eric, Pa. I. lb at Austin's Stole cri 1 meet h'1:0 1: prompt attention. .- .. • • WA H. fiITi.X.Y .. doatrebtr. . It. J. •,:' 4 f l'ill 4 4 . —,...... . TllB I. GUI (I if ILIATTIAIi A.' •....A• A A z In Mum fig To as ' , .- 7- 4 0 the u..ost 1 oeerful egrot 4' , for the Sf l oreadl 'led , Blood o Cettle, rietue, or Slieti), td promoting digtstioni 'orating th e system sad • ranaterring tba.prniesd animal Add in flesh, fat,Mill, butter and strengtl4, and eats!): italiing brat azol rig.... L nviiirs ri . 43 , .Alai' rosirbEß la tto 41:nly tirlicinoi.A ----. _ _ mated by Itelr Cniarta, honored with Prlce•medats, and inv ented - b kir. Duro,. Proferaor of the Imperial Colle:e 'for igiiraultnre at Dar* and'irow rosaefactured by Q. 0 . IlirriVrr Lir. 0 1 Z. and .ii, /Montalto. Pa. - . All tilll , Orli of the Stomach. 8100d. 1 4 15 111 sod BOW chi. speedliy and certainly cured. Healthy stock II ill be brought - Into/the highest state of perforaixtri, and one to two table:T(os • weak is of great value to hard working her ' 'breeding atria. mad Colut'and saved tfunsands of v treble horses from contagions disease. u well at the bkrapyard as In the Army of the Potomac. THE LEHIGH WORM CON I: , Elbeturdly overcome all the objects which tumollY Pro' vent the expelling of Worms, are pleoesut lb take, mid ale° hoe of the most agreeable purgatives fit Children So confid4nt is the inventor , of th. sneoess f his hibo rious Snake, in the potbelly cal composition of this, preparation. that he furnishes every graduated Physiliao with a written ,preseription. as a new era ',in Natalie • • THEUNION ROACH, RAT, MICE AND- ANT FAVER•IIINA,TORI • le a Powder for the ante eater a - Motion of lOU Vermin militant. change with age or climate. awittedi prefers hie to the old Phosphorous Poets. which dens . short time, making it worthless. rot di lions an t partieulars see the small bills in the Bosse+ Eiglety.three Premiums Awarded to th Prepare, hoes since VW. Dr.ick, and Carter & Carver, Sri% Whole's!, an Retail,agent& for Erie county ; R. E. Sellers & Co. Pittsburg ; John Headmen & Bro .Pittsbilli, and lieu ton A Bro., C'eyeland, Wholesale Jobbers. I Gittpututits! GILOCEItIES , • WHOLESALE A N.Li•Ot P. SCHAAF. Would respectkly inform the public that hello Jtj.)Ut. Store in N 0.12 HUGIIES' BLOCK, ER I E, PA., Where be will always imp ou hadd a lar t , agivts * GROC'ERIM CROCKERY- AND 'WOODEN - NV A R WINES, LIQUORS, And everything mai for sale in an est4lteno t • the kind. cr. Tartu as reasonable as any other cite G LICENSED AUCTIoNEER AND GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT! Obtains Houses and Stores for those wanting, and tons Stores. Hotels and Dwellings, with or Without tbes frumitnre, forthose giving up housekeeping; Also, buy all kinds of STOCK IN , TRADE; MERCHANDISE, lOUSEDOLD FURNITURE, CARPET 4„ STOVES, PICTITagS, MIRRORS. mum, itt ANt OUTDOOR SFFYCIS. '&C., those s lahlog to sell by private eontract,and ylvanes money on any useful property Intended , for. unreserved We by auction. Those baying or 'elan Pus hear to their advantage by applytog to ms. a+ the j uencar. vußbirruag•arinur, • , I Srie, Pa. colVestf. NSW FAUN. 1 1 . ' PORNITTIRE AND (INDENT/JUNG .W Alt E-$0 0 131 ! On Stets St.. between Sernith and Eighth. The Sitbscribers have entered into the Cabinet Mairlitg and FURNITURE, TRADE, And propose making to order and keeping constantly On hand all kinds of fruniture. Orders will receive, prompt attention. Repairing done on short notice. 