The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, May 31, 1866, Image 3

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    ht trie Wohig Coerver.
PP" —
rue Campaign Observer. ean.frien,l-3 that the period- for
pi -, . 04
,c,, , e , rty the Ouberna
,hi or, ivo4l. In no way
;„1 lone towards the promotion
4. a ° by the dissemination of
1,;;! s 1 ,„ rine ;pipers. The Campaign
pil:14hol at the low rate at mat:
1'i.•111„,s, or FIFTY C 6NTS for three
i 'l he 11)ihe hand. of every lam
, ,tc13 .4 0 ;. We desire, if possible,
s?cute a circulatlon of two thou
O: ;et a nd call upon, all Democrats to
Vtaining I lzt °hie t Who 'will
,e'fiH to t.e.l3i 04 a club of five, ten or
4- 1
;Ich. cf our present subscribers
n) by ti nply speaking to him;
p 1. O
n,,lacea to .4.ttb
e, and with a lit--
eac hat can he doubled in every
-pstrict. Ga to work, friends,
. fm.:c
‘ti; a y, and let it'inot. be said that we
can for G : vernor by the want
ia :hoe who claim to be hil-4 sup
ma 3
;011-01ENTs. Our new advertise
he Fist wok or two, have been of
iutcrest. We have not the
cash of them a proper notice,
,Action briefl l q to the leading ones
[a field, Esq , Jailveriises the list of
,ii • Co., , rocers. publish their
gfCat io ucements to yieisons
•';',';',,r,ithing in their line.
r lve - riPes a new patent broom,
-Tights for which he offers to sell.
•,i,L4,icl.neitler offers " Uncle Sam's Oar
isle agent for the Howe Sewing
:ela thi;""county, calls attention to its,
iTtephens & Wddey, the enterpri, 7 _
rods dealers, insert a half columit
of their business.
prolley's celebrated spring skirts aie
fa., sole .by Stephens &.
•Poitz Li Co. pu lish a notice cf their
,t Cittle Poled • r 3, mopioualy illustra
se'vot.'.o s from Natural Hitt-
:,,,;tard CrawfordSt McCord have opened
Dry Sloods and Notion Store, to
ec• itivi:e th e attention of country
Peterfon & Co, have for sale the
c(qdi , ftr , Fruit Jars, and Hemp
,iF.d.,Wcol Twine."
gives notice of the orening
irLe Pry GooTt and Millinery Store.
Ptelftr, dealer in Boots and Shoes,.
.3,teation new rteck of good.
is .rir6 'ear, Greders and - Provision
;es, offer to sell as low as the lowest..
ithalzc has taken place in the running
.tf passenger trains on the Philadelphia
8, Re , & CO. adegtise all kinds of
3 hard and for sale.
Mehl have to stocli`the lai•gest va
;11,1:len acd smokers' articles ever
m the city They are ping largely
c'esale trade. ,
v. p. Sweeney, Admipistrater of •Sally
esrate, publizhes the usual leg_itt no-
Dalt,l7 Nrr.DEP.—We call the attention - of
e cf Democratic principles Eiie
an'y to tt:e important 'fact that if they de
:re to *lain the coming fall campaign, the
one hti arrived when they must be pre.
TIOg to ri.irs
‘,, hal their strength for the fight.
se pre.t.pee'e on all sides look as flattering,
siet)ry so we have ever seen them—the
.”&irten are quarrelling among themselves
a, mach virulence as they ever did with
leader is a ma,n of no personal
--laity, whose nomination, has infused
eitusinsm among the' rank and file ; and
cauie of discouragement that we can
rt ire is the supineness which
_prevails in
• ,WII Mato. We want more heartiness,
.:;11, more determined exertion. Pre
moments are rapidly passing by, and
• :ere * has nowhere in this county (and
it is true here is true of almost every lo
in the State), been --even the slightest
made to organize for the campaign.
toss more vigor is displayed soon, we are
imger of being defeated, as.we were last
t.s our own inaction: The :Chairman of
Democratic State Committee is a gentle
nof great ability and indomitable indite
and is doing all in his power to marehel
• whole Democratic and Conservative army
e line. Perhaps no one could be found
the..State.avtio is'more competthit _to direct
e business he has undertaken than
allace, and we feel confident that nothing
11 be left undone by hip to-secure the ob.
t so much to be desired. , But there is
meth's); more- rieeded 'than energy end
?:city on the part of,
.the Chairman.
n . be -hearty-- co operation among
.maeLes. The people must work in their
o immediate localities. , Every man must
a•iler Himself enlisted for, the campaign
until the battle has been fought
itot'3l,er next. Are our friends awake to
t imprtance of, complete organization ?
r23Fse; arouse themselves and do their
.17 irittierendiri contest, the Disnnionists,
at their head, , will be swept like
oo ro.'3re the wind in this October gale
is to overwhelm the Rumps with utter
Dr, Liston, •
k!befere announced in the columns of tJis
the above celebrated Surgeon and
7•ltiao, frlm the ALBANY INFtaWARY, will
'to Epic oz Monday and
nd 12th days 'of June,
i • ,I , slsN's HOTEL, for the
diseases cf the Eye,
,•: .r, - Bronchitis, Polypus, Dys
may be presented to him.
• ;7
SVRACI - SE.' April 3rd, 1866.
•ughter has been suffering from
' rent 11 , r - ears together with par—
last three years She was
esf that We had to ehout in ordo to
Zit , - .I hear. She had been under the e re
:fez rd rhyeicians during this time, , ut
`•..) receive any benefit.. Two nibs
placed her underDr Listo s care,
:I! :lank+ to 'his great skill she can now
I s. ever she could, and her health
, '! :hie I ever knew it to bo before.
tipi, t of the Warren Mail 1-ites from
that he is glad to know 'that Mr.
Its a c - andidate for renomination.
L -t elan, we tire told, had at one time
4 Ilurpose" to retire from Congress
• .1: C.O o ''._e of the session," but., having been
ilp:,:red and besought by thotisands
b 'ftl ., Jit citizens to do them the f4vor of
oce core term, he has at last gracious
muis hawilliogly yielded to their en-
N.thinr, but a solemn determination
e people, ar.dbis intense
• to flousl vict0ry,,0.....e are
posi,ibly Induced our pa--
1- - nto come to this decision.
