The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, May 31, 1866, Image 2

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    grit 01r$triter.
TEWILSDAY, MAY 31, 1866.
Tho country was startled on Tuesday
hy the telegraphic announcement of 'the
death of Lieut. Gen. Winfield !,colt, at
West Point s five minute': past eleven
o'clock of that day. Though ho had long
been quire infirm and feeble, bis death
Was unexpectoetintil within a few home
of its occurrence. On Sunday he began
failing quite fast, though none of I bis
physicians expected he would expirei at
such an early day: He was perfectly caw-
Cious )up to llit; -moment of his death,
though ho had lost his voice sonic fwn
hours previous. His ago lacked a few da d
of eighty years. The funeral will lake
place at 1 o'clock on Friday, at the chapel
of West, Point Academy, in the cemetery
Of which 'his body is to be into7red.—
Pubtic demonstrations of sorrow at the
departure of the aged , hero have, taken
place in Washington and many other cit
ierrosnd it is proposed to have the' bells
tolled all over the country at the time
when his funeral is in. progress.
It may bo as well for-the harpies who
are howling that the sole object of Con
servative citizens in sustamingt the Presi
dent arises from their zeal for office, to,
understand now, and for the futpre, the
• exact position our party friends ,occupyin
regard to Mr. Johnson. We have proba
bly as extensive an acquaintance among
• Democrats as any man in the county
have conversed with thousands of all
classes,—and we have yet to napet the first
one, ho asks or expect 3 any Presidential
Patronage. All they want is for Mr. John
son to cut loose from his enemies, stand
firmly by the principles he has announced,
,surround himself with friends. No
matter whether they be Democrats or Re
publicans, if they 'be not allied to the
treasonable, disunion element which seeks
to destroy the legacy left us by patriotic
sires. Democrats do not ask for offices.
Democrats work for principle, not patron
age. We are willing Mr. Johnson should
surround himself with Republicans, if he
can find those who ? are honest, patriotic
-and Union-loving. - Since it unfortunate
ly came in power, the Republican party
has shaped its ends in and out of Con.
grass for party aggrandizement and nolf..r
. the good of the country. All Democrats ask
of him is, that he honor his position and
prove his manhood and right to greatness
by picking out true men from traitors—
. and strengthening himself for the coming •
contest between right and wrong, between
-treason and patriotism. If he chooses his
friends from patriots, Democrats will con
tinue to support him. If he does not,
sooner we know it the better, that we may
look elsewherelor a man to save the coun
try and add lustre to the name of an
American President. Mr. Johnson is a
Republicah President, and as such we al
ways regard 'him. When we elect him it
will be time to call him ours, and ask for
patronage at hit hands. If he should ap
point Demopraia to office on account of
their superior fitness, it - is well. If he con
fines his appointments to Republicans, it
is also well; providing he , does not give
himself over to the radical element which
is working against the country and
against him. We care nothing by what
party name be may call himself, or to
whom he styes his of flees, so that he ad
heres faithfully to the creed of the Con
stitution, and yields from his subordinates
a faithful allegiance, advocacy and' main
tatnanoe of the same.
By the last steamer we 'have stilflater
advice from Europe, which are as unfa
vorable for peace' as our previous news.
The speech of Louis Napoleon, which is
publish:id on our outside page, was gene
rally regarded -as the declaration of a
fierce and vindictive war. Against Au--
Iris the arms of France are to be turned
It is the favorable moment for which
Napoleon has long waited.. Italy is pre
pared to give her heart and arms to the
cause. Prussia will be an important aid.
Russia will probably Stand aloof, tradiEngt
land will follow the line of prudential po
licy that she purSued in elation to the
spoliation of Denmark. Luis Napoleon
'will, therefore, be enabled, bettor than he
could at any previous_ time since he as•
earned the purple to invade` Austria, and
, by a new politicaljnap, to efface the lines
drawn by the treaty of 1815. Where the
great blow will be struck is doubtful, but
as Austria has an army of a hundred and
fifty thousand troops in Venetia, it is not
, that the contest will coin-,
A mens there. The Italian fleet has alsb
been equipped, and is already prepared
for offensive operations. ft is' evident
that Napoleon and Bismarck have an en
tira understanding as to their plan of of
fensive war, though both Italy and Prus
sia have affected a defensive . position.
England deprecates and denounces the
impending war as I wholly unnecessary
and unjustifiable; but she has no influ
ence whetewith she can prevent it. There
is a solitati chance for a pacific •adjust
went, and that is, the relfnquiahment by
Austria of her aggressive intentions, after
the menace, she has provoked from France.
Senator Cowan, in a late speech at Phil
adelphia. made the declaration 'that the
President, in his restoration policy, was
supported by the tried and_true men of
the RepubliCan party.\ Among his, sup
porters Me lion. W. H. Seward, Secre
tary of State ; E. M. Stanton, Secretary of
War; Gideon Welles, Secretary of the
Navy Mr. McCulloch, Secretary of the
Treastiry ; Generals Grant, Sherman,
Meade, Blair,Blocum, Sheridan, Hancock,
CraWford, Coulter, and all of the heroes to
whom we are indebted for our victories.—
The party oßposed to the President's pol
icy is by such men as Butler, Sigel,
Sahara and others. He held that it was a
mistaken idea that the object of the Gov
ernment was to punish the people of the
South. They had already been sufficient=
ly punished by the result of their appeal
,to arms, and it now became our duty to
win them back to loyal practices by kind-
One of the innumerable evils wrought
by the Disunionists in,Congress:who per
sist, in depriving the country;
of the Union which the I;forth conquered
by successful war, is of the fruits .
the suppression of
authentic and tei.: 3lwor eby statements a ! e--
gar() ing the
the South '':isposition and purposes of
Were Southern members ad
mitti.:(l 'to Congress ; were the Rump Con
gr''4s to be transit rmed into a line Con
gess by the admission of its rescinded
members, the country would have just
such 'authentic and trustworthy' expres
sions of Southern feeling and conviction
as it most stands in need of. But instead
of such 'fair and honest statements, the
reports of congressional proceedings are
saturated with the malignant and partisan
representations of such men as Wade and
Stevens, and the one-sided testimony of
Schures report and Sumner's scrap-book.
Julian; of Indiana, dilates upon the ha
tred of the South towards the negro, and
all the radicals, little and big, reiterate
their absurd and stultifying, nonsense,
and insult the armies of the Union with
the declaration that the blacks secured
us victory—an absurdity which even Ban
croft consented to repeat.
