„„, Dates of Sacred Events. ,Our Saviour •ss born on Wednesday, De cember 25.-4707, .Luiln period; 19;, Olym• — pied (second year, sixth month); A. U. C. 747 (ninth month, Snit day) ; Julian year, 86th. lie was baptised by St. John in the river Jordan, on Sabbath (Saturday), January 6th, 4738. His public entry into Jerusalem was cu Palm Sunday, March 21, 4731, Julian peii id; 2.kh h Olympiad ( misty-fan) 1h 3MT, , nxontb); A U C. 68u; Julian year, 73, A D' 1113, nine.eeuth year of the associate reign .1 the Emperor Tiberius ' fifteenth year of his sole reign. 1. He was betrayed by Judas Iscariot on the following Wednesday evening, March 24. lie celebrated the Passover and instituted the Eucharist on Thursday evening, Mtirch 25th. Qn Friday morning, March 0, at thie 3d Lour, or nine o'cloek, be was nailed to the cyclist the hour when the lamb of the daily morning sacrifice was'_offere l ,in the Temple: At the seventh hour, or three p. m., when the lamb of the daily evening sacrifice was offered in the Temple, he expired. At five p. m. his body was taken down and deposited is the tomb of Joseph Arimathea. On the first Easter Sunday, March 28, about the beginning of the morning watch, or three o'clock a. m., he rose from the deal. It was 'the morrow after 9,e last Jewish Sabbath, when, according to the law, the first sheaf of the earliest ripe grain waved in the Temple by which .the who'e harvest was sacrificed, that Christ "the first fruits," rose from the - dead, as a type arid pledge .of the future res. urreotion of bin faithful followers. On Thursday, May 6, he ascended into Heaven. On Fawley May 16, the days of penitence end the Holy Ghost descended upon the apes• ties and disciples. RIDICULING OUR Inegarterions.- - 4-Dector Johuson, in the fourth volume of the r• Rams bler," gives some wholesome advice to those prone to ridicule the infirmities ,of others,' which we propose to give in this k eonnection to.eloae our eeoond article of "Thoughts for Thinkers." The Doctor says: '' He 'that indulges himself in ridiculing the little' leo 1 perfections and weaknesses of hitk.frieods,; will , in time find mankind united against him, The man who sees another ridieJled ( befcre hire, though be may for the present. concur in the ' general laugh, yet, in a cool . hour, wilt con: eider the same trick played against himself; but when there is no sen e of this danger, the ,'-' natural pride of human nature rises against him, who, by general censures, lays claim to genera! superiority." . "BeAsstso."—A friend in the country , drops 114 a line concerning the adventures, of a youthful lover in that vicinity who recently "sparked his OP on a certain Sabbath eve. ning, and when 'he left, in the " wee am' hours ayadt the twall," forgot to close the gate. , A herd of bovines, taking advantage , of his forgetfulness, entered the premisesand destroyed all the cabbage in the old ruan's - - garden, of which be intended to make his winter's trout. The next day the indignant father called upon the juvenile swain and de -aided the modeat -sum of forty dollareil as indemnification for the' property destroyed ---. The scene is reported as having been a rich one. A compromise was effected by the pay, meat of fifteen dollars, a liberal insestment 4 for one night'd "sparking." Tau New York Sun estimates that the bank ,• swindles and embecalernents from May 1863 to 1866, in that and other cities • throughout „,- the United States; amount to about eight --' millions one hundred and sixty - four thousand dollars, besides three million 'four hundred • and seventy-two thousand dollars of "vulgar and violent robberies." This covers only the' . known rascality: A writer in a Georgia paper introduces the ` American eagle, which for five years has been a pomparative stranger in those parts, in' this style, preliminary Co the Fourth of July ; " We must fix up the Eagle, gettheGoddesa a set of teeth and a waterfall, and have Fourth ,of July got up regardless of expense. We Quiet give all the Mormon women a husband atiece, marry the anxious schoolmarms that game down 'Beath to teach the trtirkies, put the niggers at work, build a horse ) i railroad from New York to the City of hie ice,. dam up the Gulf Stream, lick England (014 and i New), annex Cuba, and we will be . again.a great and glorious country." COAL was i first used as fuel in London, in the tatter part of the 13th century, but the - smoke was considered so injurious to the anb lio health that Parliament petitioned the King, Edward 1., to prohibit its burning as ito6 intol- erstit. nuisance.* lie complied, and issued a proclamation against it. Tele severest mess-. tires were then employed- to abolish its, nse, E by fines, imprisonment, and the destruction of the furnaces and workshops, where it 'vas used.' \ • ARTUL WICKNDNES I B OF Alt EDISOB.,—A .'. Western editor, Whose wife was absent at the . , East, was deprivekof his usual doughnuts.