-ng - ratetul in the voters of
'ter such a memorable display
o their wishes, and seal for
• ey should fail. to 'give Mr.
_ tunity of, drawing $6,000
'le treasury.
iuu pf the First Presbyte
;., • tuck place at Rev. Dr:
Thursday evening of last
' my attended. Three hun
• esented to the Doctor,. and
C .stun.
Local Paragraphs. . -
The Crawford Democrat says lion. S. New
ton Pettis is likely to win in the Congression
al contest going on in that - county between
him and Mr. Finney.
_ Stecs bare been taken to crganizo a Young
Men's Christian Association VI Meadville =
The influences of such an organization are
said to be greatly needed there.
.Wanted, at this office, one or two gold b
betwecu 14 and 10 years of age.—Dispotrh.
We await with curiosity the result of our
neighbor's experience. . •
Mr. W. L. Boss, late of Brown's Ho
tel, Ills purchased the Clething and Hat
Store of P. B. Honecker, in Union Block, and
proposes lo carry it on in a style equal to the
best esta lishments of the kind.
The Warren Mail ought to be ashamed of
itself for printing such a disloyal paragraph
as the following.:
G. W. beCtrap, of Erie, announces himself
in the Diipatch ns n candidate for Congress
ional honbrs. We hardly believe . the candi
date will decamp in that direction!
Oar friend Capt. - Cronin, the auciionecr,
has waked up; and found himself famous.—
The local paperk of North-Western Penneyl•
vania have mostly printed his biography,
and, through the medium of the associated
press, his name has been published as one of
the "big guns" of Fepianism in all the daily
journals of the country.
The Stockholders of the Union and Ti—
tusville R: R. Co., held a meeting at Union
on the 24th instant, and elected the following
officers :—President., W. A. Giabraith ; Vice
President, P. G. Stranititan Directors, C. N.
Smith, of Riceville, Darius Shreeve, of Bloom
field, E. Cooper, SA SD], R R." Frisbee, of
Union Mills.
.It is saikhat Hester Clymer has finally
consented to withdraw his 4name as a candi.
date for Governor. in fatior of ,14,dge Barrett.
The ah4tve partigraphichis going the
rounds of the Republica; preqii of this see
tion, we are assured, upon good authority, is
entirely without foundatron.y - Clymer has
not the, remotest idea Of.withdrawing hie
name, nor has the project of substituting an
other candidate in his place ever been enter
tained by the Detlocrats of the state since his
A correst ondent of thIS Dispatch who fur
naes it the proceedings of the General As
sembly of the Presbyterian church at St.
Lilis, is in a bad''lcay. He went to hear . Dr.
Stuart Robinson, * eplientacky, preoch, and
pronounces hick "beyond question one of the
strorgest, if not , the very strongest man in
the Assembly" Unfortunately, the Doctor's
political views do not suit the aforesaid eor
respondent, whereat he whines and philoso
phizes dolefully. What a pity it is'tbat most,
of the ablest men in Church-and Slate should
belong to the class which our ootemporary's
correspondent, with Pharisaical egotism, de
nominates as " disloyal!"
Paper, manufactured from wood, is now be
ing freely made at several placeitin New Eng
land. The mills, we think, walls° on mereas
log in number until the price Of paper shall
Come down to a rate which will allow pub
lishere'of newspapers to pay their way by
their subscriptioni. ( "Ecirt• fouv - 01 five
years the Struggles of publishers cannot be
imagined by the readers of their papers. The
price which has been charged for newspapers
has borne and still bears no 'comparison lipt i
the cost.
The Corry Telegraph says.: " George A.
Cowa •• a receiving, clerk in the A. & G. W.
Freight Office, was discharged a few weeks
ago; S\nce that he halt spent most of the
time in and around" the office, alleging as an
excuse that he was waiting to see the head
clerk, th 4 absent. Last Tuesday he went.
East, i
an9upon examining the hooks it was'
found attic he had forged a bill of a car load
of-dour, and appropriated - the receipts for tie
same, amounting to about $1,200. Steps were
immediately taken for his arrest, 'and Friday
petition is in circulation in the
last the deputy sheriff of Cuba:; - ,N. Y., (where A
oikregion asking Congress to make an ap-
Mr. Cowan formerly resided) arrested him ill
propriatioa for the benefit of Col. E. L. Drake,
Buffalo." He is now in jail in this city.
Those of our people who complain of the i\ the pioneer of the petroleum_trade, who is re
ported to be in circumstances which require
climate hereabouts may be surprised to learn
that he should have assistance from some
hat unpleasant as the weather has been this
source. We presume there are few who will
Spring, it has been more moderate than in
question the propriety of tendering Col. Drake
parts of 'the State further south. As an in
some substantial recognition of his services
stance, on Tuesday night of last week, ice to
to the interests et the oil region, but it would,
the thickeess of a quarter inch Was formed in ,
look much bitter to have it as a donation
Meadville and Conneautville. We notice that
even as
the same `disagreeable sort Of fer in the interior as Williamsport and from the hundreds of persons who have rea-
lized fortunes by his skill and energy, than to
weather we have been having, has disgusted see them oegzing an appropriation from the
the people of those localities. Aside from General Government
the high winds which prevail in spring and'
autumn, ire believe the climate of Erie will,
compare favorably With that of the most fa
vored portions - of Pennsylvania.
Our friend DeCamp is oneof• the funniest
fellows living. Ile is so good in his way, tlil t
we have often wondered some of the comic
papers (the Corry Telegraph for instance) did
not engage his services long ago. Witness,
as a sample, the skillful !manner in which he
burlesque l s the style' in which Radical aspi
rants offer themselves as the servants of the
people :
CONGRESS.-.-MR. EDITOR, SIB: --Please an i
flounce my name as a candidate for Congress
et the coming Election, subject to the decision
of the Union Republican Convention of this
District: And whether nominated and elect
ed or not, I shall continue to gide the best of
my poor abilities. to sustain and Uphold the
great principles of civil and political liberty
upon which the Union Republican party was
built and now stands: G. W. DECAMP
We are informed, With how much reliability
we cannodnew say, that the movement irk fi
ver of making Hon.. John 11. Walker the Re
publican candidate for Aseciciate Law Judge
is meting with considerable succe.s Ills
friends say he will certainly carry this
county, and that Warren is pledged to his sup.
port. In cast tlie latter etafement is true, we
presume _ Mr. Walker's influence will he
thrown in this county in favor of Scofield,
who announces himself a candidata for re
nomination to Confies. Appesiances indi
cateaory plainly that Erie county is ag in to
be maneouvred out of a representative in Con
gress, and if she can - present no better candi
date than the only one who has thus far been
announced, we do not know but she deserves
to lose her right to o member in that body.
