al ; itcolit.le °venal' , - ~:44,10 ,c. stano) Itoallr.rsida r, LOB. • Nts STATIC VT. A d_\l l rup a'rON.-141,111,,L.LAR.9 AND FLITT CIIXT3 per .. . ea a paid In adeanee ; TWAIN DQLI.ARA U not 11,4ozplrttirn of the year. Subm„it,,,,,, F 1 1 ,7 1 . cEsrs .41. er,bstraption accowais ILIGT3T Na roper s will be sent out 0 uee f.,T in advance. Squnro of Tea Liven out in tsl,73 ; Liar, i n c., , til V 750: tra,tpue• ro•re „ 4: , 18 3. it . 1)" ap• .;.• tI•P .., t •:13:1••:N. Auat- , I:trr:a , t , Itiottc , l TWZNT}- (over three 1 i nee flote pet Ortgiull poetry, un ten at th.. revle.4t of the editor, one ALllar adrerti.,nerite will be continued at of the petioa advertising, Until or d ere d dircr ilyo, unless a signified period 13 tprolor thei r insertion. Yl tucculestions should be addressed to Berg.i , r 4 Editor and Proprietor. . . Business Directory. • ,cl.. I'UTI Ant. kIr.,Fr.:IKT AT LAI7, Girard, Erie County, n 5 A U ether business attended to with „. 0 ~ t ,psteJa• ',4• it. lso l :Ef 'AVfoILYST LAW, In Walker'st Of. Fs IV. P. 1111: 452 I= ATfOßZ,erret Comeasixon.s ar 9x .,05 :hock, near North West Corner of the ,sr, Fe. !SENNETT, 1 " " JUTICS or razz PEAcw. Office second wet French Street, between Fifth end ' , jai:HA6-2. 10V WILBUIL, ArroliNWfß at Lew, Ridgway, Pa. kge x,,xtratron and Jefferson counties. Gn3o'ds-Ir•7 W. W. WILBUR; INellla 4B No Items or rills Pam:ro, Paragon Block, Ls: ¶V: alarm Erlo, 1"o ~iS.OENNi4ON, . ,y 7,012 /2 LAW AND Jr Ica OF THICTILICE. ; . ,,!c1,,,,, scent, Conveyancer and Coll ator. stns,ln, southwest corner of Fift and ' , ri • • , apl,T6 41/ UK.' ,TOPN CY FIRNABRATA. at the APR F. 50. Vil hag n hand a large mend: pr,,eisions, Wood and Wilii,w Ware, Fegara, tic. to which he to attent,on of the public, Fatiedled that good bargains as can be had in any part tuarlo'6•s—ly • C. Nev.r.iT, 31.. D., ' Pvivxmlart ./1261, ir Ha Lo] i t: • Jri oreet, over C. ql , lrern atom — board: ht.' ! C. W. Krlsl, 20 do q. south oft e m F. rc So.ofris street OGlee hours from ll'o'olco% il P. t;. mt VeCtl I).. lc Physician noeiStiEron r•.t ro oa re•c`r opoo.ite the Park i w Lours frop 111 to 12 A. 21, 3 to 6.P.11, c If. ap6 6©• L E.4I"CrE , FOR N 4 LB hoimetri inie4 on Stfito Street, be— re2th and F.lghth slrerts, Emit side are of. .I'e an very re....sou&ble tvrins, it applied .lucre cr UT: A. OA LRRAI7II, Agent ti C. BEEBE, - DSILLRTR DEW GOODS, Cnocrzanta, Na:li,GlPor;, Seed, Muter, etc, ear- F . TErt l'ulPle Square, Erie, Pa. jal7tf. • , E. LITEIT ATD SALE STAHL'S, on'Eiihtti Sts an Frp,cii. Fine Horses and (;ar -14 eQ m. 9 0 ,12 1 ,18 terms. my23'B4—Fi.r 111 - iND SIM? STABLES, COVIL3 or FRUCIi AND Ira STRIEIIIB, ERIE. Propriator, Gi , o/ Ehnen and Carriages Lin.l at moderate price!. Sept. 29,1995- 1 II II VER V qTABLE, ME :tr, A D •Irrt '" C:Ly. tole otle m 12140 sTI N'S'Llile • in (iroreries, Proilue,, Provisions, :o , r and 4 tone War,,, Wines, Liquors, tze., ,•,.npposite thn l'ustoffice, Erie, P. marB76s-1y MAGILL. • Moiler, Mee. In Ram- 1 11 -.-- ;: , k,nerth,lde of the Park, Eris, Pa. 2e. 1. *UN, :WILLIAMS 41: CO.. • 5VCC7:1 , 5083 to Pe - Iv J. Iforton, Who'euala dealer, in Coal. ',N. V. S E, and Nvle'n Line of Steamara. Pock, Erie, Pa. • . jan4'6s ly. ,EVS 314,ZEPP.1. [MUSE. Di LL—DIILECTLY OPPOITI: THE PASSENGER . /A PA., living newly fitted up in the oast ig now open lo the public. Meals ail re arrival of all Passenger Trains, is)- OAKLEY BROS., P:npri:i. r•. C IttrrEL, Waterford, ro. Roinave LCALIE, PIInPAIIS29IL •CCIMATIC2IIqO,IIC and eaieful attention given to ort of guests. t I:T5'O-Iy* MST PIANCS IN' AMERICL , cde by S. DRUCKER & CO. Sells Them. anlP'6s 17 TKK W HILLDINOI. IRltEllol.ilf AND Sr , ' 0103 floor tleatty's Block; Wast, Park, Erie, Pa, • f •rd, Chrfatian hE Ruth's 'Store. Residencr ujrtle ntreel, 3d house South of Ninth. oart-tS to 10 A.M., and 2 to 3 P. It. - 'tf. EVANS. M. D., Tenders his prof mints' 'et-vices to the Erie ixd vicinity. etlice I.) Vs's now hall& tarll street, a few doors south- of the depot - - - • OLE, - 8r 4 313131111n, Bust Boot MANITY/CTMOIR cr? c'alcdorrieelat's Block, Erie, Pa. E J. BIAKE:I.Y, ATTORNEY AT LAw. Ridara,v, a Will alio practice an adjoining Countiaoa. i7a 11%1IKS, u f R . T k:LOR VW Chormss CLEANER. : .. , r, & , 1:1 ' 1. Pr. Benno ell Office.) Clothes 1- o. l .a.lclevae.l cis s' ort'notice. Tet*s fis IA Lev. ms 22 ty I.) I'LtI.F.Y. . r the U. 3. Trria,ury Department and ' '' - 1 - 1111n.r for Soldiers, WOhingtori, ••%1 n•irl Inset, FArrar Han ;Rai ding, •, Naval and Civil claim ?tea diumitch. Pensions obtained Appl ration, by mill promptly attended x-v?ral years' experience in the ll.partriente, feeler confident be n ,ll : , t•ex - lc.J.y and in prorecutine all kinds nov3o'lis•tf DENTI!! , T. • th• P•1a:71 yams Coders of - Dentbl Sal" , story rl Sterrett b uf Le n, Houma, Erie, Pa. lILFCIISNCE 111" PERMISSION. D tt• S., North seventh street, Philactel- %Slam, D• D• S., No. 24.3, North Nto th -442 KSVIN(;,, 41- 20^.NKTS AND C.ITNBELLONoi IT LAW ontoette Crittenden Hall Ce , ertton! and all other. le,gll 'bud Vensatrn. F:rte, Warren 61243 1 0 0116 e ',- " , ) , :a"pruilv and promptly. Kp•A. GAlbraith , Whitman - it Brecht Marvin, :rte, Pa. Hot, Johnson, W. D. Brown Warren. Pa. 4 11 RMV C dcil,rp , in herd and soft our dock pir , p,rty to the retirn trim the coal ~ .r5 -cur:: .t.••• erutueutly yrnr • - tlr m44 , ,e -.oar old if 116:.dfl - - t & I.ottarim:, 'a t ^iAlee - Tatioro, Fifth greet, between E-, 14. cri,t m Work, Repairing and po , o3;:t'y. Ctcan rg done in the ',obif,B tf K 5 y AL 2,Lt OROCERIES !! ! stoelt. of Grnteries. ISC 2 4 ;; MVO: to - -t a . tate Cermet et to s o ., "-friends 2,2,3 r ' goods ttiv ptcec y seLeeted aru with the La to In kis lino to r::ti• F.SC M lINDEN, ft 1 / 1 lANCY DYEING. E.