— He therefore advertised that he would Send his paper, one year to the lady who sent him the best peck of homemade doughnuts, aiidi would also mention her units; in large type. He had two herrils' full furnished him, and the mean fellow, not content with hieepectile tfon, announced that none of the samples • came up to hie home ptandard , end advised he ladies to try again in a month. • Is the opinion pf the Hon. John Bell, the negro will not long remain to trouble 'uti.i He advances it as a reasonable conjecture that at. the end of the next twenty years thsraceillil have diminished in the South from four tail- Boni to half a million, on account, ef , their 'de. pravity and indolence. i , Tan hawing estimate (founded upon the , last United States census) has been made of the probable =aura which itnostit the ladt t [Wird members or the different choral in this country to sustain them : A - Halals or Methodist $8 40, a Presbyterian $7, a ,Con gregationallst $lO, a Roman Catholio SI4J an Episcopalian $lB, a Reformed Dutch Wa r a Unitarian $23. On the occasion of Ben Butler's visit to Harrisburg, a member of the Legislature lof-. fered a resolution to " inquire of the Mayor of Harrisbuig whether a beast can be exhib ited without a license." I A young lady who was rebuked bylier methsr for kieeing her lover, juatifieti.thel set by, noting the passage, tA Whatsoever Yoir, - woo. l oos men should" do unto you, de ye tOtilh so to them."... . ." / , ^ Thinenhier of noarpektrm in 'New York was knocked doWn in thei street_ on Sateirday and robbed .4 SI6AOO, which he sec s carrying in a carpet-bag. A • - . i ,-, The aggregate yoke In!Colorado were: l In Saver of being constituted a State, 8,025 ; tagainet, 1,870 ; majority for, 15 l For, negro aggraget 4 9 , 5 ; against negro suffrage, 4472 f • h majority against, 8,576. i ~; i While a carriage, containing six Degrees, -eta passing through the streets of Memhis nem taakith instant, two days after the r ts, late ciOf the occupants drew a pistol and red year theh captain of an engine company standing e !sidewalk, barely missing . his head' Union 8. -n . o a mani n Cincinnati tand o an The nal ef $BO,OOO, who, eleven years go, Lucerne tl,s ritenkeF4/' Vie' greets - for, a iv- . Penaocrati ' • o man attempled t& ravish a utile uniOnjattA 11,7...year5, aerankfort, Ky, on the rity of itiotif the 7th. A pleb took him from the on FritlAti hung him. ilidat ' • inorals Beanragard and Adami have one _. ' u r pe to negotiate the Jackson Rail cad 11 maJorik9 President Johnson modified eir E. howine a nnoWing them to gO and return. twat- _- a two ye mon_ b. c.oruanar.-4bis weekly, Kin; our In the Northleisely wlist it claims to b4—a ..:tratL. , .% wit - cirlpies resittlit - telt . setet/ .from *V' b- -- i t . p r The_editorlie' the rang) of t:..4? Proug In 1 Awl Co ptinentai MUMS, skPlg -(ll.c,iiii tlio • Tharstitelass week k lits,,w,hich press '‘ightgoutf 44:04 ' .tf thfir West: inset; and tit. _ , . T ~, ..„.„,..„, hall Akin al , s t ' 4 ,-* I r' WA °t .,_., ~,1 4, 1eouse, be selects th at whick he (4 004 trWItt...Pz 4 1.apte , 1 to butt the taste an d io• .tiivinier- Unita pipillliiiericatipeople. It contris• it th_ t i t it l iceign , comae literature,. , d ~ f- -, ..,...-I , r p.; —e!ikklk. brings it w i thi n h e. 17;- , 44.44)1', _A' number being comple in ° ' '‘h-Vitilki4firtathing for travelers; ad •. , ....:1 . 44 4 ,1• ii "4 , frach sterling merit ' htit it I s ., ''.--•••• • -,-.-- - i ,:.,:*•thosekerbo.stay at .home. wiujeverl*e-freshest and oholoott for eiga per iod.. literature, literature, must get tg.Bvpry -- - Saturdei. It is published by Ticknor & fiekti; Boston. • - P.)111.41119 re, . Boosascraz ead Dealer. isette tt tory , firell.Yejerllrereleer Nowirspere f tr• Olnelb7., rappuee. =re ardarlizoira!e fiereAron ft eg tae parr. W. PIIII4CII & HYDE & WRIGHT'S ?AUNT HORSE HOE OR CULTIVATOR' PLOW The above invaluable implement ma always received the first premium wi enever eAttleited,and all who have used It pronouns 4fu p•rior to an thing else of the kind The (showing are a ima of the advantages this Cultivator has over every other kind now to us : let. Lightning and durability ; 'being ina:st of the Mat guilty detest!, hied, polished, and the whole itople• runt weigliing from atty to allay - min s. Adaptation to wore kinds of work Unto soy other cultivator snore; being • perfect and thorough Cow rotor :when need wittr all the 'teeth on, leaving this ground even and feint and working nearer the rows time goy other Cultivator. 31 removing the mall teeth, and sitar:bins the irloge to the ahovei, It Is the moat pettxt lastromecit for Wiling thetas's be foond dtd. It la the beat Instrument foieoverftdreani dhterkg polat -es ever Inverted. s men and horse Inca cover potatoes as that as a horn can walk, ands m o and tram can dig from 300 to 300 bushels of potatoes in a day. when the crop is a fair one. filth. It yolks 'guilty well In corn or any kind of crop reuniting dottititi96.llo In 120.4 cans hand hoeing be dispensed with. 6th. Its cheapoess, ooceiderlog the ma y kinds of work to which 4 eau be applied—the farmer harinr In eue implement all that Is necessary for cultivating and if 1 log any k nd of crap, or Covering and digging pots toes. • Kone,erlass eertlllestes from the most ,ntlientlel far goeis In the UntlA States "Meet be "riven of the nape• r ority of 11r, above implemeut over all others designed kg purpo et. fglif e *ball be pleased t recall aa 0 11 from - anp - one oho seeds • Caltlvator or Shovel new, and explain to them the reeriti of the abets nor e Hoe over all other haple meets or the llnd. We warrant this Efersolloi to Watt se a ,Clettestor as well u Amy Cultivator antde•-ae a- Shovel Plow . ,ei welt a* any Shovel PM...and as a biome Hoe *complete eJteria,or refund the money If It does not meet this marmites. ire also keep on Wes& le connection oltki . intr Bord ner., Stores, Tinware, sod Howe nrutgannoods. complete assortment et Horse Rakes, Head Raged, Grain, Credlen Scythes, Seethe", Fork; Hest, fdlonrehSpad Ms. Don't fail to gyre us a - W.-W. PIERCE' & 00., • Sole Arts for none fine In grill Co autt4elithbula, C., Ohio, Corner State and Oth Sta.:Sri*. l'a. ruses: [apliB'A6-1353 arqr Ette9RD. '' • ' I, l _ . . 