.ig WEEIELV,OI3SEWVER. - 9 t'SDIO (cr erase) ROLINNZWT:O.B axBF. SNATIC b?. .12 , 1) TUN PAjz„ s . t.,0 iupriegTlfo DoI.LARe- AND Fary agars per Paid in 'Rane ; TURNS DOLL ' Alta it not Eno esilrsting of the year. snbieribers t,y atria will tny n1,11,4e.1 VIP'S CORN Ern ildAles. ja rxsscription 111Y01Miff MUST setled' 0,0".31. P3;r Will be hut oat o r psol for in P 'nolcantr. )oc .;tioue of itn Lin. nue itt ,BVEFF S." f.,„" $1.,;!".• : 0 1.. 0 inS.r. , • . 140 IU, 5t.,,e,i,..t.,,,ethq_1:i...M;u0e year $l.! 0.): virertieeneute to proportion. Th cro , rates l y t ,~ city sdlivred to, unless lhonzed by special i m et, or at the option . of the publisherz. Audi, Strsys, Divorces and like adrertise vox • Adaduistrator's Notices $.3,50 L oaa t „ p :p , . 40 .1. i veins a lips; Marriage Notices Twits:es-, oat , a p i e es; Obituary Notices Tear threi 11 000 o'oo t o teen: pet line. Original' poetry, on. T ri ten it the request of the editor, one dells: boo All adverthemeats will to continued at of the person advertising,- p o w ordere d ct by his dar tiop, unie:is a specified period la spostoothei r insertion.to , onsipplestions Should IbeMa d AN, dresaed to WHT Editor and Proprietor. B u siness Directory. n.og CUTLER. ." Massy a'r Lair, Girard, Erie County. Cc t i ta s lad other btuithees attended to wi th lispatch. tto, grr),OnE, ATTOILYNT AT LAW, in Walkseg Of wee; astern ago' L ac , - 31411{ViN. srfOlarill AND CO4NNELL,OBI3 at Law. p o rn Block, near North West corner of the 7rie Fa. nlll.O BENNETT, . , Jrwricre 07/ pia= Office A co Block, French! Starlet, bet;. "``'n. " 11 Fifth lied innel6-2. - & WI • ATTORNITS AT LAW, Ridgway, PA. glk,ließean, Cameron and Jefferson eountles. Dan3o'6s-1••] W. W. WILDUIL C.tz. (1114 1 0: 4 , A • vaTIC VII ?sac% Farago' Block, treat of Farrar Hall, Brie. Ps. lb w • ' Guy:visor+, ~. * : Arcnoll AT ...W AND JCIPPICX OP TUX PXACN. ,ad claim vont, Conveyancer and Collector. ~;1 1 ,r.te landing, ea utieweat corner of Ftftte and wets, Ere. Pa. • ap144354 W %TOILE. Joss Ceosimuattosit, at the new exlg, Carle Village, has rn hand a large assort. l'rwisions, Wood and Willow Ware, f.taec., Segue, /ke , to which he re, calla theist:nal OD of the public. satisfied that 0 5a LI pal bargains as can be bad to any part ealotr. mar3o'6s-1y M. D.. Hnmeopottle Physician and Sargeon ud teddopeo 028 Fete sty opetwite the Path Ona heats from 10 to 12 A. 3to 6 P.ll, u I r., ap.S•em• CATATE FOIVIS.M very chol-e by illness site* on State Street, be. der~ntbaod East side. ate co f •lortee on very reaso ble terms, if applied I.lacaire 4 WM. A'. GALBRAITH. Agent 'N C. BEKBE, DEALER IR DRY GOMM Cita:muss. fl.Awize, Nails, Ginza, seed. Plaatkr, eta, aar alzett and Public square, Erie, Pa, jal7tl. 11. OSBORNE, LIVERS AYD Same STABLE, on E.igtitb tbetreen Stste and Freuch. Fine Horses tend Car to let on reasonable terms. EERY AND SALE STABLES, ! Comma 07 Fence A.ND 'fro Stems, Eau:. . BREC9T, Propdator. Good filrees end .Carrlagen ti op bast nde prices. Sept. 28,105. A 6 11/ MACHINS LIVERY STABLE, wits 87.,1 .1111 . /Ii&I - 3D A. 311 4,1/ qua to sop ta the cith - siol-p:loss as mode• (marldf) -TIAN ItiRS.4ILER, Dealer in' Groceries, Prodnce,'Protisioes, Willow end Stone Ware, WineS, .LiTaOrS, S:net, opposite the Poeteffice, EriN Pis. marB'6s-1y • E. MAGILL, Ahrens?, Office in Rosen-Ws ißleckat Bide of the Park. Erie, Po. 20. osturisoN, w LLIAIIIB C 0.." I • SCCORPBORS to GO •ege J. Usirton, ~esa Merchants, and Wholesale dealers in Coal. :vier N. Y. & E. and People's Line nt Steamers. Pablie Dock, Erie, I's. jan , ITS ly. KLEVIS .31 1 1ZIKPPA , HOUSE Dlnilhk. HALL.—DISIOTLT OPPOSITE THE PASSISNGNK UE Cow, r.t.; Being newly fitted ep in the 11::w1 nr !rill*, ix cow open to the public. - Meals eri.l to on the arrival of all Panneacer Trains, eithe :or - OAKLEY BBOB.,Propei. t-te. (LB ItillTKL, Waterford. Pa .. _ - "- ROBERT LCALIR. PIONUNTOIL steommodations, lad metal Iti4lllloll ern to cCatfOrt. of guests. • i5t.643.54ye , E BEST ?JANES IN AMERICA • mule by S. DRUCKES &CO NO Sella Them. NTITIIS WHILLDIY M. D., rullllolAX AND Sr/ROTOR ea, 2d door Ready's! Block Wait Mut. Erie, Pa, Crawford, Christian tt Enth'a Store. Retridence sida Myrtle street, 3d Douse South of Ninth. es bourn-8 todO a. m, and 2tO3P. s. 1915tf. - C. EVANS. M. D.,' • Tender' Dia prof-Wenn' reifies/I to the set Erie Lad vicinity. Office in Lytltie newbuild on Fetch pave; • few doors eouth of the depot le-gm• fA.COLBf , Boot u Rm Boor Ilatoncrcatta • d Story of Rioderneehrs Block, Brio, CUE J, BLAJLELY, . ' ATToILTIT AftLW. Ridtwa% a•.. TS Will also pr often in adjoining Counties. ins - M. '. l. lAltK"i j TAILOR AND CLOTHES CLKANKR. above Dr. Benneti's Office.) Clothes timed sad cleaned _ on abort sotice. Terms As ms 22 ly itibll c PEN •e ci I‘," F..% Treasury Department and or for Soldiers, • Washington; ~G erkal etaiin Aral, Farrar Hall Auilding, r:re4). Erie. Milit ry e Naval and Sivil claims earlity an Aispatoli. Pensions obtained r34etri. Application/1 by mall pronWlyyLltesided r. e o having bad Several years' experleeee I or ; the various Depaltrieata, feels Confident he • zl•thostaltisfactory aid in prosecuting all kinds t er,eat Clue. nov3o'es-tt • ILO. Y. PIC/CEILING, DENTIST. •••A • It< of the Pennsylvania College of Dental • OSis in the second story of Sterrett e J. Us corner of he Reid Rome, Erie, re. • IZTESIT 3„ T CL ET EIRXII9BIIOti. U North Sarenth street, Itzekingbym, T). 1). , No. ;413, North Nla th I VT3EI2.*MING. "MU dr. EWING, ` A7701.7XTE1 •ND DY DILI:0U AT LAW . r . Z. ON' SPAINII oppoei Cd 2 le Cril,tenden Hail —l', Pa Collections and al! ottic torsi buni a Crivioni, Venanzo, Erie, Warreis and Forre ' 4, iltende , l to carefully and prom p '13% Wm. A. Galbraith W bitznan Lk. Breht Ei.So.neer .t Marvin, P.rie, Pa. Zt-1 k ilmarn, Hon. S. P. Johneot, D:Birown Clark, Warren Pa. • -Ott, BROWN di CO., disposed ealers d o ckd and t oe f oal, 4•7& F iringpof our property o the eorard Arta, we pecess‘rity retire from tits coal .:',','lrt'Leadica our anceessors as eminently tit s cot.