The Hon. C. C. Langdon,. member elect
from the First Congressional District of
Alabama, has published a letter full of
sound sense and truthful representations
of the actual condition of things at the
`:ouch. The following passage from his
letter we commend to the perusal of those
who feed their folly on falsehood, and
would reward the black with the righ to
govern other people, in - rreturn for . ng,
the Tribune:ridiculously reiterates, a "me.
for g,
'Unionist." :
" But of all the numerous charges against
the South, that of " hatred tot the negro"
and a disposition to treat him unkindly
sad cruelly, is than most unnatural and
the most mischievous, because better cal
culated to poison and inflame the public
mind of the. North against the people of
the South than any other. Says Mr. Ju
lian, of Indiana : " Hatred of the 'negro
is as universal at the South as it was be
fore the war." It is most undoubtedly
true, Mr. Julian, that there is just as much
" hatred of the negro" now as before the
war, and that is, just none at all. " Hatred"
is a term that never did apply to either
party, in the relations and intercourse of
master and slave. On the contrary all
who know anything of plantation life in
the South, know perfectly well that one
of•the most prominent and marked fea
tures. of that life was the mutual affection
of the whites and blacks. Whatt hate
late faithful negro who cheerfully per
formed our labour, caltivated our fields,
raised and gathered our crops, increased
our wealth, protected our families, nursed
and played with our children, and in
everything yielded a willing obedience to
our commands ? Hato those who did so
much to promote our happiness and ad
vance our prosperity ? The charge is ab
solutely so absurd that it would be an - in- •
suit to common sense to devote a word to
its refutation. And if it were absurd to
suppose that " hatred to the negro" could
exist while he was a slave, it is doubly so
now that he is free. This declaration
may excite a surprise in the minds of some
of our Northern friends, but it is true,
nevertheless, as r will show.
" Whatever may be the opinion of the
South in,iegard to the abolition of slavery
• -whether the act was just or unjust,
wise or unwise, humane or cruel, right or
wrong,—they know ruil well that the ne
gro had no voluntary agency in it: had
nothing to do with it, and is no wise We
aponsible for it. His freedom was forcld,
upon him, he did not strike a blow nor
raise an arm for it hiinself. I speak of
the negro now as a class. The few, corn
' putatively , who fought against their fer
nier masters and protectors, did not, of
their own free will, but on compulsion.
They we seized and driven away from
their owners at the point or federal bayra
nets ; and by the same pointed and most
efficient process, forced into . the federal
army. But the great mass of the negro
race in the South' was as " true as the
needle to the pole" to the "so-called"
confederate cause.
_Not one of a thou
sand voluntar il y took up arms against the-
South. •On the contrary-although they
knew the war was being waged for their
freedom ;. although " the word liberty
and emancipation ran along" (I quote
from Mr. Biogham, of Ohio), and although
they were appealed to, to rise as one man"
and "strike for freedom"—they remained
quietly on the " old plantation". and faith
fully performed their accustomed labors.'
While all the white men capable of bear
ing arms were in the army, the negroes
cul ivated our fields and made thorn to
yiel food and provisions to sustain our
ar ies in the field, and to save from star
ve ion-the helpless old men, the women
a d children who were left at home ; the
ing arms
labored for us in the trenches, in
our workshops, on our railfoads, and upon
all our works of military defense. Large
numbers accompanied their masters to
the battle-field in the capacity of servants,
and, although they had' every opportunity
to desert to the federal army 'and be free,
they remained, with very few exceptions,
by the side-of their mestere, faithful and
true to the end of the war. In' the rich
cotton regions; where the blacks outnum
bered the whites twenty to one,
were many instances where the male por
tion of the whites all went to the army,
leaving their wives and childrer, their
mothers and daughters, to the sole pro-
tection of their slaves. And those loved
ones "slept soundly and well" during
the dreary. nights of the war, " fearing no
evil" so long as thus protected. And- their
confidence was not, misplaced. The ne7
groes knew the object of. the war ; they
were invited and _urged to " rise as one
roan" ,and " hew their way out of slavery
'to liberty ;" everts , effort was made to in
cite them to insurrection, and they knew
they had the power of success, without
the possibility, of failure ;And still it is a
fact, the most wonderful ever recorded;
not even an attempt at insurrection was
ever made, not a single outrage on the
helpless ones Weir care was
ever committed, and not a single instance
of insubordination occurred durieg the
during the whole four years of the war 1
Such fidelity, under such peculiar temp
Wiens and such - powerful incentives, was
never before exhibited in the history of
the world 1 And now do you suppose the
people of the South can hate their negroes?
Efate a people who have been so true to
them, so devoted to their interests, so
faithful to their cause ! Impossible. And
although the peculiar relations which
have hitherto bound together in mu
tual affection the two races in the
South have been suddenly and rudely
sundered, the former slave made free and
turned loose upon the world to take care
of himself and work out his own destiey,
still—ruined in fortune, broken in spirits,
persecuted, oppressed, and calumniated
as they may be—the world may rely upon
it that feelings Of gratitude, kindness and
good-will to the faithful slave will never
cease to occupy apiece in the warm hearts
of the Southern people, .
The N. Y: Tribune learns, •" on gOad
authori y, that besides - Messrs. Charlet
O'Connor and George Shea, -.beret/No&
named as counsel ter Jefferson Davis,
Messrs. J. T. Brady, of New York, Wm.
B. Reed of Philadelphia, Brown of Balti
more, and Geo. E. Pugh, of Ohio, have
been retained. The trial. it is under
stood, is to commence on the first Mon
day In Jane, at Richmond, Va."
'meson qv Janos WOODIVAUD.
lion. Geo. W. Woodward, DeMocratic
candidate for Governor in the campaign
of' 1863, recently paid a visit to the town
of Yo , the lower portion of the State,
he guest of Judge Blacks whO makes
that place his home. His preserice
. EOOl2
became known, and an immeiase con
course of people assembled to honor the
man :chose ability se a jmi4t. and fidelity
to the principles of the Constittitioil - hate
made his name a household word of dii o
lion in every portion of the State: In re
sponse to their calls, lie made it speech,
which is thus repoited in the York Gti
i •
zette :
Ho said be bad made it a rule of his
life, since being on the Bench, to at stain
from the discuision_of political que tions,
in public, and althoiigh a candidate for
Governor three!years ago, ho did: not even
then deviate from what ‘ he considered the
proper-course Or one occupyingi his posi
tion to maintain. lie was grateful to the
people of -York county, and of the State,
for tbo flattering support given • him in
that contest. Their votes ho valued the
more on account of. the circumstances un
der which they were given, every one of
the two hundred and fifty thousand. votes
he received having been past in defiance
of a persecution unpatalelled itt the his—
tory of any free country. I They ! were the
votes of men who "knew their lights and
knowine dare maintain them." lle wculd
state what was well known, that he was a
Democrat. His ancestors before him were
such,-and he was now too old to change
without some powerful reafien Should in
fluence him to do so, which should con
vince him it was his duty to join some
other party for 'the best interests of the
country. History and • his experience
taught him that the Democratic party is
the one in whose hands the gdvernment
of this country should be placed. When
the Democracy ruled we had peace, bap
pistess . and prosperity. When; sectional
ism prevailed theri. s esme the dark days of
discord, civil war, and all the dire conse
quences of threatened disun' lett. He
spoke highly of Hon. Relater Clymer, and
said the support he would :receive from
the people of York county will be as cor
dial as that given to himself 1ni1863. He
would not appeal to any man to Vote' for
any particular party, but he Weald ask
all to take the history of the country, and
their own experience and obs :riation, and
any other competent evidence,and then,
without any prejudice, judge and decide
if the 'Democratic party was not the Drip :
er one to restore the country, to Union
-and Peace.