825 to $5O ON A 31,140DE0N OR ORGAN I • • By pure/main of Z . S . OF ERI•IC, PIANO "ORM MTh IHILODININS I Farnuibid ft4Ya the (plowing 41ebreeit ibittsbativers . . Steinway& Soria. New York, Vm. Haab & Co., 'Baltlmoro, Wm. B. Stamm Now Tort. 0 rovestaan areo, New Tort, PRICES AT A LARGE DISCOUNT nr All persona desiring a drat rate Ptano eitteltpds on are invited to eall and examine our Inatnasante be fore pn:clualag elairwhere. Ent? lostrumorit, warranted for firs mu. No. W State Streak Erie, Pa no3olstf. KEYSTONE STOVE WORKS. TI BEALS, SHIRR WHITEHEAD, maxverscsrmuen or STOVES AND HOLLOW WARE, Have a large and extensive assortment of those* at ..- - Wholesale and Retail. THE IRON GATE -Is a Brat-clam Coal Cook Stave, with or withonl reser voir, for herd or soft cmal, or wood, anebis BETTER TITAN' THB STEWART STU V We al o manntsetuy the WHEAT SHEAF' AND NEW ERA, Roth low even Coal Cook Stoves—vita wood grates— ems be used eltherfor coal or wood. THE 'FOREST ..)AK. We are still manaGeetnring this ce . .ebrated law even Stove for wood—with or without resermix. M . ENT 0 R. A Lny- Oren Stove for Wood. This Li *nor Steve beautiful destav, and now for sale—toget.Ter with a large assortment of elevated, Oven Coot Parlor Cook for wood or ecrat, aad Fizk'r and Office storm for *Ma or mil. TOMAS, "D. SEEM, W. EL WEITEZIELE • Erie, Jui.ld.. j °SEM ElVEllithAtill, U' 8. AND,S TI OE 'S_I " t (;LEAK THE VOICE,BOO ~ Laws I ' • r-11R4q , A.7 A .. .F F. EGi,..10 NS; IT , REDITOSB PECICE:S. Having • Waal Bina of my own manufacture on band, with a complete asiortmert (laity mad* work, I can sell cheaper st Whole/W.O or Retail than any other establishment In this city. Raving bad long experience ta to the Wants of costa mens, I shall take special pains in preparibg mystneot bit them. I hare the =Win right in tids eitt maks tha BLITHER PATENT BOOTS , & SHOES. for the benefit of my cuatonierk and onl y aidi .7 , at them, tonality any one as to their eoperr eamtoatrur those mad. to tlaiala way. The Plamer Boot needs no brnkior In; Jo unsay form the SUF . / as on. yam tar mow . My! . CITBTOSI,DEPARTMEBT / Mil 'receive my - own and =7 brotherr, aspecial at teatton. For the trade &brave on hand ta>yi@ r, Tendering my thanka to m 7 [hands. awl amtoreara lot past patroaege, I hop... byjAabsed honorable dealt* to merit a routintnnakolAba same, and cordially tacit:pail to call and, ft,‘ml no goy stock before, much/ming gee where: No: tg - 3 4 tate St., Brie, Pa. ramezreett, WUOLIESALS AND RETAIL 4 1,0101DERY • P. BECXER & WHOLESALE et, RETAIL dROCEF.B, vithrgh.l4o ;inter el Ma Peri 4 Fuses Streik (9 034) 1 3, 4 , 93 Would respeetfally esU the ittention of tht•oommaitatj to iam Stock of GROCERIES Wil AND PROVISIODIU, Which he le &drone town si the YERX 140WksT POSSIBLE 'EWES. SUGARS, Aim sasortaunst of COFFEES,' TEAS., TEAS, ' , , &TRIM, TOBACI;OS, ' FISH, 4C., ts na g ligt the elth al b lO / 6 TO pared to prole to 4.1 ... gr bito.a.ooll 1 . ' , he also Lisps constantly oa licked a s a p ar io lot at • PURE LICATORS ; br the vlblarals U 1664116 whit aa dines the *ea Orb*. ' „ . • Rt motto Is, "Quick l ea , sp a n P l at a an d is iA twititaentibithimazir,.. _ • oven' . • .puplAtaaLrti, & BLUR NAIL, YO li. TU/ 3 raver the Northf.ra. and North t oanntisa of re sneyinuti► to the eity of Erie on Lake ESC ..sa been lasted by the Peniisgiminia rami P ouf and is_operatad by gem. TV 01 PAIMENOII3I TAAINA AT IRIS. Haft • Leave Enatwhod. -- - trair. •• ' ft 10 .m. ICr - • Sts, Tmln •• ISS .m. cori! Accons.i 10 . m. Arrive Weidigani. 7. 1 , . Hi t s Express Train • 9 to V. arrenleconi.;' . Passenger ears nr.n through on CIS Erie Nell an Er .preat halm without thugs both ways tetelenl'hi del phis and Erie. New York connection: LiLVID New York at 9 CIO, as. strive at Ertel lb a. as:, - Learoltie at 1 IlltrAel, &pita et New York 3 40 p.m. 7 Ehigant. fileepittg Cats on all olghtaraism. Porinformation rasting Pawner ,bitidnewe ' ll, Maar of 90th arad Markel sts:Phile4and for lhalght business of the Company's agents. • 8. rasosTom, Ja, ems: lath aid Rarketa arena, J. WaISTNOLDB, • .W.'BROWN. Agent N. C. - , H. H. HOUSTON; GensralPreight Agent, Phil. GIFINNES. Gm Ticket Phila. A. I.,TYLRH, GeaseelSe nt, NOB SALE—, rho undersigned P offe4i l i al i e his farm, sito•tad In Patrols* trivial/II am t 's' mile gut of Pentair village, on the Ridge Iload, raining AO sares, all ,impronsil except 6 acres ter wqod andiamber. Bald Wm has erehted thereon a amal 1 fame dimities home with vod atone cellar and a good fins* barn. 42 tryzaftfeet.idth ailuelsatsisedi iind—a good well of soft snits; and a young orchard of fresh fatir.i:L. _ pattienlas, stioalre of the . tuidendraed 'jl i mudill 9 ; - • " CaideAer '.-.111114Vt0, El ON A PIANO- FORTE! Insteid of sealing otdOss to New Yorb Bearissaa & Gm. Albany, N. lr.. 010. A Prints iCo , %Ad% N. T , 0;21324: Brim" 2f, y Jewett & Goodman, Clnaland, 0. Cbszabere & Gabler, New York BELOW lILNUFAOTUREBS' PRICES I - Pianos from $3OO to $1,600. nkrillPAO'fllliilt OP 1110LESALS AND DX:AIL. LEATHAR:rasrs 41W ritloiNi3s IM ERIE •CI-TY-Dlial GOODS, CARPET, HOUSE FURNISHING EMPORIUM! CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS. conatuatty on h DRESS 000D3, DRESS TRIDII4I3III3S, • - LL4, EMBROIDERIES. • • [s dad orerftlass to 60464 ti I ant elsor Di, Oxide Ettore. which Ire over to parabsErs at tbs lowest possible rates. Ws bays she added as NAT_TRESEVES, .LOUNGES, - &c., &c.! . . . . . 