The Meadville Republican tells a story in
connection with an accident which. happened
some time ago upon the Atlantic & Great man _
Western It. R. "The baggage master sat in 1 Mi. Rupet t., jr., of the Conneaulmille Bec
ht', carreadizg at the lime, but perceiving by l '.- or d; was in town on Friday, looking as serene
the motion of the car that mo:ietilelent,l4d iae a basket of apple& We met many good
- n place;be Attere!Pleg-to. Jump ,onf,, bit ' , :fellows in, the -course of our travels ; but not
vie ~eati, I . e.a,N wa box e B' sal t 1 ,, i ., ...
'-r —e' i:d '
- - -- - ..r moray better on than the brothers Rupert.
jammed.. Ile was taken out is an insensible, -.
The ...-" ever glorious Fourth. c f July"
'condition; - aid being laid upon\ the
g round an
I will d,
attempt was made to revive him, which proved 1
1 soon be on hancel and it is lime, If our
successful As he opened his eyes to a con. zens -propose 'ebrating the event, to
commence milting their preparations. Who
sciousness of things, a clergyman stepped out will start the initia cry movement ori the
from the circle who surrounded him, to offer subject I
prayer for his complete restoration. Ile 1 The steam saw mill of Mr. G.-B. Webb, at
kneereddmn by the side `,of the victim, but,l Ruth', Landing, in Springfield township, was
before s proce t eding with his Work of mercy, he 1
destroyed by fire on Thursday morning of
asked the youth, "Areyea a Christian ?" 1
last week. The boiler and engine were eared.
"No, sir,", as emphatically as his weak con -1 Loss estimated-at from $600 . t0 MO.
dition would allow, " I'm a : baggage master i
matter on .na . gage .
Reading matter on on
9n the Atl.itiio k Omit Western Itikilroicl ! ,
The arms consigned to Capt, Craniii,en
account of the seizure of which wo gave last
week, were taken possetsi4 of by the military
authorities laat week, and ISIV noir stored in
barn in the rear of the Park House, wherey
they are carefully guarded day anti night.—
The authorities seem to have no doubt that
they were part of the Fenian armament, but
this. it emphaliCally denied by Mr. Jahn
O'Rourke, who is here from New Cork as at
torney for the owners. Capt. Cronin has
made affidavit that he was -innocent of any
attempt to trespass on the laws, and that he
had nothing more to do with. the arms than to
receive them for sale on commission, as he
receives other goods. It looila to us as if the
Federal officers had taken measures net justi
fted by the evidence in their possession.
The editor of the Warren Ledger bad a
dream the other night, in which be thought
that Thad. Stevens died and went below, as he
certainly will when the,' grim monster" puts
his clutches upon the old reacts]. "The
janitor refused to, admit him, the grounds be—
ing that he would raise the denim with his
majesty's subjects. Presently Satan appeared
and compromised the matter in this way:—
Here,' says Satan, 'is a quantity of matches
and brimstone, Take the materials and go,
start a little hell - of your - own somewhere.—
Scofield, of Warren, ht. 134..0wry and George
Decamp, of Erie, and a few others will be
here presently, and I will give-them over td
your charge. You and they areltoor.trouble4
some for me. Go by yourselves—you mini
enter here.' "
During the organization'of the SSd regiment
the lamented Col: McLane expended a large
sum from his private resonrces,•>rhich west:ter
or reimbursed to him by the 'government. A
proposition has several times i been agitated to
make the amount up by.the iOluntary contri•
butions otetur citizens, and 'present it to his
widowed mother.' On Saturday afternoon a
meeting of ladies was held in Park Hall, to
adopt means for securing-this end. Commit
tees were appointed to solicit subscriptions
both for the city and county, and with proper
activity on the part . of those selected, it is
hoped that a sufficient amount will be realized
to place the mother of our favorite Colonel in
comparatively comfortable circumstances.
A new in:urance office will Boon be opened
in the room in the Reed House,,, under the
First National Bank, by Messrs Varner
Gerrish, of Kingsville, Ohio. -1 1`he latter of
these gentlemen we are well ac4iiainted
and the fact of his connection with - the ism is
assarance enough that it will be entirely re
liable, energetic and accommodating.- Those
of our-readers who luiVe insurance business
to transact will find 31elars: Warner & Gerrish
as pleasant men to deal with as can be i raetin
'a reek's travel.
The car wheel Taunt:a - dory of Messrs. Dav
enport, Fairburu & Co , on the'canal, near the
railroad crossing, is rapidly - approaching
completion, and will soon be ready for opera
tions. This establishment is one of-the many
going up in all parts of the city, which arc
destined to acid largely to our prosperity and
importance as a community. TEe managers,
Messrs. Davenport & Fairborn, are both men
who are especially adapted to their respective
positions, and we are informed that they have
already secured enough proffers of patronage
to insure the success of the enterprise.
There will be few of our readers who will
not regret to learn eilthe severe illness of
Wm. A. Galbraith, He- was attacked
while at Franklin kit:week, with neuralgia,
and returned 'borne on Friday evening suf
fering extreme pain:, The complaint has since
spread over nearly the whole of his face, and
his physician has given strict orders against
permitting him to see visitors. His illness is
_not regarded as serious, but it is feared that
some weeks will ensue before be will be alio
to renew his btusiness duties. The people of
our - county, almost withoul exception; - will
extend him their most earnest wishes for his
speedy recovery.
A third candidate has appeared - in this
county for Associate Law Judge, in the person
of John P. Vincent, Esq , wgose announce
ment is endoreed'by a dozen or moremitizens
of Waterford) The candidates for the poeitidu
are now as fellows : Erie county-8 E.