‘`T lET.TII STREET. •. Co* ton Goo lq. D•WIll111 nad Yerusdjed sad colored to %ha • PI AIINLILIi PRICE. 4 Pts4o6 end refinished before delivery. 4411 JOB. KORLIIILLUL MIZE MNT It A.. 1-4 s _lt A.. Ter 40 -v- •• This Old Pllablished Agency represents ti leading, most popular and most successful Insurance Companies in tlis COlllO7, embracing Life, Fire; Mairine, Inland and Accident In•uMnce. Combined Capital represented $28,000,000, affording facilildei for first class 'femme ante to any amount desired, and on - ad reivotip.ble terms as sound and well maged'Oompanies con afford. Orders for Insurance attended to with Promptnees and fidelity, in town or country. Especial attention given to the Insurance of DWel lings and Farta Property, for periods of thr.o or (Ivo years, or peipetually, by deposit of premium, ' Rates very 10w..; flit thoughtful and pruildat farm Insur and kindred dependent upon him. ;All who I he tollowing Companieu : A 1 _COMPAPiY. • _ , • NINETY-THIRD - STATEMENT oct6'64tf. Caph Arste, I.Labti Net Arpett., THE' VETITRAN OF 16,009 ;FIRE:3 STILI HARD AT RlTaziant organization of four thonntral un/lerwriteru, from Nova Scotia to California, and L Ito quperlor. axle° aryl the ftulf, harinnn'ing the science/of ararag.. with complnsating rates to the advaacenaeut of the public welfare. FLATTERING TESHNIONIALS OF Tfil ET NA IN S U RANCE COMPANY • • • FROM THIIII!PCRANOR DtPARTMINT_ OF THE STATE OF NSW YORE,. The haturanes Cemniiisimer feline Legislature: "The Etna Insurance Company. ..f Trartard, one of he moat ruccesaftil Fire Insurance Corn anio of - this or any other col:tatty " • • • • "Connecticut Companies follow the rues and nrscti tee of tie Etna almost as czrel Ily as if they wen). m• bodied in st ante Iter." Asak pointing to errors of practic. in Fee York Companies, the Etna's soccessfol management and so id rules are eaLled to their I. , Wiation thts: "It slit. remains more a mttter of wontlar than {mita tion in the Insurance wor .1" ••• / • 'By what subtle alchemy has this corporation btreri enabled to tern its full paid capital Into 'he Philoso pher's stone I" • • ' • • "The extraordinary mots which have distinguished ifs unparalleled financial history." The a. erase losses per diam in t're rnited States at this period of the year, are lhotr two hundred and flft - thousand dollars. The telvuranh *hi' sounds startling notes of warning to all prudent pereen.!. DO NOT NEGLECT TUE SECURITY OF RELIABLE INSURANCE. Policies issued toil/laid delay. J F. DOWNING, Agent, T. W. CROWELL, Surveyor. A 1 Company.— }j0)1 IC INSUR ANCE3 CO3IPAN 1r ' OF YEW yam:, OFFICE, it:O. 135 1311:0ADWAY CAS'a CAPITAL - - $2,000.000 00 AS'4ITA. In Jacattry,lB66, 3,59.4,674 14 - 153.749 24 ABSTRICT OF TIM 25TU SEMI-ANNUAL STATE\IENT Showing the elndition of the Coriwany on the n let day o [Janttary, ARS6TS. Cash balance in bank Bonds & mort., Ist. lieu on real estate . - 196,892 50 Loans on stocks, pay. on demiand 97,392. OS United states stocks,market val. 1,350,831 90 State & man. stocks & bonds, do. 905 425 00 Bank stocks, do. • 113,550 00 Interest due on Ist Jan., 1866 27,431 16 Balance in hands of agents apd in course of transmission 173,010 51 Bills Rec., for pre. on In. Risks,&c 43,153 44 doyerstnient stamps on hand 1 - 10 00 Ottier Property, Mis. Items 13,605 13 Pro. due and unool on Pol. Issued at office (fire, inland & mar ) 43,141 88 Steamer Magnet & wreck. apps. 83,483 94 Total Assets, $3,698,674 14 LIMVITTISS Claims for las, out. on Jan. 1,'66 $152,046 24 Due stock on account divideed \ 800 00 ' Notwithstanding the fiery trill of the past year, dur ing which the company hes paid lotutes to the amount of $1,637.852 wttbout omitting the semi-annual die idends, "The florae." with its ituitsl o' .Two Millions intact, and a net surplus of $1444,9.37 to, continues to offer to all who meek reliable insurance, inducemmta surpassed by no other company. J. F. DOWNING, Agent. T. W. Crowell, IFurseyor. "It /e wielmn cnd Pr•Alarnl3o to ingore In the beet Com puller, and there ie better than the old Izianr- Mice Comps...ay of North America." I NCORPORATED 1794. INSURANCE COMPANY NORTH CI , VIE 4i. OP PHILADELPIII♦ 144 Th SEMI . ANNUAL STATEMENT duels, Jan. 1, 1460. Market Value. First mortgages on city property $441,500.00 U. S. Government bonds . 331.500 00 Pennsylvania State bonds 109,000 00 Phila. city bonds . 138,700 00 Buds of Penna. R. R. Co. and other corporations 190,440 00 Band & other corparition stocks C 6,190 93 Notes Rea. (temporary loans) 150,471 . 06 Real Estate. ofEce of the Co., 232 Walnut street :22,000 00 Unpaid 'Pre. & debts dud on acct— all good ' 107,581 13 Cash in B'k &in hands of Agts. 168,329 32 Total Assols 51,731,215 14 LOSSES PAM Dr CASIT SLYCE 1794 OVER $18,000,000 00! 72 TBATO3 SKCCESSFUL nustNcss ExcsarsNcs. Policies issued a ithout play by .1. F. DOWNING, Agent T. W. CROWELL, Surveyor. puoicas inksuliaNcE OP gAarroao, cold LOSSES 'PAID LN 1865, $410,618 91. CASH ASSETS, JAN. 1, 1866, $1,006,790 38 The test of its nationality, the solid serylce it bss rendered patrons, and its ability t, pass 'through sea sons prolific of conflagrations with honor and profit to those most interested, may be inferred from a perusal of the following figares of 1,039 ER PAID. Arkansas $22;830 431Nlinnesota 20,980 42 Alabama 45;723 361 N. !lamp. 25,309 19 Connecticut22o,B3l 97 1 New York 643,630 32 California 181,320 54 New Jersey 3,750 53 D't of Col. 196 351 Nebraska 1,167 00 Florida 20,468 42phio 103,953 59 fieorgia " 22,138 751Penn'a 53,274 40 Indiana 84,203 Wilt. Island 20,771 21 Illinois 210,698 5713. Carolina 21,032 75 lowa - 31,616 737ennmeo 46,970 90 I:entucky 69,978 19 , Texas 3,96108 Kansas 13,416 07 Vermont. 