1 We have steered the seriieffie of a drat - deer Upholater. who iii experienced ID peittlog np dn. Curtains and &dig the anastklnd of OphoMiry. Carpets made and 41 d. Wall Nat rtyon ity. taperer fed 'svoirkmen." -"fr. / sr. prep , red to torah& fent, Houses and Woad*, thron;boat, on short note , . We are detonativd to nett ost goods as inir tenon be procured 4Buiralo or Nest Yolk gni. -Givens it esti. at No. t Reed Hoses. GARDNER, GROSS' * CO.; ', I ~ . Successors to 0. W. verifier; mylo'66' BIECNER di: BURClBitlid, 11110FACITURIC C PURE CONPECTIONERYI And dealers in all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY CANDY I WHOLESALE AND,RETAIL. 0.42i0333, LEMONS, NIITS,I &G., &a., T' WHOLESALE AND REIiAIL. lila YANKEE, NUtT7ONS, W H Q ,L E 5 A, L E . TOYS OF ALL ElitoS, WHOLESALE:,' ' FINE CIGARS AND TOBACCO'! PRES ll_ 0 Y !T I RlB z. smini EXCELSIOR FIRE WORKS ALL GOODS Vir OUR LINE BENER & BURG .4, _ MOSS AND ELM CANDY The Cheapest and Most Pliaaaist 00130E1 REMEDY IN THE COUN!TRYI n till do all that is dalmad for it, COUGHS AND IBR T lONS Vj EIIVD it. PLEABANT.-EXPIORANT VENER it BIIR4ESS, i • 4 .: k , ,ElyE, PA. , libls'66tf. DAI . I!IM Donlan In -! • ALL. WNW OIP tIBC/C,IOUM, MIMI% irtagiVifiLled Rim% between Btata and Piaui, Erie Pa. Hsifas pnretased oar stoei Wore - LW Asa la prim; is fail aaaddent of Wag Mae to %alma, both to Drive tads • itaallst. Oacuate7 Preetaess of erreaToore bonne and said: FArrier, en elms depend on receiving the highest mar inst price for thdr . 1. DEALERS IN THE ADJOINING TOWNS, Ana on the Lines of HiHroell,' 3171TIJED WITH TRUTT, V/IC/El'AßLllSoket. RILICIEEISS LIT ft 3ACILSONII - 1 1 / 1 1/LIM DIPOT EMI HEADQUANTERB YOE! P- 0 1 0 DS! _ wimsest,s AND NSTAIL GROCERY *ND .PROVISION 4 SW4E, WINES A L QCORS. • - L • F. M. SaLLAUDECKER, art nowrrensivinj attberrepirstauE; ;Autsfesse Blocs pats' street' • large and superior Stook of Oro?ories, Provisions, Wats, Liquors, ,Willavaiooden, andillincWara,- Fruits. Huta. @e, se, Too tbar with enrolling found in a Male of tbis kitiblitlVtiteteiltialflurabißlins kind s no sahib listexunt in this city for Cub or mist of country maim. They baronial - an hand ohs' etztbe largest and finest Stacks of Tobacco and Suers tier teought to Eris, to nr Carl and u—s nimble amities better than eo tly Cub lingers gill dad t a larm:Ju l" gh bv 2ROCBRY • REAJNItiARTERs ERICAN k MAMMAL/DARER. rinall4lllll ,CIJII,IW Re* 4111N1i4101.1alt. sats „rag pna &Pa/ t ier ' t will - Willie's to awl address ',radio liadvadkiasiiihti will : 4,0 mei Oa aro* aiwwwl4trikilt 4*. *I A 3l * ' i x VAX Wwill law Ilkw ArliPme' A Ask . ilk sad mind gwa al :Wiwi-awl 0 forkilt thug* anfraiwi ii&r i tsie li t 144 1114 , 1dlysialans awl All stailia zio 014111111. .! Al esabsiadrod dollar' fax; thla raetph awd, Ow, ir•Upaw had She Catarrh luid mild iiot,tilifshi, Ow, - 4 *ism. u itactstiotkoaliwatotia way casharhatme pai jawatai aloady l iaimtiCW tiiiatjaawata a .apteledioatttoa.ie IV co , : , :4 4 40k0z4',4=- EA F.-4*LT ;•,..y:',.:,..1,-;.-<:.c.,,.,. . - -- '' ' : r;:c... Viet adf:ed to &dr ezteostro stock at j PAPER 111111GINGS, CURTAINS, AND !WINE GO3D i OF - t VERY DENCRIPTION, ♦ Camplett stock of DRY' GqODS.,/, SHEETING ADD SHIRTING, HOOP SISIRTS, UPHOLSTEIVB DEPARTMENT, And shitlimp an bud and cuLO•ta oriole AT - . Aireoti for the 431 STATE STREET ♦JD INTEL FAILS TO 101Eil la jITOTIc itself • 1 4AZVPACTORMO;074.7 al AN IS TvitOVISIONg, Gireas a CalL BffßMl t A:e AND ) GLOVES. BOSIERY, =I /111,1iNCY • 1 • - - At tintllgi ut ttr."ol4 rigr -„ 'OIA/011 I u YdSRAtt GALL BIJILDENG • .• Park Placa. grid. Pa, or addraY Loot ADA OI • pensions Obtained for weanded and disiblid Soldiery and freemen, or their widows or Grohs. a, &nal:l*ot reothers Or slaters. • - SATISFACTION GUARANTEED . 152 NO PAY. - Dark 'pay and flotio, due'c'oldiers and Ammon Mid -their bein, col'eeed with greater facilities than by ' 4sy otter agency in North-Western Perinsylvastia,(tra ng bad four year's experience in the United :taws . arr. , :115ONSE ADVANCED ON CLAIM. ' . • Peploses !scarred in Obtaining. bringing home, And Varlet of deeeased Soldiers and Sasmen, collected at the sign of the - o .,id Irlar " i • Pay on pinions promptly, collected and advanOi. All - wounded soldiers and stamen are satitlad to pen sions. , : 01 1 71011R8, Arr/S2lTlO2;li ltspenees Incurred for moulting. and FAT for thus* oecuplo4 **fleeted, u well as all of the shore. AT TgllLlg's NATIONAL CLAY ,AOIINCT, No chino until claims iir paid. Remember par on plutons begins with date of appli cotton, union tor 'Mira one yew of the time al &whom* of invalid or death anus*. (lacers haying unsettled accounts, will dad at fhb agency ao old U. S. Treasury Clerk, who has had years of experience In their ammo b. Mona and rumen, at l'arleVe agency, can collect ply fora °thing. &a, lost by desftetion of ship brace I.ook out for SIGN OS Tau "OLD 7LAO t " PUCK PLACE, Claims for horses killed In action, or sold to the Vat ted History promptly collected. - Remomber, B.' T. Parley was tour years Iu the U.S. Treasury. • - - ' deffititS, HO f—Hrtu money promptly collected at a small per cent., by Pula,. a late U.9.lresaary °Elam. re , - a Todd Parts,. thankful for the vary liberal pa tronage bestowed by the nubile, feels that baying bad • large experience ea eU. 8 omeer. and as Car- Sae. of the Peuusylvanfa gstdises Asstaistiou. and Commkpioser for Penns- Ivaela for soldiers. dation the war e he Mm render corona/led wertioa In Narth-Ilfastant Pinosylra nix mrl2 34 crIAII I / 3 .8111 1 14; DVNN, PHOTOGRAPHE ris ALL Mail 07 riCtraltJ, YEAZ • OEM TO A LIFE SIZE PHOTOS-WO. Executed is the but atjie of the art. ALL MMUS ii!IRALINTRD TO . OIVX 8417SFACTIOlk r • • Mama tinitiisti in TRH, OIL . OR WATRR COLOR& - Upton Mirielr., between Broyles Hotel k TUNA Hotly dactredlf. . MVAIC - STORM. WEIGEL & ZEIGLER, NO. 8211 . Sidi Street, Erie, PersnOiiisia,; MUSIC OID , MUSICAT, INSTRUMENT/1 AP EYEMY 1480J1IPTION: Malan, Previa and German strinp of the bill quid' • itt. ,fI Bole writs Chlekorring & Soar . Wm. P. Manerson's, &rocker & Co.'s, and Ragan b Baton's Plano Fortis: .1.3, the celebrated Treat Unary Cabbala Omens Ind Melodeon . - Mush and atrinp sent by tnali free of garstaie: 4 All order! promptly attended ta. Catalogue of Made sent tree of postage. 