Woodruff, John 11. Walker, John P. Vincent.
Crawfcrd county—ll. L.. Richmond, David
The fence around the West Park is
completed, and both Parks are now enclosed
in a (fateful and substantial manner. - 'When
the debris at the old market honsil;shall have
been removel, and the ground it occupied
grown up with trees; Erie will be able to
beset two as tasty Parks as can be found in
any place of the same else on thiS side of the
The matt destructive fire ever known in the
. oil region'occurred in Oil City on Saturday.
The whole east side of the creek, comprising
half the business portion of the city, is in
asbes, COReiPting of 15 store's, 8 hotels, 40
Aare!Hugs, 1 church and the seminary. • The
is over one million dollars, on which the
in-urance is only a hundred thousand. -Over
a hundred aid seventy-five families are reit.
dered" honeles4.
The Committees cf 'Ways and Means have
agreed to an amendment to the tax bill, pro
viding that lists of incomes shall not•be pub
lished nor furnished fur publication, but they
shall be opened for private inspection 'in the
office of the'collectors. The dtcision of the
Ccmmittee will be an agreeable piece of in•
formation to About who haffe had small in
comes during the past year. •
Gor. Curtin has appointed Ca'pt. Wm. J.
Luqe notary public for the borough of South
Erie. So far as we have knowledge, this se•
lection will be received with general approval.
The Captain is - a brave soldier and clever
The Warren Ildger, l esrpestly opposes 4110
nomination of any man except a stralght:ent
Demooiat as'our candidate for Congress. It
thinks tbe dcfcat of Idr. Scofield will not be
so difficult as acme imabine.
file .FLI Et Natio/24_ Yank =via" ocoUpy
the newt tlidr , in the lieed Reuse, an Friday,
June ht.
At Windsor, C. W., ou Thursday, oil was
struck at a depth cf hundred and fifty
Naw Liour.—We ba;ve bad in use for Bera
rd weeks one of the tew . " atmospheric coal
oil lamps" recently introduced to the atten
tion of our citizens, and can freely and heart.
ily recommend it as ationce the safest, most.
economical and best oil lamp we have ever
seen. It burns without a globe, gives a light
nearly eqcal to gas, is free from smoke, and
tionsumes at leaSt a third less , oil than the
chimney larn?s, in • common use. We believe
that it is certain to supercede all the old style
of lamps wherever it is introduced. Mr. A.
I'. Streeter is the agentfor this conaly, to
whom applications foi borough ant-town.
ship rights must be made.
, ,
News 1 Items.
A lady in Pike counz,Y, Missouri, bas.ballcd
her lest baby " in compliment to the
, .
The new ., Tennessee Franchise law disfran—
chises all whoi aided the' cause of the Con—
federaoy—oSer nine-tenths of the pepple
Tennessee. !; .
The little tax of ono ten‘ upon every box
of matches produced las't year throughout
the United States about $1,500,000.
The famili of, Albeti Sidney Jobniten 'are
in want in California, and the people of New'
lief Neon! aro.contriblitifg means for their re
, •
A'colored man Ist Cincinnati, - recently sued
the Judge of an eleetioU for,refuaing hie'vote.
He claimed $lO,OOO dikmagea, and the jury
gave him one cent. !
r ,
.4" um° girl i& years old, named Jackson;
hanged herself to death recently in the woods
near New Richmond, 'O., beoaude she had
been seduced. •
A white woman has ; been arrested in Cin
cinnati for attempting 'to elope with a negro
barber. Where is the civil rights bill?'
Charles 0. Donning, residing in Eighty Mil
street, Now York, was accidentally shot in
the neck by his wifo on Tuesday as he sat at
Quite a large quantity of strawberries are
now being chipped North from Norfolk, price
five cents a quart. New Irish potatoes bring
twenty-five cents a quart.
The New York Hera . fd gays it-is noticeable
that rents and the price of real °State in that
city are lower now than they were two or
three months ago.
In the Supreme Court of Massachusetts, a
verdict. of one hundred -dollars damages has
been awarded to John M. Way ; who was as
saulted by a mob during the war, - and cam.;
polled to make a " speech.
• Itis uederstood thati Mrs. Lincoln is about
to-purchase a reside rice in Chicago; for the
sum of $14,900, and! that Robert Lincoln is
about to be admitteePtkthe bar, and to enter
upon the. praetjco profession in that
The Columbus (Georgia) Easittsirer fears that
the eiperiment of introducing German labo
rers upon the SoutherOilantations may fail,
because they require:food which is not raised
.and , 'can only= ha procured from the
North. Thi increased' expense of suet' la
borers neutralizes the cheapness of their'
It -is estimated that the proposed trip - of
Mr. Fox to Pnrope in ',the iron-clad Mbxnto
nomeh. will cost thelovernment not far froth
$lOO,OOO ; $40,500- Will ho required for the
payment cf the offmera and crew of the yes
erl alone, even if the; cruise be not longer
than six monbs. 3t - r. [Fox bad better remain
at home. • 'I
Attorney-Generalpeed had lengthy in
terview with the President on Friday last,
relativ - e to the trial of Jeff, Davis and the in
dictment found by the Grand Jury at Norfolk,
presided over by D. !S. Judge Undefwood.
Mr. Speed, it is said, gave au opinion as to
the legal character :of the indictment, and
pronounced it legally good for nothing.
A writer in the Niw Orleans Christian Adeo
cuts says that, to- fat' , OF -he ;has ascertained,
between one thousand and:ttwelve hundred
church houses were bdrned down-- during the
war. These churches,. he thinks, had do t
the peopls not, less than five millions ; of dol
lars. In the loss the Methodists ware the
greatest sufferers, the Raptists next, then the
Presbyterians, and the, Catholics least.
The present accidental meeting of the old
and New School Assemblies of the PrlTsbyte.