1 UNDERTAKING 1 - The stibecribers will give special Utentiogi to this 411- went of their towline= They will manufacture and keep eonstantly on hand a large assortment of listallia Cues and Comes. and bold themselves in ;r eadiness to, meet orders in this line, promptly, from any part of the eonntry. Determined to spare no efforts to give a/LUAU -flan both in the quality of their goods and l prleea, they hope to secures liberal share of public patronage. MOORE A RIBLET, Saccessors to . MUM sprll'e2-tf. R EADY PAY- STOUR. I' A. MIXNIG:U Would -ATerpeettally Inform the' Polak fiat he has l'urehsted tke , T j. STOCK qf GROCER:CS of NIRIGG ir'ROSSELE. ooiLIM OF ass ADD STATISTS.' Whale he Intends to keep as good att toportxnent of • FAMILY GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, WOOD it WILLOW WART, AND YAM* GOODS as ts kept in Fri,: I Kept constantly on hand. REST: BRANDS OF ERIE CQj FLOUR, WAIRRANIED d GOOD ARTIOLS: • cr. The highest Market Pries paid for all kir t‘a ol Country Produce. or Goods flavored tees of charge to ank part of the Cite. • • 0rc2P66.0' CANAL MILLS. ti — , l'he undersigned hiving completed their mains upon the Cana Mille won'd rlopeettaily inform:silos public that they an now prepared' to do . .. I 1. . CIISTOM GRIEDIN-4 We also keep oonstantly on hapd a foil stick of I=3l FLOUR, FEED, GRAIN, &c., Of all kinds for rale at wholesaleor rrtalli CIAtIR PAID FOR ALL RINDS OF DRaiN. JITHN ROBP:SiIiN, Miller OLIVER & BACON, 824 State St, Erle,ira. izub23-Sto F itANci,s rFEtP.FgIi, XAVRACIIMIR. AND DIALZR BOOTS AND iBIEtOESI EVERY STYLE AND VARIETy, No. 810 State . St., West Side, set. 801 and 9th, ZAN, PA. J it received, a new stook of Go be sold at the loweet.priees. FREDRICKS . 41k. 11/111, (Sueenuors to Webe; & Uhrol DICALIES IN GROCERIES' AND f'ROV I ISIONs 1 • Wines Liqu'ors, Segars, tcbq.cco, CIIOOKERY, .WILLOW • WARE, ,FRUITS, M!IEMEII State street, East aide, thud door no Brldge, ERIE, PA: P. Puaaaicne sia244l j aunt. & mos, D4LILLII It CLOTHING AND GUTH' FUHNHMtG Goons, • Coinei at &Tenth and Ft ERIE, P 4 F►UM Felt SALIC.—roe tinfersigned offers tor wale . hir farm, situ tad in Fairview tOwnahip, ens mile inst of Fairview village, milli* Ridge !toad, con taining 40 sere% an improved except 6 acme fir e cod and timber. Said farm bee emoted thereon 4 small tram. dwelling ha.llo 'with good ataim cellar aad ili good frame term 43 by 30 f• et, with a abed at web cad -a good welt of aril water. qui oryosegorehud of *oh from • Fdt Parikulan *Ware of the amdmilinord' on tbe prinolost• (644,40 0 ,3 BILA Irt,tnb7a are two in truinbtr:aituateilst iho up. per pari lit Viol:01u, ilarroutuleaby Lai add cubosi3ti:l3, of tit: ee : Thu interior, tie Intoriur, alrl iho Lat.:rum. Thu ,r absorb.. .Int , ll on voila:, which boras am a 11:4.11 Vey it to thecavrur, r.unultui: in a 1,111::14,1 et.clB arec.unut bl.p.hlerl:l;,llx., ui. . • I,— I! 5,1 i, lib ` , l tItc.:S.,I ;014 t C • 14.1.V0 a:her: l l'llJ\ ate wit! t•li.s. iniv 6,zi.rviofl)•i't;i•ettnt t edrin tit. ri.