%••oce and patronage of our old friends [apl2.tl] scorr d; CO. • Ilia S 110ALD1I4s:, , now:able Tartars, Fifth street between , Erie l'a. Cwt. in iForir t Repairing' and . zded to pouiptly. Clean cg done in 04 cleat NOW H 4 It I I xio V. A .• • GROCETIES ! ! GROCERIES-! !. his stock a , Groceriet- It% • • tis. " :!Atke :Pro. 'Deco' kik' tkl tY strost o Dorset PI , `Alssppy :0 MIA ej Ale aNibrs for g17 5 04- I + , stott 1.4 silic*l' as! opt* • : lett IR& in' l / 4 36..t! '" d4IID 1..... - crilltrwif.zV,er,.l 1. ill. , I • - • RIE ci s MmiciitifikrA cobtran. - • • ?Va Li 73 7 - ' C°4— ltstiderit Prlncit(lal ' T. Cats. Prof. of tkaumercral Litt: taft•itr' as Simplified, new ClaSei'' deation of attall ausinsiis Practice, -. oroattata.tal and nuoi• P oaanshi p, Commercial Law. oanartlia...aritb - tzzasa :arms, kc., for ladle and gents.- L . :t r 1• Cards comprehend the whole baffie Of ~::"ttti vs.:loots. and exhibit every possible vide. °ains. and closing books. do expense. will be to make this a pleasant, practical and perms -14 rat: tattoo ' s- 4, The City of Schools." Practical A t o ,„"It tre trill be employed. Terms—Tuition Litacce. The beat facilities aed greatest le- Petals. Seed for Oiscialue, , • T. COOK VetIJME :36. J. F. bOWNNG'S ]E; R A 314 Iw SU it A_ C VS. C;INC YS This Old Established Agency represents the leading, most. mutat; and post siceessful Insurance Companies ithe Country, trabracing Life, Fire, Marine, Inland • and Accident Insurance. Combined Capital 'represented $28,000,000, affording fac ilities for first clue hum ance to any amount desired, and on as reasonable terms as sound and wellna imaged Companies can afford. • s • -' Orders for Insurance attended to with Promptness and Fidelity, in town or country. Especial attention given t? the Insurance of Dwel Hogs and Farm Property; fl.r periods of three or five years,' or perpetually, thy deposit of premium. Rates very lOw.r ._ .. i • Vir Tbe thoughtful and prudent men insures Ms Property againskloss or damage by Fire,and his Life for the protection of wife, children and kindred dependent upon him. Alt who have not yet attended to this duty, should call at once and get their iolicies in one or more of he following Companies: . ° . : 111CLDMII MAJM3t A 1 COMPANY. NINETY-THIRD, STATEMENT 0et8 , 641.L Cub Assay, - - ,- 14 067,445 SO Liabiitte. - - - 244,491 43 Net Aszetis, - - - 3,823,061 34 THE VETERAN OF 10,000 FIRES erua. lIARD AT W , ORICI! - • Br AS Efficient organization of forir thousand Underwriter'. from Nora Scotia to California, and Lake Superior, Y eaLx• and the Gulf, harmonsing the-science of average With compensating rates to the idvaucentent of the public welfare. 'FLATTERING TESTIMONIALS orficts - - ETNA INSU RANCE' COMPANY>t 7/10X ?HI INBIIBJ3OC DXPAILTXXXT OFTHR STATE OF /NEM YORK. The Insurance Commissional ta i ehe Legitfairre: 'The Etna Insurance Company, tf Hartford, one of hetoogt aucceesful Fire Insurance Comcanie of thie or any other country_ '• • • • • "Conneclient Companies follow the rules and practi. me of the Etna almost as carefclly as if they were i=- bodied In itt state law." Attain, pointing to error, of emetic.. in No, York Camraniee, the Vtns'e eneeemfal management and so id rules are called to their a'tention dam: "It stilt remains more a matter of wonder than halt*. lino in the Insurance wor • • • • 'Br what subtle alchemy boa title corporation been enabled to torn Its fall pail capital into thePhilogo pheee atone 1" , • "The extraordinary ...rents which hare dietiagulahed ilkunparalleled financial history.' The a.erage lostee per til,ei in the United States tbid period of the year, aro bony two lusudred and fifti thousand dollars. The telegraph dairy gonads startling notes of warning to all prudent persons. - DO NOT NEGLECT . TUE. OIFCUSFFY OF BILIAZILE IRBQHA CB: - Policies issued tOilltout J F. DOWNING, Agent. T. H. CRO WELL, Sarreyor. —.AI Company.— - H OME INSUIL4NtIii COMPANY • OFFICE, NO. 135. BROADWAY. CASd C&PITAL - 02,000.000 eo ASSETS.I,,VJanI, / , - 3,59 ,4 ,074 14 - 153,749 24 aarea:tce bs 17111 2riTU SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT Showing the condition of the Company on the lit day 0 tJaastary,;lB6ll. ABAree. Caeh balance in bank •; $50,744 49 Bonds & mort., Lit lfen on real estate 196,892 50 Loans on stocks, pay. on demand - 97,392 08 United : States stocksonarket val. 1,350,884 00 810 e fc t mun. stocks & bonds, do. 405 425 00 Bank stocks, do. 113,550 00 Interest due on Ist Jan., 1866 - 27,431 16 Balance in hands of agents and in course of tranSmission 173,010 51 Bills Rec , for pre. on In. Risks,&c 43,158 44 GOvernment stamps on hand 11000 Other Property, Uis. Items 173,505 18 Pre. due and uncol on Pol. issued en 1 0 .65 ly at office (Sre, ioland Sr, mar.) 43,141 88 Steamer Blagaet & wreck, apps. 83,483 94 Total Assets, $3,538,674 14 . .. . Claims for los. out. on Tan. 1,'t66 $152,046 24 Due. stock on account dividend ' - 800 00 Due_ s tock itbetandiag the fiery trial of the past year, dur inz bleb the company has paid losses to the amount of $l. 87,552 85, without Omitting the sent - annual die 'deo 4, “The Rome," with its apital el , Duro Millions iptalf, and a net inirplita of $1.444,951 00, co:a:Ries to cUer to all who seek 'reliable insurance, induceavnts surpassed by no other c-ittipany. J. F. MO A NI - NG, • Agiut. T. W. Crowell, Surysyor. "It is wisdom and economy to insure in the beat Com panies; and there is note better than the old Irani- Limo Company of North America.. TNCORPOU.A7`ED 1- INSURANCE COMPANY NzORTH AMERICA! 