Hen Churches at the same time at St, Louis,
has resulted in tiremarkable and probably
unlocked for. movement toward a reunion of
the two bodies. A joint meeting of two-As
semblies, the first since 1837, was hold on
Monday evening, and a large vote was given
in favor of a reunion. It is said that mea
enres will be immediately taken to (parry out
thiv decided expression of opinion. • '
At a sate of the furniture in the British
Consul's (Burnal) house in Baltimore on
Thursday, red pepper. was sprinkled on the
floor, and a genernl enuring and coughing
interrupted the sale. Mr Bennett; the too
ticneer, offars one hundred dollars reward
far the offender. ..1, „
The House has passed a bill giving - the
PrePidect a Privaso Secretary-at four then.
Pawl dollars salary, an Assistant Private Sec
retary at three thousand dollars, four Clerks
at (me thousand, eight,hundred dollars each,
and a Steward at two; thousand "dollars;: the
titter to give bonds for the safe keeping of
too household furniture. This force is lees
thui is requisite to dd the business pressing
upon the Preilident sand the salaries are
scarcely up to the standard necessary to corn.
mind the ability that is required to fill the
mend offices unmet ;
On the Hudson River Railroad, on Tuesday,
a locomotive ran against a man near Pough
keep ie, picking him: up and .carrying him
ten miles before discdvering the state of at-
N r .l : seine of his bones were brokon, but;
he was perfectly tionscions,. and was not un
likely to recover.
PsAOE 011 WAR IN EUROPE. The Londe n
Daily News says : •" Hopes of peace aro fast
declining. Neither Prussia nor Italy wishes
peace. If the Emperde or the Fremob, desired
he might enforcOit, and since he does not en
force it, it is not Unreasonable to suspect that
he has ends of his own; which a neutrality in
war, followed by a timely interference, may
allow him to gratify."
Jefferson Davis, says a gentleman who saw
him a few days since, is slowly but surely
breakiag down. lle can walk but a. short
distance will:Out stopping to take a rest, and
recently his appetite has quite sensibly failed.
His preternaturally pale and emaciated ap
pearance, and elow, tottering walk, show
(nearly one greatly , not irrevocably, im
paired in health.,
The Fortress Monroe correspondent of the
New York World, . says of. Mrs. Davis that
" Whoever has beheld this lady cannot forgot,
her. Tall, graceful, and of rather a pensitai
disposition at presedt, she appears greatly
altered 'from the dashing, lively leader of
Senatorial fashion of years ago, ' when the
"high-toned" rallied round the distinguished
Mississippi Senator's , wife. Mr.. Davis is
kindly treated by ererybody, and• wherever
she goes people vie' with each Otber to do her
homage!' .
Mrs. Jefferson Davit:lied an audience with
President Johnson, on Friday evening, her
her object being to secure the transfertf her
husband to some more healthy' locality.- Mr.•
_Johosou assured her, that an order, induced
wholly by the late official report of Mr. Da •
vies, health; had been issued, providing that'
he.ehould have the free nee of the groundS of
the fort, and be relieved of the close attend-
ance of guards by day,'but that the surveil--
once hitherto esereised during the night
would still continste. Mrs. Davis was en-
tiroly unattended..iti her visit to the White
House, and appeired very calm and self
posseised. She area robed entirely is black,
and manifested much dejection during her
stay in the city. She bas been the recipient
of a great many ealLa from hir old acquaint
&noes, besides numerous. messages of symol-
thy fAT her bereavepient,
INTMORATINO & snuourntsma,
Fortifies We elation against the evil effects Of urrartreta
some 1 1
Willows Dia Irate&
pepsi a ,„
Will mire wallow.
Will eerie General. Dehility. ..'
Will ear* Eleuthera. - ~, _
Will erne lieadietr. -- . 1 -.- • •
wiliest* Liver Complaint;
Will lixel to and create a healthy appetite.
Will invigorate the organs of digestion and moderate
ly Increase the teraperatars of flee body and the force or
eirtuhtlon, acting in feet as a generaleorrobarant of thr
system, containing oo poisonous drags, aed is ,
A fair Irbil Is eararsiltablielted
, 0 Eft..C. HYDDEI, is CO, Proprietors,
, . . : • . - ' Hudson, N. Y.
' Central Depot, Am' loin il - prelui. Building NI HUD.
For sale by all Draggles, Groom, kn. 1
sir. HINNIO S WADLEY. Eria,%rholssale,Apnte.
and for sale by Hall & Warfel, Carter C Carver and Wit.
tine Si nooth.
T HE nuor HAS COME :
Prints from 8 to 12/ Cts. peryad
Good Bleached /liuslin, 1 yd. tcide, l
ca 18, Cte.,
Heavy Brown, 1 yard wul Pate, r3 l l 2 9 Cif.
- ;
..I ,
Our Goods an all aser. hire b4li selected vfill great
are, end will be mad at very smalleidviuiciu
- - ----- H '
• _ .1 •
, .
1 .
• .. 1
AND ma us A CAL(.
• 1
ma 24 tt
Nos; 23 and 24 Wag Park, ABealty'.! Block,)
SBis PA,
Wholessio'aid Retail
♦ad dealers fa
MUSD% PORK, ri.9,
Tie RAI Qualities of iatato mad Oils
Agent, for the Cleveland Rifle Mining and Blasting
• Powder..
or A 4 hetes and fresh stock always kept on band,
'blab vtl 1 be sold at the lowest Agana.
We pledge must've* not to be undersold, and Invita'all
to eta us wean. •
Thl highest peke paid fob eountr7 praise e.
mared tf
'Sealed proposals will be received by the under
signed, not I,llonday June 4th, HAN et 3 o'clock p. m.
of said day, for grading, curbing and paving with stone,
or Nieholion pavement, according to specifications,
state sifted, from:llhe end of the present pavement, at-
Fourth Street, to the north side of Frcut street
Proposals-should be addroteed "To the Street Com
mittee of the City of Erie," and endorsed ' Proposals ft r
Peeing SireetA," cad _the pri•e• bid will be by the foot
lineal on the street, embracing the entire coat of remov
ing the earth to grads. Ind t xoneh points as she spocl-
Buttons shall designate, and filling in preparatory to
paving, with sand or AAAAA I, asd furnishing the mate
rials as per ercificatiour..
Mats end spectfleatiene will be on exhibition at the
office of Wm. A. Galbraith, Eeq.,on West Sixth St.
J. Y. Hull N,
mal7-td A. W. VAN TASSELL.•
TQP.- -P. 8.
