The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, May 24, 1866, Image 3
ghe trio *Whig Observer. ERIE, PA., MAY 24, 1866 BsAv.Tegu,--A. large number of' new id cotigersents *vat . on our thi (.1 page, t o 'bleb el/eclat attention is invited„ E a ch one of t h ec a contains something of] interest to tlSttv o f our reatters • It is Jai l:0 th , t l all nocountS duo this of fre shell b e _sett . led.. up to thS Ist of July 003. 4 A 3 trintint of each person's indebt thuss 16.11 he - either sent or handed to him previous to tblll, tivtle,,rtud it is hoped, all wil ob. l psy up porn pity. make no t tc tion to basing nap intlividu4 call ritrl a f t_ floithout waitirg for us to untie out a, Ult. i t le row a goes!' in to he dczi. ed whether ofato of !lf iyor of Erie is one intsnded be orrisment or use Al a or Slott in no to tharthe City Solicitor has decided 1 , t h e Rot. has lio voice in the direction i ff s i r o o theocity, lithe matter of.ap sobotlioates, ordering the. abatement Delouses, &c., without the instruction or ,operition of the Councils. It strikes us It if w e held the: positign wo would he lig t oad "hero our say," regardless of such Ittitica, or rosign the= position at once.— ' f fots above alluded to are too palpable t i 1 litre e,eaped : the notice= of every re ::::tititeo. Under our - present City nher 7 lye gayor is almost without power or ia ,qt,—s mere ornamental appendage to the ir is,, denied the ;:rivilege of se- ;his own subordinates, and his eigna :,n3tel,ert resort required to effect the i f - of - acts - of local legislation. The Hayor, with all his admitted enterpri ittricter, and disposition to labor for i n terests of the city, Audit his bands co y4t 4 tied at every point that be is able, It qwn account, to effect scarcely any- If we are ever to have a city in fact, lot merely ie name, we must 'make our ; or what he is designed to be, the chief the officer. with power to carry out all m ey andiegal measures appertaining to 3, : t The time has come for doing away our out of date city charter, and procu• soother that will be adapted to the pro !ire niture of the commits:l4. We stall. .r.t best lo assist and encourage any public itel person who will .take hold of •this and preaa it forward to its legitimate Dispalclee aaviee that the r ayor shah ttheresponsibility of doin acts which not legally authorized to perform,- we ,endorse. His true poijoy is the one he readily fought to pursue, viz: to keep ly yritbin the ti its of Ike aw, leaving r those whose duty it Ma see that proper latiC:n is adopted to take the reeponsibili• Ich belongs to them. • twee or Aeus.—Considerable comment ieu occasioned in the city within.the last . relative to the arrival of a large number 4E19, reported to be designed for the Pe- i invading army, consigned to Capt. Cro auctioneer. Desirous of giving the facts is ease, we waited on Capt. Cronin, and iel from Lim the. following particulars, 4 may be relied on as correct :,. to weeks ago he received information lot of goods would be sent to bim from York, which he was requested to receive, charges upon, and hold ) ,f4r further orders. hot of the articles reached here on Thurs isst. They were put up in 81 large boxes, :'ed "hardware" and “machinery." The ;it en them, which was quiee heavy, the :ain paid, atul the boxes we :e stnrcl upon ;t•etaiges. 0a Friday he 7.'ac',le - 1 on by Brotrn, who stated that he tied receiv 'telegram from the United Slates Marshal o L ituburea to seize tho good'. This the coin, protested against, saying they had heat him on commission, that he was re kbte for them, had been at heavy expense et them in hie possession, and that he II saffer loss by leaving them go out of lode. The matter was -compromised at y agreeing' that a guard should,he placed them by the Sheriff, until the subject was ted of by the higher authorities, and on ay a ditaohment from the company of are at the Park }louse was stationed in tore, who have kept up their Watch on remises ever sioci. - It is proper to say & ponies, of the boxes were examined by United States revenue officers, -at the .klErits It, A. depot,: and found to con re arm. - , • : ,: t 1 is the whole story, as bristly summed possible, and our readers can draw spoh usioos from it as they see proper. Capt. &lye he knows nothing whatever ,of Wente of the boxes, excei4 as they hare 'ported to him by others, ho neyer hay .tnetl ony to eitamine them. They wore .ati to him the / sync as other goods he Ilyreoeiring, arid he considers himself la honor to keep charge of them until 'zit York owner takes them out of his according to direction from the litter, • them at , pub/to sale en s- the let of 1, 7 which time the government officers )hthly have decided whether they were de3ighed • for hostile purposes, or a -.Tate speenlatiolt, as is claimed. ct writing the above, we have learned S, District Attorney has taken of the arms, having concluded '? , were designed for hostile purposes. SOLDLERS' Cosvesvion.—:-The Barris. 'ctiA • pronounces the Soldiers' Con yen • ' `•;. held at Pittsburgh, the call fer I r'• ptMished last week, " a contempt : , zp: to humbug" tfie brave defenders rams, and cites epepil attention to 'Wit object of the meeting 'is not the truth been told," it adds, 'wily a ochtme to entrap soldiers .;!irj rooks, it wony, fall still sorn, is keeping with‘Disnnion dmeit •41eslit c . The whole thing is a ~! : :(4,_ . i ?iAiitnetott,lyance Geary 11315).- 11 :mm21 e the ho isin blue into the rankt in oppositi.;n to the Presi- -. . , vion, the Union, and the eawce The Soldiers' Coo 'l.'l4 is supposed to hare been held ')ar3 ea the Bth of Mirth, was no 'lna!! proper se.lie of that word. uicat s heulder-straps- 7 dattala 44:4 tk! Gm?y, c V; - t. 1 1.