401-.17 alit CITY 11/411ii WORKS. E LIDDELL, SELDEN & FOUND , ERS & AtACHINISTI4 ii.s3mAcrass" STEAM ENGINES!' AND BOILE* OIL STILLN AND TANEN, -DRIVING PIPES; PUMPING RIGS,, WALKING BEAN IRONS _ ' DRILLING TOOTS, MILL GEARINGS AND MACHIN-DRY: . All oar work Is mad() from the lest materials; and TAN* sumo to bit of the - BEST STYLE Ant WORFSLOSHIP We am now adding largely to oar Machinery. and Manefacturing . n 1411100; to 'apply the intround mend for ou work. I W. Y. Y LIDD3I.I ' GEO. BELDEN JoRN H. RwJ. jaz►u. MAN 111001) Hew Louts Hove ttestoe 'Met Published a new, etlitioo of . Ds Cosvastrinas Cardesiano Eie• OUT or, the radical errs -(withost .71:7 medicine) of Srmussvonitionu. or ._ Seminal Weakness. Involuntary rieminal 100 ,~lapo Visor, Mental and Physical lucapatity, Im p dfi to. Marriage, eta.; also. Cfccianstpricot,.ltruaror and Prve, induced by self-indulgence or tieing extran er it,. • . Price, In a seafed envelope, only fl cents: - celebrated author; in this sdniteahle esray,chiarlp deur astral" from a thirty years Etereenfid _pattern that • Warming ennsaquainces sell se tea lolly cured without the dmvcone nee of Interned mid Wise or the application of the e e tt tintiat • mode curs of cu at once simple, certain and ms pe which every Wren* - so matter what his • ti ihrue s9sp, be, can cure himself 'cheaply, privately aid reiffuelfp. ! Cir This Lectareshonld be is the !finds ,i‘every youth and every San in the tmed. Sent guider sea, In a plats envelei e, to any addax,. on the receipt of ids carte, or two pante 'Uwe. Address the publiehers. Cada. C. SLlliti S CP., ; 121 Dowry, New Tenb, mart:Oise-if Poet OM* Poi e,Via Teel ICH nodersigned butts stoserarer it: thousand tons of the .best Presque fele lee, for the . season of 1888, and he I. preroredto eoetraet wits 00z ties to suppir Abele; for the season, aria sly no/tot/trot one. To facollies, Hotel Redoons, and • others. suit Inducements will be offered's, will make It as objec t t' them to wake contratels Immediately.. neld }omen • my lea to be Ulf beit that will be O ff end be thus et this season, anti bolus prepared to supplyllti.elty; as well as all foreign demasdd, no one, nail do better by. cestomers quality or rho, thin ntysfett f- um be found Iv the prevent at nte Mori,. near the outl e t Orvieto through the poetehle• will law ettsePeg to.. mate 213 THOS. c4LvesAuali, ERIE ALE BlIEW11121f; • .. . COMM Or PARADE AND tuna.° nasal! ERIE CITY LAGER BREWERY,- CORNER OF POPLAR AND. MOOR WREST& ERIE MALT AND BARLEY WAREHOUSEI3, CORNER OP no grins AND autlf. BASIN. Pale Jed fide =sad 111 The 13est uall=sisal Vazietles of Lamy Prime Selected The etiolated Qualltlie eadiarlim fle Mad KM MAW lab b 7 IT! YANSES NOTIONS, Dealer* la A. ZING. - ti — i... tio - AL; iiL tio.CL. lc W. M. WTLEY CC. 1 - , Are seWng the belt , quallti'of : , BITUMINOUS COAL ATLOWEST RATES. !. IDo trued to au put of the city., . And irpi !oaks rester reduction by QuUntlty or smi 1 ' Load We bun Dow on ban 1 a - ; LAROLL STOCII.OI I ANTHRACITE CoAis' of 01 gr.lion. , .._ I 1 Mir ;Coal only woods i trial to coulrinco anY ors of 7t anowina quality.' 0t: e> tumor Peaola and 1201 FtrKte Eris, I's,. Ord... kit et Austin's Stole will meat w)in prompt attention. ' ' W. 11. Wistri.V.V .40.griu6tr. , R. J. KA1,70111:• rig LEHIGH tuirwr. ' , sown su. the only medicine he Iles patented in ?ranee, ~.aglsod, Switzerland, Holland, and duly ed• n'itied by their, Courts, bemired witliiiiie.inedals, and invented tty PromuOT of the bipedal Calle to Air AfTicalwil a t Park, and nowinsaufaetaned by C.O. Sineer, Dr. of Z, and y, Alleatoen, Pe. All diseases of, the Stomach, Blood, Dings and Bow speedily and certain', mind. Healthy stock will behgonght into the highest *tete of perfection, and any to tiro tabieepooatela a teeth is el great value to hard working horses, breeding stock, and Cake, Slid eased tbalsands of valuable horns from eieunisioni Amaso. Witten at the barn-yards* to thiira%M.f of the Poteeneo. VaS LEHIGI f WORM CODI FEC • i Bfieetnally overcome ell the obJ•cta which %may pre vent the expelling of Worms, am pleamst ea Wm, and Ols3i one of the most agreeable pirgatim for Childress. Si conedent is the inventor, of &hi same= of his Mo . YlOll mak% in the pothole's' Cal composition of this preparatian, that be fieniebee every graduated Ph yeicisa with a written prescription, as • nee ere in %Uteri* , . TIE UNION BOAC% RAT; ?die?, AND ANT EZIERII 14-KT R Is a l Powder for the sure aster =button of all Verado winnower change With age or climate. end =eh sestets "ble;to the old th'MtpWross Pute.whteh hardens to short MEM MAUI worthless. For directions eat yarilettlafa see the In the Bosse. Alghty-thretteris Aoudad ta these rrepats - bobs ulnae 11156. Pr. Melt, end Carter dt Career, Brie Wholesale sad Paten Scents for Brie uniuty 7, R. E. Sellers Ec Cki. Jolla Beedersostaßro Pitt Ours, and Bea ton ar , Wm.. W holesale Jobbers. jares4l S owell TO INCILSONei /uvula enoovult TOR SALE. 0 -T" Suitt Lli V. ars net tanning s Vadat