Its peculiarity and wherein It excels all others is that
_your ant ontloy. you ban only to spend TEN
CENTS whenever er bow broom is regaled. Sven this
trifling expellee can be avoided by planting a. few bills
of c )rn in the garden.
Any person can 411 one in t n palmate& Tor are your
own broom mbar.
Township rights for sale in Erie county.
Bend - for circular or call on the subscriber, near
Cherry Hill. Me Co.. Pa.; and Belk simples.
nta24.3ose , J. G. BAIRD.
Nsw Toluca) a: CIGAR STORE.
The undersigned undersigned have armed a mew Tobseeo stare;or.
IPllth atreet,betweeat State and Trench. (opposite Dir.
patch °Mee) and will keep "tionstantly on band a choice
apply of Sows, Salem, Runt and evirythlng wont!,
mind in a bit clan Tobinseo store, which they will cc I
at wholesale and retail. Reg and One eat diming to
bares of the beet manufacture. fintokhqr tobacco, pipes
andfaisey goads in great variety.
ap17116 Ij . . HOAG & 011111714
17. /Whim Country fltorea.DruggiatsA and all making
an honorable and profitable hallows. Fro* for 86 eta.;
wholseele, $9 per dm. Caneammi realise from $6 t
o o`l3
par day proaL mal
ABBOTT A; DO WD, Nanufm, 196 Water St., N.Y.
• -
Tha eopsetneeship homotoliere existing between the
maiemdmeed„ doing business naive the firm some of
&haat It Knell. has thb day been dissolved by metnal
wonteret. The books and amounts may be tonna at the
old stead. when persona is:MU& to or having claims
&E WA the Ain will ph 9111 f or mu mm t
Wit iTiffi4l, MINWURILia
Tim tailoring persons hare el d th ole petitions for 7
Eattog Hon.* Gonne, la the 0111 of the Clerk of the
Court, of quarter &Moos of Eri count,. and the lame
will be presented to said court o Wt &inlay, the_l3th
day of Joee nest:
Jobri Hosp. tildd'eborsa,
mithari IC.ifeit, west ward, Erie, •
-73'otra Wit 1. ire, evil,
r , John A Viet, South E:tie. •
t'jaeoh Set err, Vairelow township, •
` James a'Snlnpbell. westward Erie,
- 3 ha Era osii, Gsraryt two',
Philip Schaaf, west ward. Erie, . -----• •
' , John J , Whipple. Girard townsb p, ...,
, -
Jamb Wise, westward Erie, ,
'7lCberles F Mehl, west wird, Er eh ,
-Jobs A Nets, wed w ion, Erle..l-,
- Fster leediao - if. west ward, Erie, •
__War J,Renner, west ward, Er:fs
itmeGem'Sin. west wards Erie,
Sohn Bice - sir, west ward. Erie, -
- "jareierleir St ohle.ll oath Erie. '
Daniel Knobloch. east ward, Erie,
-1" j Nesseloset ward, Erie,
Jaeofa.E'sybe6k, east Ward. Erie, ,
-lascob Famtnaky, east ward. Erie, , _ '
Andrew- Wagne .wont ward, Erie, -
- Slitchril Clover, west ward, Erie,
nos Whi.e.out ward, IS
- 7 G Muter:wed ward,- u
Christian G Braun, wad ward, u
- Jos Brentgartur, east ward 1 ,
Michael lichuetaker, Writ Milleilik.
-7 A Webber & Co. west ward, Erie. .
Steeener & Setter, east ward u
-IJatthias Stabtein, west ward' " _
Chu film*. west ward I'
- Christian 4eader, west ward
Frank Doted, lent ward - " •
-F P Lhitel, wed ward MI
ruse Gentle, west ward SS
- - Andrew L.itz., , east ward
John 4 Jantrer, South Erie,
Valentine Schultz, Scitith Erie,
Geo , ge Wagner emit ward. Eris,
John George Drina, South Ede,
Matthias Weschler, east ward. Erie, '
Thillp Diefesbaeh, South Eris. .
Frederick Fuhrman, West Ville-reek,
-John Doweling, out ward, Lyle
F A Webber, ar, east ward, ` u
Nicholas Clemens, west war ‘ "
Ferdinand Elcheuland. west ward "
- - Henry Jordan, wed ward
Henry Neubauer, out ward . u
. -- 0 Ernst Street, west ward
Jaeob Heldt. west ward , 11
Anthony Malley, cut ward "
C if Miller.westware ; "
' - Andrew Salliek, east ward I u
', ffitid. Setback, east ward F "
- , - Eienry Hahn. welt ward ', _ , "
John Stiehl. ifilicriek townettlp,
- Gum Wiss. wast ward, late, -
Matthias gnipoer. eastward, Rib,
Adam Snow, eut ward, Erie.
Wiliam Stricker South Erie
- Henry - Campbel l,' west ward, Ede,
Dennis Noonan, west ward u
-P I. Dirfentecti; west ward' ' ,
Haney Brehm, cut ward k
- Toms Mayer, west • ward _,a u ,
MoritsGadola. Gifted tri. 1 - ,r"
• --Frank Selits , s, cast wardil‘ir.4:-...
G W Ten Timelh Wild ward." - Erie. ,
' 7 ,-- - J6lan.Delehdiebelmer, South Erie,
,LI T Roos, west ward, Erie,
- Thrain Benham, Girard boy .., . -
James Eastman, *wet ward, XII%
-Jacob Neubauer, east ward - u
Lenharsit Seas, elle ward, o ,
- - 11 Sebum Gut ward u
P Rio Maker & Bro, wed ward u
- - B Schlandecker.eut ward Pi
[ Newlin & Fisher, west ward. It
1 - -Chta Dishingu Mlllereek .p,,
Talentine Heinle, McKean tp,
----John Punch, west ward. Erne.
A Roemer west ward. . .. .
--Jos Dletley, west ward .. •
F L S:egel, east ward "
- - Frank Brehm, west ward, n •
Jon Fehrenbich,lfillereek tp
-.John Hariede, west ward, Kr t .