•;: 414_ (.16t1+1 110 the 71:1'1,11f.., itylett 1.0") 4 ” , g 3 1-;• Lod,. .1„:" tlsqart , lieg/eO-11. EMESEI 'Far •nivier !Lou tt clAo be mad by tits alLst', it Is at health and tufwt..ll posweis; as() supported trtzti thole sourced. GQ,UT, OR 1111E' Pain iv'eureit i IR In the loins is 4 diseases.: They occur in persj , stein:wit and chalkycouepetieni ' •1 •111 E GRAVpI. The gravel a•nsues from neglect or improper treat: moat of the kidneys. These (irons beingrort the is not expulle4.l frcuai the bladder. but o wed to ; it b conies feverish a:4,1 sediment'turztts. It is trona this diwOcit that the stoni is formed and gravel ensues. wally pataut*d is Franey &Island, Sv,itcarland, & Holland, and duly ad I, their Co,- IiIIOPSY • Is aa qoalawtiota of water ha some parts of the body, a.,a bears (birervet eceurtitag to the putt af• bko generally diffused over Ulu 1,0,1 y: it 14 Mika Allsitt;l,l; 101(7101th° almlormas, .taclhai when of the elatst, Ilydrothorur. , ld's highly concentrated cornix?und Extract Unchu-is decidedly one of the beet remediei for dl acaara Or the bladder,kldneya.gyai , ol..droimical swel• Wigs, rheumatism. and gouty affections. Under Vats_ lir:id we bare arrangzd Dreuria,or difficulty and pits ui passing water. Scanty secretions, or email and fre- Tient ilisenarzes of water; Strangury or stopping of Water, lieniaturia or bloody urine, Gout and lihen• matism of the kidneys, ridtheut soy change in quan tity:Lot increase of color or dark water. It was al way a highly recommended, by the late Dr. Phyale.t. in Diet,: affections. This medicine increases thO power of digestion and excites theansorbents into bealthy exercise, by wlNch the watery or calcarconit depositions =dal' unnatural enlargements, as well as pain and lallannuation, are reduced, and is taken by _ HEY, IV9.IfRY AND CIDIDRES: Directio s.for to.+ and diet sccotuvany. PIMA DE.LI•ULA, PA., February 25, 1357. It. T. Iligaraotn, Druggist pair sir: I have-been a sufferer, for upWards of twenty yeltd. with gravel, bladder, and kidney attee, nom., during which time I have tried various tne.ll - prep irationA, and been tinder the treatment of the most moinent physiclaus,caperiencing but little relief. • 111. - lug seen your preparations extensl4ely adver tised, I eMisnited with my fisatilyphyabalan'in regard to iisiu your i ztruut Bra hn. I di 1 this be ',atiae I had used all kinds of - Winn/Died man:dies and had tound tnem worthless, and tqnue iyinto injurious; In fact,- I despoiled of ever getting well. sad determined to use no remedied hereafter unit,: I knew of the ingredients. It was this that prompted me to tied your remedy. As you advertised i t we., compo,c4 of iiehtt,cl.theta,urttlja , tipdr lkerelea, it oc.mrred to ins and my physician as an excallant e dabitiation. and, with Ida advice, afta.