1447111311111-ANNUAL STATE TENT , duds, Jaz. Market Value. First mortgages on eity property $444,300 00 U. S. , oovernment bonds 334,600 00 Pennsylvania State bonds 109,000 00 Philti. city bonds 188,700 00 Bonds of'Penna. It. It. Co. and other corporations 100,440.00 . Band & other corporation stocks 66;196 93 Notes Rect. (temporary loins') 160,971 06 Real Estate, office of the C0.,-232 • Walnut r etreet - ) 22,000 00 Unpaid •Pre. debts due ou fleet— ' all good , - 107,581 13 Cash in B'k &in hands of Agts. 168,320 32 Total Assets 51,731,21514 'LOSSES PAID IN . CASE; SINCE 1791 • OVER $18,000,000 00! 72 TEARS SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS EXPERIENCE. • Policies !smell without deist , br ..T:F.IDOWNERG, Agent. I T. W. CROWELL, Surveyor. pOoRNIX INSURANCE COMPANY, , LOSSES PAID IN, 1865, $410,613 91. CASH ASSETS, JAN. 1, 180,, $1,006,790 33 The test of its cialtonality. the solid 'fervid: tft Itu render...4l patrons, and it. ability t pus through ma- NMI prolific of conflagrations with honor and profit to thoas cost intimated, may be interred trout a 'anneal the lotion ins agues of Lasl l a 3 ., PAID: 'Arkansail : :,422,BB6. I . Minneaota, 20,980,42 s Althenalt 45,V4 6N. /lamp. 1. 25,309 19 ContkeetientAB.3l i 97 New York 543,530 32 eiljkotoli t :;14:1021144 New Jeraey .3,760-63 Nebraika f 1,167 00 *or* 42 Ohio, .103,953 59 Penn a 53,274.40. litdieutt-:.,,,.,, , 4PA:19 R. Island , 20,771 21 I.llinoM • : - .440,690, 67 8. Carolina °1,082 75 lowa ,:tuetukla Tennessee • • 971 ' Kentucky . 59,911319 Texas 3,' .1 98 Kansas 13,416 07 Vermont • 4,282.43 Maine, CG„S93 45 Virginia 27 24 Miss. 59X0 04 W. Virginia 2,000 00 Maryland 39,602 95 1 Wisconsin 86,461 76 Miet.i.sippi 20,832 55iCtinada, 38.873 8 0 Nitasouri 80,535 36;N'ova Scotia 14,285 79 Michigan 67,057 641 N. Brunh. 15,360%6. Losses Always Paid .Promptly.. DowaLtlB.olger.t. 01tOWSLL,Stwooyor. 5 . , ..... ' _ f ~.,- . . i . • . . . "" ,A, ::: • ..'.. dm...a - - - smoro ''...r, ::, ..1 . ~,....irtietti , - 4 ,, ~... _-;: i - i • R E ...:....',,e7" ;'''''.? .u . , ' -- 2' ' '''' ''''-'7. -.‘• - S "'") , ' ''' ..• __,.....• -..7 1 , 4 , - = ~--->, s-4:•.- ••••• 40 ' 4. , ',',•• . . ! crin3 OP • NSW FOIIIt, ta Tux CITY OF PIIILLDILPIII4 OE SAW/FORD, 005 N TWO 1)01.1,A R 'Penn's. Office in Rosenzweig's Block, opposite Brown's Hotel. N A 11. A FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF Tin CITY OP NSW YORIC. - " • . CAPITAL. Cash Capital and Surplus $1,286,723 60 United States Beettritiei; 468:643 05 Loans on Bond MorAago 262 ; 000 00. Oash intank and hands of agents 85,516 37 Loans on Stocks, pay. on demand 352,400 00 Beal Estate, Interest, &a.. 111,168 18 , Wisconsin & California Bonds 8,000 00 ........_. $1,2::,720 60 Losses in process of adjustment 20,060 00 Knpsid Diridervis 1,626 50 $21,376 50 Fan. Rates, First—Class S'ecurity, Prompt Pak : ment of Losses. - , Z. F. DOWNING , Agent. T. W. CROWE'LL, Sarveyor. M STROP° L WAN I N-SURANC-E COMPANY, Cash Capital Marls, January 1,1866, The Assured receive SEVENTY•.FIVE PER CENT. O( ttemet profits without incurring any Liability, or, in flea the enf, at their option, e; liberal discount upon the premium. ALL LOSSES PROMPTLT ADJUSTID AND PAID. Scrip Dividend, declared 1865, Fifty per cent J. F. DOWNING, Agent. T. W. CROWELL. Survnyoe. 11 0 3 I B I NSURANCE . COMPANY, Or NEW HAVEN. CONN Cult Sarptize, I= In•ores Buildings, Manufactories, Merchandise and other property against lota or damage by are, add elan Insurer against the risk of inland Transportation. and Navigation. This Company has three Departments In carrying on its are Einsiness. Ordinary or Term Depart ent. Ten.' term or one year talkie.. on all thanes of m aw able property, at hie arid equitable ratee, without any participation in the proOta of the Company—the was as other itock f Participating-Depar t ment Issues terra tOliciee for one; three or fire pure. nu Dwelling!, Furniture and FILAR Soildhigrand their contents, giving sash petiole - B'a oarlierpation in the pro • 114 of the Company. without their incurring any lia bility thatch?. Perpetual Department. Insures perpetual polisies,requiring a deposit an amount of money. In lien of all Inters payment* of premluma.novering tilts upon Dwellings and WO Fornitues, Hams and their eontanta Stoma and stooks of Goode, Matches and Sabin' Houma. 7. T. DOWNING, Agent. T. W. CROWELL, Surveyor. STATE:DENT OF TEM CONDITION OP 'TB& ARCTIC FIRE INSURANCE CO., No.lB Well St; N. Y 4 oa the Ist day of Jan, 1868. Cash to bank and in caw.,, . • 6 amse 94 Bonds and mart sees (being Ant lien on real . estate in New York and Brooklyn, worth • at least $368,000) , ' ~ 177,310 09 Loans on docks. pafable.on demand. (market value of securities held as collateral. 679,.• 174 CO -2/ United Rates stadia owned by the Company, '66,743 * ' rawlot valise. - . . • 254 29000 State eocks owned by ea. market yams, * 29 gut 130 'Real Estate inelcusumbered) ! 7. • • SAD 00 Interest accrued `of which greater 'part Amer !an. Ist, is pita.) 4,969,31 Balance in hands of Agents, and In emirs. of trassmirsion from Agent&r .. , r AKIO 00 Bills reoeirahla for paraints on inland data and other items 18,701 25 Cub premiums uacerletted on policies tainted - at ofilcs ~„ 5.89440 . ------- , 614,10116 Lum :ina • Claims for Looses oltandinz.la ' n. : 1. • 66, 10.682 99 Unpaid Dividends. ' ' 4t5 00 Total =seta over LlaDpltles. $893,973 19. The "Aretis" has a first eau invitation for honora ble and I bell dealieg. T,t . is a sound oompasii, and doing a prosperous basineee. , •0 J. MILTON SMITH, Preet. " R. a. wttamarru. Vide Preeq • • VINCIZIT ?nip; Seey. - C goad's 11.110138054 Met SW!. ..., J. P. DOWNING, 4gent. T. W. CROWELL, Sniverer. i F ORT T•Till BD ANNUAL ST &THArgitre - OP ?SE 0011DV/10.11 OF POI • , NORTH .11:HE'RI-CAN FIRE INSURANCE COMANY« Or the City of New York, oe the MA day St"Demin'' ' ber,1865. Cub Capital,• t $300,0 0 400 ' E tittles, _ - • 1 i a 251,13 t 67 I T . ...