-Vo"31g; n i, e th e true "fighting boys Ee catighoy such cheff;---'' of bristle for which many thousand. wsui., be gladly - p old by brush :arery re nunuaiiy Wasted through tlshol ;veg. Mire is a chance for . .. 1)1 3 9 to Rio st,z band make suiney." In t/4 bg' a slaughtered, pick out tho tie loth in a bunch, the but-cede nil Irotal sea them tc The country More 'trio will find a reaqy mnritet for them - "' 41,1 services is 'the Baptist church' ttit nth the present week. They have ne lon:eit continued and moat su:,•Cess. e / 4 td itt Erie. - " 3 I to eta erer by the care at Cory, ifee%• died lu 551P1t Itsme Of in torts A column of interesting reading matter will bo found 'en the fourth page. • Sherry's Theatrical Company are at present in Corry, where they remain during ‘ the week, and from thence go to Lock Haven., Those of cur readers who are fond of lovl stories will find one of , tt decidedly novel chart, actor on the first page. • The Dispatch ohj;ate to the "bsyish habit" among politicians of calling memlet a of the opposition party abusive names. •• Mrs. $ 13. flail desires us to return thinics to the firemen and citiSeris for their efforts to sorb her property at the fire on the 25 - th ult. Finely executed photographs of Ron. ter - Clymer csn be obtainfid by eendiag twen ty three cents to the office•of the daily Fated, at 'II arrisburg. , ' . The Reading Gazette says Dan Rice sub scribed $lOO - to the stock of the Keystone Normal School at Kutztown, Berke county, on the OCC.lgion, of his visit there a week ago: The Crawford Journal can - hardly determine wbo the Republican`Googressional candidate will be in this district, hut; presumes "the irrepressible George W. DeCamp will bo ono of the aspirants." Mr. S. J. Gi)ocirich, who edited the Express, a paper published in this city about six mouths, has received the Democratic nomina ti,m for Treasurer of Nobfaska. Qe is a res ident of Omaha. • - After. a long effort to get a lead pencil. to otr liking, we have at. last found the very article wanted at Carver's drug store. Thoie in need of pencils will find that the place to get them. Godey's Lady's Book for June contains, in addition to the usual fashion plates, a splen did engraving on steel and another on wood., The literary matter, as usual, itt oft s• high est order. This magazine is the standard faihion publication of the country. The Reno Times states that the Franklin & Warren railroad is noso in running ordtr fram Irvine, en the'Philadolphio and Erie railroad, to Tidioute, a distan a of abut twelve miles. This road will open up a nee► route from Erie to the oil region. The following item is passing the rounds of our exchanges: • , A [wit WILD Hatcher, wilkretnere from the Werket /IL Haase to the stead recently occupied br-- The above we Islip from OA advertising - columns of the Erie Dispatoh. Our readers can comment as they choose. , The foll Owing rather racy marriage notice appears in the pipers: — MARBIED.—By Dr. J. A. Sherrill, at twi light on Wednesday evening, Feb. 28, 1866, in Catawba county. if. C , at the house of the bride's widowed mother, Mr. A A. Gabrille to Miss- Lisle Milligan, after ft short but most delicious courtship. The neighboring counties of Chau-lawful and Cattaraugus, New York, during the late war, paid in bounties to soldiers, in addition to Govern - meat bounties, the sum of two mil lion six: hundred and fifty nine thousand six bundred and fifty dollars. The amou'et paid in this county for the same purpose, including township bounties and individual expend' tures, will 'reach not far from a million and a half dollars. • Mr. Warren L. Ross Los disposed of his ins terest in Brown's Hotel to Mr. W. L. Tyler, of Pittsburgh, who will conduct it in conjunc tion with Mr. Loomis, under the irm name of Loomis St Tyler. Mr. Rosa, we are pleased to learn, intends remaining a resident of Erie. He is a gentleman of- pleasing manners and enterprising disposition, and in 'whatever business he may choose to embark will be certain to secure success. The next meeting of th• Like Erie Press Association wilt be held on Thursday, June ith, - at Cleveland, the session beginning at Iwo o'clock in the afternoon. All publishers, editors, reporters, and regular correspondents and cOntribators of newspapers in Western Pennsylvania aril New York and Eastern Ohio, without distinction of creed or party, are invited to attend and become members of the associatioa. - " Mr. A. A. Adams has laid as under obliga tions for a number of speeimerut of be Toulon; Piscaschio nut,. or "Japan bei.ry," as it is 'more familiarly. .known to our citizens, ob tained by him at great" tioable and , expense during his remit visit to the East. The strik ing properthre at this nut, or berry,.as devel oped is a remarkable local oteUrrence, sen ders if especially interesting and valuable Mr. Adams, we believe, proposes giving a This does not include the Bulletin, era large ptiblic test of its peculiarities before long, number of other Sabbath School journals, and we shall look forward to some highly It turns out that the "Hon. Mr. Ginner," novel and intertalning occurrences. ' - the pentode and betteetilerit Yankee, who was The Clearfield Republican pronounces Mr. elected to represent the Crawford disteict of Graham, of that county, who has been urged ;this State in Congress, , has bled the govern as the Johnson Republican candidate for Con ment to the tune of two or three hundred . greas, in this district, "a warm and out epo- thousand dollars. l'reolsely how much he ken advocate of the President's policy," who and, his partners