-aan eX.Altiinr,tion of the article, and consulting atlain with the druggist."' concluded. to try It. I couatneaced use ,Ito•NO. eight mouths ago, at which time I was eon. not il to my room. 'free/ the first bottle I was ad.- Mindlied awl irrit::l , •,l et the benabcialeifeet s sudafter it ;dm; it three wee:hi was able to wallf out. I feltninch like writin - g 3./41 a fell at:den/out of my caso at that thine, but thought Iniprovement might only bo tempatarf, and thernfora concluded to defer and see it it ,tle.:.taperfect cure. knowing then it would he of gr.-t t. , r value to yell and more satisfactory to me. 1531 NOW,ADLE TO NEWEL' THAT A ClatE Id EENECTED AFTLIL NiO ME REMEDY YOZ. FIVE M•JNINS. I EATE NOT EFED ANT NOW . roe :HEEL WONTIO3, AND FE:' Ai, WELL IN ALL BEtqI,CTN AS'I ETEN DID, • Your Dacha being devoid-of any unpleasant taste and odor, a nice tonic awl invniurator of the system. I donut mean to be witnont it whenever occasion may require its use in each adbctious. M. 31nC0111LICIII. . . StlTlld - altY one doubt 11r. SfeCerrulek's statement. be rfers to the following gentlemen: 11.01 L. WU. eckieveniorcl'aansylvattia. II Ilan. J. 11. Judge, Philadelphia. liba. IC Judge. Philadelphia. ton. I). P. Pc. it rt.n, ex-lioN calor. Per.usylvaniu. lion. ELLE, Judge, l'hiladelphia. lion. It. is ti Judge, United Stab's Court. T./it I to r ir, , Pri,Cipal Depot_ 1,11 , 211A)L1 14.1.0 AL WAREHoUS::, HOTEL REMOVED: occupied the Ifansion House, j the past foneyirsre, has remiss NATIONAL CORNER Oh ,PEACH A Where he WM 'Cry to accomto and as wen, is he did in the o the patronage Which wee so I there, will be et' ended to blur stabling is enrScient to scano. may favor him with 'Thais pa ap2085-it CLSIVISItiti, CAUGHEY AND PROVISION DEALF RS, WOODEN 'WARE, NAILS, GLASS, ROPE, REFIWED WHITE LIKE, OW VITRIOL, CAUSTIC NOS. 25 V. 16 NORTH PARK STREET, C . ENGLEHART, BOOTS - AND SHOES, ALSO. XiXOFACTIMER OP CUSTOM MADE BOOTS AND SHOES, Would take this method of returning his thanks t , his friends sad the public generally „tot their Moral patronage heriitoftww extended to him, and hopes to lucre a continuation ni the teke pleasnre in informing the public that 1 still setting READY MADE Boors! AND SHOES AS CHEAP, -IT NOT • LIITLX CHEAPPA- Than any EOM e in this place, and, lam still making the beet qualities of Gents' Bootie and Shona, for which 1 inn• ploy none but the BEgT of WORlLMEN,underibe Super. inteudence - of 0. HILLER. Baying obtainedAPcense to uij the PLUMES PATENT BOOTS, lam now prepared to make the Plumes Patent Boots ind Shoes in manner not to be surpassed in Style ane Workmanship., gir / always ker:p on hand a selection of the best Brands of 0 reach and Amerimn Calfand Kips. P. S. 7 Repiiring attended to. • mrl2T4tf. KEYSTONE STOVE WORKS. TIBBALS, SI.IIRR & WHITEHEAD, M.1201/ACIRRIHBOI7 STOVES AND HOLLOW WARE, Rave • large and extensive easortmett of Storm at Wholesale and Retail. THE IRON GATE Is a erst-olsas Coal Cook Stove, *Oa or without reser. volt, for hard or soft o .al, Or wood, and is BETTER THAN THE STEWART SW v . L - We al o manufacture the WHEAT SHEAF AND NEW ERA, Roth low even Coal Cook 'Stoves—wits wood grate t -Po be Watt either for coal or wood. .T :HE FOREST JAR.. We are still manufacturing Date ce'ebrstoo oven . Stove for wood—with or without reeervoir. THE DiENTOR, A LOV Oven btOT• for wood This to I new Ste•e 4eslgn, and now for salel-togetor vri-th a large areorbnent of elevated Oren Coo , 'Parinrectoli for wooskko r coal, and Parlor and °Mee Stcrvea, for wood or t0a1..