----- I. . 761,663 67 -, 4183ET3. Loaris,on Bond and liortgue,being first on , • rental. worth over to per cent. above the amount to e• ed. 1;2 1 5. 6600 9 Storks, Bonds and other securities Owned by the Company, market valve, 392 517 60 Cub in bank aid office. - • 0:4936 45 Loans on deltrind. with Collateral, .. • 32.0501)0 Premium, due and outstanding, 24,703 62 Cub in agents' kands, in course of Innards, am 39 Interest aeorrisid on awnarit l 44. .. ' 14,001.15 BRls receivable, 2,89955 Other property of Company, 8,600(.0 . --......... • Total mat 5,161,65317 The kens by en ti renchon't the United States dar. lug the put year have been to :ger in amount this these of any one or the previous Monty yes*,. egos...ding rho loonmetle gam of s43,o oo Ynt, and the *glum saki 'linen to", of the rottpany ronspatulats its stockholders. agents and customers upon the ,vary Uttering result or the year's business. In this company tbe4 eared may partieiute to qle profits of the business with rut leturrings.sy Dividend for 1845. 60 pe r out. Aces:Mutants of your favor is respectfully aoliotted. . ,AS. yr. OTIS Prat! Bannsura. t es' I. J. Oinswor.n, Gen. Af sent •WDOWNLNO. Agent, T. W. CiOWELL, &swum : • E N T N. U.. r a Lis s 1 INSURAITC % .6 '.C.O3IPANY,, 41 . . 074 TER 0117 OD THILIDELFW.4 ' - ~.. • - . tub CIVAaI, de l $ 5011 , 000 Burplus. Jan. 1, ' 180,00 p , . • - .. ..---- , • . Assets, , 6E4000 , The "Entarptiss,“ Tiara paid up Cash Capital erne& a million, oilers security of this Ant order of merit. no standhas of the Company is "A I"—lliberal prompt sal truatworthr. P. le. STARK President. ____.." . ! 11109.11. 11,ONTGONSAY VIM Preet4 ' ism. W. Worse.flecer. . • - ,' IV it..091/11U04 Agsat.. • T. w. citu)WELL;thaviiis. --, - , . AI ND A-HALF PER YEAR, IF - PAII):IN ApVANCE: $3,00- IF NOT FT) UNTIL, TUE ETTII OF THE YEAR • • • _ 1 - 4 ERIE, PA:, THURSDAY:AFTERNOON, MAY - 24; * 1866. Fr 7-1 Lumurics. ~.s OF NEW ,YORZ. 51,000,000 1,644,000 $1,000,000 275,886 1,276,836 ASSETS 20,127 99 ■ SPHINGIRIELD,7 . INSUjtANCL~ CODs ANY! OF arluzgraLo. *AU. cub Capitll ; aid durplmll llae e ugorlands*" . hate sr Its and 'neonatal buicss for nearly iwent years, and is an of th e fa tome ecanpaulea hailing m New garland. CRAB. R. VANE, Roe' Fl"""1"L J. F. DOWNI2II3, eg rat, T. W. CROWCW., Surveyor. t MIES INSIIIIiNCE .10011PANY, Noawi , 3n.,cONN Cub Ca pits I and Sonata, The Milner le • nOnsereatlire and well minaged Company, echtled to the fall confidence of the insuring public. Lome settled protoptli , and liberally 8. BRAILEN . RIDOE, Pres% B.B..WHITTERORE. sec'y. J. T.'DOW NINO, Agent. T. W. CROWELL, Surveyot. I CONNUUTIUUT MUTUAL iIVE NSURANCE COMPANY! OF HARTronn. CONN. 10=T=1 Number ofPolley Holder! over ' 30,000 New Polices /WOW during the year over ' • 10 000 lieneirits for the year ow • • 41,000,0113 Dividend ;odd during the present eveal year, CO per cent Total dividends paid, cue . 3000 000 Total Lotese paid, or( ri" : - 4,600,000 i Why the Conneetieol2#nigal efrrild be preferred i;the :Largest, Safest, Cheapest and Best It hes beet' deriioattrated to be TEM GRIM' LOT THSITRAIWE 'COMPANY OP THIS COUNI'IIY. . *I - . 1. It has the largest number of Inentoni. • . 2../t leas the Jargast impunities:ore& ' 3; Itlis the largear - sorelts. ' • 4. It hoe the largest dlirtesb‘s lorplus . . ' " 6-It has the lassestbistoess. , 8. It baa the largn , Inhoase. * - 7. It 'hu bed - throustr Its Thiele blatory the smallest averse:sears:Nes. 8 It obtains the 14.seet average rates of interest. on Rs fgrestoiente ," I • 9. It therefore forrlshfitheturanee at lets coat tha# any othet,eompani. ' t . , . - I• • AU Pon . dee Issued by {his Company sre either non forfeitable by their twin, or mar be concerted tato those 'which ars so_st-t4 option of the lammed, None but strictry unexceptionable risks accepted; and only upon ages between Fourteen and Fitly. JAJIIS Gomm, Prcet..l, . Gar R. Painsa. Beefy., Z. Pauros, Vies Pic W. 8. OLIMIZAD. Cash's L. S. Wiicoz, Physician. . lobular, 1.1866 IJ. F. pouriam Agent: • 1 • 'ULM AND ACCIDENT. • . . 1 fir& OBIGENAL - _ IC AVEL E SOINS . ITRANCE .CO., ' OF HARTFORD. CONN Capital, , 11161710L1 Atunise ALL KINDS OF COIDENTS. The Travellers` Insurance Comply, of Hartford, Cons was the: lint to UnecesuCfully Lutrolines he this country the practice of Insurance against -accidents,• of whntever kind. whehir ithei okenr fn - traveling, or in ko.ntin". dahint, saline riding, skating. in the street,. store, aloe, or while working in shops, mills, factories, anon the farm. A general accident policy covers every possible form of, casualty, including the HA in traveling; also, en forma of dislocations, broken boner ruphand tendons, sprains, concussions, ,crashings. timbres, - cats, stabs,_ grinihot wounds. polloeed wounds, bores sad sealde, - blies of dogs unprovoked assaults by burglars. robber* or murderers, the actiod of 112htning or snn stroke, the effe Its of explosions, ihsnal:als, E ode, and earth quakes, end suffocation by drowning or choking. • This Company has now been in anc,wrsfial operation stn , 0 April let„ 1861, and np to Jen. lst„:1868, bad issued upwards oithirty.five thonsand pollees and paid over nine hundred losses—includion the lar ge yam of 168,- 6(t)to twenty-one policy holde,s within the year, for $20,440-recelved in premiums. Cash Assets, Feb: l 18G6, $600,849 72 -1 • OESERAL'ACCIDENT POLICIES _ I - The bait policy Mr every matt. whether he travels mach se little. bra general acciden policy. ; fares against every possible CONS t easnalty width at all times and places. An - antinal premium of $lO or $l2 (according