have got out of the people "theounces the disunion course of\ Stevens, of the oil region has not yet been made pub Sumner &Co " It adds ; lie, but the amorist cannot be less than sec "lf the Radicals want to see somebody well oral Millions: thrashed in this distriot thitaall, let them A change, in the timestable of the Cleveland re nominate Mr. Scofield. We hope he will & Erie 'railroad, was made On Monday, the not back off the track, after being endorsed . by a mejority of the counties in the district, 14th Trains for the east arrive at Erie now , as was very discreetly done by a gentleman as follows : New York Express, 950 a in; Day several years ago. in order 'to preserve hie Express, 1.20 pm; Cincinnati Express, 6 , 25 gigantic poptilarityt"i p m ; Mail and Accommodation, 74E p m; The, locale of the Crawford Journal_ and Night Express, 110 a in. Trains leave for Greenville Argus are engaged in a weighty the want as follows.: . Steamboat Express, 110 ditpute,over an imports% subject., The for- ain ; Night Express, 3'35 a . m ; Mail and At mer having accused th e latter of failing to coMmodetion, 610 i m ; Toledo Express, 1010 return a pair of socks and paper collar loaned a in; Day Express, 425 pm. , to hint, the Greenville man tilts back at the ' . The .Reno Times has been compelled by Meadville man in this overwhelming, style : finatiaial embarraements to suspend publioa "A mistake. Every one acquainted with bini. thin It was a model raper, and there will be knows that henever had but one pairof socks few of its cotemporaries but will miss with in his life, and the idea of our taxing the regret its weekly exchange. 'Though we have vanity of the youth so far as to eompel him t 4.41 rsonal acquaintance with Mr. S. D. to go to bed or go barefooted, is ridiculous." p + a s , a edittir, the charecter of his paper It will be the Journal's turn now to "come was proof' of his gentlemanly qoalitlea, and he beelolike a - thousand of bricks," and we ex has our best wishes in any enterprise he may pect to see Bragging completely extinguished - , undertake. • e in the next issue of that paper. We hope the Capt..ll. G. Harvey, of Springfield towt diffinnity may be settled without a resort td ship, is announced as a eandidatebefrre the coffee and pistols. Republican aunty convention for Register Two men, the ouea Democrat, and the oth and Recorder. - lle was a member of the 145th er a Republican, were standing on a 'effeet regiment, and boat a leg at Cold Harbor. Be' corner, a few days ago, .discussing 'politics. ing a so l d i er, we Femme no civilian They had reached that point where each was ,ter the field'against him. • about ready to catch the other by the threat.. , 7:The ecceinxio and celebrated ranalise, "i toll you," said the Dec3B°l4 excitedly, Rev. E. P. Hammond, wee married a few days "the Republioan party bee never date, one ago to one of his coined* in Towanda; Brad good thing." Just then a loyetenerr kter feral county. The lady is said to being to fered, remarking solemnly, "You are mists o kin, udreltbor ; it has done a good thing.', one of the wealthiest families in that county. • "What's that'" passionately. maimed the The June issue of Beadle's, ...tron'tlly we other. "It elected Andrew Jo.htmon," replied e6 g aeit se one of the beet numbers of a - the former. The crowd gave,a hearty guffaw, Magazine ever issued in this country. We and adjourned to dt.tek 14 ?,re t te ca tt e are greatly mistaken if it does not become one health ; . . of-the ' MOO popular and widely circulated The Tidioute Chronicle, deairouts4pgeg ef ie. monthlies in the Union. • . - ' ire; a suit:pie sleotildate for C",freb , to the .. „ Irch , bl . sbep Purcell, assisted by Bishop 0 Erie, laid it Columbus; en talky, - reople of that die emmt tsiet, Bsus.theedito.. of I 4" Lithe g Primo. a- soma thousand & yeaple, the Corey TTelegraph" °l° MiOIT to "ii a ll , the corner stone of a new eatig% *lamb, elder. It matt from W9' 1 401117 of publish , : ' wtfehlrill' cost about $50;000, The Arai ga Deinoccatio and Pepabliv% 4 . wipsper . bishop 'gated that ,within a year Columbus Ztbe same time, ttat lie would naiad t h e --- A ll Ol°lle° of fives w ould hate a blsbon,.e_tevelead. Ptriindeekr, ,et week person to please eis. It • ' - - f a it rook Barnett, of Erie has mailed *om the platform on which he eland: Seta ,the War Deteartenent thd,xli.nk of Brevet Brig days, ItidiPande ht ; xrd.ri. siispuishin a "let General.-..Memitalle Ripollitent, Tuesdays,. Johnsonlan s' , ,Wedneedsere, Ca. Tam is no snob Mime as Colonel Barnett lereatiw ; Thniellop• %MOW i Finials, in Reis, to 6 .4 bellt 9t Our knowledp sad be. Noc):ispeti; Blit d ; rds :rt 1(4°,41 110, • -.--- ) • • , The Girard Union Publishes s hall col Dim 1 letter from Rev.- WM. Phillips, rector of the Church of the Holy Innocents, Baltimore, to CJI. Uau Rice, eulogizing his Show and re cotautehdlug its moral and instructive intim. cases.' .The reverend gentleman says before Visiting the performance he hail all the preju - dice s his ,profession against • it, but, after securing Dlll'B persolal asquainlatiopie was convineed,thst the groat hu would al low noliting either in exhibition or' language to 'nffend'good taste or ehristian morale." In thiS he says ho was not mistaken, ant to test a' Iffy his appreciation of Daniel's courteiy. he writes hint a long-drawn recommendation, which reads os good as a first class patent medicine orrtificate: ThiA folio wing paragreph rota it is partioularly refreshing My Dear Brother : , —lieu have it in your" power to do a vast amount of good or evil,— With such immense audieneee before you al most daily, made up of all classes of people as-well as of all ages, you have it in your power, I say. to exert a powerful influence either for evil or for good. Trusting that you ttre a believer in the hlessiahship and dirinity cf our Blessed Lord, and interested in the prosperity of his kingdom, I know yon cast the weight of your influence on the ri te of truth, " and stand up manfully for Jesus. 