4,282 43 Maine ' 66,893 45 Virginia , 27 24 Mass. 69,870 01j W. Virginia 2,000.00 Maryland 39,602 95;Wiseonsin 86,461 76 Mississippi 24,832 55,Canada 88,870 80 Missouri 80,05 31i Nova Scotia 14,285 78 Michigan 67,057 64iN. Bruns. • 15,330 75 Losses Always Paid Promptly. J. DOWSING, Agent. T. W. CEOWT.l4.34er•roz. AI. ,-. 1 1 -. "_. .:.....1: tr.::14:41':::.:141.y . r. 711 1..1.). .'a - 2 ; •'-'"'''' ''` ' ' . . • , . . . '. . . . , 1 , ..-- - 2-...:. -- ,-. - ...-- i r .•"` 4 : -I'r = l 's , E _.,..._, 4. 7 .-._ ---- ..., - ,===" s ..! it -- dr -- .. , "''''-'• ' ' . ~. --c -4, _ . ~ B .. . ...... _ . „.. ~ .. .4 ... ,- Ap, o R i -$ ....- ~,,,,,...---- .::::-,...-- ... -., --- •: 4 1, - 1 11 , , . Office in Rosenzweig's Block, opposite Brilwn's Hotel. 1:111:13 Jamusr. I, 1 86 , 3 • S 4 067,445 30 244,401 43 3 823,00 i 31 W R K•' EMI 100,744 49 A M. E R I CA! SEM NM EMI TWO" P0L'1..4 RS AND A-lIALP PER YEAR, IF PAID IN ADVANCE $3.00 IF NOT PAID UNTIL' THE END OF ITHE YEAR.- F. DOWNING'S Erie, Peun'tx. es hie Proporiyagaiart loss or damage by Fire,mcd his Life for the protection of wife, children lave not yet attended to this duty, should call at once and get their policies in one or moro_of N J A GA It A FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, 7 1 OF JIM CITY OF NEW YCII . :- CAPITAL Cash Capital and Surplus . $1,286,729 60 - AsSETS. United Statet t S ecurities 468,643 05 n' ll Loans on Bo llorgrkge 202,000 00 Gashin ba4._ d hands oragenfs 85,518. 37 Loans on Stooks, pay. on demand' 352,400 00 Real Estale, Interest, &o. - 111.168 18 Wisconsin Sr. California, Bonds ' - 8,000 00 LIABILITIFS Losses In process of adjustment 20,060.00 Unpaid Dividends 1,326 60 $21,376 50 , • -Fair-Rates, First—Class Security, Prompt Pop. men€ of Losse.i. J. F. DOWNING, Agent. T. W. OROWLL, Surveyor. METIROPOLITAN I ,N,1./.1i4%. * NC E COMPANY, or NEW YORK. Cash Capital - , $1,000,000 Aesnts, January 1,1866, 1,644,000 The Assured receive SEVENTY-FIVE PER CENT. Cit the net prollte wl'hout :nenTring any Liatienty, or, in lieu the got, at their option, a liberal 11/count upon the preratent. ALL LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND,PAID.- Scrip" Dividend, declared 1865, Fifty per cent. J. F. DOWNING, Ageet. T. W. CIOWELT., Surveyor. H 0 51 E I iv•SURANOE COMPANY, OF NEW 13AEN, CONN Cash Capital, .tll pit a, MEM Pr tires ifanufrAnrtent ife•ehandise and other prnpertt against Ines or damage by die, ft Nate. 'erne% agsinat the risk of Inland Transportation arid Ne~icalvd• Company has three Departments in tarrying on its fire Business. Ordinary or Term Department 10Fo.e term or one year reticles, on all classes of in• en able propertr, at fair and equitable rates, without any participation in the profits of the Company—the same as other stock Companies. Participating Departinent Issues term policies for one, three or Brie fears, tea Dwellings, Furniture and Farm Braidings and their contents, giving en-It-policies a participation in the pro tits of the Company, Without their incurring any lia bility thereby. • Perpetual Department Tocores perpetual policies requiring . a . deporit ota imall amount of money, to hen of all future paymenta of premiums, coverimr rialto upon Ilwallinga and thalr rnitnre. Runs and their content,' Stores and atoeka of Gooda, Churohea and Sche , ,l Hoaxes. J. P. DOWNING, Agent. T. W. CROWELL, Surveyor. . TUE CONDITION STATEMENT Or ARCTIC FIRE INSURANCE CO., No. IS Wall N. Y. oa the laidlief:an:, Me Assrrs Cub in bark and in offle-, 35,806 94 Bonds and mort ..agest (being first 11ms on real - estate in New York anti Brooklyn, worth at least !365.000) 177,310 00 Loans nn Mortal, parable nn damsel, (market . Talus of seenritiea herd U saunters!, $79,- 174 00) 64,743 21 * Unite/ tstes Ttocka owned by the CoMpany * ,a10e,'254 26000 Ftat e a7neks nwred by On.. menet value, 29048(8) Real Estate (oninerimbered) 3,00000 accrued Of which greater pert doe %11. let IR mid.) 4,94931 Balance In hands of Agent., and In COWS! of tranamirszon from Agents. 24,500 00 Bill• reeeive7le for promiam on inlaid risks and other llama 13,591 25 Cash premiums uneollectri on policies Issued 7. at ales 5,80440 612,101 18 . _ Claims far Lasses autstannsg, Jas. 1 •e 6, 19,682 09 Unpaid Disidends, aeboo 20,127 99 Total limes Ainbilitles, PACO 19. • The "Ardis" lout a first class reputation for honora— ble and l'beral dealing. It is • sound compignyoind doing a prosperous business' J. MILTON SMITH, Preet. H. B. WILLMARTII,Tice fires'L Vl:tears TILTOr. CU RLEE BAanunciz, Asitt seey. J. V. - DOWNING, Agent. T. W. CROWELL, Snuieyor. F ORT YdPIIIIID 'ANNUAL •STATILIII /MT OP Tlit CONDITION OP VIZ - NORTif 71RE INIRIRANCE COMANY Of the City of New York, l on the 31i t day of Decem• bet', 665. • • 1 Cash Capital, ',., $500,101011 Surplus, S ; I nil 0536 T. . '®, ' 151,6636 ~ • . Loans on Bond and Ifortgaire, \ heing firs] on real estate worth'over 60 per cent, above tztoeo 00 the amount lot • ed, Stocks, Bonds aid other ~e coritina own ^(1 by the Commtuy, market valley ' 3q2 817' ID Cash iu bank and oSee, - i 39,9 A 46 L4)3VP ot3 desosx.C, with, Collateral, i Zil 050 CO Premiums due aid on:Wending, 14.70362 Canh in agents hardy In tonne of tranamici 63,038 39 Interest accrued on securities, 14.001 16 Bills receivable,. 