to newt- • paron,) wit s ears a general accident policy for $2.000 in ease of fatalinteident,' or $lO per week during named by accident. (not exceeding twisty-six weeks for any one 'evident.) ti • In =mud premium' qf teb'or $ 3 O will, !it'll/le man. net, secure a pansy fort $5,000 ort2s per week compeer Nation. _Any other um. (rot a$ to $lO,OOO at proportionate. rem'. Where polities are timed against lose of life only, or for compensatiotronly. the rates am muck lower. liberal-discount 00 thel and lies year policies. - oNA-morra °mini, ACCIDENT POLIINEA- [iivirriaz9.l This compaiiy now limes a very convenient form of ente.month general octrident policies, st the rate bf $1 per thousaad,with gsl re ar e m ach fat each thousand lamed. Those are much bettor than ticket policlei, for travelers aad othore desiring chart risks. en they can be taten in any langinktr from $5OO to $10,000; they cover all aseidento, and each polio is registered, so that the lneurencs t s good, in cafe the policy is loss oulestroyee. 7or mechanics and inther,'who tunet essay spun the unmet Of mont h , pielatam. bat would like tre instil* by the these short time polio's' are jut the thing. To any person who buys nix month pol- Wee in any one year • policy for half a year will be givits.witleNit chute Ceireept I policy fee en) JAEI. o..ritanlASO/Ifa Ptssident. ppy ltalwirr si.ggi D, „., 8! 27 , - ,Jelf..llolnrl3ll drat. 1113 AQUA itiA4P4'ol.l A toilet &light .atipaster to any bathe the has and person, to r"uhr , huh, to allay leammatlon, to pedant! headactis,ke: RIB ininnfactsizod Yr= , ern Magnolia, and Is obtahs pAtrei, _ _ preradtsted. It La AI favorite with. istrimaaa and opera singers. It is sold by all sdealari, St, $l4) in lugs tote ties, and,by DMUS BARNES & 004 New York, whola• sale agents. SARATOGA . SPRING " Sold • &Joe V—"Ereetly r &toe 1310561 were there. enerr time" If he felt lowlek!'._ la 0211 stiorebsg,:tte teak I'leattrals Sltterat tfliefsilt weary et . sight, he took . Plaetettan IlAtUre; If be peeked sppstits, So Streak karma er mistenioppr*el, be took Pbus. woe Ditties, and tbsy senor kw Utast' ltm ea Ms Pi w penmiiis went say better authority. !sit la some Oly, just rerid the following : _ • • • • •I owe Slant to Yot4 for b• • Hare Planhatosettiers sambsryttte, RCN, W. 11. !SWUM, fildria. N. Y. , W. , . • !I; • t ,beett asr eat fit= Dyspepsia, and hal.tili ebsrain meals*. 'S s The Plantation Bitters bars me- RSV. d. A. MILLWOOD, Nis Wilt City. . ~ ... ~,~~~000 • •• -1' -"I had" lost all appetite-4U so weak and Milne tad 1 could hardly. walk, and bed *per. feet dread of aociey. • •-, Thsr 3 lantation Hit-. re tern ha set me all right," sent 3 H111111WWLY„ lords, No. - • • • ' "The ri ation lliiters have wad tee of a derangement of the Ridneya and Urinary Organs that Mitres ed trio ter years. They ac t aka a charm. C. O. MOORE, 2.51 way, N. • • • Yrs. 0. 11 DIVOS, anansger of that:into& Rome School for Aoldiera• Children, says she! has even It to 'the weak and lava lld children under her charge with the most happy and 'gratifying 'resulta.• We have re ceived over • hundred - reams , 1 of - mob . ur inates, but no' advertisement so elfeetdre as what people l'•emselves say of* good article. Our fortune aid our repstation fa at state. The erliiinal quality and high charseter of these goods will be 'sustained salter, 'eery and all circumstances. They have 'already ob tained a sale in every town, village, pat's!' and hamlet among eir liked nation,. Due -!tutor. tip irpeozne se near our name and style u pomade, add because a good article cannot be sold as cheap asa poor one, they find some support from parties who do not I care what they sell. Be on ronrluard. Sea our 'private mark over the cork. P. H. ITRAFIC 411_00:, New York Clity. , . SARATOGA. -SPRING'. WATER I. Soldbe all Druggists. tlOO,OOO $ 10 , 0 30 000 OYEZ A IttKLEMM DOLLA "Gentlemen: I had a negro ra In worth $1,200, who took coil from a bad hart in the leg, and wai 'taloa for weer ayes*. I bed need arerythlag 11 amid hew of without benefit, until I triad the Neale= ItaidangLla• bunt It soon effected a permanent care., :Montgomery, Jane IT, '69.. J. L. DOWNING." . "I take plountre in recommending the Mexican Mu tang Liniment es a trainable and !alveoli article for Sprain , Donee. Soutanes or DO on' Mimi. Oar men have awed St for • Darn; Braun Dares. Shama than, le., and all gay it acts like • I, • . J. WI. Yeremat far , Itnericasy l'azgolfarkil Haludeles Irxr.rses"• . I MPhil sprain of . my daughter's ankla, oewudened while Skating last winter , was entively as in Ole week after the commenced tieing your 'eelefirsted Waiting Lint. sent. litD. Gloocesta. Maas:, Aug'. 1.1165. • • It is an admitted faett that the lieal l esn kfustang Merit performs more entes in shorter time, olinan and beast, than any articlelever discovered. FvnlUei, liv— ery-men, and planters should always , lhay.. it on Ileac Quick and 'omit certainly Is. All /mating is wisp in steel plate °Ai:ravings, be ring the al garta! • of a; W. Westsrook. Chemist. and the privite U. Eitatoti of BARNESDStiAfI & 4 1 )., over the tit : Analfort has ken made to consite It it wttb ach • stone plate Weil. Look cleielye, - • - • It to sk most ;plight:al Her drew It eradicate, me sed_dandryse. It keeps theltead cool sad elms. It roakes,the bar tleb. solli spa It precepts the hail turning graft It tutors, halr apott prenstiml VII, Is whit Lyates Italkutriss wil it is cheap—doable, It Is litsrally said by theta:oond' and pat its:ilinosti Incredible deinandlis daily incrensini• until than is hardiy a•ebmtry stansiabst does - stot Wm' it, or a WOW that does tiot vat ' • tirmlifss tor9ii, quilt.