On Wedeesday evening of last
week the friend 3 of the President sere
naded him and the various members of
his Cabinet, in response to Tithicii speeches
were made by Mr. Johnson, 16.. McCul
loch, Mr. Welles, end Mr. Stanton. Mr.
Harlan would not appear to make a
speech, brit sent a letter, add Messrs.
Seward and Speed were absent from the
city. The result of the serenade is re
garded as provrag that there Ore at least
three members of the 'Cabinet! who have
no right to the places they occupy. Secre
tary Suuntotv's well-conceived planito sup
port the Piiisldest and CongresS at the
same time, has not elevated, him in the
estimation of either party, i while the
course of Scretary Harlan and Attoiney.
General Speed is by no means satisfac
tory to the friends of the adniinistraticin.
The former is a notorious Radical, and
the latter is believed to be of the same
stripe: Hence he desired to he excused
from speaking. There is i reason to believe
that important changes in the Cabinet
are canteinplafed, and whether contem
plated or nat, It is sure that • Ninety-nine
out 'of every hundred who 'sustain the
•Presideut anxiously hope, thiit such an
event may not long be delayed.
Mr. Swinton, correspondent of the
N. Y. Times, during the war', has writ
ten a history Of the Ariny of The Poto
mac, which from its faithfulniss of narra
tive and general .correctness Of comment,
bids fair• to take rank as the standard
work on the subject of which it s . treats.
Among other interesting features itidis
closes the fact, not hitherto made public,
that General Grant at first decidedly op
posed the overland march to Ilichmon.l,
and strongly urged a movement
the south aide of James river: If he had
firmly adhered to this opiniOn he might
have had his own way, andso avoided
the delay and loss of th e terrible march
through Yirginia ; but he allowed him
self to be overruled. It now! appears, af
ter all the controversy on the subject,
that the best military autho.ities all fa
vored the approach 'to Richmond by way
of James river. It also appears that the
insane desire cf Lincoln to have his
" plan" adopted, 1..64 the cowardice Of
Stanton and others in Washington who
were in terror whenever there was not
an army between them6lves and Rich
mond, caused the murder of nearlyas
many •of our soldiers, as Stanton's ke4p
ing odr prisoners in the pens of Ander
sonville, by refusing an exchange' of pri
Boners with the rebel army, did. History
is slowly but surely fixing the responsi
bility of late events whercilt belongs.
WENDELL PHILLIPS, the Philadelphia
Age says, generally keeps a little in ad
vance of his party, although;it is marvel.
ous how last its members whb claim to be
"Conservatives" crowd upon his ,heels.
Hence it is safe to assume that his inter.
pretation of negro suffrage, 'given at a
recent meeting in Boston, ;will by the
time another year rolls around form a
recognised' article in the creed, of the
Radicals, as it is already adarling idea
cherished by them in - secret
"Negro suffrare, said Mr. Phillips, means
a spore of negro Congressmen. in the House of
Representatives. It means colored - mer
chants in New Orleans, and colored Sena
tors in Columbia. It means; r.egro.repre•
sentatjves sharing in making railroad laws
and other laws. It mans soeiat equality, and
that was where the Southerner met the
question. Social equality follows bard on
the heel of the ballot-box, dad the South
knows it, and she resists negro suffrage
for what must follow it."
The English Chancellor of the Exche
quer lately illustrated 'the ;pleasing and
insidious approach of pubike debt by the
following stern and beautiful figure. It
Contains a warning no man who loves
his country will fail to heed.:—
" There is nOtbing so insidious as finan
cial difficulty.'lq approaches with smiles
and caresses. I?4rrowing for the first
time appears opeoo no objection. There
is'notbing in it alarming Or meoacing
It_is like the cub 'of the lioness, spoken
of by one of the= Greek . poets. which
was rashly taken by, the bunter into his
house. When it was young it. was retired
with his dogs aridpliltyi r d among his
M rte
cl - ' — i - 1. It' was mild in temper, and
fawned‘upon every one. 'tut when it
grew up and felt - its strength, it deluged
the bowie with gore," • •
MONEY.--24mong the recent appropria- .
lions by Coitgress is an item of 'three hun
dred thousand dollars for the expenses of
Mr. Lincoln's funeral. and one of one
hundred thousand dollars for the pur
chasa of. Ford's Theatre; the place' of his
death. The reckless spendthrift Dense
has also passed a HI appOinting another
Secretary' of the Navy to tupply Mr. Fox's
place %%Idle. he Firers the iron rind MiAn
tonoruah into the harbors of, Europe, and
wastes, on a summer pleasureOunt,,Sloo,.
000 of the money of a people
. taxed al
ready ..vith the burden of a four-billion
debt: We siiggcst to, the !Senate an
amendment—that tbr y present Captain
'Fox with $lOO.OOO, clean - out of hand, and
avoid risking upon a needless ocean-trip
the million and a half locked up in the
iron clad. That, though a swindle, would
bo the more economical of the two. It
the bill passes Conres-s in its present
shape, we-look to President Johnson to
give the country anothr veto in the' in
terest of economy. $lOO,OOO is worth
The New York Times (wishy-wasby
Republican•) discusses - the political history
of the future, and arrives at the following
conclusions: •
It now remains to be seen whether the
new state of things—the new necessities
of the nation—rwill involve a new organi
z akin of parties or not. The Union Party,
just at the present moment, seems" to be
under the control of men and principles
never admitted-hitherto to'stich authority.
If it had been understood in 1861 - and
1852, when that party was formed, that it
was pledged. after suppressing the rebel
lion,-to hold the Southern States as con
quered provinces, tor as territories, to con
fiscate their property, deny them repre
sentation, disfranchise their I people,,and
impose upon thern• universal negro suff
rage, we risk little in saying that It-would
never have achieved , the beneficent suc
cesses which have crowned its labers.—
And we risk just as little in saying that if
it commits itself to these issues now, and.
accepts as its leaders and representatives,
the then with , whom these measures are
cardinal and essential, it will speedily give
place to a new party that better under
stands the political necessities and inter-,
ests of the hour.'