2,894 66, . Other property utr.,oninany, 8,600(4 Total smutty - - The lessen by tire throughout the united States dei ing the past year have been larger in amount than those rt any one of the premien% twenty years exdrding the erinre us nom n(10,000,000, and the efetere and Civet ttra of the eompary rongratulat) its stockholders, spate and customers upon .he very Bettering result of the yeir's business. In this company the assured =ay participate In Ow pro& tor of the bunkum. with nit incurring any liability. Dividand for 1865, fel per cent. A continuance of yonr favor Is respectfully soliefo d. R: W. Bizicusa, sec• 7• J. GII [Emma', Gen. Agent. J. F. DOWRING, Agent. T. :r. CROWELL, &mayor. ENTEaraIISE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF ?MI CITY OF FIIILADELMTA Cash Capital, Surplus, Jut. l,'BB, Cr=l The"Faterprise," with a paid tip Cash Capital or Rail a million. offers seewity of the first order of to,nrlL The .toodlng of the Company is "A I":—libeta/procept and tnietwority:. • - Y. R. STARR, Preeiditat 'THOS. H. MONTGORRRY Vice Pre:et. Matz. W. Wiana, Baty. • 1. 8. DOWNING, Amt. T. W. 03.0WELL,EhwesTor. • ME BEM ERII4:, PA., THURSDAY 'AFTERNOON, MAY 31, Is6G. $1,288,729 GO $ 1 •40 0 ,275.1030 1,275,836 OF THE 761,653 sr JAB. W. OTLS Petit. 000,0 CA 1 SO OW 680,0G0 setimunsi.p . INSURANCE' `OOISI4IANYi or eraixonzt43, sties. Cash Capital and llorpltuti. ' , $ l3OO / 000 The u,Sloriceele has dons a Imp ainVienecsmfol badness /or nearly - twenty years, and Is one of Om fa* yorita companies hailing from Na. Ragland. 5.1./SUN/N i PriMamet. CHAS. E. LANE, Body. .14 F. DOWNING, Agent. T. W. CRORILL, Surveyot. • TUMORS INSCHANCE; MUMMY. • - NORWICH, Foam. Cash Capital and &nine, $300,000 _The wf busies" is a enuervatlve and well imaged Company; entitled to the full epafidenee of the insuring public. Losses settled promptly and Ilbersllr u _ VI . d. IIItAILENRIDG Co Pres% B. WHITTEMORE, Bed/. i J. T. DOWNI'W, Apart, . T. W. OROWRIA., Surretor. CONNEFTIpUT MI7TIIIL LIFE! INSURANCE !COMPANY! • .OF HARTFORD, CONN. Masts OM 1/0.000.0110 Number of Policy }faith's . overi 30,000 New Policies issued during the year over 100x0 Receipts for the year over 4.000,000 Dividend paid during the present fiscal year, 60 per cent Total dividends paidosver 3.000 000 Total Lo sea paid, our 4,600.000 Wbi tbo Connecticut Millual!ehoald be preferred: Because It Is the Largest, Safeit, Cheapest and B4tl It hid been desuon4rated to be THE GREAT LIFE INSCRANCS COMPANY OF TIM COUNTRY. I. It hex the largest number ht members. • 2. It bee the largest amouut humid. • 3. It has the largest marring.. 4. It bow the largest dtrislyt•'surplout. - 5. It bee the largest bnefisess.4 6. It hale the largest income. k T. It has had through it+whble histore' The mealiest avenge Poetises. 8 It obtains the Lrgeet average rates of laterest on Its Investments. . • 1 9. It therefore (artistes insursues at )eas /oat Lbws any other coinparrf. • r r _ - 'All Potties imbed by this Climpany are either ROO• forfeitable by Oa* te.coe, or *bay be eonvertei into theme whieh are Co at the option of the inlareg. ' - • N'One but atrletry unexceptionable dela aineeptit and only upon age between Fourteen end t Sixty. GooDlrllo . ¢ cr 8. EMT 11. 7• Z..Pziarca, View Pst tW. 8. plaurriun,.9aih's L. 8. Waco; PhJtle4a. febmary 1, 18s8. - • J. p. DOWNEN(i.AIt LIVE AND ACCIDENIP.: TES O&M/W. TRAVEL ER 8' IN*TRANCE CO., or ruorrroßr. color Capital, 111111129 , AaktEre ALL . - -KINDS OF ACCIDENTS. The TM.lien? Xpittrs Dee Vomprzy; hot Hartford. Cons was the first's° woreeestully tntrodstee fn UM country the practice of lerera*Ce against . secifientn. of whateier hind. whether .that wane ttsrelfer. or 1* hnntinp. fishing, exiling: rldlna. altetteg, to the itreer. store, office, or while worktag lit:shop, mule, taeterteti, or on the farm. A general accident lung Otters every u•osalble font of casualty, Innlading the ?ilk in traveling; also, forme of dislocations, broken bones. suptered tend° Brains, COUCIII9IO/18. ern ehings„ bruises, eutt4 lab gunshot wounds. poisoned would'', bane and scald bites of dogs, unprovoked assaults by burglars, robbe or mutevers,the action of lightning or sun stroke, t et:eve fof explosions, Ghemicale. ft Keil. and quakes, and suffocation brdrocining or choking; ` ThleVonrpany has now been in miccesaful operate since A pril lat. 1864, and up to Jan. 15t,1886, bad fun upward' ofthirly•tive tbOasand poltetes,arid paid o nine hundledllosees—lncleding the largos= of $66,- 800 to twenty)-one policy holders within the' year, far $19,440-received in premiums. i • • cash Assaf, Feb. 1, 1866, $600,849 72 GENEPAL ACCIDEIiT POLICIES. • e The best polley :outset, min. whether he travels . much or little, is a general accident policy, which in su times res splint every possible form of casualty at ell and plum. An Mamal pendent of Stn or' $l2 (accooling to emelt- Poticri.) wl.l smuts a general a6cident policy for $2 000 in case of fatal accident, or $lO per week daring disabll• fly enured by accident, toot exceeding tweatrair weeks for any one .aolident.) -- ' An anneal putt= of $95 or $3O In like man. net., more a pollitzfOr 0,00 0 or $25, per week 400 : 1 Pli" Batton. Any other floras= $5OO to 110,030 at propOrtleaite rates. Where policies are lamed against lou of life entry or for tompensation only, the rates are much lower. disconnten three and five year policies. .ONI-3f0N771 OEKgBIL ACCIpEN? POLICIES. rarairmiro.) This company now lames •,very convenient former one-month general occident policies, at the rate of Ot per thousand —with at pry week noropensations ter sub thousand Insured. Thus arerunch better than t 1 et, for travelers and others &trine short risks. they can be taken in any arrornstrfroin $5OO to $1 they corer all accidents , and each yolle,y so that the insurance is goe4ie cs# the policy is or destroyei. 