7 You may not be aware, perhaps, how much $ word spoken by you before your immense eon gregation may exert In scattering doubt and unbelief in regard to ehristianity, and in in spiring contidsure and hope in its divine °rig luator. It is said that a pebble oast into the Atlantic will cause a ripple that sill be felt on the shores of Africa. Whether this be true or not, sure I suithat a word dropped for Christ into the sea of human hearts before you, will exert an influence that will be felt tong after you cease to live. . We trust Dan will adopt 'Am Phillips sag gestion. A sermon in a Menagerie is a capi tal idea. We should pot be surprised soon to• see Dan'e name iioited up is flaming letters as the "great and unrivalled Clown Preacher." Oae thing is evident, that he has touched the rector in a weak spot. Messrs. Ryan &4 Rolland give their Bret theatrical entertainment/la Farrar Mali this Thursday evening, their opening play being a dramatisation of Mrs. Sontliworth's famous novel, "The Hidden Hand." The company under these gentlemen's inenagement, is rep resented to us sea very superior one, and our citisans may expect to be treated to some oholee exhibitions of the dramatic art. It is Messrs. Ryan & 1/Tolland's intention to give us, during the season, a succession of the most prominent star actors and actresses in the country, in4luding, among others, Miss Julia Daley, •?tlr.=Couldoek and daughter, and -Visa Emilie Melville. 'Sam is Iways attract ion enough in himself to draw a good audience here, and wi , h such associates as the above; the company cannot fail to have overflawing houses nightly. Dr. J. J. Malawi ("Timothy Titcomb") . whose frequent visits to Erie have made his name “familiar as household words" to our readers, has severed his connection with the Springfield (Mass.) R:publican, and - wilt hereafter give his exclusive attention to entry pursuits. For . a hag time his conneo titn` with the Republican has been merely nominal. Literature pays in Dr. Holland's case, his income being fifteen or twenty thou sand dollars a year—all the result - or brain. work 53121 C of our citizens are entbusiastio over the idea of having a fountain in the centre of State street, between the two•parks. We like the idea well ; but wou:1 if not be best before talking about a fountain to secure a supply of water for it? "How do you cook a hare!" said one artist to another. "First I cafeth it." was the reply. Unless some of our citizens of we:Alai display more publio spirit than . they have yet exhibited, there is . very slight pros pect of securing either water works or, form- Lain Henry-C.Blo. a, EN., of the Titusville Her ald, witi• lost week admitted as a member of the bar of Crawford county. He has been a practising member of the New York and Uni ted StatOs Courts eincelii.67 . ; and his &amis. the Crawford county bar was secured under a suspension of - the rules, every mem ber of the fraternity in -Meadville 'having signed a petition to that i effect. Mr. Bless is a gentlemen who woulcPbe successful in'any occupation he might.nnacrtake The people Of Union and vicinity are em phatically a reading cotentunity. The follow ing-is the number of papers which pass through the postoifice of that place: Dailies, 55 ; semi -weaklier, 18 ; ,weeklies, 550; semi montblici, 52; monthly publication,- 205. The scriee of :tirlyal'verrjcies: hatei oloped in all our churchns, with the exception of the Baptist, which ja.Besigned to be discentioned at the end of the iyeek. The Baptist, Fitst .-Presbyterian and,Paria olutrehe4lase been . most - successful-tit gayning-bonveristimi &A tha denominations , have increased more or, leis in numbers. 'e are inforroel that the total number who) , rwre openly-expressed their pur?oso• to !eat d;Christian Jife, will reach, in • all the ehurchee, riot lee then six huadre.l. The Griot llotto, in Prank'in, was burned on the in )rniag dC the 11):.4 . inn. A lady jumped from a crladlw is tlia nurth afory, and hay die! of I,lr iojuriaa. Tcr, seine% girls, awned .Tl'33 litcon an l Bridget, Kelly , perished in tho t. Their charredremalci were found am )nglthe ruin; in the afternoon. The fire WL3 ctusid by inJendi tries, whose object is supp33e , l l ; to h'kve been plunder. The burdieg 04,9 t: $M 1 ,0)0, and was only insured for $31,000. • Mr. J. G. Baird of Cherry liifl , has . the agency for Erie county of a newipatent broom, -which has many advantages over the kind 'in ordinary•uPe. Ited his i advertisement. John 11. Walker; Erq.i is urged by limey of the .members of- bur bar as a candidate for Associate Law Judge. - We are rerineeted to etqte that seats for Ryan ,& 14Ilaatl'a Theaire may be secured thee} days in advark at,:;.Ensiga's book MC" where diagrams of !the hall are kept for exam- Base bsli 'clubs are all the rage - among our young men at the present time. No less thas four are organized already, and another is talked of. -' Advertisements, , A A utrri - o, N. • ==l ON TUt SDAY,. THE 29TH, DAY OP MAY, - - The h- use end lot 601/ occupied end owned by Wm. Thompeon; (rosmetly 'Lutes of the U.S. S. Wiehtgen.) N 0.122 West Fourth street. - I will also sell on the stole day all the furnittim oQ smd boos.. comprising • dole* and select lot of Parlor Digtag , Bed Boom and j‘itchen Turnkeys, complete. The goodi are all in excellent order, riling newly nen. Parties desiring good topple' In any of tne . bore nucted goods will end it to - their advantage Wetland th.tsele. W. J. caoRIN, Antitumor. For the information C,l parties' desiring to rept the above premises , wonlii state that ihe house is not fold it silt be rented V me. Y. J. ()BONIN. , L'. • p B. tt. -- POWERS' PATENT PERPETUAL BROOM. Its peculiarity and wherein it excels all others is the after your Ant ontlay,;you have only to Spend Tiff CENTS whenever a new broom to required. toren this trlAlaa expease en t) Aydded br pleating • fare Ildlls of cum In the prdeta• • Any person can All in t n mienstes. Tor are-jar owe broom soaker: Township r:lrbts tor sale in Erie cannly Send for eirenlir, or call on the adoectribier h pear Cherry RID. Erie Co., PL . , and see uni;Jee. ma2l.3eir .1. 