Trtz Pittsburgh Gazelle, several of whose
editors are Federal office-holders, and one
of whom has been removed' to give place
to a Johnson Republican, has:had its eyes,
opened to the - true theory of our Govern
ment. It ., ,bas suddenly discovered that
the President is not exclusively the Gov
ernment, as it was wont to argue during
Lincoln's term*, but that it consists of the
three branches, Executive, Legislative
and Judicial, as Democrats have ever con
tended. We are glad. for the'sake of truth
that our cotempOrary has partially awa
kened to a just conception of Republican
institutions, but regret for its own credit
that its editors shotild have been compell
ed to wait until their perional interests
were touched before they Made the dis
covery. Says the Gazette:
But the President is not the Govern
ment, though be has sometimes arregandy
claimed to be. The Government is organ,
ized in three general divisions. ,
Will the Gazette have• the kindness to
inform us what President beside Lincoln
ever "arrogantly claimed to be" the Gov
ernment ? We wait impatiently to learn.
In a speech delivered, in Philadel
phis, Senator Doolittle, of Wisconsin
spoke of President Johnson's personal re
lations as follows :
"It has been charged , that he is intempe
rate in his habits. I say it is utterly false;
(Cheers.) M' relations have been such
that I have seen him freqUently, and at
all hours. I have had conversations with
those around him, and I say -there. is wit
one word of truth in the (barge against
him. This story has been circulated for
the purpose of undermining the .conft
Bence of.,the people in IJ.r. Johnson as
President of the United,atates. lie ~lab
ors incessantly.".
We can add to the above that, although
we were at one period led to believe, dip
fern ily, information from gentlemen who
know the President well, convinces us
that he . ill not a person of intemperate
habits, The unfortunate affair -of the 4th
of March, 1866, is now generally under
stood to have been, what it was then
claimed by his friends, an accident, into
which he was led by Forney, and others
of his ilk.
An incident occurred in Mississip
pi lately, that illustrates the manner
in which brave men deal with their fal
len foes. At a hotel table in Meridian
a Union soldier rose from his seat and
kindly waited upon a one-armed Confede -
tate soldier, who could not help himself
very well. The attention was naturally
and delicately paid and gratefully re
ceived, and it made a decided impression
upon the, other guelts. The Meridian
Messenger, which relates the incident,
says ".The spirit of that grey-beaded
Federal soldierwould do more towards re
reconciling' Korth and South than any
spirit which has ever loyal:1E41 the roam
where ' the committee of fifteen hold
their sessions and pump all sorts of sto
ries out of all sate of Witnesses."
The New York Times_ recently read
the Tribitne a lecture on the growing
weakness of party discipline among the,
Republicans, in which discourse the fol
lowing paragraph appeared :
'• The Tribune Must have seen various
indications within the• last.. few months
that the bonds of party diicipline are not
nearly so tight as they used to be, nor
does the crack of the party whip com
mand such rmqueationing obedience as
of old. Men will think ; for themselves
now and then—after "caucus action as
well as before, end in State Legislatures
as well as out of them."
This is no doubt true, and the del e'
opments of the next few months •will
show still greater indications of disirte•
gration in the Republican ranks. .
Tux affectation of solicitude for the
safety of ifienegroee, which is the presen t
stock-in trade of the Republican party, 191
obviously hypocritical. -As President
Johnson truthfully stated. in his speech to!
the soldiers and sailors, it is a hobby for /
riding into oltice and power. The negioes:
have complete seciiritrfor their rights in'
their powers of loconiotion. . The North-i ,
"ern States have complete security for their
rights in their large majority in .th e Fedc4
sal 'Senate and a majority of more than
two to one in the House of lopresental
tives. It _is neither the security of the
Degrees nor the, security of the nation that
prompts the course of the Republitans.
but, the ireNrounded - fear that their
party will go out of power ss,soon as tizt
lIDIOn is restored.
11. w Pintstrout, Jonssox Susnues Rs
nstr.l---The beneficial . effects of,, President
Johrieon's conservatism are apparent from
the following, taken from the Richmond
" /kudreiv Johnson s ill live in history
e man ixho vetoed Very unconstitu-
MmeaAire that wasipresented to like,
atter what threats hung over him this
royal, end no matter what bribing
; l of poWer anti ireltnera weteinchitlrd •
he Ppecious prepopitionc A man above
land <qually °hove l fl,tter Lcd eni
:ion. A man who ecornpd revenge
disdained favisritism—th s e pure gc
of American liberty embodied in the
" We indulge in no hyperbole in spetik
jog thus of Andrew Johnson. Nor are
we i moved to speak in, hisvpralse . by a
hope of reward or a fear of punishment.
He is the one distinct, eeparigte,' grandly
solitary figure in the whole rabge of time,
who, possessed of vast power, has sorupu-
Pulously abstained 'from rewarding • his
friebds and pdnisbing his enemies.
has, forgotten self. ..Andrew 'Johnson is
wholly merged in the President. He
doee• his duty without regard to comae-,
quonces. He doeiright, not ,for ulterie
purposes. but because it is right. Ile is a
puiftie to - a generation that cannot com
prehend his exalted Virtue but time, will
show the purity of hisl tootiveil. the wis
dom of hieacts, and history *ill enshrine
him in Is r holy of holies." ,
Attention, white men I Attention. ye
struggling toilers in - the shop, in the field
awl in the mines ! Attention, ye who
work, late and early'to keep the wolf from
your 'doors, who knocie not how to bring
up your children and educate them, and
pay the if:creased prices Of.every articla
which war has imposed upon you. Read•
the following detail of appropriations for
the support of lazy negroes, whose_ "free
dom' was purchased ;by your sweat and
blobd, and whc mist now be fed and
_clothed by your labor and toil : 7
Sidakoe to Commissioners tor Niggers....... $ CA )
Ra'artas of Clarke for Maori 12,800
Stationery and 'Hating for riggers (3 000
'Quitters sad fuel for Moore 13 9 0
Clothing far Ninon. 1 1,750,18)0
Rations for Nigger' ---,...._ 1,1 1 11,410
Medicines for Niggazte...-.......,- .............. ( 0),000
Railroad Cars for ongvarti .....: . 1,981,003
School Manna for Niggers..... 11,100
School Bootee for Riggers 3)0 000
Tel 'graphing fur Nlgge:s 18,000
Harper for June has the following table of
co , itents: P,ersonsl Recollections of the War
illustrated; The Reeee River CountryiV
luStrated ;
, Chattan ooga ;
T Are theie other In
habited Worlds ? ; .inSpectro ; Easter Lilies,
Gladstone as Leader of the Commons; The
Vie American; Henry Barth; the African
Triareler • Armadale. IBy Wilkie Collins:—
Chapter ;IL—Continued ; The Fall of Rich
mend; Miss Letitia; •Ameriesn Studies in
Rime and Fiore Ice; A Pyschologieal Expitti
msat, A Dixian Gedgraphy,l The Outside
World, Working the /leads, editor's Easy
Chair, kriwer, &n. This number coilmences
the thirty•third volume. cr
- Metitcal.
scourges of our people cannot be too well un
derstood, or the means of averting or curing
thee! too 'highly appreciated!