T,lnu n . sec9a tbs Pb k Eris railroad, slid wisti.pg ure all klodi of • • VEGETABI4,9 6ND. C9UNTAT PRODUCg Tci esny tt on, bale estsbUshad a Depot on PIPT - 11,878E1T,; .1 1n the neer of - the old Reed Rowe, BETWEEN WIATE AND PRESICH STREW% Where is will be!st all times ready to receive and pi . ) the HIGHEST RAREST, PRICE (dr the same. All luring Produce for sale are mama ad to givens* call. Inquire for Market 'Depot, Firth Bt. iaa(10,188/kt It/Y & JACKSON. rIROCEILIE!S GILOCZaIp4 : • ‘ 4 WHOLESALE ANI) RETAIL ' P. SUHAAF, Wonldrepeetraily inform the pubdia that he has court. a Store In NO. 2 HUGHES' BLOCK, ERIE, PA., Where he willalvers keep on band • lute en;Pib ° GROCERIES - 1 , CROCKERY AND • WOODEN WARE. WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, , ' And everything tonally for sale In an estaillator .1 • the kind. lar Terms la reasonable ae any Mho tote i a • dtr - ' , ism ••• W . K x. L 15,E Y gess= miarzonE, AND GENERAL RUSININg AGENT Obtains Houses and Stores for those wanting, spd rens Stores, sotsL Arid Dwellhisw, with or without them hurnitnrs, to:ghats sivisvplioutskssolog. Also, buy all Wilds of STOCK IN TRADE, ItEttenAxinsg. notrsznoiso 70101111:112, CARPET 4. STOVES, PICTURE-, MIRRORS. !MUSIC, IN AND OUTDOOR EFFECTS. 'AC., AC. floss s Wang to tall by private Contract, and &drum, money on any email property Intended for unreastredi ode brauotion. Those baying or selling can hear-tol thtir advantage by applying to me at the UNION ruimtras MRS, - - - aoltratt. ' Eris, Pa. { NEW FIRM." - • PUR,WITIME AND 17NDERTgiaNdi W Ag."E ••• on stninst.,betwevarrienthgna Vita- The Subscribers bare mitered Into the Cabinet Makin g and PTE:NITITRE TRADE; Lad propene oinking to ardor and kseping constantly ot. • !hand all kinds of Furniture. Ord= will TIMM Divtoei atigaticah' 2404124 doom on sho=t notice: . _ • ' I.INDgRTAKING I . th• subscribers will • 41 , e epeeist attention to this do- Ctit of their basixessa. They will manufaitare and lr i nistintlY on band a large assortment of gutallic, Oamiramteoftwe, and..keld tlunneelver im neadloose meet orderi in this line. promptly, from any part of the ecriautry.- Deternatruid tospare leo albite to _gire eon both tbe r quality of their. goods and prime tie, horst* Neale wMetal - Aare of piddle pat* - 00EZ # agArdit-te Bacounors to EL BUM N ew o ors I§ GOFF, PATTERSON & CO'S., 516 , FRENCH .31. *No autumn nied be afraid to tome to las to buy R oods for fear of being donned for , entoe`y"dr awe old dehte, sit than le no person' collecting trz debts at oar Btore no., nor wiU there be beieafter. ' ars-tf • - I Resor pay "WNW& A. MINNIG Would .iispeFtfalli Jaime the Public that Le has Purchased the amyl( af i ) 0R0471.1E3 if MINIVIG,ir RUSSELL, lootizaa Or 87/21 AND BUTZ 811. Where hr tel.& to ki'ep si good on wort:Rent •ot ' FAMILY GF.OOERIES & PROVISION S , WOOD irr..LOW, VAULTY GOODS II is kept in Frit. I Sept eonotailly oi 'hand. I • BEST BRANDS OF ERIE CO.' FLOUR, mailutairteb d GOOD awricLs! Thatiferheat Markel Pius paid for all lideds oon4ry -Pending. . • GOV& dellveied free efOarge to any part o: the dee:2l'os4 °ANA'. ,MILLS. EMI ~ The undersigned having completed their repairs u 1 pon the canal jails wenid repeattully,inforns the public that th 47 a# 130 7'Prerrei t 9 4 , 0 C U Er, TO. ig 0 Ni.IN D I N'G ;2011PIFLT Ra alatOreel; consiintly On• bads toll 'loci or FLOOR, 11. 'A ; Of aftkinds for We tet okolessio or 7.laft. - I CABB ram roiraLt nuts or OR UN.' • OLIVE*— IWaINB B N) Biller OLIVE* BACON. 824 Btato St. Eris Pa) m 473-30. tiyffit $T,113L0.. ; r, • ', _ The endure keying Tem aecepttes srbll-11nosa Lirere ,, skated il heretofore weliedbl W01. , J.-Btarrett. dedneerslettorm hie and tbe public that he will 4 coottonethe. siasse, &Au In./Ilea their pattOaage. Ttklioar bs lirielitncreased and insprs;.l 4 -21m 401) Tei i. 1111C14 bayr been procured. and eons of the beat Livery likpate tu , the coonto.' I an d•-tettstirted to so eendnot the - eatabilOnlent As le give' eattataction._ Those 04. want hi isltala the &erste/4ot alma tealn till a_ ready at autism's° samosesodate thew atnesoaamml On %Gaeta the place, „ , F Tsitarrrit. oil 8T414 "111 Kr144 . 1 nl ate 5 r.11166— It a rt Ite*llEnsi r 411iiar' Ta the year 1840, the writer embarked in the Drug Dostnees io thicity of Philadelphia, and whili - tfaus en. gaged, made several experinumts in regard to tan most desirable mode of premtring Field Extracts. Sly effort! being succesaful—the articles being approved and used oy the liedicai raculty-1 was desirous of placing them . before the public,' but hesitated for some Limo before erricholing t k resort to newspaper advertising, knowing of the mejudlefii that exlted the minds .cf many agaluqt ailvertked Medicine ur _Nog/el/ins, but thrrvr:gl: thy' elc~rc of frkrth, and Ow• weir rt , :a them, this of Ject lon was 0 r errono. Attar Ss yotrs' i exertions, commencing in a small way, the popularity of my articles has eataxided to all parts of the (hilted States, and widely throughout For eign countries—and this in the fae o. of moclk opposition. Every Menus has been resorted to by unprincipled deal. era since their merit and suceees have been loown— Such as advertising larger bottles at lima price, censor- Jag ail calker preparations, and even copying my adver tiacmentibut I am' happy to state that out of the many who have resorted to this, none have heen sue ' cossful.' 