% N. Y. _ SARkiteskSPRiNG 4 ArAtEli, 1 mild lily all Druggists. $50),000 • • • - - I ^' Who would not be beautiful t VMS would not ad 4 to their treaty I What gives that marble purity And 'Jape amount/4e xe olummotrpon the stap,aa4 in the city belle' Lt is no longer te secret. I They ma lingeses Mignon& MOM. Its stationed use l' ; 11310T011 Tin; treat last Pimples' and ?baits's* i from the face snit itruads, and isavis theca:lapis:don smooth; transparent, bloom tog and ravishing. Collis many cummetics, it contains no ma'eriel InjariOns to the situ Any drnagtat 7tll order it far you; if not on hind,it 6P ants per bottle. • • - W. g.lllOAN, , Tioi, N. Y.,thetntsi. DEWAS BARNES• & CO., WholeMle Agents, N. Y. ' • - • SARATOGA SPRING,IVA.TER • Sold by all Druggists.. 3 • I , thivamtroora hail:kited( Datr Oozing is not,a dr. lostaatansons dyes are, econpoied of innav ea andl3lo-6 or bus d viroiths vitalit) Uttar of til:. This la tiro original colarulg; , aiid baz en growth/ in =htor overtwenty. yaw% If sestotta y hale to its original color AyabliorPtionail , me at remarkable niannei. It is i4so beantlini, iff droning. 'Bed in two sizes-50 cents " C.' SICINEITIIIitr, Chi ealiti.2. SARATOGA SPRit 'WATER! - : ?old by all finials' imnrit•ExTlLlitoi Pinta Liztioa enroszerVor dlationt."Seartbarck:Sioit Roadago.,Choldra Ifotina t irlit alums. &o . whoa a naming sihnolant Is requhnL Its oared preparation anti entire parity Alibi it a atop and natal& adie/a toteallair7 pinack no. Sold ooetywboio, at 60 tato pot bottla: Ask • 0r.3.0a , a . Fins Satisot..:Sako no alba. tailiATOGrA , SPRIAO • WATERT- I 4 ;41 - tBS lia SARATOGA SPRING WATER ! Sild by all Ontiests. i s : 'ate--•V isa 84/rte t& Batik; Artier." Don't go near the bar room, brother, • Linton tssa eleterte prayer; - • Do not yield to 111 temprati.s, eln sad death us larking there. Oh I do•not heed the eqed palace, - .74 a mask tho tempter wawa,• And beneath It frown* derdrnetion-,• It will meet you unawares. Don't go our the bar-rpom,brUher, Litton to 1 Astarte prayer, Do not yield to Its temptation— . 1316 and death ant lark* theca. . t ogoo—osod to , Wm soft sad elothlog, for ;the ritb4iOutti 4oto gaits no- Don't go near' he bar room, brothel., Shoo it *sin sell Own; It will bring yart desolation, Gums you with deep dinire. • Oh, friends and kindred all arousd you, Conceit via to pass it by, • And tluipleadlnp of a sister, Strengths on one" more to try. Doo't near; ebar•roett,brothsr, Totten sot, facto not of the wbtr; liters Ie Yaton In its attct • Do not wonbip at iteArine. • Yes 1 I ointheripnadmile.totai arson" ' 1 abut the bar room and the otpr , Then we 11 Work tied wilt to - gather, - *fill the muter than give up. ATER ! 11 Dragest, The - Man - Max4ll Vagaries. ; • Mr. Lundy. „was a ,peaplisTi•lookiag man, with a thin face, and long, straight hair, that. he fancied never tieeded'ontting.. He had, Ilt l one time, been very-unfortunate in his busi ness; but. though made rich since by:a large legacy, he 'was not in a condition to eajoy it.' The fact is, Mr. Lundy was a confirmed hy nocliendriac. ' ' ' nr many years Mrs. L. had staid at home and humored his whims, but one 'season her pretty daughter wanted to go to a watering. place, not for atly disease in particular, but to see tho world and tke young folks in it. *Dekold•them, then, comfortably established in a seaside hotel. For two days Mr. Lundy bad been all right ; but'onst morning hie poor wife knew what was coming, by the peculiar ity of his looks and'motions. Her book fell from her hand—fdanie turned pale. *He's been flighty all the morning.' said Mrs. L. 6 Dear, dear, see him whirl—what Is Lundy 7', • . • • - . A feather. my dear—a feather • catch me— hold me. Don't you,see the wink is blowing me everywhere? It wilt take me, out to see, arid I shall get saturated—yeb,•erit'through, Mrs. Lundy, I beg you catch •me ; pin me to your bonnet—l , shall be safe there. Just, see how frightfully Irate; the slightest puff -a air agitates'ma throughout. I'd rather be anything than this; do put me in your bonnet, my dear.' • *Pit put you in' a mad-house, .before long,' Muttered the 'ezasperated wife, . 4 if you cat up each capers. Come into the hotel, Mr. Lundy.' - , • Come Into the hotel, madam—you talk es' though I had legs. Did you ever see a feath er walk 2 Why,, I'm lighter than- a snow drift; I wish.l had a brick in my hat. to keep me down. Ab ! I envy everything-etalionery. Observe how quiver ; stick a pin in ma, my dear, and fasten me to• the fiber. Is theirs enough of me for a pin 1 _Aral a hen feather or a deck feather, or what ?' • ' ' Goose-feather, if anything you tiresome mortal,* cried Ms wife. I'm eleit'of your vit-' garies. , First you're a cat on the roof, mew ing and keeping everybody . awake ; then you're a glass bottle, full of water, freezing and enapping-Ilyou're anything and every thing but -a reasonable man. I'm tired of. it,', • Mrs. Lanai, will yea have the-goodness to put me in your pocket? squeeze •me in yo. n. hand, anything, that I may feel safe in your protecting pare, I'm floating:— (singing) 'l'm afloat, _ afloat —alt—whai's that ? ' BS BAVAD. 'Nothing, Mr. Lundy; tint Joe's whip.. I called him from the coach-home—lay on Joe.' , •Bui, my love, my legs.' - • • 'Nonsense, Mr. Lundy ; lay en' Joe. Feath ers hava't got legs: Tree, 11r5..1 chat they. have-marrow, and that's what feels. Pray beg Joe to atop.' Just then ran' up little Tom-the only male hope of the Lurid) , femily—arad; . stringe to ley. In hie batd,a handeomo hen's :featiter.4.-- it triumphant-swine alpinism./ enlace of Lun dy the elder. . NoOny 'dear,' he i said,. gravely, taking the , feather in his hand, I hope yon'il believe me,' • My Ohild,, look, on that and be. haittfal . f . that iaa , dad - lit ehnektia ocuczung ..te idea, ran up ',and . doittrthe Oasts; repeating: merrily : .