,The person
who discovers any means of cure or allevia
tion confers a bene fi t ,upon his fellows, and
ig deserving of hooor. i Thieldesirable con
summation. has been achieved - pend not only
may - dyspepsia be cured, but it moSr be pre•
vented by the use of Floofiand'e German Bit•
tens, which medicine is spoken of in terms of
the highest commendation by thonsan is who
have tested its efficacy. For sale by all drug.
gists- Not alcoholic. my3 - I 2w
The Wormes OP run Ans.—The greatest
wonder of- the age , is that celebrated remedy
for diseases arising from a debility of the di
gestive organs—Hoofland's German Bitters.
The, power exercised over diseases of this
class by the Bitters is indeed miraculous.—
They cure the worst cases of Dyspepsia; Liv
er Complaint, Nervous Debility, -Want.of Ap
petite, with the greatest facility. For sale
everywhere by \druggists. They' are not a
beverage., my3l.2w
What everybody says must be true, is an
old proverb. And it is a fact beyond dispute
that all tell one story about the almost mirac
tilous cures performed by Coe's Dyspepsia
Cure. Chronic and 'obstinate eases of
p,epsia of long standing will surely give way
to iteturativapof&s: indigestion, sick.heati
ache, heartburn, cramps. paind and cbolic, in
either sterna or bowels, souring and !lain
of food, donstipation, , general debility, flatu.
cannot exist when Coe'S Dyspepsia
Cure iatised. We beg-tff the afflicted toinake
the experiment. It can •be found at all drug
stores. ,
SPUUT OP TUB PRES.9.—We notice the
newspapers in all parts of the:country seem
to .be going into ecsticits of late over the
wonderful mescal properties of Coe's Cough
Bslaam andi7Dyspepaia Cure. We are
glad to know that theie reliable- remedies are
for sale 'by every druggist in the land.
The real Velpati French Pills should not be
used during ate4ain time, as they will surely
hring on a miscarriage. Sold: by all - drug.
gists. my3-Im.
gee Clark & Brother, Wholesale and Re
tail Dealers In Confectionery. Oysters, Canned
Fruit, St...tioaery, Yankee Notions, Bakers'
Goods, -Toys, Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes,
West Side of Peach Street, 1 Square South
Of the Union Depot, Erie, Pa. Also. Dealers
in all kinds of Country I l rodnen. l oldie lar
attention paid to filling country ord
iter D W. Hutchinson, United States Cl im
Agent, Girard, Penna. Pensions, Back Pay,
Bounty, and all other claims againstlthe Gov.
ersiment attended to with promptness.' Charges
reasonable. Applications by mail attended to
the same as if made in person. (j6lB Gm.)
Purruitzs.—Persons wishing to procure por,
traits of themselves.oemembers of their fam.
Ries, should call at the gallery of.Mr.Ohlwiler.
in Rosenzweig's block: His specimens of
work convince us that he is an artist who has
few superiors. The ,throng of: visitors to his
rooms are an Indication that his merits are
daily becoming better known and lippreciated
lby the public. *-•
Oa the 15. h last., by Rar. Ch Lando, 11r 1 Edgar P
Benison and Miss Adel& C: Brown.
On the 16t4 twit., try the Barite, Ifr.llariin D. Vosburg
and Mu R.salthe Va'entine.
' On the 10th bast, b 7 Rev, G. W. Cleveland. at the
house of the bride's parents,-Mr. Wm. H. H. Fuller and
NW Esther J: Burgess, all of North East township.
On Thursdav; the 10th that., in 'Mere' k township,
Erie conoty,ls., at the i esidenee of the bride's br.ther.
R Hoch. byThe Rev Er. Wattling, Er. John; 1.. Essig,
of his ally, and Miss Marks IL Hoeh, of Ifillereek.
At Tldionte, on the 6th inst., by Nov. .I. M. Park, Mr.
Marvin W Benedict, of Fredonia, N. Y., to ADA "'lance'
Oal.bary, of Brie.
At the Irwin Hence IA Corneautlllle, Mal 14th, by A.
R. Danchy.S.q-, If r. George ihsfe.., formerly of Shafer
Pam, and Was Silas Doolittle, of Girard, Erie comity.
• .
DIED. . •
• •
In Fairview. on the 4th fast . et.r a protraeto M
ures, Mr.Vamnel WCreary. Jr., aged 41 years.
In Sp , ingfield. on the nth but Jolla Ann, daughter
of Lyman and Julie Cross, in the 17th year of her age
In this eity, ''ahrwith evening, Ma. 27th, En. Emma
Magill, rht of S. W. Magi %, FIR • •
Sarti-dtv evening, May 26th, of consumption, KW
11.1eti Baker. •ged 14 year?. I
Friday, 20th, Adsb.' daughter of Jacob L ind
Catherine A. Werner, aged 1 months and 11 d.ys
Erie Illarkesmrßuying Priceil.
Corrected sotekty for Ow obseriter, 8y Cf &Westing
4 CO • CraXti 4. Bros, Morrison 4 Mamas*, 4.
Lia amid Davie 4 Cunt:
DIIIID Farre.4-Appleal6ol2; Peaches; Black.
bi rriee.lso4o..
ITIOZTABLItIII.-..POtAtOON 51.1n125 . 4 011101311 13061
;no; Tunilpe, .140@i0; tabbage, per bead,lo ai 2; Beets,
761)100; Carrots; 45€060; • Fateohs, 601)76; Vegetable
Oysters, 2@riiser bunch.; 00100;201U. $0.6040 00,
Fatmooa.-13atter. WO 6e; Sgge.l2©l6; Lard, 180 2c;
0ney.23;533; Cheese. 11h0r22
Faure —ithplee, $2OO $2 60. • •
01141 N. 'U.—Oben, I ays; Oats, 44060; Wheat,
amber, $2 40(x,2 60 ; Wheat. sehlte. $2 75e3 001 Shorts,
----- COM Mast, $1 45@1 60; Feed, $14501 611;
&Wei. 76@45; Be tea, 11l 60012 00
811 D 3-4 ;i B vir• $ 5 .76 0 $025; ,Timothy, sa4o g
XX-X w. wheat, $111.50€016.00 :
XX red. $l2 $OOl3 00; X red, $9.2009.00: XX 010 s l oto
010.0; XX Bed Winter, new, $ 9 25039 73.