1 For mechanics 'and =other. wird, cannot easily s is the artionot of an annual yremluM. but would Uketo lipure by the mouth, these'short time policies are Jest the thing. To any person who buys els - month pet• iciea to any one yea a policy:for halt a leer will .Pat gican.withost camp (except is_l tielr7 or ) ; I JAS. i 141.1 SON; pwadipati, RODSIIIf Dail/. 80/211iAlli • • epltdis .1: P. DOWNING, *rat Ma AGUA' . DE MAGNOLIA. A. toilet delight -eoperfor to any Cologne—Taloa to, bathe the face Sad 'pawn. to reader the skin soft sod fresh, to allay Infleatfastion, to perfume Clothing, for headache, dip. It Is roasitfaaared from the rtzdipouth. era hisgoolls, sad b o tlo pttrosece qalte na• Preeedented. It ins breaths 'with actresses and opera stagers. It Is sold by all dealers, at PAO to /stye bat• ties, sod by 110413 ROMS do CO, New Variq saki sitsetl- i I. :•• • El • "Jet so l" , —"Exiketli l" Solos Shines lag; "Cory pen thus. wery time " If he_ felt "orlor Ihe the toorplem he took Plaittt'op Sltletat It he felt lite,•r, it, DI/lithe tacit PlatitatiOnSitttra; U ha lielisdappolita. was Peak. *raid Or mentally oleYirareil, It* toOkria.- titles Sitters, and they ' never failed to eat illiterihla i t rdna s in and firm. p w nova vest any better a7.thoilty , tint some aeon! may, my, j read the following : ' • • • "I owe nitteh to "on, for I verily be IleraPlantation Bitters stood en) , We' , 1 ' • DAV. W . H. WaSONNS. /t'sdth% N. T. • • • "I kiwis barn a4reat author from Dyspepsia, and had to abandon preaching. • 1 • no Plantation Dative have oared me!! I EBY. C... A. YILLWOOD, New York City. . , • •'• • '"I had lost all apfeetifeiwas !Fp week and same ted I wild hardly walk, and bad a per. feat dread of society , . • • The Plantation Bit ten hate set me all richt "' ~ I' ' JAMEi MCIIITft WAY, St. pooh., Ma. • • • '•The tlantation Bltterk have cured ms ate derangement of the Kidneys and Vrinari t Organs that diatom ad means 'este. They set hike a ehurm. 0. C. 8008% 2t4 Broadway. N. Y." lies. 0. II DCVOS, mansger of the 'Caton Bone! /reboot for Soldiers' Children, says she hate giv i eu it to; "Um weak and tortilla children under her' eherlis with the most hippy and gesiliylng reruns.. We have tii eetred over a hundred . reams - of um& oar tided" but no advarthenneut -i , so ellocyr Ms:wind people theteselveiisy ors girod azUele.. Our i fortime 'rind our ?notation is at stake. Ihe - original *alai - Mid high charseterof these:goods will tie install:red gilder every and all etreunistatiees., They lava almudy,lb• taloed s t udoin every town, iri R&M paid' and hamlet among eivilited nWous. Bare I nttatore try to !Mite is near our name and style ea possible, and beeanse airocia article cannot be'sold as chimp se • pear ones they end some support 'tom : puttee who do not core whit they sell. Be ca your guard. See our private' mark dyer the cork. P. Ti. DRiBR k CO., New York Pity. OVER A MILLIOS DOLLARS SAVED. "Gentlemen: I had a negro Mao worth $1,200, who toot coll from a bad hart in the let, and wawneelem for over s year, I bid awed wririttling I could hear Of withowf benefit, until I triad the Halletn biting • imept,,, It soots abated • pscsoapent eye. , Montgomery. dia.,Jane 17,'59, J. L. DOWITip:. " take pleasure in reeonunereling the MeetMM Mili tant Liniment ap a vainsble 'and IndisperaiAlel amide 4ter Sprains, tome. Baritones Or Gas on Milne& Cier mu lass used it. for. Bruns, Bruises Sono, 114sums than, ilte, and all luty it sets like • maig` e. _ J. W. JZWIII7, Orairdrh for Airke deft, Wells, Targeo tnd Ihirndetei alike sprain of ej dal:chiles ankle, ocmairlen+l wpflo *wog het stater, M entirely mad in one vest after, ree the ecarpreed wing; jeer celebrated linitia l g Lint, nt'.. ICD..ICLSIK` Gloneeet , r, Usu., Avg.], inKr. g tt It is an admitted tut that tlte lierican hints's , Ltidl meat pedants, bore curse in shorter time,. on Man mil beast, than any article am discovered. Families, e?y.meb, and planter shotild always have it ea UDC Quick aid awe It certainly it. All' iambs iatirsmail b steel plate engravings, be ring the alginate of W. Westoroth. Chemist, and the private U. 8.. Stamp oil DEtII. BARNES JVCO., ever the top. • 1 An tiffOrt, has b:en Made to Coanteifelt it with l a chuli stone'plati label- likiott cleiely. I - ' SARATO9A , SPRING: WATERII • • Sold by all Linitirista. It restorea heir upon prematurely bald, heal. fhb what Lyoraltatharlou will do. It Is Pretty— it te cheap—dozable. Et le literally sold by the Mir-load' and yet Its almost inerstrsbla desiand Le daily inctouing . until there Is hardly *oinuary atote that does opt keep it, or a family thait doss got , 1 $501),000 Who erred not be beautiful ? Who would not ed . their b•anty What give" t 1 t morble ' levity end dts Name types isosi) ewe obeene rayon the stags, end lb the 'city belief It: lista longer a swot.. They nee Hegsn's Itegaolla Belot. Its -conktintesd up removes Tan, Freck les, Piraylee and roujght!ima troth the fitee ind hitidse and &levee thicoaptinton!inneetb;ttanspitsent, :Moose tag mind revishheg. Unlike nierkrtextoettosLit tioitelds no rin'ertal Lain:tone to the glom; Any Arriggiqt will order It Tor you, If not on handpithOsoen.teper bottle. . S. HAGAN, Troy; Chemil s t • Mike' BARNES & Wbo!essie Agents, it Y. SARATOGA SPRING WATER [ 4' Sold by all Drugghtte. rlelenstises Inimitable' Bair Colorlag notr • 4 7 4 £ll iruitaataneou dyes IT• compared of Irma! enteatle, and taws sr lug destroy the vitality and bsantyl of the' hair. This II thip otter* half colaring.sad 'has beet growing to favor ova tieanty Yam It sistoami gray haft to tta osier& doloi by gradual valtorPti,cas • mut ram manna', Is also • beautiful UM" elfrastel. Bold In two afrara-60 seats and lit—by ell dealers. - 17..M1111134111110. Clittnist. • Lioara itxrsaar or Pars Zaassoa Orrawit.