Jos Waekenutn, east ward
- Jho Cronardedger, South Erie
- Jacob Deck" west ward if
' - Cbu Media Corry -
r Vincent Babo s 'east ward, MI
I. - A Fidget, east wart " .•
E,Enalllig . east ward " -
Chad Dees, east ward Li
Jew )3 Green, west ward 0
Andrew Hades, wait ward ' •
Patrick Mardis, east wand 0
Dennis Tuohy. sett ward as
Jiro Aaron, west ward - -" -
It Durfeld, east ward , 0
Juo Roland, west ward
Win Mackey, west ward • "
Peter Fredericks, out ward
• - Geo Susietto. west ward "
Jacob Seib, Millereek - .
Jost plo Gulart, seat ward -
1' B Smiley, Waterford tpl .
Peter Selebrlst, &Oath Erie •
Jun Graham, east ward, Fria
' - Jacob lleywang. Linton Molls I
Mrs Justine Stlgent, Middleboro/
7 7 C P Walther, Carry ' .
I W Cooper. east ward, Erie
-Geo Ending, south Erie '
Nicholas Roth, east ward Erie
, 7 11 L Hinman, Corry
G W Fos. Corry,'
- - John Illiter, east ward Erie I
John Koehler. Girard tp i
- 'H V lillans,,eut ward
Robert Router. Wellsburg
Adam Sehlindwein, west ward a
John Asper. Waterford ,
P GOoderio.east ward
' Jeeni. Litabshler, Girard born
David Andersoa, North East hero
John Manua, Corry -
Michael Berchtold, south Erie
George McCutcheon, Corry - -
Daniel IfeLaughltn, west waqi
Crime Schtandeeker, south Erie ..
Michael Fleintz.lllllereek tp 1
Christopher Millar, alit ward .
T, . P Robert,. west wird
lb o'e Cavanaugh. west ward .
7 A?, Ale. Corry
, Jaco' b He'ln. Corry, .
B Rs hey, • I°rl7
IC Sta G. Co: 1 7
1 / 4 1,
Hernia d Lippe, y
' James Darling, Ed
j aw ,,,,, D owns , aunt C inb reek tp -
John Join t, Bill C.: 91 . 211 t
. Patrick Lyons , . Mill Cre ss.. tp f,
C it Bartlett, Tinton lulke
Mrs Mug ens Forties II west ward. Ertle , .--
Thosr, Fairview tp'
George Seas do
Wbltbeek & Foster, Corry
Daniel McLaughlin, --
Theobald Hess. south Erie
A Steiner, south Erie
John H Welch, Mdlcreek township
J C Carney,
> Godfrey & Le'and, wed ward Eris -
John Mel adieu, east ward
' Elben Gilson, Corry
James O'Brien, westward, Erie
~.-Josepb Stoll (Grocers')
- . Clerk of Ceutal.
Clerk of Court.' oifioe, I
Erie. May 22. '66. i *t i , injzs-at
i 1 1
Oar stect Is the largest ever brought to the sity.
, • comprising among otter r articles
• SILS , I,
A Complete Anortmimt of Melo G 0144.
Story kind of artiee in the Notion line.
And, in ,hart, a general valietv of everything nitially
kept on hand in a litheleads Dry Goodi
and Jobbing Store.
1 „ 1
, I '
1 I I
.• - ,
, .
Country psalms are Invited to give us a uall. We ds a
strictly wholesale trade, add propose selling so nub
prices is will male it touts advantage it merchants
in tide section to deal in Erie. instead of winding
Nut for their goodti-: ' _
H. S. Sorra:um, WA. C2&II7010, .1. U..licCoßD
FA. WEllin & 11 004
?goyim's, mints, wpm**, EMIRS, ?ammo,
ko ro ckery, Willow Ware, Fruits, Nuta, ifc.,
zro. 811 eras mu;
West stdo,betietat Bth sad 9th Ma, ERIE, PA.
Cash paid for Chuntry Produce.
F. A. Wants. ' m,.24-tr W. ERBIUM'.
JOBBERS, and Dollars in
Will be sod at public outcry, on Saturday. June nth,
113NIZat 2 o'clock. p. m , on the premises , the following
real estate to wit Commencing on the corner of Ridge
road and Poplar street. and thence along the northern
line of Ridge road niters:di, about lOpsrehes, thence
north and parallel to Poplar street, about 20 perches, to
lot fnmerly owned , by Mr. &haat. thence treat, on line
parallel to Bldg road, ibont 10 perches to Poplar street,
thenct tooth along cut Hoe a Poplar street about 20 to Ridge toad—the place of beginning. 'Con
talning ab , ut 'of an acre of land, more or leas, and
having erected thereon a *curator, frame building, and
known as Uncle fiam'e
Tzasts or SLIM —One third in hind, the basses In
s tsra i as tud mamas, neared by Adamant bond and
oaths piinatsaL HENRY 110IINignit.
/Auer Mb of Omen leluseifia g 4w4.
t rAVas Vii. Winton% CoLIM*
AL SOO Ant two•atoty hu, ri cud eight yews haw of
grow:W r ap Rant Tth street, par.r the Kam Ward scaeol
Ware: itiO3 $31.0.
A destrab . a two-etory frame beam led Gm years teem
of itround, on Sassafras street, near the corner of Fifth.
Prima 111 01X).
Four end clam building lots on 6th and 7th Street'.
welt side, s part of the *stabs of Dr. Hall. ?lila peeped, -
is all in on•Wdy, sod very desirable.
Busizes • property for sele.-42,44 fist front cn ith sl ,
between Sista and Pesch. We cold sell this property
The tine large dwelling Louse of Mn.i J.L.Rodgers. ue
Preach street, corner of &mood House In tb• mom
complete repair. Price low—forma easy.
First mass firewatery brick dwelling Oa bth arrest.
east aide, beisiiid complete. and will be sold at a her
We have a number of miry desirable private reatdeerfrd
for ule, worth from $5,000 to $16,000.
C Truax HOUSE FOR BALE—On Chestnut alms t.
setween Ninth and Tenth streets. ROOMS has parlor,
Ming room dining room, kitchen , sh r imp r 09.4 4,
closets. cell ar, eta., In complete melt.
street, fiat door eat of/lists Lionise new. lot OE by 171)
A Welt City Lot on Eighth street, between Myrtle an.