PORE AND 8111110%—ltztra Hammy verb, $31.50032.00;
Light, $28.00g29 00; Barer Cared Ream 2:1Q23 rei 14.:
Baeatry do, 10Q) 0e; Bbealdere,l4o4; Lar per barrel
=Oa begs, std; Extra Men Beef, Men
Rote. Cocoa Bingloy.--Ttio public attintlon ti &gals
eollod to the merits of this old *ad popular m odleine—
mum ATTITI VIZ 11111 7110101011 TRIAL 01111110 • 11-
IIOD 01 1 11111117-0117418 IS ADXII7IIIIIIIIOI7 1Pa1;
DT AID clasAur ctrila 110 W? TOIL WIROA? AND LOCO
Puy gate forma bows the Importance r 91
f1X301114 hug Malone la thole euly Cages and many
from mad rsperlanes hare learned the &ago of delay.
• Halra Cough Remedy Is Co? recommended as a OFXX•
11.11 L 'Asada FOX ALI. ROXAX ILL., but only for a 'pen
ile clue of DleaLSllll located twill* same structure, Inci
ted by the same ,canses and requiring Noel the same
treatment, varying only with degrees of violence.
It la pleasant to the teats, eaf, 'in its o!mtallon,
thorough and spotNly in is action. 'foul; exprrion..o
proves it tom no eursetoe or t(itiAL in merit or ellitiones
for enritiz - amour, nosimatramr, rmosostria. 'moor
ASTIII.II and witoortea cat .u.
It remover Irritation, CUM free and molt axoectora•
Von, loosens the tight and full Bensatino in the lunge,
restores the reeptration to its easy, natural condition.
it:Sparta health Ana vigor to tberlangs and also clearness
and strength to the voles.
One bottle is generally sufficient to cure an oratOry.
Retail price f.O cents to $1 re • bottle.
Liberal indocemente offered t the. trade. •
Bold wholesale and retail by all sit Warfel. proprie- -
tore, at their drag store, 630 St to street, Erie. Pa , and
by dealers generally. ja2.5.6r0
1885, edited by Wm.'Proctor, , Prolenter of Pharmacy
in the Fhilaile•phla*College e Pharmacy,—.l7lll the
Fluid Estracir go nut of use o ing to the high price, o
stn we have; come authoritat e modi6cat'ons of the
formulsir by which we can mak .them at a more reason
able cost ? If the-tatter, si,al the ehanLe be in the
quality of the menstrautn, or i the manner of applying
it, so as to reduce the que.nti y requisite! Can there
his a convocation of the ComMittee of Revision to au
thorise some new method or modification of the present
recipe? , r ",
With regird to the contemplated cl4nge in ther,ttan
trty, or in the menetruuel itself, la the preparation of
geld extracts. I would take oculon to my that idmed
idea the health of the patient is the great object to be
gained. The cost of the material is somothinr, but
when put iota the scale with human health, and n' ten
human life, it is hardly wrrthy of consideration at all.:
Ity Hoehn (Flelmoold'e) will continue tche mace as
formerly, and ff it carrnot be vatzetsioed at present pri
ces, they will have tote advanced to weer the advance
In the price of material. To such as desire quantity in
stead ,ot quality, we would say that water is a cheap
commodity, and may be readily added by the person
using the rnedidne if he desire& to do so.
H. T. SEMIBOLD, Druntst ~nd Chemist,
696 Broadway, New York City
A. COMM, COLD OD SOW,. TORDAT-41111211pi N.
I‘ .
' Late attention and sboald be checked! lf aliowvd
to titian% irritation cf the lunge, a prrm.utt.t_
throe affectien or an iecurable lung disease is et•ti
the molt. Brown's Bronchial Trochee bavina a dtrec
influence on the parts, give immediate relief. For bron
chitis, asthma, catarrh, consumption and throne ei.Pleea
Trochee are infra with always geed en :nem Singers and
Public Freatore wi'l and Troches %ireful In cled• log the
voice when taken befoje . singing or s^ettling, and i elere
the throat after an unusual exertion of the vocal orzens.
The Troches are recommended and physi
cians and hare ha, teetimlniala - from eminent men
throughout the country. 'Befog an article of true merit,
and having proved their eillnicy by a tent in r intn g jeers,
each year nude them in• new localities In various parte
of the world, and the Tro!bes are universally pro
nounced better then any other article. Obtain only ,
"Brown's Bronchial Troches," and do net take any of
the worthless iMitations that may be offered. Sold
everywhere in the United States, and in foreign coon.
tries at 35 cents Der box. Jell 3m
p $11,694,5)0
Taw COrnaIIONS AND ElPtitilereg 01 Alf ISTALID.—
Published for the benefit and as a CAUTION TO YOUNG
MEN, and' others, wt. o suffer from Nervous, Eebility
Prematnra-Deeay of Manhood, Ac, supply log at the
ame time Tax Miura ow SALw-Crux. By one who has
cured himself after undergoing counderable quackery.
By enclosing a post-paid addreued enrefope, single e'er
les, free of charge, may be had of the author.
2614-Iy. Broeklyn, Hinge Co., N. Y.
New Advertisements.
SEALED PROPIP4AIA--WiN be rereived by the
Street Cornmlitee until Monday, Jane. :4`/. 18 a 6 , at
o'cio tk, P. M., for the building ot,dt or a one
arched culvert, across Garrison Ran, ,nth strert.
Plans and aneeidcationa nil: be nn exhibl:iJo at the do
led Council Room Wright's Block
J. M. J4UHN,
roy3l-td Street Committee.
Mo'lloloV4L.—rae First National Rank of Erie (17.
f.B. Depository) will occupy the new Banking Rn, in
in the R•ed Howe. corns of the Park and French Si r ,
on the first day et Jane. The Directors of this Bank are
J. C. Speucer Henry Bawls,
Chas. Y. tee d, John C. Seliisn,
David R. Clark._ _L. A. Morrison,
M. SANroRP, Cub - my3l-4t
E Li 9 7'
.161 00Dly A N .1: - . ty, 0. ,
OW' Patch Street, near the Depot !
This hciras, haring per'ected their a i ~ ngenc nts, ar4
now pre/ bred W dc. a General Banking, Exchange and
Collection Baldness.
Government Bonds nrd Interest Notes of oil Wines
and denominaticna bought and sold. m33',-tt
S. R. Wooosurr, Rag —Dear Sir: —We. sour tr ends
sod sslglsb rs, listing confidence in sour ability and in
tegrity, desire you to become a candidsoe far the offica
of Additional Law Judge. An euly and favorable reply
is earnestly solicited.