-+Yor in digertioat Nasals. Sairtipars, Mit floadaolia. CLolaa Yortssa, rat alsacy, &a, where a warming etiataltat, asqutred. Its earstal preparattios Sad *SU'S purity !makes its cheap and reliable article for calloary ass. Bold iiiTelvthers, at 60 Costa' per tattle. 4ric far aLyons Pim Eartrort. *kir ao ettr!tr. SAltrri . NA snip 'TATER ! spvie-dab. - %la iq au tosistau. SARATOGA, SPRING. WATER • " Sold by all Denigish SARATOGA SPRING WATER! Sold by all Diaggists EXprOil" - ' atlas most delightful Bair dressing. • • I . It erailkates semi and dandruff... ! It Imamate head cool and Wein. It makes Ile tali a:l4'lloft and glossy. lipments Ms hair turning gray and falll4 off. S. THOMAS LYON, ambit, N. Y SARATOGA spin; WATER ! • Sold bj all Drogue lii SARATOGA. SP.RLNG'WATER! • s Sold by all drnjFile • ME "0 itaggle i vrsttj Maggie. 7. Tarn tact to yonder town ; .Your Willie's In the oe-eu, An hondred fathoms down , ; she left n2O La the darluunsr. I . • h4id the ge4l nll !tcree , • , And harly wiode a; re growling With I,.raskara on' the beach. • Pouticai !Clippings. Far bettor an honesti minority than a dis honest majority. " What the South is suffering from —Misrep 7 resentation And non-represen I atiou . Thaddeus Stevens, who wants to make a Poland of the South,' feels . warmly toward Russia. - • man in Georgia speaks of the Ohio &Wore as ""Ben Wade, and found wanting." The Enclieal Statntiopt is naVitind, called for, the oth of :June, is a,donfessed fail. nro;. Alfred Lloyg, a Democrat, has just, been appo!ntjuk i Dnitod -lAates Aseessor, et' the ard !Lett . ' ct. :The .Chicago Tribune abuses General-:Dix Waugh a column article, because he,supports the Tolley of President Johnson. .;-. ,:Tho Brownlow radicals have disfranchised about nine-tonths of b the voters of Tennessee. 10hen , they want to irighteiva negro down South, they 'telt , him -the “Freedmens' Du reatt"'is after him, and he will flee faster than if chased by pea or bloodhounds. . - Gen. Sheridan in. his' answer to ilia inter rogatories of the Destruction Committee, says that !Ithksoloreil people of New Orleana l are treated better than in any other pity in , the United Statei.' l As an evidence of the feeling of the people in Allegheny county in regard to the great queStion of theday, it is stated that from 600 'to 700 prominent Republicans of Mr. Moor head's district (Pittsburgh) have signed their names to a paper endorsing the President's policy. . The Louisville Yournal says the radicals who :robbed Stockton and Brooks of their seats in Congretie are no better than robbers" that rob en the highway. The Itothester Union, in naming the fact that the late-D. S. Dickinson's dying request Was for an office for his son in-law, Mr. Courtney.. Significantly. heath. the paragraph with the heading “The: Ault ng-Paesion strong In Death!"' In Massachusetts thh Governor and Council have pardoned six persons Who - Were sentenced to pay $BOO each for tarring and feathering a Demodrat last April. , The Washington correspondent of the Springfield Republican rays the ' opposition members of Congress (the Conservatives)" "are in excellent, spirits, and art confident of the "country thethe Congressional' !• ' - Jidge RobereFlint,' a 'Demoorat,las been appointed, pOstritister at Fond du" Dee - , Wis cousin, , nod' it is understood there',that' Federal officers 'who do, not sustain the Frei dent's policy, wilt be removed. ' • Deeeinor Morton,' of Indiana, it is reported, is shiny to Make a speech declaring that it's the - policy of Republicans to unite infighting Democrats,-and not to make war tip - ow the President. ' hopes- to , unite; diseoidant materials is,;the Republican ranks upon that idea.- ' Wherever the Executive seipperte - the - Con. dilution of this country, upholds , the rights of the people and' discharges his duty with fidelity to the governaient, he will. find - many more dittiateretned 'suppoiters in the Demo cultic ranks or his own party,:tredy says the N. Y. - Bator s. -„ There are dome tWenty thousand poitroasters in the United States, of whom but -tight or' nine hundred require confirmation' by the Senate. There are to be vigorous removals among the rest who are denouncing the ad ministration: , Their dismissals are being made out at the Post Office Department. • The Washington correspondent of the World say? that the clerks it the Poet Office Depart ,' meat are busy making , oat appointments for 1 s.large number .of new postmasters in all omnibus °PIO° country. It is believed that there -has been-u large decapitation of postal office holdetti. .1 I t~' • - A; BOILpn man writing home from Richmond,. Dote, !'Though-L de not helievwfilly Sol:ahem gentlemen would 4ish to see slavery-restored, I am couriuded that teeny of the blacks would .prefer elsverr AO the condition to- which they have - been reduced by sudden einanOirittiPa."l 1 • ,Thtf. preaching of the Disuitionists•iett the: Ream don't tally with their practices, 13ena: toe •Cragin:`,llisunionist , of New .4aropshire. - has'sebured a clerkship in , one of the !depart - ! dents for a relative el his who served .in the rebel I , • The -Liotuse of Iteprei3entatiimi haspassed vete •of censure. upon ; Mr. Chanler t .of New' York, far offering a resomtion characterliting the mnjorrtinin Congress os wicked, malign . ' °ant and revotutionary. Mr.Chanler. is com-" plimeoted by the vote:, ire spoke the truth.