‘ Pa, was ; a, beevenne dear -Mc: hlaw[mat!: Atinnia 43 Lunds.was ;Tel:o4m l -there is o doubt. istiont - that. In plitk;'ldn4, - white br greed she lookid equally chatniing:'." There arararkit M‘sll4here who Wank, liketo charm , her, and nice.nies, and.silly Mearailly to that: extent that' the . werelools, end didn't kncw; ' BatiVhappenial thit - a thyalcife• wait luckier thaw them alloand - poorer, mast have , that, girl,' .be aaid;_ sotto:oore, t a dotenllgles a:day, and` then heartily wished that ebb had 2 thiaever." Re was Very hand. some:" Pfebably he- Saw Hiatus thtough the back DI Itta,hettl, laths was alwa y s looking out. of the window whew she came,in, and al iniye' blanked violently. One - day hlinnie followed her mother into: the parlor.. Aatkettsl,,Dr.,9teg was there. My, dear,' cried Mrs. Lundy, who had just einie front the garden, yriu look excited.' n amnia I' al:Killer voles was co sweetly low, ,sa softly 'agitated, we shall have to. I leave this place,,indeed we:hall. Father 'is taking on terribly ;' sottieirthe boarders are laughingithera'are 'shocked.' - 'And what lithe freak now, my dear ?' - Oh r he's a rooster, and crows till he ;ie. black ialbe " ' • krottetii. l'ltorrible ! And here we, are ! -- ,not a dactor and cillios bald beads. MEM= Somebody ; wheeled round from the wiry dow. ' Madam—l heard you speaking of-tlici— altem—need•of a doctor. E-- ianee my forward •• uess—but I am a physician.' Of course Minnie was more beautiful than ever in ber confusion. - - • • My- poor husband has an unfortunate tee 4eitoy that'iti.noYs everybody near him.' 'Perhaps heits a hypochondriac). I think I have seen him. Where is be, madam?' 40n the north porch,' said Minnie., ' And lam sure we are very much obliged,' added the ;nether, zlif • you eon-- only 'help him.' - ; ,i• r. • The . .firat'eound that struck their ears, tis they issued from tha - door; was' a grand and sonorous .4 oo3k a-doodle-do-t . John—Mr. diundy,' cried his wife, 'what d sad spectacle . you are making of .yourself.' ; . I'm not a epectacle, good woman, I'm• a rooster: Get out of may way--do you not no tree the expanse of fey wings? Cook-a doe die-do !'! , ~-.!' , , , - . What !shall we Go ?' cried the poor wife, turning to the doctor.- .0. sir, can you 'atop this ridieuloot exhibition P • ' - illatticiet madam ,' ,said' the • young m a n, biting his lip, .for the sight was almost - too ridiolons for his gravity. - ' ' •-•-j,! . .tfpon my V, ,' he continued, addressing Gut deluded ma ,' . what s megoificent ores cid ture 1 Why. h,s, feathers ere a yard long.i--- Where - did you get'snah e splendid specimen ? Is he iteported ?' -.•': ' ' .. •. , - I .oock• T a-doo-41440 1' :yelled' ! the 'human biped; struttingmere than Over. ' That woman hes nothing_ to _ tidArith me, sir—nothing at all. 'l'm a rooster' on my own sccoant—cock ii iloo:dleo de.* '.. • ,' - '•:' - ' , 41as; the doctor gaga orders aside td one of the servants, who went away pinning. , Then, titratng to the rooster, who was by this, time radin the We-with exertion, he said : - • 4 , I . declare it makes my mouth'irster to think _what a capital dinner that bird would faraiok . liley„I wring his neck, madam ? It ~ will takelut a few etoonde " . . 1 4No, you don't,' cried the' Win; ; ' I'm NUMBER 52 A . Slaked, Apical. A esmirot 88:1T9EI at du CM I t i I'm, . tangti-•_. n* Teey teas - an tddbirdisir net to be clughtwith ,chaff.' , - A f r, But'yoti area rooster.' Whit else are you ;owl for ?' - . 'Good- •to'4orow, sir; got& to crow,' and .lotthwith ensued. Abe loudes4. screech of all.. succeeded by a soraersault,atd a sensation of suffocation. ' Another moment 'antblhe servant fegepeared-wittvafelead fowliwisti's TM& - .,,,v,. V. Laisitre 'You; Si?, it had to be dens," paid the doctor, gravely, and, Mr. , Lindy i rubbed his face And pinched his throat- ) _- • 'Did yen really wring my neat, air?' t he hypoohomitiao naked gravely. • ' ' .".When you Were &rooster, certainly.' • - ;Did I die Ramey' asked the attar, with , a manner of solemn ithpertance. ' ' " Yoiz did-partieetlarly 'game,' replied the doctor. , - _'Thank you, sir. If I. should • happen to turn into 'a rooster againi:l shall know where to go.' • * 1 .4 'I shall be sheet happy. to--to writ* your each for you, sir, on any With' interesting ac - canon.' , • ' Very kind, I'm sure. If you should firer get into trouble, John Lundy will Mend your tritmd.', • • • ',Do yon promise me that, sir ?' . / . ' I do; and I never break my word.' After that -Minnie Walked in thelra sometimes, and Minnie was not alone tot she., • _ ._ . , . I love viole t s best,' said the doctor to her One day. -''And I roses.' So, Minnie, being the leat.t bit sentimental; quoted Pope on rosea-some thing about dewy And the doctor went on , Shakepoare, very bad, indeed, till somehow, in tome way-ho never eauld tell how or in whet way (neither could she)-ho said IL See dictionary for ' it.' , ',- • " ' Indeed, I must not listen to this,' murrain.- ed , MISe, dying lb bear It again. 'My fa ther. if , knew-•-••'• ti o young d ' tor. ' Andmhy ? , Because I em poor.' A d you. too t perhaps--' No, n ;)I-I-.-yon know I .-love you ,but—' H• ~ . ' • - - 1 " . ' ark Who *calls ? ' 1 , '''' •E"ntel-Tinitily.'" "'''" '- ' -" ANS. Ili, pa's took .again, and' he's going it awful.' - • : t . ..: . .., • , - !Whit. is it now, dear? ' mud Min nie, with the facie of an tined ; but perhaps she wasn't *little cross at the interruption: . ~.'oll,,he's a' sofa ; and.= says please some .lagdy come and gmash him all to bits.' • 'What shall we do ?' 'sighed Mianie ; 'that' is the most!ridioulous•freak of all.' 'Don't , i' be frightened, milove,'--gaid the doctor. ((Tommy, run right home and tell' sotir mother I will be there in te feW minitee. Now, afirinie,, there is but one way I know lot • cure your father, at once and for all, and that is by giving him a shock.' • t • , 'What.! of electricity?' :1 1Tei,' dear -far more powerful than that.