Easstn*Slater. Henry BeConn•11, Theodore Ryrosn,
Rodney Smith, Geo P Rea, Parley Ball, C 1. Rands 1,
It 9 Mattel!. James G Cabin, Chts.l. Hart._ If Hutchin
son, T C Wheeler, Eugene Smith. Johnston Rea, John
H Gulliford. Janice Webster J C Rockwell, Ii Benhiton,
C PitockereU, Joshua Brans, T 11 Godfrey, It B nem--
say, L:1 Jones, John Her. Jr, Levi Loveridgs, J ulli
ford, J >i Loverldga, J H Nichols, A Ifar , ln, J N SiiVal.
thorn, A G Ely, C L. Phelps.
GIRARD, May 15th, 1831.
Osorrt.vams:—Your favor of he 14.12 anal.. requesting
me to become a candidal• for the oth:st of Additional
Lew Judge of the sixth Judicial District,
Is received,
with many thanks for the expres s ion ofconfidenee it
coutaina Such an expression from my immediat gh
bora—business men wh s are intim itelv acquainted NC tth
my professional an • social Phi:ling—is very gratif log
to me. Shoo d the Union Convention of Eno c.,uute
add their sanction to your wish so atrolly expr.tard, it
14-111 give we great p!easorn to ba a ciatididate for that
honorable sod reqmosibte position.
With h gh resp.ct, I am yours, ,k 3 ,
S. E. Woouar>r.
To P(enry IfeConnell,Erastaa State: and at li.ra—cit n o
of Gieszl borough. myat
administration haying been granted to the under
segtied upon the estate elf Sally '64:mle, &rt.aged, NV° of
the e't• of Erte, Pa., notice la her by given all pit
eons indebted to sa-d estate to make inioled;we paN
ment, and those hayinz clam. a azainst said ea tate will
please present them, duly atithentieated, for settlement.
W. P. iWENEY, Adaer.
Erie, May 17th, 11306.78 w
DECK &* - -M L,
. Fancy Goods and CIGARS,
57 French street. Erie, Penn'a.
&Ober and Leather Tobacco Poaches, Match Sa
Turkish. Gera= and yirginta Smoking sad
On• stook Is the maatcomplete ever in this
market, and we esp .cisly Invite th • attnition or oalsn •
tr.: m rchtnts, lieliering we can nil them goads
line ehespeettitti they can obtain them elsewhere.
- Irjr In retelitni, we csonotise undersold here y o u r . e t lee
where. myBI-t.
men, it ya wish to,
ed, who will tend you.
price, ealwDle informat I
ry. ilsPrly and speedily.
beauty Thia informs ti
001 , 1'h to marry, I !
ten str ict! . contldPull at
by set rn m ii, and nor
myB .2tue Gre
PTIM pestling, trove th e Northern and Northwest
eonotles of Penosylva is to the city of Erie. no
Lake Erie. It has been 1 dby the Newry/Deals fla
nnel Company, and he operated by them. ,
Leave Eastward. •
Nan Train 10 XS'. re
Ere Express Trails 4 45 p. m
Arrive Westward.
Mall ?rata -6b6p m
Erie Rzpresii Frain 9 30 a m
Warren actions.. 4 03 p
,Passanger ears ran through on the Erie Mail and Es-
Ouse trains without changi both ways between Phidadel
phis and Erie.
New York eonnection: Leave New York a' 9 00 e.ta:.
wise at Eris; 9soa. m. LeliTO Erie it 405 p. m rive
at New York 4 10 p. m.
Elegant Sleeping Cars on all night trains.
For information respecting Paatenser business apply
at owner of 30th and Market eta , PbJe. , and for heist:
business of the Company's agents,
3. B HP:O3TON, Jit., corner lath and Market Streets,
W. BROWN, Agent N. C. R. R., Baltimore.
H. R. HOUSTON; General Freight Avnt, Phila. •
'B. W. GWINNER;Gio. Ticket Set Phila.
A. L. TYLER, thouslthpainteadat. Islet Pik.
IL. Sant rd
Or BANKEaS ! - era
adios an.l gentle
! y. address the undersign
-1; ith ut Ironer and valiant
that will evble lou to mar
-4rrespeetlve of see. wealth or
i• will cost you nothing, and if
!cheerfully assist you. all le'.
The desired Information sent
:ward asked. Addresi,
'.opolnt,Kings county, N. T.
i i -.
mint BRIM% 1. VIII A Mil rill, i q
I and I ostructhn In 1. ,1,,.. m, ~. ',..•'." J t
ard Association; a• d r.ntf.,,',„ ,_,I . 4
opts. Address Dr. J.: KO !!....yj,. -•`,
jai 1.135.1 y.
- --- '
ikrEicl'OUt4 !ITV,
ran' t,e cuffed 2,-
tlrt../* of .3thrro..m.t wJi it , .
Aftrlrrix with stamp,
I,tiE 311.1.41)N 111,11.1 N 1•41:,
orty eifron , nt ptyl.l,
g,,, Z , ll t,, f/ r. 41 1 1 to
ri1 ,10 2. 1 x, - or other tilnt p,rn , ar, " •
Crated Cllntoßaeß rme.
notton,Or MAShti
cTtt.t e. Tltu
muchotlevran'itt L'ultt,tatt.,47::',
vas much to th..k zdt.ntx,•
rldirwrt by RAdret• !rt.;
tea rsiot.beinghttinbu,,,l.4.ol
4.rtri -Ail plhera
ant. ,
C. Ittif (11, 1,111::ra - •
star.t d f- t
Q tor 3 . trAl o
nre DPC27, 4E4, I, • tno „r
wilt for the make of olfle
ir:bo nerd it tti« r^,1,0 d
cmple remedy by of ipen ho
to profitby thelctrertistrx
rtIU I , kNT
J. EVF.RYTH V. IVG relating mlitNtlV to,. A X 1
and female; the earoira a t ;
marring° ccatconri or
thousand thing. nev.r
abed and enlar,v edill,”
eurionn book forp1,117,11?.
every one. 01 retv , a, • le")
centonte table a .nt ,nr :l
had at the book Ft0r....,, „,
pall, on receipt cf.the A,: `• •
On{ g
• ••
In 6 "4,
1110 CONS , UMPri
1. been restored to be:
sirup:e remedy, alter la.
a severe lung afnation,
saroption—is flexions to q.
fm en; the meats of ware.
To all who desire It, to
scription used, (free of dt2
preparing and nviog ti..
sure care f
Coughs, kc. The onitot j,
in the prescript to , is to r
inform:Mon with he e .1
hops. evert sufiet.r
them nothing. sod may
Parties wishing the pr.
will pl ,, me
I Vie
late i; . '
pzr¢r, l xi
n, A••y m
• '
r , nro - t t
a 'Hi..