+ 4, Give , us the run of the Treasury till 1780,'• , the nadicals,say, !‘and you can lake what we, leave Itherant that ( time.'!, In these few wards.. the Hartford Irma epitoialies the polioy of the,Rpdicals,as unfolded in their Constiutional amendment.,' • Miller, a , radical member from the liar Fishing • Distriet of. Penn Sylvania, ,in his' tspiech in the Rouse on Wednesday, - urged his co-laborers to hurry np their bustnes!, as this might be the last Republican Congrese that would meet for some time, if not forever. • . The editoi of the Philadelphia Press deliver address on Thursday evening last be fore a colored association of that city, in which he announced the following doctrine : «I am unhesitatingly in favor of ctnfcrring the ballot upon the colored citizen."-- Ae General Geary was nominated through the influence of the editor of the Press, who knew hie 'sentiments,' there can he no longer any doubt of Geary's opinion'upon the sub. jectief negre suffrage-. -A vote for Geary is a vote for oolsred ballots I . .II Tail OP liraiN.—:Garrison, whose motto as,tthe head 'or_his paper for . so' many' years ves--" The; Constitution and Union—a league with death end a covenant with bell," is re sponse to an: invitation, to; attend theil late. banquet , of 4te "Fort Sumter Clab," sent the following ientiment,za .1. Tin SPEEDY LiPEACHUCHT AND REiiOFAL .ABD'ailii JOHNSON • FROM Tan °MOB- us DLIMOSOiIk AID 11S71141211." en:4°rd to . .ba,yillille4 by nobs iaan 7 , • • . MESE NUNIBIiAi 1 A:111n1lait of 7 1 1 1autieekei. . II Wilma to ytiu t pretty Maggie, Whotego ,on in the " lit; to erk Ilse ' ' Who eared the 9panLb'm' "If ,theyjlay, fee, my Write. If hell coral back to me— lt hi ao sad to have blm :aalllairata the self' " lhis hair is turned to ger, ktlp; , Yhii arvj aid p'haaged to atones, 'Anltwice.two yeah's have knitted i6peoral'round>ttiboneil ' . "1%4 blonioms end tits claire Shea bloom and bloom agile. IN! never rifielly•nuelsver coine Cier the S'pan,eir mien • But *glee never heeded, rot inonenfalli said she: "111/ id Bed 1(1 :hive lati A. ',tang an tbip The belle of old Nantacket "Witst fcncliVeg thine they gala.' • Wberi Haggle lay *sleeping. - ' With !Mei roe 2d her head. The ?Arian Preached a: eernion. • Anskpivedavd preached stale— • Betels' had gone to Willie Acrosa the Bpantish wan I 1/ 01 91 1 4 : Vtostdo , or by ollt)egal r tetob k ti vi s- enkt. ttovioet dis of a little story 'Which 4h . 13 211nuouiv or some other paper of,;its .damp ;related ut the lato President'a year rr two Ogo : - • It was Fettled that a R.didil Congrtn•ri , mal tommittee VolegAt lon - wafted - on - lift:lt-1r; Celli, awl urged the tetooral , of Gen. -- frea tjte.gtuntpaud-itt Chief, nscdgning,„nt 914 ill whiskey. , " :" Ea !,!'r. Lincoln and' do p know ; where he gets hiswhi2l;ey, gen:letuce!" . " No, we d o . • " posy for 4,11•4 1 .."- v 7•• ire Frerl.l , lll reply, for ffS n oliciinid (cll met i;tr.nld F/4 , a barrel - t woo 3rhihkci. to ..cvdry griiervt in the arm.Y." • , ,•• •deneral zutier, in hi l ; recent. ci)40 . 41, I afore tin' Lggimlatpro Ilarrisborg, .uttered declaration : ' • OEMS WM • • "We had,ainquered the t 7 entli—ceriqueret,l them.otall their rights, except one,--the right, to be hanged.. Be had impoveriahed himsell and 'shed the bind of a brother - and -son irt defense of the great principles for which they had fought, and he for one would never yield unless some of the leaders-in the rebellion • were hung." .- Here is a case for clutrity—a hero " impoo.. eriahed" in the service of his country. Pct.. sons desirous of assisting the indigent imp t 9. make a fresh kart in the world, can send con• tributions to this , olTice. It is rumored that: tbe ladies of New Orleans are about to.hold re fair in aid of the good work'- Gen. Whitfield, formerly delegate to: Con e gress from Kansas Territory, writes to :a friend•from Mein, Texas, where he is at., tending the constitutional Convention, as fold logs; , " Wel got whipped and there is no, use to talk.' :I am the' most loyatmati now you ever saw ready to take a. tilt, if necessary, for Uncle Sam against Max. or anybody else: . The feeling of the south is to place -herself again in the Union n forgetting, as far,ai r os• Bible, the terrible pe`st-, and looking 'to the future for better thlogi. • r hone' 'the ski-rn may blow:over, 'Nod that pease and,hinooy, will prevail ith,all of us es brothers.'" , The Rept] . iodine of Waynesburg; the coon, . • tly'seat of Or ens, have given a striking prt Of i i of the twine rity of their profession• of regard for those whit served and ordered. for, their country. Lieut. 1.1. Purman , who , lost a. leg at the battle. bf Gettysburg, was, nonlinated by the Demeerats for Justice of the Peace. -W. T. E. Welil., who denounced treason at e. sae distaricelfrom the traitors, was nominated by the Republicans. • The election 'Was 'held. on the 9th inst., , And resulted as follews : For the.onelegged hero .Porman, 104 votes; for the treason-smeller Webb, ,114. , ~ The Riehmeud Examiner has the following piece of politiorl history :j- 11 ,It; ig a note. worthy fact in American history' that every _ Presidential veta,blis been. Sustained by the people. IVe. can recall . no instance of rho contrary. Mr. Tylee,a vetoes were quite as successful ae'thosebf'Gerriatiolceon. "Judging from 'present indioationbolte late veto of 'Pre— sident Jobnep wAt,ogrEguap,4 aiarger popular support than any act of arty.ktnerican.DFe Fl l.,, V.* - years *it') it was the' Democrats who wtre , lanienting,the depletion of their rank by recreaney.