1a Wasaircun TO TII • molt owerfulagent r the Stomach and Uood o Cattle, Stripe, ,r Steep, in g,rometing *fatten, cleansing as 'dens and transferring woad anneal fluid desh.fa, calk, batter d strength, sad eetab. og bealth and shoo. in this notice is to make facts known to the public an respectabbi deniers, behoving, after somanyleais' el *moos, that the Psalmists will discountenance sue promodings, and that the reputation of my articles ma: not be damaged by the use of inferior or sporiowi NICIL Knowing that: many may read this &Melo who are Uttacqqaintod with me, I appeA a few remarks from those of my': atlve city, and wines names are known in all puts of the world : " Being personally acquainted with Kr. B. 7. lelm bold, it alrisds - me pleasure in stating I have been most favorably impressed with his nergy and . lategrity, and gratified at Otis stmass.l , 51. WEVIIITMAN, Firm of P was tc Weintrrnss, Ninth and Brown streets, Philadelphia. pu vow MuL POWDErt (sassing Butietin t -Phardelphia. " WhelkippavLsit. to the car of slew York feir days *Mee, I LAS induced lactill °neer aid frktud and. towns tnan, Mr.' H. T. Wambold, Druggist, 694 Broadway, Y.N. Els Ftere is a Mods T-4 perfect Cem—tbe nand- Boniest of any kind we have ever had the pleasure gf viewing, and so extensive, being 34 feet font, five Stories In height, and over 339 feet deep. it indetal affords as Much pleasure to know that ho has been so successful, audit LS ample evidence of tho merits of his articles—as in our whole business e4erbeace we baCe not known of the success of any articles Without ifesiti advertising merely bringing the name before the pea. WO do not like to tulvertise worthless wares, CM articles calculated to deceive our readers; and whoa We ace an advertiser,like Mr. Helmbold, whoa, we have known for yotrs, gradually extend his advertising from year t - o year until he becomes the largest, advertiser la the United t3*- es, we are bat:tiled that the statements la regard to articles mutt be ccirred." • i from Erie to_ Re. _ The writer reluctantly inserts the above, and would not do so were he not a stranger to many ; and con cludes by stating the names or hie articles, and the dis eases for which they have been used by many tbou t iuido with complete success. • ['amain:a:nom,' Helmbold'a Extract of Buohul win curd all disc:was of the iiiineys and Bladder. Cures data or Weal:nous In the Back, VAricturee, ko. ; Cures Wink Nerves, Loss of Memory, Trembling, Dimness of ILELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT OF BU - CIIU ;-• 13 pure luid extract, not a weak tea or Infusion rr ' to the on thing ,needful for, all complaints Maid nt to Females. For particulars send for Circular. HEtMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRA.CT BUCBIJ carts Gravel and 'Dropsical Swellings exist oi In Ben, Women or Cinkimxi ; In fact, ALL DrATiges requiring - am aid of a Diuretic.. It Is t h e greatest Ton'n'and Diuretio known—perfectly safe, pleasant In tastes, and odor, and Immediate an Its action. 610 bottle equivalent in strength to ono gallon of the Syrup . at DecoetiOo, / It reaches the seat of the diseaselmrneliately, ezpeH tng all RUMORS OF TIM BLOOD, and Muse articles, being of such strength, the dose is of meanly small. From this fact, it is used in s tho Ututed States Army Hospitals and patllic Sanitary Institutions thrOughout the land. tar Sold by all Druggists everywhere. tai Ast for fielmboid's. Take 110 other 1 sir Cukput the advertlemnont and send for it, and by this means avoid Counterfeit. . irrna.; lumpy BD. The Subscriber who-has occupied the Mansion Hoare, just above the repot, (Di the past four years, has removed into the NATIONAL HOTEL, CORNER Or PEACH. AND BUPTALO BTREEr 3 . Where he will try to accommodate twice as many guest*. and ea, well, uhe did in the old stand. Es hopej that the patronage which wu eo liberally extended to him there, trill be trended to him in his new quarters. Eis stabling L sufficient to accommodate all imagers who may hirer him with their patronage. ati2olls-ll JOHN ROYLR. • E N OR A VING. BUSINESS, WEDDING AND OTHER CARDS. - BID Road., CoriOlooteo of 011ukd Other Stook". STAMPING, ENIGUSSING, SEALS, &0., 21,21'65-ft STEAM BAKERY., • Stating thoroughlyastablishedMe goods in this set tled or coontry,T nave dispensed with my . traveling aims* and would" snort rispeetfulif Miler env retail. nott n try patrons to the leading Jobbing houses of the oily whArkeep all of goods fresh sad Mee to - Auk for Sands' Crackers, Ginger Soaps, eta, and see that my brands are on army parks/re. WM. J. BAWDS. jalB. Office Steam Maunfactorz. Erie. LOW. PRICE'S jonN GI3:4SUEINIRIL a; SON, • DX-iIdISS IX CLOTHING AND GENTS' FII/NISHING GOODS, • • Corner of SeventhAza St Efirg, F!..44it LEMICNS, CAIIIIICY,/t• HURUEtiat±, WHOLESALf ,GROCERS AliD PROVISION DEALFRS, 1 ALLO MUMS IN - WOODEN Fats, x.ims,bLASS,,ROPE, REFIVCD i • . OIL., WATER LIVE. ~ 1 . WRITE LIME,I I OIL VITRIOL, CAUSTIC 1 ' so ,i, GLtTT. &C.;, 1 • 1 $3. 25 & 20 qORTILI PAII:11 STREET, 1 illig, PA. • C RNOLEHAs'f'r CUSTOM: MADE BOOTS AND SHOES, Would take this istethod of returning Ids thanks t his fitends "ad "the publio.generally for their Moral patronage heretofore ettended to him, and hopes to hare a pentlnuatlon nt ,the sabre.. I take pleasure in Informing the pabllo that I 'an . smarm =WC 860Tdi 'Ow ontaP, • , • —27iectv:l arrnasszalita •- Thao-any /loom in Utta ;death* 111244121ipa kh l it tLs best qualities of Gents' Boots aid fiboekter latch am. Alloy none trat th e Balteit Witittitatapeeedile thellnor-- Intendants of O. IttLlatit, - • -*kiltr obtained titteashietto • • ~•.PLUMEFiTATENe BOOTS, Minnow mewed to pat the Planter Pateot Roots Wet shttei to a' manner hot to b• littPueed in St.tho sae AirntaloahlP. • I ' ' Earl allrlo/ keep on ailed a selection of the beet Stands o f re p e l wo r x.ttaerkaO Calf and Zips. P. Attepilded to. torlr64tt. ./ • • .tojiwiIISTRATON 9 4 , NOTICN. ' E. ate or ociatiOu . kt-- h•rusit ilea 1 , 4• 10 110 ther l i t 1,, creme' cri.o.i.