-, C. N. 1 lartAts, sHiak.• .w. H. wunsifEAD Kris, Jan. 12. 1865-7at;'- • ,ithich will Railroad Moss , • , -.- .. . ~ . wroi.icis To - pitY629,1418 iIANINU r ~ I DUCAL IN POR SAI,E. • • . , „ • W. we nor running a Narks! Lino from CAI to ' nova, on the Philadelphia & Erie railroad, and Tinto:4 moms all kinds of To carry It pa, limp established • Depot oa Where we will be at all times ready to receive sad pay « the .. . , foi the setae. All hA Pridnee for sale` are regtest ed to Etre tut sea. Impart for Muth Depot Mth St. sail 0,1E16641 may a JAMISON, TNt ' ICIQI4IYt. for viimittt.i ut tl»at}•'" iit :Or ULU taint:. -ilia r tube and ...tilled the e.t.a rata ft/obi:W.lFr. cuieriu,p, UT CpliCr,Lito Lower. 'rh • ripiit.e et... t e ,tut: t ire to In 184 ~iituout uu tv,r frriii?;ifito :I . (lLion their Viii ';1•111111,.. r4V1.1/ i.r L. up,y al.ty matsm cliomttre of the above Ino disixolett to Dal TREATMENT. (i. V. WoGnwetzu. Judge. Philadelyina. M.D. \V..I. Pi pin rr., City Solicitor. Int:lt,lelphiM. Lon. J.dis BI4:LEn. ex-Go% ernor, California. Hon. L. I.l.tmis, ,thditor-CaLrral, Wa-thington, D.C. many others, if necessary. 'S DRITO AND . CUE" 594 BRO - 111:Iii0POLITAN • WAY, onm, YOTUL cerywhere. nterfeEts. .11 bold by Dr.-ggista aIZ4Via.CG Qf CC); The Subscriber who has st.above the Levet, 171 into the HOTEL, BUFFALO STREE.I I 3, .- tetwtee as many gnats, /• d stand. Ile hope* that beralty extended to him, • hie new quarters. •odate all teamsters who _ . ` nape JOAN POVI.R. " do BUROEVS, WHOLESALE GROCERS ♦LBO DILLIES IN WATER MILE, SODA, GLUE, &C., - ERIE, PA decllll6V4 DEALER IN VEGEI'ABLES AND COUNTRY PRODUCE PIFTB STREET. In the rear of the old Reed House, BETWEEN STATE AND FRENCH STREETS. EIGHE'ST IdiRICET PRIGS tr, 17,E vt For tlie ttand,kercllitt • • TRALOI 1 - I , its itlFl9e aosaro that howi!vor .13 to a ircet 11t3 bolay r welt aµd blood aft) A Most LA,Luisite; grant Perfume, Distilled fro' and Beautiful Flower front takes its ' name, • MamifactuTl only by PHA LON, 1- NEW yor.K. MBE or Comi ABS FOE PIIALONS—TAKE No 01 kkold by Druzgitta 4: w •ki Lad* take Particular Notite TEE REAL . VELPAII PERAig • • EWAP.RANTED FarsCl! WILLS, so ceittrat i d years ago in Paris for the n Lei irregularities, and afternani their criminal emploment_in ,b ov ti ori ; are now offered for "K l, ft.,; time in America. They hi t ‘ e comparative obscurity from the 14 , :t originator, Dr. Velpau, is a phy-I , ..iaa of great wealth and strict •consOentic riple.s, and has withheld them frrAii we, lest they should be employed for purposes. In overawing Female Ohs: Falling of the Wornb, Whites, Ore nem, Suppression,- Itrtention, or Imm Flow of tholMonthlyi Discharges, the to be' truly