• Now - .the jeremiads are- tilt ea the other aide, The only difference tht.t, those who left the 'Deinocratie party jtiere the Jackals and cormorants who. .had attached themseli es ,to the organization' ,merely, for purpc nes of plunder, and who Jett it for ,Ircsh fields atirpastures new,"' while thilse whe are. leaving the Disunion , ehoddy organization nee, actuated, by sentiments 0. pure pearietiaavand reverehce for the Constitution and Union. It has ;been a comthon praetipp with Dis•, union organs-to give tte veryleAve4 nur.-.1.:i -tO the negroes'Whss ore Supported hy- • the Government. The 31acon Telearaph however; shows that„ in Georgia, 'alone there,ero tucro than 48,000 'negroes• fed at GoVerquient ei pense, and that-111e number thus fed through- . out the South exceeds 434,000 ! L , , . 14 LOYALTY DBFINED.--Tlie, C4E01101;1. (Itir) Democrat, in answer toil correspondent, F aps : Loyalty at this time 'is n' word hard to' re eefined. We have no doubt if you believe in red Daugris, the New'.Consiitration- of Intl souri, and. ivi3h Andy Johnson asstwirtatcd; 5011 win i)R3B." - , . The "Republican" party of CaliferOis is nearly equally divided between the-President a nd th e ite m p.....22 presses for Johnson, 24 for the Th:rnp. Among the latter; howev- • er, are two negro nresSei and ono which was secession durrogAhe war. Good way to strengthen the President: Proclaim yourself-a "thorough Johnson man," and—vote every time with Thad. Stevers. White Lincoln lived the President:vine the Government., After 'his death, Congress le. Came the Government.: So contend the radi cals. , Health of Jefferson Davis. Tho report of De. Cooper, the stirgeon in chore° of Mr. Davis, has been mad pnblic,! and is as follows : :FORTR,ZBEI MONROE, Tli., I May 9, 1806.1 i ~ Adjutant-General United States - Army,' Wash. • ington, D. C. ~...t.„. L . Sia i —ln compliant e - witht directions ftem the Prissidenb rifithetUnited,States , to me!lgiv en through the office of the Adjutant ;General. thave Medea - apemai eihrialeation o 1 the:State - priiimer Jeffereort tails; nevi- 1t -eonfinement at this post; and report the, tellowingt o be the result of said examination : 1 1 Mo. is consider ably emaciated, the fatty - nisue having al. Most 'disappeared,' leaving the - skill much shr.veled. Ills muscles are small, flaccid and vt , Y ,soft, and .he ( 1184 but, _little, muscular. i ength.. He is quite we:ln and debilitated. er r obseviently, "bier gift . is becothing uneven and , irregular. • Ills digestive - organs at pres ent. are in-;comparatively good condition, but become quickly deranged under anything but the most caret illy prepared food. - With a 4. diet 'disagreeing • !lib him; dyspeptic• symp toms, promptly • make their, appearance, soon followed by vertigo, severe facial and cranial rieuralits; an erystpelatious "inflammettOn cf tfef , osterier octalp and right-side of nose. i wb h quickly ,aff,cts the .si gh t , eye, the only s o u ti one he-now has, and extends throngh the nasal duct into thb - interior .nose. - Flis . Unions 'system is greatly derangedi being much prostrated and excessiyely,liritable. Slight poises, „which are scarcely perceptible to a man ; in rbhu : t health, cease 'hint mach pain; the deecription of the sensation being as of. one flayed and having , every. se4fieut Cer r o exposed to the, n.avp. of sound. ,Wani of sloophas teen a• great, drid• itlinest 'o,:e principaPeldie of his nerions-exeitability,— This has been produced bylthe- tramp-of the creeking ; boatc.oAthe sentinels ort s post round 413eprisoiliSorn, and the'relieval of, the giAid - tit the ixf.tra i iiim of every We' hears, which - almost -invariably weaken-3 him. :Prisoner .Dvris states that heitas scarcely enjoyed ever I twohouri or Sleep unbroken - at one time "since his'conqaeinett'. Means have been taken. ‘by placing matting:or( the floats for the •sentinel to walk on, to alleviate this source 9f distuib ence, hut wit a only partial s'ulYc'est... • - His" iitll eoaditiOn is very low:ltalie dias but : - liitle •recuperative arcs:- Shoubl he be attacked:by Tony of : thts s vete ,forrpaof discase to which tbe•iide l walr region of Virginia' is subject, I, witli'reas6 ; fear for the - result. 1:1 A eopY of his report I have furniehed! to the Headqda fern of -the Military District cc Fortress _Monioe, in compliance, with orders from the MR • or General commanding. ' 1 Respectful y,. your , obedient servant, Goo H.--Coosnit, Surgeon U /, S. A. - 11 -` The following is 'the Emperor- napoleon's Speech, which has' Set all - Europe iri.a state of excitement. it' wee delivered alt. ,Auxerro, France, on the 6th inst., and is univeyshlly regarded as the-premonition' Q'f.t a generhl Eu ropean war : I see with pleasure that the memory of the first empire has not beon effaced from your minds. Believe me, for my own part, 1 have inherited the feelings entertained by the (thief of my: family for this energetic and patriotic population, who sustained the' Emperor in good as in evil fortune. I have a debt of gratitude to discharge to— wards Yonne. This department liras the first to give me its. suffrages in 1848, because if ,knew, with tho majority of the French peop!e, that its interests were my interests; and that I detested equally with then:abase treaties of 1815. which it is now sought to make the solo basis of our foreign policy. I thank you for the sentiments - you have expressed towards Ammg-Y-ciu Lhreetbe freely,_ for it is ataorg the working population. both in town and eountri, that I -find the real genius et France. • ' M=MMIS poloo's Speoch.;; 4 - D ...) ~... G II