0. BAIRD. • prPIDIVED . . , . BUCKEYE ALF.RBAIING FRUIT JAI34! For solo at Wholesale le Casa by • COPY, P 4 A'PrViiSON & CO., Ekll2l 2kEi • i .616 Tim* Stmt. APPLICATIONS Vt.IR LICVNISS. , 3--.., The followinz persons have tiled ..tlisir per Mons for Eating lionsa - Goebel, lathe °fibs of the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Saasions of Erisinensty, and the maws walla presontod to said Court ore Wednesday, the 13th day of Jrue neat. John girls Mtddlebnro, • Michael 'atoll. west ward; Eris, . , ; ''John Wit Line, Corri, John A Viet, South Erie, — Jacob Schafer, FilreiivrtOwriabtp, •• ...eoh Campbell. west ward, Ed*, :Jahn Keuell.Oirard lore', hl . .ip SelscaL west Ward, Erie John J Whipple, Girard tewnsirlo„ ~...._srcub Wink watt ward. Eels, --- ctiarles F Meld, west ;woad, Er'sh, — Pet • Jaku er Schaaf, wA. Mate, west a est wa dd. d, - Er i be Ere, :' • • r ...Min J Banner, sreeL.Ward, Erie, Thos Gannon, west wait Erie, .11,ho filmier. west ward, Brie, • ' I - I;his(erict St:ebb:o3ml% Sri.. Nord Knotdoch, east ward, Erie. --, --- P J Kemal, east ward; Erie, - Jacob (faybecle, oast ward, Brie, ' — Jacob 'Sandusky, east ward, Brio. Andrew Wags*, vasty ward, Erie "- ' Ilitchall Glover, watt ward, CU, ...Mhos Mg's, east ward, F C Molar, meet wu , 1,1 ' Y . Christian g Drum, west ward, . " „ "Yaw Bewtrartner, east ward 4 • " ' • Michael Schurnater,West atilkarels. 'P A Webber & Co, west „ward. mew. • . - . ,fawner & Selter.mart, ward 4 • Matthias Stableln, wait ward Miss Streak., west ward - 4 Christian Ressler, welt ward ' 1 . ' . Prink NAVA, we,t ward :14 P Listed, west ward' ' r i Ns Isaac Gentle. west ward , - a * -- indrew la it; oast wars so 4.obn A /water, So , thi 'RAVE; . . 'aler.tine Zahults,liontb 'grit , George Wapner, awkward.'erie, ;..bblGeavaltraux, Sarah V al., Matthias eschler, salt wa rd, Ede, ' ?Thilip iNefoabsieb,-801111 V rte. .. ; ,„„Fradarielt rabrzaaa, - Weer uni ew k ri •- . violin Dimling, wilt ward, Erie, ,„,y A. Webber, sr, east Warll, " .. _ • * .Ntelialsa Clemens. wettlward' .. Ferdinand Fiebeitand i west ward a " - - iikenry Jordan, wed wart ' 0 - Henry Nanbaner, eastward .•_ ' " - C FsrurtStredt;simet ward • ' 4 • Jacob Heidt. west ward - lothony Kelleyorast.Ward" . __ . o W Millar. wait ward 1 ' w 1 Andrew &Hick, nut liked • -", Jabs Seitactout ward • - nrj Rahn. west ward - . a 'Jo Stralti,,liiiilersek township, • ard, -- Erie, lithlitaKilinfor eastward, Erie, ' - "Adam Snow, east ward: Brie. Wiliam Striaker, Booth Zne. - r -De lie a Woa.tan; nry a Campbel w ai t Ordard, Erie:, , rnwa ' - - P L Dlefenbacb, west ward " Hear, Umbra, watt ward ' • " I " - Teals Mauer. wed ward ~ . Andra Gadola, Girard . " - Prank Sebalr,wast war d, aria. (3 W Van ?assail. west ward, Erie,. ---'' - - robs Golabesehelmer,Elouthltrie. . *lf 1' Ikaaa, west ward, Erie. " --- Thrarn fienhasnotrandur James Eastman, • out awned, Erik." 5 • - ~ I seob Weiabaner, east-ward " , Lenhardt,Sens, east Inn% 13 Sahara. east ward .-- P f bo,maker &lira waat'.ward ..." ... . - it Sablandeekor, eastward - ' ' " - --' ' _Newlin & Fisher, west ward. " " - Ch se Dishing's:. Milicrerk ty, . -. . Vilna:ye Ilrlnts,,Matean John Pouch, west ;ward, Erie,' A. Roemrr. west ward, ' --. 5 " - Jos Motley, west ward - . 5 , , ' 4 F 1,, S.esei, east ward ' • " 4 ""Prank Mrslun, west wa.d, ,'• , - le ,_ Jiao rehrsoblob, Villareal/ tp. . . ' " - Tobn Harlow, west Salad s F,f , s . Jos Wankerrarn. out ward 5- a - ; Jan Cronenbersar, South Exit . .h . oob Decker, west ward „. a , 'Chas Fatasiskl Corry - , *:. , - ; _ ~ lianas t Babo, cad warsj, i - , a . ;.-.., /* - . '.555 - 3C' Raise', east ward : a -...,' i :• P Ending, east • '' - ehas Dna; emit mud If, - " : Jiro II GreiN west ward -!. . Ai , .. -- Andrew Potties, mat we „rd „ - a ', , - Patriek MoArdle, east w. sad - * 5 " , '- • ' e . '"Deratie Tuohy, east stv 4, . ~ Jon Aaron, west ward , - , a - " - i'D Drachil, east ward ' i u .l Y- -: no „ o Roland, Wed W srd;„ " I' - -- Wm Mackey. wait • arard.' :-, -, - 4 . . _Peter Fredericka . *wit ward a. _Peter Gestalt°, was t ward Jacob Seib, Mina reek ' . - "laseph Gulart,, west ward ' :: at .. '', s •t: . ..r it Smiley, Waterford tp Pater Seiabriat, soatk gala , - . . . 6. g00 Grabs*. wad arard,Alt - 4"Wablieraltrapi Union .Mle •. • ' ' . . ...It ta „I wttne Filters, Middiebowa • . , C P Walther. Corn ,' L . • .1 W Cooper, wet ward, ,Er ie " - Gee - ..llww„,eantla lime i. . . , Nicholas Roth, out ward Erie • • —ir I', etneman Garry '. r .- - - - . 0 W Pox. Cor:7. 74ila AGler. east ward tide - - John Buehler Girard tpl ' I ' ,' t :. "'lt V Klaus, elk ward ,l: • . ' t,. . Robert - Hunter, ,Wellabarf„ _ .