• to of Aorta' 'Cot. •decocied. notice to herebictvo to ati indiebied.to the sable/tate to Vast. Ursmedia% Ps.Ticent. awl Moos haring eat= aro t o o asual,oid poooot thosa,_dul. authenticated. for settlement_ ~ , , • JURY CORBIN, , . - Groat. LAI' l e'' •-- • .. H. I. PhNRY.r Admitilettatone. ............___________ 4.ctltNtiti YANC4l..lirm N i Nu. '_, .i • ,', • ........_. ' • . NO. 235 -M1111:1RNTH mugs*. l . i 1 Pillr:-Woolen. 1 41 oleti and Cotton Glaia: ' , cam; wed Copt& Rabatl4 , atl Tara* dyad ant colored in beat lOU and at „S eIROTAllii Men, • All (sods proptA l'aValus : tore delivery by spl244lhat ZORLMILL.p. MI Notice .1 :1 the Patine. IEY 013.31XT (Elation Herald.) E~~~+S~:.~~+~~3.y Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla, MGR= CosermusED. BEAU tji YING THE COUBJ.rxiON I A BY J. M. 'I.4IPNAM, PARAGON RUILP/NG, WEST PARK BOW, ERIE:; PA' dgfe irate. I= BOOTS 'A'ND SHOES', . ALES, VA311P.1.01179.111 OP NEW P For be lia a k reket NUN rk 0 - I V I 4 lei P oi> 4w A Most Exquisite, Delicate grant Perfume, Distilled firm; and Beautiful Flower. from I *, talsgs its name. • Manufactured only by PIIMON NEW YORE. . . BEWARE OF GO ASK FOE PIIALOWS_TAKE NO 011 • gold by Drriggim 6emo7. FRE i t le* 4 k 4. 4%0 Ladies, take Part THE BEAL VELPAII [VirAaalatrEn Pants rllirESE PILLS, : ;o to.• I.years ago in Paris for irregularities, and aftk.rwar.i to 15i, 47. their criminal ea.ploy moo abottion, are now offered fer f time in America. They have bet; . . comparative obscurity from the fact originator, Dr. Velpau, is a physiei.u., ' of peat wealth and strict conscie!.;a, doles, and. has withheld them fret. use, lest-they ahoojd be employed fc put - flows. In overcoming Female 491 Falling of the Womb, Whites, till awl, Suppression, Retention, or In: Flow of the Monthly Discharges, t to be truly—emnipoteut, bursting floodgates from whatever muse I stopped them ; but they are offered t. lie only for legitimate ust%, anti 4 a forbidden to sell them when it h c : that the object is unlawful. 31,..., should -never take them r. hen .11.-:. ? i reason to believe themselria ;:.---,, they will be sure to produce '.%'-';irrazt These pills are entirely sl: ~ :..-.1 , 1 cuniStanem, being compo - ve-i t 15!.,. ~ stataies from the vegetable ki vi .,i , :.l Each box has the coat of arref.r of Paris stamped on the bo x , , r ,ll t 5/ . " Trade Mark''in French.t . ei.u.„ , , ~', is a misdemeanor, and all ,r-1.5 %-,, with according u to law. - :"o.r" Full directions - company tn. Ladies can obtain a‘a se: 4,i (~., ~... of the curious, by incl inn One Dot - p9st:otsce stamps to any racy 1 guts, or to 0. -G. ... MIES, lit for the United States, Watertora, Agents, ' Atiarra.—Viers & gWott , all & Wit Booth, Liddell k liro . Carter & Carty, l Bro., North East: Rol luta p E re, GAP: Riley Potter, West 9prtriyhil HuunsEeL3 GOLDEN BITEM. A PURELY VEGETABL INVIGORATING k STROfi Fortifies the system against the ail . some mart Will rare Drpepea. Will case N mimosa. Will care General Debility WM cure Heartburn. Will cure Headache. Will ewe Liver Complaint Will excite and create a - healthy mete Will invigorate the organs of &rotate ly increase the temperature of the tody circulation, acting in tact as a general e system, combining no poleocou drag THIC B&W _TONIO BlTTititS hi A air trial is esruertly so, GEO. C. iItIIBEL & CO., Central Depot, Atm e ken Ennis SON ST., NEV Per sale by all Dvimeists, Groan, Er MUNI° & EIOADLEY, Sr* and for We kraal & Warfel, Carta kips & Booth. • *dirt*. • EAU FOUNDRY, PEACH ET , ABOVE TSB lITIFFILO , BIiYANT & SI (ffacesasors to Achrso k 111.11IIMITIIIi PARLOR, COUR AND OFFE TIN s SffrlCT ho! V! AND ALT, KINDS :OF IRON Kno7 Store sold by as warranted to Kettles, Sleigh-shoes. Sul bock It,. ofleetared to order. PLOWS •JD PLOW POWYS d saper.: billtr always on. hand. A call 1113 d 1 des le all we ask. cor2B'6l—tf. mORRItiON 44; DINS34)1:;!, WHOLZIPALV DBALtU FLOUR, PORK, BEEF, SAL, MOVER, TIMOTHY NOS.' 501 AND 503, PREZ • Between sth End sth Street n2149'68tt - B HOWN'S HOTEL. CORNER OF STATE ST:, AS ERIE, PA. This Well 7inntrn _ Has passed into the contioi of wbe are determined to spare no efcr make it a pleasant stopping Dime fa' lie. A number of irDc ortaat Immo; been made, and others to he eom;lets.. will render it roe Of the finset le to Rapeciii care Isfaken to furrat 110 seasonable &Melee, served up in Sod by 'Goa afp:i od at t g veal:era Sct hotel with the resolutten to oaken ' of this section require, and feel esti ,, approbation of our guests. e. T. Looms, Z W. L. Rms. Tan MACK TO FAT YOUR k DM E. COUGHLIO BOOT. AND SHOE - - - - Sta to Street, Nearly Sprat Z. Coughlin, Boot and Shoe respectfully informs the Pattie t boo removed his stood to IlieStart • on . Stets street, 0 / 101 e where he in tar give him a C.a.l. .ar eo: -K E .U . 6•111 1 0113vria IT bsi•ssisa histeelf. he: tiOn and nn at ea i ar arl WY. Good. Tit. We: HARTFORD FARE 4110611 HARM:IPD, CO' INCORPOR T.E.D 1810. OIN I ' T. 4.: ALLYN, nest C ITY FILLS INSI'alHa HARTFORD. WO:W. 14703RPraR4TED /847. Ll' ITH. Z. BAEHR, ?mt. G. rir Insurance in tbiebore old liiid can be obtained on appli to marcb23-42 Fur RI / Putts Limpirric wan% Preferred kr' all Ilractiosi pa i n ter . 4 4 111 Do other. thoofictou ZIEGLER FRITI WHOLESALE DRUG, -PANT s GL No: Err Sorel Third Stri tobr6ll-1,0 •