Chastnat. Also, the Lot In the rear on reventh street.
c onvenient to - canal. Very deetrabee for Manufeeturing.
Two choice i dry Lots on Fourth street of
Chestnut, 41 feet 3 Inches by 166 het,
, We have left a number. of Building lota on Seventh
and Buffet* streets, between Holland and German. All
high gravel ground and very desirable. -
Ten Building Lots, corner of Eleventh and Hailtilita.
One fall City Lot, earner Tenth and Myrtle Ste. ALIA.
one oi Tenth St., between Myrtle and Cheataal, oath
side. This 100 foot 'treadle hat being taken up by per -
Omani:4n( to crest diet clam resideacea.
TOR SALS a number albs linestbms In Km *mei
ana Harbor Creek tie., at prime from 375 to situ per
CITY LOTS FOR BALK.—A iambs? of the most de
amble building lots in the city on minds tams. -;
AT Als .• ,. arcs :-{y( wimp from 'the eikr, c
the Ridge RB. • tkil sores Jos+ Road iiitentreetlasitte.
Can be bong ands any going Estes.
TOR SAL 14% acres of the farm of/ the late &maw
Sam Atria on Ridge Road, one mile from the cite.
containing s orchard of 160 grafted apple tree, ' and a
few peach an peer trees.
FOR SAL 100 acres wood lot. 10 acree improved„ , •
miles from the city. Price, $2O per acts.
A Term off acres in Clusatioactuteotinty,-N. Y. Mk
farm is lora within three mu ,
ss of the Lake shore
About TO ac improved; a Stet elan dwelling boume,
good bum!and out boners, young orchard of. m site 1
,enure—apple, peaches, pintne,'Lete.
Twenty acres of Farming land and 10 acres of Athol.,
lot, 4 to 04 miles east of the city, on the Lake Soad•----,
Price $l2O y er sell the 20 acres separate if de •
sired. fine barn on the 20 acres.
A FARM to Harborcreek, south of the Railroad sta
tlon 90 to 100 rods. Containing shout 100 acne— fine
bank bsin—good moderate sTz d Rowe—plum °repaid
—6 to 10 acres of woods—aoll good, and i the flues:
static!' cultivation. PlieB $7,600. Terms easy
A PARK north 6f the railroad station, on the Ridge.
Road 100 rods, about 100 acres good a substantial tarok
hone, 2 floe biros, orchard, out ho rses, he. This plac..
is in aNo 1 state of cultivation. Price $lOO per acre.
Terms easy.
Fifty acre farm 'for sale—the farm of T. Daviaon in
Mill 'Creek, ablut 4.,;‘• miles from the city—good small
home—ans bank tarn, °lewd, he— Solligravel
bottom land Price 114000. Possession April Ist. -
Well known es the Els Refnery. In complete' run
ning order. Clan be bensht mach under vales, es the
owner is obliged to leave the city. .
Agents and Dealing in Real Estate,
Wayne, Blink, Me. Pa.
Loaf Sugar, 63; be. for ' $lOO
Vest Whits Welk; do., 6 EA 1 OD
Brows 40., D Om ........ ......:........ 1 DO
The best tee in the searket $4OO
Cholas Howl Syrup, per Vat= 100
Hine Old Java C.etree, per ID tU
No Emily ahonM be without it. -Everybody- is . Wog
U. To be had of es, se we are the agents. .
OaII sad get ono of those r
Just received. Alrof the above goods we will sell
cheaper than the cheapest.
Or AU our goods are new, having just been rirefved.
We invite all to ermine for themselves. ,
my vroa-tr HEARD:. biliaIsTULN k CRAIG.
Sara been appotote4 Seim Agents for the Sale of this
For the city et Erie, South Fele. 11111 Creek,
Summit, Nam:kw:at Fairview town/tip,
Agents wantal-' to sell them In all the above narnad
Any lotelligent man or Irma n em make $5 per day by
oannuing for them. For particulars apply u above.
I .
Everything in the Tobacco llne—Cigazi, Tlag, Chew
leg, Cigar eases. lieerseharun Pipea. Holders, lte., e,
ways kept on hand. Our variety is so huge none
fall to be suited.
Part'eultr attention paid to orders, and- aPi
goods warranted to be what they We sold for: '
HINET T. 13TELTNI. - (11155605 . 17) 11.411138 S. 8AX1..."
Surveyor and Civil Engineer,
Is prepared to survey any lots in the city or suburbs,
or set any grade from the official records of the city.
Partienlar attention given to wob-divhiovs of out-lots
and the extension of streets. All work doze with the
utmost sue and guaranteed correct.
Drafting and Mapping neatly executed. • .
Flanr,Speeltleations inditettmatss furnished on short
notice. Orders left at the Clothing Store of S. 11. Jus
tice on State St, or at No. 756 French St i lleiltrecelve
prompt attention.rna3.lm•
... .
- ,
The undersigned haying been duly commissioned Y.'
the Governor of the State
.0 opened an Auction and Commission :Rolm
the name and dna of
• GREEN Ai C R,o-•necessity for
On State e rye', opposite t* o f . DZERVIZIO
IA found t all limn.- Pt ;
pare of at Public or PVivalV,,
vantage t entrusrthim to tar!.• 94 lnei where be
to anyw re in the4lty. • Call F 1 ,7 goods to die.
solicited. ad prompt settlement" di'd it to mar i I.
Auction 'es two Jaye in mob week, Wlee attended
Without il, and I Would respectfully request.tge•
having ds to disOie of, to notify me in thai
so that sell,thamott the aboye.dayn.
Commissioned Auctioneer.
Audio k Conetalasion llarchantsi
, L
I -
- _
All those wanting the' but stowing Waebiesai cc
:lowers and Reapers Isontblaed, W V. UM,
U please address we
Circulars, R. M
Ls Bosuf, &is Counts. Pa.
cir 'Also A gent ter the beet Corn Planter and Dreg.
WooElAgents wanted for overyloweiblp In North
titylvanlo. • riprl9-283:4
N 6 w
April 11, 11)511e.009-111
SELF =sum FLotra.
The nicest thing cut
818 !met St., Ms, Pe,„
is ths Market, go to
T 0 W N E It,
Aow ilicamxa As
~; ~^.