• , . - Vache fichlindweirt; wadi ward , - - 'Jahn Asper, Waterford _1 - —r Gintallrias east wad. 5. ' - look Lanteddar,Gtrara Pero, . • , . - Tied Anderson, NA:MO.4O bora!: . .. ; , ' John Manaw,Carry -! .. , ; ' • - iftabnalßerahtold.W4tti 146 ', . • u . _Goons IteCataheon, Carry , ,' '. Daniel McLaughlin. westward; . . . ',,, Urieut Salasdeeker, Amalfi Erie' ', ' ;, . ',llleltael Veleta. tillicreeki tp 31 . . .-., . ' - Christopher Millar, east ward. .. V -1) P Ralanisort wit:4 ;d . noscaramiga -ilreit salw V A ZAN, Corr? '. ; - ' • Tare lm , Ctorty' ''`-',, ."R Rehry, Carry 1 ' , ~1 `Rern ilial ar l a Idn e Toldli &ICY `:' ' ' • , Aimee Des/fmr, gilloboro4 . •, . •:. , 1 - .• :, ' ' . : l APPLIOATIONS Piii HOTEL InENSII. .. • .. Thee*ld Msg.-south : Wife - :4 i.::: - I " „ e Agteiesz i so: nth kris i:•, .. • _, ~ -... l t-', Jibe 11 w deb, SlClereelties.malrlp • • ..../ C earlier, , cledttey et Lew% woe *OA: gee . :-'• Jake neltakeerh eastward . - 4 ' - ' " - Men Weary terry • ' 1, , . Joseigilifere (Orallinf) *1 • , • i- Ink letrrilitllllD. ' • - Clerk of Caulk. Clerk of Conde ales, / I - Er% Way 22, VII. I pyll4l 1 ', , Fiaitat SAM 'RYAN'S CqMBIICATION • ' - , :mrittitsgrgatit Eleecitid doting Mr. Ryan's remit starring to —t appear for the first,thee this j 4 , • Thursday Ecening, *fi,y 24th las superior arsentiretiou ri SfFY IC, D. E. N worth s great, wore r the 11 I'D D E N 111 Wont,. Yr. Sam Capitols elicit, * I 'Jtra.Bl. ... To corelade with tha near Irish Fares (being shay of alr:RistVa) caned • RAFFERTY'S ADVENTUR , liathirty, • Bain at.l4.a-It /MOP UAS EMUS MON ELL, , STEP ligNS t NO. 6 REED RCVS& MEM DINENSE MOCK JEW' 2iCIT/CTI FOLLOWWG - .Printijram Bto I 2 es. per yaid. Good Bleached Moral, 1 yd. wide, at 18 Ctr. Soapy Brown, 1 yard wide, Falory 2U Cts:, IMES r r - , A'LARGE liTI:)OK OF D at wituuar ° LOW PR I . - . - . Oar 'Goods lire ail now. have b. lalsAad tr . " sank sad will be sold at very Peal adVSWOO• • .1 . ;: sammommo I' RUDER, LOOK TO YOUR I 1 ' ASO GIPS tril A CALL. • NO TROUBJ MONEL4 STEPHENS # =I =24 V witoratasin pay GOODS 423 STATE STREET, ERIE, PA' 1 .1 SOUTHARD, CRAWFORD iOttlEnt,sild Deems to DRY GOODS, 2,I`OifIONS, liOISERY, GLO , ... --- 1 - --. 4. - ' _. Our stock is um largest • nor tnaugbtl - - bil Pis comprising among otbtr artielsn , i . g ' , , PRINTS, , -, -, _ ::s - ;, - ' ntuirsse.__, BMUS, I ''''. --, •; ' ' - . CLOTHS. -0 . (artier.. sus ... , t BLBACHED h BROWN ElligerN?3 , - A Couples Assortmant of Dna eabds. 1 ~._''' ' - Blurt kind of We If (Maueds in the l's,. And, In short, a gentrat 'milt? of evergkhinig wildly kept an baud in a Wholesale MT GoOds - and Jobbing Stop. i TO RE SOLD AT NR,W YORK PRIrCRB Jost:, [hairs are intited to gtve se a stn.! Redo Strictly wholeal• touts; and propose wellies at sath triees as will taste It to the advantage et 'raarelsonts Air this section t Zeal la Erie, inlaid si 'matting last for that gvidi. - H. S. Sonzaan, W. A. Cuirresti, J. N. ntipeoltD, may24-tr FA. WalliSs& • & ‘G:O4 - . isuutal n, • .. • • .r • COUNTRY PRODUCE, GROCERIES, • --* 346 , nnossiwitr*. wave!lfir Mal; to4ACCOi • Widow ' *Nei PAW' ..Nt4 I - xe."81.4 naninszt. wilt aid% betimalth obit i UI.. =W. Pi- Cidi yua to: catuitii Polghtio., `; . ' • ' • . 1111.)6imusa. - 7 106.1 ti,airti :MID= son tai LL - tttt» tip red it yetis tiate7. 9ll4 211,0004 Vo'clock. p. as on dor Imolai% Tao itonowiag rattails% to oat: CosomaWar ea Mt torstarat Ridge tea Poislaralsort, sae alms; lasi moth= Ha* of 11141 go t o a4 Imbewer want -10-paohit, loam ototb awl mallet to War ittoot,aboot ' , ft% to tot fudoolel by Nt: ftgautektboaeo eat, ea ltoo youliefi fa _ sort.aboat soobao to_ boi'seaveS , at.• oath • bet !thaw Poplar 'moot 'boot go catalog* INdt me lat4- 6 the plass of boitatistr • um • catalit att WA 311,1420 c a, law, tad tokolois oreatod a ompittorsttalso tF.allaag. aa4 kotora to Unto aloft faarleit: - ' east* of ;per ltaut.--":01dr4 its• Wowssat hi two togroilitio_ aloarod mv a boot, ialta smaritt. Adlift plata at alma SotstaWat s 4. El Boutte- ' D.! Aim ) tea. =II rz:3 EiA DE SESI RiC,EIV I' 0611 s . FlArillONtf FOR DM. I. W. BRADLErS I • Cf.LEBILVOLD DUPLEX ELIPTIC • • ‘Oll DOVM-1) II : DOOM' aaio been ; They combine comfort, durability and economy. with that ehegsnue of ahapeiwhich ham made the Duplex tie thiestandud skit of the faehhaable world. The ineeztion coristate of; Ditp`.ex (or two) Elliptic steel apritga. tagenform/r braided tightly and firmly to. gather, edge to edge, making the , "tpng,he.t. moat thongs elaetio , and durable 067 ever need. The wonderfni flexibility and great com fort end Omura to any lady wears the Duple* Ellphe Elgin will be caperienced paetteniadt la all crowded assemblies. opera.% earrtageti railroad ears, thumb pawl, KM chairs, tit, and for promenade and house dram-as a okirt 040 be folded wheats use tencopy a small space as easily es stank or Muslin dress. They are undoubtedly the lightest, most desirable, comfortable, and econmnical skirt *ver mirk nos 4 ' l /Impress 'nil," the "Parts Trail,' and the op t iacor the World," the latest styles Introduced, made of tio WM' Dopler legal la ogledilikk. tal • great and producing the moat perfect and wawa, attar engrafted by the present faddon, Inateggione of the flexible 4Eteittles for *bleb theMa pin skirts are se pre eminent. * .... 1 I ..A. r • NTERFAIT I I OPINIONS OF THE PREFIA. Staniar's Duplexla, sold averywhere, is • great favoridi 'roans t h e kullonabla people.-New York Itz rere . i .p gaere co e eonual m ed y n 4 &I . me a e l l d a . sticity, ft:aidi ngd .- 112 e Duplex Eliclie ls arrested ss latest titer. to wrd pmdsodoa lo Y. Eve POI* - It rat Vie most ordinary dress a style that readmit. It goatee In apposzattee.-Boston Post. • tmalessament Omsk the Duplex Eliptio te is amt that all other styles us tut falling into disc -e p- N.V.Cess:Adirestises. The Doplez Kllntio le the greatest improvement in hoopaktrts.