TILL itl4lol/1.4 Ll.'
1,/ Snail tout tkorou.Fl:l•
article known Co: euriLlz
and iiNADAC P
In mar. 7 NOP.; 4! T'.-r.Si
by it, and tiniacimi II 4,
its tee. It Is fre.graOt P
o' the Head. Tl,e Floßati
p.t.a invigoratiez... It
ctructions, etrengtirre. t
action to the Torts."..•
• SZ
PC ,
More 'than tbiet3i
Caturrhand i+exLjr Li
for all the cammoh dlee,
meat it stands hiiher
ed by many of the, hest r
sucrose and entisbsnto. , n
of Wholosde firtv.7tl to .
rl'erl,l 4 ` It ;
ht. 114
ri uhlr P4l,
71 v IT, • %:1 : Savtn
led 3f.arylllli'm
sold ID 'nor isrholepae trot
Here it to be equal, in ev
tions given of ,t,for the e z
that it iP decidedly the be.l
for ell common disc...tree of
In r r. as:
tr/ 5 awl Itte
re•srett, toil
re nt . o.starth )
t artle . ere hi
the 11,5,1.
Burr & l'orry, Rt.,l, 4.lDi
Co., Reed. Cutler N.;Co.. e. 1
& Co., Boston ; IlepAbnw
Portland, lie.; Barnes &
Paul &Co.,loraol Minor A
L. Beirrill & Co., 1,1. Ward
New York.
do N. Co.;
th W. Foyle. W
7ark, A.ll, ,
(.0 , 3Se
For eale by a:1 Drag ,rite
/ Theze Thopa ar- a
;reparation, and better than lay
triune. BeNgligni i, their aerion
rendering then] a reliable, •
for c„,,enre Of all tibia ,1;-:
tore. — Their pqrtthri.y IR in
over 200,009 bottle. are Luotill.y to?.
the ladies of Ainerici, teery c r
the strongest terms of Five et
They are rapidly taking the place of
remedy, aed are eons dared hi' all
them, as the surest. safest an 1 Moat
iiol2 in the world, fur the care of all Las .•
the removal of all obstruct one o'
motion of health, regale -its Ftreuth
feetlane, stating when thou may hi a•—..
lag when and whir tho:r elinted
need wi hoot producing e:Tect3
ten laser, will he f4,uud
with the rrltten sigr..a'....rr .rc . .
without which 7100 e art. g•uuin.
Prepared 127 Dr. JriiiNT, L. LYON, Li, ti
dew ilarerL Conn., "Tho C-tia
Yonall - 7.0r L.: Ibt.ttr, ter.clLqing
private diseasrs ft. trt4le
Sold .by Druggi4l every wli, : r. /
Gen't Aitetatl ft.r C.! L.
tr 3'6'•ly
Prepared from a Preaerip ion rt - -ir 1
Physician Eitraordinary t th,
nia invaluable medicine La
too, painful and rialgeroas tthu...seF In en
constitution is aubjett. It molleraler a,.
mores all oba;nact.loas o and a speedy cc -
it is peculiarly suited It will, in a P bur
the monthly period with rernlanty, '
Each bottle, price One, bears
Stamp of Great Britam, to r recent corr .
C NUT iI)N •
Thfse Pills should not be taken by P:m..41
lure to /ring on lilaparriage, but a: m)
are safe.
In all cases of Nervous and Sp:nal
she Back and Limb; Fatigue on Fiigb-,
non of the Resit, fireterice and Mai...,
effect a cure when r.ll other
though a powerfal lernedy, do not e.inta.:
antimony or anything hurtful to :Le
Full threat:nue in the pamphlet
which I:Imola be carefullc pie.
SOLD BY ALL 6F. 9;.15
Sole Agent for the United Statto .
JOB MOSES I.l7.Cort:aae.:
N. 8.—51,00 and 6 postage stati;,•ea-;
tho.nsed siva t, will Insure a bat: aza•
1 41 It 1 It It it 1 I, W I
nll/1 nail Way from
buttoo to York. 4_;o.
- manes to NtST Yer.. 41.5 .7-,
413 D IS
.11 Trains run directly •
MILES, without chan,;opfcc..
From and after May.l4, . Trait
nectlon with all Wede n bnee 'Lc
dIRSI and SALAMANCA—by Sew 1
Union D. pots :
1445 J. M. Neu York Day Erp-rri,
(or.centSundeve): lateo ,
the,5.31 A. u Day Expre.• trkral 21,
in New York at. 10 , 20 31.
7 10 A. U. Expreas
. Stop° at
meets at tiornalb.rit:. sat
M. Exprga Mail from
York at 7 31
.1.15 P. X. /Vein Nlg• E:reo, t
(except Sundayp). Stop• at
and lirriTen in Nev . y,,:k
with arternoo9 trains mud
New England Cities
From Buffalo—by New To-It tine.
Exchange liCd Ift bipii
i2o.t. x New Ya-k 1)17 F:rre'f
c. t
trr. Tea In New Ter!. at 10.. 1 r, 3
Great Bend with Del.. r.,•,1"'"
, Railroad in - ir Phi utelploa,
&Id point; South.
533 A:3l &TT'S) .1 1 / 6 it, tia. n
d .11 , (except Siandai 1. ?rnn, ; . .
A. X. , Connects at Elmira vat,
mix.% Railroad fnr.flarri.burA
awro, Wliphinzton
2TO p M 'Agitbung Frprts.i,:r.:! , "
we.. In New Yerk 7 3 x,
5.00 7 M. Nei* York Nieht Ex rex
Now Y.rk
:0.45 P. M. Civrimaret Er;
trtiv.4 in Nor:
;Iris; :rl '
At 0
Mir* with Wtiliara•prt
• Bead with De'azar Lactax.cet. ,
rnad, and at Sot Yert_ v th
atesmara Nr Neon sill Srn• E~:
Orily °martin
5.00 P , and reantinit Nor licnt *C..°
farce of all otter rout-r.
BONIPII ird ^ems Vt z,
gaee•, arc trlartrrrea jrre
The bat Ventilated and nvnt ID , •
iRE WORLD accoratlnv all
BuMae cbechel thre , ...,:h a= I a' 0 .
aoy other r -
geIASK VIR TI '.l:w.T . ; ilt
which etu be obtaimal at a
in the West and South-a ...t.
Gen'l Furl.
febl6•66 _
11: 23 .. / I , 3VAND FLAX,
ivo'oh Tic
For ttt
Gott: Put&mon ,t•
F s vienvED
For sale at VClao.epale
ma24•2m 515
!t t:
, an