- You Must go to that little • Brown house over there and be married.' 'Oh, never; my father will kill me.' , 'Does he ever break hie ward ?' • 'I never knew him to.' . -'All right., He promised me that if I eho id ever get into trouble he would help me .out ' ' 'Did he really ? Then he will.' 'But it is necessary that we give him the shock first. Delay not, my darling; you shall never regret it.' _ . . Of course she went. .. -• * ,e.; , . 1 * • . 4 'All ask is that nobody will sit on, me, , for I'm cracked. Besides, I'm just r varnished, and not'yet quite dry. Do, my dear, stand at the door and- tell people' as - they Comein, that I cannot-be at on or is any way meddled with. I'm so flimsily fastened together.'.: , This was the speech. that greeter Dr. Stag. as he entered Mr.' Lundy's parlor with Min nie.. •Mrs. L. was in fears. 4 • , . •) . • • 'Doctor, as soon as ever I get home I'll have that ridiculous man carried directly to the hospital ....indeed' I' will,f-cried the poor woman:" 'rye come it long enough, , and I'm completely worn out.' 'So -am I, my dear,' piped up her husband, '''l expert I'm second hand ; shouldn't wonder in tire leasLmy legs feel :so shaky. ' Pray don't- touch me. la'.nt one-roller gone, my dear?' . •, 'Roller gone-ybur wits are, gone. - I wish ' UWaa a man. I'd varnish you in such a way • that you'd never want to be a sofa again, or • any other kind of furniture.' . The ,doctor stood near, gravely:consider ing. - 'My • dear, , are you.better as you are, far I • , sea In the last, ft ve minutes you have come c at. ' a beitutiful wash bowel and pitcher. Bat isn't, Your nose a little cracked; or-de I see awry'? ,t • shouldn't wonder, for my-held is full of brass.tacks. Lthink, I've- snuffed them up my nose. It's worse than influenza.' ' - 'Was ever mortal' so afflicted?' murmured Mrs. Sofa-I moan Mrs. :Lundy - . , i. 'Never, my love. ••I protest that if L could e anything else I would-but a sofa ram. and a poor one at that.' ~ .-t that moment the doctor sprang 'forward, - ad planted himself upon the prostrate body of Mr. Lundy.. . • 'Capital sofa this,' he said, keeping his po- Bifida in spite of his victim's struggles. - • -'Get up t -I'm cracking in six pieces. Good heavens . you'll ruin me. You'll' break my back. Get hp till I'm properly mended, for 'pity sake.' ' -• • ' - 4 c.-; 'Upon - my word;'• said the doctor. calmly, 'this piece of furniture sots as, it was alive. It • kicks and wriggles and makes fine laugh at its antics. What a - ridiculous sofa!' (I tell ti-I'm• sewed-hand r cried the hy- PattiOndriaa more faintly than :hefore, for 180 4441418, dead weight, wok no light infliction. Trai: brat - a -ticked-Old -very old-fall of eiviblusoiae:rtller gone. • Ob, pray don't:lean your weightem me. • ' -: - • . - 4.. he Outer lifted , himself cautiously. The lots gave One sleep inspiration. The doctor looked'seribas. : - I 4 Areryou 811113 yon are a softer -. • , _ ,Of °Dario tam.' -.,- • •. , • 'Then you are no longer_Mr. Lundy: 'I aintioliinger hlr.•Lundy,'• . ' 'Can:you keep a secret 1.": -, • 'Certainly I can.' _, ;• , 'Do you know old LuadY's datightee .?' . - -'l'. g a I do.' ' -- . t you let on to the old felloW it I tell „you so °thing?' ~ . . , ,- ' .• ~‘et it you ; say no.; . . - , 4 el , I've' Ina married her: Stie'S my wif ' r; • ;ai r Olt went the sofa like Cgan., -' t ' - - , 'What ! You villain t.' - - lake care-you'll break VI cried 'the ejec tor.-- . - 'Yon young rascal t' -,- . ; . 7 1 - . 7 'Yon old eds.!' - ' ~ ._ • . :, Tort desPerate yo,ung thi ef!' ' ' ' 'Your:ricketty old sofa, with - your bead'full of brass tacks, I. tell 'you,'". cried the t doctor. If ,yet; had not been, a feather, and a rooster. and a sofa; and the (tate:know what-you'd looked after yatir datighteir better then 3cu hare. But come,-let's •be• friends, end thank me for curing you.: You'll never .be,tt hypo chondriac again-411 take camp; that-for you see lee - a nice thing to have a reediest ad wiser in the family. ' Besides you- promised gm, once that if - I as in- trpuble you'd help pm through. -Com , let's be.quits.' 'I see I citet'fielp Myself,' said tire old naoiiV gravely ; 'but nett you whit; I shall consider ,you a thief until you are able to support your wife in the style she is .accustomed to.' It is needless to add, that'was the last of 1 the trouble. - . TOON° ATTIEIVA WONDllll.—Worider , why mamma Seeps Bridget at home'from church to Work all day, and then •saye itis wicked for me to build my - rabbit house on punday.— Wonder why our mini ter bought that pretty cane with the yellow non's bead on the top, and tken asked me for my cent to pat in thl Missionary box ? Don't. I . want a jewsharp just as well as he wanted a cane ? Wonder what Makes papa tell such "nice stories to visit. are; about 'his • biding the master's rattan when he went to school, and about his run - ning away from the school-Mistress when she was going to whip him, and then shut me up 'an day in a dark room because I tried once to be as smart as he was: Wender, what made papa say that wicked word whet* Betsey upset thaink all over his papere r and 'then slapped mi earg because I said the same thing when my kite-string broke I Wonder why mamma told Bridget the other day to say that she waq not at home when Tommy Day's mothar call.. and" then pUtame'to bed without,my sup. per every time I tell alb ? Oh, dear ! them ire lots of things I want to know. now I wish I was avian I The London Fun pubtishes a cartoon ropre• outing President Johnson and Justice.— .”Btand fitin,'! says Justice, !a eiw, er with you. , TimPreitleat bolds in his hand a s'o4, upon 'stab is ineartbed the word auto."' - 0 II