-N. Y. Those. I~POD~4~I- • - , al , ' For . tale *banal* sad Retail. Trade supplied i t - Hew Yost coat—traneportattoo added. • HOWELL, STEPHENS & WiLHEY, ho. 0 Read House, Erie, Pa. ILDEY, sousx. No. i RN MI . ftaleagent for irate minty for these eelebrstea Va. yk eblnew. luta on- bald at L le it Goaldlog's Tailor 'bop, Fifth street, between Stet end Peach, a large varlety , einbeiting all kind* ao4 teoi'whleh he mpeetfully told* the public to saki a d esamine' - The Rowe ma. Woe hi aeknowledged le the beet la wo o doing ell kinds at :Work. arid Wog easily kept to order. Fur proototthese asiertione t I rapt? ask a him/ of the ma. e%ble 4 i 7.4 trirotirogtheat to do all! promise. ell Wilma ex cadosbetore ptrehashignther tats. grail attention OM) to repaving Ma r o ts u r.,laffProtophy repaired, at =ideate char . . cciORR, Es, . % C. vonoult • & - " " :ROCEREES AND PROVISIONS! .C . ROOKERY; WILLOW WARE, FRUITS, I Ert a tec,teeet. not side, third door north of ftslirOad Bridge, MR, ?A, iLtNe/h l 7 PV - BFFalls - ' IL I- • , - - lemr;Tr„ApTratzi Azip;razza Is • B 1) 0 ‘"All if ..1 , ,EVililt Oyu: AND TAMMY, i )kiro. 816 State St., Weal : 044 . 6e4 Bth and 9th, A • . 1 - Eats, re.. ar ;Rat rteeiveil,,i' new stock. of Go, lads;ittitei WW bs sold.:it the lowest prices. , j VIEWAIII4.IIIIIRY dc 010( GOODIS 86 0 T 6 , • 1.,, 1 i , • AHLS. S. HALL ' Take; Anson iniannonuoing_to Ithe 'potato that tei opened a new store to . j _ I4ioek,2;llg uases south of_ pelo4 , Where she will Iteepocuratanfly large variety of. XI Did NER Y AND I DR ritioQD s 4 - Ifilliety, Cloths, gad I pistaidassortaseat Et evagthlei =ashy kept on hand in • store of tha kleck ' . _ joir on eta* of Geette jest tecelved from the Belot desirous of dada I out hei old do*, She will eeltitwOm now to the La of Jake !Weed gad. oia24 • • - r. 0 UT 2'13 =I TPA, /1 COMO TEMP VEMS, 1 LOSS 4 TITS. A MEHL nee imp wind, . W. appetii • ICI glass, &tufo' ialsersl La all diseases of.Sainc, such as Coughs, Mom the Lungs, Liver, /se., th is article &eta as a specific. . afq .ting ham a PaPn• to a pew in p > _ barrel of swill theA above diseases ":" ,U 1 he eradicated - - _ - ,i;;;;• entirely prevented. t given in tiass,Ja certain psyetative and , taro for he ".ijog Cholera: , Prif4t 4 15.Mo:cis per Paper, or 6 Papers for $l. • PPXPEILED • BY " S. A. rcitrr* . .sc 13!t0., ♦T rains WHOLTSALt DHCO AAD mnian DEPOT. Bro. 116 Freaklin 14, Baltimore, Iffd. For-Sale by Druggists slid Storekeepers through aist- the Utinett States. SPRING SKIRTq efit tr (3oceeisore to Weber 1.131 a..) Dula= If Uliurrs, Segars, Tobacco, Yore; rusinta sovoNs, Lo magi-tf P. pat :mans WIMP AND FLAX, - • : _ WOOL TWINE; Fat Ball at & Usti lir • V: Patterson & tb.,_516 fish. Mad. *4144104 HAVRE & COLUMN. Mort DWELLING HOUSES FOR SALE Four drat class bnlidiog lots rof 6:11 sud ith sf.r :-, I weal aide, exert uf the eatato of lir. !fail. Thts vr..t ..:e. 16 la 18 one body, sad ,ern flashers properly for saie..-82)4 fret frost on t,t., • t , betwsee Stet. sad Posotri - wid sell this tit floe p s° and lot on Second street,' between St it- Poach. 'This deAretile property contaion al - out ••; city lot—anelruft—house In_ good repair, and a: i . cold cheep for prompt per. 'Sheila, large dwelling Juste of 3fre..7.7,110.1; reen,h street, o )rner of Second Ifwtm yu tht. • COMplete tersir. rrim !rile—terms einy. Fula ' , NMI three &tee, brick dwriling on C111,,T., • cut tide, firdrned corop'ete, ocd tr Ifl to col gein. "es HoUSt AND LOT FOR hiLE-Liletwoon FAlS.qtr. Myrtle streste, on the lank. • 1i0n.% two stories, ). good condition. Prlce $1,600. Ws here st oconber of very dertruble priest° for sale, worth from $5,0'0 to $15,000. This preparation, aud favorably ammo, will thor oughly rtstnxigorafe 'woken-down and ow.spiritcd hone*, strengthening and cleansing the tuoinach and ) lates. roes. It is a aure _Tue. c •yr rA OK 'WINE YOR SOLE—Oz Chesty n t't betsreerafinth and Troth street;. House has r sitting eoocn, dialog room, iltehea, three bed:,,oe.-r, Cloasta, telt, eta " in complete reptir. mist c , tSS DWELLING YIR SALE—On t, street, first door eat ofSt de. House new, lot to by 4'a beet. - STORE; FOEWDRY, WATER POWER AN 1) . FOR STORES VOR otter for sale les %: feet, corner of State and Eleventh streets, end F;2O t t feet oir - Stateetrestoomh of Idler's Machine Shr, is decidedly the best property for sale in the etc^ co.cltine shoe., atoms, etc., and trill be sold io 'Suit the parchment. iratinii is invaluable, caproves the quality of the milk. It has been proien by an. tual exikiti*eo to inc,Lea.ft the quast tity of milk and cream twenty per nerd. and make the butter dna and Duvet In taatening cattle, it gives them an appetite, loosens Ouir hi dc, and malts them thrift, / BiJILDiNG LOTS FAR SALE A Fell City Lot on Eighth street, between Myrti; PObeetnut. Also, the Lot in the rear, on - Feventh r , , ..t. convenient to entail. Very desirable for Menefee ,, , .,,. Two choleA dry Lots on Fourth street. 2d t Chestnut, 41 (seta tubes by 3.65 fret. We have tat a timber, 9f building lots on :4 , 0,... , 1 and Duffel) Wants, betwega Holland and Gorman. high gravel ground and very - desirable. une acre of land on Cherry,,atevet, west el' Gem, This is a iine.dry lot. One full City Lot, corner of Eleventh, and Ch..: north side. Pries 111,500. Also, one on Twelfth et ~,—( of Myrtle. Pelee $l,OlO. Ten Building Lots, corner of Eleventh and Rant •:;:t One full City Lot, earner Tenth - and blyttle Ste. - Al , r„ one on Tenth St., between Wyrtli and Chestnut.. ;. , te lade. 