Oielpotent, bursting op good-gates from whatever cause m a) stopped them; but they are offered to ti,„ lie only for legitimate uses, and all agri , ‘ forbidden to sell them when it is mid d , that the object in unlawful. should never take them when tl , reason to believe themselves they Will be sure to produlie a raL• 77'7: These pills are entirely safe curastances, l being compose .1 , tances from thervegetable Each be* has the coat of arm, f r of Paris stamped tm. the, " Trade 3faik" in French,to c4.lzt is a misdemeanor, and all pcn. , ns with according: to law. , 7..V'• Full directions accompany ct'ex' Ladies can obtain a box s, f: of the curious, bt ludo:deg One Unthr: post-office Statue to any ruTect.,bi l pats, or to' 0. E. STAPLE'S, itntra for the United States, Vatert.c.m, N Agent; h Ace:Ms.—Viers & Elliott, Hall &114. Booth, Liddell & Uro . Carter & Carver, ' , 41 Bro., North East : Belknap & Bro., Girard ; Fairview ; Rilerfotter, West Springfield, Horn all Mph TER, irk I.)VE S, COUGHS, DIS TEMPER, FE VERS, FOUNDER LOSS OF APPE TITE AND VITAL ENERGY, Re. Its use improves the wind, increases the appetite—givr a, smooth ar glossy skin—at tramdorms, t _ miserable skeleton into a bone. In all diseases of Swine, such e 3 Ci the Lungs, Liver, ac., this article acts as a smcific. By putting from one-half a paper to a paper In a barrel of swill the above diseases will be eradiated or entirely prevented. If givrn is fl -preventive and cure for the !.. Price 25 Cents per Pape - , or 5 P3pe: PitEPARETI FY S. A. VOIT`EZ AT THEIR WHOLESALE Dail muum No, 116 Franklin St.,Baltim( For Sale byyThugglsts an d:S wax: out the United Stafgs• m524'60.1y Sold by HALL EAGLE FOUNDILY; PEACH ST, A2OVE Ta d UTTFAL HENRY { , BRYANT \,t (succebr.ors to Achelion t ILLSC7ACTURN7.3 , NARLOR, COOK AND 0F TIN t SHEET 1tt0.4 AND ALL Lanos OF )F.CI gYery Stove ;sold by we Irarruit , EettlPp, Sleigh-43.0v+, Sad !root ofantared to order. PLOWS AIID.PLOW POMTB of ay bait, always on bend. A eall an clew is All we Lek. liENRY, BR' tort4'63—tf. M OttitltiON,a; DINS3I WHOLIZSALI DI • FLOUR,'PORK, BEEI • covn, nmercir NOS. 501 503. -•- _ - :UTINEBS' WEDDING AN.i dend.,Vertiflestee of Oil 0,1 •iTANIPLNQi 9,IBOSSING, SEAL,:!, m. LAPH-tg , ..-A , 7 4 ll.lo,ol4StllLrinta, 4alst rags Bci 156.5.1 t EILIS. Sit !INA [IL 111. The.notrar ii i Parablised the , well-known Lirn"/ .."• 4 ' occupied by Wm J.Stermtl, dewie to and the public Mat he will eontocr Se bto invitee their patronage. • ,THE, , STOCk Rill t or I... , Atf,:e!:r inereare.l end mIP“'I L .T.,, ter% macesh y eon proCurt , i• or.: r& ti sln the cert 7, nt , '' r''''":,, s ll-0 131 the estabhphment as to f. u. 0 .err. °Malt) the t,errte,, :."'/ yl ready at aq !Imes to seerninuda:4lo, • prices. it.ecilleet the,. place,t • OW storai' 4 1 fifth stmt, rear of thettieed go • las TH . 0 54.4 3' itrif4 Jane. IW-VI .P * 1 • 1-: 1: 4 -tf ‘ ,os FR% 0 FOUTZ'S 13:1311320 This • , ;m1 r , cs )1: _ )rok L. and clnn =t maca In 5 It 15 a ntii c iead LB, GLI '3ll oe of t 1 Ixa.n pro c: tual eNT r: increa,e City cf c cream tncf Cent II 11l lt FR • al L t.; man • tt: