The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, May 24, 1866, Image 2

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THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1866
The last - steamer 'from Europe_brought
us • tidings of a very ithportini anyi exci
ting nature. The British Isles have been
convulsed with a financial panic almost
unparaleiled in modern history, and ex
tending into every part of the--Kingdom.
T ,, e panic culminated late on Thursday
afternoon, the 10th; in the suspension of
tftverend, Gurney tc-Co., one of the hen•
viest and regarded as one of the soundest
houses in London. The liabilittes are stated
at tram ten to twelve millions of pounds sterling.
The beak-down is attributed to heavy
speculative sales of shares, which forced
them dowp from ten premium to a dis
coneq. Depositors then, began to get
akrmed, and the drain on the 101 h was
very severe. Application for assistance
was made at the Bank of England, but
the governors declined to grant any, on
the ground that it would be vain in a
crisis like the present, to assist one estab
lishmont unless they were prepared to
help other applications as well. On the .
16th instant the Bank of England raised
the rate of discount from eight to nine
per cent, and charged for special advances
as , high as 10. The pressure, even at
these terms, - was enormous ; and it was
only on Unexceptionable bills that an ac
commodation could be obtained. Mean
while, 'additional and moat, serious disas
tera- ware hourly announced. The first
was that of a comparatively small hank=
the English joint - Stock—for. £BOO,OOO
'sterling. Then came that of Peto & Betts,
of which Sir Morton Peto, chief financial
agent of the A. Jic G. W. R. R , is head,
for £4,000,000 sterling ; then that of W.
Sbrimpton, railway contractor . , for £200,-
UflO ; and firm after firm toppled over in
na astonishingly rapid manner. In every
city and town of the kingdom the moat
intense - excitement prevailed, and it was
U•ared that the crash would become gene
The immediate occasion of all this Iran•
tic fluttering is the brief speech made by
the Emperor Napoleon to the inhabitants
of the little town of Auxerre. The part
of that speech which has operated. like an
electric touch on the nerves' of Europe, is
.his statement that he " detested those
reatiesof 1815, which it is now sought
to make the sole basis of our foreign po
licy." As this same sentiment had been
uttered by. him before, without causing
- such's commotion and panic, why should
it_be regarded .as so startling now ? FOr
this reason : that the declaration at Aux•
erre is regarded•as the imperial response
to the applauded speech of M. Thiers,
delivered two or three days previously, in
the Carps Legislatif. Thiers had set forth
in strong colors, the complicity ofh the
imperial government with the warga
thering over Germany. Neither Prussia
nor- taly, he contended, would have ven-
tured hit° their threatening position had
-they not felt assured of the countenance
of France. The war to which the Empe
ror has given his assent will lead to im
portant changes in i the map of Europe,
and consequently disturb and upset all
the - territorial arrangements settled by
the treaties of Vienna. It was in plain
allusion to Thiers' recent speech, andlhe
great outbursts of enthusiasm with which
.t was greeted, that the Emperor ex
, 'pressed his detestation of " those treaties
of 1815 which it was noW sought to make
the sole basis of our foreign policy." It
was inevitable, under such circumstances,
that the speech of the .Emperor at Aux,-
erre, should have been' regarded "as the
flbrilt tocsin of war. ft is not surprising
that a declaration so significant and un
expected should cause financial Europe
to quake touts center.
The glorious results of the election in
the West on the first_ Monday of April,.
are being followed up by other triumphs
still more marked. At the election in
Quincy, Illinois, s on the 16th, the Demo.
cratic majority was over 500—last year it
wag; but 150. At an election for Council.
.man,in the Fi ft h Ward of Indianapolis,
tire Democratic candidate was elected by
a majority of 270. At the previous elm
tion, the Republican candidate was elec
ted by a majority of 195—making a gain
of 475 in favor of the President's policy.
The ,bnef telegraphic announcement from
Chicago that" at the election to-day ten
Republicantland six Democratic aldermen
were elected" was more significant than
we . sup cued. Just before the election
the Republican stated that—" Last t e ar
the Union men elected fifteen out of the
sixteen aldermen." This shows a gain of
five aldermen for the Democracy. The
DeMocrats of Fort Wayne, Indiana, car-
;tied their spring election by 700 majority
• -the largest majority ever polled there.
In the ' adjoining townships the Demo,-
erotic gairs have been from 50 to 75.
;:pringfield, Illinois— Mr. Lincoln's old
home—has gone Democratic by 30 majo
rity—it gain of 200 since last election. The
Democracy of Toledo,. Ohio, carried the
late city election by .32 majority. Last
year the Republican majority was 529—a
Union gain of 854. . j _
The' municipal election in Scranton,
Luzernd County; resulted in, a brilliant
l'emocratic victory. - Last year tho
Unionist's carried that borough by'. a majo-
rity of about one hundred and fifty, and
on Friday, Gregory, the Democratic can
didate•:or Chief Burgess, - waiTfelected by
nmajoriof of over five hundred and fifty,
showing a gain for the Democracy in.
twelve months a seven hundred votes !
In 'the North Ward a Democratic coun-
ciiman was chosen for thejfirst time since
the borough was established ; -and, on the
I Whole, the Democracy generally had a
-I right good time. (in the 24d instant an
"plection was held in 'Wilkesbarre, the
county seat of Lucerne. The town has
always been opposition until this year.
,At the late election a democratic burgess
was elected by 381 majority. The Demo
crats carried New Haven, Con., by 1,50 6
majority. The Disunionists h ve got up
a petition to the Legislature, king that
the election of the Judge o Cie City
Court, Jige of the Police urt, &c.,
°ball be en out pf the bands of the
ople and tho Common Cannon, and
That those officers be elected by the Legis-
lature. 'This is following the New. York
:hion I
-Tho knowing ems at Washington no!.
boldly charge that notwithstanding the
clamor Wade, for papillar effect, by the
radical leaders for the punishinent of
Jefferson Davis, they are throwing every
obstacle in the way of a trial before the
civil courts. The hypocritical refusal of
Mr. Chase to pr,_ide at the trial in Vir
ginia, because martial law was dill in
force, has already been exposed. The
conscientious' Chief Justice has, 'since his
elevation 'to the hutch, preilded over
courts in Washington and Baltimore,
whore martial law was enforced with the
utmost rigor.. To prevent the trial of Mr.
Davis, the Judicial"! Committee of the
Senate have reported a bill, which bas
passed that body, to change the place l and
time of holding United States courts in -
Virginia. It changes the place from Nor
folk to Richmond, and provides . that the
time for commencing court sessions shall
he the first Mondays in May an Decem
ber.. This would' postpone the trial at
once from .June to December, and in the
meantime the radicals hope that Mr.
Davis will die in prison, as he is quite
likely to do if his confinement iiprotrac
ted that long. It is evident that nothing
would confer more pleasure on the radi
cals at this time;than the death of`Davis.
Such an event would relieve them of a
dilemma aid save their political capital.
For ones the Radicele have been utterly
silenced•and confounded. The message
of the President, returning to the Senate,
with his objections, the bill erecting Colo
rado into-a State,' so completely exposes
the Ecluidalous character of this particu
lar &idiot scheme for plapetuating pow
er in their own party, that no _reply to it
is found - possible. Iu the Senate the mes
sage was put aside with deliberate inso
lenco ; the Radical press prints it, and
makes' no sign. But the future of this
nefarious attempt -to foist a factitious
Corrinionwealth upon the• Union for the.
sake of getting three more Radical votes
into Congress does not make the attempt
itaell less nefarious, not ought it to be tuf-'
fored to pass out of men's memories with•
Out leaving there its lesson of the reckless
and unprincipled temper of those who
conceived it, carried ifs successfully
through both Houses, and, but for the
courage and-the patriotism of the Presi
dent, would have consummated it by wel
coming the representatives of a fabricated
State to the halls from which they shame
l:, sly exclude the constitutional delegates
of eight millions of free-born Americans.
Bad as it is, this latest assault of the Rad
icals upon what they tikemselves denomi
nate the "life of the nation." is no worse
than scores of other acts done by'them in
the past, tending all in - one-directiort. It
has been defeated, happily for us all, by.
the President; and we ask every honest
man, who still hesitates between the pol
icy of the President and that of the Pres-,
ichnt's enemies in the Senate and the
Home, to contrast this veto message of
Andrew,,Johnson, boldly defending -prin
ciples essential to our national existence.
with the attitude of the men who have
t)een crushed by that message into a si
ience which is the most eloquent confes
,-ion'that could possibly be made of their
conscious guilt in the transaction thus
brought to nothing.—N. l Y, World. '
An importhnt ease has just been deci
ded in Wayne exanty, in this State. Pre
vious to the October election of last year,
the Radical papers announced that elec
tier officers throughout the common
wealth were bound to reject the votes of
all persons who bad failed to respond to
drafts during the war. ' tinder this state
of 'circumstances, the District ,Attorney of
Wayne county prepared an opinion in re
sponse to questions propounded to him
by Officers of the election, in which he net
forth their duties as clearly defined by the
law's of Pennsylvania, and gave due 'no
tied Old all violations of said lav;would
be prosecuted. This opinion and notice
were forwarded to the several election dis
tricts of the county. They failed, howev
er/ to reach some 'of the more, remote
'townships, and in two of them the vots
of alleged deserters wee rejected, and he
Individuals thus deprived of their rights
instituted suite against the offendik par
ties: The case came up for determination
during the present term of the Court, and
Judge Barrett charged the jury in the
moat 'emphatic and unmistakable lan
gunge as to the law bearing upon the
point at issue. Be pronounced the act
of Congress disfranchising 'so called de
sertersmull and void, and distinctly gate
it as his opinion that the parties so, desig
nated' were as much entitled to a vote as
the judges and inspectors of elections
themselves. This he declared to be' the
law of the land in Wayne county until
reversed by a superior Court, and as such
he gave, notice that any, violations of it
hereafter would be regarded as wilful mis
demeanor and punished accordingly.—
Phila. Age.
The Washington correspondent of the
Springfield Republican says that "So far
as I can learn every member of the Cabi
net professes to agree with the President
in private and in open cabinet meeting,
and unless I am badly informed, Mr.
Harlan is not an exception. The Presi
dent certainly tells bis friends so, and
there are outside facts which seem to
corroborate his allegation. In short, two
or three members of the Cabinet are
each trying to ride two, bones. • How
long they will be able to _keep it up •
without broken limbs ono is naturally
anxious to see." The. position of Mr.
Harlin has been ascertained since the
correspondent wrote. He sent a letter
to a Johnson meeting in Philadelphia
last week, regretting his inability to be
present, and endorsing the President's
poidtion. The Cabinet is a utiit in sup !
port of Mr. Johnson's • reconstruction po
licy. •
This issue of the Observer closewthethirty-:
sixth yearof ifs publication. It 'will gratify
our friends to know that the paper is prosper
ing better than in any previous year of its
existence, and that before long we shall be
able to make implovements which, will ni . ake
it equal in size and appearance to. any in
It Is a fact, asstated by a contemporary,
that the Democratic party hail sprays sus
tained every incumbent of the Presiden
tial chair_who•bas defended the Constitu
tion—and, the anti•Democrats' hive hear
tily opposed all such. The only three
Presidents-ever elected by the anti -demo
crats were liarriaon, Taylor aldlLincoln.
Each died in the Presidential office, and
were succeeded by Vice. Presidents elected
by the same party. In each case the anti
democrats quarrelled with the Vice Pre
sidents, because they would insist on be.
ing guided by the Constitution—land they
egcb, in turn, Ind to throw tberrselves
fort support on the democratio party.
These are significant historical focts.
IMPORTED Yankees, the Lanci
ligencer thinks, are expensive JUxuries.---
Thaddeus Stevens saddled Pennsylvania
with a debt thirty years ago which she is
groaning under to this day, and will not
get rid of Tor a century to come. Trans
ferred by the votes of the Republicans of
Lancaster county •to a wider Old of ac
tion, he is now doing for the United States
what, he did for this Stale. Ilia " Freed
men's Bureau " is a sort of !National
-" Tapeworm," which is to citric around
,every negro cabin in the South.;
THE Radical papers are in ecstacies over
the election of their candidate for Mayor
in Williamsport. The change, the Phila
delphia Age says, in the political co' mplex
ion of place is owing to the annexa
tion of a large quantity of territory to the
city-by the last Legislature. This was
done for the purpose of breaking down
the Democratic majority, and it,: succeed.
"ed. In the old wards the Democrats gain
ed instead of kiting votes.
How It -Is Done.
New Jailor bas often been denomtnated the.
State of C tmden and Amboy," op account
of the. overwhelming influence which the
railroad corporation of that name iS supposed
to have over her public councils. Oh the same
principle, the Keystone Commonweblth might
properly be dubbed the itState of the Penn
sylvania Central," for it ie a nothrious fact
that the company which bears the littter name
controls legislationit klarrisburg aq comp'ete
ly, if not more so, as the Camden and Amboy
ever did at Trenton. Flor some years past, no
railroad measure, and a may almhst be said
no measure of any kind,) has been Eble to get
th'e sanction of our State Legislature, unless
it Aral received the potent endorsement of the
,President or Vice President of the Penneylva
nia Central Company. Their enmity was
sure to defeat it; their friendship was a cer—
tain guarantee of its success. The; truth of
these facts is so well known to all Men of ex—
tensive acquaintance in political or commer
cial life, that none will bo found to disPute
It has often been a wonder to innocent people
who are not weft acquainted with the m tuner
of transacting business at our State Capital,
and the class of men who compose what is
sometimei derisively styled the " assembled
wisdom of the Commonwealth," hoW a couple
private citizens, mere officers of a railroad
.corporation, could succeed in securing such
,an exalted influence as to be able td shape the
entire legislation of a great people. The
secret is pulls , lot out by a correspondent. of
=therittsburgh Commercial, ° whose : statement.,
EgiTen below, will be found of unusual interest.
"The Cot Scott referred to is Vice!President
.of the Central Railroad Company; and was
Assistant Secretary of War for a time, under
Gen. Cameron :
In 1865 Col. Scott had- to epend nearly a
mouth in Harritkurg to accomplish what his
read demandee - '.. But see the imprOvement in
running the Legislative machine In the first
week of January, 1866. one night at Harris
burg sufficed to organize the committees as be
desired them, and three visits of from twen
ty-four to thirty-eix hours each were all that
were required ti secure all that he demanded.
And yet this monopoly secured everything in
- the power of the last Legislature tb grant—
the Anthracite and -Consumers' bill, with its
branching powers, gridirening the eastern
part of ' the State. Tho Philadelphia bill
gridirons one hundred miles from the south
east to the n:lrthwest; the Southern Penney'
vania and Connellsville, with its hrauchet,
covers'the entire southern portion of, the State,
and the Centrarpart, with its
.brattehes, covers
the whole of middle Pennsylvania by 'the Trunk
road. ' These grants and the defeat of the Ma
honing and,Baltimore connections Will answer
for one session. And yet so thoroughly is , the
machinery organized that all this was accom
plished without an expenditure oft over five
days' personal, attendance of Coll Scott at
Oa Saturday of each Week he giais private
audiences to each chief in command of his
squad, inside and outside of the Legislature,
at hie office on Third street; Philadelphia.—
Half a dozen of daily train[{ afford 1 facilities
in ease of need to send one-of his special aids
to Philadelphia for orders. The mit - is al
ways at band. and then the compitoy own a
line of telegraph, which is always ,used in a
ease of sudden emergency, to give its orders
on the floor. Col. Scott, through these in
_can at any time take the
,of either or both Haulms, and dictate
.ver legislation the monopoly demands.
e need na longer alarm the' people of the
State by being openly the opeineer in charge
of the Legislative - train. The Sp§akers of
both Rouses, the Chairman of all the impor
taut committees—aye the mejority in both
Houses—recognize a dispatch r)m him as
sufficient to stop the train, run it Et one or
sixty miles an hour, just as fully a; con
ductor on any train on the road, or ;-ro
man at any machine shop.
nears.—We have over and over again heard
men complain of the degeneracy of the times,
as exhibited in the rage for pubite office.—
That period, thank fortune, and the !'progress
of great moral ideas," has passed by. Aspi.
ring candidates for political station no longer
disgust widest people by thrusting themselves .
'forward for the suffrages of the community.
A stage irthe affairs of the nation;has been
reached,. when humble merit- receives its
reward, and instead of the man seeking the
office, the latter seeks the man. In proof of
w3at we- assert;,stre need only poitit to the
gentlemen named for Associate Lew Judge
in this district. There are no lees than
three RichTpnds' ip the field, and yet
noNne of them bee pushed himself forward
for the place All have been brought out by
the ' , unsolicited voice of the people.'! Happy!
happy district, which comprises so,mlioy great•
men among its inhabitants, and none willing
to become candidates-without the appeals of"
their fellow citizens. After this date, the
"stereotyped wannouncerneetc" will be seen
no more, and instead of thein, we shall have
something like the following : !' t
, Dear Sir—We , your fellow citizens,' beg, en
treat, implore, t eseech and abjure yOu to en-
Het your ~a bilities;iritegrity and pitriotism."
in, the'service of the people, who are Suffering
for want of fhe same. 1
Gentlemen—Although with the greatest
possible reluctance and immeasurable
of extremely iMportant interests on My part,
I de - not feel at liberty to dedlinwyOur very
kind and pressing invitation: Yon are at lib
erty-to use my name irreeinection With - the
"ghly responsible , poeition designatV. I n
the event of my nominition and election I.
promise to 'be !oakum and faithful in the.grciat I
Heine city and freedom . zka*more fie
peril thaq durin g the meet terribie
bloody war. Understand me, gentlemen, I 4
not care a five cent scab for the emoluments
of the Office. Sly only ambition is to nestle
.my fellow citizens, and lead my feeble (MIAs
n extending.tbe area of liberty:
Local Paragraphs. -
Several 'corneae() rafts -of logs, averogior
co g
nearly a quarter of a mile - in length, hat
niched this port, within the last week, fret
Canada. They aro securely fastened together,
and were drawn across the Lake by a 1ng.4 7
The kgs are to be sawed into lumber hero tit
the mill being created by Messrs. Peckham
Ileag4 The latter is to be 170 feet in length,
and will contain three sawq, which are to tje
run by st cam.
The Cr,uneils on Monday evening . pronip:
laid on the table Mr.' retnetes) revobt
prOposing close up Stsle street, Wave n
aster Intel
the Parke, and throw both of the in
one. There let it lie, and sleep the sleep th
knows no waking.
Cspt. Cronin will sell at auction tolay
complete sett of furniture belongirg to W.
Thompson. lle also offers for rent the latter
sentleMan's house, on_Weat Fourth street.
" The Erie Observer is-a - greet
(J a:
Wo regret exceedingly that it is beyond o
power to return the compliment.
littiness has been dull In the city for t o
wee% or two. The country people are ,buSy
putting in their rprintcrops, add visit tow l n
to oftener than necessity calli them.
The receipts of last winter's lecture course
were $1,956, and the expenses $1,540, leaving
a profit, of $416. Of Ilia,lo l o
Were paid to lecturers.
The large number if 4 2,324 wits
mailed from our post office on Monday, Mtt!y
14th. , The total number 4 of letters mailed
during the month.of 'April was 32,705, , •
Judge Abell, of the First District Court •f
New Orleans, has declared the Civil Rights
bill to be unconstitutional.
The Cork Constikutiorul states that women
are travelling from town to town in Irelarid
us Fenian'emissaries.‘ - -
Mrs Loretta J. DeCatilP, who served in tis
Confederate army as Lieutenant Buford, • and
who was twice wounded in battle, is - no,
writing, says the Atlanta bitelligincer, ahi4-
tort of 'her adventures.
While a carriage, containing six negfotai,
was passing through the streets of Memphis
on the 4th fast., two days after the lists, one
of the occupants drew a pistol and fired tit
the captain of an engine;jiompany standi .g
on the sidewalk, barely missing his head.
Three hundred and fifty five men are still
employed Mitt's Watertown, Massachusetts.
Arsenal, in the manufacture of heavy iron
gun-carriages for the forts of our extensive
seacoast, the orders for which still continue
In Philadelphbt a thief robbed a brokers
boy of $3,000/in the street, but was imme
diately knocked down by a.oystander, and
handed over to the police. •
The body of -John Danneman was found
hinging on a tree near the foot of Ninetieth
street, New York, on Thursday morning. T v e
body of the supposed suicide was cut do i n
and the Canister notified.
A man named Schultz was arrested at Ch—
cago on Tuesday, on a charge made by his
wife, that he had dariug- the past few years,
destroyed two of his children immediately
after. their birth.
The Star of the Valley states how one wd
man got over her disappointment : A yours'
woman named Klinefelter, residing in Mifflin
township; died lately of voluntary starvation,
having for ttirelve (Ilya and nights refused to
take food. CauSe: disappointed in marriage.
The oil excitement. in Canada is on the in
crease. Dispatches from Petrolia report tiro
more strikes of oil, making six wells started
during the week. •The rggrepte yield Of
:he thirty-two wells nt Petrolia is given it
about one thousand barrels per day.
The Now York World says « the eight•hour
movement has failed,_and most of the nume
rous stelyselt or the workmen, in this and ad l r
joining cities, have end d by their returning
to their old Wks, g!ad to get their
The Miners' Journal says that coal'is sell
at Pottsville, Pa.; as low as it did in the firit
year of the late war..
The State Bounty Law.
The Legislature passel" an act last winter
in relation to Focal bounties to volunteerS,
which is now a law, having been signed by
the Governor _oa the ht itist. It provides
All veteran volunteers regularlY re-enlisted
and re-mustered under general orders number
191. from the War Departnient, dated June
25th, 1863, and extending to April 21et, 1864,
who have not rleeived any local bounty, , no
given their matt to localities outside of W.
Stale, shall be Paid a local bounty of $300.4
to be paid by-the propei authorities of such
counties, cities, wards, b3roughl and towni
ships as recel+ed• - the•crwlit ..of such voluni
leers. lf, however,
,such credit hail beefi
given to localities or places included within
the limits of a township, such township shall
pay the bounty. •
Where the authorities of any townehip,
ward or borough have had an agreement with
the veterans for a less sum than $3OO, and
have failed to levy or collect the tax; no , qt or!
tax shall be levied and collected than is mines..
vary - to pay the tax agreed upon.
Transcripts from the reor.rds, in the Adju
tent General's office of this - tate, certified to
by the Adjutant - General, as well as general
orders from the War Department, shalt be ref
ceived In evidence ; and the place of residemie
named in the re enlistment and muster-in
rolls, shall, in the absence of other evidence
be considered the place of credit.
The school directors, or, other - proper 'au
thorities, of each and every county, city, die 7
trict, township, ward or borough, in which
such credits were 'reeeived,, are authorized an
required to levy and collect, Sufficient tax td
pay said volunteers, or their heirs or repreJ,
sentativesl No tax, however, shall be eollect4
e 4 from officers or soldiers now in the servicel
of the United States,.or who have , been it;
service and received an honorable discharge;
or widows and orphans or widowed motherl
of ouch officers and soldiers who may have
died in service either of wounds or disease!
-- •
In case of the death of any soldier, entitle
as above to bounty, before the passage of thi
act, the authorities Pha' l pay I he.satne to snobl
person or persons as. by the law 3 of the Uni
ted States, wculd have been entitled to the
United States bounty.—Harriaburg Patriot.
pleased to again announce to all who are;
afflicted with diseases of-the Elie, Ear, ?'Moat {
Heart, Lungs, Liver, Stomach, Skin, as well as
Catarrh, Bronchitis and Polypus, that the re
nowned Dn. LISTON, Burgeon to the
Inntamatti," whose solid reputation as a MC.
cessful - practitioner for the cure of diseases
preceded his coming, will make his next pro
feosional visit to Erie on Monday and Tues
day,, the 11th and 12th days of Jude. slopping
as before at Bnowa's Dorm .Dtiring the
days of the list visit of the Dr to this place,
his rooms were filled' from morn till night by_
th-se seeking to avail theruselees of his vain
able services- To all he gave candid 'and
trutnful answers. Those who were, beyond
hope were at once tell so, and of . eouree all
expense,gaved. Others whose dii..tases had
not progressed so far were encouraged, and
a course of medical treatment at once onto
menced, ltetnemqr the da'e of his next visit,-
and be prepared to avail yourself of his greet
skill and !err and successful experience.
Wheti the Bank of Crawford• county closed
doors on the 2.7tb of March last, Mr. F. A.
Howe, of this city, owed the bank $2,500.
He subsequently tendered. the issue of the
bank—that is, it 4- own nioney,—io payment.
This the bank refused to accept, and issued ad
execution 'against him to collect the claim.
Mr. Howe still resisted payment, sere in the,
way already mentioned, and-On Wednesday
application to court (Judge John.
son on the bench) for a rule 'on the bank to
show cause why' the judgment of the bank
against Mm (Howe)'should not be •opened.
Alter a full and protisciA'.diccussion, pro
and con -the rule, was granted.' We have
been told—that Judge Johnson dropped some
intimations that were by no means .eomplip
sticatstry to tilt bactle.--OntiOdPenspercif.
News Items.
A - Farmer's Opinion, •
I read in some of the E ie papers that the
city aut bort' ito tiro goieg ' to fence. off State
street, at the Parks. Now, f question their
authority to do 'so. In old times it was un
derstoad that this Diamond, as it *al then
called, was a place reserved fur us farmers to
stop >ftt with out' loads of hay, wood, lumber
or. whatever' we bad ta sell, so 48 not to et
cumber the streets, and also for the military
to panda on traini ag i days; &e. S, far :they '
hay.: taken' the ;responsibility to fermi up a
portion of it on each elle of Sta.° street, and
plant envie trees ! which is vary w.ll, as State
street is wide, and the country people can
' place their waggons along without interfering
with the street or side walks. But teat.° off
St tte street and where are they to go ? The
marker house- is! puled down and-the room
armlet it to be ene'osel, and no provision
made for another, • or any
plies provided fur the market people
to go on . market days. ' This looks as
if the town peop'e do not want our market
, folks to go to town at all. But lam sure this
t is-not the work of the people genertlly—it is
only the few would-be great men whom God
Almighty peter I intended for such. Thiy
w tot to btautify the town, they say. If the
truth wit; kuown, L think many of their dwel
lings' and premises want purifying much more.
Probably you will oall me an old fogy. Well,
it may be so. I litre lived in Erie county 45
years, and think I have some claims u ,cri the
people. They talk about 4 •Young America."
Yes. I think many of them are ,trite young.
and green, too. I ; for.ene, hope the people of
Erie will look a little mire to their interest,
and in future ilect MU Oil stamina anti expe
rience, fur if no - , the neP. thing mty be to
fence np the loin entire k mid wake a flower
/ )
garden out of it' l Ilanuoutt Cages..
Aniong the speakers in the Connecticut
campaign ►vas General +Rousseau. Repub•
lioan member of Congrt ES from Kentucky.
Who declared his intention to stand to•the
last by the President, between whom and
the radicals he Said the gulf had now be
come en impassable one. He charged the
radicals. With being engaged in endeavor
ing to finish the work which Jeff. Davis
failed to cOmplete.
7o the Senate of the United States: -
I return to ;the Senate, in which it
originated,' the bill which has passed ,both
Houses of Congress, - entitled an act for, the
admission of the State - of Colorado into
the Union ; with my objections to its be
coming a law at this time. ' ,
Frat— From the best information which
1 have been able to obtain, I do not con
eider the establishment of a State govern
ment at-present necessary fOr the welfare
of the people in Colorado. Under the
existing Territorial government, all the
rights, privileges and interests of thst citi
zens are protected and secured. The
I qualified voters',choose their own legisla
tures and their own local officers, and are
represented in Congress by a detente of
their own selection; they make and exe
cute •their own municipsl laws subject ' s
only to revision' by Congress, au authority
not likely to be' exercised unless in ex
treme or extraordinary cases. Toe popu •
lation is small, some estimating it as low
as 25,000, while,the advocates of 'the hill
reckon the number at from 35000 to 40000.
The people are sprincipalty'recent settlere,
many of whom 'are understood to be ready
for removal to other, mining districts be
the limits of the Territory, if cir
cumstances shall render theni more invit
ing. Such 'a population cannot but find
relief from excessive taxation, if the Ter
ritorial system which devolves the expen- ,
see of the Executive, Legislative and Jty
dicial departments of the United States ,
is for the present continued. They cannot
but find the - security of person and --pro
perty increased by their reliance upon
the National Executive power for
maintenance of 'law - and dicier against the
disturbances necessarily incident to all
organized- communities.
Secon 1-:—IL is not satisfactorily estab
lished that, a Majority of the citizens e - 4
Colorado desire or are -prepared for an ex
change of a Territorial for a State gov
ernment. , In September, 1861. under the
authority of Congress, an election was
lawfully appointed and held for the pur
pose of ascertaining the Views of the peo
ple upon this particular queStion. 6 192
votes were oust, and of- this number a ma
jority of
-3,152 was given against the pro
posed cange. In September, 1865, with
out any legal authority, the question wits
again presented to the people of the ter
ritory with the view pf obtaining a recon
sideration' of the result of the election
held in compliance with the act of Con
gress, approved. March CI, 1864. In this.
seconst election 5,905 votes: were polled,
and 7 smallenajority of 155 wasiven -in
favor of a i State organization. { It does not
seem to me entirely safe to permit this
last nsentiened result, so irregularly ob
tained, to' outweigh the one which bad
been legally obtained in the first election.
Regularity and conformity to law are es
sential to the preservation of order and
stable government, and should, as far as
preaticable; always be observed in the for
mation of new Stites. - '
Third—The admission of Colorado at
this :time as a State into. the Union, ap
.pears to me to be incompatible with the
public interests of the country. Whilti it,
Is desirable thatterritories when sufficient
ly matureitehould be organized as States,
yet the 'spirit of the Constitution seems to
require that there should be an approxima •
tion toward equality among the several
States comp - rising the Union. No State
can have leas or more than two Senators
in Congreie. The largest State has a pop
ulation of four, millions, severe' other
states have' a population exceeding two
millions, and many others have a popula
tion exceeding one million. If this bill
should become a law the people of Colo
rado, thirty thousand in number, could
have in tire Howie of Representatives one
member, while New York. with a popula
tion of four millions, has but 31. Colo. a
do wriu'd have in the electoral college
three vw era, while New York 'had only
thirty three. Colorado wOld have in the
Senate two votes, while 1,,r0w York has to
more. Inequalities of this character have
already occurred; but it is t.elieved none
have happened where the inequality -was
so great. Where such inequality has been
allowed, Congress is supposed to have per
mitted it on the grounds of some high
public necessity and udder circumstances
which promised that it would rapidly dis
appear through the growth and develop ;
ment.of the newly admitted State. Thug;
in regard' to the, several States_ itix what
was formerly called the northwest terrace
ry, lying east of the Missouri, their rapid
advance in population rendeted it certain
that" states admitted with only one - or two'
Representatives in Congress would in a
very short period be entitled to a great in
crease in; representation. ' So, when Cali
fornia was admitted on the ground of
commeciat and , political exigencies, it
was we I foreseen Abet that slate was de. , -
i i
tined apidly to become a great, pi.osper
ous *and important mining and commer
cial community. In the case of Colorado,
lam not aware that any.national exigen
cy, either of a political or commercial na
ture, requires a departure from the, kW of
equality which tuts been so generally ad
bored to in Our history. If the informs
1 lion submitted in connection with this
i bill is. reliable, Coletadto, instead of in
'creasing, has declined in population. At
an election for members of a Territorial
Legielature, held in 1861, 10,580 %votes
were cast. At the election before Men
tioned in 1864, the number was 6192,,
while, at the regular election held in 1865,
Ischich is assumed fop a bans of legislative
action rit,this time, the aggregate number
of votes was 5 005. , Sincerely anxious for
I the welfare and prosperity of every
tory' and state. as well as for the prosperity
nnd - welfare of the whale Union, I regret
this - apparent decline of population in .
Oolorado ; but it is manifest that it is due
ft:emigration, which is,going on from that
territory into other -regions—within the
United States, which, either are in feet or,
fire believed by the inhabitants' of polora
do,to b, richer in mineral , wealth and ag•
rioaltural resources. If, however, Colora
do has not really declined io population,
another census or another election under
the authority of Congress, would place the
question.beyond doubt, and cantle but lit
tle delay in the ultimate reception of the
territory as tt state, if desired by the peo
ple. The tenor of these objections fur
nishes the reply which- may be expected
to an argument in frvor of the measure
dcrive.i from the enabling act which wits
passed by Congress on the slat day of
Mooch, I 864; although- Congress then sup
posed that the condition of the Teri-40y
was suet as to warrant its admission as a
state. The result-of two years Experience
shows that every reason which existed for
the institution of a territorial instead of a
state government -in Colorado at its first
organizrtion, still 'continues in force. The
condition of the Union at the present mo
ment is calculated to inspire caution in
regard to the admission of new states
Eleven of the old states
.have ,been for
some time and still remain unrepresented
in Congress.' It is a common interest of
all the states, as well those represented as
those unrepresented, that the integrity
end harmony of the Union should be re•
sawed as crtnpletely as possible, sollit
all those who'are expected to bear the bur
dens of the Federal government shall be
clnsulted concerningthe admission of now
states, and .that in the meantime no new
state shall be prematurely and unnecessa
rily admitted to a participation in the po
litical power which the Federal .govern
moot wields not for the benefit of any in•
dividual states or section, but for the cora
nuin.saiety, welfare and happiness of the
whole country. (Signed). • .
Washington, D. C., May 15th, '66.
Arrucrtos.-:-Why will you suffer the ter
rors,and afflictions incident to a disordered
statil of the liver or digestive organs. when a
certain remedy is within yourreach ? Hoof
land's German Bilters.will cure you. It you
will only discard your prejudice; and give this
article a trial you will never regret it. Your
stomach will 'be strengthened and regain its
original vigor. and you will be able to digest
your food satisfactorily. These Bitters are
for sale by ail druggists, and are not alco
holic. - mal7:2w "
Pacicassrissrios.—Why 'pat off your lure
If you are suffering with the dyspolikia, liver
complaint or weakness of the digestive or-.
gans, do riot delay. but resort at once to the
use of Hootland's German ;litters. Welposi
:lively and unhesitatingly say, they tail cure
you, as they have done with thousands of
eases before you. For sale by all druggists.
They are not a beverage. mal7.2sr
The real Velpau French Pills should not be
used during a certain time, as they will sorely
bring on• a miscarriage. Sold by all drug.
gists. my 3-1 m.
for Clark & Brother, Wholesale and Re
tail Dealers in Confectionery. Oysters, Canned
Fruit, StAtieneilly, Yankee Notions, Bakers'
Goods, Toys, Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes,
West Side of. Peach Street. 1 Square South
of the Union Depot, Erie, Pa. Also. Dealers
in all kinds of Country "roduce. Particular
attention paid to filling country orders.
( )
D. W. Hutchinson, United Btateit Claim i
Agent, Girard, Penna. Pensions, Back Pay,
Bounty, and all other Claims against the Gov ;
eminent attended to with promptness. Charges
reasonable. Applications by mail attended to
the same as if made in person. ` %lB Gm.)
Ptcruans.—Persons wishing 0
o pro Cure por
traits of themselves or .membersk of their fam
ilies, should call at the gallery of ?Sr. Ohiwiler.
in Rosenzweig's block. His, specimens of
work convince us 'that he is an artist who has
few superiors. The throng of visitors to his
rooms are an indication that his merits are
daily becoming better known and appreciated
by the public.
Erie Markets—Buying Prices. ,
Corrected teedey for,tbe Observer, by Got, Patterson
4. Ca, Cremes 4. Blips., Morrison er Dinsmore, d.
his/ and Davie ¢ Corua.
- Dazao FErre.-- - Apple 16@t7; Peaches 28 , , ,- 332; Macke
berries, 850)49.
Vrarrastas.—Potato $1.10 , 125; °WOW., Litirg
$120• Turnips, 490i0; eashbage, per head,thip,2; Beata,
756100; Carrots, 4553,50; Parsa.ns, &CON; Vegetable
Oysters, 263 c per bunch: Oat on S'etts. sC..tee7 CT,
Paooros.—Batter. WO sc; Eggs, 17013; Lard, Is@ , 22;
Borley,2s€3orCheesa. 2,R , A22 1
r•r $2 01.1 ("1, $2 , 1
Gnus. enrn, 65609; Oats, 49@al• Wheat,
amber. $ 4002 60 •, Wheat, white. $/ 75E1 00 . • Shorts.
Cora Near $1 45(al 59; Feed, $1 45611 50 ;
Barley, 73095; Bize , s, $1 50g.! GO '
Soros —Clover, $5.76 et- $625; Timothy, $9.50 ig
krorn —Market firm. • XXX w. whee 21 1.50a1-5.00
XX red, $l2 504V3011; X red $3.50,49.00": XX Clz b $!0.00
G 10.20; XX Red Winter, new, $9 :25,g9 75.
Poe= LTD ©ear.—Extra Mary Pork, $3110332 00;
$28.00.2900; Seger Cured Hams. 21riy.'23 rer
Corm:try do., loa 0c Shouldere„l4al,s; Lard, per barrel
s:n; kert, $24; Eatra MeAll Beer, slBe2o.
Hates Cocoa Rratur.—The public attention te soda
called to the ciente of this old and popular medicine,—
Every considerate Tenon knows tin; importance of
removing lung affeltions In their early, gee and many
from tad experience hare learned the dager of dolor.
gall's Cough Remedy xs nor-too:mg:tended as a oars
eat MAZZA roe Ara. BOXAS ILL!, but only for a speci
fle elms of Disnaiiss located in the same structure, inci
ted by the same causal and requiring numb thtsame
treatment, varying only with degrees alio:ones. •
It is pleasant fa the taste, safe in its oteration,
thorough and speedy in its action. Long experience
proves it has no SCPARIOR or Enost in merit or efficiency
fat raring COUGH, ao.sasteses, BRONCHITIS. oaorr
49TIINAL and 3'1100P130 COCOU.
It remove. Irritation, causes free and eel, suectora
ttion,loosens the tight and full seniation In the longs,
restores the reepieatien to Its easy. netnral condition.
Imparts health and vigor to the lungs and also clearness
and strength to the voice.
Onebottle !Erne:illy sufficient to sun an °nth:l3ly
Rotal.l pries 60 cents to St rer bottle.
Liberal inducements offered to - the trade
Sold wholesale and retail by Hall k Warfel, propriwa
tors, at their drug store, W,,1) State,street, Erie, Ea . and
by dealers general'''. I ja2,54=
3855, edited by Wm. Proctor; Jr., Professor of Pharmacy;
in the :Philade'phia College of Pharmacy.—" Will the
Plaid Eitractsgo out of use owing to the high price, o
Utl we byre some autfiFtritativei modiffeat one of the
formulae by which we eon make them at a more reason
able coati' If the latter, shall the change be the
quality of the monstranat, or in the manner of applying
it, so as to reduce the quantity requisite? Cut the 7
be a convocation of the Comteittee of Boylston to au
thorise Bang new method er modification of the present
recipes r
With regard to the contemplated change in the guar.-,
jitY, or in the menstrautn itself, in the preparation of
fluid extracts, I would take occasion to Bay that in med=
Mine the health of the patient le the great object to be
gained. The coat of the material Is something, but
when put into the 'kale with human health, and °len
human life, it is haadly wrrtby of consideration at ill.
My Machu (Flelmbold's) will eintinue to be msoe as
formerly, and if it cannot be maintained at present iri
cos, they will have tole advanced to mee the advance
in the price of Material. To such as desire quantity in
stied of quality, we xtostld sly that water la a cheap
commodity, and may be . reedily added by the person
using the medicine if be desires to'do ao.
H. 7. lIBLUDOLD, Druggist 'ad Chemist,
594 Broadway, New York .City
A Cocoa, Cora. 'l :at Sons tnactsr —Requires iir.
mecliate attention and should be .cheeked. If Clawed
to continue, irritation of the Large, a permanent
_throat affection or an locatable fang dimme is MUD
the result. Brown's Bronchial Troches haring a direct
loamy= on the parts, giro immediate relict. For bron
chitis, atthma,eatatrh, consumption andtitro2t ditettes
Troches are used with always good raceme: Singers atd
Public Speakers will find I'ioehes went in clewing the
sotce when taken berme sit:4loz or *awaking, and relie4e
the throat titer au units Texertiou or th e vomit ()ream!.
The Trej:hav are recom rr ode.' and prescribed by physi
cians and hare had t monists from eminent men
throughout the eowitry. Being . article °Mile merit,
and haying proved their efficacy by a test o Many years,
each year finds ,thens in new loeelities in various parts
of the world, sad the Trothea are universally pro
nounced better than any otker &filet°. Obtain only
"Broome/ Bronchial Troth's," and do not bike . any -
the worthless imitations that clay be odteriti. Bold
everywhere in the United States, and in foreign coon.
trite at tis cents ter bog, Jal 1 dm
Ka CONIII6I6Ni Aiiiin - TIMILYOII OD AD taratto.—
, robtithed rex thi benallkand as &CAUTION TO YOUNG
MEN, and others, who' suffer froto'Nersotut rebtllty•
Prentattisa Decay of Manhood, ke; supplying at Bs
asps time TOIL MDADII -0; SDLD•COIL By one who hes
MEd himself after an d
riolog eonsideratde quackery.
By . elleiltstg nost-pitl addreued enve'oke, sines cop
ies, free of titers.; miy had of the author.
Bsookkyli.K4ip Oa, N. T. '
t' -1y
BI ftatotio4
mllll6 1111/11PIL
I _Anil !attraction to fou l m e ,'
and Airgiciatioo, a on
d Dr
ape*. Addreas Dr. J. tip
j al l'os-13r.
Nicitrotm uhatErrv,
(di be crdua by OLIO who 1,41‘,0
dm% brother', and *III tell y. t ,
ddreu with stamp,
fru' IR 31 %SON pc 11.% t 114%
I forty different style..
music, for sec , t. too
medals, or other Brat ylesiisrta 4
tintedte. Catslownts Awls she.,
Boston. or
geneirnsio in the tJelfr,l gm ,
Tell mash to their adsantag t .
,I,srge) by addressing
the siOd+
lean of being hernlirg.4
and. All otbers will anal
ant. er- •
dedre . .l fy•
111101114 OV YOUTH
suffered for years hors
tore Duey, andel the aftsetl
w uke of soffetu
who owl ft, tie and_f
ample remedy by which he wu raw,
tost proli
ak ttry the advent sea sue:vita.,
' detaVidd 17. No. 13 p ra l ,
iv You wwwv TOklayo w
,and female; the cause' *nu tran 44 ,
marriage enstome 9 t: the aorl , 1; ho.