'this 300 foot street le fast being taken up ; r ties desiring Po areet brat clan reniderac.s. A you env LOT—On etit street, corner of 3: ,; • • Priee4l,6oo. YOR ISALE• number of the guest tierne in Mill ".. and /labor Creek tpe.„ at pikes from $7O to ti.m. acre. - CITY LOTa FOR EIALE.—A, number of the EllO4 liftable building lots in the city oo prirate term!. , FARMS FOR SALE BY HAYES & md4lll-ly - . , . rou BALE-10"Acres of the farm of the late 3e::-,. Barr, 'intited on Ridge Road, one mile from the a+!.. c0:414141g an orchard of 160 grafted apple treee, aod fewrsfab and pear trees. . ! SAIR,--10 1 3 .tree wood lot, 10 acted iMpru%,..l. Miles rouithe pity. Ellice, BYO pqr acre..' , , A Fro of &are* in Chautaugnacottufy, N. V.: 'it i farm I located within three miles of the Labs eh ‘,.; ,Abont,lo acres improved;' first elan dwelling no c.e, goodkerns and out bowies, young orchard of p.i,r:.• : fratitsi—applas, r each'', plume, etc. 'ryety area of Farming laid end 10 acres of a ti in.,: . lot, 6 4l ad milts eat o r the city, on the Lake h .- p Price 120 ier acre—will sell the 20 acres separate II ‘'s aired. i Fins barn on the 20 acres. - A FARId in Harborcreek, loath of the Railroad .ta Lion Eat* 100 rods. containing about 100 acre,- !to. bank barn—good moderate 02-41 Romeo—Ting on:n.l it —4 told acres of woods—soil good, and I ' the cora: state of cultivation. Price $7,600. Teems easy i A FAIIII north of the railroad station, on the t ./.. Road 100 soda, about 100 acres goort, a substantial. :4.0 - F. lionse,2 fine barns, orchard, out honese, Ate. This pia: to In aNo 1 state of cultivation. Price $l6O per cccv Fermi' easy. . t Fifty acts him for sale—the farm of T. l;favie , t. in UM Creek, ab cut 4 miles from the city—good .; •411 bone—flee bank lan, orchttd, &c. Poll gravid -,,, bottom land I'i ice '4,000. Porsassien April la. Ili a'YE'i it IiKPLZR. naiver iektioetl by ladies ~agboat otitth and tth o: the Ito be the petfeet onto 41 , t io fated, iro• bot oda of skirt o bt Log er, and ordonble •,1 • will not or break, te aloee buttM pier • re. grateful perfect CM pIPOWPANT NOTIU/S. Loaf Sugar, 6% ibis for ' 'si Q I Best White CoCee. do., 6 Ito Brown "do., 9 Ito 1 '.) , . The beat tea in the eneeket at (;) Choke Roney Syrut, per gallon I') Prime Old Java Cogre, per lb No faintly should be without it. Everybody using it To be bad °Nut, uwe ue the agents. Call and get one of tkoten PATENT LAMP CIIINNEY CLEANERS Just received. All of the above goods we will .4-11 ehtsper than the cheapest. { 'Ail on-goods are !en, having Just bees re , ,. v a invite all to exlmhoe for themselves. 17'643-tt BEARN, CHRISTIAK k ORA h 4, C (P " PATI2NT WRINGER! -sf GO . FF, PATTERSON -.-: ' ,l Rare been appointed Sol* Agents 'taittle Salo DM For the city <f Erie, South Erie. Rai Creek, GI v.r.., Summit, McKean and Fairview townabipa. El ril Aguas waatez ¢o sell, them la all the abase ratvel tavia. A LIBERAL PER CENTAGE WILL DE GIVEN; Apty tatalligeat mast or IF= n can make $5 per a , I y eginTaSdng tot t l sem. Voi particulars apply ay ate: v. • 4. rTM WANT VIM 11.1L1* A WrICAAL tt pr TOBACCO ANI/-CIGARS. 03os1t or awl &RD sots= 811111211, swr ,~ l•r .•.'e Itvs47thing is the Tolima* Cbt, inip, Cigar eases, Meerschaum Pipes,hrs. ways kept on hand. Our variety is so large nOOO e EaIL to be suited. • rr- Pat V pea atiou'ion paid to orde:a, ace goodewarmeted to be what they are sold (or. Hamar T. StSansa. (tos3'6o4y) JAIIIB S. Bat CITY SIM VS YLIVG. W.' W . It prepared to surrey any lots in the city or submi, • or set any grade from the official records of the city.. Particular attention given to eulr-divitrier's of out I, ti aad the ezteeeion of etneete. Aa work, dome - with t 'utmost etre and_ guaranteed correct. / - Drafting amid Mapping neatly executed. •Platte,Ppeciflotitiore arid Rettutates furnished 0,1 notice, Orden- Sic at the Clothing Store of J. Jll tine State Sty r at,No. 725 ?math St., will cc., • procipt attention.- mad I tr. N OTICS. The undersign - id haring been duly eommiefione , ' the Governor of the State Jolty Uin. AUCTIONEER FOR Mt CITY OF EIdY has (Tana! an Am:4lml and Commiadon the name and !Inn of ORERN k CRONIN !"I Cut to On State *tree., opposite the Postofilett, 54 :„ f be found et all timer. Parties having any 1" - . - pose °fat public or Private Sale, will endi ot hers vantage to entrust them to me. Oat door•, M anywhere in the city. Ponsignmet r it solicited, and prompt settlements made 'Mutton sales two ova in each meek, rtz.e Z. A. • • WSDNESDAYB AND DATUM . ..- Without fell, and I would respectfully re: havingedv todlspose of. to notify' me - 'l4 so that mut sell them on the above days. f. J. CRQiiiiede, °° l " 2 " 6 ,ed it - state of GRE;N k CRONIN, Auction Commission Iderthants. ' Aule T re ' alversally II F"1181 ATTENTION 2 ; trieral Eu- emory of the A OENTS • Wi A • .1 1 2; lefac tri" • • • •MW:Mb• ' ' 1,4443 , .4 k , 4 r gte •' , '% • ‘474144• 4 * t 6.006 wanthkg Ote ea ti' *ma and Itesplo- toravalet, triGai ,t; mess Pea - 01,1 1 SSLUNG ekeibit hi BOOT AND,_ SHOE Etp,B,_E! On Perth fsw doaraiositbidAh• Ositsa slash was deitroiod by tho Ude are. 1,14 bars didaradoed upon Falling old their outliostottc 01 • BOOTS, MOW 1 1 /1110BALS, Wale oast. /11 dish:ono of mating good b t - gibs sod ob a good Vaderstaadiag, at g , Fatly redaoed prices, ahoakt not tal/ to gin thaw a ash. a , y /0 at. . • ~r........ Agents and Dealeis in Reel fletst • Wayne ittints.-E TSA Al ON DOLLAR AND.-0P974 RD3 qrLs Rely 2i4 ir.otrß The nicest thin; c n c 3.,0np BUSHEL CROWE POTATOES 615 Trench St., Trle, re., CELEBRATED MIMES, In ilikMarket, -go_to STERNER. & BAKER'S. 1,1/NOLA;SALE AND RETAIL. DfiAI.ENS T o W .N E -It, Surveyor and Civil Engineer, former II ■