• th orne d thlnga - never publi,h,..l
wised and enlarged edIIA m o r 11 . g
eartonel)ootrfor eurionx peo p u,:i
every One. 400 PP!. 100 i t lestnt
Contents 'able amt free to
l a i n lo 2,44
y 144.,
had at the hook otoree, or will to
paid, on neeeftt of the price, Add,-
R. a ,
been restored to health in
orple remedy, atter herr Is eed m
long affection, awl that 6, 4 4
samptieb—la nnilons to make kno ea l;
&lees the means of care. E
To all who dotes it, Ai rill •
serfpttpn used, (free of chatee3,,, g y,
prepating and using the tame,l4ll
ears eon, f,r Coomcaption, Aat ms
Coaghe, &e. The only object of thet
inn the preseript toe is to beneht th“
tiformtlon wh , th he c0rx•if,.!,,, 14 ,
heptn over, sneerer wilt try h
them nothing, and may prove
Parties wishing the presalptionyr
Tilt pleare address Rev. 151)1V ,
dee2B 66e17 Willtemseer-,
nal her thoroegbly pro%
'artiste known for taring Cltitt
and Haanacre. It boa been fon
in many easel of Soaa Em.
by It. and Heaturio hes often been 6
Its ass. It fa fragrant and 'maw,
AT REEJIteto the ditil hear T
p an
o f the Heat
_Prim sensations site tilt/ t,
sail lovitorating. It opine tz pu ri
stroctiorie, strengthoos the ghat.,„4
action to the parte affected.
Morallian thirty years of sal e sea t
Catarrh and Headache Snuff hu proo
for air the dieciaia of
meat It stand, higher thmi ever befm
ed by many of the beat physicians, am
success and satisfaction everywhere. I
of, Wholesale Druggists In IRS 4
The undersigned having frmmenY
tad with Dr. Marshall's Catarrh and
sold in our wholesale trade, cheerful
Here it to be equal, in .very respect,
Dona gifen of it for the cure of Qatar,
that it decidedly the best article •
for all commori diseases of the Head,
Burr & Perry. Reed, audio & Co.,
Co., Reed, Ostler &Co.,,Setti W. Fol.*
&Co., Boston ; Renalksw, Ramada
Portland, Ma.; Barium & Park, A.
Pan) Co .. Nino, &
Ir Beorllkk Co., M. Ward, Clue &
New York. •
For sale by an Druggists. Try it
• These Mops are a eci-ntinoilir
;reparation, and better than any pry,
Uwe. Being liquid, their action u r
rendering them a reliable ny , edr,
for the rure of ail obei,ructione and'i
tare. Their popularity
over 100,000 bottle areaubmilly nl ,
the ladies of America. every one d
t' , e strongest terms of prim of lb, ,
They are rapidly taking the p Oct of
remedy, sad are con/rated by all I
them, as the surest, safest and moat
lion In the world, for the cum of ill k
the removal of all obstructi.ons of mte
motion of health, regularity and !heap
ructions, elating whed they may Is to
lag when and why they shou'A notw
used wi+hout producing Oedema:sr:
Fen lawn, will be found carefully It
bottle, with the written eimiskure
without which none are genuine.
Prepared by Dr. JOHN L. LYON,,
New Haven, Conn., who eau be eons,
gOnaili or by letter, (enclosing dam;
private - diseases and - female weakness!.
SOld by Druggists everywhere.
C. G.
Genl /gents for
nog . ° E-1y
BY 4..
Prepired froizo a Presarip•ion cf air i.
Physician Eitrsordirizry t 111
aL inisinable medicine is tutfinlinv
tnose palatal sod dangeroas diccateCa
toractitution iS Elbjeet. It tiodariti
moves all obstrattlona, ands speedy
It Ia peculiarly sated. - It will, a i
the monthly period with regaling.
Each bottle, price Owl Dor, ban
Stamp of Great Britatri, to planar
That }'ills should KM ic aka y
are to briar os Affiscarrtege, tai
me We.
In all cues of Names and Sr
the Back and Maths. MP* •
tion of the Heart, Hysteria and lirh.
effect a care when all other means al
though a powerful remedy, do Detest
antimony or anything hurtful to the t
Full directions its the pamphlet mos
which should be carefully preserved.
Solo Agent for the United Staff
JOB CO rth
N. 8.—51,00 and Spezia/it staar,
thorizsd ova. will inannkii butte,
.'os.. 23 and 24 West Par?:, (13er
lata, PA,
Wholoilas 3md,Rets/1
0 C
dad dealers la
FLOUR, POB&,/1rI31,
TAs Best Quasar..of NW:
/genie for the Cleve Laid 1119.4 Lm;
Yowl r.
Pte' A 4 holes and fredh stock lavi”
■hlch wIl I be sold at the lowest figures
We pledge ourselves not to be tindery:
to give UI a esil.',
rar Th., higloat pr fee odd for coca:,
Sealed proposals rill be reor•TA
signed, nut I Monday June 4th, .1666
of said day. for grading, curbing and Pit ,
or Nicholson parnment, according
State street, from the end of the, prrer.l
Fourth Street, to the north side of Frill
Proposals should be addressed "To tt
mitten of the City of Erie...and encored
Perin. lkreets," and the pri e b;tl rfl
lineal on the street, embracing these , :
cog the earth to grads, and t
tications shall ilestguate, wad dlitr
paring, with sand...r s rarel, and
Asia as per sp dilutions.
Plans and sp'ecifiCetions will be Do
office of Wm. A. Galbraith, 02 We.
rail? td
'NEW TOlSAt'et!
tha " 4 °" 4 ll lll4l ,:have opened a au 1%
mut etreet,betyl a i i guts acd Frineb.
patch °Mee) ikzd will keep ennetentil
!! of &Ors, Tobvee, Snuff. 1124 ...,"
"" to erg chira Tobacco store. 1:1
10 and retail. ?lag and
• co of the best manufacture. Smoki.
and finny goods In-great earietr.
a p12'66 17 BoAG
SO.llBTHtivli raf,W AND NoVE I
Peolltro.-Cpahtry Stores Drogri!VM
an honorable , and profitable bottom Tr"
*b°l eas if spa dm Csnnsuro regal:
per ij a° , Barr ucit.
N tr 1 (.1 K
he roparinerahlp bersTotore
, nderalgned, doing borlaars oar'
'chant k gnoll has till ,. day been LiNirld
anti felt. The books and savants vg It"
old stand, when parrot, indebted i'''
*Pint the gra will p 11••• CIII tor rettirnallf qa.
, vred
11", 17,•0641 . luau; 10^1